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Money plays a vital role on the lives of everyone; it is defined by many terms one of

which is that money is medium of transaction. Many people even say that money makes the

world go round wherein money provides the people their needs, wants and demands. Therefore

many work to have a salary to give to their families to provide them fully.

Many students are not capable to work to provide them their needs and that is why they

are dependent on their parents/ guardians to give them money, shelter, food and clothing. As they

go to school they are given allowances to help them buy their food, Xerox papers, transportation

and etc. Given that the allowances differ in every student there are factors that can affect the

allowances of the students.

Expenses is something one cannot skip, it is a part of the world wherein nothing is

considered free. Even the needs of a person are tied with costs, from babies to elders’ costs and

expenses are hard to evade because without the exchange of money, we wouldn’t be able to

satisfy our needs.

Allowances are a tool that lets a child grow because it gives them the freedom to choose

where they would a lot their allowance, it may be for savings or other things Godfrey (2013).

Wherein the money given to them are allocated to the different expenditures, with this a child

can fulfill his own wants and needs. Handling you own money is a good way to practice

independence because it lets you decide on your own.


Money already plays a large role in the fulfillment of the basic needs of a person what more

of a Senior High School Student that is already experiencing a moment of independence in terms

of the budgeting of one’s allowance. Allocating the needed money for the different expenses are

termed hard to do because there are possibilities wherein the allowance is not enough to cover

the needed expenditures.

The different allowances of the seniors and colleges are allocated based on what they

think is held much more importance to their lives (Westwood College U.S., 2009). Wherein

students are capable of budgeting their money to reach their basic needs but also splurge on some

luxuries and entertainment.

Expenditures are the cost of living of one person and can be affected by factors such as

geographical location, tastes, and preferences. Expenses are a thing in which one cannot avoid,

with the increase of allowance there is a tendency that expenditures can also increase depending

on what the person is inquiring. Allowances are also dependent on the different factors that can

affect them be it external or internal. (Canlas, 2014)

Allowances are given to a person as mean of survival, and expenditures are also a

concept in which a person cannot live without. ‘Give 'em an Allowance!’ an article by David

McCurrach imposed that “Remember, the purpose of an allowance is to give your children the

opportunity to learn how to manage money through their own successes and failures and the

input of their parents.” Giving allowance is not just a way of financial assistance but also a

lesson that helps others in managing their money in a smart and efficient manner. As one is given

money, there will be situations that need to be solved using cash and there are also bad decisions

made in spending it but it helps a person especially and young one what choices and attitudes are

right and wrong in terms of handling money, they would earn a sense of financial responsibility

to help them as they become independent.

According to Hellmutt Schutte (n.d.), the Asian has four factors that can influence their

buying behavior such as social factor, psychological factor, interest and recent mentality

evolution. This can imply that there are factors that can make a person differ from another in

terms of their preference alone, what more when it comes to situations that need fast financial

solving skills. These factors are what can cause a typical senior high school student to spend and

can cause them certain behaviors in spending their allowances in different aspects such as luxury

and such.

While a minimum allowance is based on what the family earns, spending is a constant

thing when talking about money which cases a majority of the students whining about their

allowance not being enough to fully sustain their expenditures especially to students who loves

spend their money to things that are tempting to the eyes. So instead of spending their allowance

spontaneously, a person should know how to be responsible enough in balancing their

expenditures and how to fit them in their budget,

The study titled “The Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior High School Students of

College of the Holy Spirit SY 2018- 2019: A Descriptive Study” wherein the researchers looked

into the factors of the variables and studied them in depth to provide the description between the

allowance and the expenditures.


Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is about the description between factors affecting the

allowance and expenditures of Senior High School Students of College of the Holy Spirit.

Specifically, it would seek to answer to the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting the allowance of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Weekly allowance;

1.2 Number of earning household members; and

1.3 Family savings?

2. How are the perceived factors affecting the respondents’ expenditures described in terms of:

2.1. Food;

2.2 Transportation;

2.3 Leisure;

2.4 School-related; and

2.5 Luxuries?

3. What are the possible remedies to the problems brought by the expenditures?

4 What is the implication of the study to the Senior High School Students of College of the Holy

Spirit of Tarlac?

Significance of the study

The researchers investigated on the behavior of the Senior High Students of the College

of The Holy Spirit of Tarlac of the school year 2018-2019 towards allowance and expenditures


Wherein, this study determined the ability of the respondents to effectively manage their

financial resources. The information from the study can be beneficial to the students, teachers,

school administrators, parents and future researchers.

To the students. The result of this study could help them be aware of the financial

matters like budgeting one’s allowance that may cause them financial stress and compromise

their holistic stability if not properly handled. Not only that but they would also be able to grasp

the understanding on how to apply their financial literacy on their spending and saving habits.

To the teachers. This study can be a great help for them to understand that students

experience great amounts of expenditures; In addition, this may outdrive the capacity of the

students to manage their monetary sources based from there allowances they receive daily or

weekly. From this, teachers could think of variety of ways to help their students by providing

plans on how they apply their saving habits on their allowances.

To the school administrators. The findings in the study can be used to implement

school programs promoting financial management skills and execute creative ways related with

raising and developing financially-competent students. Likewise, the results can now help them

consider offering more educational opportunities about personal finance to their students.

To the parents. They would be aware of the attitudes of their children in allocating their

money and also, they are able to participate more in removing mishandling and in

acknowledging their children’s perspective and knowledge on handling money. This study may

help the parents realize the importance of their presence in upbringing their children’s awareness

on the value of money. They can be urged to attempt in giving sufficient attention on their

children in order to raise them as penny-wise and financial-literate individuals.

To the future researchers. They can continue this study and not only broaden their

scope by including the variables that are not included in this study, but also include a wider

prospect in terms of the respondents and the process of the present research

Scope and Delimitations

The study aimed to investigate The Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior High

School students of the College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac S.Y. 2018-2019: A Descriptive Study.

This study focused on Senior High School students because they are immersed to a

curriculum that has made them prepared for a big shift in the education system. Hence, they are

expected to be more equipped with much higher level of knowledge and competence as they

enter college education which means that there is a great possibility that these students are more

exposed to having an allowance and higher expenditures as well. In addition, it is also because

the Senior High School students have been making big projects since they have already their

major subjects which are suited for them to be the respondents of this study.

This study focused only on the College of the Holy Spirit Senior High School students

during the second semester of the school year 2018- 2019.The respondents of the study are from

15-19 years of age. The researchers plan to survey 203 no. of students on all Senior High School

Strands namely Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS) strand.

Students who are not Senior High School students of College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac

of this academic year and those who do not hold any allowance are delimited to be the

respondents of this study. This would not cater students from outside of this institution.

Definition of Terms

The following terms have been defined for a better comprehension of the readers

regarding this study:

Allowance. A sum of money paid regularly to a person, typically to meet specified needs

or expenses. In this study, it is the amount given in order to respond to the needs and wants of an


Budgeting. Allow or provide a particular amount of money in a budget. In this study, it is

the dividing or distributing money from your expenditures.

Expenditures. The action of spending funds or money. In this study, it refers to the

amount spent by an individual.

Family Income. Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through

investment. In this study, it is the money received by all the members of the family.

Food. Material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of

an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy. In this study,

food is defined as the things we eat in order to satisfy our hunger or craving.

Leisure. Use of free time for enjoyment. In this study, leisure are actions or activities to

entertain themselves when they have free time and to relieve stress.

Luxury. An indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease. In this

study, luxury is used as any product, cloth, shoes that someone bought to satisfy their wants.

School Related. Something that is attached to academic either projects or paper works.

In this study, it is define as the things that is related to school activities, such as project, petas,

homework, and such.

Transportation. Means of conveyance or travel from one place to another. In this study

transportation defines as travelling from one place to another by public transportation/




This chapter presents a review of related foreign and local literature and studies that are

relevant to this research. It provides some concepts on the subject under study.

Related Literature

Allowance. The article which is written by the North western Mutual (2018) said that

money plays a vital role and have a big part in wellness. The survey is comparable to our study

since it talks about being knowledgeable in handling finances and this survey showed how

money can make people be assured that they will still have something to get on their budget and

savings without forcing other things just to make themselves satisfy, with this they could know

how they will use their allowances by allocating it effectively in order to beat stress.

It is clearly stated from the article by Ernie Manio (2018) entitled “Students struggle to

stretch school allowance” that there are students who are given insufficient amount of allowance

to get through a day filled with expenses. An allowance that is minimal can be said to affect the

education of the students wherein some of them work part-time to compensate for their small

allowance to pay for their needs such as dorm, food, and basic needs. This article differ from the

current study because it will not tackle the case of part-time jobs but luckily it directs to the

expenditures and amount of allowance of the respondents.

As stated from the article of Mark Canlas (2014) entitled “The breakdown of students'

allowance” that the amount of allowance given to the students differ from the place where the

student studies because of the cost of living present in a certain city not only that but the level of

education also makes a high impact on the difference of the allowances of the students given that

it requires more expenditures in school related activities. On other hand, students who are

enrolled in exclusive/ private schools tend to have higher amount of allowances than public

schools, one of the given reasons are the price of the needed accommodations are more

expensive. Meanwhile, the article also indicated that single income families provide less

allowances because of the limited sources of money. It was also tackled in this article that an

average allowance of a private school outside of manila especially those who are studying in

municipalities are given 100-150 pesos daily.

The article also emphasizes on the possibility that the students with higher amount of

allowance will experience irresponsibility to the given money in spending more in luxuries such

as playing games and going out with friends. This articles shows that family income has a big

impact on the amount of allowance of the students just like the current study that shows that

family related factors can affect the allowance of the respondents. This article also shows that

expenditures are affected by different factors such as school related expenses which will be

strengthened by the current study. However factors such as geographic locations and school

setting factors are not included in the current study. It could be drawn that the article and this

study are similar when it comes to the focus who are the students and both focuses on the

variables found in this current study which are allowance and expenditures.

The article identified the amount of allowance students; in general, usually get and this study

aims to find out also the amount of allowance the respondents are getting. Seen from the article

that the usual expenses of the students fall under food and school-related ones and in connection

to this study, the factors identified from the article are also the factors that this current study

considers. On the other hand, this study differs because its respondents are the Senior High

School students while the article’s is college students. Also, this study considers more factors

aside from food and school-related when it comes to the factors affecting expenditures.

The article entitled “How students can maximize their daily allowance” from the ABS-

CBN NEWS (2013) talks about the different alternatives that students could use to maximize

their allowance or to save more, wherein planning is a crucial part in saving money. This is

comparable to our study since it talks about allowance that students receive and the expenditures

where students allocate their allowance. And in the second thought it differs from our study since

it gave different alternatives on how students could save more that is off in our study since we

will only focus on the allowance and the expenditures of the SHS students.

On the article,Consumer Behavior of Brazilian Primary School Students of Fiates, Amboni

and Teixeira (2008), it was mentioned that many, but not all students of Brazilian Primary

School, receive an allowance that are mostly coming from their parents and grandparents. Many

students had become impulsive buyers because they spend their money immediately to buy a

desired item. Allowance was spent mainly on food, toys and clothes. The article, Consumer

Behavior of Brazilian Primary School Students, and this current study have similarities in terms

of their scope which emphasizes more on two of the factors that could affect the allowance of the

students stated in the statement of the problem of this study which are the family income and

family savings. When it comes to the expenditure of the students, the article revealed that

Brazilian students spend most on food, toys and clothes, and in relation to this study, it is stated

in its second statement of the problem it considers food and luxuries (toys and clothes) as factors

affecting the expenditure of the students. Although these two have similarities when it comes to

some of the variables, this study differs for it also seek to know not only the variables themselves

but also to describe them. Also, in terms of the locale and respondents, unlike on the article that

used Brazilian primary students, this study would be using Senior High School ones. This study

would consider more factors on the allowance and expenditure of the respondents.

On the Journal of Economic Psychology (1999), it was mainly about the British

adolescents in terms of their sources of personal income as well as how much they had saved,

where it was stored, and for what purpose it was intended. It was revealed that the sources of

personal income of these children were mainly from their pocket money or allowances, part-time

job and gifts. Additionally, it was also stated that most of the children claimed that their parents

would not give them extra money if they had spent it all. It is clearly shown that the journal and

this study are same when it comes to one of the factors that could affect the allowance of the

students which is their allowances. This study differs for it also considers more factors on the

allowance side and the factors affecting the expenditures of the students.

In the article of Kerr et al. (1997) it was emphasized there that family practices on

allowances on giving allowance to the students/ children. It said there that a majority of the

interviewed parents wants to give their children freedom to choose what they want so they teach

them how to allocate the allowance in the right way. This article is on par with the current study

because of the influence of the family’s decisions and influence over the allowance of the


In the journal article of Brown et al. (1960) where in it focuses on the 2 ways teens can get

money, allowances and jobs. This study showed how socio demographic variables affect the

income of the teens, also whether the source of money affected the the types of goods purchased

and what are the reasons of receiving allowances and its relationship in socio-demographic

factors. In the end it was indicated that socio- demographic factors affect greatly the income of

teens, and the types of good the teens purchase are dependent. Unfortunately, the study will not

tackle the jobs that the teens may have however the socio-economic factors such as family

income and such are a part of the factors in the study.

Expenditures. In an article written by Pop (2018) featuring the country Denmark and the

education system it showed there that a majority of students in Denmark have a low number of

students who availed a college loan compared to the different countries like

America and this is because of the low cost of living in the country. The country offers

low price of dormitory, tuition fee and even grant hefty scholarships. This article shows off the

expenditures that are related if one studies in Denmark, this also shows that Denmark is one of

the best places to study; one reason is of their capable educational styles. This article shows off

the low expenditures of the students in the country, this indicates that geographic factors such as

countries causes a huge affect on the expenditures of a place, however the current study would

not focus on the geographic factors but where does a student allocate their money. The money of

the students in Denmark is divided to the expenditures such as food, transportation, dormitory,

tuition fees and etc.

An article that focuses on the finances of college of students where written by Butler

(2016), where it showed there that student loans are the most used way to get money because the

financial support of the parents are not enough. It also showed there that rent is the highest

expenditure next is academic expenses then last are for entertainment like drugs, alcohol and

cigarettes. Some need to compromise by working part-time jobs and skipping meals to cut cost

and even. This shows that expenditures are only getting higher as a person ages and allocating

the needed money to the expenses like basic needs are an important thing to do to not over


In the data collected by Everfi and Better One (2015), it showed there that many college

students are open-minded when it come to saving money and following a budgeted plan,

whoever 10% of the college students who are the respondents failed to comply. This shows that

whether students acquire cash from their parents or their job, they must be aware how lots money

they should commonly get hold of for the duration of a semester. Students should divide that

quantity by the period of their semester to get an experience of ways much money they may

spend each month. Which in terms of the current helps explain the concept of diving the

allowance and setting a plan where the money is allocated in terms of the expenses needed and

the excess are put to savings, however the concept of saving will not be tackled in the current


Furthermore, an article by Salve Duplito (2013) wherein she talks about the different

alternatives that student could use in order to save more in their allowance and the diverse

expenditures where students allocate their allowance. This is comparable to our study since it

talks about allowance that students receive and the expenditures where students allocate their

allowance. And in the second thought it differs from our study since it gave different alternatives

on how students could save more that is off in our study since we only focused on the allowance

and the expenditures of the SHS students. The news article written by Salve Duplito and this

study are similar in terms of the variables used which are the allowance and expenditures. Both

emphasize the factors that affect the expenditures of the students. On the article, it was

mentioned that food and transportation affect the expenses of the students and these two factors

are also mentioned in one of the statement of the problem of this study. The study differs in a

way that it also considers other factors affecting the expenditures of the respondents aside from

food and transportation. In addition, this study will focus not just only on the expenditure side

but also on the factors affecting the allowance of the students.

It is clearly showed from the article by Kim Arveen Patria (2012) entitled “Study bares

Pinoy kids' average allowance, spending habits” that most children spends their allowance that

their parents gave and settling aside funds to buy the latest gadgets, clothes or toys. This is

comparable to our study about the allowance and expenditures of the SHS students. Since this

news talks about the allowance the parent gave to their children and the different expenditures

specifically gadgets, clothes etc. being bought by them. It differs from our study in the aspect

that the news gave the perspective on how children could improve their money management

skills that is out of our boundary in this study. Since we only focused on the allowance and the

expenditures of the Senior High School students.

From the article by Lewis Mandell, Ph.D (2007) it said that giving allowance to child is

just right due to the increasing amounts of spending money as they grow older. Given that they

should know how to budget their money due to lots of expenses. Wherein this can possibly

indicate that as someone grows and their expenses increases it can be said that there allowance or

budget is increasing as well, creating a parallel effect between the 3. This article indicates that

Senior High School students are already at the peak of their ages which means that there will be

a big amount of expenses that they will be handling.

Improved information of monetary matters enhances an individual’s capacity to make

knowledgeable choices about how to manage and manipulate their budget. Financial information

has implications for how people spend, keep and invest their money, as well as how they budget

and set financial goals. (Norvilitis et al., 2006) and increased financial knowledge can lead to

individuals engaging in positive financial practices and fewer risky ones (Borden et al., 2008;

Hilgert, Hogarth, & Beverly, 2003). It is clearly showed from the journals entitled “Personality

Factors, Money Attitudes, Financial Knowledge, and Credit-Card Debt in College Students” and

“Changing College Students’ Financial Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior through Seminar

Participation.” That the greater information students have about their financial obligation and

status the less probable they are to be in debt. Which is related to our study in the means that

parents are a huge factor when it come to giving allowances and tips on how to allocate the

money to the right expenditures and hot to spend the money wisely. However the current study

will not encounter the different tip the parents may give but the behavior of the respondents in

their allowance and expenditures.

Related Studies

Allowance.On the study of Averla, Balsa, Balce et al. (2018) titled Effects of Daily

Allowance to the Behavior of Grade 9 Students in Tanong Integrated School: Basis for an

Enhanced School Remediation Program which aimed to determine the effect of daily allowance

to the behavior of the students, the respondents’ profile in terms of age, gender and family

income and how their daily allowance be described in terms of transportation, food, recreation

and school-related expenses. Based from the findings, it was seen that most of the respondents

are from 14 to 15 years old. When it comes to their family income, majority of them are in the

range of 5,000 to 10,000 pesos a month. Additionally, most of the students usually spend 7 to10

pesos on transportation, 11 to 20 pesos on food, 10 to 15 pesos on recreation and lastly 16 to 20


pesos on school-related expenses. The study of Averla, Balsa, Balce and this study are similar

because these two considered the family income as one of the factors that could possibly affect

the allowance of the respondents. Their difference is, this study aims to find out the effect

between the two factors it focuses on while the stated related study sought to find out the effect

of the daily allowance on the behavior of the respondents. Also, they differ in terms of the

respondents involved; this study would be using Senior High School students while the related

study used Grade 9 students.

On the study of Abesamin (2014), it studied the effects amount of allowance to the academic

performance of the SSC students in Peneranda National High School. Based on the results of the

study, a higher allowance is directly related to a high grade or performance in class because there

is much more allowance to spend in their needs. It was also included that the socio-demographic

status of family largely affects the performance of a student in class because the family is able to

provide the needed materials the students easily. This study is somehow different from the

current study because of one factor being academic performance and not expenditures. However,

in the study it stated there that allowances is a huge part of the school life of a student and can

serve as a survival tool to be more active and to excel in class.

In the study A Descriptive Research on Allowance and Budget of Second Year Students of

University of Santo Tomas’ College of Fine Arts and Design of De Guzman, Fojas, Inamac, et

al. (2012) aimed to know how Fine Arts students budget their allowance. It is clearly showed that

students from University of Santo Tomas’ College of Fine Arts and Design want to identify how

to budget their allowance. This is comparable to our study since it identifies the different

expenditures in the various field experience. But it differs from our study since it is more focused

on the budgeting aspect. The study of De Guzman, Fojas, Inamac et al. and this study have

resemblance for these two seek to find the amount of allowance and where the students spend

their money on. It is also similar in terms of the range of age that the respondents fall under

which is 16-19. The factors shown that affect the expenditures among all the students are mainly

food, transportation and school-related ones and these factors are also the factors that this study

covers. The related study and this study vary on the respondents and the place where the study

will be conducted.

Expenditures. In a qualitative study conducted by Longa et. Al. (2017) titled A

Qualitative Study of Spending Behavior of ABM Students in STI College Malolos, Bulacan. It

stated there a majority of the respondents overspend their money because they would prioritize

expenditures that are more important to them like transportation, food and school expenses. They

have a hard time allocating their allowance to their wants. This is similar to study given that

there expenditures differ from one student to another depending on one’s taste preference and

trends. The study of Longa, Pangan, Quijano et al and this study are comparable because these

two aim to find out the allowance given to the students. Hence, this study differs because it

caters all the strands namely the STEM, ABM, and HUMSS of the Senior High School and it

also seek to find out the correlation between the factors affecting the allowance and expenditures

of the respondents. In addition, this study is not just confined in knowing the allowance itself of

the respondents but also the factors affecting it.

In the study of (Legaspi, Ricalde, and Villa, 2014) titled, “Relationship between Weekly

Allowance and Consumption Expenditures of BS ABE Students: A Multi-Variable Regression


Analysis”. It showed This study showed the relationship between the weekly allowance of BS

Agribusiness Economics (BS ABE) students of the University of the Philippines (UP) Mindanao

and their consumption expenditures by analysing using multi-variables. Wherein, the study limits

the money of respondents to compromise their wants and needs. The study showed that the

relationship between allowance and consumption expenditure is directly proportional. This will

not only be applicable for the case of BS ABE students, but also in the general that we could

connect to our recent study that if their allowances are high, the level of their expending capacity

will also go up.

On one of the studies of Stollak et al. (2011), it showed emphasis on budgeting and

allocating the right amount of funds to the expenses. It is a comparative study on allowance and

expenditures and in the end it concluded that females are better budgeters than males because

they set a plan on how to fit their allowance to the needed expenses and not over spend. It said

here that expenditures is something students are familiar with so planning/ budgeting there

allowance is a practical thing to do. This study shows that expenses and allowance are closely

related even though it is a comparative study. However, the current study will not be in-depth on

comparing which students are better in allowance.


Conceptual Framework

1. Factors affecting the allowance of

the respondents:
1.1. Weekly Allowance;
1.2. Number of Household
Members; and
1.3. Family income.

2. Factors affecting the expenditures

of the respondents:
2.1. Food;
2.2. Transportation;
2.3. Entertainment;
2.4. School Related; and
2.5. Luxuries.

3. Remedies to the problems brought

by the expenditures

4. Implication of the study to the

Senior High School Students of
College of the Holy Spirit

Figure 1

Paradigm of the Study

The Table shows the description of the factors that affects both the allowance and the

expenditures of the respondents of the Senior High School Students of the College of the Holy

Spirit School Year 2018-2019 as well as the possible remedies to address the problems they

encounter when it come to their expenditures. The study would dig in deeper on the situations

that can affect the given factors. The researchers used this figure as the basis on a systematic way

in finding the needed clues to answer the statement of the problems, therefore to provide

reasonable remedies on how to solve problems and risks. Where in the end of the study will

result to the identification of the future implications that the study will result to the allowance

and expenditures of the respondents of the current study.




This chapter presents the type of research method to be used by the researcher in an

attempt to gather data. The research design and procedures were discussed in this chapter.

Research Design

In order to attain the goal of the study, the researchers utilized quantitative descriptive

research design. Descriptive research design is used to describe the current status of a variable

or data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied according to

Calderon (2008), as cited by Alberto et al (2011).

This current study, descriptive research design is applied to name and describe the factors

in its current state which in this case are the ones affecting the allowance and expenditures of the


Respondents of the Study

The researchers gave out survey questionnaires to the Senior High School Students of

College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac, covering all of the Strands offered by the institution. The

total number of the senior high school students is four hundred and twenty five (425). It is

composed of one hundred ninety three (193) students from grade 11 and two hundred and twenty

four (224) students from grade 12.


To identify the exact number of respondents that will be needed for the survey, the

researchers computed the estimated population with the Slovin’s Formula with a 0.05 margin of



Where: N = Population
n= e = Margin of error
1 + Ne2
n = Sample size

With the use of the formula, the researchers are able to distinguish how many

respondents are needed. A total of 203 respondents were tapped in the study.

Sampling Technique

A probability sampling technique was utilized in order to select the respondents,

providing every member of the population of the senior high school student an equal chance of

being selected. This allows selection process to avoid bias and unfairness.

Simple random sampling was employed. The names of each respondent per section were

written in strips of paper and each section will have a separate container. This was mixed and

shuffled in order to assure that the respondents chosen will be completely by random. There was

a draw lots until the anticipated number of respondents is obtained.


Research instruments

For this study, the survey-questionnaire instruments were used attain the primary goal of

the study. A Scaling questionnaire was distributed to the 203 Senior high school students of the

college of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac S.Y. 2018 - 2019. The questionnaire given to the Senior High

School students aimed to assess the factors affecting between their allowance and expenditures.

In addition, this also aims to know the effect of their allowances and expenditures.

The questionnaire was established in this sort of way that respondents could be able to

answer it easily. Thus, the set of questionnaire was structured using the Likert format with a five-

factor response scale. A Likert Scale is a score scale that requires the problem to indicate his or

her degree of agreement or confrontation to a statement. In this type of questionnaire, the

respondents were given 5 response selections. These options served as the quantification of the

participants' agreement or disagreement on every question item.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used a simple percentage formula for the questions pertaining to the

allowance. They computed for the frequency and percentage from the accumulated tally in order

for it to be verified.


f Where: % = Percent
%= x 100 f = Frequency
N = Number of cases

The researchers also utilized the weighted mean formula to get the means of the different

questions in the Likert’s Scale part of the questionnaires. The researchers hope that by using this

statistical tool that they would be able to indentify clearly the effect between the allowance and



x= set of mean values

w= weight

In order to know the intervals on the ranging system of a 5-point likert scale, the researchers

used the formula:

Highest possible answer - 1

Interval = Total numbers in the scale


1 is constant

Highest possible answer is 5

Total numbers in the scale is 5

5−1 4
5 5 or 0.8

A. Ranging system in Student’s Allowance and Expenditures

Range Description

1 – 1.8 Very Low (Strongly Disagree)

1.81 – 2.60 Low (Disagree)

2.61 – 3.40 Average (Neutral)

3.41 – 4.20 High (Agree)

4.21 – 5.00 Very High (Strongly Agree)



This chapter focuses on the collected data and how the researcher’s analyze and interpret

the data gathered. The chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the

research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study.

1. Description of the perceived factors affecting the respondents’ allowance.

1.1. Monthly Family Income

This table pertains to the family income of the respondents which is divided into 3

sections, based on an article written by the NSCB. The family income refers to the money the

family is getting monthly from their prospective works.

Table 1
Range of Family Income (MONTHLY)

Frequency Percentage % Description

Less than Php 10,000 12 5.91% Low income

Php 10,001-50,000 133 65.52% Medium Income

Higher than Php 58 28.57% High Income

Total 203 100%

As shown in table, among the 2013 respondents, 12 of them have a family income of less

than 10,000 which is equivalent to 5.91%, the respondents who have a family income of 10,001-

50,000 is 133 or equivalent to 65.52%. On the other hand 58 of the respondents have a family

income of higher than 50,000 which is equivalent to 28.57%. This shows that a majority of the

respondents’ families belong to a medium income family.

In the study of Mark Canlas (2014), it showed there that the allowance of a student is

dependent on the capability of the family to earn sufficient amount for the family.

This implies that even though most of the families are included in a medium earning

family, it means that they have reservations in terms of giving their children money. This also

means that most of the families don’t give too much money to their children because there is a

possibility that the budget may not be enough.


1.2. Weekly allowance

This table shows that range of the allowance of the respondents this pertains to the money

that they receive from their parents to sustain their needs and wants weekly.

Table 2
Range of Weekly Allowance

Allowance Frequency Percentage %

Php 1 – 300 45 22.17%

Php 301- 600 62 30.54%

Php 601 – 900 27 13.30%

Php 901 – 1,200 55 27.09%

Php 1,201- 1500 9 4.43%

Higher than Php 1,500 5 2.46%

Total 203 100%

As shown in Table 2, from the 203 respondents 47 of them have a weekly allowance of 1-

300 which is equivalent to 23.15%, 62 of the respondents have a weekly allowance id 301-600

which is equivalent to 30.54%. While 27 of the respondents have a weekly allowance of 601-900

which equivalent to 13.30%, the respondents who answered that they have a weekly allowance

of 901-1200 are 55 which is equivalent to 27.09%. The respondents that have a weekly

allowance of 1201-1500 are 9 or 4.43% and those who have an allowance higher than 1500 are 5

or 2.46%. Respondents with allowance that 301-600 are the most frequent which means that

they have 61-150 pesos to spend daily. The most frequent among the ranges is the 301-600 or

61-150 a day, which basing on an article written by Mark Canlas (2014) is the average amount of

allowance which is given to a private school student outside Manila.

As stated in the study of Averla, Balsa, Balce et al. (2018) titled Effects of Daily

Allowance to the Behavior of Grade 9 Students in Tanong Integrated School, it was indicated

there that the allowance is greatly affected by the family income of the family, wherein the

family income is divided by the guardians to fit the houses monthly expenditures. One of the

monthly expenditures of the household is the allowance of the students which is mentioned to be

one of a student’s tool to fulfill their needs. That because the family income of the respondents

are medium, and the allowance of the respondents are average as mentioned by Mark Canlas

(2014), this impies that the allowance of the students are what is fitted to the budget of the family

and what is fitted to everyday expense of a student outside of Manila and enrolled in a Private/

Catholic School. This can be a way to prevent overspending and improve wise budgeting

decisions of the students.

1.3. Family Members


This table shows the number of family members that the respondents have in their

household. This includes extended family as long they live in one roof.

Table 3
Range of Number of family Members in the household

Number of family members Frequency Percentage

1-3 54 26.60%
4-6 127 62.56%
in Table

3, out 7-9 13 6.40% of 2013

10-12 5 2.46%

13-15 2 0.98%

16-18 2 0.98%

Total 203 100%

respondents who answered the survey. 54 of the respondents answered that they have 1-3

number of family members which is equivalent to 26.6% and the respondents with 4-6 family

members are 127 which is equivalent to 65.56%. While 13 of the respondents have 7-p family

members which is equivalent to 6.4% and 2.46% or 5 of the respondents have 10-12 family

members. The respondents who answered 13-15 number of family members are 2 which is

equivalent to .98% just like those who answered 13-18 family members. This table shows that

most of the respondents have 4-6 family members which can indicate that there will be less

expenses of the family which can be a good explanation that the parents will be more lenient to

give higher allowances to their children. This implies that a majority of the respondents have a

small household size and that this means that the guardians/ parents of the families give more

allowances to their children in comparison with those that belong to families with more

household size.

2. Description of the perceived factors affecting the respondents’ expenditures.

2.1 Food

The food expenditures are any expense that is related to food/ drinks, this may be fast food,

canteen food, street foods, etc. as long it is consumed to satisfy one’s hunger.

Table 4
Food Expenditures

Questions M D

1. I spend my money on food. 4.15 H

2. My weekly money is not enough because I tend to 3.26 A

overspend on food.
3. I buy at canteen every breaktime. 3.43 H

4. I always eat lunch 3.70 H

5. I buy food outside of the school during dismissal. 3.57 H

6. I eat at fast food stores with my friends after 3.27 A

7. I eat outside with my friends every Saturday and 2.78 A
Total 3.45 H

It was revealed on table 4 which represents the “Food Expenditures” that most of the

allowance of the respondents goes to their food with a weighted mean of 4.15 which is described

as “High”. They put their priority on food-related products especially to those who do not bring

packed lunch at school. However, some respondents answered neutral with a weighted mean of

3.27 on the question “Do they eat at fast food stores with their friends after school?” For they

have already spent their money during the recess period or during the lunch time especially for

most of the respondents do not bring their own food. Also, the respondents are not fond of eating

outside during the weekends with a mean of 2.79. It can also be said that the allowance being

given to them is only intended during the week.

Furthermore, the findings supports the article written by Mark Canlas (2014) titled “The

breakdown of students' allowance” and the study of De Guzman, Fojas, Inamac et alwherein

students’ usual expenses primarily fall under food as well as the study conducted by Longa et.

Al. (2017) titled “A Qualitative Study of Spending Behavior of ABM Students in STI College

Malolos, Bulacan” which states that majority of the respondents would prioritize expenditures

that are more important to them like food but they do not overspend on it.

2.2 Transportation

The Transportation expense refers to the money spent on going from one place to another

using a public vehicle such as buses, tricycles and jeeps.

Table 5

Transportation Expenditures

Questions M D

1. My weekly allowance is not enough 2.87 A

because I tend to overspend on my

2. I commute when I go to school. 3.12 A

3. I commute when going home. 3.16 A

4. I ride more than 1 mode of transportation 2.79 A

(jeep, tricycle, bus) when going to school
and going home.

Total 2.99 A

Table 5 represents the “Transportation Expenditures” of the respondents; it shows that on

question number one, 46 of the respondents answered “neutral” that their weekly allowance is

not enough because they tend to overspend on their transportation having a weighted mean of

2.87 because most of the students have someone to service them as they go to school or they

themselves walk their way home that’s why they do not tend to spend much on transportation . In

line with this, 41 of them responded “disagree” because there are respondents who commute

when going home and they have different expenses to cover with regards to transportation that is

why their weekly allowance is not enough for them. On the other hand, 59 of the respondents on

question number 2 answered “strongly agree” that they commute when going to school having a

weighted mean of 3.12 because most of them do not have any vehicle that could service them

going to school. In addition, the transportation is not the primary reason for the expenses of the

allowance of the respondents. The difference between the responses is very near which is one of

the reasons why the description for their weighted means is “Average”.

Moreover, on the qualitative study conducted by Longa et. Al titled “A Qualitative Study

of Spending Behavior of ABM Students in STI College Malolos, Bulacan”, it is stated that most

of the respondents overspend their money because they would prioritize expenditures that are

more important to them like transportation, food and school expenses. But based on the findings,

the result is “Average or Neutral”, it could inferred that not all of the respondents overspend on

transportation because some of them are being serviced by someone when going to school and

some of the respondents overspend on their transportation because they are just commuting when

going to school.

2.3 Leisure

Leisure expense is described to be anything that the respondents do to relieve stress like

going to the cinemas, concerts, karaoke bars, etc. This can also include activities that the students

do in their free time like playing in Computer Shops, etc.

Table 6

Leisure Expenditures

Questions M D

1. I go to malls after school 2.87 A

2. My friends and I go to the cinema 2.98 A
3. I go to computer shops to play online 2.33 L
4. I go to the karaoke stalls with my 2.67 A
5. I go to concerts of my favourite bands 2.53 L
6. My weekly allowance is not enough 2.90 A
because I tend to overspend on going
out and entertaining myself
Total 2.71 Al

Table 6 represents the “Leisure Expenditures” of the respondents, it shows that majority

of the respondents, with a weighted mean of 2.33, disagree that they go to computer shops to

play online games because they could play online games at their homes which is described as

“Low”. Additionally, having a weighted mean of 2.53 the respondents disagree that they go to

concerts of their favorite band because they know that their excess allowance is not sufficient

enough to attend concerts. However, it was shown that the means of the answers of the students

fall under the average or neutral side when it come to going to malls after school, going to

cinema with friends, going to karaoke stalls and with regards to the sufficiency of their


However, some of the respondents neutrally answered going to the malls after school with a

weighted mean of 2.87 followed by a weighted mean of 2.90 that their weekly allowance is not

enough because they tend to overspend on going out and entertaining themselves then a weighted

mean of 2.98 that they go to the cinema with their friends. This could be interpreted that

sometimes, the respondents spend their time on going to the cinema or doing other activities

inside the malls and other places to entertain themselves and tend to overspend with such

activities while some do not.

The findings support the study conducted by Westwood College of USA (2009) that

states the different allowances of the seniors and colleges are allocated based on what they think

is held much more importance to their lives. Wherein students are capable of budgeting their

money to reach their basic needs but also splurge on some luxuries and entertainment.

2.4 School-related

School-related expense refers to any money used for projects, assignments, lectures, hand

outs, etc. This can also pertain to expenses used for the subjects of the respondents.

Table 7

School-Related Expenditures

Questions M D

1. My weekly allowance is not enough because 3.13 A

I tend to overspend on photocopies, assignment,
project etc.
2. I always need photo copies 2.59 L teachers give me projects that need 3.64 H

4.the project that are given need a large amount 3.28 A
of money
5. my assignment needed to be accomplished 2.97 A
by spending money
6. I go to computer shops to finish my 2.17 L
7.i pay for the printing of my assignment 2.88 A

Total 2.95 A

The table 7 above shows that most of the respondents spend their money for their projects

given by their teachers with a weighted mean of 3.64 which is described as “High” because they

hold back when spending money on big projects because the Allowance is not enough for the

school related expenditures. Likewise, some of the respondents answered “strongly disagree”

which can be described as “Low” on going to computer shops to finish their assignment with a

weighted mean of 2.17 for they have their own laptops or personal computers in their houses and

can do it without going to computer shops.

Basically, school expenditures is not a big part of the respondents’ budget for their

allowance as it negates the study of De Guzman, Fojas, Inamac et al. that features the students

of University of Santo Tomas’ College of Fine Arts and Design which states that the main

expenditures among all the students are mainly food, transportation and school-related ones.

2.5 Luxury

Luxury Expenses refer to any money spent on products such as new clothes, shoes, skin care

products, etc.

Table 8

Luxury Expenditures

Questions M D

1. My weekly allowance is not enough because I 3.06 A

tend to overspend on buying clothes, accessories,
skin care products, shoes etc.

2. I always buy on online apps (Beautymnl, 2.93 A

Shoppee, Lazada, etc)
3. I splurge whenever I go to malls. 3.23 A

4. I always buy myself clothes, accessories, etc. 2.91 A

5. I tend to not mind the price as long as the 3.31 A

product is what I like.
Total 3.09 A

The table 8 represents the “Luxury Expenditures” of the respondents. It shows that 59 of

the respondents in the question number 2 answered “strongly disagree” with a weighted mean of

2.92 when it comes to buying on online shops which is because of the reason that they can’t

always assure the quality of the product. In the same question, 54 of the respondents answered

“strongly agree” for it is more convenient and less hassle to choose and pick luxury products.

The responses of strongly agree and strongly disagree led to its description of being “Average or

Neutral”. For question number 3, 59 of the respondents answered “Neutral” which has a

weighted mean of 3.23 which denotes that the students do not always splurge whenever they go

to malls and they could limit and control themselves when spending.

Additionally, It has no connection with the article of Kim Arveen Patria (2012) entitled

“Study bares Pinoy kids' average allowance, spending habits” that says most children spends

their allowance that their parents give and they tend to buy the latest gadgets, clothes or toys.

The respondents of this current study are Senior High School students wherein they are already

in their adolescence stage. They are more different, because a kid buy unnecessary things like

toys, they don’t have enough knowledge to allocate their allowance and to finance their money


Possible remedies to the problems brought by the expenditures

The key to avoid overspending is to identify and treat its source. The students could weigh

the pros and cons of each decision first before attempting to do it especially to those food-related


When it comes to food expenditures, the students could bring snacks for recess period and

packed lunch before heading to school to lessen their expenses.

On the school-related side, to avoid spending much money, the respondents could use

materials which could be found on their houses when making a project or assignment.

Additionally, students should maintain their priorities in spending so that it won’t be a problem

if they cut short on their budget or allowance.

With regards to leisure, since it was found out that the results were all neutral, the possible

remedy is, the students should maintain how they balance and discipline themselves on where

they will allocate their money moderately to their leisure or free time expenses.

One possible remedy for students on their luxury expenditures, they should avoid buying or

overspending on things they unnecessarily need because based on the findings, there are still

some students who tend to buy expensive clothes, accessories, gadgets and such.

When it comes to transportation, to prevent spending much, to those students who are

commuters, they should consider using alternative vehicles as a means of transportation like

bicycles when going to school. Also, they should walk going to school as well as going to their

houses if it is just near the school’s vicinity.

Implication of the study to the respondents.

The study implies that there should be proper thinking in terms of allotting for allowance;

this study can be a tool to help the respondents to realize their expenses and be more aware on

what they spend. Furthermore, this study can be a basis on how the families can budget their

children’s allowance and with the remedies given by the study.

It could be implied to the Senior High School that they are somehow financial literate

individuals for they know how to manage their finances, allocate their money and don’t

overspend it when it comes to various factors that affect their expenditures.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions and the recommendations

of the study.


The researchers investigated “The Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior High

School Students of College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac: A Descriptive Study” because they

aimed to look into the factors of the variables and study them in depth to provide the description

and the effect between the allowance and the expenditures using different statistical analyses of

the Senior High School Students, who are expected to have much expenses because of their big

projects from their major subjects. Also, it is said that they are expected to be more equipped

with much higher level of knowledge and competence as they enter college education. Because

of this, the researchers came up with various recommendations for the students themselves,

teachers, administrations and parents to address the problems they have seen from the findings

derived from this study.

This study used a Descriptive research design which is used to describe the current status of a

variable or phenomenon which in this case are the ones affecting the allowance and expenditures

of the students.

This study used a survey-questionnaire instrument to attain the primary goal of the study.

A Scaling questionnaire also called as a Likert Scale that was created by the researchers

themselves was distributed to the 203 Senior High School students of the College of the Holy

Spirit of Tarlac S.Y. 2018 - 2019. The questionnaire given to the Senior High School students

aimed to assess the factors affecting between their allowance and expenditures. In addition, this

questionnaire also aimed to know the relationship of their allowances and expenditures. In

general, the response of the Senior High School students was evaluated for this study with the

intention to decide whether the two variables are related or not.

The researchers have utilized a probability sampling technique specifically Simple

Random Sampling where the respondents consisted of two hundred and three (203) students

from the population of the Senior High School students of College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac of

this academic year.

Summary of findings:

1. Factors affecting the allowance of the respondents in terms of their Weekly

allowance, Number of household members, Family income, and Family savings.

The weekly allowance of the respondents with sixty-two (62) respondents or thirty-

point fifty-four percent (30.54%) of them have reported that they have a weekly allowance of

301-600 which shows that there is a large percentage of that their families give them 60-150

pesos per day.

In terms of the number of household members of the respondents, sixty-two (62) or

thirty point fifty-four percent (30.54%) of the respondents belong to family size of 4-6 people

which indicates that most of the families of the respondents belong to small families that

denotes that they have less expenditures than families who have many family members in the


With regards to their family income, most of the students belong to a family that

earns an above average income which indicates that the parents are willing to give their

students more money for them to provide their needs.


2. Perceived factors affecting the respondents’ expenditures described in terms of

their Food, Transportation, Entertainment, School-related, and Luxuries.

Based on the results that the researchers have found out, most of the respondents’

allowance goes to their food with a weighted mean of 4.15 which is described as “High”

On the other hand, on their School-related expenditures, most of the students agree

that they allocate their allowances on their projects given by their teachers, if there is one, with a

weighted mean of 3.64 which is described as “High”. However, some of the respondents favored

“Disagree” on going to computer shops to finish their assignment with a weighted mean of 2.17

as well as if they always need photocopies with a weighted mean of 2.98 which can be described

as “Low” .

Meanwhile, on the Leisure expenditures, it was revealed that majority of the

respondents disagree on going to computer shops to play online games having a mean of 2.33as

well as in going to concerts of their favourite bands with a weighted mean of 2.53 being

described as “Low”.

Then, on the Luxury expenditures of the respondents, it shows that 59 of the respondents

answered “strongly disagree” with a weighted mean of 2.92 when it comes to buying on online

shops such as Beautymnl, Shoppee and Lazada while 54 of the respondents answered “strongly

agree” with a mean of 2.93 being described as “Average”.

Lastly, for their Transportation expenditures, it showed that 59 of the respondents

answered “strongly agree” that they commute when going to school having a weighted mean of

3.12 being “High”.



Based from the data derived from the respondents on the factors that affect their

allowance, it showed that most of the Senior High School students belong to the middle income

level; and majority of them belong to 4-6 family members which means that they have the

capability to sustain their needs especially their allowance. Along with this, it was found out that

the weekly allowance of the respondents is just enough to fill in their unavoidable expenses.

It was found that the respondents spend more on their food than the other expenditures, which

shows that food expenditures are inescapable due to the reason that food is one of the basic needs

of a human being and it’s vital for human survival. The respondents focus more on their needs

rather than on their wants.

Despite of the sufficient allowances of the respondents, the researchers conclude that it

has no significant effect to their expenditures. It also showed that they still manage to balance

their allowance despite of the factors in their expenditures based from the neutral or average

results gathered, which means that the students can still save money .

It is also vital for the respondents to spend on their academic-related activities because

they are still studying and its part of their life as a student especially to those projects that are big

and difficult which needs money in order to be accomplished.

Nonetheless, the findings were dominated by neutral results which signifies that the

respondents of the study are capable of managing their own finances and are not overspending

on the various factors identified on the expenditures.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the study recommends the following:

1.For the students, they could make a budget plan where they could monitor and track their

expenses which includes where was their money intended and how much was left. They could

also bring packed lunch and snacks at school to lessen their expenses.

2. For the teachers, it could also be much helpful if the teachers will help their students to look

for a cheaper price when it comes to their requirements, projects or assignments. Also, to avoid

the students to overspend, they could think variety of ways that could help their students by

providing on their lesson the plans on how they could improve their saving habits on their


3. The administration could also lower the prices of the food in the canteen if necessary since

the students tend to spend more on food-related items. They could provide some programs or

talks on how to manage allowance that could further help students manage their allowance

wisely so that they will not fall short on their expenses.

4. For the parents, their guidance and advice would be vital in shaping the spending habits of

their children since they are currently at the adolescence stage. They could practice giving their

child a sufficient amount of allowance to prevent overspending and encourage them to bring

snacks and packed lunch to reduce their expenditures on food.

5. For the future researchers, they could provide a wider prospect in terms of the process of the

present research and they could broaden the study by adding or considering more variables that

are not included in this study.




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Version 2. (n.d.). Retrieved from h



The Saving and Spending Habits of Young People. (n.d.). Retrieved from h




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Norvilitis, J. M., Merwin, M. M., Osberg, T. M., Roehling, P. V., Young, P. and Kamas, M. M.

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Breakdown-students-allowance. (26 May 2014). Retrieved from

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Mercado, A. (06 June 2010). Students struggle to stretch school allowance. ABS-CBN News.

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Tarlac City, Philippines
Telephone Nos. (045) 982-3952/982-5367

January 29, 2019


BEd Principal
College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
Tarlac City

Dear Sister Marietta,

Greetings in the name of the Triune God!

We, the grade 12- ABM students of the College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac, represented by the
undersigned (Miss Maria Lourdes Brago) are presently conducting a study for our subject Practical
Research 2 in which we will be conducting a study titled ‘The Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior
High School Students of College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac: A Descriptive Study’ This study aims to
find the relationship between the Expenses and the Allowance of the Grade 11 and 12 Students of this

In line with this, may we request from your good office the permission to conduct our surveys
inside the premises of the school to gather all the data and information needed in our study. We would
like to conduct a survey to our respondents which are the Senior High School. We assure you that we
fully understand the weight of our future actions and will be careful in conducting our survey and that we
will not be disturbing any classes but will conduct our surveys on break times.

We hope for your kind approval. Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

(SGD.) Maria Lourdes F. Brago

Group Leader 12Peace

Noted by:
(SGD.)Mr. Daniel Carreon (SGD.) Mrs. Elsie E. Capinpin
Research Adviser Academic Coordinator

Approved by:

(SGD.)Sister Marietta Dumadag, SSpS

BEd Principal

Republic of the Philippines

College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
Senior High School Department
San Sebastian, Tarlac City

A.Y. 2018-2019

January 24, 2019

Mr. William T. Manio

Faculty, College of Education


Greetings in the name of the Lord!

In partial fulfillment of the subject Practical Research 2, we, the Grade 12-SECTION, are currently conducting a research. Our study is entitled:
“The Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior High School Students of College of the Holy Spirit SY 2018- 2019: A
Descriptive Study”
In order for us to carry out this study, we need to follow proper steps in conducting our data gathering procedure.

In line with this, may we request your permission to be our STATISTICIAN for we believed that you are knowledgeable on such
field of study.

Your affirmative response regarding this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Group Leader, 12-Peace

Senior High School Researchers

College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac


Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:



Republic of the Philippines

College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
Senior High School Department
San Sebastian, Tarlac City

A.Y. 2018-2019

January 24, 2019

To the Senior High School Respondents:


In partial fulfillment of the subject Practical Research 2, we, the Grade 12-Hope, are currently conducting a research. Our study is entitled: “The
Allowance and Expenditures of the Senior High School Students of College of the Holy Spirit SY 2018- 2019: A Descriptive Study”

In order for us to carry out this study, we need to follow proper steps in conducting our data gathering procedure.

Moreover, we researchers will conduct a SURVEY NEEDED as a part of the data gathering procedure. Rest assured that all gathered data will
be kept confidential and names of respondents will be considered anonymous.

We hope for your favorable response regarding this humble request. In anticipation to your appraisable kindness, permit us to deliver our

Thank you very much and God bless you.

Respectfully yours,


Group Leader, 12-peace

Senior High School Researchers


College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac

Noted by:


Research Adviser

Approved by:



Dear Respondents,

We are the researchers from the group 4 or 12- PEACE ABM Strand, we are writing our
study for our subject Research in Daily Life II. Our mission could not be completed without
carrying a survey- by delivering questions and especially your friendly cooperation. It might take
you 10-15 minutes to take a look and answer to the questions which help us in our research
study. We guarantee that the received information is only for research and educational purposes
and nothing more.

Thank you for your cooperation.






Range of Family Income
_____ Less than Php. 10,000.00 _____ Php.30, 001.00- Php.40, 000.00
_____Php.10, 001.00- Php.20, 000.00 _____ Php.40, 001.00- Php.50, 000.0
_____Php.20, 001-Php.30, 000.00 _____Higher than Php.50, 000.0

Range of Weekly Allowance

_____ Php.0 - Php.300.00 _____ Php.901.00- Php.1, 200.00
_____Php.301.00- Php.600.00 _____ Php.1, 201.00- Php.1, 500.0
_____Php.601.00-Php.900.00 _____Higher than Php.1, 500.0

Range of number of Family members in the household

_____ 1-3 _____ 10-12
_____4-6 _____ 13-15
_____7-9 _____16-18




These are questions pertaining on money being spent on Food related products.

5 4 3 2 1
I spend my money on food
My weekly money is not enough because I tend to overspend on
I buy at the canteen every break time
I always eat lunch
I buy food outside of the school during dismissal
I eat at fast food stores with my friends after school
I eat outside with my friends every Saturday and Sunday


These are questions pertaining on money being spent on fares in Jeeps, Tricycle,
and bus

5 4 3 2 1
My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend
on my transportation.
I commute when I go to school
I commute when going home
I ride more than 1 mode of transportation (jeep, tricycle,
bus)when going to school and going home

These are questions pertaining on money being spent on entertainment purposes
like going to the cinema, karaoke, playing in computer shops these questions do
not include anything food related.

5 4 3 2 1
I go to malls after school
My friends and I go to the cinema
I go to computer shops to play online games
I go to the karaoke stalls with my friends
I go to concerts of my favourite bands
My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend
on going out and entertaining myself.

These are questions pertaining to the money being spent on clothes, makeup,
skin care products etc.

5 4 3 2 1
My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend
on buying clothes, accessories, skin care products, shoes etc.
I always buy on online apps (BeautyMNL, Shopee, Lazada etc.)
I splurge whenever I go to malls
I always buy myself clothes, accessories etc.
I tend to not mind the price as long the product is what I like


These are questions pertaining on money being spent on projects, assignments
xerox copies etc.

5 4 3 2 1
My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend
on photocopies, assignments, projects etc.
I always need photocopies
My teachers give me projects that need money
The projects that are given need a large amount of money
My assignments needed to be accomplished by spending money
I go to computer shops to compete my assignments
I pay for the printing of my assignments



5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Q1. I spend my money on food. 28 5 62 45 17 203
Q2. My weekly money is not enough because I tend to overspend on food. 15 3 77 49 2 203
Q3. I buy at the canteen every break time. 52 6 62 18 9 203
Q4. I always eat lunch. 24 5 82 33 10 203
Q5. I buy food outside of the school during dismissal. 18 4 82 45 18 203
Q6. I eat at fast food stores with my friends after school. 13 2 35 47 85 203
Q7. I eat outside with my friends every Saturday and Sunday. 39 3 36 37 52 203


5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Q1. My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend on my
32 40 46 41 44 203
Q2. I commute when I go to school. 59 28 29 54 33 203
Q3. I commute when I go home 44 47 38 41 38 203
Q4. I ride more than 1 mode of transportation (jeep, tricycle, bus) when going to
32 34 43 49 45 203
school and going home.
5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Q1. I go to malls after school. 26 26 85 27 39 203
Q2. My friends and I go to the cinema. 26 32 79 43 23 203
Q3. I go to computer shops to play online games. 32 22 22 32 94 203
Q4. I go to the karaoke stalls with my friends. 25 33 49 42 54 203
Q5. I go to concerts of my favorite bands. 26 23 43 50 61 203
Q6. My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend on going 33 35 55 38 42 203
and entertaining myself.


5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Q1. My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend on 84 76 36 4 3 203
photocopies, assignments, projects etc.
Q2. I always need photocopies. 44 46 51 43 19 203
Q3. My teachers give me projects that need money. 49 47 66 26 15 203
Q4. The projects that are given need a large amount of money. 65 54 51 26 7 203
Q5. My assignments needed to be accomplished by spending money. 43 71 57 23 9 203
Q6. I go to computer shops to complete my assignments 30 49 85 25 14 203
Q7. I pay for the printing on my assignments. 18 31 77 44 33 203

5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Q1. My weekly allowance is not enough because I tend to overspend on buying 48 46 46 44 34 203
clothes, accessories, skin care products, shoes, etc.
Q2. I always buy on online apps (BeautyMNL, Shopee, Lazada, etc) 54 28 29 37 59 203
Q3. I splurge whenever I go to mall 49 41 59 39 34 203
Q4. I always buy myself clothes, accessories, etc 32 44 34 45 43 203
Q5. I tend to not mind the price as long the product is what I like 20 44 35 38 33 203


Maria Lourdes F. Brago

#44 Macabulos Drive, San Vicente, Tarlac City

Date of Birth: February 08, 2001
Place of Birth: Tarlac City
Sex: Female
Height: 5’7”
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Raul G. Brago
Occupation: Deceased
Name of Mother: Marife F. Brago
Occupation: Government Employee


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
School Address: San Sebastian, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2007

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
School Address: San Sebastian, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2013

School: Tarlac National High School - Main
School Address: San Roque, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019


Brgy. Macalong, La Paz, Tarlac

Date of Birth: November 30, 2000
Place of Birth: San Roque, La Paz, Tarlac
Sex: Female
Height: 5’3
Weight: 49 kg.
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Dominador P. Mateo
Occupation: Financial Analyst
Name of Mother: Arlenie D. Mateo
Occupation: Social Worker

School: Guevara Ecumenical Christian School
School Address: Guevara, La Paz, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2006

School: La Paz Christian Academy
School Address: San Roque, La Paz, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2013

School: Guevara Ecumenical Christian School
School Address: Guevara, La Paz, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2013


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac

School Address: San Sebastian, Tarlac City

Date Graduated: 2019


Sachie Gabrille S. Medes

Brgy. Armenia, Tarlac City


Date of Birth: August 01, 2000

Place of Birth: San Fernando, Pampanga
Sex: Female
Height: 5’3”
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo
Name of Father: Cipriano S. Medes
Occupation: Retired Employee
Name of Mother: Grace S. Medes
Occupation: Employee



School: New Era University

School Address: San Fernando, Pampanga
Date Graduated: 2007

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2013

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019


San Sebastian, Tarlac City


Date of Birth: February 13, 2001

Place of Birth: Tarlac City
Sex: Male
Height: 5’10”
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Jeofel Q. Pineda
Occupation: Government Employee
Name of Mother: Anastacia A. Pineda
Occupation: Private Employee



School: Fairlane Young Achievers School

School Address: Fairlane, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2007

School: Precious Child School Inc
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2013

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019

Jzen Margarette B. Oroy

Moncada, Tarlac


Date of Birth: September, 19 2001

Place of Birth: Nueva Ecija
Sex: Female
Height: 5’4”
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Jonathan S. Oroy
Occupation: Public Health Nurse
Name of Mother: Gracia B. Oroy
Occupation: Physical Therapist



School: Moncada Catholic School

School Address: Poblacion #4 Moncada, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2007

School: Moncada Catholic School
School Address: Poblacion #4 Moncada, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2013

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019

Daniella Yzabelle J. Sugiyama

Las Haciendas Luisita San Miguel, Tarlac City


Date of Birth: July 29, 2001

Place of Birth: Paranaque City
Sex: Female
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 45 kg
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: Kazuhiro Sugiyama
Occupation: Retired Engineer
Name of Mother: Jackylene J. Sugiyama
Occupation: Housewife


School: Saint Vincent Catholic School
School Address: San Fernando, Pangasinan
Date Graduated: 2007

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Tarlac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2013

School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019

Angelica Yvonne Tanedo

Fiesta Communities, Matatalaib Tarlac City


Date of Birth: August 31, 2000

Place of Birth: Tarlac City
Sex: Female
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 52 kg
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Name of Father: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Name of Mother: Imelda L. Tanedo
Occupation: Teacher


School: Great Eastern Institute
School Address: Lapaz, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2007

School: Great Eastern Institute
School Address: Lapaz, Tarlac
Date Graduated: 2013

School: Tarlac National High School - Main
School Address: San Roque, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2017


School: College of the Holy Spirit of Talac
School Address: San Sebastian Village, Tarlac City
Date Graduated: 2019

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