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Peyton Machado

Philosophy Statement
The population I was to serve is the general population. I plan on focusing on the
improving education on dental and oral hygiene amongst all ages, gender, races,
ethnicities, etc. My passion for the dental field started my freshman year of high school.
I remember singing up for the early childhood class because I thought it would be
interesting but ended up being put in the Dental Aide program, a program focused on
dental hygiene and office practices. I decided to give it a chance because it was
something new I had never looked into and the teacher seemed like she knew what she
was talking about. The first year was more about the human anatomy and physiology so
I was not quite sure about dentistry then, but when the second year came around and
we started learning about teeth, I fell in love. Because my teacher was once a dental
hygienist and knew so much about the topic, she was able to convey the information
well and make it interesting. I also attended a non-profit event called Give Kids A Smile
created by the American Dental Association where dental professionals provide free
cleanings, tooth extractions, and cavity fillings to children in low income families who do
not have health insurance. From this moment on I knew I wanted to have some part in
the dental field.
As time continues and I learn more about the importance of public health, I
realize that not everyone shares the same knowledge as me. Although I am fortunate
enough to go deeper into the topic of public health and learn about the varying aspects
within, not everyone is lucky enough to do so. I want to play a part in increasing the
public’s awareness of important health topics including mental, physical, and emotional
health. The right to knowing as much as you can about your own health is one thing I
find extremely important and would like to share this interest with anyone willing to
listen. Helping someone live their healthiest life and giving them the resources they
need to do so is a goal I have for my career. My beliefs align with both the functioning
philosophy and the social change philosophy. Knowing your own body and making
health choices based on you, not society, is an important part of being healthy mentally,
emotionally, and physically. Having social support is also very important in making
changes for yourself. Group initiatives to encourage changes for a healthy lifestyle can
be one of the most influencing factors for someone to make better choices for
In the summer of 2021 I will be graduating from The University of North Florida
with my Bachelor’s of Science in Health with a concentration in Public Health and a
minor in Health Education. In the following years I plan to share the importance of
dental hygiene and how it can have effects on other aspects of your life. By going to
school for dental hygiene and obtaining my Associates of Science in that field, I will
begin working in a dental office assisting with cleaning teeth as well as promoting the
importance of keeping up with dentist visits as well as proper hygiene at home. I also
plan to look into how dental professionals, in combination with public health workers,
can bring better dental care to lower income communities. Creating programs to teach
children how to properly take care of their teeth can make a big difference in their lives.
Looking into bringing Give Kids A Smile to Jacksonville every year and getting more
dental professionals involved to provide care for underserved communities is something
I want to look into.

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