3.2.1. Lesson Four - My Relatives

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Lesson 4 My relatives

3.2.1. Lesson Four – My relatives

As we have already spoken, we use modal verbs in different cases. Let's see what they

a. Possibility / Possibility:

When we use modal verbs to indicate that something is possible in the future, although
not sure, we use the verbs might and may.

 They might come later.

 They may come later.
 I may buy a car.
 I may buy a car.

We use can to make general statements about what is possible.

 She can run very fast.

 She can run very fast.

If we refer to a possibility in the past tense, we use the modal verb could.

 They could call me.

 They were able to call me.

If we want to say that something is impossible we use the negatives cannot and can't.

 We can't go to the party.

 We can't go to the party.

And if we want to say that something was not possible in the past, we use the negative
could not or couldn't.

 They tried, but they couldn't see the movie.

 They tried, but could not see the movie.

b. Probability / Probability:

We use the modal must to show that we are sure that something is true.

 It is snowing. It must be freezing out side.

 It's snowing. It must be very cold outside.

We use the verb should to suggest that something is going to happen in the future.
 It is almost dinner time. They should arrive soon.
 It's almost dinner time. They must be here soon.

c. Ability / Ability:

We use the verb can to talk about skills.

 Paula can speak four languages.

 Paula can speak four languages.

To refer to skills in the past tense we use the modal could.

 When I was young, I could run very fast.

 When I was young, I could run very fast.

d. Permission / Permission:

We use can, may and could to ask for permission. May and could are more formal ways
of asking permission than can.

 Can you be quiet?

 Can you be silent?
 May I have a medium soda?
 Can you give me a medium soda?
 Could I ask you something?
 Can I ask you something?

To give permission we use the verbs can and may:

 You can go to the party.

 You can go to the party.
 You and your sister may have another cookie.
 You and your sister can have another cookie.

e. Complete the following senteces with the correct modal verb.

1) Sarah is such a talented singer. She can

_ practise a lot.

2) You _ ask questions after my can


7) I'm too old now but when I was younger I
can _ surf and water ski.

may can


3) Mister Turner, _ I ask a question? could


can 8) It _ rain tomorrow so we’d better plan an

indoor dinner.

4) I'm sure you _ speak Spanish seeing
that you’re from Colombia. can




5) _ you show me your passport please?




6) David _ speak Japanese and Thai


f. Members of the family.

Figure 1. Member of the family

g. Read the definitions and provide a word.

 When you have children, you are a __________

 If you are a male parent, you are a __________
 If you are female parent, you are a _________
 If one of your children is a boy, he is your _________
 If one of your children is a girl, she is your _________
 When a couple gets married, the man is the husband, and the woman is his
 A __________ and ________ both have the same parents.
 One collective word to describe brothers and sisters is __________.

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