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O Name

Address line
one Address line
two Postcode


Hello, here's your electricity statement
from 18 January 2012 to 10 July 2012 O
State ment date: 20 July 2012

The balance we owe you is £54.8bo Your deal

'{..: We've reviewed your account and your monthly payments nee d to in crease to
£27.00 sta rting from 28 August 2012. You don't need to do any thin g, we'll lake b etter plan plus 2010 Economy 7
car e of the arr ang em ents.
Wh en we worked out your new monthly payment we included the EN.86 ered it. Your curro nt monthly payment
" Please tur n over for d eta ils of how we've worked out your ch arg es and en
Your rewards
Monthly Direct Deb it Discount 636
Your Electricity Supp£y Number

S 00 0000 0000 000

Your statement is based on an actual

'{..: We've reviewed your energy red uction for the las I year. Sor ry, you've nof
achieved 1 09 minim um red uction required to g et a rew ard. For tips on how to
reduce your energy use, please visit www.southern-elec
”,.:': Remember to send us your read ing s regularly, we recommend every 9 0 d ays.
You can d o this ea sily:
Online at www.south em or
Call our 24 hour M eterline on 08 00 220 995.

Get Ice points with betterplan.

Ice is a generous, flexible rewards scheme and as a betterplan
customer, you can get Ice points for FREE, to spend on a wide range
of fantastic products and services.
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