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Cardio G in most blood vessels in the body,

primarily in the lungs, to angiotensin 2

Heart Failure which is a potent vasoconstrictor.
- Is the inability of the heart to pump Angiotensin 2 further stimulates the
sufficient blood to meet the needs of release in the adrenal cortex of
the tissues for oxygen and nutrients aldosterone, which causes sodium
- May or may not be congestion retention in the kidneys, further
- If (+) congestion = congestive heart increasing blood pressure. Only
failure normally released when there’s
reduced in blood flow to the kidneys. In
Causes heart failure, they are stimulated
because of the reduced blood flow to
1. Coronary atherosclerosis
the kidneys but not because of trauma
- Condition wherein the blood vessel
like stab wound, but because of the
supplying oxygenated blood to the
heart’s inability to pump blood
heart is obstructed by fats or atheroma,
throughout the organs. As a resultthe
clot, thrombus or by embolus
BP is increased, worsening the heart
Pathophysiology failure of client)
- sympathetic nervous system stimulation
 Impaired contractile properties of the (organs receiving reduced blood flow
heart which (systolic dysfunction) secondary to heart failure)
 Impaired filling of the heart (diastolic  increases workload on the heart
dysfunction)  if there’s decompensation: no
contraction, resistance to filling further
worsening of heart failure
 Lower than normal cardiac output
Signs and symptoms
 Compensatory mechanisms of the body
- ventricular hypertrophy (enlargement a. Left sided heart failure
of ventricle muscles) - most often fails earlier than the right
- renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system sided heart failure (Because left heart
(activated normally when there’s does more work)
insufficient blood flow to the kidneys. - Pulmonary congestion
The insufficient blood flow to the - #1 pathognomonic sign: pulsus aternans
kidneys and decreased sodium to the (alternating strong and weak pulse)
kidneys, if detected by the b. Right sided heart failure
juxtaglomerular cells , releases enzyme - Systemic congestion: edema, ascites
Renin. Renin splits Angiotensinogen, (abnormal buildup of fluid in the
protein produced by liver causes the abdomen), neck vein distention,
release of angiotensin 1 which is a mild hepatomegaly, splenomegaly
vasoconstrictor, then converted by
angiotensin converting enzyme located
Diagnostic Tests – uses a catheter to measure the pressure
on the pulmonary vein
1. Clinical manifestaions - Indirect measurement of pressure of
 Classification of heart failure left side of heart
a. Class 1 (symptomatic with exertion) - Mean 12-16 mmHg
b. Class 2 (symptomatic with less than
Nursing Care
ordinary activities)
a. Patient in Trendelenburg position
c. Class 3 (Symptomatic with less than - To prevent air embolism (trendelenburg
ordinary activities) position helps air embolus be trapped in
d. Class 4 (always symptomatic) the right atrium or right ventricle and
2. Echoocardiogram (assess ejection not be lodged in pulmonary capillaries)
fraction of ventricles) - For venous engorgement prevention
3. Chest radiographs (cardiomegaly) b. Use sterile technique
c. MD thread ballon tipped catheter thru
4. ECG
subclavial vein > right atrium and right
5. Serum levels ventricle > balloon is inflated (1-2ml of
 CBC air but never water, water has more
 Kidney function weight than air and if touches the wall
- Creatinine clearance: of the atrium might trigger arrythmias)
125ml/min/1.73m2, 25mg/kg/24hrs (balloon acts as buffer between the
hard part of catheter and wall of
- Creatinine: n 0.6-1.2mg/dl (more
ventricle to prevent ventricular
arrhythmias) > blood guides balloon to
- BUN: 10-20mg/dl pulmonary capillaries
d. When measuring, make sure that the
*kidneys are assessed because they are very zero mark on the
sensitive to lack of blood flow. If the patient has manometer/transducer or stopcock is
heart failure, first organ to suffer: kidneys at the level of client’s right atrium (level
of 4th ICS, left midaxillary line):
6. Cardiac catheterization – insertion of phlebostatic axis (phlebo [ blood ] +
catheter through artery of the leg, catheter is static)
then driven to the heart to make sure the - Phlebostatic axis: Lowest blood
pressure in the chambers of the heart pressure, set to 0 point (0mmHg) of
manometer or transducer
7. Swan-ganz catheter - Normal central venous pressure (CVP):
> 4 lumen catheter 5-10cm H20 or 3-6mmHg
Measures: - Increase: hypervolemia
a. CVP (central venous pressure: the - Decrease: hypovolemia
pressure of the right side of heart) –  Proximal Lumen
mean 3-6mmHg - Rests in the vena cava or the right
Disadvantage: late indicator of atrium
increased fluid volume, it takes a while - Reflects the central venous pressure
before increased fluid volume increases  Distal Lumen
CVP - Rests in the pulmonary artery
b. Pulmonary artery capillary - Reflects the PACP (pulmonary artery
pressure/pulmonary capillary wedge capillary pressure)/PCWP (pulmonary
pressure capillary wedge pressure)
 Thermistor Lumen ballon tip formationing pulmonary wedge
- Measures cardiac output using the pressure
thermal dilution technique
- Fast change indicates increased cardiac
- Low change indicates decreased cardiac
 Inflation lumen and balloon
- Inject 1-2ml of air to inflate balloon

Swan Ganz catheter

Illustration of where phlebostatic axis is, where

the stop cup (?) should be leveled to maintain
adequate measurement

4 lumens of swan ganz catheter, where the

catheter will go through the heart
Management - For fluid retention in heart failure
- Diuretics decreases fluid retention
Goal: To return heart to normal function  Loop diuretics
- Furosemide
Medications - Torsemide
1. Inotropic agents (drugs meant to : inhibit the reacsorption of Na, K and CI
increase strength of cardiac in thick ascending limb of loop of henle
contraction) (basic unit of kidney)
a. Dobutamine 5. Vasodilators
- A1, B1, B2  Angiotensin-converting enzyime
- #1 inotropic agent in heart failure inhibitors
- Given as continuous infusion: 1- - ‘pril’
2ug/kg/min - Acts as vasodilators
b. Digoxin - Also diuretics, because they inhibit the
- Action: inhibits the Na-K-pump (Na-K- production of aldosterone that saves
ATPase) > increases influx of calcium sodium from the body and eliminates
into cell > depolarizes cells > creates potassium
action potential > slow HR, inc cardiac - ACE inhibitor increases potassium level
contractility and decreases sodium level
- Therapeutic dose: 0.5 – 2mg/dl - Captopril
- Toxicity: anorexia – earlist sign - Enalapril (s/e: nonproductive cough)
- Digibind: antidote  Angiotensin Receptor blocker
- Contraindication - ‘sartan’
*Hypercalcemia – calcium potentiates - Vasodilator
digoxin may lead to arrhythmias - Losartan
*Hypokalemia – less potassium, less - Valsartan
resistance to calcium influx may lead to  Beta blockers
arrhythmias - ‘olol’
- Give high in potassium foods: apple, - Decrease HR and cardiac demand
banana, carrots - Beta 1 antagonist
- Metoprolol
2. Vasodilators - Propranolol
- If cause if vasoconstriction (e.g - Contraindication: asthmatics (also
myocardial infarction) blocks beta2 receptors that’s
a. Nitroglycerin responsible for bronchodilation, may
b. Nesiritide lead to bronchoconstriction)
c. Na nitroprusside  Calcium Channel Blockers
- Amlodipine, nicardipine
3. Vasoconstrictors - s/e: erectile dysfunction
- If cause of vasodilation or lack of fluids
in blood vessels (e.g shock) 6. surgery
a. Dopamine a. PTCA (percutaneous transluminal
- Stimulates A1, B1receptors coronary angioplasty
b. Vasopressin - For 1-2 affected vessels
c. Epinephrine b. Coronary artery bypass graft
- For 3 affected vessels
4. Lower BP c. Carotid endarderectomy
 Diuretics d. Mechanical assist device
 Intraaortic balloon pump
- Assist heart in pumping sufficient blood  Left sided heart failure tends to produce
to the body pulmonary manifestations
- deflates with systole  Right sided heart failure tends to
- inflates with diastole produce systemic manifestations
- Increases cardiac output  Ultimately, both left sided and right
sided failure tend to occur together

 Left ventricular assist device

 Heart transplantation


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