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Marketing Management

Spring 2019-2020 Final Assessment – Part 2 Section: D Total Marks: 21

Name: Uddin Belal ID: 18-38652-3
Answer the following Questions given below by writing the Appropriate Strategy and with proper explanation of your
chosen strategy within the allocated box.
Total Mark Distribution (14 × 1.5 = 21)
[0.5 mark for identifying the Appropriate Strategy and 1 mark for the Appropriate Explanation)
Question # 01 –
Nestlé Ceregrow containing multiple vitamins for children above 5 years

Appropriate Segmentation Base and Variable:Demographic

Demographic segmentation is market segmentation according to age, race, religion, gender, family size, ethnicity, income, and
education. Demographics can be segmented into several markets to help an organization target its consumers more
accurately.Nestle ceregrow is for kids that’s why its under Demographic segmentation.

Question # 02 –
Lux Channel I Superstar, is a Bangladeshi television reality show that airs on Channel I.
Lux Channel i Superstar contest is the largest event in Bangladesh to hunt beautiful
women who can build career as actress, singer and model.

Appropriate Strategic Alliance:Promotional Alliance

Promotional alliances one company agrees to carry a promotion for another company's product or service.Above in the question we
can see channel eye promoting lux soap by broadcasting a show called lux channel eye super star.

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Question # 03 –
GP STAR subscribers can now avail 5 -10% cashback using the
special Grameenphone Standard Chartered Bank Dual Credit
Card at any grocery outlet or online grocery platform/app.

Appropriate Brand Sponsorship Strategy:Co Brand

Co-branding is a marketing strategy that utilizes multiple brand names on a good or service as part of a strategic alliance.Like
Grameenphone giving discount star subscribers.

Question # 04 –

Apple’s new MacBook Pro starting at $1299/-

Appropriate Pricing Strategy/ies:Market Skimming

Market Skimming Pricing. a pricing approach in which the producer sets a high introductory price to attract buyers with a strong
desire for the product and the resources to buy it, and then gradually reduces the price to attract the next and subsequent layers of
the market.Apple sets a high price for macbooks to attract buyers.

Question # 05 –

City Bank American Express Credit Card Holders can pay

their due bill with bKash App

Appropriate Strategic Alliance:Product and Service Alliance

Product or service alliances -- One company licenses another to produce its product, or two companies jointly market their

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complementary products or a new bank and American express credit card are jointed with bkash those card users can
pay with bkash.

Question # 06 –

Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley, Thums Up Charged, and Rim-Zim are some of the ‘Beverage’ brands of The Coca-
Cola Company in Bangladesh
Appropriate Brand Development Strategy:Multi Brand
Marketing of more than two competing and almost identical products, that belongs to a single organization and
is filled under different and unrelated brands, is called multi-branding.Coca cola sprite Fanta kinley thums up
charged rim zim

Question # 07 –

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APEX Shoes’ Eid Promotion in Bangladesh

Appropriate Segmentation Base and Variable:Behaivioural

Behavioural segmentation is a marketing strategy based on actual consumer buying behaviour. ... In order to divide customers into
groups marketers look at their patterns of buying and using, patterns of spending money and time, their lifestyle and other factors.

Question # 08 –
Different package sizes of ‘Nido’ FortiGrow Milk Powder
by Nestlé Bangladesh Limited.

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Pack = 900 gm (Tk. 890), and 2.5 kg (Tk. 2500), and Bag-in-
box Pack = 300 gm (Tk. 270), and 700g (Tk. 530)

Appropriate Brand Development Strategy:Line Extension

A product line extension is the use of an established product brand name for a new item in the same product category. Line
extensions occur when a company introduces additional items in the same product category under the same brand name such as
new flavors, forms, colors, added ingredients, package sizes. Nido is giving us variable packagings.

Question # 09 –

An Advertisement of Freedom Sanitary Napkin

by ACI Limited

Appropriate Segmentation Base/s and Variable/s:Demographic


Demographic segmentation based on gender: Men and women have distinctive differences in their outlook and how they perceive
how the market functions. Even the market researchers are very clear about the difference in the thought process of both genders,
and so, they manufacture gender-specific products.

Question # 10 –


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holders can enjoy 10% Cashback when making payment at the
06 Physical merchants & 09 Online merchants

Appropriate Strategic Alliance:Pricing Alliance


Question # 11 –
Robi’s Eid Internet Offer - 2 GB @ Tk. 48/-
Validity 3 days, 4 GB @ Tk. 108/- Validity 7
days, and 7 GB @ Tk. 399/- Validity 30 days

Appropriate Segmentation Base and Variable:Behaivioural

Behavioural segmentation is a marketing strategy based on actual consumer buying behaviour. ... In order to divide customers into
groups marketers look at their patterns of buying and using, patterns of spending money and time, their lifestyle and other factors.

Question # 12 –
Aarong Dairy’s product offerings such as Pasteurized Milk, UHT Milk, Butter, Ghee, Cheese, UHT Milk Drinks,
Sweetened Curd, Laban, Matha, Gulab Jamun, Rasgulla, and other products all carrying the name “Aarong Dairy".

Appropriate Brand Sponsorship Strategy:Mnaufacturer Brand

Appropriate Brand Development Strategy:Brand Extension

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Brand extension is a marketing strategy in which an organization that markets a product or service with a well-developed
image uses the same brand name but in a different business category.

Question # 13 –
Takeout celebrates their 1st year of operations in Sri Lanka

Appropriate Segmentation Base and Variable:Geographic


Geographic segmentation is a common strategy when you serve customers in a particular area, or when your broad target audience
has different preferences based on where they are located. It involves grouping potential customers by country, state, region, city or
even neighborhood.

Question # 14 –
“Aarong Dairy” is providing Free Home
Delivery for its products ordered through
its verified Facebook page. Along with all
their regular products, the brand is also
selling and delivering 4 options of
combined products at a reduced offer
price, the product offerings are ‘Laban’
200 ml – 6 bottles (market price is Tk.
180/-, offer price is Tk. 160/-), ‘Laban’
500 ml – 2 bottles (market price is Tk. 110/-, offer price is Tk. 100/-), ‘UHT Drink’ - 8 pieces (market price is Tk.
200/-, offer price is 180/-), and ‘UHT Milk 500 ml – 16 pieces (market price is Tk. 720/-, offer price is Tk. 670/-).
Appropriate Pricing Strategy:Product Bundle Pricing

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In a bundle pricing, companies sell a package or set of goods or services for a lower price than they would charge if the customer
bought all of them separately. ... Pursuing a bundle pricing strategy allows you to increase your profit by giving customers a

--- THE END ---

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