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Name _____________________

Date ___________________
Period ___________________

Trumpet History Activity Sheet

Directions: Please provide a short answer for each question below. To successfully complete the activity,
you will need to visit the pages “Instrument History” and “Videos” on

1. List and describe 5 trumpets from “A Brief History of the Trumpet”

1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________

2. How many valves does the natural trumpet have? _________

3. How many valves does the modern Bb trumpet have? _________
4. Identify the trumpet used in the video of the full orchestra
performing an excerpt of Shostakovich Symphony No. 5. Feel free to
pause the video at 1:47 to get a better look.____________________
5. What material did the Egyptians use to make trumpets?
________________ & _________________
6. What is one material the Shofar is made of? ___________________

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