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Lesson Title English lesson “goodbye bird’s problem”

Level of Inquiry

It’s very important to help your child identify the problem that he may be exposed to
and know to solve it quickly
A brief description of the
There is a group of children who want to grow watermelons on the farm. Whenever
they scatter seeds on the soil, birds come and eat them, and they are not able to
complete the cultivation of watermelons. What is the solution?

The Problem or Issue The teacher will tell the student There is a group of children who want to grow
watermelons on the farm. Whenever they scatter seeds on the soil, birds come and eat
them, and they are not able to complete the cultivation of watermelons. What is the

The teacher will ask the student, to find a solution to keeping birds away from the
seeds? So, the boys can make their garden and the watermelon will grow up quickly.

Essential Question
How we keeping the birds away from the garden?
 What materials we can use to keep the birds away?
 Think of something that the bird afraid of?
 Think of way that we can use the straw for?
Guiding Questions  How we can hide the seeds from the birds?

KLW3: identify and compare the external features of living things that make them
 By end of the lesson the student will able to
 know the living things and non-living things
 identify the different between living things and non-living things
Learning Outcomes (LOs)
By the end of the lessons students will learn that the All living things breathe, eat, grow, move, reproduce
students will be able to: and have senses.

Non-living things do not eat, grow, breathe, move and reproduce. They do not
have senses.

 The student will think together and they will say the birds afraid from the
humans so, we can put a human outside to keep the birds away from our
Hypothesis  But no one can stay the whole day standing outside
 So, the students they will think about the teacher Question, she gives them a
hint “Think of way that we can use the straw for? “

Prediction Think about what will happen. Not the same as guessing.
The student will think of an Idea how they can use the straw to keep the birds away
from the garden.
They will gather their information “the birds afraid of the humans and we have a straw
to use but what we use it for?”
So, they will come of a perfect idea, the student thinking to build a straw man to
keeping the birds away from the garden.

The students will gather their information and thoughts to find a solution to keep the
The outcome or product of the
birds away from the seeds so the watermelon can grow faster
students’ investigation (i.e.
At the end of student’s investigation, they will know that the birds afraid of humans so
what will the students be
they can build a straw man to keep the birds away from the garden.
expected to produce at the end
At the end of the lesson students will know the the birds id living things and the
of their investigation)
watermelon is living, and the straw man in non-living things

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