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Trace Element Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Finnish Greenstone Belts

Article  in  Journal of Petrology · May 1980

DOI: 10.1093/petrology/21.2.201 · Source: OAI


148 372

7 authors, including:

Bor-ming Jahn Ramon Raymond Capdevila

National Taiwan University Université de Rennes 1


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Trace Element Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of
Finnish Greenstone Belts


1. COR NIC HE T, F. VI D A Land 1. HAM EU R T
C.A.E.S.S., Université de Rennes, Institut de Géologie, 35042-RENNES Cédex, France
(Received 4 July 1978; in revisedform 4 December 1978)

Archean metavolcanic rocks from three green stone belts (Suomussalmi, Kuhmo and Tipasjarvi)
of eastern Finland have been subject to a detailed geochemical study which leads to a discussion of
their petrogenesis and the problem of compositional heterogeneity in the Archean mande.
LithostratigraphicaHy, the greenstone belts are roughly divided into a lower and an upper volcanic
sequence. Rocks of komatiitic and tholeiitic compositions are restriç.ted to the lower sequence, while
andesitic tuffs, dacite-rhyodacite lavas and minor basalts of alkaline affinity occur in the upper
sequence. AH rocks from the green stone belts have been subject to regional metamorphism of the
upper greenschist facies to the lower garnet amphibolite facies. Consequendy, the geochemical
distinction of original magma types and the discussion of petrogenesis have relied heavily on the
abundances of less mobile elements, such as Ti0 2 , rare earth elements (REE), and sorne transition
metals (e.g. Ni and Cr).
Using aH the possible discriminants of major element compositions, we have concluded that two
general magmatic series that exist in the lower volcanic sequence might be distinguished by the
parameter of Ti0 2 content: the komatiitic series is characterized by having Ti0 2 ~ 1· 0 per cent and
the tholeiitic series by ~1·0 per cent. The general series do not imply that a cogenetic relationship
linked only by fractional crystaBization exists in each series.
Several magmatic types could be distinguished by their characteristic REE distribution patterns.
In general, the komatiitic rocks show fiat HREE (heavy REE) and .fiat or depleted LREE (light
REE) patterns; the tholeiitic rocks show fractionated patterns with sorne degree of LREE
\enrichment, whilst the acidic rocks demonstrate highly fractionated patterns with significant HREE
ldepletion. Model calculations indicate that: (1) the komatiitic and the tholeiitic series have no clear
genetic relationship; (2) sorne basaltic komatiites (MgO < 12 per cent) could have been derived by
crystal fractionation from a melt of peridotitic komatiite composition (MgO;::::: 30 pe~ cent), but
others require various degrees of partial melting from the same or different source regions to
account for their trace element abundànces; (3) both partial melting and fractional crystaHization
have interplayed for the production 6fvarious rocks within the tholeiitic series; (4) three different
types of source materials are proposed for aB magmas from the lower volcanic sequence. AH three
types have the same initial HREE (about 2x chondrites) but different LREE (from very depleted to
2 x, fiat) abundances; (5) volcanic rocks of the upper volcanic sequence ' must have originated at
great depths where garnet remains in the residue after partial melting and melt segregation.
The recognition of the strongly LREE-depleted mande sources, deduced from the REE patterns
of peridotitic komatiites from Finland, Canada and Rhodesia, may suggest that this depletion is a
worldwide phenomenon, and that the Archean upper mande is as heterogeneous in composition as
the modern upper mantle. The causal effect of the depletion might be related to the gerteration of
sorne contemporaneous LREE-enriched tholeiitic rocks, or more likely, to contemporaneous or
previous continental crust forming events.

ARC H E A N vo1canie rocks in greenstone belts of Preeambrian shields have
reeently been subjeet to intensive isotopie and geoehemieal studies. Most studies
are aiming at (1) age determinations and stratigraphie correlation, in partieular, the
[Journal ofPetrology, Vol. 21 , Part 2, pp. 201- 244, 19801
202 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

relations between green stone belts and surrounding granitic rocks, (2) tectonic
modeling, in which Archean geochemical characteristics are invariably compared
with rocks of different modern tectonic regimes, (3) petrogenesis, especially the
genetic linkage between tholeiitic and high-Mg komatiitic rocks, and (4) implication
for the upper mantle composition in Archean times.
Trace element abundances in Archean volcanic rocks have been used by many
to deduce possible ancient tectonic environments (e.g. Hart et al., 1970; White et
al., 1971; Jahn et al., 1974; Condie & Harrison, 1976). Unfortunately, ambiguity
always emerges when more detailed comparisons are made between various
Archean volcanic rocks and their modern 'equivalents'. Jahn & Sun (1979), among
others, point out in a recent review that trace element abundances might not be
good indicators of the tectonic settings for Archean green stone belts.
Archean rocks in the Baltic shield are relatively little known in terms of
geochemical study. They occur in the north-western U.S.S.R. and the adjacent part
of eastern and northern Finland. Only recently has the existence of greenstone belts
in eastern Finland been clearly demonstrated (Mutanen, 1976; Blais et al., 1977;
Gaal et al., 1978). The principal characteristics of the belts, general geochemical
features and petrogenetic considerations have been presented by Blais et al. (1978).
In this report, we give a more detailed account of the trace element characteristics
of three greenstone belts (Suomussalmi, Kuhmo and Tipasjarvi). The rare earth
elements, due to their coherent geochemical behavior, resistance to post-magmatic
alterations and metamorphism and also to the high precision of data acquisition,
will form the backbone of the foHowing discussion. We shaH emphasize (1) the
petrogenesis of various rock types and (2) implications for the upper mantle
composition in the Archean.
The green stone belts of eakstern Finland (Fig. 1) are surrounded by vast areas of
granitic gneisses (basement) of Pre-Karelian age (ca. 2·6-2·8 b.y., Kouvo &
Tilton, 1966). Three green stone belts (Suomussalmi, Kuhmo and Tipasjarvi) have
been subject to our intensive geochemical study. These belts are generaHy less than
20 km wide, but are elongated along a N-S trend extending nearly 200 km.
Age determinations on the volcanic rocks as weH as on the surrounding base-
ment rocks and sorne intrusive granites within the greenstone belts have been
carried out by our colleague Ph~ Vidal (in preparation). A common Pb secondary
isochron yields an age of 2·65 b.y·. (À'238 = 0·155125 X 10- 9 yr- 1 ; À. 235 = 0·98485 X
10-9 yr- l ) for aH rocks analyzed. This age is identical tothe preliminary Rb-Sr
whole-rock isochron age of 2·66 b.y. (À. 87 = 1·42 X 10- 11 y'c l ) obtained for the
granitic basement rocks. Both the Rb-Sr and the common Pb age data suggest that
the greenstone belts and surrounding granitic gneiss basement were probably
formed at about the same period of time (2·6-2· 7 b.y.), as in the cases of NE
Minnesota and many other Archean terrains (e.g. Jahn & Murthy, 1975).
Lithostratigraphy and volcanism
The Suomussalmi belt (Fig. 1) possesses the most complete stratigraphic column
among the three belts of intèrest. Blais et al. (1977, 1978) recognized an early

150 Km


:: : 1 1 :.:.:..... 3
.::.: ~.. ...!=!.=:=:=:I::::::=::?=::;:::;#'=;:;::::=.I:;:::::::?,:
" . ... ... " :.', .. ... :..... : ..; : ; ..':.-: ', : ..... :
' . ' ,' '.' '

FIG. 1. Geological sketch map of eastern Finland. 1 = Karelian formations (-1·8 b.y.); 2 = Archean
greenstone belts; 3 = Archean basement (high grade metamorphic terrains mainly composed of gneisses and

magmatic cycle, in which ultrabasic to basic lavas were erupted, followed by

geosynclinal sedimentation. The sediments are now metamorphosed to micaschists,
graphite schists, metagreywackes, and quartzites. These lithologic units were then
overlain by volcanic >rocks of the second cycle, including andesitic tuffs,

204 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

dacitic-rhyodacitic lavas and minor basalts of alkaline affinity. The whole volcanic
succession is believed to rest unconformably upon the gneissic basement which is
comprised of fine to medium-grained gneisses, augen gneisses, migmatites,
micaschists and subordinate amphibolites. In the Kuhmo and the Tipasjarvi belts,
only volcanic rocks of the first cycle occur in significant amounts.
Major element chemistry shows that the lower volcanic sequence (formed in the
first cycle volcanism) can be divided into two general magmatic series: (1) high-Mg
komatiitic series, ranging from peridotitic komatiite (MgO > 30 per cent) to
basaltic komatiite (MgO < 12 per cent), and (2) tholeiitic series, mainly of low-K
basalt type. At present, rocks of the komatiitic series are found in all three
greenstone belts, but those of the tholeiitic series are restricted to the Kuhmo and
Tipasjarvi belts.

AlI volcanic and sedimentary rocks have been subject to regional metamorphism
of the upper greenschist facies to the lower garnet amphibolite facies. The degree of
metamorphism in the Finnish green stone belts seems to be higher than in other
green stone belts of southern Africa, western Australia and North America. The
most frequent mineraI assemblages now observed are: (1) in ultramafic rocks:
antigorite ± tremolite + chlorite + talc ± carbonates ± chromites ± opaques; (2)
in mafic rocks: actinolite + epidote + chIo rite + plagioclase (An 25-45) ± biotite
± hornblende ± garnet ± clinopyroxene + opaques; (3) in acidic,rocks of the upper
volcanic sequence: quartz + plagioclase + microcline + muscovite + biotite ±
epidote ± garnet and (4) in sediments: quartz + biotite + muscovite + oligoclase ±
chlorite ± garnet (Blais et al., 1977, 1978). Relict olivine and clinopyroxene are
occasionally found in ultramafic and mafic rocks.

TexturalIy, pillow lavas usually exhibit a radiating habit of thin and elongateq
crystals of amphibole ('intersertal divergent' texture). Varioles are sometimes found
in the margins of pillows, welded together with a schistose matrix. Original shapes
of pillows are well preserved. Other volcanic rocks occur in massive forms in which
crystals are (1) coarse to medium-grained and intersertal texture is well displayed,
or (2) fine-grained but strongly (oliated; only a few original volcanic textures have
'.. : been preserved. The ultramafic rocks mainly occur as massive bodies, with
schistosity in sorne soapstones. · Although rocks of komatiitic composition are
widespread in these three greenstone belts, obvious spinifex textures have been
rarely found in the field; this is in quite a contrast with. the occurrence in the
Barberton Mountain land (Viljoen & Viljoen, 1969a), the Superior Province (Pyke
et al., 1973; Arndt et al., 1977), and western Australia (Nesbitt, 1971). However,
in one case (sample S 833 of Tipasjarvi} a microspinifex texture is clearly
preserved. Samples from nearby outcrops also show similar texture. A detailed
account of sorne rocks with microspinifex texture with microprobe analysis on
constituent mineraIs is, currently in preparation (Blais).

Suomussalmi ::

·· . ~
Ammansaar 1


1 68 '------ 3

1 fl {"'Moisiovaa ra

, ~
" 1

l !
10 15 Km
( 179
\ ,
tJ )
" //' 0 5 10 15Km
; ... 1 '\ ! !

<, dt
539 -\~ ' y - 501
i' '~~
~ 397,398
(, 374 375
\ 371'
~.:,---- 366

____ ~818

~---.'-- 860

858 833 831829 828

328 346 332 334
o 834 830

FIG. 2. Sampling localities in the three green stone belts. Dash lines indicate the approximate boundaries of the
green stone belts. Numbers correspond to th~ sample numbers in Table 2, but the prefix S is dropped here.

The sampling localities are shown in Fig. 2. A detailed geologic map is not yet
available, mainly due to the fact that the outcrops of greenstones are small and
isolated in vast wooded are as with lakes. A model of structural evolution, based on
the information of folding patterns, mineraI lineation, faulting, metamorphic
banding and contact relationships with the basement rocks and intrusive plutons,
was given by Blais et al. (1978). Most of the samples chosen for this study come
from the lower volcanic sequence. A few samples of the upper volcanic sequence
were also analyzed for a preliminary companson with similar rock types from
other greenstone belts. '\
206 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

Chondritic values used and blank analysis for
REE (Sample weight used ~ 250 mg)
1 2 (2) Blank
(Leed~) Ordinary

1·2 (ppm)

La 0·315 0·329 1·044 0·002

Ce 0·813 0·865 1·064 0·001
Nd 0·597 0·630 1·055 0·00075
Sm 0·192 0·203 1·057 0·0002
Eu 0·0722 0·0770 1·066 0·0002
Gd 0·259 0·276 1·066
Dy 0·325 0·343 1·055 0·0001
Er 0·2i3 0·225 1·056 0·0001
Yb 0·208 0·220 1·058 0·00012
Lu 0·0323 0·0339 1·049 0·00016

Leedey values are taken from Masuda et al. (1973).

Ordinary chondrites values are the average of ten most
representative ordinary chondrites values given by Nakamura
(1974). Note that the relative abundances are nearly identical
to those of Leedey.


Major elements
The major elements (except for Na and Mg) were determined by the XRF
method which is basically similar to that described by Rose et al. (1962). Total iron
is reported as Fe 20 3 (Table 2). Na 20 and MgO were determined by the atomic
absorption method. Analytical uncertainties were estimated at between 1 and 5 per
cent for the XRF analyses and better than 3 per cent for the atomic absorption.
P2 0s is precise to only ± 10 per cent.

Trace elements (except REE)

The abundances of Ni, Co, Cr, V, Zr, Y, Rb and Sr were determined by the
XRF method on cellulose backed powder pellets. The mass absorption corrections
were calculated from major eleqlent contents and the interference of other trace
elements was taken into account. Analytical uncertainties were at 5 per cent for
concentrations greater than 20 ppm, and 10 per cent for those less than 20 ppm. Zr
contents less than 60 ppm are precise to only 20 per cent.

Rare-earth elements (REE)

The rare earth elements were determined by the isotopie dilution method. Briefly,
powder samples of 200 to 250 mg were dissolved in a platinum crucible with a
mixture of concentrated HF (15 ml) and HCI0 4 (1 ml). For samples with
refractory phases such as garnet, zircon, spinel or opaque mineraIs, the dissolution
was made in a teflon bomb with steel jacket. Spike solution was added before

dissolution. The sample was slowly digested and dried completely. 20 ml 2N HCI
Major oxide compositions and trace element concentrations in Archean volcanic rocks of some Finnish Greenstone Belts
(Reference No., SU = Suomussalmi; K = Kuhmo; T = Tipasjiirvi)
Sample No. S3 S99 Sloo S145 S102 S 75 S200 S252 S261 S63 S65 S162 S29 S98 S209
Reference No. SUl SU2 SU3 SU4 SU5 SU6 SU7 S U8 SU9 SUJO sun SUl2 SU13 SU14 SU15
SiO ,(%) 37 ·20 48 ·00 48·40 49 ·20 47 · 70 51·00 50 ·60 46·60 47·10 52 ·90 48 ·90 58 ·6 68·1 73 · 1 39 ·04
AI,o , 3·29 11 · 39 11·24 14·76 14·80 15 ·80 15·84 15 · 18 15·49 13 · 11 18 ·46 15·04 15 ·23 15·72 3·32
Fe,O, 15·08 11·70 11·77 10·74 13·45 12·41 13 · 19 12·81 12·69 8·35 8·43 7·28 3·79 1·37 10·25
MnO 0·22 0·24 0 ·23 0· 12 0·24 0·27 0 · 19 0 ·22 0 · 19 0· 16 0·15 0 · 12 0 ·09 0·05 0 · 15
MgO 29·22 12 · 55 13 ·22 7·53 8·94 4·84 5· 16 9·88 7·82 9·47 5·50 3·58 2· 16 0·70 34·96
CaO 3·38 11·68 11·27 15·12 9· 19 11 ·20 4·43 10·48 11 ·87 8·82 7· 35 5·84 3·32 1·51 0· 10
0 · 12
0 · 20
0 · 33
0 ·24
0· 16
2· 14
0 ·06
2· 15
0 · 10
0 · 10 -

TiO ,
0 ·03
0 ·06
3· li
0 ·05
2· 74
1· 15
0· 10
2· 34
6· 70
0 · 10
0 ·09
1· 74
0 ·89
13·22 -
TOTAL 97 ·6 99·8 100·5 100·3 100·48 100·05 99·29 100·15 100·43 99 ·52 98 ·52 98·38 100·38 100· 77 101·5 o
Elements in ppm: tr:1
La 1·14 1·716 1·424 2·99 3·025 3· 104 1·94 5·68 36 · 1 77-5 55·9 Z
Ce 2·37 4 · 29 5·43 15·42 83 · 7 175 ·2 116·2 42·9 c;n
3·64 7·39 7·84 7·87 8·55 24·4 6 ·60
4 ·39 --l
2·21 2· 93 12 ·95 44 ·5 76·2 46·5 16 ·5
Sm 0 ·694 0·932
0 ·846
2· 19
2·44 1·515 4 ·47 8· 13. 11·39 6·85 2·69
11 · 1
4· 175
Eu 0· 246 0 · 380 0 ·329 0·588 0·720 0·772 0·865 0·702 1·695 2· 162 2·344 1·59 0·694 0·522 0·366 tr:1
Gd 0 ·845 1·3 3 1·15 2·22 2·80 2·92 3·35 1·97 6·20 6·10 7·63 4 ·83 1·804 1·15 1·43 ttI
Dy 0 ·945 1·625 1·528 2·73 3·35 3·55 4 ·38 2·45 7·77 3·85 5·06 3·84 1·15 0 ·599 1·67 tr:1
Er 0·551 1·077 1·021 1·82 2·25 2·28 2·90 1·574 4·92 1·853 2·50 2· 12 0·600 0 ·256 1·022 l'
Yb 0·512 1·037 0·987 1·75 2· 126 2·30 2·79 1·64 4: 77 1·652 2·28 1·825 0·607 0 ·227 0·959 --l
Lu 0·083 0 · 162 0 · 153 0·277 0·319 0 · 351 0· 374 0·269 0·601 0·256 0·319 0·257 0 ·096 0 ·036 0·154

Ni 148.5 209 211 178 133 147 158 212 168 140 107 22 < 10 1170
Co 106 57 55 55 50 58 51 56 53 38 32 < 10 27 18 108
Cr 5879 1210 1198 810 294 325 445 325 325 770 220 120 71 297 4760
V 97 228 223 263 258 335 292 281 264 174 148 123 45 18 69
Zr 30 16 15 54 49 49 42 34 41 115 252 191 40 83 20
y < 10 12 Il 22 26 31 24 21 24 20 30 26 15 12 < 10
Rb <1 6 10 9 4 4 <1 II <1 74 82 48 5 35 <1
Sr 16 155 118 130 92 110 53 85 134 390 616 312 226 273 5

Ti/Zr 60 157 164 75 120 122 131 134 123 38 25 28 60 14 63

Zr/ Y > 3·0 1·33 1·36 2·45 1·88 1·58 1·75 1·62 1·71 5· 75 8·4 7·35 2·67 6·92 > 2·0 N
Ti/Y > 180 209 223 184 226 193 229 21 7 210 219 210 206 160
97 > 126 -.1
V/ Zr 3·23 14 · 3 14 ·9 4 ·87 5·27 6·84 6·95 8·26 6·43 1· 51 0·59 0·64 1·13 0·22 3·45
TABLE 2 (continued)
SampleNo. S539 S328 S332 S366 S374 S375 SI68 S397 S50I S371 S346 S398 SI79 S334
Reference No. KI K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 KIO KU KI2 KI3 K14

SiO,(%) 39·50 48· 10 49 · 10 50·20 48·30 48 ·50 49 ·80 50·00 50·0 46·00 45·30 49·60 46 · 10 47· 70
AI,oJ 2·99 13 ·05 13·21 13·70 9·02 10 ·30 12 ·65 5· 75 6·54 14·25 9 · 81 13· 75 14·02 13 ·06
Fe,O J 9·23 13·64 12 ·26 12·37 13 ·32 14·41 16·69 14 ·10 II· 74 17·43 13·89 16·19 17·03 19 ·98
MnO 0·08 0 · 25 0·20 0 · 16 0·27 0 ·25 0·23 0·29 0·25 0·20 0·21 0·36 0·23 0·29
MgO 33·23 8·21 7·44 9 ·8 1 13·17 11 ·04 5·86 11 ·48 11·67 5·97 14·81 4·07 7· 18 5·69
CaO 1·83 11 ·53 9 ·80 7 · 12 12 ·54 12 · 75 10·06 15· 75 14·13 11·61 9·51 7· 58 9·28 6·82
Na,O <0·05 2·37 1·15 3 ·84 0·95 1·19 2·35 1·06 2·13 1· 76 0·70 4·48 2·18 2 ·48
K,O 0·04 0 ·24 0 · 16 0·10 0·32 0·28 0·04 0 ·25 0·37 0·26 1·55 1·06 1·09 0·11
TiO, 0·18 0·67 0·62 0·81 0·64 0·72 1·28 1·14 1·24 2·05 1·50 2 · 14 2·46 1·91
p,o , 0·03 0·07 0·07 0 · 10 0·04 0·06 0·12 0·10 0·10 0·09 O· 13 0 · 15 0 ·35 0·19
LOI 11 ·97 1·40 6·02 2·07 1·40 1·41 1·61 1·01 0·76 0·84 2·40 0·46 0·16 1·72
., te
TOTAL 99 · 13 . 99·5 99·7 100·28 99 ·97 100·91 100·69 100·93 98·93 100·46 99·81 99 ·84 100·08 99·95 ,
Elements in ppm: .....
La 3·18 3·64 4·38 5·82 7·08 13 · 76 22·80 8·206 ;1>-
Ce 2 ·812 6·02 5 ·014 8 · 11 4 ·97 8·51 9·72 12·08 16 ·21 14 · 14 20·41 32 ·8 51·86 20 ·53 ::z::
Nd 2 ·67 4·47 3 ·85 6 ·53 5 ·04 6·40 8·10 9·93 12·36 8·06 13 ·0 21 ·2 29·22 12 ·86 z
Sm O· 783 1·46 1·29 2 ·42 1·752 2·01 2·76 2·955 3· 58 1·88 3·50 5·34 6·98 3·52
Eu 0·053 0·569 0·410 0·901 0 ·420 0·653 0·943 0·909 1· 129 0·696 1· 165 1·55 2·076 1· 175 ~
Gd 0·940 2·075 1·765 4 ·32 2·33 2 ·95 3·93 3·23 4·12 1·976 3·69 5 ·47 7· 59
Dy 0·895 2·66 2·24 4·655 2 ·677 3· 27 4·57 2·90 3·49 1·89 3·253 4·63 7·095 3·223 t-<
Er 0·470 1·765 1·425 3·05 1·68 1·99 2·95 1·39 1· 711 1·098 1·604 2·35 4·24 1· 593
Yb 0 ·475 1·733 1·396 2 ·93 1·70 1·95 2·90 1·097 1·5 4 1·054 1·462 1·967 4·05 1·443
Lu 0·079 0·263 0·212 0·370 0 ·240 0·256 0-449 0·164 0·171 0 · 156 0·175 0·290 0·60 0·186

Ni 1948 96 85 143 425 369 58 244 210 32 598 55 120 53

Co 77 54 50 53 72 76 55 64 55 80 89 49 65 64
Cr 2906 230 251 625 1669 1872 32 185 687 25 1980 < 10 218 85
V 71 280 260 290 243 303 386 280 248 770 270 400 419 432
Zr o 48 48 44 32 39 78 51 75 66 113 115 206 131
Y 3 22 20 24 18 21 40 23 20 16 22 27 57 54
Rb 1 5 5 12 3 10 <1 3 37 38 <1
Sr 8 158 116 126 37 68 696 92 92 2 262 257 163 102

Ti/ Zr 84 77 110 120 III 98 134 99 186 80 112 72 87

Zr/Y 2· 18 2-40 1·83 1·78 1·86 1·95 2·22 3·75 4· 13 5·14 4·26 3·61 2·43
Ti/Y 183 185 201 214 206 191 297 371 768 411 477 260 211
V/ Zr 5·83 5·42 6·59 7·59 7·77 4·95 5·49 3 · 31 II· 7 2·39 3·48 2·03 2,43
Sample N o. S84 7 S834 S831 S818 S828 S830 S846 S858 S833 S829 S824 S825 S819 S860
Reference No . Tl T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 TIO Tll T12 TJ3 T14

SiO,(%) 44 · 13 43 ·61 48·20 48·35 49 ·60 45·67 46 ·84 47·64 43·95 43·43 51· 79 46 · 72 47 ·22 52 · 77
AI ,O ] 7·45 7·17 11 · i2 15·48 14 · 65 10·82 11·00 11 ·46 6·30 9·50 14 ·29 13·00 14 ·08 13 ·51
Fe,O] 10·54 10 ·45 11 · 19 13 ·00 14 ·06 13·07 12 ·94 12 ·59 10·95 13·06 14 · 59 16 ·88 16·12 15 · 76
MnO 0 · 14 0 · 16 0 · 18 0 · 23 0 ·23 0·19 0·20 0 ·24 0·18 0· 19 0 ·23 0·24 0·24 0·22
MgO 25 ·59 25·32 15 · 37 6· 77 7· 81 15 · 13 13 ·51 11 ·98 24 ·50 20·22 5·30 6· 77 5 · 78 4 ·66
CaO 6·72 6·86 9·40 10· 52 11·00 9·62 9·90 11·37 6·62 7· 88 9·97 11·47 9· 82 8·10
Na,o 0 ·23 0·20 1·66 3·01 1·94 1·00 1·21 1·09 0 · 10 0 ·21 2·61 2·02 2·87 2·02
K,o 0 · 10 0·10 0 ·05 0 ·22 0·05 0·05 0·15 0 · 15 0·09 0 ·05 0 · 13 0·13 0 ·69 0 ·35
TiO , 0·41 0 · 33 0·54 1·00 0·93 0 ·63 1·27 0 ·56 0·2 7 0·50 0·79 1· 50 2·44 1·52 'Tl
P,O, 0·06 0·06 0·07 0 · 10 0·09 0·09 0·16 0 ·09 0 · 10 0·06 0·11 0·08 0 ·31 0· 16 ......
LOI 5 ·68 6 · 15 2·33 1·08 0·44 2·89 2·24 2·16 6· 83 4· 89 0· 59 0·44 0·53 0 · 39
TOTAL 101 ·05 100 ·41 100·1 99 · 76 100·8 99·16 99-42 99·33 99 ·89 99·99 100·4 99·25 100·1 99-46 CIl

Elements in ppm: Cl
La 0·340 0·634 0 ·896 2· 174 2·405 1·887 3·63 1·275 1·06 1· 518 2· 705 2·642 15·94 8-44 :;tl
Ce 1· 522 2·292 2·812 6 ·67 6·85 5· 33 9·23 3·87 2·864 4· 31 7·26 7·08 36 · 3 18 · 71 trl
21 ·24 12 ·68
Nd 1·956 2· 11 2·554 6· 166 6·15 4·41 7·28 3·525 2· 326 3·67 5·37 5·39
1· 732 5·37 3·75
2-40 1·225 O· 762 1· 245 1·800
0 · 763
2· 22
0·499 0·852 0 ·447 0·263 0·440 0 ·656 0·79 1·66 1·28 ,..,

Gd 1·08 1·026 1·61 3·02 2· 95 1·89 1·82 1·015 2·54 2·373 o

Dy 1·349 1·271 2·056 3·824 3· 72 3 2·36 2·644 2·03 1· 253 1·98 3·24 2·963 5· 85 4 ·85 Z
Er 0 ·858 0·823 1·27 2·44 2·426 1·52 1· 376 1·235 0 ·811 1·28 2·20 1·92 3· 52 3 ·012
Yb 0 ·862 0·862 1·298 2·405 2·435 1·435 1· 186 1·08 0·805 1· 245 2·29 2·066 3·167 2·926 t::O
0·161 0·130 0 · 176 0 ·352 0·328 0·476 0 ·453 trl
Lu 0·138 0·135 0· 367 0 ·364 0·201 0 · 164
308 1133 793 87 45 52 43 CIl
Ni 1149 1171 622 131 109 643 552
Co 97 100 85 58 65 93 77 69 95 108 62 68 61 62
Cr 3186 · 3004 2067 326 280 2160 1886 1093 2343 2645 12 43 193 57
V 1.72 150 225 312 322 235 268 243 153 212 373 1613 394 303
Zr 12 7 21 48 45 22 100 22 4 18 40 30 173 109
Y 9 II 17 22 23 18 19 15 10 18 23 23 39 29
Rb <1 <1 <1 8 <1 <1 2 5 <1 <1 <1 <1 15 4
Sr 29 29 59 93 107 35 133 49 35 7 184 107 221 165

Ti/ Zr 205 282 154 125 124 172 76 152 405 166 118 300 85 84
Zr/ Y 1·33 0·64 1·24 2·18 1·96 1·22 5· 26 1·4 7 0·40 1·00 1·74 1·30 4 ·44 3·76
Ti/ Y 272 280 191 273 243 210 400 223 162 166 205 390 377 316
V/ Zr 14·3 21-4 10 · 7 6 ·5 7·15 10·7 2·68 11·0 38 ·2 11·8 9·33 54 2·28 2·78 IV
210 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

was then added to the dry cake and further evaporated to dryness. After this
procedure, 2 ml of 2N HCI was added to make a final solution ready to be loaded
to an ion exchange column (20 x 1 cm in dimension, Biorad AG 50W -X8,
200-400 mesh cation exchange resin). In the ion exchange process, cations such as
Na, Fe, Al, Mg, K, Rb, Ca, Sr were first eluted by 2N HCL Ba and REE were then
eluted by 2·5N and 4·0N HN0 3 successively. REE were divided into several
mixture groups: HREE, MREE, LREE, Ce and La for later mass analysis.
The mass analysis was performed using a 30 cm, 60° TSN 206 mass
spectrometer equipped with an automatic magnetic switching device and a HP
9825A ca1culator for data acquisition. AlI samples were analyzed with a double
filament mode: a Re central filament for surface ionization, and a si de filament for
sample. Re ribbon was used as side filament in an earlier period, but later we found
that Ta ribbon as side filament yielded a signal intensity and stability as good as Re
ribbon. We are now running REE constantly with a Re central-Ta side filament
The result of blank analyses is given in Table 1. Due to the low blank level, the
maximum correction in concentration determination never exceeds 1 per cent; in
most cases, the correction was negligible «0·1 per cent). The analytical errors
from chemical preparation, uncertainty in spike concentrations, mass spectrometry
runs and duplicate analyses were estimated about 5 per cent for La and Lu, 3 per
cent for Gd and 2 per cent for other REE.

The. analytical results of both major and trace elements are presented in Table 2.
Additional samples have been analyzed for major element composition. They are at
present not inc1uded in Table 2.

Major elements
A general account of major element geochemistry, especialIy for the lower
vo1canic sequence, was given by Blais et al. (1978). A few important points are
given below.
(1) The lower and the upper volcanic sequences form two distinct evolutionary
trends when data are plotted in an AFM diagram (Fig. 3), the lower being the
komatiitic-tholeiitic trend with. an enrichment toward the EFeO apex in later
liquids, and the upper being the calc-alkaline trend with an enrichment toward the
alkali apex. There is no continuity between the two trends. A similar distinction can
be made by plotting the data in a diagram of Si0 2 vs. EFeO/MgO, or EFeO vs.
EFeO/MgO (Blais et al., 1978). .
(2) In the mafic-ultramafic assemblage of the lower vo1canic sequence, two
general magmatic series can be distinguished by plotting Ti0 2 against Al 20 3 or
Si0 2 (Fig. 4). At any given Al 20 3 or Si0 2 value, the tholeiitic series has a higher
Ti0 2 value than the komatiitic series. The two series are roughly separated by a
value of Ti0 2 at 1·0 per cent. This type of distinction was also made by Arndt et al.
(1977) for the volcapic rocks from the Munro Township, Ontario, by Viljoen &
Viljoen (1969a) for rocks from the Onverwacht Group, and by Naldrett & Turner

(1977) for rocks from western Australia. However, an exception is found for a rock
from the Tipasjarvi belt (sample S846, Column T7 of Table 2). S 846 is classified
as a komatiitic rock based on the consideration of aIl major and trace element
compositions, except its Ti0 2 content (1·27 per cent). In aU the thin sections we
have examined, Ti0 2 in tholeiitic series is mainly carried by the phase of sphene,
but Ti0 2 in this particular rock is expressed by the phase of rutile which is never
found in tholeiitic rocks. Other rocks of the komatiitic series generaUy contain no
Ti-bearing minerals such as rutile.

o 0

A ~------------~M
FIG. 3. AFM diagram showing different trends of the volcanic sequences in the greenstone belts. The Lower
sequence (filled circles) shows a komatiitic-tholeütic trend and the Upper sequence (open circles) a
calc-alkaline trend.

(3) In this connection, a rock belonging to the komatütic series may have MgO
content as low as 4 per cent; incontrast, a rock belonging to the tholeütic series
may have MgO content as high as 15 perocent. A rather traditional definition of
komatiite (Viljoen & Viljoen, 1969a; Brooks & Hart, 1974) in which MgO > 9 per
cent is no longer applicable in the present classification. Our scheme is similar to
that of Arndt et al. (1977).
(4) In terms of total iron contents (as Fe 20 3, Table 2), aU komatiitic rocks show
values within a very narrow range (12·6 ± 2·2 per cent (2a) for 23 cases). The
tholeiitic rocks, however, have much higher values (16·0 ± 4·3 per cent (2a) for Il
cases) which are also commonly found in many other Archean greenstone belts
(Glikson, 1971, 1976a; :Tolly, 1975; Arndt et al., 1977; Naldrett & Turner, 1977);
they are often called 'iron-rich tlioleiites'. Consequently the distinction between the
212 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

two series can be enhanced when the ratios of MgO/EFeO are used because the
komatiitic rocks in general have higher MgO contents.
(5) We note that in Fig. 4 both series form two general trends but each trend is
not strictly linear but made of a band of data points. The trends indicate that
fractional crystallization may have played an important role in the magmatic

3.0 ...
o 0

o o
2.0 r o
o o
Ti02 o 0 o

(%) • o

.. .. .- -.._-
-- -- -.- ... : . -.......
-- -
--- .1··.
-- --- • " 1 •/ ' /

l ._ • , •
~I _ _ _ 1 - - -1 - -- 1 1 1 1

42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
Si 02 (%)

3.0 - -- - ----;)
o 0
2.0- o /

o ./
/' 0 ./'
// 0 0 0 /'

. .... .. ...------.---:--
//0 • 0-/
/ --:0--

1.0 -
- - - -
-- - -
- - --- - - - -
_ - -- - -

•• - .
- - - -~
• fi ..--
.J. 1 1

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

FIG. 4. Ti0 2 vs. Si0 2 and Al 20 3 variatioI). diagrams for the Lower volcanic sequence. Two magmatic series are
discerned: the tholeiitic series (open circles) and the komatiitic series (filled circles). The two series are
sepiuated at Ti0 2 ~ 1·0 per cent.

evolution. However, the y do not suggest that each trend was· formed by successive
fractional crystallization from a single parental magma. ·As will be shown later
from our REE arguments, there may exist two or more different source regions for
magma generation, and different degrees of partial melting from a source partly
account for the spectrà of the data shown in Fig. 4.

Rare earth elements

The REE distribution in the Finnish Archean metavo1canic rocks is presented in
Figs. 5 to 9. AH concentratiohs were normalized against a set of chondritic values

listed under column (1) of Table 1. The REE concentrations in chondrites have
been recently analyzed with a high degree of accuracy by Masuda et al. (1973) and
Nakamura (1974). Due to the fractionation histories of many chondrites, the
Leedey values reported by Masuda et al. (1973) are found to be about 20 per cent
higher than those reported previously by other workers (e.g. Haskin et al., 1968;
Gast et al., 1970; Philpotts et al., 1972); we therefore adopted a set of values

Komatiite Series

(815) 5261

6 ~....---_~ ::ê~===~B~====~ (1314) 599(C)
ü---O----.() Q--O-o- (1368) 5100(r)
c 4
u 10
0:: (402) 5209
(320) 53

1 ~~~--~--~~~~--~--~----~~~--~
La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mgo)
FIG. 5. REE patterns for rocks from the Suomussalmi belt. In this belt, ail the rocks belong to the komatiitic
series. Note that the MgO values in ail th~ figures are recalculated from Table 2 on volatile-free basis.
\ ~.

equivalent to the Leedey values divided by 1· 2. This practice has also been taken
by sorne workers, such as Sun & Hanson (1975a) and Taylor & Hallberg (1977).
The values considered by Nakamura (1974) as best representative of ordinary
chondrites (column (2), Table 1) are about 5 per cent higher than the adopted
values here. Nevertheless, their relative abundances among individu al REE are
remarkably similar. Thus, the internaI consistency of REE patterns shown in Figs.
5 to 9 will not be affected by the two sets of values chosen, as given in Table 1.

Suomussalmi belt ,
Komatiitic series (Fig. 5). FrÇ>m our major element data, the vo1canic rocks of
214 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

the lower sequence in the Suomussalmi belt belong exclusively to the komatiitic
series. The REE patterns are shown in Fig. 5. Except for S3 and S209, aIl rocks
have grossly fiat REE patterns with 4 to 24X chondritic abundances. This is
particularly true for the HREE (heavy REE) whose (Gd/Yb)N ratios are nearly a
constant unity. In contrast, the rocks exhibit two difIerent types of LREE (light
REE): (1) fiat, with slightly enriched LREE and (La/Sm)N = 1·0--1·15, and (2)
slightly depleted LREE with (La/Sm)N = 0·78-0·87. Type (1) rocks, S99, 100,
145 have REE abundances less than 9X chondrites, but type (2) rocks, S252, 102,
75, 200, 261, have more than 7X chondrites. The patterns within each type are
essentially parallel. If the LREE abundances have not been modified by any
post-magmatic process, the relationship between the two types can hardly have
resulted from fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene or ev en plagioclase,
because such fractionation would result in higher (La/Sm)N > 1· 2 in type (2) rocks
if olivine + pyroxene were fractionated, and significantly more pronounced
negative Eu anomalies in type (2) rocks if plagioclase were fractionated. S99 is a
sample from the core of a pillowed lava and S100 is from the rim. They have
slightly different REE patterns and MgO contents.
S3 is a serpentinized peridotite. The rock is made up of 65 per cent of
fine-grained serpentine, 15 per cent of olivine 'phantoms' who se grain size is about
0·6 cm, 10 per cent opaques and 10 per cent of light-colored amphibole and
chlorite. Its REE pattern, about 3X chondrites, shows a fiat LREE but a gently
sloping HREE. The chemical and petrographie data suggest that S3 is a cumulate
rock. Another highly serpentinized rock (soapstone) S209 has a nearly fiat HREE
but enriched LREE. It is dominated by serpentine; other mineraIs present include
Mg-chlorite, opaques, magnesite, light-colored amphibole and talc. However, its
REE abundances are higher than the basaltic komatiites S99 and S100. Obviously
some major elements, Mg in particular, have been modified in the process of
serpentinization for S3 and S209 (Viljoen & Viljoen, 1969b). We suspect that the
REE patterns observed have also been changed to some extent. Thus the
significance of REE in their magmatic evolution remains obscure at best. In
addition, we have attempted various plots of major and transition trace elements
which show that the highly serpentinized rocks lie clearly outside of the major
trends of magmatic evolution (e.g. a plot of MgO vs Co or Cr).

, i

Kuhmo belt
Komatiitic series (Fig. 6a). A pair of core and rim samples (S374 and S375)
from a pillow have essentially parallel HREE but very different LREE and Eu
anomalies. Compared with the pillow [rom Suomussalmi (S99 and S100, Fig. 5),
their MgO contents are quite similar ('" 13 per cent). However, the Kuhmo pillow
has a bulk REE about 9X chondrites, compared with only 5X for the Suomussalmi
pillow. Moreover, the relative REE and MgO abundances in the rim and the core
are opposite for the two pillows. For the Kuhmo pillow, the very large Eu anomaly
and strongly depleted LREE in the core cannot be attributed to crystal
fractionation only, especially. within such a small domain as a pillow. We suspect

30 Komatiite Series
Cl) 20
~ (10.12) S366
c (11.26) S375(r)
..c. (8.48) S328
U (13.54) S 374(c)
(8.02) S332
........... 6
0 4

(38.6) S539


La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mgo)


60 Kuhmo
40 Tholeiitic Series
20 (7.31) 5179
U (6 .02) 5168
, ,. ...::.:::: 10 (4 .16) 5398
0 (12.03) S501
0::: (15.42) 5346
6 (11 .65) 5397
(6.10) 5371
4 (5.91) S 334

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (MgO)

FIG. 6. REE patterns for rocks from 'the Kuhmo belt: (a) the komatiitic series; (b) the tholeiitic series.
216 B.-M . JAHN ET AL.

that the REE pattern of the core sample has been subject to post-magmatic
A soapstone (S539) is shown here to demonstrate a severe modification of REE
due to serpentinization, steatisation and carbonation. Severe Ce and Eu depletion,
and the uncharacteristic HREE pattern can have no significance regarding the
magmatic evolution. S366 has a peculiar REE pattern: slightly LREE depleted,
(La/Sm)N = 0·8, and nearly fiat HREE, but HREE is more abundant than LREE
by about 30 per cent (chondrite normalized). Its significance is obscure at present.
Two other samples (S328, S332) have essentially fiat REE patterns of 6 to 8X
chondritic abundances. These are typical of basaltic komatiites from many parts of
Archean green stone belts (e.g. Sun & Nesbitt, 1978).~In summary, the present data
suggest that we may have encountered a severe problem of post-magmatic
alteration effects on REE for the Kuhmo komatiitic series.
Tholeiitic series (Fig. 6b). In this series, we recognize three types of REE
(1) Flat HREE, slightly depleted LREE: this is represented by rock S168.
(2) Sloping HREE, (Gd/Yb)N = 1·5 to 2·2, and enriched LREE,
(La/Sm)N = 1·5 to 1·9. These are represented by S179, S398, S346, S334 and
(3) Sloping HREE, (Gd/Yb)N = 2·2, but slightly convex LREE. These are
represented by S501 and S397.
Note that the last two types have essentially parallel HREE and they constitute the
majority of the tholeiitic series. These types of REE with (Gd/Yb)N = 2·2 are not
commonly found in Archean tholeiites. The closest ex ample is an amphibolite from
Isua (Sun & Nesbitt, 1978, Sample 172638). A few basaltic rocks from the
calc-alkaline series of the Maliyami Formation, Rhodesia, also have overall REE
patterns similar to the Kuhmo tholeiitic series, but their HREE slopes are gentler,
their (Dy/Yb)N ratios especially being close to 1·0 (Hawkesworth & O'Nions,
1977; Sun & Nesbitt, 1978). Two tholeiites reported by Arth et al. (1977) from the
Munro Township exhibit a similar feature to the type (3) rocks; however their
absolute abundances are 50 per cent higher. Although the type (1) pattern (fiat) is
found in the case of one of the Kuhmo tholeiitic rocks, it is very common in most
Archean volcanic rocks (Condie, 1976; Hawkesworth & O'Nions, 1977; Sun &
Nesbitt, 1977; Jahn & Sun, 1979). A detailed study by Sun & Nesbitt (1978) also
indicates that many Archean tholeiites have gently . sloping HREE with
(Gd/Yb)N = 1·0-1·2. Jahn & Sun (1979) reviewed the REE distribution in many
Archean volcanic rocks and observed that Archean tholeiitic rocks generally have
overall fiat patterns similar to those of basaltic komatiites, their abundances
ranging from 6 to about 20X chondrites. However, variation emerges when a
particular volcanic suite is subject to a detailed study, as to be shown in the
following section.

Tipasjiirvi belt
Komatiitic series (Figs. 7a, 7b and 7c). The REE patterns in this series are

complex, but can be separated into three groups which are probably related to their
source characteristics and mechanisms of magma generation. The three types are:
(1) Patterns with strong LREE depletion: (La/Sm)N = O· 27-0·68; but essen-
tially fiat HREE, (Gd/Yb)N ~ 1·0. HREE are 3 to 12X chondritic abundances
(Fig. 7a).
(2) Patterns with slight to moderate LREE depletion but sloping HREE with
(Gd/Yb)N = 1·2 to 2·0 (Fig. 7b).
(3) Patterns are overall fiat; LREE are slightly depleted, (La/Sm)N = O· 75 to
0·90, HREE are essentiaUy fiat, (Gd/Yb)N ~ 1·0 (Fig. 7c).
Type (1) rocks are very characteristic and have been found in sorne other
Archean green stone belts, most notably in Munro Township (Arth et al., 1977;
Sun & Nesbitt, 1978), in Noranda, Ontario (Jahn, unpublished data), and in
Rhodesia (Hawkesworth & Q'Nions, 1977, Sample NG 213).
The type (2) komatiites are rarely found in other Archean terrains. We believe
that these rocks are genetically related to the type (1) rocks but formed by a
ditTerent mechanism (see the section in the petrogenetic models). The type (3) rocks
are the most typical of Archean komatiites (also see Sun & Nesbitt, 1978;
Hawkesworth & O'Nions, 1977; Arth et al., 1977). lncluded in this type is the rock
S833 which exhibits a clear microspinifex texture. Note that S824 has a ratio of
(Gd/Yb)N slightly less than 1·0.
Tholeiitic series (Fig. 7d). Three rocks have been analyzed and their REE
patterns range from a fiat one to LREE enriched ones. S825 was collected near the
outcrop of S824, a basaltic komatiite (Fig. 7c). Both have almost identical REE
patterns except Eu anomalies. S825 is also characterized by having (Gd/Yb)N less
than 1·0. However, microscopically, S825 is coarse-grained and S824 is
fine-grained; chemically, S825 has much higher Ti0 2, Cr and V contents than

On Eu anomalies of the lower volcanic sequence

Most REE patterns (>90 per cent, Figs. 5 to 7) have either negative Eu
anomalies (24 cases) or no significantly detectable anomalies (11 cases). Only 3
cases (S252 of the Suomussalmi komatiite series, S825 and S371 of the tholeiitic
series from Tipasjarvi and Kuhmo) display positive Eu anomalies. S252 is a
medium-grained amphibolite with no plagioclase; felsic mineraIs constitute less than
5 per cent. The positive Eu anomaly cannot be due to plagioclase cumulation. S825
is also a medium-grained amphibolite and is petrographically and in major element
composition very similar to S819 (Fig. 7d, Table 2, Columns T12, TI3). S371 is
petrographically similar to S397, S398 and S501 (Fig. 6b, Table 2, Columns K8,
K9, KI0 and KIl). They are aU coarse-grained gabbroic rocks with about 15 to 20
per cent plagioclase. Thus the positive anomalies cannot be only attributed to
plagioclase cumulation.
Sun & Nesbitt (1978) recently made an attempt to interpret the Eu anomalies
commonly observed in ' Archean volcanic rocks. Three possible mechanisms were
examined: (1) plagioclase fractionation, (2) temperature and oxygen fugacity effect,
218 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

Komatiite Series
(6.95) S818

~ 8 8 ~
10 (790) S828


c 7 (15.9) S 831
oC 5 (272) S847

3 (212) S834
u 0

La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu(MgO)

Komatiite Series

§ 20
~ 10
g 8
0::: 6 (14.1) S846
(125) S858


La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (tv1go)

FIG. 7. REE patterns for rocks from the Tipasjarvi belt; (a), (b) and (c) correspond to the three types of
komatiitic rocks, (d) to the rocks of the tholeiitic series.

and (3) post-magmatic alteration. Because plagioclase has the greatest mineral/
liqüid distribution coefficient for Eu (see Fig. 11), in any large scale plagioclase
fractionation leading 'to formation of anorthositic crust early in the earth's history,
the source region (upper mande) for later magmatic generation would be deprived

Tipas jarvi
Komatiite Series


10 (5.39) S824
8 g
.......... 6 ~ ~ -g (15 .94) S830
(216) S829
4 .-.----- ----..-. • • • • (267) S 833

La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu(MgO)

Tipas jarvi
-: 60 Tho leiitic Series
~ 40

a:: (5.90)5819
(4.78) 5860
10 .. .
____- - - - 4 ~-----.---~•.--~•...-.........
• . . . . . - -.... (6.9?) 5 825

LaCe Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er ·Yb Lu(Mgo)


of a significant amount of Eu and an 'inherent' negative Eu could thus be created

(here we have assumed the original bulk earth has a chondritic REE pattern).
Recent works by Nance & Taylor (1976, 1977) on REE distributions in Archean
and post-Archean sediments
, indicate that the hypothesis of an early anorthositic
cru st forming event on the earth ~s not supported.
220 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

No matter. What about the plagioclase fractionation in local magmatic

evolution? The distribution coefficient of Eu in plagioclase/liquid is a function of
both temperature and f 02 (Sun et al., 1974; Drake & Weill, 1975). Lower f0 2
induces a higher D value of Eu and thus a more pronounced negative Eu anomaly
by plagioclase separation. So far our present data and those of others (e.g.,
Hawkesworth & O'Nions, 1977; Sun & Nesbitt, 1978) do not show any regular
change of magnitude in Eu anomalies. The anomalies do not correlate with the
normative An contents or CaO and Al 2 0 3 concentrations. Furthermore, in high
Mg komatiitic rocks, plagioclase is not a liquidus phase before the magma has
evolved to have MgO < 12 per cent (Arndt, 1976). In the generation of high-Mg
liquids, plagioclase is not likely to have remained as a residue (Green et al., 1975;
Arndt, 1976).
In order to explain the inconsistent Eu anomalies in many closely related
Archean volcanic rocks, Sun & Nesbitt (1977) called for a post-magmatic
alteration effect. We consider that alteration effects may be important in sorne
Finnish greenstones, but the nearly persistent negative Eu anomalies in both high-
and lPw-Mg rocks are likely to be related to their source characteristics. An
anorthosite forming event is not yet supported as a likely explanation, and the real
cause for the Eu deficient sources remains unknown. Moreover, because of the
possible alteration effect, we will attach no great significance to Eu anomalies in
our petrogenetic models.

General characteristics of LREE and HREE

In Fig. 8, the characteristics of LREE and HREE in the two volcanic series of
Finland are expressed in terms of (La/Sm)N and (Gd/Yb)N ratios, which are in turn
plotted against the chondrite-normalized values of (Sm)N and (Yb)N (Lu is not
chosen because of the lack of sorne data). Additional data from the Munro
Township and Noranda (Arth et al., 1977; Sun & Nesbitt, 1978; Jahn,
unpublished) and the field of present MORB (Sun & Nesbitt, 1977) are included for
comparison. Fig. 8a shows that most rocks of the komatiitic series have (La/Sm)N
ratios less than 1·0, that is, LREE are relatively depleted. In sorne cases, the
depletion is extremely significant, as exemplified by sorne samples from Tipasjarvi
and Canada. The degree of depletion can be compared with that of MORB,
although the latter have a wi~er range of Sm contents. The tholeiitic rocks of
') Finland generally have higher and more variable (La/Sm)N ratios as well as Sm
contents than the komatiitic roèks. The highly variable (La/Sm)N ratios in the
komatiitic rocks have an important significance regarding the compositional
heterogeneity in the Archean Mande. This problem will be addressed in more detail
in a later section.
Fig. 8b shows that the HREE in most komatiitic rocks have surprisingly
constant (Gd/Yb)N ratios (~1·0) despite their significant variation in (Yb)N values.
This implies that in general garnet has not played an important role in the course of
evolution of the komatiitic magmas, although min or exceptions are found in
Tipasjarvi rocks (see, the following section on Petrogenesis). On the other hand,
rocks of tholeiitic series show,higher and more variable (Gd/Yb)N ratios. They are

2.0 ~ o

1.6 ~
8 o

La) 1.2....--f-_~ • 6_~

(S m NO.8- '.-

' _ ·_ _ O _ 6_ _

II~ 0

.' .~~~
0.4 - •••,
1 1 J 1 1 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

2.4 ~
0 • Komatiite ser. (Fin/and)
~ 0 • Komatiite ser. (Munro t
0 ° -< Noranda)
2.0~ 0
o Tho/eiite ser. (Fin/and)
r- I
6 Tho/eiite ser. (Munro +

(G d) 1.6

° °

Yb N ~

1.2 ~ 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1

5 20 25 30

FIG. 8. (La/ Sm)N vs. (Sm)N and (Gd/ Yb)N " ys. (Yb)N diagrams. Rocks of komatiitic series are generally
characterized by having (La/ Sm)N ~ 0 · 3-1·0 and (Gd/ Yb)N ~ 1·0. Those oftholeiitic series are more variable
and generally having higher (La/ Sm)N and (Gd/ Yb)N ratios. Data of Munro Township and Noranda are taken
from Arth et al. (1977), Sun & Nesbitt (1978), and Jahn (unpublished). Note that La values were not reported
by Arth et al. (1977); hence they are extrapolated values. Also note that a few Gd values (Finland and Munro)
are interpolated. The field of MORB is taken from Sun & Nesbitt (1977).

thought to be mainly due to the residual nature of garnet in the source region or to
garnet fractionation prior to their final emplacement and solidification. In
summary, the rocks of komatiitic and tholeiitic series from Finland can be well
distinguished from each other in terms of their characteristic LREE and HREE
patterns as shown in 'Fig. 8. The constancy of (Gd/Yb)N in many Archean
komatiitic rocks is consistent with the assumption that has been often made: the
222 B.-M . JAHN ET AL.

Archean (and perhaps also the present) upper mande has a fiat HREE with about
2-3 times chondritic abundances.

Suomussalmi belt
Upper volcanic sequence (Fig. 9). Five rocks from the upper volcanic sequence
show strongly fractionated REE patterns. A dacitic porphyry (S29) and a

400 Si02
Upper Stratigraphie Sequence


La Ce Nd SmEu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (MgO)
>( FIG. 9. REE patterns for rocks from the Upper volcanic sequence in the Suomussalmi belt. S65 and S63 are
alkali basalts; S 162 andesitic tufT and S29 and S98 siliceous volcanic rocks.

rhyodacitic porphyry (S98) show a significant HREE deplètion. Patterns of this

type have been previously found in Archean siliceous volcanic rocks of NE
Minnesota (Arth & Hanson, 1972, 1975; Jahn et al., 1974) and in the Onverwacht
Group, South Africa (Glikson, 1976b). Archean plutonic tonalites from Minnesota
and South Africa also shown this type of highly fractionated pattern with HREE
depletion (Arth & Hanson, 1972, 1975; Glikson, 1976b). Note that this type of
pattern has also been found in many post -Precambrian or recent siliceous volcanic
rocks (e.g. Peccerillo '& Taylo,r, 1976; B. Auvray, in preparation, for rhyolitic rocks
from northern Brittany, France).

Fig. 9 also shows an andesitic tuff (8162), a basaltic tuff (865) and a fine-grained
alkali basalt (863). All samples possess very fractionated REE patterns. Although
deposition of tuff material in subaerial or subaqueous condition may have
introduced a slight chemical change, sample 65 shows characteristic alkali basalt
affinity (see Column 8U 10 of Table 2). 863 is not a tuff. Both 863 and 865 show
REE patterns typical of alkali basalts (Kay & Gast, 1973; 8un & Hanson, 1975a,
b; 8himizu & Arculus, 1975). They both have relatively high alkali contents
(Na 20 = 1·63 per cent, 3·89 per cent; K 20 = 2·15, 2·57 per cent; Rb = 74 and 82
ppm, respectively). However, their Ti0 2 contents (O· 73 per cent, 1·05 per cent)
seem a little too low for average alkali basalts. The discovery of alkali basalts in
Finland may be surprising, but the y are not unprecedented in other Archean
terrains. Alkali basalts, though volumetrically insignificant, do occur in Kirkland
Lake, Ontario (Cooke & Moorhouse, 1969) and they are usually restricted to the
upper vo1canic sequences of greenstone belts (Glikson, 1976b), as they are in
Finland. A small pluton of alkali basaIt affinity (lamprophyres) was described by
Gelden (1972) in the Vermilion district of NE Minnesota. Furthermore, sorne
metabasic enclaves in the Amitsoq gneisses of West Greenland have also shown a
clear alkali basalt affinity, although their origins are not entirely understood
(McGregor & Mason, 1977).

Other trace elements (Ni, Co, Cr, V, Zr, Y, Rb, Sr)

Fig. 10a shows that the Ni contents vary systematically with the MgO contents.
This is true for all three green stone belts and for both magma.tic series. The
systematics is best exemplified by the komatiitic series of the Tipasjarvi belt,
however. This variation is consistent with fractional crystallization's being
responsible for the general trend of magmatic evolution. Due to the high D N1 value
in olivine, and possibly also in pyroxenes (Table 3) the separation of olivine and
pyroxene would gradually reduce the Ni concentration in the residualliquids. For
example, when a melt with composition of 8847 (Ni = 1150 ppm, MgO = 27·20
per cent, dry) evolves to a melt of 8831 (Ni = 622 ppm, MgO = 15·7 per cent,
dry), it requires first the precipitation of 25 per cent olivine (assuming MgO = 50
per cent) to bring down the MgO content of the melt to 20 per cent MgO, and then
the separation of olivine and clinopyroxene together in the second stage.
Clinopyroxene precipitation alon~ in the second stage is not sufficient because it
has a MgO content of about 15 per cent according to our microprobe analysis of
sorne relict pyroxenes. In the first stage of olivine fractionation, the Ni content was
reduced from 1150 ppm to 520 ppm (assuming DNI = 4). This has already lowered
the Ni content below the observed value of 8831. Further separation of olivine plus
pyroxene would further reduce the Ni content to 230 ppm (assuming now D~: =
8, and D~~ = 5), wh en 20 per cent of olivine + pyroxene had been separated.
To fit the data of Ni, a 10 per cent olivine fractionation is required (Ni down to
860 ppm) in the first stage followed by a further 10 per cent olivine plus
clinopyroxene fractionation which would reduce the Ni content to about 600 ppm.
However, this exercise , does not yield a result that matches the MgO contents
observed in these two rocks. This discrepancy is not readily understood, but it may
224 B. - M. JAHN ET AL.

be partly related to the value of D~i used in the calculation. If lower values are
chosen, the discrepancy could be reduced to sorne extent.
Fig. lOb shows the variation between Cr and MgO contents. We note that a
break in the trend occurs at MgO ~ 12-15 per cent. For rocks of MgO >15 per
cent, the Cr contents remain constant or only increase slightly with increasing
MgO contents. In contrast, for rocks of MgO < 15 per cent, Cr concentrations


. . -~

• ••

1000 :
- •
- .11
Ni - •
(ppm) -
• Suomussalmi Komatiite Ser.
100 ~ ••
l- • Kuhmo Komatiite Ser .
6. Kuhmo Tholeiite Ser.
f- • Tipas jarvi Komatiite Ser.
o Tipasjarvi Tholeiite Ser.

10 20 30 40
MgO (wt%,dry)
FIG. 10. Variation diagrams of sorne trace e1ements (Ni, Co, Cr, V, Zr, Y) against MgO or Ti in the rocks of
the Lower volcanic sequence. See text for detailed descriptions.

decrease drastically as MgO contents decrease. A similar observation was made by

Nesbitt & Sun (1976). The experimental work of Arndt (1976) indicates that the
liquidus phases in a melt with MgO > 20 per cent are olivine and Cr-spinel; with
MgO = 20 to 12 per cent, olivine and pyroxene; and with MgO < 12 per cent,
pyroxene and plagioclase. The available Der values for olivine in basaltiè melts
range from 0·5 to 1·0, but a value of 0·85 ± 0·15 would be the best estimate
(Akella et al., 1976; , Huebner et al., 1976). Consequently, a sole olivine
fractionation in the melt of M,gO > 20 per cent would cause a slight increase of Cr

with decreasing MgO contents. This inverse relationship of Cr and MgO should be
also true for the olivine cumulate rocks. Thus the observed trend in Fig. lOb is best
explained by minor Cr-spinel or chromite separation (D;;inel = 50, Akella et al.,
1976) coupled with large olivine fractionation, in which the ratio of olivine/spinel or
chromite is estimated about 20.
Clinopyroxene has Der values of 5 to 10 in terrestrial basalts (Table 3). This
large value is solely responsible for the drastic variation observed in melts of

6000 r-
- --
. 1".
--. ._--- 'ü
1000 = 1•
r- •
r- / 6
600-- i
Cr 400- • "..
(ppm) -- .;.
200-- ° 1 6
100 r-r- 1•
r- 661
60 f- 1

,0 1

1 •
10 ____~r·---~I-.-~I--~I--~I--~I--~I--~1--~
o 10 20 30 40
MgO (wt% , dry)
FIG. lO(b)

MgO < 15 per cent. The effect of plagioclase separation on Cr variation is not
Fig. 10c shows the variation of Co and MgO contents. The data points form a
crude linear correlation as in Fig. 10a. Co and Ni are often thought to have similar
geochemical behavior, although the distribution coefficient of Co in olivine/liquid is
in generallower than Ni (Duke, 1,976; Leeman, 1974). The same interpretation that
226 B.-M. JAHN ET AL .

olivine is the major controller of Co in the magmatic evolution may be applied. In

fact, a closer look at the data points in Fig. IOc seems to suggest two separate
trends for the komatütes from Tipasjarvi and Suomussalmi which are represented
by two dashed lines. This may further suggest that the source regions for the two
belts differ in initial Co contents or that different degrees of olivine (relative to
clinopyroxene) control have been involved in the generation of the magmatic series
in the se two beIts. The Kuhmo data are widely scattered. We suspected that there
may be more compositional in addition to temperature effects on Co than on Ni in
the processes of magmatic evolution.


100 ~
_e__ I"""_·- .. ..
4/ /'

6 ':-e
60 -
o " .. ./

Co ~"'16"
(ppm) _/ct:>•

40 - / ~ •

30 -

1 1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 '
MgO (wt %, dry)
FIG. lO(c)

Fig. IOd illustrates the vari~tion between V and MgO contents. Unlike Ni, Cr
') and Co, V correlates negatively with MgO. This tendency suggests that V is rather
incompatible in its geochemi,cal behavior. However, when V is plotted against Ti
{Fig. IOe), a positive correlation is formed, but the trend is curved, like that in the
Cr vs. MgO diagram (Fig. lOb). This phenomenon was previously found by
Nesbitt & Sun (1976) for other Archean basalts. AH terrestrial data are plotted to
the right of the chondritic line, suggesting that V has been depleted relative to Ti.
In an experimental study related to basait liquid fractionation, Duke (1976)
found that V exhibited a preference for liquid in the higher temperature range and
for clinopyroxene at lower temperatures (D~px < 2). Thus, for rocks crystallized at
lower temperatures" namely, those with lower MgO contents, clinopyroxene may
have played an important role in modifying the V concentrations in the evolving

o 6(1620)

(ppm) 400 ~

1 1 1 1
• .

10 20 30 40
Mg 0 (w t %, dry)

magmas. The depletion of V relative to Ti in terms of chondritic abundances (Fig.

10e) was thought to be an inherited non-chondritic feature in the upper mantle or
resulted from V incorporation into the earth's core or held by a residual phase such
as clinopyroxene in partial melting events (Nesbitt & Sun, 1976). However,
clinopyroxene fractionation may be equally important. The flattening of V at higher
Ti contents in Fig. 10e (especially for the tholeiitic series) may be indicative of the
significant role of clinopyroxene. However, due to a very large DV value of

400 f- 6 6 0-

300 ~ .. • • • 6


• Nt ·:
6 6 0
V 6
(ppm) 200 1-
100~ Il

oo '1 1


1 1

1 1 1

Ti (ppm)
FIG. lO(e)
228 B.-M. JAHN ET AL .

magnetite and Cr-spinel, a minute amount of separation of these phases could

indu ce a significant depletion of V.
Nesbitt & Sun (1976) have suggested that Ti, Zr and Y behave like ideal
incompatible elements in the generation of high-Mg komatütic rocks. Ti and Zr
relationship is shown in Fig. lOf. A linear trend is found, particularly true for the
komatiitic series of the Tipasjarvi belt. The trend defines a ratio of Ti/Zr = 140, a
value somewhat higher than the Cl chondritic value (~100) and that observed by
Nesbitt & Sun (1976) for other Archean komatiites and basalts. Zr and Y show a
poorer correlation than Ti and Zr. The poor correlation may be due to our larger
analytical uncertainties on both Zr and Y values. We have compared the

Zr 100-

(ppm) •cP

6 0
50- ~

\. 1. 6 • •·0
• il If! .- •
o ~ .... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
o 4000 8000 12000 16000
Ti (ppm)
FIG. 10(1)

concentrations of Y with those of Dy and Er obtained by the isotope dilution

method. Y is known to behave like Dy and Er and has nearly the same chondritic
normalized abundances as Dy and Er. A detailed examination of their
concentrations (Table 2) reveals that the uncertainties of Y sometimes reach 30 per
cent. Consequently the plots of Ti vs. Y or Zr vs. Y do not yield as good a
correlation as expected.
Sr concentrations are generally comparable with those. reported for equivalent
Archean vo1canic rocks (see Jahn & Sun, 1979, for review). Rb concentrations
were not well determined due to the limitation of our analytical method, except for
rocks from the upper stratigraphie sequence. Because of their known mobilities
during alteration and metamorphism, the values of Rb and Sr will not be used as a
strong parameter in the following discussion of petrogenesis.

Using field and petrographie evidence, Arndt et al. (1977) have demonstrated
that the komatiitic series of the Munro Township could be derived by successive

fraction al crystallization of olivine, then clinopyroxene and lastly plagioclase. They

assumed that the parental magma was a peridotitic komatiite with MgO ~ 30 per
cent. Arth et al. (1977) reported REE data for a selected suite of samples from the
studied area of Arndt et al. (1977). From the REE patterns, they concluded that
most trace element variations are consistent with a fractional crystallization model,
but the variability of LREE contents and sorne crossing patterns cannot be
explained by fractional crystallization. Perhaps partial melting with sorne degree of
mixing of a later melt with an earlier trapped liquid was responsible for the
observed REE patterns (Arth et al., 1977).
In a study of Rhodesian Archean vo1canic rocks, Hawkesworth & O'Nions
(1977) recognized two distinct magmatic series: a komatiite-tholeiite series and a
ca1c-alkaline series. Based on the REE distribution patterns, they concluded that
the continuum of compositions from komatiites to tholeiites and calc-alkaline
andesites suggested that the bulk of greenstone belt vo1canics could have been
derived by differential partial melting, and polybaric fractionation of an essentially
homogeneous peridotite source. For high-Mg rocks in paI.,ticular, they believed that
both crystal fractionation and different degrees of partial melting were operative in
the production of different rocks.
In another geochemical study of Rhodesian Archean volcanic rocks, Condie &
Harrison (1976) suggested that the tholeiites of the Mafie Formation (Bulawayan
Group) were produced by about 30 per cent partial melting of a lherzolite source. 1

A fractional crystallization model was tested but was found to be a less likely
mechanism for the evolution of the magma types studied.
In Finland, the situation is generally much more complex than in the selected
areas described by Arth et al. (1977) and Arndt et al. (1977). The field relations are
not so clearly exposed in Finland as in the Munro Township, hence we have to
formulate our petrogenetic models essentially with the geochemical data, in
particular the REE distribution patterns. In the following discussion, all model
ca1culations were based on the equation of Shaw (1970) for partial melting
(Cl/CO = l/F + D (1 - F)) and the Rayleigh fractionation law for the fractional
crystallization (Cl/CO = FD-l), where D is the bulk mineral/liquid distribution
coefficient for the residue at the time when the liquid is removed from the source (in
partial melting), or for the fractionating phase (s) (fractional crystallization); F is
the fraction or degree of melting (partial melting) or the fraction of liquid that
remains (fraction crystallization); Cl represents elemental concentration (e.g. REE)
in the liquid formed by partial melting or remaining after fraction al crystallization;
and Co is the original concentration in the source (partial melting) or in the
parental magma (fractional crystallization). It must be emphasized here that with
sorne notable exceptions, especially for the Kuhmo rocks, all the REE patterns are
assumed to represent their original characteristics. We understand from the classic
study of Frey et al. (1974) that alteration processes might have changed the REE
patterns, particularly for the LREE. However, because we are uncertain about
which individu al patterns have been really modified and to what extent, because the
observed Finnish patterns are compatible with those found in fresher Munro and
Australian rocks, we therefore take ,
the liberty of making the above assumption.

230 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

We note that the arguments derived from major element chemistry in the literature
should also be subject to the same uncertainty when dealing with the Archean
volcanic rocks.

The Tipasjârvi belt

We have earlier shown that the REE distributions in the komatiitic series of the
Tipasjarvi belt can be separated into three different types (Fig. 7). The intertype
distinction cannot have resulted from conceivable crystal fractionation processes.
Because (1) the Tipasjarvi belt possesses aH the REE types representative of aU
three green stone belts, (2) it has a smaH area with a long dimension of 10 km and
aH samples were coHected within a distance of 5 km, and (3) it has the most
complete continuum of rock types ranging from MgO = 30 to 5 per cent, we shaH
first consider the petrogenetic processes in this belt.

The komatiitic series

In Fig. 7a, REE patterns with fiat HREE but strongly depleted LREE are
demonstrated. We consider that rock of MgO '" 30 per cent (anhydrous) may
represent a possible parental liquid; rocks with MgO > 30 per cent are probably
produced by crystal cumulation, examples of which are many soapstones of the
Kuhmo and the Suomussalmi belts. A high-Mg liquid must first be produced by a
very high degree of partial melting from a proper mantle source. The experimental
work of Green (1975) indicates that greater than 60 per cent of partial melting of
mantle peridotite is necessary to produce a peridotitic komatiitic liquid (MgO '" 30
per cent). Using a set of proper mineral/liquid distribution coefficients (Fig. Il and
Table 3), we have made sorne theoretical calculations concerning mechanisms of
partial melting and crystal fractionation.

Distribution coefficients of Ni, Cr and Co in basaltic magmas (used in the
discussion ofthis article)
Mineral Ni Cr Co

Olivine 5 (for MgO of liquid = 0·85 ± 0·15 2-4· 5 (Leeman, 1974)

20 per cent) (Akella et al., 1976)
12 (MgO = 10 per éent)
20 (MgO = 5 per cen.t)
(Hart & Davis, 1978)

Clinopyroxene 1-4 (Gast, 1968; 5-10 (Gast, 1968; . 0·5-1 ·5 (Lindstrom & Weill,
Wager & Mitchell, 1951) Schreiber & Haskin, 1976) 1978)

Orthopyroxene 1-10 (Gast, 1968; 5-10 (Gast, 1968; 1·0-1·3 (Lindstrom, 1976;
Ringwood, 1975) Schreiber & Haskin, 1976) Bird,1971)

Gamet 0·06-0·6 (Gast, 1968; 6 (Gast, 1968) 9·0 (Irving & Frey, 1976)
Ringwood, 1975)

Spinel 10-50 (Mysen & Kushiro, 50-100 (Akella et al., 1976) 2-3 (Bird, 1971)


Assuming the source has a chondritic type of REE patterns (about 2-3 times), a
high degree of partial melting (>40 per cent) from a pyroxene pyrolite or spinel
Iherzolite (Cpx/Opx/Sp/Ol = 15/25/5/55, a small variation on the actual ratios is

10 Basa/tic /iquid



u 0.4
u 0.2




V> 0.06

0 ""0
Cl.> :::J
c: 0-

~ --.J


La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu
FIG. Il. REE distribution coefficients used for model calculations in this paper (see also Table 3 for Ni, Co
and Cr distribution coefficients). Data sources: Gamet: Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970), Shimizu & Kushiro
(1975); Plagioclase: Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970), Shih (1972), Drake & Weill (1975), Sun et al. (1974);
Olivine: Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970); Clinopyroxene: Grutzeck et al. (1974), Shih et al. (1975), Philpotts &
Schnetzler (1970), Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970); Orthopyroxene: Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970), Weill &
McKay (1975); Ilmenite: McKay & Weill (1976); Amphibole: Schnetzler & Philpotts (1970), Philpotts &
, Schnetzler (1970).
232 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

insensitive to the arguments) would produce an essentially fiat REE pattern.

Subsequent fractionation, however large the degree, of olivine or olivine +
pyroxene (to maintain a fiat HREE like S847 or S834, Fig. 7a, garnet will be
excluded as a possible fractionating phase), would have a neglible or slightly
opposite efTect on changing the shapes of LREE as observed. Therefore, the most
logical conclusion is that the source material for rocks shown in Fig. 7a was
characterized by an inherited LREE depletion. If rock S847 was generated by 45
per cent of partial melting, we can, in turn, estimate the REE abundances in its
source as .being almost exactly a half of the abundances in S84 7; that is, HREE are
2X chondrites. Nevertheless, in the partial melting event which leads to formations
of type (a), garnet must have not remained in the residue.
One may suspect that the observed LREE depletion was caused by metamorphic
or alteration efTects. However, the persistent presence of it in Fig. 7a, and the
alteration studies of Frey et al. (1974) and Condie et al. (1977) seem to argue
against such efTects. S834 and S847 have similar HREE abundances and MgO
contents, but they have different degrees of LREE depletion. We attribute this to a
locally slightly heterogeneous source, or S834 may represent a liquid which has
been mixed with sorne trapped liquid of the type shown in Fig. 7c.
Could rocks of lesser MgO contents be derived from S834 (or S847) by crystal
fractionation? In order to produce S831 from S834 (or S847) by olivine ±
pyroxene fractionation, 35 per cent of olivine or 30 per cent olivine + 10 per cent
pyroxene need to be fractionated to account for the REE patterns. However, we
have earlier mentioned the discrepancy between using MgO and Ni contents to
evaluate the degree of crystal fractionation. Both the REE and MgO values require
at least 30 per cent of olivine plus "" 5 per cent pyroxene be fractionated to account
for the magmatic evolution, but the final product would have a Ni content of 230
ppm, a value too small to be compatible with the observed 622 ppm.
To produce rocks S818 and S828 (Ni = 131, 109 ppm, respectively) from S831,
it requires that first 30 per cent of olivine + Cpx and then another 30 per çent of
Cpx + plagioclase be fractionated to account for their REE abundances. The Ni
values of the end product (- 140 ppm) fit weIl with observed values.
If an the rocks were produced by partial melting of a pyroxene pyrolite source
(with HREE = 2X chondrites, LREE depleted as S847 or S834), the observed
REE patterns could be derived by 45 per cent, 30 per cent, and 10 per cent of
partial melting, respectively. We must now make a test on the Ni values in the
successive melts produced by such a way. Assuming the mantle peridotite has
MgO = 38 per cent (Ringwood, 1975) and the phase proportion of Cpx/Opx/
Sp/Ol . 15/25/5/55, the result of calculation shows that the Ni values for melt of
45 per cent to 10 per cent partial melting will have a total range within 30 per cent,
regardless of the D N1 values chosen (Fig. 12). However, the observed values for
S834 and S847 (Ni"" 1160 ppm), thought to be 45 per cent melt, and for S828
and S818 (Ni"" 120 ppm), thought to represent 10 per cent melt, are different by
-800 per cent, instead of 30 per cent. The evolutionary trends of Ni against REE
abundances through, the processes of partial melting and crystal fractionation are
illustrated in Fig. 12. The separate courses of evolution are distinct. Equilibrium

partial melting is not capable of creating a great variation in MgO content in

successive melts. Therefore, we conclu de that the fractional crystallization model is
more favorable to account for the intra-type magmatic evolution.
We realized that in our calculation only discrete sets of D Ni values from Hart &
Davis (1978) have been used. This may have introduced sorne errors because of the
continuous change of composition in the liquid as weIl as in olivine itself. In

ONi: {Ol: 4_10

Cpx: L4
Opx :L5
Sp : 5_10
Source (Cpx /Opx/Sp/Ol: 115/25/5/55)
• Partial Melting
45% partial melting Trend
\ 1S834, S847
Primary • 30% 25%
1000 magma ~.-=.= >-.....~%
(MgO ~ 30%) '\, S831 ====')/~
30% \.6

Ni Olivine tract ""

(p pm) (MgO = 20%) 0 "
20"10 ol + 20% ~ " ,
px tract . ~ ,
(MgO=12%) 0 ,

100 Crystal 30%(ol + px)

" ~6 S818, S828
Froctionation + 30%(px +plag)
Trend tract. o
(MgO = 7%)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
( 2 REE) N
FIG. 12. Calculated trends of evolution from a mande source of peridotite composition with MgO ~ 38 per
cent and two times chondritic REE abundances. Primary magma (represented by S834 or S847) was formed
by 45 per cent partial melting of the hypothetical source. The trend of evolution from S834 (or S847) to S831
(or S828) lies nearer to the cry·stàl fractionation trend than to the partial melting trend.

addition, the published DNi values (other transition metalsas weIl) do not often
agree well with each other. The effects of liquid composition (thus related to its
structure), temperature, and possible inclusions within olivines, whether natural or
synthetic, on distribution coefficients of Ni and other transition metals have not
been fully investigated. In fact, the D Ni values used here may be too large. We
suggest that our conclusion made here, based on the Ni and Cr argument, is
tentative. In the process of fractional crystallization, if the fractionating solids were
continuously in contact and in equilibrium with the remaining liquid (termed here
as equilibriumcrystallization)"the trace element behavior might be changed. We
234 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

think that the gap between the calculated trend and actual data points in Fig. 12
may become smaller.
In Fig. 7b are shown two komatiites with sloping HREE and different LREE
patterns. We believe that they were generated by partial melting of a source similar
in REE composition to type (a) source, but garnet had played a role as fractionated
phase. Equilibrium partial melting of a garnet peridotite (assuming Cpx/Opx/
Ga/Ol = 12/25/8/55) will produce HREE abundances too low to be comparable
with those observed. Perhaps a better interpretation is that S858 was derived by
25-30 per cent partial melting of the type (a) source, and then followed by ",5 per
cent garnet fractionation in the ascending magma. In contrast, S846 was produced
by a lower degree of partial melting but followed by a more significant garnet
fractionation. These two rocks cannot by any means be related by crystal
fractionation, because olivine and pyroxene fractionation would not change the
overall shape of REE pattern; they would decrease MgO, rather than increase it, in
S846, and garnet fractionation would not change LREE abundances and would
lower, instead of increase, HREE abundances in S846.
The third type of rocks in the komatiitic series of Tipasjarvi is characterized by
having essentially fiat REE patterns (Fig. 7c). They must have been derived from a
source with no significant previous depletion of LREE. Rock S833, which exhibits
a microspinifex texture, could be derived by 45-50 per cent of partial melting from
a source of 2X chondritic REE abundances. The REE data suggest that 30 per
cent olivine fractionation could produce S829 from S833. This may qualitatively
explain the reduction of Ni concentrations from 1133 to 790 ppm and a slight
increase of Cr concentrations from 2343 to 2645 ppm, because olivine has a most
likely Der value of O· 85 ± 0·15 (Akella et al., 1976). However, we note that 30 per
cent olivine fractionation would produce a melt of 17 per cent MgO rather than the
observed 21·6 per cent (assuming MgO in olivine = 50 per cent). S830 and S829
have very similar patterns. A fractionation of 10 per cent olivine plus 10 per cent
clinopyroxene from S829 would be required to account for the REE abundances of
S830, but again discrepancies emerged in the relative abundances of Ni and Cr. It
appears that the two rocks might have been produced by different degrees of partial
melting of the same source. To produce a melt of S824 from S829 or S830,
successive fractionation of olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase becomes necessary.
The very low values of Ni (87 ppm) and Cr (12 ppm) in S824 suggest significant
removal of olivine and pyroxene . .

The tholeiitic series

Fig. 7d illustrates three REE patterns of tholeiitic rocks. S825 has an essentially
fiat pattern, a typical feature in many other Archean tholeiites (Sun & Nesbitt,
1978; Jahn & Sun, 1979). This rock could not be related to the other two tholeiites
by means of crystal fractionation. Because both the ratios of (La/Lu)N and
(Gd/Lu)N are slightly less than 1·0, its source region might be also characterized
with (La/Sm)N and (Gd/Lu)N < 1·0. For rocks S819 and S860, their sloping
HREE resembles the tholeiites reported by Arth et al. (1970). A theoretical
ca1culation of equilibrium partial melting of a pyroxene pyrolite source with 2X

chondritic REE abundance indicates that S819 and S860 could be derived by 4 per
cent and 7 per cent of partial melting. No garnet is necessary as residue in the
source to account for the slight sloping of HREE. Fractional crystaUization of
clinopyroxene or plagioclase is not adequate to account for the significant
difference in the absolute abundances and shapes of LREE. In conclusion, aU the
three rocks of the tholeiitic series could be derived from the same source by
different degrees of partial melting.

The Suomussalmi bel!

We have earlier shown that aU rocks of the lower vo1canic sequences in this belt
belong to the komatiitic series. They are further divided into two types based on
REE abundances. Type (1) rocks generally have higher MgO contents and less
than 9X chondritic REE abundances. In contrast, type (2) rocks have lower MgO
contents and more than 7X chrondritic REE abundances (Fig. 5). Because of the
peculiar nature of the LREE patterns, the two types of rocks cannot be related by
fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, or plagioclase. However, fractional
crystallization may be a plausible mechanism to produce the intra-type rocks.
For type (1) rocks, S 145 may be derived by 45 per cent of olivine + pyroxene +
plagioclase (1 : 1 : 1) fractionation from a melt of S99 composition to account for
total REE abundances and Eu anomalies. The MgO content could be reduced from
13 per cent to 7 per cent by such a process, Ni from 210 ppm to 50 ppm, and Cr
from 1200 ppm to 600 ppm. These calculated Ni and Cr values (50 and 600 ppm)
are different from the observed values (178 and 810 ppm). This suggests that the
direct parent of S 145 may have a similar REE pattern like S99 and S 100, but have
higher Ni and Cr values. Otherwise, the D Ni and Der values used may be somewhat
too high, as we have implied earlier.
For type (2) rocks, their Ni values slightly increase with increasing REE
abundances (S252 being the exception). Cr values exhibit a similar tendency (Table
2). Thus the only possible fractionating phase is plagioclase. However, the very
similar Al 20 3 contents observed in these rocks and the lack of systematic Eu
anomalies are not consistent with such a hypothesis. We conclude that they are
probably derived by different degrees of partial melting from a source depleted in

The Kuhmo belt

The present data on the rocks of the komatiitic series demonstrate a more severe
alteration in REE distribution. The genetic relationships between rock types is
difficult to evaluate at the present time. Two rocks (S328, S332) with reasonable
'unaltered' REE patterns are believed to be derived by crystal fractionation (olivine
+ pyroxene) from sorne parental magmas because they have very low Ni and Cr
We have earlier mentioned that three types of tholeiitic rocks may be
distinguished from their REE abundances (Fig. 6b). S 168 represents the type (1)
rocks. Again, because of its very low Ni and Cr concentrations (Ni = 58, Cr = 32
236 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

ppm) this rock is thought to be derived by significant fractionation of olivine and

pyroxene from a parental magma.
The rocks of the other two types, with (Gd/Yb)N ~ 2·0, may have been derived
first by partial melting of a source in which garnet remained in the residue.
Subsequent crystal fractionation may have occurred. Among type (2) rocks, S371
represents a rock with plagioclase cumulation; this is consistent with its positive Eu
anomaly and high Al 2 0 J (14·3 per cent). S346 may represent a rather original
unfractionated partial melt because of its high Ni (598 ppm) and Cr (1980 ppm)
contents. S398 could be formed by a significant fractionation of olivine and
pyroxene, thus reducing its Ni and Cr concentrations to 55 and 10 ppm,
respectively. For type (3) rocks (S501 and S397), if their LREE patterns have not
been significantly altered by any post-crystallization process, their characteristic
LREE, with (La/Sm)N < 1·0, would require the rocks be derived from a different
source material from that of type (2) rocks.

Rocks of the upper stratigraphie sequence

The REE patterns of these rocks are shown in Fig. 9. Theoretical modeling of
the genesis of alkali basalts, high-alkali andesites and siliceous volcanic rocks has
been fomulated by many workers (e.g. for alkali-rich basalts: Kay & Gast, 1973;
Shimizu & Arculus, 1975; Sun & Hanson, 1975a; for high-alkali andesites: Condie
& Harrison, 1976; for siliceous volcanic rocks: Arth & Hanson, 1975; Glikson,
1976b; Condie & Harrison, 1976). Quite obviously, due to the large (La/Lu)N and
(Gd/Yb)N ratios invariably observed in rocks of the se types, sorne kind of
garnet-bearing mineraI assemblages must be used as the original source material.
Moreover, garnets must have remained as residues in aU models of partial melting.
The choice of distribution coefficients, initial mineraI assemblages and melting
proportions may be different in different models, but aside from small variations,
the conclusions reached by previous workers and us are more or less the same.
Note that DREE in garnet used in modeling basaltic and siliceous magmas are
usuaUy different. DHREE in siliceous magmas are about 3-4 times higher than in
basaltic magmas as shown in Fig. Il (see Arth & Hanson, 1975). The result of our
calculations suggests that the alkali basalts of Finland could be derived by less than
3 per cent of partial melting (equilibrium batch melting) from a garnet peridotite
source with an initial REE abup.dances of 3X chondrites; while the arrdesitic rock
(S 162) could be derived in a similar fashion to alkali basalts, or by less than 5 per
cent melting of an eclogite source (garnet/Cpx = 50/50) assuming a 10X
chondritic REE initial abundances.
For the two siliceous rocks (S29 and S98), 15 to 30 per cent of melting of the
quartz eclogite source with 10X chondritic abundances is permissible to account
for their REE distributions. If their source rocks were characterized by the REE
abundances of the Kuhmo tholeiitic rocks «Gd/Lu)N ~ 2·0), then 40 to 50 per cent
of partial melting would suffice. These two siliceous volcanic rocks have Ni < 22
ppm, but Cr = 71 and 297 ppm. The Ni concentrations are comparable with other
Archean siliceous rocks
, from Rhodesia and Barberton Mountain Land (Condie &
Harrison, 1976; Glikson, 197,6b), but the Cr contents are substantiaUy higher than

the average value of 30-40 ppm. Because aIl the possible liquidus phases (garnet,
Cpx and Opx) in siliceous magmas have Der values greater th an 5, significant
crystal fractionation would lead to severe depletion of Cr contents in the melts.
Therefore, these siliceous volcanic rocks represent rather unfractionated liquids
derived from a quartz ec10gite source. This source may have a genetic linkage with
the basaltic rocks from the lower volcanic sequence discussed earlier. An
alternative interpretation is as follows. Because large DHREE values have been found
in dacitic rocks (Nagasawa & Schnetzler, 1971; Arth & Barker, 1976) these silicic
volcanics could be derived from partial melting of lower crustal rocks or the
uppermost mantle (depth < 60 km) leaving hornblende as a principal residue. In
this case, no residual garnet is necessary.

Summary ofpetrogenesis
The petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks from the three green stone belts of Finland
can be summarized as shown in a schematic diagram (Fig. 13). For rocks of the
lower volcanic sequence (the majority), three types of upper mantle source
materials are envisaged based on their REE abundances: (A) very strongly LREE
depleted: this is responsible for the production ofkomatiites types (1) and (2) of the
Tipasjarvi and tholeiite type (3) of the Kuhmo; (B) fiat (2X chondritic): this is
responsible for the production of komatiites type (3) and tholeiites of the
Tipasjarvi, komatiites type (1) of the Suomussalmi, and komatiites and tholeiites
type (2) of the Kuhmo; and (C) slightly LREE-depleted: this is responsible for the
production of komatiites types (2) of the Suomussalmi and tholeiites type (1) of the
Kuhmo. Note that aIl the source materials are characterized by . about 2X
chondritic abundances for HREE, but the depths of partial melting are different.
These depths correspond to the levels where segregation of magmas occurs, but not
the levels where peridotitic diapirs initially uprise (> 200 km) as suggested by Green
For rocks of the upper volcanic sequence, alkali basalts and high-alkali an de site
may be derived from a source initially having 3 to 10X fiat chondritic REE
abundances. The high-alkali andesite and siliceous volcanic rocks may be derived
from a source of ec10gite converted from the original basaltic crust of the lower
volcanic sequence.
We emphasize that both partial melting and fraction al crystallization have
played a part in the production of the se volcanic rocks. From Fig. 13, it is seen that
ev en in a small belt like Tipasjarvi, the source charactetistics can be highly
complex. DePaolo & Wasserburg (1976) have shown from their Nd isotopic study
that sorne Hawaiian basalts have drastically different sources in terms of Sm/Nd
ratios and Nd isotopic abundances despite their coincident location. Their data
indicate that a single volcanic conduit system can access a variety of mantle
reservoirs of distinct chemistry and age. The intimate association of alternating
tholeiitic and komatiitic lava fiows in the Munro Township (Arndt et al., 1977)
further testifies to this 'characteristic. The complex chemical nature of Tipasjarvi
could thus find sorne parallel èxamples, as shown by the REE data of Archean

Hi _olk .ond IV
Rhyodocite Alkoli 00

Rhyolite Bosolts

10 '-.~ 1 0 "
1 Upper Volcanic Sequence
1.. 1 j

Tlpos Kom
Tipos Kom type (2) Tlpos Kom(3) Tipos Kuhmo Suomu Kuhmo
type (1) Kuhmo Th . Suomu Kom(6 Thol. Thoi(2) Kom(2) ThoL(1)

lsr~IT9!~llsI~{8~ligf~ 10 [-:i 10r=J

r=] 20

Lower Volc .- Froct. jFroct. · Froct . Froct.

./ t::C
j xl. xl. j xi. j xi. ,
4f~1 4g 30t~i 10[_ _1

~ L
~ ~ :x::
\/ \/ "'-l

2~1 2B Ga
------------------ ------------------
JUns table 28 ;:t..

\ El3
2~1 2B
Source Regions

FIG. 13. Schematic diagram summarizing the magmatic evolution of the volcanic rocks of the three greenstone belts. For the rocks
of the Lower volcanic sequence, the observed variation of REE patterns is due both to fractional crystallization and to different
degree of partial melting. Their sources are characterized by 2X chondritic HREE abundances, but their LREE are variable, from
very strongly depleted to non-depleted. The depths of magma segregation are also different as inferred from the gamet involvement
in the partial melting processes. The source characteristics for the Upper volcanic sequence are less restricted, depending on models

vo1canic rocks from Scotia, Australia (Sun & Nesbitt, 1978) and the Munro
Township (Arth et al., 1977; Whitford & Arndt, 1978).


It is well known that the rate of heat generation was at least 2 to 3 times higher in
the Archean than today. Assuming a similar surface temperature condition, the
geothermal gradient in the Archean would be higher. Whichever acceptable
geotherm model of Green (1975) is taken, the sub-lithospheric convective cell
would be deeper. The rapid as cent of mande diapir perhaps also suggests a more
active convective motion in the mande. Consequendy, the composition of the upper
mande might be supposed to be well homogenized. Unfortunately, available
geochemical data for trace elements and isotopic (Sr and Pb) ratios for many
Archean vo1canic rocks do not support this supposition.

Finland : S834, S 847

10 Canada: B 12 -9, BSP
+- Rhodesia: NG 213
6 5834
c: \ 5847

La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu
FIG. 14. LREE-depleted mantle source seems to be a rather worldwide phenomenon as shown by these rocks
from Finland (this paper), Canada (Jahn, unpublished) and Rhodesia (Hawkeswoth & O'Nions, 1977).
Additional ex amples can be foùnd in Arth et al. (1977) and Sun & Nesbitt (1978).

One of the most significant findings of this study is the recogmtIon of the
strongly LREE-depleted mande source in Finnish rocks. This depleted nature also
occurs in bther continents. Arth et al. (1977), Whitford & Arndt (1978) and Sun &
Nesbitt (1978) have demonstrated similar REE patterns for sorne komatiitic rocks
from the Munro Township. Our unpublished data for sorne komatiites from the
Noranda also show similar patterns (Fig. 14). In Fig. 14, we show that this
depleted nature may be a worldwide phenomenon. The degree of depletion is no
less than that in the sQurce regions of modern mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB).
This further emphasizes that the Archean mande may be as heterogeneous in
240 B.-M. JAHN ET AL.

composition as the modern mande (also see Fig. 8). In Jact, Sun & Nesbitt (1977,
1978) have come to the same conclusion by demonstrating that the (La/Sm)N
ratios in Archean volcanic rocks have a range as wide as those observed in modern
oceanic volcanics.
In their study of the volcanic rocks of Munro Township, Arth et al. (1977)
formulated a unified model in that the tholeütic and the komatiitic series were
thought to be genetically related simply because of their intimate spatial
relationship. They believed that the tholeiitic liquids, having (La/Sm)N and
(Gd/Yb)N ratios> 1·0, might be the early liquids extracted from a mande source
characterized by a fiat chondritic REE pattern. The extraction leads to
LREE-depleted nature in the residue which in turn serves as the source for sorne
LREE-depleted komatiites. We feel that this is a plausible mechanism for the
creation of LREE depletion, at least in sorne parts. J udging from the complex REE
patterns in Archean komatiitic rocks, Sun & Nesbitt (1978) proposed that the
sources of STPK (spinifex textured peridotitic komatiite) must have originated
from a depth greater than 400 km in the mande. Early melts of low degree of
partial melting may have concentrated more LREE and LIL. When the se melts are
separated, the residual mande source would probably be depleted in LREE. The
separated early melts do not necessarily extrude immediately to form LREE-
enriched tholeiites as depicted by Arth et al. (1977), but they may be incorporated
into the upper parts of the mande to create a secondary source region enriched in
However, if we recognize that the depletion is indeed worldwide and on a large
scale, the mechanism may be more related to the production of abundant granitic
liquids in association with green stone belts. Archean greenstone belts are usually
associated with vast areas of granitic basement rocks. Age studies of most
granite-green stone terrains indicate that basic volcanic and acidic plutonic rocks
were generally emplaced contemporaneously (e.g. Jahn & Murthy, 1975;
Moorbath, 1977). This may also be true for the case of Finland (Kouvo & Tilton,
1966; Vidal & Blais, 1977).
The depletion of the modern MORB source probably took place at least 1·8 b.y.
ago (e.g. Sun & Hanson, 1975b; Jahn & Nyquist, 1976; Hart & Brooks, 1977).
This depletion has no apparent connection with significant production of LREE
enriched tholetiitic liquids at t~at time. We believe that this large-scale mande
',; fractionation has implications for the important production of granitic rocks on the
continents 1·8-2·0 b.y. ago. SirrÏilarly, the depletion in the Archean mande might
be more related to the formation of granitic basement in Finland, as weIl as in other
Archean terrains.
Available isotopic data indicate that Archean rocks of 2·5-2·7 b.y. age have a
wide range of I sr (= initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios) values ranging from O· 7004 to O· 7020
(see compilations of Jahn & Nyquist, 1976; Hart & Brooks, 1977). Older rocks
(3·5-3·8 b.y.) also exhibit a significant variation in I sr values. This is not at
variance with the heterogeneity of the Archean mande, although the I sr variation
may be explained ot~erwise. However, the f.i values (= 238UP04Pb) inferred from
initial Pb isotopie composit,ions in Archean rocks also suggest a significant


compositional heterogeneity in the Archean mantle (Oversby, 1978). The limited

available data on INd values (= initial 143Ndj144Nd ratios) of Archean rocks,
however, seem to indicate that the Archean mantle has evolved in a rather uniform
reservoir characterized by the chondritic Sm/Nd ratio (DePaolo & Wasserburg,
1976; Hamilton et al., 1978). We think that as more data become available, the
variation in 1Nd would emerge. Nevertheless, the compositional heterogeneity is
clearly demonstrated (Figs. 8 and 14). If the creation of LREE depletion occurred
not long before the magma generation, the heterogeneity would still not be reflected
by INd values registered in the rocks. In conclusion, a large-scale mantle
fractionation might have occurred ever since the early Archean and the
heterogeneity hence created has not been effectively erased by subsequent mantle

We thank Dr. S. S. Sun of the University of Adelaide for his critical review and
suggestions. Dr. M. Carpenter of our Institute has made suggestions and
improvements on an early draft. Drs. A. G. Herrmann, J. G. Arth and N. T. Arndt
reviewed the manuscripts. The continuous encouragement of Prof. J. Cogné of this
Institute is very much acknowledged. This study has been supported by the project
'ATP Geodynamique' of France.

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