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Derivatives market – market for financial

MONEY MARKETS contracts whose values are derived from the

 Purpose of money markets: facilitate the underlying money market instruments.
transfer of short-term funds from agents *Interbank market is defined mainly in terms of
with excess funds (corporations, financial participants while others are in terms of
institutions, individuals, government) to instruments issued and traded.*
those market participants who lack funds
for short-term needs. MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS
 They play central role in the country’s Treasury bills and other short-term government
financial system, by influencing it securities (up to one year);
through the country’s monetary authority.  Interbank loans, deposits and other bank
 For financial institutions and to some liabilities;
extent to other non-financial companies  Repurchase agreements and similar
money markets allow for executing such collateralized short-term loans;
functions as:  Commercial papers, issued by non-deposit
 Fund raising; entities (non-finance companies, finance
 Cash management; companies, local government, etc. ;
 Risk management;  Certificates of deposit;
 Speculation or position financing;  Eurocurrency instruments;
 Signalling;  Interest rate and currency derivative
 Providing access to information on instruments.
 Money markets are wholesale markets MARKET INSTRUMENTS
with very large amounts of transactions,  short-term nature;  low risk;
e.g. with transactions from 500 million  high liquidity (in general);  close to
Euro to 1 billion Euro or even larger ones. money.
This is the most active financial market in  Money markets consist of tradable
terms of volumes of trading instruments as well as non-tradable
 Another role of domestic money markets instruments.
is to serve public policy objectives, i.e.  In terms of risk two specific money-market
financing public sector deficits and segments are:
managing the accumulated government  unsecured debt instruments markets (e.g.
deficits. deposits with various maturities, ranging from
 Government public debt policy is an overnight to one year);
important determinant of the money  secured debt instruments markets (e.g.
markets operations, since government REPOs) with maturities also ranging from
debt typically forms a key part of the overnight to one year.
country’s money markets (as well as debt  Differences in amount of risk are
markets). characteristic to the secured and the
 The scope and measures of monetary unsecured segments of the money markets.
policy are also linked to the government’s  Credit risk is minimized by limiting access
budget and fiscal policies. to high-quality counter-parties.
 Money market consists of the market for MONEY MARKET PARTICIPANTS
short-term funds, usually with maturity  mainly credit institutions and other
up to one year. It can be divided into financial intermediaries, governments, as
several major segments: well as individuals (households).
Interbank market, where banks and non- Ultimate lenders - households and companies
deposit financial institutions settle contracts with a financial surplus which they want to lend
with each other and with central bank, Ultimate borrowers - companies and
involving temporary liquidity surpluses and government with a financial deficit which need
deficits. to borrow.
Primary market, which is absorbing the issues Ultimate lenders and borrowers usually do not
and enabling borrowers to raise new funds. participate directly in the markets. As a rule
Secondary market for different short-term they deal through an intermediary, who
securities, which redistributes the ownership, performs functions of broker, dealer or
ensures liquidity, and as a result, increases the investment banker
supply of lending and reduces its price.
Government issue money market securities and Basis point
use the proceeds to finance state budget deficits.  very fine measure of interest rates, equal to
Central bank employs money markets to one hundredth of one percentage point.
execute monetary policy. Winner’s curse
Credit institutions issue money market  case, when the low bidder wins acceptance
securities to finance loans to households and of the tender, but pays a price, which is
corporations, thus supporting household higher than that of other lower bidders.
purchases and investments of corporations. ON-THE-RUN ISSUES (Secondary Market)
Large non-financial corporations issue money  most actively traded issues, which are
market securities and use the proceeds to usually the ones sold through an auction
support their current operations or to expand most recently,
their activities through investments.
Other: money market funds, investment funds Price of a Treasury bill
other than money-market funds, insurance  the price an investor pay for particular
companies and pension funds maturity Treasury security,
TREASURY BILLS Formula: P = PAR x (1- (d x n / 360))
 short-term money market instruments - d is the yield or rate of discount,
issued by government and backed by it. - PAR is par or maturity value and
 No risk - n no. of days of the investment (holding
 Benchmark default-free interest rate period).
Characteristics of Treasury Bill
 Typically issued at only certain maturities Yield of a Treasury bill
dependent upon the government budget determined taking into account the difference
deficit financing requirements between the selling price and the purchase price.
PRIMARY MARKET Formula : y = (PAR - P) / P x (365/n)
 Securities issued via scheduled auction - d is the yield,
process - PAR – par value,
TENDER - Sealed bid - P - purchase price of the Treasury bill
BIDDERS - n no. of days of investment (holding period).
 Competitive - specifies both the amount of
the security that the bidder wants to buy, as Annualized yield on Treasury bill
well as the price that the bidder wants to Formula: y = (SP - P) / P x (365/n)
pay. - y is the yield,
 Non-competitive - specifies only the - SP – selling price,
amount of the security that the bidder wants - P - purchase price of the Treasury bill
to buy, without providing the price, and - n no. of days of investment (holding
automatically pay the defined price. (retail
Treasury bill discount rate represents percent
 Uniform price auction, when all bidders
discount of purchase price from par value of a
pay the same price;
new issue of a Treasury bill
 Discriminatory price auction, in which
Formula: d = (PAR - P) / PAR x (360/n)
each bidder pays the bid price
- d is the yield,
*a tail – the difference between the stop yield
- PAR – par value,
and the average yield;
*a cover – the ratio between the total amount - P - purchase price of the Treasury bill
competitive and non-competitive bids tendered - n no. of days of investment (holding period).
and the total issue (i.e. the total amount of
accepted bids INTERBANK MARKET involves bank
STOP YIELD borrowing and lending of any funds in reserve
 Lowest rejected bid yield (highest accepted accounts at the central bank.
bid yield) Major characteristics of the interbank
STOP-OUT PRICE - Corresponding price markets
 The transfer of immediately available funds;
AVERAGE YIELD  Short time horizons;
 Average of all accepted competitive bids,  Unsecured transfers.
weighted by amounts allocated at each Participant in IM (types of transactions)
yield  reserve management transactions;
 portfolio management transactions. Open REPO with no set maturity date, but
renewed each day upon agreement of both
COMMERCIAL PAPER (CP) short-term counterparties.
debt instrument issued only by large, well Term REPO with a maturity of more than one
known, creditworthy companies and is typically day.
unsecured. Reverse REPO purchase of securities by one
party from another with the agreement to sell
Major Issues of Commercial Papers them
 financial institutions, (finance companies,
bank holding companies, insurance Amount of REPO
companies) REPO principal = Securities market value x
( 1 – Haircut ) Securities market value = PAR
Price of CP x ( 1 – (d x n / 360 ))
P = PAR x (1- (d x n / 360)) securities market value is current MV of
d is the yield or rate of discount, securities,
PAR is par or maturity value d is the rate of discount of the securities,
n no. of days of the investment (holding n is term of the securities,
period). PAR is the par value of the securities

Yield of CP Repurchase of the securities is made by

d = (PAR - P) / PAR x (360/n) repaying REPO loan and interest
d is the yield or rate of discount, REPO principal + Int = REPO principal ( 1 +
PAR – par value, (y x t / 360 ))
P - initial price of the CP y is the yield or rate of the REPO transaction,
n number of days of the investment (holding t is the term of the REPO transaction.
period). REPO principal = Securities market value x (1
– Haircut)
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD) states that Securities market value is present value of the
a deposit has been made with a bank for a fixed par value of the securities involved in the
period of time, at the end of which it will be transaction.
repaid with interest.
Advantage to the depositor - certificate can be
Advantage to the bank - has the use of a deposit HAIRCUT OR MARGIN
for a fixed period but, because of the flexibility  the function of a broker/ dealer’s securities
given to the lender, at a slightly lower price than portfolio, that can’t be traded, but ]must be held
it would have had to pay for a normal time as capital to act as a cushion against loss.
Negotiable certificates of deposit issued by large REPO rate or yield
commercial banks and other depository y = ( PAR – P ) / P x (360 / t )
institutions as a short-term source of funds. P is the purchase price,
PAR is the agreed repurchase price and
Yield of Security t is the period of the transaction.
y = ( PAR – P )/ P x (360 / n)
Price of CD Reverse REPO reverse payment
P = PAR / (1 – (i x n / 360)) RP + Int = Reverse principal x ( 1 + (y x t /
y = (SP – Purchase Price + Interest) / 360))
Purchase Price y is the yield or REPO rate,
t is maturity of the reverse REPO.
 an agreement to buy any securities from a Market participants
seller with the agreement that they will be  central banks, financial institutions, non-
repurchased at some specified date and financial corporations.
price in the future Eurocurrency instrument
 fully collateralize loan in which the  any instrument denominated in a currency
collateral consists of marketable securities. which differs from that of the country in
which it is traded.
Eurocurrency Liabilities y yield on the basis of add-on rate,
Euro certificates of deposits (Euro CDs) PAR – par or maturity value,
negotiable deposits with a fixed time to P - the purchase price of the security
maturity. t number of days until maturity
Time deposits non negotiable deposits with a
fixed time to maturity. Due to illiquidity, yields MAIN MARKET INTEREST RATES FOR
tend to be higher than the yields on equivalent MONEY MARKET
maturity of negotiable Euro certificates of European Central Bank (ECB) interest rate
deposits.  minimum bid rate, which represents the
Interbank placements short-term, often price floor, which ensures central bank
overnight, interbank loans of Eurocurrency time liquidity in the open-market operations.
deposits. EONIA (euro overnight index average)
Call money non negotiable deposits with a fixed  effective overnight reference rate for the
maturity that can be withdrawn at any time. euro
 computed daily as a volume-weighted
Eurocurrency Assets average of unsecured euro overnight
Euro Commercial Papers (Euro CPs) are lending transactions in the interbank
securitized short-term bearer notes issued by a market, as reported by a representative
large well-known corporation. panel of large banks.
Syndicated Euroloans are related to bank EURIBOR (euro interbank offered rate)
lending of Eurocurrency deposits to  benchmark rate of the large unsecured euro
nonfinancial companies with the need for funds money market for maturities longer than
Euronotes are unsecuritized debt instruments, overnight (one week to one year) that has
substitutes for non-negotiable Euroloans. They emerged since 1999.
are short –term, most often up to one year. EUREPO (the REPO market reference rate
for the euro)
MONEY MARKET INTEREST RATES  benchmark rate of the euro REPO market
AND YIELDS and has been released since March 2002.
1) Rate on a discount basis  rate at which one prime bank offers funds
d = ( PAR – P ) / PAR x (360 / t ) in euros to another prime bank when the
d yield on the basis of rate of discount, funds are secured by a REPO transaction
PAR – par value, using general collateral.
P – the purchase price of the security LIBOR (London Interbank Offer Rate)
t number of days until maturity.  important reference to banks of the cost of
raising immediate marginal funds.
2) Add-on rate  numerous bank interest rates are therefore
y = ( PAR – P ) / P x (360 / t ) tied to LIBOR, particularly to the rate for
y yield on the basis of add-on rate, three-month deposits.
PAR – par value,
P - the purchase price of the security
t number of days until maturity

3) Bond-equivalent yield
y = ( PAR – P ) / P x (365 / t )
y is the yield,
PAR – par value,
P - the purchase price of the security
t number of days until maturity.

4) Annual yield to maturity

y = ( PAR / P ) (365 / t ) – 1
y yield,
PAR – par or maturity value,
P - the purchase price of the security and t is the
t number of days until maturity

5) Semiannual yield to maturity

y = 2 x ( PAR / P ) (365 /2 t ) – 2

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