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IDC 3OX- Interview Assignment 

Leadership Skills 

It is now time to put what you learned about impactful interviews and powerful questions into practice. You will select someone that you
feel is a ‘leader’ to interview with the goal of gaining new knowledge and insight. It can be a friend, family member, teacher, coach, family
friend, work colleague, etc.

1. Select who you would like to interview and ask if they are willing to participate.
2. Complete the form below with your Interview questions if you have not done so already
3. Complete your interview! Remember to let the individual know you will be recording the interview. Your interview can be in the
form of;
a. A recorded video google meet (preferred method as it is the most engaging)
b. Audio recording
c. Typed out the transcript of the interview (questions and full response).

4. Submit your completed interview on google classroom Make sure to add a link to your interview in the shared spreadsheet.

Any questions, comments or concerns please let me know. If you need help finding someone to interview I can help you out. Hopefully this
is a fun activity that allows us to connect, hear some cool stories and learn from others in our school and broader community.
Leadership Interview 

Your Name:​ Lily Lim 

The individual you are Interviewing: Rana Hashem 
Brief Description of Individual Being Interviewed:  
Rana is my closest friend who has been there for me since the sixth grade. She was the first person I made friends with when I came to Canada 
and I am extremely grateful to have her as my person. She is a grade 10 student at Sir John A Macdonald and hopes to be able to help others 
when she grows up. In 2012, when she was 7, she left her home country, Egypt and started a new journey in Canada. Rana has been living with 
her Mom and two brothers since 2012 because her Dad was not able to come to Canada due to personal issues. Even though she has gone 
through so many things, she has stayed strong and helped others instead of herself. She is always willing to put others first before herself and 
being friends with her pushes me to become a better person.  
Interview Questions: (5-8)  

(Tell us about yourself!)

1. Who do you look up to the most, and what qualities do you love about that person?

2. Who do you got to for advice when you feel like the world’s been flipped upside down

3. What’s one trait you don’t like about yourself and why

4. What does your dad mean to you? How was it like to move across the world without your dad?

(which takes me to my next question)m

5. Do you think your life could have been different if your dad moved to Canada in 2012 with you? How?
(Speaking of your dad)

6. What is something that has happened in the past that you never want to happen again?

7. What is one experience that shaped who you are as a person

8. Even after all that you’ve experienced, how do you manage to wear a smile on your face every day
I know we went a lot of deep questions but I really enjoyed getting to know you better and having a conversation that dealt with mental illness


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Little or no evidence Limited and vague Clear evidence that the Clear, convincing and
that the student has evidence that the student student has consistent evidence
demonstrated the skills has demonstrated the skills demonstrated the skills that the student has
and strategies required and strategies required to and strategies required to demonstrated the skills
to develop develop interdisciplinary develop interdisciplinary and strategies required
interdisciplinary projects and activities projects and activities to develop
projects and activities interdisciplinary
projects and activities
Communication & Social /4
(engaging, enthusiastic,
Quality of Questions /4

Preparation & Organization /4

Clear focus & Message /4


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