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4A. were are you from? 5B charlotte choice 21 A. Right place, wrong person 13 _B Thestory behind the photo 15 © One dark Octoberevening 27 A Plansand dreams 47 © Leeaionguage ina month! 49 PRACTICAL ENGLISH tthe pharnecy 50 A Adon know what todo! 52 _B Hfsomthing ean go wrong 54 © Youmustbe mine 56 A What would you do? 19 B Levemeet again 21 © whatstheword? 3 (NETIEAC ENGLISH Retain rabies 24 A Paetsand teenagers 25 B Foshonandshopsing 23 © Lostweakend 230A Notimeforenything 50 © Bomntesing «2 [RACHA ENGL Cine waa 53. A_Themathersofinention 65 B coulddobetter 67 © Me indecisve 69 A Bsdtorors 32 _B supertatvecities 34 © Howmuchistoomuch? — 2 ([FRRRTIALENGUSH The wong stoos 41 © Themeaning of dreaming 71 B Are yous marin person? 73 © Whetacaincidence! 75 | PRAGTICALENGLISH Timetosohone 75 A Strangebutirve 78 _B Gestpis good foryou 80 © The American English Files 1 GRAMMAR word order in questions ‘ Patthe words in the parentheses into the correct placein the questions 1 Where you horn? (were) Where were you orn? 2 Dohaveany brochers or sisters? (you) 3 Whar college yougo107 (do) languages you speak? (Can) aw 5 Where you study English before? (id) 6 Whar kind of music do you listen? (0) 7 How do you exercise? (ote) 8 Wheredid youlast weekend? (go) 'b_ Write questions in the simple present or past 1 Where —doyon go ocallege ? (00 goto college) 2 Whar___ P (901 dolast nigh) 3 What , (TV shows you Family watch) 4 Wen Tt in (your birthday) S Where a (ou fom) 6 Where ae ° (your iends go | vacation lst ye) 7 What kindof Books (yo /read 8 Why en) (you angry yesterday) ‘1 A=Where are you from? Today s the first day of the rest of your if, Anonymous 2 VOCABULARY common verb phrases Match the verbs and nouns, 1 beborn = 7] a MTV,a TVshow 2 do SI b ina house, with friends 4 play a yoga, karate 5 read se anemail,amagazine 6 speak 1 & tothemovies, on vacation ie gla peres ita swatch hh aforeign language, English om i dancers, R&B 10 have Cj im Toronto, in Canada 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet a GED the ener witha diferent vowel sound. a ‘rails train | tah | tee x) Sees [oles 1b GERAD Listen and check. Thenlisten again and repeat the letters © Luderline che sressed slabs in these words, 2 instrument 2 basketball 2 thiteen 4 tty 5 college 6 weekend 7 maigazine 8 sister 9 loniguage 10 aerese 4d SGPT Listen and chock. Thenlisten again and repeat the words ‘SPELLING AND NUMBERS (Continue the series, 1 nineten, 2 fiecen, sixten, 3 sixty seventy, 4 ninety-ight, ninery-nine, 5 sixhundred, seven hundeed, q 6 eheee hundred an fy, for onde, 7 one thousand, three thousand, eee RIcE '8 renthousand, wenty thousand, STERN Listen and waite the words r parents LISTENING FM Lisencoacomeraitionberveen wo pe ED ry sabes ae Listen again. Mark the sentences "T(erue)or F (false), 1 Sandraisa nurse. fs 2 Benis doctor. 3 Sandralikes dance music, 4 Sandradldn't go tothe Muse concert. = 5 Sandra plays cenis, 6 Benplays socer, rs USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. sgetintouch with get n ttf wi8! sotobed early (goo 12 bed sl have (sh) in common. “hv in ‘komon) Iast weekend lest ‘wikend! spend timeon (sh) /spend tarm en! somewhoreniee sumer nas How often do yu.? hac ‘alin do yl Whaekind of (music)? Jat kind ov Where were you born? (er ‘wae yu "hota! 1 GRAMMAR simple present a Write negative sentences 1 Youget wpearly. —_Youson' get ap ea 2 Ierainsalorhere. 3 Weliveinahouse 4 [play eens. - 5 Hehasa beard 6 They gotthegym. 7 She writes blog. Complete the questions with door docs, 1 When do you moet your Fiens? your peop havea webcam? 3 Whattime— enced to leave? Aer your mother work feom home? 5 Which websites — your se most? 6 your est friend ike action movies? _yourbrotherspenda eof mean Facebook? {© Complete he text with che correc form ofthe verbs the box. getalng study Fvite not ike Fotsee shore want work prefer bese friend Tabitha, Tabitha "works a8 nurse, and she? ‘lot of money. student, and ide musi a college. tbe o music teacher Tabitha small house inthe country, and © ‘partment with some friends inthe city. We often 1 trends or dinner, but Tabithe ‘ Shes realy shy, 50 se being with other people. Im very extroverted, so 1 tobe in agreup. W_tabitha much because she's usually busy. But when we'e together, we always realy well Some people say that opposites attract, nd for rmeand my best friend Tita, t's tue » ‘Atrve fiends someone wo is there for you when he'd rather be anyuhore else. Lenn American comic book writer VOCABULARY describing people Appearance CCompletethe sentences. 1 Does your sister have brown eyes or bc eyes? 2 Tanya's dad doesnt have any hat He's pee aan, 3. My best ilend’shairisnt ste 4 Andy doesnt shave, Hebasab __ ands 5 Youarene call Tthinkyos're very a 6 WhenJakewasyoung,hewasveryth____, bucnow he's aie oF 7 Myhairisntbrown,irse— not short, mm ca And im Personality Complete the opposites. talkarive shy onerous friendly 1 _— air 2 5 4 5 hardworking 6 7 8 kind stupid Match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-£ 1 What did you look ke when you were child? 2 Whar does your husband look like? 3 Whar's your best friend like? 4 Whar does your sister look like? 5 Whar's George like? 16 What were you like when you were ut school? oO oO Qo Q oO She tall and slim with long blond hai > He'svery kind and hardworking Ad Hehas shore dark hairand mestache, ‘© She'ssmarcand really extroverted £ Iwasvorycalkativeanda tle lay. 3 PRONUNCIATION tinal -s / -es 8 GIR Lisven and Gl the verb witha diffrent sound ? say le © Ps Fe PR faz/ Faz/| snake | snoke | zebra zebra | works | vee | knows rune | eaves | teaches laughs | thinks rains |starts | dresses | cooks Gat) ike thes | gowe | washer | rarer b SEIS Listen again and repeat the words © Underline che stressed syllable 2 talkative 4 gelnefous 7 curly 2 extroverted 5 mustache 8 quiet 3 unftiendly 6 serious 9 overnight 4 ERR Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words 4 READING 1a Readtheartce. Whar happenson "Singles'Day"in Shanghai? “Singles? ep on in Shanghai November 1 "Singlesay"in Sangha. and every yar a dating ‘event takes place whereallthe ingle men and women ofthe city hhavethe chance to meet a partner Lasear, it was so popular that ‘the orarizershad to dose online registration because there were ‘pamor places. Between 10,000 and 40.000 people attend the event every year. Wsheldina district of Shanghai caled Thames Town, Atleast 50 dating agencies takepart. They set up stands nthe town hal with bilboards spaying cards withthe height birth date educaton, and annualincome of thousands of cents People whe dd not manage tarregistr for the event organize thee own unotfial dating system ‘bywrting ther names and phone numbers on pieces of paper and attaching them to the fence outside the town Pal More people take patin Singles’ Day every year because ofthe {going numberof ingle adultsin Sangha nthe cy, more than 24 percent of peope over the age of 15 ae unmarried Read the article again, Mark the sentences I (true) or F (false) "The people who take partin“Singles* Day” aren'rmartied L Many people register forthe event on the Interne. Allof the dating events aren the town all People who don't ropistr forthe event can find a partner on“Singls' Day 5 Every year, there are mere single adules in Shanghai, © Underline five words youdon't know. Check their ‘meaning and pronunciation with a dictionary. 5 LISTENING 8 GERM Listen toa radio program about ‘online dating, How many people cal the program? b SGP Listen again and match the callers with the sentences A-F. Ala ¢ 2 Kate 3 Paolo A He Shedoesn’ have te fora social B He Shemadea mistake ‘metonline- D He| She marred someone who was married before. He] She doesnt like mesting new people F He] Sheishappily maried now, bue doesnt have any children, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES ‘Learn these wordsandphrases. guy a0 partner /partna single person /sial ‘poe smile sail sociable /soufob beneath) nt feel like (doing something) i lau _getalong well with) get og w goonadate 'goo an > de sense of humor “sens a¥ yun Amanpalnts with his bre ‘rdect withhishene choangea talan panto and spt Creag 1@=r and Mrs. Clark and P: 1 VOCABULARY clothes # Complecchecrosivond a, | Guesdown , castes ae | ia Nea € prepositions of place b Lookatthe pining. Complete she RTE sentences wihihese prepasions, |g he middle ofthe painting 5 Ablackdogis __ theman witha beard 6 Thereisawoman— fon aera = ——$ 2 GRAMMAR present continuous ‘4 Lookatthe painting agen, Read the museum guide's description oft, Write the verbs in the present continuous Sunday Afterncon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, re Seurat ‘As yu can see thesun'_isshiningInthis peu, and he people? (lox) bythe Seine River in Pais. On the right ofthe picture, a manand a woman (wake) the pets. On the et, a man* tie) (ea). the middle ofthe piture, two gits* (st), down. What” (thoy / de}? Maybe they + ait) for some friends? Or maybe they (wate the other people? Cn the ight, near the trees, there ic another gl. She (olay) with someone, but we ca’ see fon the grass. He looks Ike he 1b Compre the sentences with the simple present or present ‘continuous form ofthe verbs i the box. ‘ink crve tke Geten Ive rain sleep study wear work ‘Sorry, cant hear you Un listening —vo mas. 1 2 Charles always, towork, 5 Shhh! He quiet! The children 44 Wecant play rennis today 5 Fion Four cups of caffe everyday 6 We this piture very mach, 7 Mybrother ‘nthe music indusery. 8 Kathy always jeans atom. 9. They can'tcome so the movies because they forthe exam tomorzow. 10 My parents. __inabighouse 3 PRONUNCIATION | /o/ and /s:/ ‘2 Write the words in che chart ‘attractive thd cordgan skit sweater brecslet prefer jacke: necklace prob start world 1 GPRD Listen and check Then sen agin etree 4 LISTENING 8 GGQPEGD Listen roan advertisement foran att ‘exhibition, What s special about the pictures? 1b GLUTEE ten agsinand answer the questions 1 Whereis the David Hockney exhibition? 2 Whatwas he is piceure be drew om is iPhone? {3 Whar does be do with his flower pictures? 4 Whenisthelast day ofthe exibition? 5 How machdoes the exhibition cos? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn thesewords and phrases. feet ii kee ‘i Portrait post poster ’poodar pregnant pregnant! relationship “levolip’ tunes “n'y close together ‘Klos Wg28aH Soxm aap us Practical English 1 CALLING RECEPTION ‘Complete the conversation with a phrase fom the bo. Thavea problem withthe WF ip you tug to I Se somebody up ght away sony tobother you ogan. “Thera a problem seth the shower Hala eception Helo." Thisisroom 402. ow canihelp you? : Thereisrt any hot water, a a 8 ‘A imsory mata, 8 Thankyou ‘Good marring. reception elo" How cant helo you? ‘This room ao icant get signal imsarry nam Thanks 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH ‘Complete the missing words in the conversation, 1A Sovhere you area ast. B Yes.ts rest tobe here 2 Aboyounaveag___v a B Yes leansee the Empire State ry wedow. 2A Wiliams ‘to mecting you. 8 Realy? Whot Willan? B fguessyeuresaht ss0yougah B Yess great see you to. es goat to 3 READING ‘4 Read the advertisement and mark thesemtences'T (te) orF (las) 1 The Park Central New Yorkis inthe center ofthe ty. T. 2 Iesnear major tourist attractions les very comfortable. Alleoons have free Wi-F access. ‘The hotels restaurants not very expensive ‘The hotel has fre parking. Thestaff ony speaks English eeu aa) heron Wer Gee) * pre Et! «+ room sede 2 otc etl 1 gttshon Lacatedin the heart ofthe cyte Park Centrale Yorkisin xs walking ditace of Carnegie Hal Broad. andthe Museom ‘of Maer are MOH, Central ark ony thee back iy FED ‘Aver with ts international boutiques and huge cepartment Stores ean tenet valk fom the hotel For guests who wanttotuael farther anay, there are seven sub eslocated thin tree Bock of the hotel “ne Park Centalien York offers gest service, great comfort, and great value The hotels sre, Cyheure, provides the perfact ing for anne betore concer ora srosdusy sow nthe rening Guess can enjy the reasonably prea speias mens wile watching the word ge by on Seventh Avenue through he bt oversiednindows Because ofits centrallecatin. th Park Coral New York ‘theidel hotel for oust vsking te cy forthefstime our mul-ingual staat the front desks bays happy to provide tour sssetance andansiet any questions guestsmayhave, 1b Underline five words you don't know: Use your dictionary rolook up thee pronancation and meaning, ‘A vacation shaving nothing to do and all day to doin. Raber Orben American main and comedy writor 1 VOCABULARY vacations a Write the phrases, 1 poco 2 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and ze. — irregular verbs 3 igh onthe Tere an uate Wise the simple pst ofthese verbs the conecteolum. TT wae beg ave och bay can chante om. eight ce Rat inte font ay Sey suro 2 inahorl oe Teregular ac farther fener op epee aaa Complete the sentences with an adjective. zs 1 Weloved our room. wae very canfable = Oiiaeediepermrnen mere ac ese ee ae = eee bb Make the verbs negative 4 Weaseverywell The food wasa “Thesafatthe hotel washorible They were very eae ae, anh sand someimes very rode —Wedint ta 6 There wasnt mochinhe apartment twas very They bought posters. * wTedidvteven have arefegeator. — rovers, 7 "Theotherpooplconthe tip were very A erate eek fe Wehopetmeetsome other. very help spine fe 4 Taunbatbed once beach 8 Thetownwasn___All¢hehouses eee Ertan ‘ad flowers on the balcony and were painted 5 Werenced bikes. Aiferenecoors, pe reueeet aca 9 Iewasel and wedidesce the 6 Hespenta monthin Bangkok somal as aweekshere 10 Ourfirst mest was _sowedidn'’ 7 Ourroomwas diy. catatehe hotel agen, very ean 4 ‘© Complete the text with the simple pastformoftheverbsinthe box. 4 LISTENING: “prive ak Book cannot Geile ao6@ Tock Tako wank RTE) Listento ve speakers talking about a SRR econ they ddstenoy. Whichapesker.2 didn'thavea ery exciting weekend The vacation that wasn’t was’ with he people he she wanted cabewith L Four years ag, we'_decided_to go away forthe weekend, We «chose vacation destination because of 2 "to goto Mexico,sowe® __abeautiul the weather there = apartment online Aweeklaterwe_______atayitothe 4 went on vacation after a relationship ended — airport. We? atthe airport at wo otck and we id fel well when she was on vacation ‘to checkin. The woman atthe desk ee usforour passports. We ____ingurbags,butwe : fingthem Sowe®™ —____horel Read the ext inc again. Complete the questions 1 When_idtheydeide to goaway forthe weekend? Four years ago. 2 Where tog0Mexico 3 How ~~ the apartment? They booked it onlin. 4 When atthe aeport? Attwo ack 5 What ask or? She asked fr heir passports 6 Wherein the end They went backhome. cakers Speaker 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings, irregular verbs ae a 8 AGIA Listen and GelG the verb thathasadifferent-edsound. — -— Twalked asked USEFUL WORDS 2 ergued ranted syed AND PHRASES 3 booked stared decided 4 arrived invited sunbathed Learn these words and phrases. 1b GPRD Liscen agnin and repeat the words. — fsacter Mizasia © Write these ieregular simple past forms inthe correct cele nia - Toogit broke led come caught drank crave made | Complain “kamplen/ | rang teed said sat went wrote gave enjoy Andsou = ple tel view nyu | breakup bret ap | feelsorty fr emeody) iwi | gowrong, /900 Fo0! | san 4 GGTRHE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Photographs ae pictures taken to please ‘tho family and bore the neighbors. rund Vor, Arvercansoeeleest B= The story behind the phot 1 GRAMMAR past continuous 14 Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses inthe past continuous. 1 You _were laughing _augh) when took the photo. | 2 Gono) wen our plane landed, 3.We (not drvs) fast when the accident happened 4 Whar (he do) when hisboss arrived? 5 Why (you ery)arthe party? 6 1__________ 4) on the bus when saw my boss, 7 They (lve) n Brazil when cel frst ehild wasbora, '8 Heda’ call you because his cellphone______(nat work). 1b Writesentences with when, Use the simple past © Completethe story with the simple pastor ‘and pase continuous. past continuous, 1 They /argue the waiter bing te check Last summer. !'_asnt (go) toLos Angeles to stay nage wth my cousin fora few wes. One aternon, ne these gts : {have} lnchinanice restaurant when my cousin? (ge acaton erat phone ané went outs to tak While she 2 He/ fal johistite| + (pea) the end suddenly ee : (ote sranina lato : sy aeeeneeea yea ey Dependent? a) ‘sarc ra © | tenale tare ne alae pian 8 Thien ly eo ‘enki ahr jut agees io y —— & at pcg a a ‘hep fed hy than eo bath ete tcinedtonyatl Wen nycus®_— 6) 4 We/hue|atutece| ma Hihes ies “Wace se ae ‘han pom bh poy Dp “hy ae Whe “Hetssiting ovr thre Look! ‘She turned around to lok and then started ta lough “Thats bony Depp ie (ook atthe naninthe lack hat — he aa ~ ugh to0. 5 1 nish my epore my | computer crash 2 VOCABULARY at, in, on time ‘Complete the sentences wih a, in, or om 1 The results ofthe election were announced _at_ 11 otlock, 2 Cellphones wereinvented __ the 20th century. 3 Ourflightislesving __Wedlnesday at 930___the evening and arriving 12otlock_Thursday. 4 Wehaveanexam___ Monday morning Inmost countries banks an offices ae closed New Year's Day (6 Thate driving —_night,gerting wp early _the morning, andworking che weekend, 7 Steve Jobswashorn 1058, nde died_ ‘October 5,201) 8 Wewent to Floridalastwinte, and we'e going again ‘the summer, probably the lasttwo weeks —__ July place ‘Complete the sentences with atin, or on 1 Hetook some great photos _at_the party. 2 Teawtreadabook the busor___acar. 3 Wewanttoputscimeshelves__thewall_theliving room. We're going to putall rol books eheshelves. 4 My familys from Bra, buewelive__New York, the 1th floor ofa tall building 5 Tilmeetyou the busstop. {6 The adults sac___chairsand the childrensat. the loor. 7 They spencthemorning__the muscumand then went fora walk the park 8 Pleasemectme —___thelibraryby the front desk__noon, PRONUNCIATION sentence stress {GED Liston and repeat the dilogue. Copy the yt. ‘A Where were you at ten otlock last night? 2 Iwosothome ‘A What were you doing? 2B _|was watching a movie. 4 LISTENING a Listen to a conversation between. ‘Matt and Jenny about photo. Does Jenny like the photo? 1b GUIREED Listen again and choose the bestanswers. 1 The photo shows. a Matt's parents b Mats aunrandunele © Mates grandparents, 22 The phoo was taken. inthe spring » inchesummer inthe fall, 3 Theman wanted 19 win. 4 some money. some food, © some jewelry 4 The ather people nthe photo were the man's, 1 neighbors be fiends colleagues 5 Themanin the stall, 2 took the phoro, bb asked for more money forthe photo, © dida'tikethe photo. ] USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. democracy iar'makrssi? demonstration Aemenisrefa! lection eka freedom /Tiidsav hholdhands /hould handz/ peace fis) realize /rislar! "TV scecens ‘ivi skrina! upload /splovd screen saver /skrin ‘swat! ‘The driveris the most dangorous part ofthe cr. ze Campion Fench actor The summer | decided wo travel to Per. few ‘to Lima, a then traveedtoatown near Machu Picchu to spend the right? Thenext day/Afterday.Icimbed the mountain to vsitthe monument as tied when /then reached the tp. “Sudden / Sudden saw 2 man who wasin myEngich dase bacchome "Two minuteslater/ Two minutes after he cme ‘ove to speak to me, and he wasjust as surprised as was. * After that/ When we decided to travel together We hada ‘great summes, and we continued seeing each ather back home, Infact, we got married two years ater, and we now have 3 ‘beautiful daughter named Hanna. b Look ateach group of sentences. Complete each sentence with so, because, but, or although. 1 Lindarantorhetrain station cause she was very ate, 1 Linda was very late, sheranto she rain tation. Linda am tothe train station, she was ‘oo late and she missed che ran, 2a we couldnt go out, wehad a really good afternoon athome. » Iewasraining swestayed at home. © Westayed athome last Sunday. ke was raining. 3 a Thetickets were really expensive, they ‘managed co sell them allinan hour, » the tickers were really expensive, they ‘old them alin an hour, © They sold the tickets quickly the ‘concert was very pope. ©. Rewrite the sentences using the words in parentheses, 1 did have any breabfascbocause I dia'thave ime. (0) 1 idathavetime, _sodididn thane any breakfast 2 Thad great vacation in Egypt although cant speak Arabic. (but) ‘ant apeak Arabi, 3 don’ realy like Ryan, but | went lunch with hm, (although) went o hunch with Ryan 4 Tealled the police because the door to my apartment ‘was open. (60) ‘The door to my apartment was open, 5 Jimbasalorofmoney, bat he's relly cheap. (although) Jim's really cheap, 6 Mary could’ find her bag, so she canceled her credie cards. (because) ‘Mary canceled her credit cards VOCABULARY verb phrases Match the prases. 1 akeandBechimet il] a ertodinner. 2 Heplayed Lb foc hecarthe door. 3 Shek (hc awondutil eveing 4 Howse Oa terete 5 Shegne Le wwanew esanant. 6 Heimicd EE] £ thecafeverylate. 7 Hemokher Cg berfvoriesong. 8 Theyhad Cb himber phone number. B Cover the right-hand column. Try to remember the sentences. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress ‘@ Write the wordsin the chart. 1b AWB Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING a Read the story. Number the paragraphs in the right order. A ducky escape C1 Ten minutes tater, it began to rain, Soon, Lie found it hard to see out of the front windshield. There was lat of water ‘on the road, so she drove more slowly. Although Lie was an experienced driver, she Felt afraid. (1 An hour ater, firefighters cut Liz out ofthe car, She ‘went tothe hospital, but the doctors sent her home because she didnt have any serious inluries. Her head was ine and she only had a few cuts and buses. Her son went to collect the groceries from the car and gave the loaf of bread to his ‘mother. Now, she is going to keep it as a souvenir. (1) one day iast November, Liz Douglas decided to 90 ‘gracery shopping. She drave tothe supermarket and spent the morning doing her weekly shopping. She paid for her atoceries, went back to the parking lat, and put the shopping bags onthe back seat of the car. Then she started to drive home. Oy However Lic was tucky. When she braked, a foaf of bread few out of one ofthe shopping bags. The car turned over, and the laf of bread landed between Li's head and the ‘oof ofthe car. stopped her head fom biting the car roof. C1 Suddenty, she lost control of the car. he saw a ‘telephone pole infront of her and braked, She closed her tyes and hoped thatthe airbags inthe car would inflate, Unfortunately, they din b Lookae the ited words, What do you thik they ‘mean? Check with your dictionary. 5 LISTENING EE istca oa ratio program about People who ad lacky escapes Marthe sentences (re) or (al). 1 Maureen Evason was on vacation when the accident happened, L 2 Shewasinthehospital forfour months. 3 Joseph Rabadue was sitting onthe floor ‘when the accident happened. a 4 Thesruck hiethe TV. 5 BarcyMeRoy was drinking coffee when the fight happened. Ea 6 TheDVD was in his jacket pocket. a USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES ‘Learn these words and phrases. anniversary fensvarsai Drake /brek! perfect *parfik asusual 2 ‘yusual! ‘ross the street /eras 8 srit/ Bridge Street brid strt/ happy ending Phipi ‘enduy/ justin ime Adsast 1 “ate madly inlove /‘miedli m Isv/ tun che ast minue /ail do est ‘mint? sD Gas mez Tike to fly. Then | wouldnt have to waitin airport security lines. im Monts, American basebal player oe 3A—Plans and dreams 1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans and predictions) a Complete the sentences with going to +a verb from the box. book notfly get miss need notsleep not stay 5 Tharplane 6 They today, late 'b_ Complete the dialogue with going to + the verbs Jenny \__Areyouoing ra take _(you/take)a vacation she tothe airport 71 inahore. 2 VOCABULARY airports Complete the text. this summer? Philip es, ut? (oe/rot/go)to Last summer, lew to New York City with my husband to the Caribbean es {we/@0) visit some friends. The fight lef rom "Terminal, sa to Canatal ny brother éropped us outside the building. We went stony When Ree tael?, inside and looked for thee. to take us Php In August. Hea /b upstairs to'D We picked up our boarding ene passes at ‘Ch Then we did some shopping, Jenny What? (90/60 write A youre there? ‘er that,wemade ourwaytothe‘g to Philip" eesti: board our plane, We had a good fight, but we were very PERS Gaile ten tired when we landed a JFK Airport. There was along oo [we /rent] a car and {ine at P__ ga 2 and -isitthe Canadian Rockies. they asked us a lat of questions at Immigration. Finally, Jenny (7 ba sunny in we went t08 ana “Torante in August? to Dick up our bags, We needed a this Philp 1 doit know. Butt hope {it/not fain to much! time because of all our suitcases. Nobody stopped sat’. 50 we went straight to "q__—were our friends were walting fr us. scar? 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress. and fast speech SSTRED Listen and repeat. Copy the thm. 1 Are ine goingcomeetyouseche airport? 2 Ithink were going rotelate. 3 tinmot going forget ny passport 4 What time sre sou going arrive? 5 shes goings take she elevator. 4 READING Read rhe text. How many airports is Be tohavein 2020? s going 1 Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F ls). 1 More than 54 million people use Adana International Airport ach year. E 2 Atlana International isn't going to be the busiest alzportin 2020, is 3 Anew airport was buil forthe 2008 Olympic Games. 4 Beijing Capital Aigportis too small 4 5 Inthe frure,Bejng's subway i going to each thenew airport. © Thenew airports going to have eight runways, © Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. 5 LISTENING @ TRAY Listen five conversations atthe airport. Match the speakers with the places in the box, “ArtvelsGoggage clam Checkin Customs immigration Dialogue! ___Arsiua Dialogue2 ee i Dialogue + La Dialogues b ALETREG) Listen again and answer the questions 1 Whac did che man eat on the plane? 2 Whar'sthe gate number? 3 Whats the feiend's phone number? 4 Whaecolorishe suitcase? 5 What did the woman buy? ve The World’s Biggest Airport Tower espera Santon pangs ps treo are on Adonai Arpt ce yr tear te cntol ter a hes igtoteenas hee Belinea hart apo ne Fer eC fori 2008 obras Theses een Naan Apes wi sy coy ey Pan jatour Teli pasoeenpased oe Aura ene an apr nlc a inGien iene toer eat ituy te grime gis baldosae ne They oper og the BR es ecm ohteip huserioaah ooa hee Spare aera ayes Shier ane eae ee siperisgonys hve cs i ese fig ania rat umes rey nso to me eae eel USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. dreams dlrim board ford facies Abt detayed led parndise /perdais) free (WER) fri passenger "pusondpn! connecting ght security fryers aint a j ‘The future belongs to those who believe inthe beauty of their dreams. anor Roozevlt 3B=tét’s meet again 1 GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) 44 Complete the exe with the present conrinuous form of the verbs in parentheses, “Fi im iss, your guid, andtin going tell you about the arrangements for yourtrip to New York ity, We' he starting (start) our trip in about five minutes, so please ‘make yourselves comfortable. We? ___ rive] youstraght to thecity-we*___ (not top for breakfaston the wy, We (Ge9) the popular Broadway show Wicked today. Whe awe rcv, we (ro) you off at Eighth Avenue aul 46th street. Wet (ot take) you to Fifth Avenue because the trafic isternble. We" (errive) at 1:30 50 you have time for lanch or ‘some shopping before the show begins. The bus driver Gay) ‘with the busall day, s0 its OK to leave your coatson the bus. We? (Pick) you up near the theater after the show ends. We™ (leave) at443 promptly sodont be at. Now, any questions?” 1 Gee te correct ver form. Ifboth forms Potible check () che pemence. — 2 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions Complete the sentences with he correct prepositions. completely agree with yo 1 2 Werwarriving ____BrazilarOam. 2 A Doyouhaye ay plans fortis weekend? 3 Imwore yy Flight because its snowing. B Yes,Timgoingto visit /tmvistingmy grandporents 4. Theyre waiting ‘Anna. She'slate ‘onSunday, 5 Shespendsalocofmoney clothes, 3A tmacing to Boston next week, 6 Twanttospeak my bossaferanch, B Resly?Do youthinkitsgoingtobe/it'sbeingcolt? «7 Saral’sarrving___theairporttonight. ce rts nvace. 8 Whatdoyouthink —__ the government's proposal? ' Oh.Da you thinkhe's going toget/he's getting thejcs? 3 PRONUNCIATION sounding friendly 5A Whottime'sthe tran? a Number the dialogue in the correct order. BALMS PartworniWearentgohgtomiss ‘erent ==) Would you like to go away forthe weekend? ee ‘What about next weekend? What areyou doing then? 5 A Wio'e goingon vactionnext month ___Areyou free cis weekend? 8 Realy? Where are you going to go ere you going? — Moveit eee — OK Lets goto che mountains the scenery is beaut! B Jusualy catch thetus,but tomorrou fm going to —'m working on Sarurday rive / Ym driving because the buses areonstike Nothing. Next weekend sine. — Tilovero, Besees ee AOE COTES. Great, Doyou like walking? 'B iknow. fmsire shes going tohave/ shes having an ‘accident one day 1b _GGINRE Listen and check. Thea listen again and repeat ‘the sentences. Copy the rhythm, 4 READING ‘Read the advertisement fora vacation. How many nights does the tour last? Vist these tr ioe Prague © “he tourstartsin Prague coptactthe Czech Republic & fee bis takes you rom the apart o your hotel where you spend thvee igs. The pce cages a our ofthe fy. crue onthe Viva Rive sto sparesort anda perfomance athe ates agit thea From Prague you wavel rst classy rain your nex estan Vem, ‘he Austrian capital has many spectacular monuments which you canvisitwith the rae T-hour rave cad that you receNe linen you arive Viena, The prize as includes ator oF the ly. Viennese coffee and ekes athe famous Hotel acher and "perfomance tthe oper. ter you the nights in Vienna you travel est les by tran fo your final destination, Budapest. 1b Read che advertisement again. Answer the questions with P (Prague), V (Vienna) or B (Budapest. Inwhich city do customers... 1 teaye feeeon public transportation ¥ 2 havea traditional evening meal — 3 goona boat trip 4 listen toaconcert, 5 havea drinkand sweersnack 6 gotwaplaceworelax ‘© Underline five words you don't know, Use your ditionary to ook up theit ‘meaning and pronunciation. oes ets sanemisetonis USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. (crave arrangements stil el areindsmonts) both of us conferen ou 2v ss keaton loveto fad yy tw news nz forages. for ‘esi fix ks How age things? pethaps /poreps hac or ine ener ene eer et Budapest © ‘You spendyour asthe ih in Budge cantly at Hungary. nerethere are plenty of acest srpioe The ys idea to wo pats Ui laste cy of Baca onthe snd {hecanmmerca yo Peston he other side fe Oar iver The pice ncudes ator ofthe cy witht tothe Hungarian Fariament Bung tpl Hungarian dnt 3 perermance of ssa music andthe tir prom your hotel the por 5 LISTENING 2 SURED Listen towo people, Chrisand Dawn, talking about vacation erain trip. Which country {is Dawn visting? Is she going to eatand sleep onthe train? 1} GGTREG Listen aguin and correce the sentences. 1 Dawnistaking vacation train crip on her own, witha friend 2 Chris wentona trantrip when hewasa child 3 Dawn's going on the ain erip Fora month, 4 Dawa'sip startsin Los Mochis, 5 Dawn wants co go to storesin Mazatlan, 3G- What's the word? What is @rebel? Aman wha says no. Albert Camus, ranch witer 1 GRAMMAR defining relative clauses ‘a. Match the beginnings and ends ofthe sentences. 2 VOCABULARY expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. 1 That's the hotel wo Complete the sentences for explaining words. 2 needa cellphone o 1 egy Wes theoppait of generous 3 Mymomistheonly person) 2 eern lea of sweater, 4 owe the picture a 3 smart Iss 0 intelligent. 5 Thatbusis the one oa ‘sine thin buti'smaore pole 6 IndoistheCalifornianrown Sante ees eric naenerer 7 DwvidHocaeyiethearist — E] your vacation 8 Thats the estauant a 6 suabatle Fore yordothis onthe beach 7 plot Ws, hole plane 2 thathas good camer 8 compote Idea youcanslep intents ' tharmy brother aks to wor 6 that serves fe fish 4 who remembers my brty 3 PRONUNCIATION pronunciation in who pained Mr & Mrs, Clarke a dictionary £ where we spent our honeymoon. eee ay cae ake 2 Match the words with ther pronunciation. Use your Sree ier be dictionary thacisonche wall of your room. vce erties Complete the sentence with who, that, or where. iat a 1 Doyo know the man who ves next doot? 2 att 2 ead 2 Thavsthe gallery ___hadche Leonardo a — ee daVinct exhibition ies ies 3 Arethose the people — reselling B shoe a us eheirhouse? rocks fk 4 Doyou know a good restaurant, ag sis isopen om Sandy night? ss Se 5 Iethatthebue ——__goestothesixport? see bt 6 Wevaled pat the schoo their 5 sightce a st clildrengo. sunbathe ant 7 She'sthe women everyone is Se eae ERE, 6 height = a va 8 twookmy laptop backto the store ee though Fabien ot 9 Santiago isthe ci ivedasa child shorts nt 10 Iehereomeone —eanapak bing yi zi dowly— b Plraudad 1b SGTSRgp Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat ‘the words. 4 READING a Read the definitions and complete them with these words. More new words in English 1 _Webrage_ isthe angry feeling you get because of 5 The ea graupof people who take ' problem wth the Intrnet. care oftheir parents tthe same time as they'retaking oc ae icone care oftheir chilren the latest tyes. 6 ___isatind of acation where people stay 3 __isaind of bookthatteisa story sec tersansdy ital ator from awomanls polit of view. 7 ieasetofruesthat explains how 4 is athe electrical machines and ‘tpbepaha the estet ‘devices that people vow ay. BAL Isa vacation that youspend at home. b> Unuetne ive nore words you don't know. Use your [procera anna Gitionary olook wp thee nesning and pronenciaion, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES | Learn these words and phrases. | gprs Aperoupa 5 LISTENING 8 SBR Liven oa radio program aboutthe word game Serabble. How many diferent nameshas the game ad? 1b SRHSRI) Listen again. MarkthesenencesT (rus) or (ale). Alfred Mosher Buts was out of work when he invented the game r “The game of Leica had aboard and letter ies. Butts used anewspaper to count the fequency ofthe eters in English es Bute gave the eters A, E 1,0, and U one poincach, ‘Butts gave 12 points othe most dificult eters to we Scrabble became popula in 1948, 5 ‘ButtsandBranot sol the rghtstoche game osnother manufacturer. = 8 Youcan buy Scnblein more than aundred latte lated smartphone /smartfoon google 'ougl! text /ekst update “pdr road age (road rend SED ES Aves PE steer countres. zs LN Practical English 1 VOCABULARY ‘Complete the sentences. 1 Canwehavea table fortwo please? 2 Whatsonthem_____today? 3 Thest__ is chicken soup or tomato salad 4 Mlhave thesweakformym ___. 5 Leceaskihew. foranother bore of water 6 Tdonttwantad bat Fikes coffee. 7 Canwehavethec please? AT THE RESTAURANT (Order the dialogue. ar ody tarde? es 3 su - A Stlorsparking? = | B Yes, please. ie | Feet te ou ute are roc, | Eeetetioes _ | Te Abaked potato lose = |X Gentgetyousometing astra? | ores is A Heres yourstesk a cs te: lace 2 A Wold youth Ua i Was orth bake potta? many ry setae a hs eke — A Okanitodink? = A No tho you st omancouse ete sts pose A imvetysory. nam seelebecktothekitshen, 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Compete the sentences wih he words inthe box. ristake be gest my day — ay sggerion Lisa eae tale 1 $0, telleme Adam, what ave your plans? 8 Welt like tosee the ward. ' Tike to go sightsecing this afternoon. Do you have 2 8 How about going to Central Park? could take you. 1 That would ‘could ‘the check, please? B Yes, ofcourse Here ou ae. 1 Bxcuseme.|thirktheres_ | B oh, sony ltsnot A Ws veyate B Yes. Tine. 2 problems 4 READING a Read the article and answer the questions, 1 How many restaurants are therein New York? ver20,000 2 Whattime do restaurants serve early:bied menus? 3 How muchis the early-bird menu at Cucina di Pesca? 4 Whereis LaPsell? 5 Which restaurants serve pre-thester dinner mens? 6 How much do they cost? _—_ 7 Whenis tcheapest to eatina four-star restaurant? '8 Whatkind offood can you eat at Aquavit? Eating out in NY New York Cy has ver 20000 restaurants ferving a inde offoed However, sting out ihe figapotecn beer expec Reese some {ips ontow to sve money uring your sta. Early-Bird Menus ‘hase areal served in some New York restaurants be empty. you dort mind having dinner ear, you a any a vee-course mal for betaeen $13 an 625, Gucina di Pesce (87. thst) serves grt Italian food on its $12.5 early bid mens. Ifyou prater something Spanish, you an trythe $16.99 cary bra menu ot La Paella 214 & 5th St). Pre-Theater Dinner Menus Thess re ler mers, but they are served inthe Theater Dine Wost of te reterants hereofersspeal em ata pce ranging tom $30 0 43 The Secon avaobi before the Show, anditetateat Spin Four-Star Restaurants “These ae all very expensive a dinnertime, co why not have lunch thee instesa? That may you can fet dinner cuality foo a hanettine meng prices Aquavit (55 E 55th St] evves fantasti Seandinayan food 09 2 great lnch meno sd Jean Georges iu Centa Par es) ofersan excelent ‘hwo-conre ancora $25, 'b Underline five words or phrasesyou dont know. Use your

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