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Activity #6

Race and Ethnicity

I. Objective: To be able to know the race and ethnicity.
II. Materials: Paper, computer, Cellphone, flash drive
III. Diagram:

IV. Procedure
1. Race is biological, while ethnicity is cultural.
2. Ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, while race generally cannot be.
3. Ethnicity can be adopted, ignored, or broadened, while racial characteristics cannot.
4. Ethnicity has subcategories, while races no longer do.
5. Both have been used to subjugate or persecute people.
6. Some sociologists believe that racial divisions are based more on sociological concepts
than biological principles.

V. Significant Learning

Comparison chart
Ethnicity versus Race comparison chart

Ethnicity Race

Definition An ethnic group or ethnicity is a population The term race refers to the concept
group whose members identify with each of dividing people into populations
other on the basis of common nationality or groups on the basis of various
or shared cultural traditions. sets of physical characteristics
(which usually result from genetic

Significance Ethnicity connotes shared cultural traits Race presumes shared biological
and a shared group history. Some ethnic or genetic traits, whether actual or
groups also share linguistic or religious asserted.
traits, while others share a common group
history but not a common language
or religion.

Distinguishin Ethnic groups distinguish themselves Races are assumed to be

g Factors differently from one time period to another. distinguished by skin color, facial
They typically seek to define themselves type, etc.
but also are defined by the stereotypes of
dominant groups.

Nationalism In 19th century, there was development of The concept of nationalism was
the political ideology of ethnic nationalism often used to justify the domination
-- creating nations based on a presumed of one race over another within a
shared ethnic origin specific nation.

Legal System In the last decades of the 20th century, in The legal system as well as the
the U.S. and in most nations, the legal official ideology emphasized racial
system as well as the official ideology equality.
prohibited ethnic-based discrimination.

VI. Conclusion
“Race” refers to physical differences that groups and cultures consider socially significant,
while “ethnicity” refers to shared culture, such as language, ancestry, practices, and beliefs.
Race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of
various sets of physical characteristics (which usually result from genetic ancestry). Ethnicity
can be defined as a matter of identity and ancestry of people presumably sharing a common
experience and culture.

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