Obsidian (J.H.)

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Name: Connie Tanner

RCC: Nightbane

Age: 17
Birthday: Celebrated on January
Height: 5’1” (5’5”)
Weight: 101lbs
Build: Svelte, soft, and
femenine, but slight enough in the curves
that bulky clothes swallow them easily.
Skin: Pale / Sun kissed.
Hair: Stringy, shoulder length
black with a neon blue forelock. /
Sunny golden blond.
Eyes: Deep blue./ Cornflower Blue
Style: See picture, when she wants to dress up. Might relax in jeans
or knees skirts and an anime shirt.

Growing up in orphanages and foster homes, Connie began her life
as a sweet little girl, but shy, plain, and socially clumsy. She liked to run
and play in the gardens at night, after the other children went to bed,
performing bold feats of athleticism that no one suspected she was capable
of. When the other children were around, she usually hid in her fantasy
With time, life got a little harder on her. As she was neither vivacious
nor pretty, most people seeking to adopt didn’t look at her twice.
Sometimes she got stuck in a foster home with a cold or even cruel family
who just wanted the money.
The spark of heroism dimmed.
Her fairy tail dreams--both of being a princess in a high tower and a
shieldmaiden or sorceress saving the world--grew darker. Disney lied.
Anime and fantasy novels weren’t always honest either. There was a
chronic shortage of handsome princes and heroes were few and far
between. When David and Marry--her foster parents at age 12--wouldn’t
buy her gymnastics lessons, she started shoplifting in the mall for petty
cash and to pay for lessons at the Y.
The spark of heroism sputtered.
One day when she was fourteen, Connie passed a man with no legs
in a wheelchair sitting outside the mall in a sweater and a US army V.A.
cap. She mistook him for a beggar and felt genuine sympathy.
The guttering candle of heroism inside of her gave a feeble shine and
Connie slipped the wad of cash she had just lifted from The Gap into his
The older man blanked. He’d felt a hand slip into his pocket and
thought the girl had gone for his wallet. He undid the breaks on his
wheelchair and took off after her like a special olympic racer. He almost
grabbed the girl when he freed a hand to check for his wallet and found the
Changing tactics quickly, he pulled up alongside Connie and asked
about the Honor Harington novel sticking out of her purse.
Connie was completely disarmed. She was prepared to deny her act
of charity. She was prepared to be accused of being a thief. She was…
Not prepared to meet Major Mathew Tanner, retired from the U.S.
army and author of The Tourmaline Grail trilogy she’d read just last year.
The two had a long chat. Eventually the Major took her to Cheddars for
dinner while they talked about novels they both enjoyed. Just before the
mall closed, Connie thanked the Major for the best afternoon of her life and
said she had to get back to her fosters. He watched out the window as she
picked up her skateboard, slipped into the Gap, and palmed the wad back
into the register.
The light of heroism--still faded--resmed a steady glow.
Mathew inquired of her in the foster care system. He grew
displeased with the people she was being funneled between every few
months. He signed up to foster her himself, and after a few weeks Connie
was living in a two story flat on Baker Street--about three blocks form 322.
She got to know the Major quickly. She learned how he’d always loved
science fiction and fantasy. She learned how he’d completed a degree in
the humanities at university, entered the army as an officer. How he’d risen
steadily through the ranks, taking responsibility for his own actions and the
life of his men. She learned how he’d lost his legs in Operation Desert
Storm when an Iraqui landmine destroyed the car he was driving. He got
caught up on his reading in physical therapy. He inherited mutual funds
from his father after he died, and invested in more of them with his pension.
Deciding to chase his dreams, Matt went back to college, completed
a degree in creative writing, and became a successful novelist. He was in
a poly relationship with three women--a hot young cosplay model and fan
girl, a busy business woman, and a history professor he’d been in a study
group with when they were both students together. They four came and
went from each other's beds sometimes in larger groups and others
smaller. Though they sometimes teased Matt that he was recruiting a fifth
for their cozy relationship, the girls all recognized that he truly thought of
Conie as the daughter they were all too busy to give him. Only Traci--the
25 year old cosplay model--would think of having it any other way.
Mat got to know Connie slowly. He understood what a struggle it was
for her to be brave and bold. Believing that only the fearful truly understood
courage, his admiration for Connie grew. Matt paid for her gymnastics
lessons and offered to pay for kenjutsu and shotokan karate as well.
Connie was only mildly skilled at karate. She learned techniques and got
stronger, but when facing a big, scary opponent without a blade in her
hand, she flinched, even fled.
Kenjutsu, on the other hand, she absolutely adored, and it was easier
to imagine herself as a brave shieldmaiden or sexy samurai girl with a
katana in her hand--even a wooden one.
Year by year, the Major helped her learn and grow. She got stronger,
faster, smarter, healthier and--inch by inch-more courageous.
When Conie was sixteen she stumbled on a crew of Perverts beating
up on the gay boy from across the street. There were five of them. It was
night time, the police might be just as bad as they were, and Matt was
several blocks away.
She called him for help, then-empowered by her neighbor’s
whimpering cries--Connie did the bravest thing she’d ever done.
She drew her shinai and charged the perverts.
The flames of heroism roared to full light in her soul and the dark
angel from her deepest dreams emerged to do what she was meant to do.
Protect the innocent.

EXP 0/____
Next Level: 2,400

I.Q. 14 +0
M.E. 7 vs. Psionic Attack +0
Vs. Insanity +0
M.A. 7 Trust/Intimidate 0%
P.S. 14 / 26 HtH Combat Damage +0/+11
P.P. 20 / 26 Strike/Parry/Dodge +3/+6
P.E. 20 / 33 Save Vs. Coma/Death +10/+30%
Save Vs. Magic/Poison +3/+8
P.B. 11 / 20 Charm/Impress --% / 50%
Spd. 28 / 38 Meters/Minute 560 / 760
--Fly -- / 17 Meters/Minute ----- / 340

H.P. 26/____ / 78/______

SDC 49/____ / 157/_____
PPE 190/______
Horror Factor -- / 7

Basic Math 55% +5%/L
Climb 47% +5%/L
Computer Operation 60% +5%/L
Concealment 25% +4%/L
First Aid 55% +5%/L
Palming 25% +5%/L
Pick Locks 35% +5%/L
Pick Pockets 35% +5%/L
Pilot (Automobile) 75% +2%/L
Prowl 35% +5%/L
Radio: Basic 60% +5%/L
Research 50% +5%/L
Streetwise 25 +4%/L
Swimming 50% +5%/L
Writing 25% +5%/L

Language Skills:
English Language 75% +5%/L
English Literacy 55% +5%/L
Japanese Language 50% +5%/L
Spanish Language 50% +5%/L

Physical Skills:
Athletics (General)

Weapon Proficiencies:
Swords: +1 Strike, +1 Parry

Acrobatic and Gymnastic Skills

--Back Flip 70% +5%/L
--Climb Rope 70% +2%/L
--Sense of Balance 50% +5%/L
--Walk Tightrope/High Wire
--Work Parallel Bars/Rings 60% +3%/L

Combat: Facade Morphus

Hand to Hand: Basic Martial Arts
--Initiative +1
--Attacks/Melee 2 2
--Strike +3 +9
--Parry +4 +10
--Dodge +4 +10
--Roll +4 +8
--Pull Punch +3
--Punch 4d6+11
--Kick 2d4

Saving Throws: Roll DC

Curses / 15
Diseases +1 / +3 14
Lethal Poison / 14
Non-Lethal Poison / 16
Harmful Drugs / 15
Horror -2 / +0 Opponent's Horror Factor.
Insanity / 12
Magic +2 / +4 12 + Spell Power
--Ritual Magic +2 / +4 16
Psionics -1 / +2 1?
-2 Vs. Illusions
-1 vs. Mind Control and any test of wills. (Already factored into psionic

First Form:
Connie assumes the guise of a warrior angel with the body of a
buxom amazon and ebony feathered wings. Her eyes glow with midnight
purple radiance!
(13) --Glowing Eyes: The Nightbane ' s eyes glow with unnatural light, so
bright that they can faintly illuminate a dark area! Normal sunglasses will
not be able to hide the glowing eyes, but mirror shades will. The Nightbane
has enhanced night vision (able to see in total darkness; range 2000
feet/610m). Add 1 to the Horror Factor.
(59)Physical Perfection : The Nightbane ' s True Shape is at the peak of
physical condition, with perfectly delineated muscles and a shape
somewhere between a gymnast and a bodybuilder. Increase P.B . , P.E.
and P.S. by I D4 each and S.D.C. by 4D6. The character projects an aura
of danger that intimidates those around him, giving the Nightbane a base
Horror Factor of 6.
(84) Fallen Angel: A Nightbane with inhuman beauty; increase P.B. by 6
and S.D.C. by 3D6. Fallen angels also have feathered wings on their backs
which provide a slow flying (Speed of 4D6 in the air ability).

Shadow Blast
Fires a black energy bolt that does 1d4 S.D.C. for every point of P.P.E.
spent on it, so 10 P.P.E. would result in a 1D4x10 S.D.C. bolt, and s o on.
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only. The Nightbane can only spend 4
P.P.E. per level of experience.
Range : 500 feet/ 152m.
Cost : 5 P.P.E. to permanently acquire it; one P.P.E. per every 1d4 points
of damage, with limitations.

Shadow Shield
Creates a force field of dark energy around the Nightbane, providing 20 S
.D.C. per 2 P.P.E. spent (P.P.E. spent cannot exceed 4 per level of
experience). The Shadow Shield completely surrounds the character,
protecting him from toxic gases, disease, punches, bullets, heat, fire, and
similar dangers as long as it remains in force ; it is the shield that takes the
damage inflicted by such attacks.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience or until all the S.D.C. of the
shadow shield is used up.
Limitations: Usable by the Morphus only; 4 P.P.E. points or 40 S.D.C. per
level of experience.
Cost : 7 P.P.E. to acquire it permanently; 2 P.P.E. to activate with 20
S.D.C. plus additional P.P.E. to increase the level of protection.

Shadow Slide
The Nightbane must be in Morphus form for this power to work . The
character becomes an insubstantial shadow, or, more accurately, like one
of those mirages you can see on a paved road during a sunny day - a
flickering shadow that seems to sink into the earth and fades away as if it
never was. While in this two-dimensional form, the Nightbane can slither
along walls or across the ground, virtually invisible and able to slide through
any opening, no matter how narrow (only air tight containers will prevent
the shadow-slider from coming through). The Nightbane's clothing and
small personal effects are transformed automatically; additionally, he can
carry objects at an additional P.P.E. cost (2 P.P.E. per pound/0.45 kg of
weight) .
Limitations : Usable by the Morphus only.
Cost: 8 P.P.E. to acquire it permanently; 10 points to activate and 10 per
each minute the Talent is maintained.

Strike +4 / +10
Parry +5 / +11
Damage 2d6+0 / 6d6+11

Survival Knife
Stike +3 / +9
Throw +4 / +10
Parry +3 / +10
Damage d6+0 / 5d6+11

Signature Outfit & Morpheus signature outfit.
3 changes of panties and bra in her backpack.
2 pairs of jeans and t-shirt and a comfortable pair of sneakers in her trunk.

Other gear:
Backpack with 2 textbooks, 3 fantasy novels, notebook and pens and a
zippo. Flashlight.
Purse with some girl stuff, can of mace, and a few locksmith tools hidden in
a plushie. Quarters.


Beat up old sedan.

Low Attributes:
Mental Affinity: This character has no charm or spark to his personality to
make a favorable impression; not very memorable or any impression made
is a negative one (loser, strange, jerk). Nobody is impressed by this
character and any moment he might have in the limelight passes quickly
and is probably forgotten or overshadowed by something negative or
someone else. He is always one of the last to be chosen for anything and is
frequently snubbed.
An M.A. of 7, 6 or 5: The character is so ordinary that he is barely noticed
or remembered, is usually ignored and picked last for everything. Penalties:
-10% t o Barter, Find Contraband, Intelligence, Performance, Public
Speaking, Seduction, and Sing, and -20% on Interrogation. Bonuses: +5%
on Gambling, Prowl, Undercover Ops, and Surveillance(tends not to be
noticed or remembered).

Mental Endurance (M,E,): The character is weak willed, frightened, and

possibly an outright coward. Easily intimidated and tricked by others, and is
susceptible to mind control and possession.
An M.E. of 7, 6, or 5: -3 to save vs Horror Factor, -2 to save vs illusions,
and -1 to save vs any battles of will, -1 to save vs psionic attacks and mind
control (magical, psionic or drug induced) and - 1 to save vs insanity and
possession. - 1 0% penalty on the skills Barter, Interrogation,
Performance, Public Speaking, Seduction, and Undercover Ops.

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