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Paper 1 / 013

Section A

1 D
2 D
3 A
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 C
8 B
9 C
10 B
11 D
12 A
13 D
14 B
15 C
16 A
17 C
18 A
19 B
20 A

Section B
Question 21
(a)Keep up the good work, son. (Accept any suitable answer)
(b)Let’s go to the cinema this Saturday. (Accept any suitable answer)
€Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. (Accept any suitable answer)

Question 22
(a) 13
symbolizing the national religion of /
Malaysia, Islam.
symbolizing the unity between the
Symbolizing the colour of royalty in

(c) Red, deep blue, yellow, and white.

(d) Sarawak and Sabah.
(e) The colour deep blue symbolizes the unity of the people of Malaysia while yellow is the
colour of royalty in Malaysia.

Question 23
(a) False
(b) True

Jalan Labu Jalan Labu 1 Lorong Labu 2


Lorong Damai 1 Jalan Damai 1 Lorong Labu 2

(a) €Place: Savemart Supermarket

Reason: Savemart is a large supermarket so it will have all the items on their grocery list.
(Accept any suitable answer)

(b) Jalan Labu is the only road leading to a school. Pupils are busy going home from school
during the lunch hours. This can cause a traffic jam.
(Accept any suitable answer)
Question 24
Four days √
Three days
Seven days

A Vonia leather handbag
A Folex waterproof watch √
A pair of jersey and shorts

Question 25
(c) Hadi probably does not want to miss the sale as most things are sold at very low prices.
(d) The management wants to attract as many customers as possible.
(Accept any suitable answer)
(e) ©Raju can buy a leather handbag for his mother because he can get the highest discount
for that item. She will definitely love the gift.
(Accept any suitable answer)

Paper 2 / 014
1. Inspector Izwan
2. three hours
3. pedestrian bridges
4. built
5. the lollipop man

(Suggested answer)

1 (i) Mermaid Beach

(ii) Sari Alam night market
(iii) Pelangi Waterfalls

2 (Suggested answer)
Dear Meena,
My family and I went to a few interesting places during the weekend. Let me tell
you about two of the places that I liked the most.
The first one is Mermaid Beach. We had a fun time going on a boat ride. We saw
many types of fishes. We also swam in the sea and played beach volleyball.
The second place is Star Shopping Mall. First, we had lunch at food court. We
had western and local food. After that, we went shopping for accessories. My mother,
sister and I managed to get lovely accessories at affordable prices.
I have to sign off now. Goodbye!
Your friend,

(Suggested answer)
Question 1
Rashid, Kar Ming and Rajan were three best friends. They intended to celebrate this year’s
Merdeka Day together. They planned to buy a big Jalur Gemilang. They needed money to buy
the flag. The boys decided to do chores for their neighbours to earn money. Rashid and Kar
Ming took turns to cut overgrown bushes and clear the rubbish, while Rajan mowed the lawn.
They were well-paid for their work. Soon, they earned enough money to buy the flag.
Before Merdeka Day, the three friends bought the flag and hung it on a coconut tree.
They were proud of their national flag. It symbolized their unity and hard work.

Question 2
After dropping off a passenger, Ravee drove home to have his lunch. While cleaning the interior
of his taxi, he found a wallet on the back seat. He realized it belonged to the tourist who had just
dropped off.
Ravee immediately went to the police station near the place where he had dropped off the
passenger. As he entered the police station, he saw that the tourist was there too. So, Ravee
returned the wallet to him. The tourist was very happy. He was grateful to Ravee and thanked
him for his honesty.

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