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AP9-AA4-Ev2-Resumen del proyecto en inglés





Our software allows to organize the costructuring companies, thus taking control
of all the materials that are going to be spent in the constructions and saving
expenses to optimize the company

Characterization of the Project

The construction works, it is necessary to maintain the inventory and control of

the material with which it is executed in the works throughout the duration of the
project; it is very common at times that embezzlement exists for the material that
is delivered for the work and is not used for it, as well as the loss of documents,
invoices, inventory of delivery and inventory of material that are handled
In view of the above, a tool is created with the relationship between the relation
of the material within the work, the entry and exit of the same, its expense, value,
purchase supports, date of entry, date of departure, data of the official In charge
of managing the tool and the official to whom the delivery is made.

The additional tool to control the handling of materials for infrastructure works,
helps to calculate the total of expenditures regarding them, making easier the
control of income and profits for the projects.

Project justification

It is a project which has not been used in the construction works, and in which it
is presented as an alternative for the interventions of handling with precision the
adequate expense of the material in a work. He carried out an analysis in the
works where the material and the unfinished works are wasted because the
material is not enough to finish the work.
This type of inconveniences will happen mostly in the works contracted by public
companies through tenders or competitions, due to this analysis is presented the
implementation of a software that is related to the control of the materials
analyzes the amount that should be implemented in a construction .
The advantages of this type of software are the help for the control of the
implementation of construction materials and optimal use.

1.1 General Objective

Achieve support to governmental entities as non-governmental in the most

important objective to implement this project, and thus help the works are
concluded with the initial budget exposed by a construction company.

1.2 Specific Objectives

This software is intended to make conventional computers with a little more

performance than a conventional computer, with operating systems such as My
SQL Server and Visual Basic with code tools such as C ++.
We deal with an important issue within the workplace in the construction of our
country, this program or software aims to make more organized the distribution
of construction materials by carrying out a control of the expense in the works,
this improves efficiency and we complement it with the budget to carry out this
type of works, for example the quantity of cement in the construction of an
apartment and the expenditure of said daily material in the software, this will
obviously improve the expense and budget in a work.

1.3 Scope of the Project

It is a project that is still ambitious but it is expected that the scope will mainly be
for medium-sized works, however, over time it is intended to implement many
tools to make this software something indispensable in buildings, it is also
counted with the idea of reaching the point that with this software is intended to
avoid tragedies in buildings.
How will it be achieved? With the control systems of the work will know how much
material arrived, the type of material used, the quantity, among many more
Mainly for works of medium magnitudes however, with the passage of time it is
intended to implement many tools to make this software something indispensable
in buildings, also has the idea of reaching the point that with this software is
intended to prevent tragedies in the buildings.
How will it be achieved? With the control systems of the work will know how much
material arrived, the type of material used, the quantity, among many more

(Beneficiaries depend on character, nature, category or type of project.

It can include:
People of different sexes and ages.
Socioeconomic conditions.
Work activity.
In conclusion, it should allow to visualize the target population of the project)

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