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CA 1

(Learning Activities and Assessment)

Submitted by: Ryan C. Renacia

(M-W 1:00-2:30 PM)

Submitted to: Dr. Mary Melmar Teves



Directions: On the space provided in each item, write true if the statement denotes
accurate facts and false if it is an untruthful statement.

FALSE 1. Corrections, the fourth pillar of the Criminal Justice System comes first before

TRUE 2. Rehabilitation and Imprisonment are the purposes of corrections.

FALSE 3. Punishment is only for the lower class and under privileged.

TRUE 4. Correctional facilities are administered by the Office of the President.

TRUE 5. Community- based corrections are also called institutional corrections.

TRUE 6.Penology is a term that describes pain and suffering.

TRUE 7. Corrections today faces a lot of issues and controversies.

TRUE 8.Offenders usually serve their sentences inside jails and prisons.

TRUE 9. Penology and corrections are interrelated concepts.

FALSE 10.The correctional method in the Philippines adopts the Chinese system.
Activity1. Summary Writing Instructions. Provide a summary on the concept of
corrections and penology (concentrate on the vital aspects and please do not copy paste the
topics discussed above). Use the blank spaces provided below. Refer to page 89 for the
writing rubric.

Penology and corrections are two the same things because both are dealing with
punishment, but this has also differences. When we talk about penology it simply means or it
simply talks about punishing a crime. It examines the ethical bases of punishment and the
motives or purposes of committing such criminal actions. It evaluates the social consequences of
the policies in force at such given time. Penology also focuses on how to prevent a crime by the
punishment being implemented to the criminal offenders. Philosophical perspective of penology
lies behind the primary schools of it such as the classical school, neo-classical school,
positivist/Italian school and the modern clinical school.

On the other hand, correction is a branch of Criminal Justice System which concerns
about the rehabilitation of the criminal offender. The main focus of correction is to help the
offenders to not repeat or commit a delinquent action again, by doing actions such reorientation
and rehabilitation and not doing or giving any punishment to individuals who commits a crime.
Under this is the correctional administration in which it is concern about the custody and
treatment of the criminal offender. Correctional Administration contains eight (8) models, this
are: responsibility, custodial, control, rehabilitation, reintegration, total institution, penitentiary
and progressive model that deals with prisoners’ behaviour and obedience. There are three (3)
correctional approaches in the Philippine correctional system this are: the institutional
(incarceration or imprisonment of offenders), non-institutional (convicts are not placed in or
released from jails) or community based and the therapeutic approach (reformation); but the
primary goal of this 3 is to ensure the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders.
Activity2.Compare and Contrast Directions. Differentiate the Models of Correctional
Administration and the Penal Management Strategies utilizing the Compare and Contrast
diagram below. Refer to page 90 for the activity rubric.

Compare and Contrast Diagram

Models of Correctional
Penal Management Strategies

How Alike?

- Both deals with punishment

- Both set goals and objectives to acquire
their desire for their institution
- Both implement responsibilities for the

How Different?

Model of Correctional Administration Penal Management Strategies

Focuses on the custody of the criminal Focuses on how the authorities or the
offenders inside the cell while they are government staffs handle the detainees or
sentencing their selves from the crimes they prisoners inside the cell or under their
have committed. It also focuses on the institution. Focuses on how the government
behaviour of the inmates inside the cell and staffs guide the detainees on their
under their institution, and how the inmates responsibilities inside the cell by the different
will do after serving their sentence under them. strategies being applied.
This also focuses on the rehabilitation of the
Identification (Formative )

Instructions: Determine the accurate answer of the statement being described or referred
to in each item. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. See page 159
for the key answer.

Positivist/Italian school 1. It refers to the school of penology that denied individual

responsibility and reflected non-punitive reactions to crime and criminality it also adheres that
crimes, as any other act, is a natural phenomenon, and that criminal is considered sick person and
needs to be treated.

Classical school 2. The school of penology that maintains the “doctrine of psychological
Hedonism” or “free will” and that punishment should be equal and commensurate to the
seriousness of the crime committed.

Penology 3. A division of criminology that deals with prison management and the treatment of
offenders it concerned itself with the philosophy and practice of society in its effort to repress
criminal activities.

Correctional Administration 4. It refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling

places of confinement as in jails or prisons.

Rehabilitation Model 5. A type of correctional model that emphasizes maintenance and security
and order through the subordination of the prisoner to the authority of the warden.

Reintegration Model 6. It is one of the correctional models that is linked to the structures and
goals of community corrections but has direct impact on prison operations.

Department of justice 7. The agency that exercises general supervision over all parolees and
probationers and promotes the correction and rehabilitation of offenders outside the prison

Therapeutic Approach 8. These are measures undertaken through modalities of reformation

similar to drug rehabilitation process.

Department of Social Welfare and Development 9. It refers to the agency that takes care of
sentenced youth offenders or Child or Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL).

Modern Clinical School 10. This school advocates the scientific study of criminal which
focuses on the biological and psychological aspects.
Essay (Summative Assessment)

Instructions. Explain and elaborate your ideas or opinions of the statements being asked
below. Use the spaces provided after each questions. Please refer to page 89 for the rubric.

1. Among the four primary schools of penology what do you think is the most appropriate
approach for corrections?

Among the four primary schools of penology I think the most appropriate approach for
corrections is the Positivist/Italian School because this school focuses on examining or
measuring the criminal behaviour of the person who commits a crime. Not like other schools
who easily give punishment, the Positivist School uses a method that observes the characteristics
of an individual to identify the root cause of such criminal act or behaviour. Furthermore, this
school is the most appropriate approach for me since they have method or ideas that would help
if such person is a criminal or not.

2. How would you describe the mode of corrections today?

The mode of correction today is different from the old way of punishing an individual
because today if someone commits a crime that person will be separated from the society, the
authorities will bring the criminals in jail. While they are in jail, the person who commits crime
will undergo a due process wherein they will be in court for a trial, before he/she will be judged
guilty or not. After giving judgement the court will decide if what type and how long your
punishment will be. Not like the old times if someone commits a crime they will be punished
immediately. Today, the government also gives livelihood programs or programs to the detainees
that will help them grow and change.

3. Do you think that the Philippines should bring back death penalty? Why?

Bringing back death penalty in the Philippines is still a question because if such
punishment will be brought back there will be so many people who will go against this type of
punishment, but for me if death penalty will bring back to Philippines this kind of punishment
should only depend on the type and level of crime someone committed because if will just give
this type of punishment easily without undergoing a heavy process there will be so much people
who’ll protest. Just like the religious sectors who believes that no one can take someone’s life
except God and we all know that we as Christians believes and follows the 10 commandments
of God and one of that is THOU SHALL NOT KILL. So I think bringing back death penalty in
the Philippines has so much to consider.

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