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ICON College of Technology and Management

Faculty of Business and Management Studies

BTEC HND in Business


Management and Operations

Tutor: Mr Harish Jyawali

Submitted by: Diana Florica Dumitru


ID No: 16607

Session: April 2019

Content Table

Preliminary introduction

LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a manager
❖ Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a
LO2 Apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in given contexts
❖ Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager
apply in different situational contexts.
❖ Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational
leadership, systems leadership and contingency.
LO3 Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the
operations function of an organisation.
❖ Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that
leaders and managers play.
❖ Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving
business objectives.
LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and
management in a contemporary business environment.
❖ Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon
operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers.
Operational leadership is the leadership zone in which different processes are
developed, arranged, supervised and then improved further processes are required
to achieve an elevated productivity rate. Toyota Motor Corporation (Viswanath and
Chiu, Oracle America Inc. 2015) was established in 1937 to cope with the
automotive sector. By applying a number of concepts between the separate roles of
leaders and the role of managers, this research will show and distinguish. It also
examines the advantages and faults of different techniques of working in the setting.
It will also evaluate how managers and officials will increase their efficiency in
achieving the organization's overall objectives. The following section of the research
addresses different factors influencing the climate of the organization.

LO1 Differentiate between the role of a leader and the function of a


Introduction to the organisation and its management structure

Toyota is a Japanese manufacturing company centered in Toyota, Japan,
under this studies. The organization works in various sectors, such as
manufacturing, monetary and other sectors. It operates and exports its production in
approximately 190 nations (Austin GeoModeling Inc., 2014, Dommisse and Isaksen).
The car sector focuses on the development, production, installation, and selling of
passenger vehicle and truck parts and accessories. The Financial Services Segment
offers vehicle dealerships and customers with lease finance facilities. The
management framework of an organization shows how the business operates its
management hierarchy. It covers provisions for power and interaction, freedoms and
duties. The framework of Toyota builds on the different business activities of
businesses worldwide. As a major automotive manufacturer worldwide. The
company uses a hierarchical structure to promote its goals. There are three
subpoints in the business structure of the organization. The previous sub-points can
be grasped as follows:
● Global hierarchy: The organisation's offices are in Japan. It shall take the
ultimate choice on multiple issues and shall also judge the key problems or problems
of the organization. He is the main leader who judges the main questions in the end.
The growth of business processes also offers national managers the opportunity to
speak in this area.
● The organisation has eight geographical areas in multiple locations, amongst
which Japan, Latin America, Europe, America, Africa, China and the Caribbean. The
organisation has eight regional regions globally. Each department should submit the
study to its offices. This promotes the achievement of company duties in a more
efficient and effective manner.
● Product based subsidiary: Write here anything you want. Click Quill It to
paraphrase it on the correct hand side. An amount of department installations have
multiple variables, such as transmission, engine and other activities. Toyota No.2
works in all other fields and divide bases.(Toyota Company Hierarchy 2018).

Both executives and politicians perform a key position in the organization's

running. Managers are responsible for certain company operations (Yadav and
Kumar, 2015). While a leader is accountable for leading or commanding a team of
people or organisations to accomplish broad organisational goals they supervise and
manage a team of staff. Both carry out certain tasks in the organization that can be
worked out below:
Manager's duties
Individuals are required to undertake different tasks weekly as the following
organizational director:
● The role of entrepreneurship: Managers also attempt to bring creativity to
the workforce in order to increase the general efficiency of the organisation.
● Role of figurehead: It includes several celebrations, such as the welcome of
the guests and the signature of legal papers. It is their responsibility to establish a
link between them and the organization as the manger represents the organization to
external or official visitors.
Leadership role: The organization's leading function is as follows
Integration of personal objectives into organizational objectives
A leader who uses functionalities integrates the objectives of the employee
with the objectives of the organization.
● Figure of the parent: The leaders of people and organizations ' attempts are
accountable for guiding and guiding the correct route.
Difference from leadership to management
Signification. Leadership is a group of Management requires
competencies which activities to be effective
encourage others to put and multiple activities to be
cases. coordinated.
Highlighting. It's about inspiring people. It concentrates on the
leadership of activities.
Outlook:. Good prospects are The perspective on the
necessary. spectrum is comparatively

Leaders generate a view and executives generate objectives.

Leaders depict what they believe to be possible and promote them to truthfully
understand this and participate their people. They believe beyond what people do. It
allows individuals to play a larger role. You understand that highly functioning groups
can function together more than autonomous people. Managers concentrate on
objectives, measurements and achievements. In an attempt to achieve or exceed its
goals, they regulate conditions.
Leaders are shift officers, managers maintain the position quo.
Leaders are incredible perturbers. Their slogan is innovation. They accept
shift and understand that there can be a stronger route forward, even if stuff function.
And they realize that modifications to the system frequently cause shocks. Managers
stay dedicated to developing systems, buildings and procedures faster.

Leaders coach, managers direct.

Leaders are aware that individuals working or willing to investigate them are
available for responses. You see your individuals as skilled and optimistic about their
possibilities. They are against the tentation to say what to do and how to do it to their
citizens. Managers delegate and recommend on the way they perform duties.
Leaders grow personally, managers rely on existing, proven skills.
Leaders are aware that if they don't teach new every day, they will drop home.
They stay interested and try to stay vital in a changing world of job. They look for
individuals and data to extend their thoughts. Managers often double the results,
improve current abilities and adopt specific behaviours.

LO2 Apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in given

Toyota will have to cope with various organizational circumstances in a

number of circumstances, and in each situation, the functions of its executives and
rulers vary.
Quick change
If company conditions are extremely vibrant and the government's stabilization
lacks, quick and rapid organisational modifications will be needed, as will the
achievement of company goals and goals.The autocratic model of management is to
be followed under these circumstances (Nayak, 2015). This is because the rulers
themselves take all choices in this management fashion without receiving
recommendations or guidelines from the subordinate as swift modifications are
necessary, which also takes little time. In this context, the Manager is responsible for
rapidly evolving company strategies and schemes to enable the improvements to be
quickly achieved by the fresh strategies and business objectives.
For example, It is then the management's duty to identify these adjustments
and to educate people on those changes and to motivate the leaders to implement
improvements in the Trade Agreement Strategy.
Lent changes
Toyota will concentrate on creating improvements through comprehensive
financial global recognition and environmental evaluation when the country's
company climate and state are extremely robust. In such modifications, the chief will
take representative management, involving consideration of other personnel in
creating decisions (Åström and al., 2017). The leadership organisation uses the
mode of democratic leadership to provide its employees with suggestions when the
economy is robust, so that they can think creatively and thereby create a stronger
company decisions.
For example, the company can carefully evaluate the industry to produce
new products to draw more customers if its environment is robust.
To support clean operation of the business, organizations employ different
types of management and leadership policies.

Classical method leadership is connected to this approach. It's the earliest

college officially opened in the 1990s. It includes growing employee and
organizational effectiveness through leadership methods. It thinks that staff only
have economic as well as physical requirements and that the need to satisfy their
jobs is not crucial in comparison to previous requirements. It comprises science,
administrative leadership and bureaucracy. The same goes for various strengths and
weaknesses, which are discussed below.:
● The system is divided into three ● The principal deficiency of the
management levels by hierarchical theory is the rigidity and hardness of the
framework. framework.
● High levels of productivity and
● Encourage employees through efficiency include creative costs, so the
financial incentives. business can not draw people to a higher
stage if personal demands are not taken
into consideration.

In the classical management theory, the current leadership and organizational
structure can give many of their roots. Management values may be considered to
form the foundation of current leadership behavior such as the use of authority and
responsibility. A methodology to remember how management should work was one
of the main advantages of classic philosophy of management.
Furthermore, the classical management concept has a benefit in separating
labour. Dividing labor tasks would be faster and more effective, thereby improving
productivity. In many apps, from fast food to large-scale production, a separation of
labour is visible today. Moreover, the traditional management theory has given birth
to an autocratic leadership style that allowed staff to take over.
It's hard, stiff framework led to the principal deficiency in classical
management hypothesis. Improved productivity and effectiveness is one of the key
principles of the traditional management theory, although it often went to attaining
these objectives at the cost of creativity and human relations. Employers and
scientists often concentrate on almost mechanical methods to increase scientific
efficiency. Managers would, for instance, employ assembly line techniques and
project management concepts that focus on effective task sharing.

Management strategy to contingency- It thinks that management can achieve the

efficiency of leadership in varying conditions, with an emphasis on altering the
management approach to the requirements of the scenarios to address distinct
conditions accordingly.(Contingency Management Theory, 2019). The advantages
and weaknesses of the strategy can be addressed below.
● It supports the handling of different ● It is complex because the director
conditions in accordance with various must comply with the situation's
situations by executives. demands.
● This provides flexible in the ● The situation is different from
workforce and enables the business to moment to moment so it will be difficult
achieve greater efficiency. for the business. It's not proactive,
The organization's manager and chief perform a major part. They perform
different positions in business activities, such as managers, such as figureheads and
positions in companies. While leaders include goals of persons with organizational
goals. In their soft running of the business, the Organization uses different
The emphasis should be on enhancing the effectiveness of the
communication system in an attempt to enhance efficiency and efficiency of the work
process manager. Therefore, it can be transmitted without mistake or mistake in the
workforce (Lüttgau, 2016). They should be focused on enhancing the employees '
involvement in various operations in order to take account of their proposals and
suggestions when making decisions in the workplace. This will increase the
motivation level of the employees.

LO3 Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play

in the operations function of an organisation.

In distinct areas of the world Toyota is a worldwide automaker. It provides

clients worldwide with its products and facilities. Toyota operates mainly through
several activities, including quality management for products and services, layout
design, integration of systems, the design of methods and capacities, inventory
control and job development. Managers must create specific decisions to guarantee
the clean functioning of the organization's main activities.
The operation of a business is of distinct kinds and executives must perform
their duties in the same way..
● Goods and facilities design: as Toyota utilizes software for product and
service growth. Managers respond to the market evaluation and know about the
technologies that other companies employ in the production of high-tech goods,
which can be used in the company.
● Inventory management: It is important to guarantee that the necessary
materials in the production process are accessible to the company in order to
proceed with the production of products and facilities. The manager is responsible
for ensuring that the business has enough raw data and other infrastructure required
in the production method. (Umachandran, 2016).
● Quality Governance: the production scheme of Toyota ensures excellent
efficiency in the management of the Toyota company. It is the task of a manager to
guarantee reliability is preserved in the distinct production department processes in
order to enable the organization to constantly improve.
● Employment development and human resources: The business seeks the
consideration of all the individuals involved. It is also incorporated in the human
resources program and policies of the organization. The director is responsible for
ensuring that the company has enough natural capital and ensuring that employee
issues are resolved quickly and can function effectively.
● Supply chain management: the Organization uses automated systems to
enable the supply chain to be modified in the area of strategic selection related to
management in real time. Managers must ensure that they decide after an
assessment and concentrate on creating a cost-effective method of clean
manufacturing process in the organization's supply chain management system.
● Scheduling: In attempt to fulfill various tasks within the organization at the
designated time, the enterprise develops various plans, such as asset scheduling,
which allows it to reduce operating costs. Managers will bear due account of the
diversity of responsibilities in order to be completed within the time period assigned
and to ensure that there is no ambiguity regarding separate responsibilities.
There are several kinds of methods that can be further addressed by the
Toyota operating office:
Just in the moment: it is a technique which coordinates employees,
equipment and products precisely when needed in the production process. The main
purpose is to promote periodic production by reducing the barriers that may occur as
the appropriate goods are not available in the technique. It enables the company to
place the correct inventory over moment and prevents inventory. For the
organization, it is extremely essential because it maximize inventory sales and helps
to minimize inventory maintenance costs. The prices will be prevented if the
company's cash is not barred by this method organization with a large quantity of
cash. The organization needs strong providers and suppliers knowledge to order the
correct stock and price and quantity for the same technique(Pedersen, Boeing Co,
Six sigma: This is a program aimed at improving customer experience and
minimizing costs. This is largely aimed at minimizing the operation and transaction
failure. It will help the organisation handle products and facilities and decrease
mistake and mistake adjustments.
Total performance leadership: Continuous attempts by both staff and
businesses to ensure long-term client fidelity and customer satisfaction. Total
performance leadership: It can also be described as a customer-centered strategy
focusing on aligning all efforts to achieve the popular objective of improving item
value and amount. By securing value and volume, Toyota can generate greater
customer fulfillment.
What is leadership? It is the task of leading a community to a shared
objective. People with three main characteristics: they encourage you to
communicate your view with others. They encourage others to adopt intervention in
this regard. They promote others to pursue and solve barriers to this goal. President
Dwight D. Eisenhower cited Jennifer saying, "Leadership is the practice of having
anyone else to do what he likes to do because he wishes it to."
The method of treating or managing stuff or individuals is what leadership is.
But the emphasis is often more on stuff than on individuals.
Managers are people who plan, organize and coordinate. They are
methodical and revisit their procedures continually to guarantee that advancement is
achieved according to schedule. If not, they will tweak to go back to their basis
Jennifer quoted management consultant, educator and author Peter F.
Druker, who said, “What’s measured gets improved.”

LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between

leadership and management in a contemporary business environment.

The business climate has many factors that influence governors' and
managers ' decision-making procedures: certain parameters related to the inner
company setting can be discussed as follows:
● Political reasons: These include financial wealth, fiscal policies and trade
agreements. Given that the organisation works across the globe, it is vital that
managers learn about each location's business setting, to operate within the minds
of the government if it focuses on the use of environmentally friendly methods in a
manufacturing scheme. Toyota's manager is responsible for research and
● Factors economics: These include growth and contraction factors. Whether
the financial status of an economy is greater than the organization's activity in that
sector. The manager of Toyota will be prepared to generate more and therefore give
more employment possibilities if the financial situation is good. The Leader can
therefore encourage more individuals.
● Social influences: these include the impact on the organization of different
socio-cultural variables. As a consequence of this pattern, the firm will attempt to
create more hybrid and electric cars, for instance. In order to satisfy client
requirements, both the manager and the chief will strive to improve their output.
● Factor of technology: As the economy grows rapidly, different technical
shifts are occurring worldwide. Toyota's manager must assess the industry and
facilitate it in the manufacturing procedures to create an item that has the newest
technology. The leaders are then required to train employees to build abilities that
allow them to use this fresh technique.
Operational efficiency can be improved through the right combination of
people, processes and technologies to improve organisational efficiency. It is carried
out to reduce expenditure and improve the value-generation cycle of the
organization. What is being done to achieve the organization's overall goals:
● Employee guidance: The company relies on developing an employee life
route and supports a variety of teaching and growth programmes, to direct its
initiatives in the correct direction.
● Sales targets: to sell more automotive products to increase profits.
● Organizational goal: The aim of Toyota is to offer value goods while at the
same time meeting the clients ' requirements and desires.
Improving client service: the Organization will focus on improving client
service generally by providing sufficient after-sales services for clients and providing
them with the correct moment and care. (Khan and Brissenden, Altera Corp, 2017).
As the organization has a wide range of customers, the amount and opinions of each
client differ accordingly. The Leaders will employ a complete quality management
approach to ensure the quality of the manufacturing processes and to improve the
quantity of customer satisfaction when high quality exists in the product. While
executives are adapting to altering conditions by using an on-going strategy, the
environment requires dynamic executives to train them for fresh events in the instant

Conclusions and proposals for potential changes by the Organization.

From the above portion of the studies, the operational management has been
found to play a significant position in the organization. It also describes the
operational management methods that the organization has embraced. It also
analyzes multiple cultural factors that affect the decision-making method of the
company. It is possible to recommend that the business concentrate more on
fulfilling client needs and interests and appropriately developing products. They can
also generate products that various segments of culture can afford. Since it consists
of different client groups, it helps them to catch every section of a business
(Pedersen, Boeing Co, 2016).

Final remarks

The study above shows that governors and executives play a significant part
in the general functioning of the organization. Different methods with their benefits
and disadvantages have been described in further research. This study also
examines how executives and leaders are coping and how decision-making is
affected by distinct circumstances. In reality, multiple inner factors affecting
organizational efficiency are addressed in the previous portion of the debate and
recommendations have been provided for the organization, which will enhance their
prospective efficacy

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