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5 Success Secrets I Learned From

Million Dollar Listing New York


One of the most important things when learning In celebration, here are 14 success secrets that I’ve
ANYTHING is the ability to see examples of what you’re learned while watching and observing Million Dollar
trying to learn in action. Listing New York:

Oddly enough, a great source of such examples can be 1 . TA K E L E A P S O F FA I T H . D O

reality TV.
T H I N G S B E F O R E YO U ’ R E
But not just any reality TV. Most of it is pure crap (unless R E A DY, A N D B E F O R E YO U
you want to learn how to be a nightmare of a housewife). T H I N K YO U CA N .  
One TV show that actually DOES contain extremely
This was a big shift for me, and I felt so much freer when
useful examples of success in action is Million Dollar
I really noticed this and internalized it after watching
Listing New York.  (Sure, it has it’s fair share of focus on
season 2 of this show (although it shows up in every
drama and confrontations, but overlook that. Unless
season -- probably every episode, actually).
you’re into that sort of thing, that is.)

This is something that is very easy to logically understand

Their newest season (Season 5) is actually about to start
(I think we all “get” this) but actually doing it is much
airing in the US this Thursday (April 21, 2016) at 9/8c on
harder. That’s why it’s so valuable to see it in action!
Bravo. So check it out!

Being able to throw caution to the wind, disregard our

Now, I’ve been a fan of this show for the very reason I
natural tendency to think “That’s impossible because I’ve
mentioned above, and I’ve learned a TON from it. All
never done that before...or no one’s ever done that
three of the stars have created their success from
scratch, so I think we can all learn something from them!

before...or that goal seems too lofty”, and simply say “I But he doesn’t admit defeat before giving it his best shot.
can 100% do this!” is really important. Instead, he takes a leap of faith and tells his client with
confidence that he will find something perfect for him.
That’s what we call a leap of faith. You don’t truly know
that the goal you have in mind is possible. You have no
“I love impossible. It’s more exciting.”

“evidence” or “proof”... but that doesn’t matter.
- Luis D. Ortiz
What does matter is taking this leap, believing you can
anyway (even though you don’t have “proof”), and Here’s the important part in this exercise…think about
working super hard to achieve it. The best time to start is how you would feel in this situation. You’re agreeing to do
NOW. You’ll never be “ready”. something while a big part of you is screaming “it’s
impossible!!” inside your head. Not only that, but you’re
And there are so many examples of this on Million Dollar actually saying you can do it with full confidence to a
Listing New York, which is one reason that I love this isn’t just inner dialogue. That’s scary!
And that’s the point...scary is good. Scary doesn’t mean
Season 2 is chock-full of fantastic examples, such as... you can’t do something. It just means that it’s a bit of a
stretch for you right now.
1. Luis finding the “impossible” property.
In episode 1 of season 2, Luis meets with a potential Key point: when you really stretch yourself, you won’t be
client and learns that he’s looking for a property to successful 100% of the time. But it’s REALLY important
renovate for an almost impossibly low price. Not only that, to accept that (it’s part of the game) and not let it defeat
but the client had already been working with other you. Which brings me to #2...
brokers who were looking for the same thing.

2 . B E A B L E T O Q U I C K LY There are a couple really good examples of this in action
all throughout this show. Here are some of the most
Luis working on 46 Lispenard
Why is this important? Well, it’s super important because
In season 2, Luis gets a really challenging listing as a test
if you’re truly going after big goals (by big, I mean they’re
in order to win the whole building. He puts his entire heart
at least a bit of a stretch...which they should be) you
and soul into the listing but isn’t able to sell it. After that,
WILL run into failure.
you can see on the show how devastated he
anyone would be.
It’s just part of the game of being successful at anything.

But this is the key takeaway: you don’t let it completely

What separates the people that achieve their goals is
defeat you. You get back up, and you find other
whether or not they let failure defeat them. Think about
it… what’s the only thing that can stop you from
accomplishing your next big goal? As long as you’re
And that’s what he did.
taking action, it’s failure.

(His experience with the Lincoln Plaza condo in season 3

And with failure, all you have to do is keep going. No
is another great example of bouncing back from a
matter how down and out you feel.
misstep fast.)

Barbara Corcoran, investor on Shark Tank and founder of

a real estate firm that she sold for $66 million in 2001, “You have to actually enjoy being rejected” - Luis
has said that being able to quickly bounce back from D. Ortiz (Season 3 “uncensored”)
rejection is the number one biggest success factor she
has seen over the years. (link)

If you’re feeling bad because of a failure right now was going to jail was another great example of handling
(actually I recommend this in any situation), go back and failure like a boss.
watch season 2. You’ll see this example in action, plus
the next one... Ryan was devastated, as you can see on the show,  and
the verbal abuse from his seller didn’t help either.
Fredrik after not being able to sell the marble However…
He didn’t admit defeat. He fought back and figured out a
Also in season 2, we get a great example of bouncing way to get another chance with the seller and ended up
back from failure when Fredrik ends up not selling the big closing a deal on the last episode of the season.
marble house.

The key here (and you can also see this in the previous “I think I was a lot more ready for rejection than
example) is that it’s completely fine to feel bad about most real estate agents, and it really is an
whatever happened. That’s not the issue...we are not emotional roller coaster.” - Ryan Serhant (link)
robots with no emotions.

But, the BIG learning here that you MUST take away from 3. PERSISTENCE
this is that you have to bounce back as fast as possible.
Remember, this is much easier said than done. But just Persistence is a big key to success, and it goes along
think of these examples the next time you stumble and with the lesson in #2 above. If you really want something,
that should help you bounce right back up! never give up!

Ryan after almost losing the SoHo There are so many examples on the show of how
townhouse. persistence has opened doors for all 3 of the stars, but
here are a couple of my favorites:
I thought the last two episodes in season 4 where Ryan
lost the offer on the SoHo townhouse because the buyer

Ryan’s SoHo townhome example from above is Fredrik and Derek’s search for an egg donor
actually another great example of being persistent.
I like this because it’s not a business related example. It
Actually, he revealed on a Bravo blog that the ending on
shows how successful traits carry over to all aspects of
the show wasn’t even the final ending to the story of that
life, which is investing in your personal development is so
listing. He had to persevere for another couple months
before the property was finally sold.

Throughout the season 4, Fredrik’s struggle to find a

That’s so tough to deal with emotionally but he lesson
suitable egg donor is documented. I’m sure that journey
is...never give up!
will continue to be documented in season 5 as we are
updated on the progress of that story.
Also, I think the story of how Ryan was able to shut down
Times Square to propose to Emilia is another example of
But one of the important things to notice as you follow
persistence. Would you have gone through all of those
that story is the persistence that Fredrik has. How many
phone calls and talking to different offices that he did just
of us would give up after a couple “no’s” and think
to get the opportunity to do it?
something like “I guess it just isn’t meant for me to have
Luis finally making a connection with Gerard Longo
is a classic example of persistence paying off.
And then give up.
In season 4, Luis connects with a big developer after
being persistent. In fact, the developer said his Seriously, put yourself in his shoes. He has gone through
secretaries were tired of hearing his name, so he agreed gut-wrenching rejection while trying to find and egg
to meet with him. donor, but he is NOT going to give up. That’s the power of
Think about it -- the new, valuable relationship that he
created wouldn’t have happened without simple I think this is a great illustration of how…
persistence. It’s easy to overlook, but don’t. It can be the
difference between success and failure.

Persistence = success I’m sure a lot of it is cut out, so multiply what you see by
Lack of persistence = failure 10!)

Sometimes, it really can be that simple. Here are my favorite examples:

4. HUSTLE (INTENSITY) Fredrik launching sales at 11 N Moore

In season 3 episode 4, we’re lucky to get an inside look at
When you’re doing anything, and especially when it’s exactly how Fredrik sells out buildings as soon as they’re
something that you’re just starting (a new business, new available.
job/career, etc), you almost ALWAYS have to hustle in
order to get that new thing off the ground. (This is one of Does he do it by putting some flyers out, maybe doing an
the core mindset components that we teach at Mindset ad or two, and hoping the buyers come in?
Nope, not a chance.
What is hustle (we call it Intensity) and why is it so
important? Instead, we’re treated to a view of exactly how he does it.
He brings his entire team into their makeshift “sales
Well, getting anything off the ground takes HUGE effort gallery” and has them all call their list of potential buyers
because you have no momentum. So that effort has to together. Plus, he sets a goal that they continuously
come from somewhere...YOU! measure as they go.

It’s like pedaling a have to pedal harder to get This team environment, all with a common goal, drives
going than you do once you’re already going as fast as intensity through the roof. It’s the same effect that
you want to go. happens when you work out in a group versus by yourself
-- you simply work harder and it helps you get into flow.
So lucky for us, we get a glimpse at the pure hustle that it
takes to win at the highest level throughout MLDNY. (And

(And don’t forget the amount of hustle that went into Remember, the strategy was to call all 22,000 (was it
generating interest, building a buzz, and creating a list of really that many?) of the seller’s personal contacts to find
potential buyers beforehand!) a buyer from that list.

Luis cold calling And they did.

There are a ton of examples of how Luis has been able to

If that’s not hustle...nothing is. Just watch, appreciate the
make things happen by using pure hustle, but one of my
hustle, and make sure you’re hustling just as hard for
favorites is his introduction to the show in season 2.
your goals!

In the first episode, he mentions that his strategy to

generate business is to call everybody that has ever 5 . T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F
come to his open houses. That’s pure hustle...and that’s APPEARANCE.
how you create results out of thin air.
This is a big factor that you see throughout the entire
Then in the first episode season 3, Luis still shows how show in many different forms.
hustling via cold calling generates results with the Central
Park listing he did with Todd. Personal style and hygiene is one of the most obvious
one, as all 3 stars have great fashion sense and look
Ryan calling all those people on the crazy fantastic every day as they meet with clients. They’ve all
seller’s list mentioned at some point how important it is to present
yourself as well as you possibly can.
Going back to the example that I’ve talked about twice
already, in #2 and #3 (it’s a great example!), Ryan’s
(Need a reminder? Go back to Season 3, Episode 1 and
strategy to sell the SoHo townhouse (the second time) is
watch Luis giving Todd a makeover)
a great example of pure hustle creating big results.
(again, last episode of season 4)

Taking this one from another angle, you also see how • Your work attire (this applies for anyone...think
important this is when listing a property and commanding about when you go for an interview for your dream
top dollar. If you wanted to sell your home, would you job, especially!)
take photos of it and bring potential buyers through with • Your products
all of your clutter everywhere? 

It’s basically anything that people that you interact with
Or would you clean it up and have a professional stager that matter see (clients, potential clients, customers, your
make it look amazing? boss, etc)

Obviously, in an ideal scenario I think we would all have a 6 . T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F

professional make your home look great before trying to
sell it, because that’s going to lead directly to more

One of the things we overlook when trying to accomplish

Do you not do business face to face every
something is the true importance of developing the skills
day like they do? Or do you not sell real we need to be able to be successful in that endeavor.
estate? And we put too much stock in “talent”.

You might be thinking that appearance isn’t really For example, far too often we’ll try something new and
important for you. Here are some things that might apply when we don’t get the results we want right away, we’ll
to you that also need to have a good appearance in order give up. And we’ll say things like “I don’t have the talent”
for you to get the best results: or “It just isn’t meant to be for me” as the reason why we
• Your website
• Your business cards In this situation, you need to be able to recover from
failure (#2 above) and persistence to keep you in the

game (#3 above), but how do you actually go about 7 . TA K E T H I N G S O N E S T E P
turning that initial failure into success?
Well, when you break down why you weren’t able to
achieve the results you wanted, usually one of the
biggest reasons is usually that you simply didn’t possess One of the biggest traps that we fall into when
the skills necessary to create those results. approaching our goals is to focus on trying to make your
goal a single-step event.
Bringing this to MLDNY, obviously the game they’re
playing is real estate. So, think about WHY all three stars But few things in life happen in a single step. There is
are actually successful? almost ALWAYS a process involved in order to achieve
any result.
One very big reason (perhaps the biggest) is the
Let’s take selling a real estate property as an example
simple fact that they have the skills necessary for
(since we are talking about Million Dollar Listing New
success in selling properties. This includes things like
York here). One of the things that you can observe in the
sales, negotiation, marketing, team building, networking,
show is how all three stars approach selling all of their
basic design sense, and more. (Plus some of the “inner
properties as a process.
game” skills that we already talked about!)

So it’ll look something like this at a high level (I’m

So if you try something new, keep in mind that your
simplifying this to keep the discussion around the main
primary focus needs to be on building the skills that
point here...and because I personally am not
create success in that endeavor.
knowledgeable about real estate):

1. Get a listing
2. Stage the home & take photos
3. Syndicate the listing

4. Hold an open house When you’re trying to sell something online, especially
5. Follow up with everyone who came to the open something higher priced like software or courses or
house consulting, you have to take the buyer through steps that
6. Try to get offers lead to buying rather than trying to sell something in one
7. Take the offer that you get and negotiate for the shot.
best price
8. Agree on an offer and close the deal. Intuitively, I think most of us think that selling something
online consists of two steps:
(There are many steps in between each step, and it might
not look exactly like that. For example, maybe you’ll get 1. Put up a website where someone can buy your
an offer at the open house...or maybe you won’t even get product or service.
any offers after the open house.) 2. Tell people to go there to buy it (run ads, etc).

The point here is that #8 is what you really want -- to And that’s just not how it works in most cases, especially
agree on the offer and close the deal. But you can’t jump with higher priced products like I noted earlier and if you
straight to trying to close a deal without the steps don’t have a brand yet. Rather, you need to break the
beforehand. Each one serves a purpose. process down into smaller chunks…

Want another example? 1. Put up a website where someone can fill out a
form to learn more about your product or service.
2. Send people to your website.
I’ll use online marketing as another example since I’m
3. When they fill out the form, contact them with more
guessing this is something many of you guys have an
interest in, or at least some interest in learning. (And this
4. Many won’t buy immediately, but keep emailing
point was a really important example for me in the
them with more compelling content.
learning process).

You can also apply this on a bigger level.

how there are 3 steps above (and this is a simple
This applies to your goals too. Let’s say your goal is to example in concept).
make $1 million dollars.
So you don’t focus on the “making $1m” part, you focus
That’s a fantastic goal, but in order to actually achieve it, on each step at a time. Go out and get those
you need to break it down into steps. listings...then focus on selling them.
Let’s just say for the sake of example here (and without
making this 10 times longer, because there is a lot more Like I said, this is a simplified example, but you
to talk about here...we’ll save that for a future post on should get the point. that you are a luxury real estate
broker in NYC (like our three MLDNY stars). Actually, screw it. Let’s take this example and show how it
can get even longer with even more steps.
If you want to make $1 million, the steps are simple. By
simple I mean that you know EXACTLY what the steps Let’s say you have never sold any real estate, but you
are. (While they are simply, they’re definitely not easy!) want to get into it and your goal is the same as above.

They’re simple because I can easily list them out: The 3 steps remain the same, but now you have a bunch
more steps that have to come before then. So it might
1. Go out and get listings worth at least look like this instead:
$33,333,333.33. (3% of this is $1m)
2. Sell all of the listings. 1. Get your real estate license.
3. You’ve made $1m (well, kind of simplified, but it’s 2. Get your first listing.
close enough for this example). 3. Sell your first listing.
4. Sell more listings, and go for higher price points
Now, there are a ton of different things that we could go (this step would really be expanded quite a bit into
into detail on, but to stay focused on this example, notice smaller steps).

5. Go out and get listings worth at least emotional wellbeing. It’s so important that we see that as
$33,333,333.33. a foundation for success.
6. Sell all of the listings.
7. You’ve made $1m. That means that if you’re lacking in this area, you don’t
have a foundation to build on. You’re not just swimming
See? upstream, you’re swimming upstream with a hook in your
mouth reeling you in.
But here’s the point:
We see this happen in episodes 9 and 10 of season 4
You need to focus on taking one step at a time. Don’t when Luis almost had a heart attack.
worry about the next step until the one you’re working on
now has been completed. Then, he learns the importance of taking care of himself
out of pure necessity.
If you go out and run around thinking “I want to make
$1m”, you’ll never get anywhere. You need to have these Now, the obvious lesson here is that taking care of
steps in place. ourselves is super important, and that we should never
let it get to the point where we have a meltdown and have
8 . TA K I N G C A R E O F to be taken to the hospital.

Y O U R S E L F I S ( V I T A L LY ) But there’s another lesson.

This lesson is that looking after yourself so you feel better
In Mindset Academy, one of what we call our every day is actually something that HELPS you become
Foundational Factors is health. more successful.

You must look after yourself and care for yourself in all When we feel better, we have more energy, we’re more
areas of your health: nutrition, rest/sleep, mental and creative, and we’re much more positive.


That’s why it’s so vital to get enough sleep, eat proper This is more of a marketing-related tip here, but I’m
nutrition, and take care of your emotional wellbeing. guessing most of you guys have at least some interest in
“Being healthy” isn’t the only thing that those things marketing...or you will in the future. (Marketing is a very
accomplish. Many people don’t really value health all that important skill to have!)
much (until something happens -- remember the Luis
episode I mentioned above!). You actually don’t see a ton of evidence of this point on
the actual TV show, but I see this example very distinctly
So even if you don’t value health above other things, in at least two areas that they all share:
remember that staying healthy also helps you become
more successful in the things you DO value. 1. Their list of clients

Now, the topic of HOW to take care of your health is

Have you ever heard the old marketing saying, “the
obviously an enormous topic of its own, so I can’t dive
money’s in the list”?
into that right now in detail otherwise this would be 100s
of pages.
It’s true!

However, just remember this:

As a real estate broker, I’m sure one of the most
important assets each of the three MLDNY stars has is
Looking after and prioritizing your own health their list of clients. The people that they have either
isn’t just a “health” thing. It’s a success thing. helped buy or sell a property are the most important
piece of their entire business.

9 . T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F
(And, don’t forget about their list of other brokers that
B U I L D I N G YO U R AU D I E N C E . they’ve done deals with, not to mention developers that
they’ve worked with as well)

Your list of prospects and customers that you can market
to without having to go through paid advertising is one of (If you haven’t read it, get it! I have the audiobook version
your most valuable assets in ANY business because (a) and it’s fantastic.)
they already know you (b) many have already purchased
from you and (c) you can contact them at no or low cost Luis is also using his social followers to generate email
via phone, email, regular mail, etc. subscribers (an even more powerful type of follower than
social media) and donations for charity. Ryan has used
2. Their online followings (especially social his social media following to sell t-shirts and other
media) apparel that benefit charity (I don’t remember exactly
which one).

Check out each of their Instagram profiles and you’ll see So that’s the power of building a following, with some
that they all have a lot of followers. This isn’t just a vanity concrete examples.
metric, it’s a way for them to connect directly with their
fans and followers. Now, if you haven’t yet, follow them on Instagram:

You can see just how powerful this is in episodes 5 and 6 Luis | Ryan | Fredrik
of season 3 when Fredrik sold the 101 Warren unit to his
top developer after he saw Fredrik post a picture of it on And make sure to join Luis’s newsletter and get Fredrik’s
Instagram. This is why it’s crucial to build your following book!
and communicate with it.
(Note: I do not get anything if you purchase Fredrik’s
Also, if you’ve read Fredrik’s book, The Sell, he not only book. I’m simply recommending it because I bought it and
has some tips about how to manage your social media really liked it.)
following, but he tells the story of how the book became a
bestseller from nothing other than using social media to
post messages about the book launch.

10. THRIVING IN AN environment of uncertainty and thriving. Figuring it out
along the way.
U N C E R TA I N T Y. And that’s exactly how it is for just about ALL of us when
we go into things like a new business or a new career.
This is related to #1 -- take leaps of faith and do things
before you think you’re ready. It’s very uncertain, but we have to use that uncertainty as
fuel and motivation to keep going and figure it out. And
I want you to think about how each of our three stars got you can really only do this when you thrust yourself out
their start. Really think back and put yourself in their there and take action.
You can’t really do it while sitting on the sidelines and
No connections, no experience, and starting from “making plans”.
It’s the classic Mike Tyson quote…”Everybody has a plan
Nothing guaranteed. No salary, no benefits, no nothing. until they get punched in the face.”
 Getting paid only on commission, so if you don’t sell
something, you don’t get paid. And life punches all of us in the face every single day.

That’s quite an uncertain environment, isn’t it? It’s about how we handle that. How we react to it. How we
manage ourselves emotionally.
That determines whether we sink or swim.
They thrived. I don’t think any of them were overnight
successes, and it took a LOT of hard work along the way, So I want to end this by leaving that point for you to think
but the key point here is that the success that we see on about.
the show is the end result of being thrown into that

What we see when we watch Million Dollar Listing New Thanks for reading!
York looks relatively easy because each of the three stars
have already built established businesses. We don’t see I hope you got a ton of value out of reading this :)
most of the pure hustle that went into creating them.
Let me know what you think-
Not only that, but it STILL isn’t easy for any of them.
We’ve seen them all fail in one way or another on the Email me ( or Tweet at me
show. That’s part of the game, even at that level. (Not to (@Mindset_Boss) and let me know how you liked it…and
mention all the stuff that they cut out of the show!) if there is anything that I missed!

I leave you with this: (Actually there are a number of other factors I could have

 included but didn’t have room for. Want to get them all?
Uncertainty is scary, sure. But what’s scarier Email me!)
is looking back and regretting NOT taking
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
that shot and going after what you really
want. — Peter from Mindset Boss


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