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Homework 14/10/2020

1. How long were the miners trapped underground?

69 days

2. What physical problems did they have to deal with?

It was very humild (90 % humidity) and constantly dark. They also had to fight starvation and thirst

3. Give two examples of why Luis Urzua was an effective leader.

He persuaded the men to ration the food they had. He also made them work in shifts to improve

4. Why was the supply line so important?

It provided food and water and supplements such as vitamin D to keep the miners healthy.

5. Which experts supported the miners and the rescue efforts? How did they support them?

Doctors and psychologists helped keep the miners healthy, busy and mentally focused. Submarine
experts from the Chilean Navy and NASA helped keep the miners mentally and physically healthy.

6. How were the miners rescued in the end?

They were rescued in a special capsule that brought them up from the tunnel one by one

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