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Joint Venture
Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. and OYO International Corporation
The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection


Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................1-1

1.1 General ..................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Policy on Editing this Guide...................................................................1-1
1.3 Outline of the Guide ...............................................................................1-2


SLOPE DISASTERS ........................................................................2-1
2.1 Classification of Road Slope Disasters ..................................................2-1
2.1.1 Soil Slope Collapse (SC)...........................................................2-2
2.1.2 Rock Slope Collapse (RC) ........................................................2-3
2.1.3 Landslide (LS) ..........................................................................2-3
2.1.4 Road Slip (RS)..........................................................................2-4
2.1.5 Debris Flow (DF)......................................................................2-5
2.1.6 River Erosion (RE) ...................................................................2-5
2.1.7 Costal Erosion (CE) ..................................................................2-6
2.2 Characteristics of Road Slope Disasters ................................................2-6
2.2.1 Soil Slope Collapse...................................................................2-6
2.2.2 Rock Slope Collapse .................................................................2-8
2.2.3 Landslides ................................................................................2-9
2.2.4 Road Slips ................................................................................2-10
2.2.5 Debris Flow ..............................................................................2-11
2.2.6 River Erosion............................................................................2-12
2.2.7 Costal Erosion ..........................................................................2-12
2.3 Main Factors Causing Road Slope Disasters...........................................2-13


COLLAPSES ....................................................................................3-1
3.1 General ..................................................................................................3-1
3.2 General Policy for Stabilization of Soil Slopes.......................................3-1
3.3 Design for Standard Slope (Cut Slope)...................................................3-2
3.3.1 Standard Gradient of Cut Slopes ...............................................3-2
3.3.2 Berms of Cut Slopes .................................................................3-3
3.3.3 Survey Checkpoints for Cut Slopes...........................................3-4
3.3.4 Cuts Requiring Caution ............................................................3-4
3.4 Surface Drainage ...................................................................................3-5
3.4.1 Design Conditions ....................................................................3-5
3.4.2 Design of Surface Drainage ......................................................3-7
3.5 Selection of Countermeasures................................................................3-10
3.5.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................3-10
NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. i June 2007
The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

3.5.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................3-11

3.6 Design of Main Countermeasures ..........................................................3-13
3.6.1 Vegetation.................................................................................3-13
3.6.2 Retaining Walls ........................................................................3-15
3.6.3 Pitching Works .........................................................................3-20
3.6.4 Crib Works ...............................................................................3-21
3.6.5 Rock Bolts with Concrete Crib Works.......................................3-23


4.1 General ..................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Calculation of Impact Force of Falling Rocks.........................................4-1
4.2.1 Motion Mechanism of Rock Falls .............................................4-1
4.2.2 Velocity of Falling Rocks..........................................................4-2
4.2.3 Kinetic Energy of Falling Rocks ...............................................4-3
4.2.4 Impact Force of Falling Rocks ..................................................4-4
4.3 Selection of Countermeasures ................................................................4-5
4.3.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................4-5
4.3.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................4-6
4.4 Design of Main Countermeasures ..........................................................4-9
4.4.1 Removing and Cutting ..............................................................4-9
4.4.2 Rock Fall Catch Nets ................................................................4-10
4.4.3 Rock Fall Catch Fences ............................................................4-12
4.4.4 Rock Sheds...............................................................................4-15
4.4.5 Catch Fill and Ditches...............................................................4-18


5.1 General ..................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Key Points of Reconnaissance for Formulating Landslide
Countermeasure Plans ............................................................................5-1
5.3 Stability Analysis of Slopes ....................................................................5-2
5.3.1 Stability Analysis ......................................................................5-2
5.3.2 Parameters of Shear Strength of Sliding Surface .......................5-5
5.3.3 Determination of Initial Factor of Safety...................................5-6
5.3.4 Determination of Proposed Factor of Safety..............................5-6
5.3.5 Sliding Surface .........................................................................5-7
5.4 Selection of Countermeasures................................................................5-8
5.4.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................5-8
5.4.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................5-9
5.5 Design of Main Countermeasures ..........................................................5-10
5.5.1 Cutting Work ............................................................................5-10
5.5.2 Filling Work .............................................................................5-12
5.5.3 Surface Drainage ......................................................................5-13
5.5.4 Horizontal Drain Hole ..............................................................5-15
5.5.5 Drainage Wells .........................................................................5-16
5.5.6 Ground Anchors........................................................................5-19
5.5.7 Steel Pipe Piles .........................................................................5-24

NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. ii June 2007

The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection


6.1 General ...................................................................................................6-1
6.2 General Policy for Design of Stable Road Shoulders...............................6-1
6.3 Selection of Countermeasures .................................................................6-2
6.3.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................6-2
6.3.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................6-3
6.4 Design of Main Countermeasures ...........................................................6-6
6.4.1 Reinforced Earth Walls .............................................................6-6
6.4.2 Sand Bag Walls.........................................................................6-11


7.1 General..................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Selection of Countermeasures................................................................7-1
7.2.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................7-1
7.2.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................7-3
7.3 Design of Main Countermeasures ..........................................................7-6
7.3.1 Sabo Dam for Debris Flow .......................................................7-6
7.3.2 Causeways................................................................................7-11


8.1 General..................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Selection of Countermeasures................................................................8-2
8.2.1 Classification of Countermeasures ............................................8-2
8.2.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures.................................8-4
8.3 Design of Main Countermeasures ..........................................................8-6
8.3.1 Revetments...............................................................................8-6
8.3.2 Groundsills ...............................................................................8-9


9.1 General..................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Selection of Countermeasures................................................................9-3
9.3 Design of Coastal Slope Revetments......................................................9-5
9.3.1 General ..........................................................................................9-5
9.3.2 Type of Revetment Structure..........................................................9-7
9.3.3 Design Crest Elevation of the Revetment .......................................9-10
9.3.4 Gradient of Slope Revetment .........................................................9-11
9.3.5 Stability of Bank Body...................................................................9-12
9.3.6 Structural Details ...........................................................................9-14


10.1 General..................................................................................................10-1
10.2 Examples of Countermeasure Design in the Philippines.........................10-1
10.2.1 Road slips-Delton Pass Road Km 211 (Region II) ................10-1
10.2.2 Road slips-Kennon Road Km 232 (Region CAR) .................10-13
10.2.3 Landslide-Wright-Taft, Km 846 (Region VIII) .....................10-28
10.2.4 Landslide-Lagawe-Banaue Road, Km 301
NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. iii June 2007
The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

(Region CAR).........................................................................10-47
10.2.5 Coastal Erosion-Ginatilan-Alegria Road Km172
(Region VII) .........................................................................10-65
10.2.6 River Erosion-Naga-Toledo Road No.2,
10.3 Examples of Countermeasure Design in Japan .......................................10-71
10.3.1 Soil Slope Collapse.................................................................10-71
10.3.2 Landslide ................................................................................10-76
10.3.3 Rock Fall on Primary Local Road ...........................................10-82


RESTORATION WORKS................................................................11-1
11.1 General....................................................................................................11-1
11.2 Temporary Treatment...............................................................................11-2
11.2.1 Classification of Temporary Measures............................................11-2
11.2.2 Emergency Countermeasure...........................................................11-5
11.3 Quality Control of Restoration Works ......................................................11-13
11.3.1 Slope Cutting and Flattening Works ...............................................11-13
11.3.2 Slope Protection Works ..................................................................11-21
11.3.3 Retaining Structures.......................................................................11-37
11.3.4 Horizontal Drain Holes ..................................................................11-46

Appendix -1 References
Appendix-2 Sources for Main Equations Used in This Guide III

NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. iv June 2007

The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Comparisons between the Revised and Previous Classification ................ 2-2
Table 2.2 Factors Causing Slope Instability ........................................................... 2-14

Table 3.1 Geometric Standards for Cut Slopes......................................................... 3-2

Table 3.2 Coefficient of Runoff by Ground Surface Conditions ............................... 3-6
Table 3.3 Standard Probable of Rainfall Return Period to be Applied .................... 3-6
Table 3.4 Classification of Countermeasures against Soil Slope Collapse .............. 3-10
Table 3.5 General Selection Criteria for Vegetation ............................................... 3-14
Table 3.6 Types and Characteristics of Retaining Wall........................................... 3-16
Table 3.7 Standard Dimension of Stone or Concrete Block Retaining Walls .......... 3-17
Table 3.8 Standard Dimension of Leaning Retaining Walls .................................. 3-19
Table 3.9 Determination of Wall Height by Bearing Ground.................................. 3-19
Table 3.10 Selection of Pitching Works ............................................................... 3-21
Table 3.11 Application of Crib Works .................................................................. 3-23
Table 3.12 recommended Internal Friction Angle and Cohesion .......................... 3-24
Table 3.13 Allowable Tensile Stress (σsa) of Rock Bolt Material............................ 3-26
Table 3.14 Allowable bond Stress between Grout and Steel Material ..................... 3-26
Table 3.15 Friction Resistance of Ground with Rock Bolt ................................... 3-27
Table 3.16 Type and Size of Steel Material Used for Different Concrete Cribs ...... 3-29
Table 3.17 Allowable Stress for Concrete (Mortar) Crib ........................................ 3-30

Table 4.1 kinds of Slopes and Values of the Equivalent Coefficient of

Friction ............................................................................................... 4-3
Table 4.2 Lame’s Constant of Shock Absorbing Materials ..................................... 4-5
Table 4.3 Classification of Countermeasures for Rock Falls .................................... 4-5
Table 4.4 Application of Countermeasures for Rock Falls ....................................... 4-9
Table 4.5 Standard Specifications for Rock Fall Catch Fences ............................. 4-15
Table 4.6 Combinations of Loads for Design of Rock Sheds ................................. 4-17
Table 4.7 Recommended Shape and Dimension of Catch Ditches ........................ 4-19

Table 5.1 Vertical Thickness of Sliding Mass and Cohesion ................................... 5-6
Table 5.2 Determination of Initial Factor of Safety ................................................ 5-6
Table 5.3 Determination of Proposed Factor of Safety............................................. 5-7
Table 5.4 Classification of Countermeasures for Landslides .................................... 5-8
Table 5.5 Recommended Standard Fill Slopes ....................................................... 5-12
Table 5.6 Recommended Allowable Adhesive Stresses.......................................... 5-23
Table 5.7 Recommended Skin Frictional Resistance of Anchor ............................. 5-23
NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. v June 2007
The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Table 5.8 Items to be Examined............................................................................. 5-25

Table 5.9 Design Condition for Piles ..................................................................... 5-27
Table 5.10 Standard Interval between Piles............................................................ 5-29
Table 5.11 Embedment Length of Piles ................................................................. 5-29

Table 6.1 Classification of Countermeasure for Road Slips ..................................... 6-4

Table 6.2 Application of Countermeasures against Road Slips................................. 6-5
Table 6.3 Typical Reinforced Earth Walls .............................................................. 6-7
Table 6.4 Comparison of Stability Analysis for Typical Methods ........................... 6-9
Table 6.5 Effective Tensile Resistance Force of Typical Reinforcement
Materials............................................................................................. 6-10
Table 6.6Applicability of Backfill Materials...........................................................6-11
Table 6.7Criteria for the Stability Analysis of Sand Bag Walls ............................. 6-13

Table 7.1 Classification of Countermeasures for Debris Flow.................................. 7-2

Table 7.2 Criteria for Stability Analysis of a Dam Body ........................................ 7-10
Table 7.3 Combination of Loads for the Stability Calculation of Dam Body.......... 7-10

Table 8.1 Classification of Countermeasures against River Erosion......................... 8-2

Table 8.2 Relationships between Height, Gradient and Type of Revetments ............ 8-8
Table 8.3 Embedment of Groundsill Wings ........................................................... 8-12

Table 9.1 Slope Revetment Structural Types............................................................ 9-7

Table 9.2 Standard Gradient of Revetment Slope................................................... 9-12
Table 9.3 Creep Ratio with Weighting Factor by Soil Classification ...................... 9-14
Table 9.4 Standard requirements for Typical Slope Revetments............................. 9-15
Table 9.5 KD-value of Rubble Stone by U.S.A Army ............................................ 9-28
Table 9.6 Standard Parameters for Wave Breaking Structures ................................ 9-30

Table 10.1 Allowable Intensity of Stress on Non-reinforced Concretes .................. 10-8

Table 10.2 Summary of External Forces ................................................................ 10-9
Table 10.3 Summary of Stability Calculation Results .......................................... 10-9
Table 10.4 Summary of Bearing Capacity Calculations for the Foundation
Piles.................................................................................................. 10-10
Table 10.5 Summary of Concrete Stress Intensity Calculation Results ............... 10-12
Table 10.6 Allowable Stresses and Safety Factor ................................................. 10-18
Table 10.7 Summary of External Forces for Stability Calculations ...................... 10-27
Table 10.8 Stability Calculation Results .............................................................. 10-27
Table 10.9 Initial Soil Parameters for Circular Sliding Analysis........................... 10-33
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The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Table 10.10 Summary of External Forces ............................................................ 10-37

Table 10.11 Summary of Stability Calculation Results ....................................... 10-37
Table 10.12 Summary of r Stress Intensity of Reinforcement Concrete................ 10-40
Table 10.13 Delay Coefficient in Kerby Formula for Inflow Time ....................... 10-43
Table 10.14 Coefficient of Roughness (n) for Manning Formula ......................... 10-44
Table 10.15 Design Run-off and Flow Capacity of Drainage Facilities .............. 10-45
Table 10.16 Scale of Landslide Blocks ................................................................ 10-47
Table 10.17 Conditions and Parameters of Stability Analysis by Swedish
Slice Method ......................................................................................... 10-51
Table 10.18 Stability Analysis Result in unit Width ........................................... 10-52
Table 10.19 S Quantities of Horizontal Drain Holes .......................................... 10-57
Table 10.20 C Conditions and Parameters for Pile Design ................................. 10-58
Table 10.21 Pile Type and Allowable Stress ....................................................... 10-58
Table 10.22 Pile Types and their Features............................................................ 10-59
Table 10.23 Coefficient of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction and Modulus of
Deformation...................................................................................... 10-60
Table 10.24βValue of Pile ................................................................................ 10-60
Table 10.25 Sectional Calculation Results ........................................................... 10-61
Table 10.26 Determination of Pile Intervals ....................................................... 10-62
Table 10.27 Determination of Embedment Depth ................................................ 10-63
Table 10.28 Economic Comparison of the Piles................................................... 10-63
Table 10.29 Summary of Steel Pipe Pile Work..................................................... 10-64
Table 10.30 Summary of Slope Conditions ........................................................ 10-83
Table 10.31 Study of Alternative Countermeasures.............................................. 10-85
Table 10.32 Size and Kinetic Energy of Falling Rocks ........................................ 10-85
Table 10.33 Summary of Design Conditions, parameters and Criteria.................. 10-87
Table 10.34 Detailed Specifications of Rock Fall Protection Fence to Be
Used...................................................................................................... 10-88
Table 10.35 Stability Calculation Results of the Planned Concrete Catch Wall .... 10-88
Table 10.36 Summary of Design Conditions, Parameters and Criteria ................. 10-89
Table 10.37 Stability Calculation Results for the Underground Foundation ......... 10-89

Table 11.1 Classification of Temporary Treatment Measures ..................................11-2

Table 11.2 Application Range of Excavation Methods as per Material
Hardness ............................................................................................11-15
Table 11.3 Site Inspection Item of Slope Excavation ............................................11-20
Table 11.4 Standard Criteria for Inspection of Vegetation .....................................11-32
Table 11.5 Classification of Stones for Riprap ......................................................11-37
Table 11.6 Standard Requirements for Geotextile Filter Fabric .............................11-40
NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. vii June 2007
The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Table 11.7 Standard Dimensions of Mesh Cylinders.............................................11-43

Table 11.8 Standard Dimensions of Wire Mats .....................................................11-43
Table 11.9 Minimum Diameter and Tensile Strength of Galvanized Wire .............11-44
Table 11.10 Minimum Weight of Zinc Coating.....................................................11-44
Table 11.11 Example of Drainage Water Volume Sheet for Horizontal Drain
Holes ...............................................................................................11-47

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Schematic Illustration of Soil Slope Collapse .......................................... 2-2
Figure 2.2 Schematic Illustration of Rock Slope Collapse......................................... 2-3
Figure 2.3 Schematic Illustration of Landslides ........................................................ 2-4
Figure 2.4 Schematic Illustration of Road Slips ........................................................ 2-4
Figure 2.5 Schematic Illustration of Debris Flow...................................................... 2-5
Figure 2.6 Schematic Illustration of River Erosion ................................................... 2-6
Figure 2.7 Schematic Illustration of Coastal Erosion ................................................ 2-6
Figure 2.8 Soil Slope Collapses Occurring along the National Highways .............. 2-7
Figure 2.9 Rock Slope Collapses Occurring along the National Highways .............. 2-8
Figure 2.10 Examples of Actual Landslides .............................................................. 2-9
Figure 2.11 Examples of Actual Road Slips ............................................................ 2-10
Figure 2.12 Example of Debris Flow on Dalton Pass in Nueva Vizcaya .................2-11
Figure 2.13 Examples of River Erosion .................................................................. 2-12
Figure 2.14 Examples of Coastal Erosion on the Ginalitan-Alegria Road ............... 2-13

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Illustration of a Cut Slope ..................................................... 3-3

Figure 3.2 Countermeasures against Soil Slope Collapses ........................................ 3-5
Figure 3.3 Classifications of Surface Drainage facilities ........................................... 3-7
Figure 3.4 Details of Berm Drain Ditches................................................................. 3-8
Figure 3.5 Structural Image of Drain Ditch............................................................... 3-9
Figure 3.6 Example of Drainage Ditch Layout ........................................................ 3-9
Figure 3.7 Drainage Ditch with Soil-Cement Mixture............................................. 3-10
Figure 3.8 Selection Flowcharts of Countermeasures against Soil Slope
Figure 3.9 Schematic diagrams for Re-cutting Slope .............................................. 3-12
Figure 3.10 Schematic Diagram of Slope Foot Protection....................................... 3-12
Figure 3.11 Schematic Diagram of Anchor and Pile Works..................................... 3-13
Figure 3.12 Typical Vegetation Works .................................................................... 3-14
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The Study on Risk Management for Sediment-Related Disaster on Final Report Guide III
Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Figure 3.13 Example of Gabion Wall on the Foot of a Slope ................................. 3-17
Figure 3.14 Detail of Stone or Concrete Block Retaining Wall ............................... 3-18
Figure 3.15 Structural View of Leaning Retaining Walls......................................... 3-18
Figure 3.16 Detail of Concrete Crib Retaining Wall................................................ 3-20
Figure 3.17 Examples of Pitching Works................................................................ 3-21
Figure 3.18 Details of Cast-in-place Concrete Crib Work ....................................... 3-22
Figure 3.19 Model of soil Slope Collapse and Arrangement of Rock Bolts ............. 3-25
Figure 3.20 Arrangement of Rock Bolt ................................................................... 3-28
Figure 3.21 Model of Design Load......................................................................... 3-28

Figure 4.1 Illustration of Motion Mechanism of Falling Rocks................................. 4-2

Figure 4.2 Motion Pattern of Falling Rocks .............................................................. 4-2
Figure 4.3 Selection Flowchart of Countermeasures for Rock Falls .......................... 4-7
Figure 4.4 Combinations of Countermeasures .......................................................... 4-7
Figure 4.5 Examples of Rock Removal................................................................... 4-10
Figure 4.6 Design of Catch Nets ............................................................................4-11
Figure 4.7 Example of Pocket Type Rock Fall Catch Net ....................................... 4-12
Figure 4.8 Design Flowchart of Rock Fall Catch Fences......................................... 4-14
Figure 4.9 Types of Rock Sheds ............................................................................. 4-15
Figure 4.10 Design Procedure for Rock Sheds........................................................ 4-16
Figure 4.11 Loading Method for Impact Load ........................................................ 4-17
Figure 4.12 Diagrammatic Layout of Catch Fill and Ditch...................................... 4-18

Figure 5.1 Schematic Diagram of Effectiveness of Piling Works .............................. 5-3

Figure 5.2 Schematic Diagram of Effectiveness of Anchor Works ............................ 5-4
Figure 5.3 Schematic Diagram of effectiveness of Drainage Work............................ 5-4
Figure 5.4 Schematic Diagram of effectiveness of Earthworks ............................... 5-5
Figure 5.5 Selection Flowchart of Countermeasures against Landslides .................. 5-9
Figure 5.6 Conceptual Illustration of Cutting Work ...............................................5-11
Figure 5.7 Conceptual Illustration of Filling Work ................................................ 5-13
Figure 5.8 Drainage Channels and Collecting Basins ............................................ 5-14
Figure 5.9 Typical Layout of Horizontal Drain Holes ........................................... 5-16
Figure 5.10 structural Details of Drainage Well .................................................... 5-18
Figure 5.11 Typical Layout of Drainage Well ......................................................... 5-18
Figure 5.12 Landslide Stabilized with Ground Anchors ...................................... 5-19
Figure 5.13 Design Flowchart for Ground Anchors ............................................... 5-20
Figure 5.14 Functional Description of an Anchor .................................................. 5-21
Figure 5.15 Outline of Anchor Structure ............................................................... 5-22
Figure 5.16 Typical Example of Landslide Stabilized by Ground Anchors ............ 5-24
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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Figure 5.17 Classification of Steel Pipe Piles ........................................................ 5-25

Figure 5.18 Design Flowchart for Piles ................................................................. 5-26

Figure 6.1 Conceptual Illustration of Earthworks for Road Slips ........................... 6-2
Figure 6.2 Conceptual Illustration of Structures for Road Slips ............................. 6-3
Figure 6.3 Selection Flowchart of Countermeasures against Road Slips ................ 6-5
Figure 6.4 Conceptual Mechanism of Reinforced Earth Walls .............................. 6-6
Figure 6.5 Schematic Drawing of Typical Reinforced Earth Walls ........................ 6-7
Figure 6.6 Collapse Modes and Issues to be Considered in Design ....................... 6-8
Figure 6.7 Design Procedure for Reinforced Earth Walls ...................................... 6-9
Figure 6.8 Example of Road Slip Restored Using a Terre Armee Wall .................6-11
Figure 6.9 Design Flowchart for Sand Bag Walls ................................................ 6-12
Figure 6.10 Example of Road Slip Restored by using a Sand Bag Wall ............... 6-15

Figure 7.1 Conceptual Diagram of Stepped Dams ................................................. 7-2

Figure 7.2 Conceptual Diagram of a Culvert ......................................................... 7-3
Figure 7.3 selection Flowchart for Countermeasures against Debris Flows ........... 7-4
Figure 7.4 Conceptual Diagram for Debris Flow Sheds .......................................... 7-5
Figure 7.5 Conceptual Diagram for Rout Changes ................................................ 7-5
Figure 7.6 Conceptual Diagram of Debris Flow Causeway ................................... 7-6
Figure 7.7 Diagrammatical Dam Section and Nomenclature ................................. 7-6
Figure 7.8 Typical Example of Landslide Stabilized by a Sabo Dam ..................... 7-7
Figure 7.9 Stepped Dams for Riverbed Erosion Control .................................... 7-8
Figure 7.10 Design of Sabo Dams for Debris Flow ............................................... 7-9
Figure 7.11 Typical Layout of Debris Flow Causeway .........................................7-11

Figure 8.1 Conceptual Diagram of the Effect of River Erosion ............................. 8-1
Figure 8.2 Example of Revetments for River Erosion ........................................... 8-3
Figure 8.3 Typical Examples of River Erosion Stabilized with Groundsills ........... 8-3
Figure 8.4 Example of Channel Relocation ........................................................... 8-4
Figure 8.5 Selection Flowchart for Countermeasure against River Erosions .......... 8-5
Figure 8.6 Diagrammatical Arrangements of Revetments ..................................... 8-6
Figure 8.7 Design Procedure for Revetments ........................................................ 8-7
Figure 8.8 Standard Sections of Stone and Concrete Block Masonry
Revetments ......................................................................................... 8-9
Figure 8.9 Diagrams of Groundsill ....................................................................... 8-9
Figure 8.10 Design Procedure for Groundsills (Head Type) ................................ 8-10
Figure 8.11 Forms of Groundsills and Flow Direction .........................................8-11
Figure 8.12 Detail of Groundsill Body ...................................................................8-11
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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Figure 8.13 Embedment of Groundsill Wings ..................................................... 8-12

Figure 9.1 Illustration of Conceptual Design for Coastal Revetment ..................... 9-1
Figure 9.2 Typical Foundation Water Cut-off Wall ................................................ 9-2
Figure 9.3 Typical Slope Damage caused by Coastal Erosion ............................... 9-3
Figure 9.4 Countermeasures for Coastal Erosion as per Damage cause ................. 9-4
Figure 9.5 Design procedure for Coastal Slope Revetments .................................. 9-6
Figure 9.6 Classification of Slope Revetment by Slope Gradient .......................... 9-8
Figure 9.7 Grading Curve of Range of Embankment Material ............................ 9-12
Figure 9.8 Illustration Explaining Circular Failure Analysis ................................ 9-13
Figure 9.9 Example of Expansion Joint .............................................................. 9-16
Figure 9.10 Treatment of Construction joint ....................................................... 9-16
Figure 9.11 Example of Concrete Block Pitching Type Revetment ..................... 9-17
Figure 9.12 Embedment of Gentle Sloping Type Revetment ............................... 9-18
Figure 9.13 Example of Washing-out of Backfill Material on Shoreline .............. 9-19
Figure 9.14 Measures to Prevent Washing-out of Backfill Material ..................... 9-20
Figure 9.15 Example of Flat Concrete Cast Type Revetment .............................. 9-20
Figure 9.16 Backfilling of Concrete Cast Revetment .......................................... 9-21
Figure 9.17 Example of Stair Type Revetment .................................................... 9-22
Figure 9.18 Standard Size of Concrete Frame ..................................................... 9-22
Figure 9.19 Example of Gravity Type Concrete Wall Revetment ........................ 9-23
Figure 9.20 Example of Concrete Buttress Wall Type Revetment ........................ 9-24
Figure 9.21 Expansion Joints for Concrete Buttress Wall .................................... 9-24
Figure 9.22 Site Cast Concrete Foundations ....................................................... 9-25
Figure 9.23 Rubble Stone Foundations ............................................................... 9-26
Figure 9.24 Typical Foot Protection for Slope Revetments .................................. 9-27
Figure 9.25 Illustration of Wave Breaking Structure ............................................. 9-30
Figure 9.26 Examples of Recurved Parapet Wall Structures ................................ 9-31

Figure 10.1 Engineering Geological Profiling at Dalton Pass Km211 ............... 10-1
Figure 10.2 Result of Circular Slip Stability Analysis for Existing Condition
at Dalton Pass Km 211 ................................................................ 10-2
Figure 10.3 Typical Cross Section of the Countermeasure ................................ 10-3
Figure 10.4 Plan and Side-view of the Countermeasure .................................... 10-3
Figure 10.5 Design Procedure for Double Retaining Wall Structure .................. 10-4
Figure 10.6 Concept of Coulomb’s Active Earth Pressure ................................. 10-5
Figure 10.7 Concept of Eccentric Distance of Resultant Force ............................... 10-5
Figure 10.8 Bearing Capacity on Pile Toe ............................................................. 10-7
Figure 10.9 External Forces for Stability Calculations of Wall Body ................. 10-8
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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

Figure 10.10 Circular Slip Stability Analysis for Slope Countermeasure ......... 10-10
Figure 10.11 Section Force for Concrete Stress Calculation on Front Wall .......10-11
Figure 10.12 Section Force for Concrete Stress Calculation on Toe Slab ..........10-11
Figure 10.13 Typical Cross Section of Reinforced Embankment (Terre Armee)
......................................................................................................... 10-15
Figure 10.14 Plan and Side View of Reinforced Embankment (Terre Armee)
....................................................................................................... 10-15
Figure 10.15 Conceptual Illustration of Reinforced Embankment (Terre Armee)
......................................................................................................... 10-15
Figure 10.16 Design Procedure for a Reinforced Embankment (Terre Armee) ...... 10-17
Figure 10.17 Shape of the Structure ................................................................ 10-19
Figure 10.18 Virtual Wall Height .................................................................. 10-19
Figure 10.19 Active Earth Pressure Area .......................................................... 10-20
Figure 10.20 Coefficient of Earth Pressure ..................................................... 10-21
Figure 10.21 Live Load Affected Area ............................................................. 10-22
Figure 10.22 Overburden Soil Load ................................................................... 10-23
Figure 10.23 Shape of the Structure ................................................................ 10-26
Figure 10.24 External Forces for Stability Calculations for a Gravity Wall ..... 10-27
Figure 10.25 Engineering Geological Profile at Wright-Taft Road Km 846 ............. 10-28
Figure 10.26 Countermeasure Plan for Wright-Taft Road Km 846 ......................... 10-30
Figure 10.27 Typical Cross Section for Drainage System + Reinforced
Concrete Cantilever Wall ........................................................... 10-31
Figure 10.28 Design Procedure for Countermeasure for Wright-Taft, Km 846
....................................................................................................... 10-32
Figure 10.29 Design Shear Strength Parameters at the Landslide Surface by
Circular Sliding Analysis and the Effect of lowering the
Ground-water .............................................................................. 10-34
Figure 10.30 External Forces for Stability Calculation of Cantilever Retaining
Wall ............................................................................................ 10-35
Figure 10.31 E Circular Sliding Analysis of Landslide Block on the Back Side
of the Wall ................................................................................... 10-36
Figure 10.32 External Forces for Concrete Stress Calculations ......................... 10-39
Figure 10.33 Calculation Flow for Design Run-off ......................................... 10-41
Figure 10.34 Probability of Rainfall Intensity at Tacloban Synoptic Station ........ 10-42
Figure 10.35 Catchment Area of Damaged Section Wright Taft Road, Km836
......................................................................................................... 10-44
Figure 10.36 Diagram of Surface Water Drainage System ............................... 10-45
Figure 10.37 Configuration of Landslide and Engineering Geological
Investigation Site of Lagawe Banaue Road Km 301 .................. 10-48
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Figure 10.38 Engineering Geological Profile of the Newly Activated Landslide of

Lagawe-Banaue Road, Km 301 ....................................................... 10-50
Figure 10.39 C-φ Relationship Chart using Back Calculation Method ................. 10-52
Figure 10.40 Conceptual Illustration of Stability Analysis .................................... 10-53
Figure 10.41 Countermeasure Plan of Option-1 .............................................. 10-55
Figure 10.42 Typical Cross Section of Option-1 .............................................. 10-55
Figure 10.43 Countermeasure Plan of Option-2 .............................................. 10-56
Figure 10.44 Typical Cross Section of Option-2 .............................................. 10-56
Figure 10.45 Engineering Geological Profile at Ginatilan-Alegria Road Km
171 .................................................................................................. 10-65
Figure 10.46 Typical Cross Section for Gravity Type Revetment .................... 10-66
Figure 10.47 Design Procedure for Coastal Gravity Type Concrete Revetment
......................................................................................................... 10-67
Figure 10.48 Design Condition for Water Cut-off Wall under Foundation ....... 10-68
Figure 10.49 Plane Layout of Countermeasure for Soil Collapse .................. 10-73
Figure 10.50 Section Layout of Countermeasure for Soil Collapse ................ 10-74
Figure 10.51 Structural Detail of Countermeasure for Soil Collapse ............... 10-75
Figure 10.52 General Plane Layout of Countermeasure for Landslide ............. 10-78
Figure 10.53 General Plane Layout of Countermeasure for Landslide ............. 10-79
Figure 10.54 Details of Concrete Crib Work ................................................... 10-80
Figure 10.55 Details of These Works .............................................................. 10-87

Figure 11.1 Example of Temporarily Preventive Fence for Restoration Work

Figure 11.2 Example of Urgent Measures and restoration after Cracks and
Failure on a Cut Slope ..................................................................11-6
Figure 11.3 Example of Urgent Measures by Sand Bags or Gabion Mats for a
Cut Slope .......................................................................................11-6
Figure 11.4 Example of Urgent Measures by Sand Bag or Gabion Mats for an
Embankment Slope ........................................................................11-7
Figure 11.5 Example of Measurement Instrument Arrangements for
Landslides ......................................................................................11-9
Figure 11.6 Emergency Restoration of Landslide Areas ...................................11-11
Figure 11.7 Groundwater Drainage by Lateral Boring as Emergency Measure.......11-12
Figure 11.8 Earth Removal as an Emergency measure .....................................11-12
Figure 11.9 Standard Flow Chart for Selection of Excavation Method .............11-16
Figure 11.10 Standard Flow Chart for Selection of Vegetation Method on Cut
Slopes ..........................................................................................11-22

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Figure 11.11 Standard Flow Chart for Selection of Vegetation Methods on

Embankment Slopes .......................................................................11-23
Figure 11.12 Seed Spraying .............................................................................11-25
Figure 11.13 Seed-mud Spraying .....................................................................11-26
Figure 11.14 Seed Base Material Mix Spraying ...............................................11-26
Figure 11.15 Sodding Mats Spreading .............................................................11-27
Figure 11.16 Sodding Placing ..........................................................................11-28
Figure 11.17 Simple Seed Matting ...................................................................11-29
Figure 11.18 Simple Sodding ...........................................................................11-29
Figure 11.19 Seed Board .................................................................................11-30
Figure 11.20 Seed Packet .................................................................................11-30
Figure 11.21 Pick-hole Seeding .......................................................................11-30
Figure 11.22 Sodding–bag Placing ...................................................................11-31
Figure 11.23 Standard Thickness of Spraying by Ground Conditions ...............11-33
Figure 11.24 Standard Thickness of Spraying by Slope Gradient .....................11-33
Figure 11.25 Required Range of Grain Size for Fine Aggregate .....................11-34
Figure 11.26 Edge Treatment for Mortar Spraying ...........................................11-35
Figure 11.27 Panel Form for Spraying Test ......................................................11-37
Figure 11.28 Spacer Pins for Measurement of Mortar Thickness ......................11-37
Figure 11.29 Example of Embankment for Riprap Retaining Wall ...................11-38
Figure 11.30 Example of Filter for Weep Holes Covered with Geotextile ........11-39
Figure 11.31 Standard Structure of Stone (or Concrete Block) Masonry Wall
Figure 11.32 Standard Shape of Stone for Masonry Walls ................................11-40
Figure 11.33 Dimensions of Standard Pre-Cast Concrete Blocks for masonry
Wall ...........................................................................................11-41
Figure 11.34 Example of Wire Mat Basket Installation ........................................11-45
Figure 11.35 Example of Perforated Pipe for Horizontal Drain Holes ................11-47

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1.1 General

Technical Guides have been prepared in three volumes to provide technical guidance on
implementing the Inventory Survey to establish an optimum Risk Management Plan for the
National Highways of the Philippines. Guide III focuses on designing protection and prevention
methods for road slope disasters on the existing National Highways. This Guide will be an
important reference to plan countermeasure alternatives in Sheet 3 of the Inventory Format and
is also applicable to the stabilization of road slopes in planning for new road projects.

Moreover, in Planning and designing countermeasures relevant to road slope disasters,

reference should be made to ‘’Standard Specifications Volume II Highways, Bridges
and Airports , DPWH 2004” and the Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning
and Design, Project for the Enhancement of Capability in Flood Control and Sabo
Engineering of DPWH, March 2002.

1.2 Policy on Editing this Guide

The main objective of this Guide is to assist DPWH Engineers concerned with the planning and
designing of road slope disaster management activities by providing countermeasure options for
road slopes along with design examples for handling various types of road slope disasters. This
Guide has been prepared for a wide and effective application to plan countermeasures for slopes
on the national highways consistent with the following policies:

a) Focus on providing planning of rehabilitation works and road slope maintenance


b) Collection of examples of countermeasures applied in the Philippines;

c) Arrangement of basic principles and policies applied in Japanese manuals on

slope protection;

d) Introduction of advanced protection and prevention methods for adverse

situations to select the best solution; and

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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

e) Collection and arrangement of countermeasure examples from the Philippines and


1.3 Outline of the Guide

This Guide comprises 11 chapters. The arrangement and division of these chapters is based on the
different types of road slope disasters and the requirements for countermeasures.

Chapter 1 gives the background, purpose, and preparation policy for the Guide. Chapter 2 gives
the general classifications, characteristics and main causes of triggering road slope disasters on
the national highways. The basic approaches and considerations for each disaster type are also
described in this chapter.

Chapters 3 to 9 provide the general criteria for selection of countermeasures and design
considerations of the main countermeasures for the seven types of road slope disasters; Soil
Collapse (SC), Rock Slope Collapse (RC), Landslide (LS), Road Slip (RS), Debris Flow (DF),
River Erosion (RE), and Coastal Erosion (CE). In Chapter 3, the design for standard cut slopes
and surface drainage is also introduced. Detailed methods for stability analysis of Landslide
disasters in planning countermeasure works are discussed in Chapter 5.

In Chapter 10, examples of countermeasures for various disaster types in the Philippines and
Japan are arranged for reference in actual countermeasure planning.

The road slope management activities require simple, quick, and cost-effective treatments for
urgent situations in road slope disasters. These methods based on Japanese experience are
described in Chapter 11.

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2.1 Classification of Road Slope Disasters

Previous classifications of road slope disasters were provided in the year 2000 in the “Study on
the Preparation of Technical Guidelines for Flood Control”. These classifications have been
accepted by DPWH for the mitigation and management of road slope disasters.

On the basis of these classifications, each type of road slope disaster is defined below:

a) Landslide - Tends to occur on gentle slopes and is related mainly to weak geology,
stratification, faulting and ground water. Rainfall and earthquakes are the main
triggers. The movement mass generally starts at the weakest layer and involves a
very wide area.

b) Slope Failure - Occurs mostly on steep slopes deteriorated by extensive surface

water infiltration. Rainfall and earthquakes usually trigger the falling or
crumbling, which characterize slope failures.

c) Rock Fall - No definition or features described at present.

d) Debris Flow/Sedimentation - No definition or features described at present.

e) Embankment Erosion - No definition or features described at present.

f) Bridge Abutment Erosion ― No definition or features described at present.

These classifications are generally used for the management of road slope disasters in Japan, and
are thus suitable in the Philippines, since both countries share similar geological, topographical
and meteorological conditions.

After the first field trip was carried out in April 2006, the JICA Study Team revised and updated
the above-mentioned classifications following discussions with the Counterpart Team. The
revised classifications are aimed at giving a better understanding of road slope disaster types and
selection of countermeasures suitable for each.

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The revised classifications establish seven principal disaster types as follow: (1) Soil Slope
Collapse (SC), (2) Rock Slope Collapse (RC), (3) Landslide (LS), (4) Road Slip (RS), (5) Debris
Flow (DF), (6) River Erosion (RE), and (7) Coastal Erosion (CE). Comparisons between the
revised and previous classifications are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Comparisons between the Revised and Previous Classifications

Revised Classification Previous Classification
Soil Slope Collapse (SC) Slope Failure
Rock Slope Collapse (RC) Rock Fall
Landslide (LS) Landslide
Road Slip (RS) Similar to Embankment Collapse
Debris Flow (DF) Debris Flow or Sedimentation
River Erosion (RE) Similar to Embankment Collapse
Coastal Erosion (CE) No type assigned

Bridge Abutment Erosion described in the previous classification is excluded in the revised
classification, because this phenomenon is dealt with in the BMS.

The seven types of road slope disasters are defined below:

2.1.1 Soil Slope Collapse (SC)

On relatively steep slopes, both natural and artificial, the soil mass becomes unstable and
collapses suddenly and quickly into the foot of the road slope. Such sudden and fast failure of soil
mass is termed Soil Slope Collapse (Figure 2.1).

Soils or Weathered Rocks
Soil Slope Collapse
Soils Slope Collapse

Rock Rock

(a) Orthographic b) Cross Section

Figure 2.1 Schematic Illustration of Soil Slope Collapse

Soil Slope Collapse can be described as follows:

a) Collapses occur mostly in loose materials such talus deposits, colluvial deposits,
residual soil, weathered rock and so on;

b) They are generally precipitated by increasing groundwater and infiltration of run

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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

off due to heavy rains or loosening of slopes by earthquakes;

c) The movement is very rapid, and the material is scattered and spread widely, the
characteristics of which are quite different from landslides; and

d) Its size is generally small because only the area of loosened soil collapses.

2.1.2 Rock Slope Collapse (RC)

In contrast to soil slope collapse, blocks of solid rock or small-scale rock masses on steep rocky
walls or slopes become loosened and fall or collapse to the foot of the road slope. Such a rapid
movement of rock blocks or rock mass is referred to as Rock Slope Collapse. It ranges in size
from individual rock fall to small-scale rock mass failure (Figure 2.2).

This phenomenon results from structural discontinuities and seepage of water, where the
structural discontinuities within the rock mass, such as faults, bedding planes, joints, cracks and
so on, control the type and size of the rock slope collapse.


Rock Fall

(a) Collapse due to numerous (b) Collapse along a dip (c) Fall of an
cracks and joints slope structure overhanging

Figure 2.2 Schematic Illustration of Rock Slope Collapse

2.1.3 Landslide (LS)

Landslides, in a narrow sense, are slow, long-term, continuous deformation of slopes underlain by
soils or strongly weathered rocks along recognizable sliding surfaces. Landslides have the
following general characteristics (Figure 2.3):

a) Landslides occur on gentle slopes and the movements are relatively slow, mostly
with continuous and recurrent characteristics;
b) Susceptible geology includes colluvial sediments, weathered rocks and soft rocks;
c) Topographically, the upper part of the landslide slope exhibits a horseshoe-shape
or rectangular scarp, and the middle part is a flat and gentle slope. There are
concavities, depressions, cracks, etc. or a long and narrow depression in the hill
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slope or at the top of the mountain.

d) They are triggered by an increase in ground water level as a result of heavy rains
or by earthquakes;
e) Prior to occurrence, some signs of deformation on the ground surface are shown,
such as cracks, subsidence, bulging, toe collapse, springs and so on; and
f) Its size is generally large in volume and ranges from several thousand to hundreds
of thousands of cubic meters.

Figure 2.3 Schematic Illustration of Landslides (Varnes 1978)

2.1.4 Road Slip (RS)

Road slips include all types of road shoulder collapses, such as soil slope collapse, embankment
erosion and settlement of road surfaces by various causes, scouring of the toe and so on (Figure

Earth or
rocks Road Slip
Road Slip


(a) Road slip due to soil slope (b) Road slip due to
collapse embankment erosion

Figure 2.4 Schematic Illustration of Road Slips

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2.1.5 Debris Flow (DF)

Debris Flow is the fast movement of rock fragments, earth and mud mixed with water, along a
valley or a river (Figure 2.5).

Debris Flow can be characterized by the following descriptions:

a) Debris flows originate from steep slopes and have the following necessary
conditions, steep gradient, heavy rain and unstable debris;

b) Source area is upstream of the road slope.

c) Debris flows are caused by heavy rain or earthquakes;

d) Surface water and ground water, to a large extent, influence the speed of debris

e) Speed of debris flow depends on water content, slopes and so on; and

f) The most common form of debris flow is connected with collapse at the head of

Debris Flow Collapse


Figure 2.5 Schematic Illustration of Debris Flow

2.1.6 River Erosion (RE)

A lateral erosion and subsequent river bank collapse due to river flow is designated as River
Erosion. This phenomenon initiates scouring of the road foundation and enlarges or widens into a
riverbank collapse (Figure 2.6).

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Over flow Road
Debris Flow Deposit

Attack part River Bed

Damaged Structure

(a) River erosion at bend (b) River erosion due to over flow

Figure 2.6 Schematic Illustration of River Erosion

2.1.7 Coastal Erosion (CE)

Similar to river erosion, coastal erosion is the erosion and subsequent collapse of coastal cliffs on
national highways by the action of ocean waves and currents (Figure 2.7). This phenomenon is
especially severe during storms.

Erosion Overflow
Overflow Collapse of Riprap
Wave due to outflow
Wave Road of fill materials



(a) Direct attack by ocean (c) Collapse of riprap

(b) Overtopping of seawall
waves and currents due to outflow
due to ocean waves

Figure 2.7 Schematic Illustration of Coastal Erosion

2.2 Characteristics of Road Slope Disasters

2.2.1 Soil Slope Collapse

Soil slope collapse is one of the main road slope disaster types along the national highways in
mountainous and hilly regions. They occur mostly on road cut slopes, especially on the upper part.
Figure 2.8 shows the conditions of soil slope collapses along Mahaplag- Sogod Road, Cebu-
Balamban Road and Baguio-Bontoc Road.

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The main features of soil slope collapse are summarized below:

a) Soil slope collapse frequently occurs on high cut slopes that are not protected by
structures and have a slope gradient of over 50 degrees.
b) The geology of soil slope collapse is mainly loose and erodable sediments, such
as residual soil, talus and topsoil.
c) The size of the soil slope collapse is relatively small, generally 10 to 20 m in
width and length, 1 to 3 m in depth and less than 100m3 in volume. Soil slope
collapses mostly concentrate on road slopes.
d) Soil slope collapse occurs suddenly and quickly during and after heavy rainfall.
Besides loose soil structure, the occurrence trigger is erosion and the infiltration
of rainfall, and earthquakes.

Collapse Collapse
Colluvial Deposit


Residual Soil
Soil slope
Soil slope

(c) (d)

Figure 2.8 Soil Slope Collapses Occurring along the National Highways
(a) Mahaplag-Sogod (km 1006+500), (b) Cebu-Balamban Road (Km 1007+100),
(c) Baguio Bontoc Road (km 281+780), (d) Mahaplag -Sogod Road at Agas-agas.

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2.2.2 Rock Slope Collapse

Rock slope collapse occurs mainly on high cut slopes of highly fractured and jointed hard rocks,
for example, Kennon Road, Marcos Highway, Lagawe-Banaue Road, Dalton Pass,
Cebu-Balamban Transcentral Highway and Wright-Taft Road (Figure 2.9).

The main features of rock slope collapse are summarized below:

a) Rock slope collapse occurs chiefly on steep and high rock slopes, either cut or

b) The majority of rock slope collapses are associated with highly fractured and
jointed hard rocks, such as limestone, volcanic rock and phyllite.

c) Its size is generally less than 10 m3, occasionally over 100 m3 in volume.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2.9 Rock Slope Collapses Occurring along the National Highways
(a) Kenon Road (Km 846+050), (b) and (d) Kennon Road, (c) Cebu- Balamban Transcentral
Highway (Km 1027)

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d) Failure modes are free fall, rolling down the slope or sliding along the slope.

e) The toe erosion and weathering of steep slopes, causing the gradual opening of
tension cracks, is believed to be the mechanism by which most rock slope
collapses are produced. Rock slope collapses occur mostly during intense rainfall
and/or earthquakes, which appear to be the major triggers.

2.2.3 Landslides
Landslides are the most frequently observed road slope disasters along the national highways,
especially on the Banaue-Lagawe and Mahaplag-Sogod Roads. These landslides severely
threaten or damage the traffic function as shown in Figure 2.10.

Sliding mass
Sliding mass


(a) Landslide on the Banaue-Lagawe Road


Sliding mass


(b) Landslide on the Banaue-Lagawe Road


Figure 2.10 Examples of Actual Landslides

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Besides the general features described above, landslides have the following characteristics:

a) Landslides occur chiefly on relatively gentle slopes, both natural and cut, of less
than 30 degrees.

b) Landslides are concentrated mainly on soil slopes and soft rock slopes.

c) Landslides, in most cases, occur over relatively wide areas and are estimated to be
104 m3 to 106 m3 in volume.

d) They frequently occur or are activated during a rainfall. The infiltration of

rainfall, causing a temporary rise in pore water pressure and the resulting
reduction in shear resistance, is considered to contribute to occurrence of

2.2.4 Road Slips

Road slips are also common along the national highways and they severely affect the traffic
function, as shown in Figure 2.11.

Road Slip
Earth or


(a) Wright-Taft Road (Km858+250)


Road Slip



(b) Wright-Taft Road (Km844+060)

Figure 2.11 Examples of Actual Road Slips

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The main features of road slips are summarized below:

a) Road slips have the following three failure modes: 1) Collapse of the valley side
slope, 2) Scouring of the valley side slope due to inappropriate drainage, and 3)
Road body settlement.

b) Road slips may occur abruptly after heavy rainfall, but such indications as local
deformation or settlement of the road shoulder are observable prior to complete

c) Road slips, in most cases, are less than 50m in width and occur on steep slopes on
the valley side.

d) Road slips mostly occur in places where surface water concentrates during heavy
rainfall, in some cases this is due to inappropriate design or construction of the
wall foundation, subsurface drainage (leakage of water), insufficient road
compaction, or insufficient drainage facilities.

2.2.5 Debris Flow

Debris flows are infrequent along the national highways. Some have occurred in hilly regions as
shown in Figure 2.12.

The trace of debris

deposited by a
debris flow is
observable on a
stone masonry wall
and check dam.

Figure 2.12 Example of Debris Flow on Dalton Pass in Nueva Viscaya

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2.2.6 River Erosion

River erosions occur on embankments or natural bank slopes along the national highways (Figure
2.13). The main features of river erosions are summarized below:

a) River erosions are concentrated on outer bends, especially where the river
meanders through the slope.

b) The occurrence of river erosions is due firstly to bank erosion, secondly to

riverbed erosion, and thirdly to the change of river course towards the bank and
the rising of the river water level as a result of the accumulation of debris flow

c) River erosions are of a smaller scale, generally less than 50 meters in length.

Kennon Road 215km+132 Mahaplag-Sogod Section

Figure 2.13 Examples of River Erosion

2.2.7 Coastal Erosion

Coastal erosions are observable, especially along the Ginalitan-Alegria Road between 143km and
180km, as shown in Figure 2.13.

The main features of coastal erosions are summarized below:

a) Coastal erosions initiate scouring of the foundation or out flowing of backfill

material by the action of ocean waves and currents, consequently leading to road
slip, road body settlement, or wall collapse.

b) The phenomenon is associated mainly with soil slopes, strongly weathered rocks
and highly fractured limestone.

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(a) (b) Coastal Erosion due to

outflow of backfill material

Coastal Erosion
due to scouring to
the foundation

Figure 2.14 Examples of Coastal Erosion on the Ginalitan-Alegria Road

(a) at Km177+700, (b) at Km 177+910

2.3 Main Factors Causing Road Slope Disasters

Slope instability is a result of both causative factors and slope characteristics, such as slope height,
slope gradient, geology, topography, surface water, groundwater, etc. Many factors influence the
development of road slope disasters, as listed in Table 2.2. These factors cause slope instability
either by increasing shear stress or by reducing shear strength.

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Table 2.2 Factors Causing Slope Instability

Types Typical Factors
- Stream undercut, rainfall, sea waves, or glacial erosion
- Weathering, wetting/drying, and frost action
1. Removal of lateral
Increase of Shear Force

- Slope gradient increased by slope collapse, uplift of land,

support volcanic and fault activities
- Artificial soil work: Quarries, pits, cutting, etc.
- Weight of rainfall infiltration, new talus deposit, collapse mass.
2. Overloading - Embankment structures.
- Earthquake.
3. Transitory stresses - Vibration.
- Pore pressure in cracks, fissures, etc.
4. Lateral pressure - Freezing of water.
- Swelling by hydration of clay and clay minerals.
- Weak and sensitive materials such as volcanic tuff and
Reduction of Shear Strength

sedimentary clays.
- Easily weathered materials or jointed materials such as
1. Reduction of strength mudstone, shale, and so on.
- Loosely consolidated materials such as talus.
- Easily liquefied materials such as sand or silt deposits.
- Cation exchange.
2. Physico-chemical
- Hydration of clay.
reaction - Drying of clays.
- Removal of trees, reducing normal loads and apparent cohesion
3. Vegetation of tree roots.

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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection



3.1 General

Soil slope collapse, as defined in Chapter 2, is failure of a soil slope. They tend to occur suddenly
on relatively steep slopes. This chapter provides general policy and basic procedures for the
stabilization of soil slopes, mitigation of soil slope collapse, and design considerations for main
countermeasures against soil slope collapse.

In addition, the design procedures and considerations of countermeasures against landslides

given in Chapter 5 of this Guide III may also be applied to the stabilization of soil slope

3.2 General Policy for Stabilization of Soil Slopes

Soil slope collapses, especially soil cut slope collapses, are common along the national highways.
Frequent occurrences of soil slope collapse are due mainly to inappropriate design and
construction of cut slopes and slope protection works in addition to steep topography, fragile
geology, heavy rainfall and frequent earthquakes.

Of all of these causes, the greatest cause of soil slope collapses is the action of water. The
collapse of soil slope induced by water can be subdivided roughly into two types: surface erosion
due to slope surface water and collapse due to the increase in pore water pressure or the decrease
in shearing strength of soils forming the slope by scouring and water seepage. It is thus extremely
important to take appropriate measures against water to secure slope stability.

In order to prevent the road slope disasters related to soil slope collapse, the general policies for
the stabilization of soil slopes are structured in consideration of (a) degree of safety, (b)
construction cost, (c) appearance, and 4) construction workability, and are as follows:

a) Design of standard slope (cut and fill);

b) Drainage (surface water ); and

c) Slope protection (structural).

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3.3 Design of Standard Slope (Cut Slope)

This section focuses on the design of standard cut slopes because soil slope collapses frequently
occur in cut slopes along the national highways, and, compared to cut slopes, it is easier to
determine the proper design section of fill slopes, which are generally formed by homogeneous
fill materials.

3.3.1 Standard Gradients of Cut Slopes

A stable cut slope is generally designed according to the standard values of the gradient of slopes,
as listed in Table 3.1, due to the following:

a) Natural ground is extremely complicated and not uniform in its properties;

b) Cut slopes tend to gradually become unstable over time after completion of work;

c) It is difficult to determine the proper design section of cut slopes by stability


Table 3.1 Geometric Standards for Cut Slopes

Cut slope height Gradient
Character of soil or bedrock
(m) (i=V:H)
Hard rock 1:0.3 ~ 1:0.8
Soft rock 1:0.5 ~ 1:1.2
Sand that is not solid or dense and 1:1.5 ~
has poor grade distribution.
Less than 5 m 1:0.8 ~ 1:1.0
Soils that are dense and solid.
5~10 m 1:1.0 ~ 1:1.2
Sandy soil
Less than 5 m 1:1.0 ~ 1:1.2
Soils that are not dense and solid.
5~10 m 1:1.2 ~ 1:1.5
Less than 10 m 1:0.8 ~ 1:1.0
Soils that are dense and solid or
Sandy soil mixed of good grade distribution. 10~15 m 1:1.0 ~ 1:1.2
with gravel or rock
Soils that are not dense or solid or Less than 10 m 1:1.0 ~ 1:1.2
are of bad grade distribution. 10~15 m 1:1.2 ~ 1:1.5
Cohesive soil Less than 10 m 1:0.8 ~ 1:1.2
Cohesive soil mixed Less than 5 m 1:1.0 ~ 1:1.2
with rock or cobble
stones 5~10 m 1:1.2 ~ 1:1.5
Notes: (1) Silt is included in the category of cohesive soil.
(2) Individual consideration is given to soils not indicated in the above table.
(3) When a single gradient can not opted for because of the soil composition or other reasons,
the cut slope height and gradient are determined on the basis of the following considerations.
Source: Modified from Reference No.1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR RETAINING WALLS, Published by Japan
Road Association, March 1999.

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ha ha: Cut slope height for slope surface a

hb hb: Cut slope height for slope surface b equals the
b height of a plus the height of b

• The gradient does not include a berm.

• The cut slope height vis-à-vis the gradient means the total cut slope height including all
the cut slopes above the cut slope in question.

The standard values of the gradient of slopes, as shown in Table 3.1 have been empirically
determined on the basis of geological conditions and at the standard values, cut slopes remain
stable over the long-term with simple slope protection works such as vegetation.

As shown in Table 3.1, the gradient of cut slopes varies depending on the geology of the cut slope.
Where the geology and soil of a cut slope varies considerably and is complicated, a single
gradient of cut slope suited to weaker soil is used even though this is somewhat uneconomical.
Figure 3.1 gives a schematic diagram of a cut slope relating to different geology.

: 11.:1

H = 5 to 7 m : 11. Colluvial deposits


Soft rock

H < 30 m

Hard rock


Figure 3.1 Conceptual Illustration of a Cut Slope

3.3.2 Berms of Cut Slopes

On the cut slopes, berms 1.0 to 2.0 m wide are generally provided for every 5.0 to 7.0 m in height
for the following purposes:

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a) To reduce speed of the surface water flow on the cut slopes, thereby decreasing
scouring force on the cut slopes;

b) To provide a place for the installation of drainage ditches; and

c) To be used as sidewalk for inspection or as scaffolding for repair works.

A wider berm is recommended where the slope is long and large or where rock fall protection
fences are to be installed.

3.3.3 Survey Checkpoints for Cut Slopes

Careful surveys on the stability of back slopes should be conducted prior to cutting. When the
potentially unstable areas above the cut sites are large, cutting should be abandoned.

The main checkpoints of the surveys for cut slopes are as follows:

a) Stability of cut slope;

b) Average gradient of adjacent natural slopes;

c) Danger of landslide, soil slope collapse, or rock fall from the top of cut slopes;

d) Change of groundwater level in adjacent areas due to excavation; and

e) Geotechnical properties of the ground to be excavated.

A survey plan should be made for reviewing and determining measures for each item listed

3.3.4 Cut Requiring Caution

In designing cut slopes, the following geological conditions are to be considered with the utmost

a) Colluvial deposit slopes. Colluvial deposits such as talus or trace of volcanic

mudflow have a low solidification and, usually form a slope with a critical angle
of stability. When excavated, such cut slopes will become unstable. For this
reason, a wide step near the boundary line between bedrock and the upper
colluvial deposit should be planned (Figure 3.2).

b) Erodible sandy soil. Sandy soils such as weathered granite and terrace gravel
layers are easily eroded by surface water, resulting in small shallow collapses.

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c) Weatherable soft rocks. Cut slopes of soft rocks such as mudstone and tuff, will
become unstable after cutting because of stress release, etc.

Co llu v ia l d e p o s its
O rig in a l g ro u n d lin e

Ga b io n w a ll

D ra in a g e d itc h

Sto n e p itc h in g
Be d ro c k

R oad

Figure 3.2 Countermeasures against Soil Slope Collapse

To prevent erosion subsequent to cutting, protection for the foot of the slope as well as for the cut
slope itself should be considered. When it is unavoidable to form a cut slope with a gradient
steeper than the standard gradient, the slope must be protected by a retaining wall or anchor

3.4 Surface Drainage

If the road slope drainage or associated road drainage systems are not properly designed and
maintained, then the surface runoff will overflow onto the roads. If this surface runoff is not
drained in time, water may overflow to the downhill areas and cause serious road slope disasters.
Slope drainage facilities should be designed to prevent both surface erosion and the collapse of
soil slopes.

3.4.1 Design Conditions

The surface drainage shall be designed with the following considerations: rainfall intensity,
topography, ground surface conditions, soils, groundwater conditions, and existing drainage
systems. The main factor in determining the capacities of drainage facilities is generally the
runoff due to rainfall. The selection of the kind and sizes of the drainage facilities is based on
hydraulic calculations.

The design conditions for surface drainage are as follows:

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a) The calculation of runoff due to rainfall is based on the following Rational

Q (m3/sec) = 0.2778×10-6×f ×IT×a ········································································ (3.1)
Where, Q: Runoff (m3/sec)
f= Coefficient of runoff (referring to Tables 3.2 and 3.3),
IT= Rainfall intensity within time of concentration (mm/h),
a= Catchment area (m2),

Table 3.2 Coefficients of Runoff by Ground Surface Conditions

Ground surface condition Coefficient of runoff
Pavement 0.70 ~ 0.95
Road surface
Gravel road 0.30 ~ 0.70
Fine-grained soil 0.40 ~ 0.65
Coarse-grained soil 0.10 ~ 0.30
Shoulder, slope, etc.
Hard rock 0.70 ~ 0.85
Soft rock 0.50 ~ 0.75
Gradient 0 to 2% 0.05 ~ 0.10
Grass on sandy soil Gradient 2 to 7% 0.10 ~ 0.15
Gradient more than 7% 0.15 ~ 0.20
Gradient 0 to 2% 0.13 ~ 0.17
Grass on clayey soil Gradient 2 to 7% 0.18 ~ 0.22
Gradient more than 7% 0.25 ~ 0.35
Ridges 0.75 ~ 0.95
Intermediate areas 0.20 ~ 0.40
Parks with abundant lawns and trees 0.10 ~ 0.25
Mountainous areas with gentle slopes 0.30
Mountainous areas with steep slopes 0.50
Paddy fields, water surface 0.70 ~ 0.80
Fields 0.10 ~ 0.30
Source: Modification from reference No.2 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR DRAINAG WORKS, Published by Japan
Road Association, June 1987.

Table 3.3 Standard Probable of Rainfall Return Period to be Applied

Degree of drainage capacity to be anticipated Rainfall Return Period
(a) (b)
High 3 years More than 10 years
Normal 2 years 7 years
Low 1 year 5 years
Notes: (a) is applied to ordinary drainage structures such as the ones on road surfaces and on
small-scale slopes.
(b) is applied to important drainage structures, for example, drainage structures crossing
roads and draining water from large natural slopes.

b) The rainfall intensity within the time of concentration is empirically obtained

from the following Monobe equation or from the rainfall intensity versus rainfall
duration curve:

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IT (mm/h) = R24/24×(24/T)2/3 ················································································· (3.2)

Where, R24= Daily rainfall (mm),

IT (mm/h)=the mean rainfall intensity in a period of time T,
T= Rainfall concentration time (hour)

c) The rainfall concentration time T can be estimated by the following Rziha


Ta (sec) = 1/20×L/(H/L)0.6 ························································································· (3.3)

Where, L= Length of the rainfall path (m),

H= Difference of the elevation between the top of the catchment area and the
end of the flood path (m).

d) The design section of the drainage structures should be more than 120% of the
sectional area required to discharge the design storm in order to compensate for a
reduction of cross-section area due to soil sedimentation in the drainage

3.4.2 Design of Surface Drainage

(1) Classification of surface drainage facilities
The classification of the surface drainage facilities relevant to road cut slopes are as follows,
and as shown schematically in Figure 3.3.

Slope surface Road surface Slope surface Adjacent area

drainage drainage drainage drainage

Drainage on berms

Groundwater level
Longitudinal drain ditch

Side ditch

Figure 3.3 Classifications of Surface Drainage Facilities

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(2) Horizontal drainage ditches

Horizontal drainage ditches or berm drainage ditches shall be designed to prevent slope surface
erosion caused by rainfall or spring water.

The drainage ditches shall be constructed using soil cement mixtures, reinforced concrete
U-shaped gutters or be of the unsupported types. Figure 3.4 gives the structural image of a
horizontal or berm drainage ditch.

These ditches shall be installed close to the toe of the slope to prevent the flow of water at the
back or sides of the ditch.When berm drains are provided, the width of the berm should be
greater than 1.5m.

More than 1.5 m

More than 1.5 m

Reinforced Concrete
Ab o u U-Shaped Gutter
Ab o u
t 5% t 5%

Soil-Cement mixture
or Concrete

Soil-Cement Mixture
or Concrete

Figure 3.4 Details of Berm Drainage Ditches

Source: Reference No.8 Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design, Volume IV, NATURAL SLOPE FAILURE
COUNTERMEASURES, Project for the Enhancement of Capability in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of DPWH,
March 2002.
(3) Longitudinal drainage ditches
Longitudinal drainage ditches shall be designed to guide the water from a ditch at the top of a
slope or berm to a proper channel at the toe of the slope.

The longitudinal drainage ditches are generally constructed using reinforced concrete
U-shaped gutters, reinforced concrete pipes, or are stone-pitched (ladder type) channels. An
example is shown in Figure 3.5.

At places where the direction of the flow changes drastically or where the longitudinal
drainage ditch meets other waterways, a collecting basin with covers and simple sediment pit
should be installed to reduce the energy of the running water. In principle, longitudinal
drainage ditches are installed under the following conditions (Figure 3.6);

a) Slopes are wider than 100 meters; and

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b) On valley-shaped slope, rainfall water is expected to flow in from the upper slope.

24 - 1.8 15 50 15

:1 93

10 3:1
Ditch Sodding or stone Backfilled with
60 80 Pitching 39 Soil-cement

24 24

Catch Basin mixture or the
10 Reinforced concrete 5
concrete like
15 U-shaped gutter
Concrete U-shaped 33 H:1
gutter with socket Foundation Material Soil 0.5:1
515 50 155
Soft Rock 0.3:1
Hard Rock 0.2:1
(a) (b)

Figure 3.5 Structural Image of Drainage Ditch

Source: Reference No.8 Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design, Volume IV, NATURAL SLOPE FAILURE
COUNTERMEASURES, Project for the Enhancement of Capability in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of DPWH,
March 2002.

Crest drain ditch

Cut slope
Longitudinal drainage ditch
Berm drainage
Fill slope


Figure 3.6 Example of Drainage Ditch Layout

(4) Drainage ditches at the top of a slope

Drainage ditches for the top of the slope shall be installed along the top of the slope to prevent
flow of surface run-off from adjacent areas onto the slope.

The size of the ditch along the top of the slope shall be determined according to the amount of

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runoff due to rainfall. The ditches shall be constructed using soil cement mixture, stone
pitching, etc. Figure 3.7 gives a structural image of a drainage ditch made with a soil-cement

Figure 3.7 Drainage Ditch with Soil-Cement Mixture

Source: Reference No.8 Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design, Volume IV, NATURAL SLOPE FAILURE
COUNTERMEASURES, Project for the Enhancement of Capability in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of DPWH,
March 2002.

3.5 Selection of Countermeasures

3.5.1 Classification of Countermeasures

The main countermeasures against soil slope collapse are classified into seven categories in terms
of their functions and purposes, as listed in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 Classification of Countermeasures against Soil Slope Collapse

Cutting and Recutting
1. EARTH WORK Earth Work
Filling and Refilling
2. VEGETATION Vegetation
Surface Drainage Drainage Ditches and Channels
3. DRAINAGE Culverts
Subsurface Drainage Horizontal Drain Holes
Drainage Wells
Pitching Work Stone Pitching
4. SLOPE WORK Shotcrete Work Shotcrete (mortar and concrete)
Crib Work Crib Work (Precast)
Rock Bolts with Concrete Crib Work
5. ANCHORING Anchoring
Ground Anchors
Gabion Walls
6. WALL AND Retaining Walls Stone and Concrete Block Masonry Walls
Concrete Retaining Walls
Catch Work Catch Walls and Catch Embankments
Steel Pipe Piles
7. PILING WORK Piling Work
Concrete Piles

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3.5.2 Criteria for Selection of Countermeasures

Figure 3.8 shows a flowchart for the selection of adequate and effective countermeasures to
prevent soil slope collapse. Considerations include the anticipated causes, shape, mechanism, and
size of the collapse, as well as the appearance of the structure.

Drainage works, especially surface drainage works, shall be given priority regardless of the
results of the stability analyses.


No No No
Can a stable Can slope stability Is catch works
cutting slope be be assured by alone
secured? structures? sufficient?

Yes Yes Yes

- Cutting work

Is subsurface Is subsurface

drainage effective? drainage effective?

No Yes No Yes

- Surface drainage - Surface drainage

- Horizontal drain hole - Horizontal drain hole

Soil and Importance of

rock the road to be
characters protected

Soil, earth Weathered or

Small Large
or sand jointed rocks

- Catch wall - Sabo dam

- Vegetation - Pitching work - Retaining wall - Anchor work - Drainage - Route relocation
- Drainage - Crib work - Drainage - Piling work - Bridge
- Shotcrete - Retaining wall - Culvert
- Drainage - Drainage

Figure 3.8 Selection Flowcharts for Countermeasures against Soil Slope Collapse

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Generally, the following criteria shall be used for the selection:

a) Wherever possible, cutting or re-cutting work is prefered. In planning cutting

work, slope stability and harmony with the surrounding environment should be
considered (Figure 3.9);

Standard cut slope

Potential colllapse

Bedrock Bedrock

Road Road

a) Instable cutting slope b) Recutting slope

Figure 3.9 Schematic Diagrams for Re-cutting Slope

b) In principle, surface drainage work is considered positively. Subsurface drainage

work is adopted if spring water exists during normal times and/or rainfall, or a
depression exists near the top of the slope;

c) Whenever the slope gradient and soil conditions will allow vegetation to grow, it
shall be used to prevent erosion due to rainfall. Where slopes are unsuited to
vegetation, pitching work, shotcrete work, and crib work shall be considered;

d) Retaining walls are selected if the foot of a slope must be stabilized or if it is to be

used as the foundation for other measures (Figure 3.10);

Colluvial deposit Colluvial deposit

Gabion wall
Gabion wall
Concrete retaining wall

Road Road

a) Slope foot protection by gabion wall b) Slope foot protection by retaining wall

Figure 3.10 Schematic Diagram of Slope Foot Protection

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e) Even though costly, anchoring or piling should be planned if other methods are
not expected to control soil slope collapse (Figure 3.11);

Potential large soil collapse

Potential large soil collapse
Steel pile work
Anchor work


a) Slope stabilization by anchor b) Slope stabilization by pile

Figure 3.11 Schematic Diagrams of Anchor and Pile Works

f) When a potential soil slope collapse is large, avoiding the unstable area by using
an alternate route or by the construction of a bridge or similar structure shall be

3.6 Design of Main Countermeasures

3.6.1 Vegetation
A dense vegetation cover can prevent the formation of unstable debris on bare hillsides such as
collapsed surfaces and bare slopes. This method is one of the most important countermeasures
and is normally cost-effective.

(1) Purposes
The main objectives of vegetation are to (a) reduce surface erosion caused by running water
and rainfall; (b) reduce infiltration from rainfall; (c) bind subsurface soil with root systems; and
(d) improve the landscape of the cut slope.

(2) Design Considerations

In principle, slope vegetation is employed when the slope is to be stabilized by installation of
other countermeasures.

In selecting the type of vegetation to be planted, careful attention is to be paid to rainfall, plant
growth conditions, soil properties of the slope, and the timing of construction as well as the
area of the protection works. Table 3.5 gives the general selection criteria for the various
vegetation placement methods.

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Additionally, brushwood and geonets can be set on relatively steep slopes to stabilize the
surface soil. The slope gradient for vegetation is usually less than 60 degrees.

Table 3.5 General Selection Criteria for Vegetation

Soil and rock properties Methods
Hydroseeding, seed mud spraying or vegetation
Sodding, hydroseeding, seed mud spraying,
vegetation mats or vegetation nets.
Sandy soil, gravely soil, sandy soil
Hydroseeding, seed mud spraying, vegetation
containing rocks and cobble stones
Dense bags, vegetation holes, vegetation blocks or
vegetation packets.
Sodding, hydroseeding, seed mud spraying or
vegetation mats.
Clay, clayey soil, clay or clayey soil
Hydroseeding, seed mud spraying,, vegetation
containing rocks and cobble stones
Stiff bags, vegetation holes, vegetation blocks or
vegetation packets
Hydroseeding, seed mud spraying, vegetation
Soft rock
bags or vegetation holes.

Slurry of seed Mud-like seed and fertilized

fertilizer, fibre, etc. earth with fibre net

Seed Spraying Seed Mud Spraying

Figure 3.12 Typical Vegetation Works

Closed turfing: This is the conventional method in which sod is laid directly on the face of the
slope. This is suitable for erodable soils. In laying sod, it should be laid flat in tight contact
with the face of the slope without joints in order to prevent scouring.

Hydroseeding: A mixture of seed, fertilizer, fibres and water is sprayed over the face of the
slope with a pump. This method is suitable for gentler slopes or low lands.

Seed mud spraying: Similar to hydroseeding, a mud-like mixture of seed, fertilizer, soil and
water is sprayed over the face of the slope with a spray gun. Therefore, this method is suitable
for relatively steep slopes and high places. Asphalt emulsion is sprayed to cure the film.

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Vegetation mat: A fibrous mat containing seed and fertilizer is used to cover the face of slope.
This method offers the protection effects of the mats until the establishment of vegetation.

Vegetation bag: Vegetation bags, made of polyethylene net or cotton net filled with seeds and
vermiculite, are placed in horizontal ditches on the slope.

Vegetation hole: A mixture of seeds, fertilizer and soil is placed in holes that are made in
advance in the face of the slope.

Vegetation block: Turf, seeds and mud, are placed linearly along the contour lines.

3.6.2 Retaining Walls

(1) Purposes
Retaining walls are used to (a) prevent small-scale shallow collapse and toe collapse of
large-scale slope failures, and (b) as a foundation for other slope protection works such as crib
works. Where the toe of the slope has collapsed or the collapse is likely to enlarge upward
along the slope, retaining walls are recommended.

(2) Design Considerations

Retaining walls are generally classified into 5 types in terms of their design criteria,
applications, etc. Selection of the type of retaining wall is generally based on the topographical
and geological conditions at the place of the wall construction, work conditions, purpose of
retaining wall, height of wall and so on. Table 3.6 summarizes retaining wall types and their

Retaining wall design includes analysis of (a) sliding, (b) overturning, typically about the toe
of the walls, (c) bearing capacity of the foundation ground, and (d) overall stability. For (d),
stability analysis must not only consider the stability of the wall itself, but also the overall slope
of which the wall may be a part.

Moreover, loads acting on the retaining wall are normally considered as (a) deadweight, (b)
surcharge and (c) earth pressure, for design purposes.

Further, design calculations against earthquakes are generally not required for ordinary
retaining walls because the load increase due to the seismic force can be compensated by a
slightly increased factor of safety for the normal design calculations and by a resisting force
which can not be considered in the calculations. However, the effects of earthquakes need to be
considered when designing retaining walls higher than 8 meters which are not easily restored
after a collapse.

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Table 3.6 Types and Characteristics of Retaining Walls

(Modification from Reference No. 3)
Height and
Type Shape Characteristics Technical Note

• Normally less • Frequently used to • Mainly applicable

than 7.0 m in prevent small scale for light earth
height. collapse at the foot pressure loads
of the slope or to where the soil
Block • Up to 15.0 m in protect the slope. behind the wall is
height for large dense or good soil
(Stone) block masonry. sediment.
Masonry • Front slope is • Structurally weak
1:0.3 to 1:0.6 to resist the
(V:H) effects of an

• Less than 5.0 m • Supports the earth • Applicable on

in height. pressure by its good ground
deadweight. foundations
• The width of because of great
wall base is ground reaction.
about 0.5 to 0.7
times the height • Inapplicable for
of the wall. pile foundations.

• Less than 10.0 • Supports the earth • Applicable for

m in most cases. pressure by its own widening the
deadweight while existing road in
• Up to 15.0 m in being supported by mountainous
some cases. the earth at the rear terrain.
Leaning or by the backfill.
• Front slope is • Frequently used
1:0.3 to 1:0.6 in places with
(V:H) land and

• 3.0 to 10.0 m in • Vertical wall resist • Applicable for

height. the lateral load or pile foundations.
earth pressure.
• The width of • Precast concrete
Cantilever wall base is • The weight of is frequently used.
about 0.5 to 0.8 backfill over the
times the height heel slab can be
of wall. used to support the
earth pressure.

• More than 10.0 • Vertical wall and • Construction of

m in height. bottom slab as slab wall body and
is supported on backfill is
• The width of three sides. difficult.
wall base is
Counterfort about 0.5 to 0.7 • Counterfort type is • Applicable for
times the height more beneficial pile foundations.
of wall than cantilever
type for higher

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(a) Gabion walls

Gabion walls are fabricated from gabion baskets that are typically 1 meter × 1 meter in
cross-section and from 2 to 5 meters in length. The rock fill for the gabion is graded from a
maximum of 250 mm diameter to 100 mm diameter in size. The gabion structures are
flexible and the nature of the gabion fill provides good drainage conditions in the vicinity of
the wall. Filtration protection between the gabion and the wall backfill should be considered
(Figure 3.13).

Filter Cloth
20 mm Ø Rebars, 2 to 3 m long,
longitudinal spacing 3 to 4 m

Figure 3.13 Example of Gabion Wall on the Foot of a Slope

Source: Reference No.8 Technical Standards and Guidelines for Planning and Design, Volume IV, NATURAL SLOPE FAILURE
COUNTERMEASURES, Project for the Enhancement of Capability in Flood Control and Sabo Engineering of DPWH,
March 2002.
(b) Stone (or concrete block) masonry retaining walls
Stone (or concrete block) masonry retaining walls must be made of wet masonry. Wall
stability, especially the critical height, is examined (refer to the depth from the wall top edge
to the critical point 1/3 outside of the force line centre). The foundation is embedded by at
least 60 centimeters. One drain hole (generally φ100 mm) is installed every 2 to 3 m2,
usually in a zigzag pattern, because of the poor drainage of the walls.

The details of stone (or concrete block) masonry retaining walls are shown in Figure 3.14,
while their standard dimensions are given in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Standard Dimensions of Stone or Concrete Block Retaining Walls

Wall thickness Backfill thickness Concrete Backfill
Height (m) Gradient
(cm) (cm) thickness (cm)
H N1 a c b
0 to 1.5 1:0.3 35 30 to 40 5
1.5 to 3.0 1:0.3 35 30 to 40 10
3.0 to 5.0 1:0.4 35 30 to 40 15
5.0 to 7.0 1:0.5 35 30 to 40 20
Note: This table is only preliminary. Further detailed analysis should be carried out by engineers.
Source: Modification from
Reference No. 3 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR RETAINING WALLS, Published by Japan Road
Association, March 1999.
Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE -EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public Corporation, May 1998.

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Selected National Highways in the Republic of the Philippines Road Slope Protection

a b

N1 Gravel Soil

Drain hole
H1 Well-graded Soil

Note: Wall thickness a=35 cm, Concrete backfill thickness b=0 to 20 cm,
Top edge thickness of backfill c=30 to 40 cm,
Wall height H=1.5 to 7.0 m, Foundation height H1=25 to 40 cm,
Gradient N1=1V: 0.3H to 1V: 0.5H.

Figure 3.14 Detail of Stone or Concrete Block Retaining Wall

(c) Leaning retaining walls

When concrete crib work or concrete shotcrete work is not applicable, leaning retaining
walls are usually used to prevent small-scale collapse on relatively steep slopes.

Leaning retaining walls can be subdivided, in terms of function and slope geology, into two
types, as shown in Figure 3.15, while the standard dimensions for wall design are given in
Table 3.8.

Type A: Type B:
Gravely soil Hard rock
Soft rock

Figure 3.15 Structural View of Leaning Retaining Walls

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Table 3.8 Standard Dimensions of Leaning Retaining Walls

Base Base Foundation Top edge
Height Front Back
width thickness front width width
Type of Ground (m) slope slope
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
H1 N1 N2 B H2 B1 B2
(A) Gravely soil, 3.0 0.60 0.40 1.62 0.80 1.00 0.50
soft rock 5.0 0.60 0.40 1.75 1.00 0.90 0.45
3.0 0.40 0.30 0.75 0 0 0.45
(B) Hard rock 5.0 0.40 0.30 0.95 0 0 0.45
8.0 0.40 0.30 1.25 0 0 0.45
Source: Modification from Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE - EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public
Corporation, May 1998.

As shown in Figure 3.15, Type A is generally used as protection from small rock falls and
design calculations against earth pressure is not conducted. The height of the wall shall be
determined on the basis of the bearing ground, as shown in Table 3.9.

Table 3.9 Determination of Wall Height by Bearing Ground

Height H (m) Bearing Ground
Less than 10 Rock
Clayey soil C(t/m2) Sandy Soil (N value)
Less than 7 C ≧ 7 N ≧ 30
Less than 5 C ≧ 6 N ≧ 25
Less than 3 C ≧ 4 N ≧ 20
Source: Modification from Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE - EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public
Corporation, May 1998.
Moreover, the bedding depth for the wall is 1.0 m in principle, but may be reduced to 0.5 m
where there is a bearing layer of hard rock.

(d) Gravity type retaining walls

For gravity type retaining walls, design considerations involve the above-mentioned
analyses of the four states, namely, sliding, overturning, bearing capacity and overall
stability. In determining the dimensions of the wall, it is desirable that the width, B, of the
bottom slab is about 0.5 to 0.7 times the height of the retaining wall and that the thickness of
the top edge is between 15 cm and 40 cm.

(e) Concrete crib retaining walls

Crib retaining walls, which are usually fabricated from pre-cast reinforced concrete
elements, are flexible due to the segmental nature of the elements and are somewhat
resistant to differential settlement and deformation.

Especially when the ground deforms considerably and there is a large amount of spring

NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. 3 - 19 June 2007

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water in the potential soil slope collapse areas, crib retaining walls are applicable.

Stability is calculated for the whole structure as well as for several horizontal sections. Slope
stability calculations should include the potential failure surface above the toe of the wall.
Earth pressure calculations for the walls are similar to those for the gravity type retaining
walls (Figure 3.16).

Moreover, the space inside the cribs should be filled with cobbles.

Potential soil slope

Concrete crib retaining wall

Note: 1) Height of Wall: H = 3.0 to 10.0 m,

2) Front Slope: 1V: 0.3H to 1V: 0.5H
3) Depth of Embedment h1=0.5m to 1.0m

Figure 3.16 Detail of Concrete Crib Retaining Wall Source:

Modification from Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE - EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public
Corporation, May 1998.

3.6.3 Pitching Works

Pitching works include concrete pitching, stone pitching and block pitching. They are commonly
used on slopes gentler than 1V:1.0H. When the slope gradient is greater than 1V:1.0H, concrete
retaining walls, stone masonry retaining walls or block masonry retaining walls may be adopted.

(1) Purposes
Pitching works are applied to prevent surface weathering, scouring, stripping and erosion and,
in some cases, to prevent small-scale soil slope collapse.

(2) Design Considerations

Stone pitching and block pitching are used for non-cohesive sediments, mudstone and
collapsible clayey soils with a slope gradient less than 1V:1.0H. On the other hand, concrete
pitching is employed for jointed rock slopes with a possibility of weathering and stripping. For
large and/or steep rock slopes, it is desirable to reinforce the concrete with reinforcing bars or
wire mesh. Adequate methods are selected by referring to Table 3.10.

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Table 3.10 Selection of Pitching Works

Pitching thickness Gradient Height
Type Geological conditions
(cm) (V:H) (m)
25 to 35 1:1.0 to 1:1.5 Less than 5.0
Less than 5 1:1.5 to 1:1.8 − Sediments, talus, cone mudstone
35 1:1.0 to 1:1.5 Less than 3.0 and collapsible clayey soils.
Less than 12 1:1.5 to 1:1.8 −
Concrete More than 20 less than 1:0.5 − Bedrock with numerous joints
Reinforced and with a possibility of
More than 20 Over 1:0.5 − weathering and stripping.
Note: The table is only preliminary. Further detailed analysis is to be carried out by the engineer.
Source: Modification from
Reference No. 1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION, Published by Japan Road
Association, March 1999.
Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE -EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public Corporation, May 1998.

Moreover, drain holes of about 5 cm diameter shall be provided every 2 to 4 m2, regardless of
the presence of spring water or seepage water.

Top concrete

Precast concrete block Reinforced concrete

Backfilling concrete
Backfilling material
Anchor pin
Gravel soil
Drain hole
Reinforced wire
Drain hole
Concrete Foundation

Cobblestone Foundation

Figure 3.17 Examples of Pitching Works

3.6.4 Crib Works

Crib works include concrete block cribs, shotcrete cribs and cast-in-place concrete crib works.
These are commonly used on steep slopes of highly weathered or heavily jointed rocks with
abundant springs, especially where spalls cannot be fixed with shotcrete works.

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(1) Purposes
Crib works are chiefly applied to (a) prevent surface weathering, scouring and erosion, and in
some cases, (b) control both rock fall and small-scale slope failure.

(2) Design Considerations

Concrete block crib work offers little or no resisting force against the driving force of the
unstable slopes, while shotcrete crib and cast-in-place concrete crib works have some
resistance, depending on the size and space of the cribs.

Concrete block crib work is used for slopes with gradients less than 1:1.0 (V:H) and when
vegetation is suited to the slopes. Shotcrete crib and cast-in-place concrete crib works are used
when the long-term stability of the slope is questionable, or when concrete block crib work is
likely to collapse on a large slope or on a slope of weathered and jointed rocks with spring

The crib (or frame) usually ranges in size from 200 × 200 millimeters to 600 × 600 millimeters
at intervals of 2 to 5 meters. The spaces inside the cribs are filled and protected by stone
pitching, mortar spraying, or vegetation, depending on the slope conditions (gradient, spring
water, etc). Each intersection of the crib is anchored with stakes or anchor bars. Table 3.11
shows the applications of crib works. Figure 3.18 presents details of cast-in-place concrete crib

Vegetation or Concrete Spraying


Anchor Bar (D32)

Note: B=200 to 600 mm, L=B×(5 to 10)

Figure 3.18 Details of Cast-in-place Concrete Crib Work

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Table 3.11 Application of Crib Works

Type of crib works Gradient (V:H) Vertical height (m) Condition of slope
Flat slope with spring water and large
Concrete block crib Less than 1:0.8 Less than 5 m
slope of gradient below 1:0.8
Shotcrete crib Over 1:0.8 Less than 10 m Slope of gradient above 1:0.8 and
weathered or jointed rocks where spring
Cast-in-place concrete Over 1:0.8 Less than 10 m water is present or where the soil is
lacking in long-term stability
Note: This table is only preliminary. Further detailed analysis is to be carried out by the engineer.
Source: Modification from
Reference No. 1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION, Published by Japan Road
Association, March 1999.

3.6.5 Rock Bolts with Concrete Crib Works

Where other works cannot meet the degree of safety required for a road slope, rock bolts with
concrete crib work are used. The method is generally planned to cope with a small, shallow
surface collapse of about 3 to 5 m in thickness.

Rock bolts with concrete crib work is similar to ground anchors in terms of function and design
considerations. Purposes and design considerations are given in Section 5.5.6.

(1) Purposes
Rock bolts in association with concrete crib work are applied to stabilize a shallow surface
collapse by exerting a force - the increased resisting power against shear force by the tension
force of the rock bolts. The rock bolts with concrete crib work keeps the overall slope together,
consequently preventing local collapse.

(2) Design considerations

Design considerations for rock bolts with concrete crib work include 1) Stability analysis and
calculation of required preventive force; 2) Design of the rock bolts; 3) Design of the concrete
crib; and 4) Design of the bearing plates.

(a) Stability analysis and calculation of required preventive force

Stability analysis is conducted using the Swedish slice method (refer to Section 5.3).
Parameters for the stability analysis are generally estimated on the basis of visual soil
observations, as given in Table 3.12.

In a unit width, the prevention force (Pr) required for stabilizing the potential local collapse
is calculated using the following equation

PR = PFs × ΣT − (ΣN × tan φ + C × ΣL) ···································································· (3.4)


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PR (kN/m)= Required preventive force

PFs= Proposed safety of factor
N(kN/m)= Normal force attributable to gravity of the slice, N=W・cosα
T(kN/m)= Tangential force attributable to gravity of the slice, T=W・sinα
U(kN/m)= Pore water pressure acting on the base of the slice
L(m)= Length of sliding (or collapse) surface acting on the slice
C(kN/m2)= Cohesion of sliding (or collapse) surface
φdegree= Internal friction angle of sliding (or collapse) surface

Table 3.12 Recommended Internal Friction Angle and Cohesion

Unit Internal
Cohesion Group
Material State Weight friction angle
(kN/m2) symbol1)
(kN/m3) (Degrees)
Dense and well graded 20 40 -
Gravel GW, GP
Not dense, poorly graded 18 35 -
Dense 21 40 -
Gravely sand GW, GP
Not dense 19 35 -
Dense or well graded 20 35 -
Sand SW, SP
Not dense or poorly graded 18 30 -
Dense 19 30 -
Sandy soil SM, SC
Not dense 17 25 -
Firm 18 25 Less than 50
Clayey soil Slightly soft 17 20 Less than 30 ML, CL
Soft 16 15 Less than 15
Firm 17 20 Less than 50
Clay and silt Slightly soft 16 15 Less than 30
Soft 14 10 Less than 15
Note: 1) Group symbols of the Unified Soil Classification System. 2) 1 tf/m3 = 10 kN/m3, 1 tf/m2 = 10 kN/m2
Source: Modification from Reference No. 5 DESIGN GUIDE - EARTHWORKS, Published by Japan Highway Public
Corporation, May 1998.

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(b)Design of rock bolts

The design tensile force (Td) for one rock bolt is calculated using the following equation:

W2 W1

W Collapse Surface

Rock Bolt

Concrete crib

Figure 3.19 Model of Soil Slope Collapse and Arrangement of Rock Bolts

Td = ⋅ ········································ (3.5)
sin (α + β ) ⋅ tan φ + cos (α + β ) × λ N 1


PR (kN/m2)= Required preventive force

α(degrees)= Inclination of the target slope
β(degrees)= Angle of slope of collapse surface
φ(degrees)= Internal frictional angle of collapse surface
B (m)= Interval between rock bolts in horizontal direction
N1= Number of steps for rock bolt installation (nos) (=L/w)

The tensile stress (σs) required against the tensile force of the rock bolt is calculated using
the following formula:

σs = < σsa ·············································································································· (3.6)


As (cm2)= Section area of steel material.

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Table 3.13 Allowable Tensile Stress (σsa) of Rock Bolt Material (Unit: N/mm2)
Type of steel SR235 SR295 SD295AB SD345 SD390
In normal case 140 160 180 200 210
In case of corrosion 120 140 160 180 190

Shear force (Ts) acting on one rock bolt shall be calculated using the following formula:

PR × B
Ts = ·················································································································· (3.7)

The shear stress ( στa ) required against the tensile force of the rock bolt is calculated using
the following formula:

στa = < τ sa = 80 N / mm 2 ····················································································· (3.8)

For the design tensile force (Td) of a rock bolt to meet the allowable tensile force, the length
of contact between the ground and grout is compared with that between the steel material
and the grout. Whichever is greater is used as the fixed length (La).

The length (La1) of contact between the steel material and the grout is calculated as follows:

La1 = ········································································································ (3.9)
π × d × τ ca


d (mm)= Diameter of rock bolt

τ ca (N/mm2)= Allowable bond stress between the grout and the steel

Table 3.14 Allowable Bond Stress between the Grout and Steel Material
Design standard strength (N/mm2)
Type of steel
18 24 30 More than 40
Different shape 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Source: Modification from Reference No. 1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION, Published by
Japan Road Association, March 1999.

The length (La2) of contact between the ground and the grout is calculated as follows:

Td × f
La2 = ········································································································(3.10)
π × D ×τ


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D (mm)= Diameter of Drilling Borehole

τ (N/mm2)= Friction resistance of ground
f= Safety factor for rock bolts (generally f = 2.0)

Table 3.15 Friction Resistance of Ground with Rock Bolt

Ground Type Friction resistance (N/mm2)
Hard Rock 1.2
Soft Rock 0.8
Weathered Rock 0.5
Semi-Consolidated Soil 0.5
10 0.08
20 0.14
Sand and Gravel
N-Value 30 0.20
40 0.28
50 0.36
10 0.08
20 0.14
Sand Layer N-value 30 0.18
40 0.23
50 0.24
Cohesive Soil 0.8*C (C: Cohesion)
Note: 1 tf/m2 = 0.01 N/mm2.
Source: Modification from
Reference No. 1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION, Published by Japan Road
Association, March 1999.

(c) Design of concrete crib work

Since concrete crib work offers little resisting force against the driving force of the soil slope
collapse, each intersection of the crib is anchored with a rock bolt, as shown in Figure 3.20.
The model of the design load is schematically shown in Figure 3.21.

Since the concrete crib is hard in comparison with the ground soil, the design load acting on
the concrete crib is considered to be uniformly distributed. Accordingly, the design load (q)
for one rock bolt is calculated as follows:

Td × b
q= ···································································································(3.11)
( B + W − b) × h

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Rock Bolt

B b

Concrete crib

Figure 3.20 Arrangement of Rock Bolts

h B

Figure 3.21 Model of Design Load

The maximum moment (Mmax) acting on the concrete crib is calculated using the following

q × B ×W
M max = ··································································································(3.12)

The maximum shear force (Smax) acting on the concrete crib (or frame) is calculated using
the following formula:

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q× B×3
S max = ····································································································(3.13)

The required size (As) for the steel material is calculated using the following formula:

M max× 8
As = ········································································································(3.14)
σ sa × 7 × d

The sectional area (As) and effective height (d) of steel material is given in Table3.16.

Table 3.16 Type and Size of Steel Material Used for Different Concrete Cribs
Sectional Number to Effective
Size of Nominal Weight Diameter
No. Area (cm2) be Used for Height
Concrete Crib Diameter (kgf/m) (cm)
(As) the Crib (cm) (d)

1 150*150 D10 0.56 0.7133 2 7.5 0.953

2 200*200 D10 0.56 0.7133 2 15.5 0.953
3 200*200 D10 0.56 0.7133 2 15.5 0.953
4 300*300 D13 0.995 1.267 2 23.5 1.27
5 300*300 D16 1.56 1.986 2 23.5 1.59
6 300*300 with stir-lap D16 1.56 1.986 2 23.5 1.59
7 400*400 with stir-lap D16 1.56 1.986 4 31.5 1.59
8 400*400 with stir-lap D16 1.56 1.986 4 31.5 1.59
9 500*500 with stir-lap D19 2.25 2.865 4 41.0 1.91
10 600*600 with stir-lap D22 3.04 3.871 4 51.0 2.22
Note: No. 2 = 1500*1200, No. 3= 1200*1200.

Source: Modification from

Reference No. 1 Highway Earthwork Series, MANUAL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION, Published by Japan Road
Association, March 1999.

The ratio (p) of the steel material in the concrete crib is calculated using the following

p= ··················································································································(3.15)

Calculation of the ratio (k) of the distance between the compressive surface and neutral axis
to the effective height is calculated using the following formula:

k = 2 × p × n + ( p × n) 2 − p × n ············································································(3.16)

The ratio (j) is calculated using the following formula:

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j = 1− k ················································································································(3.17)

The tensile stress (σs) of the steel material is calculated using the following formula:

M max
σs = < σ sa ·································································································(3.18)
As '× j × d

The compressive stress (σc) of the concrete crib is calculated using the following formula:

2 M max
σc = < σ ca ···························································································(3.19)
k × j× B×d 2

The shear stress (τ) of the concrete crib is calculated using the following formula:

S max
τ= < τ a ·····································································································(3.20)
b× j×d

The adhesive stress (τb) between the concrete crib and the steel material is calculated using
the following formula:

S max
τb = < τ ba ·································································································(3.21)
U × j×d

Table 3.17 Allowable Stress for Concrete (Mortar) Crib

1. Design standard strength (N/mm2), 15
2. Allowable compressive stress (N/mm2) σca 5
3. Allowable shear stress (N/mm2) τa 0.33
4. Allowable adhesive stress (N/mm2) τba 1.3
Source: Modification from
Reference No. 10 GUIDELINE FOR DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF CRIB WORK, Published by Japan Slope
Protection Association, March 1991.

(d) Design of Bearing Plates

The size (B) of the bearing plate is dependent on the allowable compressive stress, and is
calculated using the following formula:

B≥ + a ············································································································(3.22)
σ ca

σ ca ≥ 0.3 × σ ck ···········································································································(3.23)


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B= the minimum width required (mm)

Td= Design tensile force for one rock bolt (kN/nos)
σca= Allowable compressive stress (N/mm2)
σck= Design standard strength (N/mm2)
a= hole area (mm2)

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