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to my mother iluminada, my wife Imelda, and my children kim deunice, ken dainiel, and ‘karla denise Engineering Tapleot Mathematics Vol. 1 Contents Table of Contents Part 1: Algebra & Advanced Math.. Lawof Natural Numbers Law Equality Inequality Laws of Exponents Properties of Radicals Logarithm. Polynomials. Factor Theore Remainder Theorem, Binotnial Theorem Pascal's Triangle. Proportion Quadratic Formul. Partal Fraction Variation Arithmetic Progression. Geomettic Progression Harmonic Progression. Work problems Age Prodlems.ii.ion Digit Problems... Number Problems Clock Probiers.. Mixture Proble Motion Problems Sui Perenttion wn e Combination Probability p e Matices and Determinant is Dh CCeamer’s Rule ner cnoneonen 29) Complex Number... 30) 3 Vena Diagram, PROBLEMS Set 1— Conversion S:t 2 Exponentsand Radicals Set - Fundamentals in Algebra Set 4 Logarithm, Binomial Theorem, Quadratic Equation, mm — Tableor Engineering Contents Mathematics Vol. 1 Set5~ Age, Midture, Work, Clack, Number Problonis ond Set ~Motion, Variation, Percent, Miscellaneous Problems 105 Set 7 ~ Progression, Matrix, Determinant, Venn Diagram, 17 Set 8 = Permutation, Combination, Probability, “ 17 Set 9 168 Complex Numbers, Vectors Part 2: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Functions of Right Trangle seu ane ZE Pythagorean Theoret cance sacn ‘Trigonometri Identities, basic Identities, ee Fythaypnean Relations. ee Summ ara Difference of Two Angles Double Angle Formutas i Half Angle Formilas. xc. Ns Powers of Functions Product of Functions Sum and Difference of Functions Oblique Triangles. Sine Law. Cosine Law: is Law of Tangent nyc Mollweide's Equation Angles, Properties of Triangle ‘Area, Median. Altitide i: Ange BICCOF ssn SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY Spherical Tangle ran ‘Areaof Spherical Triangle Right Spherical Triangle, Napier's Rules. Oblique Spherical Triangle i Pe errgre ents 188) Law of Sines son T 8S Lawof Cosines oon dB Naper's Analogies 188 ‘The Terrestrial Sphere ‘ 189 ‘Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 PROBLEMS Set 10 - Angles, Trigonometrie Identities & Equations. Set 11 — Triangles, Angle of Elevation & Depression . Part 3; Plane Geomeny, Definitions Triange: ‘Theoremson Triangles. ‘Ares of Triangle. Quadelaterals nnn Recangle, Square, General Quadrilateral Patalletogram, Rhombus, Trapezoid. Cyetic Quadrilateral Polygens Theorems in Polygon Regular Polygons Circ Theoremson Circles ‘Area of Ciele ss Secor ane Segment of a Cele. Parabolic Segment Spondrel Ellipse Radiusof Circles; Clivle Clicumscribed About a Triangle . Cincle inscribed in « Triangle. Ginsle Escribed About a Triangle. Giele Circumscribed About a Qundsletera.. Giro inserted ins Quactriateral ‘Area ky Approximation : Trapenokal Rule oeesnon Siripson’s One-Thitd Rule..eonn ‘Area by Coordinates enssnnnnn PROBLEMS: Sel12- Triangles, Quadtrilaterals, Poly gore. Set13 «Circles, Parnbola, Ellipse, Miscellaneous Fig P Table of TV contents ————$$$_$_—_————— Ess ei Part 4; Solid Geometry... Polyhedirons Regular Polyhedrens Platonic Solids, Prom, Rectangular Paallelepiped, Cube. Pyramids... Frustum of a Pyramid Vinge : Cones rscsn Right Cirsular Cone. Frustum of a Right Cireular Cone Sphere Spherical Segment Splierical Sector. Spherical Lune and Wedge. Spherical Poly EONS nan Spherical Pyramiel Sol ofRevaition (apps Trans Elipsoid &Prolate and Oblate Spheroid.. Parabolid of Revolution... Prismatoid sono Prismoidal Formula ee Similar Sol discs PROBLEMS: Set 4 ~ Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders sunsrinn er sn IB Set 15~-Spheies, Prismatoid, Solids of Revolution, Misc. Part 5: Analytic Geometry... PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Gatti Cartitate’5)tem cy ecto Ue Distanve Benween Tie points 335 Strigh? Line 335 Slope of a Line 36 Standard Fyustions.of Lanes, i 336 Angle Between Two Lino, i 2 Distance from a Point ta Line Weeinaaa Distance between Two Parallel Lines 338 Divisivi of Line Segment, i, 338 point ofa Line Segment 338 Engineering Mathematics Vol. ‘Area of polygon by Coordi Conie Sections General Equation of Conies Circle Parabola Ellipse Hyperbole Variations of Problems in Canics ‘Targents and Normals to Conics. Polar Coordinate System. Distance etween Two poin! i Relationship baoeon ate Polar Coordinate 250 Polar Curves SPACE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ‘Space Coordinate Systems Rectangular Coordinates Cylindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates... ‘Table of contents V 3DGapls PROBLEMS Set 16~ Points Lines, Cicles 7 Set 17 = Parebol, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Polar, Space 7 Part 6: Recent Board Exams 397 PROBLEMS is Set 18 ~ Recent Bourdl Exains. 7 Sot 19= Necent Bosrd Exams 2. Bs ‘Table of VI contents Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Engineering Partl = y Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math art ALGEBRA & ADVANCED MATH BASIC Leta, by and ¢ be any number, LAW 1. Law of closure for addition: OF atl NATURAL 2, Comniutative law for addition: NUMBERS atoaben 3, Associative law for elation: ar Orda (rd re 4, Law of elosure for multiplication nb 5. Commutative law for multiplication iative law for multiplication abe) = (ab) 7. Distributive Law ‘alb-+ 0) = ab ac BASIC 1, Rellesive property LAWS OF aaa EQUALITY 2, Symmetse property Ika =4, then b=a 3, Transitive pro Wan band equal to thi 4 Tfa=ba b+. That is if equals are acided fo equals, the results are equal 5, lfn=band c=d, then ac= bd. Thatis, if equals are multiplied to equals, the results are equal. : then a~ ¢. That is, things 2 Part Algebra and Advanced Matt INEQUALITY Theorems on, Inequalities OTHER IMPORTANT PROPERTIES IN ALGEBRA LAWS OF EXPONENTS (INDEX LAW) Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 A stalcment that one quantity Is greater than oF less than another quantity Symbols used in inequality neh ausgreater than bifand only if-<-b Ma, then-aS0 If-a<0,then <0 Ika >b,c<0, then a? b, o> d, then (+c) >(b+d) Ika>b,c>d, and, b, c.>0, then ac> bi S era if1>0,8>0,0>0,then Let a8 1 ax0=0 Iaxt=0, then eithers orb =O or both and b Leased Lastors) Ba py and oe oa! (in 10.1F w i, then n 4. (ay! = =a then 5. (ite) (provided 1 20) en (a Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 PROPERTIES OF RADICALS PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHM POLYNOMIALS Expanding Brackots va 2. ae = Mae = ary” 3. Wa) 4 Mani = Yb 5 Mt é povanatbn bee 1, logy MN= 10g «M+ logs N M 2. tog, Mt = log .M~ log. N By 7B 8 3 logs M" 4. loga=1 5. _log, a” =xlog,a=x 6. “log,1=0 7, tflog yM=N, then a= 8, Ii log.M=log, N, then M=N. 9. log. M= in €= 271828... (Naperian logarithm) 10. log io M=log M (Common logarithm) 11, log M= log M/ logn =InM/ Inn 12, If log,x=a then x= antilog,, « log eM 13, a= antilog, x 1A, log ig 4250. = Jog (1000 « 4.25) = log 1000 + log 4.25 logo 4250 = 3 + 06284 = 3.6284 3, the integral par, is called the eharwcteristic 0.6234, a hon-negati decimal fhacton part, i ealled the mantissa By multiplying wo brackets together, each, tern in fone bracket is multiplied by cach term of the other bracket, (abr que id wit lt ber Ud toe » 4 Part Algebri and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Factorization Special Products and Factoring Division of Polynomials Esantle Selation f Soliion Factorization is the opposite process of expanding brackets, The usual process includes changing a tong expression without any brackets to a shorter expression that incluces brackets Ind = Ge 4 4 = 2x2— Be $2) = Ax I(x-1) . few y) ext (et yP ests Qey tye (eyes ay 4? (ea yeataste fer stt lays ebay weeps (rt yey +) Paps (eay)ie try ty) = (PAP = (= PEs VA) t =(erya-yerr ey ty) Carrying out the division of polynomials is no different, in principle, to numerical division Consider the following example Divide x= 10.8-9.x-20 by x4. By long division Yo +4y4 ox + 15 remainder 40 x-4)Me10R-9x- 20 Latex aat darters ae 3.62 x= Ge 4 1Sy sx = 15 remainder > 40, BY SYNTHETIC DIVISION Write the ceefficients of the terms, supplying zero as the coefficient of the missing power 1 0 40 9 20 [4 416 24 60 : T 4 6 6 4 The quotient is x9 + 4x2 + 6r +15 remainder 40. Engineering Mathematics Vol, 1 Fortl = g Algebra and Advanced Math Factor Theorem, Eunste Silat Remainder Theorem Eine Slaton Biemte Seton BINOMIAL THEOREM Properties Consider a fonction fi), f(t) =O thon (1) ea fector of fit). 1Ff(-3) = 0 thea (: +3) is @ factor of f(s), Use of factor theorem cen produce the factors of an expression ina trial and error manner, Factorize 239 + Sx?-x- 6 fs) “29.4 5x =x 6 fa)=20)+507-()-6=0, hence (x1) is factor fea)= Yelp + 904) Fl) -6 ence (t +1) is nota factor 2) = 20) + 52F- @)~6= 28, hence (¢ -2) is nota factor i + 52} (2)- 6 =0, hence (x +2) s.a factor fe3/2)= 23/2) +3(3/2)- (3/2) -6=0, hence 2x +3 a factor. ft Thus, 2e + 5x8 4-6 = (x1) +2) 2x43) Ufa polyponsial fx) is divided by (x — r) until a remainder ish eee esta erenaiiet Tef(e) =D then (is a factor of 2), Find the remainder when xt 10x? - Sy ~ 20is divided byx-4 fg) = t= 10x? = 9-20 x-4 Remainder = (4) = 4 - 10(4)* -9(4) -20 Remainder = 40 Find k such that r ~3 is a factor of &4>~ 6x2 + 2kx - 12. Remainder ~ (3) = i) - 66)? + %@) Expansion of (x +b)" The number of terms in the expansion 1+ 1, The first termis a” & the last termis b", ‘The exponent of adescends linearly from to 0, 6 Parti Algebra and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Pascal's Triangle term of (a+ 0)" Exam Solatioe A Solecioe E “The exponsntar ascends nearly from Oto, 5, The sum of the exponents of aand bin any of the terms is equal ton, 6. The coefficient of the second term and the second from the last term is 71, Used to determine the coefficients of the terms in a binomial expansion, (a+b (a+b (a+ be Grp 1 (ein a (ay 1... term = a Gre (DI To get the middie term (for even value of n), setr=2 +4 Find the 3+! term in the expansion of (27+ y)*. Using the properties and Pascal's triang! (ty = G8 + SGN y+ 100) se Saty + 1oxy? Using the formula: nt 1 term = —____—_ C= re3 0 ne 5 a= hey Engineering Pati 7 ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math Coefficient of Noxt (Coefficimtof previous term)(exponentofs) Term a (exponentofy) +1 Eranble Expand completely the expression (x+y). Station By principle, the first term Is x*, the second term is 8y7y, ‘The variable part of the third term isx*y>, Thecoeficient of the thitel term is, = $2 = 28 ie 34 term = 28 x49? am term= 229) ys ip = 56.48 sem Say ony (te Per yt Buy +360ey +70ry +560 + 8 ih + Bxy> yh ‘Sum of Coofficiont To get the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of of Variables. (ax + by +...) substitate 1 to each of the variables HY Brample Find the sum of the coéfficient of the variebles in the expansion of (2+ 3y Site Sum = (1) +3(1) ~ 1} = a= 65,536 Suample Find the sum of the cocflicient of the variables in the ‘expansion of (3x 5)°. Statin Note that the last term in the expansion of (x ~5)*is constant and is equal to (-5)' = 15,625. This value must be subttacted from the result after substituting for the variable x. ‘Sum of coefficients= [3(1) ~5]"- (5)' =-15,561 g Pata Engineering Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 PROPORTION Froportion isa statement of equality between two Mean Proportional Properties of Proportion ralios, In the following proportion: acb=erd ot band carecalled the means ‘and d arecalled the extremes {fis the fourth proportional toa, and c. In the ratio a/b, @ is called the antecedent and b is called the consequent ab ‘The mean proportional to two terms a and b 1, Proportion by inversion rf é E then ba a ¢ 2. Proportion by alteration en rae IES then Sar 3. Proportion by composition MS! tenth ete bd d 4, Proportion by division Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 QUADRATIC FORMULA Properties of Roots PARTIAL FRACTION Improper. Fraction Proper Fraction Partl ‘Algebra and Advanced Math a BrtCHO For the quadratic equation 4 where B~ 4AC iscalled the discriminant, If B? = 4AG, the toats are equal. IE#2> 4AC, the roots are real, unequal. If B? < 4AG, the roots are Imaginary, Ifthe roots of the quadratic equation Ax? + Bx +C=0) are xyand x, then B ‘Sum of roots, 1 +9 Product of roo! mae Functions of ¢ that can be expressed in the form B(s)/Q(2), where both P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials of x, is known as rational functions. A rational function is said to be an improper fraction if the degree of P(x) is greater than or equal to the degree of OG). 387 Improper Fractions; > Improper fractions may be expressed as the sum of a polynomial and 2 proper fraction. For example pl G7 ‘A rational funetion is known as 9 proper fraction if the degree of P(x) is less than the degnee of Q(0). 2x8 44y=5. Proper Fraction; = — Be y6x? Bx zo Patt Algebra and Advanced Math Seamee Method of Resolving Proper Fraction into Partial Fraction Case! Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Proper fractions such as can be expressed as the sum of partial fraction provided that the denominator will jactorize. Consider the following examples 23. 2 2er-4- x8 Case x 2x-$ ax=4) r= 4) Ifwwe reverse the process: $82 4) ‘Thus, the fraction can be expressed or 2.3 casell esolved Into partial fractions > resolved Into pa a The method of resolvins jartial fraction is more EA) dibraee sue eloy eraapias chisel melee 6-2) 72 Bx + 2K 41 er Gy Gy Gay 4 Ge (e-1)(@? =x+1)? ut Case lV eel Brel eae a (aay YS Ga) The following are the different eases of fractions that ‘can be resolved into pattial fraction Factors of the denominator ail linear, none repeated, 3x24 32y—51 Mt 2)8 43) € BP +320-51 = A(x = Ile 3) + Bla 1)(0 +3) +Qx-1(e-2) Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Part1 Algebre-and Advanced Math This equation is an identity; hence itis true for any, yalueof x. To solve for A, get x=1;A=4 To solve for B, set x= 2 B=5 To solve for C set x=-3; C= -6 11 Factors of the denominator all linear, some repeated dr2s7x+8_ A,B, Cy D Hay CF HF Axi + 7e B= A(et 2) + x(x + 2) Cafe +2)-* Dx cs Expand and equate the cooffic solve for A, B,C, and D ts oF Tike powers to Some factors of the denominator. quadral repeated WaP ste i2e+22 A, Bre STO ey GG OG 2045) atx8 + Udy? De +22 = ACS +4) 07-22 +9) + G+ Ole +12 -2¢+3) + (De + A + 1) +4) Expand and equite the coefficients of like powers to solveforA, B,C, D, and E Some factors of the denominator quadratic some repeated Bree a8) “Gad Sx'- 9p) + 601-915 +64 = A(x? x +4 4 (Bx + Qr(at-3x +4) + (Dx + Bx Expand and equate the coefficients of like powers to solve for, B, C, D, and E Partial fractions are often used to help simplify « separate problem such as one involving integration. 2 Parti Algebra and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 VARIATION Direct Variation Inverse Variation Joint Variation ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION AP, nl” term of AP. ‘Sum of n terms of AP. [etse J 2x? +5x-3 A mathematical function that relates the values of one variable to those of other variables. If is directly proportional toy, then, xy or x=hy k= consiant of proportionality Iftis inversely proportional to y, then, 1 k xe or ya = y vy If x is directly proportional. to y and inversely proportional tothe square of z, then, y, ed xe H or vert oa Al A sequence of numbers in which the difference of ‘any two adjacent terms is constant, Ex, 4,7, 10, 13,16... (common difference = 3) Fle = common difference d= ar~ a) = ay —ay= 67 Ay ete, $=sum of all the terms maa r(n-tjd OF ty ane (0 m\d sate) a, ea) Engineering ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION GP. n termof G.P. Sum ofn terms, of GP. Sum of Infinite Geometric. Progression (GP) HARMONIC PROGRESSION Esanple Solution WORK PROBLEM Erampe Parti Algebraand Advanced Math 29 ‘A sequence of numbers in which the ratio of any two adjacent terms is constant. Ex 26,18, (common ratio, r= 3) Common ratio, ay(e?=1) ra ant I-r whenr> 1 “) Se when <1 Fora geometric progression where -1 774 =7'(49-56+5+1)=7' (1) _ 8-250) Saas Marae! 4. 15 {Ge- Wyre ae ge a 389 «3939 je aeae—3o Drax = 85 10, ( =10 Bue © (x)? =10;x = 1.2589 Engineering Part 1 5 o Mathematics Vol, 1 Algebra and Advanced Math a verneninea vol Problems - Set 3 f Fundamentals in Algebra ! PROBLEM 3-1 Change 02272727... to a common fraction. ME Boasd AA C 5/2 B 5/48, D. 9/34 PROBLEM 3-2 Whats the value of 7! oF 7 factorial eee B 2510 D. 2520 PROULEM 3-3 ‘The reciprocal ef 20 is ME October 1804 wpa ©, 020 B20 D. 005 PROMLEM 3-4 If pis an add number and q is an even number, which of the following expressions must be even? Apt9 Com Bq D.p/e PROULEM 3-5 Mews D uivalent to: BROULEM 35 ICMRCIY lea Roman Numeral equivalet lo: B 3074 D, 1994 PROPLEM3-G Whatis stdommon factor 0 cee at she Tost common factor of 106322 B2 D. 9) tay 12. ‘A, 6>x>2 C6>x>2 B 6>4>-2 Dig>x>2 When the expression xt+ ex? + 52 + by + 6 is divided by (2-2) the temainder io 16 When i fs divided by (x11) the remainder is 10. What is the value ofthe constant a? ALS C7 Bo DB ineering Patt 57 mts Ae r matics V thematics Vol. 2 Alggbrit and Advanced Math and Advanced Mah Mathematics Vol. 1 GOWTIONS-T Bas: LUTION 3-2 71 =7(6)(8)(4)(3)(2)¢1) = 5,040 02072727...= 55 ANSWER SHEET ove 3-3 Reciprocal of 20 is 1/20 = 0.05 > © > aD integers with one of them LUTION3-4 The product of eny two integers “even” ia always an even number ‘Thus, among the choites “pa” is always even, OLWNONS:5 © M=1000. V=5, 00; 1-1, X=10 uo MCMNCIV = a+CM = XC 1V 9 i = 1000 +90) +90 + 4 =1994 the lowest number, which is a factor of all the given numbers, [OUWTION 3-6 The lowest common factor (LCF) of a given numbers is “Ans: B POPP GMOOOO POCO POOPED MIepeomvereraaray| | eDaDeren pen aren o>¢D POOH MOHEr we POOMOOMOoes OO@GOOO@@a@e| |] eH @@ ew oe QOCGMOOOCOOE DOD LD 4D DD DPD PMOOOOOHMoOoe ‘The LCF of 10 and 32s therefore 2, Bsouron 3-7 diy-sit-yP=-(dr day +) “Be? aes D SOUTTON 3-8 wt y- solr Oy) ” y eam) ty) SOWTOV3-9 B+ 6r+8= (e+ (x42) nan SOLUTONS-10 8 +8=842 ins: D ee ae+4) i identical Note: The factor of e given expiession must be ident {o that expression (identity). ‘Thus, this problem may be solved by assuming any value of the varinble/s. T choice that gives the same result with the given expression is the correct answer. PAP OOO OMPAE || COOOOOCOCOOO PIP OOO OPO || COOOMOOOGOE EDAD. ED AD aa. TD Ep E.G | H a> 4D 7 419 ED ED DEAD HD ED {D4 Gd GD Gd > <<>> | I] G9 @d «> ed

| I eo er erm ap erendn on POOH OBOHOo POO MOMHOOODe OOOO OOMOarases SOUMTION 31 Ans © SOLUTION 3-12 Ane a SOUUIIONS - 13 Ans: B SOLUTION 31-14 Ans b) SOLUTION 3-15 Ans A SOLUTION 3-16, Any SOLUTION $- 17 Ans D SOLUTION 4-15 Ans © Choice A, B ~2)(*+ 263 + 4) = 1(19) = 1935 Choice B. (3 + 438+ 2x3 +2) =7(17) = 118.435 Choice C. (3+ 2\(3 +243 +2) = (A)e1)=1235 57) = 35 (OK) = Sax +2)(r- 3) wy +16 = 8-2) =P = (= HIGe) + AC) +) = 1)e-1)@t+ +1) (ea (e #2) = (e +2) (v4) (x-4P (¢+2)- (+22 (0-4) =0 (x-aler+ 2 [@=4)- +2] =0 16- 10x + SOLUTION 3-29 Ans wot (alae) =0 saand-2 facie sees (x)= flr) = [at +x 1] [(e-1)2+ (v1) +1] N32 Besviogeareitacted) ene einipielen Choice A: (identity), Choice B; (identit Choice C; : i (identity) Ghoiebs Sr asdto Seared Bodner) (oven they) 45283 89 =} a3 Spy Ax? =9) + (e+ 3)(x+ 3) = 4x7 @Far—3) SOLUTON]- 22 axtd + Ans: C 6x-27 1+ 6x - 27 Thegiven equation isaniclntity, Therefore ean haveany value Part1 Engineering Engineering Partl SB. A tpetraand’Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 Mathematics Vol, 1 Algebra and Advanced Math 539 a aeons vor Asimer=3 ft8= si 4a=5 ; CHIN T Hey yess, 20) 9x-y= 12; y=9r-12 (2) Comparing equations (1) and(2) 3y-§=9x-12 6r=6)x=1 in Bq. (0): 3) -y-Gy=3 Note: This problem may be solved by substituting the choices to the given equations, Given: 4? +72 = 32 >) -3r Hly=41 > Q) Add: () x34 @) x4 Ide +21 P= 96 AQ + MP 164 When y = +2,x=21and when y=-2,2=41 By Cramer’e Rule,w= Ne / D aeaueio 2 Deli is 21a 5 a 31 oa D=(@GLCS) + -2)-29@) + QA) “L2NSIC) + 2\) + (3)A)(2)) =-46 3-2 ls = No=|1 5 -9}1 5 De yG|2 a Ne = 13)6)(-6) + (2)/-9)(2) + 04j()a)| = [2S)AD + YES) + (-6)0)(-2)] = -138 38 w =46 foy= FI (e-4) +4 Rotor-k rk 60 Part Engineering ‘Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 ee By remainder theorem, Remainder =/(n =k =/0) = (k #9)(k-4) +4=h R-k-12+4=k B= 2k-8= 0; -E+2)=0 k=dor-2 SOLUTION 4-23 For the quactratic equation ax? + by? + c= 0 to have only Ans: ‘one real root, b= Ane For the equation 4x2+ Ix +1=0, witha =4,b=k, andc=1, 224(a)(1)= 16 k= SOLUMON 3-24 By remainder theorem: sn joe xorea-y3; red fs |=(5 8 +22 751 LUTON 3-25 By long division: A MS a4 2y B-Day + By? Bx? =x y= Say? + Oy? = Bx bxty + Oxy? 0 ty ae Hy du Gy! 0 remainder SOLUTION 3-26 By long. division: pee ay2+ey-5 ay +3 ay? + tay? sey 4 Ay 6 aay? + by = aye + ty 113 remainder By remainder theorem: Aly) = 4) ~ 18? + By -4 3/2 = 4(3/2) +18|-3/2)+ 96/2) -4 Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 SOLUTION S- 27 Ans © SOLUTION 3-28 Ans € SOLUTION 3-29 Nas D SOLUTION 4 - 30 kasiD SOLUTION 3-31 Ans: Part 1 ‘Algebra andi Advanced Math ft) =k 3)(b-4) 24= Rok=12 44k Hi%-8=0, (-A(k+2)=0 (6)? + 4(5)*— 305) +8 Remainder =218 ay? 6x18 weave Jax 4x20 196x448 = Bx = Gxt +18? Ge 4x8 16x? + 36x Get =D) + 36x. BP otoe = 45 + 8-168 +48 0 ‘The quotient is 3x2 + 6x +8 Dane ee darth 5M) 4 30) ¥ coy Wb =e) (@+b\a-b) 2b X-1/x=1 raise both sides to 3 t/xp =P Boat/y eens ala B= 3049/5 -1/8=1 ¥1-3iy-1/a)-1/8= 1, buty=1/x= 1 P-3i1)-1/e pasa 143 va 1/s=4 Ps 62 Patt SOLUTION 332 anc SOLUTION 3-33, Ans: D) SOLUTION 3-34 ans i SOILTION 3-45 Ans SOLUTION 3-30 Ans © SOLUTION 4-47 Aus: C Algebra and Advanced Math Wty DENT octfy=r/e-1 Perars® 5x eae 3 = Belt 2)= (9 43)(e23) (QED OK Ht Griese 2) = 1Or=(0? +6249) (4x? 44x21) e+ G-2) = Bi 12-8 (2s? 3-2) NEE Beterae-a 4Qrsiye-2) 4 Crie+Ne-Q xsd = [(0+1/2) * (a= 1/ a0 +1/a) - (a 1/0 = [2ali2/a} =4 MAEM By synthetic division, JQ) 2x94 Or + Or +074 Ov +32 one x+2) r= 2 100 0 0 32 8 16-32 4-816 0 Coefficients The quotient is:x4 - 23 +432 8x + 16 yo3r+4 <0 20 yh 38/y=2Hly 72) Multiply Eq. (2) by viewed Part Algebra and Advanced Math From Eq. (1) then Geist tt Ox day + 16+ 8= 24 Idk? -24r-8=0; 51°-12e-4=0 (12) 2 {G2 4G) _ 12/31 ie = ananean ae Inesyid _6t2/Td SUG) ier mn) jGtQ_,_18tofd-20 22 oV14 Sine ee 5 8) yaad SOLUTION 3 - 38 ett (2s4x4I0) A, B2eH2) | C (amex) R(x 42x45) (X7+2K+5), Bedet10=Ale+2r+5)+82r+2x¢+Cx >) Eq. (1) isan identity. Set v= 0 toeliminate B and C; 10= A(@+0+5) Az? x42 r+ 10=Alr+2) +B -2) 2410=A(2 +2) + B(2-2), 4 2410 =Al2+2) +B(2-2); B Setx=2) Set = 2: ION 3 - 40 x42 x2 wC Vow. = De=3) Substitute A in Eq. (1) to Eq. 2): 2 -a(1-B) 4B 2=-3+38-4B B=Sanda=6 Thus; Part 1 Engineering Algebra und Advanced Math SOLUTIONS a1 Leta be the sum of the first SOnumbers, then @ / 80= mean = 55; 0= 4,400 If the two numbers 250 and 850 were removed, then the arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers is: (78 numbers were lft) (@- 250 - 850)/78 = (4400 -250 - 850)/78 = 42.31 42 Leta be the stim of the first 6 numbers, then a / 6 =17 or a= 102, Lat x and y/be the two number for which x- y= 4, or x=4+y, then the arithmetic of the now set of number is: mean= 22%*¥ 249 198) = 102+ (4+y)+y yo Note: The answer for this problem can easily be seen from the choices, The only choice whose difference is 4 isletterb (23 and 27) ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Engineering Pati 65 ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math SOLUTION 3-40 Ans: A SOLUTION 3-47 Ans: SOLUTION 3 = 48 Letxbethe fourth proportional then 7 ;12:21:7 or 7/12=21/x x= 21(12)/7= 36 x43 _ Br-2 10) 5 8x +24= 30x20 x=2 2r-1=2()-1 (Oe -1=3 4 24608] | 33608 geUUTON'-3 Alogi cinmothaven sc oft SECLEl lm aEC2EL |e 3 : ; eee a elle SEES EPS Sa EeE Pecans. we 32-100 SECCE||o 3805 Sh lm 3860s SOLUTION 4-5 If log, 2187 =7/2 then a’? = 2187, & nN & e R eee a= 21872/7= 9, > oaeselle saeeelie cf ees FEES aig Eaioge tad -SSCOEN a SSCHET in ae eae = 10g 0)0)() -1 # log @) log @)+log\@) 2 SSCHEN In SECRET Ia 28898 Pee ; SECHETIs 3368 ff ]a og 85 8 eae SOCOETI» SaCDElls geea8 en aaa SSCOEW ln SECC El ln s8e0 8 SOMTIONS©7 Jog) _ log SSCdETIs S8ccel|= geese logy’ egy ee : c : : f 4 : 5 : : . : SOLUTIONS -§ 0% p taking the logarithm of both sides log 10 74 Part Algebra and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 SOLUTION 4-9) Angi 8 SOLUTION 4 - 10 ans HON 4-11 ai SOLUTION Ans: 2 SOLUTION 4-13 ‘Ans C SOLUTION 4-14 Ans. SOLUTION 4-15 ‘Ans: SOLUTION 4 - 16 ‘Ans: © SOLUTION 4 ~17 ‘Ans: C SOLUTION 4-18 Ans SOLUTION 1-19, ews & og P ax= log P=b; x= —(logl’=t) log (a")' = lox a = a2 log a = Hoga logd loge logh “loge logit loge acre Gd If log, 36= 2, thens?= 36 and x =6 log, 27 + log,3 =2 log, (273) = log, 81 =2 8819-9 log 2(@+2) +1og.2(@-2)=5 og (a+ )(a-2) =logs (@ = 4) =5 4293 1 =36; a~6 logsx=3 ya p=1B InP= log. P =8 Blog ¢= logy log.x*= logy Thus y=) (Butif loge =log bab) ‘Among the choices, choice C is correct. og (1/49) =-2 7n1/a9 1/49=1/49 (OK) log VE Engineering SouuTion 1-20 ins; © SOLUTION 4-21 Aes 8 SOLUTION 4-22 DANS A SOLUTION 4-25, A “Mathematics Vol. 1 Part1 Algebra and Advanced Math 75 Tne) = Ton) From the basic logarithm property; log? Ines) ==y By principle, log-log b = log (¢ / 0) “Thus, log x- log (y >=) = log x/(y +2)] ogy1000°3 = tog yo [105P3 = log 10"? = 99 log 10=9.9 Orusing caleulator log 391000 =9.9 log x2 Hloga¥=2 By definition, logis b 1 Tog. and log «1 =1, also log, «= +log2x=2_ multiply by logs x 1+ (log25)'=2 logs (log 23}! 2logax+1=0; ogsx~1)2=0 logzx-1=0;logzx=1 xe2=2 Note: this can also be solved by inspection or by substituting the values of x from the choices, By change bane nue tog na = tog a/ log) =Ina/ Int log «845 = log 845 / log 6 Tog 345 = 3.761, Let xand y be the numbers, then; log io (cy) = O.352182518 y= WORSEN, /y = 2.25 Dy 20) og io (+ y) = 1556002501; xy = 10'ss00"01 xy=36 22) Subatitute in Bq. (1) to Ey @): (@25y) y= 36 Baie y=4 and x= 2250) = 9 76 Parti SOLumiON +26 Ans: ¢ SQLUTION 4-27 Ans: 4 SOLLITION 4-28 Ans: D SOLUTION 4 -29 Ans D soumon 4 30 Ans iC ‘Algebra and Advanced Math Engin Mathematics Vol, Tog x + logy = log y= 17a > (i) log x= logy = lox (¢/) =-0.0579919, o/y= 10 A888 1/y= 0875 wry 22) Substitute v in Ea. @) to Ba. (1): (0.8751) y=36 Pood y=8and. . SOLUTION 4-31 uw Ino = Ine? = Ine s Ine-(r-2)Ine Butine=1 yrx=(=2)) y=2 log 25 + log 35 = (log’®)/(log2) + (log 5)/(log 3) log25 + log 35 =3.787 ‘The logarithm of a negative number can be evaluated a5, follows: 29g (9) =log (a1) knowing that i = -1, log (-a) = log (a)(#) log (a) = logs + tog log (-a) = loga + 2logi ‘The exponential form of the imaginary number t= &/9 Jog (1) = og a+ 2 log er log ba) = log.a + 2 i(n/2) log e log (-a) = loga + xi loge aka Ans: D ‘Thus the logit ofa negative number is a complex number, 35+ = 650 OS 6 Gey -() gast (385. Taking the logarithm of both sides: In (6.5)! =1n(6.5/38.5): In (65)°= » In (65/385) Parti Algebriand Advanced Mah 77 1n(6.5)* 1n(65/385) % | Another Solution: In(G8.5)¢ = In(6.5)2 xn385 = (¥=2) In65 Or we can just substitute the choices to the given ‘equation, term y 1 ae hiyes ear ela eee eee wate (& 1 crm = 4368 1 (248) = es 20484"" (28) rh term = ——e GD ‘The 5% term of (x + 44)*is 12 2541) (4y) (54) = Ga=senyyesay NT NPY = a ‘The swuinerical coefficient is 126,720 eT eRe Et mem Gor ije—t! For the middle term, r= 3 +1 (for even values of » only) 1=8/2+1=5 (5% term) a=x3 b=3) Middle term (6 tern) = G=z—yey = 70x" (3)! = 56708 (e Engineering Part1 Mathematics Vol. 1 79 7a Parl Engineering ‘Algebra end Advanced Math Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 ——— en eta SOLUTION -37 ‘Ans: C SOLUTION 4-35 ANS SOLUTION 4-36, Ans A i manlpet Grn” * ‘The variable partis fourd in a'""* 6°". We can find the term (7) by equating the variable of this expression to term = Equating: (But ifxr= 20-8) 6h term = (a) ey Ge x oocern 790 28 atte ‘The constant term in the expansion of (:+¥/sj2) is the term that contains x9, The term of (0 +b)" is b= 1/27 and 1 where ¢ =) poe RNG 239° (Butif =P, then a= 0) 16=1-31/2+3/2=0 7=7 (therm) Fea ea fem SST?) (fr) 7h term = 5005 0/2? = 5005 To get the sum of the coefficients in the expansion, replace all the varlables with 1, Som=[1+2()-1})= SOLUTION | -37 Ans: D SOLUTION 4 -38 ‘Ars: A SOLUTION 4-39) ‘Ans: 3 SOLUTION 4 - 40) Ans 3 SOLUTION 4-41 Dans D SOLUTION 4-42 Ans c SOLUTION 4-43 Ans C Setallthe variables oT, Sum of coefficients ~ (142.4 2)(1+a)*= 262,44 To get the sum of the coefficients (and’ constants) of a binomial expansion set all variables to 1. Sum of coefficients = (1+1-1)'= 1*=1 (less than 2) ‘Sum = [2(1) - 1} Note: the last term of the expansion of this binomial is, (2) =1, which is constant (not a coefficient), Therefore the sum of the coefficients is, Sum of coefficients = 1-1=0 The product of the roots of the quadratic equation AP +Bx+C=0is GA If 1/4 and -7/2.are roots of a quadratic equation, then; = (= 1/4(x+7/2)=0 #4 7x/2-x/4-7/8=0 Br + 38x. 3x70 By + 26r-7=0 Therefore, 8 =26 multiply both side by 8 For the quadratic equation 3x2 + 4v+ 2ii- 5) =0 ae c ‘The product of the roots is C/A C/A= h-5)/3=4 h-5=12, b= 172 For the quadratic equation ar?» +c = 0 whose rots are « and v, the sum of the roots is -t/a= + vand the product of the roots is o/a= 1. Dividing both sides of the equation cx" + bx + a= Dby ai (c/a) * (b/ apn bit c/a= 1 and b/a = -(u +») =0 (ue) (ut aye (ux~1)(ox-1)=0 y= 1/uand1/o Part 1 BO Algebra and Advanced Math THON 4 =a SOLUTION 4-45 Anse A. SOWTION 4-46 Ans: SOLUTION 4-47 ans SOLUTION 4-4 Ans: 8 Engineering ting Mathematics Vol, 1 Ifthe roolsofin + bs+e=OareSand 2, then 7 (&=3@e-3)=0 eoSet Thus) atbhrcni+(s For the given equ 2-5 For the fequired equation, the roots are: s=2/3 and 1 then; x2+3y/5-2/5=0 multiply both side by 5 Se+3r-2=0 If the roots of the equation are 1/3 and %, then the equation may’ be written as; (-1/3)x-W) ¥-(7/I2)r+1/12=0 Multiply both sides by 12 Td 7x 41=0 The expression Ax? + By + C is a perfect square if B? = 4AG, In the expression kx? —3kx +9, hy me i> = 30k 9k = 36 k=4 B= -3k, and C=9, For the equation Ax? + Bx + C= 0 to have only one real solution, B?-4AC = 0, Ford +hx+ 4d), kode A =4,B =k, and C=1, jematics Vol, 1 Part lL Algebrmand Advanced Mah: 82 "The only root” means that the given quadratic equation has only one root, thus itis a perfect square, For the equation As? + Bx +C= Oto bea perfect square, BE-4AC BE-4AC = (6)? -4()k= 0; 6=9 The equation is therefore x2 6x +9 = 0or (x -3)°=0. ‘Thus, the only root is 3. Lot Ax? + By + C= O be the correct equation, For the first stucient who got roots of 2 and 3, (@-2)e73)s0 Bax-6 > Equation made by the first student Since he made a mistake on the coefficient of the constant term (B) only, then 2 Land C=-6 arecorrect, For the other student who got roois of -1 and 4: fe + 1)e-4)=0 2-32-4=0 > Equation madeby the other student Since he made a mistake on the constant term (C) only, then = Land B=-3erecorrect, ‘Thus, the correct equation isx2~ 3x -6= 0 2, Pare Algebra and Advanced Math Problems - Set 5 Age, Mixture, Work, Clock, Number Problems PROBLEN S—1 PROBLEM 5 - 2 PROBIEN 5.3 PROBLEM 3-1 PROBLEM, PROBLEM 5-6 ECE Now. 1995, PROWL 5 —> ‘Engineering PROBLEM 5-8 Two times the father’s age is 8 more than six times hi sons age. Ten years ago, the sum of their ages Was 44 The age of the son is: Aad ©. 20 B15 D468 PROBLEM 5-9 Peter's age’13 years ago was 1/3 of hie age 7 yee hence, How old is Peter? a A.15 eu 8. 21 D.27 q A tnan is 41 years old and in seven years he will be fo a Himes as old as his son is ct that ime, How old ishiss AD cs 8.4 D8 ‘A father is three times as old as his son. Four years ago, he was four times as old as his son was at that time! How old is his son? ‘A. 36 years B. 24 Years PROBLEM 5-11 C32 years D. 12years ‘The ages of the mother and her daughter are 45 and 3) years, respectively, How many years will the mother three times as old as her daughter? AS C15 B10 D. 20 PROBLEM 5-12 Mary is 24 years old. Mary is twice as old as Ana was when Mary was as old as Ana ienow. How old is Ana? A 16 C19 BoB. D. 20 PROBLEM 5 —13 ‘The sum of the parent’s ages is twice the sum of theit children’s ages. Five years ago, the sum of the parent's ages is four times the sum of their children’s ages, 1 fifteen years, the sum of the parents eges will be equal to the sum of their children’s ages. How many childsen, ——— a eee ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Part 1 Algebra and Advanced Mah 83 were in the family? A2 G4 Ba Ds ‘Two thousand (2000) kg of steel containing 8% nickel is, tobe made by mixinga steel containing 14% nickel with another steel containing 6% nickel. How much of the sieel containing 14% nickel is needed? ‘A. 1500 kg CBOs B, 800 kg, D. 500 kg ‘A Al-gram alloy coniaining 25% gold is to be melted wwith 4 20-gram alloy containing 50% gold. How much percentage of gold is the resulting alloy? AL 40% 5% B, 30% B, 35% In what ratio must a peanut costing P 240,00 per kg be mixed with 9 peanut costing P 240.00 per ky 60 that a. profit of 20% is made by selling, the mixture at P 360.00 per ke? A12 © 23 B32 D3: 4 100-kilograin salt solution originally 4% by weight. Salt in water is boiled to reduce water content unl th concentration is 5% by weight salt. How much water is evaporated? A10 Cm B15 B25 ‘A pound of alloy of lead and nickel weighs 14.4 ounces in water, where lead losses 1/11 of its weight and nickel, losses 1/9 of its weight. How much of each metal is in thealloy? ‘A. Lead = 72 ounces: Nickel = &8 ounces B. Lead = 88 ounces; Nickel = 7.2 ounces C. Lead = 65 ounces; Nickel = 54 ounces D. Lead = 78 ounces; Nickel = 42 ounces An alloy of silver and gold weighs 15 oz. in air and 14 oz. in water, Assuming that silver losses 1/10 of its Weight inv water and gold losses 1/18 of its weight, hew many ozateach metal are in the alloy? Engineering Ce Mathematics Ve ‘A. silver =45 07; Bok = 10.5 02 B. silver = 375 02; gold 11.28 oz ©. silver 0.02 D. silver PROBLEMS. 14 A pump: ean pump out/a tank in 11-hours. Another ME Apiil 1998 FU cuamoen pump con pump out the same tank in 20 hours. How, ong will it take both pumps together to pump out the tank? A, 1/2hours © 6 hours B, 1/2hours D. 7hours Mr. Brovrn can wash his car in 15 minutes, while his son John takes twice as long to do the same job. If they work together, how many minutes can they do the washing? A6 C10 us D.12 PROBLEM 5-16 One pipe can fill a tank in 5 hours and another pipe can, fillthe same tank in 4 hours. A drainpipe can empty the full content of the tank in 20 hours, ‘With all the three pipes open, how long will it take to fill the tank? A, 2houts 1.92 hours B, 25 hours D. 18 hours HOBLEMS-17 A swimming pool is filled through its inlet pipe and then emptied through its outlet pipe in a total of 8 hours, Jf water enters through its inlet and simultaneously allowed to leave through its ouitiet, the pool is filled in 7 Ye hours, Find how long will it take to fll the pool with the outlet closed AG C8 B 2 D5 PROBLEM 5-18 Three persons can do a piece of work alone in 3 hours, 4 hhouts, and 6 ours, respectively. What fraction of the jab can they finish in one hour working together? An CH B 4/3. D.2/3 PROBLEM 5-19 father and his son can dlig.a well if the father works 6 hours and his son works 12 hours or they can do it ifthe father works 9 hours and the son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the son to dig the well alone? A. Shours ©. 15 hours B Whours D. 20 hours ithematics Vol. 1 (OULEMS =20, PROBLEM 5-22 jOBLEM 5-23 BRODLED 5-25 Nov. 1908 Part 1 braand Advanced Mah 85 Peter and Poul can do a certain job in 3 hous) Ona given day, they worked together for T hour then Paul Teft and Peter finishes the rest of the work in 8 more hours. How long will it take for Peter to do the job alone? A.W hours: ©. 12 hours 8, 1 hours D. 13 hours Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they can paint a given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Pedro to paint the same fence if he had to work alone? ‘A 10 brs © Bhrs, 3, Ths D. 15 hrs. Noroy can finish @ certain job in 10 days if Imelda will help for 6 days, The same work can be done by Imelda in 12 days if Nonoy helps for 6 days, If thoy work together, how long will it take for them to do the job? a) © 92 B84 D8 A pipe can fill up a tank with the drain open in three hours. If the pipe runs with the Grain open for one hour and then the drain is closed, itwill toke 45 more minutes for the pipe to fill the tank. If the drain will be closed right at the start of filling, how long will it take for the pipeto fill the tank? ©1325 hrs A, 1.15 hrs B, 1125 hrs D, 1535 hrs Delia can finish @ job in 8 hours. Daisy can do it in 5. hours. If Delia worked for 3 hours and then Daisy was asked to help her finish it, how long will Daisy have to, ‘work with Delia to finish the job? A, 2/5 hour © 2B hours B, 25/14 hours D. 1923 hours ‘A job could be done by eleven workers in 15 days, Five workers started the job. They were reinforced with four more workers at the beginning of the 6th day, Find the {otal number of days it took them to finish the job. A. 2236 © 32 B, 2142, 20.56 Part 1 Engineering Engineering Part 1 86 Algebra and Advanced Math Mamemasee Voll Mathematics Vol. 1 ‘Algebra and Advancce Math 87 TROBIEMS-26 On one job, two power shovels excavate 20,000 WP of Ae1283 pm ©1237 pm earth, the larger shovel working, for 40 hours and the B, 12:30 pm D, 12287 pm smaller for35 hours. Another job, they removed 40,0000 rv! with the larger shovel working 70-hours and the PROBLEN 5-34 At what time after 1200 noon will the hour hand and smaller working 90 hours. How much earth can the GE Feb, 1997 the minute hand of a clock first form an angle of 120°? larger shovel move in one hour? A. 21818 © 2118 A, 17391 © 368.12 B, 122.181 D. 1221818 8, 34783 D, 162.22 PROBLEN 5-35 Fromtthe time 615 PM to the time 745 PMof thesame day, PROBLEM 5 - A and B can doa piece of work in 42 days, Band Cin 3t ser Fehh 1094 the minute hand of a standard clock describe an arc of: FE Apel 1996 days, and A and C in 20 days. Working together, how A. 360" 540° B, 120° D7" PROBLEM $28) PROBLEMS + 29 PROBLEM 5 -20 PROBLEM 5-31 PROBLEM 5-32 PROBLEM 5-33, many days canal! of them finish the work? A. 18S C178 B 194 D.20.9 ight men can dig 150 ft of trench in 7 his. Three men, can backfill 100 ft of the trench in 4 hrs, The time that it will take 10 men to dig and fill 200 ft of trench is: A, 9867 hrs C. 8.967 hrs B. 9.687 hts 1D. 8.687 hrs In two hours, the minute hand of the clock rotates through an angle of; A, 45° C3602 B 90° D. 720° In one day (24 hours), how many times will the hout= hand and minute-hand of a continuously driven clock be together? Ag CB BB D. 24 How many minutes after 3:00 PM will the minute hand of the clock avertakes the hour hand? ‘A 14/12 minutes ©. 164/11 minutes B. 16-11/12 minutes. 14/11 minutes How many minutes after 10:00 o'clock will the hands of thecleck be opposite each other for the first ime? A. tat 2181 Bai D261 What time between the hours of 12.00 noon and 1.00 pri would the hout-hand and the minutehand of a «continuously driven clock be in straight line? PRODLEA 5 - 36 PROBLEM 5-37 EE Ocober 1990 PROBLEM 5 38 PROBLEM 5~ 39 PRoLEMS 40 PROBLEM 5-41 Its now between 9 and 4 o'clock end in twenty minutes the minute-hand will be as much as the howr-han as itis now behind it, What is the time now? ‘A 3106.36 C, 3:09.36 B, 3:07.36 1D, 3:08.36 ‘A man left his home at past 3:00 o'clock PM as indicated in his wall clock. Between two to three hours afteo, he returned home and noticed thet the hands of the clock. interchanged. At what time did he left his home? ‘A, 3:97.37 ©. 392.22 B, 33147 D.344.44 “The sum of the reciprocals of two numbers is 11. Three times the reciprocal of one of the numbers is three more than twice the reciprocal of the other number, Find the numbers. ‘A, Bands 1/3 at t/6 B. Zand D.1/7and1/4 If a two-digit number has x for its unit’s digit and y for itsten’s dipt, represent the number. Alyx C Wr+y B, loy+ Derry ‘One number if five less than the other number. If their sum is 135, what are the numbers? AL 70675 GC. 65870 B 60665 1D, 75&80 Ina two-digit number, the unit's digit is 3 greater than the ten’s digit. Find the number if iis 4 times as large as the sum of its digits, g Parti Algebra and Advanced Math PROBLEM 5-42 PROBLEM 5-43, PROBLEDL 3 <5, PROBLEN 5-46 5-47 1990 RCE arch PROBIEN 5 — 48 BCE March 1996 PROBLEM 5 49 ECE Nov. 1997 Engineering Mathematics Vol, 1 NE Ce B58 Ds Find two consecutive even integers such that the square of, the larger is 44 greater than the square of the smeller integer, A 10é12 C8610 Baze 14 D. 14 & 16 Twice the middle digit of a three-digit number is the sum of the other two. If the number ¥ divided by the sum ofits digit, the answer is56 and the remainderis 12. If the digits are reversed, the number becomes smaller by 594, Find the number. A, 258 © Bz B, 567 D, 7a ‘The product of three consecutive integers is 9240. Find the third integer A, 20 Cu B21 DB ‘The product of two numbers is 1400, If three (3) is subtracted from each number, their product becomes 1175, Find the bigger number. A208 32 B. 50 B40 ‘The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 14. The hundreds digit being 4 times the units digit, If $94 is subtracted from the number, the order of the digits will be reversed, Find the number, C653 B 563 D. 812 ‘The sum of two numbers is 21, and one number is twice the other. Find the numbers, A. Zand 14 C. Band 13. B, Gand 15 D.9and 12 ‘Ten tess than four times a certain number is 1. Determine the number. Ag C6 BS D.7 The denominator of a cer‘ain fraction is three more than \ twice the numerator. If 7 is added to. both terms of the ANSWER SHEET Parti Algebraand Advanced ian 89 Fraction, the resuliing fracion is 3/5, Find the original fraction. Ig ‘A 8/5 ©.13/5 B 5/13 d.3/5 Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is three more than twice the third. Find the third integer. AD Bl D.15 POMPOM MRMM OO ey las 1 38 EOE eylzs 238eee Elz 3 a Bacoe Ele 3 a DBE Ela. 3 6 SOCoE Eble 3 # 8Seee eyo. $ aS3coe ela a SSCoe & g SSERE g $ SECOE DOCOOSPHOOOO|| COMOCODQOE POGGQOOOOOOE|| COMECEOOOS DED ED ID 4D. GD. OD HD. TD. OOO OOVOBMOe QOQQOCCOAG|]| COCBQOOGOEGOO mare edenanararan en | | amererenemen ade opp PHOOHDOO@OOOS |] OOOOH @AOE @ o> MHOCGOOOCQOOCE HOOMOOOCOCCE| | OOCOOQOCO® HOOQGECEECEG|| COQOCOOGOO ED EDD AD EOD. DGD. HOW MO@O@ ae | | oe @@ «aa a a POMOOMOOMOSe DOMOOOOOOoOe Part 1 Engine 90 Aigebraond Advanced Math fe Solutions to Set 5 Age, Mixture, Work, Clock, Number Problems soumTON's Lets the age ofthe son and ybetheage of the father, = 6x + y=3+4 3a) Ten years ago: (10) + y-10)= 44 xty=4-9Q) Sutstitute yin By. (1) to Eg. 2) x*Gr44)= 6 y= 60;y =15; SOLUTIONS Aan Lets be the age of Peter now. His age 13 years ago was = 1B.and his age 7 years hence is.x+ 7. ¥=19=(1/3)(0*7) Br- 38-407 26 223 SOLUTION Let x be the age of the son, then Aan G 414 7=4(+7) 48= 5x48) x= LUTIONS -7 =D SOLUTION 5 - ARE D Let y be the present age of the father and y be the present age of the son. v=3y > (1) Four years ago: xyo4=4y-4) yody+12=0, 2@ Substitute x in Eq. (1) to Eq. (2) By ay +12 Hf y=lyears SOLUTION 5-5, sania Let a be the required number of years, then; 5+ x=3 (5+) 15 43¢ x= 15 years eering sthematics Vol, 1 Part 1 Algebra and Advanced Mah 92 Tat A= present age Ana “when Mary was as old as Ana is now” means that the pastage of Mary is equal to the present age of Ana Mary is tvice as old as Ana was" means that the pprestnt age of Mary is twice the past age of Ana, or the [pastage of Ana is half the present age of Mary, ie. 24/2 =12 ‘The following table shows the relationship of their past and present ages: [Yast [Pre Mery | A Hi Ara, |) 28/2 a Note: the difference (or gap) between the ages of two persons is constent. then; A-12=2-A 2A = 35; A=18 years (present age of Ana) Check: ‘Their gap is 24-18 ~ 6. So when Mary was 18 years old, ‘Ana was 12, and 24 (Mary's age now) is twice of 12 (Ana's past age). Let t= number of children in the farnily um of parent's ages um of children’s ages (1) But y= 22 72) In fifteen years: y+15Q) 1x-y+2=30 Buty= 151-2=30 20) Eliminating from Equations (2) and (3) and solving for x: 20x - 2 = 10 30K = or Part 1 SOLITON 5-4) Age D SOLUTION 5-9 Ame A SOLUTION § - 10 Ans: ¢ DZ Ajgebra and Advanced Mati Engineering ering Mathematics Vol. 1 LUTION S11 i ¥ otlg isc Cc > = ase Neel aN Beck From the diagram shoivry sy = 2000 y= 2000 -¥ 30) tax + 6y = 82000) 7x + 3y= 8000 7) LUTION 5-12 Substitute y in Eq. (1) to Eg, (2) Tx + 32000 ~ x) = 8000 1 = 500 kg, sograns 2gen5 game 3590 50 35% (40) + 30% (20) = x(60) 103% Let xbe the quantity of P240.00/4g peanut and y be the quantity of P340000/kg peanut, Capital = 240r + 340) ‘Tofal sales = 360 (x+ ) =360x + 360y Profit = Total sales - Capital = 360% + 360y - (240 + 310) Profit = 120% + 20y But Protit is 20°% of Capital 1200 + 20y = 0,20(240x +340) 120y + 20y = 48 + 68y wD 2x 48y x 482 Ratlo 7-775 “Mathematics Vol. 1 Part Aigebraand Advanced Math 93 x 100-x = In Salt '494(100) -0= 5% (100 — x) 40) = 500 ~5x; x= 20 kg In Water (check) 969% (100) ~ 100% x 1920 - 20 x= 190 (100-2) 19%; 2=20kg Let be the weight of lad and y be the weigit of nickel in the alloy ¥+y= 1 pound = 16 07. yeie-x Inwater: (x=x/11) +(y- 9/9) =144 QO/IL)x+ B/9)y=144 uty =16-x (O/t)x+ 8/9)(16-x) = 144 1807, (lead) 2 or, (nickel) Lot x be the weight ofsilver in air and y be the weightof 20) gold in air. Inair: y4yst ¥, >a) In water: (r= ¥/10) + (y= y/18) =14 Sy/O+IT/I8=14 0) Solving forx and yr x= 3.75 oz (silver) Let | be required number of hours; 94 Partt Algebra and Advanced Math SouON ss ‘Ans: € SOLUTION 5-16 Any B SOLUTIONS Anis SOLUTION 5 18 Ane A SOLUTION 5 - 19 Ans: D Engine: This brown can finish the eb In 15 minutes, his son ‘ull take 30 minttes. Let be the time for both of them to finish the washing. together, then, as 1 : bis dtot; t= 10 minut Hit Stet be 10 minutes Let tbe the time required, then with all pipes open: 1 3 et Shours 3 Let xbe the time required for the inlet pipe to fill the pool and y/be thetime required for the outlet pipe to ‘emply the full eontent of the pool, x+y =8 ¥ x 3) ee bs =(7¥)-—(74)=1 ea ius fy 8 2g) Substitute y in Eq. (1) to Eq. (20): mn 1 8. 2 vg 2 simpus egee | Ben) 15 fee 120'- 30x = 16x - 2x? De — dbx 4120 = 0 8-231 + 60= Cor (x= Wile -3)=0 4 = 20> 8 (absurd) and += 3 hours Inone (1) hour, the work done by the three persons is: ap di cera We 30+GM+GM=5 Thus, they have dono % of the jab in one her, Let and y be the number of hours that the father and his son, respectively, can dig the well working alone, With the father working 6 hours and the son 12 hours: t+ 4 (12)=1. Divide both sidesby 6 and simpli Mathematics Vol, Parti ‘Algcbre and Advanced Math 95 2) With the father working 9 hours and the son 8 hours: tort@-1 32) Substitute 1/xin Eq. (1) toEq 2): ED) A: +2@nt (22jo+z¢ 10 2, y-20eurs ae z = Let x and y be the number of hours Peter and Pais), respectively, can finish the job working alone, then, Working together for three (3) hours: ea 1@+t@=1 — Divideboth sidesty 3 zi) ¥ @) y 0 With Peter and Paul working for together for one (1) hour and Peter finishing the rest of the work in 8 hours without Baul: J ay+ 2 aye tey= ea) my et 8) Substitute 1/y in Eq. (1) to Eq, (2) alee + 1 2 hours Let x= no. of hours for Pedro alone to paint the fence =o, of hours for Juan alone to paint the fence po, of hours for Pilar alone to paint the fonce With the three of them finishing the work together in 4 hours Dara Ja +2 ast ae a ve ge 96 Patt SOLUTION 5 - 22 Ans Algebra and Advanced Math Engineeri: Mathematics Vol thematics Vol. 1 Tat aE 20) st With Pedro being 50% faster than Juan Be hsp y= Foy 1p ae Vee 20) With Pedro being 20% faster than Pilar 20) Satesise 1/43» a. @)al/s in @) 0 FC) 1 5 = 10 hours 7 Let = Number of days for Nonoy alone to do the job, y= Number of days for Imelda alone to do the jab, {= time for both of them todo the job together With Nonoy working for 10 days and Imelda for 6 days: 1 1 Larder qtr 5 0 ‘ih inelca lens for 12 days and Nonoy for 6 days: swt oe Dri both se by Zar simply t@=5- <0) 30) Sina cin Ba. @) 1 Fa-() tag+ t-te 20 days aly 21deye = LUTIONS - 25, 2 > Wah Nenoy and imelda working together forthe entire period: 1 ue iW 2 P= RA days Part 1 Algebra and Advaneed Math 9% Tet x= lime required for the inlet pipeto fillthe empty tank with the drain pipe clesed y= time for the drain pipe to empty the full content of the tank with the inlet pipe closed in hours, With the inlet pipe (and the drain open) filling the tank for hours: +@)-4@= 1 0) sy ‘With the inlet and the drain open for hour and the inlet filling the tank with the drain closed in 45 minutes (3/4 hr): Liye ryote Lye =a 22 xy BA gears e ee 2 y ae ¥ 2 S 2 ¥ 9 x 8; x= 125 hrs. Let (= number of hours required. ‘With Delis working for 3 hours then Daigy helped her and both of them (working together) finished the job for "hours more: wey ye 1-3 = 0.625, 1= 1.923 hours a 3s Let x be number of days one (1) worker can finish the job alone: Then 112 9 x i6Sdays With five (G) workers starting the work for 5 days and were reinforced with four more workers to finish the job together (9 workers) in t days more: og Patt Algebra and Advanced Math SOLUTION 5 26 Anya SOLUTION 5 - Anv A SOLUTION 5-28 Ans A Engin Mathematics Vol, Engineering EGLUTION 5-25 ‘Ans: D. r ‘Thus, they finish the job in 5 + 15.56 = 20.56 days Let x and y be the respective mte of the larger and smaller shovels in m? perhout, then AOr+35y=20000 > (1) 70x+90y=40000 3.) Solving for and y: 2 = 347.83 mi/he = 173.91 mifhe. SOLUTION 5-30) Ans SOLUTION $.-31 Ans: C Lét 4 ¥, and = be the number of days A, B, and G, respectively can finish the job alone, Then; 2m) > 2) SOLUTION 5-32 Ans: 70) a eh 5 roy o Add: Hy Cee eee ss Cau 20) LUTION 5-33, ins: Caaic rs G0 a @) Rate fo dig = 8(7)/150 = 56/150 man-hr perft. Rate to backfil!=3(4)/ 100 12/100 man-hr per ft. Required no, of man-hours to dig and fill 200 ft 200(36/150) + 200(13/100) = 98.67 man-hours Required time = 98 67 man-hours / 10 man Required time = 9.867 urs, ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Part 1 Algebra und Advanced Math Tivane hour, the minute-fand rotates 360°. Tn two hours it will rotate 720° In12 hours, the minute-hand and hour-hand are together for eleven times, ‘Therefore in one day they will be together for 22 times, 1st 4 x= 165; min. x+30=80+ 3/12 u x/12+ =x x= 32,73 minutes ‘Therefore, the time is 12:32.73 Part 1 LOO A posbis and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 SOmTION s Ans: BD SOLUTION 5 35 Ans G SOLUTION 5-36 Rass A (Note: S minut 120° = 20 minutes From the figure: x= 21.818 minutes Time 1221818 Total time elapsed from 6:15 to 7-4 Since in one hour the minale-hand will travel 360°, then the total angleis 1.53360) = 540° Atpresent (now), the minate-hand is behind the hour-hatid by O=15 + x/12 O=15-1x/12 Afier 20 minuies, the minute-hand is ahead the hour-hand by fi: Pra 0% -15-4/12-20/12 Be tiy/12+ 10/3 {l= 0 (according to the condition in the problem) ‘y/12+ 10/3 = 15 = 113/12 4 y= 6.36 minotes Therefore, the time now is 3:06.36 Engineering ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Part 1 ‘Algebra and Advanceé Math 101 Fa, (3); When he lft home | past 3:00 o'dack SOLUTION 5-38 Ans Fig. (b); When he returned home: ‘after 2103 hours In Figure (b) ‘Thus, the time when he left home is 3:31.47 Let zand y be the numbers, then: axea/y= 1 Ay=11-1/e >a) 30/1)=20/)+3 — >@) ‘Substitute 1/y in Eq. (1) to Ea, (2): 3(1/x) = 201 - 1/x) +3, 3(1/) = 2220/3) +3 S/x= 25. y=¥YSandy= 1/6 Note: This problem can be solved by inspection, Part 1 LOZ A iscbra-and Advanced Math SOLUTION 5-39 Ans: B SOLUTION 5-40 Ans: SOLUTION 5-41 sole SOLUTION 4-92 has SOLUTION 5-43, Ane © Engineering Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Tf the units eigit digit ie x and the tons digit & y, the numbers 10y + Let xand y be the numbers; then x= y—5 and x+y=135, Solving the 65nd y rultaneous equation: 20. ‘Note: This problem can be solved by inspection. ' Let u bethe unit’s digitand t be the ten’s digit, then = £43, the sum ofthe digits ie fant the number istry u Then; Ot u=s(u+ Y,buty=t43 = t+3=4(t+ 3+) Mir 381412 The number is 63, Note: This problem ean be solved by inspection. Let 'be thesmaller integer, then the larger integer is x42, N= endx + 2=12 Note: This problem can be solved by inspecticn, UTION 5-46 Ans: D Let hf, and sv be the hundred’s, ten’s, and unit's digits, respectively. ‘The number is 100+ 10¢ +1 Reversed number = 100u + 10% +h zany >a) 12 heteu 564 Tebow 100H + 10H -12-= 56h + 561 + 56 44h M6 -55u = 12 22 ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Part L Algebra and Advanced Math 203 TOou 4 10+ h= 10h + Trey 504 991 - 99h =-594 h=6+u 23) Substitute rin Eq. Q) to Eq. (1) Bb= (6+ u) + u= 6+ 2; Substitute h in Eq, @) to Eq. (2) 44(6 + 1) -40(3 + 1) -85=12 4-2 hn-Bandt=5 The number is 852 S405 () Note: This problem can be solved by inspection, Let x be the third integer, then the second integer is (= 1) and the first integer is (r~ 2) Product: x(x ~1)(x - 2) = 9420 By trial and e:ror using the choices: x= 22 Let vand y be the numbers, then; t= 1400 or y = 1400 / 20) (&-3)qy-3)= 1175, 30 Substitute y in Eq. (1) to Eq. 2): (-3)(1400/x ~3) = 1175 (results to quadratic equation) By trial and error using the choices: x= 50 Let Ji be the hundreds’ digit, be the tons digit, and tbe the unit's digit Number = 1001+ 108+ 2 We t+u=14 20) h= ay 22) 100 + 101-41 -594 = 1000+ 10t +h 9h - 991 = 534 >) Substitute h in Eg. (2) 9 Bq. (1): 99(4u) = 99u = 504: = 2 =4Q)=8,1=14-8-2=4 Therefore, the number is 842. Note: This problem can ke solved by i Part1 104 Ajgchre and Advanced Math SOLUTIONS 47 Let ¢and ybethe numbers Ans: A Seyea ey Solving forx and y Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 y= 27)-14 PROBLEM 6-1 Nove: This problem ean be solved by inspection, SOLUTION 5-48 ! Ans: G Let x be the number 4x-10= 14 ays 24 ae PROPLEM 6-2 SOLUTION 5-49 If we let r'be the numerator, then the denominator is Ans: B 2x3 (three more than twice the numerator) ‘The original fraction is x 23 IF7is added to both terms: Su (@r+3)+7 «5 2ee10 6x +30 = Sy +35 x5 PROBLEM 6-3 ! Original fraction = ey ‘This can clearly be seen from the choices. Considering that the denbminalor is 3 mere than twice the I numerator, only 5/13 is satisfied, PROBLEM 6-4 SOLUTION S-50 Let x, ¥ + 2, and v +4 be the three consecutive odd Ans integers, Then Br=2(r44) +3 i) The third integer 11 +4 =15 PROBLEM 6-5 Engineering Mathematics Vol, 1 Problems - Set 6 Motion, Variation, Percent, Miscellaneous Problems Part 1 Algebra and Advanced Math £05 Nonoy left Pikit to drive to Davao at 6:15 PM and arrived at 11:45 PM. I'he averaged 30 mph and stopped ‘hour for dinner, bow far is Davao from Pikit, A123 © 160 B. 135 D 256 ‘A man fires 2 target 420m away and hears the bullet strike 2 seconds after he pulled the trigger. An observer 525 m away from the target and 455 m from the man heard the bullet strike the target one second after he heard the report of the rifle. Find the velocity of the bullet, A. 525 m/s. B. 360:mi/s ©. 350 m/s D336 m/s. ‘Aman travels in a motorized banca at the rate of 12 kph from his barrio to the poblacion and come back to his barrio at the rate of 10 kph, If his total time of travel back and forth is 3 hours and 10 minutes, the distance from the barrio to the poblacion is ..1727 km © 127 kin Bo 1772 km D.1732km It takes Michsel 60 seconds to run around a (40-yard track. How long does it take fordan to run around the track if they meet in 32 seconds after they start together ina race around the track in opposite directions? A. 5876 seconds C. 63.87 seconds B. 6857 seconds 1. 86.57 seconds Joan can walk from his home to his office at the rate of 5 mph and back at the rate of 2 mph. What is hisaverage speed in mph? A. 286 B. 3.56 © 442 D589 Part 1 106 \igcbra and Advanced Math PROBLEM 6-6 PROBLEM 6-7 PROBLEM 6-4 CE May 1998 PROULEM 6-0 ECE Nov. 1958, PROBLEM 6 = 10 FP Apel 1907 PROBLEM 6-11 CE May 1999 Kim and Ken traveled at the same time at the rate oF 20 m/min, from the same point on a circular track of redius 600 m. If Kim walks along, the circumference and Ken towards the center, find their distance after 10 minutes, A. 193m C. 24m B. 202m D, 258m Two ferryboats ply back and forth across a river with, constant but different speeds, turning at the riverbanks, ‘without loss of time. They leave the opposite shores at the seme instant, meet for the first time 900 meters from ne shore, and meet for the second time 500 meters from the opposite shore. What is the width of the river? ‘A, 1500 mi , 2000 m B. 1700 m D, 220m A boat takes 2/3 as much time to travel downstream from C to D, as to retum, If the rate of the river's current. is 8 kph, whats the speed of the boat instil water? A388 C40 B39 ioe A man rows downstream at the rete of 5 mph and upstream at tho rate of 2 mph_ How far downstream should he go if he is to return in 7/4 hours after leaving? A 2m © 3mi B.35mi D.25mi A Jogger starts a course at a steady rate of 8 kph, Five minutes later, 4 second jogger the same course at 10 kph, Flow long will it take for the second jogger to catch the first? A, 20m B. 5 min ©. 30min D. 15min At 2:00 pm, an airplane takes off at 340 mph on an aireraft carrier. the aircraft carrier moves due south at 25 kph in the same direction as the plane, At 4:05 pm, the communication between the plane and the alreralt carrier was lozt, Determine the communication range ia miles between the plane and the carrier = ‘A. 656 miles 557 miles B, 785 miles D, 412 miles Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 ring my PROBLEM 6-13 May 1993 PROBLEM 6-15 PROBLEN 6-17 ematics Vol. 1 Part 1 Algebra end Advanced Math 207 ‘A boat going across a lake ® km wide proceed 2 km ata certain speed and then completes the tp at a speed 1/2 kph faster. By doing this, the boat arrives 10 minutes earlier than if the original speed had been maintained. Find the original speed o' the boat. A.2 kph C. 9kph B, 4 kph D.5kph Given that w varies directly os the product of x and y and invorsoly as the square of : and that 10 = 4 when x = 2.y=6,and 2=3. Find w when and: =2. Ad Cal B2 D3 If x varies direcily as y and inversely as z, and x = 14. when y= Zand 2=2, find x whenz=4 and y = 16, Ald C16 Bd Ds The electrical resistance of a cable varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of its diameter, Ifa cable 600 meters long and 25 mm in diameter has a resistance of (.1 ohm, find the length of the cable 75 mm in diameter with resistance of 1/6 ohm, ‘A, 6000 m ©. 800m, 8. 7000m 1D. 9000 m The electrical resistance offered by an electric wire varies, directly as the length and inversely as the square of the diameter of the wire, Compare the electrical resistance ‘offered by two pieces of wire of the same material, one being 100 m long and 5 mm in diameter, and the other is, 50 mlong and 3 mm in diameter. ‘AR, =057 Ry CR 0.81 R B. Ri=072R D.Ri=0.95 Ry The time required for an elevaior to lift a weight varies directly with the weight and the distance through which itis to be lifted and inversely as the power of the motors, If it takes 20 seconds for a Shp motor to lift 50 Ibs. through 40 feet, what weight can an 80-hp motor lift through a distance of 40 feet within 30 seconds? ‘A, 1000 ths, ©. 1175ibs B, 1150 Ibs. D. 1200 Ibs. 108 Nga and Advanced Math PRODIENTG 1S ECE Now. 1995 PROBLEM 6-19 PROBLEM 6 - 20 PROBLEM 6 - 21 PROBLEM 6-22 PROULEN 6 - 23, Engineeri: Mathematics Vol. The lime required by an elevator to lil a weight, va divectly with the weight and the distance through whic it is to be lifted and inversely as the power oF the motor, If it takes 30 seconds for a 10-hp motor to lift 100 Ibs through 50 feet, what size of motor is required to lift 80) Ibs, in 40 seconds througha distance of 40 feet? A, 48 hp ©. 56hp 8, 50np D,58hp In a certain depertment store , the monthly salary of a saleslady is partly constant and varies as the valus of her sales for the month. When the value of hér sales for the ‘month is P10,000.00, her salary for that month is P900.00, When her sales ony P12000,00, her monthly salary goes up to P1,000.0, What must be the value of hier sales for the month so that her salary for that mont will be 2,000.00, ‘A, P25,000.00 28,000.60 , 32,090.00 'D. P36,090.00 ‘A man sold 100 eggs. Eighty of them were sold at a. profit of 30% while the test were sold at a loss of 40%, Whats the percentage gain or loss on the whole stock? Ald C.16% By 15% D.17% ‘The population of the country increases 5% each year, Find the percentage it will increase in three years, A5% C15 B 15% D, 15.76% Pedro bought two cars, one for P 600,000.00 and the, other for P'400,000.00. He sold the first at @ gein of 10% and the second at loss of 12%. What was his total percentage gain or loss? ‘A. 6% gain B. 0% gain © 120% gain D. 6% loss ‘A grocery owner raises the prices of his goods by 10%: Then he starts his Christmas sale by offering. the customers a 10% distount. How many. percent. cf discount does the customers actually get? A, nothing + ©. 9% discount B 1% distount D. they pay 1% more Engineering ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Bronte e-24 PROBLEM 6-25 PROBLEM 6 - 26 PROBLEM 6 - 27 PROPLEM 6-28 PROPLEM 6 - 29 PROBLEM 6-20 Partl Algebra and-Adyanced Math 209 impala a watch for P0000 at 5 les OF 30% on the cost price. Find the corresponding loss or gain if he sold it for P.5,050.00 A. 1% loss B. 10% loss ©. 1% gain D. 10% gain By selling balut at P 5.00 each, a vendor gains 20%, The cost pre of egg rises by 12.5%, If he sells the bolut at the came price az before find his new gain in percent. A75% CB B.5% 1D. 625% ‘The enrollment at college A and college B both grew up by 8% from 1980 to 1985, If the enroliment in college A grew up by 8J0 and the enroliment in college B grew up. by 840, the ensollment at college B wes how much, ster than the entollmentin college A in 19852 en C48 B. 50 D0 Agroup consists of» boys andl girls. IFtwo of the boys: ‘are replaced by two other girls, then 49% of the group members will be boys, Find the value of 1, 4-100 ©. 50 B49 Da On his Christmas Sale, a merchant marked a pair of slipper P180.00, which is 20% off the normal retail price, If the retail price is 50% higher than the wholesale price, What is the wholesale price of the slipper? A, P18.00 © P1500 B. P1700 D. P2250 A certain Xerox copier produces 13 copies every 10 seconds. If the machine operates without interruption, how many copies will it produce in gn hour? A. 78). C1825, B. 46800 D. 4680 ‘Atacertain printing plant, each of the machines prints 6 newspapers every second, IFall machines work together but independently without interruption, how many minutes will it fake to print the entire rua. of 18000 newspapers? (Hint: let x = number of machines) A.50x C507 B, 3000 / x DB. 300% Parti Engineering Engineering Parti DLO Ajgebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 thematics Vol, 1 ‘Algebra and Advanced Math 12 OB 3) A manufacturing firm maintains one product assembly MOURN 47 The Population of the Philippines doubled in the last 30 HEAT ANE) line to produce signal generators. Weekly demand for EGE Nov. 1997 years from 1967 to 1997, Assuming that the rate of the generators is 25 unis, The line operates for 7 hours population increase will remain the same in wht year per day, 5 days per week. What is the maximum ‘will the population triple? | production time per unit in hours required for the line to A, 2080 © 2021 eet the demand? 8, 2027 D, 2025 A Thour C. 3 hours i 8 O75hour 1D, 225 hours ROIEM 6-38 Determine the tnit’s digit in the expansion of 3°. i AB or PROBLEM 6-32 OF the 316 people watching @ movie, thore are 78 more BO Ba children than women and 56 more women the men, The niimber of men in the movie house is ROBLEM 6-39 Find the 1987 digit in the decimal equivalent of A. 176 Cad E April 1998 1735/9999 starting from the decimal point. B98 D, 210 ALL C8 8,7 DS PROBLEM 9-33. A certain department store has an inventory of Q units of & certain product at time f= 0, The store sells the MROBLEN 6-40 Find the sum of all positive integral factors of 2088. product at a sieady rate of Q/A units por week, and s A. 4095 C. 4560 Exhausts the inventory in A weeks, The amount of B, 3065 D, 1354 PROBLEM 6-34 EGE March 1996 PROBLEM 6-35 PROBLEM 6 36 product in inventory at any time tis A.0-(0/ At COt-O/A BQ+Q/ayt D.Qt-@/A)t ‘A merchant has three items on sale: namely, a radio for P50, a clock for P30, and a flashlight for PI. At the end of the day, she has sold a total of 100 of the three items and has ‘akan exactly P1000 on the total sales: How many radios did he sell? A8) C16 Ba Db. 20 The ptice of 8 calculetors ranges from P200 to P1000. If their averaye price is P950, what ts the lowest possible price of any one of the calculators? C600 D. 650 A deck of 52 playing cares is cut into two piles, The first pile contains 7 times as many black cards as red cards, The second pile contains the number of ted cards thet is fan exact multiple as the number of black cards, “How. many cards are there inthe first pile, s AW C16 B15 Dy HOMLED 646 MEO. 1959 Inhow many ways can two integers be selected from the numberS 1,234.50 so that their difference is exactly 5? A. 50 C45 B5 > Dat Abox contains 8 white balls, 15 green balls, 6 black balls. a8 red balls, and 13 yellow balls. How many balls must ‘be drawn to ensute'that there will be three balls of the same color? AS e140 Bg pa ‘A shoe store sells 10 different sizes of shoes, each in both high-cut and low-cut variety, each either rubber or feather, and each with white or black color. How many different kinds of shoes does he sell? A. 64 C72 8. 80 De ‘An engineer was told that a survey had been mace ona certain rectangular field but the dimensions had been lost. An assistant remembered that if the field had been 100 it longer and 25 ft narrower, the area would have teen increased by 2500 sq, ft, and that if it had been 100 ft shorter and 50 ft wider, the area would have been decreased 5000 sq. it. What was the area of the field? 112 Partt Engin ‘Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol, ‘A, 25,0008 ©.20000 B. 15,000 ft? 1.22.00 eeriny pare pects Vol. 1 Algebraand Advanced Maa 223 PROUUES 6-45 A 10-meter tape is 5 mm short. What is the corres EE Apal 1994 length in meters, ‘A. 3.995m 995m 3, 1005 m D. 10005 m | PAGING. 46 "| The dane between ino pour mesnied witha ME Od. 1997 tape was recorded as 916.58 ft Later, the tape wae checked and found to be only 99.9 ft long. What is the trve distance between the points? ER SHEET A. 935.66 ft C. 955.66 ft ANSI B, 966.15 ft D,.915.66 ft iS 8 tS g £ PROBLEM 6 - 47, certain steel tape is known to be 100,000 feet long ata Sie. A pe is t £000 fee: long ata temperature of 70°F. When the tape is ot a temperature: of 10 °F, what tape reading corresponds to a distance of, 90 2 Coefficient of linear expansion of the tape is 5833 x 10-6 per °F. A, 85.931 ©, 90.031 B, 88.051 D, 93031 PRORIRA 6-8 A Hine was measured, with a steel tape when the ME April 1996 B temperature was 30°C, The measured length of the line Was found to be 1.256.271 feet, The tape wes afterwards tested when the temperature was 10 °C and it was found to be 100,042 feet long. What was the true length of thé: line if the coefficient of expansion of the tape was) 0.000011 per °c? MOO MOOoOwmwUne POQOOOOOQEO POMBOOPMOMOOer POOH MOOHO OO DOOM OOOO OO E DQOOQOOQOCOO MO OOOOOOOGDOO|| COBOOOOOOO rd ATO EE 1D GID AID MTD GHD Ex HD As 1,275,075 feet G, 1,256.547 feet B. 175.575 feet D. 1,249,385 feet PROBLEM 6-49 The standard deviation of the numbers 1,4, & 7 is: ME Apr 1997 A. 23567 © 3.2056 B 24495 D. 3.8876 PROBLEM G-30 Three cities are connected by roads forming a triangle.» all of different lengths. It is 30 km around 'the circuit One of the roads is 10 km long and the longest is 10 km longer than the shortest, What is the length of the Tongest road? A.Skm © 15 km. B1Dkm D. 20km QOGOOOOGOECE |] OOQCOOKOOOOD QO@GBGOOCOCO|| OOCCOKDGOOM Grd gd. ED aH GD ED EDAD ad | | EHEDED ED ED OED 41D 41D OOD CPG Od 0) OOOGOCOGOOAQO ID ED ED DED EDD ED ED ED PHOOODAOOOOE ||] OM@@@a@@ ae OOGOGOGOOCOOCE| | COCDOOOOH memeremenen en anand! | amarepan a a omen $ g 8 8 8 8 8 3 $ $ $ g g $ 8 8 g g 3 6 g $ g 5. 8 8 g . 8 . 8 $ PDOOOGHOoOOOe OEOOQQOQOCCMOE DOOM MOOOMOO gag Patz Engineering Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 Solutions to Set 6 Motion, Variation, Percent, Miscellaneous Problems SOLUTION 6-1 For uniform rate (speod), distance = rate « time ne His total travel time = 11,75 - 6,25=5.5 hours. Since he stopped for one (1) hour, his total running time is 4.5 hours. Distance =30% 4.5 = 135 miles SOLUTION 6 Ans: 4 Let x= speed of the bullet in m/s Tet_y = speed of sound in'm/s fragt * trwona ®2 seconds 5m) 420, 426 > (1) ay (1) tacposed avait) #1 = tapgruitay + teiiroeid oe tonpel) +1= 22 4 5 q 7 eens! SOLUTION 6-4 “Let x'be the distance from the barrio to the poblactan, Ans tant Ing = 3+ 10/50 = 19/6 f 3 a) 200 6 x= 1727 kit Partl gas Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math SSrorion 6 a Ans: B SOLUTION 6-5 Ans: A 7 SOLUTION 6-6 Aas D TLetx be the rate of Jordan in yards/ see, Rate of Michael = 440/60 = 22/3 yards/see. tens Running in opposite Swe Ak digest om Ne 7 same point and meet St Shontan + Srticaet = ee G2) + 02/3)(32) = 440 =o x= 71/12 yards/sec. ‘Time for jordan torun around the track f= 440 / (77/12) = 68.57 seconds Let s be the distance from his home to his office: Sioa Aftet 10 minutes, each of them had tavetedt 20(10) = 200 m. From the figure shown: Solve for 6: C= RO, 200 = 6008, = 1/3 radian x (180°/2r rad) o= 191° Solve for x by cosine law: x= 400? + 600" - 2(400)(600)coe(29.19) y= 258m Engineering Fart gq Parti Engineering RG a Aasnica an ncaeneRREMCSHOSMMIR Netnematis Vout Neen One SOMTIONG-7 Let x= widivof the aver iam Tet x be the speed of the boat (kph) instil water, then ai Uj Ve wephelor feleybailein aie its rate downstream is x +8 and its rate upstream is «8, 1) time elapsed when they first meetin seconds f 7 th= time elapsed when they meet for the second time. [tn = 2/3) tec Sy & Si= total distance traveled in m. ones es x48 5 3x- 24-2416 = 40 kph When they moot for the first time: Sy=Vah=x-900 > (1) SOLUTION 6 -9 Si= Vs i= 900 Sty Ans. D / 2h —|, if % —— Smo te fy tearm ee er ‘When they meet for the second time: SOLUTIONG-10\ Let (be the time the second jogger will take to catch the Sh = Va h=x+ (7-500) Arse A first, a Sv = Vp b= 21-500 23) 7 See | nar oD 34) ] J STL cee From the figure shown: Nocti fr the scons te 2/3 +81= 10) =k wr 2r= 2/3 Dividing Eq. (1) by Ea. 2: 1=173 hour =20 minutes Vuh x=900 | Va, ‘itch Vay 900° PO) Dividing Eg. (8) by Eq. (4): rate Vat 2-300 Vp ior Va = 58) Vip EEO) VG SOLUTIONS 11 Let be the time after 2.00 pm. ‘Compaze (Equate) Eq. (5) & Eq, (6) Ans & Atd05 pm. f= 2hre &5 min =2+5/60 is ven aot Vy Ve ¥=900 _ 2x~500 30 +500 een s=d00e- 450000 = 18000 ~ 450000 ne #2-22001=0 Fon ihenmeasey (v= 2200) = 0 Ne ey (2+ 5/60) = 656.25 miles Part 1 Engineering 118 \pcoraand Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 SOIMONG=32 Ler be te original speed in Eph a eee ne 2 + — 2 hes) we vag OS py pee J“ ‘ nfo te lt — oi, —f — Had the original speed maintained: & (hour) inc! - 10 minutes SOLUTION 6 - 13 Ans: D. w=4whenx=2,y=6,andz=3 42k, kag When x=1,y=4,and2=2: SOLUTION 6-14 soe xecy/2 or x=K(y/2) AU =K(7/2}; kd x=4(16/4) =16 Engineering Mathematics Vol. 2 SOLUTION 6- 16 Ans B “SOLUTION 6-17 Ans: D SOLUTION 6- 18 Ans & SOLUTION 6- 19 ‘Aas C Part Algcbreard Advanced Math 219 Resistance, R « Length, L / diameter, D? Rohl) (01 = 4(600)/ (25)3,k = 0.104167 1/6 04081671, / (73)? 1000 m. Resistance, Rex / DP ReiL/Dt Ry, KHON /S)" R, _K50)/13) Ris 072R3 ws tase or take where: £= time, $= distance, W= weight, k= constant of proportionality, P = power Solve for 29-42, k =o G9, we 30 = 0.05 27 W=1200 Ibs, Wa ee a 30-1 OED, 5 = 006 Power, P= 0,06 oe" Power =48 hp Let x be the fixed salary and cbea constant factor, Her salary can be expressed as: Salary = x+ sales xe Then; 900 x * 100606 = 900 10000 3(1) 1000 = x + 12000. 72) Part] SOLUTION 6 - 20 Ars: ¢ | SOLUTION 6 «21 ‘Ans: D SOLUTION 6 - 22 A SOLUTION 6-23 Ans 8 120 Algebra and Advanced Math ‘Substitute x in E. (1) to Eq. 2) 1000 = (900. 1000e) + 12000¢ ¢=0.05 and x = P400, Salary = 400 40.05 « sales 2,000 = 400 + 0.05 x sales sales = P32,000.00 Let x be the buying price of each egg His total capital is 100: Income for 80 eggs = BX(x + 032) = 104 Income for 20 eggs ~ 20(2~ 0.43) ~ 12 Total sales = 10fy + 12 =116 Profit = total sales ~ capital = 16x ~ 100s = 167 Percent gain = (16x/100x) x 100% Percent gain=16% Let.x be the present population of the Philippines, Population on the first year = x+ 005 = 1.05x Population on the second year = 1052 + 0.05(1.053) = 11025 Population on the third year = 1.1025x + 0.05(1.2025s) = 1157625" ‘Therefore, the population on the third year is increased by 0.1576 or 15.76% Another solution: (Geometric progression) From a=a.ret (r= 1.05) 5 (L05)3 1157625 + Gain in the first ear = 10%(600,000) = P60,000 Loss in the second car = 12%(400,000) = 48,000 Total gain = P60,000 - P48,000 = P12,000, Percent gain = P12,000 / ($00,000 + 400,000) x 100% Percent gain =1.2%% Let x be the original price of his goods, Raised price =x +10%x =1.1y Christmas sale discounted price = 1.15 - 10%(1. (Christmas sale discounted = 0.69 = 9%x Therefore, the customers actually got 1% discount. Engineering Mathematics Vol, : Engineering Mathematics Vol, 2 SOLUTION 6 Ans C if SOLUTION 6- 25 Any D SOLUTION 6- 25 Ans: D SOLUTION €- 27 Ans: 4 Part ‘Algebra and Advanced Math 121 Let x be the price of the watek. Then,x-30%x= 3,500 <> 75,000 By selling it at P5,050, Kim gains P50,00 Petcent gait = (50 / 3,000) * 100% = 1% Lel.x be the original price of an eg By galing fe bli. BO he gels 208 (als) then fo baiee (criginal price of eze) Increased price of egg =x + 12.5%x = 4.6875 By selling itat the same price of P5.00, his gein. is5 ~ 4.6875 = POSI25, Percent gain = (0.3125/5) » 100% = 6,250 Lele enrollment in college A in 1980 y= enroliment in callege 8 in 1980 Growth in enrollment in callege A in 1985 = 0,080 = 800 y= 10000 Total enfollment in college A in 1985 = 10200 + 500 Total enrollment in college A in 1985 = 19300 Growth in enrollment in college B in 1985 = 0,08y = 840 y= 10500 Tolal enrollment in college A in 1985 Tolal enrollment in college A in = 11340 ‘Therefore, college B is greater than A by. 11340 - 10800 = 540 0500+ 840 Number of boys =n Total Number = 2" Number of girls = If two boys were teplaced with two girls, then the ‘umber of boys is 1-2 Percent boys: (1-2) / 2n= 49% = 0.49 22 Partl Engineering 122 A jocbra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 SOIUTON G28 Sale price =P 180,00 Ang C Sale price = Retail price -20% of Rela price 108.00 = 0.80 x Retail Price Retail P 25 Wholesale price +50% x Wholesale price 5 x Wholesale price Wholesele price = P 150,00 SOLUTION 6-29 No, of copies per hour = 13 copies/sec x (3600 sec/ he) ary ‘No. of copies per hour = 46800 SOLLITION 6-30 Let x= number of machines Ana Time for one machine to run 18000 newspapers: second | _Iminute Grewspaper” GOseconds ‘Time = 18000 newspapers x Time = 50 minutes For x machines, the number of minutes is 50/x SOILITION 6-31 Demand! = 35units/week Ans A No, ef working hours per wek =76)= 5 hours/week 35 hours/weel Required production time per unit=1 hourfunit SOLUTION 6-32 Let x, y, and 2 be the number of men, women, and Ans c chileieny respectively. xty+z=316 > (1) ay +78 22) ynr+56 28) Substitute y is Ex, (0) to Eq. @): Zo 1t56+ 7813445 Substitute y and >to Ea, (1) x+ (x +56) + (134 +x) =316; x= 42 SOLUTION 6-33 Initia inventory = Q Ans A Inventory at any time & I= Q- (Q/A)i+C (where C = constant) When t= A,1=0 0=Q-(Q/A)A+C c=0 ‘Therefore; 1=Q- (Q/A)t Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 SOLUTIONS - 34 ‘ans: C SOLUTION $35 “Ans: SOLUTION 6 - 36 Ans C Part1 Algebra and Advanced Math 223 Tet #= number of radios sald y= number of clocks sold 2= numberof flashlights sold Thery xty+2=100; 2=10)-7-y 30) _ 50+ By + 12 = 1000 30) Substitute z in Ea, (1) to By. @) 50x + 30y + 1000 = -y) 49x + 29y = 900 000 ‘Solve for x and y be series of trials using the foutr choices =) | 4) 6) 2 x [aon [ar | «| aes From the table above, the only possible answer is x = 16, which yields a value ofy of 4 which isa whole number. ‘The lowest price of any ono of the calculators occurs when the rest (7) costs P1000. Lot xbe the lowest priced caletilator, then Aves ROS < 959; x = 760000 Ina deck of 52 playing cards, 26are black and 26 sre red. Let x= number of black cards in the first pile y= number of red cards in the first pile xeTy Tot the secend pile: Black cards = 26 -= 26 - 7y Red cards = 25 -y Since the number of red cards is ar exact multiple of the number of black, the ratio of Red to Black must be a whole number, 26. 26-7y = whole number By trial and error, y = 2 (only this value will givea whole number) xe 7Q)214 Therefore, there are 14 * 2~ 16 cards in the first pile

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