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Version 1: August 2020

Table of Contents

About the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge ................................................................. 1

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge Timeline ................................................................... 3
Requirements Checklist ........................................................................................................................ 4
Acronym Dictionary and Defined Commonly Used Phrases ....................................................... 5
Rover Challenge Requirements ........................................................................................................... 7
1. General Rules .............................................................................................................................. 7
2. Registration (US Teams) and Proposal Process (International Teams) Required
Documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 US Teams Registration Process........................................................................................ 7
2.2 International Team Proposal Process ............................................................................... 8
2.3 All Teams .............................................................................................................................. 8
3. Communication & Documentation Requirements ............................................................. 9
4. Team Member Requirements .................................................................................................. 9
5. Pre-Competition and Competition Day Rules ................................................................... 10
6. Mission Readiness Review (MRR) Requirements ............................................................ 11
7. Excursion Readiness Review (ERR) Requirements ........................................................ 14
8. Vehicle Requirements ............................................................................................................. 15
9. Excursion Requirements & Course Information .............................................................. 15
Course Descriptions, Design and Point Allocations .................................................................... 17
Point Breakdown ............................................................................................................................... 34
International Team Proposal Requirements ................................................................................... 37
Project Milestones & Requirements ................................................................................................. 39
Design Review.................................................................................................................................... 39
Operational Readiness Review ...................................................................................................... 41
Awards ..................................................................................................................................................... 43

About the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge •

Each year, the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) features an engineering
design challenge to engage students worldwide in the next phase of human space exploration.
The competition provides an authentic engineering experience for high school and college
students. In its second year as an Artemis Student Challenge, student teams design, build and
test technologies that enable rovers to perform in a variety of environments.

Explorers can learn from the challenges of our predecessors as we pursue future Artemis
missions. In 1971, Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell launched on Apollo 14, an
extraordinary, complex mission to the Moon. Like other missions, their story is one of man’s
battle against almost impossible odds, a story of highs and lows.

While Roosa remained in orbit aboard the capsule, one task assigned to Shepard and Mitchell
was to explore the Cone Crater to better understand the Moon’s early history. Scientists
believed that rocks near the crater’s edge would yield some of the oldest material. At one point
during the trek, Shepard’s heart rate reached 150 beats per minute (bpm). Both astronauts were
stopping to take breaks, perspiring and gulping intakes of oxygen, and the internal temperature
of their suits was rising dramatically. The crew had been gone from the lunar module Antares for
two hours and were running out of time and oxygen. They had difficulty navigating the slopes
and fell 30 minutes behind schedule. As a result, they reached a point within 50 feet of the rim
of the crater before turning back toward Antares. The crew gathered 99 pounds (45 kilograms)
of lunar material and achieved the goal of reaching the vicinity of the crater.

Teams design and create rovers capable of traversing a challenging exoplanetary-like

landscape. These engineering challenges, however, are motivated by the assignment of
mission objective tasks to be accomplished along the way. Just as in the Apollo 14 surface
mission described above, teams have to make real-time decisions about which mission
objectives to attempt and which to leave behind—all driven by a limited, virtual eight-minute
supply of oxygen. Teams earn points as they progress through all stages of the competition,
including documenting and presenting their designs and products in design reviews. The
competition course requires two students, at least one female, to traverse a terrain using the
student-designed vehicle of approximately 0.50 miles that includes a simulated field of asteroid
debris, boulders, an ancient streambed, and erosion ruts and crevasses. The challenge’s weight
and time requirements encourage the rover’s compactness, light weight, high performance and
efficiency. As part of the competition, rover entries are tested to see that they would fit into a
lander equipment bay, a maximum 5 feet long by 5 feet tall by 5 feet in volume. Teams earn
points by successful completion of design reviews, designing and assembling the rover that is
lightweight, successfully completing course obstacles, performing tasks throughout the mission;
and meeting pre-and post-challenge requirements. Each team is permitted up to two
excursions: The greater score of the two excursions will be added to previous points for the final
team score.

HERC aligns with the Artemis mission to return to and explore the Moon. The competition
emphasizes designing, constructing and testing technologies, including tools, mobility devices
and traversing in unique environments. Teams must document their designs and technologies in
a Design Review and Operational Readiness Review, mimicking NASA’s design cycle process.

NASA plans to send the first woman and next man to the Moon by 2024 and develop sustained
human presence by 2028. Lunar science on the surface of the Moon will be conducted with
polar and nonpolar landers and rovers to explore areas not investigated by Apollo. This student
design challenge encourages the next generation of scientists and engineers to aid in the
design process by providing innovative designs and unique perspectives. The challenge also
continues the agency’s legacy of providing valuable experience to students who, may be
responsible for planning future space missions including crewed missions to other worlds.

Competition objective: Design, development, and test of a human-powered rover and

accompanying components for successfully navigating more than a 0.50 mile course inclusive
of mission tasks within the allotted time. The team with the highest number of points
accumulated throughout the project year in each category (high school and college) will be the
winner. In case of a tie, the team with the fastest excursion completion time will be the winner.

Thurs., Aug. 20, 2020 Guidebook released; Request for Proposal (RFP) released for
International teams.

Thurs., Oct. 8, 2020 Registration opens for U.S. Teams.

Electronic copy of International team proposals due by 4:00 p.m.

CDT (9:00 p.m. UTC) to

Receipt of submissions will be confirmed via email response.

Thurs., Nov. 5, 2020 HERC Registration closes for U.S. teams

Thurs., Nov. 6, 2020 HERC Selected International teams announced and their
registration opens

Thurs., Nov. 12, 2020 Team social media presence established, social media links list

Thurs., Nov. 19, 2020 Kickoff webinar and Q&A.

Wed., Jan. 13, 2021 Design Review submission due.

Jan. 14-28, 2021 Design Review team presentations – Design should be complete
and construction in progress.

Thurs., Feb. 11, 2021 Student Data Information and Media Release forms due for all
teams. Final list of teams shall be complete. Team photos are

Wed., Mar. 10, 2021 Operational Readiness Review submission due.

Mar. 11-25, 2021 Operational Readiness Review presentations – Rover and

components should be complete and testing in progress.

Thurs., Mar. 25, 2021 Photos of completed Rover for verification readiness due.

Thurs., Apr. 15, 2021 Competition Day 1: Team Check-in, MRR, Safety Briefing,
Course Walk-through.

Fri., Apr. 16, 2021 Competition Day 2: Excursion 1; Surveys completed.

Sat., Apr. 17, 2021 Competition Day 3: Excursion 2; Awards Ceremony.

Requirements Checklist

Item Due Date

1. US Registration opens and International Team Proposals submitted October 8, 2020

2. US Team Registration closes November 5, 2020

3. International Team Selections Announced November 6, 2020

4. Team Social Media List November 12, 2020

5. Design Review Report January 13, 2021

6. Student Data Information February 11, 2021

7. Media Release Forms February 11, 2021

8. Team Photos February 11, 2021

9. Operational Readiness Review Report (ORR) March 10, 2021

10. Rover Photo Verification March 25, 2021

11. Mission Readiness Review (MRR) April 15, 2021

12. Safety Meeting April 15, 2021

13. Onsite Registration April 15, 2021

14. Excursion Readiness Review (ERR) – Excursion Day 1 April 15, 2021

15. Excursion Day 1 April 16, 2021

16. Post-Excursion Review (PER) – Excursion Day 1 April 16, 2021

17. Student and Mentor/Advisor Surveys April 16, 2021

18. Excursion Readiness Review (ERR) – Excursion Day 2 April 17, 2021

19. Excursion Day 2 April 17, 2021

20. Post-Excursion Review (PER) – Excursion Day 2 April 17, 2021

Acronym Dictionary
and Defined Commonly Used Phrases
Assembly Tools – Any tools, straps, etc., that teams need to contain the rover in the 5-ft. cube
configuration or to assemble the rover, but not needed for traversing the course or completing
the tasks. These assembly tools may be left in the designated tool area adjacent to the
assembly area as part of the timed assembly process.
Design Review – The Design Review demonstrates that the maturity of the design is
appropriate to support proceeding with full-scale fabrication, assembly, integration, and test. It
determines that the technical effort is on track to complete the mission operations, meeting
mission performance requirements within the schedule constraints.
Driver – Synonymous with crew, one or both student team members (at least one female) that
propels the vehicle over the course.
Excursion – An attempt to traverse the course to accumulate points. Teams will have two
excursion opportunities (weather permitting), one on Friday and one on Saturday of the
competition. Final rankings are based on the greater point total of the two possible excursion
attempts and points accumulated during design and readiness reviews. Teams are not required
to attempt excursions on both days.
ERR – The Excursion Readiness Review, or ERR events occur both days prior to course
excursion and include safety and task material inspection.
HEO or HEOMD – Human Explorations and Operations Mission Directorate provides the
Agency with leadership and management of NASA space operations related to human
exploration in and beyond low-Earth orbit. HEOMD is a contributor to this competition.
HERC – Human Exploration Rover Challenge
Kg – Kilograms
MRR – The Mission Readiness Review, or MRR events occur the day before the first excursion
runs. This includes the volume constraint, weighing the vehicle and unfolding/assembling the
mL or ml – Milliliter
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ORR – Operational Readiness Review, or ORR examines the actual system characteristics and
procedures used in the system or end product’s operation and ensures that all system support
reflect the deployed state of the system. It establishes that the system is ready to transition into
an operational mode through examination and analysis.
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PER – The Post-Excursion Review, or PER occurs after course completion and includes task
completion inspection.
Pit Area – The area designated for preparing the team’s vehicle and task components.

Pit Crew & Machine Shop – Employees of the NASA Metallic Materials and Processes
Division of the Materials and Processes Laboratory and Jacobs Engineering utilizing a machine
shop to assist with repairs.
STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Task Materials – Task materials include all equipment needed for completing the tasks on the
course. This may include items such as cameras, instrument deployment equipment, collection
tools, storage containers, etc. These materials are allowed for use only in the task sites.
TS – Task site(s)
USSRC – United States Space & Rocket Center
Vehicle – Synonymous with rover, the vehicle is the student-built rover designed to traverse the
course during excursions.

Rover Challenge Requirements
1. General Rules
1.1 Individuals or teams may be excluded from participation at the discretion of NASA for
unauthorized behavior, including but not limited to (i) impersonating a NASA official
whether intentionally or in a manner that results in confusion, (ii) misuse of the logos or
identifiers of NASA, any sponsoring organization, or any infringement of a commercial
logo or trademark, (iii) failure to abide by competition rules, directives or instructions
from the competition host or organizer, and (iv) asserting or implying a NASA affiliation
or sponsorship where none exists.
1.2 Additionally, the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge does not host pre-
competitions or competitions conducted by any organization other than NASA Marshall
Space Flight Center’s Office of STEM Engagement. This NASA competition is neither
affiliated with, nor sponsors or endorses any Rover Challenge competition other than
the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge. Outside competitions have no bearing
on the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge qualification or registration process,
and representation to the contrary is strictly prohibited. No competition may imply any
affiliation with NASA or use the NASA logo without permission of NASA Headquarters.
Any assertions made by organizations that represent themselves as “NASA Outreach
Program Europe Director,” “Official NASA Rover Ambassador,” “International Judge,”
or any similar titles suggesting a tie to NASA are unauthorized. Representations or
suggestions that any organization or individual can assure teams of being accepted for
registration or participation in the challenge are unauthorized. All requirements for
participation in the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge are outlined in this
1.3 A team member or mentor/advisor found to be behaving in an unsportsmanlike way
may be disqualified.
1.4 The scoring decisions of the judges are final. If an appeal is warranted, the
mentor/advisor or the team leader shall submit the appeal in writing for consideration
to the activity lead within 30 minutes of the posting of the score in question. The final
decision of the activity lead and head judges shall prevail.
1.5 Teams not meeting any requirement listed may be disqualified.
1.6 Students on the team will do 100% of the project, including design, construction of
their vehicle and task components (including performing work that is supported by a
professional machinist for the purpose of training or safety), written reports,
presentations, and competition preparation. Excessive use of past work will result in
disqualification, but teams are permitted to use vehicle designs from the 2020 season.

2. Registration (US Teams) and Proposal Process (International Teams)

Required Documentation
2.1 US Teams Registration Process
2.1.1 Online registration for the competition is automated and electronically monitored.
All US teams shall register via the site provided during the open period.

2.1.2 Each team will fill out a registration form. All information shall be completed for the
registration to be valid. Teams registered will receive a confirmation email upon
successful completion of registration.
2.1.3 Each U.S. school or institution may register up to two teams. However, if more
teams register for the challenge than can be accommodated, schools or institutions
with more than one team shall down select or consolidate to one team for the

2.2 International Team Proposal Process

2.2.1 International teams shall submit a proposal for consideration to compete. A written
proposal submission shall follow and answer the requirements outlined in the
International Team Proposal Requirements section found in this guidebook.
2.2.2 Teams will be scored based on a rubric developed from the International Team
Proposal Requirements. The top proposals will be selected to compete and
allowed to register for the competition.
2.2.3 Proposals shall be written by the student members on the team.
2.2.4 Proposals submitted after the deadline (date and time received) will not be
2.2.5 International teams may propose one team per school or institution for
2.2.6 Once accepted, teams will be allowed to register via the site provided during the
open period.
2.2.7 Each accepted team will fill out a registration form. All information shall be
completed for the registration to be valid. Selected teams will receive a
confirmation email upon successful completion of the registration form.

2.3 All Teams

2.3.1 All US teams and selected international teams shall fill out the online registration

2.3.2 Teams shall submit the Student Data Information and Media Release forms by the
required due date. A link to the Student Data Information form will be included in
the team’s confirmation email.

3. Communication & Documentation Requirements

3.1 Communication to the activity leads of the HERC shall be through the mentor/advisor,
team lead, and/or student team members. All communication shall be sent via email to The subject line shall include the subject
matter of the communication and the official school name.
3.2 The team shall establish a social media presence to inform the public about team
3.3 Teams shall email all deliverables to the NASA project management team via the
email provided by the deadline specified in the guidebook. All deliverables shall be in
PDF format and meet the requirements outlined in this guidebook.
3.4 All verbal and written communication shall be in the English language.
3.5 The Design Review and Operational Readiness Review reports shall be in Arial, size
12 font on 8.5 x 11 paper with 1 inch margins. Each report shall include the team name
and report title on the cover page. All pages shall be numbered. Reports shall not
exceed the page limit. Any additional pages will not be scored.
3.6 The team will provide computer equipment necessary to perform a video
teleconference with the panel. This includes, but is not limited to, a computer system,
video camera(s), speaker telephone and a sufficient internet connection.
3.7 Each team is required to submit their participation survey by the end of the
Competition Day 2. A team will not be allowed to start their Competition Day 3 until
each team member, including the mentor/advisor has completed the survey.
3.8 The team will engage a minimum of 200 participants in educational, hands-on science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities. Teams are encouraged to
target middle school aged participants (grades 5-9) and conduct the STEM
Engagement activities virtually. To satisfy this requirement, all events shall occur
between the dates of team acceptance or registration and the ORR due date where
the team’s final report of STEM Engagement activities will be documented.

4. Team Member Requirements

4.1 The team will be representatives of enrolled students from a high school, an accredited
institution of higher learning, an institution such as a science center, museum,
planetarium, or youth-serving organization.
4.2 High School team members will be composed of students ages 14 through 19. All
team members will be enrolled in a high school per U.S. standards.

4.3 College/University team members will be those students that are composed of
students ages 19 and older. All team members will be enrolled in a college/university.
4.4 Age and enrollment verification may be requested.
4.5 Each team, regardless of division, shall identify and be accompanied by an adult age
21 or older to serve as a mentor, advisor, and/or educator/faculty representative,
called the mentor/advisor.
4.6 Teams shall identify two team members as drivers (at least one female) to propel the
vehicle through the course.

5. Pre-Competition and Competition Day Rules

5.1 Teams are required to submit a Design Review report and participate in a virtual
presentation that will make up 15% of the team’s overall score. Successful completion
of this Review, as determined by the review panel, is required for a team to proceed to
5.2 Teams are required to submit an ORR report and participate in a virtual presentation
that will make up 15% of the team’s overall score. Successful completion of this
Review, as determined by the review panel, is required for a team to proceed to
competition days.
5.3 Rovers may be shipped to the USSRC in advance of the competition. The USSRC will
not receive any rovers that do not have pre-paid return shipping documents with their
rover equipment. All rovers shall be crated by the team for return shipping pickup. The
USSRC does not provide a facility, tools, or equipment for assembling or
disassembling rovers and/or crates. Rovers shall be shipped via the following address:
The U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Attn: Warehouse Manager
1 Tranquility Drive
Huntsville, AL 35805
5.4 The consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances by any team
member or mentor/advisor at any time during the event is strictly prohibited and is
grounds for disqualification of the team.
5.5 U.S. federal, Alabama state, and Huntsville city laws and regulations solely define
what is legally permitted on the grounds. As such, firearms and other weapons are not
permitted to be carried by facility visitors on USSRC property.
5.6 In accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, the use of
drones (unmanned or manned flying vehicles) during any Rover Challenge activity is
5.7 Driving the rover on the course or in the parking lot in a reckless or unsafe manner is
not permitted.
5.8 Pit Area: Teams are provided two parking spaces and must fit all equipment needed in
the spaces provided. Only vehicles registered for the competition will be allowed. All
other vehicles and trailers shall be parked outside the pit area. Parking passes,
inclusive of contact information, must be displayed in the front windshield of registered
vehicles in the pit area. All vehicles without identification or those blocking other team
spaces will be towed at the owner’s expense. (Exception: Loading/unloading the
vehicle and equipment prior to 10:00 a.m. Thursday).
5.9 Teams shall utilize appropriate PPE when performing construction activities, such as
welding, handling metal components and using tools anywhere on the USSRC

property or neighboring areas. Teams shall also exercise appropriate safety
precautions during the design and build phases of this competition.
5.10 Vehicle numbers will be provided in the registration packet on two printed 8.5 by 11-
inch sheets of waterproof paper. Vehicle numbers shall be affixed to the front and
driver’s left side, clearly displayed for judges to see.
5.11 The order of teams entering the course may not follow the exact order indicated by the
team number. It is intended to follow the order, however, readiness by the teams will
determine the ultimate order in which they begin based on the assigned time windows.

6. Mission Readiness Review (MRR) Requirements

6.1 Teams shall participate in the MRR during the pre-determined time window on
Competition Day 1. Time windows and the method for obtaining a time window will be
communicated to teams well in advance of the competition. Teams that do not

participate may be considered an exhibition team, provided they meet all the safety
6.2 Teams arriving late to their time window or having arrived on time but not being ready
to participate in the MRR will receive a 5-point penalty.
6.3 Volume Constraint: Vehicles shall meet the 5 x 5 x 5-foot volume constraint (a cubical
space that is 5 feet wide [1.524 meters] on each side) in the collapsed condition. A
frame will be placed over the collapsed vehicle for verification. No modifications or
team contact is permitted during the volume test. Tapes, straps or other devices may
be used to hold the rover together in the collapsed configuration; however, all such
devices will be included in weighing the vehicle. Teams may or may not include task
materials (i.e. instrument panel, tools for collecting samples, storage containers,
camera). Teams receive 4 points for fitting in the volume constraint or 0 points for
being outside the volume constraint.

6.4 Weight: The vehicle shall be weighed in the collapsed position with all components
needed for the mission, including task materials.
6.4.1 Vehicles weighing less than 130 lbs will receive 5 points.
6.4.2 Vehicles weighing 131 to 170 lbs will receive 3 points.
6.4.3 Vehicles weighing 171 to 210 lbs will receive 1 point.
6.4.4 Vehicles weighing more than 210 lbs will receive 0 points.

6.5 Assembly: From the collapsed position, a signal is given to the two drivers to
unfold/assemble their vehicle, and the stopwatch is started. The stopwatch stops when
the vehicle is completely assembled, all assembly tools and implements are placed in a
designated area, and both team members are seated in the rover. Additionally, the
drivers shall have on all PPE, seat belts attached, and feet on the pedals with their
hands up to signal assembly is complete. Any component not part of the rover used for
traversing the course shall be left in the tool area before the assembly is considered
complete. The tool area is a marked, rectangular area that is near the assembly judging
location. All task materials shall be attached to the vehicle.
6.5.1 Assembly times of 2:00 minutes or less will receive 2 points.
6.5.2 Assembly times of 2:01 to 4:00 minutes will receive 1 point.
6.5.3 Assembly times of more than 4:00 minutes will receive 0 points.

6.6 Size Constraint: Assembled vehicles shall be no wider than 5 feet (1.524 meters), as
measured from the outside of one wheel to the wheel on the opposite side. The wheel-
pairs with the widest separation will be used for measurement. There are no
constraints for overall height and length of the assembled vehicle, however a rover
with drivers that has its center of gravity placed too high or too far from the center of
the vehicle is at risk of tipping over and injuring drivers.

6.7 Clearance Constraint: A rover with drivers in position, ready to traverse the course
shall have no less than 12 inches (30.48 cm) clearance between the ground and the
lowest point of the rover oriented in the lowest position with which drivers have
6.8 Drivers shall demonstrate readiness to proceed to ERR by powering the team’s rover
back to the pit area without aid. Teams unable to prove the rover is ready for
competition will receive a 5-point penalty.

7. Excursion Readiness Review (ERR) Requirements

7.1 Teams arriving late to their time window or having arrived on time but not being ready
to participate in the Excursions will receive a 5-point penalty. This penalty is inclusive
of being late due to incomplete participation survey submissions.
7.2 Judges will photograph each vehicle and conduct an inspection of task materials and
safety requirements.
7.2.1 All task materials will be inspected prior to the excursions. Task materials shall be
unique to each rover and have the team number marked on each item.
7.2.2 Task tools may be used at multiple tasks, barring any cross contamination for
sample retrieval tasks (i.e. cameras, appendages).
7.2.3 Teams will be awarded 1 point per task for having the proper tools for each task
that the team plans to attempt. Maximum total is 5 points.
7.2.4 Seat Restraints: Each rover shall have robust, practical seat restraints for each of
the drivers. The restraints must be capable of preventing the drivers from being
thrown from their seats should the vehicle be forced to a sudden stop. The

preferred method of restraint is a motor vehicle seat belt. Seat restraints shall be
worn at all times when the vehicle is moving on or off the course. A vehicle will be
stopped by an official or judge should either driver not be secured by the seat
restraint while the vehicle is in motion, Vehicles will be held in the stopped position
until the required restraint(s) are firmly in place.
7.2.5 Protrusions: All sharp edges and protrusions must be eliminated or guarded, as
necessary to insure safety as determined by the safety judge. No appendages,
such as stilts, may be used on the feet of the drivers.
7.2.6 Driver Attire: Specific PPE is required prior to any team being allowed to traverse
the course during the entirety of the excursion. This includes: Eye protection, e.g. safety glasses, goggles, or face shield; Commercially manufactured head protection, e.g. bicycle helmet; Full-fingered gloves; Long-sleeved and long-torso shirts; Long pants – dangling pants shall be wrapped or taped down; Socks; and Enclosed shoes – shoelaces shall be wrapped or taped down.
7.2.7 Injury and Signals: Drivers who are injured, bleeding, or incapacitated shall be
removed from the excursion to receive medical attention. Injuries can occur in
adjusting vehicle components, such as chains, during the excursion. Each team
shall develop a signal system between the two drivers to ensure hands are clear
before proceeding. Drivers will be asked to describe their communication plan to
the Marshall Safety Action Team, or MSAT member and/or other judge before the

8. Vehicle Requirements
8.1 Teams shall design, build, and test vehicles capable of traversing hills up to 5 feet
(~1.5 meters) high and pathways inclined up to 30 degrees in their direction of travel.
Vehicles shall be capable of having a turning radius of 15-foot (4.57 meters) or less.
Vehicles shall be designed for both speed and the ability to perform on the unique
8.2 Wheels: Teams shall design and fabricate non-pneumatic wheels, inclusive of the
outer surface (treads) making contact with the terrain and the supporting structure
(rims, spokes, etc.). Only hubs containing bearings or bushings may be commercially
used as a component of the wheel.
8.3 Propulsion System: Vehicles shall be human-powered. Energy storage devices, such
as springs, flywheels, or batteries are not allowed to be used as part of the drivetrain.
8.4 Vehicle Dynamics: Vehicles, inclusive of drivers, shall have a center of gravity low
enough to safely handle slopes of 30 degrees front-to-back and side-to-side.
8.5 Bike chains are discouraged.

9. Excursion Requirements & Course Information

9.1 Upon successful completion of MRR, teams are permitted two excursions of the
course, one on Competition Day 2 and one on Day 3, weather permitting.
9.2 The course is comprised of 14 obstacles and five mission tasks. Eleven of the
obstacles have bypasses, where teams can strategically choose to attempt the
obstacle for points, or bypass it for 0 points.

9.3 Excursion Time: Teams have 8:00 minutes to complete each excursion. Teams shall
accumulate points by successfully traversing obstacles and completing mission
9.3.1 Teams arriving after 8:00 minutes per excursion are ineligible for competition
awards based on excursion performance. Those on the course after 8:00 minutes
will be notified that their excursion is aborted. They will either be removed from the
course or shall proceed with haste to the end, utilizing each available bypass and
unable to accrue additional points.
9.3.2 The stopwatch stops when a team either crosses the finish line or reaches the
8:00-minute limit, whichever comes first.
9.3.3 Judges may make drivers aware of their excursion times periodically, however
teams are encouraged to use their own timing devices on the vehicle for strategic
on-course decisions. Teams shall not be reliant on excursion times announced by
judges. A team’s timing device will not be used for the official time. The judging
officials will maintain the official excursion time.
9.4 The drivers for the first excursion shall be the same as those that conducted MRR.
Substitutes from the team may be made for either or both drivers for the second
excursion, or Competition Day 3.
9.5 Using poles or other implements to propel or push the rover is not allowed. A driver’s
use of his or her hands on the wheels (as with a wheelchair) to rock or otherwise
facilitate moving the vehicle is permitted.
9.6 Communication devices are allowed as long as one driver can hear ambient
sounds/instructions from judges.
9.7 Obstacle attempts: Drivers shall be on the vehicle prior to the obstacle being
attempted. Drivers not on the vehicle (pushing, pulling) will receive 0 points for the
obstacle attempt. Drivers attempting an obstacle but unsuccessfully completing it will
earn 1 point for that obstacle. Drivers that do not directly approach the obstacle, gets
off the vehicle or veers off is considered an unsuccessful attempt.
9.8 Task attempts: Five tasks are located throughout the course and may attempt for
points within the allotted time.
9.8.1 If teams fail to have tools for a particular task at ERR and PER, points will not be
awarded for that task.
9.8.2 Tools associated with tasks shall remain on the rover throughout the entirety of
the excursion with the exception of the instrument package, which is left at the
TS, if attempted.
9.8.3 Task materials may not be shared with other teams including those from the
same institution.
9.8.4 Teams shall come to a complete stop immediately adjacent each task to be
9.9 Judges have the authority to remove a disabled or slow vehicle from the course
when it will affect the excursion time of the next successive vehicle. The excursion
time for the disabled/slow vehicle halts at the point of removal and resumes once the
successive vehicle has passed.
9.10 Individuals (team members and supporters) shall not follow the vehicle around the
course during the excursion. Teams may post members at locations along the
course, if desired.

Course Descriptions, Design and Point Allocations
Note: The course obstacles and tasks outlined below are subject to change. Please check
periodically for updates. Photos are provided as examples of the obstacle from a previous year
and may or may not be the same.

Obstacle 1 – Undulating Terrain (2 Points)

This gently uneven surface is replicated by wooden ramps causing the rover to be tilted to the
right or to the left as only the wheels on one side of the rover are elevated at a time. The ramps
range from 6 to 12 inches (15.24 cm to 30.48 cm) in height with gradual ingress and egress
slopes, all covered with gravel.*Note: Task 5 may be attempted before Obstacle 2 or during the
return after Obstacle 11.

Obstacle 2 – Crater with Ejecta (2 Points)
This large crater is about 3 feet in diameter with a vertical height of 8 inches. Rays of ejecta, the
material thrown out of the crater on impact. The whole assembly is covered by gravel. Boulders
are added to direct the rovers to traverse the large crater.

*Note: this
obstacle is in a
different location
than in previous

Obstacle 3 – Transverse Incline (4 Points)

The slope of this obstacle is perpendicular to the direction of rover traverse. The simulated lava
or rock outcropping surface is smooth. The angle of elevation of the incline is about 20 degrees.
Avoid tipping over by lowering the center of gravity and by leaning to the high side the incline.
Traction will assist on this smooth surface (no gravel).

Obstacle 4 –High Butte – Martian Terrain (6 Points)
This feature is a test of the rover’s climbing ability. This butte is 5 feet high (1.524 meters)
with a 20-degree incline before and after the peak.

Obstacle 5 –Large Ravine – Martian Terrain (4 Points)
A remnant of an ancient erosion channel, this 2-foot depression, about 8 feet wide, provided
a conduit for liquid runoff on the Martian surface.

Task 1

Task 1 – Spectrographic Analysis (9 points)

For this task, a simulated terrain or analysis site shall be photographed utilizing red, blue, and
yellow color filters. The camera should be able to display the photographs quickly for the PER
judge. Teams will provide the photographic device and the appropriate filters. The colors that
shall be used are red, blue, and yellow. Teams shall photograph the site once unfiltered and
once with each filter such that the filtered photographs’ composite encompasses the full
spectrum of the unfiltered photo. Internal filters that are optical/mechanical and part of the
camera/device are acceptable; however, the use of software that applies a filter to the camera
will not be accepted. Drivers may get off the rover to make the appropriate photographs. All
photos shall be taken with equipment properly stored before continuing
to traverse the course.
- Teams receive 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the task. This inspection will
be made during the ERR.
- Teams receive 1 point for each of the four total photographs taken at the analysis site, for a
possible 4 points.
- Teams receive 1 point for each photograph returned and successfully demonstrated to the
PER judge. Teams shall finish before 8:00 minutes to receive these points, for a possible
total of 4 points.

Obstacle 6 –Sand Dunes – Martian Terrain (3 Points)
Images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show sandy slopes composed of fine-grain
(soft) material. Best passage is achieved by navigating to pass between the dunes to avoid
traversing them. Individual dunes are about 2 feet high and 3 feet wide at the base, randomly
scattered on the Martian surface. Rovers benefit from flotation (large wheel footprints) on soft

Task 2 – Instrument Deployment (10 points)
A simulated remote location needs instrumentation deployed and correctly oriented to support
mission objectives. For this task, the instrumentation will be a solar-powered instrument that the
teams shall deploy in the proper compass orientation. The device shall be built by the teams and will
require the following components: A solar cell, a functioning on/off switch, and a power-indication
light that illuminates when the switch is on and operates on solar power. (A light source will be
provided to simulate the Sun and accommodate for the possibility of inconsistent Sun coverage.)
Teams will need to provide their own compasses. Teams will be required to deploy the instrument in
a designated compass orientation and demonstrate successful operation by turning switch to the
“on” position with the indicator light illuminated by the solar power. At the TS, teams will be given a
compass orientation (relative to magnetic north) in which to deploy the instrument. Teams will need
a marker or fiducial on the instrument in order to properly orient and for judges to verify orientation.
The instrument will also need to be open on the bottom such that it can be inspected to verify that
no stored energy power sources are present. All the components to build the instrument package
may be purchased.

- Teams receive 2 point for having all tools or instruments necessary to attempt the task. This
inspection will be made during the ERR.
- Teams receive 3 points for deploying and successfully orienting the instrumentation at the
- Teams receive 4 points if the instrumentation functions properly after orientation and
deployment, i.e., the switch is turned on and light illuminates with judge verification.
- Teams receive 1 point for demonstration of photograph of functioning device to the PER
judge. Teams shall finish before 8:00 minutes to receive these points.

Obstacle 7 – Crevasses (3 Points)
Crevasses result from cracks in the surface regolith or from erosion by liquid and/or molten
material forming ruts in underlying material. The crevasses vary in width between 1 and 4
inches. Avoid having the rover wheels stuck in these cracks, which are 4 to 6 inches (10.16 cm
to 15.24 cm) deep.

Obstacle 8 – Ice Geyser Slalom (3 Points) – no bypass available

A series of simulated Ice Geysers impede the path down this long curving hill. This obstacle
requires that teams carefully navigate down to the bottom of the hill without coming into contact
with any of the geysers. Steering and braking systems will be of utmost importance
to do this. The steep incline will be followed by a marked exit lane through which rovers shall
pass without touching its boundaries.

Obstacle 9 – Lunar Crater (5 Points)
This area surrounding the Lunar Excursion Module replica consists of asphalt lava with craters
of various sizes and strewn boulders. The large crater will test the surface clearance of the
rovers. A wide circle is traversed within this large crater.

Task 3 – Core Sample Retrieval (9 points)
Teams will need to collect one core sample while on or off the rover. To collect the sample, the
team will need to use a core sample retrieval tool designed and created by the team. The
sample consists of loose rock or mineral grains bound together by a liquid. The sample shall be
taken to a depth of at least 7.87 inches (20 cm) and contain a volume of at least 0.95 cubic
inches (15.5 cubic cm). The dimensions of the sampling area measure approximately 35.56 cm
(14 inches) deep and 29.972 cm (11.8 inches) in diameter. Core samples deeper than the
container will not be possible.
- Teams receive 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the task. This inspection will
be made during the ERR.
- Teams receive 4 points for a successful core sample extraction at the TS.
- Teams receive 4 points for a successful return of the core sample that meets the designated
criteria during the PER. Teams shall finish before 8:00 minutes to receive these points.

Obstacle 10 – Bouldering Rocks (4 Points)
Rovers shall navigate over this field of simulated asteroid debris (boulders) while not avoiding
the debris. The asteroid fragments range in size from 3 to 12 inches (7.62 cm to 30.48 cm) and
are situated close together, touching each other. Proceed with caution.

Task 4 – Solid Soil Sample Retrieval (13 Points)
Teams will need to collect three separate soil samples of different sizes and consistencies while
remaining on the rover (one sample from each of the three sample containers that are part of
the display). To collect the samples, teams will need to use a sample retrieval tool designed and
created by the team. The dimensions of the containers measure 3” deep and 5.5” across the tip,
with a slight tapper down. See photo.
Teams need to design/procure a tool or tools that can
collect solid samples and shall provide methods for
preventing cross-contamination. Teams are not limited to
the number of sample retrieval devices. Each sample
shall be stored in a sealed, isolated, uncontaminated
container, which is also provided by the team. The
collection of samples shall be contained in a storage
area or vessel on the rover. If the tool is used repeatedly,
it shall be cleaned between each collection. Cross-
contaminated samples will not receive points.
- Teams receive 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the task. This inspection will
be made during the ERR.
- Teams receive 3 points for each sample that is successfully retrieved and placed
in the sample container. Each sample shall be at least 50 ml in volume. Individual sample
containers are required for each collected sample to prevent cross-contamination. The
sample container shall be sealable.
- Teams receive 1 point for each sample that is successfully returned uncontaminated and
provided to the PER judge. Teams shall finish before
8:00 minutes to receive these points.

Obstacle 11 – Tilted Craters (2 Points) – no bypass available
Rovers travel up a slope and then encounter medium craters on the descending side. The slope
is gentle, about 15 degrees. Boulders force the rovers to traverse the two craters. The whole
obstacle is covered by gravel.

Task 5 – Liquid Sample Retrieval (13 points/+5 bonus points)
Teams shall collect three separate liquid samples in a diorama of different colors while
remaining on the rover. To collect the samples, teams will need to use a sample retrieval tool
designed and created by the team. The dimensions of the containers measure 3” deep and 5.5”
across the tip, with a slight tapper down. See photo below.
Teams shall design/procure a tool or tools that can collect
liquid samples and shall provide methods for preventing cross-
contamination. Teams are not limited
to the number of sample retrieval devices. Each sample shall
be stored in a sealed, isolated, uncontaminated container,
which is also provided by the team. The collection of samples
shall be contained in a storage area or vessel on the rover. If
the tool is used repeatedly, teams shall clean the tool between
collections. Cross-contaminated samples will not receive
Teams may choose to design and build a 3D printed tool for additional points at Task 5. Teams
shall also provide detailed discussion in the Design Review and ORR. The tool shall be 100%
3D printed with the exception of the uncontaminated container and/or storage area. Teams may
also 3D print multiple appendages. Connectors to the appendages do not have to be 3D printed.
- Teams receive 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the task. This inspection will
be made during the ERR.
- Teams receive a bonus 5 points for the design, build, and use of a 3D printed tool. The 5
points will be awarded after all requirements are met including details in reports, inspection
at ERR, use at the TS, and returning within the 8:00 minutes.
- Teams receive 3 points for each sample that is successfully retrieved and placed
in the sample container. Each sample shall be at least 50 ml. Individual sample containers

are required for each collected sample to prevent cross-contamination. The sample
container shall be sealable.
- Teams receive 1 point for each sample that is successfully returned uncontaminated and
provided to the PER judge. Teams shall finish before 8:00 minutes to receive these points.

Obstacle 12 – Loose Regolith (4 Points)

Meteoroid collisions with extraterrestrial surfaces produce fine-grain material, which is difficult to
traverse. Beach sand (rounded grains) simulates this material, which allows wheel penetration.
The depth of this simulant is 6 to 8 inches (15.24 cm to 20.32 cm). Traction and support
(flotation) will assist in traversing this obstacle.

Obstacle 13 – Pea Gravel (4 Points)
This ancient stream bed consists of small rounded pebbles deposited to a depth of about 6
inches (15.24 cm). Rover wheels might sink in this smooth obstacle material. Wheel flotation
(support) will assist in traversing this obstacle.

Obstacle 14 – Undulating Terrain (2 Points) – no bypass available

Like Obstacle 1, this obstacle consists of uneven terrain characterized by humps randomly
positioned so that they occur first on one side of the rover, then on the other. Navigating the
humps produces twisting forces on the rover chassis. Ramps covered with gravel simulate this

Point Breakdown
*Detailed point breakdown included in each obstacle task description. (TS – Judged at Task
Site; PER – Judged at Post-Excursion Review).
Item Description Bypass Possible Summary of Point Breakdown
Available Points
Pre-Competition Days
Design Review Design Review N/A 15% 15% of overall score
ORR Operational Readiness N/A 15% 15% of overall score
Mission Readiness Review (MRR)
MRR Late Penalty Teams arriving outside N/A 5-point Penalty can be assessed once at MRR and will
their time window for penalty (- carry over in the MRR score for both excursion
MRR, or not being ready 5 Points) days.
for the MRR.
MRR Readiness Penalty Teams not able to N/A 5-point Penalty can be assessed once at MRR and will
demonstrate the vehicle penalty (- carry over in the MRR score for both excursion
is ready to proceed to 5 Points) days.
ERR, not being ready to
Volume Constraint (This point Vehicles shall fit in 5 x 5 N/A 4 4 points for entire vehicle fit
total is carried over both days.) x 5-foot (1.524 meter x 0 points for not fitting
1.524 meter) volume
Weight (This point total is carried Vehicle and task N/A 5 5 points for less than 130 lbs
over both days.) materials will be 3 points for 131 – 170 lbs
weighed. 1 point for 171 – 210 lbs
0 points for more than 210 lbs
Unfolding/Assembly (This pointTeams will be assessed N/A 2 2 points for 0:00 – 2:00 minutes
total is carried over both days.)
on the amount of time it 1 point for 2:01 – 4:00 minutes
takes to 0 points for more than 4:00 minutes
unfold/assemble and
ready the vehicle for
course excursion.
Excursion Readiness Review (ERR)
Late Penalty Teams arriving outside N/A 5-point Penalty can be assessed once per day for
their time window, not penalty (- arriving outside their excursion window or not
being ready for 5 Points) being ready to compete.
Excursion Days
ERR Inspection Teams will be inspected N/A N/A See each task for point reference earned at
for safety requirements ERR.
and task material
requirements. Photos of
Rover taken.
Obstacle/Task Number Description Bypass Possible Point Breakdown
1 Undulating Terrain Y 2 2 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
2 Crater with Ejecta Y 2 2 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for failure to attempt
Task 5 may be completed before Obstacle 2 or after Obstacle 11.
3 Transverse Incline Y 4 4 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for failure to attempt
4 High Butte Y 6 6 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass

Obstacle/Task Number Description Bypass Possible Point Breakdown
5 Large Ravine Y 4 4 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
Task 1 (Obstacle 5 shall be Spectrographic Analysis Y 9 Four photographs
attempted to attempt Task 1.) 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the task
1 point for each photograph taken at the site (4 points)
1 point for each photograph returned before 8:00 (4
points) (PER)
6 Sand Dunes Y 3 3 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
Task 2 (Bypass cannot be used Instrument Deployment Y 10 Deploy solar power cell
to complete the task.) 2 points for having all tools and instruments
necessary to attempt the task (ERR)
3 points for deploying and correctly orienting
instrumentation (TS)
4 points for demonstrating instrumentation properly
functions (turn switch, light illuminates) (TS)
1 point for photograph of functioning device if
returned before 8:00 minutes (PER)
7 Crevasses Y 3 3 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
8 Ice Geyser Slalom N 3 3 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for failure to attempt
9 Lunar Crater Y 5 5 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
Task 3 (Obstacle 9 shall be Core Sample Retrieval Y 9 Core Sample Retrieval
attempted to attempt Task 3.) 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the
task (ERR)
4 points for successful core sample extraction (TS)
4 points for successful return of core sample that
meets designated criteria (PER)
10 Bouldering Rocks Y 4 4 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
Task 4 Solid Soil Sample Y 13 3 separate soil sample collections
Retrieval 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the
task (ERR)
3 points for each successful collection, baggage,
storage (9 points) (TS)
1 point for return of each sample, uncontaminated
before 8:00 (3 points) (PER)
11 Tilted Craters N 2 2 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for failure to attempt
Task 5 (This task may be Liquid Sample Retrieval Y 13+5 = 18 3 separate liquid sample collections
attempted before Obstacle 2 or 1 point for having all tools necessary to attempt the
after Obstacle 11) task (ERR)
5 bonus points for the design, build, and use of a
3D printed tool at the task after inclusion in the
design review and ORR reports and tool
verification (ERR)
3 points for each successful collection, baggage,
storage (9 points) (TS)
1 point for return of each sample, uncontaminated
before 8:00 (3 points) (PER)

Obstacle/Task Number Description Bypass Possible Point Breakdown

12 Loose Regolith Y 4 4 points for successful completion

1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
13 Pea Gravel Y 4 4 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for bypass
14 Undulating Terrain N 2 2 points for successful completion
1 point for attempt
0 points for failure to attempt
Post-Excursion Review (PER) Inspection N/A See each task for point reference earned at PER.

Total Possible Points 118 + 30% Design and Operational Readiness Review

International Team Proposal Requirements
At a minimum, the proposing team shall identify the following in a written proposal due to NASA
MSFC by the dates specified in the timeline.
Proposals shall not exceed 10 pages in length not including the cover page. Additional pages
will not be considered as part of the proposal. Proposals should be submitted in a PDF format.
Text should be Arial, size 12 font on 8.5 x 11 paper with 1 inch margins.
General Information:
1. A cover page that includes the name of the college/university or secondary education
institution, mailing address, and date.
2. Name, title and contact information (including email address) for one adult educator.
3. Name, title, and contact information for the student team leader.
4. Name and title of the student team member who will take responsibility of the safety plan
(Safety Officer).
5. List of up to ten student team members (inclusive of the team leader and safety officer)
who will be committed to the project and their proposed duties.
1. Description of the facilities and hours of accessibility, necessary personnel, equipment,
and supplies that are required to design and build the vehicle and components.
1. Provide a written safety plan for addressing the safety of the materials and tools used,
and the student responsible, i.e. safety officer, for ensuring that the plan is followed.
2. Describe the plan for briefing students on hazard recognition and accident avoidance.
3. Describe methods to include necessary caution statements in plans, procedures, and
other working documents, including the use of proper Personal Protective Equipment
Technical Design
1. A proposed and detailed approach to the rover and its components.
a. Include general vehicle dimensions, construction methods, and design.
b. Include a detailed description of any new or used components
c. Include wheel design and fabrication plans.
d. Include drivetrain design and fabrication plans.
e. Address any technical components that add to the vehicle’s design.
f. Include an initial strategy for completion of the obstacles and mission tasks.
g. Address major technical challenges and solutions.
STEM Engagement
1. Include plans and evaluation criteria for the required STEM Engagement activities.

Project Plan

1. Provide a detailed development schedule/timeline covering all aspects necessary to

meet all milestones and complete the project successfully.
2. Provide a budget to cover all aspects necessary to complete the project successfully,
inclusive of team travel.
3. Provide a funding plan.
4. Develop a plan for sustainability of the activity in the local area. This plan should include
established partnerships and an approach to regularly engage successive classes of
students in STEM. It should include partners (industry/community), recruitment of team
members, funding sustainability, and STEM engagement activities.

Project Milestones & Requirements
Design Review
The Design Review makes up 15% of the overall score for the competition. It demonstrates that
the maturity of the design is appropriate to support proceeding to full-scale fabrication,
assembly, and integration; showing that the technical effort is on track to complete the operation
and system development and mission operations in order to meet overall requirements within
the identified cost and schedule constraints. Progress against management plans, budget, and
schedule, as well as risk assessments are presented. This design review is a review of the final
design of the rover and task components.
All analyses should be complete, and some critical testing should be complete. The Design
Review Report and Presentation should be independent.
The panel expects a professional and polished report that follows the order of sections as they
appear below.
Design Review Report
Page Limit: 10 pages (not including the cover page, table of contents page, and
appendices that provide pictures, photos, or graphics that assist in explaining the
contents in the design review report.)
1. Cover Page
Team name (prominent), mailing address, contact information, and team member

2. Vehicle Criteria - Selection, Design, and Rational of Vehicle Design

a. Review the design at a system level (i.e. wheel design, drivetrain design,
suspension), going through each system’s alternative designs, and evaluating the
pros and cons of each alternative.
b. For each alternative, briefly present research on why the alternative should not be
c. After evaluating all alternatives, present the chosen vehicle design.
- Describe each subsystem and the components within those subsystems
- Describe how the design meets requirements for size, weight, volume, assembly
and clearance constraints.
- Provide dimensional drawings of the leading design
- Provide estimated masses for each subsystem
- Provide sufficient justification for design selections

3. Task and Other Mission Components (i.e. telemetry, tools, containers)

a. Describe the objective of each mission component tool or equipment that supports
the excursion.
b. If attempting the Task Challenge (3D-printed tool), the team must state the attempt
and outline the design features.
c. Review the designs at a system level, briefly discussing alternative designs to each
component and evaluating the pros and cons.

d. Describe the preliminary interfaces with the drivers, vehicle and mission.
e. Include drawings and schematics for all elements of the task or mission components.

4. Mission Performance Predictions

a. Demonstrate any simulated vehicle data and management through course design.
b. Demonstrate any simulated component data and management through course

5. Safety
a. Demonstrate an understanding of all components needed to complete the project
and how risks/delays impact the project.
b. Provide a preliminary Personnel Hazard Analysis. The focus of the Hazard Analysis
at this design review is identification of hazards, their causes, and resulting effects.
Preliminary mitigations and controls can be identified, but do not need to be
implemented at this point unless they are specific to the construction of the vehicle or
components. (i.e. cost, schedule, personnel availability). Rank the risk of each
hazard for both likelihood and severity.
c. Provide a preliminary Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) of the proposed
design of the vehicle and components. The focus is identification of hazards, causes,
effects, and proposed mitigations. Rank each risk of each hazard for both likelihood
and severity.

6. Project Plan
a. Requirements Verification – demonstrate that the vehicle, drivers, and mission
requirements identified in this guidebook are being met.
b. Timeline Verification – demonstrate that the timeline is on schedule to meet the
requirements of this project.
Design Review Presentation
Time Limit: 15-minute presentation
It is expected that the team participants deliver the report and answer all questions. The
mentor/advisor may attend, but shall not deliver the presentation. Include the following in your
- Vehicle dimensions, materials, and justifications
- Component dimensions, materials, and justifications
- Drawings, schematics, visuals of each major component and subsystems
- Mission performance predictions
- Requirements compliance

Operational Readiness Review
The Operational Readiness Review, or ORR makes up 15% of the overall score for the
competition. The ORR provides an assessment of the readiness of the personnel,
processes/procedures, and vehicle and components to safely execute the mission. It provides
support of tests and due diligence exercised in demonstrated readiness of engineering,
operations, and processes and procedures.
The vehicle and components should be complete with critical testing in the final phases. The
ORR Report and Presentation should be independent.
The panel expects a professional and polished report that follows the order of sections as they
appear below.
Operational Readiness Review Report
Page Limit: 10 pages (not including the cover page, table of contents page, and
appendices that provide pictures, photos, or graphics that assist in explaining the
contents in the design review report.)
Cover Page
Team name (prominent), mailing address, contact information, and team member

1. Vehicle Criteria – Design and Construction of the Vehicle

a. Describe any changes in the rover from the previous design review and explain why
those changes are necessary.
b. Describe features that enable the vehicle to be excursion safe and ready.
c. Demonstrate that the design can meet mission success requirements.
d. Prove that the vehicle is fully constructed and document the construction process.
e. Include schematics/images of the completed rover.

2. Task and Other Mission Components

a. Describe any changes in the task and mission support components since the design
review and why those changes are necessary.
b. If attempting the Task Challenge (3D-printed tool), the team must state the attempt
and outline the tool features.
c. Describe features that enable the task and other mission components to be
excursion safe and ready.
d. Prove that the task and other mission components are fully constructed and
document the construction process.
e. Include schematics for all elements of the task or mission components.

3. Mission Performance Predictions

a. Describe how the vehicle is expected to perform through the course design.
b. Describe how the task and mission components are expected to perform through the
course design.
c. Describe any strategies the team has for successful performance through the course

4. Safety
a. Update the Personnel Hazard Analysis and the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
to include:
- Finalized hazard descriptions, causes, and effects of the vehicle and mission
components the team has built.
- A completed list of mitigations addressing the hazards and/or their causes.
- A completed list of verifications for the identified mitigations. This should include
methods of verifying the mitigations and controls are (or will be) in place, and how
they will serve to ensure mitigation.
b. Include a list of procedures and checklists for competition days.

5. Project Plan
a. Requirements Compliance – review and update the verification plan demonstrating
that the vehicle, drivers, and mission requirements identified in this guidebook are
b. Discuss any testing plans, completion of tests, and discussion of results.
c. Timeline Verification – demonstrate that the timeline is on schedule to meet the
requirements of this project.
d. Discuss STEM Engagement results
Operational Readiness Review Presentation
Time Limit: 15-minute presentation
It is expected that the team participants deliver the report and answer all questions. The
mentor/advisor may attend, but shall not deliver the presentation. Include the following in your
- Vehicle dimensions and materials (inclusive of frame, wheels, drivetrain, etc.)
- Component dimensions and materials (inclusive of task tools and components)
- Drawings, schematics, visuals of each major component and subsystems
- Mission performance predictions
- Requirements compliance including test plans or accomplishments
- STEM Engagement

Awards are subject to change without notice.

Award Categories Criteria

Overall Winner High School & Awarded to the top overall teams in each
College category. Design reviews, educational
engagement, safety, and a successful
excursion will all factor into the Overall
Project Review High School & Awarded to the team that is viewed to have
Award (Design College the best combination of written reviews and
Review & ORR) formal presentations.
Awarded to the team that is determined to
STEM Engagement High School & have best inspired the study of science,
Award College technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
related topics in their community. This team
not only presented a high number of activities
to a large number of people, but also
delivered quality activities to a wide range of
Awarded to the team that has the most active
Social Media Award High School & and creative social media presence
College throughout the project year.

Awarded to the team that is judged by their

Best Team Spirit High School & peers that display the “Best Team Spirit”
Award College during the competition weekend.

Featherweight High School & Awarded to the team that best addressed the
Award College ongoing space exploration challenge of
weight management, delivering an innovative
approach to safe minimization of rover
Crash and Burn Best overall either Awarded to the team that does not celebrate
Award High School or failure, but rather that all learn from failure,
College do better, and be successful in our later
Task Challenge High School & Awarded to the team that best
Award College demonstrates a 3D printed tool design for
the liquid sample retrieval task.
Rookie of the Year Best overall either Awarded to the top overall rookie team using
Award High School or the same criteria as the Overall Winner
College Award. If a rookie team is the Overall Winner,
this award will go to the 2nd place Rookie

Award Categories Criteria

Pit Crew Award High School & Awarded to the team as judged by the pit crew
College that best demonstrates resourcefulness,
motivation, good sportsmanship, and team
spirit in repairing or working on their rover while
the teams are in the pit area.
Other Awards High School & Other awards will be given based on
College components of the competition, such as
discussions within Design Review and
Operational Readiness Review reports or the
in-person competition.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

Huntsville, AL 35812


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