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What is Psychopedagogy and its schools of thought?

Psychopedagogy is a combination of two main branches of study, Pedagogy and Psychology. Some
of the most influential authors in this field are Jean Piaget, Ausubel, Jerome Bruner and Lev Vygotsky.
The Psychopedagogy Degree provides students with the tools needed to take part in the different
stages and all the areas of the teaching/learning process. These professionals can act on the people who
take part in this teaching/learning process directly, or indirectly by designing the support material needed to
make this process easier.

What is psychopedagogy and its schools of thought? (extract), retrieved from
psychopedagogy-and-its-schools-of-thought on April 20th, 2020

Piaget vs Vygotsky
The theories developed by Piaget and Vygotsky are often used in contrast with one another for many
educational learning books. This is because they have two learning theories with a lot of differences, but still
impacting on understanding the cognitive development of early learners.

Here are some of the key similarities between Piaget and Vygotsky:
•Learning is gradual for children and new information gets more complex and developed as they get older.
•Both recognize nature and nurture as important and things that coexist in learning and development.
•The cognitive development of children happens in stages and is sequential.
It doesn’t sound like a lot of similarities, but these are very important in recognizing the underlying important
of how children learn. The key point that Piaget and Vygotsky share is that learning is sequential and
development, requiring certain stages to happen before progression to the next step can occur.

Moving on from what is similar, here is a look at the differences between Piaget and Vygotsky:

Piaget Vygotsky
Cognitive development is already formed and
Cognitive development is driven by social
driven by the way children adapt to new
interaction and experiences.
Children learn through active self-discovery and Children need constructed guidance to learn and
awareness. develop.
Cognitive development is universally similar for all Cognitive development varies and differs
children. depending on culture and time.
Children can learn at any point by having the ZPD
Children will only learn when they are ready.
scaffolded and shaped.
Language is the key to unlocking cognitive
Language is the result of cognitive development.

Piaget vs Vygotsky (extract), retrieved from on April 20th, 2020.

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