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debug_decisions = {

icon = generic_research
visible = {
is_debug = yes
propaganda_efforts = {
icon = generic_propaganda

visible = {

MTG_naval_treaties = {
picture = GFX_decision_cat_picture_naval_treaties
allowed = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
visible = {
OR = {
has_naval_treaty_trigger = yes
is_major = yes
any_owned_state = {
is_coastal = yes
SAF_anti_colonialist_crusade = {
allowed = {
original_tag = SAF

war_measures = {
icon = generic_propaganda

visible = {
has_war = yes
operations = {
icon = GFX_decision_category_military_operation

foreign_support = {
icon = generic_political_actions

prestigious_projects = {

foreign_politics = {
icon = generic_political_actions
political_actions = {
icon = generic_political_actions

allowed = {
always = yes

foreign_influence = {
icon = generic_political_actions

fascism_on_the_rise = {
icon = generic_fascism

allowed = {
NOT = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
OR = {
original_tag = USA
original_tag = MEX
original_tag = ENG

#visible = {
# NOT = { has_government = fascism }
# has_idea_with_trait = fascist_demagogue

democratic_on_the_rise = {
icon = generic_democracy

allowed = {
always = yes

#visible = {
# NOT = { has_government = democratic }
# has_idea_with_trait = democratic_reformer

communism_on_the_rise = {
icon = generic_communism

allowed = {
NOT = {
AND = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
OR = {
original_tag = USA
original_tag = MEX
original_tag = ENG

#visible = {
# NOT = { has_government = communism }
# has_idea_with_trait = communist_revolutionary

crisis = {
icon = generic_crisis
priority = 100

visible = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = crisis_in_progress
has_civil_war = yes

demobilization = {
icon = generic_crisis
priority = 100

visible = {
has_war = no

economy_decisions = {
icon = generic_economy

prospect_for_resources = {
icon = generic_prospect_for_resources

allowed = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"

special_projects = {

icon = generic_prospect_for_resources

allowed = {
has_dlc = "Waking the Tiger"

governments_in_exile = {

icon = generic_formable_nations
picture = GFX_decision_cat_picture_government_in_exile
allowed = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"

category_exile_forces = {

icon = infiltration
picture = GFX_decision_cat_picture_government_in_exile
allowed = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
category_test_decisions = {
priority = 110
visible = {
is_debug = yes

lar_local_recruitment = {
allowed = { has_dlc = "La Resistance" }

visible = { has_done_agency_upgrade = upgrade_training_centers }

visibility_type = map_and_decisions_view

on_map_area = {
state = 8
name = LAR_recruitment_europe
zoom = 650

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = europe_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = europe }

on_map_area = {
state = 373
name = LAR_recruitment_north_america
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = north_america_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = north_america }

on_map_area = {
state = 487
name = LAR_recruitment_south_america
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = south_america_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = south_america }

on_map_area = {
state = 295
name = LAR_recruitment_africa
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = africa_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = africa }

on_map_area = {
state = 597
name = LAR_recruitment_asia
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = asia_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = asia }
NOT = {
tag = RAJ
tag = PAK
tag = BAN
tag = NEP
tag = BHU
tag = SRL

on_map_area = {
state = 521
name = LAR_recruitment_oceania
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = australia_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = australia }

on_map_area = {
state = 439
name = LAR_recruitment_india
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = india_recruitment_unlocked
tag = RAJ
tag = PAK
tag = BAN
tag = NEP
tag = BHU
tag = SRL

on_map_area = {
state = 656
name = LAR_recruitment_middle_east
zoom = 850

target_root_trigger = {
OR = {
has_country_flag = middle_east_recruitment_unlocked
capital_scope = { is_on_continent = middle_east }

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