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Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574

DOI 10.1007/s00203-012-0790-5


Phylogeny and photoheterotrophy in the acidophilic phototrophic

purple bacterium Rhodoblastus acidophilus
Megan L. Kempher · Michael T. Madigan

Received: 3 August 2011 / Revised: 3 January 2012 / Accepted: 5 January 2012 / Published online: 29 January 2012
© Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Norbert Pfennig isolated the Wrst acidophilic Introduction

purple bacterium over 40 years ago and named the organ-
ism Rhodopseudomonas acidophila (now Rhodoblastus Anoxygenic phototrophic purple nonsulfur bacteria
acidophilus). Since the original work of Pfennig, no sys- (PNSB) Xourish in a variety of illuminated anoxic aquatic
tematic study has been conducted on the phylogeny and and terrestrial habitats (ImhoV 1995; Madigan and Jung
carbon nutrition of a collection of strains of Rbl. acidophi- 2009). All known PNSB are species of either Alpha- or
lus. We have isolated six new strains of Rbl. acidophilus Betaproteobacteria and contain bacteriochlorophyll a (or
from a Canadian peat bog. These strains, three of the origi- rarely b) and a series of carotenoids as photosynthetic pig-
nal Pfennig strains and two additional putative R. acidophi- ments (ImhoV 1995). PNSB have the most diverse metabo-
lus strains isolated several years ago in this laboratory, lism of all phototrophic bacteria in that growth can occur
were characterized as to their pigments, phylogeny, and phototrophically with either organic compounds or CO2 as
carbon sources supporting photoheterotrophic growth. carbon sources, or chemotrophically by respiration or fer-
Phototrophic cultures were either purple or orange in color, mentation (ImhoV 1995; Madigan 1988; Madigan and Gest
and the color of a particular strain was linked to phylogeny. 1979; Madigan and Jung 2009).
As for the Pfennig strains of Rbl. acidophilus, all new Many PNSB inhabit extreme environments. PNSB have
strains grew photoheterotrophically at pH 5 on a variety of been isolated from acidic, alkaline, cold, hot, and hypersa-
organic and fatty acids. However, in addition to methanol line habitats (Madigan 2003; Madigan and Jung 2009).
and ethanol, the new strains as well as the Pfennig strains Over 40 years ago the great German microbiologist Norbert
grew on several other primary alcohols, results not reported Pfennig Wrst isolated several strains of acidophilic PNSB
in the original species description. Our work shows that from water samples of various lakes, swamps, bogs, and
some phylogenetic and physiological diversity exists within springs in Europe and the US. The strains were described as
the species Rbl. acidophilus and supports the observation a new species of the genus Rhodopseudomonas, Rps. acido-
that few species of acidophilic purple bacteria appear to phila (Pfennig 1969). Once its phylogeny was understood,
exist in nature. the organism was elevated to its own genus as Rhodobla-
stus (Rbl.) acidophilus (ImhoV 2001). The pH optimum for
Keywords Purple nonsulfur bacteria · Acidophiles · growth of Rbl. acidophilus was pH 5.8 and the pH range
Rhodoblastus acidophilus from 4.8 to 7.2 (Pfennig 1969). Although some other PNSB
can grow under slightly acidic conditions (Madigan 2003),
only Rbl. acidophilus appeared in enrichments established
at pH 5.2, suggesting that it was the major acidophilic pur-
Communicated by Jörg Overmann. ple bacterium in the habitats surveyed by Pfennig.
In the original description of Rbl. acidophilus, two major
M. L. Kempher · M. T. Madigan (&)
Department of Microbiology, Southern Illinois University,
diVerences were reported among strains: the color of photo-
1125 Lincoln Dr., Carbondale, IL 62901, USA trophic mass cultures, and the G + C base ratios of their
e-mail: DNA. Phototrophic cultures of the various strains of Rbl.

568 Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574

acidophilus grown in dim light were either purple-red or a second time to ensure purity. Isolations were also pursued
orange-brown in color, and their genomic DNA G + C base by spreading dilutions of the bog slurry directly on plates
ratios varied over a wide range, from as low as 62.2 to as containing either 20 mM succinate or 10 mM methanol as
high as 66.8 mol% (Pfennig 1969). The base ratio data sug- sole carbon source and incubated phototrophically. Colo-
gested to us that additional genetic and phenotypic diversity nies were picked and puriWed as for liquid enrichments.
might exist within the species Rbl. acidophilus. Our objec- In addition to new isolates, three original Pfennig strains
tives here were to test this hypothesis by examining the pig- of Rbl. acidophilus were used in this study, DSM 137T
ments, carbon nutrition, and phylogeny of several strains of (strain 7050T of Pfennig 1969), DSM 142 (strain 2751 of
Rbl. acidophilus. We report here two major conclusions: Pfennig 1969), and DSM 145 (strain 10050 of Quayle and
(1) phylogenetic microdiversity exists within the biotype Pfennig 1975). Two other strains isolated in this laboratory
Rbl. acidophilus, and the color of phototrophic cultures from acidic enrichment cultures in the early 1980s and
of a particular strain—purple or orange—correlates with thought to be Rbl. acidophilus, strains MO and FL, were
phylogeny and (2) in addition to methanol and ethanol, revived from freezer stocks and also used in this work.
Rbl. acidophilus grows photoheterotrophically on several
primary alcohols, results not described in the original Absorption spectra and physiological studies
species description (Pfennig 1969) or in later work on
alcohol catabolism by this species (Douthit and Pfennig For absorption spectra, 2 ml of phototrophic culture were
1976; Quayle and Pfennig 1975; Sahm et al. 1976). centrifuged at 14 K rpm for 2 min; the supernatant was dis-
carded and the pellet resuspended in a drop of medium and
mixed. A portion of the sample was then added to a cuvette
Materials and methods containing 30% bovine serum albumin (Sigma, St. Louis),
mixed, and absorption spectra recorded in a Hitachi U-2000
Bog sample double-beam spectrophotometer.
Photoheterotrophy was tested by adding single organic
An acidic boreal peat bog sample collected in north central substrates to 10-ml screw-capped tubes of basal medium
Alberta (Canada) was kindly provided by Brian Benscoter supplemented with both NaHCO3 and sodium ascorbate
Southern Illinois University. The bog had an overstory tree (10 mM and 0.05% Wnal concentrations, respectively)
layer of black spruce with the shrubs bog cranberry and [Control experiments showed that ascorbate, added as a
small bog cranberry and a groundcover of the moss Sphag- reducing agent, was neither toxic nor used as a carbon
num fuscum. The sample was primarily of the Sphagnum source by Rbl. acidophilus]. Culture tubes were completely
layer immersed in bog water and sediment and was stored Wlled and incubated at 30°C in darkness for 24 h before
in darkness at 4°C until enrichment cultures were estab- phototrophic incubation (40–50 mol s¡1 m¡2). When test-
lished. ing alcohols as carbon sources, replicate sets of tubes were
established at pH 5.5 and pH 6.8. Photoautotrophy was
Enrichments and pure cultures tested in half-Wlled tubes of medium lacking an organic car-
bon source and incubated at 30°C in an anoxic jar for
A slurry of the bog sample was prepared by placing 5 g of 14 days. The lower pH limit for growth was determined in
sample into 10 ml of sterile double-distilled water; the pH MES-supplemented media containing succinate as carbon
of this slurry was 3.5. The slurry was placed at 4°C in the source and adjusted to pH 4.0, 4.5, or 5.0. In all growth
dark for 24 h after which serial dilutions were performed in experiments, growth was scored as the average OD540 of
water containing 10 mM of the buVer 2-(N-morpho- triplicate cultures following 7 days incubation.
lino)ethanesulfonic acid (MES, Sigma St. Louis) (Wnal pH
5.5). Liquid enrichment cultures were established by inocu- Molecular methods
lating one ml of a 10¡3, 10¡4, or 10¡5 dilution into 10-ml
screw-capped tubes containing acidic (pH 5.3) basal Genomic DNA was isolated using the Wizard® Genomic
medium (Pfennig 1969) supplemented with succinate PuriWcation Kit (Promega, Madison, WI). AmpliWcation of
(20 mM Wnal concentration) as sole carbon source. All 16S rRNA genes was done using standard methods and the
tubes were completely Wlled and placed at 30°C in darkness nearly complete (1,409 nucleotide) sequences aligned with
for 24 h before incubating in low intensity incandescent CLUSTAL X (Larkin et al. 2007). Sequences were analyzed
light (20–25 mol s¡1 m¡2) for several weeks. Pigmented using BLASTN (Altschul et al. 1997) and neighbor-joining
cultures were streaked on plates of the same medium incu- trees constructed using PHYLIP version 3.69 (Felsenstein
bated phototrophically in Gas Pak® anoxic jars (Wnal gas 1989). SEQBOOT was utilized to calculate bootstrap values
mix H2:CO2:N2) and isolated colonies picked and streaked based on 1,000 replications.

Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574 569

Results photocomplexes and of carotenoids from the diVerent

strains are summarized in Table 1.
New strains of Rhodoblastus acidophilus
Phototrophic liquid and spread-plate enrichment cultures
(pH 5.3) inoculated with dilutions of Canadian peat bog The phylogeny of all eleven strains was determined by
slurry yielded orange-brown liquid/colonies after 3–4 comparing nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences; by
weeks of incubation at 30°C. Microscopic examination such criteria, all strains could be considered a single spe-
revealed motile, rod-shaped budding cells, often grouped cies, with their closest established relative being Rbl. aci-
into rosettes (Fig. 1a) as originally described for Rhodo- dophilus strain 7050 (Fig. 3). All six Canadian bog strains
pseudomonas acidophila (Pfennig 1969). Pure cultures as well as strain MO, isolated in Southern Illinois (USA),
were then pursued and strains originating from liquid had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences. All orange-col-
enrichment or from direct plating were obtained. The bog ored strains formed a cluster, and within the cluster, strain
strains (Fig. 1b), along with three of the original Pfennig DSM 142 was the most divergent (Fig. 3). Notably, the two
strains and two other strains previously isolated in this lab- purple-colored strains formed a clade, distinct from the
oratory, were studied further. The sources and enrichment cluster of orange-colored strains (Fig. 3). All 11 strains
details of these strains are summarized in Table 1. were closely related to Rhodoblastus sphagnicola, a PNSB
that shares many phenotypic properties with Rbl. acidophi-
Absorption properties lus (Kulichevskaya et al. 2006). Beyond this, however, the
strains of Rbl. acidophilus were more closely related to sev-
Phototrophic liquid cultures of all of the bog isolates, two eral chemotrophic bacteria than to other species of photo-
of the Pfennig isolates, and strain MO were orange in color trophic purple bacteria; the next most closely related PNSB
when grown in dim light, while cultures of strain FL were was Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Fig. 3).
purple, similar to that of strain 7050T (DSM 137T), the type
strain of Rhodoblastus acidophilus (Fig. 1c). Typical Photoheterotrophic growth
absorption spectra for an orange- and a purple-colored
strain are shown in Fig. 2. All strains showed major peaks As originally described, Rbl. acidophilus uses a variety of
in the near infrared near 860 and 805 nm from absorption organic and fatty acids as carbon sources as well as the
by light-harvesting (LH) II photocomplexes. In all cases, alcohols ethanol and methanol for photoheterotrophic
the long wavelength absorption maximum lay above growth (Pfennig 1969; Quayle and Pfennig 1975; Sahm
860 nm in orange-colored strains and below 860 nm in pur- et al. 1976). Substrates that supported photoheterotrophic
ple-colored strains (Fig. 2; Table 1). Absorption from growth of the new isolates are compared with the original
carotenoids occurred near 525, 490, 465, and 420 nm, indi- Pfennig data in Table 2.
cating that “spirilloxanthin series” carotenoids (Schmidt Besides organic and fatty acids, all strains of Rbl. aci-
1971, 1978; Takaichi 1999) predominated. Notably, how- dophilus grew well photoheterotrophically on several alco-
ever, the ratio of carotenoid peaks varied between orange- hols, including propanol, pentanol, and hexanol. Propanol
colored and purple-colored strains, and the latter lacked the was a particularly good growth substrate and supported better
465-nm component (Fig. 2). Absorption maxima of LH II growth than did methanol or ethanol (Table 2). Glycerol was

Fig. 1 Rbl. acidophilus. Phase photomicrographs of a cell rosettes of strain MO and b cells of Canadian bog strain CBP1, showing typical bud-
ding morphology in both cultures. c Phototrophic liquid cultures of purple (top) and orange (bottom) strains of Rbl. acidophilus

570 Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574

Table 1 Isolates of Rhodoblastus acidophilus and enrichment and pigment details

Strain GenBank Source (GPS coordinates Sample Enrichment Absorption maxima (nm)
accession of sample site) dilution protocol
numbera LHII-region Carotenoid-region

Purple-colored strains
DSM 137T M34128 Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pfennig) – Liquid 859, 805 525, 493, –, 420
FL JN408837 Forked Lake, New York – Liquid 856, 805 526, 493, –, –
(43°55⬘N; 74°33⬘W)
Orange-colored strains
DSM 142 JN408836 Forest pond, Germany (Pfennig) – Liquid 865, 805 526, 492, 464, 421
DSM 145 JN408835 Cranberry bog, USA (Pfennig) – Liquid 864, 804 527, 493, 465, 422
MO JN408838 Strip mine pond, Illinois – Liquid 861, 803 525, 490, 464, 421
(37°48⬘N; 88°33⬘W)
CBP1 JN418218 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡3 Plating 861, 803 524, 490, 464, 422
(55°59⬘N; 115°11⬘W)
CBP2 JN399238 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡4 Plating 861, 803 524, 490, 463, 421
CBP3 JN399239 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡5 Plating 863, 803 525, 490, 463, –
CBP8 JN399240 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡5 Platingb 862, 803 524, 490, 463, 420
CBL2 JN399236 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡3 Liquid 862, 803 524, 490, 463, –
CBL5 JN399237 Alberta (CA) peat bog 10¡4 Liquid 862, 803 525, 490, 463, 424
GenBank accession numbers for organisms shown in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 3). Accession numbers for other organisms in Fig. 3 are as fol-
lows: Rhodopila globiformis M59066, Rhodopseudomonas palustris D25312, Rhodoblastus sphagnicola AM040096, Methylosinus acidophilus
DQ076754, Beijerinckia derxii AJ563934, and Methylocapsa acidiphila NR028923
Enriched on 10 mM methanol as carbon source. All other CBP and CBL strains enriched on 20 mM succinate

Fig. 2 Absorption spectra of in-

tact cells of a purple and an or-
ange strain of Rbl. acidophilus
grown under low-light condi-

used by only one strain, while butanol and alcohols longer photoheterotrophic growth on any alcohol (including
than C6 did not support growth of any strain. Strain FL was methanol) was the same at both acidic and neutral pH (data
the only strain unable to grow on methanol, and methanol not shown).
was a better substrate for the new isolates than for the Pfen- Fatty acids up to C6 supported growth of all strains with
nig strains (Table 2). Growth on alcohols was tested at the exception of formate, which was used by only a few
both pH 5.5 and 6.8, and in contrast to previous results strains, and butyrate, which did not support growth of strain
that showed Rbl. acidophilus to grow better on methanol DSM 142; butyrate was an excellent growth substrate for
near neutral pH (Quayle and Pfennig 1975), in our hands, most other strains of Rbl. acidophilus (Table 2). In general,

Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574 571

Fig. 3 Neighbor-joining 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic tree of all strains of Rbl. acidophilus used in this study. Bootstrap values based on 1,000
replications are shown at the nodes. GenBank accession numbers for all sequences in this tree are listed in Table 1

strain-to-strain diVerences in fatty acid use were more samples of freshwater lakes and ponds as well as from bogs
apparent than those in organic acids or alcohols (Table 2). and other acidic sites worldwide (Pfennig 1969 and this
Four of the new strains grew on glucose; however, none of study), whereas Rpi. globiformis has not been reported out-
the other sugars tested, including hexoses, pentoses, and side of certain acidic Yellowstone springs (Madigan et al.
disaccharides, supported growth (Table 2). All strains were 2005).
also capable of photoautotrophic growth using H2 as the The original species description of Rbl. acidophilus
electron donor (data not shown). reported its lower pH limit for growth to be 4.8 (Pfennig
The lower pH limit for growth of the isolates from this 1969). However, the lower limit is actually below this, pH
laboratory was tested in MES-buVered succinate media 4.5, or perhaps even slightly lower. In our experiments, we
adjusted to pH 4.0, 4.5, or 5.0, and the results compared used MES-buVered media and showed that all strains grew
with those of Pfennig (1969). In agreement with the latter, at pH 4.5 but that none grew at pH 4.0. As a species, Rbl.
none of the strains grew at a starting pH of 4.0 but all grew acidophilus should thus be successful in virtually any illu-
to full densities in media adjusted to pH 5. In addition, minated acidic habitat where acidity is derived from
however, all strains showed noticeable growth at pH 4.5 organic rather than mineral acids. Moreover, the observa-
except for strain FL, which grew to full densities at both pH tion that acidic enrichment for PNSB in the work of Pfen-
4.5 and 5.0 (data not shown). nig (1969) and herein yielded only Rbl. acidophilus
suggests that the diversity of acidophilic purple bacteria in
nature is probably low. Rhodoblastus sphagnicola, also an
Discussion acidophilic PNSB and a close relative of Rbl. acidophilus,
has a higher minimum pH for growth than does Rbl.
Although many extremophilic purple bacteria are known acidophilus and has only been reported from one habitat
(Madigan 2003; Madigan and Jung 2009), few are acido- (Kulichevskaya et al. 2006).
philic. The only purple bacteria capable of growth at pH 4.5 Phototrophic cells of Rbl. acidophilus contain bacterio-
are Rhodoblastus acidophilus and Rhodopila globiformis chlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series;
(formerly Rhodopseudomonas globiformis). The latter was however, when grown in dim light, cell suspensions are
isolated from an acidic (pH 3.5) sulWde spring in Yellow- either orange or purple in color, depending on the strain.
stone and is more acidophilic than even Rbl. acidophilus Orange-colored strains are orange whether grown at high-
(Pfennig 1974). However, Rbl. acidophilus is likely to be the or low-light intensities while purple-colored strains are pur-
more widely distributed of the two species in nature, as ple when grown in dim light but orange when grown at high
enrichments for Rbl. acidophilus were successful from light. The mechanism for this diVerence is well understood.

572 Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574

Table 2 Carbon sources for photoheterotrophic growth of strains of Rhodoblastus acidophilusa

Substrate Strain and growthb


Fatty acids
Formate ¡ ¡ + + + + + ¡ ¡ ¡ +
Acetate ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++
Propionate ++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ + ++ +++
Butyrate ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ + +++ ++++ +++ + ¡ ++++
Valerate + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ + ++
Caproate ++ +++ ++++ +++ + ++ +++ +++ + + +++
Organic acids
Pyruvate ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++++
Lactate +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Malate ++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ + +++ +++ +++ +++
Succinate +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Fumarate +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++
Malonate + + + + + + + ¡ ¡ + ¡
Methanol ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ¡ +d + ++
Ethanol ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++
Propanol +++ ++ +++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +++
Pentanol ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Hexanol + + + + + + + + + + +
Glycerol ¡ + ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
All cultures were grown phototrophically in the acidic (pH 5.5) medium of Pfennig (1969) with the single carbon source as indicated. All strains
grew phototrophically on H2/CO2, and strains CBP1, 2, 3, and 8 grew weakly (OD, +) on glucose. All substrates added at 10 mM Wnal concentration
except 5 mM for valerate, caproate, malonate, pentanol, and hexanol
++++, OD540 >2.0; +++, OD540 1.5–2.0; ++, OD540 >0.4 and <1.5; +, OD540 0.1–0.4; ¡, OD540 <0.1. The following carbon sources were test-
ed in this study but did not support growth: benzoate (5 mM), citrate (5 mM), tartrate (5 mM), butanol (5 mM, 2 mM), heptanol (2 mM), octanol
(2 mM), benzyl alcohol (2 mM), ribose (10 mM), galactose (10 mM), sucrose (10 mM), lactose (10 mM), xylose (10 mM), fructose (10 mM), and
mannitol (5 mM)
Data adapted from Pfennig (1969)
Strain DSM 137T grew photoheterotrophically on methanol at pH 6.8 but not at pH 5.5

Rhodopin, lycopene, and spirilloxanthin are the main can change with light intensity (Gardiner et al. 1993). Thus,
carotenoids of all strains of Rbl. acidophilus; in addition, light intensity appears to be an important regulatory signal
orange-colored but not purple-colored strains contain large for this species. No speciWc physiological traits linked to
amounts of rhodopin glucoside (Schmidt 1971, 1978; the orange or purple phenotype of Rbl. acidophilus were
Schmidt et al. 1971; Takaichi 1999). Purple-colored strains noted by Pfennig (1969). Nevertheless, it would be surpris-
produce large amounts of rhodopinal glucoside but only ing if the distinctly diVerent colors observed in the diVerent
under low-light conditions (Gardiner et al. 1993; Heinemeyer strains of this species (Fig. 1c) did not have some ecologi-
and Schmidt 1983; Takaichi 1999). By contrast, rhodopinal cal signiWcance.
glucoside was absent from 5 of 6 low-light-grown orange- Besides the type strain of Rbl. acidophilus, whose 16S
colored strains of Rbl. acidophilus (Schmidt 1971) and is rRNA gene sequence was known, the 16S sequences of two
likely the reason why orange-colored strains are never purple other Pfennig isolates and the eight strains isolated in this
in color. In place of rhodopinal glucoside, high-light-grown laboratory were determined herein. The 16S sequences of
purple-colored strains synthesize large amounts of rhodopin the six Canadian bog isolates were identical regardless of
glucoside, a major carotenoid of orange-colored strains grown the enrichment method (liquid or plating) or dilution factor
at any light intensity (Gardiner et al. 1993; Heinemeyer and used to obtain them. This suggests that only one cultivable
Schmidt 1983; Takaichi 1999). biotype of Rbl. acidophilus inhabits this bog. More surpris-
In addition to carotenoids, the composition of the light- ing, however, is the fact that strain MO (Table 1), isolated
harvesting complexes of certain strains of Rbl. acidophilus from a coal strip mine pond in Southern Illinois (located

Arch Microbiol (2012) 194:567–574 573

some 3,200 km from the Canadian bog), had a 16S rRNA 2009). All strains of Rbl. acidophilus grew autotrophically on
gene sequence identical to that of the bog isolates. Among H2 + CO2, indicating their potential as contributors of organic
other orange-colored strains, strain DSM 142 was the most matter in acidic natural habitats. Acidic bogs such as the Cana-
divergent, and this is consistent with the fact that its geno- dian peat bog studied here are known to sequester huge
mic DNA G + C base ratio was near the lowest for the amounts of carbon, harboring roughly one-third of the global
rather signiWcant range of G + C base ratios reported for reserves of soil organic carbon (Gorham 1991). Rbl. acidophi-
diVerent strains in the original species description of Rbl. lus may be the major or even sole anoxygenic phototroph in
acidophilus (Pfennig 1969). these carbon-rich anoxic environments, using H2 produced by
The 16S sequences of the two purple-colored strains, chemotrophic anaerobes as electron donor to drive photoauto-
isolated from habitats 1,500 km apart, were highly similar trophy when usable low-molecular-weight organic compounds
but distinct from those of the orange-colored strains. In become scarce.
fact, purple-colored strains formed a clade to the exclusion
of all orange-colored strains, suggesting that orange- and Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by grant
0950550 from the United States National Science Foundation. We
purple-colored strains diverged from a common ancestor to
thank Dr. Brian Benscoter (now of Florida Atlantic University) and Dr.
improve Wtness for growth in speciWc habitats. Analyses of Dale Vitt (Southern Illinois University) for the Canadian bog sample.
a larger number of strains would be necessary to garner We also thank Deborah O. Jung for help in preparing Figs. 1 and 2 and
stronger support for this hypothesis, but at the very least, formatting the tables, and for helpful comments on the manuscript.
our results suggest that the orange and purple phenotypes
may have phylogenetic roots.
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