Tell Me Something About Your Family 2

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 Tell me something about your family.

 Cuentame algo sobre tu familia.

my dad is a civil engineer

my mom is a housewife

My older sister is an industrial engineer and works in a construction company

my other sister is press officer

and I have two dogs noa and luky

 Why do you choose this career?

 ¿Por qué eliges esta carrera?

 What is ther for a foreigner to do or see in your hometown?

¿Qué puede hacer o ver un extranjero en su ciudad natal?

you can go to the guatapuri river

visit the province park

alfonso lopez square

 What did you do on your last birthday?

¿Qué hiciste en tu último cumpleaños?

celebrate it with a barbecue together with the festival of the shoulder

 Did you enjoy your childhood? why?

¿Disfrutaste tu infancia? ¿por qué?

if much

I was always surrounded by my whole family, I never miss anything

 Did you have a lot of friends when you were a child?

¿Tenías muchos amigos cuando eras niño?

few, but they are still with me

 What kind of clothes fo you usually wear?

¿Qué tipo de ropa usas habitualmente?

jeans, sweater, dresses and tennis

 Why do you think it is important to learn english?

¿Por qué crees que es importante aprender inglés?

because it is the universal language and in my case because I want to leave the country

 What do you often do in the evenings?

¿Qué haces a menudo por las tardes?

I usually read and take my dogs to the park

 What do you think of fast food?
¿Qué opinas de la comida rápida?

which is the most delicious in the world, but it is not healthy

 What usually makes you happy?

¿Qué es lo que generalmente te hace feliz?

be with my family, travel and eat a lot

What makes you feel unhappy?

¿Qué te hace sentir infeliz?

Violence, and animal abuse, y hate it

 What do you use internet for?

¿Para qué usas internet?

To do the work, talk to my friends and almost everthing

 What´s the weather like today?

¿Como esta el tiempo hoy?

 What did you enjoy most when you were at primary school?

¿Qué fue lo que más disfrutaste cuando estabas en la escuela primaria?

The game, the teachers were the best and the afternoon movies

 Do you have any plans for a holiday this year?

¿Tienes algún plan para unas vacaciones este año?

We will go To Tolima to visit the family, then to barranquilla and the to


Imigracion illegal
I think that politicians and foundations should find a wy to help people have
a better quality of life, so that there is no need to reach that point

Violencia de genero
They should reach an agreement for equality

La evolucion de la tecnologia
Technology is of great help to us and if it is evoling even better, it facilies
many tasks
Cambio climartico
We are to blame for everything that happens, we end up with everything
that nature gives us, just for greed and power.

Thanks to his we are close to everything, and the economy grows

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