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INQUIRY based Ohoud Yaser Alshamsi

Lesson (unit/page) leaning lesson, Student teacher

MST MS Suzulle School Alkhaleef school

Class KG 2C Date

What standards or LOs were being addressed in the lesson? KLW3: identify and compare the external features of
living things that make them different.

 By end of the lesson the student will able to

 know the living things and non-living things
 identify the different between living things and non-living things

students will learn that the All living things breathe, eat, grow, move, reproduce and have senses.

Non-living things do not eat, grow, breathe, move and reproduce. They do not have senses.

How did you cater for learners with special needs, and for differentiation? No special needs in the class
room but I provide the students with activity differentiation: master student: they will sort the living and
non-living things write and say why this is living and why this is not living.
Development student: sort living and non-living things and say why this is living
Emerging students will sort the living things and non-living things
How did you use positive reinforcement? Methods? For what? I use positive reinforcement to tell the
students a motivation words such as good, I’m proud, nice job in next time I will try to use use class dojo
How did you sequence or scaffold activities so that they built gradually towards the learning objectives?
Before I gave to the students an activity I model for them and give them example to ensure they
understand what they have to do.

Overall aim and context of the lesson (that is, describe the lesson’s place in the unit of work. What did
students need to know before today’s LOs were addressed? What topic comes next and how did today’s
lesson prepare students for that?) students are familiar of animals so they know that the birds in living and
they eat the seeds and plants. So, in this lesson they will have a story about how the birds eaten the seeds
and they have to solve this problem.

Who is the lesson for? KG 2C
Where did the lesson take place? Microsoft team’s app
What were you aiming to achieve in your lesson? At the end of the lesson my aim is to ensure all the
student think of need solution to save the garden from the birds.
What experiences did you provide to the students to help them to achieve your aims for them? I told them
the problem about the how the bird eats the seeds and the watermelon I repeat it for them to ensure they
understand the problem and give them chance to ask question if they needed
Were students excited, always occupied, and remained on task during the lesson? The students excited
when I told the problem and let them think of a solution it was challenging each studtn want to find a good
solution first so they want to feel proud.
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? They was very excited to listen to the
problem that’s why all of the students were quiet, also I remind them about the class instructions “ mute
yourself, listen to the teacher, raise your hand if you want to talk”
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? students are familiar of animals so
they know that the birds in living and they eat the seeds and plants. So, in this lesson they will have a story
about how the birds eaten the seeds and they have to solve this problem.

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Use your students’ performance on the end of lesson
assessment as support (Give proof in your portfolio)
My lesson met my teaching goals because at the end of the lesson 95% of the students find a solution for
the problem and they able to retell the story “the problem story”

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
What are the implications for your professional practice of helping students to enhance their learning in
this particular way? (i.e. what skill will you have to develop or learn? What professional development will
you have to undertake?)
The lesson goes well because most of the students know the different between living and non living, and
they find a solution for our problem, but in next time I will try to let them make their straw man during the
class time to be more engage and we can collaborate with each others.
This lesson help the students to identify a solution for the problems and use their critical thinink more ans
planning for the problems before they solve it

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