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Activity #10

Education and religion

I. Objective: To be able to know the education and religion.
II. Materials: Paper, computer, Cellphone, flash drive
III. Diagram:

IV. Procedure
What/Who Is Divine Example
Polytheism Multiple gods Ancient Greeks and Romans
Monotheism Single god Judaism, Islam
Atheism No deities Atheism
Nonhuman beings (animals, plants, Indigenous nature worship
natural world) (Shinto)
Totemism Human-natural being connection Ojibwa (First Nations)
V. Significant Learning
 Religion a system of beliefs, values, and practices concerning what a
person holds to be sacred or spiritually significant
 Religious beliefs specific ideas that members of a particular faith hold to
be true
 Religious experience the conviction or sensation that one is connected
to “the divine”
 Religious rituals behaviors or practices that are either required for or
expected of the members of a particular group
 Symbolic interactionism study of the symbols and interactions of
everyday life.
 Education a social institution through which a society’s children are
taught basic academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms.
 Formal education the learning of academic facts and concepts
 Informal education learning about cultural values, norms, and expected
behaviors through participation in a society
 Social placement the use of education to improve one’s social standing
 Universal access the equal ability of all people to participate in an
education system

VI. Conclusion
Religious Education makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum
by developing pupils' knowledge and understanding of religion, religious
beliefs, practices, language and traditions and their influence on individuals,
communities, societies and cultures.
The effects of education on religion are not simple increases or decreases.
Education had a strong and positive effect on religious participation. With
each additional year of education, the odds of attending religious services
increased 15 percent. Increases in education were associated with reading the

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