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Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation amplification and sequencing or by characterization with

IM 3A: RABIES monoclonal antibodies.

Dr. Coronel, MD - Helpful in human cases with no known history of an
RABIES - Worldwide, most human rabies is transmitted from dogs in
- It is a rapidly progressive, acute infectious disease of the countries with endemic canine rabies and dog---to---dog
central nervous system (CNS) in humans and animals that is transmission, and human cases can be imported by
caused by infection with rabies virus. travelers returning from these regions.
- The infection is normally transmitted from animal vectors - Transmission from non-bite exposures is relatively
- It has encephalitic and paralytic forms that progress to uncommon.
death o Aerosols generated in the laboratory or in caves
containing millions of Brazilian free-tail bats have
ETIOLOGIC AGENT rarely caused human rabies.
- Rabies virus is a member of the family Rhabdoviridae. o Transmission has resulted from corneal
- Two genera in this family contain species that cause human transplantation and recently from solid organ
disease: Lyssavirus and Vesiculovirus transplantation and from a vascular conduit (for a
- Rabies virus is a lyssavirus that infects a broad range of liver transplant) from undiagnosed donors with
animals and causes serious neurologic disease when rabies.
transmitted to humans. - Human-to-human transmission is extremely rare, although
- This single-strand RNA virus has a nonsegmented, negative- theoretical concern about transmission to health care
sense (antisense) genome that consists of 11,932 workers has prompted the implementation of barrier
nucleotides and encodes five proteins: techniques to prevent exposures.
o nucleocapsid protein
o phosphoprotein PATHOGENESIS
o matrix protein - Incubation period (defined as the interval between
o glycoprotein exposure and the onset of clinical disease) = 20---90 days;
o large polymerase protein. o rarely as short as a few days or is >1 year.
- During most of the incubation period, rabies virus is
EPIDEMIOLOGY thought to be present at or close to the site of inoculation.
- Rabies is a zoonotic infection that occurs in a variety of - In muscles, known to bind to nicotinic acetylcholine
mammals throughout the world except in Antarctica and on receptors on postsynaptic membranes at neuromuscular
some islands. junctions
- Usually transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected - Rabies virus spreads centripetally along peripheral nerves
animal. toward the CNS at a rate up to 250 mm/d via retrograde
- Canine rabies is endemic in many resource-poor and fast axonal transport to the spinal cord or brainstem.
resource-limited countries and continues to be a threat to - Once the virus enters the CNS, it rapidly disseminates to
humans, particularly in Asia and Africa other regions of the CNS via fast axonal transport along
- Endemic canine rabies has been eliminated from the United neuroanatomic connections.
States and most other resource-rich countries. - Neurons are prominently infected in rabies; infection of
- It is endemic in wildlife species, and a variety of animal astrocytes is unusual.
reservoirs have been identified in different countries - After CNS infection becomes established, there is
o Domestic animals: Dog, cat, cattle (only 7% of cases centrifugal spread along sensory and autonomic nerves to
of Rabies) other tissues, including the salivary glands, heart, adrenal
o Wildlife reservoirs: bats, raccoons, skunk, foxes glands, and skin.
- 1/3 of rabies victim are children under 15 years of age - Rabies virus replicates in acinar cells of the salivary glands
- Dogs remain the principal cause of animal bites and rabies and is secreted in the saliva of rabid animals that serve as
cases àDOH Philippine data vectors of the disease.
- "Spillover" of rabies to other wildlife species and to
domestic animals occurs. - Pathologic studies show mild inflammatory changes in the
- Rabies virus variants isolated from humans or other CNS in rabies, with mononuclear inflammatory infiltration
mammalian species can be identified by reverse- in the leptomeninges, perivascular regions, and
transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT---PCR) parenchyma, including microglial nodules called Babes

VISION 20|20
- Degenerative neuronal changes usually are not prominent, - Rabies may be difficult to recognize late in the clinical
and there is little evidence of neuronal death; course when progression to coma has occurred.
neuronophagia is observed occasionally. - A minority of patients present with acute flaccid paralysis.
- The pathologic changes are surprisingly mild in light of the There are prodromal, acute neurologic, and comatose
clinical severity and fatal outcome of the disease. phases that usually progress to death despite aggressive
- The most characteristic pathologic finding in rabies is the therapy
Negri body
o are eosinophilic cytoplasmic
inclusions in brain neurons
that are composed of rabies
virus proteins and viral RNA.
o These inclusions occur in a
minority of infected neurons,
are commonly observed in
Purkinje cells of the
cerebellum and in pyramidal
neurons of the hippocampus,
and are less frequently seen in cortical and
brainstem neurons.
o Negri bodies are not observed in all cases of rabies.
- The lack of prominent degenerative neuronal changes has
led to the concept that neuronal dysfunction rather than
neuronal death is responsible for clinical disease in rabies. PRODROMAL FEATURES
- The clinical features begin with nonspecific prodromal
manifestations: fever, malaise, headache, nausea, and
o Anxiety or agitation may also occur.
- The earliest specific neurologic symptoms: paresthesia,
pain, or pruritus near the site of the exposure, which occurs
in 50-80% of patients and strongly suggests rabies.
- The wound has usually healed by this point, and these
symptoms probably reflect infection with associated
inflammatory changes in local dorsal root or cranial sensory


- Two acute neurologic forms of rabies are seen in humans:
o Encephalitic (furious): 80%
o Paralytic: 20%

- Common manifestations seen in encephalitic rabies: fever,
confusion, hallucinations, combativeness, and seizures,
may be seen in in other viral encephalitides as well.
- Autonomic dysfunction is common;
o may result in hypersalivation, gooseflesh, cardiac
arrhythmia, and priapism.
- Episodes of hyperexcitability are typically followed by
- the emphasis must be on postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)
periods of complete lucidity that become shorter as the
initiated before any symptoms or signs develop.
disease progresses.
- Usually suspected on the basis of the clinical presentation.
- Rabies encephalitis is distinguished by early brainstem
- presents as an atypical encephalitis with relative
involvement, which results in the classic features of:
preservation of consciousness.

VISION 20|20
o Hydrophobia (involuntary, painful contraction of - Patients with paralytic rabies generally survive a few days
the diaphragm and accessory respiratory, laryngeal, longer than those with encephalitic rabies, but multiple-
and pharyngeal muscles in response to swallowing organ failure nevertheless ensues.
o Aerophobia (the same features caused by LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS
stimulation from a draft of air). - Most routine laboratory tests yield normal results or show
- These symptoms are probably due to dysfunction of nonspecific abnormalities.
infected brainstem neurons that normally inhibit - Complete blood counts – normal
inspiratory neurons near the nucleus ambiguus, resulting - Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): mild mononuclear cell
in exaggerated defense reflexes that protect the pleocytosis with a mildly elevated protein level.
respiratory tract. o Severe pleocytosis (>1000 white cells/L) is unusual
- The combination of hypersalivation and pharyngeal and should prompt a search for an alternative
dysfunction is also responsible for the classic appearance diagnosis.
of "foaming at the mouth" - CT head scans – normal
- MRI brain scans - may show signal abnormalities in the
brainstem or other gray-matter areas, variable and
- Electroencephalograms - nonspecific abnormalities.
- Important tests in suspected cases of rabies include those
that may identify an alternative, potentially treatable

- NOT Considered until late in the clinical course, even with a
typical clinical presentation
- Brainstem dysfunction progresses rapidly, and coma - Diagnosis should be considered in patients presenting with
followed within days by death is the rule unless the course acute atypical encephalitis or acute flaccid paralysis,
including those in whom Guillain-Barre syndrome is
is prolonged by supportive measures.
- With such measures, late complications can include
o cardiac and/or respiratory failure - The absence of an animal-bite history is common in North
o disturbances of water balance (syndrome of America.
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion or - The lack of hydrophobia is not unusual in rabies.
diabetes insipidus) - Once rabies is suspected, rabies-specific laboratory tests
o noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, and should be performed to confirm the diagnosis.
- Diagnostically useful specimens: serum, CSF, fresh saliva,
o gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
o Cardiac arrhythmias may be due to dysfunction skin biopsy samples from the neck, and brain tissue (rarely
obtained before death).
affecting vital centers in the brainstem or to
myocarditis. - Skin biopsy: demonstration of rabies virus antigen in
- Multiple-organ failure is common in patients treated cutaneous nerves at the base of hair follicles, samples are
aggressively in critical care units. usually taken from hairy skin at the nape of the neck.
- Corneal impression smears - low diagnostic yield; not
- Muscle weakness predominates and cardinal features of - Negative antemortem rabies - specific laboratory tests
encephalitic rabies (hyperexcitability, hydrophobia, and never exclude a diagnosis of rabies, and tests may need to
aerophobia) are lacking. be repeated after an interval for diagnostic confirmation.
- There is early and prominent flaccid muscle weakness,
often beginning in the bitten extremity and spreading to RABIES VIRUS SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES
- In a previously unimmunized patient, serum-neutralizing
produce quadriparesis and facial weakness.
- Sphincter involvement is common, sensory involvement is antibodies to rabies virus are diagnostic
usually mild, and these cases are commonly misdiagnosed - Rabies virus infects immunologically privileged neuronal
as Guillain-Barre syndrome. tissues;
o serum antibodies may not develop until late in the

VISION 20|20
- Antibodies may be detected within a few days after the disorder. Rabies hysteria may occur as a psychological
onset of symptoms, but some die without detectable response to the fear of rabies and is often characterized
antibodies. by a shorter incubation period than rabies, aggressive
- Presence of rabies virus specific antibodies in the CSF behavior, inability to communicate, and a long course
suggests rabies encephalitis, regardless of immunization with recovery.
status. - Paralytic rabies may mimic Guillain-Barre syndrome.
o In these cases, fever, bladder dysfunction, a normal
RT-PCR AMPLIFICATION sensory examination, and CSF pleocytosis favor a
- Detection of rabies virus RNA by RT-PCR is highly sensitive diagnosis of rabies.
and specific. o Conversely, Guillain-Bare may occur as a
- Can detect virus in: fresh saliva, CSF, and skin and brain complication of rabies vaccination with a neural
tissues. tissue-derived product (e.g., suckling mouse brain
- RT-PCR with genetic sequencing can distinguish among vaccine) and may be mistaken for paralytic rabies
rabies virus variants, permitting identification of the (i.e., vaccine failure).
probable source of an infection.
DIRECT FLUORESCENT ANTIBODY (DFA) TESTING - No established treatment for rabies.
- DFA testing with rabies virus antibodies conjugated to - Recent treatment failures with the combination of antiviral
fluorescent dyes is highly sensitive and specific and can be drugs, ketamine, and therapeutic (induced) coma measures
performed quickly and applied to skin biopsies and brain that were used in a healthy survivor in whom antibodies to
tissue. rabies virus were detected at presentation.
- In skin biopsies, rabies virus antigen may be detected in - A palliative approach may be appropriate for some
cutaneous nerves at the base of hair follicles. patients.
o sensitive and specific means to detect rabies in - Rabies is an almost uniformly fatal disease but is almost
formalin---fixed tissues always preventable with appropriate post-exposure
- ELECTRON MICROSCOPY therapy during the early incubation period.
o ultrastructure of viruses - There are seven well-documented cases of survival from
o bullet---shaped particles rabies.
- AMPLIFICATION METHODS o 6 had received rabies vaccine before disease onset.
o Mouse neuroblastoma cells (MNA) and baby 1 survivor who had not received vaccine had
hamster kidney (BHK) cells neutralizing antibodies to rabies virus in serum and
o Biochemical methods CSF at clinical presentation.
- Most patients with rabies die within several days of illness,
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS despite aggressive care in a critical care unit.
- Difficult without a history of animal exposure, and no
exposure to an animal may be recalled. (e.g. bat) PREVENTION
- The presentation of rabies is usually quite different from POSTEXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS
that of acute viral encephalitis due to most other causes, - Since there is no effective therapy for rabies, it is extremely
including herpes simplex encephalitis and arboviral (e.g., important to prevent the disease after an animal exposure.
West Nile) encephalitis. - On the basis of the history of the exposure and local
- Early neurologic symptoms may occur at the site of the epidemiologic information, the physician must decide
bite, and there may be early features of brainstem whether initiation of PEP is warranted.
involvement with preservation of consciousness. - Healthy dogs, cats, or ferrets may be confined and
- Post-infectious (immune-mediated) encephalomyelitis may observed for 10 days - PEP is not necessary if the animal
follow influenza, measles, mumps, and other infections; remains healthy.
o it may also occur as a sequela of immunization with - If the animal develops signs of rabies during the
rabies vaccine derived from neural tissues, which observation period, it should be euthanized immediately,
are used only in resource-limited and resource-poor and the head should be transported to the laboratory
countries. under refrigeration and examined by DFA testing and viral
- Rabies may present with unusual neuropsychiatric isolation using cell culture and/or mouse inoculation.
symptoms and may be misdiagnosed as a psychiatric

VISION 20|20
- Any animal other than a dog, cat, or ferret should be - All bite wounds and scratches should be washed
euthanized immediately and the head submitted for thoroughly with soap and water.
laboratory examination. - Devitalized tissues should be debrided, tetanus prophylaxis
- In high-risk exposures and in areas where canine rabies is given, and antibiotic treatment initiated whenever
endemic, rabies prophylaxis should be initiated without indicated.
waiting for laboratory results. - All previously unvaccinated persons (but not those who
- If the laboratory results prove to be negative, may safely have previously been immunized) should be passively
be concluded that the animal's saliva did not contain immunized with rabies immune globulin (RIG).
rabies virus, and immunization should be discontinued. - If RIG is not immediately available, it should be
- If an animal escapes after an exposure, it must be administered no later than 7 days after the first vaccine
considered rabid, and PEP must be initiated unless dose.
information from public health officials indicates - After day 7, endogenous antibodies are being produced,
otherwise (i.e., there is no endemic rabies in the area). and passive immunization may actually be
- PEP may be warranted in situations where a person (e.g., a counterproductive.
small child or a sleeping adult) is present in the same space - If anatomically feasible, the entire dose of RIG (20 IU/kg)
as a bat and an unrecognized bite cannot be reliably should be infiltrated at the site of the bite; otherwise, any
excluded. RIG remaining after infiltration of the bite site should be
administered IM at a distant site.
- With multiple or large wounds, the RIG preparation may
need to be diluted in order to obtain a sufficient volume for
adequate infiltration of all wound sites.
- If the exposure involves a mucous membrane, the entire
dose should be administered IM.
- Rabies vaccine and RIG should never be administered at
the same site or with the same syringe.
- Commercially available RIG in U.S. is purified from the
serum of hyperimmunized human donors.
o are much better tolerated than are the equine-
derived preparations still in use in some countries;
o Serious adverse effects of human RIG are
o Local pain and low-grade fever may occur.
- Two purified inactivated rabies vaccines are available for
rabies PEP in the U.S.
o are highly immunogenic and remarkably safe
compared with earlier vaccines.
- Four 1-mL doses of rabies vaccine should be given IM in the
deltoid area. (The anterolateral aspect of the thigh is also
acceptable in children.)
- Gluteal injections, which may not always reach muscle,
should not be given -rare vaccine failures.
- Ideally, the first dose should be given ASAP after exposure;
should be given without further delay.
- The 3 additional doses should be given on days 3, 7, and 14;
- Fifth dose on day 28 is no longer recommended.
- Pregnancy is not a contraindication for immunization.
- PEP includes local wound care and both active and passive - Glucocorticoids and other immunosuppressive medications
immunization. may interfere with the development of active immunity
- Local wound care is essential and may greatly decrease the and should not be administered during PEP unless they are
risk of rabies virus infection. essential.
- Wound care should not be delayed, even if the initiation of - Routine measurement of serum neutralizing antibody titers
immunization is postponed pending the results of the 10-- is not required, but titers should be measured 2-4 weeks
day observation period. after immunization in immunocompromised persons.

VISION 20|20
- Local reactions (pain, erythema, edema, and pruritus) and OTHER RHABDOVIRUSES
mild systemic reactions (fever, myalgias, headache, and OTHER LYSSAVIRUSES
nausea) are common; anti-inflammatory and antipyretic - A growing number of lyssaviruses other than rabies virus
medications may be used, but immunization should not be have been discovered to infect bat populations in Africa,
discontinued. Europe, and Australia.
- Systemic allergic reactions are uncommon, but anaphylaxis - Four of these viruses have produced a very small number
does occur rarely and can be treated with epinephrine and of cases of a human disease indistinguishable from rabies:
antihistamines. o European bat lyssaviruses 1 and 2
- Before discontinuation, weigh the risk of development of o Australian bat lyssavirus
rabies. o Duvenhage virus (in Africa)
- Mokola virus, a lyssavirus that has been isolated from
PREEXPOSURE RABIES VACCINATION shrews with an unknown reservoir species in Africa, may
- Pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis - considered for people also produce human disease indistinguishable from rabies.
with an occupational or recreational risk of rabies
exposures, including certain travelers to rabies---endemic VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS (VSV)
areas. - Viral disease of cattle, horses, pigs, and some wild
- Primary schedule consists of three doses of rabies vaccine mammals.
given on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28. - VSV is a member of the genus Vesiculovirus in the family
- Serum neutralizing antibody tests help determine the need Rhabdoviridae.
for subsequent booster doses. - Outbreaks of vesicular stomatitis in horses and cattle occur
- When a previously immunized individual is exposed to sporadically in the southwestern United States. The animal
rabies, two booster doses of vaccine should be infection is associated with severe vesiculation and
administered on days 0 and 3. ulceration of oral tissues, teats, and feet and may be
- Wound care remains essential. clinically indistinguishable from the more dangerous foot-
- RIG should not be administered to previously vaccinated -and-mouth disease.
persons. - Epidemics are usually seasonal, typically beginning in the
late spring, and are probably due to arthropod vectors.
GLOBAL CONSIDERATIONS (from Yang Trans) - Direct animal-to-animal spread can also occur, although the
- Worldwide, endemic canine rabies is estimated to cause virus cannot penetrate intact skin.
55,000 human deaths annually. Most of these deaths occur - Transmission to humans usually results from direct contact
in Asia and Africa, with rural populations and children most with infected animals (particularly cattle) and occasionally
frequently affected. follows laboratory exposure. In human disease, early
- Vaccines grown in either primary cell lines (hamster or dog conjunctivitis is followed by an acute influenza-like illness
kidney) or continuous cell lines (Vero cells) are satisfactory o with fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, headache,
and are available in many countries. retrobulbar pain, myalgias, substernal pain,
- Less expensive vaccines derived from neural tissues have malaise, pharyngitis, and lymphadenitis.
been used in developing countries --- associated with - Small vesicular lesions may be present on the buccal
serious neuroparalytic complications, including mucosa or on the fingers. Encephalitis is very rare.
postinfectious encephalomyelitis and Guillain---Barre - The illness usually lasts 3-6 days, with complete recovery.
syndrome. - Subclinical infections are common.
- The use of these vaccines should be discontinued as soon - A serologic diagnosis can be made on the basis of a rise in
as possible, and progress has been made in this regard. titer of complement-fixing or neutralizing antibodies.
- Worldwide, >10 million individuals receive postexposure - Therapy is symptom-based.
vaccination against rabies each year.

- If human RIG is unavailable, purified equine RIG can be used

in the same manner at a dose of 40 IU/kg. Before the
administration of equine RIG, hypersensitivity should be
assessed by intradermal testing with a 1:10 dilution. The
incidence of anaphylactic reactions and serum sickness has
been low with recent equine RIG products.

VISION 20|20
TRANS - RIG should not exceed the computed dose as it may reduce the
efficacy of the vaccine. If the computed dose is insufficient to
infiltrate all bite wounds, it may be diluted with sterile saline 2
or 3 fold for thorough infiltration of all wounds.
- RIG should be administered at the same time as the first dose
of vaccine (day 0). In case RIG is unavailable on day 0, it may
still be given any time before the day 7 dose of the vaccine.
However if the day 3 and/or day 7 doses of the vaccine have
not been given, RIG may still be given anytime.
- In the event that RIG and vaccine cannot be given on the same
day, the vaccine should be given before RIG because the latter
inhibits the level of neutralizing antibodies induced by
- RIG is given only once during the same course of PEP.
- Patients with Positive skin test to purified ERIG should be given
- HRIG is preferred for the following:
o History of hypersensitivity to equine sera
o Multiple severe exposures (especially where dog is sick
or suspected of being rabid) on head and neck area
o Symptomatic HIV infected patients
- Patient must be observed for at least one hour after


Notes mostly from Harrisons (BOOK BASED), and Yang Trans

VISION 20|20

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