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Samantha Lu

Mr. Martin

Advanced Freshman English

06 December 2017

Mandatory Use of Organic Ingredients

Obesity has taken the lead for causes of preventable deaths. This statistic is easily related

to the rise of fast food consumption over the past couple of decades. However, fast food cannot

be completely eradicated. As fast food cannot be removed or replaced, a simpler solution is

offered. The mandatory use of organic ingredients in fast food should be established. The use of

organic ingredients will counteract preventable deaths, as current fast food has been found to

have a positive correlation with obesity rates. According to an article by Knoxville News -

Sentinel, the​ ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Census Bureau and the

National Conference of State Legislatures revealed in a 2016 study that abnormally high levels

of obesity in Tennessee had been largely contributed to “...unhealthy habits and consequences

(including physical inactivity and diabetes rates) and a small nod to a "food and fitness" category

(which includes the number of fast-food restaurants and fitness centers per capita)” (Campbell).

The study shows the detrimental impact fast food is having on its consumers. It has raised rates

of obesity and has shortened the lifespan of the current generation, showing the necessity of a

change. Loved ones are suffering due to high blood pressure or diabetes, and cannot live

comfortably with their obesity. However, they cannot simply stop eating fast food, as it is

already integrated into the lives of all. Fast food is a quick meal to fit busy lives, yet a change

can still be made, simply by just making the use of organic ingredients in fast food mandatory.
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Organic ingredients specifically are better, as they are healthier than pesticide grown food.

According to a 2002 study from a group of Italian scientists, “ peaches contained about

⅓ higher concentrations of polyphenolic compounds than conventional peaches, while PPO

activity in organic pears was more than 3x higher than in conventional pears” (Marquez 13).

Polyphenols support normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels, regulating the human body’s

health. Obviously, it is seen from the study that organic food is healthier, as there is a high level

in natural chemicals that maintain wellness. If the use of organic ingredients in fast food were

mandatory, then the positive effect it possesses would spread at a faster, wider rate. This

conclusion can be drawn from the fact that constant fast food consumption is widespread,

although unhealthy. With the implementation of organic ingredients, a fast and healthy bite is

available to every consumer, without a trace of doubt. As time passes, customer requests change.

Popular fast food chains have now started to integrate pesticide-free and additive-free ingredients

in their foods, and businesses have been opened surrounding the concept, showing this change is

extremely possible. Examples includes Itsu, a Japanese-themed restaurant, and Pret A Manger.

Julian Metcalfe, owner of the two restaurants, comments on both, saying they are “

alternative to more unhealthy fast food... We have more than 60 stores in the US because people

are bored with eating fried food” (Owen 83) Not only have there been new implementations, but

old ones have changed as well. Before 1990, Mcdonald’s French fries were fried in “... a mixture

of about 7 percent cottonseed oil and 93 percent beef tallow” (Schlosser 120). Ever since then,

more changes have been apparent, such as change from frozen beef patties to fresh ones, and the

use of non-GMO chicken. As seen, there is already action being taken. Restaurants such as Itsu

and Pret A Manger are being established, giving people an open opportunity. Popular chains are
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adjusting, fitting the demands of their consumers, as seen in McDonald’s evolution through time.

However, the most important part is that there are no consequences. There has been no downfall

in the economy, no widespread disease or epidemic, or news headlines of suffering caused by

naturally grown food. There are no possible consequences that can be seen from organic

ingredients being used in fast food. Although slow, the integration of organically grown

ingredients is already happening, showing that it is possible, and can easily be made mandatory.

As seen, there should be a mandatory use of organic ingredients in fast foods. Today’s lives

cannot sustain with just a quick bite, but a healthy one, too. Organic ingredients prove to be

much healthier, and the use of natural ingredients in fast food will greatly improve the lifestyle

of all.
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Works Cited

Campbell, Chuck. "Study: Tennessee Is the No. 5 Fattest State in America." ​Knoxville

News-Sentinel,​ 02 Nov. 2016.

Marquez, Theresa. "Organic Choices Clarified." ​New Life Journal: Carolina Edition​, vol. 6, no.

2, Oct. 2004, pp. 12-43.

Owen, Vicki. "We're Ahead of America in Fast Food - We Don't Just Want Fried Potato Chips."

Mail on Sunday​, 10 Aug. 2014, p. 83.

Schlosser, Eric. ​Fast Food Nation.​ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

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