Title of Unit Grade Level Curriculum Subjects Time Frame Developed by

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Title of Unit Colours, Colours Everywhere! Grade Level Kindergarten

Curriculum Alberta Kindergarten Program of Studies (Alberta Kindergarten Program Statement)
Mathematics, Social, Science, Language Arts,
Subjects Time Frame 3 Weeks (Week 1 is showcased)
Developed By Brianna Nolan


The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt is a book of many concepts – one of colours, one of community, and one of emotions. This is

the text I have chosen to be the basis of my unit because of the many areas one could relate it to. I thought it would be a great starting place to

launch a unit on the examination of colours and of feelings in kindergarten. Additionally, I plan to use The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew

Daywalt as well, as it connects directly to the first text.

With these two texts as my basis, I plan to connect the areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and health into this

cross-curricular unit. When exploring the curriculum for kindergarten, I immediately saw connections between the outcomes of math and

science. By connecting these areas and strategically planning the activities, students may not realize that the subject has switched. In language

arts, I want students to become familiar with the names of colours, and the associations of names and shades. I want students to begin to

understand letter-writing and participate in the process of writing letters, with and without guidance. In mathematics, I want students to explore

patterns because patterns are so often associated with colours. In social studies, I want students to explore a sense of community and

uniqueness within a community. In science, I want students to explore the patterns and properties of objects in the natural world around them.
This will help them to make connections to self and to the word. In health, I want students to be aware of feelings and the fact that everyone

around them, including those in the classroom have feelings. With the many ways I have stated I want students to learn, my main goal is to have

well-rounded students who understand and are aware of the things – objects and people – around them. Reading a book about crayons who

have feelings, I think is a good way to hook students because they themselves use crayons on a daily basis - it is relatable to them.

Throughout this three-week unit, students will have opportunities to work together with their peers as well as time to work as an

individual because I think this is important for students to experience. Many opportunities for play are incorporated into this unit plan because I

believe students, especially young ones can learn a lot through play. Through play, students learn pieces of actual curriculum as well as pieces of

the hidden curriculum. Aspects of the actual curriculum they will learn through play in this unit specifically are incorporated into the subject

areas of language arts, social studies, and health but may also include other areas. The daily structured play time is intended to help students

connect their curricular areas together without them even knowing. Aspects of the hidden curriculum that students will learn through play

include the ability to cooperate with each other and to start understanding each other’s differences. This specifically applies to the structured

play time each day, but play will also occur through literacy and numeracy centers. There will be days where conferences for reading, writing,

and math understanding will be scheduled for the teacher to do with individual students, contributing to the ways students will be assessed.

Other than conferences, the main method of assessment will be observations while students are busy at work.

The big ideas of this unit are related to my teaching philosophy in many ways. I believe that students need to feel included and that they

need to be aware of the other people around them. I think it is important to start teaching from an early age that feelings are okay, but that the

way in which feelings are dealt with and expressed is what really matters. Through this unit, I believe students will be exposed to this idea in
multiple forms. The play-based learning aspect of this unit also relates back to my teaching philosophy as I believe students grow and develop

through play in the classroom. I am a strong believer of read-alouds and involving students in the process. Although the unit is based on two

pieces of literature, there will be many other books and stories that students will be introduced to and will work with throughout the unit for

various activities.

Big Ideas and Essential Questions

Big Ideas Essential Questions

 Colours 1. Where can we find colours in the environment around us?
 Feelings 2. How many colours are there?
 Expressions 3. How do colours help us?
 Uniqueness
 Patterns

Intended Learning Outcomes

GLO’s: Language Arts (Early Literacy):

1. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
2. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
3. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to manage ideas and information.
4. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to enhance the clarity and artistry of
5. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to respect, support and collaborate with others.

Mathematics (Early Numeracy):

2. Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems.
Social Studies (Citizenship and Identity):
1. The child demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the multiple social, physical, cultural and
linguistic factors that contribute to an individual’s unique identity.
2. The child demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of the characteristics and interests that unite
members of communities and groups.

Science (Environment and Community Awareness):

1. The child demonstrates curiosity, interest and a willingness to learn about the environment and community.
3. The child explores familiar places and things in the environment and community.

Health (Personal and Social Responsibility):

4. The child experiences and expresses feelings in socially acceptable ways.
5. The child develops positive relationships with others.
SLO’s: Language Arts:
1.1. Expresses ideas and develops understandings
1.1.1. The child shares personal experiences prompted by oral, print and other media texts.
1.1.2. The child talks about ideas, experiences and familiar events.
1.5. Considers the ideas of others
1.5.1. The child listens to experiences and feelings shared by others.

2.1. Uses prior knowledge

2.1.3. The child expects print and pictures to have meaning and to be related to each other in print and
other media texts.
2.2. Uses comprehension strategies
2.2.1. The child begins to use language prediction skills when stories are read aloud.
2.2.2. The child asks questions and makes comments during listening and reading activities.
2.2.3. The child recalls events and characters in familiar stories read aloud by others.
2.3. Uses textual cues
2.3.1. The child attends to print cues when stories are read aloud.
2.3.2. The child begins to identify some individual words in texts that have been read aloud.
2.4. Uses phonics and structural analysis
2.4.1. The child begins to make connections among sounds, letters, words, pictures and meanings.
2.4.2. The child identifies and generates rhyming words in oral language.
2.4.3. The child hears and identifies sounds in words.
2.5.Uses references
2.5.2. The child copies scribed words and print texts to assist with writing.
2.6. Experiences various texts
2.6.2. The child listens and views attentively.
2.7. Constructs meaning from texts
2.7.2. The child talks about and represents the actions of characters portrayed in oral, print and other
media texts.
2.12. Generates ideas
2.12.1. The child contributes ideas and answers questions related to experiences and familiar oral, print
and other media texts.

3.7. Organizes information

3.7.1. The child categorizes objects and pictures according to visual similarities and differences.
3.9. Evaluates information
3.9.1. The child shares new learnings with others.

4.4. Expands knowledge of language

4.4.1. The child explores and experiments with new words and terms associated with topics of
4.4.2. The child experiments with rhymes and rhythms of language to learn new words.
4.7. Attends to spelling
4.7.1. The child hears and identifies dominant sounds in spoken words.
4.7.2. The child demonstrates curiosity about visual features of letters and words with personal
4.7.3. The child connects letters with sounds in words.

5.5. Cooperates with others

5.5.1. The child participates in class and group activities.
5.5.2. The child finds ways to be helpful to others.
5.6. Works in groups
5.6.1. The child asks and answers questions to determine what the class knows about a topic.
5.6.2. The child listens to the ideas of others.

2.1. The child demonstrates an understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by identifying,
reproducing, extending and creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds and actions.
2.2. The child sorts a set of objects based on a single attribute, and explains the sorting rule

Social Studies:
1.1. The child values his or her own unique characteristics, interests, gifts and talents.
1.2. The child appreciates the unique characteristics, interests, gifts and talents of others:
 Appreciate feelings, ideas, stories and experiences shared by others
1.3. The child examines what makes his or her own unique individuals by exploring and reflecting upon the
following questions for inquiry:
 What are my gifts, interests, talents and characteristics?
 How do my gifts, interests, talents and characteristics make me a unique individual?

2.4 The child examines the characteristics and interests that bring people together in groups by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
 What brings people together in a group?
 What might we share with people in our group?
 Can we belong to several groups at one time?
 How do we know that we belong to groups or communities?

1.2. The child explores and investigates objects and events in the environment.
1.4. The child demonstrates awareness of the properties of objects and events in the environment, by:
 Describing some properties
 Sorting objects according to common properties (colour, size, shape, and texture)

3.1. The child becomes aware of colours, shapes, patterns and textures in the environment.

4.1. The child demonstrates knowledge of different kinds of feelings and a vocabulary of feeling words (ex.
happiness and excitement).
4.2. The child explores the relationship between feelings and behaviours (ex. feelings are okay, but not all
behaviours are okay).
4.3. The child expresses personal feelings in appropriate ways.
5.3. The child demonstrates a positive, caring attitude toward others (ex. expresses and accepts encouragement
and demonstrates fair play).

Introduction, Ongoing, and Concluding Strategies

Strategy Description
Each morning, I have a morning meeting planned because I feel it is a good way to get students prepared for
the day. The activities of the morning meeting will include a variety of activities to get students going –
Morning Meeting
stories, calendar activities, sharing time, songs, and more. Morning meetings are designed to be a safe place
for students to share with their teacher and with their peers – this is my hope for all my students.
Each day, for the last 15 minutes, students will prepare themselves for going home. During this time, the
teacher will read a story to the students to give them some regulation time before sending them home. I feel
End-of-the-Day Routine
that this is important because some students find school over-stimulating. By providing this end-of-the-day
activity, I am helping these students to relax before going home.
I believe in play-based learning as a way for students to succeed! Students, especially those in early childhood
education need play time to get themselves through the day. Although in some instances there is motive
behind the planned play activities, I think it is important to also give them the chance to have free play.
Structured Play Time
During this time, students can also colour, read, rest, or do whatever they need at that moment. This time
period after lunch each day, is another designated spot for regulation among students. Having students
participate in structured play time helps combine curricular areas.
I believe word walls are a fantastic way to engage students in a little bit of reading anytime they look at it. In
kindergarten, I think it is important to have each student’s name on the wall because students like to write to
Word Wall each other. Throughout this unit specifically, the colour words (yellow, green, blue, red, etc.) will be added to
the wall as they are words that we are talking about every day. The more students see them, the more they
will be able to recognize them.


Fostering Effective Relationships Throughout this unit, there are many opportunities for relationship building! I believe relationships
between each member in the classroom are important. Here, students can build relationships with
each other as they work together during centers and in other activities that require group participation.
Also, the teacher can strengthen their relationship with each student throughout activities in the unit,
but especially during the designated conferencing time when the teacher meets individually with each
Throughout this unit, there are many opportunities for a teacher to engage in career-long learning. As a
teacher goes through the unit, reflections happen many times throughout the day but always at the
end of the day. With these reflections, teachers can evaluate how a lesson was and if students
Engaging in Career-Long Learning
understood what the concept(s). With reflection, teachers are committed to continual growth
throughout their career by constantly improving their teaching and being responsive to the needs of
Throughout the planning of this unit, there were multiple instruction and assessment practices
included to accommodate the wide range of students’ needs in any given class. The ability to provide
Demonstrating a Professional Body
multiple forms of instruction and assessment in the planning process as well as in the classroom when
of Knowledge
the unit is being completed demonstrates that the teacher has professional knowledge about how to
work with each student.
Throughout this unit, the activities are encouraging and engaging for every student. The topics
discussed in this unit also help to promote the idea that everyone is different but that we all belong
Establishing Inclusive Learning
together because of those differences. I believe this is something young students need to be aware of
as they grow up and interact with others. Through this unit, this concept is being taught in a way that is
relatable to students – with crayons!
Throughout this unit, there are no explicit links to FNMI content, but in our morning meetings, an
Indigenous practice is used. The sharing time in our daily morning meetings is done in the form of a
Applying Foundational Knowledge
sharing circle. This creates a safe place for students to share their thoughts and feelings with no
about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
judgement – a place for everyone to be heard. I believe that this is an important process to involve
students in even at a young age.
Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Throughout the unit, the teacher is sticking to the obligations of their school community as well as the
Policies code of conduct provided by the Alberta Teacher’s Association.

Assessment Plan

Learning Title Participation Observations Conferences Learning Portfolios
Outcomes Type Formative/Summative Formative/Summative Formative/Summative Formative/Summative
Weighting 10% 50% 30% 20%
Language Arts (GLO 1 and X X
associated SLO’s)
Language Arts (GLO 2 and
associated SLO’s)
Language Arts (GLO 4 and
associated SLO’s)
Mathematics (GLO 2 and
associated SLO’s)
Social Studies (GLO 1 and
associated SLO’s)
Social Studies (GLO 2 and
associated SLO’s)
Science (GLO 1 and
associated SLO’s)
Science (GLO 3 and
associated SLO’s)
Health (GLO 4 and
associated SLO’s)

Assessment FOR Assessment OF

Assessment Tool Description
Learning Learning
Throughout this unit, students will participate in a variety of activities, some
independent, and some with peers. As these activities are done through the unit,
the teacher will observe students and their willingness to participate in the
Participation X X
variety of activities. As the teacher observes students at centers, pictures of
students will be taken to help the teacher reflect and monitor participation, but
also to be shared with parents as it is important to share student learning!
Throughout this unit, observations will be the main form of assessment. Students
will be observed in whole class activities as well as in during center rotations and
when doing independent work. During whole class and general center activities,
Observations X X
the teacher will use checklists to guide their observations of each student. If the
teacher is focussing specifically at one center activity, they will make notes as
students participate, noting the things they say and do throughout the activity.
Conferences Throughout this unit, there are scheduled conferences between students and the X X
teacher. These conferences are a specific way for teachers to make observations
and notes about individual student. As a teacher conferences with the student,
they will take notes to inform assessment decisions when its needed.
Throughout the school year, students will be creating a learning portfolio simply
Learning Portfolios to showcase their growth. Throughout the unit, students will be adding pieces to X X
their learning portfolio which should allow for some growth development.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Language Arts: Mathematics: Language Arts: Mathematics: Art:
 Read “The Day  Introduce  Read “The Day  Whole class  Crayon designing
the Crayons pattern types the Crayons multi-coloured for classroom
Quit” (AB, AAB, AABB) Came Home” patterns crayon box
 Discuss colour Language Arts:  Discuss colour  Physical patterns Play:
words (add them  Centers: Colour words (add them Language Arts:  Emotion role
to the word wall) activities to word wall) –  Centers playing (be the
Mathematics: (identifying identify the new (identifying crayons)
 Recall the names names, writing words names, writing Language Arts:
of some of the names, matching Mathematics: names, matching  Book buddies –
colours from the names with  Centers (object names with share with
book colours, book sorting, pattern colours, book buddies about
 Sort objects into exploration) identifying, exploration) colours
colour groups Play: reproducing, Play:  Read with
Play:  Crayon names extending,  Crayon songs buddies
 Colour scavenger Science: creating) Health:
hunt  Playground Play:  Recall the letters
Social Studies: exploration  Free play around from the book
 Recall the book (what colours the classroom  Identify the
 Review the main can be seen, feelings of each
idea of the story how many crayon
(each crayon felt colours do we  Discuss why they
differently) see) might feel that
 Discuss (Are the way
crayons the
Language Arts: Mathematics:
 Reread “The Day  Centers (pattern Mathematics:
the Crayons making, pattern  Create a colour
Quit” identifying, pattern page for
 Examine one colour sorting) Language Arts: learning
crayon’s letter with conferences  Brainstorm the portfolios
 Identify parts of Language Arts: feelings of some Language Arts: Art:
a letter)  Review colour crayons in the  Student letter  Crayon making
Mathematics: words classroom writing Play:
 Centers (pattern  Create a class  Write a class  Write a letter  Finish crayon
making, pattern letter back to letter to the (pre-formatted) making
identifying, one crayon (the teacher from a back to a crayon  Free play around
colour sorting) one examined classroom (will include all the classroom
2 with conferences the previous crayon student letters in Language Arts:
Play: day) Mathematics: a class book)  Book buddies –
 Create crayon Play:  Centers (pattern Play: share with
puppets  Crayon puppet making, pattern  Practice and buddies the class
 Crayon puppet show identifying, present puppet letter to the
show Science: colour sorting) shows crayons
Social Studies:  Find objects in with conferences Health:  Read with
 Showcase crayon the environment Play:  Read the “The buddies
classroom box outside (weather  Free play around Crayon Box that
 Identify that permitting) the classroom Talked”
there are so  Sort objects  Discuss the
many differences through feelings of those
between different crayons
classmates classifications
3 Language Arts: Mathematics: Language Arts: Mathematics: Art:
 Centers (colour  Centers (pattern  Centers (colour  Pattern art  Pattern Zebra
words, making, words, designs project Project
identifying designing with identifying Language Arts: Play:
colours, crayon shapes) colours, crayon  Create an “I  Free play around
name creations)
with conferences
Mathematics: Language Arts:
 Pattern building  Centers (colour know my colours
(with blocks) words, page” for
 Centers (pattern identifying learning
making, colours, crayon portfolios
name creations)
designing with name creations) Play:
with conferences
shapes) with conferences  Free play around
Play: Play: the classroom the classroom
 Pattern art
 Free play around  Free play around Health: Language Arts:
designs project
the classroom the classroom  Connect “The  Book buddies -
Social Studies: Science: Day the Crayons
 Free play around
 Consider how  Create a learning Quit” crayon
the classroom
the differences portfolio page characters with
of each person in that includes the crayons from
the classroom patterns from “The Crayon Box
make the the outside that Talked”
classroom a environment
good place

Week 1 Details

Time Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8:30 – 9:00 Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Morning Meeting
Language Arts
Mathematics  1.1.1, 1.1.2
Language Arts
Outcomes:  2.2.1, 2.2.2,
Outcomes: Mathematics
 2.1 2.2.3
 1.1.1, 1.1.2 Outcomes: Music
Objectives: Objectives:
 2.2.1, 2.2.2,  2.2
 Students will  Students will
2.2.3 Objectives:
explore a explore a new
Objectives:  Students will
variety of story read
 Students will create patterns
patterns. aloud to them.
9:00 – 10:00 explore a new using objects
 Students will  Students will
story read around the
identify identify new
aloud to them. classroom.
different written words
 Students will  Students will
patterns. associated to
identify new contribute to
 Students will colours.
written words class pattern Gym
recognize  Students will
associated to making.
different recognize
patterns. previously
colour words.
10:00 – 10:15 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess
10:15 – 11:45 Mathematics Language Arts Mathematics Language Arts Art
Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes: Outcomes:
 2.2  2.3.1, 2.3.2,  2.1, 2.2  2.3.1, 2.3.2,
Objectives: 2.5.2 Objectives: 2.5.2
 Students will  3.7.1  Students will  3.7.1
recall colour  5.5.1, 5.5.2, categorize  5.5.1, 5.5.2,
names from 5.6.1, 5.6.2 objects using 5.6.1, 5.6.2
the read aloud Objectives: one rule. Objectives:
text.  Students will  Students will  Students will
 Students will explore colour identify explore colour
explore sorting words through pattern types. words through
rules. a variety of  Students a variety of
 Students will activities. explore activities.
 Students will
 Students will
patterns identifying,
through saying, and
reproducing, writing colour
saying, and
extending and words.
writing colour
creating. Centers:
Centers:  Identifying
 Object sorting colour names
 Identifying
 Pattern  Writing colour
explain their colour names
identifying names
sorting rules.  Writing colour
 Pattern  Matching
Snack Activity: names
reproducing colour names
 How many  Matching
 Pattern with colours
colours are in colour names
extending  Book
your snack? with colours
 Pattern exploration
 Book
creating (with read
Snack Activity: aloud texts)
(with read
 Can you make Snack Activity:
aloud text)
a pattern with  Identify one
Snack Activity:
your snack? colour you see
 Share one
Why or why in your snack
colour you see
not? and point to
in your snack.
the word on
the word wall.
11:45 – 12:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:30 – 2:00 Structured Play Structured Play Structured Play Structured Play Structured Play
Objectives: Objectives: Free Play Wednesday! Objectives: Objectives:
 Students will  Students will  Students can  Students will  Students will
explore the explore the play with create lyrics to understand the
classroom names of whatever they a song they are feelings of
environment crayons (that want. familiar with. each crayon
to find items of exist already). Curriculum Connect: Curriculum Connect: character
each colour.  Students will  Language Arts  Language Arts through role
 Students will
create new
work with their  Social Studies playing.
crayon names
peers.  Health  Health Curriculum Connect:
for each
Curriculum Connect: Snack Activity: Snack Activity:  Language Arts
 Language Arts  Can you make  Identify one  Social Studies
Curriculum Connect:
 Mathematics a pattern with colour you see  Health
 Language Arts
 Science your snack? in your snack Snack Activity:
Snack Activity:
Snack Activity: Why or why and point to  Share your
 Share one
 How many not? the word on favourite
colour in your
colours are in the word wall. colour.
your snack?
2:00 – 2:15 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess
Science Language Arts
Social Studies
Outcomes: (Buddies)
Outcomes: Health
 1.2, 1.4 Outcomes:
 1,1, 1,2 Outcomes:
 3.1  1.1.2
 2.4  4.1, 4.2
Objectives:  2.6.2
Objectives: Objectives:
 Students will  3.9.1
 Students will  Students will
explore the Objectives:
recall the read identify
natural  Students will
2:15 – 3:00 aloud text. Gym feelings from
environment review their
 Students will the read aloud
outside the learning of the
discuss with text.
school. week with
their peers a  Students will
 Students will their buddy.
variety of discuss what it
identify  Students will
questions. means to feel
properties of listen as their
 Students will emotions.
the objects buddy reads to
contribute to
they see. them.
3:00 – 3:15 End-of-the-Day End-of-the-Day End-of-the-Day End-of-the-Day End-of-the-Day

Differentiation Plan

What is the differentiation What will happen? How will it help?

I think the more changes that happen, the less
Activities will be changing many times throughout the behaviour outbursts there will be because change
day as well as throughout each subject block. With the allows for many opportunities to re-engage students
Behaviour Problems changing of activities, students will have multiple with the material. Although some students struggle
opportunities to re-engage with the material being with change, using a variety of activities helps all
taught or explained. students as it allows the material to be taught in ways
that meet each student’s needs.
In kindergarten, it is not super likely to have many
diagnosed ADHD students, rather many students at
this age seem to portray the symptoms. With that,
During center rotations, as well as during whole class the flexible seating is available to all students, but the
activities, there is the opportunity for free seating. teacher may ask them to reconsider their choice of
Students, in most circumstances, will have the who is beside them if problems occur. For fidgets, if a
opportunity to sit where they like. Additionally, students student asks for one, the teacher will monitor the
can ask for a fidget or another sensory item if focusing is student with it to ensure it is being used appropriately
a challenge for them at that moment. and not just as a toy. If the fidgets become a problem,
the teacher can ask for it back and work with the
student to find another strategy to help them regain
their focus.
Giving students access to the read aloud texts not
During whole group activities such as read alouds, the
only helps the ELL students but all students. The more
book being read will be available for students to read
a child can work with a text or a set of words, the
afterwards on their own when they have some free
more likely they are to become familiar with it. As
reading time. For center activities, students will be in
English Language Learners kindergarten students are just being introduced to
groups of mixed reading ability, so that these students
reading and writing, providing instructions with
can still participate if they cannot read the instructions.
pictures also helps all students, but especially those
Most instructions will also be given with pictures to
who are learning English in addition to the other
enhance the visual connection with text.
concepts of school.
Autism The weekly schedule is developed at the beginning of the Students with Autism thrive on routine. Keeping the
year and remains the same throughout including this weekly schedule, the same throughout the year
unit. During center activities, the students will be with benefits these students in big ways as they know the
the same group of students for literacy centers and structure of each day. Another sense of sameness
another group of students for numeracy centers, but found in these differentiations is the groupings of
students during center activities. By keeping these
groups the same, a sense of security to students with
those groups will remain the same throughout the unit.
Autism is given. Visuals will be used to support these
During whole class activities when instructions are being
students because often it is difficult for them to only
given, the teacher will make use of visual cues to support
process verbal instructions – it takes a long time and
their verbal instructions, and will also use the I do, We
can be frustrating. Finally, the I do, We do, You do
Do, You Do method to help students gain practice and
method is a great tool for transitioning students into
confidence before completing a task on their own.
independent work as it gives them the confidence
they need to keep going.


Main Books:
 The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
 The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt
 The Crayon Box that Talked by Shane Derolf
Other Books could include:
Books  Purple, Green, and Yellow by Robert Munsch
 The Crayon Man by Natascha Biebow
 Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
 A Day with No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch
 Monsters Love Colors by Mike Austin
 Color Dance by Ann Jones
 Alberta Kindergarten Program Statement
 Tompkins, G. E. (2013). 50 literacy strategies: Step by step. Boston: Pearson.
Other Resources  Tompkins, G. E., & Rodgers, E. (2020). Literacy in the early grades: a successful start for preK-4 readers and writers
(5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Trehearne, M. P. (2016). Multiple paths to literacy K-2. Calgary, Alberta: Miriam P. Trehearne.
Lesson Plan

Unit Colours, Colours Everywhere! Grade Level Kindergarten Subject Language Arts
Curriculum Alberta Kindergarten Program of Studies (Alberta Kindergarten Program Statement)
Lesson # Week 1 – Monday Lesson Length 60 minutes
Developed By Brianna Nolan

Desired Results
1. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
2. The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Learning Outcome(s): 1.1. Expresses ideas and develops understandings
1.1.1. The child shares personal experiences prompted by oral, print and other media texts.
1.1.2. The child talks about ideas, experiences and familiar events.
2.2. Uses comprehension strategies
2.2.1. The child begins to use language prediction skills when stories are read aloud.
2.2.2. The child asks questions and makes comments during listening and reading activities.
2.2.3. The child recalls events and characters in familiar stories read aloud by others.
1. Where can we find colours in the environment around us?
Unit Essential Questions 2. How many colours are there?
3. How do colours help us?
 Students will explore a new story read aloud to them.
Learning Objectives  Students will identify new written words associated to colours.

Assessment Evidence
N/A Participation and Observation:
 As students participate in read
aloud activities, the teacher will
observe and monitor student
participation. If students are not
participating willingly, the teacher
Summative Assessment Formative Assessment
can start asking them to answer
 At the end of the lesson, the
teacher will make a few notes
about their overall observations
from the lesson.

Learning Experience
 Book – “The Day the Crayons Quit”
 Whiteboard
Tech to Materials and  Whiteboard markers
Prepare Equipment  Crayons
 Colour word cards (for word wall)
 Word wall
Time Content/Description Differentiations
 Teacher will introduce colours to students and assess their prior
10 minutes
 Students will answer questions by moving around the room
(What is your favourite colour? What is your least favourite
Interactive Read Aloud:  Teacher will be sure that ALL students
 Teachers will read “The Day the Crayons Quit” aloud to students get to see the pictures
15 minutes using the interactive approach  The book will be available for students
 Teachers will engage students before, during, and after the to look through and read after the
reading to guide student understanding story is read
 Exercise Activity (examples shown below):
5 minutes
o Do 5 jumping jacks if you’re wearing a red shirt.
o Do 7 toe touches if you’re wearing a blue shirt.
Review Story:
 Teachers will ask students to name each crayon from the story
10 minutes and state what they were upset about
 As students share, the teachers will write their answers on the
Word Wall:  Teachers will help students put the
10 minutes  Teacher will help students put each colour word on the word wall words on the wall ensuring they go
after they are done discussing the feelings of that crayon under the correct letter
 Students will share one colour from the story – it should be
5 minutes
different from the student before them
 The teacher will get students excited for the next lesson
5 minutes Getting Ready for Recess


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