Corey Davis FM431-702 Assignment #2

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Corey Davis 

Assignment #2 
1. Think of one person you know who is an effective leader. What actions or 
traits does the person demonstrate? What behaviors does he or she engage 
in? Now do the same for an ineffective leader. 
When I think of the many great, effective leaders of the world, there are many leadership 
attributes that come to mind. Great leaders lead by example, first and foremost, and are 
confident when doing so. They are able to clearly communicate their vision & 
performance expectations, as well as being able to make quick decisions on the spot. An 
effective leader knows how to put their team first and themselves last. Their goals 
should be to inspire and motivate their team -- focusing on the positives and motivating 
each individual to grow their skills and competencies. Gratitude and empathy also play a 
large role in determining who is an effective leader, as they are able to connect and make 
their team feel appreciated and valued.  
Characteristics of ineffective leadership include: poor communication, micromanaging, 
lack of overall vision, lack of character and integrity, accepting credit where it isn’t due, 
being unfocused and not attentive to detail, and letting egos get in the way.  
2. What behaviors or actions can you engage in to help develop your 
leadership skills while you are still in school? 
Getting involved with different organizations and clubs within school helps nurture 
leadership qualities and principles that students can take with them for the rest of their 
lives. Taking classes on organization and planning might seem tedious, but is very 
effective in honing those skills that all great leaders need -- if you aren’t on track, how do 
you expect your team to be? Practicing public speaking is also a good action to take 
while in school to develop those communication skills that are expected of people in 
positions of leadership. Critical thinking & problem solving are also great skills to work 
on while in school, as it allows for innovative thinking and creative solutions to 
sometimes complex problems.  

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