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Educación Secundaria

English: Level A1

My Project*
Activity 1 Change the World

¡Hola! Te recomendamos usar este material una vez hayas terminado de realizar los ejercicios en
“PRACTISE - EXERCISE 2” en el recurso. El objetivo es que, poco a poco, comprendas lo que escuchas
en inglés sin necesidad de usar este recurso. Sabemos que estamos empezando, y usar este recurso
te puede ayudar mucho al comienzo.


Listen to an interview with Joel Huarachi about his project. Choose the correct answer a, b or c. You
will listen to the interview twice. Follow the example.

Interview with Joel

Reporter: Joel, welcome to our podcast Game Changers.

Joel: Thank you for the invitation.

Reporter: Your project is very famous!

Joel: Thank you. My classmates and I are very proud of

our project.

Reporter: Please, tell us about the problem in your community.

Joel: Well, the problem in my community is that a lot

of people suffer from anaemia and malnutrition,
especially in young children.

Reporter: It is a big problem in many parts of Peru. And what

is your project about?

Joel: Our project is to produce a healthy and nutritious

snack with local ingredients. The snack is very
similar to Chizitos.

Material elaborado en colaboración con el British Council y RELO Andes de la Embajada de Estados Unidos.

My project English: Level A1

Reporter: Kids love Chizitos! What are the ingredients of the snack?

Joel: The ingredients are cañihua and lamb liver.

Reporter: Cañihua and lamb liver? Those are very unusual ingredients for a snack.

Joel: Yes, they are, but those ingredients are rich in iron, and iron is very good for people
with anaemia! And the snack is delicious too.

Reporter: Amazing! Do you have a message to share?

Joel: Find a problem in your community and a team of passionate people. My favourite
quote from Dolores Huerta is: “Every minute is a chance to change the world”.

Reporter: Great message! Keep changing the world. We need more passionate young people
like you and your classmates.

Joel: Thank you very much.

Now, listen again.

(That is the end of PRACTISE - EXERCISE 2)

El presente documento tiene fines exclusivamente pedagógicos y forma parte de la estrategia de educación a distancia
gratuita que imparte el Ministerio de Educación.

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