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The Ohio Compassion Capital Project Training Manual

Fund Development 
Maintaining diversified funding streams is integral to the success of non‐profit organizations. This 
information highlights effective fundraising techniques to expand your organization’s knowledge of 
and propensity toward developing and sustaining diversified funding.   
F d i i ffor
Th “B
The “Basics”
i ” off ffundraising
d i i
„ All good fundraising starts with a “Case
„ Most fundraising at nonprofits includes
some combination of
… Grants
… Gifts
from Individuals
… Events
G t
„ Grants are support from private or governmental
entities, usually given in response to a Request
For Proposals (RFP)
„ Some grant applications are not submitted in
response tot an RFP,
RFP you may respond d to
information have located about a foundation or a
corporation s giving history and goals
„ Corporate and Foundation giving represents
12 4% of all giving to nonprofits
Gift from
Gifts f Individuals
I di id l
„ Individuals give 87.6% of all philanthropic
„ Individual gifts are usually “unrestricted”,
meaning that they are the most flexible
dollars that you can raise.
t Fundraising
F d i i
„ Events are the most staff (or volunteer)
intensive of all of the fundraising methods
„ Events can not only raise money for your
organization, but can raise awareness of
your organization
„ Events sometimes take years to turn a
“profit” (and so can place you at-risk
l i aC Case St
t t
„ A case statement is used to help to “tell the
story” of your organization
„ A case statement is typically 1-3 pages and tells
why your organization should be supported
„ Don’t just focus on the needs in your community,
focus also on the opportunity that you are giving
your donor
d tto make
k an impact
i t in
i th
i community
Components of a Case
„ The need statement
„ The mission statement and explanation of
how you are striving to fulfill your mission
„ The opportunity for the donor to impact
their community
hi IIndividual
di id l DDonors
„ Mailings (appeals, newsletters)
„ Individual donors need to be cultivated,,
relationships need to be built, connections
need to be made
„ Donors must be thanked often and in a
timely fashion
„ Donors will not typically increase their
giving unless they are asked to do so
Donor T
„ Dozens of database options exist-from free to
very expensive
„ Most start with a simple excel or access
database to track gifts and giving history
„ Purchased software can produce sophisticated
t provide
id a ttemplate
l t for
f fundraising
f d i i
events, and allow for archiving of materials
related to donors
„ Purchased software usually also requires an
ongoing contract for updates and support
Donor T
ki ((continued)
ti d)
„ You can use paper files to track donor
y and correspondence
„ Most importantly, get donor information
I di id l d
Individual donor solicitation
li it ti
„ It is important that you are personally passionate
about the mission of the organization
„ Don’t ask the first time you meet with someone
„ Ask for something specific (the next time)
„ People have a more difficult time saying “no” in a
face-to-face setting
„ Meeting with donors on a regular basis will help
you to build awareness of your organization
A ti it D
Activity-Donor S
li it ti
„ Break into groups of three (donor, solicitor,
„ Practice telling the story of your
organization and asking for support
„ Observer should give feedback to solicitor
„ You
Y h have 15 minutes
i t
t Fundraising
F d i i
„ Raise dollars „ Build awareness of
(unrestricted) to your organization in
support your the community
organization „ Build “connections”
„ B ild your d
Build database
t b with
ith your existing
i ti
to use for future donors and
fundraising volunteers
Klein (1994) Checklist for Event
„ How appropriate is the event for your
„ H
How will
ill th
the eventt reflect
fl t on th
the iimage off your
„ How much volunteer time will be needed?
„ How much front money will be needed?
„ How repeatable is the event?
„ How does the event fit into your overall
fundraising gpplan?
t th considerations
id ti
„ Staff or volunteer time is considerable
„ Having a committee to take “ownership” of the
event is important
„ Board and staff leadership must understand that
there is a risk of losing $ on an event
„ Sponsorships are an important component of an
event budget
„ Develop a process to monitor progress/aid
Grants and Proposal
„ Proposals are submitted to request (or apply for)
a grant
„ Grants can be given by Foundations,
Corporations, or Government entities
„ Most RFP’s (requests for proposals) have very
specific guidelines for submission
„ Letters of support from other organizations are
often required
Basic Components of a
„ Executive summary (one page)
„ Introduction
„ Organizational history/qualifications
„ Scope
S off the
th need
„ Program description/staff qualifications
„ Evaluation
„ Budget
ti summary
„ Should typically only be one page or less
„ Should be a ggood summary y of each aspect
p of
the proposal
„ The executive summary sets the tone for how
organized you are, how compelling the case for
support is, and how well you have thought
throughh th
the outcomes
t that
th t you are trying
t i tot
I t d ti
„ Typically only a paragraph or two
„ Lays out what you are requesting
requesting, for
what, and who you will be reaching
„ Describe the history of your organization
„ Describe important stakeholders in the
genesis and ongoing support of your
„ Highlight qualifications/successes of your
Scope off Need
N d
„ This section spells-out the need for your
service in the community
„ Use statistics and community needs
assessment data
„ Describe how many people in your
community need the services that you are
providing and are not receiving those
Program Description/Staff
„ The “heart” of your proposal (spend the most
time on this section)
„ Describe what you will do (program objectives),
how you will do it, using what resources, and
h you will
ill provide
id th
the services
„ Describe the unique qualifications that your staff
or volunteers
l t h
have tto provide
id th
these services
E l ti
„ Describe how you will evaluate the
effectiveness of y
your p
„ Use defined, measurable outcomes, set in
„ Keep it simple, but make sure that you
track your outcomes!!
B d t
„ Some have detailed budget requirements, others leave it
to you to submit your budget
„ Make sure that your budget is realistic
realistic, and that it adds
„ Include other sources of funding and in-kind donations
(i l di volunteer
(including l t titime)) d
t d tto program
„ Volunteer time value can be calculated by using the
following Web site:
B d tb
Budget basics
„ Budget typically also should have a budget
„ Always consider staff salary increases (COLA’s),
occupancy and overhead
„ As part of the planning for the proposal, have a
conversation with your finance person
„ Make sure that your budget “matches” what you
say in your proposal
l i a ffundraising
d i i plan
„ Assess your readiness for fundraising (can your
board support fundraising?)
„ Determine whether you can identify a committee
or advisory group to help with fundraising
„ Determine the needs of your organization and
develop the strategies to meet those needs
„ Determine the external climate for fundraising
Locating Resources for
Fundraising Information
„ Web-based resources on foundations
„ Government funding sources
„ Develop p a file of solicitation letters that yyou
have responded to
„ Talk to y
your p peers in yyour community y
„ Association of Fundraising Professionals
((conferences,, publications)
p )
Foundation Guidelines for Proposal Submission
Major Community Foundation (Example 1)


• December 30 (for consideration at March Trustee meeting)

• March 30 (for consideration at June Trustee meeting)
• June 30 (for consideration at September Trustee meeting)
• September 30 (for consideration at December Trustee meeting)

Proposals are due the next business day if a deadline falls on a weekend. You will receive mail
notification that your proposal has been received within two weeks of its receipt in our office.

What to include in your proposal

Each proposal should include a one-page cover letter describing the project and the amount of
funds being requested. It also should include the name of a contact person with phone and/or
email information.

Organizational Background

• History
• Mission
• Types of programs offered
• Constituencies served

Project Description

• Justification of need
• Specific goals and objectives
• Activities planned to meet goals and objectives
• Project time line
• Qualifications of key personnel
• Evaluation plan

Budget Information
Proposals should include a project budget as well as an organizational budget.

• The project budget should include anticipated expenses, including details about how
Foundation funds would be used, and anticipated income, including information about
other sources approached for funding.
• The organizational budget should include the current year budget as well as the proposed
budget for project year(s) showing both income and expenses.
• Include the organization's most recent audited financial statement.
Supporting Documents

• List of current trustees

• Letters of support
• Readily available printed material about organization such as annual reports or brochures
• IRS letter confirming Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) status and classification as a
public charity or information confirming status as a governmental unit or agency

Small Family Foundation (Example 2)

Application Procedure
If a potential applicant’s proposal aligns with the Foundation’s Grant Guidelines, the organization
should contact the Foundation or submit a one-page preliminary letter of inquiry briefly describing
the organization and the project. If the Foundation determines that the proposal falls within its
interest areas, the organization will be notified that it may submit a full proposal.

The full proposal should contain the following information:

1. Description of project
2. Description of organization
3. Amount of request
4. Need for the project
5. Evaluation procedures
6. Timetable of project
7. Support from other foundations and/or corporations

The following attachments should be included:

1. Financial statements (2 years)

2. Budget for current fiscal year
3. Project budget
4. Board list
5. IRS Determination Letter

The Foundation awards grants four times each year in February, May, August, and November when
the Board of Trustees meets to review proposals. Beginning in 2004, deadlines for the submission of
complete proposals are as follows:

Meeting Deadline
February December 1

May March 1

August June 1

November September 1

Medium-Sized Community Foundation (Example 3)

Your assistance is important to the Foundation in giving your application the consideration it
deserves. The Foundation will be unable to consider proposals that do not follow these

• Double space
• Use 12 point type
• Use standard 8.5 by 11 inch paper
• Use one side of the paper only
• Use no more than 10 pages for the proposal, exclusive of the one-page abstract, budget
and budget narrative
• Number pages
• Include one (1) original and two (2) complete copies of your submission, including three
(3) complete sets of all requested attachments
• Do not use staples, binders or notebooks

Most importantly, please prepare your application addressing the following

questions, labeling each question as you go.

1. What is the purpose of the project? Define the need.

2. How will the need be addressed? Please state clearly who will do what, to whom, when,
where, and why?
3. What will the project accomplish if successful? What are the goals? What will be the
visible, tangible, objectively verifiable results? In other words, what are the short term
and long term deliverables?
4. What are the most important benchmarks of the project from start to finish: planning,
start-up, implementation, and results? Please indicate the estimated time line to reach
each one.
5. What is the purpose of the project? Define the need. What challenges to success are
anticipated from both the internal and external environments?
6. What about the experience of the organization makes success possible, i.e., does the
organization have a history of working with the defined population, of implementing this
or similar programs, and of accessing outside support and expertise if necessary?
7. Who are the individuals most responsible for the day-to-day management of the project
and what are their qualifications? What percentage of staff time will be spent on this
project? Please provide resumes in attachments.
8. Are there plans to partner with other organizations to implement this project? If so, please
identify those organizations and their qualifications specific to this project and describe

the proposed relationship. Please provide letters of support verifying the partners’
commitment to participate in the project.
9. How will success of the project be measured? How will progress be measured toward
achievement of target goals and benchmarks? How will impact of the project be
10. Please provide a project budget using the format provided here. Please also provide a
budget narrative that includes an explanation for each line item for which Foundation
support is requested.

If requesting a multi-year grant, please provide a separate budget for each year. If project
funding is being requested from other foundations, please identify these foundations and
the amount of each request. If the request is for consultant(s), please provide a copy of
the consulting agreement.

You can download a copy of the standard Project Budget format here. This form must be
included with your application.

• Cover letter signed by the applicant’s board chair and chief executive officer (and project
director, if appropriate).
• Cover sheet that includes the name of the organization, address, application date, project
title, amount requested for specified time period, contact person, title, phone number, fax
e-mail address.
• Current Annual Report.
• Board list with business affiliations.
• Most recent list of contributors, including foundation grants
(grantor and amount) and names of major individual contributors.
• Most recent audited financial statements.
• Resumes of individuals listed in question 7 of your proposal to the Foundation.
• Proof of most recent IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation meets on a quarterly basis to consider grant requests.
These meetings occur in March, June, September, and December. Application deadlines are:
January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1.

When deadlines occur on a weekend or holiday, proposals will be due on the first working day
following the actual deadline.





Funding allocated as a result of this RFP will be used to provide an Assertive Community
Treatment (ACT) Team for young adults. The Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health
Board (CCCMHB) has designated up to $400,000 in first year funding for the development and
implementation of this ACT Team. The ACT Team for young adults will serve approximately
fifty (50) young adults, at any given time, who have serious emotional disturbance or severe
mental disability and are at risk for out-of-community placement or who are returning to the
community from a residential placement or hospital. The ACT Team will comprehensively
serve young adults, ages 16-22, who are at highest risk of hospitalization, residential care, or

The ACT model is based on individualized needs assessment and a team response to provide
whatever services and supports are necessary to enable individuals to live in the community with
the greatest possible independence and highest possible quality of life. This model of service
embraces resilience, recovery, and a wraparound approach to service delivery. Applicants can
obtain detailed information about ACT Teams through a variety of sources, including: NAMI
(National Alliance for the Mentally Ill),; the Ohio Department of Mental Health,; the ACT Association,; and, the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA),, where Assertive
Community Treatment is one of the “Evidence-Based Practices Implementation Resource Kits.”

The CCCMHB 16-22 Workgroup has prioritized implementation of an ACT Team for young
adults as one of the ways to better meet the needs of young adults with significant mental health
needs. In its discussions about this ACT Team, the Workgroup has noted that the following need
to be emphasized: multi-system coordination and collaboration; attention to substance abuse
issues; family and community supportive relationships; opportunities for peer and mentoring
relationships; timely enrollment for entitlements; educational and vocational programming and
employment; advocacy and support, including subsidies, for housing. The Workgroup has
envisioned an ACT Team that will enable young adults leaving residential treatment to live in
the community, reduce psychiatric hospitalizations for young adults, and prevent young adults’
from becoming homeless, requiring adult system residential treatment, or entering the justice
December 1, 2004 Release of RFP
December 15, 2004, 2:00-3:30 p.m. Bidders’ Conference at the CCCMHB
December 17, 2004 Deadline to Register as Applicant
January 7, 2005 Deadline for Written Questions from Applicants
January 12, 2005 Deadline for Written Responses to Applicants
January 19, 2005, 5:00 p.m. Deadline for Proposal Submission
February 23, 2005 Contract Award

CONTACT PERSON: Terri Oldham, CCCMHB Children’s Project Administrator, (phone) 216-241-3400, ext.
215, (fax) 216-861-5067, (e-mail), CCCMHB, 1400 West 25th Street, 3rd Floor, Cleveland,
OH 44113-3199.

BIDDERS’ CONFERENCE: December 15, 2004, 2:00-3:30 p.m., at the CCCMHB.

REGISTRATION: To be included on the list of applicants who will receive written responses to any questions, a
statement by the applicant of intent to submit a proposal must be sent, by e-mail, fax, or regular mail to the
contact person by December 17, 2004.

WRITTEN QUESTIONS: Please submit written questions to the above contact person. Questions must be
submitted by December 10, 2004, to be discussed at the Bidders’ Conference. Additional questions may be
submitted through January 7, 2005. All registered applicants will receive written responses to any questions

ELIGIBILITY TO RESPOND: The applicant/vendor must be a CCCMHB contract agency to respond to this

VENDOR DISCLOSURES: The applicant must provide a disclosure of any pending or threatened court actions
and/or claims against the applicant/vendor. This information may not cause rejection of the proposal, but
withholding the information may be cause to reject the proposal.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: No vendor will promise or give any CCCMHB employee or CCCMHB Board of
Governors’ member anything of value that could influence that employee or Governor in deciding on a
contract award. No vendor will try to influence a CCCMHB employee or CCCMHB Governor to violate any
procurement policies of the CCCMHB, the Ohio Revised Code, or the Federal Procurement Regulations.

VENDOR EXAMINATION OF THE RFP: Applicants are expected to respond to all sections of the RFP. If an
applicant discovers any mistake or omission in the RFP, the applicant should notify the CCCMHB contact
person in writing. Clarifications and corrections will be sent to all applicants registered with the CCCMHB
for this RFP.

CHANGES TO THE RFP: The CCCMHB may make changes to this RFP no later than December 17, 2004, by
sending changes to all applicants who registered for the RFP. These changes will be sent by fax or regular
mail, in addition to e-mail.

AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: Any allocation as a result of this RFP and all agency contracts are contingent on
the availability of funds. If, during the RFP process, funds are not available for the proposed services, the
RFP process will be canceled. The applicant will be notified at the earliest possible time. The CCCMHB is
not required to compensate the applicant for any expenses incurred as a result of the RFP process.

PREPARATION OF THE PROPOSAL: The proposal must clearly provide the applicant’s qualifications to
deliver services requested in the RFP. The applicant should respond to all RFP instructions and requirements.
The proposal shall be no longer than ten (10) pages, excluding the budget forms and any attachments. The
proposal must include all costs that relate to the proposal submitted. All proposals become the property of the
CCCMHB, will be considered public information, and will be open for inspection.

FALSE OR MISLEADING STATEMENTS: A proposal containing a false or misleading statement(s) may be


VENDOR REPRESENTATIVE’S SIGNATURE: The proposal must be signed by an individual who is
authorized to contractually bind the vendor/applicant. The signature must indicate the title or position the
individual holds in the vendor’s organization. Any and all unsigned proposals will be rejected.

DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS: An applicant must mail or deliver one signed original proposal and five (5)
duplicates of the entire written proposal to the CCCMHB contact person at the CCCMHB no later than 5:00
p.m., January 19, 2005 (deadline for the proposals). A receipt will be issued for each proposal received.
Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. If an applicant mails the proposal, the applicant
should use certified or registered mail, UPS, or Federal Express with return receipt requested. Faxes will not
be accepted. Applicants must carefully review their proposals. Once opened at the CCCMHB, the proposals
cannot be changed. The CCCMHB may, however, request information or respond to inquiries for purposes
of clarification, only.

ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: The CCCMHB reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals. The CCCMHB staff and the CCCMHB Chief Executive Officer will make a recommendation to
the CCCMHB Board of Governors. The CCCMHB Board of Governors’ decision shall be final.

EVALUATION AND AWARD OF CONTRACT: The review process will be conducted in two parts:
A. Preliminary Proposal Review. The preliminary review will determine that the proposal meets the
minimum requirements and mandatory conditions specified in the RFP, including:
1. The proposal must be received at the CCCMHB no later than 5:00 p.m.,
January 19, 2005.
2. The applicant must have registered for the RFP.
3. The required number of copies is submitted.
4. The proposal is signed by the authorized vendor/applicant representative.
A proposal that passes the Preliminary Proposal Review will be considered a valid proposal and will move
to the final review. A proposal that does not pass the Preliminary Proposal Review will be filed as rejected.

B. Final Proposal Review. All valid proposals will be subjected to the following:
1. The proposals will be reviewed, evaluated, and rated by the CCCMHB RFP Committee.
a. The RFP Committee will be composed of CCCMHB staff and other designated individuals.
b. The RFP Committee will review and evaluate each proposal in relation to the criteria in the RFP.
c. During the review, the Committee may request additional information from the applicant. All
information requests and applicant responses must be in writing.
d. A Review Evaluation Rating Form shall be tailored specifically for this RFP. The number of
evaluation points for each section will vary according to the value assigned for that particular
aspect of the proposal.
e. The RFP Committee may request information from sources other than the written proposal to
evaluate an applicant’s programs. Other sources of information may include oral presentations
by applicants, written responses by applicants to clarifying questions posed by the RFP
Committee, and CCCMHB information related to applicants’ history and experience in providing
similar services.
2. The RFP Committee’s evaluation will include, but will not be limited to
a. Criteria for the Preliminary and Final Reviews
b. Strength and stability of the applicant to provide the requested services
c. Experience with a similar project/program of comparable size and scope
d. Overall responsiveness and completeness of the proposal, as well as, in the RFP Committee’s
opinion and at the RFP Committee’s discretion, that the proposal meets or exceeds RFP
e. Scope of the project
f. Ability to meet project time lines
g. Cost of the project/proposed services
h. Project evaluation plan
i. Any other factors considered relevant by the RFP Committee and demonstrated by the proposal
or investigation by the RFP Committee
3. The final composite Review Evaluation Rating Form, which includes the applicants’ rankings, will
be maintained on file by the CCCMHB. The results of the review process will be a prioritized list,
from best to least best, of the applicants/vendors.
4. Written notification will be made to each vendor who submitted a proposal. Immediately following
notification to the preferred applicant, applicants not selected will be notified.
5. If the successful applicant/vendor fails to execute the contract, the CCCMHB may award the
contract to another applicant/vendor whose proposal meets the requirements of the RFP and any
addenda. The period of time within which such an award of a contract may be made shall be within
sixty (60) days of the notice of award.

PROPOSAL SELECTION: The CCCMHB will work with the applicant/vendor who was selected as the best
bidder to finalize the details of the contract. Proposal selection does not guarantee a contract for services will
be awarded.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The proposal and the commitments made in the selected proposal will be
contractual obligations, if a contract ensues. Failure to accept these obligations may result in cancellation of
the award.

TYPE OF CONTRACT: The review and evaluation of proposals in response to this RFP may result in the
issuance of a contract. The contract will incorporate the requirements of the RFP, the applicant’s proposal,
and all other agreements that may be reached relevant to the project. The applicant is normally responsible
for the execution of the project/program and contract requirements. If the applicant proposes a different
approach, the applicant must describe the contractual protection offered to ensure successful implementation
of the project. If the applicant proposes a multi -vendor or subcontract approach, the responsibilities of each
party must be clearly described and assurance of performance must be provided. The successful applicant’s
proposal, this RFP, and other applicable addenda will become part of the final contract and will not merge
into the contract.

CONTRACT DURATION: A contract will be written for a period of one (1) year.

CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY: Any applicant/vendor who has access to confidential information will
be required to maintain the confidentiality of that information.


To be considered for a contract award through this RFP, applicants must respond to each of the following elements:

I. Experience of the applicant in providing services to young adults, 16-22-year-olds. What is the agency’s
experience in working with young adults with serious emotional disturbances/severe mental disabilities?

II. Familiarity of the applicant with the ACT Team model and how the applicant will apply the model for
young adults. Why does the agency desire to develop an ACT Team for young adults? How will the
proposed ACT Team meet the needs of the targeted young adults? How will the agency involve young adults
and their families and collaborate with others in implementing the ACT Team?

III. Target Population. Given the requirements specified in the preceding description, will the applicant focus
on a particular segment (e.g., by age, referral source, particular needs) of the target population or the entire
target population? Why?

IV. Demonstration of the applicant’s ability to provide culturally competent services, including services
specifically for young adults. How does the applicant ensure the provision of culturally competent services?
What will the applicant do to ensure that services offered through this program will be culturally competent?
What are strengths and challenges particular to young adults and how will the ACT Team address these?

V. Staffing Pattern, Staff Qualifications, and Agency Certifications. Does the agency have, or how will the
agency obtain, the capacity and expertise to provide an ACT Team for young adults? What staffing pattern
will be used and why? What are the qualifications of key staff who will be involved in implementing the
ACT Team? Is the applicant appropriately certified to provide the proposed services?

VI. Deliverables. Clearly state project deliverables. In summary, what will you provide and for whom?

VII. Time Line. Within the parameters of the funding allocation year and related to the deliverables, what time
line will the applicant use for developing and implementing ACT Team services?

VIII. Evaluation. How will the agency evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program and the effectiveness for
the individuals served? How will the agency maintain fidelity to the ACT Team model? What are the ACT
Team designated outcomes and any additional outcomes the agency will address? Will the agency provide
the data, documentation, and periodic reports required? How will the agency involve young adults and their
families in the evaluation process?

IX. Budget and Budget Narrative. Include a budget for an allocation of up to $400,000 (including Medicaid
match funds) for the applicant’s ACT Team for young adults for April 1, 2005, through March 31, 2006.
The budget must be presented in the UFMS format that includes support for the unit rates and the total
amount requested. The budget narrative should describe all expenses.

X. Additional Considerations. Is there any additional information the applicant wants to provide for

Resources for Fundraising information

Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives:

Chronicle of Philanthropy:

Council on Foundations:

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations:

Grants Managers Network:

Ohio Grantmakers Forum:


The Foundation Center (Cleveland):

Association of Fundraising Professionals:

Contributions Magazine:

Enterprise Foundation:

US Government grants information:


Expenses 2003 2,004

Actual Projected Actual as of 11/12/04 FINAL
Run Management 990 1,500 1125
Run Bibs 0 90 0
Run Awards 278 300 291.35
Zoo Rental/Fees 650 650 650
Zoo Entry 1,000 1,500 1000
Brochure Printing 510 500 911.36
Mailing Services 252 252 270 x2412 x573
Postage (bulk mail) 391 500 355.91 x2412 x573
Advertising 232 232 232
Walker Prizes 0 250 140
Ranger 88 88 88
Golf Cart Rental 115 180 180
Banner 160 100 0
Family Fair Exhibitor 0 0 0
T-Shirts 0 0 0
Total Expenses 4,666 6,142 5243.62

Presenting Sponsor 0 0 0
Gold Sponsor @$1000 0 0 0
Silver Sponsor @500 1,000 1000 0
Run Sponsor @$1000 0 0 0
Bronze @$250 0 0 0
SponsorAKilometer@100 300 0 0
Friends @$50 0 0 0
Registration/Donations 19,171 29,000 19698.15
Total Gross Income 21,785 30,000 19,698

Net Income 17,119 14454.53

Scramble for Kids 2002 Budget 7/29/2002

2001 Budget FINAL (October 4, 2001) (101 Golfers) 2002 FINAL

Expenses per person total
Red Tail* ( 101 x 114.73) 11,587.73 Golfing Fees* 136 $80 10761.68
Pro Shop Certificates (x 25) 1,225 4Some Awards from Pro Shop ** 650.00
Pro Shop Raffle/Auction 1133.38 Raffle Prizes from Pro Shop ** 716.31
Total Golfing Fees $74.07 Total Golfing Fees $90
Coffee for Volunteers 12.24
Extra Lunches (4) 11.82 47.28 Lunch 160 $12.95 1756.80
Extra Hor D'Oeurves (14) 5.44 76.16 Hor D'Oeuvres 166 $7.00 984.38
Extra Dinners (14) 23.4 327.6 Dinner 166 $28.00 3939.18
Total Food Costs 40.66 Total Food Costs $48.95
Snacks (96 x $.75) 72 Snacks x356 $ 1.00 227.84
Soft Drinks (880 x $1.00) 880 Soft Drinks x658 $1.00 559.30
Alchohol Purchases/License** 578.8 Beer x160 $2.20 297.60
Food & Beverage Gratuity 1399.91
Golfer Shirts (140 x $23.07) 3229.8 Golfer Wind Shirts 141 $ 25.00 3966.87
Total Service Per $140 Total Service Per Golfer $165.90
Sponsor Plaques (10 x 80/100) 1120 Sponsor Plaques x11 (partly in-kind) 423.00
25 x
Volunteer Shirts (x 26) 527.02 Volunteer T-Shirts $20 425.00
Brochures 390 Brochures (In Kind Donation) 0.00
Letterhead 552.12 Letterhead (In Kind Donation) 0.00
Programs 636.91 Programs (In Kind Donation) 0.00
Nametags 71.89 Nametags 140.90
Buy a Hole Tee Signs 0 Buy-A-Hole T Signs 50.00
Banner 109.14 Banner 110.00
Hole in One Insurance 420.16
Total Expenses 22,984.99 Total Expenses 26421.01

Income Income
0 Tournament Sponsors 0 Tournament Sponsor $10,000 (7 golfers) 10000.00
1 Platinum Sponsor (6 golf) 7500 Platinum Sponsor $7,500 (12 golfers) 15000.00
2 Gold Sponsors (8 golf) 6,000 Gold Sponsors $3,000 (12 golfers) 9000.00
6 Silver Sponsors (12 golf) 7500 Silver Sponsors $1,250 (10 golfers 6250.00
75 Individual Golfers (x$275) 20,775 Individual Golfers $275 24476.00
Extra Dinner (x$30) 480
Mulligan’s 625 Mulligan’s 1015.00
Auction 2466 Auction 2811.00
Wagering 1215 Wagering 1413.67
Donations 5235 Other Donations 3485.00
Sponsor A Child 700 Sponsor A Child $50 x4 350.00
Buy A Hole 1500 Buy A Hole $100 x26 2800.00
Raffle 974 Raffle 923.00
Alcohol Sales** 560.5 Additional Dinners 750.00
Gross Income 55530.5 Gross Income 78273.67

Net Income 32,545.51 Net Income 51852.66

EVENT: _________________________

DATE/TIME: _____________________

PROGRAM/ACTIVITY: _____________
DATE ITEM PERSON Projected Budget Completed


Identification of Space


Table/Chairs & Layout

(Projector/laptop etc.)

PA System



Sample Case Statement

Volunteers for Youth

The children are our future.

We must give our children a chance to grow up healthy and safe. They need positive adult role models who can
guide them, give them advice and teach them how to succeed in the modern world.

However, our children are too often being left at home alone while their parents struggle to make ends meet. Many
of their “role models” are selling or using drugs, and violence is part of everyday life.

Children in North Carolina fared worse this year than they did a year ago in many ways. According to the
Children’s Index, published by the Child Advocacy Institute, juvenile arrests rose 6.5%, the number of children
living in poverty rose 8.7% and the high school dropout rate rose 9.5%.

We believe in a brighter future-but we need YOUR help.


Volunteers for Youth’s mission is to inspire youth to reach their full potential.

Volunteers for Youth has provided positive role models to the youth of Orange County for the past 14 years. The
organization was founded in 1982 by several members of our community.

You can see the difference we make in Orange County: an adult spending the day at the library with a child; a
member of the community supervising a teenager completing court-ordered community service; college students
spending their spare time every week working with middle school children after school. These are just some of the
ways adults can make a difference in the lives of children.

Most of the services we provide could not exist without the help of adult volunteers from the community. In 1995,
approximately 100 volunteers helped us make a difference in the lives of 165 children from all over Orange

However, our one-on-one program, in which an adult spends four hours a week with a young friend for one year,
desperately needs more volunteers. Because we lack the resources to recruit a sufficient number of volunteers,
some children have to wait at least six months, and others never get matched. This must change.

How you can help

We are seeking funds for the following projects to improve the services we offer to the children in our community:
• $20,000 for the development of the position of recruitment and retention specialist. Outcome: No child in
Orange County will have to wait more than one month for a volunteer.
• $5,000 to expand our after-school program. Outcome: All middle school children in Orange County will
have an opportunity to spend time after school with positive adult role models from the community.

We also appreciate in-kind donations. Can you help our children get discounts or passes to special events? Do you
have the spare time to volunteer to make a difference in one child’s life?


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