Devault Conviction

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Case: 45CI1:19-cr-00442-JE Document #: 119 Filed: 11/06/2020 Page 1 of 2


NOV CAUSE NO. 201 £-0442 CT I
James K. Devault
DOB: November 11,1996Y
SSN: 428-81-6581


THIS CAUSE came on for hearing in open Court on the matter of semtencing the
Defendant, James K. Devault under and pursuant to the Judgment(s) of Conviction for the
crime(s) of Culpable Negligence Manslaughter as charged in Coiint I of the
Indictment, as charged in the Indictment(s) and/or Bill(s) of Information in Cause
Number(s) 2019-0442 CT I, and the Defendant having entered a plea(s) of guilty to the
said crime(s) on the 11th day of September, 2020, and the Defendant and thei Defendant's
attorney Kevin Camp, and the State's attorney all being present and the Court, being fully
advised in the premises finds and determines that: a) the victim(s) and the investigating
officer(s) were notified in advance of these proceedings; b) the defendant's plba(s) of guilty
was/were entered WITHOUT a recommendation of sentence from the State; c) questions
and comments from all interested parties were invited and those submitted were received
and considered; d) the Defendant and Defendant's Attorney were given an opportunity to
address the court on all matters relevant to these proceedings including the presentation
of circumstances in extenuation and mitigation; e) the recommendation or sentence, if
made, by the State is hereby accepted and adopted by the Court as the sentence of the
Court; and (f) sentence should now be imposed.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant is hereby sentencec| as follows:

CAUSE NO. 2019-0442 CT I: to serve a term of twenty (20) years in the custody of the
Mississippi Department of Corrections.

The sentence is ordered to run consecutively to any and all other sentence

It is further ordered that the Defendant pay court costs in the amount of $429 .00 to be paid
in full within six months after release from incarceration. The issue of Restitution to the
Victims in this cause is to remain open for a period of thirty (30) days and will be addressed
in a separate order.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant be given credit for all time served
in pretrial detainment on the above described charges.
Case: 45CI1:19-cr-00442-JE Document #: 119 Filed: 11/06/2020 Page 2 of 2

SO ORDERED AND ADJUDGED this the 2nd day of November, 202C(.

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