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application servers.

We will propose separation between web server and

application servers so the web server can do the load balancing.

b. Load Balancing using two web servers and application servers.

The system will have the load balancing features that will divide the load
of each application servers in handling the request. Client request will be
handled by Web server and then the web server will give the load to either
one of the application server with less load.

3. Design Decisions
3.1. Database Design
After discussing with other groups, we came up with following database schema. We
agreed with the schema of separating items with transaction because we want to keep
track of the items. Our team tried to make specific categorization for specific user so
user can name his own categories, as he likes.

Figure 3.1: Database schema

3.2. User Interface Design.
We have come up with the user interface design that will be used in this project.

Figure 3.2.1: User Registration form

Figure 3.2.2: User login form

Figure 3.2.3: Balance entry form

Figure 3.2.4: Manage category form

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