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Have a similar appearance or personality (especially a relative)
▪ She takes after her mother – they have the same green eyes and curly brown hair.
▪ John is such a funny person. He takes after his grandfather, who was a comedian.


Separate something into parts
▪ The technician is taking apart the TV so that he can fix it.


1) Return something to a store:
▪ The jeans I bought were too small, so I took them back and exchanged them for a larger
2) Admit that something you said was wrong:
▪ I’m sorry I said you were stupid. I take it back.


1) Separate a structure into parts
▪ After the circus was over, the workers took down the big tents.
2) Write information on paper
▪ She took down my address and phone number and said she’d call me later.

To let somebody stay in your house
▪ My friend lost his job and his apartment, so I took him in for a month.

1) Receive and understand information
▪ The instructor spoke so fast that I couldn’t take in all the information.
2) Make clothing smaller so that it fits you
▪ I love this dress, but it’s a little too loose. Could you take it in an inch?

1) An airplane leaving the ground and going up into the air
▪ What time does the plane take off?
2) Become successful or popular very fast
▪ In the last few years, social media sites have taken off all over the world.
3) Leave a place suddenly (informal)
▪ He was at the party for about 15 minutes, and then he took off.


1) Remove a piece of clothing from your body
▪ I always take off my shoes as soon as I get home.
2) Not go to work for a period of time
▪ Jamie took three days off to go skiing in the mountains

Accept some work or responsibility
▪ Do you have time to take on a new project?

1) Hire or employ somebody
▪ The company has taken on three new staff members.
2) Fight or compete against somebody
▪ In tonight’s boxing match, Antonio will take on an undefeated boxer from Argentina.


Go with somebody to a restaurant or movie and pay for their food or ticket
▪ I’m taking my girlfriend out to dinner on our anniversary.


Remove something from a place
▪ I took the letter out of the envelope.


Treat an innocent person badly because you are tired or angry about something else
▪ Hey, I know you had a terrible day at work – but don’t take it out on me!


Take control
▪ Germany took over several other countries during World War II.


Explain something to somebody in detail
▪ Let me take you through the procedure for operating this machine. First, you need to…

1) Fill space or time
▪ These books are taking up all the space in my room.
▪ Last month an urgent project took up all my spare time.
2) Start doing something regularly
▪ I’ve recently taken up yoga.


Accept an offer or invitation
▪ “When you travel to China, you’re welcome to stay at my house.”
“Really? I might take you up on that!”


Complain to someone about a problem
▪ If you don’t like the way I do my job, take it up with my manager.

Phrasal Verbs with GO

Using the phrasal verbs with go properly will go a long way towards developing you
English language proficiency.

Like all other phrasal verbs in English, go phrasal verbs can be both transitive and

GO AWAY = leave

I made the neighbor kids go away by yelling at them.

GO AROUND = avoid contact, circumvent

We can't go in the back door we got to go around to the front.

GO BACK = return

When are you going back to school?

GO BACK ON = not keep a promise or ones word

It's hard doing business with them. They always go back on their promises.

GO DOWN = decrease or reduce

The cost of gasoline is going down.

GO FOR = A. try to achieve B. enjoy having, crave (idiomatically: hit the spot)

A. She is going for the gold medal at the national championships.

B. It's so hot out. I could really go for an ice cold glass of lemonade.

GO IN FOR = take part in; participate

Are you going in for football this year after school?

GO INTO = discuss in detail or at length

She didn't go into the reasons for the move.

GO OFF = A. Explode

B. begin, start (with alarms or signals)

C. become angry quickly
D. stop (of a machine)

A. The bomb could go off at any moment.

B. The air raid signal went off and scared everyone in the room.
C. He went off in a flash when he heard the news. I've never seen him so upset.
D. The generator went off and we can't get it started again.
GO ON = A. continue B. happen

A. Do go on! I could listen to you sing all day.

B. What's been going on here this morning? This place looks like a pig pen.

GO ON WITH = continue as planned

I think we should go on with the lesson after break.

GO OUT = A. fire stops burning B. social activities; a date

A. The fire went out because we ran out of fuel for it.
B. They love to go out on weekends to the movies.

GO OVER = A. review B. succeed; be received well

A. Do you usually go over the tests in class?

B. The comedian's joke didn't go over well with that crowd last night.

GO THROUGH = A. examine, study carefully B. endure; experience difficulties

A. I need to have my lawyer go through this contract before I sign it.

B. I would never want to go through what she has.

GO THROUGH WITH = proceed despite difficulties

I have decided to go through with the move to Berlin.

GO WITH = A. match or suit B. accompany someone C. have as boyfriend or girlfriend

A. That blouse doesn't go with that skirt.

B. I am going with Jill to school.
C. Sarah is going with John. They make a cute couple.

GO WITHOUT = abstain from; not use or need

A camel can go without water for many, many days.


a. To communicate an idea successfully, to make someone able to understand something

The local residents got their point across at the council meeting.
The book really got across what it was like to be a soldier during WWII.


Also: get along with

a. To have a good, friendly relationship with someone
Harry and I get along really well, but I don’t get along with Lucy at all.
b. To deal with a situation
I’ve been getting along really well in my new job.

a. To travel to many places

I’ve been to France, Australia and Mexico this year. I get around!

b. To become known or to circulate information

Word got around that he was leaving the company


a. To criticise someone frequently, be unpleasant to someone

She keeps getting at me for every little thing. I can’t do anything right!

b. To reach something successfully, gain access to

The kids can’t get at the sweets because I’ve hidden them!


a. To leave or escape from someone or something

Get away from me!

b. To go somewhere to have a rest or holiday

It’ll be nice to get away! Work has been so stressful this past month.


a. To avoid getting caught for something you weren’t meant to do

I got away with sitting in the reserved seats at the cinema!

b. To do something successfully even though it may not be the best choice or way
I think we could get away with just gluing the wood together, rather than nailing it in place.


a. To manage something with difficulty, to make ends meet

Some poor families manage to get by on just £10 a day.

b. To succeed with the minimum effort

He hasn’t revised for his exams at all, but he’s clever enough to get by

a. To feel depressed or unhappy
The political situation at the moment is really getting me down.

b. To party, sometimes dance

You guys were really getting down last night! Did you have a good time?

Complete the sentences using a preposition from the box.

AT - BY - FOR - IN - OF - ON - TO - WITH

1. The young man has been addicted drugs for ages.

2. Ebooks are very much demand at the moment.

3. It was love first sight.

4. There isn't any access the village because the road blocks.

5. I'm afraid I'm not very good animals.

6. I was shocked Sam's behaviour.

7. The commander was charge of all the troops in the region.

8. She knocked over the vase mistake.

9. She was able to visit him a regular basis.

10. They worked hard but didn't come up a solution the


11. He spoke behalf of his colleagues.

12. We are good terms with our neighbours and I want it to stay like


13. We ran out luck. All of the restaurants were closed.

14. Don't be angry me. I didn't do anything wrong.

15. I am absolutely capable preparing my own meal.

16. She was high spirits because she had done well at the exam.

17. the time being, we'll have to do without the internet.

18. You're too early our lesson. why don't you go get some coffee

and wait outside.

19. I am very keen trying to get the right job.

20. You must pay your tickets advance.

21. The murderer was sentenced life imprisonment.

22. What's the matter with you. Is there anything your mind ?

23. He died a heart attack.

24. My sister is suffering cancer .

25. My boyfriend bought me some flowers, much my surprise.

26. That's typical him to always be so late.

27. Grisham's novels have been translated many languages.

28. The police soon had the riots control.

29. Don't waste so much money new clothes.

30. I have to hurry. I want to be time for the new presentation.

31. All trains arriving from London are time.

32. The guard told us to keep the lawn. It has been freshly cut.

1. If I had to make a speech I pretty nervous . (BE)

2. If I you were sleeping I would not have woken you. (KNOW)

3. If the weather fine tomorrow we will be able to go to the beach (BE).

4. You dog so fat if you didn't feed it so often (NOT BE).

5. If her hair were black she completely different (LOOK).

6. If the boy does not write to Santa Clause, he won't get a present (NOT WRITE).

7. They to the meeting if they had been informed about it. (NOT

8. If the trip hadn't been so expensive we reservations for a better hotel


9. If they him for permission he would have agreed (ASK).

10. I'll you the money if you pay me back next week. (GIVE)

11. The workers the road if they had had enough tools (BUILD).

12. If it yesterday we would have gone on a picnic (NOT RAIN).

13. If they locked the door properly nobody into their house (BREAK).

14. If he much time he would go to the university (NOT WASTE).

15. If I found a wallet on the street I it to the owner (RETURN).

16. If I offered a loan I would accept it. (BE)

17. If you ask the policeman he you how to get to the station (TELL).

18. You healthier if you ate less junk food. (BE)

19. The police into the warehouse , if there hadn't been any
gunshots. (NOT BREAK)

20. If I $1,000 I could afford to repair my house (HAVE)

21. If the movie more than 3 hours I won't be able to sit through it. (LAST)

22. If I for a walk this morning I would have seen that broken tree. (GO)
23. If he time he will call his parents (HAVE).

24. If it the match will be cancelled (RAIN)

25. If you had studied more you the exam (NOT FAIL).

26. I would lend you my scooter if you to be careful with it. (PROMISE)

27. If you had had the money, it to me? ( YOU LEND)

28. He would have gone to work last week if he ill (NOT FALL).

29. The teacher will be very angry at you if you your homework

30. If he me what was wrong, I could help him (TELL)

31. If you hadn't watered the flowers, they (DIE)

32. If you don't hurry, you the bus (MISS)

33. If I you, I wouldn't buy that car, (BE)

34. We are going to play tennis if the weather good (BE)

35. She could have won the race if she harder (TRY).

36. If she to bed early, she will get up early (GO)

37. We would have got wet if we our raincoats (NOT HAVE)

38. If I knew it, I earlier (COME)

39. What will you do if you a bad mark (GET) ?

40. If she wears a necklace, the dress better (LOOK).

41. If you near the dog, it would have bitten you (GO)

42. If she the book carefully, she would understand it (READ)

43. If I dancing all night, I up this


44. If I to university , I Sam.

45. I that house if I a choice.

46. If I that England was so cold,

I there last summer.

47. If I to study medicine , I a doctor.

48. She angry at us if she the mess.

49. If I to the radio this morning,

I the news.

50. If I you were coming I a meal.

51. I some photos if I my camera


52. If John does not leave now he (MISS) his train.

53. She (NOT HELP) me if I was in trouble.

54. If he (BE) more careful he wouldn't have got caught.

55. They (MAKE) up a lie if they had thought it would help me.

56. Your dog would not be so fat if you (NOT FEED) it so often.

57. If the weather (BE) fine tomorrow we will go to the beach.

58. She (WORRY) if I told her the truth.

59. If I (HAVE) to hold a speech I would be pretty nervous.

60. If the trip hadn't been so expensive I (MAKE) a reservation.

61. I (INVITE) you to a drink if I pass my English test.

62. He will be really disappointed if you (NOT TELL) him the truth.

63. If you had had the money (YOU LEND) it to me ?

64. If Mary had been free yesterday I (INVITE) her.

65. If the weather (BE) miserable what would you have done ?

66. If you hadn't called I (NOT KNOW) about the meeting.

67. If she had received an invitation she (JOIN) us.

68. If it (NOT RAIN) yesterday we would have gone on a picnic.

69. You would have done it if you (TRY).

70. He (NOT BE) so surprised if he had gone to their last meeting.

71. If I had bought some fresh food I (NOT HAVE) to eat canned
food for breakfast,

72. The constructors (BUILD) the road if they had had enough tools.

73. The author would have finished the book he he (NOT FALL)
seriously ill.

74. The car engine (WORK) if the mechanic had done his job

75. He would have taken the job if he (FIND) the offer acceptable.

76. I (TELL) you the news if I had seen you sooner.

77. I would have bought the larger model if I (BE ABLE) to afford it.

78. I would never have believed it would be possible if I (NOT SEE) it

with my own eyes,

79. If we (HAVE) enough money we would have gone to the concert.

80. If he (NOT FALL) asleep he would not have crashed his car.

81. I (PHONE) Sally if I hadn't forgotten her phone number.

82. If the wind hadn't been so strong the bridge (NOT


83. If you (COME) earlier you would have seen a famous actor.

84. If my alarm clock had rung I (ARRIVE) on time.

85. If I had seen Mary I (TELL) her.

86. If they (NOT PASS) the exam their teacher would have been sad.
87. If it had rained yesterday , (YOU STAY) at home ?

88. If the tent were any smaller one of us (HAVE) to sleep outside.

89. If her hair were black she (LOOK) completely different.

90. If we (HAVE) enough money we would stay in a hotel.

91. If my brother (BE) a foot taller he would be a great basketball player.

92. If I had a good teacher I (BE) good at maths.

93. If I lived in Canada I (SPEAK) English fluently.

94. If you (NOT LIVE) so far away I would visit you more often.

95. If he were asked to drive the car he (NOT REFUSE).

96. If they locked the door nobody (BREAK) into their house.

97. If he (NOT WASTE) so much time he would go to the university.

98. If they (GIVE) everybody a present they would run out of money.

99. They (CELEBRATE) their honeymoon in Asia if they could afford



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