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Hernandez 1

Jeslie Hernandez

Mrs. Heard

AP Literature

12 October 2020


Growing up, I had goals and ambitions, however, I had never been the type of person to

think about my future. Although, it has been difficult to know what my interests are, a

gynecologist has been a career that has caught my attention because many are unaware of

women’s daily struggles. Based on my first experience at a gynecologist, I have realized that

discomfort is very prominent among young ladies. I want to pursue a career as a gynecologist, to

educate people about women’s health. It’s important to respect women’s decisions over their

bodies, not doing so can make them self-conscious. Being a Gynecologist is not only about

providing medical care, it’s also about understanding the importance of a women’s body. My

personality expresses this profession because I’m highly empathetic, open-minded, and want

people to question their ideals.

Gynecologists are liable for evaluating the reproductive system on women. These doctors

work in sanitized environments where they manage a variety of issues and concerns. Some are

recruited to work long, stressful hours. They perform an annual exam in which the doctor will

examine the woman physically, perform a pap smear, administer STD testing, complete a breast

exam, and monitor the use of birth control (Career Explorer). In this profession, workers claim

that their day is unpredictable and intense, as well as taking time away from their family and

social life (Career Explorer). Gynecologists have the option to be self-employed or work in
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hospitals, clinics, or other facilities. Occasionally, Gynecologists also get licensed as

obstetricians, they monitor the mother's pregnancy and fetus' wellbeing.

As a high school student aspiring to be a gynecologist, some courses that are helpful for

this career include: biology, chemistry, human anatomy, math, physics, or even nutrition and

wellness. Typically, to become a gynecologist it’s required to obtain a bachelor’s degree and

continue on to a medical school, which takes four years to complete. About 97% of

gynecologists have a doctorate degree (Career Explorer). During medical school, students are

supervised as they gain practical coursework, working with patients. Another requirement

includes to have completed a three to seven year internship and a residency program (Cassata).

After the internship and residency program gets complete, a set of exams has to take place in

order to receive specialty qualifications. The American Board of Obstetrical and Gynecology is a

non-profitable organization that allows students to prepare for exams in this career.

In comparison to other professions, working as a gynecologist usually requires more

intelligence. This means that gynecologists must correctly learn and overcome difficult issues. Far

more, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data showed that gynecologists earn more than an average

graduate from medical school, proving that they earn an annual wage ranging from $233.610 to

$240,468. Gynecology is a career that keep women healthy to reproduce. As technology continues

to improve, gynecology provides helpful information to same-gender couples to achieve a

successful pregnancy. In 2016 to 2026, the demand for this profession is expected to increase 16%,

allowing 3,400 new jobs (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). Gynecologist have many benefits
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varying on their workplace. Some of these benefits include liability insurance, health insurance

for themselves, family, or dependents, paid time off, or even life or disability insurance (Finch).

All considered, working in this career can be a challenge because a day in this career

requires a lot of patience, time, and confidence. As a gynecologist, there are many advantages

such as owning a facility, helping women keep a good hygiene, experiencing childbirth,

receiving high wages, and other benefits offered. Out of many paths in the nursing field,

gynecology would be a career I would enjoy and think all the years in school were worth it. I

have the ability to make a difference in the world by educating people, challenge perspectives,

and raise awareness over women’s circumstances. Gynecology can help me spread awareness

through social media or schools, about general health or preventions to avoid sexually

transmitted diseases. Women are needed for mankind in order to reproduce, without them the

population wouldn’t be as diverse as it is today.

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Works Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook.

(2020, September 01). Physicians and Surgeon

Cassata, Cathy. (2016, January 5). Gynecologist-Training, Education & Work: Everyday Health.

Career Explorer. (2019, November 14). What does a gynecologist do?

Finch, Carol. (2017, November 21). The Average Fringe Benefits for OB-GYNs. Retrieved from

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