List of Unusual Deaths

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List of unusual deaths

This list of unusual deaths includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of

death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple

Middle Ages
Early modern period
19th century
20th century
The death of Aeschylus
21st century illustrated in the 15th-
century Florentine Picture
See also
Chronicle by Maso
References Finiguerra[1]
Further reading
External links

Date of
Name of person Image Details
Draco, an Athenian lawmaker, was
reportedly smothered to death by gifts of
Draco of Athens c. 620 BC cloaks and hats showered upon him by
appreciative citizens at a theatre on
Charondas was a Greek lawgiver from
Sicily.[4][5] According to Diodorus
Siculus, he issued a law that anyone
Late 7th to who brought weapons into the Assembly
early 5th must be put to death.[4][5][6] One day, he
century arrived at the Assembly seeking help to
BC defeat some brigands in the countryside
but with a knife still attached to his
belt.[4][5] In order to uphold his own law,
he committed suicide.[4][5][6]
Arrichion of Phigalia, a Greek
pankratiast, caused his own death during
the Olympic finals. Held by his
unidentified opponent in a stranglehold
and unable to free himself, Arrichion
kicked his opponent, causing him so
Arrhichion of Phigalia 564 BC
much pain from a foot/ankle injury that
the opponent made the sign of defeat to
the umpires, but at the same time broke
Arrichion's neck. Since the opponent had
conceded defeat, Arrichion was
proclaimed the victor posthumously.[7][8]
According to Herodotus, Sisamnes was
a corrupt judge under Cambyses II of
Persia. He accepted a bribe and
delivered an unjust verdict. As a result,
Sisamnes c. 525 BC
the king had him arrested and flayed
alive. His skin was then used to cover
the seat in which his son would sit in
Ancient sources disagree on how the
Greek philosopher Pythagoras
died,[11][12] but one late and probably
apocryphal legend reported by both
Diogenes Laërtius, a third-century AD
biographer of famous philosophers, and
Iamblichus, a Neoplatonist philosopher,
states that Pythagoras was murdered by
his political enemies.[12] Supposedly, he
almost managed to outrun them,[12] but
Pythagoras of Samos c. 495 BC
he came to a bean field and refused to
run through it because he had prohibited
beans as ritually unclean.[13][12] Since
cutting through the field would violate his
own teachings, Pythagoras simply
stopped running and was killed.[12] This
story may have been fabricated by
Neanthes of Cyzicus, on whom both
Diogenes and Iamblichus rely as a
Heraclitus of Ephesus c. 475 BC According to one account given by
Diogenes Laërtius, the Greek philosopher
Heraclitus was said to have been
devoured by dogs after smearing himself
with cow manure in an attempt to cure
his dropsy.[14][15]

Themistocles, the Athenian general who

won the Battle of Salamis, actually died
of natural causes in exile,[16][17] but was
widely rumored to have committed
suicide by drinking bull's
blood.[16][17][18][19] Since bull's blood is
not actually poisonous,[17] Themistocles
cannot have died in this way,[17] but the
legend is widely retold in classical
sources.[17] The early twentieth-century
Themistocles c. 459 BC English classicist Percy Gardner
proposed that the story about him
drinking bull's blood may have been
based on an ignorant misunderstanding
of a statue showing Themistocles in a
heroic pose, holding a cup as an offering
to the gods.[17] The comedic playwright
Aristophanes references Themistocles
drinking bull's blood in his comedy The
Knights (performed in 324 BC) as the
most heroic way for a man to die.[17][20]
According to Valerius Maximus,
Aeschylus, the eldest of the three great
Athenian tragedians, was killed by a
tortoise dropped by an eagle that had
mistaken his bald head for a rock
Aeschylus c. 455 BC suitable for shattering the shell of the
reptile. Pliny, in his Naturalis Historiæ,
adds that Aeschylus had been staying
outdoors to avert a prophecy that he
would be killed by a falling
Empedocles of Acragas was a Pre-
Socratic philosopher from the island of
Sicily, who, in one of his surviving
poems, declares himself to have become
a "divine being... no longer mortal".[24]
Empedocles of Akragas c. 430 BC
According to Diogenes Laërtius, he tried
to prove he was an immortal god by
leaping into Mount Etna, an active
volcano.[25][26] This legend is also
alluded to by the Roman poet Horace.[27]
A number of "remarkable" legends
concerning the death of Sophocles,
another of the three great Athenian
tragedians, are recorded in the late
antique Life of Sophocles.[21] According
to one legend, he choked to death on an
unripe grape.[21] Another says that he
Sophocles c. 406 BC
died of joy after hearing that his last play
had been victorious.[21] A third account
reports that he died of suffocation after
reading aloud a lengthy monologue from
the end of his play Antigone without
pausing to take a breath for commas or
Mithridates 401 BC Mithridates, a Persian soldier who
embarrassed his king, Artaxerxes II, by
boasting of killing his rival, Cyrus the
Younger (who was the brother of
Artaxerxes II), was executed by
scaphism. The king's physician, Ctesias,
reported that Mithridates survived the
insect torture for 17 days.[28][29]
According to Diogenes Laërtius, the
Greek Atomist philosopher Democritus of
Abdera died at the age of 109;[30][31] as
he was on his deathbed, his sister was
greatly worried because she needed to
fulfill her religious obligations to the
goddess Artemis in the approaching
Democritus of Abdera c. 370 BC
three-day Thesmophoria festival.[30][31]
Democritus told her to place a loaf of
warm bread under his nose[30][31] and
was able to survive for the three days of
the festival by sniffing it.[30][31] He died
immediately after the festival was
Antiphanes was a renowned comic poet
of the Middle Attic comedy. The Suda
Antiphanes c. 310 BC
claims he died after being struck by a

Agathocles, a Greek tyrant of Syracuse,

Agathocles of Syracuse 289 BC was murdered with a poisoned

Philitas of Cos, a Greek intellectual, is

said by Athenaeus to have studied
arguments and erroneous word usage so
intensely that he wasted away and
Philitas of Cos c. 270 BC starved to death.[35] British classicist
Alan Cameron speculates that Philitas
died from a wasting disease which his
contemporaries joked was caused by his

Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of

China, whose artifacts and treasures
include the Terracotta Army, died after
Qin Shi Huang September
ingesting several pills of mercury in the
210 BC
belief that it would grant him eternal

One ancient account of the death of

Chrysippus, a third-century BC Greek
Stoic philosopher, tells that he died of
laughter after he saw a donkey eating his
Chrysippus of Soli c. 206 BC figs; he told a slave to give the donkey
neat wine to drink to wash them down
with, and then, "...having laughed too
much, he died" (Diogenes Laërtius
Eleazar Avaran c. 163 BC Eleazar Avaran was the brother of Judas
Maccabeus. According to 1 Maccabees
6:46, in battle, he thrust his spear into
the belly of a king's war elephant, which
collapsed and fell on top of Eleazar,
killing him instantly.[41]

The daughter of Marcus Porcius Cato

Uticensis and second wife of Marcus
June 43 to Junius Brutus, according to ancient
Porcia Catonis October historians such as Cassius Dio and
42 BC Appian, killed herself by swallowing hot
coals.[42] Modern historians find this tale

According to Suetonius, Claudius

Drusus, the eldest son of the future
Roman emperor Claudius, died while
Claudius Drusus c. 20 AD playing. Having tossed a pear high in the
air, when it came back, he caught it in
his mouth but he choked on it, dying of
The Roman emperor Tiberius died in
Misenum at the age of seventy-eight.
According to Tacitus, the emperor
appeared to have died and Caligula, who
was at Tiberius' villa, was being
congratulated on his succession to the
empire, when news arrived that the
16 March
Tiberius emperor had revived and was recovering
37 AD
his faculties. Those who had moments
before recognized Caligula as Augustus
fled in fear of the emperor's wrath, while
Macro, a prefect of the Praetorian Guard,
took advantage of the chaos to have
Tiberius smothered with his own
bedclothes, definitively killing him.[45]

1st According to an ancient tradition, Simon,

Simon the Zealot century an apostle of Jesus, was sawn in half in
AD Persia.[46]

The deacon Saint Lawrence was roasted

alive on a giant grill during the
persecution of Valerian.[47][48] Prudentius
Saint Lawrence 258 AD tells that he joked with his tormentors,
"Turn me over—I'm done on this
side".[49] He is now the patron saint of
cooks, chefs and comedians.[50]
Middle Ages
Date of
Name of person Image Details
Ragnar Lodbrok, a semi-legendary Viking
leader whose exploits are narrated in the
Ragnars saga loðbrókar, a thirteenth-
Ragnar Lodbrok c. 865 century Icelandic saga, is said to have
been captured by Ælla of Northumbria,
who had him executed by throwing him
into a pit of snakes.[51]

Louis III, king of West Francia, died aged

around 18 at Saint-Denis. Whilst
5 August mounting his horse to pursue a girl who
Louis III of France was running to seek refuge in her father's
house he hit his head on the lintel of a
low door and fell, fracturing his skull.[52]

Sigurd the Mighty, the second Earl of

Orkney, strapped the head of his
defeated foe, Máel Brigte, to his horse's
Sigurd the Mighty of Orkney 892 saddle. Brigte's teeth rubbed against
Sigurd's leg as he rode, causing a fatal
infection, according to the Old Norse
Heimskringla and Orkneyinga sagas.[53]

30 Edmund Ironside, King of England in

Edmund Ironside November 1016, was allegedly stabbed whilst on a
1016 toilet, by an assassin hiding underneath.

Béla I of Hungary, when the Holy Roman

Empire decided to launch a military
expedition against Hungary to restore
young Solomon to the throne, was
11 seriously injured when "his throne broke
Béla I of Hungary September beneath him" in his manor at Dömös.[54]
1063 The King—who was "half-dead",
according to the Illuminated Chronicle—
was taken to the western borders of his
kingdom, where he died at the creek
Kanizsa on 11 September 1063.[55][56]

Crown Prince Philip of France died while

riding through Paris, when his horse
Crown Prince Philip of France October
tripped over a black pig running out of a
dung heap.[57]

While visiting relatives, Henry

1 supposedly ate too many lampreys
Henry I of England December against his physician's advice, causing a
1135 pain in his gut and ultimately his
Al-Musta'sim 20 Al-Musta'sim, the last Abbasid Caliph of
February Baghdad, was executed by his Mongol
1258 captors by being rolled up in a rug and
then trampled by horses.[59]
Edward II of England was rumoured to
have been murdered, after being
deposed and imprisoned by his wife
Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer, by
having a horn pushed into his anus
21 through which a red-hot iron was
Edward II of England September inserted, burning out his internal organs
without marking his body.[60][61]
However, there is no real academic
consensus on the manner of Edward II's
death and it has been plausibly argued
that the story is propaganda.[62]

John of Bohemia, after being blind for 10

years, died in the Battle of Crecy when—
26 August at his command—his companions tied
John of Bohemia
1346 their horses' reins to his own and
charged. He was slaughtered in the
ensuing fight.[63][64]

Charles II of Navarre known as "Charles

the Bad". The contemporary chronicler
Froissart relates that the king, suffering
from illness in old age, was ordered by
his physician to be tightly sewn into a
1 January
Charles II of Navarre linen sheet soaked in distilled spirits.
The highly flammable sheet accidentally
caught fire and Charles later died of his
injuries. Froissart considered the horrific
death to be God's judgment upon the
Martin of Aragon died from a combination
of indigestion and uncontrollable
laughing. According to tradition, Martin
was suffering from indigestion on
account of eating an entire goose when
his favorite jester, Borra, entered the
31 May king's bedroom. When Martin asked
Martin of Aragon
1410 Borra where he had been, the jester
replied with: "Out of the next vineyard,
where I saw a young deer hanging by his
tail from a tree, as if someone had so
punished him for stealing figs." This joke
caused the king to die from

Name of Date of
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person death

18 George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, was allegedly executed
February by drowning in a barrel of Malmsey wine, apparently his own choice
Duke of
1478 once he accepted he was to be killed.[70]

Victims of
In July 1518, several people died of either heart attacks, strokes or
the 1518 July
exhaustion during a dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg,
dancing 1518
plague Alsace (Holy Roman Empire).[71][72]

The influential Italian author and libertine Pietro Aretino is said to

21 have died of suffocation from laughing too much at an obscene joke
October during a meal in Venice. Another version states that he fell from a
chair from too much laughter, fracturing his skull.[73]

Hans Staininger, the burgomaster of Braunau (then Bavaria, now

Hans Austria), died when he broke his neck by tripping over his own
Staininger beard.[74] The beard, which was 4.5 feet (1.4 m) long at the time,
was usually kept rolled up in a leather pouch.[75]

Marco Antonio Bragadin, Venetian Captain-General of Famagusta in

Cyprus, was gruesomely killed in August 1571 after the Ottomans
took the city. He was dragged round the walls with sacks of earth
and stone on his back; next, he was tied to a chair and hoisted to
the yardarm of the Turkish flagship, where he was exposed to the
taunts of the sailors. Finally, he was taken to his place of execution
Marco 17 in the main square, tied naked to a column, and flayed alive.[76]
Antonio August Bragadin's skin was stuffed with straw and sewn, reinvested with his
Bragadin 1571 military insignia, and exhibited riding an ox in a mocking procession
along the streets of Famagusta. The macabre trophy was hoisted
upon the masthead pennant of the personal galley of the Ottoman
commander, Amir al-bahr Mustafa Pasha, to be brought to
Constantinople as a gift for Sultan Selim II. Bragadin's skin was
stolen in 1580 by a Venetian seaman and brought back to Venice,
where it was received as a returning hero.[77]
Tycho Brahe 24 Tycho Brahe contracted a bladder or kidney ailment after attending a
October banquet in Prague, and died eleven days later. According to Kepler's
1601 first-hand account, Brahe had refused to leave the banquet to relieve
himself because it would have been a breach of etiquette.[78][79]
After he had returned home he was no longer able to urinate, except
eventually in very small quantities and with excruciating pain.[80]
Early modern period
Date of
Name of person Image Details

Thomas Urquhart, a Scottish aristocrat, polymath and

first translator of François Rabelais's writings into
Thomas Urquhart 1660
English, is said to have died laughing upon hearing
that Charles II had taken the throne.[81][82]

James Betts died from asphyxiation after being sealed

in a cupboard by Elizabeth Spencer, at Corpus Christi
James Betts 1667
College, Cambridge in an attempt to hide him from her
father, John Spencer.[83][84]
Vatel, the majordomo of Prince Louis II de Bourbon-
Condè, was responsible for a banquet for 2,000 people
hosted in honour of King Louis XIV at the Château de
Chantilly, where he died. According to a letter by
24 April
François Vatel Madame de Sévigné, Vatel was so distraught about
the lateness of the seafood delivery and about other
mishaps that he committed suicide with his sword,
and his body was discovered when someone came to
tell him of the arrival of the fish.[85]
The French playwright Molière suffered a pulmonary
hemorrhage caused by tuberculosis while playing the
character Argan, a severe hypochondriac, in his own
play Le malade imaginaire (The Imaginary
Invalid).[86][87] He disguised his convulsion as part of
his performance and finished out the show,[86] which
included a scene in which the character he was
17 playing faked his own death to find out how his wife
Molière February really felt about him.[86][88] After the show, Molière's
1673[86] actual wife, who played the daughter of his character,
realized that he really was ill[86] and carried him
across the street to their house in the same chair he
had pretended to die in as part of the performance.[86]
He began coughing up blood and she sent for a priest
to hear him renounce his acting career so he could be
buried on sacred ground,[86] but Molière died before a
sympathetic priest could be found.[86][87]
Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Dayala are
Bhai Mati Das revered as early Sikh martyrs. By order of the Mughal
emperor Aurangzeb, Bhai Mati Das was executed by
Bhai Sati Das being bound between two pillars and sawn in half,[89]
while his younger brother Bhai Sati Das wrapped in
Bhai Dayala cotton wool soaked in oil and set on fire[90] and Bhai
Dayala was boiled in a cauldron full of water and
roasted over a block of charcoal.[91]

Jean-Baptiste Lully, the French composer, died of a

gangrenous abscess after accidentally piercing his
22 foot with a staff while he was vigorously conducting a
Jean-Baptiste Lully March Te Deum. It was customary at that time to conduct by
banging a staff on the floor.[92] He refused to have his
leg amputated so he could still dance.[93]

Stanisław Leszczyński 23 The former King Stanisław I of Poland, father-in-law of

February Louis XV of France, died in 1766, at the age of 88, as
1766 a result of serious burns: his silk attire caught fire from
a spark while the King was snoozing near the fireplace
in his palace in Lunéville on 5 February. Leszczyński
was badly burned when the servants rescued him after
a while, but he died after many days of agony.[94]

Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden, died of digestion

problems on 12 February 1771 after having consumed
a meal of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, smoked herring,
12 and champagne, topped off with 14 servings of his
Adolf Frederick, King of
February favourite dessert: semla served in a bowl of hot milk,
called "hetvägg".[95] He is thus remembered by
Swedish schoolchildren as "the king who ate himself
to death."[96]

19th century
Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
After seeing a circus performer do a knife-swallowing trick,
Seaman John Cummings began actually swallowing knives. On
the first of three occasions, he swallowed 4 knives and quickly
passed 3 with no ill-health. On the second occasion, he
swallowed 14 knives and after a few days with abdominal pain he
John March
passed all of them. On the third occasion, he swallowed 20
Cummings 1809
knives and a case, but after a few days he had only passed the
case. After around four years of pain, he died. On autopsy, a
knife blade and spring were found in his intestines, and between
30 to 40 fragments of metal, wood and horn were found in his

Archduchess Mathilda of Austria, daughter of Archduke Albrecht,

Duke of Teschen, died at the age of 18 in Schloss Hetzendorf.
She had put on a gauze dress to go to the theatre. Before leaving
Mathilda of 6 June for the theatre, she wanted to smoke a cigarette but shortly
Austria 1867 thereafter her father, who had forbidden smoking, approached her,
and she hid the cigarette behind her dress, immediately setting
light to its very flammable material and giving her second and
third-degree burns.[98]

11 William Snyder, a 13-year-old, died in San Francisco, California,

Snyder when a circus clown swung him around by his heels.[99][100]

Archduchess Mathilda of Austria, daughter of Archduke Albrecht,

Duke of Teschen, died at the age of 18 in Schloss Hetzendorf.
She had put on a gauze dress to go to the theatre. Before leaving
Mathilda of 6 June for the theatre, she wanted to smoke a cigarette but shortly
Austria 1867 thereafter her father, who had forbidden smoking, approached her,
and she hid the cigarette behind her dress, immediately setting
light to its very flammable material and giving her second and
third-degree burns.[101]

Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio politician defending a

Clement 17 June man accused of murder, accidentally shot himself and died while
Vallandigham 1871 demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot
himself. His client was cleared.[102][103]

Henry Taylor, a pall bearer at Kensal Green Cemetery in London,

tripped over a stone and stumbled as he was carrying a coffin.
November The other pall bearers let go of the coffin and it fell on top of
Henry Taylor
1872 Taylor, crushing him to death in front of all the mourners. The
widow of the man in the coffin reportedly "nearly went into
Sunanda 31 May The Queen of Siam, Sunanda Kumariratana, and her unborn
Kumariratana 1880 daughter drowned when her royal boat capsized on the way to the
Bang Pa-In Royal Palace. The many witnesses to the accident
did not dare to touch the queen, a capital offense—not even to
save her life.[105]
Sir William Sir William Payne-Gallwey, a former British MP, sustained
Payne- "severe internal injuries" when he fell over and landed on a turnip
Gallwey, 2nd
1881 while out hunting. He died a few days later.[106][107]

Allan Pinkerton, the founder of the Pinkerton Detective Agency,

Allan 1 July was in Chicago, Illinois when he tripped on the pavement and
Pinkerton 1884 severely bit on his tongue.[108] His tongue became infected with
gangrene, ultimately leading to his death.[108]

At around 8.30pm, a shower of meteorite pieces fell “like rain” on

a village in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq (then part of the Ottoman
Empire). One man died from the impact of one of the pieces,
22 August
Unknown while another was also hit but was left paralysed. Corroborated by
several official sources, the man's death is considered the first
(and, as of 2020, only) credible evidence of a person being killed
by a meteorite.[109]
Bridget Driscoll was the first recorded case of a pedestrian killed
in a collision with a motor car.[110][111] As 44-year-old Driscoll,
with her teenage daughter May and her friend Elizabeth Murphy,
Bridget 17 August
crossed Dolphin Terrace in the grounds of the Crystal Palace in
Driscoll 1896
London, Driscoll was struck by a car belonging to the Anglo-
French Motor Carriage Company that was being used to give
demonstration rides.[111]
During a trip in Geneva, Empress Elisabeth of Austria was
stabbed to death, with a thin file, by the Italian anarchist Luigi
Lucheni. The weapon pierced the victim's pericardium, and a
Empress 10 lung. Because of the sharpness and thinness of the file the
Elisabeth of September wound was very narrow and, due to pressure from Elisabeth's
Austria 1898 extremely tight corseting, which was usually sewn onto her, she
did not notice what had happened (in fact she believed a simple
passerby had hit her) and continued to walk for a while before

20th century

Name of
Image Date of death Details
An unnamed person was beaten to death with a
Bible during a healing ceremony gone wrong in
Honolulu.[114] The victim was being treated for
Unknown Early 1903 malaria when his family summoned a Kahuna who
decided he was possessed by devils and tried to
exorcise the demons;[115] the Kahuna was brought
up on a charge of manslaughter.[116]
According to the Russian mystic's murderer himself,
Prince Felix Yusupov, Rasputin consumed tea,
cakes, and wine which had been laced with cyanide
30 December but he did not appear to be affected by the poison.
He was then shot once in the chest and believed to
[O.S. 17 December] be dead but, after a while, he leapt up and attacked
1916 Yusupov, who freed himself and fled. Rasputin
followed and made it into the courtyard before being
shot again and collapsing into a snowbank. The
conspirators then wrapped Rasputin's body and
dropped it into the Malaya Nevka River.[117]

A large storage tank burst in Boston's North End,

releasing a wave of molasses which killed 21 people
one 15 January 1919
and injured 150. This event was later dubbed the
Great Molasses Flood.[118][119]

George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, who financed

George Howard Carter's search for Tutankhamun, died after
Herbert, a mosquito bite, which he had cut while shaving,
5 April 1923
5th Earl of became infected. Some attributed his death to the
so-called curse of the pharaohs.[120][121]

Frank Hayes, a 35-year-old jockey of Elmont, New

York won his first and only race when he was dead.
Frank Riding a horse, Sweet Kiss, Frank suffered a fatal
4 June 1923
Hayes heart attack mid-race and collapsed on the horse.
Sweet Kiss managed to still win with Frank Hayes'
body on it, meaning he technically won.[122][123]

Jones, a lawyer in Bangor, Wales, woke up to find

that he had his throat slit. Motioning for a paper and
a pencil, he wrote: "I dreamt that I had done it. I
Thornton awoke to find it true," and died 80 minutes later. He
had slit his throat himself while unconscious.[124] An
inquest at Bangor delivered a verdict of "suicide
while temporarily insane."[125]

Bobby Leach, an American stunt performer, died

1926 after a botched amputation of the infected leg which
he had broken after slipping on an orange peel.[126]

Phillip 1926 Phillip McClean, aged 16, and his brother were
McClean clubbing a cassowary on the family property in
Mossman, Queensland,[127] when the bird knocked
him down, kicked him in the neck, and opened a
large cut, leading to death from loss of blood.[128]

Isadora Duncan, a dancer, broke her neck when her

Isadora long scarf caught on the wheel of a car in which she
14 September 1927
was a passenger.[129]

Aviator and aircraft designer Nicholas Comper was

stopped from lighting a firework in a pub in Hythe,
Kent. Outside, he attempted again to light it and a
Nicholas passer-by enquired what he was doing. His reply,
17 June 1939
Comper that he was an IRA man and was going to blow up
the town hall, prompted the passer-by to knock him
down. Comper hit his head on the kerb, suffered a
cerebral haemorrhage and died later in hospital.[130]

Sherwood Anderson, an American writer, died after

Sherwood an accidentally swallowed toothpick had damaged
8 March 1941 his gastrointestinal tract, causing an infection which
led to peritonitis.[131]

Mary Reeser's body was found almost totally

cremated by police. While the body was cremated
2 July 1951 where Reeser sat the apartment was relatively
damage free. Some speculate Reeser
spontaneously combusted.[132]

Gareth Jones, an actor, died of a heart attack

between scenes of a live television play,
Underground. Other members of the cast improvised
Gareth lines, such as "I'm sure if So‑and‑so were here he
Jones would say..." to compensate for Jones's absence.
Coincidentally, Jones's character was supposed to
die of a heart attack in a later scene of the

Name of person Image of Details

John A. Byrnes, U.S. Army specialists John A. Byrnes and Richard Leroy
Richard Leroy McKinley and Navy electrician's mate Richard C. Legg were
1961 killed by a water hammer explosion during maintenance on the
McKinley, and
Richard C. Legg SL-1 nuclear reactor in Idaho.[135][136][137][138][139]

Nick Piantanida, a skydiver, died four months after an attempt

Nick Piantanida 1966 to break the record for the highest parachute jump; his suit had
depressurized causing brain damage.[140][141]

Name of Date of
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person death
Georgy Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, and Viktor Patsayev,
Dobrovolsky, Soviet cosmonauts, died when their Soyuz-11 spacecraft
Vladislav 1971 depressurized during preparations for re-entry. These are the
Volkov, and
only known human deaths outside the Earth's atmosphere.[142]
Viktor Patsayev
Basil Brown, a 48-year-old health food advocate from Croydon,
England, died from liver damage after he consumed 70 million
Basil Brown 1974
units of Vitamin A and around 10 US gallons (38 litres) of carrot
juice over ten days, turning his skin bright yellow.[143][144][145]
After watching the "Kung Fu Kapers" episode of The Goodies,
Alex Mitchell laughed continuously for 25 minutes and then fell
Alex Mitchell 1975 dead on his sofa from heart failure due to what doctors
discovered years later, via his granddaughter, of a genetic
condition called Long QT syndrome.[146][147][148][149][150]
Tina Christopherson died when she fanatically drank 4 US
1977 gallons (15 litres) of water a day to combat stomach
Tom Pryce, a driver in the 1977 South African Grand Prix, was
Tom Pryce and killed alongside fire marshal Frederick Jansen Van Vuuren after
Frederick being struck on the head by a fire extinguisher when his car,
Jansen van travelling at 170 miles per hour (270 km/h), hit Jansen Van
Vuuren Vuuren as he was running across the Kyalami race track to
extinguish a burning car.[152][153][154][155]

Kurt Gödel, an Austrian-American logician and mathematician,

died of starvation when his wife was hospitalized. Gödel
Kurt Gödel 1978
refused to eat food prepared by anyone else[156] as he was
suffering from an obsessive fear of being poisoned.

Georgi Markov was assassinated on a London street via a

7 micro-engineered pellet containing ricin, fired into his leg from
Georgi Markov September an umbrella wielded by someone associated with the Bulgarian
1978 Secret Service. It has been speculated that they asked the
KGB for help.[157]

Robert Williams, a worker at a Ford Motor Co. plant, became

1979 the first person known to be killed by a robot[158] when the arm
of a factory robot struck him in the head.[159]

John Bowen, a 20-year-old from Nashua, New Hampshire, was

killed at a half-time show at Shea Stadium when a 40-pound
John Bowen 1979
(18 kg) model plane shaped like a lawnmower crashed into the

Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
Lourdes Maria da Silva was going up stairs carrying a Pyrex glass in
August Caxias do Sul, Brazil when she tripped, broke the glass and fell on
Maria da
1980 the shards, cutting her neck artery. She died on her way to the
Boris Sagal, a Ukrainian-American film director, died while shooting
the TV miniseries World War III in Portland, Oregon, after he walked
Boris Sagal 1981 into the tail rotor blade of a helicopter and was partially
decapitated.[164][165] He died five hours later at a hospital in

4 David Grundman, shooting at cacti with his shotgun near Lake

February Pleasant, Arizona, was crushed when a 4-foot (1.2 m) limb of the
1982 cactus detached and fell on him.[165][166][167]
Scaglione died after smashing his golf club against a golf cart. The
Michael 15 April
head broke off and impaled him in the throat, severing his jugular
Scaglione 1982
In the early morning hours of 23 July 1982, Morrow and two child
actors, seven-year-old Myca Dinh Le, and six-year-old Renee Shin-Yi
Chen, were filming Twilight Zone: The Movie in California. They were
Vic performing in a scene for the Vietnam sequence, in which their
Morrow, characters attempt to escape from a deserted Vietnamese village
Myca Dinh while pursued by a U.S. Army helicopter. The helicopter was hovering
23 July
Le and at approximately 24 feet (7.3 m) above them when the heat from
Renee special effect pyrotechnic explosions reportedly delaminated the rotor
blades[169] and caused the helicopter to crash on top of them, killing
all three instantly. Morrow and Le were decapitated and mutilated by
the helicopter rotor blades, while Chen was crushed by a helicopter

Tennessee Williams, an American playwright, died after accidentally

choking on a plastic bottle cap which he was using to ingest
Tennessee barbiturates.[171] Reports at the time of his death indicated he had
Williams died applying eye drops while holding the cap between his teeth, but
this was corrected in the official medical examiner's report six
months later.[172]

Truls Hellevik, a Norwegian diver, was explosively dismembered in a

diving bell accident at the North Sea. Hellevik was exposed to an
1983 eight-atmosphere change in air pressure which instantaneously
forced his body through a 60-centimetre-diameter (24 in)
opening.[173][174] Three other divers were also killed in the accident.

Dick Dick Wertheim, a tennis linesman, died after a ball struck him in the
Wertheim groin and he fell out of his chair.[175][176][177]
Jimmy Ferrozzo, a bouncer at the Condor Club in San Francisco,
died while engaging in sexual intercourse with his girlfriend Theresa
Jimmy Hill on a grand piano that was lowered from the ceiling by a hydraulic
1983 motor. Ferrozzo accidentally activated the lifting mechanism which
pinned him against the ceiling leading to his suffocation.[178] Hill
survived the accident.[178]
Jon-Erik Hexum, an American actor, died after playing a simulated
Russian roulette with a .44 Magnum pistol loaded with blanks. The
1984 blanks contained paper wadding and when Hexum pulled the trigger
against his temple, the wadding was propelled with a force that broke
Hexum's skull, causing a massive brain bleeding.[179]
Unknown 1984 An unidentified 25-year-old man was using submersion as an erotic
asphyxia method. With a home-made plastic body suit, he tied
himself to a boat and was using a home-made diving apparatus for air
supply. He died from rebreathing, caused by the faulty air supply

Franco Brun, 22, an inmate at the Metro Toronto East Detention Centre in
Brun Canada, died trying to swallow a pocket-size bible.[181][182]
Cachy the A poodle named Cachy, in Caballito, Buenos Aires, fell from 13 floors
Poodle, and fatally hit 75-year-old Marta Espina, killing both instantly. In the
Marta course of the events, 46-year-old Edith Sola, who came to see the
Espina, 1988 incident, was fatally hit by a bus. An unidentified man, who witnessed
Edith Solá, Edith's death, had a heart attack and also died on his way to the
On Saturday, 2 April, veteran sky diver Ivan Lester McGuire was
filming a jump by an instructor and student from the Franklin County
Ivan Lester Sports Parachute Center when he jumped from a plane without a
McGuire parachute. Focused on the filming process, McGuire apparently
forgot to put on a parachute, and his camera equipment may have
been mistaken for a chute. The tape was recovered.[185][186]

Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
Daniel John O'Brien, 31, committed suicide by jumping into one of
the engines of a British Airways Boeing 747 at Piarco International
Daniel 14
Airport, Trinidad.[187][188] O'Brien was naked and scaled two fences
John January
with barbed wire on top, fought off four security guards and
O'Brien 1990
commandeered a four-wheel-drive vehicle, which he drove into the
jet sitting on the runway with its engines running.[189]
Brandon Lee, 28-year-old film actor, martial artist, and son of Bruce
Brandon Lee, was accidentally shot to death by co-star Michael Massee
Lee while filming a scene for The Crow, as the result of an improperly-
loaded prop gun.[190][191][192]

Garry Hoy, a lawyer in Toronto, fell to his death from the 24th floor
of the Toronto-Dominion Centre while demonstrating to a group of
Garry Hoy 1993 visitors that the building's windows were "unbreakable." Hoy threw
himself against the window, which did not break but popped out of
its frame.[193][194]

Gloria Ramirez, 31, died from kidney failure related to her cervical
cancer. While treating her, several of the hospital staff became ill,
suffering from loss of consciousness, shortness of breath and
Gloria muscle spasms. Shortly before dying, Ramirez was allegedly
Ramirez covered with an oily sheen, which smelled of fruit and garlic. When
drawing her blood with a syringe, nurses noticed it had a smell
similar to ammonia and there were unusual particles floating in
Quimby Ghilotti, 18, a senior at Napa High School, died when a
water slide collapsed after students tried to uphold a long standing
tradition of "clogging," or fitting as many students in the water slide
as possible. 32 other students were injured in the collapse. The
Quimby 2 June
annual senior prank had been carried out without incident for many
Ghilotti 1997
years, although the previous water slide was built into a hillside. The
water slide that collapsed was at a different water park and was held
up by support beams which failed under the weight of all the
Karen Wetterhahn, a professor of chemistry at Dartmouth College,
died ten months after a few drops of dimethylmercury (an
Karen organomercury compound and one of the strongest known
Wetterhahn neurotoxins) landed on her protective gloves. Although Wetterhahn
had been following the required procedures, the material permeated
the gloves and her skin within seconds.[197][198][199]
Bena An entire football team of 11 in Eastern Kasai, Democratic Republic
Tshadi October of the Congo, were fatally struck by lightning while playing. The
(football 1998
other team left the scene unharmed.[200]
Jonathan Capewell, 16, died from a heart attack brought on by the
buildup of butane and propane in the blood after excessive use of
Jonathan deodorant sprays.[201] Capewell was reported to have an obsession
Capewell with personal hygiene.[201] An autopsy showed that Capewell had
0.37 mg of butane per litre in his blood, and the same amount of
propane, whereas 0.1 mg per litre can be fatal.[201]
John 12 April 64-year-old Lewis, a businessman from Minsterworth, England,
Lewis 1999 attempted to light a bonfire with petrol, but inadvertently lit his
clothes on fire. He then ran to a river where he jumped in and
eventually drowned. Although the incident occurred on 12 April
1999, his body was not found until 30 April 1999.[202][203]
On 30 September 1999, Ouchi and two other technicians, Masato
Shinohara and Yutaka Yokokawa, were improperly loading fuel into
the Jōyō reactor at the Tokai Nuclear Power Plant when the reactor
experienced criticality, causing a serious accident at the plant.
Ouchi, who was holding a funnel through which Uranyl nitrate was
being poured into the feeder tank, was dosed with approximately
seventeen sieverts of radiation and received the highest dose of the
three technicians. After being transferred to hospital, Ouchi's
Hisashi condition rapidly deteriorated, though doctors were instructed to
Ouchi repeatedly revive him whenever his heart stopped, at the wishes of
his family. Attempts at treatment, including an early use of
Peripheral stem cell transplantation were carried out over the course
of almost 3 months, but these ultimately failed, and Ouchi died on
21 December 1999 following an unrecoverable cardiac arrest.[204] Of
the other two technicians, Shinohara died of multiple organ failure
complicated by infections following numerous attempts at treatment
on 27 April 2000, while Yokokawa, who received the smallest dose,
survived following three months of hospitalisation.

21st century

Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
Bliss Scott, 7, died after touching an African snail, from which she
2000 contracted meningo-encephalitis caused by Angiostrongylus
Bernd Brandes, a German engineer from Berlin, was willingly
slaughtered so that he could be butchered and eaten by cannibal
Bernd 9 March
Armin Meiwes. Brandes had responded to an internet advertisement
Brandes 2001
which Meiwes had placed for this purpose. In prison, Meiwes
became a vegetarian.[206][207][208]
Michael Colombini, 6, died during an MRI scan at a New York-area
2001 hospital, after an oxygen tank was magnetically pulled into the
machine and fractured his skull.[209]
Brittanie Cecil, 13, died from her injuries at a NHL hockey game
Brittanie 18 March
after a deflected puck struck her in the left temple. Cecil was the
Cecil 2002
first and only fan fatality in the NHL's history.

Brian Brian Douglas Wells, a pizza delivery man from Erie, Pennsylvania,
28 August
Douglas was killed by an explosive collar around his neck, as part of a bank-
Wells robbery scheme.[210]
Hitoshi Nikaidoh, a doctor in Houston, Texas, was decapitated after
2003 his head was trapped in the doors of an elevator at his
Phillip Quinn, 24, from Kent, Washington, was killed when a lava
2004 lamp he was heating on a stove exploded and a shard pierced his
John Hutcherson, 21, drove home drunk with his friend Francis
Brohm, 23, hanging out the passenger window. Hutcherson ran off
Francis 2 the road and sideswiped a telephone-pole support wire, decapitating
Daniel September Brohm. Hutcherson continued the final 12 miles to his Atlanta,
Brohm 2004 Georgia home, parked in the driveway and then went to bed. A
neighbor found the headless body in the truck the next

Kenneth Kenneth Pinyan died from injuries caused by anal sex with a
Pinyan stallion.[215]
Mildred Mildred Bowman, 62, and Alice Wardle, 68, were two sisters killed
Bowman in Benidorm, Spain after becoming trapped for four days when their
and Alice
fold-up bed collapsed.[216]
Steve Irwin was a world-renowned Australian wildlife expert and
television personality best known for his wildlife documentary show
The Crocodile Hunter, and was well known for often handling and
interacting with dangerous, often predatory animals such as
crocodiles and venomous snakes. Irwin died from blood loss after
being pierced in the heart by a startled short-tail stingray's barb
while filming in shallow water in the Great Barrier Reef for his
Steve daughter's television program during a lull in filming for Ocean's
Irwin Deadliest, another wildlife documentary series Irwin was taking part
in. Unlike many of the animals Irwin gained fame and notoriety for
interacting with, stingrays were not often viewed as particularly
dangerous animals by many prior to this incident. The incident was
captured on film, and it was considered the only known video
recording of a fatality by a stingray. The footage was never
released, and all recordings of the incident were destroyed at the
behest of Irwin's family.[217][218]
Humberto 2007 Humberto Hernandez, a 24-year-old Oakland, California resident,
Hernandez was killed after being struck in the face by an airborne fire hydrant
while walking. A passing car had struck the fire hydrant and the
water pressure shot the hydrant at Hernandez with enough force to
kill him.[219][220][221]
Adelir Antônio de Carli, a Brazilian Catholic priest and skydiver,
undertook a Cluster balloon flight on 20 April 2008. The intention
21 April was to break the endurance records for this type of flight and raise
2008 funds for charity. However, contact was lost part-way through. The
de Carli
lower part of his body was found floating in the sea eleven weeks
later on 4 July.[222][223][224]
Carlos Alhinho, 59-year-old Portuguese professional football central
defender and manager, died in Benguela, Angola after he opened
Carlos 31 May the doors of an elevator and stepped in, only to find the carriage
Alhinho 2008 was not there but on the ground floor. He fell five floors onto the top
of the cabin, and, though receiving immediate medical attention,
died shortly afterwards.[225]
David Phyall, 50, the last resident in a block of flats due to be
David demolished in Bishopstoke, near Southampton, England,
5 July 2008
Phyall decapitated himself with a chainsaw to highlight the injustice of
being forced to move out.[226][227]
Judy Kay Zagorski died of blunt force craniocerebral trauma when a
Judy Kay
2008 75-pound (34 kg) spotted eagle ray leapt out of the water and
knocked her over. The ray also died.[228][229][230]
A 43-year-old Irish mother of four died of an allergic reaction after
having sex with a German Shepherd dog.[231] The owner of the dog,
Unknown 2008 Sean McDonnell, and the woman met in an Internet chat room for
bestiality. McDonnell was prosecuted and added to a sex offender

Mark Fidrych, a 54-year-old former Major League Baseball pitcher of

Mark 13 April the Detroit Tigers, died while working underneath his dump truck
Fidrych 2009 when his clothes became entangled with the power takeoff drive
shaft, suffocating him.[233]

Taylor Mitchell, a 19-year-old Canadian folk singer, was killed by a

Taylor 28 October
pair of coyotes while hiking in Cape Breton Highlands National Park,
Mitchell 2009
in the only known fatal coyote attack on an adult.[234][235][236]
November Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada, a 25-year-old supermarket employee
2009 from Council Bluffs, Iowa, is believed to have fallen into the 18-inch
Larry Ely
(discovered gap between a cooler and a wall and become trapped. His body was
in January not discovered for almost ten years, when the cooler was finally
identified in
July 2019)

3 March A 14-year-old boy from Jiaozhou, Shandong, China was killed when
2009 the pneumatic cylinder in his office chair exploded.[238][239]

Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
Muraka Jenny Vearncombe, 42, was decapitated by a piece of a
Muraka Jenny
2010 metal pipe flung by a tractor-pulled lawnmower as she walked to
work in Townsville, Australia.[240]
Mike Edwards, 62, cellist and a founding member of the band
Electric Light Orchestra, died when a large, round bale of hay
Mike Edwards September
rolled down a hill and collided with the van he was
26 Jimi Heselden, 62, owner of Segway Inc., died after apparently
Jimi Heselden September
riding a Segway Personal Transport System off a cliff.[244]
Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, died after being stabbed in the leg at an
Jose Luis
2011 illegal cockfight in Tulare County, California, by a bird with a
knife-like spur strapped to its leg.[245][246]
Edward Archbold, 32, of West Palm Beach, Florida, choked on
2012 "arthropod body parts" during a cockroach-eating
Erica Marshall, a 28-year-old British veterinarian in Ocala,
Florida, died when the horse she was treating in a hyperbaric
Erica Marshall 2012
oxygen chamber kicked the wall, released a spark from its
horseshoes which triggered an explosion.[249][250][251]
88-year-old Ilda Vitor Maciel died in a Brazilian hospital in Barra
Ilda Vitor Mansa (south of state of Rio de Janeiro), allegedly as a result of
Maciel nursing technicians injecting soup through her IV drip instead of
her feeding tube.[252]
Elisa Lam, from Vancouver, British Columbia, was missing for
February several weeks before being found dead in a large water tank on
Elisa Lam
2013 the roof of the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles, after guests
complained about the taste of the water.[253]
Takuya Nagaya, 23, from Japan, started to slither on the floor
Takuya and claimed he had become a snake. Takuya died after his
Nagaya father spent the next two days head-butting and biting him "to
drive [out] the snake that had possessed him."[254]
Roger Mirro was crushed by a trash compactor while looking
Roger Mirro 2013
through a dumpster for his phone.[255]
An unnamed Belarusian fisherman, 60, bled to death after being
Unknown 2013 bitten by a beaver which he had tried to grab in order to have his
picture taken with it.[256][257]
João Maria de Souza, 45, was crushed in his bed by a cow
falling through the roof of his home in Caratinga, Minas Gerais in
João Maria de
2013 Southeast Brazil. The cow had climbed on top of the house from
a steep hillside behind it. Both the cow and de Souza's wife (who
had been in bed next to him) were unharmed.[258]
Denver Lee St. Clair was asphyxiated by an "atomic wedgie"
administered by his stepson during a fight. After St. Clair had
Denver Lee St.
2013 been knocked unconscious, the elastic band from his torn
underwear was pulled over his head and stretched around his
neck, strangling him.[259][260]
Kendrick Johnson, 17, was discovered trapped upside down in a
10 rolled-up gym mat in his high school gymnasium. Police
January originally concluded he had climbed in to retrieve a shoe and
2013 became trapped, but the case was later reopened as a possible
James January 68-year-old James Campbell, of Cantonment, Florida, left his
Campbell 2013 1995 Chevy van to open metal gates that blocked his driveway
and released his dog, a Boxer, who jumped into the driver side of
the car and activated the acceleration pedal, causing the van to
run over Campbell. His wife, Iris Fortner attempted to stop the
van from backing up after the dog leapt into the car, but was
unsuccessful. Campbell became trapped under the car and was
pronounced dead at the scene.[266][267]
Miguel Martinez, 14, from Lubbock, Texas, was impaled through
Miguel the chest by the horn of a bull statue while playing hide-and-
Martinez seek at night in front of the National Ranching Heritage
The two young brothers, aged 4 and 6, were killed by an African
rock python during a sleepover at their friend's home in New
Noah Barthe, Brunswick, Canada. The large snake had escaped its enclosure
Connor Barthe in the apartment and slithered through ducts until it fell through
the ceiling of the bedroom where they slept. Though it
suffocated the children it did not attempt to eat them.[269][270]
Hayato Tsuruta, 28, from Japan, with intellectual disabilities, ran
Hayato away from his residential facility and went to a supermarket.
Tsuruta There he consumed so many doughnuts displayed that he
choked to death.[271][272]
Heval Yıldırım, 13, of Turkey was killed when a sacrificial goat
bought for Eid al-Adha jumped off the roof over a protective
Heval Yıldırım 2014 fence and fell onto him. Yıldırım's father placed the goat on the
roof of the building where he lived because he could not find
another suitable place to keep it.[273]

20 Christophe de Margerie, an oil executive, was killed when his

Christophe de corporate jet collided with a snowplow reportedly driven by a
2014 drunk driver.[274][275]

Peng Fan, a chef in Foshan, China, was bitten by a cobra's

Peng Fan 2014 severed head, which he had cut off 20 minutes earlier while
preparing a soup.[276][277]
Peter Biaksangzuala, an Indian association football player from
2014 Mizoram state, died after sustaining spinal cord injuries while
awkwardly landing a somersault celebrating a goal.[278]
Jalyn, 5, was killed by a leaping sturgeon while she was boating
2 July with her family near Fanning Springs, Florida. Her mother, Tanya
Jalyn Rippy
2015 Faye, 31, and her brother, Trevor, 9, were also injured and
needed facial reconstruction surgery.[279]
Charmayne Maxwell, a member of American R&B group
Brownstone, died after falling backward while holding a wine
2015 glass. During the fall the wine glass shattered on the ground
behind Maxwell's head, and the shards pierced her neck,
causing profuse bleeding.[280]
Chelsea Ake-Salvacion, 24, an employee of a Henderson,
Chelsea Ake- Nevada salon, was suffocated while using a cryotherapy
Salvacion machine set to the wrong level, which eliminated the oxygen in
the chamber.[281][282]
Lee Jane 2015 Lee Jane, 57, an English lorry driver, was run over by his own
skip lorry as it careened towards a hospital building, after failing
to engage the handbrake.[283][284]

Ravi Ravi Subramanian, an Air India technician, was sucked into an

Subramanian aircraft's jet engine.[285][286]
Stephen Whinfrey, 50, became trapped and asphyxiated when
2015 rabbiting near Doncaster, England, after his head became stuck
down a rabbit hole.[287]
V. Kamaraj, a 40-year-old Indian bus driver, was claimed by local
Indian newspapers to have been killed by a meteorite which left
a two-foot (61 cm) crater, although officials from NASA oppose
that view saying that the most likely explanation was a land-
based explosion. According to a preliminary report by the
V. Kamaraj 2016
National College Instrumentation Facility (NCIF) in Trichy, a
scanning electron microscope (SEM) study on the evidence of
the samples retrieved from the campus in Vellore from where the
blast occurred showed "the presence of carbonaceous
Lottie Michelle Belk, 55, was fatally stabbed in the chest by a
2016 beach umbrella blown by a strong wind.[292] Wind speeds at the
Michelle Belk
time reached 20–25 miles per hour (32–40 km/h).[293][294]
Caleb Schwab, 10, was decapitated when he was ejected from
Caleb Schwab 2016
his raft on Verrückt, a 168-foot-tall (51 m) water slide.[295]
Irma Bule, 29, an Indonesian dangdut singer who performed with
Irma Bule 2016 live snakes, died during a concert after being bitten by a king
cobra and refusing treatment.[296][297]

Anton Yelchin, 27, an American actor known for portraying Pavel

Chekov in the Star Trek reboot movie series, was found pinned
Anton Yelchin 2016 between his car and a brick wall. His driveway was on an incline
and his car was found running and in neutral.[298][299]

A 7-year-old girl died after being struck by a stone thrown by an

Unknown 2016 elephant from its enclosure at the zoo at Rabat,
Kristopher Moules, 25, a Corrections Officer and Timothy Gilliam
Jr., 27, an out of county inmate being housed at the Luzerne
County Correctional Facility in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania,
Kristopher fell to their deaths after an altercation between the two caused
Moules and them to slam into the exterior of the fifth floor elevator doors.
Timothy Despite the elevator having its up-to-date working credentials,
Gilliam Jr. upon impact of the men into the elevator doors, the doors
popped open, causing the two men to fall five flights down the
elevator shaft to their deaths. The county declared CO Moules'
death a homicide and declared Gilliam's death an accident.[302]
On 21 November 2016, a powerful southerly change in
Melbourne, Australia, resulted in the death of 10 asthmatic
people who succumbed to respiratory failure.[303] This was due
Ten people 2016
to a stark wind (60 km/hour) that distributed ryegrass pollen into
the moist air, rupturing them into very fine specks, particles
small enough to enter people's lungs.[304]
Charlie Holt 2017 Charlie Holt, 5, was killed at the Sun Dial Restaurant, a rotating
restaurant at the top of Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel in Atlanta,
Georgia; his head was caught in a small space between the
rotating and non-rotating sections.[305]
Akbar Salubiro, a 25-year-old man, was killed and swallowed by
a reticulated python in Indonesia, in the first fully confirmed case
2017 of a snake swallowing an adult human.[306] A second case in
Indonesia happened the following year, when another reticulated
snake killed and swallowed an adult woman in her garden.[307]
Robert Dreyer, 89, drowned on his birthday after crashing his car
into a fire hydrant. Dreyer successfully stepped out of his car,
Robert Dreyer 2017 but was swallowed by a sinkhole likely created as a result of the
destruction of the fire hydrant and subsequent water
Debra Bedard, 58, died after falling from a golf cart onto shards
Debra Bedard 2017 of wine glasses that had broken in her hands in Calaveras
County, California.[309]
Rebecca Burger, 33, a fitness blogger and model, died after a
Rebecca pressurized canister of whipped cream exploded and struck her
Burger in the chest. The injury caused Burger to go into cardiac
Hidr Korkmaz, 42, a Turkish-Dutch drug dealer and informant,
died while fishing when he threw his fish hook into an electric
Hidr Korkmaz 2017 wire. Though he was a witness in the case against Dutch
criminal Willem Holleeder, he was not important to the case and
authorities treated it as an accident.[311]
Elizabeth Isherwood, 60, walked naked into an airing cupboard
at the villa she was renting and shut the door. When she tried to
leave, part of the door handle broke off in her hand. She dug into
Elizabeth the wall in an attempt to escape, but struck and burst a pipe,
Isherwood which sprayed water into the cupboard and caused her eventual
death by hypothermia. She was found several days later. Why
she had shut herself in the cupboard in the first place remained
a mystery.[312]
49-year-old Raildo Matias Santos, drowned on a bucket of water
Raildo Matias October in Jaguaquara, Brazil. Santos, who was drunk, attempted to
Santos 22, 2017 fetch a 20-litre gallon of water and tripped and fell in a kneeling
position. Santos was epileptic.[313][314]
Rajesh Maru, 32, died at Nair Hospital in Mumbai after carrying a
metal oxygen tank into a room housing an MRI scanner; the
machine's magnetic field pulled Maru in, pinning his hand and
breaching the tank, releasing liquid oxygen.[315] A hospital
employee had asked Maru to transport the tank, as Maru's
hospitalized relative would need it during her scan.[315][316] An
Rajesh Maru 2018
autopsy showed that Maru died instantly from pneumothorax
brought on by exposure to very high levels of leaked
oxygen.[315] Conflicting reports state two or three hospital
employees were arrested for negligence.[317][315] The
Maharashtra state government compensated Maru's family
500,000 rupees.[317]
Elaine Herzberg, a 49-year-old woman in Tempe, Arizona, died
after being hit by a self-driving car operated by Uber, as she
Elaine crossed the road, in what was reported to be the first death of a
Herzberg pedestrian struck by a self-driving car on public roads. In
response to the fatal accident, Uber suspended self-driving car
tests in all U.S. cities.[318][319]
Ateef Rafiq 2018 Ateef Rafiq, 24, died from cardiac arrest in a cinema in
Birmingham, England whilst looking for his dropped mobile
phone. His head became wedged under the electronic footrest of
a seat.[320]
On 10 April 2018, 16-year-old high-school student Kyle Plush
died after becoming trapped in his Honda Odyssey, which was in
his school's parking lot in Cincinnati, Ohio. Attempting to reach
his tennis equipment, Plush leaned over the third row of seats
10 April into the trunk. When the row of seats "squashed his chest",
Kyle Plush
2018 Plush became pinned and later died. During the incident, the
teen called 9-1-1 twice, by using Apple iPhone's Siri voice-
activation. Responding to the 9-1-1 calls, police were not able to
find Plush; he was eventually discovered in the vehicle by his
father about six hours later.[321]
Jennifer Riordan, 43, a passenger aboard Southwest Airlines
Flight 1380, died after debris from an engine failure struck and
destroyed the window she was sitting next to. She was partially
Jennifer blown out through the window, but was pulled back into the
Riordan aircraft and was given CPR until an emergency landing was
made. She died upon arrival at hospital with her cause of death
determined to be blunt trauma to the head, neck and
Hildegard Whiting, 77, died of suffocation from the carbon
Hildegard dioxide vapors produced by four dry ice coolers in a Dippin' Dots
Whiting delivery car.[324][325] The car was borrowed by the deliveryman's
wife to take Whiting home.[324][325]
Sam Ballard, 29, died from angiostrongyliasis after eating a
Sam Ballard 2018
garden slug as a dare eight years earlier.[326]
Linda Goldbloom, 79, died after being hit by a foul ball at Dodger
2018 Stadium. Goldbloom's death was the first in nearly 50 years
directly attributed to a foul ball.[327]
Salvator Disi, 62, was decapitated while using a power cart to
jump start a helicopter in Hernando County, Florida. The
Salvator Disi 2019
unexpected up-and-down motion of the helicopter caused the
rotor blades to strike Disi.[328]
On 5 April 2019, Darren Hickey, a 51-year-old wedding planner
from Horwich, England, died after eating a scalding-hot fishcake
5 April at a wedding. The cause of death was ruled to be asphyxiation.
Darren Hickey
2019 The pathologist who performed Hickey's autopsy called the case
"extremely rare" and likened Hickey's symptoms to those of
victims who have inhaled smoke during house fires.[329]

Paul 17 April Paul McDonald, 47, was attacked and killed by a pet deer on his
McDonald 2019 property in north-east Victoria, Australia.[330][331]
Elena "Lena" Struthers-Gardner, 60, was carrying a mason jar-
style drinking glass with a screw-top lid in her kitchen when she
Struthers- July 2019
collapsed. The 10-inch stainless steel straw entered her left eye
socket and pierced her brain.[332][333]
Yulia Sharkom, 21, was trying to grab her 2-year-old daughter
from her car through the half-open front seat window in Belarus
Yulia when her neck was jammed by the window after her daughter
Sharkom pressed the automatic switch. She died eight days later, having
suffered asphyxia leading to brain damage due to the accidental
window garroting.[334]
Michael Kosanovich, 21, was crushed to death by a 2002 Lexus
Michael IS300s automobile after its owner started it by remote control.
Kosanovich The car rolled forward, and he was pinned between two

Name of Date of
Image Details
person death
Sergio Millán, 59, was alone in his apartment in Torreforta, Tarragona, Spain
when an explosion in a petrochemical plant 3 kilometres away launched a
Sergio Millán January
one-ton iron plate into the apartment above him, which caused the ceiling to
collapse, killing him.[337]
Hoong Leong, 37, was struck in the shoulder by a falling gas cylinder whilst
walking home during stormy conditions near The Rocks in Sydney, Australia.
Hoong Leong February
Leong survived the initial impact but went into cardiac arrest and died upon
arrival at hospital.[338][339]

Valentin Three people died of carbon dioxide suffocation and drowning when 25 kg of
Didenko, Yury dry ice was thrown into an indoors swimming pool at a sauna party in
Alferov, Natalia Moscow to create a layer of thick white fog over the water surface which
Monakova inadvertently displaced oxygen.[340][341][342]

See also
Autoerotic fatality Death from laughter
Dancing plague of 1518 Execution by elephant
Darwin Awards Spontaneous human combustion
Death by coconut 1000 Ways to Die

List of association footballers who died List of people who disappeared
while playing mysteriously
List of causes of death by rate List of political self-immolations
List of cyclists with a cycling-related death List of selfie-related injuries and deaths
List of entertainers who died during a Toilet-related injuries and deaths
performance List of wheel-well stowaway flights
List of inventors killed by their own List of people who died on the toilet
inventions Category:Lists of people by cause of death
List of last words Category:Lists of things considered unusual
List of people executed for witchcraft

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Further reading
Winterbotham, Russell R. (1929). "Curious and Unusual Deaths" (
oks?id=JS5mHAAACAAJ). Haldeman-Julius, Girard, Kansas.
Powell, Michael (5 August 2008). Curious Events in History (
d=7HTfGRRllAQC). Sterling Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4027-6307-6.
Daws, Nick (2005). Daft Deaths and Famous Last Words. Lagoon Books. ISBN 978-1-9047-
Dreher, Dale. ebook Death by Misadventure: 210 Dumb Ways to Die.
Southwell, David; Twist, Sean (1 September 2007). Mysterious Deaths and Disappearances (ht
tps:// The Rosen Publishing Group. ISBN 978-1-
John Dunning Strange Deaths (true crime)
Stevenson, Val (1 January 2000). Strange Deaths: More Than 375 Freakish Fatalities (https://b ISBN 978-0-7607-1947-3.
Bellamy, John G (1 December 2008). Strange Inhuman Deaths (
s?id=1wrJygAACAAJ). ISBN 978-0-7509-3864-8.
Sieveking, Paul (2011). The Fortean Times Book of Strange Deaths (
books?id=5RpLMwEACAAJ). ISBN 978-1-907779-97-8.
Sieveking, Paul (October 1998). The Fortean Times Book of More Strange Deaths (https://book ISBN 978-1-902212-02-9.

External links
Curious and Unusual Deaths Pictures ( Discovery Channel.
Freakish Fatalities (

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