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/ ALCORCON ENGINEER! St, Sampaloe, POWER PLANT ENGINEERING — Day g Machine Foundation Definitions: ING REVIEVW CENTER Sanciangko St, Cebu 1955, CM Recto comet N. Reyes City: “Tel #(032) 254-2384 + Maniley “Tel# (02) 736-4438 1 process of filing a small clearance bet tween ma Ned and leveled, by using a special! harden © clearance X= bedplate ¥= bedplate length width, ‘Design Procedure in Machine Foundations: Knowing the Simensions of the rnachine, determine ‘Allow a clearance frorm the edge ext abene, He = 106 x there Lx +2056 x 12a aay +2026 x 2. Knowing the weight ofthe mac ine, Wa, determine the mesquir~ any of the following methods: Cees © = an empherical coef icierwt [Table 2.4. © Weight of foundation can be Ichin@ and foundation, after the ing mixture, > the upper dimensions of the one foot or about 10% of the * = weight of the foundation, Wr, by 23(—m an Pea 2831 psMe cose n thee Bein of the engine, aaa ay Morse 4-5, p108 3. Knowing the bearing capacity of the s ol, Solve for the base width *b”. For machine foundation 1¥8e only 1/2 of the given safe soil bearing factor of safety of 5 where: Sp = safe soll bearing capacity capat Note: If°b" wil come out less that ‘cross-section Using a density of 2406 kg/m for yo rs » Compute the depth of the foundation *h': yz 2 ‘concrete, determine the volume of the foundation. foundation, in the concrete at least 20 times the bolt diameter, Pouring of concrete is atleast 7 days or 1 week, HEAT TRANSFER Se olee Formulas: side! side 1. Conduction Through Plane Walls: tte Ak where: Q= heat transmited, W “ e ‘A= heat transfer area, m? {a= surface temperature on hot side te=surface k=} temperature on cold side sotiiness ot wal k= hemalconductvy, WinsC sp 2. Conduction Through Composite Plane Wall Eel antl) ake Atty te) %, OO” ‘bs Qa Aleta) Thy ¥9/ KG ‘where: ks = thermal conductivity of 1st te = interface temp. ke thermal conductivity of 2nd layer ‘A= heat transfer area common to both wall 3. Conduction from Fluid to Fluid @emati-t) where: y= gurface flm conduc Osha y ‘ance on the hot side, W/ m29c, jhe® surface fim conductance on cold side, Wim?=9C teandte = are interface temperatures layer ciy. The safe bearing capacity is computed using a hat “a, then make b = a, that is the foundation hes a rectangular "ements needed should be about 1/2% {0.1% of the weight ofthe 10. Anchor botts should be imbedded 11. Hardening time of foundation afte where: _U = overall conductance or overall coefficient of heat transter, WinksC Ay = area, m2 AU= temperature diference, °C : TH, 7 ed PSE pipe Boke yk hy REA PE Us > Conduction Through Pipe = 28kblle=) _ 2akL dy —t6) ‘h 23) SS oRDe where: L= pipe length 5. Conduction through composite pipe, qn 2th (hy=b) Zeke Ly te) in in % % 8. Conduction Fiuid to Fluid Through Pipe =A -t) Q=heAs (et) where: t= surface conductance on inside sufece ho = surface conductance on outside surface A= inside suface area = 2x nil ‘Aa= outside surface area = 2n iL Gee ee a ae AAO IGG) lise) 4 AR” Orkil * Bekzl Achy QUA dln OH US/As Alsen 7. Mean Temperature Difference ‘A. PARALLEL FLOW Parallel Plow Counter Flow aw Sih Ale hte B. COUNTER FLOW At Shh ata tt & 8 Mean Temperature Difference He lace A. Avithmetic Mean at = Aa ts o dipcaiog arate 8. Logarthmic(tue) Mean Temp, Dire ai = Marais ogarthmic(rue) mre Dierence, agplearat = «Toe 9, Radiation __Qr = Heat Transmitted by Radiation Qh =204084.8 10°F CTHA=TH), Wine OR'= 2040846109 FS A TyTN, he where: Ty = absolute temperature of surface racatng the heat, K Ta absolute 11, Surface Convection: QshiAth-t) MACHINE FOUNDATIONS: 41. A foundation measures 12 tx 14 fx 16 fl. Find the number of sacks of cement needed for 4:2:4 mixture. A. 202 B. 404 c. 356 D, 508 ‘A rectangular foundation cross-section has a bed plate dimension of 8ftx 10 ft. The uniform ‘clearance on each side is 1 A. The height of foundation is 4.5 . if the weight ofthe steel bar reinforcements needed Is 1/2% of weight of foundation, find the weight of steel bars. Use ‘concrete density of 2400 kgim®. A. 173.47kg B. 18347kg C, 163.47kgD. 163.47 kg HEAT TRANSFER 3mposite wall is made up of an external thickness of brickwork 110 mm thick inside which is layer of fiberglass 75 the corrugated asbestos insulation is he = 12 Wimne-K. Inside the pipe is 25.4 em at a velocity of 5 m/sec at the temperature in the water are as follows: density = 997.9 kgim? and is situation? ALCORCON ENGINEERING REVIEW CENTER eb Main: 4° ot Cant Pail Downtows Cote, Sansa 8 Cebu iy Tel M09) 25-93-84 Mana Broa 3 lor PD Bg 1955,CM Reco comer N Reyer Se Sumgaios Matias Ga) e408 PPE - PROBLEM SET #8 INSTRUCTION: Encicle the leter hal corresponds o the correct answer of your choice MULTIPLE CHOICE 41. What is the required base area (f) of the foundation to support an engine with specific speed of 1200 rpm, and weight of 11000 kg, assume bearing capaciy of sil as 48 kp, Use'e = 0 12 Riis B12 O-124808 1268 2, Determine the required speed of an engine having a weight and foundation area to be 23,750 ths and 150 ft, respectively. Assume a soil bearing capaciy as 0.45 kgior® Use @ = 0.11 ‘A. 18001pm 8. 1820TpM C1820 tm. -D. 1020 ten ‘The heat transfer across a 5° wall of firebrick is 500 Wim". If the surface temperature on cold ind the temperature on hot D. 725°C 19 material (k = 0,25 Ku/hr-m-"0) with 15 cm ‘Gm thick. The surface temperature on hot Ifthe area is 8 m square, find the temperature between walls. Note: Insulating material is on cold side. A 2838 B41 ge 5. Determine the thermal conductivity of a mat ‘temperature difference of 20°F between s transmitted is 500 KJ. A. 0.0432 Wim-°c {eam line is insulated with material having k = 10 Wim-K and thi ‘temperature of 25°C. Determine the surface fim conductance of ai nd fs 10% and steam rate is 0.13 kas. PCC. 0.661 Wint’c _D. 0.482 Wimi-*C 10°C, hot air flows through a 5 m pipe with outside diameter of ‘em. The ture of the tube alon D4 irogen at -190°C is suspended in a vacuum shell by three sta eter and $ meters long with, A'0443 B. 0.0587 ¢.0182 -B. 0.170 9. The volume of concrete needed for he foundation of an engine is 12 cubic meters ‘The concrete minture is 1:3: by volume. Caleulate the number of 40 kg-bags of cement needed considering the density of cement as 1500 kg/m”. ‘A. 60 B55 C45 X80 10. A.composite furnace isto be constructed. The inside waif temperaturd is 1300°C whi outside wall temperature is 40°C. Three types of bricks are avaliable with tne folowing Properties: the Brick Therm: Thickness Maximum allowable Conductivity (Wim*«) (meters) temperature (0) ea 012 2000 Bo tog 0.070 41000 ceo 0.10 500 ‘The heat loss must not exceed 800Wim* Calculate the minimum wall thickness in meters. A076 8. 088 © 082 D.O77 411. The surface of a furnace wall 12, A counterflow heat exchanger Kulkg"k from 150°C to 70°C, ‘A337 B. 452 D. 543 18, A.cold soda inayat 2°C gains 18 KJ otheatin a room a1 20°C during 1-minute period ‘What i the average rate of heat transfer during the process? Be 20W 8. 1aW c13 D. 10w 14, The’ air contained in a room loses heat to the surroundings ata rate of 50 Kulmin while work is uy he room by computer. TV, and ights at a rate of 12 KW. What is the net amount ‘of energy change in KJ of alr in the room during a 20-minute period? ‘A038 8.70 8 416. Saturated steam ai 500% flows in a 020m ins Wim-K. The pipe’s conductivity is 82 Wim-K. The ambient temperature is 300°K. ‘The unit convective ‘coefficients a 418,000 Wim?-K and he = 12 Wim ‘A. 778.21 watts B. 825 80 watts steam pipe located where the ambient Determine the heat loss from 4 m of 830,80 watts D. &35,80 watts perature is 32°C, has an inside 45°C, what is the log ‘A 16948C "Br 1082°C Cc, 23.94°C 18, Tho hot combustible gasses of a fumace are separated from the ambient air and its ‘surrounding, which are 28°C, by a brick wall 120 mm thick, The brick has a thermal ‘conductivity of 1.23 Wim-"K and a surface emnissvity of 0.82. At steady state conditions the Outer surface temperature is 120°C. Air surface flm conductance is 15 Wim". What is the mitted for 20 square meter area 1SKW B.2345KW C, 4545KW D. 52.45 KW 19. A counterfiow heat exchanger is designed to heat fuel ol from 28°C to 100°C while the heating fluid enters at 198°C and leaves at 105°C. The fuel oll is 27°API and has a specific heat Kurkg-"K and enters the heat exchanger at the rate of 1000 gal Kealiyem™"K. heating surtace area if overall coeficiont of heat transfer is 42( A. 424m? 8. 312m C. 234m Bf 5.84 mt 20. A plate-type solar energy collector with an absorbing surface covered by @ glass plate is to receive an incident radiation of 800 Wim. The glass plate has a reflacivily of 0.12 and a ity 9f 0.80. The absorbing surtace has an absorptivity of 0.90. The area of the collector is 5m", How much solar energy in watts is absorbed by the collector? A. 2500 8: 2880 ©, 3510 D. 3188 19 Mean temperature difference in °C of a double-pipe counterflow heat ‘where a fluid enters at 90°C and exits at 50°C, Inside the inner pipe another uid enters at 20°C and exits at 60°C. BO ® 8. 30 ©. 78 D 35 i

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