Self-Reflection Questions

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Self-Reflection Questions

1. How could I have incorporated more of the NT learning style within my lesson?
a. When thinking of Jung's Learning Styles, I realized that I did not incorporate as
much of the intuitive-thinking (NT) learning style throughout my lesson as I
intended. At the beginning of our science methods course, we completed the
planning guide to find out where we best fit as a learner on Jung’s Theory of
Personality Types. I found that I aligned the most with the sensing-feeling (SF)
learning style. As I began to plan my lessons for this unit, I realized I catered a lot
of my activities towards my learning style, most likely because it was comfortable
for me to create a lesson where I felt confident in. However, I recognize that not
all my students are alike me and as a teacher, I will have to create lessons that
may seem out of the ordinary to my specific learning style, such as NT. For
science, I created two inquiry lessons. However, I did not incorporate a lot of
opportunities for debates, or essays. Although I did allow time for students to
problem solve, it was typically working within a group instead of individually. As
I continue my journey as a pre-service teacher, my intent is to continue learning
more about learning styles and how I can best meet the needs of every learner in
my class. Although this is a constant trial and error, depending on the class, I am
prepared to take on the challenge of creating lessons that will allow all my
students to perform well.
2. Were my lessons catered to the neurological needs of my students?
a. As a double major, we learn a lot of information regarding a student’s brain.
When I prepare a lesson, my first instinct is always to create lessons where
students will build neurological connections. In this unit specifically, students are
building connections through all the different content areas. Although students are
learning a new skill in each area, my hope is through this unit they will see the
connection that these lessons all have something to do with differences. In each of
my lessons, I planned activities that would provide students with dopamine.
Keeping all English language learners in mind, I made sure that students were
given the option to work in partners or groups for every activity throughout the
unit to provide additional language support. This way my ELLs do not produce
high cortisol levels throughout the duration of the unit.
3. What did I gain as a pre-service teacher from creating this unit?
a. When first creating this lesson, I thought it was going to be impossible to create
lessons from different content areas that had a common theme among them.
However, now I can see the benefits from creating this unit. Not only is it a
resource for me as I begin my journey as an educator, but this is also a great
practice to learn the importance of cross-curricular teaching. This unit provided
me with the opportunity to make cross-curricular connections.

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