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GOAL: Examples: A SMART goal is structured so that anyone who reads your goal statement will easily understand

nderstand it. Here

are two examples of personal SMART goals: “I will lose 16lbs and lower my body mass index from 27 to 24 by November 30,
2015.” “I will finish 200 pages of my dissertation by August 15, 2015.”

Details Your answer

• What do I want to accomplish?
• Why do I want to accomplish this?
S Specific • What are the requirements?
• What are the constraints?
• How will I measure my progress?
Measurabl • How will I know when the goal is
M e accomplished?

• How can the goal be accomplished?

• What are the logical steps I should take?
A Achievable

• Is this a worthwhile goal?

• Do I have the necessary resources to
R Relevant accomplish this goal?
• Is this goal in line with my long term
• How long will it take to accomplish this
T Bound
• When is the completion of this goal due?
• When am I going to work on this goal? - SMART Goals Template © Copyright Dutch Renaissance Press LLC

For the LDP, please post the following each week of the class:

My SMART goal for last week was:

Did you accomplish your goal for last week? If not, please indicate what obstacles prevented this.

My SMART goal for this week is:

Sample post:

My SMART goal for last week was: To read 3 research articles each day on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday between 7-9pm

Did you accomplish your goal for last week? If not, please indicate what obstacles prevented this. I was able to do this on Monday
and Thursday, but I was not able to complete my goal on Sunday. On Sunday, my son was sick, and I needed to attend to him.

My SMART goal for this week is: To write 300 words on my prospectus each day on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday between 6-7am.

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