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Alaska Tobacco Control Program

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The public health initiative was started to enhance capacity in the South-East Asia area to

predict and provide an adequate response to existing health issues. The initiative presents tools

for different nations to sensitize societies and political leaders regarding healthy regulations and

practices and forms opportunities for training and regulation growth across or within countries.

Public health initiative has increased and encouraged a more significant review of public health

education standards and accreditation processes in the region through various networks and is

encouraging a movement for public health in different countries. The well-articulated and

functioning healthcare system is essential in keeping a healthy population that in turn, is

significant for a nation’s economic productivity and social growth.

Alaska Tobacco Control Program

The level of tobacco consumption both spit and cigarettes have been higher in Alaska

than in the rest of the United States. In trying to curb this menace, the Alaska Division of health

and community services incorporated an individual tobacco control initiative based upon the

centers for ailment control’s best actions for inclusive tobacco management initiatives-2007. The

program engages counter-marketing, society-based programs, deleting exposure to secondhand

smoke and getting rid of health disparities. Several Alaskans have reached the quit-line since it

was started in 2002 and by 2007; the state recorded close to 50 percent quit level. Alaska has

seen significant results of its efforts with behavioral risk factor showing a significant decrease in

tobacco consumption. This is a public health initiative in one of the many states within America

that are primarily directed to improve the health conditions of Alaskans.

Factors Affecting Alaskans Health

Cultural practices have affected the health of Alaskans as some tribal communities have

considered the consumption of tobacco sacred used in ceremonial or medicinal reasons. The rural

initiative planners ought to acknowledge the difference between traditional and commercial

tobacco consumption. Ethics have also been a significant aspect in fighting tobacco usage in

Alaska where some institutions have restricted smoking while others are taking a further step to

initiate employment restrictions. These restrictions also apply to smokers and any person who

tests positive on cotinine tests (Wallerstein et al., 2017). The federal government and other

regulatory institutions within the nation implemented specific legal actions that control the use

and consumption of tobacco. American food and drug administration recently settled on a

regulation that extends its lawful power to the entire tobacco products inclusive of cigars, e-

cigarettes and pipe tobacco as part of its larger objective of enhancing public health.

Health Care Legislation

The affordable care act is a significant health care legislation that has been significant

towards the fight on tobacco consumption. The rule makes numerous modifications to the health

insurance environment and also initiates further attention on prevention in healthcare, which

engages tobacco cessation (McAfee et al., 2015). As the first changes are being made to how

healthcare ought to be delivered and paid for in the United States, there is a significant prospect

to include tobacco cessation cure as a significant factor towards curbing fatal ailment and rapidly

increasing healthcare costs. The American lung association avails various materials and

evaluation discovering affordable care act requirements that discuses tobacco cessation and

prevention, incorporating the federal direction acknowledging full tobacco cessation advantages.

This is one of the health care legislation that plays an essential role in stopping the consumption

of tobacco within Alaska and the whole United States.

Overall, public health is a system that aims to protect and enhance the health of a

community and population level. Therefore, the Alaska tobacco control program was a public

health initiative aimed at educating citizens regarding healthier choices, encouraging healthier

lifestyles, and preventing other outbreaks. The centers for disease control are encouraging

various nations to embrace various healthcare initiatives that will accomplish health equity,

eliminate disparities, and enhancing the health of all people.



McAfee, T., Babb, S., McNabb, S., & Fiore, M. C. (2015). Helping smokers quit—opportunities

created by the Affordable Care Act. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(1), 5-7.

Wallerstein, N., Duran, B., Oetzel, J. G., & Minkler, M. (Eds.). (2017). Community-based

participatory research for health: Advancing social and health equity. John Wiley &


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