Moritz 2008

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Extraordinary Hall effect in thin magnetic films and its potential for sensors, memories and

magnetic logic applications

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2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 135001


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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 (8pp) doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/13/135001

Extraordinary Hall effect in thin magnetic

films and its potential for sensors,
memories and magnetic logic applications
J Moritz, B Rodmacq, S Auffret and B Dieny
SPINTEC, URA 2512 CEA-CNRS, CEA/INAC, 17 Avenue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9,

Received 13 February 2008, in final form 29 April 2008

Published 6 June 2008
Online at

We investigate the potential of the extraordinary Hall effect (EHE) in magnetic thin films with
out-of-plane anisotropy for sensors, memories or logic applications. The scalability of EHE at
decreasing lateral dimension has been first explored. In order for EHE to provide output
voltage compatible with CMOS technology, it is shown that the longitudinal resistivity of the
magnetic material must be considerably increased at decreasing size while keeping a large
Hall angle. Then the EHE properties of various classes of materials with out-of-plane
anisotropy ((Co/Pt) multilayers, FePt ordered alloys, rare-earth/transition metal alloys,
CoSiOx and CoPtSiOx heterogeneous composites) are measured and compared in order to
evaluate their potential for the envisioned applications. It is concluded that while EHE can
readily be used for large devices (size > micrometres), no materials are yet available which
offer suitable scalability towards the 22 nm microelectronic node.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction Ney et al have shown that, by using a MTJ, it was possible

to program four types of logic gates [7]. Richter et al
Spin electronics has mainly benefited so far the fields of have demonstrated its feasibility and fabricated spin-logic
magnetic recording and non-volatile magnetic memories. For gates based on spin tunnelling elements, which they have
instance, giant magnetoresistance (GMR) has been used in programmed from a NAND to a NOR [8]. Zhao et al
read-heads of hard disk drives from 1998 to 2004 [1]. Magnetic have conceived non-volatile flip-flop gate integrating CMOS
tunnel junctions (MTJ) exhibiting tunnel magnetoresistance transistors and MTJs [6]. Other authors have developed
constitute the storage elements of magnetic random access fully magnetic logic systems based on magnetic domain wall
memories (MRAM) [2]. These memories are a first example propagation [9].
of hybrid CMOS/MTJ devices. Besides these applications, In this study, we investigate another approach for making
it has recently been proposed to improve existing electronic hybrid semiconductor/magnetic devices based on the use of
devices by the addition of magnetic elements, with the aim of the extraordinary Hall effect (EHE). Large EHE signals with
creating active cells [3,4]. This can be achieved by combining very good signal-to-noise ratio can be easily obtained in
magnetic and semiconductor structures, which would have some magnetic materials exhibiting perpendicular-to-plane
lots of advantages such as infinite cyclability, low power anisotropy. EHE is a magnetotransport effect, which is
consumption and non-volatility. Using the same technology commonly measured in a cross geometry as depicted in
as for MRAM, hybrid CMOS/MTJ logic components can be figure 1(a), with the magnetic field applied perpendicular to
conceived to process information. This approach has been the plane of the sample. When a current I flows along one arm
shown to be particularly interesting for reprogrammable digital of the cross, the Hall voltage along the perpendicular arm has
logic systems (field programmable gate array for instance) two components:
and in the field of reconfigurable computing in general [5, 6]. VHall /I = (V+ − V− )/I = R0 H + REHE Mz . (1)

0022-3727/08/135001+08$30.00 1 © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al

heavy elements such as Pt, Au or rare earths, where the spin–

orbit interaction is significant. In thin films with well defined
out-of-plane anisotropy, the hysteresis under perpendicular-to-
plane field can be very square (see figure 1(b) for instance). In
this case, the remanent states in zero field can be used to store
binary information and the spontaneous EHE voltage allows
retrieval of the magnetic state of the device.
If the EHE were to be used in logic or memory hybrid
CMOS/EHE devices, the output signal from the magnetic EHE
cell (i.e. the Hall voltage) should be large enough to control
the opening/closing of a FET (field effect transistor) channel.
A FET needs at least 50 mV to be driven, and one seeks in the
present type of devices a supply voltage of the order of 1 V,
which leads to
≈ 0.05. (3)
Still considering the Hall cross of figure 1(a), it is possible
to calculate the ratio given by (3). An applied current I
flows through the longitudinal arm, which generates a supply
VSupply = ρxx Lj, (4)
Figure 1. (a) Geometry of Hall cross used for measuring EHE. where j is the current density given by I = j t, ρxx the
(b) Typical hysteresis loop obtained by measuring the Hall voltage
on perpendicular-to-plane Co/Pt multilayers.
longitudinal resistivity, L and l the lateral and longitudinal
dimensions of the cross, respectively.
In the transverse direction, a Hall voltage appears, linked
The first term R0 is the ordinary Hall effect coefficient to the Hall electrical field by
proportional to the applied field H and related to the Lorentz
force acting on moving charge carriers; the second term is the VHall = EHall  = ρxy lj. (5)
EHE coefficient proportional to the perpendicular component
of the magnetization [10]. The EHE coefficient is most of the Consequently, by combining (4) and (5), one finds
time much larger than the ordinary Hall one, and arises from
the spin dependent scattering of conduction electrons. Two VHall ρxy 
= , (6)
types of scattering are generally assumed to be at the origin VSupply ρxx L
of EHE. The skew scattering characterizes the deflection of
the scattered carriers from their original trajectories [11]. The ρxy /ρxx is a dimensionless parameter called the Hall angle
side-jump mechanism results in a lateral displacement of the which characterizes the ability of the material to deviate
charge’s trajectory at the scattering centre [12]. It was also the flow of electrons from the direction of the longitudinal
claimed that Hall and longitudinal resistivities were linked electrical field. /L is a geometrical parameter which is at
together, because they both depend on scattering phenomena. most of the order of 1. So if an EHE cell is coupled to a FET,
Combination of the two last mechanisms gives the relationship: the Hall angle must be at least about 5%.
It is important to note that the Hall voltage does not
REHE = aρ + bρ 2 , (2) depend on the size of the cross (keeping an aspect ratio
of 1) as long as the supply voltage can be kept constant
where the first term a is attributed to the skew scattering and the across the longitudinal arm. However, this is possible only
second one b to the side-jump mechanism. When ρ is small, as long as the current density through the device does not
at low temperature or in pure metal for instance, the skew exceed the electromigration limit, typically of the order of
scattering is believed to be the major contribution to REHE . jmax ∼ 107 A cm−2 . Since the current density is related
In alloys or disordered materials, when ρ is larger, the side- to the longitudinal resistivity and supply voltage by relation
jump mechanism is predominant. Equation (2) could then be (4), it is clear that the possibility of maintaining the voltage
expressed as REHE = αρ n , with n = 1 for the skew scattering, Vsupply across a Hall cross of dimension L imposes for
n = 2 for the side jump and 1 < n < 2 for their superposition. the EHE magnetic material a minimum resistivity given by
However, many discrepancies to this model have been found ρxx min = Vsupply /Ljmax . For decreasing sizes corresponding
in heterogeneous materials such as granular or multilayered to the microelectronic nodes 90 nm, 60 nm, 32 nm, this
systems [12], and even in bulk homogeneous ones [13], where yields a minimum resistivity of, respectively, 11.1 m cm,
the exponent n could exceed 2. That is why the complete origin 16.7 m cm and 31.3 m cm. These resistivities are much
of the EHE is not still completely clear. above the resistivities of known magnetic metallic multilayers
In perpendicular-to-plane magnetized materials, the EHE or amorphous alloys exhibiting EHE, but are of the order
is expected to be large, because these materials often contain of magnitude of the resistivity of metal/insulator composite

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al

materials. This is the reason why in this study, we investigated (Pt 8Å/Co 6Å)4
the EHE properties of some composite materials. 1
Another important parameter is the electrical consumption
of the device. Indeed, the Joule dissipation, given by
P = VSupply
t/ρxx , shows that to minimize the electrical
consumption, it is also preferable to use highly resistive

ρxy (µΩ.cm)
materials with low thicknesses. 0
In this paper, we review different perpendicular-to-plane
magnetized materials with a large EHE signal, and compare
their transport properties to what is required for an application -0.5
in hybrid CMOS/EHE devices. In a first part, the EHE
properties of several families of continuous thin films or
multilayers such as Co/Pt multilayers, FePt alloys or rare- -1
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
earth/transition metal alloys are discussed. In a second part, the
Hz (kOe)
EHE properties of composite granular films such as Co : Al2 O3
or NiFe : SiO2 are discussed, as well as as those of CoPt : SiO2 (Pt 20Å/Co 6Å)4
composite films in which larger EHE angle could be expected
due to the presence of Pt.
2. EHE in continuous magnetic thin films

ρxy (µΩ.cm)
2.1. Co/Pt multilayers
This system has been widely studied in the past decades,
as well as other similar transition metal superlattices -0.5
exhibiting interesting magnetic and transport phenomena,
which have found applications in magneto-optical recording
and magnetic recording in general. These transition metal -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
structures (Co/Au, Co/Pt, Co/Cu, Co/Pd) have revealed Hz (kOe)
that at small thicknesses the easy axis of magnetization
can switch from in-plane to perpendicular-to-plane [15–17]. Figure 2. Hysteresis loops measured on different Co/Pt multilayers,
This perpendicular anisotropy, which arises from strain and where the thickness of Pt varies. The perpendicular-to-plane
anisotropy clearly depends on buffer and Pt layer thicknesses.
electronic hybridization effects at the interfaces between Co
and Pt [18], is still not completely understood. It strongly
depends on growth conditions and, as mentioned above, possible but still compatible with a perpendicular anisotropy,
i.e. of the order of 50 µ cm. The Hall angle is then equal
on respective thicknesses of 3d magnetic and non-magnetic
to 2.3% with ρxx ∼ 41 and ρxy ∼ 1 µ cm. Note that the
metals [19].
longitudinal multilayer resistivity is larger than the resistivity
Typical multilayered structures Pt tbuffer /(Co tCo /Pt tPt )n
of each constituent (ρCo ∼ 15 µ cm, ρPt ∼ 20 µ cm) due to
were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering onto SiO2
interfacial scattering and Pt/Co alloying. Furthermore, if the
amorphous substrates. Deposition rates of Co and Pt were
thickness of the buffer layer is increased, the Hall resistivity
0.5 Å s−1 and 1 Å s−1 , respectively, under an Ar pressure of
decreases due to shunting of the current in the buffer. The
2.5 × 10−3 mbar. All depositions were carried out at room
variation of the Hall angle versus the Co thickness is shown in
figure 4. It slightly increases from 1.5% to 2.3%, but above 8 Å
Figure 2 shows that above a minimum proportion of Pt
the perpendicular anisotropy decreases. In summary, it is quite
with respect to Co, a 100% perpendicular magnetic remanence difficult to reach a 5% Hall angle with these multilayers, and
is observed (square hysteresis loops). It is possible to decrease even if the resistivity is larger than in the pure elements, it is
both Pt and Co thicknesses to almost one atomic layer while far from sufficient to fulfil the criterion required by scalability.
keeping a perpendicular-to-plane anisotropy. In this case, the
Pt to Co content is close to 50% and the multilayered structure
2.2. FePt ordered alloys
becomes quite close to that of L10 ordered alloys (see next
section). The FePt ordered alloys have a L1 0 structure, which consists
We have observed that the Hall resistivity hardly depends of an alternation of one atomic plane of Fe and one atomic
on the number of repeats of the multilayer, but decreases plane of Pt. In these ordered alloys, the degree of ordering
as the Pt content increases in each repeat (see figure 3). S depends a lot on the growth conditions, particularly on the
The longitudinal resistivity of the multilayers also slightly substrate temperature, as well as on the underlayer [20]. This
decreases as the Pt thickness is increased as well as the degree of order can be determined by x-ray diffraction by
Hall angle. Therefore the Hall angle is maximum in these looking at the ratio of the line intensities originating from Fe
multilayers when the relative content of Pt to Co is as low as atoms located at Fe sites and Pt sites. S can be improved by

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al

(Pt tPt/Co 6Å)4 (Pt tPt/Co 6Å)4 (Pt tPt/Co 6Å)4

1 42 0.025

0.8 40
ρxy (µΩ.cm)

ρxx (µΩ.cm)

Hall angle
0.6 38

0.4 36

0.2 34

0 32 0.01
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
tPt (Å) tPt (Å) tPt (Å)

Figure 3. Longitudinal and Hall resistivity and calculated Hall angle for Co/Pt multilayers where the thickness of the Pt layers increases.
The largest values are obtained when the Pt thickness tends to that of the Co.

(Pt 12/Co tCo)4/Pt 12 0.6 S~0.5

0.025 A
Hall angle=ρxy/ρxx




-10 -5 0 5 10
0.01 Hz (kOe)
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
tCo (Angstrom) Figure 5. EHE measured for two different ordered FePt alloys.
Sample A: MgO\FePt (10 nm)\Pt (1.5 nm); sample B:
Figure 4. Variation of the Hall angle versus Co thickness in a Co/Pt MgO\Cr(3 nm)\Pt(60 nm)\FePt (40 nm)\Pt(2 nm). The amplitude
multilayer. of the signal depends on the degree of order S.

post-deposition annealing at high temperature (400–550 ◦ C) (sample A: MgO\FePt(10 nm)\Pt(1.5 nm) and sample B:
or lower temperature (200–300 ◦ C) if combined with light ion MgO\Cr(3 nm)\Pt(60 nm)\FePt(40 nm)\Pt(2 nm)). FePt was
irradiation [21–23]. evaporated onto oriented MgO (0 0 1) substrates held at
Usually FePt structures (or equivalent FePd) are 500 ◦ C. The Cr/Pt buffer in sample B was deposited at room
evaporated on oriented single crystals such as MgO (0 0 1), temperature and annealed at 550 ◦ C. Sample B has a better
which favors epitaxial growth [24, 25]. In well ordered ordering (S = 0.7 as compared with 0.5 for sample A),
structures, a very strong perpendicular-to-plane anisotropy because of the Cr/Pt underlayer. The structural disorder
can appear, due to a tetragonal distortion of the lattice cell A
increases the longitudinal resistivity: ρxx = 39 µ cm to be
along the growth direction. This uniaxial anisotropy is about compared with ρxx = 30 µ cm. The Hall angles of these

(4–10)×107 erg cm−3 , one order of magnitude larger than what samples are, respectively: αA = (ρxy A A
/ρxx ) = 1.5% and
is observed in CoCr based alloys or in Co/Pt multilayers [26]. αB = (ρxy /ρxx ) = 1%.

Note that polycrystalline thin films can also be obtained by This relationship between the degree of order and the
evaporating FePt on amorphous substrates such as glass or EHE in L1 0 ordered alloys is corroborated by studies from
SiO2 held at elevated temperatures [27, 28] or by dc sputtering other groups. For instance Yu et al have reported transport
FePt on oriented MgO also at elevated temperature [29]. measurements carried out on three FePt samples with different
In these alloys, the degree of order plays a very degrees of order [30]. The results summarized in table 1 show
important role on the magnetic properties (in particular the same variation of the Hall angle with S. Its maximum
the amplitude of the perpendicular anisotropy as mentioned value of about 3.3% is also larger than what was observed
above) as well as on the transport properties (longitudinal in Co/Pt sputtered multilayers (2.3%), which is consistent
and transverse resistivity). As an example, figure 5 with the observation that the Hall angle increases when the
shows a comparison of the Hall resistivity in two samples relative content of Co and Pt tends to be equal. However,

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al

Table 1. Hall resistivity, longitudinal resistivity and Hall angle from transverse resistivity in FeTb and FeSm [40]. They have
different ordered L1 0 FePt alloys extracted from [29]. reported a maximum Hall angle of 4.8% in Fe78 Sm22 and a
Degree of order ρxx (µ cm) ρxy (µ cm) Hall angle large resistivity of about 150 µ cm. Note that the Hall angle
(0 < S < 1) at 1.7 K at 1.7 K at 1.7 K is generally larger in Fe based alloys than in Co based alloys
(2.5%) [41].
0.80 7.2 0.068 0.95 × 10−2
0.63 18.5 0.32 1.76 × 10−2 Although these systems provide the largest EHE signals
0.47 26.6 0.88 3.32 × 10−2 among the various families discussed so far, their resistivities
are still too low to ensure scalability towards 32 nm. Besides
that, another important question for hybrid CMOS/EHE
this gain in the Hall angle is not that large considering the devices concerns the switching field. Indeed, rare-earth-based
additional complexity introduced by the fact that the films alloys have been mainly studied with the aim of using them
are grown by evaporation onto single crystals. Watanabe and as magneto-optical media, i.e. with large coercivity, whereas
Masumoto have explored the transport properties of FePt alloys most envisioned CMOS/EHE applications would require
deposited onto amorphous substrates compared with single magnetically soft materials. However, it has been shown that
crystals [31]. Below 60% of Pt in the alloy, the resistivity relatively soft magnetic properties can be obtained in Gd based
of the polycrystalline layer is larger than the superlattice one alloys with switching fields lower than 100 Oe [41].
(Hall angle of about 3.5%, ρxx ∼ 100 µ cm). Concerning the
ordered FePt evaporated film, the maximum value of the Hall 3. Giant Hall effect (GHE) in heterogeneous
angle is 1.2%, with a resistivity usually lower than 100 µ cm. granular magnetic films
In summary, it is possible to have a significant Hall angle
in these FePt alloys when some disorder is present in the Magnetic granular thin films have attracted much attention in
system. This disorder also yields an increased longitudinal the last decade, mainly because of the observation of GMR in
resistivity but not sufficient to ensure scalability at sub-100 nm magnetic–non-magnetic binary heterogeneous alloys. These
microelectronic nodes. films, consisting of nanometre size clusters of magnetic metals
embedded in a metallic or an insulator matrix, exhibit specific
2.3. Rare-earth/transition metal alloys magnetotransport properties. For instance, it has been shown
that both GMR and EHE in AgCo granular system depend
Rare-earth–transition metal (RE–TM) ferrimagnetic alloys strongly on Co particle size (rCo ) [42]. Hall resistivity in
have been extensively studied for their magneto-optic CoCu alloy decreases with increasing rCo (ρxy ≈ 1/rCo 4
) [43].
properties (magneto-optic media for blue laser), especially Resistivities and magnetotransport effects in these granular
Tb based alloys with high coercivity [32]. Co-sputtered metallic materials can be correlated with the particles’ size and
onto glass substrates, their structure is amorphous and their average spacing with respect to the effective mean free
they exhibit perpendicular-to-plane anisotropy when prepared path of conduction electrons.
under special deposition conditions [33]. Heavy RE–TM Interestingly, when the matrix is an insulator such as SiO2
alloys are described by two magnetic anti-parallel subsystems or Al2 O3 , a so-called GHE appears around and below a critical
consisting of the heavy RE (Tb, Dy, Gd, etc) and TM spins. metal volume fraction [44]. The absence of a continuous
The thermal variations of TM and RE magnetic moments are metallic path explains this behaviour, when the metal volume
quite different, so that at a particular temperature named the fraction approaches the metal–insulator transition xC . The
compensation temperature (Tcomp ), the average magnetization origin of this GHE is still not completely clear, but it can
vanishes. Below the compensation point, RE moments be linked to the classical EHE measured on continuous films.
are dominant, whereas above Tcomp , TM moment is larger. Models about spin dependent diffusive events on impurities in
Similarly to the polarity of the Kerr effect, the Hall voltage the framework of EHE, such as side-jump mechanism or skew
changes sign at Tcomp . It is well known that the extraordinary scattering, have been developed in the case of a continuous
Hall coefficient is negative for RE and positive for TM, except conductive path, so they could not be directly applied to
for Ni. But it is not clear whether the EHE is associated granular systems below the percolation threshold. But they
with TM sublattice [34, 35] or RE sublattice [36] or with both can still explain qualitatively the origin of the enhancement of
lattices [37]. the EHE because of the relationship between the resistivities
The resistivity of RE–TM alloys is relatively large, ρxy and ρxx .
typically of the order of 100–400 µ cm, because of the In 1995, Pakhomov et al reported the discovery of GHE
amorphous structure. McGuire et al studied the transport in composite materials consisting of magnetic metallic atoms
properties in Gd based alloys (CoGd, FeGd, CoGdMo and dispersed in an insulating matrix at concentrations close to
AuCoGd) [37]. They reported longitudinal resistivities in the the percolation threshold [45]. They have reported transverse
range 138–211 µ cm at 77 K and a maximum Hall angle of Hall resistivities of the order of 200 µ cm in Ni : SiO2
5.8% for Fe0.79 Gd0.21 . They showed also that the polarity of composites. This effect was subsequently observed in a variety
the Hall coefficient depends on Gd concentration. Similar of other composite materials (Co : SiO2 , CoFe : Al2 O3 , etc
results have been found in Co2 Y, Fe2.5 Y, Au0.28 Co0.72 [38], [46–48]. In these composite materials, when the concentration
Tb0.2 Fe0.8 [39]. Kim et al carried out a thorough study of of the metal fraction varies, the resistivity tends to follow an
the influence of the rare-earth content on the longitudinal and exponential law, and its amplitude can change by 5 orders of

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al


Longitudinal resistivity (µΩ.cm)



A20° 1000
A80° 100
0.4 0.6 0.
0.8 1..0
-4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 (a) (CoPt) x : (SiO2)1-x
Applied Field (Oe)

Figure 6. Hysteresis loops of (CoPt)0.66 : (SiO2 )0.34 granular system 4

obtained by vibrating sample magnetometer measurements. The
angle between the plane of the sample and the field direction has

Hall Angle (%)

been varied. No evidence of a perpendicular-to-plane anisotropy can 3
be seen for this composite material, neither in the as-deposited state
nor after annealing at 500 ◦ C. 2

magnitude [45]. Surprisingly, the Hall resistivity follows the 1

same variation. As a result, the Hall angle is almost constant in
a large range of resistivities but unfortunately it is quite small, 0
of the order 0.1%. This means that despite a very large Hall
resistivity, the output Hall voltage in a magnetic logic device 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
based on these EHE properties would remain quite small (of (b) (CoPt) x : (SiO2)1-x
the order of 1 mV) if the supply voltage is kept at 1 V. However,
an advantage is that the electrical consumption of EHE devices Figure 7. Longitudinal resistivity (a) and Hall angle (b) measured
based on these materials would be very low because of their on granular (CoPt)x : (SiO2 )1−x composites as a function of
composition x.
very high longitudinal resistivity.
One may argue though that the absence of heavy elements,
such as Pt, Pd or rare earth, in the composite structures and the plane of the sample was varied (for x = 0.66). The
investigated so far, could explain the low value of the Hall measurements clearly show that there is no perpendicular-to-
angle in these systems (weak spin–orbit scattering). Therefore plane anisotropy, which does not change after an annealing at
we have investigated the effect of Pt addition in a Co : SiO2 400 or 500 ◦ C. Longitudinal resistivity is shown in figure 7(a)
co-sputtered thin layer. versus CoPt concentration. From the inflection point of this
Samples were fabricated by co-sputtering from two semilog plot, the percolation threshold seems to take place
convergent CoPt and SiO2 targets onto amorphous SiO2 around xc = 0.45. Below this value (i.e. in the hopping
wafers. The proportion of Co in the CoPt target has been conduction regime), the Hall angle presented in figure 7(b)
chosen close to what is used in magnetic recording for CoPtCr is quite small (0.07%), comparable to that of Co : SiO2 ,
highly coercive media (65–75%) [49, 50]. It was calibrated CoFe : Al2 O3 heterogeneous composites without strong spin–
by magnetometry and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. orbit scattering centres. It goes up to 2–3% in the range
The depositions were carried out under an Ar pressure of of longitudinal resistivity 100–300 µ cm with a maximum
2.5×10−3 mbar with 100 W RF power on the SiO2 target. The of 3.5% when x = 0.7. For this value, the longitudinal
deposition rates depended on the position of the 6 × 26 mm2 resistivity is comparable to that of FePt alloys (100 µ cm).
rectangular SiO2 samples on the sample holder, because of the In figure 8, the plot of longitudinal resistivity versus Hall
angle of the convergent targets. Thus the rates of CoPt and resistivity presents the same general trend as that observed
SiO2 varied along the substrate, respectively, from 0.2 Å s−1 for Co or Ni metal clusters embedded in an insulator matrix
to 0.9 Å s−1 and from 0.4 Å s−1 to 0.3 Å s−1 , respectively. without heavy elements. However, whereas the longitudinal
A correlative thickness gradient was also present from 15 to resistivity decreases by 5 orders of magnitude, the Hall
30 nm. resistivity only decreases by 3 orders of magnitude. The
Vibrating sample magnetometer measurements were addition of Pt seems to have changed the transport properties
carried out on different samples with CoPt concentration in in the metallic percolating regime but not in the hopping
the range 0.25 < x < 0.60. Below x = 0.40, the material regime. Therefore, these composite systems comprising high
exhibits paramagnetic behaviour. Figure 6 shows a series of spin–orbit scattering centres do not allow a sufficiently large
hysteresis loops, for which the angle between the applied field longitudinal resistivity (above 1000 µ cm) and large Hall

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 135001 J Moritz et al

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