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Information Technology -Programming SBA

Problem-solving and Program Design

Some computers were donated to Body D y n a m ic s S p o r t s C l u b ( B D S C) b y a p a s t m em b er ; as

r e s u l t o f t h i s do n a t i o n t h e c l u b is in the process of automating their club activities. There are

21 members in the club and they belong to different categories. Each category attracts a different

rate of membership fee. Based on the category of membership the members have different

responsibilities and privileges. The categories of membership with current rates are given in the

table below. The membership rates have remained the same for the last four years.

C at ego r y C ode R at e per m ont h

S t udent S $100

R egul a r R $150

Gol d G $200

P l at i num P $250

1. Develop a pseudo code algorithm or draw a flow chart that will accept the name of the member, the

category of the member, total fees paid by the member. The algorithm should also calculate the amount

due, outstanding amount and fines for the club members along with the highest fines and number of

persons with outstanding fees. The algorithm should output the amount due, outstanding amount and

fines for the club members along with the highest fines and number of persons with outstanding


2. Design and execute a trace table that accepts the data for at least 10 members from the database.

3. Using the programming language Pascal, write an executable program code to implement the algorithm


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