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1. What are contaminants? a substance that is where it shouldn't be and is at

high enough levels to have a negative effect on our health or on the health
of animals or plants.

2. Explain the two groups of contaminants: Chemical contamination refers

to food that has been contaminated by some type of chemical substance. ...
Biological contamination refers to food that's contaminated by substances
produced by living creatures – such as humans, rodents, pests or

3. What are process contaminants? are substances that form in food or in

food ingredients when they undergo chemical changes during processing.
4. Name and explain four process contaminants: Processing methods
include fermentation, smoking, drying, refining and high-temperature

5. What can we do to protect ourselves?

 Lok Adalat. Lok Adalat’s are the effective and economical system for
quick redressal of the public grievances. ...
 Public Interest Litigation (PIL) Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is a
scheme under which any person can move to the court of law in the
interest of the society. ...
 Redressal Forums and Consumer Protection Councils.

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