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Experion LX

Control Building User's Guide

April 2017

Release 500
Document Release Issue Date
EXDOC-XX19-en-500A 500 0 April 2017

This document contains Honeywell proprietary information. Information contained herein is to be used solely
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Copyright 2017 - Honeywell International Sàrl


1 About This Document .......................................................................................................................... 17

2 What do you want to do? ..................................................................................................................... 19
3 Control Builder Purpose ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Getting Started with Control Builder ................................................................................................................ 22
3.1.1 Basic concepts and terms ................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.2 Conventions ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 What is Control Builder? .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.3 What is a control strategy? ............................................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Configuring a control strategy .......................................................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Creating hardware and control module instances .............................................................................. 25
3.4.2 Creating Sequential Control Module instances ................................................................................. 26
3.4.3 Creating Custom Algorithm Blocks and Custom Data Blocks instances .......................................... 26
3.5 I/O module and controller compatibility .......................................................................................................... 27
3.5.1 Determining I/O module support ....................................................................................................... 27
3.5.2 Standard CCLs and supported controllers ......................................................................................... 27
4 Control Builder Configuration ............................................................................................................. 29
4.1 Starting Control Builder ................................................................................................................................... 30
4.1.1 Starting Configuration Studio to access Control Builder .................................................................. 30
4.1.2 Login to Server .................................................................................................................................. 31
4.1.3 Configuring Windows user account in Station .................................................................................. 31
4.2 Layout of the main window .............................................................................................................................. 34
4.2.1 Control Builder Menus ...................................................................................................................... 35
4.2.2 Control Builder Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 37
4.2.3 Control Drawing ................................................................................................................................ 39
4.2.4 Control Builder Status Line ............................................................................................................... 39
4.2.5 Opening and navigating a tree window ............................................................................................. 39
4.2.6 About Tree Window tabs ................................................................................................................... 41
4.2.7 Changing the state of a tree window .................................................................................................. 42
4.2.8 Moving a docked tree window .......................................................................................................... 43
4.2.9 Closing a tree window ....................................................................................................................... 44
4.3 Block and configuration form tabs .................................................................................................................. 45
4.3.1 SYSTEM library blocks and tabs ...................................................................................................... 45
4.3.2 AUXILIARY library blocks and tabs ................................................................................................ 46
4.3.3 DEVCTL library blocks and tabs ...................................................................................................... 47
4.3.4 DATAACQ library blocks and tabs ................................................................................................... 47
4.3.5 IOREFERENCES library blocks and their tabs ................................................................................ 48
4.3.6 POWERGEN library blocks and tabs ................................................................................................ 48
4.3.7 LOGIC library blocks and tabs .......................................................................................................... 49
4.3.8 MATH library blocks and tabs ........................................................................................................... 50
4.3.9 REGCTL library blocks and tabs ...................................................................................................... 51
4.3.10 SCM library blocks and tabs ............................................................................................................ 54
4.3.11 SERIES IO library blocks and tabs .................................................................................................. 55
4.3.12 UTILITY library blocks and tabs .................................................................................................... 56
4.3.13 FIELDBUS library blocks and tabs ................................................................................................. 57
4.4 Configuring modules ........................................................................................................................................ 59


4.4.1 Defining Series 8 Function Blocks .................................................................................................... 59

4.4.2 Configuring modules - Main tab ........................................................................................................ 60
4.4.3 Configuring modules - Server History tab ......................................................................................... 60
4.4.4 Configuring modules - Server Displays tab ....................................................................................... 61
4.4.5 Configuring modules - Status/Data tab .............................................................................................. 62
4.4.6 Configuring modules - Control Confirmation tab ............................................................................. 63
4.4.7 Configuring modules - Identification tab .......................................................................................... 64
4.5 Configuring the IOREFERENCES blocks - Main tab ..................................................................................... 66
5 Add-Ins menu in Control Builder ........................................................................................................ 67
5.1 Installing Add-ins ............................................................................................................................................. 68
5.2 Enabling Add-Ins .............................................................................................................................................. 69
5.3 Disabling Add-Ins ............................................................................................................................................. 70
5.4 Bulk Configuration Tools ................................................................................................................................. 71
5.4.1 Enabling the Bulk Configuration Tools ............................................................................................. 71
5.4.2 Features supported by the Bulk Configuration Tools ........................................................................ 71
5.5 PROFIBUS Configuration Tools ...................................................................................................................... 73
5.5.1 Enabling the PROFIBUS Configuration Tools .................................................................................. 73
6 Control Builder Search and Navigation Enhancements ................................................................... 75
6.1 Search enhancements ........................................................................................................................................ 76
6.1.1 Searching for a tag using the File >Open option ............................................................................... 76
6.1.2 Searching for a tag using CB tree search toolbar .............................................................................. 77
6.1.3 Searching for a tag by typing its prefix in the tree view .................................................................... 80
6.1.4 Searching for function block/parameter within a chart ..................................................................... 80
6.1.5 Searching for a tag using List View ................................................................................................... 86
6.2 Navigation improvements ................................................................................................................................. 87
6.2.1 Navigating to parameters from a SCM/RCM chart ........................................................................... 89
6.2.2 Navigating to parameters in a CM chart ............................................................................................ 94
6.2.3 Navigating to a parameter in a wired connection .............................................................................. 94
6.2.4 Navigating from tree view to a function block in a chart .................................................................. 96
6.2.5 Navigating from Reference block faceplate to parameters or I/O channels ...................................... 97
6.2.6 Navigating between the chart pages .................................................................................................. 97
7 List View and its operations .............................................................................................................. 101
7.1 List View enhancements ................................................................................................................................. 102
7.2 Opening List View .......................................................................................................................................... 103
7.3 About List View window ................................................................................................................................ 104
7.4 About Library View window .......................................................................................................................... 107
7.5 List View operations ....................................................................................................................................... 110
7.5.1 Library and block type search .......................................................................................................... 110
7.5.2 Dynamic column organizer .............................................................................................................. 111
7.5.3 Custom column filters ...................................................................................................................... 113
7.5.4 Determine the availability of channels ............................................................................................ 114
7.5.5 Update content or cancel refresh ...................................................................................................... 114
7.5.6 Maintenance of user search settings ................................................................................................ 115
7.6 Sample List View operations .......................................................................................................................... 117
7.6.1 Assigning a group of CMs to a CEE ................................................................................................ 117
7.6.2 Loading filtered items in server ....................................................................................................... 118
7.6.3 Searching for tags containing a substring ........................................................................................ 119
7.6.4 Saving filter settings ........................................................................................................................ 119
7.6.5 Restoring saved filter settings .......................................................................................................... 120
7.6.6 Exporting search results to an Excel file ......................................................................................... 121
7.6.7 Searching for tags using Library and Block Type options ............................................................... 122
7.6.8 Organizing columns ......................................................................................................................... 122
7.6.9 Determining the availability and state of channels in Series blocks ............................................... 123


7.6.10 Determining the availability and state of channels in PGM device ............................................... 123
7.6.11 Determining the availability and state of channels in a Fieldbus device ....................................... 124
7.6.12 Determining the availability and state of channels in Wireless device ......................................... 125
7.6.13 Finding all spares in a controller ................................................................................................... 126
7.6.14 Finding channels referenced in the current controller ................................................................... 128
7.6.15 Finding the channels assigned to SIMIOMs .................................................................................. 129
7.6.16 Finding Reference blocks in CMs that have blank references ...................................................... 130
8 Enhancements to chart view and its usability ................................................................................. 131
8.1 Chart menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 132
8.2 Chart view enhancements ............................................................................................................................... 135
8.3 Toolbar visualization ...................................................................................................................................... 136
8.3.1 ToolTip for toolbar options in charts ............................................................................................... 136
8.3.2 Shuffling support for toolbar options ............................................................................................... 137
8.3.3 Resizing the toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 138
8.4 Selecting objects within chart ......................................................................................................................... 139
8.4.1 Size of blocks and pins .................................................................................................................... 142
8.4.2 Visualization of pins and blocks in the configuration form ............................................................. 142
8.5 Aligning objects within chart ......................................................................................................................... 147
8.5.1 Object alignment in chart if View Grid is enabled/disabled ............................................................ 147
8.5.2 Object alignment in chart if Snap To Grid is enabled/disabled ....................................................... 150
8.5.3 Object alignment in chart if View Page Breaks is enabled/disabled ............................................... 152
8.5.4 Aligning objects within chart using toolbar options ........................................................................ 152
8.5.5 Visualizing wire alignment in the chart ........................................................................................... 153
8.6 Moving objects within chart ........................................................................................................................... 158
8.6.1 Moving objects using row/column selection ................................................................................... 158
8.6.2 Moving objects using arrow keys .................................................................................................... 158
8.6.3 Block overlap and mitigation ........................................................................................................... 159
8.6.4 Moving block pins in the chart ........................................................................................................ 160
8.6.5 Auto-scrolling support for canvas ................................................................................................... 161
8.6.6 Auto-scrolling for rubber banding ................................................................................................... 161
8.6.7 Canvas panning ................................................................................................................................ 162
8.7 Undo/Redo option in the chart ........................................................................................................................ 164
8.8 About changes to a chart migrated from a prior release ................................................................................. 166
8.8.1 Reshaping an existing wire .............................................................................................................. 166
9 Control Builder Operations ............................................................................................................... 167
9.1 Creating hardware modules ............................................................................................................................ 168
9.1.1 General guidelines to configure the strategy name with special characters .................................... 168
9.1.2 Creating Cabinets ............................................................................................................................. 169
9.2 Creating an instance of PCDI_MASTER device ............................................................................................ 180
9.3 Creating a Wireless Device Manager (WDM) ............................................................................................... 181
10 EtherNet/IP integration ................................................................................................................... 183
10.1 Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in C300 ............................................................................................... 184
10.1.1 Guidelines for Ethernet/IP™ device configuration ....................................................................... 185
10.1.2 Known limitations ......................................................................................................................... 186
10.1.3 Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block ............................................................ 189
10.1.4 Configuring ArmorPoint I/O module blocks ................................................................................. 191
10.1.5 Configuring ArmorBlock I/O module blocks ................................................................................ 192
10.1.6 Configuring PowerFlex drive blocks ............................................................................................. 193
10.1.7 Configuring E3 relay blocks .......................................................................................................... 194
10.1.8 Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block ............................................................. 195
10.1.9 Configuring channels in Ethernet/IP™ devices ............................................................................ 196
10.1.10 Ethernet/IP™ device configuration references ............................................................................ 196
10.2 C300 and ControlLogix integration .............................................................................................................. 211


10.3 Configuring ControlLogix Tags in peer references from Experion LX strategies ....................................... 212
10.3.1 Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway block .............................................................................. 215
10.3.2 Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type .............................................................................. 217
10.3.3 Creating Control Logix Scalar UDT Type ..................................................................................... 219
10.3.4 Defining the ControlLogix tag access ........................................................................................... 233
10.3.5 Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for Read and Write Operations ..................................... 236
11 Creating function blocks for Input/Output Modules (IOM) or Processors (IOP) ........................ 237
11.1 Creating Series I/O AI-HART ...................................................................................................................... 238
11.2 Creating Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX ................................................................................................................ 239
11.3 Creating Series I/O AO-HART ..................................................................................................................... 240
11.4 Creating Series 8 I/O DI-24 .......................................................................................................................... 241
11.5 Creating Series I/O DI-HV ........................................................................................................................... 242
11.6 Creating Series I/O DO-24B ......................................................................................................................... 243
12 Creating a control module ............................................................................................................... 245
12.1 Creating and saving a control module .......................................................................................................... 247
12.1.1 Configuring a CM to use regulatory control library displays ........................................................ 250
12.1.2 Configuring a CM to use data acquisition library displays ........................................................... 251
12.1.3 Configuring a CM to use device control library displays .............................................................. 252
12.1.4 Configuring a CM to use totalizer library displays ....................................................................... 253
12.1.5 Configuring a CM to use timer library displays ............................................................................ 254
12.1.6 Copying control modules ............................................................................................................... 254
12.1.7 Assigning CMs to a CEE ............................................................................................................... 255
12.1.8 Creating an instance of a basic function block .............................................................................. 259
12.1.9 Inserting Comments into a strategy using the Text Comment block ............................................ 260
12.1.10 Creating an instance of PCDI Array Request Channel Block ..................................................... 260
12.1.11 Copying a function block ............................................................................................................. 260
12.1.12 Moving function blocks within a chart ........................................................................................ 263
12.1.13 Deleting function blocks .............................................................................................................. 264
12.1.14 Using the Parameters Configuration form ................................................................................... 264
12.1.15 Configuring alarms ...................................................................................................................... 269
12.1.16 Configuring on-delay and off-delay for individual alarms .......................................................... 271
12.1.17 Configuring alerts ........................................................................................................................ 272
12.1.18 Requesting value changes for configuration parameters ............................................................. 273
12.1.19 About Execution Order panel ...................................................................................................... 274
12.2 Creating a strategy to use insertion points .................................................................................................... 278
12.2.1 Creating a CAB with insertion program ........................................................................................ 278
12.2.2 Creating a control module to include insertion points ................................................................... 278
12.2.3 Configuring insertion points .......................................................................................................... 278
12.2.4 Loading control module with insertion points ............................................................................... 280
12.2.5 Activating control module with insertion points ........................................................................... 280
12.2.6 Checking insertion point status ...................................................................................................... 280
12.2.7 Deleting insertion points ................................................................................................................ 280
12.3 Connecting and disconnecting blocks .......................................................................................................... 281
12.3.1 Connecting blocks with insert wire ............................................................................................... 281
12.3.2 Connecting blocks with auto-routing option ................................................................................. 283
12.3.3 Disconnecting blocks ..................................................................................................................... 283
12.3.4 Repositioning connecting wires using drag and drop .................................................................... 283
12.3.5 Repositioning connecting wires using vertices .............................................................................. 284
12.3.6 Connecting blocks with Parameter Connector option ................................................................... 285
12.3.7 Cross references function .............................................................................................................. 287
12.3.8 Cross References panel .................................................................................................................. 289
12.3.9 Expansion of cross-references ....................................................................................................... 291
12.3.10 Navigating from Cross References panel to chart ....................................................................... 293


12.3.11 Cross References panel refresh .................................................................................................... 294

12.3.12 Appearance of aliases in the Cross References panel .................................................................. 294
12.3.13 Navigation from Cross References panel using alias name ........................................................ 296
12.3.14 Navigation from Cross References panel using alias references ................................................. 296
12.3.15 Appearance of projected parameters in the Cross References panel ........................................... 297
12.3.16 Enabling cross-references ............................................................................................................ 303
12.3.17 Using the Point Selection tool ..................................................................................................... 304
12.3.18 Using peer-to-peer communication ............................................................................................. 305
12.4 Inserting OLE objects into charts ................................................................................................................. 307
12.4.1 Editing a linked file within a chart ................................................................................................ 307
12.4.2 Embedding an OLE object into a chart .......................................................................................... 308
12.4.3 Editing an embedded file in a chart ............................................................................................... 309
12.4.4 Deleting an OLE object from a chart ............................................................................................. 309
12.5 Using Server Scripting in Control Builder ................................................................................................... 310
12.5.1 Server Scripting overview ............................................................................................................. 310
12.5.2 Using Script Editor ........................................................................................................................ 310
12.6 Identifying ERDB/Controller inconsistencies in an Experion system ......................................................... 313
12.6.1 Conditions causing a ghost ............................................................................................................ 313
12.6.2 Inconsistent modules to be reloaded .............................................................................................. 315
12.6.3 Closing the dialog .......................................................................................................................... 316
12.6.4 Controller Migration Wizard ......................................................................................................... 316
12.7 Examples: How ghost modules and inconsistencies are created .................................................................. 317
12.7.1 Ghost module examples ................................................................................................................. 317
12.7.2 Ghost block example ..................................................................................................................... 317
12.7.3 Ghost peer references example ...................................................................................................... 317
12.8 Control Builder print feature ........................................................................................................................ 319
12.8.1 Print features .................................................................................................................................. 319
12.8.2 Print preferences ............................................................................................................................ 319
12.8.3 Print permissions ........................................................................................................................... 319
12.8.4 Page breaks in charts ..................................................................................................................... 319
12.8.5 Page Setup dialog box ................................................................................................................... 320
12.8.6 Guidelines for migrating header/footer from prior release ............................................................ 325
12.8.7 Tool tip in charts ............................................................................................................................ 325
12.8.8 Print Preview feature ..................................................................................................................... 326
12.8.9 Print dialog box .............................................................................................................................. 327
12.8.10 Printing multiple charts ................................................................................................................ 329
12.9 Option to zoom-in and zoom-out the charts ................................................................................................. 330
12.10 Using the Regulatory Loop Wizard ............................................................................................................ 331
12.11 Exporting and Importing function block configuration .............................................................................. 337
12.11.1 Guidelines for using Export and Import function ........................................................................ 337
12.11.2 Prerequisites for using Export and Import ................................................................................... 337
12.11.3 Exporting objects ......................................................................................................................... 337
12.11.4 Exporting object with contents .................................................................................................... 339
12.11.5 Files created after Export ............................................................................................................. 341
12.11.6 Import order guidelines ................................................................................................................ 341
12.11.7 About selection list ...................................................................................................................... 342
12.11.8 Creating a selection list manually ................................................................................................ 342
12.11.9 Importing objects ......................................................................................................................... 343
12.11.10 Importing objects from selection list ......................................................................................... 345
12.11.11 Renaming objects while importing ............................................................................................ 348
12.11.12 Canceling an Export/Import currently in progress ..................................................................... 353
12.11.13 Commencing a Load while an Export/Import is in progress ..................................................... 353
12.12 Using Module Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................ 354
12.12.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 354


12.12.2 Initializing Module Hierarchy ..................................................................................................... 354

12.12.3 Printing the module hierarchy chart ............................................................................................ 356
12.12.4 Accessing Module Hierarchy reports .......................................................................................... 356
12.13 Working with Profit Loop PKS .................................................................................................................. 358
12.13.1 What is Profit Loop PKS? ........................................................................................................... 358
12.13.2 Implementing Profit Loop PKS ................................................................................................... 358
12.13.3 Converting a PID-based control loop to PID-PL ......................................................................... 359
12.13.4 Conversion phase ......................................................................................................................... 359
12.13.5 Configuration phase ..................................................................................................................... 360
12.13.6 Download phase ........................................................................................................................... 360
12.13.7 Naming considerations ................................................................................................................ 361
12.13.8 Conversion files ........................................................................................................................... 361
12.13.9 Reverting to a PID block ............................................................................................................. 361
12.13.10 Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview ......................................................................................... 362
12.13.11 Starting the Assistant ................................................................................................................. 362
12.13.12 Starting from the Project tab ...................................................................................................... 362
12.13.13 Starting from the Monitoring tab ............................................................................................... 363
12.13.14 Starting from Experion LX Station Point detail display ............................................................ 363
12.13.15 General layout of Profit Loop PKS Assistant displays .............................................................. 364
12.13.16 Working with Profit Loop PKS Assistant graphs and trends ..................................................... 365
12.13.17 Obtaining basic information ...................................................................................................... 366
12.13.18 Defining a model with Profit Loop PKS Assistant .................................................................... 366
12.13.19 Define Model by Direct Entry ................................................................................................... 366
12.13.20 Defining a Model from PID Tuning .......................................................................................... 367
12.13.21 Defining a Model by Loop Type ................................................................................................ 368
12.13.22 Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type ............................................................... 368
12.13.23 Planning worksheet .................................................................................................................... 368
12.13.24 Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships .............................................................................. 369
12.13.25 Phase 3: Define loop dynamics by equipment number ............................................................. 370
12.13.26 Phase 4: Define character strings for automatic loop identification .......................................... 370
12.13.27 Use Model by Loop Type .......................................................................................................... 371
12.14 Defining a Model by Step Testing .............................................................................................................. 372
12.14.1 Phase 1: Preparing to define a model by step testing .................................................................. 372
12.14.2 General step-testing settings ........................................................................................................ 372
12.14.3 Specific step-testing settings ........................................................................................................ 373
12.14.4 Advanced step-testing settings .................................................................................................... 374
12.14.5 Phase 2: Run the step test ............................................................................................................ 374
12.14.6 Phase 3: Evaluate model by step-testing results .......................................................................... 375
12.14.7 Download a model from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant ............................................................. 375
12.14.8 Reverting to a previous model ..................................................................................................... 376
12.14.9 Create grades ............................................................................................................................... 376
12.14.10 Restore grades ............................................................................................................................ 377
12.14.11 Modify grade name or description ............................................................................................. 377
12.14.12 Exporting and importing Model Definitions ............................................................................. 377
12.14.13 Import model definitions ........................................................................................................... 378
12.14.14 Copying model definitions ........................................................................................................ 378
12.15 Tune a PID-PL-based controller ................................................................................................................. 379
12.15.1 Tune as PID ................................................................................................................................. 379
12.15.2 Fine Tune a controller .................................................................................................................. 379
12.15.3 Obtain valve details ..................................................................................................................... 380
12.16 Troubleshooting a PID-PL-based controller ............................................................................................... 381
12.16.1 Use the Valve Doctor ................................................................................................................... 381
12.16.2 Use Loop Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 382
12.17 Controlling access to Profit Loop PKS ....................................................................................................... 383


12.18 Loading a control strategy .......................................................................................................................... 384

12.18.1 About load operations .................................................................................................................. 384
12.18.2 Loaded versus project database versions ..................................................................................... 384
12.18.3 Load dialog box ........................................................................................................................... 385
12.18.4 Load options for server history and server displays configuration .............................................. 389
12.18.5 Initial load order guidelines ......................................................................................................... 389
12.18.6 Guidelines for loading/re-loading the control strategy having non-CEE references ................... 390
12.18.7 Component deletion considerations ............................................................................................. 390
12.18.8 Rule for loading/re-loading CMs, SCMs and RCMs ................................................................... 390
12.18.9 Compare Parameters (Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation) function .............................. 391
12.18.10 Enabling Compare Parameters (PCR) during load operation .................................................... 394
12.18.11 Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a standalone operation ............................................ 394
12.18.12 Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a reload operation ................................................... 395
12.19 Loading control strategy components ......................................................................................................... 398
12.19.1 Loading WDM and/or wireless device ........................................................................................ 398
12.19.2 Guidelines for loading a CM ....................................................................................................... 398
12.19.3 Loading a Control Module ........................................................................................................... 398
12.20 Re-loading components .............................................................................................................................. 401
12.20.1 Using the Upload/Update to Project command ........................................................................... 401
12.20.2 Using Upload/Update to Project With Contents command ......................................................... 402
12.20.3 Event log entries during a controller load .................................................................................... 403
12.21 Copying control strategies using templates ................................................................................................ 405
12.21.1 Creating a substitute name list ..................................................................................................... 405
12.21.2 Creating a template ...................................................................................................................... 406
12.21.3 Using a template .......................................................................................................................... 406
12.21.4 Change Parent wizard .................................................................................................................. 409
12.21.5 Loading only server configuration ............................................................................................... 409
12.22 Using Bulk Build utility ............................................................................................................................. 412
12.22.1 Identifying functions on Create Bulk Build List dialog .............................................................. 412
12.22.2 Identifying functions on Set Name and Count dialog ................................................................. 414
12.22.3 Identifying functions on Select Parameters dialog ...................................................................... 416
12.22.4 Creating Bulk Build List file ....................................................................................................... 417
12.22.5 Viewing a sample spreadsheet file ............................................................................................... 419
12.22.6 Viewing a sample Access database file ....................................................................................... 421
12.22.7 Identifying functions on the Read Bulk Build File ...................................................................... 422
12.22.8 Reading a Bulk Build File ........................................................................................................... 424
12.23 On-line monitoring using Control Builder ................................................................................................. 426
12.23.1 Initial activation order guidelines ................................................................................................ 426
12.23.2 Activating the CEE ...................................................................................................................... 426
12.23.3 Setting a CEE to inactive ............................................................................................................. 427
12.23.4 Setting the I/O to an active state .................................................................................................. 428
12.23.5 Setting the I/O state to inactive .................................................................................................... 429
12.23.6 Changing parameters while monitoring ....................................................................................... 431
12.24 Control Builder block icon descriptions ..................................................................................................... 433
12.24.1 Control Module block icons ........................................................................................................ 433
12.24.2 Basic block icons ......................................................................................................................... 433
12.24.3 Device block icons ....................................................................................................................... 433
12.24.4 Fieldbus Device icons .................................................................................................................. 434
12.24.5 Fieldbus block icons .................................................................................................................... 434
12.24.6 Redundancy Module block icons ................................................................................................. 435
12.24.7 EHB block icons .......................................................................................................................... 435
12.24.8 Other block icon references ......................................................................................................... 436
13 About Editing/Loading parameters while active ........................................................................... 439
13.1 Visual indicator for identifying active loadable parameters ......................................................................... 440


13.2 Configuration settings for enabling active edit session ................................................................................ 442
13.2.1 Effects of enabling/disabling 'Allow only active loadable parameter changes' option ................. 442
13.2.2 Visual changes in Control Builder when active edit session is enabled ........................................ 443
13.2.3 Considerations for modifying active loadable parameters values ................................................. 443
13.2.4 Load while active delta flag for objects ......................................................................................... 444
13.2.5 Scenarios during which a strategy is qualified as active loadable ................................................. 444
13.2.6 Scenarios during which a strategy is disqualified as active loadable ............................................ 445
13.2.7 Restrictions/Limitations of editing parameters while active ......................................................... 446
13.3 About editing active loadable parameters in bulk ........................................................................................ 448
13.3.1 Enhancements to the Create Bulk Edit List feature ....................................................................... 448
13.3.2 Enhancements to the Read Bulk Edit List feature ......................................................................... 448
13.4 About loading parameters while active ........................................................................................................ 449
13.4.1 Load Values while Active option ................................................................................................... 449
13.4.2 Loading parameters while active ................................................................................................... 449
14 Enhancements to CM Reload and CEE Restart Behaviors .......................................................... 451
14.1 Terminologies used to explain the new CM reload and CEE restart behavior ............................................. 452
14.2 New parameters added to enhance CM reload and CEE restart behaviors .................................................. 453
14.2.1 CM reload parameters .................................................................................................................... 453
14.2.2 CEE restart parameter .................................................................................................................... 453
14.2.3 RELOADINIDLY (Reload Initialization Delay) ........................................................................... 453
14.2.4 CURRELINIDLY (Current Reload Initialization Delay) .............................................................. 454
14.2.5 INITPENDING (Initialization Pending) ........................................................................................ 454
14.2.6 RSTRTINIDLY (Restart Initialization Delay) ............................................................................... 455
14.2.7 Differences between CEE.RSTRTINIDLY and CM. RELOADINIDLY ...................................... 456
14.2.8 Default Configuration of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY ................................ 457
14.3 Examples to illustrate the new CM reload and CEE restart behaviors ......................................................... 458
14.3.1 Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In) ............................................................................... 458
14.3.2 Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM) .................................................. 459
14.3.3 Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable) ............................................. 460
14.4 New CM reload and CEE restart behavior in various topologies ................................................................. 462
14.4.1 Guidelines for using CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY ....................................... 463
14.5 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on data view ...................................................................................... 464
14.5.1 Component block parameters ........................................................................................................ 464
14.5.2 CM parameters ............................................................................................................................... 464
14.5.3 Example to illustrate a CM Monitoring chart with INITPENDING On ....................................... 464
14.6 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on Station displays ............................................................................ 466
14.6.1 Detail Displays ............................................................................................................................... 466
14.6.2 Trend Display ................................................................................................................................ 466
14.7 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on Checkpoint Save operation .......................................................... 467
14.8 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on CEESTATE and EXECSTATE parameters ................................. 468
14.8.1 Transitions in CM State associated with Load .............................................................................. 468
14.8.2 Transitions in CM Composite State associated with Checkpoint Restore or RRR of a CEE ........ 471
14.9 Guidelines for reloading CMs ...................................................................................................................... 474
14.9.1 Isolate process or reload CMs individually ................................................................................... 474
14.9.2 Reload to active ............................................................................................................................. 474
14.10 Special Considerations for using CMRELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINDLY ................................... 475
14.10.1 CHECKBOOL Block .................................................................................................................. 475
14.10.2 DEVCTL Block ........................................................................................................................... 475
14.10.3 REGCTL Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 475
14.10.4 SCMs and RCMs ......................................................................................................................... 476
14.10.5 UCMs ........................................................................................................................................... 476
14.10.6 CMs with no period or with long period ..................................................................................... 477
14.10.7 View Of Inputs At REF Blocks ................................................................................................... 477
14.10.8 Failure to activate ........................................................................................................................ 477


14.10.9 Interoperation with older EEs ...................................................................................................... 477

14.10.10 Parameters Affected By Inactivation ......................................................................................... 478
14.11 Execution and data transport across C300 IO families ............................................................................... 479
15 Experion Batch Manager (EBM) documentation ........................................................................... 481
16 FIM documentation .......................................................................................................................... 483
17 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) documentation ..................................................................... 485
18 Control Builder System Administration ......................................................................................... 487
18.1 About automatically applying DST .............................................................................................................. 488
18.1.1 Guidelines for applying the DST ................................................................................................... 488
18.1.2 Changes at the start of DST ........................................................................................................... 488
18.1.3 Changes at the end of DST ............................................................................................................ 489
18.2 Setting system preferences ........................................................................................................................... 491
18.2.1 Establishing general properties using System Preferences dialog box .......................................... 491
18.2.2 Enabling automatic application of DST ........................................................................................ 496
18.2.3 To change the base IP address updates IP information in ERDB .................................................. 496
18.3 Checking installed licenses, features, and libraries ...................................................................................... 498
18.4 Setting user preferences ................................................................................................................................ 499
19 Control Builder Troubleshooting and Maintenance ...................................................................... 503
19.1 Database maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 504
19.1.1 Deleting a Control Module ............................................................................................................ 504
20 Appendix B - Hierarchy building ..................................................................................................... 505
20.1 Hierarchy building overview ........................................................................................................................ 507
20.2 Hierarchy tree views ..................................................................................................................................... 508
20.2.1 Assignment view ........................................................................................................................... 508
20.2.2 Containment View ......................................................................................................................... 508
20.3 CM/SCM containment .................................................................................................................................. 510
20.3.1 CM/SCM containment functional description ............................................................................... 510
20.3.2 Containing CM/SCM ..................................................................................................................... 511
20.3.3 Uncontaining CM/SCM ................................................................................................................. 513
20.3.4 Uncontain blocks with Projected Parameter(s) .............................................................................. 514
20.3.5 Error scenarios for containment/uncontainment operations .......................................................... 517
20.3.6 Operations of container and contained CM(s)/SCM(s) ................................................................. 518
20.3.7 Load/load with contents ................................................................................................................. 526
20.3.8 Performance restrictions ................................................................................................................ 531
20.4 Parameter projection overview ..................................................................................................................... 532
20.4.1 Naming and renaming .................................................................................................................... 532
20.4.2 Origin parameter overview ............................................................................................................ 534
20.4.3 Empty origin parameter ................................................................................................................. 534
20.4.4 Assigning / unassigning / reassigning the origin parameter .......................................................... 534
20.4.5 Validating the origin parameter ..................................................................................................... 535
20.4.6 Changing the value ........................................................................................................................ 536
20.5 Using the Projected Parameters tab .............................................................................................................. 537
20.5.1 Configuration form overview ........................................................................................................ 537
20.5.2 Symbol attributes ........................................................................................................................... 539
20.5.3 Adding a Projected Parameter ....................................................................................................... 540
20.5.4 Deleting a Projected Parameter ..................................................................................................... 540
20.5.5 Printing Projected Parameters ........................................................................................................ 541
20.6 Connecting Projected Parameter ................................................................................................................... 542
20.6.1 Read-only connections ................................................................................................................... 542
20.6.2 Validation ....................................................................................................................................... 543
20.6.3 Point Picker .................................................................................................................................... 543


20.7 Using projected parameter for user templates .............................................................................................. 544

20.7.1 Propagation .................................................................................................................................... 544
20.7.2 Scenarios and examples ................................................................................................................. 544
20.8 Block operations involving Projected Parameter ......................................................................................... 546
20.8.1 Loading block with projected connections .................................................................................... 546
20.8.2 Update to Project ........................................................................................................................... 546
20.9 Reviewing Substitute Name dialog box ....................................................................................................... 547
20.9.1 Using the Point Picker ................................................................................................................... 548
20.9.2 Resolve substitute connections ...................................................................................................... 550
20.10 Importing/exporting .................................................................................................................................... 551
20.10.1 Containment ................................................................................................................................. 551
20.10.2 Projected Parameter ..................................................................................................................... 551
20.10.3 Strategy Import/Export dialog box .............................................................................................. 552
21 Appendix C - User templates .......................................................................................................... 555
21.1 Library tree overview ................................................................................................................................... 556
21.1.1 Derivation View ............................................................................................................................. 556
21.1.2 Containment View ......................................................................................................................... 557
21.2 Using the library tree .................................................................................................................................... 558
21.2.1 Switch between Derivation and Containment View ...................................................................... 559
21.2.2 Configure Module Parameters (user templates only) .................................................................... 559
21.2.3 Open control drawing for edit (user templates only), allowed for SCM and CM templates ......... 559
21.2.4 Copy (user templates only) ............................................................................................................ 559
21.2.5 Move library (user templates only) ................................................................................................ 559
21.2.6 Specialize ....................................................................................................................................... 559
21.2.7 Instantiate (as a tree operation, this applies to container blocks only) .......................................... 560
21.2.8 Promote (function block user templates only) ............................................................................... 560
21.2.9 Delete (user templates only) .......................................................................................................... 560
21.2.10 Delete library (not functional in this release) .............................................................................. 560
21.2.11 Identification tab .......................................................................................................................... 560
21.2.12 Dependencies tab - configure parameters .................................................................................... 561
21.2.13 Import/export template (user templates only) .............................................................................. 563
21.2.14 Move library (not functional in this release) ............................................................................... 563
21.3 Change Parent of user templates ................................................................................................................... 564
21.3.1 Using Change Parent wizard ......................................................................................................... 564
21.3.2 Change Parent wizard description ................................................................................................. 569
21.4 Change Parent (Convert) for custom block types ......................................................................................... 579
21.4.1 Terminology for custom block types ............................................................................................. 579
21.4.2 Change Parent wizard for custom block types .............................................................................. 579
21.5 Functional behavior of Reference blocks in a UDT ..................................................................................... 587
21.6 Propagation of attributes in user templates, sub-templates and instances .................................................... 588
21.6.1 Change Parent wizard .................................................................................................................... 588
21.6.2 Propagation rules ........................................................................................................................... 588
21.6.3 Blocks ............................................................................................................................................ 588
21.6.4 Propagation of Template-Defining and Non-Template-Defining Parameters ............................... 589
21.6.5 Configuration and Monitoring symbol attribute parameter ........................................................... 590
21.6.6 Expressions .................................................................................................................................... 590
21.6.7 Block Pins ...................................................................................................................................... 591
21.6.8 Connections ................................................................................................................................... 591
21.6.9 Block Preferences tab options ....................................................................................................... 592
21.6.10 QVCS ........................................................................................................................................... 592
21.6.11 Import/Export ............................................................................................................................... 593
21.7 Project/monitor tree overview ...................................................................................................................... 594
21.7.1 Identification tab - configuration parameters ................................................................................ 594
21.7.2 Dependencies tab - derivation hierarchy ....................................................................................... 594


21.8 Using control drawings ................................................................................................................................. 596

21.8.1 Opening a control drawing ............................................................................................................ 596
21.8.2 Copying a control drawing ............................................................................................................ 596
22 Appendix D - Bulk Edit Parameters Utility ..................................................................................... 597
22.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 598
22.2 Using the Bulk Edit Parameter utility ........................................................................................................... 599
22.2.1 If your system is licensed for QVCS ............................................................................................. 599
22.3 Accessing Create Bulk Edit List ................................................................................................................... 600
22.3.1 Accessing Create Bulk Edit List dialog ......................................................................................... 600
22.3.2 Create Bulk Edit List dialog .......................................................................................................... 600
22.3.3 Typical use example ....................................................................................................................... 602
22.4 Edit list file examples ................................................................................................................................... 604
22.5 Read Bulk Edit List ...................................................................................................................................... 605
22.5.1 Accessing the Read Bulk Edit List dialog ..................................................................................... 605
22.5.2 Read Bulk Edit List dialog ............................................................................................................ 605
22.5.3 Reading a Bulk Edit List (a typical use example) ......................................................................... 609
23 Appendix E - User Defined Symbols .............................................................................................. 613
23.1 Introduction to User Defined Symbols ......................................................................................................... 615
23.2 Viewing symbol library ................................................................................................................................ 616
23.3 Creating a user defined symbol .................................................................................................................... 617
23.3.1 Supported graphics formats ........................................................................................................... 617
23.3.2 Image considerations ..................................................................................................................... 617
23.3.3 Examples ........................................................................................................................................ 617
23.4 Adding symbol to library .............................................................................................................................. 620
23.5 Deleting symbols from a user library ........................................................................................................... 621
23.6 Exporting symbol .......................................................................................................................................... 622
23.7 Assigning symbol to block ........................................................................................................................... 623
23.8 User defined template considerations ........................................................................................................... 625
23.9 QVCS and UDS considerations .................................................................................................................... 626
23.10 Defining automatic pin and UDS ............................................................................................................... 627
23.11 Defining tree displays and UDS ................................................................................................................. 628
23.12 Specifying chart header and footer layouts ................................................................................................ 629
23.12.1 Select element frame .................................................................................................................... 629
23.12.2 Default font information frame .................................................................................................... 631
23.12.3 Header and footer frames ............................................................................................................. 632
23.12.4 Defined elements display ............................................................................................................. 632
23.13 Printing a chart ............................................................................................................................................ 635
24 Appendix F - Control Builder Checkpoint Reference ................................................................... 637
24.1 Using Checkpoint to Save and Restore Data ................................................................................................ 639
24.2 Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................. 640
24.2.1 Checking status of Engineering Tools application ........................................................................ 640
24.3 Configuring preferences for Checkpoint function ........................................................................................ 641
24.4 Checkpoint preferences procedural illustration reference ............................................................................ 643
24.5 Configuring operation permissions for Checkpoint functions ...................................................................... 644
24.6 Checkpoint preferences procedural illustration reference ............................................................................ 646
24.7 Checkpoint disk space maintenance functional considerations .................................................................... 647
24.8 Reviewing Checkpoint Functional Aspects .................................................................................................. 648
24.8.1 Checkpoint Functional Description ............................................................................................... 648
24.9 Checkpoint file characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 649
24.9.1 Checkpoint files and files storage overview .................................................................................. 649
24.9.2 Checkpoint functional rules and guidelines ................................................................................... 650
24.10 Control Builder Checkpoint interface summary ......................................................................................... 653
24.11 Control Builder Interface graphical reference ............................................................................................ 654


24.12 Station Detail Display Checkpoint interface summary .............................................................................. 656

24.13 System Status Display Checkpoint interface summary .............................................................................. 657
24.14 System Event Checkpoint interface summary ............................................................................................ 658
24.15 Identifying Functions on the Checkpoint Scheduler Dialog ....................................................................... 659
24.16 Identifying Functions on the Define Task Dialog ....................................................................................... 662
24.17 Scheduling Checkpoint Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 664
24.18 About naming tasks .................................................................................................................................... 667
24.19 Checkpoint scheduler state conditions related to stop and start actions ..................................................... 668
24.20 Task overrun condition ............................................................................................................................... 669
24.21 Deferral and Resumption Of Node Saves ................................................................................................... 670
24.22 Definition and computation of task's elapsed run time ............................................................................... 671
24.23 Definition and computation of next run time ............................................................................................. 672
24.24 Checkpoint scheduler graphical reference .................................................................................................. 673
24.25 Identifying Functions on the Archive Checkpoint Files Dialog ................................................................. 690
24.26 Archiving Checkpoint Files ........................................................................................................................ 692
24.27 Archive checkpoint graphical reference ..................................................................................................... 694
24.28 Checkpoint file attributes ............................................................................................................................ 703
24.28.1 Compatibility attribute ................................................................................................................. 703
24.28.2 Validity attribute .......................................................................................................................... 703
24.28.3 Entirety Attribute ......................................................................................................................... 703
24.29 Identifying Functions on the Save Checkpoint Manually Dialog .............................................................. 707
24.30 Pre-selection of nodes to be saved .............................................................................................................. 710
24.31 Save arbitration on a given Node ................................................................................................................ 711
24.32 Execution states for checkpoint save .......................................................................................................... 712
24.33 Deferral and Resumption of entity saves during a Manual Save ................................................................ 713
24.34 Initiating Manual Checkpoint Save ............................................................................................................ 714
24.35 Save checkpoint manually graphical reference .......................................................................................... 716
24.36 Identifying Functions on the Restore from Checkpoint Dialog .................................................................. 720
24.37 Pre-selection of nodes to restore ................................................................................................................. 722
24.38 Restore scope selection and actual restore action ....................................................................................... 723
24.39 Restoration file display reference ............................................................................................................... 724
24.40 Order of restore checks ............................................................................................................................... 725
24.41 Execution states for checkpoint restore ...................................................................................................... 728
24.42 Child hardware restore checks .................................................................................................................... 729
24.43 Checkpoint restore/save arbitration with other database changing operations ........................................... 730
24.44 Restoring From Checkpoint ........................................................................................................................ 733
24.44.1 Restoring Custom Algorithm Block (CAB) ................................................................................ 735
24.45 Restore from checkpoint graphical reference ............................................................................................. 736
24.46 Rebuilding Checkpoints from the Monitoring tab ...................................................................................... 753
24.47 Using Detail Displays for checkpoint operations ....................................................................................... 755
24.47.1 Launching checkpoint operations from Detail Displays ............................................................. 755
24.47.2 Viewing parameters on Detail Displays ...................................................................................... 756
24.48 Checkpoint operations through Detail Displays graphical reference ......................................................... 757
24.49 Troubleshooting the Checkpoint Function ................................................................................................. 762
24.50 Viewing error logs ...................................................................................................................................... 763
24.51 Identifying checkpoint errors logged but not journaled ............................................................................. 764
24.52 Checking messages journaled as events ..................................................................................................... 766
24.53 Checking warnings and errors logged but not journaled as events ............................................................ 767
24.54 Checkpoint Alarming .................................................................................................................................. 769
24.54.1 Special Note Regarding CPSTATUS 'NONE' state ..................................................................... 772
24.55 Checkpoint operation with On-Process Migration ..................................................................................... 773
24.55.1 On-process server migration ........................................................................................................ 773
24.55.2 On-process controller migration .................................................................................................. 773
24.56 Troubleshooting Checkpoint-related issues ................................................................................................ 774


24.56.1 Custom Block Type changes result in incompatible Checkpoint file problems .......................... 774
24.56.2 Server fails during Checkpoint Save or while other engineering operations are in progress ...... 775
24.56.3 During controller load, a Window appears when no compatible CP files may exists ................. 776
24.56.4 Synchronization issues between SR, ERDB and Checkpoint file ............................................... 777
24.56.5 Engineering operations fail during Checkpoint Save .................................................................. 778
24.56.6 Checkpoint Save does not occur due to locking of ERDB and/ or Checkpoint files .................. 779
24.56.7 Checkpoint Rebuild fails when executed in parallel with other engineering operations ............ 780
24.56.8 Periodic Checkpoint Saves failed because of accessibility issues to controller .......................... 781
24.56.9 Load has locked controller's CPBASE subfolder permanently denying engineering or
Checkpoint Save operations on that controller .................................................................................... 784
24.56.10 Reported snapshot file corruptions ............................................................................................ 784
24.56.11 Controller loaded when configured base period does not match with firmware period ............ 785
24.56.12 Aborted/crashed engineering operations can cause corruption ................................................. 785
24.56.13 Checkpoint Save 'CM missing System Alarm' occurs ............................................................... 786
24.56.14 Manual Checkpoint Save of C300 controller fails with snapshot serialization error ................ 786
24.56.15 Checkpoint Restore fails using archived Checkpoint file .......................................................... 787
24.56.16 All CMs get restored from Checkpoint file having 'Dangling' entirety state ............................ 787
24.56.17 CPBASE Share does not replicate to a repaired and restarted secondary process server ......... 788
24.56.18 CPBASE Share stops to replicate after server failover ............................................................. 789
24.56.19 Incorrect Date/time stamps appears when viewing the Checkpoint files or Checkpoint tasks . 790
24.56.20 Checkpoint Save 'Progress Completion' status disappears at the Station when an
engineering operation occurs ............................................................................................................... 793
24.56.21 'Last Checkpoint Save Time' updates when Checkpoint Save fails ........................................... 793
24.56.22 Checkpoint status always displays 'RUNNING' when primary server shut down during
Checkpoint Save .................................................................................................................................. 794
24.56.23 Checkpoint Save operation fails due to engineering operation ................................................. 794
24.56.24 Manual Checkpoint Save displays a 'Connect timeout' error .................................................... 795
24.56.25 Checkpoint Save 'Progress Completion' continues to update even if the Checkpoint Save
operation aborts ................................................................................................................................... 796
24.56.26 Checkpoint file is created when an auto-Checkpoint task is running during server switch
over ...................................................................................................................................................... 796
24.56.27 Continuous error on Checkpoint task not started ...................................................................... 796
24.56.28 Stopped Checkpoint task executes until all of the associated controllers are saved ................. 797
24.56.29 Manually Checkpoint Save status does not update in Schedule Checkpoint task ..................... 797
24.56.30 Checkpoint Scheduler Display displays question marks (????) in place of a controller ........... 798
24.56.31 Unable to expand Checkpoint file comments Column to view the comments in Checkpoint
Restore Display .................................................................................................................................... 798
24.56.32 Reloading from Project view deletes the prior Checkpoint files ............................................... 799
24.56.33 Cannot perform Checkpoint Save/Restore from remote (DSA) servers ................................... 799
24.56.34 Checkpoint status does not display the status as 'Complete with dangling data' ....................... 800
24.56.35 CB memory overflow errors during Checkpoint Rebuild ......................................................... 801
24.56.36 Checkpoint Restore skips to restore Failed (RED) Series ........................................................ 801
24.56.37 Inconsistent use of 'Creator User Name' appears in displayed creator column of Checkpoint
Restore Display .................................................................................................................................... 802
24.56.38 Usage of High CPU when loading large database during the execution of Checkpoint Save .. 803
24.56.39 Checkpoint file compression may not be atomic ....................................................................... 804
24.56.40 Saving while controller is IDLE or transitions into IDLE, and yet still marking cp file
'complete' ............................................................................................................................................. 804
24.56.41 Maintain free disk space (in GB) takes more space than available in hard disk ....................... 805
24.56.42 Not able to view invisible characters in Name tab of Checkpoint Scheduler Window ............. 805
24.57 Fixing common problems ........................................................................................................................... 807
24.57.1 Checkpoint file is still marked compatible after change in CAB Type block ............................. 807
25 Control Component Display Element Reference .......................................................................... 809
25.1 About detail and group displays ................................................................................................................... 810
25.2 Power Generation Function Block Detail Displays ...................................................................................... 819


25.3 Regulatory control function block detail displays ........................................................................................ 820

25.4 Enhancements to the Loop Tune tab on PID and PID-PL detail displays .................................................... 823
25.4.1 Functioning of the AssociatedTrend parameter ............................................................................. 823
25.4.2 Limitations of the AssociatedTrend parameter .............................................................................. 825
25.4.3 Additional Loop Tune displays ...................................................................................................... 825
25.5 System display for HART I/O modules ........................................................................................................ 826
25.5.1 HART channel display ................................................................................................................... 829
25.5.2 Non-HART channel display .......................................................................................................... 831
26 Notices .............................................................................................................................................. 835

1 About This Document

The procedures in this guide are intended to give you the ability to perform basic tasks within the Control
Builder application such as configuring hardware devices, continuous control strategies, and sequential control
strategies. Only representative forms are shown to illustrate a procedure/concept.

Revision history
Revision Date Description
A April 2017 Initial release of document.


2 What do you want to do?

This document includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Review general information about Control Builder “What is Control Builder?” on page 23
Review control strategy information “What is a control strategy?” on page 24
Create a hardware module “#unique_5”
Review block's configuration forms/tabs “Block and configuration form tabs ” on page 45
Configure modules “Configuring modules” on page 59
Set system and user preferences “Setting system preferences” on page 491
Load a control strategy “Loading a control strategy” on page 384
Duplicate an existing control strategy “Using Bulk Build utility” on page 412
(using Bulk Builder)


3 Control Builder Purpose

Related topics
“Getting Started with Control Builder” on page 22
“What is Control Builder?” on page 23
“What is a control strategy?” on page 24
“Configuring a control strategy” on page 25
“I/O module and controller compatibility” on page 27


3.1 Getting Started with Control Builder

The following topics describe the basic concepts and conventions for Control Builder.

Related topics
“Basic concepts and terms” on page 22
“Conventions” on page 22

3.1.1 Basic concepts and terms

The procedures in this guide are intended to give you the ability to perform basic tasks within the Control
Builder application such as configuring hardware devices, continuous control strategies, and sequential control
strategies. No attempt is made in the guide to explain the functionality of Control Builder, nor the many
different options available when completing block configuration forms. Only representative forms are shown to
illustrate a procedure/concept. The many different variations of forms and associated fields for every Function
Block (FB) are not shown in this guide.
For a detailed description of intended design use of container and basic blocks, see the Experion LX Control
Builder Components Theory, and the Experion LX Control Builder Components Reference, Component
Categories and Types

3.1.2 Conventions
The following table summarizes the conventions used in this guide.

Convention Meaning Example

Click Click left mouse button once. (Assumes cursor is Click the Browse button.
positioned on object or selection.)
Double-click Click left mouse button twice in quick succession. Double click the Station icon.
(Assumes cursor is positioned on object or selection.)
Drag Press and hold left mouse button while dragging cursor Drag the PID function block onto the
to new screen location and then release the button. Control Drawing.
(Assumes cursor is positioned on object or selection to
be moved.)
Right-click Click right mouse button once. (Assumes cursor is Right-click the AND function block.
positioned on object or selection.)
<F1> Keys to be pressed are shown in angle brackets. Press <F1> to view the online Help.
<Ctrl>+<C> Keys to be pressed together are shown with a plus sign. Press <Ctrl>+<C> to close the
File > New Shows menu selection as menu name followed by menu Click File > New to start new
selection drawing.
>D:\setup.exe< Data to be keyed in at prompt or in an entry field. Key in this path location >D:


3.2 What is Control Builder?

Control Builder is control building software used to configure Experion LX controllers, which can handle all
possible control requirements - whether for continuous processes, batch processes, discrete operations, or
machine control needs.

Maximum number of Control Builder instances

A total of six instances of Control Builder and/or Enterprise Model Builder (EMB) can be running on a
workstation at once. For example, you may have three instances of Control Builder open and three instances of
EMB on the same client node, or any combination of the two applications that total six.


3.3 What is a control strategy?

A control strategy is an organized approach to define a specific process using detailed information to:
• create control modules in an associated controlled environment
• configure function blocks to enable control applications, and
• runs in a control software infrastructure


3.4 Configuring a control strategy

The following tables list the recommended steps that should be followed when developing a control strategy.
Each step references a section to see for detailed information. The table assumes that the Experion server has
already been set-up and configured.

Related topics
“Creating hardware and control module instances” on page 25
“Creating Sequential Control Module instances” on page 26
“Creating Custom Algorithm Blocks and Custom Data Blocks instances” on page 26

3.4.1 Creating hardware and control module instances

The following table references the complete creating of the Series 8 I/O Modules.
For the complete Series 8 family architecture see the following documents:
• C300 Controller User's Guide - Provides planning and designing activities, as well as the installation,
operation, and troubleshooting information for the Series C300 Controller.
• Series 8 I/O User's Guide - Provides planning, configuration, and troubleshooting information for the Series
8 I/O Modules.
• Series 8 Fieldbus Interface Module User's Guide - Provides planning and implementation information for
the Series 8 Fieldbus Interface Module.
1. Start Control Builder and open two tree windows.
“Starting Control Builder” on page 30 and
“Opening and navigating a tree window” on page 39
2. Create Hardware Blocks.
“Creating Redundancy Modules”
“Creating an instance of PCDI_MASTER device” on page 180
“Creating a Wireless Device Manager (WDM)” on page 181
3. Create Input/Output Module or Processor
“Creating IOMs”
4. Import DD files to Control Builder and create field device templates.
See the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.
5. Add field devices to Project view
See the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.
6. Create a Control Module (CM).
“Creating and saving a control module” on page 247
7. Add Function Blocks to the CM.
“Creating an instance of a basic function block” on page 259
“Inserting Comments into a strategy using the Text Comment block ” on page 260
8. Configure the Function Blocks.
“Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
9. Connect the Function Blocks.
“Connecting blocks with insert wire” on page 281


“Connecting blocks with Parameter Connector option” on page 285

10. Assign IOMs and CMs to the Control Execution Environment (CEE).
“Assigning CMs to a CEE” on page 255
11. Associate I/O Channels to I/O Modules.
12. Assign I/O Processors (IOPs) to I/O Link (IOLINK)
13. Assign wireless field devices to WDM
See the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.
14. Check wireless device configuration
See the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.
15. Check wireless device transducer block configuration
See the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.
16. Load the Control Strategy.
“Rule for loading/re-loading CMs, SCMs and RCMs” on page 390
17. Activate the Control Strategy.
“Loading WDM and/or wireless device” on page 398
“Setting the I/O to an active state” on page 428

3.4.2 Creating Sequential Control Module instances

Sequential Control Module (SCM) information can be found in its own user guide.
For a detailed description of intended design use of container and basic blocks, see the Control Builder
Components Theory.

3.4.3 Creating Custom Algorithm Blocks and Custom Data Blocks instances
Custom Algorithm Block (CAB) and Custom Data Block (CDB) information can be found in the Custom
Algorithm Block and Custom Data Block User's Guide.
For a detailed description of intended design use of container and basic blocks, see the Control Builder
Components Theory.


3.5 I/O module and controller compatibility

The following topics describe I/O module and controller compatibility.

Related topics
“Determining I/O module support” on page 27
“Standard CCLs and supported controllers” on page 27

3.5.1 Determining I/O module support

The controller type used (C300, or xPM) determines the I/O module family that can be used. All controller
types support not all I/O modules. Use the following table to determine which I/O modules are supported by the
listed controller.

3.5.2 Standard CCLs and supported controllers

CCL Name C300

fbusif X
C300 Custom CCLs X


4 Control Builder Configuration

Related topics
“Starting Control Builder” on page 30
“Layout of the main window” on page 34
“Block and configuration form tabs ” on page 45
“Configuring modules” on page 59
“Configuring the IOREFERENCES blocks - Main tab” on page 66


4.1 Starting Control Builder

To properly start Control Builder, you must:
• start Configuration Studio, and
• successfully login (with the appropriate security privileges) using established user-accounts.

Related topics
“Starting Configuration Studio to access Control Builder” on page 30
“Login to Server” on page 31
“Configuring Windows user account in Station” on page 31

4.1.1 Starting Configuration Studio to access Control Builder

Configuration Studio houses the various server-based applications that are used to configure control strategies.
Control Builder is now accessed through Configuration Studio.

See the Configuration Studio documentation for information pertaining to its function and features.

To start Configuration Studio and then start Control Builder

1 Click Start > Programs > Honeywell Experion > Configuration Studio
The Connect dialog box appears.
2 Select a listed server and click the Connect button.
Configuration Studio appears.

3 From the Configuration Explorer tab tree view, click Control Strategy.
The Control Strategy selections appear.
4 From the Process Control Strategies grouping, click Configure process control strategies.
Control Builder appears.


If the Control Builder icon appears on the Windows Taskbar at the bottom of screen, the Control
Builder program is already running. Click the Control Builder icon to view Control Builder. You can run multiple
sessions of Control Builder simultaneously on the same computer, but it is not generally recommended.

5 Go to the next section Login to Server, if user accounts have not been set.
Must login to identify the user, the security level, and the Server that Control Builder is to connect to for this

4.1.2 Login to Server

The ability to access Control Builder through Configuration Studio is based on valid login account and security
permissions. The security access for login integrates Windows user accounts with Station operator based

• A password that is associated with your user name should have been assigned to you. An appropriate server name
should also be identified. If necessary, contact your system administrator for the password and server name to be
used with your system.
• User name and password come from Station operator-based security or the Windows user account for the
computer logon.
• Since Experion server is providing user authentication, it needs to be running in order to be able to run Control

Please review the information in the Configuring Security and Access section of the Server and Client
Configuration Guide before attempting to login to Control Builder.

4.1.3 Configuring Windows user account in Station

The following procedure sets up a Windows user account through Station.

You must first set up a corresponding Windows user account through Station's Configure > Operator > Operators
before you attempt to login to Control Builder using a Windows user account. Be sure the Security Level is set to
mngr and Control Level is set to 255. You must have an access level of manager to set up an operator account.
Configure the windows-level settings for Windows accounts using Windows security.

1 Do you want on enable the Single SignOn function?

• If the answer is Yes, go to Step 2.
• If the answer is No, go to Step 4.

You must first enable the Allow Single Signon function through Station's Configure > Operators > SignOn
Administration configuration form before you can enable this function through Control Builder. You must have
an access level of manager to make this change.


2 Click the Enable Single SignOn check box.

Check mark appears in the check box, single signon function is enabled, and only the Server Name field is
Login is based on current Windows user account logon to the named Server and the login dialog does not
appear for subsequent logins.

3 Click OK.
Control Builder appears.
Go to Step 8.
4 The default User Name is usually the one used for the Windows account logon. For example, ps_user. The
Station operator based default name is mngr and it is case sensitive. Please key in your assigned user name,
as applicable.
Identifies user and associated security level.
5 Click and key in your login password in the Password field. You need an access level of at least Engineer to
create a control strategy. Please check with your system administrator to get your assigned password, if
required. The password is tied to your Windows account logon or the operator-based security for the Station
application. The default password for operator-based security is mngr1, and it is case sensitive.
Confirms the identity of the user and associated security level.


6 The Domain Name field identifies the domain where the Server is located. For Station operator-based
security logon, the Domain Name must be Experion LX Security. Key in desired domain name or click the
down-arrow button to select it from the list.
Identifies the Domain associated with the Server.
7 Click OK.
Control Builder appears.
8 Go to the next section Layout of the main window.
Must open tree windows to view database and library contents.


4.2 Layout of the main window

The following figure shows the layout of Control Builder's main window.

To learn about the: Click here

Menus “Control Builder Menus” on page 35
Toolbar “Control Builder Toolbar” on page 37
Control Drawing “Control Drawing” on page 39
Tree Window “Opening and navigating a tree window” on page 39
Status Line “Control Builder Status Line” on page 39

Related topics
“Control Builder Menus” on page 35
“Control Builder Toolbar” on page 37
“Control Drawing” on page 39
“Control Builder Status Line” on page 39
“Opening and navigating a tree window” on page 39
“About Tree Window tabs” on page 41
“Changing the state of a tree window” on page 42
“Moving a docked tree window” on page 43
“Closing a tree window” on page 44


4.2.1 Control Builder Menus

Control Builder's menus and their default submenus are listed in the table below. The actual list may vary
depending on the nature of the activity you are currently attempting.

Menu Description
File Allows access to the following submenus:
- Open - New >
- Close - Save
- Page Setup… - Print Preview
- Print > - Export …
- Export With Contents… - Import…
- Create Proxy Node… - Create Proxy RCM…
- Create Proxy SCM… - Exit
- Create Proxy CBR…
Edit Allows access to the following submenus:
- Copy - Paste
- Delete… - Force Delete…
- Rename - Module Properties…
- Block Properties… - DATA Block
- Channel Type Setting - Type
- Execution Environment Assignment… - Module Containment…
- Links…
View Allows access to the following submenus:
- Toolbar - Status Bar
- Project/Monitor Tree - Library Tree
- Derivation View - Assignment View
- Containment View - List View
- Refresh - Expand Item
- Type - Enable Tree Monitoring
- License Display… - Error Log
- Unlike Template Replacement Log
Tools The Tools menu allows access to a variety of submenu commands that are enabled/displayed
based on the user's current activity. Some menu items that are exposed:


Menu Description
- Point Selection… - Substitute Name List…
- Resolve Substitute Connections… - Bulk Edit Parameters >
- Bulk Build - QVCS Manager…
- Check-in... - Check-out...
- Validate Contents… - Validate Block References
- Symbol Library… - Convert PID to PID_PL…
- System Preferences… - User Preferences…
- Operator Permissions… - Recipe Builder Operator Permissions…
- Checkpoint Preferences… - Batch Preferences…
- Identify ERDB / Controller Inconsistencies - Bulk Configuration Tools
Chart Allows access to the following submenus:
- Configure Chart Size… - Insert
- View Grid - View Page Breaks
- Re-Route Wire(s) - Align Page Breaks To Grid
- Snap To Grid - Enable Auto Routing
- Insert new SCM/RCM Handler - Show Delete Connection Confirmation
- Move Handler Left - Delete SCM/RCM Handler
- Set Invoke Transition - Move Handler Right
- Resume Chart Automatic Tracking - Cancel Chart Automatic Tracking
- Enable Chart Monitoring - Disable Chart Monitoring
Templates Allows access to the following submenus:
- Make Template…
- Instantiate
- Change Parent …
- Change Parent by Function
Field Devices Allows access to the following submenus:
- Device Match - Device Unmatch
- Device Replacement - Unlike Template Replacement...
- Unlike Device Replacement Report - Methods Manager…
- Commission Device… - Configure Advanced Alarming
- Honeywell Smart Channels
Controller Allows access to the following submenus:
- Activate - Inactivate >
- Change State… - Checkpoint
- Sequential Control Module Status… - Compare Parameters…
- Allow Database Changes - Load…
- Load With Contents… - Load Values while Active…
- Load Server Points… - Delete Server Points…
- Upload Server Config. Data… - Upload/Update To Project
- Upload/Update To Project With Contents - Freeze and Switchover
- Migrate…


Menu Description
Addins Allows access to the following submenu:
Add-in Manager
Window Allows access to the following submenus:
- Cascade - Tile
- Arrange Icons
Help Allows access to the following submenus:
- Contents - Using Help
- About Control Builder…

4.2.2 Control Builder Toolbar

The toolbar provides quick access to commonly used commands.

Button Description
Open Tree. Open a new tree window in Control Builder.

Close. Closes the tree window that has focus in Control Builder.

Open Library



Save. Saves the item.

Delete. Deletes the item that has focus.

Copy. Copies the item to the clipboard.

Paste. Pastes the item from the clipboard.


Button Description
Print. Prints the item that has focus.


Help. Displays the Help for Control Builder.

Point Selection


Param Connector

Execution Environment Assignment

Module Containment



Substitute Names. Activates the dialog box that allows the assigning of substitute names for

QVCS Manager. Activates QVCS Manager.

Toggle State. Toggles the selected item to the opposite state, such as: inactive to active or active to

SCM Navigation


Button Description
Fieldbus Device Description Input

Change Scale. Changes the scale of the item that has focus.

4.2.3 Control Drawing

The main work area of Control Builder where:
• Control Modules are created
• Function blocks are inserted and connected
• Control strategies are initiated

4.2.4 Control Builder Status Line

The Status Line indicates a number of status properties of the Control Builder application, or a prompt for

At the left side of the status bar are prompts to help you to access features in Control Builder. At the right are
four boxes that show various properties on status and connections to servers and their databases, which are
described in the following table.

Status Line box (from left to right) Description

ERDB Synchronization status Indicates the synchronization status of Control Builder with the
ERDB. Valid values are:
Indication Color
<blank> Grey
SYNC Green
NOSYNC Reverse video
Connection to Server ERDB Indicates whether Control Builder is connected to the
PRIMARY (ServerB) or BACKUP (ServerA) ERDB.
NOTE: You will not be able to build control strategies and
perform most downloads when connected to the BACKUP
Server Shows the Server to which Control Builder is ‘logged in.’
(Derived from Configuration Studio.) By default, it also
indicates the CDA Server which Control Builder is using.
Security Level Access Indicates the user level access to which Control Builder is
‘logged in.’ For example, ENGR or MNGR.

4.2.5 Opening and navigating a tree window

This procedure illustrates how to initialize the tree windows within Control Builder.


If this is the first time Control Builder has been launched, there are no tree windows open. Otherwise, Control
Builder opens with the same tree windows that were displayed when it was last closed.
There are three available trees or views within each tree window:
• Project tree
• Monitoring tree
• Library tree

Only three tree windows may be opened at any one time.

• Control Builder is running

To open a tree window

1 Click View >
Project/Monitor Tree,
Library Tree
click the Open Tree button in the toolbar.
(This option will not be available, if two tree windows are already open.)
Project/Monitor tree
Library Tree
window opens on the main Control Builder window.
2 Repeat Step 1 to open another tree window, if required.
(This option will not be available, if two tree windows are already open.)
A second tree window opens, as shown in the following figure.


3 Click the appropriate tab (Project, Monitoring or Library) on the bottom of the tree window to select the
desired tree view.
Selected tree is displayed.
4 Click on the sign of the desired Library to expand and view the contents.

To expand the width of a tree window, move the cursor over its border until the cursor becomes a two-headed
arrow, then drag to expand the window.

4.2.6 About Tree Window tabs

The Tree Window provides quick access to three tabs: Project, Monitoring, and Library.


Tab Description
Project tab.
The Project Tree View allows instances or strategies to be viewed
as trees, showing the assignment relationships in a window in the
Control Builder.

Monitoring tab.
The Monitoring Tree View displays instances or strategies that
have been downloaded in the system and are live.

Library tab
The Library Tree View includes a variety of specific libraries that
contains unique functions specific to that library

4.2.7 Changing the state of a tree window

Tree windows can exist in three different states:
• Docked - the tree window is attached to one of the edges of the main Control Builder window. Tree windows
in this state will not participate in normal child window cascades, sizing, or tiling operations.
• Floating - the tree window floats on top of or completely outside of the main Control Builder window. Tree
windows in this state will not participate in normal child window cascade, sizing, or tiling operations.
• MDI Child - the tree window acts exactly like an open chart window. Tree windows in this state can be
maximized, minimized, tiled and cascaded along with other Control Builder child windows (charts).

• Control Builder is running
• At least one tree window is open

To change the state of a tree window

1 Right-click in the title bar area of the tree window.
Alternate method: Hold the left-mouse button down with the cursor on top of the “diamond” button in the
title bar.
A context menu pops up which enables you to change the state of the tree window.


2 Select the desired state for the tree window.

Tree window assumes the desired state.
3 For a docked tree window, select the sub-menu titled Docked to on the Context Menu to select a desired
docking position (top, left, bottom, right).
Tree window assumes the desired docking position.

4 For an MDI Child tree window, select the sub-menu titled MDI Child as on the Context Menu to select a
desired window size (minimized, maximized, and restored).
Tree window assumes the desired MDI Child window size.

The following shortcuts can also be used for changing the state of a tree window:
• Double-click on the tree window title bar to change a docked window to a floating window and vice versa.
• Click on the “diamond” button in the tree window title bar to toggle between a docked window and a
regular MDI child window.
• Drag a docked or floating tree window near the edge of the main Control Builder window to dock the
window in the selected position.
• Hold down the <Ctrl> key while dragging a docked or floating tree window to force the window to float.

4.2.8 Moving a docked tree window

• Click and drag the title bar of the appropriate tree window to another border of the main Control Builder
Tree window assumes the desired position.
For example, if you drag the tree window near the right edge, it will “dock” on the right-hand side.


4.2.9 Closing a tree window

1 Select either tree window by clicking on one of the tree window tabs or the title bar.
Window is highlighted.
2 Click File > Close, or you can click the < Close tree button in the toolbar.
The selected tree window closes.


4.3 Block and configuration form tabs

The following section lists the available:
• blocks from the Library view
• the tabs available on the configuration form for each block, and
• a link to an example of each tab type

Although Series I/O information is included in the following, for more thorough Series I/O configuration information,
see the Series I/O User's Guide.

Related topics
“SYSTEM library blocks and tabs” on page 45
“AUXILIARY library blocks and tabs” on page 46
“DEVCTL library blocks and tabs” on page 47
“DATAACQ library blocks and tabs” on page 47
“IOREFERENCES library blocks and their tabs” on page 48
“POWERGEN library blocks and tabs” on page 48
“LOGIC library blocks and tabs” on page 49
“MATH library blocks and tabs” on page 50
“REGCTL library blocks and tabs” on page 51
“SCM library blocks and tabs” on page 54
“SERIES IO library blocks and tabs” on page 55
“UTILITY library blocks and tabs” on page 56
“FIELDBUS library blocks and tabs” on page 57

4.3.1 SYSTEM library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names in a two-columned list. Each column denotes the block's tabs on their
Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block; therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is provided.
There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.
• N/A = tab is not available for block's configuration form
• No example = no example of tab in document

Block names - two different tab sets

Tab name System SCM
Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
page 60
Arbitration N/A No example
Handlers N/A No example
Alarm and Event N/A “Configuring alarms” on page 269
Recipe N/A No example


Block names - two different tab sets

Tab name System SCM
History N/A No example
Aliases N/A No example
Server History “Configuring modules - Server “Configuring modules - Server History tab” on
History tab” on page 60 page 60
Server Displays “Configuring modules - Server “Configuring modules - Server Displays tab” on
Displays tab” on page 61 page 61
Control Confirmation “Configuring modules - Control “Configuring modules - Control Confirmation
Confirmation tab” on page 63 tab” on page 63
Status N/A No example
QVCS “Checkpoint file attributes” on “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703
page 703
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on
tab” on page 64 page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure N/A
parameters” on page 561
Projected Parameters “Using the Projected Parameters tab” “Using the Projected Parameters tab” on
on page 537 page 537
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on
form” on page 264 page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on
form” on page 264 page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on
form” on page 264 page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on
form” on page 264 page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544 N/A

4.3.2 AUXILIARY library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block; therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.

Block names - all having the same-named tabs

Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60


Block names - all having the same-named tabs

Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544
Expression (Exprn#1 to Click here
Constants Click here

4.3.3 DEVCTL library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block name
• The tabs available for the Configuration form
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block; therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.

Block name
Tab name DEVCTL
Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.4 DATAACQ library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block name
• The tabs available for the block's Configuration form
• A link to an example of each tab.


Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block; therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.

Block name
Tab name DATAACQ
Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Alarms “Configuring alarms” on page 269
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.5 IOREFERENCES library blocks and their tabs

Tab name Block Names

Main tab “Configuring the IOREFERENCES blocks - Main tab” on page 66
Identification tab “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies tab “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins tab “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters tab “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameter tab “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences tab “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining tab “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.6 POWERGEN library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.


Tab name Block names - two different tab sets

Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on “Configuring modules - Main tab” on
page 60 page 60
Output N/A No example
Maintenance N/A No example
SCM N/A No example
Alarms N/A “Configuring alarms” on page 269
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” “Configuring modules - Identification tab”
on page 64 on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” “Dependencies tab - configure parameters”
on page 561 on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” “Using the Parameters Configuration form”
on page 264 on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” “Using the Parameters Configuration form”
on page 264 on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” “Using the Parameters Configuration form”
on page 264 on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” “Using the Parameters Configuration form”
on page 264 on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544 “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.7 LOGIC library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.


Block names - all having the same named tabs

Tab name 2003 MAXPULSE PULSE
Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.8 MATH library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a variation between the example and the actual tab.


Block names - all having the same named tabs

Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.9 REGCTL library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The same tabs are available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.
• No example = no example of tab in document

Block names - all having the same named tabs

Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544

Block names - all having the same named tabs

Tab name AUTOMAN
Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60


Block names - all having the same named tabs

Tab name AUTOMAN
Output No example
Alarms “Configuring alarms” on page 269
SCM No example
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544

The following table lists:

• The individual block names in a columned list. Each column denotes blocks having similar tabs on their
Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block; therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.
• N/A = tab is not available for block's configuration form
• No example = no example of tab in document

Block names - three different tab sets

Main “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - Main
Main tab” on page 60 Main tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60
Common Output No example N/A N/A
Individual Output No example N/A N/A
Input N/A No example N/A
Output N/A No example N/A
Algorithm N/A N/A No example
SetPoint N/A N/A No example
Alarms “Configuring alarms” on “Configuring alarms” on “Configuring alarms” on
page 269 page 269 page 269
SCM No example No example No example
Identification “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Identification tab” on Identification tab” on Identification tab” on page 64
page 64 page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - “Dependencies tab - “Dependencies tab - configure
configure parameters” on configure parameters” on parameters” on page 561
page 561 page 561


Block names - three different tab sets

Block Pins “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264 page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264 page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264 page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264 page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544 “Propagation” on “Propagation” on page 544
page 544

Block names - four different tab sets

Main “Configuring modules “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring
- Main tab” on modules - Main modules - Main modules - Main tab”
page 60 tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60 on page 60
Algorithm No example No example No example N/A
SetPoint No example No example No example N/A
Profile N/A N/A N/A No example
Profile Graph N/A N/A N/A No example
Active Profile Graph N/A N/A N/A No example
Output No example No example No example No example
Advanced N/A N/A No example N/A
Alarms “Configuring alarms” “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring
on page 269 alarms” on alarms” on alarms” on page 269
page 269 page 269
SCM No example No example No example No example
Identification “Configuring modules “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring
- Identification tab” on modules - modules - modules -
page 64 Identification tab” Identification tab” Identification tab” on
on page 64 on page 64 page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - “Dependencies tab “Dependencies tab “Dependencies tab -
configure parameters” - configure - configure configure
on page 561 parameters” on parameters” on parameters” on
page 561 page 561 page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters “Using the “Using the “Using the
Configuration form” Parameters Parameters Parameters
on page 264 Configuration Configuration Configuration form”
form” on page 264 form” on page 264 on page 264


Block names - four different tab sets

Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the “Using the “Using the
Configuration form” Parameters Parameters Parameters
on page 264 Configuration Configuration Configuration form”
form” on page 264 form” on page 264 on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters “Using the “Using the “Using the
Configuration form” Parameters Parameters Parameters
on page 264 Configuration Configuration Configuration form”
form” on page 264 form” on page 264 on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters “Using the “Using the “Using the
Configuration form” Parameters Parameters Parameters
on page 264 Configuration Configuration Configuration form”
form” on page 264 form” on page 264 on page 264
Insertion No example No example No example N/A
Template Defining “Propagation” on “Propagation” on “Propagation” on “Propagation” on
page 544 page 544 page 544 page 544

4.3.10 SCM library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names in a three-columned list. Each column denotes blocks having similar tabs on
their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.
• N/A = tab is not available for block's configuration form
• No example = no example of tab in document

Block names - three different tab sets

Main “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - Main
Main tab” on page 60 Main tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60
Output #1 N/A No example N/A
Stop Condition N/A No example N/A
Interrupt Condition N/A No example N/A
Gates N/A N/A No example
Identification “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Identification tab” on Identification tab” on Identification tab” on page 64
page 64 page 64
Block Pins N/A “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264
Configuration Parameters N/A “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264


Block names - three different tab sets

Monitoring Parameters N/A “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264
Block Preferences N/A “Using the Parameters “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on Configuration form” on
page 264 page 264

4.3.11 SERIES IO library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.

Block names - all having the same-named tabs

Main “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Main tab” on page 60 Main tab” on page 60 Main tab” on page 60
HART Status No example N/A N/A
Status/Data “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Status/Data tab” on Status/Data tab” on Status/Data tab” on
page 62 page 62 page 62
Maintenance No example No example No example
Calibration No example No example N/A
Box Soft Failures No example No example No example
Channel Soft Failures No example No example No example
QVCS Click here Click here Click here
Server History “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Server History tab” on Server History tab” on Server History tab” on
page 60 page 60 page 60
Server Displays “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Server Displays tab” on Server Displays tab” on Server Displays tab” on
page 61 page 61 page 61
Control Confirmation “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Control Confirmation tab” Control Confirmation tab” Control Confirmation tab”
on page 63 on page 63 on page 63
Identification “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules - “Configuring modules -
Identification tab” on Identification tab” on Identification tab” on
page 64 page 64 page 64


Block names - five different tab sets

Main “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring “Configuring
modules - Main modules - Main modules - Main modules - Main modules - Main
tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60 tab” on page 60
Configuration Click here Click here Click here Click here N/A
Identification Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Dependencies Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Block Pins Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Configuration Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Monitoring Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Block Preferences Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Template Defining Click here Click here Click here Click here Click here
Voting Logic N/A Click here N/A N/A N/A
Voting Logic N/A Click here N/A N/A N/A
Group 1 Alarm N/A Click here N/A N/A N/A
Group 2 Alarm N/A Click here N/A N/A N/A
VDT N/A N/A N/A Click here N/A
Output N/A N/A Click here N/A Click here
Algorithm N/A N/A N/A N/A Click here
SetPoint N/A N/A N/A N/A Click here

4.3.12 UTILITY library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.


Block names - two different tab sets

Main “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60 “Configuring modules -
Main tab” on page 60
Alarms N/A “Configuring alarms” on
page 269
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64 “Configuring modules -
Identification tab” on
page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561 “Dependencies tab -
configure parameters” on
page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264 “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on
page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264 “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on
page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264 “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on
page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264 “Using the Parameters
Configuration form” on
page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544 “Propagation” on page 544

4.3.13 FIELDBUS library blocks and tabs

The following table lists:
• The individual block names that contain the same named tabs on their Configuration form.
• The tabs available for each block's Configuration form.
• A link to an example of each tab.
Note: Main tabs typically, are unique for each block, therefore, a link to an example of a Main tab is
provided. There may be a slight variation between the example and the actual tab.
• No example = no example of tab in document


Block names - all having the same named tabs

Tab name AI DO PID
Process No example
Alarm “Configuring alarms” on page 269
Maintenance No example
Tune “Tune a PID-PL-based controller” on page 379
Ranges No example
Other No example
Identification “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
Block Pins “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Configuration Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Monitoring Parameters “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Block Preferences “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on page 264
Template Defining “Propagation” on page 544


4.4 Configuring modules

Topic Link
Review the Main tab “Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
Review the Module Configuration tab “Configuring modules - Module Configuration
Review the Channel Configuration tab “Configuring modules - Channel Configuration
Review the Server History tab “Configuring modules - Server History tab” on
page 60
Review the Server Displays tab “Restore scope selection and actual restore
action” on page 723
Review the Diagnostic Configuration tab “Configuring modules - Diagnostic Configuration
Review the Status/Data tab “Configuring modules - Status/Data tab” on
page 62
Review the Version tab “Configuring modules - Version tab”
Review the Control Configuration tab “Configuring modules - Control Confirmation
tab” on page 63
Review the Identification tab “Configuring modules - Identification tab” on
page 64
Configure Chassis Analog I/O Module “Configuring Chassis Analog I/O module”
Configure Chassis Digital I/O Module “Configuring Chassis Digital I/O module”
Configure Chassis Diagnostic I/O Module “Configuring Chassis Diagnostic I/O module”
Configure the Serial Interface Module “Configuring the Serial Interface Module”
Configure the Pulse Input Module “Configuring the Pulse Input Module”

Related topics
“Defining Series 8 Function Blocks” on page 59
“Configuring modules - Main tab” on page 60
“Configuring modules - Server History tab” on page 60
“Configuring modules - Server Displays tab” on page 61
“Configuring modules - Status/Data tab” on page 62
“Configuring modules - Control Confirmation tab” on page 63
“Configuring modules - Identification tab” on page 64

4.4.1 Defining Series 8 Function Blocks

For the complete Series family architecture see the following documents:
• C300 Controller User's Guide - Provides planning and designing activities, as well as the installation,
operation, and troubleshooting information for the Series C300 Controller.
• Series 8 I/O User's Guide - Provides planning, configuration, and troubleshooting information for the Series
8 I/O Modules.
• Series 8 Fieldbus Interface Module User's Guide - Provides planning and implementation information for the
Series 8 Fieldbus Interface Module.


4.4.2 Configuring modules - Main tab

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Main tab.

• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created

To configure the Main tab

1 Under the Main tab, enter a Module Name that is more meaningful to you than its default preassigned
number (see table below).
2 Parent Asset name is based on relationship established in Enterprise Builder
3 Item name is based on relationship established in Enterprise Builder
4 Enter an optional Module Description to explain the IO Module's function
5 Proceed to the following procedures to configure parameters on the remaining tabs for the module, or click
OK to accept only the changes made so far and return to the Project tree.

4.4.3 Configuring modules - Server History tab

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Server History tab.


• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created

To configure the Server History tab

1 Under the Server History tab, enter the appropriate information for SCAN Control and SCAN Area along
with values for appropriate parameters related to history collection and archiving. If necessary, press F1 to
access on-line help for assistance during this step
2 Proceed to the following procedures to configure parameters on the remaining tabs for the Analog I/O
Module, or click OK to accept only the changes made so far and return to the Project tree.

4.4.4 Configuring modules - Server Displays tab

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Server Displays tab.


• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created

To configure the Server Displays tab

1 Under the Server Displays tab, enter the appropriate information to specify related SCAN Point Detail
(display), SCAN Group Detail (display), and SCAN Associated (display) along with values for appropriate
parameters to define Trends and Groups for display. If necessary, press F1 to access on-line help for
assistance during this step
2 Click OK on the configuration form to accept all configuration selections made on each configuration tab
and to return to the Project tree.

4.4.5 Configuring modules - Status/Data tab

• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created

To configure the Diagnostic Configuration tab

1 Under the Status/Data tab (see figure below), enter desired values for configuration parameters.
2 Proceed to the following procedures to configure parameters on the remaining tabs for the module, or click
OK to accept only the changes made so far and return to the Project tree.


Next steps
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Status/Data tab.

4.4.6 Configuring modules - Control Confirmation tab

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Control Confirmation tab.


• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created

4.4.7 Configuring modules - Identification tab

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
The following is an example of a Configuration form - Identification tab and allows user comments to be added.


• Control Builder is running
• A control module was created


4.5 Configuring the IOREFERENCES blocks - Main tab

The following configuration information pertains to the Main tab for the following Reference blocks:

To configure the Main tab of IOREFERENCES blocks

1 In the Main tab, type a name that is more meaningful than its default name.
The Main tab of the AIREF block is displayed for example purpose.

2 Select the Reference Type (REFTYPE) from the list.

For more information about configuring the Reference Type (REFTYPE) parameter for each Reference
block, see Control Builder Components Theory.
3 Click the point picker next to the Reference (REF) parameter, and then select the channel from the list.
4 Click OK.
5 (Optional) Click the point picker next to the Channel Type (CHANTYPE) parameter.
The corresponding channel type is updated.
6 Click OK.

5 Add-Ins menu in Control Builder

Add-Ins menu is integrated in Control Builder. Using this new menu, you can extend the Control Builder
functionality for
• eliminating repetitive manual tasks that can be automated.
• reducing the cost of configuring large scale systems.
• decreasing the time to deliver new productivity tools to Project Engineers.

Add-in Manager
Add-Ins menu contains only Add-in Manager that can be used to enable or disable the available add-ins. The
Add-in Manager supports only the Bulk Configuration Tools as an add-in. You need a separate license for
using the Bulk Configuration Tools.

Related topics
“Installing Add-ins” on page 68
“Enabling Add-Ins” on page 69
“Disabling Add-Ins” on page 70
“Bulk Configuration Tools” on page 71
“PROFIBUS Configuration Tools” on page 73


5.1 Installing Add-ins

Add-Ins menu installation is performed during the Experion LX tools installation.

If you remove any installer files present in the following folder, the Add-Ins menu is removed. C:\Program
files(x86)\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Engineering Tools\CBAddins)


5.2 Enabling Add-Ins

Ensure that the Add-Ins menu is available in Control Builder.

To enable Add-ins
1 In the Control Builder, click Add-Ins > Add-in Manager
The Add-in Manager dialog box appears.
2 Select the Enable check box for the Bulk Configuration Tools.

The Enable check box is editable only if you have a valid license.

3 Click OK.
The Bulk Configuration Tools option appears in the Tools menu of Control Builder.


5.3 Disabling Add-Ins

Ensure that the Add-Ins menu is available in Control Builder.

To disable Add-ins
1 In the Control Builder, click Add-Ins > Add-in Manager
The Add-in Manager dialog box appears.
2 Clear the Enable check box for the Bulk Configuration Tools.
3 Click OK.
The Bulk Configuration Tool option disabled in the Tools menu.


5.4 Bulk Configuration Tools

The Bulk Configuration Tools is a project engineering productivity tool that you can use to do Bulk Build and
Bulk Edit operations for process control strategies in Control Builder or in a local folder. The Bulk
Configuration Tools eliminates repetitive manual tasks, reduces system configuration cost, and enables the
Project Engineers to deliver the project in a shorter time.
Bulk Configuration Tools is integrated in Control Builder as an add-in and can be invoked from the Tools menu.
Therefore, the data manipulation can be done in both online and offline.
You need a separate license for using the Bulk Configuration Tools. For more information, contact your
Honeywell representative.
The number of steps to be followed for each workflow is reduced by grouping the related tasks into a single
step. For example, the following steps-related to worksheet validation is grouped into a single step called
"Process Data Worksheet" for all workflow.
• Fetching the worksheet that is generated offline in a pre-defined format
• Validating the worksheet
• Saving the validation result
• Exporting the results to your local folder
• Saving the validation result to the Engineering Repository Database (ERDB)
Hence, the navigation between the each step in a workflow is improved.

Related topics
“Enabling the Bulk Configuration Tools” on page 71
“Features supported by the Bulk Configuration Tools” on page 71

5.4.1 Enabling the Bulk Configuration Tools

To enable the Bulk Configuration Tools

1 In the Control Builder, click Add-Ins > Add-in Manager
The Add-in Manager dialog box appears.
2 Select the Enable check box for the Bulk Configuration Tools.

The Enable check box is editable only if you have a valid license.

3 Click OK.
The Bulk Configuration Tools option appears in the Tools menu of Control Builder.

5.4.2 Features supported by the Bulk Configuration Tools

The Bulk Configuration Tools features are classified into the following two categories.
1. Bulk Build Tools
2. Bulk Edit Tools
Bulk Build Tools is divided into three types as follows:
1. Clone strategies: Used for duplicating a set of strategy XMLs to a new set of XMLs with new names for the
2. Bulk Build strategies: Used for creating and editing Experion LX control strategies in bulk.
3. Test IO Channel Blocks: Used for testing the spare hardware and IO channels.


Bulk Edit Tools option is divided into five types as follows:

1. Bulk Edit parameters: Used for manipulating the parameters of one or more strategies like CM, SCM, User
template instantiated CM/SCM, and IOPs.
2. Replace function blocks: Used for replacing function blocks with connections across Control modules.
3. Assign IO channels: Used for editing IO channel assignment, including IO function block name change (that
is, channel number, module name, and block name).
4. Assign CEE/LINK: Used for editing the CEE/IOLINK assignment.
5. Rename Strategies: Used for renaming the strategies.

You cannot open multiple instances of the Bulk Configuration Tools
When you have invoked the Bulk Configuration Tools from Control Builder, the following options in Control Builder
are disabled.
• Export/Import options
• Bulk Edit and Bulk Build related options
• QVCS operations


5.5 PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

PROFIBUS Configuration Tools (Auto-configure Slaves) is a project engineering productivity tool that can be
used for automatically creating and configuring slaves of a PROFIBUS module. The slave blocks include DSB,
PIOMB, and PBHIOMB blocks. However, HART channels (PBHCHANNEL) must be manually configured
after auto-configuring PBHIOMBs.The Auto-configure Slaves feature eliminates the repetitive manual tasks of
individually configuring slaves in Control Builder.
The PROFIBUS Configuration Tools add-in creates and populates related blocks and modules for each
configured slave according to the rules defined in the selected rule file. The Auto-configure Slaves option also
creates the PDC and assigns net tags to PDC types as defined in the rule file.

Related topics
“Enabling the PROFIBUS Configuration Tools” on page 73

5.5.1 Enabling the PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

To enable the PROFIBUS Configuration Tools

1 In the Control Builder, click Add-Ins > Add-in Manager
The Add-in Manager dialog box appears.
2 Select the Enable check box for the PROFIBUS Configuration Tools.

The Enable check box is editable only if you have a valid license.

3 Click OK.
The PROFIBUS Configuration Tools option appears in the Tools menu of Control Builder.


6 Control Builder Search and Navigation

Following are the enhancements to Control Builder.

• User Interface enhancements
• Search enhancements
• Navigation enhancements
You can navigate to a particular block/parameter with few navigation enhancements to wire connections in CM,
parameters in SCM/RCM, parameter connectors, cross-references, and user-defined templates.


6.1 Search enhancements

can search for tags in the following ways.
• Using File > Open option
• Using CB tree search toolbar
– Auto-complete: If you type the initial characters of the tag name, the list of the tag names with the
matching strategies appear. Hence, you can search for the required tags from the tree view.
– Recently used tags: You can open the recently used tags without entering the search tag name. You can
view up to maximum of 16 previously used tags.
• Typing the prefix of a tag in the tree view
• Locating tagged block in a chart
• Using List View

Related topics
“Searching for a tag using the File >Open option” on page 76
“Searching for a tag using CB tree search toolbar” on page 77
“Searching for a tag by typing its prefix in the tree view” on page 80
“Searching for function block/parameter within a chart” on page 80
“Searching for a tag using List View” on page 86

6.1.1 Searching for a tag using the File >Open option


6.1.2 Searching for a tag using CB tree search toolbar

A new toolbar is added in all the tree views (Project, Monitoring, and Library). This consists of a drop-down
combo box wherein you can enter the search text to find the corresponding tags. The drop-down box contains a
list of recently/previously viewed tags. The following features are available.
• Auto-complete: If you type the initial characters of the tag name, then a list of tag names with the matching
strategies appear in the Assignment view.


• Recently used tags: You can open the recently used tags without entering the search tag name. You can view
up to maximum of 16 previously used tags.
Similarly, when you open tag from a selected view, the chart or the configuration form appears in the same

By default, when you open Control Builder, CB Search toolbar is not visible in the Library view. To enable the CB
Search toolbar, right-click the Library view to select the CB tree seach toolbar.

To search for a tag using CB tree search toolbar



• If you have already opened a chart corresponding to a tag using the Find Options toolbar, you can re-open the
chart corresponding to the same tag on the Project/Monitoring mode.
• You can view up to 16 tag names, which are previously opened through the drop-down combo box.
• If you enter a tag name, which is invalid then the following error message appears.

Click OK to continue.

6.1.3 Searching for a tag by typing its prefix in the tree view
You can quickly browse through the tags by typing initial few characters of a tag name. This option is available
in both Containment and Assignment views of the Project/Monitoring view and in the Library view.
To find a tag by typing its prefix in the tree view, perform the following steps.

1. Open Assignment or Containment view of the Project/Monitoring and Library view.

2. Type the initial few characters of a tag name.
If the tag exists, the tree view expands and the tag name is highlighted.

6.1.4 Searching for function block/parameter within a chart

You can search for a function block or a parameter within the chart with Find Options toolbar and navigate to
different charts that are available.

Related topics
“Considerations/points to remember” on page 81
“Toolbar elements and their functions” on page 81
“Searching for a function block” on page 82


“Searching for a parameter used in parameter connector” on page 82

“Searching a parameter exposed as the pin of a function block” on page 83
“Searching for block/parameter/expression within SCM/RCM chart” on page 85 Considerations/points to remember

Following are some of the considerations/points to remember for searching a function block/parameter within a
• Searching for any of the function block/parameter in the chart is case insensitive based on the text case of
the name.
• The Find option toolbar can be used any number of times to search the consecutive block containing the
searched string. Therefore, the search continues in all function blocks until the end of the chart.
• If you search with any function block name selected, the search starts from the position of the selection till
the end of the chart. Toolbar elements and their functions

The toolbar provides quick access to commonly used commands in the chart.

The Search bar is hidden by default.

Button Description
Find To search by entering characters of the function block/
To find a parameter/function block

To navigate to the previous chart pages

To navigate to the next chart pages

Go To Page To navigate to the corresponding page

To navigate to the corresponding page after entering the
page number

To navigate to the previous page of the chart

To navigate to the next page of the chart

To navigate to the first page of the chart

To navigate to the last page of the chart


Button Description
To close the Search toolbar Searching for a function block

For example, consider to search for a function block PIDA within the example_pid chart.

• If the Search toolbar is not visible in the chart, right-click on the chart to select Display Search bar.

1 After opening the corresponding chart, type the function block name PIDA in the Find search option toolbar.
2 Click to find the search text entered.
The PIDA block is selected in the chart. Searching for a parameter used in parameter connector

If the parameter name is referenced in a parameter connector then the connector is selected.
For example, consider to search for parameter example_pid.pida.OP within the CM_138 chart.
1 After opening the corresponding chart, type the parameter name daca.P1 in the Find search option toolbar.
2 Click to find the search text entered.
The daca.P1 parameter is selected in the chart.

6 CONTROL BUILDER SEARCH AND NAVIGATION ENHANCEMENTS Searching a parameter exposed as the pin of a function block

For example, consider to search for a parameter daca.P1 within the example_pid chart.
1 After opening the corresponding chart, enter the parameter name daca.P1 in the Find search option toolbar.
2 Click to find the search text entered.
The parameter daca.P1 is selected in the chart.



If a parameter is not exposed as a function block pin then the function block is selected as appears in the following
figure. Searching for block/parameter/expression within SCM/RCM chart

The search option, which is available in SCM/RCM chart, is similar to the options available in CM chart.


Following are the important features, which are available for search option in SCM/RCM.
• Search for a parameter/tag usage in SCM: You can enter the name of the tag parameter and search for all
occurrences of the searched tag/parameter within the SCM.
For example, you can search for all occurrences of example_pid.pida within the SCM chart
• Search for complete expressions within the SCM: You can search for complete expressions within the SCM
For example, you can search for example_pid.pida.PV>50 in the example_scm chart.
For more information on searching for block/parameter/expression within the SCM chart, see “Navigating
between the chart pages” on page 97.

You can navigate between the chart pages within SCM/RCM charts. For more information on navigation between the
chart pages see, “Navigating between the chart pages” on page 97.

6.1.5 Searching for a tag using List View

Control Builder is enhanced for searching, sorting, filtering tags by using the List View. This is available in both
Project and Monitoring views.
For more information about List View, see “List View and its operations” on page 101


6.2 Navigation improvements

You can navigate to a particular block/parameter with some navigation enhancements, which are based on
Closest Match concept. With this new concept, you can navigate to the parameters in CM/SCM/RCM.
When a step is configured in CM/SCM/RCM based on the parameter, the parameter names within the
expressions appear as hyperlinks. When you click on the hyperlink, you can navigate to the appropriate
parameter in the same or different chart.

For example: If you want to navigate to a target parameter, which is exposed as the pin of the function block in
a chart. Click on the hyperlinked parameter with the Control key pressed and the corresponding chart appears
with the target parameter selected.


• The parameters in parameter connectors, cross-references, and SCM expressions appear as hyperlinks. In a chart,
the parameters appear as hyperlinks. When you hover the mouse pointer on the hyperlinked parameter, the
parameter appears with underline to indicate that the parameter is hyperlinked which can be navigated
• To retain the readability, hyperlinks do not appear in the print / reports of the CM/SCM/RCM. Therefore, there is
no impact of hyperlinks on the print / report functions.
• Hyperlinks on a SCM chart in Monitoring mode, appear as normal parameter text color with filled background

• You can enable/disable selected color to be displayed for hyperlink in the System Preferences dialog box and
User Preferences dialog box.
For more information on enabling colors for hyperlink, see “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 and “Setting
user preferences” on page 499.
• The navigation improvements based on the hyperlink concept is available for parameter names only on chart and
not on configuration form. Navigation improvements are not available for the following:
– If any aliases are referred in the Formula Parameters tab and the Report Parameters tab of the Phase block,
it does not appear as hyperlink in the Aliases tab.
– If any general references are made in the Formula Parameters tab and the Report Parameters tab of the
Phase block, it does not appear as hyperlink in the Aliases tab.
– Parameter values on the chart, which represent parameter names such as, Active step in SCM, form.

Related topics
“Navigating to parameters from a SCM/RCM chart” on page 89
“Navigating to parameters in a CM chart” on page 94
“Navigating to a parameter in a wired connection” on page 94
“Navigating from tree view to a function block in a chart” on page 96
“Navigating from Reference block faceplate to parameters or I/O channels” on page 97
“Navigating between the chart pages” on page 97


6.2.1 Navigating to parameters from a SCM/RCM chart

Based on the concept of Closest Match concept, you can navigate to target parameters from a SCM/RCM chart.
When a Step is configured in a SCM/RCM with any parameter, the parameter name appears as a hyperlink. You
can click on the hyperlinked parameter and navigate to the corresponding parameter in the same or different

Target parameter is an exposed pin of the Function Block

The following scenario illustrates the navigation enhancement of parameters in a SCM to a parameter, which
belongs to a function block in a CM.
For example, if you want to navigate to example_pid_pida_PV parameter as shown in the following figure then
click on the hyperlinked parameter example_pid_pida_PV with the Control key pressed.

The chart for the corresponding module appears with the function block selected and highlighted as shown in
the following figure.

Target parameter is not exposed as a pin of the Function Block

If the target parameter belongs to a function block that is not exposed as a pin then the chart of the tagged
module appears with the function block selected.
For example, if you want to navigate to example_motor.DEVCTLA.GPV parameter as shown in the following
figure, click on the hyperlinked parameter example_motor.DEVCTLA.GPV with the Control key pressed.


The chart for the corresponding module appears with the function block centered and highlighted as shown in
the following figure.

Target parameter directly belongs to a CM

If the target parameter directly belongs to a CM then the configuration form for the tagged module appears.
For example, if you want to navigate to example_pid.STALECOUNT parameter as shown in the following figure
then click on the hyperlinked parameter example_pid.STALECOUNT with the Control key pressed.


The configuration form for example_pid appears.

Target parameters belongs to the same SCM Handler

If the target parameter belongs to the same SCM Handler then the corresponding block / parameter appears.
For example, if you want navigate to a parameter SCM_timer.STEPA_1.OP, click on the hyperlinked parameter
with the Control key pressed, the corresponding block/parameter appears as shown in the following figure.

Target parameter belongs to a different SCM Handler within the same SCM
If the target parameter belongs to a different SCM Handler within the same SCM then the SCM Handler appears
with the corresponding block / parameter selected.
For example, if you want to navigate a parameter SCM_timer.HANDLERA.INVOKT.NEXTVCOMP, click on the
hyperlinked parameter with the Control key pressed, corresponding block/parameter appears as shown in the
following figure.


Target parameter belongs to a different SCM

If the target parameter belongs to a different SCM then the chart appears for the particular SCM and
corresponding block / parameter selected.
For example, if you want to navigate to a parameter SCM_test.MAIN.INVOKT.NEXTVCOMP, click on the
hyperlinked parameter with the Control key pressed, corresponding block/parameter appears as shown in the
following figure.

Target parameters belongs to a configuration form

If the target parameter belongs to a configuration form then the configuration form appears.
For example, if you want to navigate to a parameter example_scm.PID_PV_ALIAS, click on the hyperlinked
parameter with the Control key pressed, configuration form for example_scm appears.


Target parameter is a data block parameter

If a parameter belongs to a data block used by the SCM then the data block's properties appear with the Formula
Parameters or Report Parameters tab selected depending on whether the target parameter is a Formula parameter
or a Report parameter.
For example, if PH1 Phase block is configured as the data Block for example_scm, click on the hyperlinked
parameter then the PH1 block's properties appear with the Report parameters selected.

Target parameter belongs to a Tagged block which does not have a Chart
If the parameter belongs to a tagged block, which does not have a chart then the configuration form for the
tagged block appears.
For example, if you want to navigate to CEEC300_137.CEESTATE parameter, click on the hyperlinked
parameter with the Control key pressed, the configuration form for CEEC300_137 tagged block appears.

Target parameter belongs to a block which does not exist

If the parameter belongs to a tagged/function block which does not exist then the tag name appears as ‘???’ with
no hyperlink and hence you cannot navigate to a parameter.
For example, for transition condition 3, you cannot navigate to the GPV parameter as example_motor CM is


Target parameter belongs to CM or other tagged blocks

If the parameter belongs to a CM or other tagged block and navigation is within the chart, the configuration
form for the tagged block appears with the tab containing the parameter selected.
For example, if you want to navigate to a parameter C300_134.SECSIGSECLVL, click on the
C300_134.SECSIGSECLVL hyperlink with the Control key pressed, the configuration form appears with the
Control Confirmation tab selected

6.2.2 Navigating to parameters in a CM chart

Navigating to parameters in a CM chart is similar to navigating to parameters from SCM/RCM chart.
For more information on navigating to parameters in a CM chart, see “Navigating to parameters from a
SCM/RCM chart” on page 89.

6.2.3 Navigating to a parameter in a wired connection

You can find a Source (From) and Destination (To) parameters of a wire connection. The parameters you want
to search are indicated with red color as shown in the following figure. The following figure represents wire
connection between daca's output pv parameter and pida's input pv parameter when the example_pid chart.


A tooltip appears when you hover the mouse pointer on the wired connections, indicating the source and
destination parameters, which it connects.

To search parameters on wired connection

1 On the chart, right-click to select the wired connection.
A pop-up menu appears displaying the following options.
• Locate From Param
• Locate To Param

2 Click on Locate From Param or Locate To Param, the chart scrolls to display the source block of the wire
connection centered and the parameter highlighted.


Navigation is available only on the wired and not based on the block pins or connections.

6.2.4 Navigating from tree view to a function block in a chart

You can navigate from tree view to a corresponding function block in a chart. The tree view expands and the
function block within the tagged block appears. Therefore, when you double-click on the function block, the
chart appears with the function block selected.
For example, if you want to navigate to AICHANNEL1 block in the example_pid CM, you double-click
AICHANNEL1 block in tree view or right-click to select the option Locate in Chart.
The example_pid chart appears and the AICHANNEL1 block is selected as shown in the following figure.


• If you want to open the configuration form for a selected function block, right-click on the function block to select
Block Properties.
• Navigating to a function block in a chart from tree view is applicable to block within CM, SCM, and RCM only.
• The context of navigation is based on the mode of tree view. For example, if you double-click on a function block
from a tree view in Project mode, the chart for the tagged block containing the function block appears in the
Project mode. This is applicable to Monitoring mode also.

6.2.5 Navigating from Reference block faceplate to parameters or I/O channels

When a Reference Block is configured with a valid reference (a channel or a parameter), you can quickly
navigate to the referred channel or the parameter using the hyper-link available in the faceplate. The Reference
(REF) parameter is used for navigating between the Reference blocks and the referenced channel or the

When the REF parameter refers a “Parameter value”

When the REF parameter refers to a parameter, the navigation functionality is identical to the Parameter
Connectors when performing a CTRL+Left Mouse button click on the REF parameter in Control Builder chart
or the Station.
In the Project view, if you double-click the Reference block faceplate, then it always opens the Reference
block’s configuration form.
In the Project view, if you double-click the REF parameter, then the Request Value Change dialog box opens.
You can only specify or modify the value from the Project view.

When the REF parameter refers a “Channel”

In the Project view, if you double-click the Reference Block faceplate then it always opens the Reference
block’s configuration form. However, the channel configuration form opens in the Monitoring view when you
double-click the Reference block. This is because, once the channel is loaded, the Reference blocks mirror the
In the Project/Monitoring view, if you double-click the REF parameter, then the Request Value Change dialog
box opens. You can only specify or modify the value from the Project view. However, you cannot change the
REF value in the Monitoring view.

6.2.6 Navigating between the chart pages

A toolbar is available where you can navigate between the chart pages


The toolbar provides quick access to commonly used commands in the chart.

Button Description
Find To search by entering characters of the function block/
To find a parameter/function block

To navigate to the previous chart pages

To navigate to the next chart pages

Go To Page To navigate to the corresponding page

To navigate to the corresponding page after entering the
page number

To navigate to the previous page of the chart.


Button Description
To navigate to the next page of the chart

To navigate to the first page of the chart

To navigate to the last page of the chart

To close the Search toolbar


7 List View and its operations

Related topics
“List View enhancements” on page 102
“Opening List View” on page 103
“About List View window” on page 104
“About Library View window” on page 107
“List View operations” on page 110
“Sample List View operations” on page 117


7.1 List View enhancements

List View is the consolidated view or static grid representation of the tree view. You can open List View from
both Project and Library tree. Locating a tagged/component block using tree view is quite cumbersome since
you may end up expanding the tree structure till the block level. However, with List View, you can quickly
locate a tagged/component block using filters, wildcard searches, sorting, and so on.
When you select a tag in the List View, then the selected tag is highlighted in the Tree View.
Following are the enhancements to the List View.
• You can perform List View and other Control Builder operations simultaneously.
• You can open List View with the default or the last user-defined query settings.
• You can open List View from the Find tool bar of the Library tree.
• You can search for component block types using wildcard characters.
• You can select relevant dynamic columns.
• You can determine the channels and availability of IOMs (Spare, assigned, or unassigned.)
• You can save and restore the List View search results to a file or the database.
• You can place search results into copy/paste buffer and then paste into an Excel as .csv delimited. text.
For more information about List View enhancements, refer to “List View operations” on page 110


7.2 Opening List View

Following are the considerations while opening List View.
• The List View appears in the context of the tree view from which it is invoked. You can open List View from
both Project and Library tree.
For example, when you invoke the List View from the Project view, then the List View appears in the
Project view.
• You can open maximum of two List View windows with one from the Project view and one from the
Monitoring view.
• The top-level blocks such as a controller, an FIM, of a currently selected item in the tree view is selected as
the initial value in the Parent box.
• If you select a controller and launch List View, then the List View appears with all the tags under the
selected controller.
Following are the ways of invoking List View with default or last settings.
• Opening List View from CB search toolbar in the tree view: Click the List View icon to open with default
The following figure displays the List View icon on the CB search toolbar. The tool tip is also available for
the List View icon.

Figure 1: List View icon

• Opening List View through tree view: On the tree view, right-click a tag to select List View and open with
default or last settings.

• Opening List View using menu option: On the View menu, click List View to start with default or last


7.3 About List View window

The following is an illustration of a sample List View window.

Figure 2: List View window

The following table describes the List View navigation options.

Combo box Description

Parent A drop-down combo box used for navigating to a different controller. Based on the
selection, List View is populated with the tagged blocks. The top-level items (controllers,
unassigned, and so on) appear with the corresponding icon in the tree view.
The combo box contains the following:
• ALL TAGS: List View populates all the strategies in the database.
• ROOT: List View populates all the root elements of the tree view that is, Controllers,
Interface modules, unassigned, and so on.
• Controller: List View populates all the tagged blocks that appear under the Controller.
All the controllers appear in the alphabetical order.
• UNASSIGNED: List View populates tagged blocks that are not used in any particular
controller. This appears only from the Project view.
Library A drop-down combo box used for navigating to a different Library. All the libraries
available in the Library view appears in this combo box. Based on the selection of the
Library, respective block types , List View populates all the block types for that particular
For example, if you select Fieldbus library, then all block types w.r.t Fieldbus appear.
In addition, the Library combo box also lists the following:
• All Fieldbus device libraries
• All Wireless device libraries
• Series 8 IO
Block Type A drop-down combo box used for navigating to a different block types. Based on the
combined Library/Block type selection, List View displays all the blocks of that particular
block type assigned to the Parent in the List View grid.
In addition, you can use wildcard characters to search for the block types.

The following table describes the List View toolbar options.


Buttons Description
Displays the customized columns in the List View. By default, a standard list of columns

Open Column Organizer

Updates the List View contents with the latest changes.

Update List View with

Latest Content
Cancels updating the List View contents with the latest changes.
Note: This icon is of transitory nature. Therefore, this replaces Update List View with
Latest Content icon only while the update is in progress.
Cancel Update with List
View contents
Copies the selected rows along with the currently displayed parameters to the Windows
clipboard. You can then export these contents to an Excel file. A header row within the
copied contents indicates the parameter names.
Copy Selected Rows to
Paste Buffer
Clears the filters on all the columns.

Clear All Column Filters

Manages the user-defined search/filter settings on all columns.
As part of managing the search/filter settings, you can perform the following:
• Save To Database: You can save the user-specific List View settings to the database.
Manage User’s List View
Search Settings • Open From Database: You can open the saved List View settings from the database.
This option appears by default.
• Save To File: You can save the user-specific List View settings as a file.
• Open From File: You can open the saved List View settings from a file.
Switches the context from Project view to Monitoring view and visa-versa.
Note: If the Parent is not loaded or does not exist in the corresponding List View, then the
List View appears with “Root” in the Parent box.
Toggle List View Between

The following figure displays a sample List View status bar.

The following table describes the List View status bar.

Label Description
1 Indicates the number of filtered tags or component blocks that are used under the Parent.
2 Indicates the number of tags or component blocks, which are selected in the List View grid. This
information appears only if the items are selected in the List View.


Label Description
3 Indicates the tags or component blocks that are visible in the current List View window.
4 Indicates the tree view (Project or Monitoring) from which the List View is invoked.
5 Indicates when the List View window was last updated.
6 Indicates the List View data is in synchronization, not in synchronization, and cancelled.
• Data in SYNC:
– The values in Project View and values in the List View grid (Project View) is in
– The values in Monitoring View and values in List View grid (Monitoring View) is in
This is applicable only to database and not to controller values.
• Data not in SYNC:
– The values in Project View and values in the List View grid (Project View) is not in
synchronization. Any modification you perform in the Project View, the List View data
will not be synchronization.
– The values in Monitoring View and values in List View grid (Monitoring View) is not in
synchronization. If you delete a controller's tag from the Monitoring View, or load to
Monitoring View, or reload Monitoring View, then the data will not be in
• Cancelled: The List View data generation/update is cancelled.


7.4 About Library View window

The following is an illustration of a sample Library View window.

Figure 3: Library View window

The following table describes the Library View navigation options.

Combo box Description

Library A drop-down combo box used for navigating to a different Library. Library View populates
only the Custom block types for a particular Library.
The only valid entries are – CAB, CDB, PHASE, and MAP.
Block Type A drop-down combo box used for navigating to a different block types. The block types are
the types belonging to the selected library based on the combined Library/Block type
selection, Library View displays all the blocks of that particular block type configured in
the system in the Library View grid. This list includes both Library, Project and Monitor
In addition, you can use wildcard characters to search for the block types.
Sel Param Type a parameter to search where it is being used in the system.

The following table describes the Library View toolbar options.

Buttons Description
Updates the Library View contents with the latest changes.

Update Library View with

Latest Content
Copies the selected rows along with the currently displayed parameters to the Windows
clipboard. You can then export these contents to an Excel file. A header row within the
copied contents indicates the parameter names.
Copy Selected Rows to
Paste Buffer


Buttons Description
Clears the filters on all the columns.

Clear All Column Filters

The following figure displays a sample Library View status bar.

The following table describes the Library View status bar.

Label Description
1 Indicates the number of filtered tags or component blocks that are used under the Parent.
2 Indicates the number of tags or component blocks, which are selected in the Library View grid.
This information appears only if the items are selected in the Library View.
3 Indicates the tags or component blocks that are visible in the current Library View window.
4 Indicates the tree view (Project or Monitoring) from which the Library View is invoked.
5 Indicates when the Library View window was last updated.
6 Indicates the Library View data is in synchronization, not in synchronization, and cancelled.
• Data in SYNC:
– The values in Project View and values in the Library View grid (Project View) is in
– The values in Monitoring View and values in Library View grid (Monitoring View) is in
This is applicable only to database and not to controller values.
• Data not in SYNC:
– The values in Project View and values in the Library View grid (Project View) is not in
synchronization. Any modification you perform in the Project View, the Library View
data will not be synchronization.
– The values in Monitoring View and values in Library View grid (Monitoring View) is
not in synchronization. If you delete a controller's tag from the Monitoring View, or load
to Monitoring View, or reload Monitoring View, then the data will not be in
• Cancelled: The Library View data generation/update is cancelled.

The following figure displays the Library View columns.

The following table describes the Library View columns.

Label Description
Name When a parameter is selected in the Sel Param field, this displays the corresponding library


Label Description
Avatar When a parameter is selected in the Sel Param field, this displays the corresponding instance
indicating the use of parameter on the Project or Monitoring side.
Where Used Indicates where all the parameter is used in the system – Project/Monitor Instance, Correction,
Expr, ProjectParamDef.
Controller Name Indicates the Controller Name.
Container Name Indicates the Container Name.
Input End This is the input side of the connection from where input values are received.
Output End This is the output side of the connection where the output values are displayed.

For the Library View operations, refer to the List View operations section.


7.5 List View operations

Using List View, you can locate any object in the Control Builder on both the Project view and the Monitoring
view. The List View grid rows represent a list of tagged/component blocks and the columns represent the
configuration/monitoring parameters. The cells represent parameter values for the respective tagged/component
When you select a tag in the List View, the same tag is highlighted in the CB tree view.
Following are the high-level operations that you can perform using List View.
• Searching for block types
• Searching for tags using wildcard characters
• Sorting and filtering the columns
• Organizing columns to display dynamic parameters
• Determining the availability of channels and their state
• Copying search results and then pasting buffer into an Excel as .csv delimited. text.
• Customizing the individual filtering on each column and/or returning to the default where all of this column
filtering is cleared.
• Toggling List View between Project and Monitoring view
• Finding all Spare channels in a controller.
• Finding channels referenced in the current controller.
• Finding the channels assigned to SIM IOMs.
• Finding Reference blocks in CMs that have blank references.

• List View is the static view of the Control Builder. Therefore, the parameter values obtained are one-time-read
from the database or from the controller.
• List View supports most parameter data types. However, for the most complex ones, such as blocks, are not
supported. For these parameters, the List View grid from Project View displays values and in the Monitoring view,
it displays the error code “15823: Error reading value for output parameter on point” from Monitoring View.” For
more details, see Control Builder Error Code Reference.

7.5.1 Library and block type search

Based on the tag selected in the Parent box, you can filter the search for library and block types. Similarly,
based on the block type selected, the columns appear dynamically. However, you can customize the columns as
required using dynamic column organizer.
For more information, see “Dynamic column organizer” on page 111.
You can also filter the search for special categories such as, All Wireless device libraries and All Fieldbus
device libraries. Based on the library selection, the block types appear.
For example, in the Library box, if you select “All Fieldbus device libraries,” then in the Block Type box, you
can view all the block types that are available for the Fieldbus devices. You can further select any block type
and the List View populates all the selected block types that are configured in the Control Builder.

• In the Parent box, if you select “ROOT” or “ALL TAGS” or “UNASSIGNED,” then the List View displays a list
all tagged blocks that are configured with the Library and the Block Type options disabled.
• In the Block Type box, you can search for block types using wildcard characters such as, “?” and “*.”


7.5.2 Dynamic column organizer

When you select a block type, the parameters specific to that block type can be selected as columns using the
Column Organizer.
For example, if you select the “NUMERIC” block type in the “UTILITY” library, then, by default, the
following parameters specific to NUMERIC block type appear as columns in the List View grid. Using the List
View column organizer, you can customize the columns to be displayed.
• Name
• Base Template
• Parent
• State
• Type
When you click the Column Organizer icon, then the Select Columns dialog box appears, using which you
can customize the columns to be displayed.
The following is an illustration of the Select Columns dialog box.

The following table describes various options available in the Select Columns dialog box.

Label Description
1 Displays a list of available parameters for a selected tag. The list of available parameters varies
based on the selection of block type.
2 Select the required parameters to appear as columns in the List View grid.
To select multiple parameters, under the Available parameters, select a parameter, hold down
CTRL or SHIFT, and then click each additional parameter.


Label Description
3 The selected parameters appear under the Selected Parameters.
Following are the parameters that are selected and appear by default for all the selected block
types in the List View grid.
• Base template
• Parent
• State
• Type
To remove the parameters, under the Selected Parameters, hold down CTRL or SHIFT, and
then click each additional parameter.
4 Press the up and down arrow keys to rearrange the columns.
5 Specify array indices for array parameters.
6 Displays the maximum number of parameters you can select to appear as columns in the List
View grid.
You can select up to 40 parameters for a selected block type. This indicates that you can view
40 parameter columns for a selected block type in the List View grid.
7 Displays the count of selected parameters. These parameters appear as columns for the selected
tag in the List View grid.
Note: This does not include the “Name” column that appears as the first column always.

Following are the standard parameters that appear for all block types as part of Column Organizer.
• Base Template
• Parent
• State
• Type
Following are the standard parameters that appear for all IO channels as part of Column Organizer.
• Base template
• Parent
• State
• Type
• Controller
• EE parent: Displays the IOLINK.


• Device Parent: Displays the IO module.

• Containment parent: Displays the Control module in which the IO channel is assigned.
• Channel number: Displays the particular channel number.
• Channel availability: Displays the availability of the particular channel.
The following table describes the parameters that will get listed in the Column Organizer.

Library Block Type Column Organizer

Select “All Fieldbus Select a block type Displays parameters specific to generic Fieldbus library.
Device Libraries”
Select a particular Select a block type specific Displays parameters specific to the selected Fieldbus device.
Fieldbus device to the Fieldbus device
Select “All Wireless Select a block type • Displays standard parameters, if the block type is available
Device Libraries” in more than one particular device.
• Displays parameters specific to the device, if the block type
is available in one device.

7.5.3 Custom column filters

You can sort and filter the tags in the columns.
Following are the columns that appear by default for all the tags.
• Name: Displays the tag name with the icon for the tagged block appearing before the tag name in the Project
and Monitoring views or for the component block (under the tagged block.)
• Base Template: Displays the name of the template from which block is derived. If derived from a User
Defined Template (UDT), then the UDT block type from the "USER" library is shown here.
• Type: Displays the actual type of tagged block such as a controller, CM, SCM, UCM, and a CEE and so on.
• Parent: Displays the parent tag. When the parent tag is “Unassigned,” then this field appears blank because
the controller is not selected in the Parent combo box. In addition, if a channel block appears in the Name
column, then in the Parent combo-box, the Containing CM (if that channel availability is unassigned) or the
device (when channel availability is assigned/Spare) appears.
• State: Displays the Life-Cycle state of the tagged block and parameters based on the context.
For example: For a CM / UCM and IO Modules, this column displays the value of Life Cycle State.
Following are the states from Project/Monitoring view.
– Assigned
– Unassigned
– Loaded
Following is a sample List View grid for AI-HART.AI CHANNEL for a Series IO module.
However, specifically for IOs, following are the additional columns that appear by default.
• Controller: Indicates the controller to which the specific IO is assigned.
• EE Parent: Indicates the IO link to which the IO module is assigned.
• Device Parent: Indicates the name of the IO module/device where that channel executes.
• Containment Parent: Indicates the Control Module, in which the IO channel is used.
• Channel number: Indicates the used IO channel number in the IO module/device.
• Channel availability: Indicates the IO channel availability
Following are the options that are available for filtering/sorting of all the columns.


Icon Option Description

To sort columns in ascending or Click the header cell of a column. You can sort each
descending order. column based on the values.

To filter the tags using Filter edit box. Type the characters in the Filter edit box to search for
strings. This field supports auto complete feature and
the use of wildcard characters.

To filter the tags using the Filter icon. Click the Filter icon available in each cell, which
contains the following:
• ALL: Displays all the elements for the selected tag
in the respective columns.
• Individual selection: All items appear in the
column. Based on the selection of an item, only the
matching rows are displayed.

7.5.4 Determine the availability of channels

You can determine the channels that are assigned to the controller and the availability of channels such as,
assigned, unassigned, Spare channels.
The following table amplifies the description of the available conditions, and the applicable I/O channels.

State of channel Description Applicable to channel blocks

Unassigned The channel that is configured in a CM, but

not assigned to a IO module.

Configured If the channel is converted to a specific Series 8, Series A, Wireless, PGM, FIM,
channel type and not assigned or referenced Hiway (EHG), EIP, PMIO, LIOM.Wireless,
by a CM PGM, FIM4
Used by a CM If the channel is converted to a specific Series 8, Series A, Wireless, PGM, FIM,
channel type and assigned or referenced by a Hiway (EHG), EIP, PMIO, LIOM.Wireless,
If the channel that is configured in a CM.

In a wireless device, since the blocks are assigned as parameter connector, possibility of one device parameter can be
connected to multiple function blocks in multiple CMs. Therefore, the “Containment Parent” is blank and the channel
availability is always “Assigned” or “Spare.” To view the CM, in which the parameter connector is used, go to the
Project View and then locate the CM.

7.5.5 Update content or cancel refresh

When the data is not in synchronization between the ERDB and controller values, you can update the List View
with latest content.
Any modification you perform in the Project view, the List View data will not be in synchronization. Similarly,
if you delete a controller’s tag from the Monitoring view, or load to Monitoring view, or reload to Monitoring
view, then "Data not in SYNC" displays in the List View status bar from the Monitoring view.


• The List View data will be synchronized for block’s execution state from the controller when you press Update.
• For the columns that are associated with controller resident parameters, the values appear blank, when they do not
automatically acquire the values from the controller or when the List View update is cancelled.
To update the List View with the latest content, you must refresh the current List View grid. However, you have the
option to cancel updating the List View grid with the latest changes without closing the List View window or
modifying current filter/sorting of tags.
During the cancel operation, no List View toolbar buttons are available.

7.5.6 Maintenance of user search settings

As part of maintenance, you can save user search settings to the database or to a file.
The following figure displays the maintenance options.

Maintaining the user search settings includes the following:

• Saving settings to database: You can save the search/filter settings to the database by specifying a unique
user’s setting name.
• Opening settings from the database: You can open the saved user settings from the database in the following
– Select the "Open User's List View Settings" (which is the logged in users settings) or select the "Open
Other's List View Settings" (which are settings from other users). For use of settings on this tab - the
logged in user must have at least "Engineering" access permission.
– Type the user settings name
– Select a required user setting from the list.
• Renaming saved settings: You can rename a saved search settings.
– Right-click to select a user setting and then click Rename.
• Saving settings to a file: You can save the search/filter settings to a file by specifying a unique user’s setting
• Opening settings from a file: You can restore any user settings from a file to the List View grid.
– Type the user settings name
– Select a required user setting from the list.
• Deleting saved settings: You can delete a saved search settings.
– Right-click to select a user setting and then click Delete.
For more information about saving and restoring the search settings, see “Sample List View operations” on
page 117.
The following figure displays a sample Open List View Settings From Database dialog box.


User with access privilege “Engineer” or above can open/delete/rename other user’s saved settings.
If the user does rename another user's settings, then that renamed settings is now owned by the logged in user. When
this happens that renamed settings moves from the "Other's" tab to the "User's" tab


7.6 Sample List View operations

Related topics
“Assigning a group of CMs to a CEE” on page 117
“Loading filtered items in server” on page 118
“Searching for tags containing a substring” on page 119
“Saving filter settings” on page 119
“Restoring saved filter settings” on page 120
“Exporting search results to an Excel file” on page 121
“Searching for tags using Library and Block Type options” on page 122
“Organizing columns” on page 122
“Determining the availability and state of channels in Series blocks” on page 123
“Determining the availability and state of channels in PGM device” on page 123
“Determining the availability and state of channels in a Fieldbus device” on page 124
“Determining the availability and state of channels in Wireless device” on page 125
“Finding all spares in a controller” on page 126
“Finding channels referenced in the current controller” on page 128
“Finding the channels assigned to SIMIOMs” on page 129
“Finding Reference blocks in CMs that have blank references” on page 130

7.6.1 Assigning a group of CMs to a CEE

To assign a group of CMs to a CEE under a controller.
1 On the Project view, right-click an unassigned item and then click List View to start with default or last
1. On the Project view, right-click a tag and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View window appears based on the selected tag.
2. In the Parent box, select “UNASSIGNED."
The following List View window appears displaying a list of unassigned tagged blocks (including the CMs.)

2 Select the CEE node and then drag the CMs from the List View window to the CEE node.
The selected tagged blocks are assigned to the controller.

You can also search for an SCM, RCM, and UCM and load the filtered items.


7.6.2 Loading filtered items in server

To load a control module in a particular controller

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
For example, consider “C300_63.”
The following List View window appears listing all the blocks under the selected controller.

2 In the Type column, click the Filter icon and then select a module.
For example, select the control module “CONTROL MODULE.”
The List View filters displaying a list of control modules.
3 In the Name column, in the Filter edit box, enter the filter string CM*”. The filtered items appear in the List
View grid.

4 Select the items in the List View and then load the strategies.


7.6.3 Searching for tags containing a substring

To search the tags which contain a substring.
1 On the Project view, right-click an unassigned item and then click List View to start with default or last
A list of all tags that exist in the List View grid appears.

If a controller to which the tag belongs is unknown then select “All Tags” in the Parent combo box of List View.

2 In the Filter edit box of the Name column type a filter string.

For example, type *cm_*.

The following List View grid appears displaying only the tags that contain the substring “cm_*” within their
tag name.

7.6.4 Saving filter settings

To save the filters that are applied and to open the same List View later.

To save filter settings

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View window appears displaying all the tagged blocks under a controller.
2 To save the filters to the database, click the down arrow corresponding to the Manage User’s List View
Search Settings icon and then select Save Settings to Database.
The following Save Listview Settings to Database dialog box appears.


3 In the Settings Name box, type the user settings name and then click Save.
4 To save the filters to a file, click the down arrow corresponding to the Manage User’s List View Search
Settings icon and then select Save Settings to File.
The SaveAs dialog box appears.
5 In the File name box, type the user settings name and then click Save.

7.6.5 Restoring saved filter settings

To restore saved filter settings

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View window appears displaying all the tagged blocks under a controller.
2 To open the saved user settings from the ERDB, click the down arrow corresponding to the Manage User’s
List View Search Settings icon and then select Open From Database.
The following Open Listview Settings From Database dialog box appears.


3 To open the saved settings, perform one of the following

• Under the Open User’s Listview Settings tab or the Open Other’s Listview Settings tab, select a
setting name and then click Open.
• In the Settings Name box, type the user-setting name.
Based on the settings name, the saved filter settings appear in the List View grid.
4 To open the saved user setting from the file, click the down arrow corresponding to the Manage User’s List
View Search Settings icon and then select Open from File.
The Open dialog box appears.
5 Browse to the folder to select a user-setting file and then click Open.
The selected user-setting file is restored in the List View grid.

7.6.6 Exporting search results to an Excel file

To transfer the search results to an Excel file and view the report.

To export the search results to an Excel file

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View window appears displaying all the tagged blocks under a controller.
2 Apply the required filters and perform the operations on the filtered tags.
3 To select multiple tags, click a tag, hold down CTRL, and then click each additional tag.
4 Click Copy selected rows to paste buffer icon to copy the selected tag information in the List View to an
Excel file or to a notepad.


• If you want to clear the selected file, hold down CTRL, and then click the file again.
• Do not use Ctrl-C on items selected in the List View grid. This does not copy items to the Paste Buffer, buy
will launch the copy block operation in CB to generate duplicated blocks in the "Unassigned" group in the
project tree view.

5 Open an Excel file or a notepad and then paste the clipboard contents.
The selected tag information is copied to an Excel file or notepad in the specified folder.

7.6.7 Searching for tags using Library and Block Type options
When you open List View, the Library and Block Type options are enabled. The List View grid contains a list
of all the tags assigned to a particular controller.

To search for tags using Library and Block Type options

1 Based on your requirement, open List View with default or last settings.
The corresponding List View window appears.
2 From the Parent box, select a controller.
3 In the Library drop-down combo box, scroll through the list or type the initial characters of the Library
name, which you want to search.
4 In the Block Type drop-down combo box, you can search for blocks of a particular block type based on the
You can search for blocks by:
• Scrolling through the list of block types
• Typing the initial characters of a block type
• Wildcard characters (? and *)
The List View grid displays all the blocks of that particular block type based on the assignment.

If more than one block type gets selected through wildcard search, then Column Organizer shows only standard
columns as available for selection.

7.6.8 Organizing columns

To organize the columns

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default settings.
For example, consider a controller “C300_63” and then click List View to start with default settings.
The corresponding List View grid appears.
2 In the Library box, select “Series__IO.”
3 In the Block Type box, select an AO channel type.
For example, select “AOCHANNEL.”
The following figure displays the List View grid with the list of AO channels and their availability.
4 Click the Open Column Organizer icon.
The Select Columns dialog box appears.
5 Under the Available Parameters, select the parameters that you want to display as columns in the List View
grid and then click Select.
The selected parameters appear under the Selected Parameters.


6 Click OK.
The selected parameters appear as columns in the List View grid.

7.6.9 Determining the availability and state of channels in Series blocks

To determine the availability and state of channels in Series blocks

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and then click List View to start with default settings.
For example, consider a controller “C300_63” and then click List View to start with default settings.
The following List View grid appears.

2 In the Library box, select “Series__IO.”

3 In the Block Type box, select an AO channel type.
For example, select “AOCHANNEL.”
4 To select the parameters that you want to display as columns, click the Column Organizer icon and then
click OK.
The following figure displays the List View grid with the list of AO channels and their availability.
For example, you can view the channel availability such as assigned and unassigned, for Series I/O AO
• Assigned AOCHANNEL: The AOCHANNEL with channel number “16” is configured to the device
parent “AO_HART” and contained in the CM “CM_1967.”
• Unassigned AOCHANNEL” The AOCHANNEL with no device associated with it, but contained in the

7.6.10 Determining the availability and state of channels in PGM device

To determine the availability and state of channels in PGM device

• On the Project tree view, right-click the controller and on the View menu, click List View to start with
default or last settings.
• Select a PGM channel and on the View menu, click List View to start with default or last settings.
For example, consider a controller “C300_63” and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
Select a PGM channel and on the View menu, click List View to start with default or last settings.
The following List View grid appears.


2 In the Library box, select “PGM_IF.”

3 In the Block Type box, select a PGM block channel.
The following figure displays the List View grid with the list of PGM device AO and DO channels and their

For example, you can view the channel availability such as, assigned and unassigned for the selected PGM
• Assigned: The PGM block channel “PBDOCHANNEL” is assigned to the IOM “PIOMB_AO” and
contained in the CM “CM_PGM.
• Unassigned: The PGM block channel “PBDOCHANNEL” is not assigned to an IOM, but contained to
the CM “CM_PGM.”

7.6.11 Determining the availability and state of channels in a Fieldbus device

To determine the availability and state of channels in a Fieldbus device

1 On the Project view, right-click the FIM and on the View menu, click List View to start with default
For example, select a controller “FIM4_15” and click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View grid appears.
2 In the Library box, select “All Fieldbus Device Libraries.”
3 In the Block Type box, select an FF block channel type.
For example, select FF block channel type as “DO.”

4 To select the parameters that you want to display as columns, click the Column Organizer icon and then
click OK.
The dynamic parameters for the generic DO block type in the "FIELDBUS" library appear in the Column
Organizer's available panel.
The following figure displays the List View grid with the list of DO channels and their availability.


For example, you can view the channel availability such as, assigned, unassigned, and spare for an FF
device block.
• Spare DO channel: The DO channel is assigned to the FF link “FFLINK_5146” and not contained in a
CM, but, are spare in “ND9000F_06”and “ND9000F_08” device.
• Assigned DO channel: The DO channel of DVC6003” is assigned to FF link “FFLINK_5143,” and
contained in the CM “CM_151.”
• Unassigned DO channel: The DO channel is contained in CM “CM_140” and with no device associated
with it.

• The columns in the List View grid such as, Controller, EE Parent, and the Device Parent are based on the
hardware devices.
• The CM displayed in the Containment Parent, can be contained in same FIM or in a different controller. To
view the CM, in which controller it is used, double-click the particular row in the List View grid. The
corresponding chart appears displaying controller, in which the particular CM is contained.

7.6.12 Determining the availability and state of channels in Wireless device

To determine the availability and state of channels in a Wireless device

1 On the Project view, right-click the controller and on the View menu, click List View to start with default or
last settings.
For example, consider a controller “WDM_55” and then click List View to start with default or last settings.
The List View grid appears.
2 In the Library box, select “All Wireless Device Libraries.”
3 In the Block Type box, select a Wireless channel type.
For example, select the block type “CH02_AI_1.”
4 To select the parameters that you want to display as columns, click the Column Organizer icon and then
click OK.
The standard parameters appear.

If the block type name contains a single unique template, then in the Column Organizer, all the parameters specific
to that block type appears. However, if the block type name appears with more than one template, then in the
Column Organizer, the standard and channel specific parameters appear.

The following figure displays the List View grid with the list of wireless AI channels and their availability.


For example, you can view the channel availability such as, assigned and spare for wireless channels.
• Spare AI channel: The AI channel is assigned to the IO link “WDM_55” and not contained in a CM, but,
are spare in “Temp2” device.
• Assigned DO channel: The AI channel of “Temp2” is assigned to IO link “WDM_55,” and used as
param connector in various CMs.

Since, the wireless blocks are used as parameter connectors in various CMs, the Containment Parent column
displays blank.

7.6.13 Finding all spares in a controller

You can find all the spares in the current controller or you can also find all the spares belonging to a specific I/O
module type in the current controller. You can use this feature only from the Project view.

Scenario 1: Finding all the spares of a specific library type in the current controller
1 On the Project view, right-click a tag and then click List View.
The List View window appears.
2 In the Library combo box, select the library type.
3 In the Block Type combo box, select SPARE.
The Name column in the List View grid displays all the spares of the selected library type under the selected
The following figure displays the List View grid in which all spares under the controller (C300_168) of
Series 8 I/O type are found.


Scenario 2: Finding all the spares of a specific library type and module type in the current controller
1 On the Project view, right-click a tag and then click List View.
The List View window appears.
2 In the Library combo box, select the library type.
3 In the Block Type combo box, select <MODULETYPE>.SPARE.
The Name column in the List View grid displays all the spares of the selected library type and module type
under the selected controller.
The following figure displays the List View grid in which all spares under the controller (C300_168) of
Series 8 I/O type and module type AI-HART are found.


7.6.14 Finding channels referenced in the current controller

You can find the channels referenced in the current controller based on the library type or the IOP type.
The availability of the channels referenced in the current controller is displayed in the Channel Availability
column in the List View grid. The following values can appear in the Channel Availability column for the
channels referenced in controllers.
• Configured - If the channel is not contained or referenced by a CM.
• Unassigned - If the channel is contained in a CM but not assigned to an IOM.
• Used by a CM - If the channel is contained or referenced by a CM.

Scenario 1: Finding channels referenced in the current controller based on the library type
1 On the Project/Monitoring view, select a specific channel type belonging to a specific IOM and then click
List View.
2 In the Library combo box, select the library type.
The List View window appears. The Channel Availability column in the List View grid displays all
channels of the selected library type referenced in the current controller.
The following figure displays the List View grid in which all channels of the library type referenced in the
current controller (C300_168).are found.

• AOCHANNEL_01 is referenced using a REF block AIREF contained in CM_137. Hence the channel
availability is listed as Used by a CM.
• The AOCHANNEL_04 is referenced using a REF block AIREF contained in CM_367. Hence the
channel availability is listed as Used by a CM.


• The channels AOCHANNEL_03, AOCHANNEL_02, and AOCHANNEL_05 are neither contained nor
Referenced in a CM but assigned to A08_156. Hence the channel availability is listed as Configured.

Scenario 2: Finding all channels referenced in the current controller based on the channel type
• Select a specific channel type (for example AICHANNEL) under a specific controller and click the
ListView button.
The List View window appears. The Channel Availability column in the List View grid displays all the
channels belonging to the AICHANNEL template. This includes instances of all the AICHANNEL
templates under the current controller. The AICHANNEL instances under the SIMIOM and also other
module types under the current controller are also listed in the List View grid.
The following figure displays the ListView grid in which all AICHANNELs channels referenced in the
current controller C300_168 are found.

• A1CHANNELA_1 is referenced using a REF block AIREF contained in CM_367. Hence the channel
availability is listed as Used by a CM.
• The channels AICHANNEL_02, AICHANNEL_362, AICHANNEL_02_1, and AICHANNELA_2 are
neither contained in nor referenced in a CM referenced but are assigned to SIMIOM and AI_HL. Hence
the channel availability is listed as Configured.
• The AICHANNELA is contained in a CM but not assigned to an IOM. Hence the channel availability is
listed as Unassigned.

7.6.15 Finding the channels assigned to SIMIOMs

You can find all channels under all the SIMIOMs for the current controller or you can find specific channels
types under all the SIMIOMs for the current controller.

Scenario 1: Finding all channels under all SIMIOMs for the current controller
1 On the Project/Monitoring view, right-click a channel under SIMIOM and then click List View.
The ListView window appears based on the selected tag.
2 In the Block Type combo box, enter SIMIOM*.
The List View grid displays all the channels under all the SIMIOMs under the selected controller.

Scenario 2: Finding specific channel types under all the SIMIOMs for the current controller
1 On the Project/Monitoring view, right-click a channel under SIMIOM and then click List View.
The ListView window appears based on the selected tag.
2 In the Block Type combo box, select SIMIOM.<MODULETYPE>.
The List View grid displays all the channels under all the SIMIOMs under the selected controller .
The following figure displays the ListView grid in which all AICHANNELs under all the SIMIOM
(SIMIOM_252) are found.


7.6.16 Finding Reference blocks in CMs that have blank references

You can select any REF block in a CM and launch the List View to find all the REF blocks under the current
controller. You can also filter on the Parent column to find the REF blocks under a specific CM.
To find the REF blocks with blank references, you must add the REF parameter as a dynamic column. If the
reference is set, the REF parameter will display the referenced item. If the reference is not set, the REF
parameter will be empty.

To find Reference blocks in CMs that have blank references

1 On the Project/Monitoring view, right-click a REF block and then click List View.
The List View grid displays all reference blocks in CMs under the current controller.
2 In the Parent column, filter on the CM for which you need to find REF blocks with blank references.
The REF column in the List View grid displays all the REF blocks in the selected CM which have blank
If the reference is set, the REF parameter will display the referenced item. If the reference is not set, the REF
parameter is empty.
The following figure displays the List View grid in which all REF blocks in the selected CM which have
blank references are found.
3 Add the REF parameter as a dynamic column to know whether the reference is set or not. For information
on organizing columns, see “Organizing columns” on page 122. In the following example, List View grid
displays Reference blocks in CM (CM_351) which have blank references.

• Reference blocks AIREFA_3 and AIREFA_1 are blank.

• Reference blocks AIREFA and AIREFA_2 have references set.

8 Enhancements to chart view and its usability

The following list summarizes the various menu options available from the Control Builder Chart menu. These
menu options are common to both Control Module and Sequence Control Module. Note that you can use these
options only when a chart is open.
• Configure Chart Size
• Insert
• View Grid
• View Page Breaks
• Align Page Breaks To Grid
• Re-Route Wires
• Enable Auto Routing
• Snap To Grid
• Show Delete Connection Confirmation
• Disable Chart Monitoring
• Enable Chart Monitoring
The following menu options are applicable only for the Sequential/Recipe Control Module.
• Cancel Chart Automatic Tracking
• Resume Chart Automatic Tracking
• Insert new SCM/RCM Handler
• Delete SCM/RCM Handler
• Move Handler Left
• Move Handler Right
• Set Invoke Transition

Related topics
“Chart menu” on page 132
“Chart view enhancements” on page 135
“Toolbar visualization” on page 136
“Selecting objects within chart” on page 139
“Aligning objects within chart ” on page 147
“Moving objects within chart” on page 158
“Undo/Redo option in the chart” on page 164
“About changes to a chart migrated from a prior release” on page 166


8.1 Chart menu

This section contains information about each menu option of the charts.

Configure chart size

This menu option allows you to redefine the width and height of a chart.

Chart size can be automatically increased when objects are moved in the chart beyond the existing chart size.

This menu option has five sub menu options as follows:
1. OLE Object: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) enables you to transfer and share the information
between a third-party Windows-based application and a control chart. Typically, you might want to insert a
Microsoft Word (or Notepad/WordPad/Clipart) file to add an annotation to a chart. Various file formats are
available depending on what third-party applications are installed on your Computer.
2. Wire: Allows you to connect two control parameters.

When this option is selected, a wire is drawn between the pins on connecting blocks with each pin representing
a separate control parameter.
3. Parameter Connector: Allows you to connect two parameters that do not reside within the same Control
Drawing, or that are not in close proximity to each other.

When this option is selected, a wire is drawn between a pin on a block representing the control parameter and a
box containing the full name of the control parameter that completes the connection.

View Grid
As the name suggests, this menu option allows you to view the grid lines in the chart or to remove the grid lines
from the chart.
For more information about the gird size, refer to the “Object alignment in chart if View Grid is enabled/
disabled” on page 147.

View Page Breaks

As the name suggests, this menu option is used as a toggle on or off to display or not display page breaks and
page numbers on each page in the Control Drawing.

Align Page Breaks To Grid

This menu option allows you to align the page breaks to the large grid.

Re-Route Wire(s)
This menu option allows you to re-route a selected (existing) wire for connecting the blocks in the shortest
• Either a single block or multiple blocks may be selected.
• Only wires where both ends are connected are re-routed.

Enable Auto Routing

This menu option is applicable only when the wiring between two blocks already exists.


Typically, you have to disable the Enable Auto Routing menu option in order to preserve any previous manual
adjustments made to the wire.

Snap To Grid
This menu option allows you to snap the location of new or moved objects such as blocks and pins, to the large
• If the Snap To Grid menu option is disabled then the objects are snapped to grid to small grid.
• If the Snap To Grid menu option is enabled then the objects are snapped to grid to large grid.

If you first select the object in the chart and enable the Snap To Grid then the objects are not aligned to the grid.
Instead, you have to first enable the Snap To Grid option such that the objects are automatically aligned with the
large grid when they are moved.
For more information about the Snap To Grid option, refer to the “Object alignment in chart if Snap To Grid is
enabled/disabled” on page 150.

Show Delete Connection Confirmation

This menu option allows you to enable or disable the display of connections when in the process of confirming
a delete activity.

Insert new SCM/RCM Handler

This menu option allows you to insert a new SCM/RCM HANDLER into a Control Drawing. When this option
is enabled, a new SCM/RCM HANDLER block is inserted into the active chart. A tab at the bottom of the
Control Drawing window represents the SCM/RCM HANDLER block.

This option only applies to SCM/RCM Control Drawings.

Delete SCM/RCM Handler

This menu option allows you to delete an SCM/RCM HANDLER block from an SCM/RCM Control Drawing.

This option only applies to SCM/RCM Control Drawings and deletes the currently selected SCM/RCM HANDLER

Move Handler Left

This menu option allows you to move either a selected tab in an active SCM/RCM Control Drawing window to
the left as follows:
When the active window is an SCM/RCM Control Drawing, use this option (Handler Left) to move a selected
tab (such as SCM/RCM HANDLER) to the left side of the application frame window.

Moving handler is not persisted. Once the SCM/RCM chart is closed, the new order of handlers is not maintained.

Move Handler Right

This menu option allows you to move either a selected tab in an active SCM/RCM Control Drawing window to
the right as follows:
When the active window is an SCM/RCM Control Drawing, use this option (Handler Right) to move a selected
tab (such as SCM/RCM HANDLER) to the right side of the application frame window.


Moving handler is not persisted. Once the SCM/RCM chart is closed, the new order of handlers is not maintained.

Set Invoke Transition

This menu option allows you set the selected TRANSITION block as the Invoke Transition of the Sequential
Control Module (SCM block).

This option is only active when a Transition block is selected in an open Control Drawing.

Cancel Chart Automatic Tracking

This menu option allows you to cancel the automatic tracking view mode for the SCM/RCM chart being viewed
through the Monitoring Tree in Control Builder. This command is only active when viewing an active
SCM/RCM chart with the automatic tracking function ON.

Resume Chart Automatic Tracking

This menu option allows you to resume the automatic tracking view mode for the SCM chart being viewed
through the Monitoring Tree in Control Builder. When the automatic tracking function is turned ON, it
automatically re-sizes the SCM/RCM chart and repositions the chart to display the current active operation in
the chart. This command is only active when viewing an active SCM/RCM chart with the automatic tracking
function OFF.

Disable Chart Monitoring

This menu option allows you to turn monitoring OFF for the active chart.

• This option applies only to loaded Control Drawings.
• The Disable Chart Monitoring is a view-only state: It allows viewing the current configuration loaded to the
Control Module.
• If attempts to communicate with a loaded Control Module are unsuccessful, the mode is switched to the Disable
Chart Monitoring.

Enable Chart Monitoring

This menu option allows you to turn monitoring ON for the active chart. In the Enabled Chart state, the Control
Drawing displays real-time values and allows some on-line editing of the controller.

• This option applies only to loaded Control Drawings.
• Editing is limited to some operational values and all Server configuration data.
• Editing occurs from the parameters configuration form or the Control Module/Block Details window. No other
changes may be made to the Control Drawing.
• When a Control Module is opened from the Monitoring view, the default mode is set to the Enable Chart state.
• Wires are color-coded based on their connection.


8.2 Chart view enhancements

Control Builder chart enhancements enable you to complete process control strategy configuration with less
time and effort. These enhancements help in the following:
• Reduce the rework for correcting errors caused by non-intuitive user interface
• Reduce strategy configuration time
To achieve the productivity improvements, the following enhancements are included with the chart view.
• Introduced a new toolbar in the chart
• Enlarged Grid - Large and small grids
• Enhanced Snap To Grid option - Objects are aligned to the large grid. Pins and parameter connectors are
aligned to the small grid.
• Enhanced wire visualization
• Enhanced connection options to parameter connectors
• Enhanced function block overlap/mitigation
• Introduced support for auto-scrolling canvas
• Introduced support for canvas panning
• Enhanced function block visualization - visualization is made smaller
• Enhanced support for selecting/moving/aligning the objects and inserting/removing columns/rows
• Enhanced support for moving pins and parameters
• Enhanced support for increasing the chart size automatically
• Introduced support for Undo/Redo command
• Enhanced chart printing and print preview
• Enhanced printing options for cross-references
• Relocated the cross-references to a dedicated panel
• Enhanced navigation/view of cross-references between charts
• Enhanced page breaks alignment


8.3 Toolbar visualization

A new toolbar is introduced in the chart that enables you to copy, paste, delete, and align the objects in the chart.
In addition, toolbar enables you to preview, select, and print the charts.
The following options are available in toolbar.
• Align Options
• Edit Options
• Undo/Redo Options
• Print Options
The following figure displays the toolbar options.

Figure 4: Toolbar options in the chart

Toolbar is horizontally aligned at the top of the chart. All the toolbar options are visible at all the times.
However, the options are enabled based on the actions that you perform in the chart.

8.3.1 ToolTip for toolbar options in charts

A ToolTip appears when you mouse-hover the toolbar options in the chart. From the ToolTip, you can identify
the action performed by the toolbar options in the chart.
The following figure displays the ToolTip for each tool option.


Figure 5: ToolTip for toolbar options

8.3.2 Shuffling support for toolbar options

You can shuffle the tool bar as required.
The following figure illustrates a sample for shuffling the tool bar

Figure 6: Shuffling support for toolbar options


Toolbar shuffling is not persistant.

Toolbar with Search Bar

Search Bar is hidden by default. If you want to view the Search Bar, right-click the Context menu and then
click Display Search Bar. The Search Bar appears at the top of the chart.
The following figure displays the toolbar and the Search Bar in the chart.

Figure 7: Search Bar along with toolbar

8.3.3 Resizing the toolbar

The following figure illustrates the re-sized toolbar when the chart is re-sized.

Figure 8: Resizing toolbar


8.4 Selecting objects within chart

You can select more than one object within the chart. The object selection in the chart is enhanced by using one
of the following methods.
• Rubberband selection
• Single mouse click or SHIFT+mouse click or CTRL+mouse click
• Header selection
– Row selection
– Column selection
• Page selection
• Select All (CTRL+A)

This feature is also applicable for the charts that are migrated from the previous releases.

The following images illustrate the different ways to select the objects in the chart.



Figure 9: Selecting objects in the chart

When there are two blocks in the chart, the block that is highlighted is primarily selected block.

Selecting pins in the chart

Only one block pin can be selected by holding the CTRL key and the mouse.
The following figure illustrates the block pin selection.


Figure 10: Selection of block and pin together

8.4.1 Size of blocks and pins

The size of blocks and pins can be modified such that the block faceplate conforms to the large grid and the pin
conforms to the small grid. In addition, the function block's faceplate can be increased by selecting the pin using
the mouse left-click and moving the pin using the arrow keys.
Pin size is equal to the size of two small grids. The block faceplate size is decided based on parameters and pins
that appear on the block's faceplate.

Pin size for sequence blocks is equal to one small grid size.

8.4.2 Visualization of pins and blocks in the configuration form

Blocks and pins are displayed in the configuration form similar to the chart. Blocks and pins can be viewed
from the following tabs of the configuration form.
• Block Pins
• Block Preferences
• Configuration Parameters
• Monitoring Parameters

Dragging pins and parameters are not supported from the configuration form. Pins and parameters can be moved in
the chart by holding CTRL key and moving the arrow keys.


The following figures illustrates the appearance of block and pin in these tabs.

Figure 11: Block Pins tab


Figure 12: Configuration Parameters tab


Figure 13: Monitoring Parameters tab


Figure 14: Block Preferences tab


8.5 Aligning objects within chart

in the chart can be aligned using the new toolbar. All the objects are aligned to the small grid by default. In
addition to the toolbar, Snap To Grid menu option can be used to align the objects in the chart.
• If the Snap To Grid is enabled, the function block's faceplate is aligned with large grid.
• If the Snap To Grid is disabled, the function block's faceplate is aligned with small grid.

Objects are automatically aligned with small grid even if the Snap To Grid is disabled.

8.5.1 Object alignment in chart if View Grid is enabled/disabled

View Grid option is available in the Chart menu to view the grid lines in the chart. The grids are classified into
two categories.
• Large grid: The pixel size of the large grid is increased to 96 pixel such that it accommodates the faceplate
of the function block. Therefore, the function block's faceplate is visualized with increased clarity and
precise manner.
• Small grid: The size of the small grid is increased to 12 pixel such that it accommodates the wires and the
As a result of increasing the pixel size, the time spent on aligning the objects in the chart is relatively reduced.
Each vertical and horizontal section of the large grid is uniquely identified by a alphabet and a number. These
alphabet or numeric references are visible in the chart editor, runtime chart display, and chart printouts. When
the View Grid option is enabled, the grids are visible in the chart. The large grid is differentiated from small
grid by the dotted lines.
The following figure illustrates the Control Module chart when the View Grid option is enabled.


Figure 15: Visualization of View Grid option in the Control Module chart

When the View Grid option is enabled, columns/rows can be inserted or deleted in the chart.

Inserting columns/rows in the chart

When the View Grid option is enabled, columns/rows can be inserted in the chart by right-clicking a
column/row and then selecting one of the following options as required.
• Insert Column(s) Before/Insert Column(s) After
• Insert Row(s) Before/Insert Row(s) After
The following figure illustrates inserting a column/row.


Figure 16: Inserting Columns/Rows

Deleting columns/rows in the chart

When the View Grid option is enabled, columns/rows can be deleted in the chart by right-clicking a
column/row and then selecting one of the following as required.
• Delete Column(s)
• Delete Row(s)
The following figure illustrates deleting a column/row.


Figure 17: Deleting Columns/Rows

8.5.2 Object alignment in chart if Snap To Grid is enabled/disabled

Function block's faceplates are aligned to large grid only when the Snap To Grid option is enabled from the
Chart menu. Like wise, block pins, wires, and parameters are aligned to small grid irrespective of the Snap To
Grid menu option. However, if the blocks/pins/wires/parameters are moved in the chart when the Snap To
Grid is enabled, blocks are aligned with large grid and pins/wires/parameters are aligned with small grid.
The following figure illustrates the block alignment when the Snap To Grid option is enabled.


Figure 18: Block alignment when Snap To Grid is enabled

The following figure illustrates the block alignment when the Snap To Grid option is disabled.

Figure 19: Block alignment when Snap To Grid is disabled

Overriding Snap To Grid option using keyboard options

The current setting of the Snap To Grid option can be overridden while moving the blocks in the chart using
the CTRL+SHFT keys and arrows. To override the Snap To Grid setting, select a function block or group of
objects in the chart, hold CTRL+SHFT keys, and then use the arrow keys.
Overriding option enables you to either Snap To Grid or not Snap To Grid, simply by reversing the current
setting without navigating to Snap To Grid menu.

Overridding the Snap To Grid option can be done only for the current task.


8.5.3 Object alignment in chart if View Page Breaks is enabled/disabled

Control Module chart is divided into pages. These pages can be differentiated only when the View Page Break
option is enabled from the Chart menu. In addition, page headers are displayed when the View Page Break
option is enabled.
The following figure illustrates the View Page Break option.

Figure 20: Visualization of View Page Break option in Control Module chart

If you disable View Page Break option, page breaks disappear from the Control Module chart.
The page breaks can be aligned to the large grid when the Align Page Breaks To Grid option is enabled from
Chart menu.
Align Page Breaks To Grid enables you to align the objects in a single page in an easier manner.

If you modify the Align Page Breaks To Grid, you have to make corresponding changes in Header/footer.

8.5.4 Aligning objects within chart using toolbar options

Function blocks configured in the Control Module chart can be aligned using the "Align Options" available in
the new toolbar. To align the function blocks in the chart, you must select the available blocks configured in the
Control Module chart and select any align options from the toolbar. The object alignment is based on the
primary block selection in the chart. In addition, the objects are relatively aligned each other. You can modify
the primary block selection in the chart based on your requirement.
For example, consider that you want to right-align the blocks configured in the Control Module. In this case,
you have to select the blocks using the CTRL+mouse click and then click on the toolbar. The blocks are
The following figure illustrates the block alignment.


Figure 21: Block alignment in the chart

8.5.5 Visualizing wire alignment in the chart

are always aligned with the small grid.
The following figure illustrates the wire alignment to the grid.


Figure 22: Wire alignment to grid

In this figure, the wire is aligned with the small grid in all the instances.

Visualization of the cross-over and cross-under of wires

crossover can be visualized as a small curve at the crossover.
The following figure illustrates the cross-over visualization of wire.


Figure 23: Cross-over visualization of wire

wires are allowed to overlap the function block.

The following figure illustrates the cross-under visualization of wire.


Figure 24: Cross-under visualization of wire

Visualization of joint wires

of the wire joints is supported.
The following figure illustrates the joint visualization of wire.


Figure 25: Joint visualization of wire


8.6 Moving objects within chart

The objects can be moved in the chart using the one of the following options.
• Arrow keys (Objects must be selected using SHIFT/CTRL + mouse click)
• Inserting/deleting rows/columns in the chart

8.6.1 Moving objects using row/column selection

The objects can be moved in the chart using the row/column selection as follows:
• Select the row/column selection and use the arrow keys
• Add/delete row/column in the chart

The objects can be automatically moved when a row/column is added/deleted in the chart.

The objects can be selected as described in the “Selecting objects within chart” on page 139.
The following figure illustrates about moving objects by adding a column in the chart.

Figure 26: Moving objects by adding a column in the chart

While moving a block in the chart, wires are re-routed automatically depending on the selection of Enable
Auto Routing option from the Chart menu.

8.6.2 Moving objects using arrow keys

If you want to move a single object in the chart, use the arrow keys. To move the objects, select the objects
using the mouse (hold CTRL key to select multiple objects) and then use the arrow keys for moving them
within the chart.
The objects can be selected as described in the “Selecting objects within chart” on page 139.

Arrow keys can be used for moving the objects regardless of the selection.

If you move the objects in the chart when the Snap To Grid option is enabled, the objects are moved from one
large grid to next large grid.


If you move the objects in the chart when the Snap To Grid option is disabled, the objects are moved from one
small grid to next small grid.
While moving a block in the chart, wires are re-routed automatically depending on the selection of Enable
Auto Routing option from the Chart menu.

8.6.3 Block overlap and mitigation

block overlap results such that you can place the function block anywhere in the chart as required. In addition,
the overlap is transparent and hence reveals the block that is overlapped.

You are responsible for resolving the block overlap.

The following figure illustrates the block overlap visualization in the chart.

Figure 27: Block overlap visualization

If two equal sized blocks overlap at exact co-ordinate, the overlap is mitigated by offsetting the overlapping
object by one small grid size to the right and down. This type of exact overlap mitigation can be used when a
block is copied/pasted or when a block is dragged and dropped directly on top of another.
If the smaller block is being overlapped by bigger block, the overlap is mitigated as illustrated in the following


Figure 28: Block overlap mitigation for a smaller block

Overlapping feature is also supported for the OLE objects as displayed in the following figure.

Figure 29: Block overlap with OLE object visualization

8.6.4 Moving block pins in the chart

pin movement is supported in the chart. To move the block pin, select the pin, hold the CTRL key, and then use
the arrow keys. Only one block pin can be moved at a time. If a block is moved from one position to another,
there may be a collision with another pin. In such cases, the position of the block pins are swapped. While
moving the block pins in the chart, wires are re-routed automatically depending on the selection of Enable
Auto Routing option from the Chart menu.
The following figure illustrates the block pin movement.


Figure 30: Moving a block pin using arrow keys

When the block pin is moved in the chart, the size of the block automatically increases.

8.6.5 Auto-scrolling support for canvas

Auto-scrolling is supported for canvas while dragging objects such as function blocks, OLE, and so on, from
one page to next page of the chart using the rubberbanding and the mouse clicking. While selecting and
dragging the objects beyond the view port in the chart, the chart auto-scrolls to drag the objects beyond the chart
size and the chart size automatically increases.

Auto-scrolling is also supported while moving the objects using the arrow keys.

8.6.6 Auto-scrolling for rubber banding

Auto-scrolling is supported using the rubber-band selection for the objects that are present in different pages of
the chart. For example, consider that the objects are present in different pages of the chart and you want to scroll
from one object to another. In this case, you can drag the rubber-band from one object to another and observe
that the scrolling is automatic until you stop dragging the rubber-band.
The following figure illustrates the auto-scrolling support for rubber-band selection.


Figure 31: Visualization of auto-scrolling while dragging rubber-band selection

8.6.7 Canvas panning

Panning the chart is an alternate way to use scroll bar. It enables you to move the viewable portion of the chart
in an easier manner. You can do a canvas panning of the chart using the space bar and the left mouse. To place
the chart in panning mode, hold the space bar and the click the left mouse. Panning the chart area is supported
The following figures illustrates the chart panning.


Figure 32: Canvas panning of a Control Module chart


8.7 Undo/Redo option in the chart

Control Builder chart is enhanced to support undo/redo operations only for the following actions.
• Positioning the objects
• Re-sizing the object shape
• Re-shaping the wires
A single user action can be undone/redone at a time. In addition, multiple objects and wires can be moved or
reshaped because of a single undo/redo action. For example, consider that a single function block, which is
connected with two wires, is moved. In this scenario, the position of the function block and the shape of wires
are modified since auto-routing is enabled by default. Note that a single undo command can restore all objects
positions and shapes to their previous position and shape at the same time.
However, undo/redo is supported only for last 20 user operations performed within the chart.

The undo/redo operations are supported only for moving the objects such as blocks, wires, and parameters. However,
The undo/redo operations are not supported for the following:
• Modifying parameter values
• Modifying preferences settings (for example, System preferences and user preferences)
• Assigning and unassigning I/O channels
• Change parent operations
Saving the chart does not clear the undo/redo operations stack. Therefore, undo/redo operations can be performed even
after saving the chart. However, once the chart is closed, the undo/redo operations stack is cleared.

Invoking undo/redo options

Undo/redo options can be invoked from toolbar (appears in the chart) or from Context menu or from keyboard
using Ctrl+Z for undo option and Ctrl+Y for redo option.
For more information about toolbar options, refer to “Toolbar options”.
To invoke undo/redo options using Context menu, right-click the chart and then select Undo Ctrl+Z or Redo
Ctrl+Y as required.
The following figure illustrates the undo/redo options from the Context menu.


Figure 33: Undo/redo options from the Context menu

When there is no action that can either be undone or redone, the corresponding menu item (either Undo or Redo) is
disabled in the chart tool bar and in the Context menu. In addition, the usage of the keyboard shortcuts is ignored


8.8 About changes to a chart migrated from a prior release

If a Control Module chart is migrated from to , only the following changes are visible in the Control Module
• Size and positioning of the function block faceplate is enhanced.
• Wires have rounded corners
• Block pins are aligned to the nearest grid reference point.
• Cross-references are relocated to a panel named Cross References panel.
• A new toolbar appears in the chart.
• Search bar in the chart is hidden by default.

In some scenarios, when you open a migrated chart, the wires are not aligned to small grid. However, if you create/
move a new wire in the migrated chart, the wire is automatically aligned with small grid.

8.8.1 Reshaping an existing wire

You can re-shape wires when there is a need for an adjustment in the wire path such that the overlap between
the wires or the blocks can be prevented in the chart.
Wires connected between blocks are automatically re-shaped when one of the connected block is moved in the
chart. However, the re-shaping wire differs depending on the status of the Enable Auto Routing. If the Enable
Auto Routing is set to ON, the wire accepts the shape that would automatically drawn when the initial
connection is made. If the Enable Auto Routing is set to OFF, the wire preserves the existing routing and shape
as much as possible and only extends or reduces the end segments.
At any time, you can re-shape any wire by using center handle segment or corner handle segment of the wire
regardless of the Enable Auto Routing status.
In addition, Parameter Connector wires can also be re-shaped when the Parameter Connector or a specific wire
segment is adjusted, but not when the block is moved. When the block is moved, the Parameter Connector
preserves the same relative position and the wire is not re-shaped.

9 Control Builder Operations

Related topics
“Creating hardware modules” on page 168
“Creating an instance of PCDI_MASTER device” on page 180
“Creating a Wireless Device Manager (WDM)” on page 181


9.1 Creating hardware modules

Related topics
“General guidelines to configure the strategy name with special characters” on page 168
“Creating Cabinets” on page 169

9.1.1 General guidelines to configure the strategy name with special characters

General guidelines to configure the strategy name

Do not use the following characters for Tagged Objects (for example, control module), basic blocks (for
example, numeric block), User Defined Templates and Custom Block Types:
Key Symbol
Period .
Comma ,
Forward slash /
Backslash \
Less than <
Greater than >
Single quote ‘
Double quote “
Asterisk *
Question mark ?
Vertical bar |
Colon :
Semi colon ;
Brackets []
Braces {}
Parentheses ()
Percent sign %
Hash tag #
Ampersand &

Do not use the following additional characters for User Defined Templates and Custom Block Types.
Key Symbol
Tilde ~
Exclamation mark !
At sign @
Dollar sign $
Circumflex accent ^


Key Symbol
Plus sign +
Hyphen/minus -
Equal sign =
Grave accent `

Do not use the following as the first character for Tagged Objects and Basic Blocks.
Key Symbol
Dollar sign $
At sign @
Exclamation mark !

9.1.2 Creating Cabinets

Cabinets are created to represent the Hardware view of the IO modules.
Cabinets are loaded to the system repository and the server, and not to the controller.
Use the following procedures to create cabinets from the Control Builder. Two types of cabinets can be created,
that is, Custom cabinet and Remote cabinet.

Related topics
“Types of cabinets” on page 169
“Creating the cabinets” on page 171
“Tree view representation of Cabinets” on page 172
“Associate IOMs to the Cabinets” on page 174
“Copying the Cabinets” on page 178
“Deleting the Cabinets” on page 179
“Printing the Cabinet Report” on page 179 Types of cabinets

Their are two types of cabinets which can be created as follows:
1. Custom Cabinet — These cabinets can have any Series C IO modules and the PM IO modules associated
with them.


Figure 34: Hardware view/representation of the Custom cabinet

Maximum of 36 IOMs can be associated with the Custom cabinets and are user-configurable.
2. Remote Cabinet — These cabinets can have only Series C UIO modules associated with it.

Figure 35: Hardware view/representation of the Remote cabinet.


Only two UIO modules can be associated with the Remote cabinet. Creating the cabinets

Use the following procedure to create Custom cabinets from the Control Builder.

To create the Custom cabinet using the Control builder menu option
1 Click File > New > Cabinets > CUSTOMCABINET.
The Custom cabinet configuration form appears.

2 On the Main tab, specify the details for the Custom cabinet, which include the following:
• Tag name — Type a unique name for the cabinet or accept the default name. For example,
• Num Columns in the Cabinet — Enter the number of columns to configure the IO modules to the
cabinet or accept the default and then press the Tab key.

Maximum of 3 columns can be entered. By default, 3 columns are available.
• Num Rows in the Cabinet — Enter the number of rows to configure the IO modules to the cabinet or
accept the default and then press the Tab key.

Maximum of 12 rows can be entered. By default, 12 rows are available.

• A/B/C — To select the configured IO module, click the button to the right of the column A, B, or C and
then select the IO module from the Point Selection dialog box.


You can associate the IO modules in any order. That is, column A row 7 or column B row 9, and so on. Also, you
do not have to associate all the 36 IO modules and hence the cells can be left blank.

3 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK. For more information about the parameters
on the Main tab and the other tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

To create the Remote cabinet using the Control builder menu option
1 Click File > New > Cabinets > REMOTECABINET.
The Remote cabinet configuration form appears.

2 On the Main tab, specify the details for the Remote cabinet, which include the following:
• Tag name — Type a unique name for the cabinet or accept the default name. For example,
• A/B — To select the configured UIO module click the button to the right of the column A or B and then
select the UIO module from the Point Selection dialog box.
3 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK. For more information about the parameters
on the Main tab and the other tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

The Custom cabinet and Remote cabinet appear in the Hardware node in the Project tree Tree view representation of Cabinets

The representation of the cabinets are depicted in the following figures.


As the cabinets are not associated with any execution environment, the Custom cabinet and the Remote cabinet appear
in the Hardware node in the Project tree.

Project view
Following is the representation of the cabinets in the Project view.

Figure 36: Project view representation

Monitoring view
Following is the representation of the cabinets in the Monitoring view.


Figure 37: Monitoring view representation Associate IOMs to the Cabinets

• The IOMs should be available under IOLINK.

To associate IOMs to the Custom cabinet

1 Click the button to the right of each column to associate cabinets with the IOMs.
The Point Selection dialog box appears.


2 Select an IOM from the configured IOMs. For example, AI-HART_151.

Maximum of 36 IOMs can be associated with the Custom cabinets.


3 The Cabinet CUSTOMCABINET_149 is associated with the IOM AI-HART_151 at position A4 (which
represents column A and row no. 4).

To associate UIOs to the Remote cabinet

1 Click the button to the right of each column to associate cabinets with the UIOs.
The Point Selection dialog box appears.


2 Select the UIO from the configured UIOs. For example, UIO_168.

Maximum of 2 UIO modules can be associated with the Remote cabinets.


3 The Cabinet REMOTECABINET_150 is associated with the UIO UIO_168 at position A1 (which
represents column A and row no. 1). Copying the Cabinets

To copy the Cabinets (Custom or Remote)

1 In the Project view, right-click the cabinet, and then click Copy.
The Name New Function Block (s) dialog box appears.
2 Accept the default name that appears in the Destination column or type the new name for the cabinet being
3 Click Finish.

The copied cabinet appears in the Hardware node in the Project tree.


The IO modules are required to be associated again to the copied cabinets, since the associated IO modules are not
copied. Refer to the section “Associate IOMs to the Cabinets” on page 174 to associate the IO modules. Deleting the Cabinets

To delete the Cabinets

• <replace with the step command>
<replace with the step result> Printing the Cabinet Report

To print the Cabinet Report

• <replace with the step command>
<replace with the step result>


9.2 Creating an instance of PCDI_MASTER device

See the Peer Control Data Interface Implementation Guide for detailed information about adding a
PCDI_MASTER block to Project.


9.3 Creating a Wireless Device Manager (WDM)

For more information about creating a WDM, see the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.


10 EtherNet/IP integration

C300 controller supports EtherNet/IP (EIP).Experion LX introduces an efficient EtherNet/IP interface. The
EtherNet/IP interface facilitates a comprehensive integration between C300 controllers and the EtherNet/IP-
compatible nodes and I/O devices. This integration also supports accessing User-Defined Tags (UDT) from the
ControlLogix control system, and referencing the tags in Experion LX strategies (for read and write operations).
To enable easy integration between C300 and the ControlLogix control system, the Control Builder provides
options to create data blocks that match the various ControlLogix UDT structures. The Control Builder also
provides options to create new I/O block types for the supported EtherNet/IP-compatible I/O devices.
The following topics describe the EtherNet/IP device configuration and configurations related to ControlLogix
tag access.

Related topics
“Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in C300” on page 184
“C300 and ControlLogix integration” on page 211
“Configuring ControlLogix Tags in peer references from Experion LX strategies” on page 212


10.1 Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in C300

The C300 controller supports communication with Ethernet/IP™-compliant third-party devices, such as I/Os,
drives, and relays. To facilitate the integration of C300 with the Ethernet/IP™-compliant devices, you must
configure equivalent device blocks by using the Control Builder. Each configured device block represents an
equivalent physical Ethernet/IP™-compliant-device, which is installed on the Ethernet/IP™ network.
Configuring an Ethernet/IP™ device includes the following tasks:
1. Configuring an Ethernet/IP™ device block in Control Builder.
For more information, see the following topics:
• “Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block” on page 189
• “Configuring ArmorPoint I/O module blocks” on page 191
• “Configuring PowerFlex drive blocks” on page 193
• “Configuring E3 relay blocks” on page 194
2. “Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195.
The following table lists the supported Ethernet/IP™-compliant devices:
Device Supported catalog/model number
Ethernet/IP™ adapter ArmorPoint 1738-AENT adapter
ArmorPoint I/O module • ArmorPoint 1738-IB4DM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-IB8M12
• ArmorPoint 1738-IE2CM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-IE4CM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-IR2M12
• ArmorPoint 1738-IT2IM12
• ArmorPoint-1738-OA2M12AC3
• ArmorPoint 1738-OB2EPM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-OB8EM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-OE2CM12
• ArmorPoint 1738-OE4CM12
ArmorBlock I/O module • ArmorBlock 1732E-IB16M12DR
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12R
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IR4IM12R
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IT4IM12R
• ArmorBlock 1732E-OF4M12R
PowerFlex Drives PowerFlex drive 755
Adapter for Relays 193-DNENCATR adapter
Relays • E3
• E3 plus

For more information about the devices in the preceding table, see the Rockwell Literature Library.

You can also add and configure other Ethernet/IP™-compliant devices and modules. However, these devices and
modules will be created, validated, and integrated by Honeywell representatives. The File > New > Type >
Ethernet/IP™ Device is used for adding and configuring these devices. Therefore, for more information about adding
devices and modules that are not listed in the preceding table, contact your Honeywell representative.


10.1.1 Guidelines for Ethernet/IP™ device configuration

This section provides some general guidelines for Ethernet/IP™ device configuration.

Ethernet/IP™ device configuration guidelines

Device Guideline
E3/E3 plus relays In the following scenarios, E3 and E3 plus relays do not communicate with the
C300. If the C300 has E3 or E3plus IO configured and loaded in the C300, the
checkpoint restore operation will not restore the connection to these IO’s. To ensure
that E3 and E3 plus relays communicate with C300, power cycle the 193-
DNENCATR adapter.
• Scenario 1
1. Restart the C300 without battery power.
2. Perform a checkpoint restore.
E3 and E3 plus relays are unable to communicate with C300.
• Scenario 2
1. Perform a Switchover of C300.
2. Disconnect the E3 network cable.
3. Delete the E3 relay from the monitoring side.
4. Connect the E3 network cable.
5. Load the E3 relay.
E3 is unable to communicate with the C300.
In the following scenarios, ensure that you delete the loaded E3 and E3 plus relays
from the monitoring side before performing the required tasks. Deleting the loaded
relay devices ensures that the connections to the E3 and E3 plus are not affected
when you use a checkpoint restore.
• Scenario 1 — Replacing non-redundant C300 modules, where the C300
modules have E3 or E3 plus configured and loaded
• Scenario 2 — Upgrading C300 with a new firmware in an off-process upgrade
process, where the C300 modules have E3 or E3 plus configured and loaded


However, if you do not delete the E3 and E3 plus before performing the preceding
tasks, and you use checkpoint restore, then you must power cycle the 193-
DNENCATR adapter to ensure that E3 and E3 plus relays communicate with C300.


Device Guideline
Applicable to E3 plus relays only
Although the starter or motor is not connected to the E3 plus relay, the relay might
trip with a Blocked Start indication.
Workaround to recover the device from this trip condition
Configure the Starts/Hour parameter and the Starts Interval parameters as follows:
• Configure the Starts/Hour to allow more starts per hour
• Shorten the interval between the starts in the Starts Interval parameter
For more information about troubleshooting related to E3 plus relay trip with a
Blocked Start indication, see the E3 & E3 Plus Solid-State Overload Relay
User manual from the Rockwell Literature Library.
Also to clear the fault from the Control Builder, run the E3[0]: Fault Reset
command through the E3 plus output channel.
PowerFlex drives PowerFlex drive does not provide options to modify certain parameters while the
drive is running. If you make changes to the parameters while the PowerFlex drive
is running, ensure that you verify whether the changes are applied by using the
Drive explorer.
Ethernet/IP™ IO and devices For Ethernet/IP™ IO and devices, the system validates for duplicate IP address and
slot. For non-chassis based IO and devices like the ArmorPoint adapter, PowerFlex
drives, and the ArmorBlock IOs, when the IP address is updated, the system will try
to identify if the same IP address has been configured in some other IO or
Controller within the same cluster or ERDB. If the system identifies that there is
another block that has the same IP address, an error is displayed, and the new value
for the IP address will not be saved.
For chassis-based IO and devices like ArmorPoint IO modules, the system validates
the combination of the IP address and slot. It checks whether the combination of IP
address and slot is used or configured for any other IO or device within the same
cluster/ERDB. You cannot set the value for the slot on the block if the IP address
and slot combination is in use by another block in the same cluster/ERDB.
In ArmorBlock 1732E-OF4M12R module and ArmorPoint 1738-OE4CM12, 1738-
OE2CM12 modules, when configuring the Fault Action to hold Fault Value, if
you enter a value, which is out of the specified range, an error is not displayed.
Therefore, ensure that you to enter appropriate values within the range that you
have specified.
Ensure that the number of Ethernet/IP™ devices configured and loaded do not
exceed the limit (of 70 devices), as mentioned in the Ethernet/IP™ specifications.
For more information, see the Specifications document.

10.1.2 Known limitations

This section provides details about the behavior of the Ethernet/IP™ devices in various scenarios.

Scenario E3/E3 plus relays PowerFlex drives ArmorPoint I/O ArmorBlock I/O
devices devices
Controller—related actions
C300 switchover During a switchover, C300 will hold the last value for a maximum of 3 seconds. During this
period, it will reconnect to the Ethernet/IP™ I/O devices. If for reasons, such as third-party
issues or network issues, the reconnection from the new primary C300 controller is not
completed within 3 seconds, an alarm will be raised.


Scenario E3/E3 plus relays PowerFlex drives ArmorPoint I/O ArmorBlock I/O
devices devices
Checkpoint restore after E3/E3 plus devices C300 will be able to Armor Point IO C300 will be able to
controller failure do not communicate reestablish devices might not reestablish
with C300, until connection. communicate with connection.
Scenario: Failure of Non-
you power cycle the C300, until you power
redundant or redundant
193-DNENCATR cycle the ArmorPoint
C300 modules, which are
adapter. For more IO adapter.
running without battery
information, see
backup are faulted and must
“Guidelines for
be recovered using
checkpoint restore
configuration” on
page 185
Disconnection of cables
Disconnection of the cable E3/E3 plus relays, PowerFlex drives, ArmorPoint I/O, and ArmorBlock I/O devices
between the Stratix switch disconnect when the cables are disconnected and report an alarm. The devices reconnect
and Ethernet/IP™ devices when the cables are connected.
Disconnection of the Stratix
uplink cable between
Stratix and Tofino firewall
hardware module

Switch-related actions
Power cycle the Stratix E3 and E3 plus relays, PowerFlex drives, ArmorPoint I/O, and ArmorBlock I/O devices
switch disconnect after a power cycle of the Stratix switch. The devices reconnect after the switch is
Power cycle of the Tofino E3 and E3 plus relays, PowerFlex drives, ArmorPoint I/O, and ArmorBlock I/O devices
firewall hardware module disconnect after a power cycle of the Tofino firewall hardware module. The devices
reconnect after the Tofino firewall hardware module is restarted.

Other Scenarios
Cross-over cable loop You might experience the following issues. To resolve the issues, remove the loop and restart
between 2 local ports of the the devices.
Stratix switch
• E3/E3 plus relays, PowerFlex drives, ArmorPoint I/O, and ArmorBlock I/O devices
disconnect for a few seconds and then reconnect.
• Sometimes, there might be continuos disconnects.

In some I/O devices, you might observe a permanent disconnect.

Cross-over cable loop E3/E3 plus relays, PowerFlex drives, ArmorPoint I/O, and ArmorBlock I/O devices
between the local ports of disconnect.
the top-level yellow switch

Duplicate IP nodes on the Ensure that there are no duplicate IP nodes on the network. If the IP address of an already
network loaded Ethernet/IP™ IO is duplicated for another Ethernet/IP™ IO device, which is
connected to the Uplink port of the L2 switch, the existing Ethernet/IP™ IO device loses its
communication with the C300.


Scenario E3/E3 plus relays PowerFlex drives ArmorPoint I/O ArmorBlock I/O
devices devices
Back Initialization Back initialization Back initialization is Back initialization is Back initialization is
is not supported in not supported in not supported in not supported in
E3/E3 plus relays. PowerFlex drives. ArmorPoint devices. ArmorBlock devices.
However, when you
opt for setting the
Comm Fault Action
status to Hold Last
value, then the re-
connection is smooth.

• Following are some observations with respect to ArmorBlock I/O devices:
– ArmorBlock 1732E-OF4M12R only — In a linear bus network, when you disconnect the ArmorBlock
module, all the remaining ArmorBlock modules are disconnected and the fault value is not set to the
configured value (per the fault value configuration). This behavior is not observed in a star network.
Consider the following scenario:
– ArmorBlock 1732E-OF4M12R module is connected in the first position or in the middle of the linear
– Port 2 is connected to another ArmorBlock module.
When Port 2 is disconnected, all the remaining ArmorBlock modules are disconnected, and additionally,
there is a drop in the OP voltage. When you reconnect, the output returns to its last value.
– For ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12R module only — In ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12R module, when the
channels are in voltage mode, the channel status remains normal even at open wire condition. However,
during open wire condition, the channels show the following approximate values, depending on the
voltage ranges:

The following are the observed values. However, these values might vary depending on the environment
and the nature of the activities that are performed.

– 0 to 5V ≈ 50%
– 0 to 10V ≈ 25%
– -10 to +10V ≈ 62%
– -5 to +5V ≈ 75%
• The following observations are applicable to Armor Block I/O devices and unconsolidated Armor Point I/O
– If there is a communication loss when an I/O module network cable is removed from the Stratix switch,
the input channel blocks will hold the last value until the Ethernet/IP™ connection timeout occurs.
However, the output I/O module continues to drive the output using the last value held in the Input
channel block because the output module and its channels are healthy. In this scenario:
– If the connection resumes to the Input I/O module within 10 seconds, there might be a bump
observed in the output.
– If the connection to the Input I/O module does not resume within 10 seconds, the output will go to
Failsafe mode after the connection timeout to the Input I/O module.
– The following behavior was observed during a cable fault (the yellow cable) from the C300 side, where
the C300 is configured with Ethernet/IP™ I/O modules: The output Ethernet/IP™ I/O modules recover
faster than the Input I/O modules. During this scenario, a bump might be seen in the output as Input I/O
modules will hold on to the last value for a few seconds more than the Output I/O modules.


• Loss of communication with Ethernet/IP™ devices — When there is any break in the communication path
to a singly-attached device, it might take up to a minute for FTE to resolve; if there is an alternative path, the
connection will be restored after a minute.
If there is a yellow cable fault on the C300, which is configured with UDT access, the UDT Reads/writes
will break (Reads will hold last value and writes will not go through) for a period of 20 seconds, until C300
reestablishes connection with the ControlLogix from the green interface.
• Applicable to unconsolidated Armor Point I/O connections — If there are single cable faults (Yellow cable
fault on the C300), based on the load on the Armor Point adapter, C300 might disconnect and reconnect to
the Input I/O modules. The connection to the output I/O modules will continue on the green network without
any disconnection.

10.1.3 Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block

To enable communication between the ArmorPoint I/O modules and the Ethernet/IP™ network, you must
configure the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter, 1738-AENT. One ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter supports
multiple ArmorPoint I/O modules.A configured ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block represents an
equivalent physical Ethernet/IP™ adapter, which is installed on the Ethernet/IP™ network.

Install the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter.

To configure the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block

1 Click File > New > EtherNetIP Devices > 1738-AENT - ArmorPoint 1738-AENT Adapter.
The ArmorPoint adapter configuration form appears.
2 On the Main tab, specify the details for the adapter block, which include the following:
• Tag Name — For example, 1738_AENT_1234
• IP address of the device — For example, For more information about configuring the IP
address of the adapter, see “Configuring the IP address of an Ethernet/IP™ device” on page 190.
• Chassis Size

An attempt to communicate with the I/O module fails if the chassis size entered does not match the physical
configuration. Therefore, ensure that the chassis size matches the number of the physically installed I/O
modules and the adapter (chassis size = number I/O modules + one for the adapter). For example, if the
number of I/O modules is 10, the chassis size should be 11.

3 If you want to consolidate connections for a group of I/O modules, which are assigned to the adapter, under
Network Configuration, select the Consolidate Connections check box.
For more information about Consolidating connections, see “Consolidate connections” on page 190.
4 If you select the Consolidate Connections option, type the following details for the Requested Packet
Interval (RPI). RPI specifies the rate at which data is updated during a connection. The RPI specified is
applicable for all the I/O modules associated to the adapter.
• Target –> Originator RPI (ms) — For example, 100
• Originator –>Target RPI (ms) — For example, 100
5 If the EIP IO communication is Through EIM, please select the EIM Name through with the EIP IO
communication will happen.
6 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK. For more information about the parameters
on the Main tab and the other tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

The ArmorPoint adapter is configured and appears in the Unassigned category of the Project Tree.


Next steps
After creating the adapter block, you must assign it to the CEEC300 block. For more information, see
“Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195. Consolidate connections

The 1738-AENT adapter provides the Assembly connection feature, which helps you in consolidating
connections for a group of ArmorPoint I/O modules.

To consolidate the connections for a group of ArmorPoint I/O modules ensure that the ArmorPoint I/O modules in the
group are supported by the 1738-AENT adapter.

This feature ensures that a single connection is used for the group of ArmorPoint I/O modules, instead of one
connection per I/O module. Consolidating the connections optimizes the usage of network bandwidth because
data for all the ArmorPoint I/O modules is transferred over a single connection. Therefore, it reduces the
number of packets on the network.
You can opt to consolidate connections for a group of ArmorPoint I/O modules while configuring the 1738-
AENT adapter block. The 1738-AENT adapter block configuration form provides options to enable this feature.
To enable the Assembly connection feature, select the Consolidate connections check box on the adapter block
configuration form.
If you select this option, you must also provide the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) details. RPI is used to
indicate the rate at which the data is updated when connected. The RPI details will be applicable for all the
ArmorPoint I/O modules, which are assigned to the adapter.
Ensure that the RPI value is a multiple of the base cycle of the controller. If the RPI value is not a multiple of
the base cycle of the controller, a value clamped warning appears during loading.

When you change any configuration settings to the ArmorPoint I/O modules, which are a part of the consolidated
connections, the changes are not reflected. To ensure that the changes are reflected, reload the ArmorPoint 1738-
AENT adapter.

For more information about configuring consolidating connections on the ArmorPoint adapter configuration
form, see “Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block” on page 189. Configuring the IP address of an Ethernet/IP™ device

A default IP address is provided by the vendor, for every Ethernet/IP™ device. You can access the Network
Configuration page of the device to configure the IP address based on the network settings at your location.

This topic outlines the procedure for configuring the IP address for an ArmorPoint adapter. For a detailed procedure
about configuring the IP address for the ArmorPoint adapter and other Ethernet/IP™ devices provided by Rockwell,
see the documentation at Rockwell Literature Library.

• The default IP address of the device
• Web browser

To configure the I/P address of the adapter

1 From a web browser, access the Network Configuration page by using the default IP address.
2 On the Network Configuration page, specify the required IP address and all the required details, which are
relevant to the network settings, at your location.


The IP address of the device is configured.

10.1.4 Configuring ArmorPoint I/O module blocks

A configured I/O module block represents an equivalent physical I/O module, which is installed on the
Ethernet/IP™ network. Refer to the following procedure to configure all the supported ArmorPoint I/O module
blocks. For more information about the supported I/O modules, see “Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in
C300” on page 184

• Install the ArmorPoint I/O devices.
• Ensure that you have configured an ArmorPoint adapter block. For more information about configuring an
ArmorPoint adapter block, see “Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block” on page 189

To configure an ArmorPoint I/O module block

1 Click File > New > EtherNetIP Devices > ARMOR_POINT_IO > <Device>.
Device represents the ArmorPoint I/O device that you want to configure.

You can also create an instance of the device by using a template from the library.

The I/O module block configuration form appears.

2 On the Main tab, specify the required details, which include the following:
• Tag name — For example, 1738_IB4DM12_1234
• Item Name — For example, ArmorPoint_1738-IB4DM12_1234
• Specify the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) values. RPI specifies the rate at which data is updated when

If the RPI value does not adhere to the following, then the value will be rounded down to the nearest base
cycle and while loading, a warning will be displayed:
– Ensure that the RPI value is a multiple of the base cycle of the controller and in multiples of 50.
– Ensure that you enter a value in the following range for ArmorPoint I/O modules — 50 ms and 2000 ms

– Target –> Originator RPI (ms) — For example, 100 ms

– Originator –>Target RPI (ms) — For example, 100 ms

If you have specified the RPI details while consolidating connections in the ArmorPoint adapter block, the RPI
details for the ArmorPoint I/O device are auto-populated in the ArmorPoint I/O module block configuration form.
For more information about Consolidating connections in the ArmorPoint adapter, see “Consolidate connections”
on page 190. Consolidating connections is supported only for ArmorPoint I/O modules.

3 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.
For more information about the other tabs, see:
• “Channel Configuration tab” on page 197
• “Alarms tab” on page 197
• C300 Controller User's Guide


In the Data/Status tab of the configuration form, the row numbers of the grid start from 0. The row numbers do not
indicate the channel number. It indicates that the row number of the grid starts from 0.
In ArmorPoint output modules, when there is a channel fault, an alarm or event is not generated by default.
However, you can configure to generate an alarm by using a flag block.

For more information about the parameters on all the tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

The ArmorPoint adapter must be loaded before loading the ArmoroPoint I/O modules.

The I/O block is configured and appears in the Unassigned category of the Project Tree.

Next steps
After configuring the I/O block, assign it to the Ethernet/IP™ adapter block
For more information, see “Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195.

10.1.5 Configuring ArmorBlock I/O module blocks

A configured I/O module block represents an equivalent physical I/O module, which is installed on the
Ethernet/IP™ network. Refer to the following procedure to configure all the supported ArmorBlock I/O module
blocks. For more information about the supported I/O modules, see “Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in
C300” on page 184

Install the ArmorBlock I/O device.

To configure an ArmorBlock I/O module block

1 Click File > New > EtherNetIP Devices > ARMOR_BLOCK_IO > <Device>.
Device represents the ArmorBlock I/O device that you want to configure.

You can also create an instance of the device by using a template from the library.

The I/O module block configuration form appears.

2 On the Main tab, specify the required details, which include the following:
• Tag name — For example, 1732E_IB16M_1234
• Item Name — For example, Armorblock_IB16M_1234
• IP address of the device — Type the required IP address of the device. For example, For
more information about configuring the IP address of the adapter, see “Configuring the IP address of an
Ethernet/IP™ device” on page 190
• Specify the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) values. RPI specifies the rate at which data is updated when


If the RPI value does not adhere to the following, then the value will be rounded down to the nearest base
cycle and while loading a warning will be displayed:
– Ensure that the RPI value is a multiple of the base cycle of the controller and in multiples of 50.
– Ensure that you enter a value in the following range for ArmorBlock I/O modules — 50 ms and 750 ms

– Target –> Originator RPI (ms) — For example, 100 ms

– Originator –>Target RPI (ms) — For example, 100 ms
– For ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12, the Originator –>Target RPI value must be 500ms or 750 ms.
– For ArmorBlock 1732E-IT4IM1, the Originator –>Target RPI value must be 500ms or 750 ms.
3 If the EIP IO communication is Through EIM, please select the EIM Name through with the EIP IO
communication will happen.
4 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.
For more information about the other tabs, see:
• “Channel Configuration tab” on page 197
• “Alarms tab” on page 197
• C300 Controller User's Guide

In the Data/Status tab of the configuration form, the row numbers of the grid start from 0. The row numbers do not
indicate the channel number. It indicates that the row number of the grid starts from 0.
In ArmorBlock output modules, when there is a channel fault, an alarm or event is not generated by default.
However, you can configure to generate an alarm by using a flag block.

For more information about the parameters on all the tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

The I/O block is configured and appears in the Unassigned category of the Project Tree.

Next steps
After configuring the I/O block, assign it to the CEEC300 block.
For more information, see “Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195.

10.1.6 Configuring PowerFlex drive blocks

A configured PowerFlex drive block represents an equivalent physical drive, which is installed on the
Ethernet/IP™ network.

The drive and the relay (E3 and E3 plus) module configurations are editable. These modules have options to edit
and configure data link parameters. However, it is recommended not to edit the configurations because it might
lead to undesirable results. Therefore, if you want to configure data link parameters per your requirement, contact
your Honeywell representative.

Install the PowerFlex drive.

To configure a PowerFlex 755 Drive block

1 Click File > New > EtherNetIP Devices > EIP_DRIVE > PF755 - PowerFlex 755 Drive.
The drive block configuration form appears.


You can also create an instance of the drive by using a template from the library.

2 On the Main tab, specify the required details, which include the following:
• Tag name — For example, PF755_1234
• Item Name— For example, PowerFlex1234
• Engineering Units
• IP address of the device — For example, For more information about configuring the IP
address of the device, see “Configuring the IP address of an Ethernet/IP™ device” on page 190.
• Specify the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) values. RPI specifies the rate at which data is updated
during a connection.

Ensure that the RPI value is a multiple of the base cycle of the controller. It should be in multiples of 50 and
within the following range, 50 ms and 2000ms.

– Target –> Originator RPI (ms) — For example, 100 ms

– Originator –>Target RPI (ms)— For example, 100 ms
3 If the Ethernet/IP™ IO communication is Through EIM, please select the EIM Name through with the EIP
IO communication will happen.
4 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.
For more information about the other tabs, see the C300 Controller User’s guide.

For more information about the parameters, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

For more information about the other tabs, also see “Ethernet/IP™ device configuration references” on
page 196.

To configure Powerflex 753 Drive refer to

The PowerFlex Drive is configured and appears in the Unassigned category of the Project Tree.

Next steps
After creating the PowerFlex drive block, assign it to the CEEC300 block. For more information, see“Assigning
Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195.

10.1.7 Configuring E3 relay blocks

A configured E3 relay block represents an equivalent physical E3/E3 plus relay, which is installed on the
Ethernet/IP™ network.

The drive and the relay (E3 and E3 plus) module configurations are editable. These modules have options to edit
and configure data link parameters. However, it is recommended not to edit the configurations because it might
lead to undesirable results. Therefore, if you want to configure data link parameters per your requirement, contact
your Honeywell representative.

• Install the 193-DNENCATR adapter. This adapter is required to facilitate the Ethernet/IP™ communication
between the E3/E3 plus relay and the Ethernet/IP™ network.


• Install the E3/E3 plus relay.

To configure an E3 relay block

1 Click File > New > EtherNetIP Devices > > <EIP_Relay>Relay.
Relay represents the E3/E3 plus relay model number, which you want to configure.

For more information about the supported Relays, see “Ethernet/IP™ Device Configuration in C300” on
page 184.

You can also create an instance of the relay by using a template from the library.

The relay block configuration form appears.

2 On the Main tab, specify the required details, which include the following:
• Tag name— For example, 193_DENE_E3_1234
• Item Name— For example, E3relay_1234
• Engineering Units
• IP address of the device— For example, For more information about configuring the IP
address of the device, see “Configuring the IP address of an Ethernet/IP™ device” on page 190.
• Specify the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) values. RPI specifies the rate at which data is updated when

Ensure that the RPI value is a multiple of the base cycle of the controller. It should be in multiples of 50 and
within the following range, 50 ms and 2000ms

– Target –> Originator RPI (ms)— For example, 100 ms

– Originator –>Target RPI (ms)— For example, 100 ms
3 If the EIP IO communication is Through EIM, please select the EIM Name through with the EIP IO
communication will happen.
4 On the Configuration tab, type the required details for Update rate for Data Link.
5 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.
For more information about the other tabs, see:
• “Alarms tab” on page 197
• C300 Controller User’s guide

For more information about the parameters on all the tabs, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

For more information about the other tabs, also see “Ethernet/IP™ device configuration references” on
page 196.

The E3 relay is configured and appears in the Unassigned category of the Project Tree.

Next steps
After creating the relay block, assign it to the CEEC300 block. For more information, refer to “Assigning
Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block” on page 195.

10.1.8 Assigning Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEE C300 block

After you configure an Ethernet/IP™ device block you must assign the blocks to the CEE C300 block.
However, devices which require an Ethernet/IP™ adapter must be assigned to the EtherNet adapter block,
which is under the EIP DEVICES category of the CEEC300 block.


• Configure the Ethernet/IP™ device. For more information, refer to the following topics:
– “Configuring the ArmorPoint Ethernet/IP™ adapter block” on page 189
– “Configuring ArmorPoint I/O module blocks” on page 191
– “Configuring PowerFlex drive blocks” on page 193
– “Configuring E3 relay blocks” on page 194

To assign the Ethernet/IP™ devices to the CEEC300 block

• Drag the configured Ethernet/IP™ devices from the Unassigned category to the CEEC300 block, under

You can optionally use the SmartBuilder to bulk assign the Ethernet/IP™devices and I/O modules to the
CEEC300 block. For more information, see the Bulk Configuration Tool Help.

A new category, EIP DEVICES, appears under the CEEC300 block. This category lists the configured
Ethernet/IP™ devices.

To assign the ArmorPoint I/O devices to the adapter block

• Drag the configured ArmorPoint I/O module block from the Unassigned category to the Ethernet/IP™
adapter block, under EIP DEVICES.

You can optionally use the SmartBuilder to bulk assign the Ethernet/IP™devices and I/O modules to the
CEEC300 block. For more information, see the Bulk Configuration Tool Help.

The I/O module block appears under the Ethernet/IP™ adapter.

• The configured Ethernet/IP™ devices are assigned to the EIP DEVICES category under the CEEC300
• The ArmorPoint I/O device blocks are assigned to the adapter blocks under the EIP DEVICES category.

10.1.9 Configuring channels in Ethernet/IP™ devices

To assign the channels from Ethernet/IP™ I/O modules to a Control Module (CM), drag the required channels
from the library or from the Project side to the CM instances. For detailed procedures about the creation of
control modules, the assignment of channels, and the unassignment of channels, see:
• “Creating and saving a control module” on page 247
• “Associating I/O Channels to I/O Modules (IOMs)”
It is mandatory for the Ethernet I/P module and the CM containing the channel of the Ethernet I/P module to be
assigned to the same controller. However, it is possible to assign the channel of an Ethernet I/P module to a CM
that is assigned to a different controller. For example, you can assign analog input channels that belong to an
Armor Point IO module to a CM, which is under a different controller. But, when you try to load the CM that
was assigned to a different controller, an error is displayed and the load operation of the CM fails.

10.1.10 Ethernet/IP™ device configuration references

The following topics provide referential information about the various configuration tabs and parameters. For
detailed information about the parameters, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.


Related topics
“Alarms tab” on page 197
“Channel Configuration tab” on page 197
“Configuration tab” on page 199
“Data/Status tab and Data/Command tab in PowerFlex drive block” on page 200
“Data/Status tab and Data/Command tab in E3/E3 plus relay blocks” on page 202
“Sensor Type and PV Low and High Signal range for RTD module - Armor Block 1732E-IR4IM12R” on
page 206
“Sensor Type and PV Low and High Signal range for Thermocouple module - Armor Block 1732E-IT4IM12R”
on page 207
“Cold junction configuration for thermocouple module - Armor Block 1732E-IT4IM12R” on page 208
“Digital Filter configuration for thermocouple and RTD modules of the Armor block family” on page 209
“PV scaling factor configuration in thermocouple modules” on page 210 Alarms tab

The following table lists the various parameters on the Alarms tab. For more information about the parameters,
see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

Alarms tab parameters

Module name Parameter description and parameter name

• ArmorBlock 1732E-IB16M12DR, 16 channels • Alarm (ALMSTR)
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12R, 4 channels • Priority (ALMPRI)
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IR4IM12R, 4 channels • Severity (ALMSEV)
• ArmorBlock 1732E-IT4IM12R, 4 channels • Description (ALMDESC)
• ArmorPoint 1738-IB4DM12, 4 channels • Alarm Active (ALMACTIVE)
• ArmorPoint 1738-IE2CM12, 2 channels
• ArmorPoint 1738-IE4CM12, 4 channels
• ArmorPoint 1738-IR2M12, 2 channels
• ArmorPoint 1738-IT2IM12, 2 channels
• PowerFlex drive
• E3 plus Channel Configuration tab

You can configure the channel types for the ArmorPoint and ArmorBlock I/O modules by using the Channel
Configuration tab. The following table lists the various parameters on the Channel Configuration tab. For more
information about the parameters, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.

Channel Configuration tab parameters

I/O module block Parameter description and parameter name

ArmorBlock 1732E-IB16M12DR, 16 channels • Channels 0–15 Delay Filter
– OFF > ON (ms) (FILTERON)
• Enable Open Wire Detection (OWDENBL)


I/O module block Parameter description and parameter name

ArmorBlock 1732E-IF4M12R, 4 channels • Range (RANGE)
• PV Raw Low range (PVRAWLO)
• PV Raw High range (PVRAWHI)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
ArmorBlock 1732E-IR4IM12R, 4 channels • RTD Type (SENSORTYPE)
• Temperature Units (TEMPUNITS)
• PV Low Signal range (PVLOSIGNAL)
• PV High Signal range (PVHISIGNAL)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
ArmorBlock 1732E-IT4IM12R, 4 channels • Sensor Type (SENSORTYPE)
• Temperature Units (TEMPUNITS)
• PV Low Signal range (PVLOSIGNAL)
• PV High Signal range (PVHISIGNAL)
• Notch Filter (NOTCHFILTER)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
• Cold Junction Enable (CJENABLE)
• Cold Junction Offset (C x 100) (CJOFFSET)
• Channel Cold Junction Mode (CJMODE)
ArmorBlock 1732E-OF4M12R, 4 channels • Range (RANGE)
• Fault Action (FAULTACT)
• Fault value (count) (FAULTVALUE)
ArmorPoint 1738-IB4DM12, 4 channels • OFF > ON (μs) (FILTERON)
• Open Wire Detection Enable (OWDENBL)
• Autobaud disable (AUTOBAUDDISABLE)
ArmorPoint 1738-IB8M12, 8 channels • OFF > ON (μs) (FILTERON)
ArmorPoint 1738-IE2CM12, 2 channels • Range (RANGE)
• PV Raw Low range (PVRAWLO)
• PV Raw High range (PVRAWHI)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
ArmorPoint 1738-IE4CM12, 4 channels • Range (RANGE)
• PV Raw Low range (PVRAWLO)
• PV Raw High range (PVRAWHI)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
ArmorPoint 1738-IR2M12, 2 channels • Sensor Type (SENSORTYPE)
• Temperature Units (TEMPUNITS)
• PV Low Signal range (PVLOSIGNAL)
• PV High Signal range (PVHISIGNAL)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)


I/O module block Parameter description and parameter name

ArmorPoint 1738-IT2IM12, 2 channels • Sensor Type (SENSORTYPE)
• Temperature Units (TEMPUNITS)
• PV Low Signal range (PVLOSIGNAL)
• PV High Signal range (PVHISIGNAL)
• Notch Filter (NOTCHFILTER)
• Digital Filter (DIGFILTER)
• Cold Junction Enable (CJENABLE)
• Cold Junction Offset (C x 100) (CJOFFSET)
ArmorPoint 1738-OA2M12AC3, 2 channels • Fault Mode (FAULTMODE)
• Fault State (FAULTSTATE)
• Fault Value (FAULTVALUE)
ArmorPoint 1738-OB2EPM12, 2 channels • Fault Mode (FAULTMODE)
• Enable No Load (ENBNOLOAD)
• Reset Mode (RESETMODE)
• Enable Latched Alarms (ENBLATALM)
• Fault State (FAULTSTATE)
• Fault Value (FAULTVALUE)
ArmorPoint 1738-OB8EM12, 8 channels • Fault Mode (FAULTMODE)
• Enable No Load (ENBNOLOAD)
• Reset Mode (RESETMODE)
• Enable Latched Alarms (ENBLATALM)
• Fault State (FAULTSTATE)
• Fault Value (FAULTVALUE)
ArmorPoint 1738-OE2CM12, 2 channels • Range (RANGE)
• Fault Action (FAULTACT)
• Fault value (count) (FAULTVALUE)
ArmorPoint 1738-OE4CM12, 4 channels • Range
• Fault Action (FAULTACT)
• Fault value (count) (FAULTVALUE) Configuration tab

You can configure the parameters for the E3 relay blocks by using the Configuration tab. The following table
lists the parameter on the Configuration tab. For more information about the parameters, see the Control
Builder Parameter Reference.

Configuration tab parameters

Relay block Parameter description and parameter name

E3 — 193 DNEN_E3 Update rate for Data Link (DL_RPI)
E3 Plus— 193_DENE_E3P Update rate for Data Link (DL_RPI)

10 ETHERNET/IP INTEGRATION Data/Status tab and Data/Command tab in PowerFlex drive block

The following tables lists the various parameters on the Data/Status tab and the Data/Command tab in the
PowerFlex drive block.

Data/Status tab parameters

The following are the Data/Status tab parameters:
• PV Status
– Speed Ref Feedback (EU) (PV)
– Speed Ref Status (PVSTS)
• Drive Status 1
– Ready to Run (RUNREADY)
– Drive Active (ACTIVE)
– Command Direction (CMDDIRECT)
– Action Direction (ACTDIRECT)
– Accelerating (ACCELERATING)
– Decelerating (DECELERATING)
– Drive Status Alarm (ALARM)
– Drive Status Faulted (FAULTED)
– At Setpoint Speed (ATSPEED)
– Manual Mode Active (MANUAL)
– Drive Running (RUNNING)
– Jogging (JOGGING)
– Stopping (STOPPING)
– DC Brake (DCBRAKE)
– DB Active (DBACTIVE)
– In Speed Mode (SPEEDMODE)
• Drive Status 2
– Stop Owner (STOPOWNER)
– Start Owner (STATROWNER)
– Jog Owner (JOGOWNER)
– Clear Fault Owner (CLRFLTOWNER)
– Speed Reference Source (SPDREFSRC)
– Last Start Source (LASTSTARTSRC)
– Last Stop Source (LASTSTOPSRC)
– Start Inhibits (STRTINH)
– Last Fault Code (LASTFLTCODE)
– Fault Frequency (Hz) (FAULTFREQ)
– Fault Amps (A) (FAULTAMPS)
– Fault Bus Volts (FLTBUSV)
– Elapsed Megawatt Hour (MWh)(ELAPSEDMWH)
– Elapsed Kilowatt Hour (ELAPSEDMWH)
– Elapsed Run Time (Hrs) (ELAPSEDKWH)


– Output Current (A) (OPCURRENT)

The preceding parameters in the Drive Status 2 section are preconfigured data link parameters. Therefore, ensure
that you configure these parameters using Drive Explorer. However, if you want to use a different set of data link
parameters or remove the existing preconfigure data link parameters, you must configure/remove the required set
of parameters appropriately by contacting your Honeywell representative.

Data/Command tab parameters

The following are the Data/Command tab parameters:
• Reference (%) (OP[0] )
• Final Reference (EU) (OPFINAL[0])
• Drive Command 1
– Stop Command (NORMALSTOP)
– Start Command (START)
– Jog1 Command (JOG)
– Clear Fault Command (CLRFAULT)
– Command Direction (CMDDIRECTION)
– Manual Mode (MANUALCMD)
– Acceleration Time (ACCELTIME)
– Deceleration Time (DECELTI ME )
– Reference Selector (REFSELECTOR)
– Coast To Stop (COASTSTOP)
– Current Limit Stop (CURRLIMSTOP)
– Run Command (RUN)
– Jog2 Command (JOG2)
– Stop Mode A (STOPMODEA)
– Speed Reference A, Setpoint (SPDREFASTPT)
• Drive Command 2
– Stop Mode B (STOPMODEB)
– Speed Reference B, Setpoint (SPDREFBSTPT)
– Speed Reference Scale (SPDREFSCALE)
– Jog Speed 1 (JOGSPD1)
– Jog Speed 2 (JOGSPD2)
– Maximum Forward Speed (MAXFWDSPD)
– Maximum Reverse Speed (MAXREVSPD)
– Acceleration Time 1 (Secs) (ACCELTIME1)
– Acceleration Time 2 (Secs) (ACCELTIME2)
– Deceleration Time 1 (Secs)(DECELTIME1)
– Deceleration Time 2(Secs)(DECELTIME2)
– Overspeed Limit (OVERSPDLIMIT)
– Jog Accel. Dcccl. Time(Secs) (JOGADTIME)
– Zero Speed Limit (ZEROSPDLIMIT)


The preceding parameters in the Drive Command 2 section are preconfigured data link parameters. Therefore,
ensure that you configure these parameters using Drive Explorer. However, if you want to use a different set of
data link parameters or remove the existing preconfigured data link parameters, you must configure/remove the
required set of parameters appropriately by contacting your Honeywell representative. Data/Status tab and Data/Command tab in E3/E3 plus relay blocks
The following tables lists the various parameters on the Data/Status tab and the Data/Command tab in the
E3/E3 plus relay block.


Data/Status tab

Applies to Block Parameter Description

E3 E3 Device Status
• On Line
• Connection Timeout
• Keying Mismatch
• Wrong Data Size
• No Such Device
• Fragment Error
• Slave Initialization Error
• I/O Data Overflow
• Device Went Idle
• Automatic Device Replacement Error
• Acknowledgement Timeout
E3 Data Status
• Tripped (E3_0_TRIP)
• Warning (E3_0_WARN)
• Output A Status (E3_0_OP_A)
• Input 1 (E3_0_INPUT1)
• Input 2 (E3_0_INPUT2)
• L1 Current (E3_0_L1_CURR)
• L2 Current (E3_0_L2_CURR)
• L3 Current (E3_0_L3_CURR)
DeviceNet Scanner Status
• Scanner: On Line
• Scanner: Illegal Scan List
• Scanner: No Network Messages
• Scanner: No Scanner Messages
• Scanner: Transmit Failure
• Scanner: In Idle Mode
• Scanner: Initializing
• Scanner: Duplicate MAC Failure
• Scanner: Bus Off
Advance Data Status
• Average Current
• Average Percent FLA
• Percent Therm Utilized
• Time to Overload Trip
• Percent Current Imbalanc
• Test Trip
• Overload Trip
• Phase Lost Trip
• Stall Trip
• Jam Trip
• Underload Trip
• Current Imbalance Trip


Applies to Block Parameter Description

• Comm Fault Trip
• Comm Idle Trip
• Remote Trip
• Blocked Start Trip
• Overload Warning
• Jam Warning
• Underload Warning
• Current Imbalance Warning
• Comm Fault Warning
• Comm Idle Warning
• Configuration Warning
• Starts Warning
• Operating Hours Warning
• Operating Hours


Applies to Block Parameter Description

E3 plus E3 Device Status
• On Line
• Connection Timeout
• Keying Mismatch
• Wrong Data Size
• No Such Device
• Fragment Error
• Slave Initialization Error
• I/O Data Overflow
• Device Went Idle
• Automatic Device Replacement Error
• Acknowledgement Timeout
E3 Data Status
• Tripped (E3_0_TRIP)
• Output A Status (E3_0_OP_A)
• Output B Status (E3_0_OP_B)
• Input 1 (E3_0_INPUT1)
• Input 2 (E3_0_INPUT2)
• Input 3 (E3_0_INPUT3)
• Input 4(E3_0_INPUT4)
• L1 Current (E3_0_L1_CURR)
• L2 Current (E3_0_L2_CURR)
• L3 Current (E3_0_L3_CURR)
DeviceNet Scanner Status
• Scanner: On Line
• Scanner: Illegal Scan List
• Scanner: No Network Messages
• Scanner: No Scanner Messages
• Scanner: Transmit Failure
• Scanner: In Idle Mode
• Scanner: Initializing
• Scanner: Duplicate MAC Failure
• Scanner: Bus Off
Advance Data Status
• Average Current
• Average Percent FLA
• Percent Therm Utilized
• Warning (E3_0_WARN)
• Ground Fault Current
• Percent Current Imbalanc
• Test Trip
• Overload Trip
• Phase Lost Trip
• Ground Fault Trip
• Stall Trip Warning
• Jam Trip


Applies to Block Parameter Description

• Underload Trip
• PTC Trip
• Current Imbalance Trip
• Comm Fault Trip
• Comm Idle Trip
• Remote Trip
• Blocked Start Trip
• Overload Warning
• Jam Warning
• Underload Warning
• PTC Warning
• Current Imbalance Warning
• Comm Fault Warning
• Comm Idle Warning
• Configuration Warning
• Status Warning
• Operating Hours Warning
• Operating Hours

Data/Command tab

Applies to Block Parameter Description

E3 • E3[0] Output A
• E3[0] Output B
• E3[0] Fault Reset
• E3[0] Remote Trip
E3 plus • E3[0] Output A
• E3[0] Fault Reset
• E3[0] Remote Trip Sensor Type and PV Low and High Signal range for RTD module - Armor Block 1732E-IR4IM12R
PVLOSIGNAL and PVHISIGNAL values are determined by the sensor type you select for each channel. The
following table lists the corresponding PVLOSIGNAL and PVHISIGNAL values for each sensor type:

If the PV low and high signal values are not configured per the following table, then while loading, the module will
fail to establish or initiate communication with the physical device. The module state will be displayed as, Not
Connected after loading the module.
When ArmorBlock 1732E IR4IM48 module (RTD type) is configured with the RTD sensor type as Ohms and if the
PV value is more than the maximum range value (For example, if the maximum range is 500, and the PV value is
greater than 500), the PV value is clamped to the maximum value. However, the PVSTS value (PV status) continues to
remain as NORMAL.


RTD sensor type PVLOSIGNAL value PVHISIGNAL value

Ohms 0 5000


100 Ohms Pt 385 • -2000 °C • 8500 °C

• -3280 °F • 15620 °F
200 Ohms Pt 385 • -2000 °C • 6300 °C
• -3280 °F • 11660 °F
100 Ohms Pt 3916 • -2000 °C • 6300 °C
• -3280 °F • 11660 °F
200 Ohms Pt 3916 • -2000 °C • 6300 °C
• -3280 °F • 11660 °F
10 Ohms Cu 427 • -1000 °C • 2600 °C
• -1480 °F • 5000 °F
120 Ohm Ni 672 • -800 °C • 2600 °C
• -1120 °F • 5000 °F
100 Ohm Ni 618 • -600 °C • 1800 °C
• -760 °F • 3560 °F
120 Ohm Ni 618 • -900 °C • 1400 °C
• -1300 °F • 2840 °F Sensor Type and PV Low and High Signal range for Thermocouple module - Armor Block 1732E-IT4IM12R
PVLOSIGNAL and PVHISIGNAL values are determined by the sensor type you select for each channel. The
following table lists the corresponding PVLOSIGNAL and PVHISIGNAL values for each sensor type.

If the PV low and high signal values are not configured per the following table, then while loading, the module will
fail to establish or initiate communication with the physical device. The module state will be displayed as, Not
Connected after loading the module.


Thermocouple sensor type PVLOSIGNAL value PVHISIGNAL value

mV -7812 7812
Type B • 400 °C • 18200 °C
• 1040 °F • 32720 °F
Per the Rockwell documentation, the actual values for
PVHISIGNAL ( Type B) = 33080 °F. However, while
configuring the module through RSLogix, only 32720 °F is
accepted as the value for High Engineering. Therefore, the
value to be specified for PVHISIGNAL is 32720 °F.
Type C • 0 °C • 23200 °C
• 320 °F • 32720 °F
Per the Rockwell documentation, the actual value for
PVHISIGNAL (Type C) = 42080 °F. However, while
configuring the module through RSLogix, only 32720 °F is
accepted as the value for High Engineering. Therefore, the
value to be specified for PVHISIGNAL is 32720 °F.
Type E • -2700 °C • 10000 °C
• -4540 °F • 18320 °F
Type J • -2100 °C • 12000 °C
• -3460 °F • 21920 °F


Thermocouple sensor type PVLOSIGNAL value PVHISIGNAL value

Type K • -2700 °C • 13720 °C
• -4540 °F • 25016 °F
Type N • -2700 °C • 13000 °C
• -4540 °F • 23720 °F
Type R • -500 °C • 17680 °C
• -580 °F • 32144 °F
Type S • -500 °C • 17680 °C
• -580 °F • 32144 °F
Type T • -2700 °C • 4000 °C
• -4540 °F • 7520 °F Cold junction configuration for thermocouple module - Armor Block 1732E-IT4IM12R
The Cold Junction Enable option allows you to enable or disable cold junction compensation. The cold
junction compensation source can be either externally determined or manually entered. The following
parameters are used to configure the cold junction compensation for a thermocouple module:
You can configure the external cold junction compensation source by enabling the CJENABLE option per
channel and selecting the appropriate CJMODE option. You can configure the cold junction compensation
manually by using the CJOFFSET (per channel) option, which is available only when CJENABLE is disabled.

• If CJENABLE is selected and there is no thermistor connected at any specified channel, then the CJSTATUS will
display No Thermistor Detected, and no cold junction compensation will be applied.
• Cold junction compensation is not applicable when the sensor type is set to mV ( milliVolt).
• When cold junction compensation is enabled, the temperature values of ArmorBlock and ArmorPoint modules
deviate. For temperature values less than -100 degree C and more than 1000 degree C, the deviation can be
approximately in the range of 10 to 20 degree C.

Cold Junction configuration


Average selected No channel is selected Selected Readonly/ NA This is not a valid
configuration. Do not select
the CJENABLE option.

This configuration will
result in communication
failure with the physical
device while loading the
module and the module
state will be Not
Connected after loading
the module.



Average selected One or more channel Selected Readonly/ NA The external thermistor
selected connected to the selected
channel will be averaged and
used for the cold junction

• When a single
channel is selected,
the thermistor
attached to that
channel provides the
temperature for all
• When more than one
channel is selected,
the temperature used
by the selected
channels is averaged
across all selected
channels, which
have a valid
thermistor detected.

Average selected No channel selected Not Selected Writable and not The channel offset value is
equal to zero used for cold junction
Average selected One or more channel Not Selected Writable and not This is not a recommended
selected equal to zero configuration. The channel
offset value is used for cold
junction compensation.
Channel Read only/NA Selected Readonly/ NA Individual channel thermistor
independent (external) readings will be
used for cold junction
Channel Read only/NA Not Selected Writable and not Channel offset value is used
independent equal to zero for cold junction
compensation. Digital Filter configuration for thermocouple and RTD modules of the Armor block family
You can configure digital filters for each of the four channels for both the thermocouple and RTD modules of
the Armor block family — (1732E-IT4IM12R, 1732E-IR4IM12 ). The digital filter configuration is based on a
time constant that you can configure. The time constant value can be configured up to 10,000 ms. The value 0
disables the filter and it is the default value.
If the digital filters are configured below the minimum digital filter values then while loading the module, it will
fail to establish/initiate communication with the physical device. The module state will be Not Connected after
loading the module.

Minimum and Maximum Digital Filter Values

Notch Filter Minimum Digital Filter Value (ms) Maximum Digital Filter Value (ms)
50Hz 20 10000


Notch Filter Minimum Digital Filter Value (ms) Maximum Digital Filter Value (ms)
60Hz 20 10000
250Hz 2 10000
500Hz 1 10000 PV scaling factor configuration in thermocouple modules

PV scaling factor is used to scale the PVRAW value to obtain the actual PV.
The PV value for the thermocouple modules of the ArmorPoint and ArmorBlock families is determined as
• In thermocouple mode, the scaled number has an implied decimal point 1 digit from the right. For example,
if the PVRAW value is 17500, then the temperature/PV is 1750.0.
• In millivolt mode, the implied decimal point is to the left of the last 2 digits. For example, if the PRAW
value is 1050, then the actual reading/PV is 10.50mV.
(PV is the product of PVSCALEFACTOR and PVRAW)
PVSCALEFACTOR for mV Sensor Type is 1/100 (0.01) and for the rest of the thermocouple sensor types, the
PVSCALEFACTOR is 1/10(0.1)

PV scaling factor values for ArmorPoint and ArmorBlock thermocouple modules


Thermocouple mode 0.1 (default)
Multivolt mode 0.01


10.2 C300 and ControlLogix integration

C300 controller can efficiently integrate with the ControlLogix control system. The ControlLogix processors
store data in the form of tags. This integration supports the following operations:
• Reading the User-Defined Tags (UDTs) from the ControlLogix Programmable logic controller (PLC).
• Referencing the UDTs in Experion LX strategies.
• Writing the updated UDTs to the ControlLogix PLC.
• Starting R500, C300 can Read or Write to Scalar Data within the Control Logix PLC.
The Control Builder provides configuration options, which facilitate the integration of C300 and the
ControlLogix control system. The following table lists the high-level tasks for configuring the C300 and
ControlLogix integration:
Task Description
Step 1: “Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway block” on To establish a connection between C300 controllers
page 215 and ControlLogix PLCs you must configure the
required connection settings.
Step 2: “Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type” on To read UDTs from the ControlLogix PLC and to
page 217 write the UDTs to the ControlLogix PLC, you must
define tag structures that match the tag structures in
the corresponding ControlLogix PLCs.
You can create the required tag structure by
configuring a UDT type in Control Builder.
Step3 : “Defining the ControlLogix tag access” on page 233 Create an instance of the ControlLogix UDT in a
Control Module. To ensure that the required UDTs,
which you want to access for performing a read or
write operation are mapped to the appropriate
ControlLogix PLC, you must specify the following :
• The gateway details, which represent the
ControlLogix PLC.
• The tag name of the UDT (on the ControlLogix
PLC) that you want to access.

Step 4: “Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for Read and After creating an instance of the UDT block, you can
Write Operations” on page 236 connect it to other required blocks to perform a read
or write operation. Load the Control Module


10.3 Configuring ControlLogix Tags in peer references from Experion LX

This topic lists the sequence of tasks required to configure ControlLogix UDTs in peer references from
Experion LX strategy.
Consider the following sample scenario:
• CLX1 is a ControlLogix PLC
• CLX_tag1 is a UDT defined in CLX1.
• You want to access CLX_tag1 as a peer reference in Experion LX strategy from C300.
The following illustration represents the preceding scenario:
Figure 38: Illustrating a sample scenario for ControlLogix tag access

The following procedure lists the high—level tasks that must be performed to configure ControlLogix UDTs in
peer references from Experion LX strategy.

• Ensure that the ControlLogix control systems are installed and configured in the network.
• (Optional) If you want to configure tag browsing, ensure that you install the Allan Bradley OPC Server from
MatrikonOPC. For more information, see the MatrikonOPC Server for Allen Bradley PLCs Online Help.

To configure ControlLogix Tags in peer references from Experion LX strategies

1. Configure an instance of ControlLogix gateway (CLX1_gateway) in Control Builder. The Control Logix
gateway acts as a proxy for one ControlLogix processor. For more information about configuring gateways,
see “Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway block” on page 215.
Figure 39: Step 1 — Configuring the ControlLogix gateway


2. Create a UDT in Control Builder, which represents the structure of the UDT (CLX_tag1). CLX_tag1 is
defined in the ControlLogix PLC (CLX1). For more information about creating custom data type blocks, see
“Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type” on page 217.
Figure 40: Step2 — Configuring a custom UDT block type in Control Builder


3. Create an instance (CL_UDTtag) of the custom UDT block type (CL_UDT) in a Control Module
(CM_CLX_data). Define the gateway and ControlLogix tag details for CL_UDTtag. For more information
about defining the tag and the gateway details, see “Defining the ControlLogix tag access” on page 233
Figure 41: Step3 — Creating an instance of the UDT block and defining the ControlLogix tag access

4. Connect the instance (CL_UDTtag) of the custom UDT block type with other required blocks, in a Control
Module to perform the read and write operations. Load the CM configuration. For more information about
connecting the instance and loading the CM configuration, see “Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for
Read and Write Operations” on page 236
Figure 42: Step 4 — Connecting the UDT instance for read and write operations


Related topics
“Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway block” on page 215
“Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type” on page 217
“Creating Control Logix Scalar UDT Type” on page 219
“Defining the ControlLogix tag access” on page 233
“Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for Read and Write Operations” on page 236

10.3.1 Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway block

To establish a connection between C300 and the ControlLogix PLC, you must define the connectivity settings.
You can specify the connectivity settings by creating a Control Logix gateway block in the Control Builder.
Each Control Logix gateway block represents an instance of an equivalent ControlLogix PLC.
If you have multiple ControlLogix PLCs, ensure that for each PLC, you configure a corresponding
ControlLogix gateway. For more information about the number of ControlLogix gateways that you can
configure for one C300, see the Specifications document.
The gateway contains the ControlLogix PLC connectivity—related information such as the IP address and slot
number, which is required to access the ControlLogix PLC.
For example, for the ControlLogix PLC, CLX1, you can configure a gateway named CLX1_gateway with the
IP address and the slot number details.

To configure a ControlLogix gateway block

1 Click File > New > Control Logix block.
The ControlLogix gateway configuration form appears.
2 On the Main tab, specify the details for the ControlLogix gateway, which include the following:
• Tag Name – For example, CLX1_gateway
• Item Name — For example, ControlLogixCLX1_gateway


• IP address — The IP address of the EtherNet Communication Interface (ENET) module. For example,
• Slot number — The slot number details of the ControlLogix PLC. For example, 3.
• Tag Browsing Configuration:
1. Through Matrikon OPC Server option:
Specify the Matrikon OPC Host Name, Matrikon OPC Prog Id, AB Plugin Name, and PLC
Object Name details to enable tag browsing through Matrikon OPC Server option. See section for
more details.

Tag browsing is optional. If you want to enable the tag browsing feature, ensure that you install and
configure the Allan Bradley OPC Server from MatrikonOPC. For more information about the Matrikon
OPC configuration, see MatrikonOPC Server for Allen Bradley PLCs Online Help.

– Tag Browsing Configuration — Specify the Matrikon OPC Host Name, Matrikon OPC Prog
Id, AB Plugin Name, and PLC Object Name details to enable tag browsing through Matrikon
OPC Server option. See section for more details.

Tag browsing is optional. If you want to enable the tag browsing feature, ensure that you install and
configure the Allan Bradley OPC Server from MatrikonOPC. For more information about the
Matrikon OPC configuration, see MatrikonOPC Server for Allen Bradley PLCs Online Help.
– Matrikon OPC Host Name — The host name of the server where the Matrikon OPC server is
– Matrikon OPC Prog Id — The Program ID specified during Matrikon OPC configuration.
– Matrikon OPC Prog Id — The Program ID specified during Matrikon OPC configuration.
– AB Plugin Name — The name of the plugin used in the Matrikon OPC configuration.
– PLC Object Name — The object name specified during the Matrikon OPC configuration. During
Matrikon OPC configuration, an object name is used to represent the ControlLogix PLC. Specify
the same object name.
– For more information about the parameters, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.


– The MatrikonOPC Server for Allen Bradley PLCs can be installed on another computer or the
Experion LX node (server/station/flex console).
– DCOM configuration is required when connecting to an OPC server located on another
– If Matrikon OPC server is installed on the Experion LX server and you are configuring on
another Experion LX node, such as flex/station/console, ensure that you complete the DCOM
configuration for the MartikonOPC server. For more information about configuring DCOM,
see Supplementary Installation Tasks Guide.
2. Through Associate L5X file option:
See section for more details on tag browsing through Associate L5X file option.
3 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.

The ControlLogix gateway (CLX1_gateway) block is configured.

Next steps
After you configure the ControlLogix gateway block, you must create a UDT block. For more information
about configuring UDT blocks, see“Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type” on page 217.


10.3.2 Creating Control Logix Aggregate UDT Type

To access Aggregate UDTs for read and write operations, you must create a Control Logix UDT type in Control
Builder. The structure of the UDT type must match the structure of the Aggregate UDTs that are defined in the
ControlLogix PLC. The number of parameters, the data types of the parameters, the size of arrayed parameters,
and the order in which you define the parameters must match the structure of the tags that are defined in the
ControlLogix PLC.

A mismatch between the structures (a different data type or array size or any other attribute) at both the ends (the
ControlLogix PLC and the C300) will not be detected by the UDT block and unexpected results are expected.
Therefore, it is an absolute necessity to define the UDT block in such a way so that the structure matches the
Aggregate UDT at the ControlLogix PLC end.

Consider the sample scenario:

• CLX_tag1 is a tag in the ControlLogix PLC, CLX1. You want to access this tag and use it in Experion LX
• Following is the defined structure of the CLX_tag1:
Parameter name Data type
Param1 Float
Param2 Float

To access CLX_tag1, you have to create a Control Logix UDT type in Control Builder with a similar structure.
For example, CL_UDT. Following is the structure of the CL_UDT:
Parameter name Description Data type
ParamCLX1 ParamCLX1 represents the first member Float
(Param1) of the tag CLX_tag1
ParamCLX2 ParamCLX2 represents the second Float
member (Param2) of the tag CLX_tag1

The following procedure provides more information about configuring the Control Logix UDT type.

• Parameter details of the Aggregate UDT, which is defined in the ControlLogix PLC.

To create ControlLogix UDT types

1 Click File > New > Type > Control Logix UDT.
The Library and Type window appears.
2 In the Library and Type window, specify the following details and click OK:
• Library Name — The appropriate library name.
• Type Name — A name for the ControlLogix UDT.
The Parameter Definition Editor (PDE) is displayed.
3 In the Parameter Definition Editor, define the parameters for the Aggregate UDT. On the Value CDP tab,
specify the required details for the various parameters, which include the following:
• Parameter name - A unique name for the parameter. For example, ParamCLX1.
• Data type - The data type for the parameter. For example, Float.
• Access Lock - The type of user who has write access to edit the parameter data. For example, Engineer.
By default, the value will be set to View Only. If you want to configure a parameter as writable, ensure
that you select an appropriate option.


While defining the parameters it is possible to modify the Access Lock for any parameter. If the Access Lock
for a parameter is changed from ViewOnly to any other value, then the parameter becomes writeable.
Similarly, if the Access Lock for a parameter is changed to ViewOnly then the parameter becomes a Read only
• Control Logix Parameter Name - (Only for parameters configured as writable). Type the name of the
parameter as defined in the ControlLogix user-defined tag. For example, Param1.
For more information about configuring a parameter as writable, see “Configuring a writable parameter”
on page 218.
For more information about the attributes in the Value CDP tab, see Parameter Definition Editor

Ensure that you enter details for all the mandatory fields.

4 In the Parameter Definition Editor, on the Symbol Attribute tab you can specify details of pin exposure.
This tab is used to define the association of a pin number with a parameter for a block type. For more
information about the Symbol Attribute tab, and the details of the attributes, see the Parameter Definition
Editor Reference.

When you save the Control Logix UDT, the validation of the total size is performed. While calculating the total
size of the Aggregate UDT, the padding between the parameters will be considered. This might lead to a scenario
where the total size of the Aggregate UDT will exceed the maximum size limit, although the sum of the individual
parameters is less than the maximum size. The system in this scenario will report an error and the changes will not
be saved.

Control Logix UDT types are created in the Control Builder.

Next steps
After you configure the Control Logix UDT types, you can create an instance of the Control Logix UDT in a
Control Module, and define the tag access settings for the instance. For more information about defining tag
access, see “Defining the ControlLogix tag access” on page 233. Configuring a writable parameter

To facilitate write operations on the tags in the ControlLogix PLC, you must configure the corresponding
parameter in the UDT block on C300 as a writable parameter. You can configure it as a writable parameter by
specifying the same tag name, as defined in the ControlLogix UDT.

• Parameter details of the tag, which is defined in the ControlLogix PLC.
• Parameter Definition Editor

To configure a writable parameter

1 In the Parameter Definition Editor, on the Value CDP tab, type the name of the Parameter in the Parameter
name cell.
2 In the Data type cell, select the data type .
3 In the Access Lock cell, select an appropriate user, who has write permissions. If the Access Lock cell value
is View only, you will be unable to type the parameter name in the Control Logix Parameter Name cell.
If the user intends to make the Parameter Writeable, then the Access Lock chosen should be anything other
than ViewOnly and AppDevOnly.


While editing the Control Logix UDT it is possible to modify the Access Lock for any parameter. If the Access
Lock for a parameter is changed from ViewOnly to any other value, then the parameter becomes writable.
Similarly, if the Access Lock for a parameter is changed to ViewOnly then the parameter becomes a Read only

4 In the Control Logix Parameter Name cell, once an appropriate AccessLock is configured, the user needs
to enter the exact Parameter name that he intends to access from the PLC as configured in the PLC..
For more information about the attributes in the Value CDP tab, see Parameter Definition Editor

The parameter is a configured to facilitate write operations.

10.3.3 Creating Control Logix Scalar UDT Type

Scalar UDTs can be configured in 2 ways:
1. Through PDE:
To access Aggregate UDTs for read and write operations, you must create a Control Logix UDT type in
Control Builder. The structure of the UDT type must match the structure of the Aggregate UDTs that are
defined in the ControlLogix PLC. The number of parameters, the data types of the parameters, the size of
arrayed parameters, and the order in which you define the parameters must match the structure of the tags
that are defined in the ControlLogix PLC.
• One UDT block, will represent one Scalar data in the ControlLogix PLC.
• The read \ write access is controlled during its creation and based on the access lock.
1. If the user intends to make a parameter as Readable (the parameter would only read value from the
corresponding parameter in the mapped UDT in ControlLogix PLC), then the access lock of the
parameter should be configured as View only.
2. If the user intends to make a parameter as writeable (the parameter would write to the corresponding
parameter in the mapped UDT in ControlLogix PLC), then the access lock of such parameter should
be configured to anything but AppDevOnly.
2. Through Pre-Defined Templates:
Pre-defined blocks, one for each datatype have been populated under Library CONTROLOGIX i,e Blocks
BOOLEAN_TAG, FLOAT32_TAG, INT16_TAG, INT32_TAG and INT8_TAG can be seen under the
above mentioned Library. These blocks can be used directly from the library to access Scalar Data.
The same block can be used to perform read or write based on configuration made.
a. If the user intends to use the block to carry out Read Operation, the Access Lock Parameter in the Value
CDP's tab should be configured to ViewOnly.
b. If the user intends to use the block to carry out Write Operation, the Access Lock Parameter in the Value
CDP's tab should be configured to anything other than ViewOnly.
Figure 43: Control Builder Lobrary


• Describing Scalar Boolean Data
Scalar Blocks ( either pre-defined or user-created) will have only one Parameter within them and the user
needs to mention the fully qualified name in order to carry our Read or write operations on single data
This data element could lie anywhere in the hierarchy. It could exist as a single standalone scalar data or it
could be a Parameter within an aggregate structure or it could be an array element within a parameter in an
Aggregate structure.
While Scalar blocks of datatype Float, INT8, INT32 and INT16 can be used to access individual element of
an array, Scalar Blocks dealing with Boolean datatype are slightly different.
In Control Logix, if one wants to create a Tag of Type Boolean Array, the valid Array Sizes are only 32, 64,
and 96 and so on. If one creates a Tag of Type Boolean of array 8, the array size of 8 is not accepted by the
system and it would automatically consider it as 32.
Given this behavior in Control Logix, in PDE, the only options for an entity of Boolean Array are 32, 64.
Thus instead of reading / writing an individual element of an array, the entire array data is read or
• Configuration:
1. When Creating via PDE:
If the user is creating his own Scalar UDT, to access a Boolean Array data. The user needs to mention the
Array Size in the tab provided (in PDE).


2. When Using Pre-defined Blocks:

– Drag and drop BOOLEAN_TAG Block into a CM. Open the “Value_CDP” Tab.
– A Parameter called “Tag Array Size” is seen here. The user needs to enter the Array Size of the
Boolean Tag that he is attempting to access.
– The same block can be used to access an individual Boolean element or a Boolean Array. This can be
achieved using proper configuration of TagArraySize.
If the user needs to access an element of Type Boolean within an Aggregate UDT, then the TagArraySize
that needs to be mentioned is ‘1’.
Figure 44: TagArraySize = 1

Sample Usage:
If the user has a UDT Defined in Control Logix with the following structure:
Param1: of type STRING
Param2: of type BOOLEAN.
and the user intends to read value of Param2 Within Sample_1, then he needs to enter
Sample_1.Param2 in CLX_TAG Parameter.

If the user needs to access an element of Type Boolean Array of size 32 within an Aggregate UDT, then
the TagArraySize that needs to be mentioned is ‘32’.
In this case, one can see all 32 elements on the form.
Figure 45: TagArraySize = 32


Since in the case of Booleans, the entire Array is read / written at once, the fully qualified name to be
entered by user should contain just the TagName.ParamName. There is no need to mention Array Index

Sample Usage:
If user has a UDT Defined in Control Logix PLC with the following structure.
Sample_2: Param1
Param2 [32] – of type Boolean
And the user is using this Scalar Block to access Param2 from the PLC, then the user needs to enter
Sample_2.Param2 and not Sample_2.Param2 [6] or Sample_2.Param2 [14] in CLX_TAG
Parameter. All the 32 elements will be displayed. Tag Browsing

You can use the tag browsing feature in the Control Builder to simplify the process of specifying the tag names
of the ControlLogix tags in ControlLogix UDT instances. The tag browsing feature helps you in viewing a list
of tags that are configured in the ControlLogix PLC and selecting the required tag. You can select the required
ControlLogix tag (instead of typing the details manually).
Prior to Experion R500 release, the TAG browsing feature is supported through Matrikon OPC server. From
Experion R500 release, the TAG browsing feature is enhanced to support using L5X file in addition to Matrikon
OPC server. The L5X file is generated by Rockwell software (RSLogix /Studio5000) and can be used forTAG


In Experion R500 release, tag browsing can be done in 2 ways, as listed below:
• Through the Matrikon OPC Server:
If the Matrikon OPC Server for Allen Bradley PLC is installed in the computer or another computer or
the Experion node (server/station/flex console), tags can be browsed, viewed, or required tag can be
selected from the tags list by specifying Matrikon OPC Host Name, Matrikon OPC Prog Id, AB Plugin
Name, and PLC Object Name details.
To use the tag browsing feature:
– Install and configure the Allan Bradley OPC Server from MatrikonOPC.
For more information about the Matrikon OPC configuration, see MatrikonOPC Server for Allen
Bradley PLCs Online Help.
– Configure the tag browsing feature in Control Builder.
For more information about configuring tag browsing, see “Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway
block” on page 215.
If the tag browsing feature is not configured, you can manually specify the details of the tags, while

The MatrikonOPC Server for Allen Bradley PLCs can be installed on the Experion LX server. If required, perform
the required DCOM configuration.

• Through Associate L5X file option:

If the Matrikon OPC Server for Allen Bradley PLC is not installed in the computer or another computer
or the Experion node (server/station/flex console), tags can be browsed, viewed, or required tag can be
selected from the tags list using Associate L5X file options.
To use the tag browsing feature:
– Configure the tag browsing feature in Control Builder.
For more information about configuring tag browsing, see “Configuring the ControlLogix Gateway
block” on page 215.
The following steps explain the TAG browsing feature using L5X file:
1. In control builder, select Control Logix block from the Project tree view and right-click, a New menu
Associate L5X will get displayed in drop down menu. Refer to below figure.
Figure 46: Associate L5X


2. Select Associate L5X window .

The Associate L5X..... window appears. Refer the below figure .


The title of the pop-up window will contain the ControlLogix block’s name (For Example: for the
CONTROLLOGIX_151 ControlLogix block the Associate L5X - CONTROLLOGIX_151 window

Figure 47: Associate L5X… Window

3. The Associate L5X..... window will have Existing Association and New Association , as options.
– Existing Association :
The Existing Association group box will show following information. This information are read from
the L5X file and stored as ControlLogix parameters. When this dialog is displayed, it reads the
ControlLogix parameters and displays
– Controller Name
– Processor Type
– File Name
If the ControlLogix is associated with L5X file, then the existing association information will be
displayed as shown below.
Figure 48: ControlLogix Associated Information with L5X file


Reset Button will clear the existing L5X file association. If user clicks Reset button, the below
confirmation message will be shown to user.
Figure 49: Reset Confirmation Message

Based on the confirmation from the user, existing association will be cleared, which means after the
reset operation ControlLogix will not be associated with L5X file.
If the ControlLogix is not associated with L5X file, then the existing association information will not
be displayed. Refer the below figure.
Figure 50: ControlLogix Non-associated Information with L5X file

– New Association :
– Click browse button to select L5X file to associate with a ControlLogix block.
An Open File dialog appears to select the L5X file.
– On selection of the L5X file, the full file path will be shown. Refer the below figure.
Figure 51: L5X file Selection Path

4. Show Available TAGs:

User can view the available TAGs from the L5X file by using below options:
– Existing Association
Shows TAGs based on the Existing Association information.
Figure 52: TAGs based on the Existing Association Information


– New Association
Shows TAGs based on the New Association information.
Figure 53: TAGs based on the New Association

Associated L5X File Name in Control Logix block property page:

Once the L5X file is associated for a ControlLogix block, the associated file name will be shown under Tag
Browsing Configuration group of ControlLogix block property page.
Figure 54: Associated File Name in Tag Browsing Configuration Group of ControlLogix Block Property Page

Select TAG in ControlLogix UDT instance

To set the TAG for a ControlLogix UDT instance, user can type the TAG name directly in the ControlLogix
Tag edit box or can use the . browse button to select the TAG.
Figure 55: Browse Button to Select TAG in ControlLogix UDT


If user selects browse button, Select Control Logix Tag dialog appears. This dialog will have the following
two options to show TAGs.
1. Matrikon OPC:
Shows the TAGs based on Matrikon OPC configuration in the ControlLogix block
Figure 56: Control Logix Tag Window with TAGs based on Matrikon OPC configuration in the ControlLogix block

• TAGs from Matrikon OPC server:
Figure 57: TAGs from Matrikon OPC server


1. If the Matrikon OPC configuration is not done for ControlLogix Block then the above Select Control
Logix Tag dialog will indicate Matrikon OPC is not configured.
Figure 58: Select Control Logix Tag Window with Matrikon OPC is not Configured Instance


2. Associate L5X file:

Shows the TAGs based on associated L5X file in the ControlLogix block
Figure 59: Associated L5X file in the ControlLogix Block

• TAGs from associated L5X file option:
Figure 60: Select Control Logix Tag Window with Associated L5X file


1. If, associated L5X file is not done for ControlLogix Block then the above Select Control Logix Tag
dialog will indicate L5X file is not configured.
Figure 61: Select Control Logix Tag Window with L5X file not Configured Instance


3. If both Matrikon OPC and L5X file is not configured for ControlLogix Block then user will not be able to
open the Select Control Logix Tag dialog
Figure 62: Control Logix Tag Window with both Matrikon OPC and L5X file not not Configured Instance


If, user selects browse button an error message appears as shown below:
Figure 63: Error Message

10.3.4 Defining the ControlLogix tag access

After creating a Control Logix UDT ( Aggregate/ Scalar ) block, you can create an instance of the UDT block in
a Control Module (CM). However, to ensure that the tag you want to access for performing a read or write
operation is mapped to the appropriate ControlLogix PLC, you must define the following:
• The Tag Name of the Tag you want to access.
• The corresponding ControlLogix gateway details, which represent the ControlLogix PLC that contains the
For example, if you want to access the tag, CLX_tag1, you must specify the following:
• Tag name - CLX_tag1
• ControlLogix gateway - CLX1_gateway


• Additionally, if the UDT has been created using PDE starting R500, a additional configuration needs to be
taken care of. A new Parameter TagType would appear on the form. The configuration options are:
1. Aggregate Tag
2. Scalar Tag

It would be defaulted to Aggregate Tag.

1. Scalar UDT
The user can choose Scalar UDT:
• If the intention is to Read/Write to a Scalar UDT defined in ControLogix PLC or
• If the intention is to Read/Write to a single Parameter of a particular Datatype within an Aggregate UDT
defined in the ControlLogix PLC. This Parameter could lie under multiple levels of nesting.
Data types supported as Scalar UDTs are:
b. INT8
c. INT16
d. INT32
e. FLOAT32
2. Aggregate UDT
The user can choose Aggregate UDT:
• If the intention is to Read/Write to a Aggregate UDT defined in ControLogix PLC.

• The ControlLogix UDT with string parameter are not Scalar UDTs.
• User will have both Aggregate and Scalar UDTs, as option while creating new single parameter UDTs.

• Ensure that you have configured the following in Control Builder:
– Control Logix UDT (Aggregate/ Scalar) blocks
– ControlLogix gateways
• Ensure that a Control Module (CM) chart is open to add an instance of the Control Logix UDT block.

To define the ControlLogix tag access

1 Drag the required Control Logix UDT block from the Library tree group to the CM chart.
An instance (CL_UDTtag) of the ControlLogix UDT block appears on the CM chart.
2 Double-click the block, CL_UDTtag, on the CM chart to open the Control Module Parameter Configuration
3 On the Main tab, specify the required details, which include the following:
• Control Logix Gateway - Type the ControlLogix gateway or click the ellipsis icon (...) to select the
ControlLogix gateway from the Point Selection window. For example, CLX1_gateway.
• RPI(ms) - Type the RPI details.
• Input Bad Option - Select one of the options, HOLD or DEFAULT. The value specified here determines
how to handle the parameter details when a bad input is detected.
• Control Logix Tag (CLX_TAG) - Type or select the ControlLogix tag. For example, CLX_tag1. Refer
to Specifying appropriate Tag Name steps section.
– If you have configured the Matrikon OPC server for tag browsing, click the ellipsis icon (...) to
browse and select the required tag.


– If you have not configured the tag browsing feature, type the name of the required tag. Refer to
Specifying appropriate Tag Name steps section.
– Tag Type needs to be configured as needed.
For more information about the parameters, see the Control Builder Parameter Reference.
4 Complete the required details on all the other tabs and click OK.

The instance (CL_UDTtag) of the Control Logix UDT block is configured.

Specifying appropriate Tag Name

• For Aggregate Tags:
– CEE UDT block type could have Single or multiple parameters, depending on the Layout of Aggregate
that needs to be accessed.
– The user needs to enter just the Tag Name of the aggregate to be accessed in the CLX_TAG Parameter
on the form.
– The complete Aggregate structure is Read as a whole entity, however writes are done to individual
Parameter within the Aggregate. Thus we need both the Tag Name and the Parameter name to carry out
these operations.
– The controller will use what has been configured in the CLX_TAG alone to carry out the read, and that
the entire Aggregate structure is read at once.
– The controller will use the Tag Name configured in the CLX_TAG and append the Name of the
Parameter (configured by the user while creation) within this Tag to carry out write.

If you have a UDT Defined in Control Logix PLC with the following structure:
Sample_1: Param1
Then the user needs to enter “Sample_1” in CLX_TAG Parameter.

If “Scalar Tag” is chosen then:

– CEE UDT block type should have only one parameter.
– It implies that a “Single” Parameter/Value will be accessed.
– This Parameter could be a standalone Scalar datum at the CLX PLC or a Particular value within an
– The user needs to enter the fully qualified name in the CLX_TAG Parameter on the form.
– The controller will use what has been configured in the CLX_TAG directly for any form of
communication with this Scalar Data, which means that both for perform Read as well as write; the same
fully qualified name will be used.
– The Parameter Name defined while creation (in PDE Flow) is ignored.

If you have a UDT Defined in Control Logix PLC with the following structure:
Sample_1: Param1


And the user is using this Scalar Block to access Param2 from the PLC, then the user needs to enter
Sample_1.Param2 in CLX_TAG Parameter.

If you have a UDT Defined in Control Logix PLC with the following structure:
Sample_2: Param1
Param2 [2]
And the user is using this Scalar Block to access second array element of Param2 from the PLC, then the
user needs to enter Sample_2.Param2 [2] in CLX_TAG Parameter.

If the user intends to access a Scalar Data defined in Control Logix PLC, say Sample Tag1, then he needs to
enter Sample Tag1 in CLX_TAG Parameter.

Next steps
After configuring an instance of the Control Logix UDT block, you can connect the instance to other blocks and
load the CM configuration. For more information about connecting the instance of the Control Logix UDT
block and loading the CM configuration, see “Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for Read and Write
Operations” on page 236

10.3.5 Using Aggregate or Scalar Tag Instance for Read and Write Operations
After configuring the UDT (Aggregate/ Scalar) instance, you can connect it to other required blocks to perform
read and write operations, and load the Control Module configuration.

Control module chart is open with an instance of the custom Control Logix UDT.

To use the UDT for read and write operations

1 Connect the UDT instance to the other blocks, per your requirement.
2 Load the Control Module configuration. For more information about loading a CM configuration, see
Loading a control strategy in the Control Builder User’s Guide.

The Control Module configuration is loaded.

11 Creating function blocks for Input/Output Modules
(IOM) or Processors (IOP)

If you want to create a. . . Then . . .

Series 8 I/O AI-HART IOM “Creating Series I/O AI-
HART” on page 238
Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX IOM “Creating Series 8 I/O
page 239
Series 8 I/O AI-LLAI IOM “Creating Series 8 I/O
Series 8 I/O AO-HART IOM “Creating Series I/O
AO-HART” on page 240
Series 8 I/O DI-24 IOM “Creating Series 8 I/O
DI-24” on page 241
Series 8 I/O DI-HV IOM “Creating Series I/O DI-
HV” on page 242
Series 8 I/O DO-24B IOM “Creating Series I/O
DO-24B” on page 243
Series 8 I/O SP-AI “Creating Series 8 I/O
Series 8 I/O UIO IOM “Creating Series I/O

Related topics
“Creating Series I/O AI-HART” on page 238
“Creating Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX” on page 239
“Creating Series I/O AO-HART” on page 240
“Creating Series 8 I/O DI-24” on page 241
“Creating Series I/O DI-HV” on page 242
“Creating Series I/O DO-24B” on page 243


11.1 Creating Series I/O AI-HART

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series I/O AI-
See the Series I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series I/O AI-HART.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series I/O AI-HART

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > SERIES__IO > AI-HART High Level Analog Input, HART Capable,
16 channels.
Calls up the AI-HART block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series I/O Guide.


11.2 Creating Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series 8 I/O AI-
See the Series 8 I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” described above for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series 8 I/O AI-LLMUX

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > Series 8_I/O > AI-LLMUX - Low Level Analog Input Mux, 64
Calls up the AI-LLMUX block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series 8 I/O Guide.


11.3 Creating Series I/O AO-HART

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series I/O AI-
See the Series I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series I/O AI-LLMUX.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” described above for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series I/O AO-HART

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > SERIES__IO > AO-HART Analog Output, HART Capable, 16
Calls up the AO-HART Block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series I/O Guide.


11.4 Creating Series 8 I/O DI-24

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series 8 I/O DI-24.
See the Series 8 I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series 8 I/O DI-24.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” described above for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series 8 I/O DI-24

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > Series 8_IO > DI-24 - Low Voltage (24VDC) Digital Input, 32
Calls up the DI-24 block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series 8 I/O Guide.


11.5 Creating Series I/O DI-HV

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series I/O DI-HV.
See the Series I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series I/O DI-HV.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” described above for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series I/O DI-HV

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > SERIES__IO > DI-HV - High Voltage Digital Input, 32 channels.
Calls up the DI-HV block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series I/O Guide.


11.6 Creating Series I/O DO-24B

The following section is a general guide for creating and configuring a function block for a Series I/O DO-24B.
See the Series I/O Guide for a more detailed explanation of configuring a Series I/O DO-24B.
The following procedure uses the menu method of creation but the “Creating a Chassis I/O module using the
drag and drop method” described above for Input/Output Modules can also be used
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create a Series I/O DO-24B

• Click File > New > I/O Modules > SERIES__IO > DO-24B - Bussed Low Voltage Digital Output, 32
Calls up the DO-24B block configuration form with Tag Name field highlighted.

To complete the configuration of the module, refer to: Series I/O Guide


12 Creating a control module

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Creating and saving a control module “Creating and saving a control module” on page 247
Copying control modules “Copying control modules” on page 254
Assigning CMs and IOMs to CEE “Assigning CMs to a CEE” on page 255
Assigning IOPs to IOLINK “Assigning IOPs to a IOLINK”
Creating an instance of a basic function lock “Creating an instance of a basic function block” on
page 259
Copy a function block “Copying a function block” on page 260
Move function blocks within a chart “Moving function blocks within a chart” on
page 263
Delete a function block “Deleting function blocks” on page 264
Use the Parameters Configuration form “Using the Parameters Configuration form” on
page 264
Setting system preferences “Setting system preferences” on page 491
Setting user preferences “Setting user preferences” on page 499
Connecting and disconnecting blocks “Connecting and disconnecting blocks” on page 281
Inserting OLE objects into charts “Inserting OLE objects into charts” on page 307
User Server Scripting in Control Builder “Using Server Scripting in Control Builder” on
page 310
Control Builder print feature “Control Builder print feature” on page 319
Using the Regulatory Loop Wizard “Using the Regulatory Loop Wizard” on page 331
Exporting function block configurations “Exporting and Importing function block
configuration” on page 337
Importing function block configurations “Exporting and Importing function block
configuration” on page 337
Use Module Hierarchy “Using Module Hierarchy” on page 354

Related topics
“Creating and saving a control module” on page 247
“Creating a strategy to use insertion points” on page 278
“Connecting and disconnecting blocks” on page 281
“Inserting OLE objects into charts” on page 307
“Using Server Scripting in Control Builder” on page 310
“Identifying ERDB/Controller inconsistencies in an Experion system” on page 313
“Examples: How ghost modules and inconsistencies are created” on page 317


“Control Builder print feature” on page 319

“Option to zoom-in and zoom-out the charts” on page 330
“Using the Regulatory Loop Wizard” on page 331
“Exporting and Importing function block configuration” on page 337
“Using Module Hierarchy” on page 354
“Working with Profit Loop PKS” on page 358
“Defining a Model by Step Testing” on page 372
“Tune a PID-PL-based controller” on page 379
“Troubleshooting a PID-PL-based controller” on page 381
“Controlling access to Profit Loop PKS” on page 383
“Loading a control strategy” on page 384
“Loading control strategy components” on page 398
“Re-loading components” on page 401
“Copying control strategies using templates” on page 405
“Using Bulk Build utility” on page 412
“On-line monitoring using Control Builder” on page 426
“Control Builder block icon descriptions” on page 433


12.1 Creating and saving a control module

To create a Control Strategy, a Control Module must be created and function blocks inserted and connected. The
following graphic shows Control Builder with a Control Module chart shown in the Control Drawing area.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
If your Control Module contains Regulatory Control (REGCTL) Library blocks, you can configure the CM to
use regulatory control library point and group detail displays instead of the default point display entered on the
Server Displays tab of the CM’s configuration form. For more information, see “Configuring a CM to use
regulatory control library displays” on page 250.
If your Control Module contains Data Acquisition (DATAACQ) Library block, you can configure the CM to use
data acquisition library point and group detail displays instead of the default point display entered on the Server
Displays tab of the CM’s configuration form. For more information, see “Configuring a CM to use data
acquisition library displays” on page 251.
If your Control Module contains Device Control (DEVCTL) Library block, you can configure the CM to use
device control library point and group detail displays instead of the default point display entered on the Server
Displays tab of the CM’s configuration form. For more information, see “Configuring a CM to use device
control library displays” on page 252.
If your Control Module contains a TOTALIZER block from the Auxiliary Library, you can configure the CM to
use totalizer library point and group detail displays instead of the default point display entered on the Server
Displays tab of the CM’s configuration form. For more information, see “Configuring a CM to use totalizer
library displays” on page 253.
If your Control Module contains a TIMER block from the Utility Library, you can configure the CM to use
timer library point and group detail displays instead of the default point display entered on the Server Displays
tab of the CM’s configuration form. For more information, see “Configuring a CM to use timer library displays”
on page 254.
You can choose to display contents in the Project tree using either Assignment or Containment View. The
Assignment view shows the relationship among all blocks while the Containment view only shows templates
that contain other templates or Control Modules (CM), Sequential Control Modules, (SCM) and basic blocks.
To toggle the view, right-click in an open area of the tab window and select Assignment View or Containment
View from the list, as applicable.
You can choose to display contents in the Library tree using either Derivation or Containment View.

All edits done on project-related objects must be reloaded to the controller before those edits can be seen in the
controller. See Control Strategy Loading “Loading a control strategy” on page 384 for information on how to load
control strategy objects.


Figure 64: Example of Control Builder CM frame

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create and save a Control Module

1 Click File > New > Control Module to open a blank Control Module in the Control Drawing area, as shown
in the following illustration.
• The new Control Module icon appears under the Unassigned category in the Root Project Tree with
Assignment view selected. Default Control Module names are automatically assigned and sequentially
numbered (for example, CM_30, CM_31, etc.).
• The new Control Module is automatically saved to your hard drive.

Instead of using step 1 to create a Control Module, you can alternately use step 1A, 1B or 1C which follow.


2 (ALTERNATE 1A) Set up Control Builder with both the Library and Project views visible. See “Opening
and navigating a tree window” on page 39.
• Click on and expand the SYSTEM Library in the Library Tree.
• Drag and drop a CONTROLMODULE block from the System Library onto the Project Root.
The new Control Module appears under the Root Project Tree. Control Module names are sequentially
numbered (for example, CM30, CM31, etc.).
The new Control Module is automatically saved to your hard drive.
3 (ALTERNATE 1B) Set up Control Builder with both the Library and Project views visible. See “Opening
and navigating a tree window” on page 39.
• Double-click on CONTROLMODULE in the Library tab
A blank Control Module is opened up in the Control Drawing area.
The new Control Module appears under the Root Project Tree. Control Module names are sequentially
numbered (for example, CM30, CM31, etc.).
The new Control Module is automatically saved to your hard drive.
4 (ALTERNATE 1C) Copy a Control Module. See “Copying control modules” on page 254.
5 Select Edit > Module Properties… or double-click with the mouse cursor located anywhere inside the chart
to open the Control Module Parameter Configuration form for input.


Note: If the Control Module's chart is NOT open in the Control Drawing area, right-click on the new Control
Module in the Project Tree to display the selection options and click on Configure Module Parameters to
open the Control Module Parameter Configuration form for input.

6 Enter a new Control Module name in the Name field along with a description in the Description field.
7 Using the F1 key to access context-sensitive Help, fill in the remaining fields as required.
8 Click OK. Configuration Form closes.
9 If necessary, double-click on the newly-named Control Module in the Project Tree to open it. The new name
appears at the top of the Control Module drawing when the Control Drawing opens.
10 Click File > Save to save any additional changes you make to the Control Module before closing.
11 Click File > Close to close the chart.

12.1.1 Configuring a CM to use regulatory control library displays

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.


Be sure you check the configuration forms for all contained regulatory control and data acquisition blocks to be
sure their Names are as noted in the previous Prerequisites section.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open
• You have created a CM that contains regulatory control blocks.
• You must configure the Name for any regulatory control (REGCTL) Library function block contained in the
CM to be CtlAlgo.
• You must configure the Name for Data Acquisition function block contained in the CM with regulatory
control blocks to be PVAlgo.

To configure regulatory control library displays

1 In Project tree, double-click the desired CM icon to open it in the Control Drawing area.
2 In the Edit menu, click Module Properties to open the CM's configuration form.
3 Click the Server Displays tab to display it.
4 Double-click in the Point Detail Display box and key in SysDtlRegctla as the display name.
5 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the Group Detail Display box and key in SysDtlRegctla_fp as
the display name.

6 If applicable, configure details for Trends and Groups as you normally would.
7 Click the OK button to save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Go to the next section.

12.1.2 Configuring a CM to use data acquisition library displays

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
Be sure you check the configuration form for contained DATAACQ block to be sure its Name is as noted in the
previous Prerequisites section.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open
• You have created a CM that contains a Data Acquisition (DATAACQ) block.
• You must configure the Name for DATAACQ block contained in the CM to be PVAlgo.


To configure data acquisition library displays

1 In Project tree, double-click the desired CM icon to open it in the Control Drawing area.
2 In the Edit menu, click Module Properties to open the CM's configuration form.
3 Click the Server Displays tab to display it.
4 Double-click in the Point Detail Display box and key in SysDtlDataAcqa as the display name.
5 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the Group Detail Display box and key in SysDtlDataAcqa_fp
as the display name.

6 If applicable, configure details for Trends and Groups as you normally would.
7 Click the OK button to save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Go to the next section.

12.1.3 Configuring a CM to use device control library displays

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
Be sure you check the configuration form for contained DEVCTL block to be sure its Name is as noted in the
previous Prerequisites section.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open
• You have created a CM that contains a Device Control (DEVCTL) block.
• You must configure the Name for DEVCTL block contained in the CM to be DevCtla.

To configure device control library displays

1 In Project tree, double-click the desired CM icon to open it in the Control Drawing area.
2 In the Edit menu, click Module Properties to open the CM's configuration form.
3 Click the Server Displays tab to display it.
4 Double-click in the Point Detail Display box and key in SysDtlDevctla as the display name.
5 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the Group Detail Display box and key in SysDtlDevctla_fp
as the display name.


6 If applicable, configure details for Trends and Groups as you normally would.
7 Click the OK button to save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Go to the next section.

12.1.4 Configuring a CM to use totalizer library displays

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
Be sure you check the configuration form for contained TOTALIZER block to be sure its Name is as noted in
the previous Prerequisites section.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open
• You have created a CM that contains a Totalizer (TOTALIZER) block.
• You must configure the Name for TOTALIZER block contained in the CM to be Totalizer.

To configure totalizer library displays

1 In Project tree, double-click the desired CM icon to open it in the Control Drawing area.
2 In the Edit menu, click Module Properties to open the CM's configuration form.
3 Click the Server Displays tab to display it.
4 Double-click in the Point Detail Display box and key in SysDtlTotalizera as the display name.
5 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the Group Detail Display box and key in SysDtlTotalizera_fp
as the display name.


6 If applicable, configure details for Trends and Groups as you normally would.
7 Click the OK button to save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Go to the next section.

12.1.5 Configuring a CM to use timer library displays

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
Be sure you check the configuration form for contained TIMER block to be sure its Name is as noted in the
previous Prerequisites section.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open
• You have created a CM that contains a Timer (TIMER) block.
• You must configure the Name for TIMER block contained in the CM to be Timer.

To configure timer library displays

1 In Project tree, double-click the desired CM icon to open it in the Control Drawing area.
2 In the Edit menu, click Module Properties to open the CM's configuration form.
3 Click the Server Displays tab to display it.
4 Double-click in the Point Detail Display box and key in SysDtlTimera as the display name.
5 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the Group Detail Display box and key in SysDtlTimera_fp as
the display name.

6 If applicable, configure details for Trends and Groups as you normally would.
7 Click the OK button to save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Go to the next section.

12.1.6 Copying control modules

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open


To copy an existing control module

1 From the Project Tree, select the desired Control Module block to be copied.
Selected Control Module block is highlighted on the Project Tree.
2 Click Edit > Copy.
Alternate method:
• Click <Ctrl>-C.
Selected Control Module block is saved to Control Builder clipboard and Name New Function Block(s)…
dialog appears.
3 Change the Control Module block's Tagname in the Destination column of the Name New Function Block(s)
dialog to a desired name or accept the default name.
The copied Control Module block is assigned a new name.
You may opt to keep the default name which is simply the original name with a number appended to it.
4 Click Next to proceed to the next dialog page (if appropriate) and enter new names as prompted to resolve
any existing connections and/or associations.
If the CM contains connections to outside blocks, an additional dialog page appears which is used to resolve
any existing connections and/or associations.
5 Click Finish
Copied Control Module block with newly-designated name is pasted onto the Project Tree.

Figure 65: Name New Function Block(s) dialog

12.1.7 Assigning CMs to a CEE

Use the following procedure as a general guide to assign configured Control Modules (CMs) and I/O Modules
(IOMs) to configured Control Execution Environments (CEEs) for Simulation Control Environment (SCE)


All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• All edit windows (such as CM charts) must be closed before proceeding with this procedure or a lock contention
may occur. To resolve these types of lock contentions, close the open edit window (such as the CM chart) and
attempt to perform the procedure again.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To assign CMS to a CEE

1 Click Edit > Execution Environment Assignment. Or, click assignment button in the toolbar.
Calls up Execution Environment Assignment dialog box. (There is no set default state for the dialog, so it
may come up with different active fields than shown below.)


Can use common <Shift> plus click and <Control> plus click actions to select multiple items in Available
Modules and Assigned Modules lists.

2 With CMs/SCMs tab selected, click listed CM to be assigned to a CEE.

Highlights selection and configured CEEs appear in the Assign To list.


3 Accept default CEE selection or click desired CEE in list.

Be sure correct CEE is selected in list.
4 Click the assign button.
Selected CM is assigned to selected CEE and appears in the Assigned Modules list.


5 Repeat Steps 2 to 4 to assign other CMs/SCMs.

Complete CMand SCM assignments.

12.1.8 Creating an instance of a basic function block

Perform the steps below to create an instance of a basic function block. Blocks appear as Block Symbols on the
Control Drawing.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To create an instance of a basic function block

1 Make sure a Control Module (CM) chart is open.
• Double-click the CM in the Project Tree to open your CM chart so function blocks may be added.
• See “Creating and saving a control module” on page 247.
The Control Module (CM) chart is open so that function blocks may be added.
2 From the appropriate Library Tree group, drag and drop the desired block (or blocks) to the Control Module
Control Drawing .
Desired block is shown in reverse video on the tree.
The new function block appears on the Control Module chart.
3 Repeat Step 2 as many times as necessary to create the desired blocks for your control strategy.


12.1.9 Inserting Comments into a strategy using the Text Comment block
You can use the Text Comment block to add comments into a template or a strategy. The Text Comment block
contents can be added/modified from the Project view. The strategy can then be loaded to the Monitoring view
without inactivating the strategy or setting the CEE to IDLE. If you add a Text Comment block in to a strategy
that is already loaded, the Load while active delta flag appears against the strategy. Similarly, if you modify
the existing comments in the Text Comment block, the Load while active delta flag appears against the
specific Text Comment block. This indicates that the strategy/block can be loaded while active.
For more information on active loading, see the “About Editing/Loading parameters while active” on page 439

To add comments into a strategy

1 Double-click the strategy in the Project view. The strategy opens.
2 Drag the Text Comment block from the Utility library into the strategy.
3 Enter comment as required.
• Maximum number of characters in the comments is limited to 1000.
• You can modify the comments text (font, color, size, style) as required.
• You can resize the Text Comment block.
• You can copy and paste the Text Comment block into a strategy from another strategy.
4 Click File > Save.
If a strategy is already loaded to the Monitoring view, the Load while active delta flag appears against the
strategy. This indicates that the configuration has changed after it was loaded. You can re-load the strategy
without inactivating the strategy or setting CEE to IDLE.
5 Click File > Close.

12.1.10 Creating an instance of PCDI Array Request Channel Block

See the Peer Control Data Implementation Guide for complete details for adding PCDI Array Request Channel
block to a Control Module and assigning channels to a PCDI_MASTER block.

12.1.11 Copying a function block

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.


The following connection rules apply when copying function blocks:
Inside the scope of operation means that the block is included in the list of selected blocks to be copied.
Outside the scope of operation means that the block is not included in the list of selected blocks to be copied.
1. Graphical connections to blocks that are inside the scope of operation are automatically resolved relative to the
2. Graphical connections to blocks that are outside the scope of the operation are not carried over to the new copied
3. Parameter connections to blocks that are inside the scope of operation are automatically resolved relative to the
4. Parameter connections to blocks that are outside the scope of operation appear in the Connections page to be
resolved by the user if desired at the time of copy.
5. Substituted connections on selected blocks always appear in the Connections Page to be resolved by the user if
desired at the time of copy.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To copy an existing function block

1 Select the desired function block or block(s) to be copied on the open control drawing.
Selected function block is highlighted on the control drawing.
2 Click Edit > Copy.
Alternate methods:
ClickCtrl > -C.
Right-click, then select Copy from the drop-down menu.
Multiple blocks may be copied by shift-clicking and selecting or drawing a selection rectangle (or area)
around the blocks.
Selected function block is saved to the Control Builder clipboard.
3 Click Edit > Paste.
Alternate method:
ClickCtrl > -V.
The Name New Function Block(s) dialog appears.


4 Change the function block's name in the Destination column of the Name New Function Block(s) dialog to a
desired name or accept the default name.
The copied function block is assigned a new name.

You may opt to keep the default name which is simply the original name with a number appended to it.

5 Click Next to proceed to the next dialog page (if appropriate) and enter new names as prompted to resolve
any existing connections and/or associations.
If the block contains connections to outside blocks, an additional dialog page appears which is used to
resolve any existing connections and/or associations (see below).


6 Click Finish
The copied block appears on the control drawing.

12.1.12 Moving function blocks within a chart

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To move function blocks within a chart

1 Select the desired function block or block(s) on the open control drawing.
• Hold down the <Shift> key and click on any additional blocks, as desired, to select multiple blocks to be
Selected function block is highlighted on the control drawing.
2 Hold the left mouse button down and drag (move) the selected block(s) to the desired location.
3 Release the left mouse button.
Selected block(s) are moved to the desired location.

A function block will not move if its destination overlaps another block.
Existing wiring between blocks will automatically resolve itself around the new block layout.


12.1.13 Deleting function blocks

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To delete function blocks

1 Select the desired function block or block(s) on the open control drawing.
• Hold down the <Shift> key and click on any additional blocks, as desired, to select multiple blocks to be
Selected function block is highlighted on the control drawing.
2 Press the <Delete> key.
Selected block(s) are deleted from the Control Drawing.

12.1.14 Using the Parameters Configuration form

The Parameter Configuration Form enables you to customize a function block by changing its name, execution
order, and any associated parameters.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
You have launched Control Builder and created a Control Module that includes an AND function block.
The tabs that are included with a given block configuration form will vary depending upon block type and
active licensed options.
For parameter configuration help, press the F1 key to call up help for the active field or click the Help button to
call up help for the tab.
The number of configurable parameters for a block varies depending upon whether the block is a data driven
block or a custom block. A data driven block requires only a few configured parameters. The AND block is an
example of a data driven block. A custom block requires many more configuration parameters, including those
used specifically for configuring input, output and alarm parameters. The PID-PL block is an example of a
custom block.
The following procedure outlines the typical steps for configuring an AND block for example purposes and can
be easily adapted to apply to other blocks.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To use the Parameters Configuration form

1 On Project tab or open Control Module, double-click the AND block icon or AND block, respectively. Or,
right-click the icon or block and select Configure Parameters . . . from the list.


2 On Main tab, key in desired block name in Tag Name box. Press the Tab key. Press the Tab key.
3 Enter Item Name. Press the Tab key.
4 In Execution Order in CM box, key desired value. Press the Tab key twice.
5 In row of Input Invert Option list, click check box to turn option On or Off. A check means the function is
On. The default is blank check box or function is Off. Repeat this Step as required.
• Click the Block Preferences tab. In the view window, check a preview of how the block is displayed in
the Control Module control drawing.
• Use configuration functions on the tab to change the appearance of the block as desired. Click the Help
button for more information about the functions. See “Completing the configuration form” for more
information about user defined block symbols.


• Click the Block Pins tab. In the view window, check a preview of the pins currently configured for the
• Use configuration functions on the tab to change the pin configuration for the block as desired. Click the
Help button for more information about the functions.


• Click the Configuration Parameters tab. In the view window, check a preview of the parameters
currently configured to appear on the block in the Project tab.
• Use configuration functions on the tab to change the parameter configuration for the block as desired.
Click the Help button for more information about the functions.


• Click the Monitoring Parameters tab. In the view window, check a preview of the parameters currently
configured to appear on the block in the Monitoring tab.
• Use configuration functions on the tab to change the parameter configuration for the block as desired.
Click the Help button for more information about the functions.


6 Click other tabs to check configuration details, as applicable.

7 Click the OK button to close the configuration form and save the changes.
8 This completes the procedure. Repeat the configuration procedure for each function block.

12.1.15 Configuring alarms

Alarms tab is available in the configuration form of the following blocks to configure various alarms.
• Regulatory Control blocks (such as PID blocks),
• SCM blocks,
• Device Control blocks (such as DEVCTL blocks), and
• Various Auxiliary blocks (such as DATAACQ blocks).

To configure Alarms
1 Double-click the desired function block to open the Configuration form for the specific function block.
Right-click the desired function block, and click Block Parameters.
2 Click Alarms tab to configure the alarms.
Note: The Alarms tab for a PID block is used in this example. The Alarms tab for other blocks may include
the same or different alarms.
3 Configure the alarms, and click OK.
Note: Press F1 from the keyboard to view the Help Topic for the field.
4 Load the CM containing the configured function block.


Note: You can select a value in the Uncmd Mode Change check box only if the Enable Bad Output
Connection Option check box is selected (enabled) in the Main tab. If the Enable Bad Output
Connection Option check box is not selected (disabled) in the Main tab, the Uncmd Mode Change
checkbox is disabled by default.
The following figure displays the Alarms tab when the Enable Bad Output Connection Option check box
is not selected (disabled) in the Main tab.


12.1.16 Configuring on-delay and off-delay for individual alarms

On the Alarms tab, you can configure on-delay time, off-delay time, deadband value, and deadband units for
the individual alarms. This is applicable only for the function block for which alarms are supported.

To configure the on-delay time, off-delay time, deadband value, and deadband units
1 Double-click the desired function block to open the Configuration form for the specific function block.
Right-click the desired function block, and click Block Parameters.
2 Click Alarms tab to configure the on-delay time, off-delay time, deadband value, and deadband units for a
function block.


3 Configure the values for Trip Point, On-Delay Time (sec), Off-Delay Time (sec), DeadBand Value, and
DeadBand Units.

You must configure identical deadband units for the REGCTL blocks. However, you can configure different
deadband units for the DATAACQ block.

4 Click OK.
5 Load the CM containing the configured function block.

If you have configured the alarm delay time lesser than the CM execution period, the specified delay time will be
accepted with the following warning message.
“Delay Time Configured is less than the Execution Period of CM.”
Furthermore, the alarm/RTN is reported only after a single execution time period, even if the delay time expires
earlier than the execution period.
The alarm delay timer that is active is terminated when the execution state of the control module is set to

12.1.17 Configuring alerts

The FLAG block is enhanced such that you can configure the FLAG block to generate alerts. To accomplish
this, a new parameter ALTENBOPT is introduced in the Main tab of the FLAG block configuration form.
To configure the FLAG block to generate alerts
1 Double-click the FLAG block.


Right-click the FLAG block and click Block Properties.

The configuration form appears.
The following figure displays the Main tab of the FLAG block configuration form.

2 Select the Alert Enable Option check box.

3 Click the Block Pins tab.
4 Click INALT parameter from the Parameters list and click Add.
5 Click OK.
6 Load the CM containing the FLAG block.
If an alert is generated, the FLAG block's borders appear in red in the Monitoring view. In addition, an alert
is logged in the Alert Summary Display tab in station.

12.1.18 Requesting value changes for configuration parameters

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To requesting value changes for configuration parameters

1 Double-click on the desired parameter on the function block symbol in the Control Drawing to access the
Request Value Change dialog box.


2 Enter the new parameter value in the Request Value Change dialog by overwriting the existing value.

3 Click OK to enter the new parameter value into the database.

These changes are not committed to the database until the chart is saved.

12.1.19 About Execution Order panel

The Execution Order panel, available in the chart allows you to configure the execution order of all the blocks
in the Control Module from a single place. This panel appears as a vertical strip, which contains a list of
function blocks and their current execution order displayed in a tabular format. To view or edit values in the
panel, open the panel and then pin it using the Pin icon. When the Execution Order panel is unpinned, it
collapses and space is given back to the chart.

This panel is applicable only to CM.

The following figure displays the Execution Order panel when pinned.


The panel refreshes automatically based on the addition, deletion, or modification of function block in the chart.
Similarly, if you modify the values in the new column and click Apply, then the value refreshes in the chart.
You can re-size the panel by dragging the splitter as required.
For example, consider a CM with the function block “NUMERICA.” If you delete this block from CM, then the
block is deleted from the Execution Order panel.
The following figure illustrates the Execution Order panel in the CM.


The following table describes the Execution Order panel and its toolbar options.

Label Description
1 Displays the block names contained in the CM.
For example, the block name “AICHANNEL1” contained in the CM.
2 Displays the block types associated with the block.
For example, the block type “IOCHANNEL” associated with the block “AICHANNEL1”
3 Displays the current execution order for the particular block. By default, the blocks appear
based on the ascending order of values in this column. You can sort the columns.
4 Enter the new values for the corresponding function blocks.

• The maximum value that you enter in this column is 32767.
• You cannot edit the values from Monitoring view and from Station.

5 Applies the changes for the function blocks for which new value is entered.
The new values will be updated in the Current column and values in the New column will be
cleared. The new values appear in configuration form also.
6 Discards all the new values for the function blocks.
7 Copies the table data from the grid including the column headers to the Windows clipboard in
tabular format. This allows you to copy the data to an Excel file or to notepad.
8 Pastes the table data values to the new column in the panel.

Do not modify the block name, the block type and their current values. If the block
names and block types in the Windows clipboard matches the block names and block
types in the panel, then new column data will be pasted to the panel.


The following is a sample figure displaying the ORDERINCM on the faceplate.


12.2 Creating a strategy to use insertion points

This section outlines the tasks involved with creating a strategy for use in Regulatory Control block with an
insertion point or points from a CAB instance program, just click the applicable topic in the following table to
jump to the associated reference. The tasks are listed in the suggested order that they should be completed. In
most cases, detailed information is provided in other books.

We recommend that only users who are intimately familiar with the associated function blocks implement control
strategies that use insertion points.
You must thoroughly test any control strategy that includes insertion points before using it in an online control system.

The following topics describe the tasks for creating a strategy that uses insertion points.

Related topics
“Creating a CAB with insertion program” on page 278
“Creating a control module to include insertion points” on page 278
“Configuring insertion points” on page 278
“Loading control module with insertion points” on page 280
“Activating control module with insertion points” on page 280
“Checking insertion point status” on page 280
“Deleting insertion points” on page 280

12.2.1 Creating a CAB with insertion program

You create a CAB as you normally would to support your desired insertion program. Refer to Custom
Algorithm Block and Custom Data Block User's Guide
You must configure the required parameter references for the block that will be used to call the CAB insertion
program. See the Control Builder Component Theory book for more information about insertion points used
with Data Acquisition blocks or Regulatory Control blocks as applicable. Be sure you configure the access level
(ACCESSLEVEL) for CAB as continuous control (CONTCONTROL).

12.2.2 Creating a control module to include insertion points

You create a Control Module as you normally would to include the Data Acquisition and/or Regulatory Control
blocks that are to include insertion points. You include the CAB instance(s) that are to provide the insertion
programs in the same Control Module. See the Creating a control module section in this book for details.

12.2.3 Configuring insertion points

The following procedure is based on configuring insertion points for a Data Acquisition block. You can easily
adapt the procedure to apply for a Regulatory Control block type.

• You have created a CAB to provide insertion point support.
• You have created and saved a control module that includes the Data Acquisition and/or Regulatory Control
block and the CAB instance to support the associated insertion points.

To configure insertion points

1 In the Project tab, locate the Control Module that is to support insertion points, click the plus sign to view
its contents, and double-click the Data Acquisition block.


2 On the DATAACQ Block configuration form, click the Insertion tab.

3 Key in 1 in the Number of Insertions field and press the Tab key to expose row 1 in the table grid.
4 Click in the Insert Type column of row 1 and select the type of insertion point from the list.
5 Click in the CAB Instance column in row 1. Click the button on the right side of the row in this column,
select the CAB instance included in this Control Module in the Point Selection dialog, and click the OK
button to close the dialog and enter the selection in the column row.

6 Click the OK button to close the block's configuration form.

7 In the Project tab, double-click the CAB instance to open its configuration form.
8 On the Main tab, check the settings for the following parameters.
• The Execution Order in CM value is identical to the same value for the Data Acquisition block,
• The Access Level value is CONTCONTROL., and
• The Insertion Point value is the tag name for the CAB instance.
9 Click the Parameter References tab. Click the continue button to the right of any parameter field, select the
source of the parameter from the Point Selection dialog, click the OK button to close the dialog and enter
the selection.
Repeat this Step as required to identify all needed parameter references.
10 Click the OK button to close the configuration form and save the changes.
11 This completes the procedure.


12.2.4 Loading control module with insertion points

You assign and load a Control Module that includes blocks with insertion points the same as you would any
Control Module. See the “Loading a control strategy” on page 384 section in this book for more information.

12.2.5 Activating control module with insertion points

You activate a Control Module and its contents that include insertion points the same as you would any Control
Module. See the “On-line monitoring using Control Builder” on page 426 section in this book for more

• You have thoroughly tested the control strategy with insertion points before using it in an online system.

12.2.6 Checking insertion point status

• You have created and loaded a Control Module that includes blocks with insertion points.

To check the insertion point status

1 On the Monitoring tab, locate the Control Module that includes blocks with insertion points, click the plus
sign to view its contents, and double-click the Data Acquisition block or Regulatory Control block which
has insertion points configured.
2 On the DATAACQ Block configuration form, click the Insertion tab.
3 View the Status column in the table grid to verify the status of the associated insertion program.
4 Click the OK button to close the configuration form.
5 This completes the procedure.

12.2.7 Deleting insertion points

If you delete an insertion point from the insertion point from the Insertion Tab for a given block, you should
also delete the associated CAB instance from the Control Module. If you want to use the CAB instance as a
standalone program, you must first delete the CAB instance, re-configure its ACCESSLEVEL parameter to be
PROGRAM through the Parameter Definition Editor, and then restore the CAB instance in the Project tab.


12.3 Connecting and disconnecting blocks

Wires are used to connect function blocks and parameter connectors. When a new connection is created between
function blocks, the following methods can be used to select the wire path.
• Enable Auto-Routing option from the Chart menu - Enables you to select the pins to be connected and
system configures the shortest route for the connection. However, manual adjustment needs to be done if
there is any correction required.
• Manual routing - Enables you to select the wire path by clicking along the way and create the wire segments
as required.

This method can be considered when the auto-routing option needs more rework in terms of manual

When creating a new parameter connector, the wire is auto-routed between the pin and the parameter connector.

Related topics
“Connecting blocks with insert wire” on page 281
“Connecting blocks with auto-routing option” on page 283
“Disconnecting blocks” on page 283
“Repositioning connecting wires using drag and drop” on page 283
“Repositioning connecting wires using vertices” on page 284
“Connecting blocks with Parameter Connector option” on page 285
“Cross references function” on page 287
“Cross References panel” on page 289
“Expansion of cross-references” on page 291
“Navigating from Cross References panel to chart” on page 293
“Cross References panel refresh” on page 294
“Appearance of aliases in the Cross References panel” on page 294
“Navigation from Cross References panel using alias name ” on page 296
“Navigation from Cross References panel using alias references” on page 296
“Appearance of projected parameters in the Cross References panel” on page 297
“Enabling cross-references” on page 303
“Using the Point Selection tool” on page 304
“Using peer-to-peer communication” on page 305

12.3.1 Connecting blocks with insert wire

A control strategy is created by connecting function blocks to each another.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To connect function blocks using the insert wire option

1 Click Insert > Wire and select the desired pin.


Alternate methods:
• Click on the Wire toolbar button .
• Double-click on the desired pin.
The cursor changes to a cross-hair.
2 Continue clicking along the desired wire route. Each click completes the path to that point. However, you
can click once on the destination block pin, and let Control Builder route the wire automatically for you.

3 Click on the final connection point. In the example below, five mouse clicks were made.

The pins are connected with a solid wire.

• Wires may automatically resolve to a more direct route when blocks are moved within the Control Module.


• Press the ESC key to clear all wire entries if the final connection has not yet been made.
• To wire blocks together in a hurry, double-click on the desired parameter pin in the first block so that the
cursor changes to a “+”, then click the desired parameter pin on the destination block so that a wire


12.3.2 Connecting blocks with auto-routing option

Creating strategies by connecting function blocks to each another is enhanced using the Enable Auto-Routing
The Enable Auto-Routing option is used while moving the blocks in the chart.

• Blocks to be moved must be available in the chart.

To connect function blocks using Enable Auto-Routing option

1 Select the blocks to be moved in the chart.
2 Move/Align the selected blocks using the arrows or the chart toolbar options.
3 Observe that the wires are routed automatically to the shortest path decided by the system.

12.3.3 Disconnecting blocks

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To disconnect blocks
1 Click on the wire to be deleted.
Connecting wire is selected.
2 Click Edit > Delete, or press the Delete key.
The wire disappears, the connection is broken.

12.3.4 Repositioning connecting wires using drag and drop

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

Wires may automatically resolve to a more direct route when blocks are moved within the Control Module.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open


To reposition connecting wires using drag and drop

1 Click on the wire to be repositioned.

Connecting wire between AND1.IN[2] and AND2.[OUT] is selected.

2 Drag the desired vertices to the new position and release. The wire snaps to the new position.

The lower-left corner wire vertex has been positioned above the Block Symbols in the upper-right corner.

12.3.5 Repositioning connecting wires using vertices

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.


• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To reposition connecting wires using vertices

1 Click once on a vertex, the dark area at the corner of a wire. In the left illustration, this vertex is the dark
2 Drag the vertex to a new location. In the middle illustration, the vertex has been moved to the left, creating
two new vertices.
3 Release the vertex. The original vertex will resolve itself, leaving the new vertices, as shown in the right
A maximum of 50 vertices may be present in a wire.
To remove vertices, drag the wire into a straight line and the middle vertices will resolve themselves.

12.3.6 Connecting blocks with Parameter Connector option

To connect function blocks within different Control Modules, the Insert Parameter Connector option is used.
This option may also be used to connect blocks within the same Control Module, if it is difficult to route a
connecting wire.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open


To connect blocks using the Insert Parameter Connector option

1 Click the Parameter Connector toolbar button .
Alternate method: Click Insert > Parameter Connector.
The pointer turns into a cross-hair.
2 Click on the desired input block pin.
3 Double-click outside the block at the required Parameter Connector location.
Parameter Connector appears.
Tip: Clicking in different places outside the block symbol results in the Parameter Connector being placed in
different locations. Try single-clicking to establish a path to a desired location before double-clicking. Press
the ESC key to cancel the operation and start over if desired.
4 Type in the full name of the desired block connection, including Control Module.Block
Name(Tag).Parameter and press the <Enter> key.
Alternate method: Click on the button with the dot leader icon (three dots) to access the Point Selection
dialog. Use this dialog to find the desired point name and parameter and then click on the button titled Select
to insert the specified parameter into the parameter connection field. Then click the Close button on the top
right-hand corner of the Point Selection dialog to close the dialog and return to the control drawing.

In this example, the OUT parameter of the block AND2 on Control Module 10 is entered.

This example illustrates a completed parameter connection.

After you create a parameter connector, the parameter appears as hyperlink. When you click on the
hyperlinked parameter with the Control key pressed, the chart/configuration form appears for the tagged
For more information, see “Connecting blocks with insert wire” on page 281


• The navigation from the hyperlinked parameter is available to a parameter connector, which is for an Input/
Output parameter of a block.
• You can navigate to a parameter in other charts that belong to a different controller. Therefore, this navigation
improvement can be used to traverse between peer-to-peer connections across controllers.
• In the Project mode, double-click on the parameter to edit the parameter name in the Parameter connector. An
edit box appears which allows you to change the parameter name.
• If the parameter belongs to a tagged block or a function block within a tagged block that does not exist, you
cannot navigate to the source parameter and hence the hyperlink for such parameters does not exist.

12.3.7 Cross references function

Cross-references are used to visually identify the source of a Parameter Connector in Control Builder. It appears
as a box alongside the Block with the Block name and full pin name.
Cross References are dynamically created as a result of:
• a Parameter Connector
• an Expression in an SCM Block or a CM's Auxiliary Block
• an Assigned Input or Output Block
• a Projected Parameter reference
• an alias references
Input Cross-references have a “#” symbol before the full pin name. Output Cross References also will have a
“#” symbol, but after the full pin name as illustrated in the “enabled” figure below. The “<” symbol is used for
Expressions and all other cases.

Figure 66: Parameter connector with cross-references disabled


Figure 67: Parameter connector with cross-references enabled

• Cross-references appear for parameters, which belong to function blocks in other tagged blocks. These cross-
references appear as hyperlink.
• You can click a hyperlinked parameter, the chart or configuration form of the corresponding block/parameter
For example, to traverse to the example_scm.example_step.OP [1].DSTN parameter in the chart, click the hyperlinked
parameter. The chart appears to display the example_step and the first step output is selected as displayed in the
following figure.

For more information on the appearance of Cross-references for the parameters, see “Connecting blocks with insert
wire” on page 281


The cross-references do not appear in the chart. Instead, they appear in a separate panel called "Cross reference

12.3.8 Cross References panel

Cross-references are relocated from the chart to a new panel named as "Cross References" panel. The new panel
is a vertical strip that contains the list of cross-references used in a particular chart. The cross-references are
listed at the block level in the panel. The blocks that contain the cross-references are listed in alphabetical order.
In addition, the cross-references are also listed in alphabetical order.
The cross-reference panel can be opened by mouse-hovering or by clicking Cross References in the side bar of
the chart. In addition, the panel can be pinned and unpinned as required by clicking the icon in the Cross
References panel.
The following figure displays the appearance of the Cross References panel.

Figure 68: Cross References panel

When the Cross References panel is pinned, the panel is moved outside the chart. If you double-click a cross-
reference in the chart, opens the Cross References panel automatically and pins down the cross-references in
the panel.
The following figure illustrates the Cross References panel when pinned.


Figure 69: Appearance of Cross References panel when pinned

The Cross References panel can be re-sized by dragging the splitter as required.

Cross References panel in sequence chart

In sequence chart, Cross References panel contains all the cross-references that are applicable for all blocks in
current handlers. The Cross References panel contains the list of cross-references including the references to
the Data Block and the Phase block.
The following figure displays the Cross References panel in the sequence chart.


Figure 70: Appearance of Cross References panel in sequence chart

12.3.9 Expansion of cross-references

At any time, only one block's cross-references can be expanded in the Cross References panel. Therefore, need
for scrolling to view the cross-references is avoided unless the specific block has many cross-references. If
another block is selected in the panel, the previously expanded block's cross-references are collapsed


Figure 71: Expansion of cross-references

The following figure displays the visualization of blocks and the cross-references for a given time.


Figure 72: Visualization of cross-references for a given time

To view the cross-references associated with a block, click the block name in the panel. The <, > symbols are
added in front of the cross-references to indicate the direction of the reference. For example, if a cross-reference
is created to a PVFL parameter of FLAG block, the cross-reference is displayed in the following format

The cross-references can also be selected and expanded in the panel when you select the block in the chart.
There will be a specific visualization for cross-references having projected parameters, for more details refer to
“Appearance of projected parameters in the Cross References panel” on page 297.

When multiple blocks are selected in the chart, the cross-references of the primary selected block are expanded.

12.3.10 Navigating from Cross References panel to chart

To navigate from the Cross References panel to the chart, hold the CTRL key and click the hyperlink from the
Cross References panel. However, if you click the empty space in the cross-reference panel, only the cross-
references are expanded.
The navigation from the panel depends on the cross reference type. For example,
• if the referring block is present in the same chart then the block is selected in the chart.
• if the referring block is present in the different chart then it navigates to and opens the chart. In addition, the
block is highlighted in the chart.
• if the cross-reference is linked to any sequence blocks (for example, STEP, Transition blocks) or parameter
connectors then it navigates to and opens the sequence chart. In addition, the specific sequence block is
highlighted for the reference is made.


The following figure illustrates the navigation from the cross-reference panel to the sequence chart.

Figure 73: Navigation from Cross References panel to sequence chart

12.3.11 Cross References panel refresh

The Cross References panel is refreshed when a
• block in the chart is deleted.
• configuration form opened in the chart is closed.
• parameter connector is added / updated.
• wire / parameter connector is deleted.
This refresh is applicable only when the above actions are performed in the same chart. If any changes are made
in a different chart, the Cross References panel cannot be refreshed if it is open. In this case, you must close
and open the Cross References panel.

12.3.12 Appearance of aliases in the Cross References panel

The alias name and alias reference are relocated to the Cross References panel of the Control Module as

Alias name
The alias name configured in the SCM/RCM chart appears with "+" mark prefixed to its name. For example, if
you have configured "pid" as alias name in the Alias tab of the SCM configuration form then the alias name
appears as "+" in the Cross References panel of the Control Module.


The following figure illustrates the appearance of the alias name in the Cross References panel.

Figure 74: Appearance of alias name

Alias reference
The alias reference configured in the SCM/RCM chart appears with ">" mark prefixed to its name. For
example, if you have configured an alias reference in the Expression of the Transition block then the alias
reference appears as "> SCMname.InvokeMan.expression" in the Cross References panel of the Control
The following figure illustrates the appearance of the alias reference in the Cross References panel.

The symbol differs depending on the whether the alias is reading from a parameter or writing to a parameter. If an
alias is reading from a parameter, the alias reference is prefixed with ">" mark. If an alias is writing to a parameter, the
alias reference is prefixed with "<" mark.


Figure 75: Alias reference

12.3.13 Navigation from Cross References panel using alias name

To navigate to the SCM configuration form from the Cross References panel, hold the CTRL key and click the
hyperlink from the Cross References panel. The Aliases tab of the SCM configuration form appears.
For example, consider that alias name is created in the Aliases tab of SCM configuration form. In this case, the
alias name appears in the Cross References panel of the Control Module when the Control Module is opened.
To navigate to the SCM configuration form, hold the CTRL key and click the hyperlink. The Aliases tab of the
SCM configuration form appears.

12.3.14 Navigation from Cross References panel using alias references

To navigate to the SCM chart from the Cross References panel, hold the CTRL key and click the hyperlink
from the Cross References panel. The SCM opens and the block (Transition or Step or Phase) that is referenced
is highlighted in the chart.
For example, consider that alias reference is created in the Expression of Transition block. In this case, the alias
reference appears in the Cross Reference panel of the Control Module when the Control Module is opened and
the cross-reference detail for the referred block is expanded. To navigate to the SCM chart, hold the CTRL key
and click the hyperlink. The chart opens in a different window.
The following illustrates the navigation between the Cross References panel and the chart using the alias


Figure 76: Navigation from Cross References panel using alias references

12.3.15 Appearance of projected parameters in the Cross References panel

The projected parameters used in containers and control modules are shown in the Cross References panel on
the destination end (input connections) along with the hyper link to navigate to control module.

Projected parameters
The projected parameters are differentiated from the other normal parameters by the "^" mark prefixed to its
name. For example, if you have a control module CM_SRC with ProjSrc as the projected parameter in the
Projected Parameters tab of the SCM configuration then the projected parameter appears as "ProjSrc^" in the
Cross References panel of the Control Module.
The following figure illustrates the appearance of the projected parameter in the Cross References panel.


Figure 77: Appearance of projected parameter

Alias reference
The alias reference configured in the SCM/RCM chart appears with ">" mark prefixed to its name. For
example, if you have configured an alias reference in the Expression of the Transition block then the alias
reference appears as "> SCMname.InvokeMan.expression" in the Cross References panel of the Control
The following figure illustrates the appearance of the alias reference in the Cross References panel.

The symbol differs depending on the whether the alias is reading from a parameter or writing to a parameter. If an
alias is reading from a parameter, the alias reference is prefixed with ">" mark. If an alias is writing to a parameter, the
alias reference is prefixed with "<" mark.


Figure 78: Alias reference Navigation from Cross References panel using projected parameter name
Prior to Experion R500 connections made through projected parameters were not shown in the “Cross
references” panel. For connections using projected parameters, a reference will now be shown at the source end.
The projected parameter connections used in containers will be displayed as references in the Cross References
panel along with the hyperlink to navigate to the destination.
This will prevent control strategies which are reading from\writing to other control strategies through the
projected parameters from being accidentally deleted\updated.
User Projected parameter representation in Cross Reference panel
Prior to Experion R500, in a Control Module if the origin parameter of the projected parameter has a connection
then its information is displayed in the Cross References panel of the same Control Module with complete
parameter name along with block name. The same behavior exists today for any connections through a native
parameter of a block.
From Experion R500 onwards, the Cross References panel now contains additional information about any
parameter being projected out from a container. The following table explains the symbols used in projected
parameter connections. The figure following the table describes the appearance of a projected parameter.

Symbol Description


=> The projected parameter connections are displayed using => symbol. This symbol is used to
differentiate a projected parameter connection from other connections.
For example, in LVL0_SRC symbol => represents that NUMERICA.PV is projected out of
This symbol also differentiates connections made through the projected parameter from other
connections that are made through the native parameters of a block, shown as LVL0_DSTN.
^ The ^ symbol indicates that a parameter in the Cross references panel is a projected parameter.
For example, in L1_CMSRC contains control Module L0_CMSRC having a projected parameter, you
can see that the user projected parameters are differentiated from the other normal parameters by the ^
mark suffixed to its name.
> The > symbol indicates that the value is going out of the parameter.
For example, in LVL1_CMSRC and L1_CMSRC the symbol > is prefixed to show that the value is
going out of the parameter.
< The < symbol indicates that the value is written to the parameter.
For example, in CMSRC_2 the symbol < is prefixed to show the value is written to the parameter.

Appearance of projected parameters

At source level
In the following figure LVL0_SRC has a projected parameter LVL1_PV defined at the CM source level. There
is no indication looking at the chart whether any block parameter of this CM is being projected out and if
projected parameter has some connections.


Figure 79: Navigation from Cross References panel using alias references

At destination level
As explained above, the PV pin of NUMERIC block in LVL0_DSTN is connected to the projected parameter
LVL0_SRC.LVL1.PV defined in the LVL0_SRC. In addition, the PV pin of NUMERIC_1 block in
LVL0_DSTN is connected directly to the parameter LVL0_SRC.NUMERICA.PV defined in the LVL0_SRC.
Appearance of Projected parameters at the source level
In LVL0_SRC the summary of direct and projected parameter connections is displayed. The projected
parameter appears in the Crosse Reference panel of the LVL0_SRC as (+ PV => LVL0_SRC.LVL0.PV),
which indicates that PV of the NUMERICA block is projected out of the CM as LVL0_SRC.LVL0.PV
through => symbol.
On clicking the + symbol you see the destination connection as shown in red as
>LVL0_DSTN.NUMERICA.PV of the LVL0_DSTN control module.
At source level
LVL0_CMSRC has a projected parameter LVL0_PV defined at the CM source level.
At destination level
The following figure shows SCM_LVL having an alias defined by the name of Alias1. Instance1 of the Alias1
is referring to the projected parameter LVL0_CMSRC.LVL0_PV defined in the LVL0_CMSRC.
Appearance of Projected parameters at the source level
The projected parameter connection appears in the Crosse Reference panel of the LVL0_CMSRC as (+ PV =>
On clicking the + PV => LVL0_CMSRC.LVL0_PV you see the destination Alias connection
SCM_LVL_Alias1 appearing in the parameter connections list. On clicking + SCM_LVL_Alias1 you see the
expression configured at the Alias level.
Appearance of projected parameters in a container inside another container
At source level
In the following figures you see :


1. L0_CMSRC having a projected parameter L0_PV originating from L0_CMSRC. NUMERICA.PV.

2. L1_CMSRC containing L0_CMSRC and having a projected parameter L1_PV originating from
3. L2_CMSRC containing L1_CMSRC and having a projected parameter L2_PV originating from
At destination level
In the following figure you see LO_CMDSTN containing :
1. NUMERICA directly connected to the parameter L0_CMSRC. NUMERICA.PV.
2. NUMERICA_1 connected to the projected parameter L0_CMSRC. L0_PV.
3. NUMERICA_2 connected to the projected parameter L1_CMSRC.L1_PV.
4. NUMERICA_3 connected to the projected parameter L2_CMSRC.L2_PV.
After all the connections have been established, you see:
1. In the Cross refeernces panel of L0_CMSRC the summary of direct and projected parameter connections is
displayed. The projected parameter from NUMERICA, PV appears as (+ PV => L0_CMSRC. L0_PV),
the destination connections are displayed as follows.
The symbol => denotes the appearance of projected paramaters. Note : All destination connections across all
levels are displayed only in the source.
2. In the Cross refeernces panel of L1_CMSRC the summary of direct and projected parameter connections is
LO_PV^ is the projected parameter of L0_CMSRC and is displayed as (L0_CMSRC. NUMERICA.PV
=> L0_PV), (L0_PV => L1_CMSRC.L1.PV ) in the following diagram.

The projected parameter connections one-level up and one-level down are displayed in the Cross references

The + symbol denotes that LO_PV^ has two connections (one level up and one level down). On clicking +
you observe the origin and desination of the projected parameters LO_PV and L1_CMSRC.L1.PV
respectively. In addition, the the destination connection displayed as L0_CMDSTN.NUMERICA_1.PV is
the direct connection for LO_PV.
3. In the Cross refeernces panel of L2_CMSRC the summary of direct and projected parameter connections is
displayed. The projected parameter from L1_CMSRC, L1_PV^ appears as (L0_CMSRC. L0_PV =>
L1_PV). The destination connections displayed as L0_CMDSTN.NUMERICA_2.PV is a direct
connection for L1-PV.

The projected parameter connection one-level up and one-level down are displayed in the Cross references

Appearance of projected parameters in a wired connection

At source level
We have the following 2 control modules:
1. CMSRC_1 having a projected parameter SRC_PV originating from CMSRC_1. NUMERICA.PV defined
at the CM source level.
2. CMSRC_2 having a projected parameter DEST_PV originating from CMSRC_2. NUMERICA.PV
defined at the CM source level.


At destination level
CMSRC_3 contains blocks CMSRC_1 and CMSRC_2 where CMSRC_1 is connected to CMSRC_2 via a
Appearance of Projected parameters at the source level
In the following CM’s at source level you observe :
1. In the Cross References panel of CMSRC_1 (source CM) the summary is displayed. The Summary page
shows connection made to CMSRC_2.DEST.PV. In addition it shows that PV is connected to
CMSRC_2.NUMERICA.PV through projected parameter CMSRC_1.SRC_PV.
2. In the Cross References panel of CMSRC_2 (the destination CM) the summary is displayed. The Summary
page now shows the connection made to CMSRC_1.SRC_PV.

In R500, appearance of projected parameter in the Cross references panel of the destination CM is now

12.3.16 Enabling cross-references

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To enable cross-references
1 Start Control Builder. Click Tools > System Preferences to open the dialog.


2 On the General tab, verify the Display Cross-References check box is checked or enabled. Click the check
box, if it is blank or disabled.
3 Click OK to close the System Preferences dialog box.

12.3.17 Using the Point Selection tool

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To use the Point Selection tool to find a desired point name and parameter when referencing a particular parameter
1 Click Tools > Point Selection to access the Point Selection dialog.
Alternate methods:
• Click the Point Selection toolbar button .
• Click on the Ellipsis button associated with a Parameter Connection or Peer-to-Peer Connection.
• Select the Points button on an Expression tab, such as those associated with AUXCALC,
Point Selection dialog appears on the screen (see below).

2 Select the desired Point Name from the list of Point Names and associated Block Names/Types on the Point
Selection dialog.
• Click the appropriate column heading (Point Name, Block Name, or Block Type) to sort the column's list
alphabetically in the left pane of the Point Selection dialog.
Click the column heading twice to arrange the column's list in reverse alphabetical order.
Point Name is highlighted in the list and a list of related parameters appears in the right-hand list box on the
Point Selection dialog.


Selected Point name appears in the Point Name field and Selected Item field on the lower portion of the
Point Selection dialog.
3 Select the desired parameter from the list of parameters in the right-hand list box on the Point Selection
Selected parameter is highlighted.
Selected parameter appears in the Parameter field and as part of the Point Name in the Selected Item field on
the lower portion of the Point Selection dialog.
4 Click the Select button.
Selected point (Point Name plus specified parameter name) appears as a tagname in the corresponding
parameter expression.
Note: An error expression appears if you attempt to enter a parameter that is not appropriate for the
designated parameter expression.
5 Click the Close button on the top right-hand corner of the Point Selection dialog to close the dialog and
return to the control drawing.

12.3.18 Using peer-to-peer communication

Peer-to-peer communication is a function in Control Builder whereby data can be shared among separate tagged
blocks irrespective of CEE location. That is, if a connection can legitimately be formed between two blocks
within the same CEE, then that connection can be formed between two of the same type of blocks, which are in
separate CEEs.
can configure native peer-to-peer communication between the CEE points and non-CEE points such as Safety
Manager points and Experion LX Server points (SCADA, OPC Advanced, DSA). The peer-to-peer
communication between CEE and the Experion LX Server points are licensed using "Experion LX Server Peer
Responder" feature. The DEF block can be a non-CEE point.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To establish peer-to-peer communication

1 Designate (determine) the definition (def) block in the subscribing CEE.
• The definition block defines the parameter value which would be useful for the reference block to
acquire or possibly modify.
• See the Experion LX Control Builder Components Theory, Peer-to-Peer Functionality, Basic Peer-to-
Peer Design Concepts and Implications for Control Builder Configuration for rules and tips for
configuring the def block.
2 Designate (determine) the reference (ref) block in the subscriber CEE.
• The reference block receives parameter data from the definition block so long as the data type of the
reference parameter matches the data type of the definition parameter.
• See the Experion LX Control Builder Components Theory, Peer-to-Peer Functionality Basic Peer-to-Peer
Design Concepts and Implications for Control Builder Configuration for rules and tips for configuring
the ref block.
3 Right-click on the subscribing icon symbol in the Project tab, then click Configure Module Parameters. Set
the update rate for the subscribing CEE to a desired value. Click OK to close the configuration form.
• The update rate is the rate at which the publishing CEE publishes its data to its subscriber. The update
rate is set for the whole of the CEE and hence all references are published at that rate. See the Experion
LX Control Builder Components Theory, Peer-to-Peer Functionality, Basic Peer-to-Peer Design


Concepts and Implications for Control Builder Configuration for the maximum number of parameter
references allowed for each update rate.
4 Click on Insert > Parameter Connector. The chart containing the reference block must have the focus. The
pointer turns into a cross-hair.
5 Click on the desired input pin on the reference block.
6 Double-click at the required Parameter Connector location in the same CM.
Tip: Clicking in different places outside the block symbol results in the Parameter Connector being placed in
different locations. Try single-clicking to establish a path to a desired location before double-clicking. Press
the ESC key to cancel the operation and start over if desired.
7 Type in the full name of the desired definition block parameter, including Control Module.Block
Name(Tag).Parameter and press the <Enter> key.
Alternate method: Click on the button with the dot leader icon (three dots) to access the Point Selection
dialog. Use this dialog to find the desired point name and parameter and then click on the button titled Select
to insert the specified parameter into the parameter connection field. Then click the Close button on the top
right-hand corner of the Point Selection dialog to close the dialog and return to the control drawing.

In this example, the OUT parameter of the block AND2 on Control Module 10 is entered.

This example illustrates a completed parameter connection.

• This example uses a “named” connector which is a parameter connector configured as an input to a reference
block. A “named” connector could also be a named parameter within an expression (such as an SCM Step
• If an invalid parameter is entered, you will be prompted by a pop-up dialog.


12.4 Inserting OLE objects into charts

Object linking and embedding (OLE) is a feature supported by Control Builder which enables you to transfer
and share information between a third-party Windows-based application and a control chart. Typically, you
might want to insert a Microsoft Word (or WordPad/Notepad/Clipart) file to add an annotation to a chart.
Various file formats are available depending on what third-party applications are installed on your computer.
See the following procedures and the separate third-party application documentation for complete instructions.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To link an OLE object into a chart

1 With the chart open on the screen, move the insertion point to the place where you want the object inserted.
2 Click Insert > OLE Object.
An Insert Object dialog box appears on the screen (see below).

3 Select either the Create New or Create from File radio button as appropriate:
• Select Create New to create a new file.
• Select Create from File to use an existing file and specify the proper path name in the File entry field. If
necessary, click on the Browse button to help locate the desired file.
4 Check the Link check box to indicate this is a linked file.
5 Click OK in the Insert Object dialog box.
Linked file icon appears in the upper left-hand corner of the chart.

12.4.1 Editing a linked file within a chart

When you link an object, you are not making a copy of the information, you are creating a reference, or link, to the
document that contains the information (source document). When you edit a linked object, you are actually editing the
information in the source document. The destination document (that is, the chart) only contains a link to where the
object exists in the source document.


• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To edit a linked file within a chart

1 Double-click on the icon that represents the linked file.
The linked file opens in the corresponding application.
2 Make any desired changes to the file using the separate third-party application.
3 Save the changes and close the third-party application.
The edited file is placed on the chart.

12.4.2 Embedding an OLE object into a chart

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To embed an OLE object into a chart

1 With the chart open on the screen, move the insertion point to the place where you want the object inserted.
2 Click Insert > OLE Object.
An Insert Object dialog box appears on the screen.
3 Select either the Create New or Create from File radio button as appropriate:
• Select Create New to create a new file.
• Select Create from File to use an existing file and specify the proper pathname in the File entry field. If
necessary, click on the Browse button to help locate the desired file.
All applications on your computer that support object linking and embedding are listed.

4 Select the desired third-party application from the list of applications and click OK.
The desired application opens.
5 Use the selected application to create the object to be embedded in the chart.
Desired object is embedded in the chart.

12 CREATING A CONTROL MODULE Consideration for inserting Wordpad as an OLE object in the chart

To improve the text clarity in the chart (either CM or SCM/RCM or Master Recipe), you have to re-size the
Wordpad window size.

To improve the text clarity

1 Open the chart from the Control Builder and then Click Chart > Insert > OLE Object > Wordpad to insert
the Wordpad as an OLE object.
The Wordpad window opens.
2 Click View > Wrap to Window.
The text wrapping is enabled in the Wordpad.
3 Resize the Wordpad window to make the window size in the Control Builder chart.
4 Type the required text in the Wordpad and then close the Wordpad window.
5 From chart Context menu, select Reset Size to reset the Wordpad size.

12.4.3 Editing an embedded file in a chart

When you embed an object, you make a copy of the object in the source document and transfer this copy to the
destination document (that is, the chart). You no longer have any connection to the document from which you
transferred the information. When you edit an embedded object, the source document is not affected. For example,
suppose you embed a drawing into a chart. If you change the embedded drawing from inside the chart, the drawing in
the source document is not affected.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To edit an embedded file in a chart

1 Double-click on the object in the chart.
The appropriate application opens on the screen.
2 Make the desired edits using the corresponding third-party application.
Desired edits are made.
3 Save the edited object and close the third-party application to return to the Control Builder chart.

12.4.4 Deleting an OLE object from a chart

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To delete an OLE object from a chart

1 Select the object.
Object is selected on the chart.
2 Either select Edit > Delete or click the <Delete> key.
Object is deleted from the chart.


12.5 Using Server Scripting in Control Builder

The following topics describe the use of Server Scripting in Control Builder.

Related topics
“Server Scripting overview” on page 310
“Using Script Editor” on page 310

12.5.1 Server Scripting overview

The Server Scripting feature allows scripts to be attached to various objects within the Experion LX system,
including points and parameters. These scripts are run whenever certain trigger events occur, such as a
parameter change or a point entering or leaving an alarm state.
To create or write a script in Control Builder, use the instructions below to access the Script Editor. For more
detailed instructions on Server Scripting functions and creating scripts, see the Server Scripting Reference.

12.5.2 Using Script Editor

Open the CM properties screen and select the Server History tab.

When the “Create New or Edit Existing Server Scripts” button is selected. The screen allows the editing of all
scripts for a particular point, and all scripts for parameters of that point.


Figure 80: Script Editor for a point

If OnChange or OnOperChange are selected as the Event type, all the parameters of the container block and the
basic blocks contained by the container block will be listed in the Parameter combo box, and any parameter can
be tied to the script.


Script Editor for a point parameter

For detailed information on using Server Scripting, see the Server Scripting Reference.


12.6 Identifying ERDB/Controller inconsistencies in an Experion system

A tool exists in Control Builder that checks for inconsistencies between data objects loaded in a process
controller and objects defined in the Engineering Repository Database (ERDB). This tool identifies these
inconsistencies between the controller configuration and the database and is useful when used prior to any
controller migration of firmware to a new release.

Related topics
“Conditions causing a ghost” on page 313
“Inconsistent modules to be reloaded” on page 315
“Closing the dialog” on page 316
“Controller Migration Wizard” on page 316

12.6.1 Conditions causing a ghost

The term ‘ghost modules’ or ‘ghost blocks’ is used to describe the condition where a control module or block
exists in one location, (such as the controller), and not in the database.

Ghost modules and blocks should be resolved before attempting a migration operation.

The following conditions can create a ghost:

• A Control Module, SCM, RCM, UCM, IO or a basic block) is loaded in the controller but does not exist in
the Monitor view of the ERDB.
– an inconsistency within the system configuration exists
– These inconsistencies can cause a fault or prevent the completion of a controller migration, so the
inconsistencies should be resolved before you attempt a migration operation.
• There also may be instances where modules loaded in the controller are the same (in terms of IOC and
DOC) as the modules that exist in Monitor view of the ERDB, but contain differences in their configuration,
(such as connection configuration, condition expressions and parameters in the case of CABs or CDBs).
– Such inconsistencies also should be identified and resolved in advance of controller migration so to
minimize possible faults.
The Consistency Check tool identifies any configuration differences of these data objects for all tagged blocks
that exist in the controller and Monitor version of the ERDB. Inconsistencies can be created a number of ways
through normal system administration tasks and operations.

Deleting a ghost module in the controller using the Consistency Checker

1. From the Tools menu, select Identify ERDB/Controller Inconsistencies.
2. The Identify ERDB/Controller Inconsistencies window appears.


An automatic search of any inconsistencies between data objects loaded to the subject controller and data
objects (to the subject controller) in the Monitoring ERDB is made.
3. Choose an item listed in the Modules to be Deleted field.
Note that the tagname of any ghost module in the controller that can be matched with a tagname on the
Project side of the database is displayed in the list. Ghost modules whose tagname cannot be matched from
the Project side are sequentially named as GhostModule_1, GhostModule_2, etc. Ghost Modules listed in
the dialog can be selected and deleted from the controller one at a time
4. Click the ‘Delete’ button. The following warning will appear:

5. Clicking ‘Yes’ shows another warning, if the module is currently in the ACTIVE state.


• Clicking
– Yes
the system will attempt to inactivate the module. (If the module cannot be made inactive.
– No
the delete operation is aborted. See ATTENTION below.
• The module is deleted from the controller.
• An entry is made in the system journal for the selected ghost module.

You may want take precautions before deleting a module in the ACTIVE state so that plant operations will not be

To correct ghost blocks found in a controller

1. Rebuild the Checkpoint file.
• Refer to the “Rebuilding Checkpoints from the Monitoring tab” on page 753.
• Follow the procedure for rebuilding the Checkpoint file of the controller.
2. Reload the modules to the controller that contained the ghost blocks.

12.6.2 Inconsistent modules to be reloaded

The second list box in the dialog contains all modules in the controller that do not match its corresponding
module in the Monitoring ERDB.
• Modules to be Reloaded lists the tagnames of the modules identified for reload
• Reason for Reload provides the reason, indicated as either ‘Inconsistent’ or 'Missing Basic Block.

The Reasons to Reload are described in the following table.


‘Reason for Reload’ Column Description

Missing Basic Block Blocks loaded in the controller are missing from the Monitoring ERDB.
Block names that can be retrieved from the Project side are listed by
name. If not, the blocks are identified as: MODULENAME
MODULENAME GhostBlock_2, etc.
Inconsistent Blocks found to be inconsistent for any other reason.

To correct the inconsistencies in this list, you must reload the modules to the controller using Control Builder.
The inconsistency check is performed only when the Ghost Discovery ID is non zero in the controller.
The Ghost Discovery ID is invalid or considered to be zero:
• the controller is still not migrated to store the Ghost Discovery ID parameter LOADID, that is, the controller
does not have a LOADID parameter.
• if the store on the parameter LOADID has failed.

12.6.3 Closing the dialog

Clicking on the ‘Close’ button closes the dialog and displays a reminder to rerun the Consistency Check tool to
verify that all ghost modules, blocks and inconsistencies have been resolved and that no new inconsistencies
have been created.

12.6.4 Controller Migration Wizard

Controller Migration Wizard checks for ghost modules, ghost basic blocks and inconsistencies between the
Monitor ERDB and controller (which is being migrated). If wizard discovers any inconsistencies it will halt the
migration and instruct you to use Control Builder to resolve the inconsistencies, the ghost modules and blocks.


12.7 Examples: How ghost modules and inconsistencies are created

The following examples show how ghost modules, ghost blocks and other inconsistencies are created in a
system through normal system administration tasks and operations. These are provided for reference and as
guidance to help prevent such occurrences.

Related topics
“Ghost module examples” on page 317
“Ghost block example” on page 317
“Ghost peer references example” on page 317

12.7.1 Ghost module examples

The following are two examples on how ghost modules are created.

Example 1
1. Load a CM, SCM or IOM to a controller.
2. Assume that there is a loss of communication with the controller.
3. Perform a Force Delete action to delete the Control Module from the monitoring ERDB.
4. Since communication with the controller is broken, the module is deleted only from the ERDB.
5. The module (ghost module) remains and continues to execute in the controller.

Example 2
1. Create a backup of the existing controller database.
2. Configure and load a new CM, SCM or IOM to the controller.
3. Restore the controller with the ERDB that was saved previously.
4. A ghost module is created in the controller. Also, the checkpoint files become incompatible and cannot be
used to restore the controller.

The backup of the database is allowed only to a local (non-networked) location.

12.7.2 Ghost block example

An example showing how ghost blocks can be created:
1. Create a backup of the existing controller database.
2. In the Project tree of Control Builder, modify a CM or SCM currently loaded in the controller by adding
more function blocks.
3. Re-load the modified CM/SCM to the controller.
4. Restore the controller with the ERDB that was saved previously.
5. A mismatch is created between the controller and the ERDB configuration.
Ghost blocks are created in the controller. Also, the checkpoint files become incompatible and cannot be
used to restore the controller.

12.7.3 Ghost peer references example

Two examples that could create ghost peer references:


Example 1
1. Configure a CM/SCM in a controller having a peer reference to a point loaded in another controller
2. Assume that there is a loss of communication with the controller.
3. A Force Delete action is performed to delete the control module that contained the peer reference.
4. A ghost module is created in the controller as well as a ghost peer reference.
Note that deleting this ghost module from the controller will also delete the ghost peer reference.

Example 2
1. Create a backup of the existing controller database.
2. In the Project tree of Control Builder, modify a CM or SCM currently loaded in the controller by adding a
peer reference to a point loaded in another controller.
3. Re-load the modified CM/SCM to the controller.
4. Restore the controller with the ERDB that was saved previously.
5. A mismatch is created between the controller and the ERDB configuration.
A ghost peer reference is created in the controller. Also, the checkpoint files become incompatible and
cannot be used to restore the controller.
Note that even though the ERDB does not contain the peer connection information, the point containing the
peer reference continues to fetch the value from the other controller.


12.8 Control Builder print feature

Control Builder print and zoom feature is enhanced such that you can print multiple pages of a chart in a single
sheet based on the scale factor. In addition, before printing you can preview the charts and can predict the
number of pages to be printed using the Print Preview option. You can also zoom-in and zoom-out the charts to
the desired zoom values.

You cannot print charts from Station displays. If operators need printed charts, you must print them from Control

Control Builder print feature provides you the option of not printing the empty pages in the chart. In addition,
you can select the number of pages of the chart to be printed.

12.8.1 Print features

Printing and paging supports the graphical printout of CM and SCM charts. Prior to printing the CM and SCM
charts, you can configure the following options.
• Page Setup – Enables you to set the page preferences.
– Header&Footer – Enables you to setup header/footer background bitmap, header/footer text font, and
header/footer text sections.
– Options – Enables you to set printing options such as Chart detail level, CM page order, SCM page
order, and SCM printing options.
• Print Preview – Enables you to preview the selected charts before printing.
• Tool tip – Enables you to identify the block information.

12.8.2 Print preferences

Print preferences are stored as GUI preferences in the database. The Control Builder GUI Preferences
infrastructure is used to set and retrieve the printing preferences.

12.8.3 Print permissions

You must belong to one of the following user groups to modify the print settings.

If you belong to… Then you can….

LVL1 user or above Modify print settings. However, the modified settings are
not saved.
ENGR user or above Modify print settings. The modified settings are saved.

12.8.4 Page breaks in charts

Page breaks are of the single selection variety. That is, only one page break can be selected at a time. Selecting
one page break clears all other page breaks and all other items in the chart are cleared. Page breaks are stored as
symbol attributes on the CM block for a CM chart and are stored as symbol attributes on each handler block in
an SCM, including the main handler block.
Both the editing and monitoring versions of CM/SCM charts can have distinct pagination. That is, each version
has its own set of page breaks. Initially, you can modify the monitoring version, which does not affect the page
breaks in the editing version. Page breaks are read from the database when a chart is opened and are saved when
the chart is saved. The following table explains the class instances for page breaks.


Class instance Description

Class CPageBreak Defines the attributes and methods of a single page break.
Class CPageBreakInfo Defines the attributes and methods of an array of page
Class CContainerDoc Contains a member variable of class CPageBreakInfo.

Pagination information in CPageBreakInfo is stored as an unsorted array of horizontal and vertical page breaks
for the entire document (that is, for all charts in the document, not just for a handler of an SCM, for instance).
When a control drawing is displayed, the page breaks are drawn using the unsorted array. However, when a
control drawing is printed, the page breaks in this unsorted array are sorted as follows:
• an array of horizontal page breaks
• an array of vertical page breaks for the current chart (for example, for the current handler being printed in an
These two-sorted arrays help to determine the origin of the page (upper left-hand corner) and the x- and y-
extents of the page.
During printing, the printing function calculates the minimum document size for the current chart being printed
(that is, the smallest bounding rectangle that contains all items in the chart being printed). This information is
used by the printing function to prevent printing empty pages in a chart, where the chart is empty except for
some content in the upper left corner of it.
Method CContainerView: OnPrint is responsible for printing a page of a chart. It prints the header and footer,
and the contents of the page.

12.8.5 Page Setup dialog box

You can use the Page Setup dialog box to access Header/Footer Setup and Printing Options dialog boxes for
setting page attributes. It allows you to set the standard printer features such as paper size and source, margins,
and orientation.
You can access the Page Setup dialog box by clicking File > Page Setup .The following figure displays a Page
Setup dialog box.


Figure 81: Page setup dialog box

Header/Footer Setup dialog box

You can use the Header/Footer Setup dialog box to set the appearance of header and footer in the charts to be
You can access the Header/Footer Setup dialog box by clicking File > Page Setup > Header&Footer.
default appearance of the header/footer format is enhanced as displayed in the following figure.


Figure 82: Header/Footer setup dialog box

As illustrated in the figure, the header and footer format is set to display "End-User Company and Site Name" in
the header and Experion LX-related information in the footer.
You can perform the following actions from the Header/Footer Setup dialog box.
• Select element such as Line, Automatic Text, User Text, Rectangle, and Bitmap. You must type or select the
element from the Element to Add drop-down box and then click Add.
• Set font information such as font style, font size, and font type. To modify, you must click Change from the
Default Font Information section.
• Set the thickness of the border.
• Set the height of header and footer.
• Read the header/footer from a folder.
• Save the header/footer to a folder.
In addition, you can view the changes made to the header and footer in the preview section of the Header/
Footer Setup dialog box.
The following table lists the options of the Header/Footer Setup dialog box and a brief description of each


Option name Description

Element to Add • Automatic text – Enables you to add the default text available in the
system to the header or footer.
Note: When you add an element, its
specific properties dialog box appears. You • User text – Enables you to add specific customer/project information to
can customize your element properties, as the header or footer.
required. Note: You can enter up to six lines of text in header and footer. If you
enter more than six lines of text, it is not saved or printed. In addition,
text exceeding 255 characters is also not saved.
• Line – Enables you to draw a line preceding or following the header or
• Rectangle – Enables you to draw a rectangle preceding or following the
header or footer.
Note: If you enter the height value as zero while customizing the
Rectangle element, the following error message appears.
“Please enter a number greater than 0 for the height
[EXPKS_E_WARNING (1L.101.12488)]”
• Bitmap – Enables you to add the company logo to the header or footer.
Note: If you attach any other image format other than bitmap, the
following error message appears.
“Specified image file is not a valid format
Thickness Enables you to set the thickness of the header or footer.
Print Places a border around the header or footer.
Include Header Enables to include the header information within the borders.
Include Footer Enables to include the footer information within the borders.
Default Font Information Enables you to modify the default font, style, and size of the text used in the
header and footer.
Height Enables you to enter length of header or footer of the page in millimeters or
Print Prints header or footer information within the borders.
Read From File Reads the header/footer information from a local folder in .csv format.
Save To File Stores the header/footer information to a local folder in .csv format.

Printing Options dialog box

You can use the Printing Options dialog box to set the printing options such as chart detail level, CM page
order, SCM page order, and SCM printing options.
You can access the Printing Options dialog box by clicking File > Page Setup > Options. The following
figure displays a Printing Options dialog box.


Figure 83: Printing Options dialog box

The following table lists the options available in the Printing Options dialog box and a brief description of
each option.

Option name Description

Print cross references Enables you to print the cross references.
Print sequence block details Enables you to print the sequence block details.
Order pages down, then over Enables you to print the pages as illustrated in the following table.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Order pages over, then down Enables you to print the pages as illustrated in the following table.
1 6 11 16 21
2 7 12 17 22
3 8 13 18 23
4 9 14 19 24
5 10 15 20 25
The SCM page order is identical to a CM page order except that there
are only 3 columns and 10 rows by default. Reading header/footer from a file

• Header/footer file must be available.
• Bitmaps and .cvs files must present in the same folder if the header/footer has an image.


To read header/footer from a file

1 From Control Builder, click File > Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2 Click Header&Footer.
The Header/Footer Setup dialog box appears.
3 Click Read From File.
4 Browse to the folder where you have saved the header/footer file.

• Only .cvs files can be read.
• If the header/footer file has an image, ensure that the image and the .cvs files are in same folder. Otherwise,
an error message is displayed while reading the file.

5 Click OK.

The header/footer file is successfully read. Saving header/footer to a file

To save header/footer to a file

1 From Control Builder, click File > Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2 Click Header&Footer.
The Header/Footer Setup dialog box appears.
3 Click Save To File.
4 Browse to the folder where you want to save the header/footer.
5 Click OK.

The header/footer is successfully saved to a file.

12.8.6 Guidelines for migrating header/footer from prior release

You must adhere to the following guidelines while migrating the header/footer from prior release.
• The header/footer used in the strategies is saved in the ERDB and they are automatically migrated.
• The header/footer must be saved in your local folder as a .csv file before staring the migration.
• If any images present in the header/footer need to be saved in the same folder where you have saved .csv
• The images and .csv files must be copied to the same folder (where the header/footers are placed prior to
migration) after migration. If the image is not present the same folder, an error message is displayed.

12.8.7 Tool tip in charts

A tool tip appears when you move the point on a block's face plate in a chart. From the tool tip, you can identify
the function block and library name in the chart. In addition, you can also view the execution order of the block
in the CM. The tool tip also appears for the strategies, which are hyperlinked to the other CMs.


• The tool tip appears only if you have selected the Show Tool tip on Function Blocks Mouseover check box from
the User Preferences dialog box.
• The block execution order is displayed in the tool tip only if the block is configured with the ORDERINCM
parameter. However, the execution order of the blocks that are configured in SCM/RCM/UCM does not appear in
the tool tip.
• For the hyperlinked strategies, the tool tip displays only the CM name along with the parameter to which the other
parameter is linked.

The following figure displays a tool tip in a CM chart.

12.8.8 Print Preview feature

Print Preview feature enables you to preview the charts with the following features.
• Option to skip the empty pages
• Thumbnail view of the chart pages
• Header/footer of the chart
You can only preview the chart page that includes the configured strategies. The Print Preview feature contains
the Skip empty pages check box that enables you to skip the empty pages from the chart. You can also navigate
to the next or the previous page of the chart.

The Skip empty pages check box is selected by default.

Align Page Breaks to Grid option enables you to enhance the print preview/print of the chart by aligning the
page breaks to grid. Therefore, the objects between the pages are evenly aligned for printing.
The following figure displays a Print Preview window.


Figure 84: Print Preview window

In addition, the Print Preview window includes the Print option and the Page Setup option. This enables you
to modify the page setup before printing the chart, if required and that you can print from Print Preview.
For information about print preview of cross-references, refer to “Printing cross-references”.

12.8.9 Print dialog box

You can access the Print dialog box by clicking File > Print. The following figure displays the Print dialog


Figure 85: Print dialog box

The Print dialog box is enhanced with the following features.

• Print Preview option
• Chart Scaling option
– Adjust to
– Fit to
• Pages option to print the specific chart pages
The following table lists the various options available in the Print dialog box and a brief description of each

Option name Description

Name Enables you to select the printer name.
Properties Enables you to customize the printer properties such as paper
output information, image options information, layout/watermark
information, and so on.
Print Range Enables you to select the pages to be printed.
You are allowed to type the specific page numbers or the page
ranges that need to be printed. For example, if you want to print the
pages from 5 to 12 then type as 5–12 or if you want to print only
the pages 2, 3, 5, and 7 of a chart then type 2, 3, 4, 7.
Number of copies Enables you to enter the number of copies to be printed.
Print what Enables you to select the handler chart to be printed.


Option name Description

“Print what” option is applicable only for the SCM/RCM charts.
This option is disabled for the CM charts.
Chart Scaling Enables you to enter the chart aspect ratio and to adjust the print
size of the chart.
• Adjust to: Enables you to adjust the chart size.
• Fit to: Enables you to fit the objects in a specific range.

The last scaling settings are retained since the scaling settings
are applied based on the system level instead of the chart
level. However, the scaling settings are applied only to CM
charts and not to the cross-references and sequence charts.
Cross-references and sequence details are appended to the
end of the chart.

Print Preview Enables you to preview the chart that needs to be printed.

You can print either a single chart or all the charts available in the project view or monitoring view.

12.8.10 Printing multiple charts

You can print multiple charts from both the project tree and the monitoring tree without opening the charts.
• Click File > Print > All Project Tree Charts to print all charts from the project tree.
• Click File > Print > All Monitoring Tree Charts to print all charts from the monitoring tree.


12.9 Option to zoom-in and zoom-out the charts

Scale factor drop-down box allows you to enter the scale factor according to your requirement. The choices for
zoom factor are 500%, 300%, 200%, 150%, 100%, 80%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, and Zoom to Fit. However, you
can also enter the zoom factor in the scale factor drop-down box.

• If you have set a specific zoom factor for a chart and closed it then when you open any chart the same zoom factor
is reflected.
• If you enter the scale factor beyond 500%, the scale factor sets to 500% by default. Similarly, if you enter the scale
factor below 5%, the scale factor sets to 5%, by default.
• You can select the Zoom to Fit option to view/print all the pages in the chart on a single page.
• The chart print scale size does not change the scale of the header or footer or any information in the header and
• If you have selected to print all project or monitoring tree charts, all charts are printed with 100% scale factor.

Zoom is enhanced to make the chart more readable.

When the chart zoom level is below 75%, text on the function block’s faceplate and pins are suppressed.
However, function block is still displayed on the faceplate.
When the chart zoom level is below 50%, text on the function block’s faceplate, cross page indicators, and page
breaks are not displayed.
However, text on OLE object is not suppressed in the above scenarios. In addition, there is no modification
made to the ToolTip for all the function blocks regardless of zoom.
The following figure illustrates the chart visualization when the chart is zoomed-in below 75% and 50%.

Figure 86: Chart zoom visualization


12.10 Using the Regulatory Loop Wizard

The Regulatory Loop Wizard allows you to quickly build a standard default Regulatory Loop Control Module
using Control Builder. The Wizard includes a Suggest Tuning Constants option which provides estimated initial
controller tuning values based on basic knowledge of the loop process requirements. This option may be
bypassed, if preferred, so that known tuning values may be entered.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To use the Regulatory Loop Wizard

1 Click File > New > Wizard… .

2 Select REGLOOP.RegLoopCtrl.1 from the Wizards selection dialog that appears on the screen and click

3 The Regulatory Loop Wizard Welcome page appears on the screen. Read the introductory information and
then click Next.


4 The Process Profile page appears on the screen. Enter the indicated process information along with the type
of loop needed to control the process, then click Next.

The Suggest Tuning Constants, when selected, provides ballpark estimates for initial controller tuning values
based on the data parameters you have already entered in the Process Profile.
5 The Control Module Name page appears on the screen. Enter a name and description for the Control Module
that will be used to contain the loop's function blocks and control configuration, then click Next.
Note: Select the Config. Form button in this and any subsequent pages if desired to access the Parameters
Configuration form for the respective function block and thereby enter more detailed parameter
configuration preferences.


6 The Input Channel Name page appears on the screen. Enter a name for the Analog Input Channel block that
will provide the regulatory loop with the process variable data, then click Next.

7 The Input Channel Assignment page appears on the screen. If necessary, enter the requested information to
assign the appropriate Analog Input (AI) Module to the AICHANNEL block that is associated with this
regulatory loop. Then click Next.

8 The Input Channel Configuration page appears on the screen. If you wish to configure on the Analog Input
Module the input channel that was just created, press the Module Configuration button and enter the
requested configuration parameters. Then return to the Input Channel Configuration page and click
9 The Alarming page appears on the screen. Enter desired alarm limit values for the available high and low
alarms and then click Next.


10 The PID Block page appears on the screen. Enter the requested configuration parameters for the PID block
and then click Next.

11 The Tuning Parameters page appears on the screen. Based on what was entered previously, the process and
loop data is summarized on this page and estimated tuning constants are presented. Adjust the tuning
constants as desired, then click Next.


12 The Output Channel Name page appears on the screen. Enter a name for the Analog Output Channel
(AOCHANNEL) block that is to receive output data from the PID block in the Regulatory Loop. Then click

13 The Output Channel Assignment page appears on the screen. If necessary, enter the requested information to
assign the appropriate Analog Output (AO) Module to the AOCHANNEL block that is associated with this
Regulatory Loop. Then click Next.


14 The Output Channel Configuration page appears on the screen. If you wish to configure on the Analog
Output Module the output channel that was just created, press the Module Configuration button and enter
the requested configuration parameters. Then return to the Output Channel Configuration page and click
15 The Loop Wizard Summary page appears on the screen. The data that has been entered in the Regulatory
Loop Wizard is summarized in the Loop Configuration Summary box. Review the data to ensure that the
desired configuration parameters have been entered. Any desired changes can be made by backing up to the
page in the Wizard where the erroneous information was entered and making adjustments there. Then return
to this page and click Next.

16 The Finished! Page appears on the screen. Click on the button at the bottom of the page and
continue with the complete configuration of your control loop.


12.11 Exporting and Importing function block configuration

The following topics describe how to export and import function block configurations.

Related topics
“Guidelines for using Export and Import function” on page 337
“Prerequisites for using Export and Import” on page 337
“Exporting objects” on page 337
“Exporting object with contents” on page 339
“Files created after Export” on page 341
“Import order guidelines” on page 341
“About selection list” on page 342
“Creating a selection list manually” on page 342
“Importing objects” on page 343
“Importing objects from selection list” on page 345
“Renaming objects while importing” on page 348
“Canceling an Export/Import currently in progress” on page 353
“Commencing a Load while an Export/Import is in progress” on page 353

12.11.1 Guidelines for using Export and Import function

The following are the guidelines for using Export and Import function.
• Export and Import is supported for the Experion LX releases for which migration is also supported.
• Export and Import is faster if you run the Export and Import from server B while using redundant servers.
• Take backup copy of your primary ERDB. The default backup filename is ps_erdb.bak.
• Export and Import must not be initiated when Engineering Repository synchronization or migration is in
• Export and Import must not be initiated simultaneously.
• Substitute parameters are exported and imported implicitly.
• Maximum number of characters in the Export and Import path is limited to 256.

12.11.2 Prerequisites for using Export and Import

• Ensure that no database-intensive operations such as Bulk Build, Delete, and so on are in progress if
multiple instances of Control Builder are running.
• Users performing an Export and Import must belong to one of the following groups.
– Product administrators
– Local Engineers

12.11.3 Exporting objects

Perform the following steps to export objects.
1 Choose File > Export or right-click the object and click Export.
The Export dialog box appears.


2 Click Browse and select the directory where you want to save the exported objects.
Note: The directory C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Ixport is selected by default.
3 Click Select All to select all the objects to be exported from the Available Objects For Export list.
• If you want to select specific objects to be exported from the Available Objects For Export list,
perform the following steps.
Press Ctrl/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Select.
The selected objects appear in the Selected Objects For Export list.
• If you want to remove objects to be exported from the Selected Objects For Export list, click Remove
All to remove all objects from the Selected Objects For Export list.
• If you want to remove specific objects from the Selected Objects For Export list, perform the following
Press Ctrl/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Remove.
The selected objects appear in the Selected Objects For Export list.

If CMs containing custom blocks or CMs derived from UDTs are selected for Export, custom blocks and UDTs
associated with the CMs are exported automatically.

4 Select the Export Dependencies check box if you want to export the dependent connections of the objects
selected for export.
Note: When you export objects with dependencies, a <file name>.dep file is created for each object that has
dependencies. You can view this file in the export directory.


The Overwrite Existing Files check box is selected by default. This enables you to overwrite the existing files
with the new configuration files.
If the objects already exist in the selected directory, use this option to overwrite the existing objects. If you do not
select this check box, the Export is cancelled and the following error message appears.
“A file with the same name already exists, export skipped (EPKS_E_ ERR_IXP_FILEEXISTSINPATH).”

5 Click Export.
The Exporting Data dialog box appears. The Status column in the Exporting Data dialog box displays the
status of each point.

After the Export is complete, the Exporting Data dialog box closes automatically if there are no errors.

If there are any errors during Export, click View Log to view the error details. The error details are logged in the
IXP_log.txt file. The IXP_log.txt file is saved in C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Ixport. The
IXP_log.txt file contains only high-level error information.
For detailed error information, you must view the Errlog.txt file in C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS

12.11.4 Exporting object with contents

You can export objects with contents. When you select a parent object to be exported, all the child-level objects
are also selected for export, by default. The parent objects can be Controllers, CEEs, IOLINKs, containers CM,
or user-defined templates. For example, you can export a controller along with its assigned strategies in a single


Perform the following steps to export objects with content.

1 Choose File > Export With Contents, or right-click the object and click Export With Contents.
The Export dialog box appears. All the child-level objects of the selected parent object are highlighted in
the Available Objects For Export list. In addition, these objects appear in the Selected Objects For
Export list.

Note: The Export With Contents option does not appear for a normal CM/SCM or IO modules.
2 Click Browse and select the directory where you want to save the exported objects.
Note: The directory C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Ixport is selected by default.
3 Select the Export Dependencies check box if you want to export the dependent connections of the objects
selected for export.
Note: When you export objects with dependencies, a <file name>.dep file is created for each object that has
dependencies. You can view this file in the export directory.

The Overwrite Existing Files check box is selected by default. This enables you to overwrite the existing files
with the new configuration files.
If the objects already exist in the selected directory, use this option to overwrite the existing objects. If you do not
select this check box, the Export is cancelled and the following error message appears.
“A file with the same name already exists, export skipped (EPKS_E_ ERR_IXP_FILEEXISTSINPATH).”

4 Click Export.
The Exporting Data dialog box appears. The Status column in the Exporting Data dialog box displays the
status of each point.


After the Export is complete, the Exporting Data dialog box closes automatically if there are no errors.

If there are any errors during Export, click View Log to view the error details. The error details are logged in the
IXP_log.txt file. The IXP_log.txt file is saved in C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Ixport. The
IXP_log.txt file contains only high-level error information.
For detailed error information, you must view the Errlog.txt file in C:\ProgramData\Honeywell\Experion PKS

12.11.5 Files created after Export

After an object is exported, the following xml files are created in the export directory depending on the objects
that are exported.
• .cnf file (for example CM_5007.cnf)
• .bcd file (for example CM_5007.bcd)
• .def file (for example CM_5007.def)
• .dep file (for example CM_5007.dep)
• .enm file (for example CM_5007.enm)
• .sl file (for example
• .snl file (for example global.snl).

12.11.6 Import order guidelines

If you are importing large data, it is recommended that you import the objects in the following order.


1. Block types
2. User-defined templates (UDT)
3. (C300)
4. Control Module or Sequential Control Module or Recipe Control Module or Master Recipe Input/Output
The following table summarizes the actions to be taken care before initiating the import.

If database to be imported includes … Then, consider doing this …

Example Control Module (CM) and Sequential Control Delete the example Control Module and Sequential Control
Module (SCM) provided with the “Clean” database Module from the “Clean” database that receives the import
or do not import the example modules.
Fieldbus devices Import the CM along with the associated Fieldbus device
Note: If you have not selected the Fieldbus device template
(that does not exist in the database) associated to the CM,
the import of the CM fails. In this scenario you must export
the associated Fieldbus device template along with the CM
and then import the CM.
Input/Output Modules (IOMs) and/or Input/Output Import IOMs and IOPs before importing any Control
Processors (IOPs) Modules.
Note: If you are importing a CM containing an IOM/IOP
channel function block, the import fails if the corresponding
IOM/IOP block has not yet been imported.

12.11.7 About selection list

A selection list is an auto-generated file ( that is created when you export an object. This file contains
a list of strategies that are exported. You can use the selection list if you want to configure an exported strategy
in a different site or if you want to migrate the strategy. The selection list can also be created manually based on
your requirement. You can add or remove the strategies in the manually created selection list.
The .sl file is stored in the current Export folder that is used for storing the exported files.
Note: The selection list excludes CEE and IOLINK objects.

12.11.8 Creating a selection list manually

Perform the following steps to create a selection list manually.
1 Open a notepad file.
2 Choose File > Save As.
The Save As dialog box appears.
3 Browse to the folder where the exported files are stored.
4 Select Unicode from the Encoding list.
5 Type the name of the file in the File name box with the file extension as .sl.
6 Click Save.
The selection file is created in the specified directory.
7 Browse to the folder where the exported files are stored.
The auto-generated file can be found in this folder.
Note: If you have selected a different location for storing the exported files, you need to browse to that
location to view the .sl file.


8 Open the file.

9 Select the objects from the file that you want to add to the manually created .sl file.
10 Save the manually created .sl file.

12.11.9 Importing objects

• When importing a redundant controller, you must import the primary and the secondary controllers together.
• When importing objects, if the objects are under QVCS control, ensure that the objects are in checked-in
status for importing. If not, the import fails.
Perform the following steps to import objects.
1 Choose File > Import.
The Import dialog box appears.

2 Click Browse and select the directory from where you want to import the objects.
The directory C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS\EXPORT is selected by default.
If you have selected a different location for storing the exported files, you need to browse to that specific
3 Click Select All to select all the objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list.
• If you want to select specific objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list,
perform the following steps.


Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.

Click Select.
The selected objects appear in the Selected Objects For Import list.
• If you want to remove objects to be imported from the z list, click Remove All to remove all objects
from the Selected Objects For Import list.
• If you want to remove specific objects from the Selected Objects For Import list, perform the following
Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Remove.
The selected objects appear in the Available Objects For Import list.

• If the object selected for import already exists in the database, the object name appears in red in the Selected
Objects for Import section.
• You can rename the existing objects in the Selected Objects for Import section. For more information about
renaming objects, refer to “Importing objects” on page 343 section.
• If a CM containing custom blocks or CMs derived from UDTs are imported, you must select the custom
blocks/UDTs explicitly.
• If the strategies/UDTs you are importing are in the QVCS checked-in status, during Import the version
numbers of these are automatically incremented by “1”.

4 Click Filter List to display only assets and alarms strategies if you want to import only assets and alarms
5 Select the Show Description check box if you want to view the description of the objects in the Selected
Objects for Import list and Available Objects for Import list.
6 Select the Enable Objects Rename check box if you want to rename the objects already existing in the
system while importing. For more information, see the “Importing objects” on page 343 section.
7 Select the Overwrite Existing Objects check box.
• If the objects already exist in the database, use this option to overwrite the existing objects. If you do not
select this check box, the Import is cancelled and the following warning message appears.
‘Import of ’<object name>‘ skipped. ’<object name>‘ already exists with Tag Name ’<object
• Overwriting of existing objects fails for the loaded objects during Import, if the system contains vendor
blocks such as Foundation Fieldbus (FF) devices, Wireless devices, PROFIBUS, and HART devices. If
you are importing a custom block type with same name and different configuration, a new block type is
created in the Library view with a different name. This occurs only when you have selected to overwrite
the existing objects.
Example: If the custom block type named “CDB_1” exists in the Library view and you import a custom
block type named “CDB_1,” the imported custom block type instance is created as “CDB_1_1.” A warning
message is displayed in the Importing Data dialog box.
8 Click View Connection Details to view the connections from and connections to the object that is selected
for import. For more information, see the section.
9 Click Import.
The Importing Data dialog box appears. The Status column displays the status of each point. The New
Name column displays the name of the renamed objects while importing.


After the Import is complete, the Importing Data dialog box closes automatically if there are no errors. If
any errors are encountered during Import, the Importing Data dialog box persists until you click Close to
quit the Importing Data dialog box.

• The import of a block type occurs in a single phase. However, the import of strategies occurs in the following
1. Creation and Configuration
2. Assignment
3. Containment
4. Block Assignment
5. Connection and Configuration
• If there are any errors during Import, click View Log to view the error details. The error details are logged in
the IXP_log.txt file. The IXP_log.txt file is saved in C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS. You must
view the Errlog.txt file from the C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS folder for more information about
the error details.

12.11.10 Importing objects from selection list

• When importing a redundant controller, you must import the primary and the secondary controllers together.
• When importing objects, if the objects are under QVCS control, ensure that the objects are in checked-in
status for importing. If not, the import fails.
Perform the following steps to import the function blocks from the selection list.


1 Choose File > Import.

The Import dialog box appears.
2 Click Browse and select the directory where you have stored the selection list.
3 Select the Use Selection List check box.
The available selection lists appear in the drop-down list.
4 Click to view the names of the selection lists in the directory.
5 Select the selection list file from the combo box.
All objects that are available in the selected selection list appear in the Available Objects For Import list.

6 Click Select All to select all the objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list.
• If you want to select specific objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list,
perform the following steps.
Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Select.
The selected objects appear in the Selected Objects For Import list.
• If you want to remove objects to be imported from the Selected Objects For Import list, click Remove
• If you want to remove specific objects from the Selected Objects For Import list, perform the following
Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Remove.
The selected objects appear in the Available Objects For Import list.


• If the object selected for import already exists in the database, the object name appears in red in the Selected
Objects for Import section.
• You can rename the existing objects in the Selected Objects for Import section. For more information about
renaming objects, see the “Importing objects” on page 343 section.
• If a CM containing custom blocks or CMs derived from UDTs are imported, you must select the custom
blocks/UDTs explicitly.
• If the strategies/UDTs you are importing are in the QVCS checked-in status, during Import the version
numbers of these are automatically incremented by “1”.

7 Click Filter List to display only assets and alarms strategies if you want to import only assets and alarms
8 Select the Show Description check box if you want to view the description of the objects in the Selected
Objects for Import list and Available Objects for Import list.
9 Select the Enable Objects Rename check box if you want to rename the objects already existing in the
system while importing. For more information, see the “Importing objects” on page 343 section.
10 Select the Overwrite Existing Objects check box.
• If the objects already exist in the database, use this option to overwrite the existing objects. If you do not
select this check box, the Import is cancelled and the following warning message appears.
‘Import of ’<object name>‘ skipped. ’<object name>‘ already exists with Tag Name ’<object
• Overwriting of existing objects fails for the loaded objects during Import, if the system contains vendor
blocks such as FF devices, Wireless devices, PROFIBUS, and HART devices. If you are importing a
custom block type with same name and different configuration, a new block type is created in the Library
view with a different name. This occurs only when you have selected to overwrite the existing objects.
Example: If the custom block type named “CDB_1” exists in the Library view and you import a custom
block type named “CDB_1,” the imported custom block type instance is created as “CDB_1_1.” A
warning message is displayed in the Importing Data dialog box.

The Import CEE Assignments check box is selected by default. This option ensures that the strategies are
assigned to the CEEs if the specified CEE is present.

11 Click View Connection Details to view the connections from and connections to the object that is selected
for import. For more information, see the section.
12 Click Import.
The Importing Data dialog box appears. The Status column displays the status of each point. The New
Name column displays the name of the renamed objects while importing.


After the Import is complete, the Importing Data dialog box closes automatically if there are no errors. If
any errors are encountered during Import, the Importing Data dialog box persists until you click Close to
quit the Importing Data dialog box.

• The import of a block type occurs in a single phase. However, the import of strategies occurs in the following
1. Creation and Configuration
2. Assignment
3. Containment
4. Block Assignment
5. Connection and Configuration
• If there are any errors during Import, click View Log to view the error details. The error details are logged in
the IXP_log.txt file. The IXP_log.txt file is saved in C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS. You must
view the Errlog.txt file from the C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS folder for detail information on
the error details.

For more information about exporting function block configurations, refer to Control Builder Components
Theory Guide .

12.11.11 Renaming objects while importing

You can rename objects while importing the objects. You can also rename objects containing Foundation
Fieldbus blocks.
Perform the following steps to rename objects during import.
1 Choose File > Import.


The Import dialog box appears.

2 Click Browse and select the directory from where you want to import the objects.
The directory C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS\EXPORT is selected by default.
If you have selected a different location for storing the exported files, you need to browse to that specific
3 Click Select All to select all the objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list.
• If you want to select specific objects to be imported from the Available Objects For Import list,
perform the following steps.
Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Select.
The selected objects appear in the Selected Objects For Import list.
• If you want to remove objects to be imported from the Selected Objects For Import list, click Remove
• If you want to remove specific objects from the Selected Objects For Import list, perform the following
Press CTRL/SHIFT and click the objects.
Click Remove.

• If the object selected for import already exists in the database, the object name appears in red in the Selected
Objects for Import section.
• If a CM containing custom blocks or CMs derived from UDTs are imported, you must select the custom
blocks/UDTs explicitly.
• If the strategies/UDTs you are importing are in the QVCS checked-in status, during Import the version
numbers of these are automatically incremented by “1.”

The selected objects appear in the Available Objects For Import list.
4 Click Filter List to display only assets and alarms strategies if you want to import only assets and alarms
5 Select the Show Description check box if you want to view the description of the objects in the Selected
Objects For Import list and Available Objects For Import list.
6 Select the Overwrite Existing Objects check box.
• If the objects already exist in the database, use this option to overwrite the existing objects. If you do not
select this check box, the Import is cancelled and the following warning message appears.
‘Import of ‘<object name>’ skipped. ‘<object name>’ already exists with Tag Name ‘<object name>’
• Overwriting of existing objects fails for the loaded objects during Import, if the system contains vendor
blocks such as FF devices, Wireless devices, PROFIBUS, and HART devices. If you are importing a
custom block type with same name and different configuration, a new block type is created in the Library
view with a different name. This occurs only when you have selected to overwrite the existing objects.
Example: If the custom block type named “CDB_1” exists in the Library view and you import a custom
block type named “CDB_1,” the imported custom block type instance is created as “CDB_1_1.” A
warning message is displayed in the Importing Data dialog box.
7 Select the Enable Object Rename check box.
The New Name column appears in the Selected Objects For Import section. The Name and the New
Name column display the same name.


8 Double-click the object that you want to rename in the New Name column.
Select the object from the New Name column and press F2.

The New Name field column for the specific objects becomes editable.
9 Type a new name containing alphanumeric characters (up to 16 characters) for the object in the New Name
• The name in the New Name column appears in blue indicating that the object is renamed successfully.
• The Description column becomes editable only after the object is renamed. You can double-click the
description of an object and modify the description, as required.

• If the new name is identical to an existing object name in the database, then the object name appears in red in
the New Name column.
• If the Overwrite Existing Objects check box is not selected during Import, the following error message
appears after Import:
“The name entered is not allowed because it is a duplicate of a name already in the project or library
ERR_CL_DUPLICATE_NAME (4L .101.10217).”
• If the new name contains illegal characters, the name is reset to the original name of the object and the
following error message appears:
“Block Name ‘<filename>’ exceeded the maximum length or the name syntax is incorrect
• If the length of new name exceeds 16 characters, the name is reset to the original name of the object and the
following error message appears:
“Invalid name Length [EXPKS_E_CL_NAME_LENGTH] (6L .101.10216)]


10 Click View Connection Details to view the connections from and connections to the object that is selected
for import. For more information, see the section.
11 Click Import.
The Importing Data dialog box appears. The Status column displays the status of each point. The New
Name column displays the name of the renamed objects while importing.

After the Import is complete, the Importing Data dialog box closes automatically if there are no errors. If
any errors are encountered during Import, the Importing Data dialog box persists until you close the
Importing Data dialog box.

• The import of a block type occurs in a single phase. However, the import of strategies occurs in the following
1. Creation and Configuration
2. Assignment
3. Containment
4. Block Assignment
5. Connection and Configuration
• If there are any errors during Import, click View Log to view the error details. The error details are logged in
the IXP_log.txt file. The IXP_log.txt file is saved in C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS. You must
view the Errlog.txt file from the C:\Program Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS folder for detailed information
about the error details.

About Connection Details dialog box

1 When you select an object for Import in the Selected Objects For Import list and click View Connection
Details, the Connection Details dialog box appears. This dialog box displays the connections from and
connections to the object that is selected for import in the Selected Objects For Import list.


• You can view the connections of the objects that are exported from only.
• You can view the connection details or dependencies of those objects to be imported that have been exported
with their dependencies. Otherwise, an empty Connection Details dialog box appears when you click View
Connection Details.

2 The Connection Details dialog box displays three columns for an object that is not renamed during Import.
However, it displays five columns for an object that is renamed during Import.
3 The following figure displays the Connection Details dialog box for an object that is not renamed during

4 The following figure displays the Connection Details dialog box for an object that is renamed during

5 The following table provides a brief description of each column of the Connection Details dialog box.

Column Name Description

Connection Object Exist? Displays if the connected object is part of Import set.


Column Name Description

Displays if the connected object is not part of the Import set.
Source End Displays the source object and the parameter name of the connection in the
format <Source object.Parameter name>.
Target End Displays the target object and the parameter name of the connection in the format
<Target object.Parameter name>.
New Source End Displays the modified source object and the parameter name after renaming in
the format <Modified Source object.Parameter name>.
This column is applicable only if the object is renamed during Import.
New Target End Displays the modified target object and the parameter name after renaming in the
format <Modified Target object.Parameter name>.
This column is applicable only if the object is renamed during Import.

For more information on exporting function block configurations, refer to Control Builder Components
Theory Guide .

12.11.12 Canceling an Export/Import currently in progress

To cancel an Export/Import currently in progress, Click Cancel from the Exporting Data or Import dialog box.

12.11.13 Commencing a Load while an Export/Import is in progress

Load has a "“stay on top” feature, so you may need to move windows around to interact with the Export dialog box.

Perform the following steps to commence a Load while an Export/Import is progress.

1 Click the icon to commence a load while an Export/Import in progress.
Alternatively, commence the load from the Assignment dialog box.
The Load dialog box opens.

2 Click Continue to commence the load.

The Load dialog box closes when the load is complete.


12.12 Using Module Hierarchy

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Purpose “Purpose” on page 354
Initializing Module Hierarchy “Initializing Module
Hierarchy” on page 354
Printing the Module Hierarchy Chart “Printing the module
hierarchy chart” on
page 356
Module Hierarchy reports “Printing the module
hierarchy chart” on
page 356

Related topics
“Purpose” on page 354
“Initializing Module Hierarchy” on page 354
“Printing the module hierarchy chart” on page 356
“Accessing Module Hierarchy reports” on page 356

12.12.1 Purpose
The purpose of Module Hierarchy is to provide a more hierarchical view of the Control Builder configuration
and its contained children.

12.12.2 Initializing Module Hierarchy

Perform the following steps to initialize the Module hierarchy.
1 Start Control Builder.
2 Choose Edit > Module Containment… to open the Module Containment dialog box.


Table 1: Initializing Module Containment

Table 2: Module Containment dialog box

CMs with Containment children will have a “+” marker in the State column. CMs without Containment
children and all SCMs will not have the marker.


The right side list shows the Containment children (CMs and/or SCMs) of the selected CM. These may be
removed from the CM by selecting the Remove from CM button.
Unchecking the ‘Show CM’ and ‘Show SCM’ toggles hides the CMs or SCMs from the lists.
Clicking ‘Module’ at the top of each list will resort the module list alphabetically, toggling between forward
and reverse order. Clicking ‘State’ will sort the list by Children status

The lists of CMs and Modules are loaded when the dialog box is opened. If new CMs/SCMs are added from
another Control Builder session while the dialog box is open, these items do not appear in “real time” in the
dialog box.

12.12.3 Printing the module hierarchy chart

Perform the following steps to print the module hierarchy chart.
1 Click File > Page Setup.
The Page Setup dialog box appears.
2 Click Header&Footer.
The Header/Footer Setup dialog box appears.
3 Select Automatic Text from the Element to Add drop-down box, and click Add.
The Properties for Automatic Text dialog box appears.
4 Select Parent Container from the Auto Text drop-down box.
5 Modify the font-related information, alignment, location, and X and Y co-ordinates, as required.
6 Click Add.
The text PARENT appears in the header or footer based on your selection.
7 Click OK to close the Header/Footer Setup dialog box.
8 Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.
9 Click File > Print. > Charts.
The Print dialog appears.
10 Click OK.

12.12.4 Accessing Module Hierarchy reports

The report will contain the following information:
• A title on each page identifying it as a “Containment Report”.
• For each “Contained Child” the following data attributes will appear:
– Description
– Controller Assignment
– Area
– Parent. (Parent appears twice on the Report Page.)
• Table headings: Name, Description, Controller Assignment, Area, and Parent.
• The time and date when the report was created.
• Page numbers for multiple pages
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running


• Tree windows are open

To access the Module Hierarchy report

1 Access the Reports dialog box through File > Print > Reports…

2 In the Report Type drop-down box, select Contains.

3 Select a CM from the CMs window that you wish to create a report for.
4 Choose to Print, Preview, or Export the report using the buttons on the right.


12.13 Working with Profit Loop PKS

The following topics describe Profit Loop PKS and related configuration tasks in Control Builder.

Related topics
“What is Profit Loop PKS?” on page 358
“Implementing Profit Loop PKS” on page 358
“Converting a PID-based control loop to PID-PL” on page 359
“Conversion phase” on page 359
“Configuration phase” on page 360
“Download phase” on page 360
“Naming considerations” on page 361
“Conversion files” on page 361
“Reverting to a PID block” on page 361
“Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview” on page 362
“Starting the Assistant” on page 362
“Starting from the Project tab” on page 362
“Starting from the Monitoring tab” on page 363
“Starting from Experion LX Station Point detail display” on page 363
“General layout of Profit Loop PKS Assistant displays” on page 364
“Working with Profit Loop PKS Assistant graphs and trends” on page 365
“Obtaining basic information” on page 366
“Defining a model with Profit Loop PKS Assistant” on page 366
“Define Model by Direct Entry” on page 366
“Defining a Model from PID Tuning” on page 367
“Defining a Model by Loop Type” on page 368
“Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on page 368
“Planning worksheet” on page 368
“Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships” on page 369
“Phase 3: Define loop dynamics by equipment number” on page 370
“Phase 4: Define character strings for automatic loop identification” on page 370
“Use Model by Loop Type” on page 371

12.13.1 What is Profit Loop PKS?

Profit Loop PKS is a robust, model-based, predictive controller and optimizer for single-input, single-output
applications. In many cases, Profit Loop PKS can (and should) be used in place of the standard PID algorithm.

12.13.2 Implementing Profit Loop PKS

Within Control Builder, Profit Loop PKS is represented by the PID-PL block. As such, it is implemented using
Control Builder, with basically the same procedures as with other control strategies. Basic procedures in
“Creating a control module” on page 245 apply, in terms of adding a PID-PL function block to your control
Procedures specific to Profit Loop PKS are presented in this section.
For details on the PID-PL function block, refer to Control Builder Components Theory, Regulatory Control
section, PID-PL (Profit Loop PKS) Block.


12.13.3 Converting a PID-based control loop to PID-PL

To convert an existing PID-based control module, with working PID constants, to a PID-PL-based control
module, complete the following steps.

Make sure you follow this procedure. For an accurate conversion, you cannot simply change the PID function block's
equation type.

12.13.4 Conversion phase

If you will be downloading the converted function block to the control module at the end of this procedure,
make sure the controller is offline.
If you will be downloading later, then the controller does not have to be offline for this conversion procedure.
Be sure you have installed the Profit Loop Assistant software before attempting a conversion, if you want the
PID tuning parameters converted.
If you wish to convert the existing PID tuning parameters to PID-PL models, a prompt will ask you to define if
selected PIDs are Integrator or Non-Integrator, when you initiate the PID conversion. If you select Integrator
PIDs, you must also enter the Closed Loop Response Time. The information you enter applies to ALL of the
PIDs selected for conversion. In this case, you should prepare groups of PIDs for conversion before initiating
the conversion. You can do this by first differentiating between Integrator and Non-Integrator PIDs and then
grouping the Integrator PIDs by the Closed Loop Response Time that applies to the PIDs. You can then convert
the resulting groups of PIDs together

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To convert one or more PID function blocks to PID-PL blocks

1 In Control Builder, make sure that the control module (CM) that contains the PID block to be converted is
not open in the control chart for either the Project or Monitoring view.
2 Click in the Project tab that contains the control module(s) to be converted.
3 On the Tools menu, click Convert PID to PID-PL.
4 Complete the following steps in the Convert PID to PID-PL dialog box:
• In the Points list, select one or more points (control modules, or CMs) to be converted.
TIP: To select more than one CM, use Shift+click to select a set of adjacent names, or Ctrl+click to select
nonadjacent names.
• If desired, review your selections in the Point Name field. If the entries exceed this field's size, click in
the field and use the right and left arrow buttons to scroll in the field.
• It is a good idea to select a different location for the conversion files, click Browse, navigate to the
desired location, and then click OK. For information on the files involved, see “Conversion files” on
page 361 at the end of this procedure.
• If the PID function block has tuning parameters that you would like to use for a starting model for your
PID-PL block, select Convert PID Tuning Parameters check box. This selection activates the Integrator
Models options. If the underlying processes for the selected PIDs are integrating (not self-correcting),
select the Integrator Model check box and enter the desired Closed Loop Response Time.
• If you want a name other than the original block name, clear the Retain PIDA Block name check box.
For details about names, see “Naming considerations” on page 361 at the end of this procedure.


• Click the Convert button.

5 When the conversion is completed, the Converting Data dialog box closes unless errors were detected. If
errors were detected, examine the errors listed in the Errors list box, then click the Close button. For
additional details, go to c:\documents and setting\all users\application data\Honeywell\Experion PKS\error
log and examine the ErrLog_n. txt error log file.
The Export, Transform, and Import phases of the Conversion process are performed against all of the
selected PIDs. For example, if selected PIDs are in CM1, CM2 and CM3; then Export is performed on CM1,
CM2 and CM3; Transform is performed on CM1, CM2 and CM3; and Import is performed on CM1, CM2,
and CM3. The audit trail of these phases appears in the ErrorLog_n. txt file. If the conversion does not
complete successfully for any reason, a message appears in the log identifying which of the phases failed,
with a reason for the failure. If either the Export or Transform phase fails. NONE of the selected PIDs will
be converted. However, if the Import phase fails, some of the selected PIDs may be converted successfully.
Completed conversions are listed in the log.
6 If error codes were listed, check the Control Builder Error Codes Reference to identify the numerical code.
For example, if error message [EXPKS_E_CBC_COMPLETEWITHERRORS (1L.101.12477)] is listed,
check for code 12477 in the document. Take the appropriate steps to correct errors.
Errors would be those occurring during the Control Builder Import process.
7 Go to the next procedure Configuration Phase to configure the converted block.

12.13.5 Configuration phase

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To configure the new PID-PL block(s)

1 In the Project tab, double-click the converted CM icon to open its control drawing.
2 Double-click the new PID-PL block to access its configuration form. Modify all aspects of configuration as
needed, beginning with the algorithm selection. Click the Algorithm tab and select PROFITLOOP for
Control Equation Type.

The equation for this block will not change to PROFITLOOP until you select it on the Algorithm tab of the PID-
PL configuration form and you close the control drawing and save the changes.

3 If you want help defining the Profit Loop PKS model, use the Profit Loop PKS Assistant. To do so from
the configuration form, click the Advanced tab, then the Start Assistant button. For details on using the
Assistant, see “Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview” on page 362.

You may receive a message that the block cannot be locked. Read this message and take one of the actions
suggested. If accessing the Assistant from the Control Builder Project tree and block configuration form, you may
have to answer No to the message to close the assistant and return to Control Builder. Close the Control Module
and save changes, then repeat Steps 1 and 3.
Once the block can be unlocked, the Profit Loop PKS Assistant will open.

4 After completing configuration, click OK to accept your changes and close the configuration form.

12.13.6 Download phase

After conversion and configuration, you can load the new PID-PL block to the controller.


12.13.7 Naming considerations

If the name of the PID block to be converted begins with “PIDA” (using capital letters), then you can retain the
block name (PIDA), or change it to include a Profit Loop PKS designation as part of the conversion process. If
you do not retain the name, then the name will change to include “_PLA” as part of the name. For example:
• PIDA will become PID_PLA.
• PIDA_1 will become PID_PLA_1.
If the PID block to be converted does not begin with “PIDA,” then the original name will be used regardless of
your conversion choice.

12.13.8 Conversion files

The conversion process creates various files, including:
• Configuration data files (.xml):
– CMName.cnf.xml: The final file used for input to the Import function. This file contains the PID-PL
block configuration data.
– xxPID_CMName.cnf.xml: The original file created by the Export function. This file is unchanged, except
for the name, and contains the original PID block configuration data.
• Conversion file (.sl):Used internally by the conversion function.

12.13.9 Reverting to a PID block

If you converted a PID block to a PID-PL block and wish to revert to the original PID block, complete the
following steps.
This procedure requires that you have not deleted the files created or moved during the block conversion.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To revert to a PID block

1 In Control Builder, click File > Import.
2 In the Import dialog box, browse to the directory used to store the original CM object. The default location
is C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion\Engineering Tools\Import\Export_buildX folder.
3 Select the CM which has a prefix of xxPID_. Select the overwrite option to overwrite the existing PID-PL
CM with the original PID CM.
4 Click the Import button. The Importing Data dialog box appears to track the progress of the import. When
the import is completed, error message 14185 will appear in the Errors list on the dialog to let you know that
the PID-PL block was deleted. Click the Close button to acknowledge the message and complete the import.

When conversion happens, original PID CM is exported by prefixing xxPID_ and converted CM containing
PIDPL is exported with original CM name. E.g., if CM_PID was the original CM name, after conversion, two
CMs are present at the destination folder. One is the converted CM which has PIDPL and would be with original
name as CM_PID where as the PID CM is exported with name as xxPID_CM_PID.


12.13.10 Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview

Defining a model
The Profit Loop PKS Assistant is a companion intended to simplify your Profit Loop PKS configuration
activities. The configuration of Profit Loop PKS regulatory control point (PID-PL) does not require a good
understanding of the math and concepts involved in model predictive control because the Profit Loop PKS
Assistant will aid you in the development of the model. If you are uncertain about completing the Model area in
the Advanced tab of the PID-PL configuration form, the Profit Loop PKS Assistant provides several tools to
help guide you through the model definition.
Since Profit Loop PKS is a model-based predictive controller, it must have a model. The Profit Loop PKS
Assistant simplifies the model definition process by providing the following tools:
• Model by Loop Type: Default model parameter values can be specified by loop type and then modified for
individual loops.
• Model from PID Tuning: The Profit Loop PKS model is calculated from existing PID tuning constants.
• Model by Step Testing: An automatic step generator and model identifier calculates the model from the step
• Model by Direct Entry: When you have an existing LaPlace model from another source, you can enter the
details directly.

Troubleshooting loop performance

The Profit Loop PKS Assistant provides diagnostic tools to assist with troubleshooting loop performance
problems and performance improvement. These include:
• Fine Tuning: You can enter specific tuning parameters for a PID-PL loop, obtain current controller values,
and download your settings to the controller.
• Valve Doctor: For flow and pressure loops , Profit Loop PKS Assistant analyzes valve stickiness probability.
This analysis is automatically performed.
• Loop analysis: Provides an indication of loop health, based on oscillation detection, valve conditions,
PV/OP standard deviations, and other factors.

12.13.11 Starting the Assistant

Three methods exist for accessing the Profit Loop PKS Assistant:
• Control Builder:
– “Starting from the Project tab” on page 362
– “Starting from the Monitoring tab” on page 363
• Experion LX:
• “Starting from Experion LX Station Point detail display” on page 363

12.13.12 Starting from the Project tab

• Start Control Builder.
• On the Project tab, double-click the needed CM icon in the Project tab to open your control drawing.
• If a PID-PL function block has not been added to the CM drawing, add one by dragging it from the
Regulatory Control group in the Library tab to the Control Module drawing.


To start the Profit Loop PKS Assistant from within a Control Module (CM) drawing, from the Control Builder Project
1 If you have not already completed these steps, do so now:
2 Double-click the PID-PL block to open its Parameter Configuration Form.
3 Click the Advanced tab.
4 Click the Start Assistant button. A status box displays details as the Profit Loop PKS Assistant starts,
followed by a Login Information dialog box.
5 Complete the Login Information dialog box by entering your Control Builder user name and password, and
click OK.
6 The Profit Loop PKS Assistant opens as a separate tool. Note that the configuration form remains open
unless you close it. The Profit Loop PKS Assistant runs separately.
7 This completes the procedure.

12.13.13 Starting from the Monitoring tab

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To start the Profit Loop PKS Assistant from within a Control Module (CM) drawing, from the Control Builder
Monitoring tab
1 In the Monitoring tab, double-click the PID-PL block icon to open its Parameter Configuration Form.
2 Click the Advanced tab.
3 Click the Start Assistant button. A status box displays details as the Profit Loop PKS Assistant starts,
followed by a Login Information dialog box.
4 Complete the Login Information dialog box by entering your Control Builder user name and password, and
click OK.
5 The Profit Loop PKS Assistant opens as a separate tool. Note that the configuration form remains open
unless you close it. The Profit Loop PKS Assistant runs separately.
6 This completes the procedure.

12.13.14 Starting from Experion LX Station Point detail display

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To start the Profit Loop PKS Assistant from the Station Point Detail display for a PID-PL point
1 If you have not already called up the required Point Detail display, do so.
2 Click the Advanced tab.
3 In the Tools section, click the Profit Loop Assistant button.


A status box displays details as the Profit Loop PKS Assistant starts, followed by a Login Information
dialog box.
4 Complete the Login Information dialog box by entering your Control Builder user name and password and
click OK. The Profit Loop PKS Assistant opens as a separate tool. Note that the Point Detail display
remains open unless you close it. The Profit Loop PKS Assistant runs separately.
5 This completes the procedure.

12.13.15 General layout of Profit Loop PKS Assistant displays

All Profit Loop PKS Assistant displays share common elements shown in the following figure.


Buttons in the upper left corner of every display include:

Button Use
Jump back to previous display, or forward to a display you recently visited.

Display details about the Profit Loop PKS Assistant, such as file version and status information.

Access the online Help, which contains details about every display.

12.13.16 Working with Profit Loop PKS Assistant graphs and trends
You can enlarge a specific area of (“zoom in”) nearly all of the trends or graphs presented in the Profit Loop
PKS Assistant. For example, you can zoom in the Real-Time Trend display.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To use Profit Loop PKS Assistant graphs and trends

1 In a Profit Loop PKS Assistant display containing a trend or graph, identify the area of the graph you want
2 Click and drag the cursor over the area to be enlarged. The selected area will become larger within the
3 To return to the graph's original size, click the button in the bottom left corner of the graph area


12.13.17 Obtaining basic information

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To obtain basic information about a PID-PL-based loop in an existing controller

1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
3 The Assistant opens to the Summary display. This display provides a synopsis of the selected PID-PL loop
configuration. It also includes links to the displays where the settings can be modified and/or more details
are available. See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for information about the contents of this (or
any) display.
Return to the Summary display from other displays by clicking Summary in the Profit Loop PKS
Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display).
4 To see other details:
• For current controller settings and status, click Summary > Controller Status in the left menu.
• For a trend view of the PV, SP, and OP, click Summary > Real-Time Trend in the left menu.
• If you have defined character strings of tagnames for loop type identification, click Loop Type in the left
menu to learn which loop type has been identified by the Assistant. See also “Phase 4: Define character
strings for automatic loop identification” on page 370 in this document.

12.13.18 Defining a model with Profit Loop PKS Assistant

The Profit Loop PKS Assistant includes four modeling wizards for creating the needed model.

To… Use this procedure…

Set up an approximate model based on loop type. “Defining a Model by Loop Type” on
page 368
“Extract” a model from a working PID's tuning constants. “Defining a Model from PID Tuning” on
page 367
Use step-testing to identify an accurate model “Defining a Model by Step Testing” on
page 372
Enter a model identified from another source “Define Model by Direct Entry” on
page 366

12.13.19 Define Model by Direct Entry

When you have an existing LaPlace model from another source, you can enter the details directly.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To define a model using the Model by Direct Entry

1 Obtain the coefficient details of the LaPlace model you want to use.


2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview”
on page 362.
3 If you want to compare the model you want to use with the one currently in your controller, go to step 4. If
not, go to step 5.
4 To see the current controller model, click Summary in the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the
menu on the left side of the display), then click Controller Status.
Compare this model to the one you want to use.
5 To enter a model, click Modeling Wizards in the left menu.
6 In the list of wizards, click Model by Direct Entry.
7 In the Direct Entry display, enter the Laplace model coefficients. For help on specific entries on this
display, see the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help.
8 If you are ready to load this model to the controller, click Model Download in the left menu.
9 In the Model Downloads display, select Direct Entry in the To Download list.
10 Click the Download Settings button.
11 To synchronize the Profit Loop PKS Assistant model definition with the Control Builder configuration,
upload the newly loaded model from the controller to Control Builder.

12.13.20 Defining a Model from PID Tuning

This approach works especially well when you have converted from an existing PID function block with sound
tuning constants. Even after conversion, the Assistant “remembers” the PID configuration (because a file
containing the original PID data was saved). Thus, tuning constants from the original PID block can be used.
If your PID-PL function block was not created by conversion of a PID block, but you have tuning constant data
you want to use, you can enter those values instead.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To define a model using the Model from PID tuning

1 If you will be entering tuning values instead of recalling data from a PID function block, obtain the needed
2 In Control Builder or the Experion LX Station display, select the PID-PL function block of interest.
3 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
4 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Modeling
Wizards > Model from PID Tuning.
5 If you are retrieving existing PID values from an existing PID, skip to step 9. If you are entering tuning
data, enter values for the following parameters:
• K
• T1
• T2
6 Select the PID's current equation type (Eqn Number).
7 Select the PID's current control action.
8 Enter a deadtime, in minutes.
9 If you are ready to load this model to the controller, click Model Download in the left menu.
10 In the Model Downloads display, To Download list, select Direct Entry.


11 Click the Download Settings button.

12 To synchronize the Profit Loop PKS Assistant model definition with the Control Builder configuration,
upload the newly loaded model from the controller to Control Builder.

12.13.21 Defining a Model by Loop Type

If you know the dynamics of the loop, but do not want to perturb the process, the model can be selected from
pre-defined loop dynamics. Complete the steps in the following phases to define a model by loop type:
• Phase 1: “Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on page 368
• Phase 2: “Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships” on page 369
• Phase 3: “Phase 3: Define loop dynamics by equipment number” on page 370
• Phase 4: “Phase 4: Define character strings for automatic loop identification” on page 370
• Phase 5: “Use Model by Loop Type” on page 371

12.13.22 Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type

The first phase in defining a model by loop type is preparation. This approach uses associations that you make
between the areas in your plant (as defined in Experion LX) and groups and equipment types you identify in the
Profit Loop PKS Assistant, to define models with similar loop dynamics.
It may help to “think backwards,” by identifying the various controllers that have similar loop dynamics, then
identifying ways that these can be grouped in terms of the areas in which they reside and the equipment with
which they are associated.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To prepare for model by loop type

1 Decide on a group and equipment scheme based on the equipment in your plant's areas. This allows you to
define models for equipment with similar loop dynamics across areas of your plant.
2 Document your scheme as needed for internal reference. You may find it helpful to use a “Planning
worksheet” on page 368.
3 Continue with “Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships” on page 369.

12.13.23 Planning worksheet

If desired, use the following type of worksheet to set up your model by loop type scheme. For up to five groups,
identify the areas to be associated with each group. For up to five equipment types, check the loop types to be

Group # (1 - 5): ________

Areas included: Equipment grouping or other details
Equipment Loop type(s)
1 Flow Analyzer
Level Duty
Pressure pH (External)
Temperature Unknown


Group # (1 - 5): ________

Areas included: Equipment grouping or other details
Equipment Loop type(s)
2 Flow Analyzer
Level Duty
Pressure pH (External)
Temperature Unknown
3 Flow Analyzer
Level Duty
Pressure pH (External)
Temperature Unknown
4 Flow Analyzer
Level Duty
Pressure pH (External)
Temperature Unknown
5 Flow Analyzer
Level Duty
Pressure pH (External)
Temperature Unknown

12.13.24 Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships

Phase 2 of the model-by loop-type process is to associate Experion LX areas with Profit Loop PKS groups,
based on your “Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on page 368.

• Control Builder is running
• Phase steps 1 was completed

To associate Experion LX with Profit Loop PKS groups

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Profit Loop PKS Assistant overview”
on page 362.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click System
Administration > Model by Loop Type > Model Area Map.
3 In the Model Area Map display, all areas defined in Experion LX are listed. Locate the first area you have
identified for Model by Loop Type and click the group number with which the area is to be associated.
4 Repeat step 3 for all areas identified during “Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on
page 368. Refer to internal documentation as needed. The first twenty areas you map are considered Area
Set 0.
If you need to map more than 20 areas, go to step 5. Otherwise, go to step 7.
5 If you have more than 20 areas, in the Area Set field (at the top of the display), select Area Set 1. These sets
are merely to allow Profit Loop PKS Assistant to manage and display all of your areas in the Model Area
Map display.
It is recommended that you document these sets in your internal documentation.
6 Continue mapping (steps 3 - 5) for the remainder of the areas, selecting a new Area Set when necessary.


7 Continue with “Phase 3: Define loop dynamics by equipment number” on page 370.

12.13.25 Phase 3: Define loop dynamics by equipment number

Phase 3 of the model-by loop-type process is to establish particular loop dynamics for particular loop types, for
equipment in the groups you have defined in “Phase 2: Establish area-group relationships” on page 369.

• Control Builder is running
• Phase steps 1 and 2 were completed

To establish particular loop dynamics for particular loop types

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click System
Administration > Model by Loop Type > Model Definition.
3 In the Model Definitions display, Group Number list, select the first group to be defined.
4 In the Equipment Number list, select the first equipment to be defined, as determined during “Phase 1:
Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on page 368. Refer to internal documentation as needed.
5 For each loop to be defined, enter loop dynamic values:
• Gain
• Time Constant
• Normal DeadTime
• Long DeadTime
• Short DeadTime
Note the following:
• It is recommended that you document these details in your internal documentation.
• Leave the default values for loop types that are not relevant to the group-equipment you have selected.
• If you have an existing text file exported from Profit Loop PKS at a previous time or on another server,
you can import the data as explained in “Exporting and importing Model Definitions” on page 377.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all equipment numbers within the group.
7 Repeat steps 3 - 6 for all groups.
8 Continue with “Phase 4: Define character strings for automatic loop identification” on page 370.

12.13.26 Phase 4: Define character strings for automatic loop identification

Phase 4 of the model-by loop-type process is optional, but can improve the efficiency of your configuration
Completing this phase allows you to automate loop identification for selected points. This is possible because
you affiliate character strings, based on the point naming conventions at your plant, with particular loop types
(also called “setting up Control Module name filters”). The Assistant will then identify the loop type of a
selected point based on its name.
Note that if you choose not to define these strings, or want a selection other than that made by the Assistant, you
can select the loop type “manually.”

• Control Builder is running


• Phase steps 1 through 3 were completed

To define character strings for automatic loop identification

1 Gather information about the point naming conventions at your plant, as they pertain to loops.
For example, temperature-related points (which would be in a temperature loop) might have names that
include the letters “TC,” or analyzer-related points might include the letters “AN.”
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click System
Administration > General Settings > Loop Type Filters.
4 In the Setup CM Name Filters for Loop Type display, for a needed loop type, enter the character strings
you identified in step 1 (up to five filters). Use wildcard characters as follows:
• * (asterisk): Represents any number of characters.
• ? (question mark): Represents a single character.
For example, entering *TC* in the Temperature row causes Profit Loop PKS Assistant to identify points
named “3TC100” and “5TC201” as temperature loop points.
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all loop types relevant to your process control environment.
6 Click the Apply button to save the definitions.
7 Continue with “Use Model by Loop Type” on page 371.

12.13.27 Use Model by Loop Type

Once you have completed phases 1 - 4 of the model-by-loop-type process, Model by Loop Type must be chosen
for a selected PID-PL function block, and the definition evaluated and modified if warranted by existing

• Control Builder is running
• Phase steps 1 through 4 were completed

To use Model by Loop Type for your model definition

1 In Control Builder or Experion LX Station display, select the PID-PL function block of interest.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Loop Type.
4 In the Loop Type display, either verify the information or make the needed selections:
• Loop Type
• Integrator
• Is Valve
See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for details about these selections.
5 Once the loop type details are entered or verified, in the left menu, select Modeling Wizards > Model by
Loop Type.
6 Evaluate all of the data on this display, and modify it if needed, to match your process conditions. The model
details here are based on the entries you made in phase 3 for the selected loop type.
7 If you make modifications, but want to start again from the default model, click Reset To Default. The
values defined on the Model Definition display will be re-entered on this display.
8 When you are satisfied with the model definition, proceed to “Download a model from the Profit Loop PKS
Assistant” on page 375.


12.14 Defining a Model by Step Testing

If you have no model data from other sources (such as PID tuning constants or an existing Laplace model), and
it is possible to perturb the process, use step-testing to create a model.
Complete the steps in the following phases to define a model by step testing:
• Phase 1: “Phase 1: Preparing to define a model by step testing” on page 372
• Phase 2: “Phase 2: Run the step test” on page 374
• Phase 3: “Phase 3: Evaluate model by step-testing results” on page 375

Related topics
“Phase 1: Preparing to define a model by step testing” on page 372
“General step-testing settings” on page 372
“Specific step-testing settings” on page 373
“Advanced step-testing settings” on page 374
“Phase 2: Run the step test” on page 374
“Phase 3: Evaluate model by step-testing results” on page 375
“Download a model from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant” on page 375
“Reverting to a previous model” on page 376
“Create grades” on page 376
“Restore grades” on page 377
“Modify grade name or description” on page 377
“Exporting and importing Model Definitions” on page 377
“Import model definitions” on page 378
“Copying model definitions” on page 378

12.14.1 Phase 1: Preparing to define a model by step testing

The first phase of defining a model by step testing is preparation. Complete the following steps to set up the
conditions of the step test. This involves three procedures:
• Defining general settings for all step tests. See “General step-testing settings” on page 372.
• Defining settings specific to the PID-PL function block whose model you want to define. See “Specific step-
testing settings” on page 373.
• Making advanced settings if desired. See “Advanced step-testing settings” on page 374.

12.14.2 General step-testing settings

Complete these steps to begin the set-up for Model by Step Testing.
1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click System
Administration > Model by Step-Testing.
4 For each loop type, enter the maximum number of minutes the step-test should run. Note that if the model
parameters calculated by the identifier are still varying significantly, or the model quality is insufficient
when this time is reached, the test will end.


5 From the Maximum Rank to Download list, select a ranking from 1 through 5 to indicate the maximum
quality of model you will allow to be downloaded to the controller:
• 1: Excellent
• 2: Good
• 3: Fair
• 4: Poor
• 5: No model
This rank is calculated by the model identification algorithm. If quality is not high enough (as determined by
this selection), step testing will continue.
6 If the loop type settings have not yet been made (or to change loop type), in the left menu, click Loop Type
and go to the next step.
Otherwise, skip to step 8.
7 In the Loop Type display, make the following settings:
• Loop Type: Verify or select the needed loop type.
• Integrator: If the loop is an integrator, select Yes. If it is not an integrator, select No. This setting
determines whether the OP (Open Loop) variable is stepped or the SP (Closed Loop) variable is stepped.
• Is Valve: If the loop is directly connected to the valve, select Yes. If this is a primary loop in a cascade
scheme, select No.
8 Continue with “Specific step-testing settings” on page 373.

12.14.3 Specific step-testing settings

Complete these steps to continue the set-up for Model by Step Testing.
1 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant left menu, click Modeling Wizards > Model by Step-Testing > Test
2 In the Model by Step-Testing Test Setup display, review the loop information (Loop Info) to ensure it is
correct. Note:
• If the Loop Info is not correct, click the Loop Type link and make needed changes on the Loop Type
• If you click the link, click the Back button, , to return to the Test Setup display.
3 In the Test Setup display, review the Controller State information. Messages in this part of the display will
alert you to errors. Note:
• For an integrator, the controller Mode must be Auto.
• For a controller that is not an integrator, the Mode must be Manual.
• In both cases, the Mode Attribute must be Program.
• If the controller mode and/or attribute are incorrect, click either of the corresponding links to access the
Controller Status display. On this display, make the needed changes.
• If you make these changes, click the Back button, , to return to the Test Setup display.
4 In the Test Type area:
• From the Test Type list, select either PRBS or Manual.
• Estimated Response Time: Enter an estimation of the response time in minutes.
• If Test Type is PRBS, enter an Upper Bound and Lower Bound for the step test.
5 Optionally, continue with “Advanced step-testing settings” on page 374. If you do not need to define any
advanced settings, then go to “Phase 2: Run the step test” on page 374.


12.14.4 Advanced step-testing settings

If desired, you can make advanced settings for Model by Step Testing. Complete these steps to define advanced
options, thereby deviating from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant default values.
1 On the Model by Step-Testing Test Setup display, click the Advanced Settings button on the right side of
the display (under the Quick Tasks list).
Or, in the left menu, click Modeling Wizards > Model by Step-Testing > Advanced.
2 On the Model by Step-Testing Advanced display, change any of the following items:
Step Test Settings
Model Type Settings
• Execution Frequency
• Move Filter
• Maximum Testing Time
• Desired Rank
• Dead Time Search Method
• Model Order
See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for details about these items.
3 If you to return to the Profit Loop PKS Assistant defaults, click the Restore Defaults button. Otherwise, go
to “Phase 2: Run the step test” on page 374.

12.14.5 Phase 2: Run the step test

Phase 2 of the model-by-step-testing process is to run the test, which will be conducted based on your step-test
“Phase 1: Preparing for defining a model by loop type” on page 368 Complete the following steps to run the
1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Modeling
Wizards > Model by Step-Testing > Running.
4 At the top of the Running display, select the graph details:
• Current PV, SP, OP or Future OP or SP.
• Timeframe of the graph.
See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for details about these selections.
5 If desired, change Estimated Response Time, and, if applicable Upper and/or Lower Bound values.
Otherwise, go to step 6.
These values were originally set on the Model By Step-Testing Test Setup display, but may be changed
here. (If you do this, the Test Setup display will be updated to match.)
See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for details about these entries.
6 When all settings are complete, click Start Test button.
7 Monitor the step-test from the Step-Test Running or Results display. Note the status messages on Running
display. If needed, you can pause the test/resume the test, or stop the test.
8 There are several ways the test may end:
• If the model quality is sufficient (as defined on the System Administration > Model by Step Testing
display) and a number of identifications indicate the test is not changing much, the test will stop and the
Assistant will automatically bring up the Model Download display.


• If the model quality is insufficient or the test is changing significantly, and the maximum test time is
reached, the test will stop.
• You can stop the test at any time by clicking the Stop button. A positive reason to do this would be when
a sufficient number of steps have been performed, the model quality is 3 or less, and the predictability
value is 0.5 or greater.
9 When a model is identified during the test, you can view results as explained in “Phase 3: Evaluate model by
step-testing results” on page 375.
10 Once an acceptable model is obtained, go to the Model Downloads display to download the model. See
“Download a model from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant” on page 375 in this section for details.

12.14.6 Phase 3: Evaluate model by step-testing results

Phase 3 of the model-by-step-testing process is to evaluate the test results. Complete the following steps to
evaluate the step-test. This procedure assumes that the test has just completed running.
1 In the Model by Step-Testing Running display, click the Show Results button.
Optionally, in the left menu, click Modeling Wizards > Model by Step-Testing > Results.
2 Evaluate all details in the Model by Step-Testing Results display. A rank (CalcRank) of 3 or less, and a
Predictability value of 0.5 or greater, is generally considered a fairly good model.
For other details on the display contents, see the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help.
3 If you are satisfied with the model, download it by clicking the Download Model button, to access the
Model Download display. Complete the process as explained in “Download a model from the Profit Loop
PKS Assistant” on page 375.

12.14.7 Download a model from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant

When you download a model from the Profit Loop PKS Assistant, you are downloading to the controller. As
with other types of changes to the controller, you can upload the controller configuration to store the changes in
Control Builder's Monitor-side Engineering Repository Database (ERDB), and then perform an update to store
the changes in the Project-side ERDB.
For details on downloading and uploading, see “Loading a control strategy” on page 384 in this document.
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To download a model definition from Profit Loop PKS to the controller

1 Define a model using one of these methods:
• “Define Model by Direct Entry” on page 366
• “Defining a Model from PID Tuning” on page 367
• “Defining a Model by Loop Type” on page 368
• “Defining a Model by Step Testing” on page 372
2 When you are satisfied with the model, click Model Download in the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left
menu” (the menu on the left side of the display).
Ensure that you know which type of model it is (refer to step 1).
3 In the To Download list, select the type of model to be downloaded.
4 Review the model information.


5 If desired,
• Compare the model selected in step 3 to the model currently in the controller.
• Compare all model definitions in the Assistant to the model in the controller.
6 If the model to be downloaded is satisfactory, click the Download Settings button.
7 In response to the confirmation message, click Yes to download the new model, or Cancel if you do not
want to download the model.

12.14.8 Reverting to a previous model

You can take different actions, depending on the situation, to revert to a previously downloaded or defined
• Retrieve one of the past ten models downloaded.
• Save and restore a particular set of model definitions; see “Create grades” on page 376 and “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703
• Note that if you converted a PID block to a PID-PL block and do not like the results, you can retrieve the
PID block configuration; see “Reverting to a PID block” on page 361.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To retrieve one of the past ten models downloaded to a controller.

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Model
Download > History.
3 In the list of downloaded models, select the desired model.
4 Click the Load to Wizard button. The model will be imported into the Profit Loop PKS Assistant and the
details will be added to the corresponding modeling wizard.
5 Confirm the model details presented at the bottom of the display. If needed, go to the corresponding
Modeling Wizard display and make modifications.
6 When the model is acceptable, it can be downloaded to a controller as explained in “Obtaining basic
information” on page 366.

12.14.9 Create grades

You can save any of the models currently configured in the Profit Loop PKS Assistant, or running in a
controller, and associate them with grades of product (or particular products). This can be useful if you produce
different grades (or types) of product, each requiring a different model. Each “grade” is a complete model
definition. For details on this feature, see the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help.

To create a set of grades

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Starting the Assistant” on page 362.
2 Use the Modeling Wizards to define a model(s) that you want to save.
3 If you want to save the model definition from a particular controller, select the PID-PL function block of
interest in Control Builder or Experion LX Station display.
4 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Model
Download > Grades > Creating.
5 In the Grades list in the middle of the display (not the Grades Available table), select the number of the
next available grade. For the first grade, select 1.


6 Enter a short name and a description (up to 100 characters) for the grade.
7 In the Current Models list, select the model type you want to associate with this grade. To choose the
model from the controller, select Current Model.
8 Review the model summary at the bottom of the display. If needed, go to the appropriate Modeling Wizards
display and refine the model. In this case, you will need to begin this procedure after you are finished.
9 Click Save Grade to save the definition and add it to the Grades Available table.
10 Repeat this procedure for all models to be saved.

12.14.10 Restore grades

To restore a model definition that has been saved as a grade

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Model
Download > Grades > Restoring.
3 In the Grades Available list, select the grade you want to restore. Details of the selected grade display in the
bottom of the display.
4 Review the grade details to ensure they match the model definition you are seeking.
5 Click the Model to Wizard button. The model will be imported into the Profit Loop PKS Assistant and the
details will be added to the corresponding modeling wizard.

12.14.11 Modify grade name or description

To revise a grade name or description

1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Model
Download > Grades > Restoring.
3 In the Grades Available list, select the grade whose name and/or description are to be revised.
4 Click the Edit Name/Desc button.
5 In the Name and/or Description fields, make needed changes.
6 Click the Save Name/Desc button.

12.14.12 Exporting and importing Model Definitions

If you have many controllers in different areas of your plant, and similar tuning constants can be used across
these areas, it may simplify your work effort to export definitions and then import them on various servers.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To export model definitions

1 In Profit Loop PKS Assistant, select System Administration > Model Definitions from the left menu.
2 If you have not yet defined a set of definitions for each loop type, do so as explained in “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703, particularly “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703.


3 On the Model Definitions display, click Export.

4 In the resulting Export dialog box, select the group numbers to export, then click Choose File.
5 In the resulting dialog box, select the drive and folder location to which the file should be saved, enter the
file name, and then click Save File. The selected group definitions will be saved to the file specified, and the
extension “.ini” will be appended to the file.

12.14.13 Import model definitions

If you have exported model definitions as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703, complete the
following steps to import them into Profit Loop PKS.
1 In Profit Loop PKS Assistant, select System Administration > Model Definitions from the left menu.
2 Identify the location of the model definitions file (a text file with an extension of “.ini”) from another source.
If needed, see “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703.
3 In the left menu, select System Administration > Model Definitions.
4 On the Model Definitions display, click Import.
5 In the resulting Import dialog box, select the needed drive, folder, and file, then click Open File.
6 The group and equipment numbers defined in the file will display. Select the needed group and equipment
numbers to be imported, then click Import. The definitions will be imported into this instance of Profit
Loop PKS Assistant.

12.14.14 Copying model definitions

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To copy model definitions

1 In Profit Loop PKS Assistant, select System Administration > Model Definitions from the left menu.
2 If you have not yet defined a set of definitions for each loop type, do so as explained in “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703, particularly “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703.
3 Select a group and equipment number to be copied, click the Copy button.
4 In the resulting Copy dialog box, note that your selection is entered in the Source area.
5 Review the options in this dialog box.
6 To copy a group to multiple destinations, click the Copy Entire Group option.

Selecting this option, causes the values for the equipment numbers in the group number selected to be copied to
every equipment number for each group number selected as a Destination.

7 If the source equipment and group number values need to be copied to specific equipment numbers in
specific groups:
• Select the Copy Entire Group option.
• Select the Destination Group numbers.
• Select the Copy Only Equip option.
• Select the Destination equipment numbers.
8 When the copy selections for source and destination have been made, click Copy.


12.15 Tune a PID-PL-based controller

The Profit Loop PKS Assistant includes two tuning wizards for adjusting the tunable parameters of the
• “Tune as PID” on page 379
• “Fine Tune a controller” on page 379
In addition, you can read valve-related guidelines as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

Related topics
“Tune as PID” on page 379
“Fine Tune a controller” on page 379
“Obtain valve details” on page 380

12.15.1 Tune as PID

You can enter PID tuning constants, which will be automatically converted to PID-PL model coefficients. Use
this method to determine the model for your controller by tuning it as a PID loop if you are more comfortable
with PID tuning constants.

To enter PID tuning constants

1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Tuning
Wizards > Tune as PID.
4 Adjust Gain, Integral Time, and Derivative Time values as needed. The Assistant automatically converts the
data to the Laplace model needed by the controller.
5 Make other settings on the display as needed. See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant's online Help for display
6 Evaluate the graph on the display to assess your entries.
7 If further adjustment is needed, see“Fine Tune a controller” on page 379 in this section.
8 When satisfied with your entries, click the Download Model button to download the new settings to the
controller. In response to the resulting confirmation message, click Yes to download the model.

12.15.2 Fine Tune a controller

You can enter specific tuning parameters for a PID-PL loop to assist in refining your model.

To fine tune a controller

1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.


3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Tuning
Wizards > Fine Tune.
4 Make settings as needed. See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant's online Help for display details.
5 If desired, you can retrieve the controller settings after you have made changes in this display. To do so,
click the From Controller button.
6 When satisfied with your entries, click the Download Settings button to download the new settings to the
7 In response to the confirmation message, click Yes to download the settings or No to cancel.

12.15.3 Obtain valve details

For suggestions on dealing with valves, access the Valve Problems display.
1 If the PID-PL function block of interest has not been selected in Control Builder or Experion LX Station
display, select it.
2 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
3 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Tuning
Wizards > Tune - Valve Problem.
4 Read the suggestions and take corrective action as needed.


12.16 Troubleshooting a PID-PL-based controller

If you have a controller configured with Profit Loop PKS, and it is performing poorly, you can use the Profit
Loop PKS Assistant to troubleshoot the controller. Tools available include:
• Valve Doctor
• Loop Analysis

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

Related topics
“Use the Valve Doctor” on page 381
“Use Loop Analysis” on page 382

12.16.1 Use the Valve Doctor

The Valve Doctor uses online history if it is available, or collects its own data from the controller while the
Profit Loop Assistant is open with the controller selected. These data are used to determine whether or not the
valve is sticky.
1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Tools to open
the Tools group.
3 If the controller is a flow or pressure loop with outputs to a valve, and is being operated in a closed loop,
click Valve Doctor in the Tools group (this menu item will not be available unless the proper type of loop is
identified). The Valve Doctor analysis begins when you start the Assistant.
The analysis is active whenever the button on this display is labeled “Stop Analysis.” If the analysis is
stopped, click Restart Analysis to start again.
4 Check the More Data entry. If it is 1, more data is needed before the analysis will be valid. To perform
analysis, the Valve Doctor needs 1 hour of fast-sampled (faster than 5 seconds) PV, OP, and SP closed-loop
operational data. This data may or may not exist in the server history.
If the entry is 1, check the More Data Left entry to determine how many more minutes of data are needed.
5 If more data is not needed, the More Data entry will be 0. See the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help
for more information on the More Data entries.
6 When sufficient, good data is indicated, evaluate the Valve Doctor's evaluation of valve stickiness:
• Sticky Probability: High, medium, or low (or unknown) probability that valve stiction exists.
• OP Sticky: Indicates how sticky a valve is. Entry is in the same units as the OP. For example, if the OP
is a percentage between 0 and 100, then this number is normally between 0.3% and 2% for a typical
sticky valve.
• PV Sticky: PV stickiness caused by valve stiction, in the same units as the PV.
7 If the probability is High, and the OP and/or PV stickiness readings indicate a problem, check the valve and
take corrective action as needed.
For general guidelines on dealing with valves, see “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 in this document.


12.16.2 Use Loop Analysis

Loop Analysis provides an indication of loop health. The analysis consists of calculations for the following:
• Oscillation detection
• Valve-sizing problem detection
• PV resolution detection
Loop Analysis uses the best available existing data for the different calculations. The analysis is automatically
performed when the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is started and the loop is determined to send its output to a

To analyze a loop
1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click Tools > Loop
3 Evaluate the display contents, referring to the Profit Loop PKS Assistant online Help for details about the
entries. Note that for this release, the Valve Travel Calculation and PV OP Variance Calculation are not used
4 If problems are identified by the Loop Analysis, make corrections as needed.


12.17 Controlling access to Profit Loop PKS

Security, based on Experion LX role, can be configured to control access to Profit Loop PKS displays. Access
can be allowed or denied for roles other than the administrative role, on per-display basis.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To set access
1 If the Profit Loop PKS Assistant is not open, open it as explained in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
2 In the Profit Loop PKS Assistant “left menu” (the menu on the left side of the display), click System
Administration > General Settings > Security.
3 For each of the Assistant's displays, enter the required security level (Experion LX role), and whether or not
access is allowed. Or, if desired, select a display, then make your settings in the Security for Selected Tool
area of the display.
4 When finished, click the Apply button.


12.18 Loading a control strategy

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Overview “About load operations” on page 384
Loading control strategy components “Loading control strategy components” on page 398
Loading the Input/Output Module or Input/Output “Loading the Input/Output Module”
Using Upload command “Using the Upload/Update to Project command” on page 401
Using Upload With Contents command “Using Upload/Update to Project With Contents command” on
page 402
Using Compare Parameters “Using Compare Parameters”
Copying control strategies using templates “Copying control strategies using templates” on page 405
Loading only server configuration “Loading only server configuration” on page 409

Related topics
“About load operations” on page 384
“Loaded versus project database versions” on page 384
“Load dialog box” on page 385
“Load options for server history and server displays configuration” on page 389
“Initial load order guidelines” on page 389
“Guidelines for loading/re-loading the control strategy having non-CEE references” on page 390
“Component deletion considerations” on page 390
“Rule for loading/re-loading CMs, SCMs and RCMs” on page 390
“Compare Parameters (Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation) function” on page 391
“Enabling Compare Parameters (PCR) during load operation” on page 394
“Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a standalone operation” on page 394
“Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a reload operation” on page 395

12.18.1 About load operations

Experion provides the ability to build control strategies offline, without being connected to the actual controller
components. The process of transferring the control strategy to the actual working components in the field is
called the load operation.
The load operation;
• copies configuration data from the control strategy that is stored in the Engineering Repository Database
(ERDB) to the assigned controller component in the system architecture
• assures that the planned system matches the actual one
• confirms that the communication addresses and physical location assignments specified for components
through Control Builder configuration match the actual addresses and locations of components in the

12.18.2 Loaded versus project database versions

The master control strategy stored in the Engineering Repository Database (ERDB) is configured and edited
through the Project tree. Once the contents of the control strategy are loaded from Project to the applicable


components a loaded version of the Project or master database is created. The loaded version of the database is
only viewable through the Monitoring tree and only supports minimal editing of the Control Strategy
configuration data.
The following commands are included in the Control Builder Controller menu to synchronize data in the loaded
database with the data in the Project/master database.
• Update to Project
• Update with Contents (to Project)
See the on-line help for information about these commands.

12.18.3 Load dialog box

You can initiate a load function for selected components from either the Project view or Monitoring view using
one of the following commands in the Controller menu.
• Load
• Load with Contents

The load operation is still an offline function. The Load Dialog box provides the ability to automatically
inactivate a component during a load and then return the component to its active state. Do not use this automatic
inactivate/activate function, if your process cannot tolerate the load disruption and consequent delay in activation.
In this case, you must manually toggle the component state through the Monitoring view in Control Builder.

These commands invoke the Load Dialog box. The following figure displays a sample Load Dialog box
invoked for a load operation of a controller. It provides a brief description of the dialog box features for quick
reference. The appearance of the dialog box varies depending on the current load circumstances such as whether
this is an initial load or a re-load operation.


Figure 87: Load dialog box

The following are the enhancements made to the Load Operation dialog box.
• Pre-validation errors are displayed in a single line for each error.
• The selected group and the selected item in a group are highlighted with a background color.
• The items that are selected for loading are bold-faced. This helps in differentiating between the items that
are selected for loading and the dependent items identified by the system.
• The symbol * indicates that the item belongs to more than one group.
• The following text is added next to the Group of Items to be Loaded list. Items in Bold represent user-
selected items. Items with a * belongs to multiple groups.
• Checkpoint Restore Warning dialog box is eliminated by adding a Warning text and attention icon to the
left of the Load button in the Load Operation dialog box.
• The list of items in the Load Operation dialog box are organized into load groups to manage the
dependencies that may exist between the selected of items or system-discovered related items, which need to
be loaded together.
• Selected Item Details list box is included to display any additional information to be aware of certain
conditions when loading items such as CMs, channels and IOMs.
• The loading of I/O channels and CMs are dissociated from each other. Therefore, there are some conditions
that the user must be aware of including information about the items being loaded and the related-items that
must be loaded at the same time.
• The visualization of the current state and required state check boxes is changed. A warning icon is added to
the Change state to Required State before load check box.


• Info column is added in the Group of Items to be Loaded list for indicating either some information or a
warning is available that must be reviewed before proceeding with the Load operation. In addition, the
corresponding message is displayed in the Selected Item Details list box.
• An Information icon is displayed in the Info column to indicate that the input channel is referenced in a
strategy from a different controller.
• A warning icon is displayed in the Info column to indicate the output channels are swapped or moved
and you are loading the swapped channels.
The following figure displays an example of an information icon.

Figure 88: Info column and information icon

The following figure displays an example of a warning icon.


Figure 89: Info column and warning icon

Pre-Load Validation Dialog

The Pre-Load Validation Dialog also displays the errors that are resulted from the load dependency and
incomplete configuration.
The following are the enhancements made to the Pre-Load Validation Dialog.
• The text box where the errors are displayed is repositioned and re-sized to minimize scrolling.
• Additional information is displayed to explain why the Continue button is disabled when all items have
been blocked.

Load Group concept

The “Load Group” concept helps you in visualizing and managing the load dependency that can exist between
the items selected for loading and the related items to be loaded. Generally, the system builds the complete set
of all load dependent items and groups them to ensure that all the related items must be loaded together. As a
result, all the load dependency between various components are satisfied and they are loaded without any
manual intervention. You can view the information about each item in the Selected Item Details list box.

If you are loading any items from the Monitoring view, then the system does not build any related items.


12.18.4 Load options for server history and server displays configuration
You can enable or disable the loading of history, trend, or group configuration data for a block to Server through
the System Preferences dialog.
Please see the “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 section for more information.

12.18.5 Initial load order guidelines

Make the initial load of control strategy components from the Project tab in the following order to minimize
possible load interaction generated error messages. Use the Load rather than the Load with Contents command.

Order Component
1 Control environment components such as:
2 Input/Output interface components such as:
3 Redundancy related components such as:
RM (primary and secondary)
4 Fieldbus devices
5 Input/Output Processors (IOPs)
6 Input/Output Modules (IOMs)
7 Control Modules (CMs) and/or Sequential Control Modules (SCMs)


12.18.6 Guidelines for loading/re-loading the control strategy having non-CEE references
You must adhere to the following guidelines before loading or re-loading the strategy configured with the non-
CEE references.
• Ensure that the System Repository service is running.
• Ensure that the Configuration Studio is connected to primary Server.
• Ensure that the non-CEE point exists in the sub system.
• Ensure that the parameter exists for the non-CEE point.
• Ensure that the data type of the point is finalized and valid.
Note: If there is any data type change after loading the strategy. In addition, when you use the parameter
connector, ensure that you are connecting the parameter connector to the pin that matches with the non-CEE
parameter's data type.

12.18.7 Component deletion considerations

Control Strategy edits must be performed from the Project Tree only.
• Deleting blocks from the Project Tree eliminates them from the Project version of the database only. Only
blocks that are not loaded can be deleted. Delete loaded blocks from the Monitoring Tree first before
deleting them from the Project Tree.
• Deleting blocks from the Monitoring Tree eliminates them from the controller, Server and loaded version of
the database. The blocks remain in the Project version of the database.

Changes to parameters in the controller can be made from the Monitoring Tree. See “Changing parameters while
monitoring” on page 431 in the On-line Monitoring using Control Builder section.

12.18.8 Rule for loading/re-loading CMs, SCMs and RCMs

If you make a configuration change that involves deleting or modifying parameter connectors or expressions in
a loaded CM, SCM, or RCM from the Project tab in Control Builder, you must re-load both the definition
(DEF) block CM and reference (REF) block CM in the same load operation or two different load operations.

Load rule cases and scenarios

The following table lists specific cases where the above rule is applicable. It might be easier though to
remember to load both DEF and REF CMs, SCMs, or RCMs. If none of the following cases apply, then a re-
load of both ends (DEF and REF) is not needed.

Case Scenario
Change parameter connectors that are Fieldbus Example: The parameter CM1.PIDA.OP is connected to parameter
control connections CM2.AO.CASIN. The reference side for the forward connection is parameter
CM2.PIDA.CASIN and parameter CM1.PIDA.BACKCACLIN for back
initialization (hidden connection). Both CM1 and CM2 must be loaded from
Project tab, if you make a change in the forward connection.
Non Fieldbus Example: The parameter CM3.PIDA.OP is connected to
CM4.PIDA.SP. The reference side for forward connection is parameter
CM4.PIDA.SP and the reference side for back initialization connection is to
parameter CM3.PIDA.BACKCALCIN. Both CM3 and CM4 must be loaded
from Project tab, if you make a change in the forward connection.


Case Scenario
Un-assign or delete a DEF block from Fieldbus Example: The parameter CM1.AI.OUT is connected to parameter
Project CM and replace it with another CM2.DACA.P1. You replace the AI block with another AI block from the
block of the same or different type same or a different device. Both CM1 and CM2 must be re-loaded from the
Project tab.
Non Fieldbus Example: The parameter CM3.NUMERIC.PV is connected to
the parameter CM4.DACA.P1. You replace the NUMERIC block with
another NUMERIC block. Both CM3 and CM4 must be reloaded from the
Project tab.
Note: The above examples intentionally use the same name for the replaced
block to show that you may assume or lose track of such a change later. The
replaced block does not have to have the same name, but this would be
obvious to you when you see that a connection is not working.
Rename a DEF block followed by a re- In this case, the CM containing the REF block also needs to be loaded except
load of an already loaded CM when the DEF blocks are Fieldbus, PM I/O or Series I/O channel blocks.
Un-assign a CM containing DEF block In this case, the CM containing the REF block also needs to be loaded except
from one Controller and reassign it to any when the DEF blocks are Fieldbus, PM I/O or Series I/O channel blocks.
other Controller including itself
Un-assign CM containing REF block with In this case, the CM containing the DEF Block also needs to be loaded except
Control Connections from one controller when the REF blocks are Fieldbus, PM I/O or Series I/O channel Blocks.
and reassign it to any other controller
including itself.
Physical address change (Slot number or In this case, the CM containing the REF block also needs to be loaded.
FTE Address) of Controller with CM
containing DEF block followed by load of
this CM
Physical address change of Fieldbus In this case, the CM containing REF block needs to be reloaded.
Device whose function block is used as a
DEF block

12.18.9 Compare Parameters (Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation) function

The Compare Parameters (Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation) function extends the load functionality of
Control Builder, allowing you to view the list of parameters with difference in database and live values and then
select the parameters that you want to download based on the following criteria.
• The parameter must be controller (CEE) resident, or system repository (SR) resident.
• The parameter being downloaded (from the database) must be different from the value in the controller prior
to the download.
You can invoke Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation (PCR) from a controller, CEE, FIM, FFLINK, CM
or at the device-level during:
• Reload operation.
• Standalone operation.


• When you are invoking PCR during load/reload, then the following limits are applicable.
– Load a maximum of 200 RCMs / SCMs while loading for the first time (Initial load)
– Load a maximum of 200 RCMs / SCMs while the RCM/SCMS are not in failed state (reload)
– Load a maximum of 50 RCMs / SCMs if the RCMs / SCMs are already in failed state
• During first time load operation, no parameters appear in the PCR dialog box. This indicates that there is no
parameter with difference in database value and live value.
• Date, Time or Date Time parameters are not editable in the PCR dialog box, even if it is editable from the
configuration form.

The Compare Parameters (PCR) function is enhanced with the following features.
• The tree displays the list of items that are selected for load operation. The parameter values for the selected
item appears on the right pane.
• The tree displays only the selected items and its hierarchy. Therefore, the hierarchical items, which are not
part of the selection appear as grey.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Filtering option to view the parameters.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Editing the database values/live values.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Synchronizing database values and live values.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Editing and saving “No Load” parameters.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Saving the changes.
• (Specific to FF block parameters) Reverting the changes.

About Parameter Comparison And Reconciliation (PCR) dialog box

The following figure displays a sample Parameter Comparison And Reconciliation (PCR) dialog box during
a reload operation.

The following table summarizes the PCR columns/buttons.


Column name/button Description

Parameter Name Displays the parameters with difference in database values and live values for the
selected tagged object.
Database Value Indicates the database value of the parameters.
• If the Parameter Comparison And Reconciliation dialog box is invoked
from the Project view, then the parameter value indicates the Project database
• If the Parameter Comparison And Reconciliation dialog box is invoked
from the Monitoring view, then the parameter value indicates the Monitoring
database value.
Live Value Indicates the live value of the parameters. If you modify a live value, then an
event appears in Station.
Filter Enables you to filter the parameters for the selected tagged object. The various
filter options available are as follows:
• All: Lists all the parameters associated with the FF blocks.
• No Load: Lists the parameters that cannot be loaded.
• Edited Database values: Lists the parameters whose database values are
• Edited Live values: Lists the parameters whose live values are edited.
• Different: Lists the parameters whose database values and live values are
Download? Enables you to download the data base value to the controller. This option appears
only during load operation.
• No load parameters: These parameters are disabled and de-selected.
Therefore, you cannot download these parameters.
• SR parameters: These parameters are selected and disabled. This indicates that
these parameters will be loaded.
• Loadable parameters: These parameters are checked and enabled. This
indicates that you can de-select, if you do not want to load the parameters.

This column does not appear when you invoke Parameter Comparison
And Reconciliation dialog box during a standalone operation.

Select All Enables to select all the parameters, for which you want to modify the database or
live values.
Deselect All Enables to clear the selected parameters, for which you want to modify the
database or live values.
Print Enables you to print the currently viewed values in the report.
Undo Enables you to revert any modification to the parameter values. Currently, only
one level of undo operation is allowed.
Save Enables you to save the changes.
Continue Enables you to continue with the load operation.

As part of the PCR status bar, you can view the following:
• Total number of parameters
• Number of database values that are edited.
• Number of live values that are edited.


12.18.10 Enabling Compare Parameters (PCR) during load operation

To use Compare Parameters (PCR) functionality for any tagged object, you must enable the Parameter
Comparison and Reconciliation (PCR) check box as part of system preferences. By default, the PCR option is

To enable PCR during load operation

1 On the Tools menu, click > System Preferences.
The System Preferences dialog box appears.
2 On the General tab, click the Use Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation check box.

3 Click OK.

12.18.11 Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a standalone operation

Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a standalone operation, you can generate a list of parameters with
difference in database values and live values and then print a report to view the details.
Following features are supported for FF block parameters.
• Editing the database values/live values.
• Synchronizing database values and live values.
• Saving the changes
• Reverting the changes.


To perform PCR during a standalone operation

1 To launch PCR, perform one of the following:
• On the Project/Monitoring view, right-click the tagged object such as, Control Module or FF device and
then click Parameter Comparison And Reconciliation.
• On the Project/Monitoring view, select a tagged object and on the Controller menu, click Parameter
Comparison And Reconciliation.
The following Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation: Standalone dialog box appears.

2 To edit the parameter values, perform the following:

• In the Database Value column, type the database values.
• In the Live Value column, type the live values.
3 To synchronize the parameter values, click the “>” or “<” boxes as applicable.
After the parameter values are modified, the respective box and the corresponding block in the tree view is
highlighted in yellow.
4 Click Save and then click Close.

12.18.12 Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a reload operation

Using Compare Parameters (PCR) during a reload operation, you can generate a list of parameters with
difference in database values and live values and then select the parameters that you want to download.
Following are the enhancements to PCR function, which are specific to FF block parameters only.
• Editing the database values.
• Synchronizing database values with live values.
• Saving the changes.
• Reverting the changes.

To perform PCR during a reload operation

1 To launch PCR, perform one of the following:


• On the Project view, right-click the tagged object such as, Control Module or FF device and then click
• On the Project view, select a tagged object and on the Controller menu, click Load.
During load operation, the following Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation: Load: Project dialog
box appears.

In the Database Value column, the Project database values.

2 To modify the parameter values based on your requirement, perform the following:
• Using the “<” in the Live Value column, synchronize the live values to database values
• Edit the value in the Database Value column.
After the parameter value is modified, the respective box and the corresponding block in the tree view is
highlighted in yellow.
3 To select the parameters that you want to download, in the Download? column, click the check box
corresponding to the selected parameters.


• To select all the parameters, click Select All.
• You cannot select “No Load” parameters to download, but, you can edit only the parameter live values.
However, “No Load” parameters will not be editable in Project view similar to configuration forms.
• You can modify the load destination for “No Load” parameters from PDE.
The following figure displays the tool tip that appears for “No Load” parameters.

4 Click Save and then click Continue.

The selected parameter values are downloaded and events are logged in Station.


12.19 Loading control strategy components

12.19.1 Loading WDM and/or wireless device

The load procedure for WDM and wireless devices is similar for all I/O interface related components. For more
information, see the Experion LX OneWireless Integration User's Guide.

12.19.2 Guidelines for loading a CM

You must adhere to the following guidelines before loading the CM in the Project view.
• Ensure that the Reference (REF) parameter of the Reference block is configured.
• Ensure that the channel referenced in a Reference block is assigned to an IOM before loading the CM.
If an input channel that is referenced in a Reference block is assigned to a different controller, then an
information icon is displayed in the Load Operation dialog box.
If the channels that are referenced in the Reference blocks are assigned to a SIM IOM, then an information icon
is displayed in the Load Operation dialog box.
If the output channel is swapped/moved, then a warning icon is displayed in the Load Operation dialog for the
output channel.

You cannot load the CM that contains a Reference block referencing the output channel from a different controller.

You must adhere to the following guidelines before reloading the CM.
• If the channel referenced in a loaded CM is reassigned to another IOM or a channel in Project view, then you
must reload the CM since the channel is referenced in a loaded CM.
• If the loaded channel is swapped or moved in the Project view, then you must reload the channel.
• If the output channels are referenced in a CM, then the CM must be loaded/reloaded to load the output
channel connections in the Monitoring view.

12.19.3 Loading a Control Module

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

Before attempting to load any CM or SCM components, be sure its control chart is not open in Control Builder.

• Control Builder is running.

To load a CM
1 Right-click the CM and then click Load.
The Load Operation dialog box appears.


Observe that the dependent channels are automatically selected for load in the Group of Items to be
Loaded list.

• If you have referenced any input channels from a different controller, then an information icon is displayed in
the Info column.
• If you load any swapped output channels, then a warning icon is displayed in the Info column.

2 Click OK.
The Load dialog box appears.
If errors are detected during the load, then they are displayed in the Load dialog box. It is recommended that
you cancel the load and identify and fix the errors. Each error message includes an unique error code in
parentheses. For more information about the error code number, see Control Builder Error Code Reference.
Once the load completes and the dialog box closes, click the Monitoring view to view the loaded CM.

If you try to load the CM/SCM/RCM having non-CEE references from the Control Builder connected to the
secondary server, the following error message appears. “Block Load Failed”
Hence, you must always load the CM/SCM/RCM having non-CEE references from the Control Builder that is
connected to the primary server. In addition, if there is any switch-over between the servers close the Control
Builder and open the Control Builder that is connected to the new primary server.

3 (Optional, if the CM is loaded in inactive state) In the Monitoring view, right-click the loaded CM and then
click Activate > Selected Items’ (s) Content (s).
The CM is activated and the CM icon color changes to “Green.”


If you swap the references in the CMs, then you must the load the CM. For example, consider that CM1 is
configured with an AIREF1 block referencing an AICHANNEL1 and CM2 that is configured with an AIREF2
block referencing an AICHANNEL2. CM1 and CM2 are loaded. In this scenario, if you swap the references
(AIREF1 references AICHANNEL2 and AIREF2 references AICHANNEL1) between the CM1 and CM2, then
you must reload one of the CMs and the other CM is loaded as dependent.


12.20 Re-loading components

You can use the applicable previous load procedure to re-load data to components from the Project or Monitor
tab. It is good idea to invoke the following commands through the Controller menu after a re-load operation.
• Update to Project
• Upload

Related topics
“Using the Upload/Update to Project command” on page 401
“Using Upload/Update to Project With Contents command” on page 402
“Event log entries during a controller load” on page 403

12.20.1 Using the Upload/Update to Project command

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
If you update the data of a CM configured with Reference blocks from the Monitoring ERDB to the Project
ERDB using the “Upload/Update to Project”, then you must ensure that the “Parameters Only” check box is
selected. Otherwise, “Upload/Update to Project” operation fails if one of the selected CM configured with a
Reference block. You can export the strategies from the Monitoring ERDB and then import them in the Project
ERDB. While importing the strategies, ensure that you select the Overwrite Existing Objects check box.

• Control Builder is running.
• Tree windows are open.

To initiate the Upload/Update to Project command

1 In Monitoring view, click icon for tagged object such as Control Module (CM) or Sequential Control
Module (SCM).
2 In Controller menu, click Upload/Update to Project. Or, right-click the tagged object and then click
Upload/Update to Project.
The Upload/Update to Project dialog box appears.


3 In Upload/Update to Project dialog box,

• be sure the Controller check box is selected (by default), if you want to upload data for the selected
object from the controller to the Monitoring Engineering Repository Database (ERDB). Clear the
Controller check box to disable the upload of data from the Controller.
• be sure the Server Configuration Information check box is selected (by default), if you want to upload
data for the selected object from the to the ERDB. Clear the Server Configuration Information check
box to disable the upload of data from the Server.
• be sure that the Parameters Only check box is selected when you updating a CM containing Reference
4 In Upload/Update to Project dialog box, click the Continue to initiate the upload/update.

• When Server Configuration Information check box is selected, configuration data uploaded from the
database overwrites any existing configuration data in the Monitoring ERDB. This includes information
configured through the Server History and Server Display configuration forms for the tagged object in the
Project view.
• To transfer configuration data uploaded to the Monitoring ERDB to the Project ERDB, click Controller >
Upload/Update to Project with object icon selected in Monitoring view.

5 Repeat these steps to upload data for other tagged objects.

12.20.2 Using Upload/Update to Project With Contents command

All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.
If you update the data of a CM configured with Reference blocks from the Monitoring ERDB to the Project
ERDB using the “Upload/Update to Project”, then you must ensure that the “Parameters Only” check box is
selected. Otherwise, “Upload/Update to Project” operation fails if one of the selected CM configured with a
Reference block. You can export the strategies from the Monitoring ERDB and then import them in the Project
ERDB. While importing the strategies, ensure that you select the Overwrite Existing Objects check box.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To initiate the Upload/Update to Project With Contents command

1 In Monitoring view, click icon for Control Execution Environment function block, such as CEEFBxx.
2 In Controller menu, click Upload/Update to Project With Contents. Or, right-click the CEE icon and then
click Upload/Update to Project With Contents.


3 In Upload/Update to Project With Contents dialog box,

• be sure the Controller check box is selected (by default), if you want to upload data for the selected
object(s) from the Controller to the Monitoring Engineering Repository Database (ERDB). Clear the
Controller check box to disable the upload of data from the Controller.
• be sure the Server Configuration Information check box is selected (by default), if you want to upload
data for the selected object(s) from the to the ERDB. Clear the Server Configuration Information
check box to disable the upload of data from the Server.
• be sure that the Parameters Only check box is selected when you updating a CM containing Reference
4 In Upload/Update to Project With Contents dialog box, click the Continue button to initiate the upload.

• When Server Configuration Information check box is selected, configuration data uploaded from the
database overwrites any existing configuration data in the Monitoring ERDB. This includes information
configured through the Server History and Server Display configuration forms for the tagged object(s) in the
Project tree.
• To transfer configuration data uploaded to the Monitoring ERDB to the Project ERDB, click Tools > Upload/
Update to Project With Contents with object icon selected in Monitoring view.

5 Repeat these steps to upload data for other Control Execution Environment blocks.

12.20.3 Event log entries during a controller load

When a controller load is performed and not all parameters are selected for download, entries are made in the
Experion LX event log. The entries indicate which parameters the user decided not to download to the


Event log columns

Column name Functionality

Date & Time Date and time when the parameter was bypassed from loading.
Location Tag Name of location tag
Source Name of the source
Condition Current condition
Action The current action
Priority The priority setting
Description Description of the event's stats
Additional columns are displayed


12.21 Copying control strategies using templates

Templates may be created in Control Builder. Once created, templates may be used to create multiple copies of
desired control strategies.
A template is a user-defined control strategy (that is, a logically specified set of function blocks arranged on a
Control Builder control drawing to simulate your process application) that does not have I/O assignments,
parameter connections or SCM expressions explicitly declared outside the scope of the copy operation.
• Inside the scope of operation means that the specific control object (such as a function block, I/O
assignment, parameter connection or SCM expression) is included in the list of selected control objects to be
• Outside the scope of operation means that the specific control object is not included in the list of selected
control objects to be copied.
• The user-defined template uses parameters with substitute names in its expressions.
• After copying a desired control strategy using a template, you must replace (resolve) each substitute name
with an appropriate block name for that particular control strategy as described in the subsequent procedure
titled Using a Template.
• Substitute names must be resolved prior to loading the control strategy to the controller.

12.21.1 Creating a substitute name list

• Substitute names must be created prior to being used in a control strategy.
• Substitute names must have the following format: @xxxxx….
• Every substitute name must begin with the “@” character.
• Substitute names may be up to 64 characters in length, including the “@” sign and at most one (1) period.
• A substitute name represents the first two parts of a parameter tagname or a basic block:
where [CM.BLOCK] represents the substitute name.

To create a substitute name list to be used in a user-defined template

1 Select Tools > Substitute Name List to call up the Substitute Name List dialog.
Alternate method: Select the toolbar button.
The Substitute Name List dialog appears (see Figure 18).
2 Create a substitute name for each function block to be referenced by the generic control strategy.
• Click Insert Row to add a new row for each substitute name to be added.
The Substitute Name List dialog becomes populated with the substitute names required for the template to
be created.


Figure 90: Substitute name list dialog

12.21.2 Creating a template

Follow the steps in the table below to create a template to be used to create a desired number of copied control
• Create a generic control strategy using parameter connectors or SCM expressions with substitute names.
The template is created and resides on the Project tree.
For example, a control strategy template named “SCMX” might be created and located on the Project Tree.
• An “@” character is attached to the “SCMX” name on the Project Tree to indicate that some of its
expression components use substitute names which will be resolved during a copy procedure using the
Operation Name List Wizard.

12.21.3 Using a template

Follow the steps in the table below to use a previously-created template to create a desired number of copied
control strategies.
1 Select the template to be copied on the Project tree.
For example, a control strategy template named “SCMX” might be located on the Project tree. This template
was created previously and has a “@” character appearing next to it on the Project Tree.
The template is highlighted on the Project tree.
2 Select Edit > Copy.
Alternate methods:
• Click <Ctrl>-C
• Select the Copy toolbar button .
The template is copied to the Control Builder clipboard.


The Name New Function Block(s) dialog appears (see following figure).
Note: This is the first page of the Operation Name List Wizard.

Figure 91: Name new function block(s) dialog

The following connection rules apply when copying function blocks:
Inside the scope of operation means that the block is included in the list of selected blocks to be copied.
Outside the scope of operation means that the block is not included in the list of selected blocks to be copied.
1. Graphical connections to blocks that are inside the scope of operation are automatically resolved relative to the
2. Graphical connections to blocks that are outside the scope of the operation are not carried over to the new
copied blocks.
3. Parameter connections to blocks that are inside the scope of operation are automatically resolved relative to
the operation.
4. Parameter connections to blocks that are outside the scope of operation appear in the Connections page to be
resolved by the user if desired at the time of copy. An exception would be parameter connections which have
hidden “back init” which are discarded. IO assignments are also discarded and shown in a special window.
5. Substituted connections on selected blocks always appear in the Connections Page to be resolved by the user if
desired at the time of copy. The same applies to references.

3 Change the control strategy's name in the Destination column of the Name New Function Block(s) dialog
(see Figure 19) to a desired name or accept the default name.
The copied control strategy is assigned a new name.
4 Click Next or Finish as appropriate.


If appropriate, additional pages of the Operation Name List Wizard appear, depending on the particular
control strategy being copied, to include:
• Resolve Indeterminate or Substitute Connections dialog (see Figure 20).
• Resolve Deleted I/O Associations (see Figure 21).

Figure 92: Resolve indeterminate or substitute connections dialog


Figure 93: Non-retained I/O associations dialog

5 Follow the directions on each additional page of the Operation Name List Wizard. Click Finish on the final
page of the wizard to complete each copy operation.
The copied control strategy is pasted to the Project Tree.
6 Repeat steps 1-5 to make additional copies of control strategies as required.
Additional control strategies are created.

12.21.4 Change Parent wizard

The ‘Change Parent’ menu item is used to invoke a wizard which can change the parent template of:
• A container user template,
• A stand-alone template embedded in a user template that was not inherited from the parent of the user
• A sub-template and instances derived from a user template, or
• An embedded block contained in a strategy that was derived from a user defined stand-alone template.
See Change template section for more information invoking and using the Change Parent wizard.

12.21.5 Loading only server configuration

Two reasons why you would want to do this is:
• If you do not have any controllers yet and you want to be able to see your tag names in selection lists in Display
Builder so that you can easily build displays when the hardware is not present
• You want to reload changed server data (such as display names) without having to reload to a controller which
necessitates inactivating part of your strategy


To load Server data only

1 Click on the Monitoring tab; then click on the desired items in the tree to be loaded to the server.
• Use either the <Shift> key or the <Ctrl> key to select multiple items in the tree to be loaded to the server.
Hold down the <Shift> key to select multiple items as an uninterrupted block in the entire list of available
Hold down the <Ctrl> key to select multiple items in various locations throughout the entire list of available
There is no “with Contents” for loading server points - only the selected points are loaded, not their contents
as well.

2 Click on Controller > Load Server Points.


3 Click Continue on the Load To Server dialog.

4 Control Builder will validate and rebuild the Server points based on the selected points in the Monitoring


12.22 Using Bulk Build utility

The Bulk Build utility is an advanced Control Builder configuration tool designed to streamline the process of
duplicating existing control strategies. It lets you clone a typical object multiple times featuring automatic
renaming and the ability to edit specified parameters through a generated spreadsheet.
This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Identifying functions on Create Bulk Build List dialog “Identifying functions on
Create Bulk Build List
dialog” on page 412
Identifying functions on Set Name & Count dialog “Identifying functions on
Set Name and Count
dialog” on page 414
Identifying functions on Select Parameters dialog “Identifying functions on
Select Parameters dialog”
on page 416
Creating a Bulk Build List file “Creating Bulk Build List
file” on page 417
Viewing Sample Spreadsheet File “Viewing a sample
spreadsheet file” on
page 419
Viewing Sample Access Database File “Viewing a sample Access
database file” on page 421
Identifying functions on Read Bulk Build File “Identifying functions on
the Read Bulk Build File”
on page 422
Reading a Bulk Build File “Reading a Bulk Build
File” on page 424

Bulk Build is licensed with a separate license in Control Builder.

Related topics
“Identifying functions on Create Bulk Build List dialog” on page 412
“Identifying functions on Set Name and Count dialog” on page 414
“Identifying functions on Select Parameters dialog” on page 416
“Creating Bulk Build List file” on page 417
“Viewing a sample spreadsheet file” on page 419
“Viewing a sample Access database file” on page 421
“Identifying functions on the Read Bulk Build File” on page 422
“Reading a Bulk Build File” on page 424

12.22.1 Identifying functions on Create Bulk Build List dialog

The following illustration and callout table, identify the functions that are available on the Create Bulk Build
List Dialog.


Figure 94: Create Bulk Build List dialog callouts

Callout Function Description

1 Select Typical or UDT to Copy List box shows blocks in configured control strategies currently in the
ERDB as filtered by the Select Block Category selection and the Block
Name Filter entry on this dialog.
2 Select Block Category box Click Arrow button to select desired module category filter for the Select
Typical or UDT to Copy list.
3 Block Name Filter Key in desired characters to limit the blocks shown in the Select Typical
or UDT to Copy list to only those whose name begins with the (case
insensitive) characters entered in this field.
Clear Filter Button Click to clear the Block Name Filter field and restore the Select Typical
or UDT to Copy list to its unfiltered condition.
4 Select Output Directory Click the Browse button to launch Browse dialog and navigate to desired
directory location for saved output file. The selected directory appears in
the field and can only be edited through the Browse button.
5 File Name (No Extension) Key in desired output file name without the file type extension in this field.
The extension is automatically determined by the selection in the File Type
6 Output File Read-only field shows directory location of the saved output file.


Callout Function Description

7 Progress Bar Shows progress of the write operation to an output file during a Save
8 Help Button Click to call up related topic.
9 Save File Button Click to save data by writing it to the output file.
In the output file, a new row is created for each duplicate and/or contained
block, and columns for all parameters. If a parameter is not selected for a
particular block type or Typical, the corresponding entry in the output file
will be blank. Otherwise, the current value from the original block (the one
being duplicated) is written.
10 Close Button Click to quit the function and close the dialog box.
11 File Type Box Click the Arrow button to select desired output file type from list.
• Excel Spread Sheet (.xls) (default)
• Access Database (.mdb)
• Delimited text (CSV)
12 Number of Parameters Read-only field shows number of Parameters Selected so far.
13 Number of Typicals Selected Read-only field shows number of Typicals selected so far.
14 Write Typicals Only Check this check box if you want to generate a spreadsheet intended only
for overwriting existing blocks. Any subsequent edit a user makes to this
spreadsheet will be honored in the read process, as expected. You can
modify the name of the contained function blocks and CEE assignment, if
the CM or the selected module is not loaded. When this check box is
checked, the Set Name & Count button is not available so you cannot
create any copy of it.
Leave this check box blank to disable the function.
15 Select Parameters Button Click to launch the Select Parameters Dialog. See “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703 for details.
16 Same Name & Count Button Click to launch the Same Name and Count Dialog. See “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703 for details.
17 Remove All Button Click to remove all selected blocks from the Selected Typical list.
18 Remove Button Click to remove selected blocks from the Selected Typical list.
19 Select All Button Click to move all blocks selected in Select Typical or UDT to Copy list to
Selected Typicals list.
20 Select Button Click to move selected block in Select Typical or UDT to Copy list to
Selected Typicals list.
21 Selected Typicals List box shows:
• Blocks that have been selected as Typicals by Name.
• Number of copies (default is one)
• Number of parameters (default is zero)

12.22.2 Identifying functions on Set Name and Count dialog

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Set Copy Names and
Count dialog.


Set Name & Count dialog callouts

Callout Function Description

1 Select Typical box Click the Arrow button to select the desired Typical for which the
duplication count and naming is being set.
2 Base Name for Copies Key in the desired base name for the copies to which the suffix or prefix
will be appended. The default base name is the first 15 characters in the
Typical name.
3 Use Alpha Sequence check box Select this check box if you want the prefix or suffix for the base name
generated as a sequence of upper case alphabetical characters starting at A.
For example, A to ZZZ. Default is not selected.
4 Add Underscore Separator Select this check box if you want the generated prefix or suffix separated
Check Box from the base name by an underscore. Default is not selected.
5 Add Leading Zeros Check Box Select this check box if you want numeric values used for the prefix or
suffix to be formatted with leading zeros so all values are of an equal string
length. If it is not selected, numeric strings will only be as long as is
required for the value. Default is not selected.
6 Sample Names Read-only field displays the first and last name to be generated based on
current selections. The display updates as changes are made to the name
generation components.
7 Characters in Longest Name Read-only field displays the length of the longest proposed name. If the
length of the longest proposed name exceeds 16 characters, the Apply
button and the Select Typical box are disabled until you change naming
selections so the longest proposed name does not exceed the 16 character
8 Help Button Click to call up related topic.
9 Apply Button Click to save the current name generation selections for the specified


Callout Function Description

10 Close Button Click to quit the function and close the dialog.
11 Add Suffix Option Button Select this button if you want to generate a sequential suffix to construct
the names for each copy. This button and the Add Prefix button are
mutually exclusive.
12 Step Key in a numeric value within the range of 0 to 100 to be used as the
increment between suffix values. This field is unavailable if the Use Alpha
Sequence check box is selected. In this case, the sequence is strictly
Alphabetical with a one-character value step.
13 Start Key in a numeric value within the range of 0 to 1000 to set the starting
character for the sequence of suffixes or prefixes. Default is zero.
14 Add Prefix Option Button Select this button if you want to generate a sequential prefix to construct
the names for each copy. This button and the Add Suffix button are
mutually exclusive.
15 No. Copies to Create Key in the number of copies you want to make within the range of 1 to

12.22.3 Identifying functions on Select Parameters dialog

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Select Block
Parameters for Bulk Build List dialog.

Select Parameters dialog callouts


Callout Function Description

1 Select Block List box displays a tree view of the selected Typical with all its contained
blocks expanded. Selection of a block in an expanded view populates the
Parameters of Selected Block list with its associated parameters.
2 Select Typical Box Click the Arrow button to select desired Typical to be shown in the Select
Block list.
3 Help Button Click to call up related topic.
4 Apply Button When available, click to save the parameter selections for the block
selected in the tree view in the Select Block list.
5 Close Button Click to quit the function and close the dialog.
6 Available Columns Read-only field displays the number of parameter columns available for
new selections. (The output is limited to 242 uniquely named parameters;
the remaining 13 are used for fixed information about the Typical and its
7 Number Selected Read-only field displays the number of parameters in the Parameters
Selected for Typical list.
8 Remove All Button Click to remove all parameters the Parameters Selected for Typical list.
9 Remove Button Click to remove the selected parameters from the Parameters Selected for
Typical list.
10 Select All Button Click to copy all parameters currently displayed in the Parameters of
Selected Block list to the Parameters Selected for Typical list.
11 Select Button Click to copy the current selections in the Parameters of Selected Block
list to the Parameters Selected for Typical list. Duplicate parameters are
12 Parameters Selected for List shows the parameters selected for the current Typical (all blocks).
13 Parameters of Selected Block List is populated with the parameters appropriate to the block type selected
in the tree view in the Select Block list.

12.22.4 Creating Bulk Build List file

You can select a maximum of 239 parameter names for all Typicals. While an Excel spreadsheet allows 255
columns, sixteen (16) columns are reserved for the duplication process.
You can choose a subset of the parameters for each Typical object selected.These parameters are written to the
output file with the current parameter value for subsequent editing.
You do not need to install Microsoft Excel to generate an Excel spreadsheet, the Bulk Build utility uses
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects platform services to create an Excel spreadsheet output file.
You can choose Excel Spreadsheet, Access Database, and Delimited text (CSV) as the output file type.
The write file operations are done in the background so creating a bulk build file will not have significant
performance impact. A file containing duplication specifications for several hundred objects will typically take
no more than two to three minutes to create under normal conditions.
The following procedure outlines the general steps for creating a bulk build list file for example purposes only.

• You have launched Control Builder with a logon security level of Engineer or greater.
• You have already created control strategies in Control Builder that reside in the Engineering Repository
Database (ERDB).
• You are familiar with using Control Builder to configure Experion LX control strategies.


• You understand which parameters are appropriate for specialization, and what values are acceptable for
• You understand the limitations and resource usage guidelines to properly assign objects to execution

To create a Bulk Build List file

1 On Tools menu, click Bulk Build > Create Bulk Build List to launch the utility.
2 In Select Block Category box, click Arrow button and select CONTROLMODULE.
3 Optional: Key in desired characters to limit/filter the block names that can appear in the Select Typical or
UDT to Copy list or leave it blank to display all the control strategy data in the ERDB. For example, if you
key in ex, only blocks whose name starts with ex will be displayed in the list. This entry is not case sensitive.
4 Click the Browse button to select new directory location for the output file in the Output Directory
Location box or accept the default.
5 In File Name (No Extension) box, key in desired name to be used for the output file. For example, key in
6 In Select Typical or UDT to Copy list, select the block you want to copy. For example, click example_pid.
7 Click the Select button to add selected block to the Selected Typicals list.
8 Optional: Check the Write Typicals Only check box to generate a spreadsheet intended only for
overwriting existing blocks. If you make this selection, skip steps 9 to 15 since the Set Name &Count
function is not available with this option.
9 Click Set Name & Count button to call up the dialog.
10 In Set Name & Count dialog, click the Arrow button in the Select Typical box to select desired Typical.
For example, select example_pid.
11 In No. Copies to Create box, key in number of copies you want to make of this block. For example, key in
12 In Base Name for copies box, key in desire base name to be used for copies. For example, key in expidcopy.
13 Use remaining check boxes and option buttons to further define names for block copies. See “Identifying
functions on Set Name and Count dialog” on page 414 for more details.
14 Click Apply button to save the settings for the selected Typical.
15 Click Close button to close the dialog.
16 On Create Bulk Build List dialog, click Select Parameters button to call up the dialog.
17 On Select Parameters dialog, click Arrow button in Select Typical box to select the block to appear in the
Select Block tree view.
18 Select desired block in Select Block tree view to view its parameters in the Parameters of Selected Block
list. See the “Identifying functions on Set Name and Count dialog” on page 414 for more details
19 In the Parameters of Selected Block list, select the parameters you want to include in the Bulk Build list for
the Typical and click the Select button. Or, click the Select All button to copy all the parameters listed.
20 Click the Apply button to save the settings for the selected block of the selected Typical.
21 Click the Close button to close the dialog.
22 On the Create Bulk Build List dialog, click Arrow button in File Type box to select desired output file
type. For example, select Excel Spread Sheet (.xls).
23 Click the Save File button to initiate the writing of selected data to the output file. You can monitor progress
of the write function in the Progress bar.
24 You can repeat this procedure as required for other Typicals.
25 Click the Close button to close the dialog.
26 This completes the procedure.


Creating Bulk Build List for unassigned channels

1 Click Tools > Bulk Build > Create Bulk Build List.
The Create Bulk Build List dialog box appears.
2 Select the IO CHANNEL BLOCKS category from the Select Block Category list.
3 Click Browse to select new directory location for saving the output file in the Output Directory Location
box or accept the default.
4 In File Name (No Extension) box, type the desired name to be used for the output file. For example, type
5 Select the channel block that you want to copy from the Select Typical or UDT to Copy list. For example,
click AICHANNEL_02.
6 Click Select to add the selected channel blocks to the Selected Typicals list.
7 Optional: Select the Write Typicals Only check box to generate a spreadsheet intended only for overwriting
existing channel blocks. If you select this check box, then skip the following
a Click Set Name & Count to call up the dialog.
The Set Copy Names and Count dialog box appears.
b Select the desired channel block from the Select Typical list. For example, click AICHANNEL_02.
c Type the desired number of copies to be made for the selected block in the No. Copies to Create box.
For example, type 10.
d Type the desired base name to be used for the copies in the Base Name for copies box. For example,
e Select the remaining check boxes as explained in the “Identifying functions on Set Name and Count
dialog” on page 414 topic.
f Click Apply and then click Close.
8 Click Select Parameters.
The Select Block Parameters for Bulk Build List dialog box appears.
9 Select the channel from the Select Typical list.
The selected block appears in the Select Block list and the parameters of the selected block appears in the
Parameters of Selected Block list. For more information about the parameters, see “Identifying functions
on Set Name and Count dialog” on page 414.
10 Select the parameters that you want to include in the Bulk Build from the Parameters of Selected Block list
and then click the arrow to move them to the Parameters of Selected for Typical list. Or, click Select All to
copy all the parameters listed.
11 Click the Apply to save the settings for the selected block of the selected Typical.
12 Click the Close.
The Select Block Parameters for Bulk Build List dialog box closes.
13 On the Create Bulk Build List dialog, select the file type from the File Type list to save the desired output
file type. For example, select Excel Spread Sheet (.xls).
14 Click the Save File to initiate the writing of selected data to the output file.
You can monitor progress of the write function in the Progress bar.
15 Click Close.

12.22.5 Viewing a sample spreadsheet file

The following illustration and callout table identify the features that can be viewed on a typical spreadsheet file
that is the output of the Create Bulk Build List utility.

Considerations about spreadsheet files

• The output spreadsheet contains a worksheet called BulkBuild. It always includes Columns A through N and
the first row, which provides the names for the rest of the columns.


• Value indications can be

– ~~~ - Three successive tilde characters mean that the parameter is not appropriate for the current block.
– NOT ASSIGNED - Means that value is unassigned.
– (Blank) - For Parameters, a blank cell will be interpreted to mean same as Typical. For fixed fields, it is
treated as Not Assigned to avoid the errors that would result from duplicate assignment if the values in
the typical were used.
• You can select up to 241 unique parameter names. If a parameter name is applicable to multiple templates;
then selecting it for one template, results in it being selected for all.
• Parameter names that become column names can not include square brackets ( [ ] ), so the square brackets
will be replaced with parentheses when written to the database.
• Parameter names that contain an embedded period (.) will have the period changed to a pound symbol (#)
character when written to the database.
• Internal connections and connections to the blocks container (if specified) will be duplicated. Connections to
external objects will be removed to avoid errors from duplicate connections. You should review all new
blocks for needed connections.

Spreadsheet columns

Figure 95: Sample spreadsheet callouts

Callout Column Description

1 A - TypicalName The name of the Typical being copied.
2 B - NewBlockName The name of the new copied block.
3 C - NewItemName The name for a new item.
4 D - BlockType The full name of the System or User template for this block. Must match
that in the Typical, should not be edited.
5 E - FB The name of the contained Function Block (of the Typical), Not applicable
for the top-level container block. Must match that in the Typical, should not
be edited.


Callout Column Description

6 F - AssignedEEFB The Execution Environment container block to which to assign this copy.
7 G - ContainedIn The name of the Block that contains this block, for hierarchical building.
May be omitted, but will cause copies of blocks that are contained to be
built as uncontained copies. If specified, the copies will be contained in the
specified block (which can be part of the current bulk build) if it exists.
8 H - IOM The I/O Module to which the copy is to be assigned.

12.22.6 Viewing a sample Access database file

The following illustration and callout table identify the features that can be viewed on a typical access database
file that is the output of the Create Bulk Build List utility. The output is similar to the Excel Spreadsheet.

Considerations about Access database files

• The output access database contains a table called BulkBuild. It always includes the first seven columns and
the column names are the same as those used in the first row of the spreadsheet version.
• Value indications can be
– ~~~ - Three successive tilde characters mean that the parameter is not appropriate for the current block.
– NOT ASSIGNED - Means that value is unassigned.
– (Blank) - Means that it will be interpreted to mean same as Typical.
• You can select up to 241 unique parameter names. If a parameter name is applicable to multiple templates;
then selecting it for one template, results in it being selected for all.
• Parameter names that become column names can not include square brackets ( [ ] ), so the square brackets
will be replaced with parentheses when written to the database.
• Parameter names that contain an embedded period (.) will have the period changed to a pound symbol (#)
character when written to the database.


Access columns

Figure 96: Sample Access database callouts

Callout Column Description

1 TypicalName The name of the Typical being copied.
2 NewBlockName The name of the new block copy.
3 BlockType The full name of the System or User template for this block. Must match
that in the Typical, should not be edited.
4 FB The name of the contained Function Block (of the Typical), Not applicable
for the top-level container block. Must match that in the Typical, should not
be edited.
5 ContainedIn The name of the Block that contains this block, for hierarchical building.
May be omitted.
6 AssignedEEFB The Execution Environment container block to which to assign this copy.
7 IOM The I/O Module to which the copy is to be assigned.

12.22.7 Identifying functions on the Read Bulk Build File

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Read Bulk Build File


Figure 97: Read Bulk Build File dialog callouts

Callout Function Description

1 Select File Shows the full path to the file selected to be read through the Browse
button. The selected file will be validated for correct structure including
required rows and columns present, and correct sheet or table name; and
then read into the list view area below.
2 Set Replace Button Click to set (check) all check boxes in the Replace Existing column at
once. You can also individually select check boxes by row. When set, any
blocks that exist with the same name as New Block Name will be
overwritten with new information from the Typical and the spreadsheet.
3 Clear Replace Button Click to clear (blank) all check boxes in the Replace Existing column at
once. You can also individually clear check boxes by row.
4 Validate Button Click to have the data read in verified against the ERDB to insure that the
Typicals being copied are present and are structurally consistent with the
spreadsheet (no missing basic blocks). The results are updated in the
Status column of the list. This button is only available after a valid
selected file is read. Once this function has been completed, the View
Report button is available. While the validate function is executing, the
Status bar will display the text Validating File and a progress bar will be
displayed in the right pane of the Status bar.
5 Build Button Click to build the duplicates specified in the spreadsheet that were not
excluded due to errors in the validate phase. This button is only available
after a valid selected file is read. If the read file has not been validated by
clicking the Validate Button first, the file will be validated before the build
step is initiated for all valid items. The Status bar first displays Ordering
Build, and then Building blocks. During the Building Objects phase a
progress bar will be displayed in the right pane of the Status bar.
6 Stop Button Click to stop the validation or build process at the end of the next complete
step. This button is only available after a validation or build has started.


Callout Function Description

7 Continue Button Click to resume a stopped validation or build process sequence at the next
step. This is only applicable after a Stop button action.
8 View Report Button Click to display the log file created during the validation and build steps in
the Notepad application. The log file contains entries for each object,
showing successful creation, skipped objects and all errors encountered in
both phases. The log file is created in the standard Experion LX error log
directory C:\ErrorHandling.
9 Status Bar Shows the current operational state in the right pane and the current
progress during validate and build in the left pane.
10 Cancel Button Click to cancel the operation and close the dialog. If a validate or build step
is in progress, a prompt asks you to confirm the action and the process will
be aborted at the next possible step.
11 Help Button Click to call up related topic.

12.22.8 Reading a Bulk Build File

Bulk Build modifies the Qualification and Version Control System (QVCS) parameters for new objects; they
will be set to the normal defaults for a new object. You must use normal QVCS procedures to modify the
Qualification State of the new objects. Also, for the overwrite of an existing object on systems with full,
licensed QVCS active, the Bulk Build does an automatic check out and check in.
The validate and build operations are done in the background so reading a bulk build file will not have
significant performance impact.

If an empty or a blank column exists in the spread sheet that is created while performing Bulk Build of strategies or
Bulk Edit of Parameters, then the empty or blank column is skipped when the spread sheet is read in Control Builder.

The following procedure outlines the general steps for reading a bulk build list file for example purposes only.

• You have launched Control Builder with a logon security level of Engineer or greater.
• You have already created a valid Bulk Build list file in an Excel Spreadsheet, Access Database, or text file
format using the Bulk Build List dialog. Or, you have created a spreadsheet using Microsoft Office 97 or
later that conforms to the expected format and the named blocks to be duplicated actually exist in the current
Engineering Repository Database (ERDB).
• You are familiar with using Control Builder to configure Experion LX control strategies.
• You understand which parameters are appropriate for specialization, and what values are acceptable for
• You understand the limitations and resource usage guidelines to properly assign objects to execution

To read a Bulk Build File

1 On Tools menu, click Bulk Build > Read Bulk Build List to launch the utility.
2 Click the Browse button to navigate to the directory location that contains the Bulk Build List file to be read
and select it so it appears in the Select File box.
3 Check that selected file contents is displayed in the list view area with one complete duplicated object per
4 Click the Set Replace button to select all the check boxes in the Replace Existing column. This means any
blocks that exist with the same name as New Block Name in the ERDB will be overwritten with new
information from the Typical and the spreadsheet. If Replacing Existing check box is not selected and an


object with the same name exists in the database, an error message is generated and the existing object is not
overwritten in the database.

You may chose to skip Steps 5 and 6, and go to Step 7 to just click the Build button first. In this case, the
validation is done immediately before the build process starts.

5 Click the Validate button. Check the Status bar to monitor progress of the validation process.
6 Check the Status column to review the validation status of each duplicate. The validation status can be
• Not Validated (initial status)
• Typical Does Not exist
• Block Type mismatch in typical
• Embedded Block Not in Typical
• Validated
• Validated - Replace Existing Required
Only those duplicates with a Validated or Validated - Replace Existing Required status will be
considered for a build (replace existing must be checked for the latter).
7 Once validation is completed, click the Build button. Check the Status bar to monitor the progress of the
build process.
8 Check the Status column to review the build status. It can be one of these:
• Build Ok
• Block Exists -Not Replaced
• Build Errors
Assignment Errors
9 Once the build status is checked, click the View Report button to view the error log in the Notepad
application and check for skipped objects and any errors encountered during the validate and build phases.
10 Close Notepad and click the Cancel button to close the dialog.
11 Check duplicates in the Project tab of Control Builder and make any configuration changes as you normally
12 This completes the procedure.


12.23 On-line monitoring using Control Builder

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Initial activation order guidelines “Initial activation order
guidelines” on page 426
Activating the CEE “Loading WDM and/or
wireless device” on page 398
Setting the CEE inactive “Setting a CEE to inactive”
on page 427
Setting I/O active “Setting the I/O to an active
state” on page 428
Setting I/O inactive “Setting the I/O state to
inactive” on page 429
Changing parameters while monitoring “Changing parameters while
monitoring” on page 431
Operator actions versus IOP outputs “Operator actions versus IOP

Related topics
“Initial activation order guidelines” on page 426
“Activating the CEE” on page 426
“Setting a CEE to inactive” on page 427
“Setting the I/O to an active state” on page 428
“Setting the I/O state to inactive” on page 429
“Changing parameters while monitoring” on page 431

12.23.1 Initial activation order guidelines

Make the initial activation of control strategy components from the Monitoring tab in the following suggested
order to minimize possible bad data generated alarms.

Order Component
1 Control environment components such as:
2 Input/Output Processors (IOPs)
4 Fieldbus contained function blocks
5 Fieldbus device resident blocks
6 Input/Output Modules (IOMs)
7 Control Modules (CMs) and/or Sequential Control Modules (SCMs)

12.23.2 Activating the CEE

Follow the steps in the table below to activate the CEE.
1 From the Monitoring Tree, right-click the CEE.
Click Module Properties.


The SYSTEM:CEEC300FB Block form appears.

2 On the Main tab, click down arrow button in CEE Command field to select the desired option as follows to
activate the CEE:

12.23.3 Setting a CEE to inactive

To set a CEE to inactive.

1 From the Monitoring Tree, right-click the CEE.
2 Click Inactivate and then the desired selection as follows to activate multiple items:
• Selected Item …
• This CEE and its IOMs and CMs
• This CEE's IOMs and CMs …
• This CEE's SCMs …
Alternate methods:
• Click the Toggle State toolbar button to set the selected item inactive.
• Select Operate > Inactivate and then the desired selection as follows to make multiple items inactive:
Selected Item …
This CEE and its IOMs and CMs
This CEE's IOMs and CMs …
This CEE's SCMs …

3 Click YES from the pop-up window to set the selected item inactive.


The CEE turns from green to blue on the Monitoring Tree.

12.23.4 Setting the I/O to an active state

1 From the Monitoring Tree, right-click the desired I/O block.
2 Click Activate.

3 Click Yes from the pop-up window to set the selected item active.


Note: IOMs can also be activated through the server database (that is, an IOM status point).
The I/O block turns green on the Monitoring Tree.

12.23.5 Setting the I/O state to inactive

1 From the Monitoring Tree, right-click the desired I/O block.
2 Click Inactivate.
Alternate method:
Click the Toggle State toolbar button to set the selected item inactive.


3 Click Yes from the pop-up window to set the selected item inactive.

Note: IOMs can also be activated through the server database (that is, an IOM status point).
The I/O block turns from green to blue on the Monitoring Tree.


12.23.6 Changing parameters while monitoring

Follow the steps in the table below to change parameters while monitoring a strategy. Note that the following is
one specific example of changing parameters while monitoring using a PID block.

To change parameters while monitoring

1 Click on the Monitoring Tree.
2 Right-click on the desired block

In this example, the block PIDA was selected.

CEE must be idle or FB must be inactive in order for some parameter changes to be allowed. For example,
you can change the Enable Alarming Option on-line when both the CEE and function block are active.
3 Click on Configure Block Parameters, then enter the parameter changes. When the OK button is clicked, or
the cursor is placed in any other field a confirm change dialog box appears.
Confirm the change dialog as YES, if you want to write the new value to the controller, otherwise select No.
Press the SHIFT-TAB keys to change the focus between the Yes and No buttons.


Any parameters changed while monitoring are only written to the controller; they are not written to the

4 In this example, the parameter PVEU Range Hi was changed to 50. The changed parameter will now appear


12.24 Control Builder block icon descriptions

This section identifies the various icons that are used in the Control Builder Project and Monitoring tabs to
represent the components used in a given control strategy.

Related topics
“Control Module block icons” on page 433
“Basic block icons” on page 433
“Device block icons” on page 433
“Fieldbus Device icons” on page 434
“Fieldbus block icons” on page 434
“Redundancy Module block icons” on page 435
“EHB block icons” on page 435
“Other block icon references” on page 436

12.24.1 Control Module block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Control Module block icon can assume based on
configuration, view, and current operating state and status.

If Icon Is . . . Then, It Represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray) Configured for operation
Monitoring Tab
(gray/arrow) Loaded, not monitoring

red/black exclamation Communication failure

(blue) Inactive/IDLE

(green) Active/RUN

12.24.2 Basic block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Basic block icon can assume based on
configuration, view, and current operating state and status.

If Icon Is . . . Then, It Represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray) Configured for operation
Monitoring Tab
(red) Communication failure

(gray/red cross out) Configuration error

12.24.3 Device block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a HART Device block icon can assume based on
configuration, view, and current operating state and status.


If Icon Is . . . Then, It Represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray) Configured for operation
Monitoring Tab
(gray/arrow) Loaded, not monitoring

(red/black exclamation) Communication failure

(blue) Inactive/IDLE

(green) Active/RUN

(red/red exclamation) Failed

12.24.4 Fieldbus Device icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Fieldbus device block icon can assume based on
view and current device state. Link blocks apply only to the primary or non-redundant FIM2 block, and do not
have matching blocks for secondary FIM2

If Icon is . . . Then, it represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray) Device added to Project.
Monitoring Tab
(gray/arrow) Control Builder / Control Data Access (CDA) server is currently establishing
communication to the device.
(green/question mark) Uncommissioned device.

(green) Device is online and is configured as a Basic device.

(green/green clock) Device is online and is configured as a Link Master device. Green clock means
that the backup LAS in the field device is the same version and is in sync with
FIM4 Link. It is important to operate with a green clock, so the Link Master
device has a valid backup LAS in case of a FIM4 failure.
(green/red clock) Device is online and is configured as a Link Master device. A bad link schedule
exists in the device. A Red Clock indicates that either the field device never
received a backup LAS or is not at the same version and is out of sync with
FIM4 Link. Such a condition can occur if the backup LAS cannot fit in the field
device (For example, EXPKS_E_CL_SCHED_TOOBIG error seen during
configuration download) or configuration download to the field device was
aborted because of other failures.
(red/black exclamation) Device is offnet. Communications with the device is unavailable.

(red/red exclamation) Communications with the device is available, but the device is in a failed state.
The device is a Basic device.
(red/red exclamation/red clock) Communications with the device is available, but the device is in a failed state.
The device is a Link Master device.

12.24.5 Fieldbus block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Fieldbus block icon associated with a fieldbus
device can assume based on view and current block state. The faceplate of the block will vary to reflect the
block type such as Resource, Transducer, Analog Input, and so on. The icon for an instantiable function block
has a slash across it and a letter I_ tag prefix.


If Icon is . . . Then, it represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray) Block added to Project.
Monitoring Tab
(gray/arrow) Control Builder / Control Data Access (CDA) server is currently establishing
communication to the block.
(green) Block is active

(blue/arrow) Block is inactive

(red/black exclamation) Block is offnet. Communications with the block is unavailable.

12.24.6 Redundancy Module block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that a Redundancy Module block icon can assume
based on configuration, view, and current operating state and status.

If Icon Is . . . Then, It Represents . . .

Project Tab
(gray/white) Primary configured for operation

(white/gray) Secondary configured for operation

Monitoring Tab
(gray/arrow/white) Primary loaded, not monitoring

(white/arrow/gray) Secondary loaded, not monitoring

(blue/white) Primary inactive/IDLE

(white/blue) Secondary inactive/IDLE

(red/black exclamation/white) Primary communication failure

(white/black exclamation/red) Secondary communication failure

(yellow/black exclamation/white) Primary not loaded/not used

(white/black exclamation/yellow) Secondary not loaded/not used

(green/symbol/white) Primary active/RUN (in synch)

(white/symbol/green) Secondary active/RUN (in synch)

(red/white exclamation/white) Primary failed

(white/red exclamation/red) Secondary failed

(green/symbol/white) Primary active/RUN (not synched)

(white/symbol/blue) Secondary backup/IDLE (not synched)

(green/symbol/white) Primary active standby

(white/symbol/green) Secondary active standby

12.24.7 EHB block icons

The following table summarizes the various appearances that EHB-related block icons can assume based on
configuration, view, and the current operating status.


If Icon Is Then, It Represents

Project tab
EHB is configured for non-redundant operation

Non-redundant EHB is loaded, but not monitored

(gray with an arrow)

EHB is configured for redundant operation

(gray and white)

Redundant EHB is loaded, but not monitored

(gray and white with an arrow)

Monitoring tab
EHB is non-redundant

Primary EHB

(green with the letter P and white)

Secondary EHB

(green with the letter S and white)

Bad States on the monitoring tree
EHB configured for non redundant operation hasn’t received it’s redundancy

(yellow with an exclamation)

EHB configured for redundant operation hasn’t received its redundancy role.

(yellow and white with an exclamation)

EHB is redundant and not communicating. This icon is displayed when errors
occur during monitoring.

(red and white with an exclamation)

EHB is non-redundant and not communicating. This icon is displayed when
errors occur during monitoring.

(red with an exclamation)

12.24.8 Other block icon references

The following references link to other documents containing information about the block icons related to the
given component.
• C300 Controller User's Guide


• Peer Control Data Interface Implementation Guide

• Sequential Control User's Guide
• Series Fieldbus Interface Module User's Guide
• Series I/O User's Guide


13 About Editing/Loading parameters while active

You can modify and load the SR-resident parameter values without inactivating the control strategy/setting the
CEE to IDLE. The parameters that can be modified/loaded while active are referred as “active loadable”
parameters. In addition, you can turn off editing of all parameter values except for active loadable parameters.
To accomplish this, “Allow only active loadable parameter changes” option is introduced in the System
Preferences > General tab.
To load parameters while active, a new load option called “Load Values while Active” is provided. Note that
when load while active is performed, the server point build also happens simultaneously. Any errors that occur
while loading the active loadable parameter values do not affect the on-process control.
Load Values while Active is applicable for active loadable parameters of the following:
• Instances of all block types and user-defined templates.
• Control strategies assigned to C300 and simulation environment of all controllers.

To load values while active, all control strategies except user-defined templates must be loaded to the Monitoring

• Users with the access level of Operator or Engineer can modify and load parameters while active.
• The active loadable parameters are restricted to the defined set for a particular block type.
• When the “Allow only active loadable parameter changes” is enabled, the editing session is referred to as
“active edit session.”
• You need to modify active loadable parameter values from the Project view as the changes can be checked
in/out of QVCS.

You can modify the active loadable parameter values from the Control Builder or the Recipe Builder. Modifications
made in Recipe Builder are synchronized back to Control Builder. Similarly, modifications made in Control Builder
are synchronized back to Recipe Builder.


13.1 Visual indicator for identifying active loadable parameters

• The “#” symbol indicates that a parameter is an active loadable parameter. This symbol appears for the
following irrespective of whether the active edit session is enabled or not.
– Against each active loadable parameter name in the configuration form.

Note: If the configuration form contains tables that have active loadable parameters, the # symbol
appears in the table grid against the parameter name that is active loadable.
– In the tooltip of all the active loadable parameters.

– Against the parameter name in the Request Value Change dialog box, if the parameter that you are
accessing to change the value is an active loadable parameter.

– Against the instance parameters in the Aliases tab of the SCMs and RCMs.


– Against the active loadable parameter in the Create Bulk Edit List dialog box.

– Against the active loadable parameter in the Read Bulk Edit List dialog box.

• The Foundation Fieldbus DD files imported templates have the Electronic Device Description Language
(EDDL) view in their configuration forms. This view is rendered based on the FF specifications and handled
by external components. Therefore the “#” symbol does not appear against the active loadable parameters in
this view.


13.2 Configuration settings for enabling active edit session

To accomplish editing of active loadable parameter values only, an option “Allow only active loadable
parameter changes” is introduced in the General tab of the System Preferences dialog box. This option is
applicable to all instances of Control Builder running on any node and is disabled by default.
The Allow only active loadable parameter changes option is also available in the User Preferences dialog

Related topics
“Effects of enabling/disabling 'Allow only active loadable parameter changes' option” on page 442
“Visual changes in Control Builder when active edit session is enabled” on page 443
“Considerations for modifying active loadable parameters values” on page 443
“Load while active delta flag for objects” on page 444
“Scenarios during which a strategy is qualified as active loadable” on page 444
“Scenarios during which a strategy is disqualified as active loadable” on page 445
“Restrictions/Limitations of editing parameters while active” on page 446

13.2.1 Effects of enabling/disabling 'Allow only active loadable parameter changes' option
When you select the Allow only active loadable parameter changes check box in the System Preferences
dialog box, this option is also enabled in the User Preferences dialog box.
The following table lists the effects of enabling/disabling this option from the System Preferences and the User
Preferences dialog box.

State of “Allow only active loadable State of “Allow only active loadable Result
parameter changes” in System parameter changes” in User
Preferences Preferences
Enabled Enabled (by default) System-wide active edit session is
Enabled Disabled System-wide active edit session is
enabled. However, the active edit
session is disabled for the current
Control Builder instance. This is
because the User Preferences setting
overrides the System Preferences setting
for the current Control Builder instance.
Disabled Disabled Active edit session is disabled.
Disabled Enabled System-wide active edit session is
disabled. However, active edit session is
enabled only for the current Control
Builder instance. This is because the
User Preferences setting overrides the
System Preferences setting for the
current Control Builder instance.


13.2.2 Visual changes in Control Builder when active edit session is enabled
The following list summarizes the visual changes that happen in Control Builder when active edit session is
• The Load while active delta flag appears in the title bar of all strategies and configuration forms. This
flag does not appear in the Monitoring view. Note that this flag appears only when you open a strategy or a
configuration form after enabling active edit session.
Strategies that were already open before enabling the Allow Only active loadable parameter changes
option continue to be in normal edit session. Also, when you open the configuration form from the strategy,
even the configuration form will be in normal edit session. However, when you close and open the same
strategy after enabling this option, only active loadable parameter values can be modified.
Strategies that were already open before disabling the Allow Only active loadable parameter changes
option continue to be in active edit session. Also, when you open the configuration form from the strategy,
even the configuration form will be in active edit session. However, when you open the same strategy after
disabling this option, the strategy will be in normal edit session wherein you can modify any parameter
• When system-wide active edit session is enabled, modifying strategies or configuration forms or bulk edit
parameters is restricted only to the active loadable parameter values. Other parameters are non-editable
(appear dimmed).
• The Add, Del, Up, and Down buttons in the Step and Transition blocks of the SCM/RCM do not appear
when active edit session is enabled.
• The following tabs in all configuration forms and UDTs are disabled. This is to enable only editing of active
loadable parameter values.
– Projected Parameters
– Block Pins
– Configuration Parameters
– Monitoring Parameters
– Block Preferences
– Template Defining
Note: The active edit session is not applicable to the unassigned strategies and strategies that are in the Project
view only.

Visual cues that are applicable to the charts are also applicable to the UDT and its instances when at least one instance
of the UDT is loaded to the Monitoring view.

13.2.3 Considerations for modifying active loadable parameters values

Although you can modify active loadable parameters even when the active session is disabled, you must ensure
to modify only active loadable parameter values based on the appearance of the “#” symbol.

Active load is permitted as long as you edit only active loadable parameter values. However, if you edit active
loadable parameter values after editing non-active loadable parameters, active load is not permitted. In such a scenario,
you must perform a full load.

Effects of editing active loadable parameter values when active edit session is enabled


13.2.4 Load while active delta flag for objects

When you modify an active loadable parameter value in a loaded strategy and save the strategy, a load icon
known as the Load while active delta flag appears against that strategy. This indicates that the strategy
configuration has changed after loading and can be reloaded while active.
The Load while active delta flag appears even for the basic blocks if any of the active loadable parameter value
of the basic block is modified. The Load while active delta flag also appears when you modify any of the
active loadable parameter values using the Bulk Edit feature.
Note: The Load while active delta flag appears when you modify only active loadable parameter values
irrespective of whether the active edit session is enabled or not.
The following figure displays the Load while active delta flag in the Project view.

13.2.5 Scenarios during which a strategy is qualified as active loadable

The following table lists the actions that you perform on a strategy which qualifies the strategy as active

Object Action Result

Control strategy • You modify only active loadable The Load while active delta flag appears in the Project
parameter values in a strategy and save view.
• You modify only the active loadable
parameter values in the bulk edit output
file and perform a Read Bulk Edit List
and Update Project.
Control strategy You modify an active loadable parameter The symbol appears against the strategy in the
contained within value in the strategy. Assignment view. However, in the Containment view, the
a strategy symbol appears against the strategy.


Object Action Result

Control strategy You modify the template defining values The modifications in the UDT are also propagated to the
containing UDT (only active loadable parameter values) in UDT instances. In addition, the Load while active delta
instances the UDT and save the UDT. flag appears against the UDT instances, if the UDT
instance is loaded.
• This is applicable even when the active edit session is
disabled and you modify only the active loadable
parameters (template defining parameters) in UDTs.
• There can be scenarios where some UDT instances
are active loadable and some are not. This is because
the UDT instances can derive parameter values from
the function blocks defined in the UDT or can have
function blocks specific to a UDT instance.
Therefore, if you modify the UDT instance such as
modifying a non-active loadable parameter or adding
function blocks, the specific UDT instance is
disqualified as active loadable. However, even though
the UDT instance is disqualified as active loadable,
the changes will be propagated.
Control strategy You modify the active loadable parameter The Load while active delta flag appears in the Project
containing CBT values in the CBT and save the CBT. view.

13.2.6 Scenarios during which a strategy is disqualified as active loadable

The following table lists the actions that you perform on an active loadable strategy which disqualify the
strategy as active loadable.

Object Action Result

Control strategy • You modify a non-active loadable A warning message appears when you save the block
parameter value in a strategy qualified type information. The Load while active delta flag
as active loadable. changes to a full load delta flag .
• You modify a non-active loadable
parameter value in a strategy where the
strategy and one of its blocks is
qualified as active loadable.
• You modify a non-active loadable
parameter values in the bulk edit output
file and perform a Read Bulk Edit List
and Update Project.
Control strategy You modify the block type definition and A warning message appears when you save the block
containing CBT save the CBT. type information. The Load while active delta flag
instances changes to a full load delta flag after you save the
Control strategy You modify any non-active loadable A warning message appears when you save the changes.
containing UDT template-defining parameters or modify The Load while active delta flag changes to a full load
instances UDT such as adding blocks and save the delta flag after you save the UDT.

• The full load delta flag indicates that the strategy is changed between the Project view and the Monitoring
view. Such strategies need to be re-loaded by inactivating the strategy/setting CEE to IDLE.


• If a strategy has a full load delta flag , and you modify an active loadable parameter value in any of the
basic blocks, then the strategy does not qualify as active loadable. A full load delta flag appears for the
• If you modify an active loadable parameter value in a strategy already having a full load delta flag , the
strategy does not qualify as active loadable. You must perform a full load to Monitoring view by inactivating
the control strategy/setting CEE to “IDLE.”
• If you delete a strategy qualified as active loadable from the Monitoring view, the Load while active delta
flag disappears in the Project view.

Sample warning messages when strategies are disqualified as active loadable

When a strategy is disqualified as active loadable, a warning message appears.
The following figure displays a sample message when a strategy is disqualified as active loadable.

The following figure displays a sample message when a UDT is edited after its instance is qualified for active

13.2.7 Restrictions/Limitations of editing parameters while active

You can only modify the active loadable parameter values when active edit session is enabled. You cannot
perform any other operations in the strategy.
The following list summarizes the operations that you cannot perform when active edit session is enabled.

Adding/deleting function blocks within the strategy Adding/deleting connections

Adding pins to block Resolving substitute connections
Rearranging/redefining block attributes (function blocks, Changing parent
symbols, block pins, faceplate parameters)
Assigning/unassigning function blocks Inserting/deleting of SCM handlers
Setting invoke transition Moving SCM Handlers


SCM/RCM chart operations Adding/deleting/moving up/moving down expressions

Inserting OLE objects Renaming charts

Note: The operations that you cannot perform when active edit session is enabled are not limited to the
following list.
• The editing of parameter values is only applicable in the context of the strategy. There are no changes to the
other operations listed below that are not in the context of the strategy.

System Preferences User preference

Operation permissions Checkpoint preferences
Page Setup Substitute names list
Scheduling checkpoint tasks Achieving checkpoint files
Creation of new tagged blocks Managing symbol library

These restrictions and limitations are applicable to UDTs only when at least one instance of the UDT is loaded to the
Monitoring view.


13.3 About editing active loadable parameters in bulk

With the introduction of modifying and loading only active loadable parameters feature, the Create Bulk Edit
List feature and the Read Bulk Edit List feature are also enhanced.

13.3.1 Enhancements to the Create Bulk Edit List feature

You can create your bulk edit list with only the active loadable parameters by selecting the active loadable
parameters based on the appearance of the “#” symbol. Note that the bulk edit list output file can contain both
the active loadable parameters and the full load parameters.

13.3.2 Enhancements to the Read Bulk Edit List feature

You can update only the active loadable parameters on the Project view during Read Bulk Edit List by
performing the following steps:
1. Enable active edit session.
2. Modify only the active loadable parameters in the bulk edit output file.
3. Perform a Read Bulk Edit List.
4. Perform an Update Project.
If you modify only the active loadable parameter values in the bulk edit output file and perform a Read Bulk
Edit List, the Load while active delta flag appears against the strategy.
If you modify full load parameter values in the bulk edit output and perform a Read Bulk Edit List, the full
load delta flag appears against the strategy.
When active edit session is enabled and you perform a Read Bulk Edit List, only the active loadable parameter
changes are updated in the Project view. All other parameters are ignored and a warning message appears
against the non-active loadable parameters.
The following figure displays a sample warning message against a non-active loadable parameter.


13.4 About loading parameters while active

You can load parameters while active only if the strategy is qualified for active load. When you load parameters
while active, all active loadable parameters will be loaded irrespective of whether the parameter is changed or
not. In addition, all server configuration of the block will be loaded to the server. Note that you can also perform
a full load for strategies qualified for active load.
The loading of parameters while active is identical to the existing full load process. However, only a subset of
steps is performed while performing an active load. The first step in loading parameters while active is storing
the active loadable parameter values to the controller. If this step fails, the load process is cancelled. As a result,
the parameter values are not copied to the Monitoring view and also the Checkpoint operation is cancelled.
Therefore, the parameter values are updated in server and can be recovered by loading only the server points
from the Monitoring view.
Errors that are encountered while performing a full load are also applicable to loading parameters while active.
For more information on loading, see the section Loading a control strategy in the Control Building User's

13.4.1 Load Values while Active option

To accomplish loading of parameters while active, a new load option called Load Values while Active is
introduced in the Controller menu. This option is also available when you right-click the strategy.
This option is available only from the Project view of the strategy. In addition, this option is enabled only for
strategies that are qualified for active load.
The following image displays the Load Values while Active option from the Controller menu.

13.4.2 Loading parameters while active

Perform the following steps to load parameters while active.
1 Right-click the strategy containing the Load while active delta flag and select Load Values while Active.
You can also choose Controller > Load Values while active.
A warning message in the Load Values while Active dialog box appears.
Note: You can select multiple strategies and select the Load Values while Active option at once.
2 Click Continue.
The Load Values while Active dialog box displays the objects selected for active load.


3 Click Continue.
The progress bar indicates the progress of the load. Upon successful load, the Load while active delta flag
is cleared for the selected strategy.
Note: If you have enabled the Compare Parameters option from the System Preferences, the Load Values
while Active: Compare Parameters dialog box appears. The progress bar appears only after you click OK
in the Load Values while Active: Compare Parameters dialog box. If you click Cancel, the load is

There can be scenarios where all active loadable parameters are not loaded successfully. These could be due to
failure to update a specific active loadable parameter, failure to update the database, or other reasons. All these
errors will be consolidated and displayed in the error dialog box as in a full load operation.

Scenarios during which the active load fails

• The active load fails in the following scenarios.
• If you perform an Update to Project for a strategy that has a Load while active delta flag , the full
load delta flag appears against that strategy in the Monitoring view. In such a scenario, even though
you perform a load while active, the full load delta flag does not clear in the Monitoring view. You must
perform a full load from the Project view.
• You cannot perform a load while active for objects that are in checked-out status in QVCS. The
Validation before Active Load dialog box displays the error message. You must check-in the objects to
perform Load Values while Active.

14 Enhancements to CM Reload and CEE Restart

CM reload and CEE restart behavior is enhanced to provide application engineers with additional control over
the behavior of CMs. To accomplish this, four new parameters are added namely RELOADINIDLY,
CURRELINIDLY, INITPENDING, and RSTRTINIDLY. These parameters serve the following purposes.
• Allow application engineers to declare that reloaded CMs shall make pulled output data invisible to
downstream clients until a configured initialization delay has expired.
• Allow application engineers to declare that CEEs going through Checkpoint Restore or RAM Retention
Restart shall make pulled output data invisible to downstream clients until a configured, CEE-wide
initialization delay has expired.

The new CM reload and CEE restart configuration is advantageous for discreet logic strategies.

The new CM reload and CEE restart configuration can be applied to a wide variety of CM connection
topologies such as;
• intra-CEE connections
• inter-CEE connections
• IO connections


14.1 Terminologies used to explain the new CM reload and CEE restart
You need to be familiar with the following terminologies to understand the new CM reload and CEE restart
Definition CM (DEF CM)
Within the CEE, pull connections can exist between CMs. The CM which contains the component block which
owns the output parameter and the data it represents can be thought of as the DEF CM.
Referencing CM (REF CM)
Within the CEE, pull connections can exist between CMs. The CM which contains the component block which
owns the input parameter in the connection and its pulling reference can be thought of as the REF CM.
This is the Source CM where Boolean data originates. The nature of data can vary. It might come from a DI,
from a Flag, from a Logic block, or from any other sources. The Definition CM, DEF CM, has a dependency on
SRC CM in that it pulls one or more values from output parameters owned by its component basic blocks. Note
that in some strategies, the DEF CM pulls its data from some other source. In other strategies, there is no other
source and the DEF CM itself is the source.


14.2 New parameters added to enhance CM reload and CEE restart


Related topics
“CM reload parameters” on page 453
“CEE restart parameter” on page 453
“RELOADINIDLY (Reload Initialization Delay)” on page 453
“CURRELINIDLY (Current Reload Initialization Delay)” on page 454
“INITPENDING (Initialization Pending)” on page 454
“RSTRTINIDLY (Restart Initialization Delay)” on page 455
“Differences between CEE.RSTRTINIDLY and CM. RELOADINIDLY” on page 456
“Default Configuration of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY” on page 457

14.2.1 CM reload parameters

The following three new parameters have been added to enhance CM configuration capabilities.
• “RELOADINIDLY (Reload Initialization Delay)” on page 453
• “CURRELINIDLY (Current Reload Initialization Delay)” on page 454
• “INITPENDING (Initialization Pending)” on page 454

• These parameters are supported by CMs assigned to CEE-C300.
• These parameters are not supported by FF Link EEs under FIM, and CMs assigned to LIOM.

14.2.2 CEE restart parameter

The following parameter has been added to enhance configuration of the CEE as a whole.
• “RSTRTINIDLY (Restart Initialization Delay)” on page 455

• This parameter is supported in CEE-C300.
• This parameter is not supported in FIM or LIOM.

14.2.3 RELOADINIDLY (Reload Initialization Delay)

This is an integer configuration value which establishes an initialization delay, in units of CM execution counts,
to be imposed immediately after the CM is reloaded. This parameter has an access lock of APPDEVONLY and
can only be changed through configuration load. By imposing an initialization delay, pull clients can be
prevented from consuming uninitialized data during CM reload.
When RELOADINIDLY is set to a nonzero value, CM output parameters are opaque to local and peer pull
clients until the initialization delay expires. The net result is that until the initialization delay expires, the clients
hold pulled inputs and any outputs dependent upon those inputs. Until the initialization delay expires, the pull
clients respond by holding the last fetched input.


The default value of RELOADINIDLY is 2 CM executions. Most CMs require only a value of 1 to prevent pull
clients from consuming uninitialized data. Some CMs may require a value greater than 2. Application engineers
may set RELOADINIDLY to a value greater than 2 in the following scenarios.
• The CM design entails internal delays.
• External inputs to the CM may be subject to delays.
If the CM execution period is 50 ms and the RELOADINIDLY is set to 5, when the CM is reloaded, the output
parameters are opaque to local and peer pull clients for 250 ms.
Note: Application engineers may also set RELOADINIDLY to zero if they want to impose no initialization
delay after reload.

14.2.4 CURRELINIDLY (Current Reload Initialization Delay)

This is a read-only integer which indicates how many CM execution counts remain before the initialization
delay established by RELOADINIDLY expires. CURRELINIDLY is set to RELOADINIDLY when the CM is
loaded. Once the CM is activated, it begins to count down to 0 based on the CM execution period. While
CURRELINIDLY is nonzero, outputs fetched by pull clients cannot be seen. Once CURRELINIDLY reaches
zero, outputs fetched by pull clients can again be seen.
If the RELOADINIDLY is 10 and the CM execution period is 50 ms, and the CM is reloaded, the
CURRELINIDLY is set to 10. Once the CM is activated, the CURRELINIDLY begins to count down (10 (when
activated), 9 (after 1 CM execution), 8, 7, …0 (after 10 CM execution - 500 ms)). Until this CURRELINIDLY
value is nonzero, the outputs fetched by pull clients cannot be seen. As soon as the CURRELINIDLY becomes
0, the outputs fetched by the pull clients can be seen again.

14.2.5 INITPENDING (Initialization Pending)

This is a read-only Boolean parameter which indicates whether or not the CM is occluding the data owned by
component blocks while it initializes. INITPENDING On is intended to be a transient state. While
INITPENDING is On, component block data is opaque to downstream pull clients and to displays as well.
If the CURRELINIDLY is set to 10, INITEPENDING will be On and component block data is opaque to user
displays until CURRELINIDLY is nonzero (10, 9, 8, ..1).
As soon as CURRELINIDLY becomes 0, INITEPENDING becomes Off and the component block data is
visible to user displays.
The following figure displays how RELOADINIDLY, CURRELINIDLY and INITPENDING appear in the CM
configuration form.


14.2.6 RSTRTINIDLY (Restart Initialization Delay)

This is an integer configuration value which establishes an initialization delay, in units of seconds, to be
imposed upon all CMs within the CEE following a restart. RSTRTINIDLY allows CMs within the CEE to come
into alignment with the process following a RAM Retention Restart or a Checkpoint Restore.
The behavior of CEE.RSTRTINIDLY is analogous to that of CM.RELOADINIDLY. Each parameter allows the
application engineer to establish an initialization delay. In each case, the output parameters of the CM or CMs
are opaque to pull clients until the delay has expired.
RSTRTINIDLY defaults to a value of 10 seconds. This is enough to cover the initialization of 5 interdependent
CMs executing with a period as slow as 2 seconds. Application engineers may choose to use larger or smaller
values of RSTRINIDLY as appropriate.
When restart occurs, CEE.RSTRTINIDLY and CM.RELOADINIDLY are used together to compute the starting
value of CM.CURRELINIDLY as follows.



If RELOADINIDLY is set to 2, CM.PERIOD is 1 sec, and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY is 10 sec, then;
CM.CURRELINIDLY = 2 + (10/1) = 12
The output parameters of the CM or CMs are opaque to pull clients for 12 seconds following a restart.
The following figure displays how RSTRTINIDLY appears in the CEE block configuration form.

14.2.7 Differences between CEE.RSTRTINIDLY and CM. RELOADINIDLY


Applies to scenarios such as RAM Retention Restart and Applies to reload scenario.
Checkpoint Restore.
Unit is seconds. Unit is CM execution counts.
Imposes a CEE-wide initialization delay. Imposes a delay within the single CM which has just been



Allows extra time for groups of CMs to initialize completely Only intended to cover the initialization of a single CM
even if they have interdependencies. while any other CMs it depends on are active and running.

14.2.8 Default Configuration of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY

Default configuration of the initialization delay parameters has the following characteristics.
• In the majority of use cases, newly created CMs can be used with no configuration changes from the default.
In these cases, application engineers can ignore the initialization delay parameters.
• For migrated CMs, previous behavior remains unchanged. Application engineers can follow existing
procedures with regard to reload and restart. The only exception to this is in cases where behavior has been
improved with no impact to existing installations.

Default Initializations for CM.RELOADINIDLY

The following table summarizes initialization handling for CM.RELOADINIDLY.

Initialization Type Default Value For CM.RELOADINIDLY

Creation of new CM 2 CM executions
Import of CM which has no pre-existing configuration value. 0 CM executions
Note: This applies to import associated with moving a CM
into an ERDB for the first time. It also applies to the implicit
import that occurs when a CM is checked out of QVCS into
the ERDB.
System migration of CM which has no preexisting 0 CM executions
configuration value.

Default Initializations for CEE.RSTRTINIDLY

The following table summarizes initialization handling for CEE.RSTRTINIDLY.

Initialization Type Default Value For CEE.RSTRTINIDLY

Creation of new CEE 10 seconds
Import of CEE which has no pre-existing configuration value. 10 seconds
System migration of CEE which has no preexisting 10 seconds
configuration value

For system migration of pre-existing CEEs with no configuration value for RSTRTINIDLY, the default value of 10
seconds is applied. If a system restart occurs sometime after migration, downstream pull clients will be forced to hold
until CEE initialization is complete. During that 10 second time period, parameters of CM component blocks will be
occluded from view.


14.3 Examples to illustrate the new CM reload and CEE restart behaviors
The following examples illustrate the new CM reload and CEE restart behaviors in various topologies.

Related topics
“Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
“Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on page 459
“Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on page 460

14.3.1 Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)

Consider the following strategy which involves 3 CMs: one called “SRC”, one called “DEF” and one called
In the strategy illustrated, a Series 8 DO channel in REF is used to deliver the power-on signal to a process
actuator such as a motor. A Series 8 DI channel in SRC is used to receive the power-on confirmation signal. A
discreet logic strategy in DEF commands the DO channel, taking input from the DI channel.
• DEF.DoCmd.OUT — Definition Parameter
• DEF.DoCmd — Definition Block
• DEF — Definition CM
• REF.DOC.SO — Reference Parameter
• REF.DOC — Reference Block
• REF — Reference CM
The logic strategy contains three flags.
1. Enable flag — Unless this flag is on, the actuator cannot be powered up.
2. Power-off flag — If this flag is strobed, the actuator turns off.
3. Power-on flag — If this flag is strobed, the actuator turns on.
Once the actuator is on, the DI channel feedback keeps it on. If the actuator turns off, due to power failure or for
any other reason, it does not turn on again until explicitly commanded to do so.


Suppose the Digital Output in the above strategy starts out “On”. Now suppose the application engineer
performs the following:
1. Modifies CM DEF
2. Makes the modification to the Project side database in CB.
3. Reloads DEF, selecting automatic inactivation and activation through Control Builder’s Load User Interface.
When this happens, CM DEF disappears momentarily. After it has come back, contained blocks, such as the
AND gate DoCmd, start out with default values. During and immediately after reload, the value of
DEF.DoCmd.OUT goes to Off for a period of time.
When DEF.RELOADINIDLY has a configured value of 0, the momentary Off value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT can
be seen by REF.DOC.SO. Consumption of this value would cause the actuator power to turn Off. Thus, if
RELOADINIDLY is configured to 0, reload of CM DEF in the above configuration can lead to drop out of a
powered actuator.


When RELOADINIDLY is nonzero

Suppose the Digital Output in the above strategy starts out “On”. Now suppose the application engineer
performs the following:
1. Modifies CM DEF
2. Makes the modification to the Project side database in CB.
3. Reloads DEF, selecting automatic inactivation and activation through Control Builder's Load User Interface.
When this happens, as before, DEF.DoCmd.OUT goes Off briefly as a result of the CM reload. But now,
REF.DOC.SO is prevented from seeing the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT. With RELOADINIDLY configured to
1, CURRELINIDLY initializes to 1 at load and counts down to 0 over the course of a single execution. From the
moment when CM DEF is reloaded, until the moment when CURRELINIDLY counts down to zero,
DEF.DoCmd.OUT is opaque to pull clients such as REF.DOC. Consequently, REF.DOC holds its SO input and
its output. When CURRELINIDLY reaches 0, REF.DOC is again able to see the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT.
But by this time, the command value has synchronized with the process state. The power actuator does not drop

• Use of nonzero RELOADINIDLY allows CM DEF to be reloaded without disrupting downstream outputs. This
behavior does depend on other CMs, such as SRC, not being loaded at the same time. SRC needs to remain
operative while DEF is reloaded so that its output is available as soon as DEF is ready to consume it.
• In this strategy, Series 8 IO is used for the DI and DO channels. However, there are differences in the properties of
execution and data transport across the C300 IO families. For more information, see “Execution and data transport
across C300 IO families” on page 479.

14.3.2 Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)

In the “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458, suppose the strategy is running in a CEE. In
this scenario, consider the following:
• Suppose the host C300 is non-redundant and goes down due to a hardware fault.
• Suppose outputs are configured to hold across C300 failure.
• Assume the user wants to bring the C300 up again, as quickly as possible, using a Checkpoint Restore.

If CM DEF has been configured with a CM.RELOADINIDLY of 0, and if, in addition, CEE.RSTRTINIDLY
has been configured with a value of 0, then REF.DOC will be able to pull the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT as
soon as the user has swapped out the bad hardware and restored Checkpoint. This can happen even before the
CEE has started to execute again. As a result, the actuator can turn Off through the course of Checkpoint
Restore, even though the operator may prefer to keep it On.

Suppose CEE.RSTRTINIDLY has been configured with a value of 2 or greater. In this case, REF.DOC will not
be able to pull the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT immediately upon replacement of hardware and restore of
Checkpoint. DEF.DoCmd.OUT will be opaque to REF.DOC until the CEE has transitioned to Run and CM DEF
has executed at least twice. By this time, DEF.DoCmd.OUT will have aligned with the process state. The end
result is that the actuator will remain powered across restart of the C300.
In the restart scenario, the net effect of RSTRTINIDLY is equivalent to the effect that RELOADINIDLY has in
a reload scenario.

In the restart scenario described above, the net effect of RSTRTINIDLY is equivalent to the effect that
RELOADINIDLY has in a reload scenario. Where restart scenarios can be different from reload scenarios is in cases
where CMs which control outputs depend on one or more CM component blocks that execute within the same CEE.


14.3.3 Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)

In the “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458 suppose the CM DEF is modified such that
the enable signal does not come from a flag in CM DEF. Instead, assume that it comes from an interlock or
other kind of strategy in a separate CM. Suppose this is the only change and that the digital input is contained in
CM SRC and the digital output is contained in CM REF as before.

CM DEF (Modified)

In the modified strategy, CM DEF has an additional pull connection to a CM called “SRC2”. A Boolean output
from CM SRC2 controls the enable signal of the actuator control logic.
This modified strategy has the characteristic that proper restart behavior depends upon multiple CMs sourcing
multiple output values. The connections to SRC.DIC.PV and SRC2.Enable.OUT are explicit. But there could be
indirect dependencies as well. For example, the enable signal received from SRC2 could itself depend on
outputs from digital or analog component blocks of other CMs.
Normally, application engineers specify execution order so that output dependent CMs follow the execution of
the CMs which deliver those outputs. Also, it is most typical for all discreet logic strategies within a CEE to
execute at the same period. However, there can be exceptions to this. Slow signals, such as the enable signal
shown above, could be coupled to CMs running at slower periods. Or, engineers could place noncritical CMs
out of order for the sake of load balancing. In such circumstances, it is important to ensure that all CMs have
consumed fresh values before their outputs can be consumed by the process.

Zero and nonzero CEE.RSTRTINIDLY

Application engineers can use RSTRTINIDLY to ensure that all interconnected CMs have executed with fresh
data by the time any output commands are received by Series 8 IO. To understand this, consider scenario in
which a non-redundant C300 goes down due to hardware fault. Assume that the outputs are held and the C300
is to be brought up again by hardware replacement and Checkpoint Restore. Suppose that the actuator is
powered on at the time of C300 failure and, by intent of the application design, it is to remain powered across
hardware swap and Checkpoint Restore.
• Consider a configuration in which SRC2.RELOADINIDLY, DEF.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY are all configured to zero.


In such a scenario, as soon as the Checkpoint is restored, REF.DOC will start to consume
DEF.DoCmd.OUT. But DEF.DoCmd.OUT will have the value Off immediately after Checkpoint Restore.
With no configured initialization delay, DEF.DoCmd.OUT will not have had a chance to align with the
process before it is pulled by REF.DOC. Net result is that the actuator will turn off upon Checkpoint
• Consider a configuration in which SRC2.RELOADINIDLY and DEF.RELOADINIDLY are configured to 0,
but CEE.RSTRTINIDLY is configured to 10 seconds.
In such a scenario, REF.DOC will attempt to pull the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT but will be unable do so. It
will respond by holding the value of REF.DOC.SO together with the corresponding output.
REF.DOC.SO will hold its last fetched input until the CEE has transitioned to Run and CM DEF, CM SRC2,
and all CMs from which SRC2 pulls inputs have done 10 seconds worth of execution. By the end of this
period, fresh data will have propagated through each CM all the way to DEF.DoCmd.OUT. The first time
REF.DOC is able to successfully pull the value of DEF.DoCmd.OUT the value will be consistent with
current process state. The end result will be that the actuator stays on across Checkpoint Restore.

Configurations requiring large RSTRTINIDLY values

In many configurations, a RSTRTINIDLY as large as 10 seconds would not be needed. For example, in the
strategy explaining the “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on page 460, the
application engineer may have defined CM SRC2 to have the same period as CM DEF and to execute ahead of
CM DEF. In addition, the application engineer may have defined all the CMs that provide inputs to CM SRC2
in similar fashion. In that case, a value of RSTRTINIDLY considerably lower than 10 second would be
On the other hand, this might not be the case. For example, it might be that one of the signals feeding CM SRC2
comes from a slow CM or from slow peer data which requires some time to become fully initialized. Defining
RSTRTINIDLY with a value that allows for more than just 1 or 2 executions ensures that all output commands
have been synchronized with the process by the time Series 8 outputs can pull their values.


14.4 New CM reload and CEE restart behavior in various topologies

The following table illustrates the new CM reload and CEE restart behavior in various topologies.

Topology New CM reload and CEE restart behavior

Multiple CMs, Intra-Controller In this topology, CMs DEF and REF could be in the same CEE. In such a
Connections scenario, all considerations regarding the use of CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY that are described in the following sections apply.
• “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on
page 459
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on
page 460
Note that in this particular example, even though DEF and REF are in the same
CEE, DEF.DIC and REF.DOC are effectively in different EEs. This is because
the CEE communicates with both Series IO through a peer-peer mechanism.
Similarly, for inter-CM, intra-CEE connections which involve no IO at all, all
considerations regarding the use of CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY that are described in the following sections apply.
• “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on
page 459
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on
page 460
Note: Despite differences across IO families, CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY can be used in equivalent fashion for all types of IO
supported by C300.
Single CM, Intra-Controller Consider that the configuration described in the in the following sections are
Connections modified and all blocks are put into a single CM.
• “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on
page 459
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on
page 460.
In such a case, behavior of the strategy would be precisely equivalent to the case
where the DIC and DOC are each in their own CM. This is because, for Series
IO, the channel blocks do not physically reside in the parent CMs. They are
virtual blocks which represent IO channels resident in a separate device.
For a modified configuration in which a single CM contains all logic and IO
blocks, all considerations regarding the use of CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY that are described in the following sections apply.
• “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on
page 459
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on
page 460


Topology New CM reload and CEE restart behavior

Multiple CMs, Inter-Controller In this topology, CMs DEF and REF could be in different CEEs. In such a
Connections scenario, all considerations regarding the use of CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY that are described in the following sections apply. This is
true regardless of whether or not the DEF and REF use IO blocks.
• “Reload behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In)” on page 458
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In, Independent CM)” on
page 459
• “Restart behavior (Example: Discrete Seal In with External Enable)” on
page 460

14.4.1 Guidelines for using CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY

Application engineers should be aware that use of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY does not
apply equivalently to all types of Experion LX applications.
• It applies to intra-CEE connections as described in the previous section.
• It applies to inter-EE peer-peer connections where data is transported by CDA and the references have been
made using named connections.
• It applies to connections where Series 8 IO or pulls from the output parameters of CM component blocks.
• For Level 2 applications which read CM data from an or from OPC servers, the manner of response depends
on how the applications are designed to handle status information returned with the requested data.


14.5 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on data view

The parameters of CM component blocks are hidden from view in the following scenarios.
• A CM goes through reload with a nonzero RELOADINIDLY
• A CEE goes through restart with a nonzero RSTRTINIDLY.
This prevents downstream pull clients from consuming uninitialized data, forcing them to hold last fetched
input until the initialized data becomes available.
This principle applies equally well to clients which pull via local connections or clients which pull via peer
connections. It also applies to Level 2 clients such as CB Monitoring, Experion LX Flex Station, , and Experion
LX Flex Station, Trending.
The overall behavior of the INITPENDING parameter can be summarized as follows.

14.5.1 Component block parameters

For any CM with INITPENDING On, parameters owned by component blocks of the CM are hidden from view.
This is irrespective of whether INITPENDING has turned On as a result of CM reload or CEE restart. To any
attempts to read such data, the CM responds with a special access status which indicates that the data is not
available for use at the present time.

14.5.2 CM parameters
For any CM with INITPENDING On, parameters owned by the CM itself are not hidden from view. This is
irrespective of whether INITPENDING has turned On as a result of CM reload or CEE restart.
Parameters owned by component blocks of the CM and parameters owned by the CM itself are treated
differently because of the following reasons.
• Hiding the uninitialized data of component blocks is essential as this is the data used in control strategies.
Note that the occlusion of CM component block parameters shows up differently depending on what type of
application is being used to view the CM.
• Keeping the CM owned data visible is also essential, so that operators or engineers can satisfy inquiries
about the state of the CM itself.

14.5.3 Example to illustrate a CM Monitoring chart with INITPENDING On

The following figure illustrates the appearance of a CM monitoring chart after a CM has been reloaded but not
activated. Under these conditions, INITPENDING is on and stays on until activation.
Note: The Series DIC and DOC are in the same CM which holds the logic.
In this scenario, you must note the following:
• Return of error status (Err2199) - Read of component block parameters when INITPENDING is On
causes return of an error status. This is displayed in CB Monitoring as “Err 2199”. Process values and
algorithm values which are not aligned with the process cannot be viewed while INITPENDING is On. This
is similar to the situation that applies whenever a CM is inactive and INITPENDING is Off. However, the
difference is that when a CM is inactive with INITPENDING Off, unrepresentative process values and
controller values can be viewed.


Note that status “Err 2199” does not indicate a failure condition in the process or the system. It indicates that the CM
is occluding component block data until it finishes initialization.

• Normal access to parameters residing in a different EE - Access to parameters of Series IO channels

when the parent CM's INITPENDING is On, behaves differently. These parameters are not occluded. This is
because the IO channel blocks and their parameters actually reside in a different EE. INITPENDING only
affects access to parameters of component blocks physically contained in the CM.


14.6 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on Station displays

Related topics
“Detail Displays” on page 466
“Trend Display” on page 466

14.6.1 Detail Displays

Special error status displayed as frozen data

CMs with INITPENDING On return error code 2199 in response to all requested reads of component block
data. When receives this status, it checks the quality of its last cached value for the parameter in question. If
Bad, the preexisting quality is preserved. If Good, the quality is overwritten with Uncertain.
Any data which Station receives from Server having an uncertain quality holds its last value. This value may not
be representative of the current parameter value in the CM. When users reload CMs, it is recommended that
they activate as soon as reload is complete. This will prevent Station displays from showing stale values for
extended periods.

Normal video for parameters without error status

Access to parameters unaffected by the INITPENDING state of the parent CM does not cause return of an error
status. This applies to parameters owned by the CM itself, such as EXECSTATE, INITPENDING,
CURRELINIDLY and RELOADINIDLY. It also applies to parameters owned by Series IO channels,and
Foundation Fieldbus blocks. These values always represent the data received from the controller or gateway.

14.6.2 Trend Display

Trend displays behave the same way whenever a CM is inactive, regardless of whether the CM has come into
that state by first time load, by reload, or by inactivation. This is also regardless of whether or not
• If an analog PV which reverts to NaN upon inactivation is being trended, then the trend line goes blank as
soon as inactivation occurs. This behavior is regardless of the value of INITPENDING.
• If an analog value being trended is not a PV parameter which reverts to NaN upon inactivation, then the
trend flat-lines as soon as inactivation occurs. This behavior is regardless of the value of INITPENDING.
• Digital values which are trended (OFF = 0.0 and ON = 1.0) will also exhibit blank trend lines, a blank
reference value, and “?????”for current value while an Error 2199 status is pulled.


14.7 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on Checkpoint Save operation

The Experion LX Checkpoint subsystem responds gracefully in cases where it attempts to save a Checkpoint
but cannot obtain all controller data. This behavior is triggered when save is attempted on a C300 which
contains one or more CMs with INITPENDING On. The behavior can be summarized as follows.
• Upon attempted read of a component block parameter from a CM with INITPENDING On, the Checkpoint
client receives an error status. It then ceases attempts to collect data from that particular CM.
• Since the Checkpoint client cannot obtain the CM data from the controller, it substitutes into the Checkpoint
the most up-to-date data it has. This will be either of the following:
1. The data set last saved for the CM, if a previously saved Checkpoint is available.
2. The data set last loaded to the CM, if a previously saved Checkpoint is not available.
In most cases condition 2 will apply since the INITPENDING On is most often caused by reload, which
itself invalidates any previously saved checkpoints.
• After dealing with any CM which returns error due to the INITPENDING state, the Checkpoint client
proceeds to read subsequent CMs and tagged blocks from the controller.
The Checkpoint Save operation does not itself return any error when it encounters a CM with INITPENDING
On. This is because the save operation as a whole does not fail. A useable Checkpoint is produced.
However, if and when the Checkpoint is to be restored later, the Checkpoint Restore client informs the user that
not all data in the Checkpoint was obtained from the controller at time of save. It does this by indicating either
that the Checkpoint is “Stale” or that the Checkpoint is “Incomplete”.
• Stale \� One or more CMs or tagged blocks had to be read from an old Checkpoint and injected into the new
• Incomplete \� One or more CMs or tagged blocks had to be read from the last loaded data and injected into
the new Checkpoint.
If users encounter a “Stale” or an “Incomplete” message upon attempting to restore a Checkpoint, they can
examine details from the Restore dialog box. The detailed information will indicate which CMs or tagged
blocks are “Stale” or “Incomplete”.


14.8 Effects of INITPENDING parameter on CEESTATE and EXECSTATE

The INITPENDING parameter causes the state model of the CEE Control Module to be augmented.
The following tables summarize the complete set of state information that applies to a CM after the introduction
of parameter INITPENDING.

CM Processing State

State Name State Condition

Not Processing (EXECSTATE <> Active)
Processing (EXECSTATE = Active)

CM Pending State

State Name State Condition

Not Pending INITPENDING = Off

Composite State
CM Processing State and CM Pending State can be thought of as a single, “composite” state. This is shown in
the table below where the following notation is used.
Composite State == Processing State, Pending State

Composite State Name Description

Not Processing, Not Pending Transitional state that occurs during the course of configuration or restart
Not Processing, Pending Transitional state that occurs during the course of configuration or restart
Processing, Not Pending Normal operating state for all CMs.
Processing, Pending Transitional state that occurs during the course of configuration or restart

14.8.1 Transitions in CM State associated with Load

Without initialization delay

The following diagram illustrates transitions in CM State associated with load when no initialization delay is


With initialization delay

The following diagram illustrates transitions in CM Composite State which are associated with load with
initialization delay imposed.


The following list provides description of each transition of CM Composite State.

• First time load
After first time load, the CM's component blocks have not yet executed. Their data may be inconsistent with
process. Application engineers or authorized users performing the load must make sure that downstream
strategies are prevented from consuming the CM's data. INITPENDING is Off, allowing component block
data to be viewed.
• Not Processing, not pending > Activation > Processing, not pending
As soon as the CM is activated, it starts to execute. After one or more cycles, its data becomes consistent
with the process. Application engineers may then allow downstream strategies to consume the CM's data.
• Not Processing, not pending > Reload > Not processing, pending
After a CM is reloaded, its component blocks have not yet executed. Data may be inconsistent with the
process. Application engineers may or may not have placed downstream strategies into a state which
prevents consumption of the CM's data. In either case, INITPENDING is On, preventing the consumption of
uninitialized data.
• Not processing, pending > Activation > Processing, pending
If INITPENDING was On before activation, then it remains On after activation during the initialization
interval established by RELOADINIDLY. Throughout this interval, downstream clients cannot consume
component block data.
• Processing, pending > Expiration Of Initialization Delay > Processing, not pending
After activation, CMs count down the configured value of RELOADINIDLY. During this time interval,
component blocks execute, bringing their data into alignment with the process. Once the delay reaches zero,
downstream clients are allowed to consume the CM's data.
• Processing, not pending > Inactivation > Not processing, not pending


Before inactivation, the CM's component blocks have been executing and their data is consistent with the
process. Once inactivated, the data is still consistent, though growing stale. INITPENDING remains Off,
allowing component block data to be viewed.
• Processing, pending > Inactivation > Not processing, pending
It is atypical for a CM to be inactivated while the initialization delay is counting down since
RELOADINIDLY is usually a relatively smaller number. If this does happen, INITPENDING remains On
while the CM is Inactive. The initialization delay resumes its count down when the CM is next activated.
Although any of the transitions described above can be occur individually, this is not typical in cases of
reload. The most common reload scenario is to use the CB Load UI to perform all of the following
transitions in quick succession.
• Processing, not pending > Inactivation > Not processing, not pending
– Not processing, not pending > Reload > Not processing, pending
– Not processing, pending > Activation > Processing, pending
– Processing, pending > Expiration Of Initialization Delay > Processing, not pending

14.8.2 Transitions in CM Composite State associated with Checkpoint Restore or RRR of a CEE

Without initialization delay

The following diagram illustrates transitions in CM State which are associated with CEE Restart when no
initialization delay is imposed.

With initialization delay

The following diagram illustrates transitions in CM Composite State which are associated with CEE Restart
with initialization delay.


The following list provides description of each transition of CM Composite State.

• Shutdown From Loss Of Power Or Controller Failure
Under normal operation, the controller is running with CEESTATE equal to Run and with EXECSTATE
equal to Active for all CMs. We assume that an unplanned shutdown of a non-redundant controller occurs as
a result of power loss or as a result of controller failure from HW or other type of fault. When such a
shutdown occurs, the controller enters a state where it is not operative at all.
• Controller not Operative state > Checkpoint Restore Or RAM Retention Restart > Not processing,
After controller shutdown, the quickest route to resumption of control will be one of the following:
– Either power will be restored before RAM battery backup has expired — In this case the restart will be a
RAM Retention Restart.
– If the shutdown resulted from hardware failure, the user will to need swap hardware and restore
In either of these cases, CEE will first enter the Idle state where no CMs are being processed. During this
state, INITPENDING will be On, as long as CEE.RSTRTINIDLY is nonzero. The data owned by CM
component blocks within the CEE will not be aligned with the process. External pull clients such as peer
CEEs, Series IO channels, will be unable to fetch output commands. Pull clients will hold last fetched
inputs. Current values of CM component block data will not be visible on displays.
• Not processing, pending > Warm Or Cold Start > Processing, pending


Each CM within the CEE moves from Not Processing, Pending state to Processing, Pending state by virtue
of either a Warm Start or Cold Start command.
– In the case of RAM Retention Restart, controllers such as C300 support configuration which allows this
transition to happen automatically. If such configuration applies, then this transition takes place
automatically. Otherwise, this transition must be explicitly commanded by an Operator following RAM
Retention Restart.
– In the case of Checkpoint Restore, Warm Start or Cold Start must always be commanded by an Operator.
Once the start transition has occurred, each CM starts to count down CEE.RSTRTINIDLY together with
any value of CM.RELOADINIDLY. Throughout the countdown, INITPENDING is true and data owned
by CM component blocks is occluded from downstream pull clients and from level 2 displays.
• Processing, pending > Expiration Of Initialization Delay > Processing, Not pending
After Warm or Cold start, CMs execute, counting down the value of CURRELINIDLY that came from the
combination of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY. Component blocks of each CM also
execute, bringing their data into alignment with the process. Once the delay reaches zero, INITPENDING
goes off and pull clients are allowed to consume the initialized data.


14.9 Guidelines for reloading CMs

Application engineers may use CM.RELOADINIDLY to avoid disruption of downstream outputs when CMs
are reloaded subsequent to initial deployment. The default configuration value provides for this behavior
without the need for forethought on the part of the application engineer. However, engineers do need to be
aware of certain behaviors when performing CM reloads.
The following are the recommended guidelines for reloading CMs.

14.9.1 Isolate process or reload CMs individually

When a CM with nonzero RELOADINIDLY is reloaded, it aligns its internal state to the process before
downstream pull clients are allowed to see its data. In general, however, this only works when CMs are reloaded
one at a time.
If CMs are reloaded in groups, there could be connection dependencies between the CMs. In such a scenario, a
CM at the end of the dependency chain could exhaust its initialization delay before it had received current data
from a CM earlier in the dependency chain. This could lead to disruption of a downstream output.
It may be that a particular group of CMs had no mutual interconnections. In such a scenario, it would be safe to
reload the group without fear of disrupting downstream outputs. But it could be difficult for an engineer to
ascertain whether a group of CMs had interdependencies or not. For this reason, the following recommendations
• Reload CMs one at a time
If application engineers want to reload a CM without manually breaking the path to the process below the
CM, then they should reload the CM by itself. Note that manually breaking the path to the process below the
CM could be through the use of Manual mode or other appropriate means.
• Reload groups of CMs after isolating downstream outputs.
If application engineers want to re-engineer and reload a group of CMs together, then they should isolate all
outputs below the CM group. Note that isolating all outputs below the CM group can be performed by
applying Manual mode or through other appropriate means.

14.9.2 Reload to active

When any CM is reloaded, regardless of the value of RELOADINIDLY, data published by its component blocks
does not accurately represent the process until the CM has begun to execute. When RELOADINIDLY is
configured to a nonzero value, this condition is made explicit by the occlusion of data owned by the component
blocks. In general, the EXECSTATE parameter of CMs is intended to be used to gate the process of reload, not
to substitute for a mode of manual. Thus, the following is the recommended practice.
• Reload CMs to an EXECSTATE of Active
The CB load UI can be used to command a reloaded CM to go Active immediately after load. This should
be done whenever possible to avoid confusion in general, and to avoid the viewing of occluded parameters
values by plant personnel.
Application engineers might choose to leave a CM or a group of CMs out of service for an extended period
because a segment of the process has been taken off line. In such a scenario, preferred practice is to isolate the
process from the strategies by applying manual modes rather than setting CMs to Inactive. If the user does
choose to set CMs Inactive, component block data will be visible, but it will not reflect the current process state.


14.10 Special Considerations for using CMRELOADINIDLY and

In some cases, use of CMRELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINDLY may require special considerations.
Application engineers should be aware of the following when using CMRELOADINIDLY and

14.10.1 CHECKBOOL Block

CEE supports a special purpose block called CHECKBOOL. CHECKBOOL may be used to buffer data transfer
of Boolean data between a Definition CM and a Reference CM. This ensures that consumption of uninitialized
data by the Reference CM across reload of the DEF CM is avoided.
In most cases, use of CHECKBOOL is no longer required for Definition and Reference CMs which implement
discreet logic strategies. However, the implementation and behavior of CHECKBOOL remains completely
unchanged. For example, a CHECKBOOL in a Reference CM which pulls a Boolean value from a
CHECKBOOL in a Definition CM, never has that value occluded across reload. This is different from other
blocks in CEE where uninitialized values are occluded across reload and fetched inputs are held.
Leaving CHECKBOOL unchanged after the introduction of CM.RELOADINIDLY and CEE.RSTRTINIDLY
ensures that pre-existing strategies which use CHECKBOOL will experience no changes from the new

14.10.2 DEVCTL Block

The DEVCTL block has the following output parameters which are specifically designed to drive inputs of DO
channel blocks.
• DO[ ]
• PO[ ]
Data communication between DEVCTL and downstream DO channels is such that it is not necessary to use
nonzero RELOADINIDLY to avoid the consumption of uninitialized output commands by the DO channels.
However, it is still advisable to use nonzero RELODAINIDLY with CMs that host DEVCTL blocks. This
ensures that downstream strategies which consume secondary DEVCTL output values, such as PVFL[ ] and
INBETFL, will not consume uninitialized outputs.

14.10.3 REGCTL Blocks

Special considerations apply to Regulatory Control blocks in the context of CM.RELOADINIDLY and
CEE.RSTRTINIDLY. If a primary REGCTL has an active integral term, then any time the cascade from primary
to secondary REGCTL or AO is broken, the potential exists for the primary's integral term to wind up.
Such a situation applies when a CM configured with nonzero RELOADINIDLY and containing a REGCTL
block is reloaded. The same can be said for CEE restart scenarios when RSTRTINIDLY is nonzero.
To prevent the possibility of reset windup, REGCTL blocks are treated as a special case. While all other
categories of blocks execute while INITPENDING is on in order to align data with the process, REGCTL
blocks do not. When a CM is reloaded or a CEE restarts, REGCTL blocks postpone their execution until
This special treatment is not problematic for majority use cases where the REGCTL output parameter, OP, is
pulled by downstream secondaries. This is because consumption of uninitialized OP values is not possible
within the communication protocol used.
However, if strategies are set up to use secondary output values such as BADCTLFL or OPLOFL, then
engineers should decide whether consumption of an uninitialized value across reload or restart could disturb a


downstream output. If so, then other measures should be employed to prevent such a disturbance. In many cases
it may be sufficient to insert a FLAG block into the CM which owns the REGCTL block, connecting to the
Boolean output parameter. Downstream clients would then pull from the FLAG rather than directly from the
REGCTL parameter. In other cases, it may be necessary to use the CHECKBOOL block.

14.10.4 SCMs and RCMs

Transition expressions and Step Output expressions configured in SCMs and RCMs can consume data from
multiple Definition CMs. Normally, such Definition CMs are not reloaded while a batch is executing. However,
if reload does occur, SCMs and RCMs respond gracefully to receipt of occluded parameter values. They
respond by pausing execution until the occluded data becomes available. When an SCM or RCM is paused due
to reload, execution description displays the message “Hold For Data Ready”.

Note that SCMs and RCMs do not support the INITPENDING state when they themselves are reloaded as
definition modules. That functionality is limited to CMs. Certain applications might be set up with REF CMs
which pull SCM/RCM parameters such as SCM.STEP.ACTIVEFL. If so, and if the application is intended to
run across reload of an SCM or RCM, then the application must be designed to act gracefully even though the
pulled Boolean could drop to Off across reload.

14.10.5 UCMs
UCMs are used in conjunction with SCMs and RCMs. They are special purpose modules designed to represent
process control units and to support arbitration of unit ownership during batch execution. Though targeting a
different purpose, UCMs are highly parallel to CMs in structure and behavior.


UCMs support parameters RELOADINIDLY, CURRELINIDLY, and INITPENDING in a fashion equivalent to

CMs. When a UCM is reloaded, pull clients such as SCM and RCM are directed to hold pause until the UCM's
reload initialization is complete.

14.10.6 CMs with no period or with long period

In most applications, CMs are configured to execute periodically with a period on the order of seconds.
CMs which are configured with long periods or with no period at all require special attention by application
engineers with regard to initialization handling. In general, application engineers must see to it that such CMs
execute soon after load to set up their data state for the purpose driven executions to come later.
Parameter CM.RELOADINIDLY can be used in conjunction with other techniques for initializing slow
executing CMs. When this is done, the following considerations should be kept in mind.
• In general, CEE.RSTRTINIDLY applies only to CMs with moderate to fast periods. More specifically, the
period configuration must satisfy the following condition in order for CEE.RSTRTINIDLY to impose an
initialization delay at restart.
This condition is imposed in order to prevent slowly executing CMs from remaining for prolonged intervals
in an occluded state following restart.
• If a slow executing CM does not satisfy the above condition, and if the application engineer wishes to
impose an initialization delay at CEE restart then the application must be sure to assign a nonzero value to
CM.RELOADINIDLY. Such a configuration will ensure that any pull clients will be forced to hold across
both reload and restart.

14.10.7 View Of Inputs At REF Blocks

Users should be aware that when a DEF CM is reloaded and left inactive, the view of pulled input values at
REF CMs or other REF blocks can appear inconsistent. This could happen in a scenario such as the following.
• REFCM1 pulls data from DEFCM
• REFCM2 pulls data from DEFCM
• REFCM1 is active
• DEFCM is reloaded and left inactive
• REFCM2 is reloaded and activated
In the above scenario, input parameters in REFCM1 would display the last value pulled before DEFCM was
reloaded. However, input parameters in REFCM2 would display their default values.

14.10.8 Failure to activate

Though rare, it can sometimes happen that a component block has a configuration error which prevents the
parent CM from activating after load or reload. If this occurs on reload, then component block data cannot be
viewed from the CB Monitoring view in order to determine the nature of the configuration error. It must be
viewed from the Project view.

14.10.9 Interoperation with older EEs

With the introduction of CM state INITPENDING, interoperation makes it possible for REF CMs which have
no understanding of the INITEPENDNG state to pull from DEF CMs with INITPENDING On. When this
happens, the REF CMs and their component blocks will receive a status indicating parameter access error.
Under this scenario, REF CMs respond as follows.
• Blocks with pull connections recognize that an error has occurred on attempt to read data.


• Blocks respond by performing actions normally associated with the receipt of error status and failsafe data.
The behavior elicited under this scenario will not be new behavior. It will be the same behavior previously
possible under scenarios of inactivation, reload, or interruption of communication.

14.10.10 Parameters Affected By Inactivation

Some block parameters can change state as a result of inactivation of the parent CM, without any reload taking
place. One example is alarm flag parameters.
When a Control Module is inactivated, it is required to return-to-normal any active alarms of the blocks it
contains. This applies to alarms which show up in the alarm summary display of . It also applies to alarm flag
parameters held by the blocks themselves.
Some examples of alarm flag parameters which can change state upon inactivation are as follows.
If these parameters or similar are used as inputs to downstream logic strategies then those strategies can change
state as a result of the inactivation if the alarm were active before inactivation. This could happen from an
inactivation which precedes reload or from an inactivation unaccompanied by reload. Use of non-zero
RELOADINIDLY in the CM containing the blocks will have no effect.
If this behavior is undesirable special steps must be taken in the strategy implementation to prevent it. A simple
approach is to put a flag into the def CM, connected to the parameter which is to be consumed by the ref CM,
and have the REF CM pull from the flag instead of pulling directly from the alarm parameter. For example, if
parameter FLAG.PVFL pulled from parameter DATAACQ.PVHIALM.FL in the DEF CM and FLAG.PVFL
rather than DATAACQ.PVHIALM.FL were used as the input to the REF CM, then downstream logic would not
change state as a result of inactivation or reload of the DEF CM.


14.11 Execution and data transport across C300 IO families

The properties of execution and data transport vary across the C300 IO families.
For C300, IO is accessed through a variety of different mechanisms.
• Serial IOLINK (Series )
• Foundation Fieldbus (FF) Gateways
FF devices are accessed through either the FIM4 gateway.
• Wireless Device Manager (WDM)
WDM provides access to OneWireless IO through a L2 network CDA-like connection. This is similar to
how controllers communicate with each other. Note that Fieldbus and One Wireless data access are
accomplished through independent subsystems.
The following table summarizes the difference in the execution and data transport across various IO families.

IO Family Execution Data Transport

Hazardous IO IO channel blocks execute in sequence with Transport of output commands is
other blocks in parent CM. Order of execution is triggered by execution of parent
Profibus Gateway IO
controlled by parameter ORDERINCM. CM.
Serial ModBus
Series IO IO channel blocks execute asynchronously with Transport of output commands is
other blocks in the parent CM. not triggered by execution of
Fondation Fieldbus IO
parent CM. Transport occurs
OneWireless IO irrespective of parent execution.


15 Experion Batch Manager (EBM) documentation

Refer to the following documents for EBM-related documentation.

• Batch Overview and Planning Guide
• Batch Implementation Guide
• Sequential Control User’s Guide


16 FIM documentation

For more information about FIM and device-related operations, refer to the following documents:
• Series 8 FIM User’s Guide


17 PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) documentation

Refer to the following documents for PGM-related documentation for this block.
• PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) User’s Guide
• PROFIBUS Gateway Module (PGM) Parameter Reference


18 Control Builder System Administration

Related topics
“About automatically applying DST” on page 488
“Setting system preferences” on page 491
“Checking installed licenses, features, and libraries” on page 498
“Setting user preferences” on page 499


18.1 About automatically applying DST

Automatically apply DST enables you to automatically apply DST settings to all Experion LX controllers in a
cluster. This feature is optional; however, if you do not select this feature, you still have to manually set the
When you choose to automatically apply DST, the controller clock is moved forward by one hour at the start of
the DST. At the end of the DST, the controller clock is moved backward by one hour.

• You must have an access level of Engineer to enable the Automatically apply DST option.
• If the Experion LX controllers are in the time zones where DST is not observed, there is no impact of DST
changes on these controllers.

For information about automatically applying the DST, see the section “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703

18.1.1 Guidelines for applying the DST

You must adhere to the following guidelines for automatically applying the DST.
• It is recommended that all Experion LX controllers and the server in the cluster to be in the same time zone
for automatic application of the DST. However, if the controllers and the server are not in the same time
zone, then the DST is applied to the controllers according to the server time zone. At the start/end of the
DST, the controllers' clock is adjusted forward/backward by one hour irrespective of the controller time
• If the Experion LX controllers and the server are in different time zones, but their DST start/end date and
time are identical, you can choose to automatically apply the DST.
• If the Experion LX controllers and the server are in different time zones and also their DST start/end date
and time are different, it is recommended not to automatically apply the DST. In such a scenario, it is
recommended that you manually set/reset the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter in all Experion LX controllers in
the cluster.

18.1.2 Changes at the start of DST

The following list illustrates the events that occur at the start of the DST as a result of enabling the
Automatically Apply DST option.
• An event is logged in the Event Summary notifying that the DST has started.
• The CEE parameter DAYLIGHTTIME is set to ON in all Experion LX controllers in the associated
Experion LX cluster.
• An event is generated for every controller in the cluster when the DST is activated.
• If the system fails to activate the DST in one or more controllers in the cluster, a separate event is logged for
each failed attempt for each controller. A maximum of six attempts in a time interval of 10 minutes will be
made to activate the DST.
The attempts to activate the DST for a failed controller stop in the following scenarios whichever occurs
– The DST setting has changed successfully for the failed controller.
– The sixth attempt to activate the DST for the failed controller is complete.
• For all six failed attempts to activate the DST, a low-priority alarm is generated for the failed controller. This
alarm returns to normal after the activation of the DST. You can activate the DST manually.


• If you add a controller to the cluster after the start of the DST, the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter is set to ON after
the controller is successfully loaded.
• If you manually set the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter to OFF when Automatically Apply DST option is enabled
and the DST has started, this change gets the preference. However, in the subsequent start of DST, the manually
modified DAYLIGHTTIME parameter will be overwritten.

18.1.3 Changes at the end of DST

The following list illustrates the events that occur at the end of the DST as a result of enabling the
Automatically Apply DST option.
• An event is logged in the Event Summary notifying that the DST has ended.
• The CEE parameter DAYLIGHTTIME is set to OFF in all Experion LX controllers in the associated
Experion LX cluster.
• An event is generated for every controller in the cluster when the DST is inactivated.
• If the system fails to inactivate the DST in one or more controllers in the cluster, a separate event is logged
for each failed attempt for each controller. A maximum of six attempts in a time interval of 10 minutes will
be made to inactivate the DST.
The attempts to inactivate the DST for a failed controller stops in the following scenarios whichever occurs
– The DST setting has changed successfully for the failed controller.
– The sixth attempt to inactivate the DST for the failed controller is complete.
• For all six failed attempts to inactivate the DST, a low-priority alarm is generated for the failed controller.
This alarm returns to normal after the inactivation of the DST. You can inactivate the DST manually.

• If a controller is down after the start of the DST, the DST changes will not be applied to this controller until it is
• If you disable the Automatically Apply DST option after the DST is started, the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter is
not set to OFF at the end of the DST. You have to manually set the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter to OFF.

The following figure illustrates a sample Event Summary page.


As illustrated in the figure, the Condition, Description, and Value columns display the status of the DST


18.2 Setting system preferences

Use the following procedure to customize the look of your Control Drawing and enable or disable selected
system functions by using the System Preferences dialog.
Enabling selected system functions
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• User preferences are stored in the registry and are intended for use by the current user.
• System preferences are stored in the database and are intended for use by the entire system.
• Both Checkpoint configuration and operation permissions can be set to assist in saving and restoring operation and
configuration data associated with a control strategy.
Use the following to access Checkpoint information:
– “Configuring preferences for Checkpoint function” on page 641
– “Configuring operation permissions for Checkpoint functions” on page 644

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

Related topics
“Establishing general properties using System Preferences dialog box” on page 491
“Enabling automatic application of DST” on page 496
“To change the base IP address updates IP information in ERDB” on page 496

18.2.1 Establishing general properties using System Preferences dialog box

1 Click Tools > System Preferences to call up the System Preferences dialog.


2 On the General Tab, click the Ellipsis button to right of the Parameters entry field to call up the Font
dialog box.
3 Select the desired font typeface, style, size and effects to be used for parameter data in Control Builder.
Click OK to close the Font dialog.
4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to make desired Font selections for the Block Name, Block Type, and Pin Labels data
in Control Builder.
5 Click the down arrow to the right of the Object Selected entry field to open the color palette. Click the
desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
6 Click the down arrow to the right of the Parameter Values entry field to open the color palette. Click the
desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
7 Click the down arrow to the right of the Hyperlink entry field to open the color palette. Click the desired
color or click Other to create a custom color.
8 Double-click the value in the CM Width entry field and type in the desired value.
9 Repeat Step 7 for the CM Height, SCM Width, and SCM Height entry fields to change the values, if desired.
10 Click the check box for the Load History Configuration function.
• A check in the check box means the function is enabled and the configuration data on a block's Server
History tab is loaded to the Server when the block is loaded to the execution environment.
• A blank check box means the function is disabled and the configuration data on a block's Server History
tab is not loaded to the Server.
11 Click the check box for the Load Trend Configuration function.
• A check in the check box means the function is enabled and the Trend configuration data on a block's
Server Display tab is loaded to the Server when the block is loaded to the execution environment.
• A blank check box means the function is disabled and the Trend configuration data on a block's Server
Display tab is not loaded to the Server.


12 Click the check box for the Load Group Configuration function.
• A check in the check box means the function is enabled and the Group configuration data on a block's
Server Display tab is loaded to the Server when the block is loaded to the execution environment.
• A blank check box means the function is disabled and the Group configuration data on a block's Server
Display tab is not loaded to the Server.
13 Click the check box for the Parameter Comparison and Reconciliation function.
A check in the check box means the function is enabled and a blank check box means the function is
14 For the SCM Step Output Location function,
• click the Left radio button to have the Step Output displayed on the left side of the SCM control chart
• or the Right radio button to have it displayed on the right side of the SCM Control chart drawing.
15 Select the SCM\RCM Wrap Expressions check box to align the wrap expressions configured in SCM/RCM.
The alignment of the expressions appears in the chart view of the SCM/RCM.

• You can select Left or Right to align the expressions.
• You must consider the following for planning and generating the complete printout of existing system
– If you disable the checkbox, then long expressions will cut-off and will not be visible completely on the
screen and printouts.
– However, if you enable the checkbox, the expressions appear completely taking screen/print area.

16 Select Display Order In CM on Function Blocks to display the ORDERINCM value on the faceplate of
FBs. The ORDERINCM parameter value is displayed on the top-left corner of the FB faceplate.
If this check box is not selected, the ORDERINCM parameter value is not displayed on the FB faceplate.
17 Click the check box for the Enable Basic Version Control function. A check in the check box means the
function is enabled and a blank check box means the function is disabled.
If QVCS is licensed, then this option will not display.
If QVCS is not licensed this option will be displayed.
18 Click the check box for the Use Conditional Propagation From Templates function. A check in the check
box means the function is enabled and a blank check box means the function is disabled. When this
function is enabled, changes to default parameters are propagated to sub-templates and instances. Default
parameters are those parameters associated with a template that are not declared to be template-defining.
• click the Full Name radio button to have the relative reference displayed in the full name format (default
• or the Short Name button to have the relative reference displayed in the short name format.
19 For the Relative Reference Display Option function,
20 Select the Allow only active loadable parameter changes check box if you want to enable system-wide
active edit session.
For more information on active edit session, see the section “About Editing/Loading parameters while
active” on page 439.

Related topics
1 Use Compare Parameters
2 Refer to “Using Compare Parameters” in this document.
3 Displaying Cross-References
• Refer to “Figure 67: Parameter connector with cross-references enabled” in this document.


4 Relative Reference Display Option

• Refer to About Relative References.
5 To establish Pins and Wires properties by using Systems Preferences dialog
1 Click the Pins and Wires tab to access it.

2 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click the down arrow to the right of the Color entry field to open the
color palette. Click the desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
3 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click the down arrow to the right of the Style entry field to open the
line style menu. Click the desired line style.
4 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click the down arrow to the right of the Width entry field to open the
line width menu. Click the desired line width.
5 Repeat Steps 2 to 4 in the:
• Whole Array Pin and Wire Properties,
• Pin and Wire “OFF” Properties, and
• Pin and Wire “ON” Properties
6 categories to select the desired Color and line Style and Width.
7 Check the Show Inverted Inputs with Bubbles check box, if you want to show a bubble after the input
arrow for the inverted input value . This bubble representation for the inverted value will be applicable to all
Logic blocks on both Project side configuration as well as the Monitoring side of the Control Builder

If you do not want to view the bubble for the input value that is inverted, then clear the Show Inverted Inputs
with Bubbles check box


8 Check the Show Normal Input State with Hollow Diamond, to display a hollow diamond symbol after the
input arrow for the normal input state configured as “True.” This hollow diamond representation for the
normal input state is applicable for Firstout blocks on both Project and Monitoring views.

If you do not want to view the hollow diamond symbol for the normal input state configured as “True,” then clear
the Show Normal Input State with Hollow Diamond check box

To establish IP addresses using the Embedded FTE tab on System Preferences dialog
1 Click the Embedded FTE tab to access it.
2 Click the Edit network parameters check box to make address fields available for editing

If you have setup the FTE supervisory network, the Base IP Address should automatically reflect the correct
Network Number and Community Number for the given FTE cluster. An IP address of is invalid.

For address formats for steps 3 - 8, see Address configuration considerations

3 In Base IP Address box, type applicable address or accept the default. Press the TAB key.
Setting the Base IP Address prompts a suggested Subnet Mask address.
4 Type applicable Subnet Mask address or accept the default. Press the TAB key. An invalid Subnet Mask
address displays an error message.
5 Type applicable Default Gateway address or accept the default. Press the TAB key.


Steps 6 - 8 provide the procedure for establishing the NTP time sources for the C300 and the Series 8 FIM. The
FTE Bridge Module does not use NTP, and the user is directed to Step 9 if the network contains only FTE
Selection of NTP time sources is discussed in
C300 and Series 8 FIM4 Time Synchronization.

6 Click the Primary Server box and type in the IP address for the primary time server.
7 If you want to specify a secondary time server, click the Secondary Server box and type in its IP address.
Otherwise, you can skip this step.
8 If you specified a time server that is not on the local subnet, click the Default Gateway box and type in the
IP address for the router port that defines the path to the server. Otherwise, skip this step.
9 Click the Edit network parameters check box. Clear (blank) the check box to make address fields
unavailable for editing.
10 Click the OK button to save your changes and close the dialog.
11 Click the OK button to acknowledge the warning message about restarting remote Control Builder(s) after
making changes in preferences.
If you made address changes, be sure you stop and re-start the BOOTP Server service, so it does not use the
old address as a reply to a module. Please refer to Checking status of BOOTP server service for information
on how to access the Experion LX BOOTP Server Properties dialog to stop and start the service.
If you changed the SNTP server address, you must reboot redundant controllers or wait for them to
switchover two times to update to the new SNTP address. You must restart a non-redundant controller node
to update to the new SNTP configuration.

18.2.2 Enabling automatic application of DST

Perform the following steps to enable application of DST automatically.
1 Click Tools > System Preferences.
2 The System Preferences dialog box appears.
3 Click the Daylight Savings tab.
4 Select the Automatically apply DST check box if you want to automatically apply DST to all Experion LX
controllers in a cluster.
• If you do not select this check box, you have to manually set/reset the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter in all
Experion LX controllers in the associated cluster at the start/end of DST.
• At the start of the DST, if you have selected this check box, then the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter is
automatically selected in all Experion LX controllers in the associated cluster. Similarly, at the end of
DST, the DAYLIGHTTIME parameter is automatically cleared in all Experion LX controllers in the
associated cluster.
5 Click OK.

18.2.3 To change the base IP address updates IP information in ERDB

Typically, most users will not require their Base IP Address to be changed. But if changes to the Base IP
Address are required, the IP information in the ERDB is now updated for the configured embedded nodes.
Exchange block IP references and non-embedded FTE devices are not updated since they do not derive IP
addresses from the system base IP.
1 Unload all devices from the Monitoring tab in Control Builder.
2 Change the base IP address in the System Preferences Embedded FTE tab.


3 Restart any remote Control Builder to refresh the view of the recently modified address configuration.
4 Reboot any embedded device, for devices that already received their IP addresses from previous established
network configuration.
5 Load your system and continue.


18.3 Checking installed licenses, features, and libraries

The License Display menu selection allows you to review the installed licenses, features, and libraries for your
logged-in account

You can use C300 controller license to load a C200 controller but you cannot use C200 controller license to load a
C300 controller.

To view the License Display

1 Click View > License Display. The License Display appears.

2 Click one of the following buttons on the display:

• Close - closes the display
• Refresh - refreshes the display
• Help - accesses the online help.
3 This concludes this procedure.


18.4 Setting user preferences

Perform the following steps to customize the look of your Control Drawing by using the User Preferences
All illustrations used in the procedure are for example purposes only.

• User preferences are stored in the registry and are intended for use by the current user.
• System preferences are stored in the database and are intended for use by the entire system.

• Control Builder is running
• Tree windows are open

To set user preferences

1 Click Tools > User Preferences.
2 The User Preferences dialog box appears.

3 Click the Ellipsis button in the Parameters field.

The Font dialog box appears.
4 Select the desired font typeface, style, size, and effects to be used for parameter data in the Control Builder.
5 Click OK.
6 Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to select the font for the Block Name, Block Type, and Pin Labels data in the
Control Builder.


7 Click in the Object Selected field.

The color palette appears.
8 Click the desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
9 Click in the Parameter Value field.
The color palette appears.
10 Click the desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
11 Click in the Hyperlink field.
The color palette appears.
12 Click the desired color or click Other to create a custom color.

When a strategy is displayed, the parameters appear with hyperlinks as shown in the figure.

13 Select or clear the Allow only active loadable parameter changes check box depending on whether you
want the active edit session to persist or not.
Note: If the Allow only active loadable parameter changes check box is selected from the System
Preferences dialog box, this option is also selected in the User Preferences dialog box. However, you can
disable this option from the User Preferences dialog box. The User Preferences setting overrides the System
Preferences setting for the current Control Builder instance.
14 For more information on active edit session, see the section “About Editing/Loading parameters while
active” on page 439.
15 Click the Pins and Wires tab to access it:


16 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click in the Color field. The color palette appears.
Click the desired color or click Other to create a custom color.
17 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click in the Style field. The line style menu appears.
Click the desired line style.
18 In Pin and Wire Properties category, click in the Width field. The line width menu appears.
Click the desired line width.
19 Repeat Step 14 through 16 in the:
• Whole Array Pin and Wire Properties
• Pin and Wire “OFF” Properties and
• Pin and Wire “ON” Properties
categories to select the desired color, line style, and width.
20 Click OK.


19 Control Builder Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Related topics
“Database maintenance” on page 504


19.1 Database maintenance

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Deleting CM and SCM (optional) “Deleting a Control
Module” on page 504

Related topics
“Deleting a Control Module” on page 504

19.1.1 Deleting a Control Module

To delete a CM from the controller database

1 In the Monitoring view, expand the controller tree view to find the CM that you want to delete.
2 Click Controller > Inactivate > Selected Item, if the CM is “Active.”
The Change State dialog box appears.
3 Click Yes to deactivate the CM.
4 Right-click the deactivated CM, and then click Delete. Or, click Edit > Delete..
Alternate method: Press the <Delete> key.
5 Click Delete Selected Objects to delete the CM.
The deleted CM does not appear in the Monitoring view.

To delete a CM from the engineering database

1 In the Monitoring view, expand the controller tree view to find the CM that you want to delete.
2 Click Controller > Inactivate > Selected Item, if the CM is “Active.”
The Change State dialog box appears.
3 Click Yes to deactivate the CM.
4 Right-click the deactivated CM, and then click Delete. Or, click Edit > Delete..
5 Click Delete Selected Objects to delete the CM.
The selected CM is deleted.

If the selected CM contains any Reference blocks that refer to an I/O channel, then a warning message appears for
every instance of a channel that was referenced in the CM being deleted.

20 Appendix B - Hierarchy building

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Hierarchy building overview “Hierarchy building
overview” on page 507
Hierarchy tree views “Hierarchy tree views”
on page 508
CM/SCM containment “CM/SCM containment”
on page 510
Parameter projection overview “Parameter projection
overview” on page 532
Using the Projected parameters tab “Using the Projected
Parameters tab” on
page 537
Connecting projected parameters “Connecting Projected
Parameter” on page 542
Using projected parameter for user templates “Using projected
parameter for user
templates” on page 544
Block operations involving projected parameter “Block operations
involving Projected
Parameter” on page 546
Reviewing Substitute name dialog box “Reviewing Substitute
Name dialog box” on
page 547
Importing/exporting “Importing/exporting”
on page 551

Related topics
“Hierarchy building overview” on page 507
“Hierarchy tree views” on page 508
“CM/SCM containment” on page 510
“Parameter projection overview” on page 532
“Using the Projected Parameters tab” on page 537
“Connecting Projected Parameter” on page 542
“Using projected parameter for user templates” on page 544
“Block operations involving Projected Parameter” on page 546
“Reviewing Substitute Name dialog box” on page 547
“Importing/exporting” on page 551


20.1 Hierarchy building overview

Hierarchical building allows the creation of a Hierarchical View of a process from top down, or bottom up. The
Hierarchy may reflect the Plant Data Model.
Containment View, in Control Builder's tree view, shows the containment relationship among all configured
CM(s), SCM(s) as well as all basic blocks contained by the CM or SCM containers. The Assignment View will
show the Assignment relationship among all blocks and basic blocks contained by its container.
Parameter Projection allows the projection of parameters of an embedded block upward onto its container.
When this container CM/SCM is embedded in another CM container, the projected parameters can then exposed
as pins on the faceplate of this embedded block in the new container, and connections can be graphically made
to these pins. Projected Parameters are defined as if they are the inherent parameters and will have all the
attributes of the origin parameters, but will be referenced by their new names. The actual connections are made
to the inherent origin parameters.


20.2 Hierarchy tree views

To show the views of both assignment and containment relationships among the configured blocks in the
Experion LX system, two tree views are created: Assignment View and Containment View. To switch between
these two views select Project/Monitoring tree and make the selection using a right mouse click of the View
menu. The title bar of the tree view indicates the current view.

20.2.1 Assignment view

Assignment View shows the blocks involved in assignment as well as basic blocks contained by the containers.
All unassigned blocks will be placed under Unassigned group rather than under the root. CM(s)/SCM(s)
contained by a container CM will be shown under its assignment parent in this view rather than under its
container CM. A “+” sign is used to indicate that the associated CM is a container.

20.2.2 Containment View

The following figure shows a tree with Containment View. Note that templates placed into the user library
appear in this view under USER. Note that even though CMT144 was derived from CMT14, it appears at the
same level in this view.



20.3 CM/SCM containment

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Functional description “CM/SCM containment
functional description” on
page 510
Containing CM/SCM “Containing CM/SCM” on
page 511
Uncontaining CM/SCM “Uncontaining CM/SCM”
on page 513
Uncontain blocks with Projected Parameter(s) “Uncontain blocks with
Projected Parameter(s)” on
page 514
Error scenarios for containment/uncontainment operations “Error scenarios for
uncontainment operations”
on page 517
Operations of container and contained CM(s)/SCM(s) “Operations of container
and contained CM(s)/
SCM(s)” on page 518
Load/load with contents “Load/load with contents”
on page 526
Performance restrictions “Performance restrictions”
on page 531

Related topics
“CM/SCM containment functional description” on page 510
“Containing CM/SCM” on page 511
“Uncontaining CM/SCM” on page 513
“Uncontain blocks with Projected Parameter(s)” on page 514
“Error scenarios for containment/uncontainment operations” on page 517
“Operations of container and contained CM(s)/SCM(s)” on page 518
“Load/load with contents” on page 526
“Performance restrictions” on page 531

20.3.1 CM/SCM containment functional description

As a major part of the hierarchical building, CM/SCM containment allows the user to contain CM(s)/SCM(s)
into another CM. The contained CM(s)/SCM(s) will remain as a tagged object, and as a result, the operation of
containment does not affect the contained block's execution. In other words, the contained CM/SCM will still
execute in its assigned CEE. Containment only encapsulates a potentially complex strategy and allows the user
to define the process view based upon the actual data flow.
There are several ways to contain/uncontain CM(s)/SCM(s). However, neither operation will change the
assignment parent of the intended CM(s)/SCM(s); the selected CM(s)/SCM(s) will remain unassigned if it is not
assigned before the containment/uncontainment operation.
Containment operation alone won't cause delta flag for both the dropped block and the container CM. Only
when the connections are made will the delta flag be set for the associated blocks.


20.3.2 Containing CM/SCM

In a CM container chart, a contained CM(s)/SCM(s) is indicated by a containment graphic on the left uppermost
corner of the block's faceplate, as illustrated in the following figures.
Figure 98: Block symbol of a contained CM

Figure 99: Block symbol of a contained SCM

Figure 100: Containment and assignment tree views

There are two possible ways to perform a containment operation, Drag and Drop and Module Containment
After a user template is contained by a container user template, the contained user template will be specialized
from the source user template. The propagation of this contained user template will cause all derived container
user templates and instances to have a derivation version of this contained CM.
For example, all CMs in the illustrations below are user templates. Before containment:
• CM_UT_Container_1 is derived from CM_UT_Container and
• CM_UT_Container_1_1 is derived from CM_UT_Container_1.

Figure 101: User template containment

After a user template UT_Child is contained into CM_UT_Container, CM_UT_Container has a specialized
CM_UT_Child contained, all derivation children of CM_UT_Container, CM_UT_Container_1 and
CM_UT_Container_1_1, are propagated with this new contained block.
An error will occur if an attempt is made to delete CM_UT_Child_1 or CM_UT_Child_1_1 because they all
become parent defined and the user templates can't be deleted. The error will appear as “This operation is not
valid at this level for a parent-defined element.”

Drag and drop

In order to contain CM(s) or SCM(s) into another CM, drag the intended blocks from any project tree view and
drop onto a CM in project Containment View or a project CM chart, even if the intended CMs/SCMs are
already contained. CM blocks in the Assignment View cannot be the destination of a containment operation
because the View only reflects the assignment configuration model of Experion LX system.


The containment parents cannot be changed for loaded contained CM(s)/SCM(s) unless these blocks are deleted
from monitoring side first. The containment operation must be on the project tree.
The following table lists all possible drag and drop operations for containment. The Source column indicates the
starting point of the dragged block, and the Destination column indicates the view or chart where the dragged
block is dropped.
The dragged items can only be CM(s) and SCM(s) and the destination blocks are CM(s) only. Neither operation
is supported in a Monitoring tree.
Table 2 Drag and drop operations for containment

Source Destination
CM/SCM in Assignment View CM in Containment view
CM/SCM in Assignment View CM Chart
CM/SCM in Containment view CM in Containment view
CM/SCM in Containment view CM Chart
CM/SCM system profile or user template from the Library CM in Containment view
CM/SCM system profile or user template from the Library CM Chart
CM/SCM system profile or uncontained user template A CM User-Template in the Containment view, Library Tab
from the Library Tab
CM/SCM system profile or uncontained user template A CM user-template chart
from the Library Tab

Module Containment dialog

Module Containment Dialog may be used to contain multiple CMs/SCMs into another CM. A container will be
indicated by a “+” sign.


Figure 102: Module Containment dialog

When the container CM in the middle section is selected, the right section of the dialog will display all
contained CM(s)/SCM(s) by the selected container CM. Select Add to CM Container.

20.3.3 Uncontaining CM/SCM

Uncontaining CM/SCM undoes a containment operation. This operation applies to only control strategies.
There are three possible ways to perform an uncontainment operation, Drag and Drop, Module Containment
Dialog and Uncontain menu option.

Drag and drop

To uncontain using drag and drop, drag the CM/SCM from any project tree view or CM chart and drop into
another CM in project Containment View. In this case the previously contained block will be uncontained from
its previous containment parent and contained by a new container CM. The selected contained block may also
be dropped onto the root of the Containment Tree View.

Drag and drop operations for uncontainment

Source Destination
CM/SCM in Containment view CM in Containment view
CM/SCM in Assignment View CM in Containment view
CM Chart CM in Containment view


Source Destination
CM/SCM in Containment view CM Chart

Module Containment dialog

Module Containment Dialog also be used to uncontain multiple CM/SCMs into another CM. A container will be
indicated by a “+” sign.

Figure 103: Module Containment dialog

When the container CM in the middle section is selected, the right section of the dialog will display all
contained CM(s)/SCM(s) by the selected container CM. Select Remove from CM Container.

Uncontain menu option

To uncontain a CM/SCM within a CM chart, right click the item to be uncontained and select Uncontain. The
selected CM/SCM may not be loaded. If the CM/SCM is loaded the menu item will not be available.

20.3.4 Uncontain blocks with Projected Parameter(s)

Two rules apply when uncontaining blocks with projected parameter and blocks with connections:
• Contained CM/SCM cannot be deleted if it is defined as an origin block;
• Uncontain will be prevented if the CM/SCM to be uncontained has graphical connections.


Rule examples
In this example, CM3 is contained by CM2 that is contained by CM1; P1 is a projected parameter that is defined
as projected parameter on CM1, CM2 and CM3. The origin parameters for CM2.P1, CM3.P1 are defined as
CM3.P1 and CM3.BB3.P1 respectively.
When making a connection between CM2.BB1.P1 and CM2.P1, an obvious graphical connection is created. But
there is also a read only parameter connection created between CM1.BB1.P2 and CM3.BB3.P1 where
CM3.BB3.P1 is the absolute origin for the Projected Parameter CM2.P1.

Figure 104: Uncontain Blocks with Projected Parameters

1. When uncontaining CM3, an error appears,

“CM3 cannot be uncontained because CM3.BB3.P1 is defined as an origin parameter”.
In order to uncontain CM3, the user needs to redefine the origin or empty the origin for CM2.P1 so that
CM3 is not an origin block.
2. When uncontaining CM2, an error appears,
“CM2 cannot be uncontained because there is a graphical connection to its projected parameter(s)”.
Deleting the connection between CM1.BB1.P2 and CM2.P1 first will allow the user to proceed with the
uncontaining operation.
The same error will occur when uncontaining CM2 if there is a parameter connector on CM2.P1 whose
source is CM1.BB1.P2, in which case CM2.P1 is a passive end of a graphical connection as indicated by the
charts below.


Figure 105: Uncontain blocks with Projected Parameters

1. If CM2.P1 is used as a parameter connector to CM1.BB1.P2 however, as indicated by the chart below,
because CM2.P1 is the passive end of a connection from a parameter connector, uncontaining CM2 will be
allowed and the parameter connector will remain after the uncontaining CM2 operation.


Figure 106: Uncontain Blocks with Projected Parameters

1. If CM1.BB1.P2 is used as a parameter connector to CM3.P1 as indicated by the chart above, uncontaining
CM2 is allowed.

20.3.5 Error scenarios for containment/uncontainment operations

Regardless of the method used to contain or uncontain control modules, both the source and destination blocks
will be locked by the containment operation. If the involved blocks are already locked by other operations, an
error message will be displayed:

If the control module is loaded, its containment parent cannot be changed and an error will occur:


When using Module Containment Dialog, if the control module is selected to be both source and destination of
the containment operation, the following error will occur:
(this operation is prevented for drag and drop operation)

If a container CM selected is contained by one of its contained blocks, the following error will occur:

20.3.6 Operations of container and contained CM(s)/SCM(s)

Even after a CM(s)/SCM(s) is contained by a container CM, it remains a tagged object, with all the attributes of
a tagged object. For instance, the contained CM(s)/SCM(s) can be loaded individually and has its own server
point, its own execution state, etc. However, because it is contained by a container CM, some new operations
are also supported.

Editing a container or contained CM/SCM

The mechanism of editing a container CM or contained CM/SCM from tree view remains the same, assuming
that they are not locked by other transactions.
Editing a contained CM/SCM from its container chart can be done in two ways:


Edit operations Paths

Edit the form of a contained block Right mouse click on the contained block and select Block Properties menu
Select the contained block and select Edit > Block Properties
Edit the chart of a contained block Right mouse click on the contained block and select Open Chart.

The assumption is that the contained block is not locked by another edit session. However, if the contained
block is locked by another edit session, depending on the sequences of the operations involved, different error
messages will be displayed to indicate the errors.

Contained CM/SCM edit example

Using the previous figure as an example, the following table lists the potential errors that may occur as a result
of wrong sequence of operations and the ways to resolve the problems.

Editing errors

Scenarios Operation Error message How to resolve

1 Step 1: Open the chart of container CM187_1 is locked by CM169, Save CM169 chart and
CM169; please save CM169 and try double click on CM187_1
Step 2: Move or make connections to the [Save CM169 will unlock
contained block CM187_1 within CM187_1 so that a new
CM169 chart; transaction can be started by
[At this time, CM187_1 is locked by
CM169 transaction]
Step 3: Double click on CM187_1


Scenarios Operation Error message How to resolve

2 Step 1: Open the chart of container CM187_1 is locked by xxxx Close the chart of contained
CM169; User, please resolve the problem block CM187_1
and try again
Step 2: Double click on CM187_1 to
open its chart;
[At this time, CM187_1 is locked by its
own transaction]
Step 3: Move, delete, uncontain or make
connections to the contained block
CM187_1 within CM169 chart
3 Step 1: Open the chart of container CM187_1 is locked by CM169, Save the chart of container
CM169; please save CM169 and try CM169 [Save CM169 will
again unlock CM187_1 so that a
Step 2: Move or make connections to the
new transaction can be
contained block CM187_1 within
started by CM187_1]
CM169 chart;
[At this time, CM187_1 is locked by
CM169 transaction]
Step 3: Double click on CM187_1 on the
tree or right mouse click on CM187_1 on
the tree and select Configure Module

Normally, if a block is loaded and its configuration has been changed, a delta flag will be added next to the
block's icon on the tree to indicate that there are changes. To resolve the differences, the user needs to reload the
block from Project Tree. However, in Hierarchy Building, new rules are introduced to avoid unnecessary load if
the changes are related to contained CM(s)/SCM(s),
• Changes made to a contained CM/SCM won't affect its container CM, therefore, no delta flag will be added
for the container CM
• Graphical changes, such as blocks being moved within the chart, won't cause any delta flag

Example 1: In this example, CMx indicates control module containers and BBx indicates basic blocks.
When making the connection (1), there should be delta flag for CM1 and CM3. When making
connection (2), there will be delta flags for both CM1 and CM3 (this will happen if there is a back
initialization connection). Any changes made within CM3 will not cause delta flag for CM1.


Example 2: In this example, CM3 is contained by CM2 that is contained by CM1; P1 is a projected parameter that is
defined as projected parameter on CM1, CM2 and CM3. The origin parameters for CM2.P1, CM3.P1 are
defined as CM3.P1 and CM3.BB3.P1 respectively. Making the connection between CM1.BB1.P2 and
CM2.P1 will cause a delta flag for both CM1 and CM3, but not CM2 as a read only connection will be
made between CM1.BB1.P2 and CM3.BB3.P1.

Assign/unassign a container or contained CM/SCM

The containment operation does not have any impact on the assignment/unassignment of both the container CM
or contained CM(s)/SCM(s). They can all be assigned to different execution environments.
Figure 107: Example for assign/unassign

Figure 108: Example for auto load

Because CM_Container is unassigned and does not contain any basic blocks, it will be automatically loaded
when either ACM_Child or BCM_Child is loaded. But loading CM_Container does NOT cause ACM_Child
and BCM_Child to be loaded automatically. The user could also load CM_Container manually from


Containment View. Again, because CM_Container is unassigned and has no execution state, the icon for
CM_Container on the monitoring tree will be gray.
However, if CM_Container contains basic blocks, it has to be assigned to a control execution environment in
order to be loaded.
If the contained CM(s)/SCM(s) or container CM is already loaded, it cannot be assigned or unassigned, this is
consistent with the existing restriction that a block cannot be reassigned if it is already loaded. The following
error will occur to indicate the error,

An unassigned CM can be contained by another CM, and projected parameters can be configured on this
unassigned CM. When contained by another CM, this unassigned CM behaves the same as any other contained
CM/SCM, except that it doesn't have an execution environment.

Delete a container or contained CM/SCM - deletion without Projected Parameter

The deletion of a container CM requires that all contained CM(s)/SCM(s) blocks be deleted first, this is
consistent with the existing behavior where all tagged blocks must be deleted before an assignment parent can
be deleted. An error message will be displayed if the deletion is attempted,

If a container CM block together with its contained CM(s)/SCM(s) blocks is selected to be deleted, the
contained CM(s)/SCM(s) will be deleted programmatically before the container CM to comply with the rule
specified above.
For a user template, if the embedded user template has only embedded derivation children, the deletion of this
embedded user template will delete all its embedded derivation children.


Figure 109: Example 1 for user template deletion

In this example, CM_UT_Container_1 is derived from CM_UT_Container and CM_UT_Container_1_1 from

CM_UT_Container_1 and CM_UT_Child1, CM_UT_Child_1_1 and CM_UT_Child are template defining. All
derivation children as well as instances of derivation children of CM_UT_Child are contained by other user
templates. In this case, the deletion of CM_UT_Child will delete all its derivation children, CM_UT_Child_1
and CM_UT_Child_1_1.

Figure 110: Example for 2 user template deletion

If the embedded user template to be deleted has non-embedded derivation children, or non-embedded instances
(in other words, derivation children or instances are not contained by other user templates or control modules)
the deletion will be prevented. In the above example, if CM_UT_Child has a non-embedded derivation child
CM_UT_NONEMBED_Child, deletion of CM_UT_Child will cause an error,
“The selected block CM_UT_Child has non-embedded children block CM_UT_NONEMBED_Child, please
resolve the problem and try again.”
CM_UT_ NONEMBED_Child must be deleted before CM_UT_Child can be deleted. And the deletion of this
user template will delete all its derivation children.

Delete a container or contained CM/SCM - deletion with Projected Parameter

In this example, CM3 is contained by CM2 that is contained by CM1. P1 is a projected parameter that is defined
as projected parameter on CM1, CM2 and CM3. The origin parameters for CM2.P1, CM3.P1 are defined as
CM3.P1 and CM3.BB3.P1 respectively.
When making the connection between CM1.BB1.P2 and CM2.P1, besides the graphical connection, there is
also a read only connection made between CM1.BB1.P2 and CM3.BB3.P1 because the CM3.P1 as the origin of
CM2.P1, itself is a projected parameter.


Figure 111: Example for block deletion involving Projected Parameter

1. When deleting CM3, an error appears, ‘CM3 cannot be deleted because CM3.BB3.P1 is defined as an origin
In order to delete CM3, the user needs to redefine or empty the origin of CM2.P1 so that CM3 is not a origin
block. If both CM2 and CM3 are selected for deletion, the operation will be allowed because the parent is in
the scope of the operation.

CM2 cannot be deleted because it had a contained CM (CM3) as per the configuration method.

Figure 112: Example for block deletion involving Projected Parameter

1. If CM1.BB1.P1 is configured as parameter connector to CM2.P1 as indicated by the chart below, deleting
CM2 will cause the parameter connector to CM2.P1, CM1.BB1.P1 deleted.


Figure 113: Example for block deletion involving projected parameter

Delete a container or contained CM/SCM - deletion of the loaded container or contained CM/SCM from the loaded
If a container CM is deleted from monitoring, all monitoring instances of the contained CM/SCM's will be
placed under the root. This will break up parameter projection chains under projected connections but the
corresponding read-only connections will stay. If a container CM is deleted from monitoring, all dependent
basic blocks will be deleted as well. If the container CM is reloaded, the projection chain will be re-established
and the contained CM/SCM will be underneath the container CM.

CMs can be deleted individually from the loaded side regardless of whether they are contained or container.
However, container CMs cannot be deleted from the projected side unless all contained CMs/SCMs are deleted

Copy a container or contained CM/SCM

When a container CM is copied, all contained CM(s)/SCM(s) are copied in addition to the dependent blocks.
Unique names will be assigned for the contained CM(s)/SCM(s), all named connections and the origins of
projected parameter will be resolved.
Projected parameters will be maintained on copy, for instance, if CM1 has a projected parameter with origin
CM1.PIDA.PV, after copy, the new CM1_1 will have a projected parameter named CM1_1.PIDA.PV.
The existing mechanism for resolving Substitute Name and Substitute Connections will be invoked if they are
involved in the copy operation. If a projected CM/SCM or container has projected parameter defined on it and is
copied, the projected parameter definition and any projected connections are copied to the new block or
In this example, CM3 is contained by CM2 that is contained by CM1. P1 is a projected parameter that is defined
as projected parameter on CM1, CM2 and CM3. The origin parameters for CM2.P1, CM3.P1 are defined as
CM3.P1 and CM3.BB3.P1 respectively.


Figure 114: Example 1 for block copy

When copying CM1, the following dialog will be displayed so blocks involved in the operation can be renamed.

If no changes are made, the new blocks as well as their projected parameter will look like the following after the
copy operation,

Figure 115: Example 2 for block copy

20.3.7 Load/load with contents

Even if a CM/SCM is contained by a container CM, the contained CM/SCM remains to be a tagged object and
can be loaded without its container CM being loaded first. The contained CMs/SCMs can in fact be executed in
different execution environments.


The user is able to load an unassigned container CM if it doesn't contain any basic blocks and its contained
blocks are properly assigned. This unassigned container CM will have its own server point, therefore can be
accessed in Server. Once loaded, the unassigned CM will appear on the Monitor Tab of the Containment view.
The icon is gray because the unassigned CM does not have an execution state. Because this CM is not assigned
and there isn't an Unassigned category for Monitoring Tab, this CM will not be found in Assignment Tree View.

In the example, the unassigned CM_Container contains just two control module blocks CM_Child1 and

If a container CM_Container is selected for Load with Contents, depending on which tree view the load is
originated, two different sets of contents will be selected for loading. If Load with Contents for the container
starts from Assignment Tree View, the load list contains only the selected container CM_Container. In the
example, the results of Load and Load with Contents of CM_Container will be identical if the operation starts
from the Assignment Tree View as shown in the figure below.


Figure 116: Load Dialog from assignment tree view

However, if Load with Contents is originated from Containment Tree View, both the container CM and all
contained CM(s)/SCM(s) are selected for loading.

Figure 117: Load dialog from containment tree view

As stated earlier, if an assigned CM is to be loaded and it's container CM is unassigned (and has no basic block)
and has not been loaded, the container CM is automatically loaded. In this example, CM_Child2 is selected to
load and CM_Container will be loaded automatically. After the load, the CM_Container chart on the monitoring
side will look like this:


Because CM_Child1 is not loaded, there is a read-only parameter connector indicating the other end of the
Another example involves partially loading the hierarchies. In this example, CM3 is contained by CM2 that is
contained by CM1. PP1 is a projected parameter that is defined as projected parameter on CM1 and CM2; P1 is
a projected parameter defined on CM3. The origin parameters for CM2.PP1, CM3.PP1 are defined as CM3.PP1
and CM3.BB1.P1 respectively.

If only CM1 and CM3 are loaded, the real connection between CM1.BB1.P2 to CM3.BB1.P1 will be loaded to
the controller. However, since CM2 is not loaded, on the loaded side, the CM1 chart will not have CM2
contained. A warning will be displayed to indicate that the containment parent for CM3, that is CM2 is not in
the load list.
If the user loads only CM1 and CM2, because the origin block CM3.BB1 is not loaded, the “real” connection
between CM1.BB1.P2 to CM3.BB1.P1 will not be loaded to the controller.
After the CM is loaded, the configured projected parameters on this CM can be accessed in Server just as any
other inherent parameters. These projected parameters can also be used in server history configuration and sever

The contained CM(s)/SCM(s) can be activated/ inactivated as independent blocks and the activation/
inactivation of the container CM has no impact on the activation/inactivation of the contained CM(s)/SCM(s).
Likewise, containment does not affect the alarms generated by each CM/SCM regardless whether the selected
tagged block is a container CM or container CM/SCM.
However, the container CM can be selected and “Activate this Item and its Contents” or “Inactivate this Item
and its Contents” option from the Containment Tree View can be used to activate/inactivate both container CM
and contained CM(s)/SCM(s) at the same time. However, if the container CM_Container were unassigned, as
illustrated below, the container CM_Container does not have an execution state, therefore, only Activate/
Inactivate Selected Item(s)' Contents menu option is exposed. Selecting the menu item will cause CM_Child1
and CM_Child2 to be activated or inactivated (if they are active).


The containment of CM(s)/SCM(s) has no impact on the upload of both the container CM or contained CM(s)/
SCM(s) if they are all assigned. If the container CM is not assigned, Upload operation will be disabled. Upload
with Contents only apply to CMs with all contained CMs assigned.

Update to project/update with contents to project

As independent blocks, the container CM as well as contained CM(s)/SCM(s) can be selected individually for
Update to Project operation. If the container CM is selected in Containment Tree View of the monitoring tab,
Update with Contents (to Project) allows the user to do the update for both container and contained blocks at the
same time. In the example below, Update to Project with Contents for CM1 will cause the contents for CM1,
CM2 and CM3 updated to project. Update to Project for CM1 will only update BB1 contained by CM1 and its
Once the contained CM/SCM is loaded, its containment parent cannot be changed. Therefore, the hierarchy
cannot be changed once the contained CM/SCM is loaded. However, the basic blocks can be deleted from the
control strategy without any restriction. In the example, if BB2 is deleted from CM3 on the project side and an
Update with Contents for CM1 or Update to Project for CM3 is performed, a BB2 will be created and contained
into CM3.

Chart visualization
Since a CM chart can be embedded in a Station Display using Chart Visualization, and multiple charts shouldn't
be opened at the same time in Station Display, the purpose of right-clicking “Navigation to Source” is to
navigate to the detailed display of the selected CM/SCM as if the name of the selected CM/SCM was typed and
the F12 function key selected. Double-clicking the contained CM/SCM invokes the block's form.


20.3.8 Performance restrictions

The number of levels for CM/SCM containment is limited to 5.


20.4 Parameter projection overview

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Naming and renaming “Naming and renaming”
on page 532
Original parameter overview “Origin parameter
overview” on page 534
Empty original parameter “Empty origin parameter”
on page 534
Assigning/unassigning/reassigning the original parameter “Assigning / unassigning /
reassigning the origin
parameter” on page 534
Validating the original parameter “Validating the origin
parameter” on page 535
Changing the value “Changing the value” on
page 536

Related topics
“Naming and renaming” on page 532
“Origin parameter overview” on page 534
“Empty origin parameter” on page 534
“Assigning / unassigning / reassigning the origin parameter” on page 534
“Validating the origin parameter” on page 535
“Changing the value” on page 536

20.4.1 Naming and renaming

The Parameter Projection function provides the ability to create a parameter on a block and assign the new
parameter to another parameter in the system. The new user-defined parameter is called a ‘projected parameter’
because it projects the value and attribute from another parameter (called its ‘origin parameter’) onto itself.
The projected parameter will look and act just like an inherent parameter of the block on which it was defined.
For instance, the projected parameter can be nominated as a Pin or block faceplate parameter just like an
inherent block parameter can. It can also be accessed like any inherent parameter of the CM/SCM. But it will
reflect the value and attributes of its assigned origin parameter. When a connection is made to the projected
parameter, the connection, which is loaded to the controller, is really a connection made to the absolute origin
parameter of the projected parameter.
Parameter projection also allows the projection of a parameter over multiple levels of containment, but this
requires a projection of this parameter on each containment level. In other words, the projection of a parameter
cannot skip the projection levels. The resulting projection chain will project the absolute origin over one or
more intermediate levels of containment up to an upper level projected CM/SCM. Although the origin blocks
can only be those blocks contained by the CM on which the projected parameter is defined, a projection chain
can be modified when the origin parameter of any projected parameter that participates in the projection chain is
deleted or redefined, in which case all upwards connections associated with the modified origin will be deleted
or remade.
Definition of Projected Parameter and Assignment of Origin Parameter apply to the Project side only. No
configuration changes to the projected parameter can be made on the Monitoring side.


The name of a projected parameter may be modified at any time during configuration and should follow the
same naming conventions and rules for its uniqueness just as any parameter. It may be the same name as the
origin parameter or some other user-meaningful name.

Common naming conventions for projected parameter

Projected Parameter Description

Max string size The string size of a projected parameter name must not exceed the maximum string
size for alias and projected parameter names currently implemented as 255 char.
Name parts A projected parameter name may be compound from up to three parts.
Name part separator Parts must be separated by a dot.
Valid character Each part must start with a alphabetic char and may be followed by an alphabetic or
numeric character.
Valid examples MyProjParam
Invalid examples ‘123’ - Name must start with an alphabetic character
‘MyPP1.P2.P3.P4’ - To many parts
‘MyPP1.123.P3’ - Second part doesn't start with an alphabetic character
‘MyPP1.123-P3’ - Invalid character in second part

The table below describes the validation performed to confirm that the name of a projected parameter does not
conflict with any other name in the system.

Projected parameter name validation

Projected Parameter name Full name (unique identifier) Validation

Part1 Tag.Part1 Check against other parameter:
‘Part1’ must not conflict with an inherent or another
projected parameter of the CM/SCM.
Check against basic blocks:
Note: There is no reason to permit that Part1 is also
used as a basic block name contained by the CM/SCM.
Part1.Part2 Tag.Part1.Part2 Check against other Parameter:
‘Part1.Part2’ must not conflict with an inherent or
another projected parameter of the CM/SCM.
Check against basic blocks:
If a basic block named ‘Part1’ exists inside the
CM/SCM then ‘Part2’ must not conflict with an
inherent parameter name of this basic block.


Projected Parameter name Full name (unique identifier) Validation

Part1.Part2.Part2 Tag.Part1.Part2.Part3 Check against other Parameter:
‘Part1.Part2.Part3’ must not conflict with an inherent or
another projected parameter of the CM/SCM.
Check against basic blocks:
If a basic block named ‘Part1’ exists inside the
CM/SCM then ‘Part2.Part3’ must not conflict with an
inherent parameter name of this basic block.

The following items in the system must be validated to avoid name conflicts:
• Parameter name must not conflict with the name of an inherent parameter of the projected CM/SCM (as well
as Instances and derivation children in case of user template).
• Parameter name must not conflict with an existing projected parameter of the projected CM/SCM (as well as
Instances and derivation children in case of user template).
• Parameter name must not conflict with the name of a basic block contained by the projected CM/SCM (as
well as Instances and derivation children in case of user template).
• Parameter name has to be checked as is currently done for aliases in terms of string size and use of valid

20.4.2 Origin parameter overview

Once an origin is assigned, it defines the behavior of the projected parameter. The projected parameter may be
used as if it is the absolute origin in terms of rules for connections and pin/faceplate exposure. Since the origin
of a projected parameter can be a projected parameter itself, an origin can be projected multiple levels. Such
capability will facilitate top-down design of control strategies.
Restrictions: Substitute parameter and alias parameters of SCM cannot be defined as the origin parameter.

20.4.3 Empty origin parameter

Empty origin is indicated by a symbol appended to the name of the projected parameter, allowing the
configuration of a projected parameter without assigning an absolute origin. The external interface to a block
can be defined and connected to its peers before anything about its internal implementation is defined.
In the case of user templates, because origin is not defined, it is not template defining. As a result, the user could
define different origin to the same projected parameter for derivation children and instances. However, if the
origin is defined as an existing parameter, for user template, the origin will be template defining and the origin
will be propagated to all derivation children and instances.
In summary, empty origin will:
• Allow an projected parameter to be template defined but the corresponding origin parameter is not;
• Make it easy to fix broken projection chains, that is, when projected CM/SCMs, which participate in a
projection chain, are missing during import, the chain can be fixed by unassigning the missing origin
parameter rather than failing the import operation;
• Provide top-down design capability.

20.4.4 Assigning / unassigning / reassigning the origin parameter

The origin parameter may be assigned, unassigned or reassigned at any time during configuration. The origin
parameter can be redefined by clearing the existing origin.
Assignment, unassignment, or reassignment will affect the following:


Affected item Results

Corresponding projected parameter • Delta flag will be set for the projected CM/SCM.
• The corresponding faceplate parameter value will be updated.
• The corresponding block pin value will be updated.
Projected connections • Delta flag will be set on the block that owns the projected connection.
(graphical connections as well as
parameter connectors)
Read-only connections • Delta flag will be set on the block that owns the read-only connection.
Each projected parameter upwards the • Delta flag will be set projected CM/SCM that owns the projected
projection chain parameter.
• The corresponding faceplate parameter value will be updated.
• The corresponding block pin value will be updated.

Origin parameter assignment

If a projected parameter with an empty origin is involved in connections, the assignment of a valid origin
parameter will create read-only connections between the absolute origin parameter of the projected parameter
and the other end of the connections.
Assignment of an origin parameter whose absolute origin is not defined will be allowed without any restrictions.

Origin parameter unassignment

The unassignment of an origin parameter with a valid absolute origin will delete read-only connections formed
between the absolute origin parameter and the other end of the projected connection. Performing unassignment
needs validation to be sure that all connections can be deleted. If the validation fails the unassignment operation
may not be permitted.

Origin parameter reassignment

Origin parameter reassignment consists of two steps: clear the current origin parameter and define a new origin
parameter. If the assignment validation or the unassignment validation fails, the reassignment operation will fail
and the original origin parameter will remain.

20.4.5 Validating the origin parameter

Validation rules for the unassignment operation

Origin to be modified Unassignment validation

Empty origin (origin not defined) No validation needed
Projected parameter of a contained block whose immediate (Rationale: the absolute origin is already/still unassigned)
origin is a projected parameter with absolute origin
Absolute origin parameter from a dependent block. For the corresponding projected parameter and all projected
parameter upwards the projection chain:
Projected parameter from a contained block whose
immediate origin is a projected parameter with absolute The owning block can be locked successfully.
origin undefined.
For all existing projected connections, the read only
connections on the absolute origin parameter can be deleted


Validation rules for the assignment operation

New origin Assignment validation

Empty origin (origin not defined). No validation needed
Projected parameter from a contained block whose (Because: the absolute origin is not specified)
immediate origin is a projected parameter with absolute
origin undefined.
Absolute origin parameter from a dependent block. For the corresponding projected parameter and all projected
parameter upwards the projection chain:
Projected parameter from a contained block whose
immediate origin is a projected parameter with absolute The owning block can be locked successfully.
origin undefined.
Exposed faceplate pins must match with symbol attributes
of the absolute origin.
For all existing projected connections, a read-only
connection can be formed successfully on the absolute
origin parameter.

Assumes current origin is defined

An assignment operation will not necessarily define an absolute origin parameter, that is: when the new origin is
an unassigned projected parameter.

20.4.6 Changing the value

The value of a projected parameter is the projected value of its absolute origin. When the value of a projected
parameter is changed on either project side or monitoring side, the value of the absolute origin parameter will be
changed. If the validation for this operation fails, then the value change will not be permitted.
If the absolute origin for a projected parameter has not been defined, then the value will not be shown and
cannot be changed.


20.5 Using the Projected Parameters tab

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Configuration form overview “Configuration form
overview” on page 537
Symbol attributes “Symbol attributes” on
page 539
Adding a Projected Parameter “Adding a Projected
Parameter” on page 540
Deleting a Projected Parameter “Deleting a Projected
Parameter” on page 540
Printing Projected Parameters “Printing Projected
Parameters” on page 541

Related topics
“Configuration form overview” on page 537
“Symbol attributes” on page 539
“Adding a Projected Parameter” on page 540
“Deleting a Projected Parameter” on page 540
“Printing Projected Parameters” on page 541

20.5.1 Configuration form overview

The configuration form for projected parameter can be accessed by a tab in the Configure Module Parameter
dialog box of the projected CM/SCM. The form displays a list of all defined projected parameters for the
projected CM/SCM and the following information about each parameter:
• Name of the projected parameter
• Origin parameter
• Parameter description
The configuration form provides the ability to add, modify, and delete a projected parameter to the projected
CM/SCM. All fields are read-only on the monitoring side.


Figure 118: Configuration form for Projected Parameters

are available for Projected parameters. When you click on the hyperlinked parameter, the corresponding Projected
parameters configuration form for the SCM/RCM appears.
For more information, see “Parameter projection overview” on page 531.

Grid columns and cell validation

Column Behavior Cell validation

Parameter Name The name field of the projected The entry must follow the naming rules
parameter is an edit box and shows the for projected parameter definition.
name of the projected parameter
If the validation fails, an error message
defined by the user.
will appear.
The ESCAPE key can be used at any
time during the edit session to restore
the entry for the current field.


Column Behavior Cell validation

Origin The origin parameter field will be an The entry must follow the validation
edit box with point picker access. An rules for origin parameter.
origin parameter name can be entered
If the validation fails, an error message
or the point picker invoked to select a
will appear.
parameter from a list of all system
parameters. For multi-level of Upon successful validation, concerned
projection, the Origin shows the connections will be reconnected and
immediate origin of the projected the parameter description field will be
parameter. updated to show the description of the
just assigned origin.
The ESCAPE key can be used at any
time during the edit session to restore If at this point the projected parameter
the entry for the current field. name field is empty then a default
parameter name will be assigned.
Description The parameter description field is be a No validation required.
static field that is set and refreshed
when the corresponding origin is
shown or changed.
Absolute Origin The Absolute Origin field is read-only. No validation required.
For one-level of projection, the
Absolute Origin is the same as the
immediate origin. For multi-level
projection, Absolute Origin is the
starting point of the parameter
projection chain.

20.5.2 Symbol attributes

A Projected parameter is exposed as a pin on the faceplate of the projected CM/SCM so it can be graphically
connected to another parameter. A projected parameter can also be exposed on the block's faceplate as a
configuration or monitoring parameter. Once a projected parameter has been defined, it appears in the symbol
attributes pages for selection as a faceplate pin or parameter where it is listed in the choice list along with the
block's standard parameters.
In the following screen capture of the Block Pins Configuration Tab, the parameter myPPIN1 and myPPOUT
are projected parameters defined on ACM_Child. These parameters have been exposed as pins on the
ACM_CHILD block. The Configuration and Monitoring Parameters Tabs also have this projected parameter as
a selection parameter in the left hand list box as a faceplate parameter.


Figure 119: Projected Parameters as block symbol attributes

The value of a projected parameter may change when:

• The value of its absolute origin is changed.
• The absolute origin has been changed, that is, an origin at an intermediate level is reassigned.
If the value of a projected parameter is being changed, the system must verify:
• An absolute origin is defined.
• The absolute origin block can be locked successfully when the value change form opens.
• The value of the absolute origin parameter can be changed successfully.

20.5.3 Adding a Projected Parameter

To add a new projected parameter, select the Insert button. Edit the fields to define the name and origin of the
newly defined projected parameter.
If the origin is defined, but the name field is left empty, a unique name for the projected parameter will be
automatically generated.
Validation will take place when the cursor is moved to another control. If the validation fails, an error message
will be displayed.

20.5.4 Deleting a Projected Parameter

Use the Delete key to delete:
• The projected parameter, that currently has the focus on the grid control


• Multiple projected parameter, if multiple rows have been selected in the grid control
Validation Rules for Deletion:
• The projected parameter must not be used as an origin for another projected parameter.
• The projected parameter must not be exposed as a pin on the faceplate.
• The projected parameter must not be exposed as a faceplate parameter.
If the validation fails, deleting the projected parameter is not permitted.

20.5.5 Printing Projected Parameters

Projected Parameter appear in the printing reports for the projected CM/SCM in the parameters section as
regular parameters, except it is indicated that they are actually projected parameters and the reports will display
their corresponding origin parameter assignment, if any.


20.6 Connecting Projected Parameter

Projected parameters may be used to expose a pin on the faceplate of the projected CM/SCM that may be
connected to another inherent parameter or projected parameter either graphically or via a parameter connector
or expressions in calculation, step and transition blocks.
A connection that has a projected parameter at one or both ends always appears on the chart (or form) as it is
created, with the projected parameter name. In all cases, a read-only parameter connector is displayed at the
origin parameter to note that a connection has been formed to the origin parameter, as illustrated in the
following figure. If the projected parameter is the passive end of a connection, a cross reference is displayed if
the option is enabled. If a connection is made or deleted on a projected parameter, the delta flag of the blocks
with the owning end of the absolute origin connection is set to indicate that an additional load operation is
necessary to reflect the new connection to the controller. Projected parameter may participate in a connection as
any parameter can.

Figure 120: Projected connection examples

20.6.1 Read-only connections

If a connection is made to a projected parameter with a defined absolute origin, an additional read-only
connection is created between the absolute origins. Read-only connections can't be created between projected
parameters or between projected parameter and inherent parameter.
The read-only connection can be loaded to the controller, but projected connections cannot. Making and
deleting a read-only connection sets the Delta Flag of the block that owns the absolute origin connection,
indicating that an additional load operation is necessarily if this block is in another CM/SCM.


20.6.2 Validation

Connection Validation
Connections with Projected If a projected connection is to be made and at least one end of the connection has no
Parameter when Absolute origins absolute origin defined, the connection will be allowed with the following validation:
are not defined
If the projected parameter has been exposed as a pin, a minimum validation will be
performed, that is, an input pin can't be connected to an input pin and an output pin
can't be connected to an output pin, regardless of what the origin parameter might be.
Other connection rules are applied when the absolute origin is defined.
Connections with Projected If a connection is made to a projected parameter and the absolute origin of the
Parameters, when Absolute origin parameter on both ends are defined, then the system must verify:
is defined
A read only connection can be made successfully between the absolute origins using
existing rules.
If the validation fails, then the connection may not be permitted.

20.6.3 Point Picker

The Point Picker displays projected parameters in the parameter list along with the block's standard parameters.
In the following screen capture of the Point Picker tool, the parameter MYALIAS on the right is a projected
parameter defined on pidloop.pida.

Figure 121: Projected Parameters in Point Picker

The Point Picker shows only the parameters of the contained blocks that include both contained basic blocks
and contained CMs/SCMs.


20.7 Using projected parameter for user templates

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Propagation “Propagation” on page 544
Scenarios and examples “Scenarios and examples”
on page 544

Related topics
“Propagation” on page 544
“Scenarios and examples” on page 544

20.7.1 Propagation
Projected parameter definitions are template defining and propagated from parent templates to derived
templates and instances. Origin assignment for a projected parameter is template defining if origin is defined,
and changes to the origin assignment in the template propagate to its derived templates and instances. Because
symbol attributes propagate and are template-defining, the pin and faceplate projected parameter assignments
automatically propagate to derived templates and instances.

20.7.2 Scenarios and examples

The following diagram is an example of projected parameters on templates. Template T1 is created and a
projected parameter, PP1, is defined on the template. Then template T2 is derived from template T1, and it
inherits projected parameter PP1 definition and its origin assignment to FB.X.
Next a projected parameter named PP2 is defined on the derived template T2 and assigned to FB.Y on T2. If
another projected parameter is defined on T1, it cannot be named PP2 because projected parameter definitions
are always template defining and will propagate to derived templates and instances.
Because of this conflict, the new projected parameter is named PP3 and assigned to origin parameter FB.Y. The
origin parameter assignment propagates to the derived template T2. Before allowing the assignment, the system
ensures that there is not a conflict on derived templates and instances. In this case, FB.Y is already assigned on
the derived template T2, but it is not connected so there are no rules preventing the multiple assignment.


Figure 122: Projected Parameters in Templates


20.8 Block operations involving Projected Parameter

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Loading block with projected connections “Loading block with
projected connections” on
page 546
Update to Project “Update to Project” on
page 546

Related topics
“Loading block with projected connections” on page 546
“Update to Project” on page 546

20.8.1 Loading block with projected connections

Loading of tagged block is allowed even if the origin blocks are not loaded. However, an error will occur if the
to-be-loaded CM has projected parameters with origin undefined, and the load will fail.

20.8.2 Update to Project

The containment relationship can't be changed once the hierarchy is loaded, so Update to Project operation does
not involve updates for containment relationship.
If a projected CM/SCM is updated to project, all its projected parameters are checked to ensure that the
projection chain downwards to the origin is valid, which includes the validation of both origin parameters and
projected connections.
If a projected connection is updated during the update operation, the corresponding read only connection is
updated as well on the project side.
Read only connections are not updated to project directly. Only projected connections will be updated.
If Update to Project operation fails for any reason, the projected parameter will remain, but the origins of the
projected parameter will be emptied.
When you perform an Update to Project operation from the Monitoring view, the template-defined attribute
values will not be modified. In addition, note that you do not get any error message stating that the attribute
values are not modified.


20.9 Reviewing Substitute Name dialog box

The Substitute Name dialog box is divided into two tabs with Substitute Blocks as the default tab.
The Substitute Blocks tab will contain a grid to assign substitute names for blocks.
Note: Substitute Block provides a placeholder for a tag name and Substitute Parameters provides a placeholder
for tag parameter or tab block parameter or parameter value while configuring a strategy. This provides the
clarity to resolve the configuring connections.

Figure 123: Substitute blocks tab

can navigate from a hyperlinked parameter that contains a Substitute block in the corresponding chart and the
Substitute Name List dialog box appears with the Substitute Blocks tab selected.
Similarly, when you click on a hyperlinked parameter that contains a Substitute parameter in the corresponding chart,
the Substitute Name List dialog box appears with the Substitute Parameters tab selected.

The Substitute Parameter tab will have a grid to support the substitute names for parameters (substitute
parameters). Substitute parameter names provide a placeholder for a parameter value; tag.parameter or
tag.block.parameter, where a substitute block name provides a placeholder for a tag or tag.block.


Figure 124: Substitute Parameters tab

20.9.1 Using the Point Picker

The Point Picker Dialog consists of three tabs:
• Points (Standard Point Selections)
• Substitute Blocks
• Substitute Parameters
In the Points tab shown below, AASubTest is the point selected and its associated parameter choices.


Figure 125: Points tab

The Substitute Blocks tab shows the substitute block names and their type. @MyThing3 is the substitute block
selected and the associated parameter list for type PID.

Figure 126: Substitute Blocks tab

In the Substitute Parameters tab shown below, @MyThing.PID1.PV is a substitute parameter.


Figure 127: Substitute Parameters tab

20.9.2 Resolve substitute connections

The Resolve Substitute Connections dialog box supports substitute blocks and parameters. Substitute
parameters must be assigned an origin before connections/names can be resolved. The Function Block column
will read N/A for substitute parameters.


20.10 Importing/exporting
This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Containment “Containment” on
page 551
Projected Parameter “Projected Parameter” on
page 551
Strategy Import/Export dialog box “Strategy Import/Export
dialog box” on page 552

Related topics
“Containment” on page 551
“Projected Parameter” on page 551
“Strategy Import/Export dialog box” on page 552

20.10.1 Containment
For instances, the Import/Export applies to the selected contained CM(s)/SCM(s). For user templates, Import/
Export is applied to both the selected CM(s) and its contained CM(s)/SCM(s) if any. Because the containment
relationship lives on the contained CM/SCM, if the container CM is imported after the contained CM/SCM is
imported, the containment relationship is not established.

20.10.2 Projected Parameter

For instances, the Import/Export applies to the selected contained CM(s)/SCM(s). For user templates, Import/
Export is applied to both the selected CM(s) and its contained CM(s)/SCM(s) if any. Because the containment
relationship lives on the contained CM/SCM, if the container CM is imported after the contained CM/SCM is
imported, the containment relationship is not established.
If a new parameter is added to a function block during development and the name conflicts with a projected
parameter name defined prior to this addition in a previous version of the Experion LX software, the new
developer defined parameter will be given precedence. The projected parameter is renamed and all references of
this projected parameter are updated.


20.10.3 Strategy Import/Export dialog box

Figure 128: Strategy Import Export dialog box

When Multiple is chosen in the Block Selection list, all Filter Types are displayed.
To set a Filter Type, select the Evaluate Filter button. Then select Xml Output from the Window selection list to
display the results of the Filter in the bottom window.

Case Validation
Filter Type = All Blocks Displays all the tagged, and basic blocks in the database
including blocks at all levels in a hierarchy.
Filter Type = All Tags Displays all the tagged blocks in the database including
tagged blocks at all levels in a hierarchy.
Filter Type = Contained, and entering a CM in the list box. Displays all the blocks contained by the CM.

For instance, if all the blocks in the database as seen using Control Builder are as shown in the first figure


Figure 129: Control Builder view of blocks

…the XML Output in the dialog box (with various Filter Type settings) should resemble the following figures:

Figure 130: View of XML Output, set to all blocks


Figure 131: View of XML Output, set to all tags

Figure 132: View of XML Output, set to contained


21 Appendix C - User templates

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Library tree overview “Library tree overview”
on page 556
Using the library tree “Using the library tree”
on page 558
Change Parent of user templates “Change Parent of user
templates” on page 564
Change Parent (Convert) for Custom Block Types “Change Parent
(Convert) for custom
block types” on
page 579
Propagation of attributes in user templates, sub-templates and instances “Propagation of
attributes in user
templates, sub-templates
and instances” on
page 588
Project/monitor overview “Project/monitor tree
overview” on page 594
Using control drawings “Using control
drawings” on page 596

Related topics
“Library tree overview” on page 556
“Using the library tree” on page 558
“Change Parent of user templates” on page 564
“Change Parent (Convert) for custom block types” on page 579
“Functional behavior of Reference blocks in a UDT” on page 587
“Propagation of attributes in user templates, sub-templates and instances” on page 588
“Project/monitor tree overview” on page 594
“Using control drawings” on page 596


21.1 Library tree overview

Template libraries are viewed as trees in Control Builder. New template libraries can be created and named, and
templates can be moved into these libraries.
Two views of template libraries are available:
• Derivation View - All derived templates are shown as children of the template they are derived from, and in
their current user library.
• Containment View - Shows the libraries and their templates in list form. Container templates will show their
contained basic blocks.

21.1.1 Derivation View

The following figure shows a tree with Derivation View. Note that some templates appear twice in this view;
once under the system template from which they are ultimately derived and once under the user library in which
it currently resides. User basic block templates (also known as “standalone” templates) also show up in two
In this example, CMT12, CMT13 and CMT14 are all derived from the system template CONTROLMODULE.
CMT144 is derived from CMT14. GENLINTLVL1 is a function block template derived from the GENLIN
system template. CMT13, CMT14 and CMT144 appear under both the SYSTEM library and the USER library.

Figure 133: Derivation View


21.1.2 Containment View

The following figure shows a tree with Containment View. Note that templates placed into the user library
appear in this view under USER. Note that even though CMT144 was derived from CMT14, it appears at the
same level in this view.


21.2 Using the library tree

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Switch between Derivation and Containment View “Switch between Derivation and Containment
View” on page 559
Configure Module Parameters (user templates only) “Configure Module Parameters (user templates
only)” on page 559
Open control drawing for edit (user templates only), allowed for SCM “Open control drawing for edit (user templates
and CM templates only), allowed for SCM and CM templates” on
page 559
Copy (user templates only) “Copy (user templates only)” on page 559
Move library (user templates only) “Move library (user templates only)” on page 559
Specialize “Specialize” on page 559
Instantiate (as a tree operation, this applies to container blocks only) “Instantiate (as a tree operation, this applies to
container blocks only)” on page 560
Promote (user function block templates only) “Promote (function block user templates only)”
on page 560
Delete (user templates only) “Delete (user templates only)” on page 560
Delete library (not functional in this release) “Delete library (not functional in this release)” on
page 560
Identification “Identification tab” on page 560
Dependencies “Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on
page 561
Import/export template (user templates only) “Import/export template (user templates only)” on
page 563
Move library (not functional in this release) “Move library (not functional in this release)” on
page 563

Related topics
“Switch between Derivation and Containment View” on page 559
“Configure Module Parameters (user templates only)” on page 559
“Open control drawing for edit (user templates only), allowed for SCM and CM templates” on page 559
“Copy (user templates only)” on page 559
“Move library (user templates only)” on page 559
“Specialize” on page 559
“Instantiate (as a tree operation, this applies to container blocks only)” on page 560
“Promote (function block user templates only)” on page 560
“Delete (user templates only)” on page 560
“Delete library (not functional in this release)” on page 560
“Identification tab” on page 560
“Dependencies tab - configure parameters” on page 561
“Import/export template (user templates only)” on page 563
“Move library (not functional in this release)” on page 563


21.2.1 Switch between Derivation and Containment View

Most operations supported from the Library Tree are limited to independent objects.

Honeywell system templates cannot be modified, deleted, or copied. They can only be specialized and instantiated.

• Menu item: View > Derivation View, View > Containment View
• Right-click mouse: select Derivation View or Containment View

21.2.2 Configure Module Parameters (user templates only)

• Menu item: Edit > Module Properties…
• Right-click mouse: select Module Properties…

21.2.3 Open control drawing for edit (user templates only), allowed for SCM and CM templates
• Menu item: File > Open
• Double-click to open chart.
• Right-click mouse: Open Chart

21.2.4 Copy (user templates only)

Within a user template, Honeywell template library tree, or between library trees a new block can be created
with same derivation hierarchy as original block. (Copy differs from Specialization in this regard.)
• Drag and Drop: CTRL + mouse drag/drop
• Copy and Paste: CTRL-C + CTRL-V
• Right-click mouse > select Copy
• Menu item: Edit > Copy / Edit > Paste
• Multiple basic blocks may be selected for copy by clicking the mouse on the objects while holding the Shift
key, or drawing a selection rectangle

21.2.5 Move library (user templates only)

Templates may be moved between user libraries or from a system library to any user library. Templates may
only be moved from a user library to a system library if the template is ultimately derived from a system
template in that library
• Drag and Drop: CTRL + mouse drag/drop

21.2.6 Specialize
Within a user template or Honeywell template library tree: A new block is created that is derived from the
original block. (Specialize differs from Copy in this regard.)
• Right-click mouse > Make Template
• Menu item: Templates > Make Template from xxx (where xxx is name of selected block)


21.2.7 Instantiate (as a tree operation, this applies to container blocks only)
• Drag and Drop: CTRL + mouse drag/drop
• Right-click mouse > Instantiate
• Menu item: Templates > Make Template from xxx (where xxx is name of selected block)

21.2.8 Promote (function block user templates only)

Make an independent template from an embedded function block template.
• Right-click mouse > Promote
• Menu item: Templates > Make Template from xxx (where xxx is name of selected block)

21.2.9 Delete (user templates only)

This deletes only the user template. If there are any derived templates and instantiated children - this operation
is not allowed.
• DEL key on keyboard
• Right-click mouse > Delete
• Menu item: Edit > Delete
One or more blocks may be selected. For Delete to complete, the templates must be confirmed by name.

21.2.10 Delete library (not functional in this release)

Deletes the library and contained templates only if instances or specialized templates don't exist in other
libraries. Honeywell static libraries cannot be deleted. CCL libraries can be deleted if no instances or specialized
templates in other libraries exist.
• DEL key on keyboard
• Right-click mouse > Delete
• Menu item: Edit > Delete
One or more blocks may be selected. For Delete to complete, the libraries must be confirmed by name.

21.2.11 Identification tab

The Identification tab is located on the configuration parameters form. The following information will be
presented on the tab:


The values of template-defining parameters (that is, template-defining attributes defined at this level of the
derivation hierarchy) are be shown in bold text. Any change of this value will propagate to all derived templates
and instances.
The values of template-defined parameters (that is, those labeled as template-defining at a higher level) are
grayed out and in bold text.

21.2.12 Dependencies tab - configure parameters

The Dependencies tab is on the configure parameters form. Selecting the Dependencies tab brings up the
following dialog, which shows the derivation hierarchy of this template and the sub-templates and instances that
are dependent on it.
• The derivation hierarchy (the list of base templates, and base templates of the base templates, ultimately
winding back to the original Honeywell system template).
• A list of sub-templates derived from the template.
• A list of instances instantiated from the template and their current life cycle state (loaded, assigned).
Template names are preceded by their library name. Column widths may be adjusted to view longer library and
template names. The list may be sorted by dependency type, life cycle state, or the module name. The tree view
shows the exact derivation relationship of all dependants.


Figure 134: Dependencies tab, List View


Figure 135: Dependencies tab, Tree View

21.2.13 Import/export template (user templates only)

• Menu item: File > Import, File > Export

21.2.14 Move library (not functional in this release)

Moves library to another tab window.
• Drag and Drop: (CTRL + mouse drag/drop) to another tab window. Confirm the move when prompted.


21.3 Change Parent of user templates

Use the following procedure to change the current derivation parent of one or more user-defined templates or
instances of user defined templates with a new template.
The Change Parent wizard is invoked to change the current derivation parent template of:
• a user defined template,
• a sub-templates or instances of user defined template,
• a standalone template embedded in a user template that was not inherited from the parent of the user
When using the Change Parent wizard, you should select the user defined template or instance of user defined
template for which the change parent operation are desired. There may be other instances or sub-templates of
the block's parent that may also be changed. You also can select the parent of the block for which a Change
Parent operation is desired.

Log onto Control Builder with sufficient security level to make control strategy changes and the User Templates
Licensed Option is required to use the Change Parent Wizard.

• You have created user defined template of the same or similar block type in the Library tab of Control
• The Change Parent wizard will guide through the following operations:
– Select template or instances to change the current derivation parent,
– Select the new parent template to change the current derivation parent,
– Initiate change parent validation of the change parent for each template or instance selected,
– Initiate change parent operation of the selected templates or instances, and
– Display errors and warnings as appropriate.
• The wizard validates whether changing the parent of a certain template or instance with the selected new
parent template is acceptable. Errors and/or warnings may be generated during this operation.
• The wizard performs the change parent operation for each selected template or instance with the selected
new parent template. Errors and/or warnings may be generated during this operation.

Related topics
“Using Change Parent wizard” on page 564
“Change Parent wizard description” on page 569

21.3.1 Using Change Parent wizard

Do not change the content or structure of the ERDB with respect to user-defined templates while the Change
Parent Wizard is in operation.
The system does not prevent the ERDB from being modified, or blocks from being locked that are needed by an
open Change Parent Wizard.
If the problem is one of database structure change while the wizard is in progress, it is possible for the wizard to
present information, including selection possibilities for objects that have since been removed from the ERDB. If
the wizard property page does not have valid selections, immediately exit the wizard, and DO NOT select objects
that are no longer contained in the ERDB.


All the illustrations used in the following procedure are for example purposes only. A “Change Parent wizard
description” on page 569 of the fields and options in the Change Parent wizard follows this procedure.
1 In the Project tab, select a instance of user defined template of which you want change the parent.
In the Library tab, select a template of which you want change the parent.
2 In the Template menu, click Change Parent… to launch the wizard.
(You can also right-click on template or instances of user defined template and select Change Parent … from
the pop-up menu list.)

3 Click on the appropriate option. Change the Parent of - Selected item or Child of Selected item.
4 Check that all desired templates or instances are listed in the Available Controls column. Select control(s)
in the column and click the Select button to move selected controls to the Selected Controls column. Or,
just click the Select All button to move all the listed controls to the Selected Controls column.
(Use the Remove or Remove All button to remove one or all selected controls from the Selected Controls
column, as needed.)
5 On the right side of the page, click the appropriate option. Show Parent Hierarchy or Show Parent
Hierarchy and its Peers or Show all Parents from USER library determine what templates are shown in
the Tree View and List View.
6 In the Tree View or List View tab, select a new parent template.


7 Click the Next > button to navigate to Validation page.


8 Click the Validate button to initiate the validation of change parent operation.
9 Wait for the validation process to be completed one selected control at a time. Note any errors or warnings
that may be displayed. Only controls with no errors will be allowed to change parent.
(Click the Cancel button to exit the operation and start over after making any necessary corrections.)
10 Check or uncheck the check box in the Select column to select the controls to change parent. All controls
that passed validation are automatically selected, and those that failed cannot be selected.

11 Click the View Change Parent Log button to call up the CP_Log to review validation results.
12 Click the Next> button to navigate to Change Parent page.


13 Confirm that the controls selected to change parent are listed in the Summary list box.
14 Click the Change Parent button to initiate the change parent operation.
15 Wait for the change parent operation to be completed sequentially one control at a time. Note any errors or
warnings that may be displayed. Only controls with no errors will be changed.
(Click the Cancel button to exit the operation and start over after making any necessary corrections.)
16 Check that the Status for each selected control turns to Success, when the operation is completed.


17 Click the View Change Parent Log button to call up the CP_LOG to review change parent results.
If the message includes an error code reference, see the Control Builder Error Code Reference document for
more information. For example, if the message includes a reference like, [EXPKS_E_CL_INVLCYCST
(4L.101.10110)], the last five digits (10110) represent the error code.
18 Click the DONE button to close the wizard. If applicable, correct any errors and repeat the procedure.

21.3.2 Change Parent wizard description

The Change Parent wizard provides a means to select, validate and change the parent of User Defined
Templates (UDTs) and instances which are derived from UDTs. UDTs and instances may include custom block
types, like Phase blocks, Custom Data Blocks (CDB) and Custom Algorithm Blocks (CAB).
The wizard has three stages of operation and is presented in 3 dialog pages. 1.) The scope selection page lets
you select the scope of the parent template change. 2.) The wizard validates the selections which were made in
the scope selection page. 3.) The wizard performs a change parent operation for selected controls that were
validated successfully.
“Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 illustrates a Derivation view of USER Library illustrates a Derivation
view of the USER library showing typical relationship of user templates. In this example, UDT_B2 is the
selected control to change parent.


Figure 136: Derivation view of USER Library

Change Parent wizard for User-Defined Templates

When you choose ‘Change Parent …’ from the Templates menu, the Change Parent wizard is launched and the
Change Parent scope selection page is displayed. See Figure 2 This page allows you to define the scope of the
selected UDTs or instances to change their current parent to a new parent.


Figure 137: Change Parent wizard - Scope selection page

The Scope page features are described in the following tables.

Feature Description
Selected Control Shows the selected UDT or instance.
Current Parent Template Shows the current derivation parent of the selected UDT or instance
Select Scope of Change Parent - Change the Parent of -
Selected item Selecting this option shows the UDT or instance name in the Available Controls list, which was
selected from the library or project tree using “Change Parent” menu item. This is the default
option. See Notes.
Child of Selected item Selecting this option shows the sub-template or instance of the selected control in the Available
Controls list; that is, children of the selected control. See Notes.
Available Controls Lists the selected control or children of the selected control and allows single and multiple
selections from the list. Clicking on the column header sorts the list alphabetically.
Selected Controls Lists the controls selected from the Available Controls list and allows single and multiple
selections from the list. Clicking on the column header sorts the list alphabetically.

• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on a UDT which has derivation children, then the options ‘Selected
Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ are shown on the wizard page.
• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on a UDT which does not have derivation children, then the
options ‘Selected Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ are not shown on the page. The selected template
is shown in Available Controls list to change the parent.


• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on an instance derived from the UDT, then the options ‘Selected
Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ are not shown on the wizard page. The selected instance is shown
in Available Controls list to change the parent.
Buttons on the scope selection page allow you to select controls from the Available Controls list and then add or
remove them from the Selected Controls list.

Select New Parent

You can select the new parent template from the list in the ‘Select New Parent’ box on the right side of the
Scope selection page. The available templates in this list are based on the choices made in the ‘Select Scope of
Parent Change’ box and the option selected in the ‘Select New Parent’ box. The options are described in the
table below.
The Tree View tab is selected by default and shows the available new parent template(s) in a hierarchical tree
structure. The current parent template of the available controls will also be shown on the tree/list view, but it is
unavailable for selection.
The List View shows the new parent template(s) in list view structure with Library and Block Name columns.
You can select only one new parent template from Tree or List View. Example for List View is shown in Figure
The options for “Select New Parent” box, are explained in the following table.

Radio option Description

Show Parent Hierarchy Shows the templates in the new parent list, which are in the selected control's derivation
hierarchy. This is the default option. Rules for this option are:
• The parents, grandparent or great-grandparent of selected control(s) will be shown.
• Peers to the selected control(s) will not be shown.
• Sub-templates of peers will not be shown.
• Other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type will not be
• Sub-templates of other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type
will not be shown.
• Sub-templates of the selected control(s) will not be shown, since a child can not be a new
parent to its current parent.
Show Parent Hierarchy Shows the templates in the new parent list, which are in the selected control's derivation
and Peers hierarchy and peers of the selected template. Rules for this option are:
• The parents, grandparent or great-grandparent of selected control(s) will be shown.
• Peers to the selected control(s) will be shown.
• Sub-templates of peers will be shown.
• Other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type will not be
• Sub-templates of other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type
will not be shown.
• Sub-templates of the selected control(s) will not be shown, since a child can not be a new
parent to its current parent.


Radio option Description

Show all Parents from Shows the possible templates from the USER library in the new parent list, which are of same
USER library type as the selected control. For example, if an SCM type UDT is selected to change the parent
to new, then this option will list all the SCM UDTs in the USER library. Rules for this option
• The parents, grandparent or great-grandparent of selected control(s) will be shown.
• Peers to the selected control(s) will be shown.
• Sub-templates of peers will be shown.
• Other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type will be shown.
• Sub-templates of other templates (which are not in same derivation hierarchy) of same type
will be shown.
• Sub-templates of the selected control(s) will not be shown, since a child can not be a new
parent to its current parent.

Figure 138: Scope selection page showing available controls for change parent

Field Description
View Change Parent Log Opens a window showing the events of the current Change
Parent wizard session.
Next > Navigates to the Validation page where selected item(s) can be validated for the change parent
Note: The selected controls are locked (so that no changes to the selected controls can be made
during validation) while the change parent selections are being validated. When locked, these
controls cannot be used by other users in a multi-user Control Builder environment.


Field Description
Cancel Allows you to cancel the action and closes the Change Parent wizard.

Change Parent Validation

The Validation page shows validation details of change parent selections made in the Scope page. The selected
controls are listed with the validation status.
The new parent template can be a grandparent or peer or other template of same type. So, the validation will
vary based on the new parent selection. Once you click on Validate, the wizard performs a validation of the
items listed in the grid. A successful validation is shown in the status column as ‘Validated.’ Details of the
validation operation (successful or failed) are viewed in the Validation Results window. You must click on the
selected control in the grid entry to view the validation details for that selected control. The details shown on
this page help you to see the effect of change parent operation for the selected controls before actually
performing the operation.

Figure 139: Validation Page of Change Parent

Field Description
Current Parent Template Shows the name of the parent template which is currently parent of the selected controls.
New Parent Template Shows the name of the new parent template that was selected in the Scope Selection page.

Columns in the summary grid are described in the following table.

Column Name Description

Index A number given to the selected control for validation.


Column Name Description

Selected Control Shows the control name that was selected in Scope Selection page to change parent.
Status Shows the validation status for each selected control, which can be any of the following:
• Not Validated - Validation has not started for the selected control.
• In Progress - Validation of change parent of the selected control is in progress.
• Validated - Validation has completed without error and no warnings.
• Warning - Validation has completed without error but with a warning.
• Failed - Validation has failed due to an error or a lock failure (Control was unable to be
locked by the wizard for validation to run.
Type Indicates the selected control type, which can be either Template or Instance.
Preventing Lock Indicates the object that prevented the selected control(s) from being locked prior to validation
if the control(s) could not be locked.
Prevented By If an object prevented the control lock from occurring, the userid of the user is shown who is
currently using the object and prevented the wizard from obtaining the lock.
Select Check box is used to confirm the selection for the Change Parent operation and is checked by
default for the controls which indicate a status of ‘Validated.’ The check box is disabled for
controls that show a status of ‘Failed.’

General validation status and details are displayed below in the summary grid. The following buttons allow you
to navigate the other pages in the wizard once the validation operation is completed. “Checkpoint file attributes”
on page 703 shows the Validation page with the status “Validation complete”.

Button Description
Next > Navigates to the Action Summary Page which shows all controls that were successfully
validated and selected to change parent. The selected controls remain locked for the change
parent operation and cannot be changed by other users. Unselected and failed status controls
during validation are not shown on this page and are released from lock. If a control's status is
failed due to a lock by other user, then that lock remains unchanged.
< Back Navigates to the previous scope selection page. Selected controls are released from lock.


Figure 140: Validation page showing status: Validation Complete

Change Parent Action Summary

The Action Summary page, shown in “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 shows the change parent details
for the controls selected in the previous validation page. The new parent template can be a grandparent or peer
or other template of the same type. So, the Change Parent operation will vary based on the new parent selection.


Figure 141: Action Summary Page

Field Description
Old Parent Template Shows the name of the original parent template of the selected control.
New Parent Template Shows the name of the new parent template that was selected in the scope page.

The Change Parent status is shown below the Summary grid. The Summary grid shows the change parent
details for selected controls. The columns in the Summary grid are described in following table.

Column Name Description

Index A number given to the selected control for change parent operation.
Selected Control Shows the control name selected in Validation page to change parent
Status Indicates the change parent status for each control, which can be any of the following:
• Unchanged - Change parent operation has not started
• In Progress - Change parent operation for the old control template is in progress.
• Success - Change parent operation has completed without error and no warnings.
• Warning - Change parent operation has completed without error but with a warning.
• Failed - An error caused change parent operation to fail.
Type Indicates the selected control type, which can be either Template or Instance.

Below the summary grid a Status field shows the current operation of the change parent wizard. The functions
available on the Action Summary page are described in the following table.


Button Description
< Back Navigates to the previous validation page.
View Change Parent Log Opens a window showing the events of the current Change
Parent wizard session.
DONE When active indicates the change parent wizard has completed the change parent operation.
Clicking on the button will close the wizard and the Change Parent page.

The results of the change parent operation are shown in the window at the bottom of the page and are reflected
in the USER library. Any changes to the new parent are propagated to the sub-templates and instances.
The Action summary page of Change Parent for the status “Change Parent complete” is shown in “Checkpoint
file attributes” on page 703.

Figure 142: Action Summary showing status: Change Parent Complete


21.4 Change Parent (Convert) for custom block types

Change parent operation for Custom Block Types (CBT) is also known as ‘Function Block Convert’ and is used
to convert a custom block type (such as CAB, CDB and PHASE block) from one type to another type. The
following convert operations are supported:
• CDB block to CDB convert
• CDB block to CAB convert
• CAB block to CAB convert
• CAB block to CDB convert
• Phase block to Phase block convert

21.4.1 Terminology for custom block types

See the following figure to understand the specific terms used in this section. PHASE_LIB_1_TYPE1,
PHASE_LIB_1_TYPE2, PHASE_LIB_1_TYPE3 and PHASE_LIB_1_TYPE4 are called direct CBT types. A
template of the direct type is called first generation UDT.

The convert operation can be performed on any of the following block types:
• First generation UDT (derived directly from Phase block, CDB and CAB) from the library tree.
• Instances of custom block types (derived directly from Phase block, CDB and CAB) from the project tree or
library tree.
• Directly on type (To convert its children to another type) from the library tree.

21.4.2 Change Parent wizard for custom block types

The Change Parent wizard for custom block types provide a means to select, validate and change the parent of
CBT from one type to another type.
The wizard has three stages of operation and is presented in 3 dialog pages. 1.) The scope selection page lets
you select the scope of the parent template change. 2.) The wizard validates the template selections made in the
scope selection page. 3.) The wizard performs a change parent operation for controls that were validated
When you choose ‘Change Parent …’ from the Templates menu, the Change Parent wizard is launched and the
Change Parent scope selection page is displayed. See Figure 8. This page allows you to define the scope of the
selected custom block types or instances to convert from one type to another type.


Figure 143: Change Parent wizard - Scope selection page

The scope selection page features are described in the following tables.

Feature Description
Selected Control Shows the selected custom block type or instance.
Current Parent Template Shows the current parent of the selected custom block type or instance
Select Scope of Change Parent - Change the Parent of -
Selected item Selecting this option shows the first generation UDT of the type in the Available Controls list,
which was selected from the library or project tree using “Change Parent” menu item. This is
the default option. See Notes.
Child of Selected item Selecting this option shows the sub-template or instance of the selected control in the Available
Controls list that is, children of the selected control. See Notes.
Available Controls Lists the selected control or children of the selected control and allows single and multiple
selections from the list. Clicking on the column header sorts the list alphabetically.
Selected Controls Lists the controls selected from the Available Controls list and allows single and multiple
selections from the list. Clicking on the column header sorts the list alphabetically.


• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on a direct CBT type, then the options ‘Selected Control’ and ‘Child of
Selected Control’ are not shown on the page. The children of the selected type are shown in the Available Controls
• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on a first generation UDT which has derivation children, then the options
‘Selected Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ is shown on the page. In this case, the first option ‘Selected
Control’ performs a convert operation for first generation UDT, and the second option, ‘Child of Selected Control’
performs a change parent operation since the children are not directly derived from the type.
• If you select ‘Change Parent’ menu item on first generation UDT which does not have derivation children, then
the options ‘Selected Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ are not shown on the page. The convert operation is
performed for the selected first generation UDT.
• If you select “Change Parent” menu item on an instance which is directly derived from the type, then the options
‘Selected Control’ and ‘Child of Selected Control’ are not shown on the page. The convert operation is performed
for the selected instance.

Buttons on the scope page allow you to select items from the Available Controls list and then add or remove
them from the Selected Controls list.

Button Description
Select > Adds the selected item from Available Controls list to Selected Controls list.
Select All >> Adds all items from Available Controls list to Selected Controls list.
< Remove Removes a selected item from Selected Controls list.
<< Remove All Removes all items from Selected Controls list.

Select New Parent

You can select CBT as a new parent from the list in the ‘Select New Parent’ box on the right side of the scope
selection page. The available custom block types in this list are based on the choices made in the ‘Select Scope
of Parent Change’ box and the option selected in the ‘Select New Parent’ box. The options are described in the
table below.
The Tree View tab is selected by default and shows the new parent CBT in a hierarchical tree structure. The
current parent CBT of the available controls is also shown on the tree/list view, but it is unavailable for
The List View shows the new parent CBT in list view structure with Library and Block Name columns. You can
select only one new parent CBT from Tree or List View. Example for Tree View is shown in Figure 9.
The options for “Select New Parent” box are described in the following table.

Radio option Description

Show Parents from same Shows different custom block types in the new parent list, which are in the same library of
library selected control. This option is selected by default.
Show Parents from all Shows different custom block types in the new parent list, which is in the same library of
libraries selected control as well as from different libraries. The same option is used for CAB to CDB
and CDB to CAB convert.


Figure 144: Scope selection page showing Tree View

Button Description
View Change Parent Log Opens a window showing the events of the current Change
Parent wizard session.
Validate Initiate the validation operation.
Back Go back to the previous dialog. Selected controls are released from lock.
Next > Navigates to the Validation page where selected item(s) can be validated for the change parent
Note: The selected controls are locked (so that no changes to the selected controls can be made
during validation) while the change parent selections are being validated. When locked, these
controls cannot be used by other users in a multi-user Control Builder environment.
Cancel Allows you to cancel the action and closes the Change Parent wizard.

Change Parent Validation

The Validation page shows change parent validation details of selections made in the Scope selection page. The
selected control is listed with the validation status. The Summary grid on this page helps you to see the effect of
change parent/convert operation for the selected controls before actually performing the operation.


Figure 145: Validation page

Field Description
Current Parent Template Shows the name of the parent template which is currently the parent of the selected controls.
New Parent Template Shows the name of the new parent template that was selected in the previous Change Parent

The Summary grid shows the validation details for selected controls. Columns in the summary grid are
described in the following table.

Column name Description

Index A number given to the selected control for validation.
Selected Control Shows the control name that was selected in Scope Selection page to convert.
Status Shows the validation status for each selected control, which can be any of the following:
• Not Validated - Validation has not started for the selected control.
• In Progress - Validation of change parent of the selected control is in progress.
• Validated - Validation has completed without error and no warnings.
• Warning - Validation has completed without error but with a warning.
• Failed - Validation has failed due to an error or a lock failure (Control was unable to be
locked for validation to run).
Type Indicates the selected control type, which can be either Template or Instance.
Preventing Object Indicates the object which prevented the selected control(s) from being locked prior to
validation if the control(s) could not be locked.


Column name Description

Prevented By If an object prevented the control lock from occurring, the userid of the user is shown who is
currently using the object and prevented the wizard from obtaining the lock.
Select Check box is used to confirm the convert/change parent operation and is checked by default for
the controls which indicate a status of “Validated.“ The check box is disabled for controls that
show a status of “Failed.”

General validation status and details are displayed below in the summary grid. The following buttons allow you
to navigate the other pages in the wizard once the validation operation is completed. Figure 11 shows the
Validation page with the status “Validation complete”.

Field Description
Next > Navigates to the Action Summary Page which shows all controls that were successfully
validated and selected to change parent. The selected controls remain locked for the convert/
change parent operation and cannot be changed by other users. Unselected and failed status
controls are not shown on this page. If a control's status is failed due to a lock by other user,
then that lock remains unchanged.
< Back Navigates to the previous scope selection page. Selected controls are released from lock.

Figure 146: Validation page showing status: Validation Complete

Change Parent Action Summary

The Action Summary page, shown in
“Figure 147: Action Summary page” shows the convert/change parent operation details for the selected controls
in the previous validation page.


Figure 147: Action Summary page

Field Description
Old Parent Template Shows the name of the original parent CBT of the selected control.
New Parent Template Shows the name of the new parent CBT that was selected in the scope selection page.

The Convert/Change Parent status is shown below the Summary grid. The Summary grid shows the convert/
change parent details for selected controls. The columns in the summary grid are described in the following

Field Description
Index A number given to the selected control for convert/change parent operation.
Selected Control Shows the control name selected in Validation page to change parent
Status Shows the convert/change parent status for each selected control, which can be any of the
• Unchanged - change parent operation is not started
• In Progress - during change parent operation
• Success - No error and no warning from the change parent operation
• Warning - No error but some warning from the change parent operation
• Failed - Error from the change parent operation
Type Indicates the selected control type, which can be either Template or Instance.


Below the summary grid a Status field indicates the current operation of the change parent wizard. The buttons
available on the Action Summary page are described in the following table.

Button Description
< Back Navigates to the previous validation page.
View Change Parent Log Opens a window showing the events of the current Change
Parent wizard session.
DONE When active indicates the change parent wizard has completed the change parent operation.
Clicking on the button will close the wizard and the Change Parent page.

The results of the convert/change parent operation are shown in the window at the bottom of the page and are
reflected in the USER library.
The Action summary page of Change Parent for the status “Change Parent complete” is shown in the Figure 13.

Figure 148: Action Summary showing status: Change Parent Completed


21.5 Functional behavior of Reference blocks in a UDT

User defined templates (UDT) of Reference blocks are also created using the “Make Template” option. You can
create the UDT using the Reference blocks with the desired REFTYPE value and then configure the Reference
blocks in the CM.

Configuration of Reference blocks in a UDT for I/O channels

To configure the Reference blocks when the REFTYPE is set as “SERIES_C_IO” or “PMIO,” you must adhere
to the following guidelines.
• The value of Channel Type (CHANTYPE) and Reference (REF) parameters cannot be set in the UDT.
• The REFTYPE, CHANTYPE, and the REF parameters cannot be made as template defining in UDTs.

Configuration of Reference blocks in a UDT for parameter values

To configure the Reference blocks when the REFTYPE is set as “PARAMETER,” you must adhere to the
following guidelines.
• The value of REF parameter can be set only to a substitute name if the REFTYPE is set as “PARAMETER”
in a UDT. You can set the REF parameter in one of the following formats.
– @Substituteblockname.Parameter
– @Substitute Parameter
• The value of CHANTYPE parameters cannot be set in the UDT.
• The REFTYPE, CHANTYPE, and the REF parameters cannot be made as template defining in UDTs.

Propagation of REFTYPE, CHANTYPE, and REF parameters from parent UDTs

• The value of REFTYPE, CHANTYPE, and the REF parameters does not propagate to sub-templates and
instances even if the “Use Conditional Propagation From Templates” check box is selected in the “System
Preferences ”dialog.
• Newly created sub-templates and instances obtain the values of REFTYPE, CHANTYPE and REF
parameters as set in the parent UDT. Any modification made to these parameters in the parent UDT does not
propagate thereafter.
To set the values for these parameters in all instances and sub-templates of the parent UDT, use the “Bulk
Edit Parameters” work flow available in the “Bulk Configuration Tools.”
For more information about the “Bulk Edit Parameters” work flow, see Bulk Configuration Tools Help.


21.6 Propagation of attributes in user templates, sub-templates and

Experion LX provides the flexibility to make changes to user-defined templates (UDTs) without propagating
these changes to sub-templates and instances. Users need to make a copy of the original UDT and then make
changes to the copied template. Testing can be performed on the copied UDT to verify desired operation. Then,
using the Change Parent wizard, the copied UDT can become the parent to sub-templates and instances of the
original UDT. Any changes made in the new parent template are then propagated to the templates and instances.
The following system templates and basic blocks support this flexible change parent feature for UDTs:
• Control Module, (CM)
• Sequential Control Module, (SCM)
• Recipe Control Module, (RCM)
• Unit Control Module, (UCM)
• Basic blocks like REGCTL, AUXILIARY, LOGIC, STEP, etc.
The propagation of changes to UDTs, sub-templates and instances using the Copy and Change Parent operations
are described in the following sections. The addition and deletion of blocks within templates, changes to
graphical connections in control modules and parameter propagation are described with examples.

21.6.1 Change Parent wizard

The ‘Change Parent’ menu item is used to invoke a wizard which can change the parent template of:
• A container user template,
• A stand-alone template embedded in a user template that was not inherited from the parent of the user
• A sub-template and instances derived from a user template, or
• An embedded block contained in a strategy that was derived from a user defined stand-alone template.
See Change template section for more information invoking and using the Change Parent wizard.

21.6.2 Propagation rules

The addition and deletion of blocks and changes to graphical connections are propagated to sub-templates and
instance of UDTs according to these rules:
Embedded blocks and graphical connections are always considered Template-Defining in parent template.
• Additions and deletions of blocks and graphical connections in the template are always propagated to sub
templates and instances.
• Blocks, Graphical connections and parameter connections cannot be deleted and moved in sub-templates
and instances if it is propagated from parent template.
The following sections provide more detail on the propagation of user template attributes to templates, sub-
templates and instances.

21.6.3 Blocks
The parent of a template, its sub-template or instance is changed to system template in derivation hierarchy
which does not have all blocks that are in the original template, the blocks are not deleted.
When the parent of a sub-template or instance is changed to a modified copy of the parent template which is not
in derivation hierarchy and the template-defined blocks in the sub-template or instance are not present in the
new parent, those blocks are deleted. Blocks that are present in the new parent are added as template-defined
blocks to the sub-template or instance.


Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 containing 3 PID blocks (PIDA, PIDB and PIDC). Create one
instance of the template CM_IN1. Make a copy of the original template called CM_UT1_COPY1. Delete the
block PIDC from CM_UT1_COPY1. Change the parent of CM_IN1 to CM_UT1_COPY1. Now, the instance
CM_IN1 shows that PIDC block is deleted and the parameters that are used in the wire connections to/from the
deleted block are deleted. The parameter connections or expressions show a ‘dangling’ connection.

21.6.4 Propagation of Template-Defining and Non-Template-Defining Parameters

Propagation of Template-Defining Parameters

Parameters which are template-defining in the new parent (copy of original template) are added as template-
defined parameters to its new sub-templates and instances if the parent of these template and sub-template
changed to the new parent (copy of original template).
Example: Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 and define the ‘DESC’ parameter as a template-
defining parameter with the value ‘Control Module.’ Derive a sub-template of CM_UT1, called CM_UT1_ST1
and an instance, CM_UT1_IN1. The sub-template CM_UT1_ST1 and instance CM_UT1_IN1 have the
template-defined parameter ‘DESC.’ Create a copy of the original template, called CM_UT1_COPY1 and
define the parameter ‘EUDESC’ as a template-defining parameter with the value ‘Control Module - EU.’
Change the parent of sub-template CM_UT1_ST1and instance CM_UT1_IN1 to CM_UT1_COPY1. The
parameter ‘EUDESC’ is propagated to both the sub-template and instance as a template-defined parameter.
Note that the parameter ‘DESC’ exists in the instance CM_UT1_IN1 (as template-defined) and in the new
parent CM_UT1_COPY1. When the ‘DESC’ parameter is propagated to the instance from the new parent, the
value is overwritten with the value from the new parent.

Propagation of Non-Template Defining Parameters

Non-template defining parameter values are propagated according to the following two conditions,
1. If parameter is not template-defining and the “Use Conditional Propagation From Template” option is
2. If parameter is not template-defining and the “Use Conditional Propagation From Template” option is
Note that if the #8220;Use Conditional Propagation From Templates” option is enabled, changes to default
parameters are propagated to sub-templates and instances. Default parameters are those parameters associated
with a template that are not declared as template-defining.
This option is found on the “Setting system preferences” on page 491 dialog.

Non-template defining parameter when the “Use Conditional Propagation From Template” is disabled
If a copy of the original template is made the parent of the original templates, sub-templates and instances, then
the parameter value which is changed from default is not propagated from copy of the template to the original
templates, sub-templates and instances, if the “Use Conditional Propagation From Template” option is disabled.

Non-template defining parameter when the Use Conditional Propagation From Template option is enabled
The value propagation for the parameter which is not template defining and “Use Conditional Propagation From
Template” option enabled is illustrated in the following examples.
Set up for examples: Create user templates of PID block as shown in “Figure 149: Figure”. The PID parameter
‘PVEUHI’ is not a template-defining or template-defined parameter in any of the below templates. The
parameter ‘PVEUHI’ value is 100 by default for the templates PID_UT1, PID_UT2 and PID_UT1_COPY1.
The same parameter value is 99 for the templates PID_UT3 and PID_UT4. Note that the conditional
propagation relation for parameter ‘PVEUHI’ does not exist between PID_UT2 and PID_UT3 templates
because the parameter value is different for PID_UT2 and PID_UT3.


Figure 149: Figure

Example 1: In the above derivation hierarchy, the parameter ‘PVEUHI’ value of 100 is not propagated to
PID_UT3 if the PID_UT1_COPY1 is made as new parent of PID_UT3. This is because the parameter
‘PVEUHI’ of PID_UT3 does not have conditional propagation relation with its original parent's (PID_UT2)
parameter “PVEUHI”.
Example 2:In the above derivation hierarchy, the parameter ‘PVEUHI’ value of 100 is propagated to PID_UT4
if the PID_UT1_COPY1 is made as new parent of PID_UT4. This is because ‘PVEUHI’ of PID_UT4 has
conditional propagation relation with its original parent's (PID_UT3) parameter ‘PVEUHI’. The parameter
‘PVEUHI’ of PID_UT4 keeps the conditional propagation relation with the new parent's (PID_UT1_COPY1)
parameter ‘PVEUHI’.
Example 3: In the above derivation hierarchy, the parameter ‘PVEUHI’ value of 100 is not propagated to
PID_UT3 if the PID_UT1 is made as new parent of PID_UT3. This is because the parameter ‘PVEUHI’ of
PID_UT3 does not have conditional propagation relation with its original parent's (PID_UT2) parameter

21.6.5 Configuration and Monitoring symbol attribute parameter

Handling of the configuration and monitoring parameters is similar to the handling of template-defining

21.6.6 Expressions
Expressions are supported in basic block types AUXCALC, ENHAUXCALC, REGCALC, ENHREGCALC,
STEP and TRANSITION. The propagation of expression parameter values is handled as a combination of
parameter value propagation and template-defining parameter propagation. The expressions can have direct
point name or substitute block name.
The parameters NUMCONDS and NUMOUTPUTS can be made as template-defined parameters in Transition
and Step blocks respectively. Handling of these parameters is described in the following example:
Example: Create a SCM user template called SCM_UT1 with 5 conditions in the INVOKEMAIN block. Next,
create a copy of the original template, called SCM_UT1_COPY1. Delete the 4th and 5th conditions and make
NUMCONDS a template-defined parameter in SCM_UT1_COPY1. Change the parent of the original template
SCM_UT1 to SCM_UT1_COPY1 to propagate the changes. Conditions 4 and 5 are deleted from SCM_UT1.
If an expression parameter is defined as a template-defining parameter in the copy of the original template and
has a substitute block name in it, then the substitute block name is not resolved but the same parameter is
propagated as template-defined parameter, if the parent of a sub-template/instance is changed to a copy of the
original template.
If an expression parameter is not defined as template-defining parameter in the copy of the original template and
has a substitute name in it, then the same parameter value is propagated according to the conditional
propagation relation, if the parent of a sub-template/instance is changed to a copy of the original template.


21.6.7 Block Pins

If the parent of an original template, its sub-template or instance is changed to another parent in derivation
hierarchy that does not have some block pins which are in the original template, the block pins are not deleted.
If the parent of a sub-template or instance is changed to a copy of the original template, the template-defined
block pins that are in the sub-template or instance and are not in the new parent's block (copy of the original
template) are deleted. The block pins that are in new parent's block are added as template-defined pins to the
sub-template or instance. The template-defining block pins that are added in the sub-template blocks remain
unchanged. Also, undefined block pins that are added in the instance blocks remain unchanged. The following
example further describes the handling of block pin parameters:
Example: Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 and derive sub-templates, and instances. Add ‘BPS’
and ‘BPSDELAY’ parameters as a block pins in CM_UT1. Then, create a copy of the original template
CM_UT1 called CM_UT1_COPY1 and add two more parameters ‘PERIOD’ and ‘PERIODSEC’ as a block
pins. Change the parent of the original template CM_UT1 to CM_UT1_COPY1 to propagate the changes in the
copy template. CM_UT1 will now have all 4 parameters, (BPS, BPSDELAY, PERIOD and PERIODSEC)
showing as block pin parameters.
Note that if the position of the block pins, (Left/Right and Top/Bottom) in the template CM_UT1, its sub-
template and instances is different than the block pin position of the new parent, CM_UT1_COPY1, then the
block pin position is changed in CM_UT1, its sub-template and instances to the position in the new parent
Example: Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 and derive sub-templates and instances. Add
parameters ‘BPS’ and ‘BPSDELAY’ as block pins in CM_UT1. That is, parameters ‘BPS’ and ‘BPSDELAY’
are template-defining block pin parameters of CM_UT1. Now, create a copy of the original template CM_UT1
called CM_UT1_COPY1. Delete parameter ‘BPS’ from block pin list of CM_UT1_COPY1. Make the copy
template CM_UT1_COPY1 a parent to the original template CM_UT1 to propagate the changes. Parameter
‘BPS’ remains as template-defining in CM_UT1.

21.6.8 Connections
The propagation of newly added or deleted wire connections and reference parameter connections is similar to
block pin propagation and are described here.
If the parent of an original template or its sub-templates is changed to another parent in the derivation hierarchy
that does not have some connections which are in the original template, the connections are not deleted.
If the parent of a template or sub-template is changed to a copy of the original template, the template-defined
connections that are in the template or sub-template and are not in the new parent (copy of the original template)
are deleted. New connections in new parent are added as template-defined connections to the template and sub-
If the parent of a template or sub-template is changed to a copy of the original template, the template-defining
connections that are in the template or sub-template and are not in the new parent (copy of the original template)
are not deleted. These connections remain as template-defining connections to the templates or sub-templates.
If the parent of an instance is changed to a copy of the original template, the template-defined connections that
are in the instance and not in the new parent (copy of the original template) are deleted. New connections in the
new parent are added to the instance as template-defined connections. Also, the undefined connections that are
added in the instance remain unchanged.
Example: Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 with some block pin connections. Create one instance
of this template, CM_IN1. Make a copy of the original template CM_UT1, called CM_UT1_COPY1.
Reconfigure some existing parameter connections in CM_UT1_COPY1. Change the parent of CM_IN1 from
CM_UT1 to CM_UT1_COPY1. The template-defined connections in CM_IN1 are deleted and new template-
defined connections are configured from its new parent.


Reference parameter and substitute name connections are propagated only if the old parent and new parent
reference connections are different. The propagation of reference parameter and substitute name connections is
handled as a combination of parameter value propagation and template-defining parameter propagation.

21.6.9 Block Preferences tab options

The block preference configuration options are used to customize the block appearance. These options are found
on the Block Preferences tab and are specific to each block.
If the user changes the parent of the original template or its children to the copy of the original template, then
the original template or its children will have the block preference values of its new parent except the Block
Symbol Assign value. The Block Symbol Assign value is propagated only if the ‘USERSYMNAME’ parameter
is made as template defining in the new parent blocks.
Example: Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 and derive sub-templates and instances. Assign AND
logic as a user symbol for the template CM_UT1 and deselect the view block name option. Now, create a copy
of the original template called CM_UT1_COPY1, click on the default button to change to default symbol and
select the view block name option in Block Preferences tab. Also, the ‘USERSYMNAME’ is not defined as
template-defining in CM_UT1_COPY1. Make the copy template CM_UT1_COPY1 a parent to the original
template CM_UT1 to propagate the changes. The CM_UT1 keeps ‘AND logic’ as block symbol and the view
block name option is enabled in block preference tab.

21.6.10 QVCS
The change parent operation in QVCS to avoid immediate propagation of changes is handled as in the following
• Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 with some basic blocks.
• Create a sub-template of CM_UT1 called CM_UT2.
• Create a sub-template of CM_UT2 called CM_UT3.
• Create a sub-template of CM_UT3 called CM_UT4.
• Create a copy of CM_UT4 called CM_UT4_COPY1.
1 Add entire user template CMs into QVCS by Check In. The derivation hierarchy of the above configuration
is displayed, as shown in the figure.

2 Check out the template CM_UT4(v1.00), change the parent to CM_UT4_COPY1 to propagate the new
changes and check in to create CM_UT4(v2.00)

Undo Checked out

• The undo checked out operation in QVCS is supported for change parent operation. The undo checked out
changes the parent of a template to its previous parent from current new parent.

Revert to a version
• Revert to a version in QVCS is supported for change parent operation. For example, if a parent of a template
is different in version 1.0 and version 2.0, then revert to a particular version will change the parent of the
template to the respective version's parent.


21.6.11 Import/Export
Change parent operation in Import/Export is handled as in the following example.
• Create a user template of a CM called CM_UT1 with some basic blocks.
• Create a sub-template of CM_UT1 called CM_UT2.
• Create a sub-template of CM_UT2 called CM_UT3.
• Create a copy of CM_UT1 called CM_UT1_COPY1
1 Export the template CM_UT3 using ixptool. As per the export configuration file the current parent is
2 Change the parent of CM_UT3 to CM_UT1_COPY1.
3 Now, As per the above configuration, the parent of CM_UT3 in the exported (CM_UT2) file will differ from
current derivation parent in ERDB (CM_UT1_COPY1). But, the import of the CM_UT3 configuration will
change the parent to CM_UT2, since the parent of the CM_UT3 is CM_UT2 in the xml file. This behavior is
same, if the user checks the ‘Overwrite Existing Objects’ check box option in import dialog.


21.7 Project/monitor tree overview

The Project/Monitor Tree View allows Instances or strategies to be viewed as trees, showing the assignment
relationships in a window in the Control Builder.
If any differences remain between the Project and Monitor databases after an update operation has completed, a
yellow delta symbol will appear on the project tree. These differences may be due to a difference in the user
template definitions of the strategy in project vs. the definition used at the time the corresponding strategy was
loaded to Monitor. If the delta symbol appears, the project must be reloaded to synchronize the project and
monitor databases.

21.7.1 Identification tab - configuration parameters

Requesting Configuration Parameters brings up the configuration form, including the Identification tab.

21.7.2 Dependencies tab - derivation hierarchy

Shows the derivation hierarchy for the strategy.



21.8 Using control drawings

A control drawing is considered the main work area of Control Builder where control modules are created,
function blocks are inserted and connected, and control strategies are initiated.

Related topics
“Opening a control drawing” on page 596
“Copying a control drawing” on page 596

21.8.1 Opening a control drawing

• Double-click on the template in the Library Tree.
• Select the template in the Library Tree > select File > Open
• Select the template in the Library Tree > right-click mouse > Open

21.8.2 Copying a control drawing

One or more basic block templates may be copied from one Control Drawing to another. Connections to
templates outside of the set of blocks being moved are deleted. Connections within the set of blocks and
substituted connections are retained.
• Drag and Drop: (CTRL + mouse drag/drop)
• Copy and Paste: CTRL+C > CTRL+V
• Right-click mouse > select Copy
• Menu item: Copy/Paste

22 Appendix D - Bulk Edit Parameters Utility

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Overview “Overview” on page 598
Using Bulk Edit Parameter utility “Using the Bulk Edit
Parameter utility” on
page 599
Accessing Create Bulk Edit List “Accessing Create Bulk
Edit List” on page 600
Edit list file examples “Edit list file examples”
on page 604
Read Bulk Edit list “Read Bulk Edit List” on
page 605

Related topics
“Overview” on page 598
“Using the Bulk Edit Parameter utility” on page 599
“Accessing Create Bulk Edit List” on page 600
“Edit list file examples” on page 604
“Read Bulk Edit List” on page 605


22.1 Overview
Bulk Edit Parameters is a utility that allows you to change the value of multiple parameters in a single operation
by importing a prepared list of edits.
The Bulk Edit Parameters utility is a feature in Control Builder that allows you to pick tagged object parameters
(points) and the parameter values you wish to change. These parameter values can be saved in a spreadsheet
file, (or similar) format. The spreadsheet file is then opened in Excel (or a similar application) so that parameter
values can be edited as desired. Using the bulk edit parameters utility, the file with its changes is “read” back
into the ERDB updating the parameter values.
Editing of simple data type parameters are supported, such as: strings - including enumerations, integer, float,
Boolean and arrays of those types. Project parameters are also supported using the edit utility. Binary “Blob”
data types are not supported.


22.2 Using the Bulk Edit Parameter utility

A “Create Bulk Edit List” function is accessed as an option in the Control Builder “Tools” menu. An interactive
dialog allows you to select points and parameters from the database to be included in the bulk edit list. These
points and parameter values are identified to be modified and are saved in a spreadsheet file format, (or one of
two other file formats). Note that the current ERDB value for the selected parameters is written to the file.
Once the bulk edit list file has been created and saved, you can open the file in the appropriate application,
(Excel, Access or Notepad) and then edit or modify the parameter values. Save the bulk edit list file with the
changes. You then use the Bulk Edit Parameter utility to “Read” the bulk edit list file, with the modified values,
in Control Builder and update the monitor or ERDB parameter values for each point as required.
The following sections provide more details on the Bulk Edit Parameters utility and give examples on its use.

22.2.1 If your system is licensed for QVCS

If your system configuration includes Qualification and Version Control System, then you must have sufficient
privilege to execute QVCS operations, and must be able to check out the objects if modifying the ERDB. If
loaded objects are modified and later checked into the ERDB by operations that copy loaded data, (this function
will not automatically check in the modified objects to the ERDB), the object could become unloadable,
depending on the setting of the fallback qualification state. You should verify the qualification state of any
objects modified in this way, and either correct the qualification state or roll back to an earlier, qualified version.


22.3 Accessing Create Bulk Edit List

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Accessing Create Bulk Edit List dialog “Accessing Create Bulk
Edit List dialog” on
page 600
Create Bulk Edit List dialog “Create Bulk Edit List
dialog” on page 600
Typical use example “Typical use example” on
page 602

Related topics
“Accessing Create Bulk Edit List dialog” on page 600
“Create Bulk Edit List dialog” on page 600
“Typical use example” on page 602

22.3.1 Accessing Create Bulk Edit List dialog

The Create Bulk Edit List dialog is accessed through the Control Builder “Tools” drop-down menu.
Click Tools > Bulk Edit Parameters > Create Bulk Edit List

Figure 150: Launching Create Bulk Edit List dialog

22.3.2 Create Bulk Edit List dialog

The following figure shows the Create Bulk Edit List dialog. The features of this dialog are described in the
following table.


Figure 151: Create Bulk Edit List dialog features

Dialog feature Description

Points :
Show All Points This command button is used to populate the “Available Points” selection list with the
names of all points in the database. Alternative selection is available using the Browser
Available Points This “point picker” style list view is populated when the “Show All Points” command
button is selected. The right arrow and “Remove Selected” buttons on the right of the list
view are enabled when the list is populated, allowing you to copy the currently highlighted
point name to the “Selected Points” list. Multiple selection of point names is allowed by
using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
The point may also be copied by double-clicking on a point name. The data copied will be
the “full” point.block name of the selected row.
Selected Points This list contains the currently selected points to be written to the spreadsheet in
“point.block” form. The list is sorted alphabetically as points are added to the list. Selections
may be removed at any time by selecting a row and then either double-clicking or using the
“Remove Selected” button. This list may alternatively be populated by using the browser to
select points with one or more queries.
Adds the highlighted point(s) in the “Points” list to the “Selected Points” list.

Remove Selected Removes the highlighted selection from the “Selected Points” list.


Dialog feature Description

Available Parameters This list is populated with applicable parameters as points are added to the “Selected Points”
list. The “Available Parameters” list functions as a source for adding parameter names to the
“Selected Parameters” list. Parameter names are added either by using the right arrow
selection button to copy the currently highlighted value (in the “parameters”list), or by
double clicking on a parameter name.
Selected Parameters This list contains the names of all the parameters to be written to the spreadsheet for each
point. Parameters may be deselected by using the “Remove Selected” button, or by double
clicking on a parameter name in the list. An empty cell for all points indicates that the last
appropriate point name was deselected after selecting the parameter(s).
Adds the highlighted parameters(s) in the “Parameters” list to the “Selected Parameters” list.

Remove Selected Removes the highlighted selection from the “Selected Parameters” list.

Dialog feature Description

Other features:
Clear All Selections Allows both the Selected Points and Selected Parameters lists to be cleared.
Output Directory Displays the directory for the storage location of the output file.
Browse… Displays a directory selection dialog that allows you to choose a different storage location
for the output file. The selected directory is displayed in the “output directory” edit box.
Output File Name (No Specifies the name of the file to be saved. The file type (and the extension for the name) are
Extension) selected in the “Select File Type” field.
Output Path Shows the current full pathname to the output file as assembled from the Output directory,
file name, and file type controls.
Select File Type This drop-down menu allows the selection of the supported output file types and sets the
filename extension for the output file.
Save Creates the output file (spreadsheet, Access database or text), and saves it to the output
directory location.
The first row of the table will contain the column headers and “Point name”. The remaining
columns are set to the selected parameter names. Parameter values for row-column
intersections that are invalid will be set to the “empty” (null) value. Excel limitations restrict
the total number of different parameters that can be exported to 255, and the total number of
points (rows) to 65525.
Cancel Closes the Bulk Edit List dialog without creating or saving an output file.
Help . Launches the respective help topic.

22.3.3 Typical use example

The following procedures outline the steps for building a Bulk Edit list and saving it in a spreadsheet or
database file format.

Build a Bulk Edit List

1. Log on to Control Builder as an engineer or manager.
2. Click Tools > Bulk Edit Parameters > Create Bulk Edit List …
The Create Bulk Edit List dialog appears on screen.
3. Select a point in the “Available Points” list.
The “Available Parameters” list will be populated with parameters appropriate to the selected point.
(Note: the “Available Points” list permits multiple selections. In the event of multiple selections, the last
point in the list controls the “Available Parameters” list).


When you create Bulk Edit Parameters list, you must select the IOP and CHANNUM parameters for all the I/O
4. With a point selected, the upper “right arrow” button will become enabled.
Pressing this button will copy all selected points to the “Selected Points” list.
The upper “Remove Selected” button becomes enabled when one or more list entries in the “Selected
Points” list are selected.
5. Points can be removed from the “Selected Points” list by highlighting the point and clicking on the upper
“Remove Selected” button.
Point names are removed from the “Selected Points” list.
6. Multiple rows of a point name may be added to the “Selected Points” list.
This is to allow limited sequencing of parameter changes (for example, set mode to auto, set sp, set mode to
cascade). This can only be accomplished by placing the point in multiple rows of the output spreadsheet,
since parameters may only appear once per row.
Note that duplicate field names are disallowed by Access and the other database protocol file formats.
7. The “right arrow” and Remove Selected“ buttons are used to select or deselect parameters in the “Available
Parameters” and “Selected Parameters” list. (Similar to the point selection lists above.)
Note that the “Selected Parameters” list does not permit duplicate entries.
Attempts to duplicate an entry will result in the existing entry being highlighted in the “Selected Parameters”
list, but not the addition of a duplicate list element.

When you edit Bulk Edit Parameters spread sheet, you must edit the IOP and CHANNUM parameters for the I/O

Create Bulk Edit List output file

1. Select a directory for the location of the output file (using the Browse button) or type in the output file
You can navigate to either a local directory or a mapped network drive. If selected with Browse, the selected
directory appears in the “Output Directory” edit control. You can also type in the pathname to the directory
into the edit control.
2. Type a name for the output file in the “Output File Name (no extension)” edit control.
It is not necessary to type in a file extension. It is selected using the “Select File Type” dropdown in the next
Note that the file pathname is indicated in the “Output Path” field at the bottom left of the dialog to indicate
the actual output file name and directory that will be used.
3. Select the file type from the “Select File Type” drop down.
This specifies the format of the output file. Supported types are: Excel, Access, and delimited text. The file
type is appended to the content in the “Output Path” field
4. The “Save ”button is enabled ONLY if there is sufficient data entered: Output File Name, File Type and
Output Directory, and at least one point and one parameter are in the “selected” lists
Pressing this button will cause the selections in the “Selected Points” and “Selected Parameters” lists to be
used in the construction of a properly formatted output file of the chosen file type. The cursor will change to
an hourglass while file output creation is in progress.
5. The “Clear All Selections” button may be used to empty both “Selected” lists in the event you wish to start
over to create a new bulk edit list.
This is useful to create multiple output files without the need to close and open the Create Bulk Edit List


22.4 Edit list file examples

The results of creating an edit list file can be seen in the following figures. The first figure shows the
arrangement of the points, parameters and their values as displayed in an Excel spreadsheet file format, (.mdb

Figure 152: Bulk Edit List as shown in MS Excel file format

The next figure shows an edit list as created using the Microsoft Access database file type format option, (.acs

Figure 153: Bulk Edit List as shown in Microsoft Access file format

The next figure shows an edit list as created using the Delimited Text file type option, (.cvs extension) and
viewed using Notepad.

Figure 154: Bulk Edit List in a comma delimited text format

When you edit the spreadsheet, you must specify the new IOP name and channel number in the sheet.


22.5 Read Bulk Edit List

The Read Bulk Edit List function is used once you have made changes and saved an edit list file. You use the
Read Bulk Edit List to “Read” the file, with the modified values, in Control Builder and update the monitor or
project parameter values for each point as required.

If an empty or a blank column exists in the spread sheet that is created while performing Bulk Build of strategies or
Bulk Edit of Parameters, then the empty or blank column is skipped when the spread sheet is read in Control Builder.

22.5.1 Accessing the Read Bulk Edit List dialog

The Read Bulk Edit List dialog is accessed through the Control Builder “Tools” drop-down menu.
Click Tools > Bulk Edit Parameters > Read Bulk Edit List …

22.5.2 Read Bulk Edit List dialog

The following figure shows the Read Bulk Edit List dialog. The features of this dialog are described in the
following table.


Figure 155: Read Bulk Edit List dialog features

Dialog feature Description

Select File to Read Read-only view of the full pathname to the file to read.
Browse Displays the file selection dialog for selecting the file in the “Select File to Read”
Data Grid Displays the data read from the Excel spreadsheet, or other file formats.
Update Monitor / Selects the target environment for the update operation.
Update Project Update Monitor - Updates parameters loaded to controller function blocks. Note
that not all parameters can be updated in active controllers, (for example PVEUHI
Update Project - Updates parameters stored in the Engineering Repository
When active edit session is enabled, only the active loadable parameter changes are
updated to the Project view. All other parameters are ignored and a warning
message appears against the non-active loadable parameters.
Pause on Errors Determines whether errors encountered during the read process cause the update
operation to pause or continue until it is completed.
Check Out From QVCS This is enabled only if QVCS is licensed.
It allows the import process to check out any objects not currently checked out
during update in “Update Project” mode.
View Determines the arrangement and type of data to be displayed in the Data Grid area.


Dialog feature Description

Parameter Data Displays the data in the Bulk Edit List file currently in use. The data is displayed in
the same format as the original output file, one point name per row.
Undo Data Displays the results of the update. It shows one row per point and parameter as
shown in the following figure, with:
• the original parameter value,
• the requested parameter value,
• the new parameter value.

Errors Displays any errors that occurred during the parameter update operation.


Dialog feature Description

Start Enabled when an appropriate file is selected and read into the grid, it starts the
update processing of the list. When selected, a confirmation dialog will be shown
with the selected options (Monitor or Process, Stop on Errors, etc.) and a warning
that multiple updates will be made to the parameter values in the system.

Stop Will stop the update process at the completion of the current data grid row.
Continue Enabled any time the update process has stopped with pending rows remaining in
the data grid. Allows the current process to continue.
Undo Causes the process to restart and resets the values of all points updated so far. The
utility resets all values that were changed back to the previous values before the
current file read operation.
Cancel Enabled any time updates are not active, closes the dialog.


Dialog feature Description

Status Bar Displays the current state of the import process, including the point being
Help . Launches the respective help topic.

22.5.3 Reading a Bulk Edit List (a typical use example)

The following procedure outlines the steps to read an edit file list and update the parameter values of selected
1 Log on to Control builder as an engineer or manager.
Control Builder application window opens.
2 Click Tools > Bulk Edit Parameters > Read Bulk Edit List…
The “Read Bulk Edit List” Dialog appears on screen.
Initially the dialog shows an empty grid and only the “Browse…” and “Cancel” command buttons enabled.
⁘View” options are all disabled. The right pane of the status bar displays a “ NOT READY” status.
3 Select an edit list file to read. Press the “ Browse” button to display a file selection dialog and navigate to the
desired file directory.
The file selection dialog shows only file types that are supported by the utility: Excel Spread Sheet,
Microsoft Access Database, and Delimited Text (.csv).
Attempting to open a spreadsheet that does not contain the expected format will result in an error dialog, and
the status will remain “NOT READY”.
4 When a valid file is chosen, the selection dialog closes with the “OK” button
The selected file is read into the grid in the Read Bulk Edit List dialog, and the Start button is enabled.
The status bar indication changes to “READY”. The Grid display updates to show the content of only the
“Parameters” spreadsheet (sheets containing any other names are ignored). The Grid caption displays the file
name and the number of records (points) in the sheet. The “Parameter data” view becomes enabled and
selected, and the “Start” command button is enabled.
Note that the grid data is read only (to prevent inadvertent discrepancies between the list used and the actual
update values), but it will allow you to inspect the data in the edit list file for the update session.


5 Choose to update either of the two environments:

• Update Monitor values or
• Update Project values
Option selectors are located at lower left of dialog.
6 Choose either processing behaviors:
• Check the “Pause on Errors” box to pause processing at the first error, or
• Uncheck the “Pause on Errors” box to continue processing to the end of the list before stopping.
If errors occur during the update operation, the “Errors” control will be enabled.
7 If “Full Qualification and Versioning” are licensed, the “Check Out From QVCS” checkbox is enabled.
Click on check box to enable this feature.
If the “Check Out From QVCS” check box is checked, project parameters are automatically checked out so
that they may be updated during the update operation.
“Check Out From QVCS” check box is ignored if “Update Monitor” mode control is selected.
8 Press the “Start” button to initiate the update operation on a background priority.
The “Stop” button becomes enabled, and the “Start” button becomes disabled.
As updated values are processed, the completed row is displayed in the left status bar pane, and the row
selector indication in the grid advances.
If the “Stop” button is pressed, or if “Stop on Errors” is checked and an error occurs, then the update
operation pauses at the end of the current row. The “Undo,” “Continue” and “Cancel” buttons are enabled.
The “Undo” button is enabled only if any updates have succeeded. (It is possible that all attempted updates
have resulted in errors.) If any updates have been processed, the “Undo Data” view option is enabled.
If any errors have occurred the “Errors” View Option is also enabled


9 When the update operation has completed (all spreadsheet rows have been processed), the “Start” button is
enabled and the “Continue” “button” is disabled
10 Selecting the “Undo Data” View option will display the update results in the grid.
This is a list by Point.Parameter of the old, requested and new values.
11 If the “Undo” button is pressed, the undo list is processed, starting with the last row and working backwards
to the first.


23 Appendix E - User Defined Symbols

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Introduction “Introduction to User
Defined Symbols” on
page 615
Viewing symbol library “Viewing symbol
library” on page 616
Creating a user defined symbol “Creating a user defined
symbol” on page 617
Adding symbol to library “Adding symbol to
library” on page 620
Deleting symbol from user library “Deleting symbols from
a user library” on
page 621
Reloading user defined symbol Click here
Exporting symbol “Exporting symbol” on
page 622
Assigning symbol to block “Assigning symbol to
block” on page 623
User defined template considerations “User defined template
considerations” on
page 625
QVCS and UDS considerations “QVCS and UDS
considerations” on
page 626
Defining automatic pin and UDS “Defining automatic pin
and UDS” on page 627
Defining tree displays and UDS “Defining tree displays
and UDS” on page 628
Specifying chart header and footer layouts “Specifying chart header
and footer layouts” on
page 629
Printing a chart “Printing a chart” on
page 635

Related topics
“Introduction to User Defined Symbols” on page 615
“Viewing symbol library” on page 616


“Creating a user defined symbol” on page 617

“Adding symbol to library” on page 620
“Deleting symbols from a user library” on page 621
“Exporting symbol” on page 622
“Assigning symbol to block” on page 623
“User defined template considerations” on page 625
“QVCS and UDS considerations” on page 626
“Defining automatic pin and UDS” on page 627
“Defining tree displays and UDS” on page 628
“Specifying chart header and footer layouts” on page 629
“Printing a chart” on page 635


23.1 Introduction to User Defined Symbols

User Defined Symbols (UDS) may be created in Control Builder as an alternative representation of the standard
Control Builder Symbols. The following figure shows the default or standard symbol used to represent an AND
logic block in Control Builder.

Figure 156: Standard Control Builder symbol

Depending on the application, the representation that is desired may be different. For example, the Power
Generation group uses SAMA standard symbols when documenting control strategies. The following figure
shows an alternate UDS that could be used to represent an AND logic block in Control Builder.

Figure 157: Alternate Control Builder symbol

The ability to define custom symbols provides increased flexibility, and where documentation is required to
follow specific guidelines for symbols, significant cost savings can be achieved.
In addition to the custom symbol support, flexibility in the formatting and content of headers and footers of
chart printouts is available. These help provide a consistent user documentation style and content. An example
for the type of layout for a printed chart is shown below.

Figure 158: Example chart layout


23.2 Viewing symbol library

A system library that contains a set of standard SAMA symbols is provided with the Symbol Library that is
included with Control Builder. You cannot change these symbols, but you can assign a given symbol to a
selected function block. You can also add new symbols to the Symbol Library or delete user symbols from the
library as well as reload an image from the source file or export an image to another file location.
You are familiar with interacting with applications in a Windows environment.
You can access the Symbol Library from the Tools menu or right-click in the Project, Monitoring or Library

• You have installed Experion LX and have launched the Control Builder Application.
• You have logged on with a security level of Manager. Access to the Symbol Library is restricted to inhibit
unauthorized modifications.

To view the symbol library

1 Right-click in Project tab and select Symbol Library.
2 View Symbol Library dialog on top of Control Builder.

3 See other procedures in this section to Add, Delete, Reload, or Export a symbol.
4 This completes the procedure. Go to another procedure in this section or click the OK button to close the


23.3 Creating a user defined symbol

This section includes information that you can reference for:

Topic Link
Supported graphics formats “Supported graphics
formats” on page 617
Image considerations “Image considerations” on
page 617
Examples “Examples” on page 617

23.3.1 Supported graphics formats

You can create User Defined Symbols using any standard graphics program, although only the Windows bitmap
file format (.bmp) is supported in Experion LX. Experion LX does not provide support for creating the image
files. There are many graphic programs available, ranging from the fairly basic capabilities of the Windows
Paint program, to sophisticated applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Corel Paint, etc. Use the
program that you are most familiar to create the symbol and then save the graphic as a bitmap file (.bmp).

23.3.2 Image considerations

• When creating a symbol image, be sure you consider how the symbol will appear on a display, as well as in
• A symbol should have a distinct boundary so that any connections to other symbols can be easily seen.
• Typically text should not be included as part of the image as that can be generated programmatically when
the symbol is displayed or printed.
• Consider the size of the image, as very large or small images may not scale cleanly or may not fit well with
other symbols. Also, the size is important, if faceplate parameters and pins will be defined for the symbol.
Note that the actual size of the symbol is determined by the size of the image, not the location of the symbol
borders within the image. Typically, the image should be sized such that the symbol borders are quite close
to the height and width of the image.
• The careful use of color is also a factor, as too much color can be confusing.

23.3.3 Examples
As an example, consider a symbol for the logical AND block.

Figure 159: AND block example

The very basic shape shown on the left is a good example for a user defined symbol. It has a clearly defined
border and no text.
The shape shown on the right is not as good because it reduces flexibility of the number of connection pins, and
the “AND” text cannot be changed with the actual name assigned to the control block.


Using the symbol on the left, and by defining its attributes, the following could be the resulting display:

Figure 160: User symbol with displayed attributes

An example of a chart displayed with standard Experion LX symbols, and the same chart displayed with a mix
of UDS (in this example, based on SAMA) and standard Experion LX symbols is shown in the following

Figure 161: Chart with standard Experion LX symbols


Figure 162: Chart with user defined symbols


23.4 Adding symbol to library

The symbol to be added is in a compatible graphics format as noted in the table above.

• You have completed the previous “Viewing symbol library” on page 616 procedure.

To add symbols to the library

1 In Symbol Library dialog, click the Add button.
2 In Add Symbol dialog Name box, key in desired name for UDS consisting of up to 49 characters.
3 In Source box, key in directory location were UDS symbol graphic file is stored or click the Browse button
to use the Select Image File dialog to navigate to the location. The following illustration is for example
purposes only.

4 Click the OK button to add the named image to the User Library within the Symbol Library.
5 In the Symbol Library dialog, scroll the Current Symbols list to find the image just added in the USER
6 Repeat this procedure on add other symbols as required.
7 This completes the procedure. Close the Symbol Library dialog or go to another procedure in this section.


23.5 Deleting symbols from a user library

The symbol to be deleted resides in the User Library within the Symbol Library.
The symbol to be deleted is not referenced by a block in the control strategy. You cannot delete an image if it
has been assigned to a block in Control Builder.

• You have completed the previous “Viewing symbol library” on page 616 procedure.

To delete a symbol from the user library

1 In Symbol Library dialog, scroll the Current Symbols list to find the image you want to delete from the
USER Library.
2 Click the name of the image to be deleted.
3 Click the Delete button. Click the Yes button to acknowledge the action.
4 Click the OK button to confirm the action.
5 Check that image is deleted from the Current Symbols list.
6 This completes the procedure. Close the Symbol Library dialog or go to another procedure in this section.


23.6 Exporting symbol

The exported symbol is the version that resides in the Symbol Library on the ERDB and not the one that resides
in the source file.

• You have completed the previous “Viewing symbol library” on page 616 procedure.

To export symbols
1 In Symbol Library dialog, scroll the Current Symbols list to find the image you want to export.
2 Click the name of the image to be exported.
3 Click the Export button.
4 In Save As dialog, navigate to file location where exported image is to be stored. Click the Save button.
5 Click the OK button to acknowledge the location where the image has been stored.
6 This completes the procedure. Close the Symbol Library dialog or go to another procedure in this section.


23.7 Assigning symbol to block

You assign a user defined symbol to a block through the Block Preferences tab on the block's configuration
You have added any symbols you want to use to the User Library within the Symbol Library. See the previous
“Viewing symbol library” on page 616 procedure for details.
You have created a Control Module with contained blocks.
When changing the block-associated symbol, all defined attributes for that block such as faceplate parameters
and pins remain unchanged, but may be repositioned.
The symbol name for an assigned user defined symbol appears in the Block symbol name box on the Block
Preferences tab and cannot be modified.
You can click and drag the block name and type name as a linked pair to reposition them on assigned symbol on
the Block Preferences tab.
You can click and drag input and output pins to reposition them on assigned symbol on the Block Pins tab.
You can click and drag parameter listings to reposition them on the faceplate of assigned symbol on the
Configuration Parameters and Monitoring Parameters tabs.

You have launched the Control Builder Application.

To assign a symbol to a block

1 In Project tab, click the + sign for the Control Module icon that contains the function block you want to
assign a symbol to. For example, click the + sign for the example_pid control module icon to expose its
2 Right-click the icon for desired block and select Block Properties. For example, right-click the pida block
icon contained in the example_pid control module.
3 Click the Block Preference tab.
4 Click the Assign button.
5 On Assign User Symbol dialog, use vertical scroll bar to view contents of symbol library, click name of
desired symbol, click the OK button to select the symbol and close the dialog.
6 The assigned symbol is now displayed in the view box. Use configuration functions on the tab to change the
appearance of the block as desired. Click the Help button for information about the functions. The following
illustration is for example purposes only.


7 Configure Block Pins, Configuration Parameters, and Monitoring Parameters as you would for any
block. See “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703 for more information.
8 Do you want to revert to the standard Control Builder symbol for this block?
• If the answer is Yes, click the Default button to replace the assigned user symbol with the standard one.
Click the Yes button to acknowledge the action.
• If the answer is No, go to the next Step.
9 On the configuration form, click the OK button to save the changes and close the form.
10 This completes the procedure.


23.8 User defined template considerations

If you wish to replace the default symbol for all instances of a block, you can assign a UDS to a user defined
template for the block. That template (instead of the system template) is then used anytime that block type is
When you configure a user template, be aware that any block preferences, block pins, configuration parameters,
and monitoring parameters that are defined are treated as template defining attributes, and cannot be altered
when the template is instantiated. For example, if a parameter, say IN(1), is defined as an input block pin on the
template, it will appear on all instances, and it cannot be deleted or moved for an instance. Other pins can be
added and moved, but that pin will remain unless it is deleted or moved on the user template.

All the navigational enhancements that are available for a parameter are also available for parameters when the chart
appears for User-defined templates.
For more information on navigation to parameters when chart appears for a User-defined template, see “Checkpoint
file attributes” on page 703.

The template defining characteristic is also extended to the display and placement of the block and parent
template name, and also the symbol assignment itself. That is, the symbol assigned to an instance of a block
cannot be changed for that block, except by changing the assignment on the user template.


23.9 QVCS and UDS considerations

As for any parameter for an object, the changing of the symbol assignment, is subject to the normal restrictions
imposed by the Qualification and Version Control System (QVCS). That is, the object must be checked out
before a change in the assignment (or in any of its attributes such as pins, faceplate parameters, etc.) can be
The actual symbol (in the Symbol Library) is not subject to QVCS controls. Thus, changes may be made to the
appearance of a symbol without having to check out all of the objects that reference that symbol. Because the
symbol that is displayed does not affect the functionality of the block, there is no loss of qualification state


23.10 Defining automatic pin and UDS

A feature that is supported by Control Builder is the automatic generation of pins. This occurs when a parameter
connection is made to a block that does not have the parameter exposed as a pin. In this case, Control Builder
will automatically add that parameter as a pin. This pin will be added to the end of the list of pins, and becomes
part of the attribute definition for that block. A side effect of this behavior is that the pin that is automatically
generated may not appear “connected” to the graphic for a UDS. If this occurs, it is a simple matter to configure
the placement of the pin using the methods described for configuring pins.


23.11 Defining tree displays and UDS

For navigation of the Project, Monitoring and Library tabs, their contents are displayed in tree controls that
display an icon and name for each object. A sample of a Library tab with some of the icons is shown in the
Figure below.
The set of icons that are used for display are limited to a few different graphic symbols. This set of icons
remains the same regardless if any objects in the trees have been assigned a UDS. This means that no special
icons are used to distinguish those objects in the trees that have a UDS assigned to them, nor can the icons be
changed. The assignment of a UDS only affects the display and printing of a chart.

Figure 163: Sample icons displayed in tree view


23.12 Specifying chart header and footer layouts

Capabilities are available to format the layout of the header and footer that are included with the chart printout.
These include flexibility in defining the font used for printing (selectable for each text element), the location of
the element on the page, and additional elements that can be included.

Figure 164: Header/footer layout dialog

23.12.1 Select element frame

The Select Element frame determines what type of element will be added to the header or footer. The available
elements in the “Elements to add” list are:
• Bitmap
• Automatic text
• User text
• Vertical line
• Horizontal line
• Rectangle
• Chart Border
Depending on the type of element selected, the contents of the frame will change to allow the entry of necessary
information for that element. Examples of each element's definition are shown in the following Figures.
Select where the element is to be added, either in the header or in the footer, and then when satisfied with the
setup, select “Add”. The element is then added to the specified section of the report (where it can then be
located to the precise location).


The exception to this process is the “Chart Border” element. This element is not added, but simply specified
whether it is to be printed or not. If it is to be printed, then specify if the border is to be placed just around the
chart area, or placed around the header and chart, the footer and chart, or the entire page.

Figure 165: Definition of a bitmap

Figure 166: Definition of automatic text

Figure 167: Definition of user text


Figure 168: Definition of a line

Figure 169: Definition of a rectangle

Figure 170: Definition of the chart border

23.12.2 Default font information frame

When an automatic text or user text element is added, the Default Font Information frame will be displayed with
these settings.
To change the current default, select “Change”, and the standard font selection dialog will be displayed. It is
possible to change the font for a text element once it has been added by displaying the properties dialog.


23.12.3 Header and footer frames

The header and footer definitions determine if the header or footer will be printed, and what the height of each
one is, in either inches or centimeters. Note that you can have elements defined in the header or footer, and if
“Print” is not selected, that information will not be printed.

23.12.4 Defined elements display

This area is where defined elements are displayed, and where they can be positioned by dragging them to the
desired location.
To delete an element from the report, select it and press the Delete key on the keyboard.
To move an element to another location within its specified header or footer, perform a drag and drop
To change an element's properties such as font, size, etc., right-click on it and the properties dialog for that
element will be displayed. The properties dialogs allow the user to change the properties that were assigned
when the element was added, and they also allow precise positioning of the element. Examples of each of the
properties dialogs are shown the following Figures.
For automatic text and user text, option wrap text can be checked. If this option is checked, then the user
specifies the width of the text box in which the text will be displayed. If the specified text is longer than the
space defined, the text will be split into another line immediately below the first line. This splitting will
continue until all of the text is printed. The location where the text is split is where a space exists. If no space
exists in the text within the width of the text box, the text is split at the location that fills the width. If wrap text
is not specified, the text will be printed on one line, and if the text is long, overprinting may occur with other
elements. Care must be taken to ensure that text is not allowed to overprint to the side of, or below the current
Text alignment can be specified for left, center, or right. For fields that do not have wrap text specified the
length of the field expands to accommodate the text. When left alignment is selected, the field will expand to
the right. When right is selected, the field will grow to the left. When center is specified, the field will grow
equally to the left and the right. If wrap text is specified, then the alignment of the text takes place within the
width of the field.

Figure 171: Properties for Bitmap dialog


Figure 172: Properties for Automatic Text

Figure 173: Properties for User Text


Figure 174: Properties for Line

Figure 175: Properties for Rectangle


23.13 Printing a chart

A single chart or multiple charts can be printed by highlighting it in the tree or having it open, and then
selecting File > Print > Charts from the menu, or pressing Ctrl +P.
File > Print > All Project Tree Charts and File > Print > All Monitoring Tree Charts are also supported.
Charts print at the same scale that is specified for its display (as selected by the drop down scale factor on the
Control Builder tool bar). The scale that the chart is printed at does not change the scale of the header or footer,
or any information in the header and footer. Also, if the All Project Tree Charts or All Monitoring Tree
Charts print option is selected, all of the charts are printed at 100%. The choices for the “zoom” factor are
500%, 300%, 200%, 150%, 120%, 100%, 80%, 50%, and 20%.


24 Appendix F - Control Builder Checkpoint Reference

Related topics
“Using Checkpoint to Save and Restore Data” on page 639
“Getting Started” on page 640
“Configuring preferences for Checkpoint function” on page 641
“Checkpoint preferences procedural illustration reference” on page 643
“Configuring operation permissions for Checkpoint functions” on page 644
“Checkpoint disk space maintenance functional considerations” on page 647
“Reviewing Checkpoint Functional Aspects” on page 648
“Checkpoint file characteristics” on page 649
“Control Builder Checkpoint interface summary” on page 653
“Control Builder Interface graphical reference” on page 654
“Station Detail Display Checkpoint interface summary” on page 656
“System Status Display Checkpoint interface summary” on page 657
“System Event Checkpoint interface summary” on page 658
“Identifying Functions on the Checkpoint Scheduler Dialog” on page 659
“Identifying Functions on the Define Task Dialog” on page 662
“Scheduling Checkpoint Tasks” on page 664
“About naming tasks” on page 667
“Checkpoint scheduler state conditions related to stop and start actions” on page 668
“Task overrun condition” on page 669
“Deferral and Resumption Of Node Saves” on page 670
“Definition and computation of task's elapsed run time” on page 671
“Definition and computation of next run time” on page 672
“Checkpoint scheduler graphical reference” on page 673
“Identifying Functions on the Archive Checkpoint Files Dialog” on page 690
“Archiving Checkpoint Files” on page 692
“Archive checkpoint graphical reference” on page 694
“Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703
“Identifying Functions on the Save Checkpoint Manually Dialog” on page 707
“Pre-selection of nodes to be saved” on page 710
“Save arbitration on a given Node” on page 711
“Execution states for checkpoint save” on page 712
“Deferral and Resumption of entity saves during a Manual Save” on page 713
“Initiating Manual Checkpoint Save” on page 714
“Save checkpoint manually graphical reference” on page 716
“Identifying Functions on the Restore from Checkpoint Dialog” on page 720
“Pre-selection of nodes to restore” on page 722


“Restore scope selection and actual restore action” on page 723

“Restoration file display reference” on page 724
“Order of restore checks” on page 725
“Execution states for checkpoint restore” on page 728
“Child hardware restore checks” on page 729
“Checkpoint restore/save arbitration with other database changing operations” on page 730
“Restoring From Checkpoint” on page 733
“Restore from checkpoint graphical reference” on page 736
“Rebuilding Checkpoints from the Monitoring tab” on page 753
“Using Detail Displays for checkpoint operations” on page 755
“Checkpoint operations through Detail Displays graphical reference” on page 757
“Troubleshooting the Checkpoint Function” on page 762
“Viewing error logs” on page 763
“Identifying checkpoint errors logged but not journaled” on page 764
“Checking messages journaled as events” on page 766
“Checking warnings and errors logged but not journaled as events” on page 767
“Checkpoint Alarming” on page 769
“Checkpoint operation with On-Process Migration” on page 773
“Troubleshooting Checkpoint-related issues” on page 774
“Fixing common problems” on page 807


24.1 Using Checkpoint to Save and Restore Data

The Checkpoint function lets you save and restore operation and configuration data associated with a controller.
In this document, we also refer to a controller as a top-level-hardware-parent node (TLHPN) or just node. The
primary purpose of Checkpoint's save and restore functions are to provide the operator with the capability to
bring a failed controller back to an operational condition as soon as possible. There are other ancillary
scheduling, archiving and rebuilding functions provided by Checkpoint.
The Checkpoint function does not backup and restore you Experion LX system and data. For information about
the Experion LX Backup and Restore software, please see the Backup and Restore Guide.


24.2 Getting Started

This section provides some overall background information before you begin using the Checkpoint function.

24.2.1 Checking status of Engineering Tools application

Use the following procedure to confirm that all the Engineering Tools related services are running. This is
optional since all applicable Experion LX services start automatically when the computer is started.
You are familiar with navigating within a Windows environment.
You can use common shortcut key (Alt+Key) actions to access all the enabled fields/controls on the Checkpoint
user interface.
The Checkpoint service is only installed on the primary and secondary Experion server.
The System Repository (SR) service starts the Checkpoint service on the primary server and stops the
Checkpoint service (and keeps it stopped) on the secondary server.
Do not change the running/stopped state of the checkpoint service or any service properties related to the
checkpoint service.
You cannot initiate a manual or automatic checkpoint save function when the checkpoint service is not running.
If you attempt any operation from the Checkpoint user interface (UI) that interacts with the Checkpoint Service
when the service is not running, a subsequent timeout connection messages is generated.
When the Checkpoint service is stopped, the scheduled Automatic Save tasks will not run, so checkpoint files
will not be created. The scheduled tasks resume operation, when the Checkpoint service is re-started by the
System Repository (SR).
If the actual primary server's File Replication service is stopped, checkpoint file replication does not occur to
the actual secondary server or to any of the .
When Control Builder or Detail Displays are closed, the Checkpoint service on the actual primary server keeps
running in the background to checkpoint controllers listed in the scheduled (automatic) tasks.

• You have logged on with Administrative Privileges.
• You have installed Experion LX software.
• The Windows Task Scheduler service is running. (This service starts automatically and should never require
any user interaction during normal operation.)

To check the Engineering Tools status

1. Click the Start button, and then point to Programs > Honeywell Experion PKS > Engineering Tools and
click Engr Tools Services Control Panel.
2. In the Stop_Start_Services_Dialog, click the START ALL including SQL selection to select it.
3. Click the OK button and monitor the progress of the operation in the open Start_All_Services_Application
dialog. The services are started when the dialog closes.
4. This completes the procedure.


24.3 Configuring preferences for Checkpoint function

You are familiar with navigating within a Windows environment.
You are familiar with the Control Builder application.
A user with a security level of Manager (Mngr) has access to all Checkpoint functions by default.
Configured preferences are stored in the Engineering Repository Database (ERDB) and the System Repository
The gigabyte (GB) is the unit of measurement used to specify the amount of free disk space that checkpoint is
not allowed to consume for checkpoint files.
You can configure the following preferences.

For This Preference . . . You Can . . .

Maintain Free Disk Space (GB) of: Define the free disk space size in Gigabytes (GB)) that has to be maintained at all
times. If the disk space drops below the threshold size set in this preference, an
event is logged. The default setting is 1 GB.
Journal Successful Auto Choose to enable or disable the generation/journaling of successful checkpoint
Checkpoint Save Operations? save events for each node that is saved by an automatic checkpoint task. When
disabled, periodic successful save events are suppressed to avoid clogging the
journals with many save messages. The default selection is unchecked, which
means that the successful save messages will not be journaled.
• This function does not suppress the periodic start and stop events associated
with an autocheckpoint task, these events are always journaled even when this
function is disabled.
• This function does not suppress successful save messages produced from
either Save Checkpoint Manually selections of the node(s), or from
successfully saved checkpoint files produced from execution of Save
Checkpoint Manually on manual tasks. The successful save messages are
always journaled for any manual save operation.
• This checkpoint preference also does not apply to the suppression of any
failed save message. Failed saved events, for both automatic and manual
checkpoint saves, are always sent to the system event journal.
Delete Incompatible Checkpoint Choose to delete all the incompatible checkpoint files of a node when it is being
Files? loaded or not. The default is checked, which means that incompatible checkpoint
files will be deleted.

• You have logged on with Administrative Privileges.
• You have installed Experion LX software.
• You have launched Control Builder through the Configuration Studio.
• All applicable Experion LX services are running

To configure checkpoint preferences

1. On the Tools menu, click Checkpoint Preferences.
2. On the PREFERENCES:CHECKPOINT Block dialog, type desired size in gigabytes for the free disk
space to be maintained after every Checkpoint save operation in the Maintain Free Disk Space (in GB) Of:
field. The default setting is 1 (GB). Press the Tab key.
3. Select the Journal Successful Auto Checkpoint Save Operations? check box, if you want a journal
message triggered for every successful save operation. Otherwise, leave the check box blank to suppress
journaling of successful Checkpoint save operations. A message is sent for every failed save operation. The
default setting is a blank check box. Press the Tab key.


4. Select the Delete Incompatible Checkpoint Files? check box, if you want all the incompatible checkpoint
files of a hardware node deleted when the node is being loaded. Otherwise, be sure the check box is blank.
The default setting is checked, which means incompatible checkpoint files will be deleted when the node is
being loaded.
5. Click the OKbutton to save the changes and close the Preferences dialog box.
6. This completes the procedure


24.4 Checkpoint preferences procedural illustration reference

Figure 176: Configuring Operation Permissions


24.5 Configuring operation permissions for Checkpoint functions

You are familiar with navigating within a Windows environment.
You are familiar with the Control Builder application.
A user with a security level of Manager (Mngr) has access to all Checkpoint functions by default.
Configured Operation Permission preferences are stored in the Engineering Repository Database (ERDB) and
the System Repository (SR).
A user with the permission level specified for the Set Preference/Permission operation in the Preferences
dialog can configure which of the following Checkpoint functions a user with a lower security level will be
permitted to access.

If Checkpoint Function is . . . Then, User Can . . .

Schedule Checkpoint Task Create both periodic and manual tasks that perform checkpoint saves
of selected controller nodes. For the periodic tasks, schedule the
checkpoint save at specified time intervals.
Save Checkpoint Manually initiate a Checkpoint save.
Restore Checkpoint Manually initiate a Checkpoint restore to return a node to a previously
stored configuration/operational condition sufficient for a warm
Archive Checkpoint Files Archive selected checkpoint files to another location and/or medium,
with the option of making the archived file(s) read only.
Although Checkpoint files can be archived to non-NTFS media such
as floppies, CD, DVD, memory stick, and so on - this should not be
done. When you archive the Checkpoint files to non-NTFS media, no
errors are reported. However, when you attempt to restore the
Checkpoint files, you will not be able to perform the restore operation.
This is because the CRC information is lost as the non-NTFS files do
not have the Summary tab. This failure will only be detected when you
attempt to restore the Checkpoint files. Therefore, if you want to
archive Checkpoint files to removal media, you must first format that
removal media as NTF.
Rebuild Checkpoint File Rebuild Checkpoint from Monitor tab to rebuild the entire checkpoint
base associated with given node

• You have logged on with Administrative Privileges.
• You have installed Experion LX software.
• You have launched Control Builder through the Configuration Studio.
• All applicable Engineering Tools services are running.

To configure operation permissions

1. On the Tools menu, click Operation Permissions.
2. On the PREFERENCES:PERMISSION Block dialog, find the Schedule Checkpoint Task in the
Operation column, click the corresponding row in the Permission Level column, and select the desired
permission level from the list. The default setting is At Least Engineer.
3. Repeat Step 2 to select the desired permission level for these other Checkpoint operations:
• Save Checkpoint
• Restore Checkpoint
• Archive Checkpoint Files


• Rebuild Checkpoint File

The default setting for these operations is At Least Supervisor.
4. Click the OK button to save the changes and close the dialog
5. This completes the procedure.


24.6 Checkpoint preferences procedural illustration reference

Figure 177: Configuring Operation Permissions


24.7 Checkpoint disk space maintenance functional considerations

The Checkpoint function attempts to maintain the previously configured free disk space size after every save
operation. The following table summarizes some functional considerations for how this space is conserved and

It is a good idea to archive checkpoint files and back up a compatible ERDB at Project Engineering Milestones.
This ensures that the checkpoint structure information remains consistent with the monitoring ERDB and backup of
the ERDB requires that you manually backup the Checkpoint Base share that is on the primary server.

If Checkpoint Operation Is For. . . Then, Consider This. . .

Checkpoint file being created for a Manual • The checkpoint file is written to the disk regardless of the free space
save operation, including those done by restriction. If this saving results in the violation of the free space
Manual tasks. requirement, an event is generated.
• If the checkpoint file cannot be created because of the unavailability
of disk space, the message “Not able to create checkpoint file,
insufficient disk space.” is displayed and an event is generated
Checkpoint file being created for an • If the file being saved is the first auto-checkpoint file for a node,
Autocheckpoint save which means there are no previous versions of checkpoint files for this
given autocheckpoint task,
– The file is written to the disk regardless of the free space
– If this save results in violation of the disk free space requirement,
an event is generated.
– If the available disk space is inadequate, an event is generated and
the checkpoint file is not created. Also, the message “Not able to
create checkpoint file, insufficient disk space.” is displayed and an
event is generated.
• If there are previous versions of the checkpoint file for a node in this
checkpoint task and the free space limit has been reached.
– The oldest version is deleted and the new version is written to the
– Before saving the new file, it is ensured that the space regained by
deleting the old file meets the disk space required by the new file.
– If this space is inadequate, then the older versions are deleted until
there is enough disk space to save the new file. This reduces the
number of versions of the checkpoint file for this node.
– At least 1 version of the checkpoint file is maintained
Deleting incompatible files when associated • Any Project load and delete operation will cause incompatibility, and
checkpoint preference is enabled disqualify all prior existing checkpoint files for use in any checkpoint
restore operation. (This does not apply to the node's latest.cp, as that
always remains compatible.) A monitor load does not cause
• If the checkpoint preference ‘Delete Incompatible Checkpoint Files’
is checked/enabled, all incompatible checkpoint files located within
the default checkpoint folders are deleted soon after a load operation.
Checkpoint files, which are located outside the default folders, are not
deleted. The default folders being referred to are those subdirectories
under the node's directory which is under the CHECKPOINT share.


24.8 Reviewing Checkpoint Functional Aspects

This section reviews some of the underlying functional aspects of the Checkpoint operation.

24.8.1 Checkpoint Functional Description

The Checkpoint function captures and stores configuration or static data and operational or dynamic data for the
following hardware and contents in checkpoint data files.
• C300 Controller


24.9 Checkpoint file characteristics

A checkpoint file contains a proprietary binary image of the following data captured from a given node, as
applicable. It also includes an attribute file for general definitions and compatibility comparisons. The
checkpoint files are stored on the computer's local drive. The checkpoint files are created on the Primary Server
in the default checkpoint share directory. This share is then replicated to the secondary server and each in that
server cluster.

Node Data Description

Configuration Checkpoint CCD consists of Load Only information and load information that can change at run time.
Data (CCD) Checkpoint acquires this parameter information during the project/monitor load operation of
a node. This information also gets acquired by Checkpoint when a user initiates a checkpoint
rebuild operation.
Operational Checkpoint OCD information consists of those loaded parameters that can change during runtime. As
Data (OCD) such, a loaded parameter may have both CCD and OCD attributes. However, OCD
information also consists of non-loaded parameters, such as execution states, that change
during runtime. Checkpoint reads this OCD information from the hardware node and all its
hardware/software child blocks during a checkpoint save. During a Checkpoint Restore
operation, parameters are restored according to the load order. Even non-loaded parameters
(such as execution states) have an implicit load order during the checkpoint restore. The full
complement of the node's restored CCD/OCD data permits a warm restart of the hardware
node, if supported.
Control Component When blocks using CCLs are loaded to the node, then the CCL library names, library code,
Language (CCL) Libraries and firmware version information are stored in the checkpoint file. This CCL information is
stored in the checkpoint file so that checkpoint restore can be done without requiring access
to an operational ERDB. During a Checkpoint Restore operation, the firmware version is
retrieved from the controller and compared with the firmware version in the checkpoint file.
If there is a firmware mismatch, the restore will not be successful.
Custom Algorithm Block Similar to CCL requirements, CAB related information is stored in the checkpoint file so
(CAB) Algorithms that checkpoint restore can be done without requiring access to an operational ERDB.
Checkpoint captures CAB configuration parameters including the algorithm during the load
of the block instance. If there are multiple instances of a CAB type, only one copy of the
algorithm is stored and the same copy is referenced by all the instances. The algorithm is
retained as long as there is at least one instance of a CAB type referencing it. The algorithm
is deleted once the only block referencing it is deleted. During a Checkpoint Restore
operation, the algorithm is extracted from the checkpoint file and the parameters are returned
in the same order and format that they were stored during a load operation.

24.9.1 Checkpoint files and files storage overview

The following table provides an overview of the shared Checkpoint and CheckpointBase folders/directories
associated with checkpoint files and their storage.

You cannot choose the storage location for manual checkpoint saves. During a Save Checkpoint Manually operation,
checkpoint saves to certain subdirectories under the following default share folder/directory:
\\primary_server\%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS
Only Checkpoint Files in this default folder are replicated to the secondary server or to the .


Function Checkpoint Folder CheckpointBase Folder

Purpose Checkpoint Files are created both automatically To create/save checkpoint files for a given node,
on a scheduled basis and manually using the checkpoint must acquire the configuration
checkpoint scheduler. These files are stored by information associated with that hardware node.
the Checkpoint Service under the default shared The Checkpoint Service only reads the run-time
Checkpoint folder/directory in the primary changeable information from the hardware node.
Experion server. The checkpoint functionality need only acquire the
non-changeable configuration information at a
Be aware that you must never modify or delete
node's load time. The configuration information
the node's latest.cp from this Checkpoint share,
held by checkpoint also gets modified when a
and should never modify any subdirectory
tagged object within that node gets deleted/
names in this share, since it may introduce
reloaded/uploaded. This configuration information,
problems in checkpoint save operations.
along with other file management information, is
captured and maintained by Checkpoint in the
node's subdirectory of the shared CheckpointBase
folder. The Checkpoint Base share only exists in
the primary/secondary server file system. This
Checkpoint Base share is replicated between the
primary and secondary server during project/
monitor loads, deletes, and checkpoint rebuilds.
Checkpoint saves also update this base information
so it remains in sync with what is found in the
node's latest.cp.
Be aware that you must never modify/delete any
files in this Checkpoint Base share
Hardware Node A folder for each hardware node is created Like the Checkpoint share, a folder for each
Files under this shared Checkpoint folder in the hardware node is created under the shared
primary Experion server. Further sub-folders are CheckpointBase folder. However, it has no sub-
under each node folder. The checkpoint files are folders under each node folder. The checkpoint
stored in these sub-folders. See the following structure and management files are stored directly
section for more details about the directory in the node folder. As noted in the preceding row,
structure related to this share. This entire shared this entire CheckpointBase share is replicated to
Checkpoint folder is then replicated to the only the secondary server.
secondary server as well as to all .
Storage As stated in the preceding Attention note,
checkpoint saves can only be made to the local
drive's default directory of the shared
Checkpoint folder on the primary server, with
automatic replication to that same named default
directory for Checkpoint shares on the
secondary server, and each local drives.
However, the Checkpoint Service gives users
the capability to archive checkpoint files from
these Checkpoint shares to not just the
destinations on these same local drives, but also
to other machine's, other local/network drives,
and to removable media, such as a CD or DVD.
Checkpoint also provides the ability to restore a
node directly from a checkpoint file from any of
these destinations where the archive was

24.9.2 Checkpoint functional rules and guidelines

• All checkpoint files will be created in the following Checkpoint share directory. See the following figure for
sample default directories and files.
– C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS\Checkpoint


• For a given node, the checkpoint files will be placed in a node sub-directory located in the Checkpoint share.
This node sub-directory will be named with the same character string as in the Experion LX tag name of that
node. For documentation purposes, below that string will be referred to as ControllerName.
• All checkpoint files will have this extension: cp.
• Each node will have a latest checkpoint file named as ControllerName_Latest.cp. This checkpoint file will
be located in the node's subdirectory in the Checkpoint share.
• All checkpoint files created from a manual save operation will have default names based on the following
convention. The time and date is obtained from the primary scan server's local time base.
– ControllerName_Date_Time.cp
• All checkpoint files created from a scheduled autocheckpoint task will be named based on the following
– ControllerName_Task_Interval_Version.cp
• All Checkpoint Tasks scheduled to run automatically will be named based on the following convention:
– ControllerName_AutoCpTsk
• All Checkpoint Tasks scheduled to run manually will be named based on the following convention:
– Controller Name_ManCpTsk
• The manually saved checkpoint files will be placed into subdirectories located under the node's overall
subdirectory in the Checkpoint share.
– If the save was initiated by a manual checkpoint task, the saved checkpoint file will be placed into a
subdirectory named the same as the manual task's name.
– If the saved was initiated on that node, other than by a manual task, then the saved checkpoint file will be
placed into the common “Manual” subdirectory.
• All checkpoint files saved by a given autocheckpoint schedule will be placed into a subdirectory under the
node's overall subdirectory in the Checkpoint Share. That subdirectory (having the autocheckpoint
checkpoint files) will have the same name as that autocheckpoint task's name.
• Microsoft's cabinet file format is the underlying technology used for producing the checkpoint files.
• Microsoft's makecab.exe utility compresses the information during the checkpoint save operation. During
the checkpoint restore operation, the extract.exe is used to decompress the information
• All date and time fields display local date and time. The time and date is obtained from the primary server's
local time base.


Figure 178: Sample Default Directories and Files

Callout Description
1 Top level of share has subdirectory for each node.
2 Each node subdirectory has:
2a Subdirectory of each manual checkpoint task. Contents of given subdirectory are the node's checkpoint files
saved from launches of the manual task on the Checkpoint Save display's By Task tab.
2b Common Manual subdirectory containing checkpoint files of manual saves launched for this node from the By
Node tab on the Checkpoint Save display.
2c Subdirectory for each automatic checkpoint task. Contents of each subdirectory are the checkpoint files saved as
result of periodic execution of that task.
2d The node's latest.cp checkpoint file.


24.10 Control Builder Checkpoint interface summary

The following table summarizes the checkpoint operations that can be launched from Control Builder.

Initiate This Operation . . . If You Want To . . .

On Controller menu or right-click Create tasks that periodically checkpoint all the nodes listed in the task.
node, click Checkpoint>Schedule
• The complete functionality of the Checkpoint Scheduler dialog can only be
Checkpoint Tasks
launched from Control Builder.
On Controller menu or right-click Archive desired set of checkpoint files to a different location.
node, click Checkpoint>Archive
Checkpoint Files
On Controller menu or right-click Checkpoint a selected node and store the current configuration and operational data.
node, click Checkpoint>Save In addition, you can save a group of nodes based on previously configured manual
Checkpoint Manually tasks.
On Controller menu or right-click Restore a failed hardware node or return to a previous configuration/operational
node, click Checkpoint>Restore condition by choosing a checkpoint file from among multiple checkpoint files. For
From Checkpoint certain nodes, you can selectively restore lower level hardware modules.
On Controller menu or right-click Re-construct both the checkpoint base information (CCD info) of that node, and
node, click Checkpoint> Rebuild regenerate the node's Latest.cp checkpoint file with just the configuration
Selected Object(s) and Contents information. The information for doing this is obtained from that node's loaded
Checkpoint from Monitoring Tab information in the Monitor side of the ERDB.


24.11 Control Builder Interface graphical reference

Figure 179: Initiating Checkpoint operations through CB Controller menu


Figure 180: Initiating Checkpoint operations through CB right-click menu


24.12 Station Detail Display Checkpoint interface summary

The following table summarizes the Checkpoint operations that you can access through Detail Displays in
Station. These are subsets of the Checkpoint operations that are available through Control Builder.

If You Want To . . . Then, View And Use Interface To . . .

Tab On . . .
View Checkpoint Task Node's Top Level Display Examine the current status of all the checkpoint tasks
Status scheduled for a node. This is a view only display, since
you are not allowed to modify the tasks.
Save Checkpoint Manually Node's Top Level Display Checkpoint save a selected node. You can only save
individual nodes from detail displays, and cannot save
based on manual tasks.
Note: Detail Display does not give you the option to
perform a Manual Task save.
Restore From Checkpoint Node's Top Level Display or Launch same checkpoint restore operations from a node's
Lower Level Hardware Item's detail display and lower level module detail displays (as
Display appropriate) as you would from Control Builder.


24.13 System Status Display Checkpoint interface summary

You cannot directly interface with Checkpoint operations through System Status Display. You can launch a
node's detail display from the System Status Display and then interface with Checkpoint operations through the
Checkpoint tab on the detail display.


24.14 System Event Checkpoint interface summary

You can call up the server's system Event Journal through Station to view Checkpoint related events being
journaled in the server's Event system.


24.15 Identifying Functions on the Checkpoint Scheduler Dialog

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Checkpoint
Scheduler dialog.

You can change the viewing order of data from ascending to descending or vice versa by clicking the cursor in a
column heading in the table grid on the dialog.

Figure 181: Checkpoint Scheduler Task and Task By Node Tabs

Callout Function Description

1 Task Tab Click to view. Contains list box that shows all the scheduled tasks currently


Callout Function Description

2 Current tasks box Shows all currently configured tasks with grid that includes:
• Name of task
• Schedule set for the task - This is the time interval with the starting time and
date as configured in the Define Task dialog. Only valid for Automatic Type
• Status of the task - Can assume Running, Stopped or Scheduled condition.
See the following Checkpoint scheduler state conditions related to stop and
start actions section for more information.
• Type of task - Can be Automatic or Manual as configured in the Define Task
• Last Run Time for task - This is the primary server's time when the task's
previous/current run was initiated. It is not the time when the task completed,
but when the task's run was initiated.
• Next Run Time scheduled for task - See the following Definition and
computation of next run time section for more information.
• Creator of task
3 When available, click to start selected task. Selecting a Stopped task makes the
button available.

Start button
4 When available, click to stop selected Running or Scheduled task. Selecting a
running or Scheduled task makes the button available.

Stop button
5 New button Click to open the Define Task dialog to schedule a new task.
6 Edit button When available, click to open the Define Task dialog to edit a selected task.
Selecting a Stopped or scheduled task makes the button available.
7 Delete button When available, click to delete the selected task from the schedule and the
ERDB. Selecting a Stopped or scheduled task makes the button available.
8 Refresh button Click to refresh contents in Current Task box. The Checkpoint Scheduler dialog
does not have its status information updated automatically while the display is
shown. It must be manually refreshed by either clicking this button or calling up
the display again.
9 Close button Click to close the dialog.
10 Help button Click to view associated Help information.
11 Task by node tab and Click to view. Tab contains list boxes that show available top-level-hardware-
parent entities or nodes and the scheduled tasks that includes the selected node in
Available box
the Available box. Provides a means to filter the display of scheduled tasks by
associated node.
12 Tasks which included the Shows all currently configured tasks that include the selected available node with
selected node box grid that includes:
• Name of task
• Schedule set for the task
• Status of the task
• Type of task
• Last Run Time for task
• Next Run Time scheduled for task
• Creator of task
13 Edit button When available, click to open the Define Task dialog to edit a selected task.
Selecting a stopped task makes the button available.


Callout Function Description

14 Refresh button Click to refresh contents in the Tasks, which include the selected node box.
13 Close button Click to close the dialog.
14 Help button Click to view associated Help information.


24.16 Identifying Functions on the Define Task Dialog

The following illustration and callout table, identify the functions that are available on the Define Task dialog

Figure 182: Define Task Dialog

Callout Function Description

1 Task Name Defines unique name for scheduled task within the server's name space. Default
name is the name of the node that is included in the scheduled task. The task
name is updated as other nodes are added. Users can also type a desired name in
the field, which overrides the default name. See the following About naming
tasks section for more information.
The default name has a suffix of AutoCpTsk, if the task is Automatic type; or a
ManCpTsk suffix, if the task is Manual type.
2 Available Project Nodes Shows all currently configured nodes in the Project tab.
3 When available, click to add selected available node to Assigned Project Nodes
box. Selecting a node in the Available Project Nodes box makes the button
available. You can use common Window's shortcut keys to make multiple
Add button selections.
4 When available, click to remove selected node from the Assigned Project Nodes
box. Selecting a node in the Assigned Project Nodes box makes the button
available. You can use common Window's shortcut keys to make multiple
Remove button selections

5 Assigned Project Nodes Shows all nodes currently assigned to the scheduled task. Use the Add and
box Remove buttons to edit selections.
6 Define button When available, click to create the named scheduled task and have it added to the
Current tasks box on the Tasks tab of the Checkpoint Scheduler dialog.
Entering a Task Name and adding at least one available node to the Assigned
Project Nodes box makes the button available.
7 Cancel button Click to close the dialog and end the create or edit schedule task operation
without saving changes.


Callout Function Description

8 Help button Click to view associated Help information.
9 Comments Type any comment you want associated with this task in the box. This could be
information to help identify the file for a restore operation. This comment is
stored in each checkpoint file produced by this task. The comment will appear in
the Checkpoint Restore User interface when the file is displayed for restore
10 Number of versions Defines the maximum number of files that will be created per node in this task.
Once this maximum number is reached, the older versions are overwritten with
the newer checkpoint files. The default number of files is set to 5. The default is
set to 1 in case of a Qualification and Version Control System (QVCS) enabled
system license and cannot be changed. This field is only available when Startup
Type selection is Automatic.
11 Perform this task Click arrow button to select desired task interval time from the list:
• Every 2 hours
• Every 4 hours
• Every 8 hours
• Every Day
• Every 3 days
• Weekly
This field is only available when Startup Type selection is Automatic. The
default selection is Every 4 hours.
12 Start Time Click the up and down arrow buttons to set the desired time for the task to start.
This field is only available when Startup Type selection is Automatic.
You can also key in the values in the selected time field.
13 Start Date Click the up and down arrow buttons to set the desired date when the task is to
start. This field is only available when Startup Type selection is Automatic.
You can also key in values in the selected date field.
14 Startup Type Select Manual or Automatic as the startup type for the task. You cannot
schedule a Manual type task. To run a Manual type task, select the task in the
Checkpoint Scheduler dialog and click the

Start button. If a Manual task is chosen, the following boxes are unavailable and
cannot be configured: Start Date, Start Time, Perform This Task, and
Number Of Versions.


24.17 Scheduling Checkpoint Tasks

This section provides a procedure for using the Checkpoint User Interface to schedule tasks to automatically
checkpoint selected hardware entities at predetermined intervals.
If no tasks are currently configured, selecting the Schedule Checkpoint Tasks command calls up the Define
Task dialog box instead of the Checkpoint Scheduler window. The status of each task is updated when the
Checkpoint Scheduler window is opened. You can also click the Refresh button to update the status of each
task in the Checkpoint Scheduler window.
You can run a manual task by clicking the

Start button on the Checkpoint Scheduler window.

All applicable nodes in the Project tab of Control Builder are listed in the Available Project Nodes box on the
Define Task dialog. A scheduled task is run according to the configuration settings that you made through the
Define Task dialog whether or not a node within the task has been loaded. When that task runs, the node that
was not loaded will not be saved. Checkpoint save/restore is only applicable for nodes that appear in the
Monitoring tab.
Once you schedule a task, up to five nodes in the task are checkpointed concurrently. See “Deferral and
Resumption Of Node Saves” on page 670 for information related to checkpoint save deferral and resumption.
When a node's checkpoint save completes within the given task, that checkpoint file is created on the Server for
that node.
For Automatic checkpoint save, the initial save of the checkpoint file for a node with no previous versions is
written to the disk regardless of the required free space. If this save violates the required free space, an event is
generated. If there is not enough disk space available to store this initial checkpoint file, an event is generated
and the checkpoint file is saved.
For Automatic checkpoint save, if there are previous versions of the checkpoint file for a node and the required
free space is violated, the oldest checkpoint file version is deleted and the new version is copied to the disk.
Before saving the new file, checks are made to ensure that the space regained by deleting the old checkpoint file
is enough to store the new checkpoint file. If the regained space is inadequate, the next older versions are
deleted until there is enough disk space available. This reduces the number of checkpoint file versions available
for the given node. At least one checkpoint file is maintained for each node in the given automatic task. For
example, if a given node is in three automatic tasks and all saves are causing free space violations, attempts will
be made to save three checkpoint files for that node (one for each task)
You can use any compatible checkpoint files to restore a node to its previous configuration independent of
ERDB presence.
You can convert a Manual type scheduled task to an Automatic one by editing the Startup Type for the task
on the Define Task dialog or vice versa - change an Automatic type to a Manual one.
The initial task status for a Manual type task is Stopped
The initial task status for an Automatic type task is Scheduled
The following table summarizes the interaction between the Start and Stop buttons for a given task status and

Task Status Task Type Start Button Stop Button

Running Automatic Disabled Enabled
Running Manual Disabled Enabled
Stopping Automatic Disabled Disabled
Stopping Manual Disabled Disabled


Task Status Task Type Start Button Stop Button

Stopped Automatic Enabled Disabled
Stopped Manual Enabled Disabled
Scheduled Automatic Disabled Enabled
Scheduled Manual Illegal Condition -Should never happen.

The following procedure assumes tasks were not previously configured and outlines the steps typically involved
with scheduling a task to run automatically.

• You have logged on with a security level that permits you to schedule checkpoint tasks through Control
• You have configured control strategies in Control Builder.
• The Windows Task Scheduler service is running (Started).

Never make Checkpoint schedule changes through the Windows Task Scheduler service. The Checkpoint Service
uses periodic timing triggers through Windows NT Tasks that it has configured. Checkpoint Service assumes that
it only is creating/changing/deleting these triggers. You must never modify these related NT Tasks or stop the
Windows NT Scheduler Service.

To create and schedule an automatic checkpoint task

1. On the Controller menu, clickCheckpoint > Schedule Checkpoint Tasks.
• If the Define Task dialog box appears, go to the next step
• If the Checkpoint Scheduler window appears, click the New button to call up the Define Task dialog
2. In the Task Name field, you can choose to type in a desired name for this task that is ensured to be unique to
the server's name space. The default name consists of a series of node names that are assigned to the task.
3. In the Available Project Nodes box, select one or more nodes you want to include in the task.
4. Click the

Add button to include the node selections in the Assigned Project Nodes box. Note that series of node
names in the Assigned Project Nodes box are inserted as the default name in the Task Name field.
5. Under Startup Type, click Automatic.
6. In the Start Date field, click

up or down arrow button to set desired date that task is to start.

7. In the Start Time field, click the

up or down arrow button to set desired time of day that task is to start.
8. In the Perform this task field, Click the

down arrow button and select the desired time interval for the task from the list.


9. In the Number of Versions field, type the maximum number of files you want created for each node in this
task. The default number is 5 unless you are running a licensed QVCS application on your system, then the
default number is 1. The maximum number of versions allowed is 100.
10. In the Comments field, type any desired message that will help you select the checkpoint file for this task
during a restore operation.
11. Click the Define button to create the task, add it to the Tasks tab on Checkpoint Scheduler dialog, and
close the Define Task dialog.
12. This completes the procedure.


24.18 About naming tasks

The default naming action continues for a given task until you manually enter a task name. For example, if you
select a node in the Available Project Node list box and transfer the node to the Assigned Project Node list
box, the node's task name character string is concatenated to the present task name. If you transfer the node back
from the Assigned Project Node list box to the Available Project Node list box, the string of characters
associated with the node's name are removed from the existing task name.
When you enter a string into the Task Name box, the default naming action for that given task is permanently
disabled. This applies even if you would enter what would be the default name.
When you click the Define button, the system ensures that the task name is unique within an Experion LX
server name space among all tagged block names. Also, it ensures the task name does not exceed 40 characters
and does not have illegal characters as defined by the Experion LX tag naming convention. If a task name does
not comply, an error message prompts you to take corrective action before proceeding.


24.19 Checkpoint scheduler state conditions related to stop and start

The following table summarizes some scheduler state conditions for given user initiated start and stop actions.

Task Status Task Type User Next Task Status What happens
Running Automatic Stop Stopping Current Save in progress accessing the Nodes.
This occurs until the node saves are
completed. However, the task gets
unscheduled while saves are completing, Next
Run time is set to blank
Running Manual Stop Stopping Current save in progress accessing the nodes.
This occurs until the node saves are
Stopping Automatic None possible Stopped Task is in process of stopping. When all
associated nodes have saves completed then
task state progresses to stopped. Prior to
Manual taking any other task action, the user must
wait until checkpoint service fully stops the
task. This gets indicated by the “Stopped”
Stopped Automatic Start Scheduled Task is scheduled with the original start time
and date when the task was defined and is
scheduled to run at the next interval. The
interval information is obtained from “define
task”as well.
Stopped Manual Start Running Task runs with the start time and date when
the Start button was pressed.
Scheduled Automatic Stop Stopped Task is unscheduled


24.20 Task overrun condition

A Task can overrun if it does not complete before its next interval. In this case, all next scheduled intervals are
skipped until the current interval completes. After completing the current interval, an event is journaled showing
the normal completion of the task. However, no additional event gets journaled to signal that the next scheduled
running of the task has overrun.
The task is not re-run immediately because of the overrun. The task only runs again at its next interval. It is the
user's responsibility to adjust their schedules to avoid too many delayed/overrun occurrences.


24.21 Deferral and Resumption Of Node Saves

To throttle checkpoint service's consumption of the primary server's CPU processing resource, the Checkpoint
Service uses a mechanism for deferring and resuming saves. The checkpoint service limits the number of
simultaneous node (entity) saves to 5 (five). This applies to all the saves that have been scheduled or demanded
in that instance of time. This means that for all the manual saves (from manual on-demand and manual tasks)
and automatic task saves that have been engaged to be run only 5 node entities can be placed into active saving
execution threads. For any additional nodes that need to be saved, those save request are deferred and placed
into a FIFO queue. When an active save completes, the first entity on this deferred FIFO save queue gets
removed and has the freed save thread now assigned to work for saving that entity. Save Deferral Events get
journaled for all entities that have their saves deferred. A resumption save event gets generated for each entity,
when its save is resumed as previously explained.


24.22 Definition and computation of task's elapsed run time

A task's elapsed run time is not provided as a parameter on the task. If you need to determine this, you must
view and search the Event Summary for the task's start and completed events applying to the given task in
question. The task's elapsed run time will be the difference from the time that this completed event was
journaled from when the task's corresponding start event was journaled. This elapsed time may vary from run to
run depending on what other checkpoint saves are going on and their affect on deferrals and resumptions of the
node saves within the task being considered.


24.23 Definition and computation of next run time

The next run time is defined as the time when the Automatic task will be started next based on the schedule. It
does not apply to Manual type tasks. When an Automatic task is stopped, it is taken out of the schedule and
therefore there is no next run time.
Checkpoint uses the Windows Scheduler Service to make all next run time computations. Even if you define an
automatic task with a Start Date and Start Time in the past or before the present time when the actual Define
button is clicked, the Windows Scheduler Service computes the next run time. In this case, the next run time is
offset by the interval configured in the Perform This Task box that is the first time mark that occurs after the
present time or when the Define button is clicked. The following time line examples illustrate this.


24.24 Checkpoint scheduler graphical reference

Figure 183: Launching Checkpoint Scheduler dialog


Figure 184: Selecting a Project node in the Define Task dialog


Figure 185: Added/assigned node gets default Task Name created


Figure 186: Adding comments and how to remove assigned node


Figure 187: Click Define button to create configured task checkpoint schedule and close Define Task dialog


Figure 188: Task is defined in Checkpoint Scheduler and event is journaled in Station Event Summary display


Figure 189: Click New button to launch Define Task dialog to configure another checkpoint schedule task


Figure 190: Configuring Automatic type task checkpoint schedule for three assigned Project nodes


Figure 191: Changing Task time interval from Every 4 hours to Every 2 hours


Figure 192: Editing configuration fields and clicking Define button to save changes


Figure 193: Automatic checkpoint task is now defined and scheduled to run


Figure 194: Making edits to selected checkpoint schedule task

Figure 195: Selecting current task name for editing


Figure 196: Entered Task Name edit includes invalid character


Figure 197: Correct invalid character error by replacing space with valid underscore character and click Define to save changes

Figure 198: Edited Task Name now appears as Name for task in Checkpoint Scheduler


Figure 199: Click Task by node tab to view all tasks associated with a given node


Figure 200: Click Tasks tab, select Manual checkpoint schedule task, click Start button, monitor status on tab, and view events
journaled in Station Event Summary display


Figure 201: Check status of automatic checkpoint task on Tasks tab of Checkpoint Scheduler and through events journaled in
Stations Event Summary display

Figure 202: Station Even Summary display shows Task Aborted event journal for automatic checkpoint task stopped by user


24.25 Identifying Functions on the Archive Checkpoint Files Dialog

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Archive Checkpoint
Files dialog.

Figure 203: Archive Checkpoint Files Dialog

Callout Function Description

1 Node box Show all loaded Project nodes that appear in the Monitoring tab.
2 Files box Shows all saved checkpoint files associated with the selected node in the
designated source location with a grid that includes:
• File Name is the Name of the checkpoint file.
• Date file was last saved.
• Time file was last saved
• ReadOnly marked as Read Only by the user, internally file attribute changed
to read only by checkpoint application.
• Compatibility shows logical integrity of the checkpoint file. Indication is
provided on a checkpoint file to inform the checkpoint function when the file
is permitted for checkpoint restore. See the following Checkpoint file
attributes section for more information.
• Validity shows the physical integrity of the checkpoint file. See the following
Checkpoint file attributes section for more information.
• Creator is the user's login account name
• Comments composed by task creator
You can change the viewing order of data from ascending to descending or vice
versa by clicking the cursor in a column heading in the table grid on the dialog.
3 Archive button When available, click to initiate store of selected files to the Destination
location. Prompt message will ask if you want to mark files as ReadOnly. Click
the Yes button to mark the files as ReadOnly. Selecting one or more files makes
the button available.
4 Cancel button Click to close the dialog and end the current session.
5 Help button Click to view associated Help information.


Callout Function Description

6 Destination Click the Browse button to navigate to the directory location where the files are
to be archived or accept the default location. The last selected Destination
directory is retained as the default directory for the next archive session. The
Source and Destination file locations are different by default. The Archive
function does not permit you to have the same destination path as the source path
7 Source Click the Browse button to navigate to another directory that includes saved
checkpoint files. The Source and Destination file locations are different by


24.26 Archiving Checkpoint Files

This section provides a procedure for using the Checkpoint User Interface to archive checkpoint files to another
file location or medium for safekeeping until they are needed for a possible restoration operation. This lets you
free up the on-line checkpoint storage without losing those checkpoint files that may have tuning and other
information that you want to retain but do not need to access immediately.
The Archive operation copies the checkpoint file from source to destination, and leaves the checkpoint file on
the source as is.
You should keep the checkpoint files with the most recent real-time saved information online in the default
directories for immediate use. This lets you initiate a checkpoint restore in the minimum amount of time in a
disaster recovery scenario. Checkpoint restore has immediate access to the node's latest.cp file for this reason.
You may archive the node's latest.cp checkpoint file, but you should never attempt to delete it or remove it from
its defaulted directory location.
The Archive function forces you to define a destination path that is different than the source path.
You can only set ReadOnly on the checkpoint file copied to the destination. It is never set on the checkpoint file
stored on the source
When specifying the destination path, you can only select the path since you are NOT given the ability to
change the file name.
You can archive the selected source file multiple times to the same destination path or to different destination
paths, as required.
If you attempt to archive a source file to a destination path that already contains a copy of the file, follow the
existing operating system prompts to overwrite the file.
If you do choose to overwrite a file in the destination location, you are responsible for determining whether or
not the Read Only properties get reset for the file in the destination location.
If you are using a removable media, be sure the medium has sufficient storage capacity and is ready for a write

• You have logged on with a security level that permits you to archive checkpoint files through Control
• Manual or automatic saves have been completed.

To archive checkpoint files

1 On the Controller menu, click Checkpoint > Archive Checkpoint Files
2 In the Source field, be sure the path to the saved checkpoint files is correct. If it is not correct, click the
Browse button to navigate to the correct location.
3 In the Destination field, be sure the path to the archive location for the checkpoint files is correct. If it is not
correct, click the Browse button to navigate to the correct location.
4 In the Node box, select the hardware node whose checkpoint files you want archive. The source path is
automatically changed to point to the node's subdirectory in the Checkpoint share.
To avoid changing the source path twice when you want to specify a path other than the default one, select
the node first and then the source path second.
5 In the Files box, select the checkpoint file that you want to archive.
• Click the Archive button.
• Prompt asks if you want to mark the files as ReadOnly. Click the Yes button to make files Read Only.
Otherwise, click the No button.


6 Wait for the copy function to complete.

7 If applicable, repeat Steps 4 to 7 for other nodes.
8 This completes the procedure.


24.27 Archive checkpoint graphical reference

Figure 204: Launching Archive Checkpoint Files by right-clicking node in Monitoring tab and selecting from list


Figure 205: Viewing Checkpoint files for selected node from designated source and archiving to designated destination


Figure 206: Using browse button to navigate to desired storage location for checkpoint files to be archived


Figure 207: Using Ctrl+Shift keys to select multiple checkpoint files for archiving


Figure 208: Marking archived file as ReadOnly


Figure 209: Initiating file archiving without marking file as ReadOnly


Figure 210: Prompt message confirms when file has been archived


Figure 211: Confirming ReadOnly status of archived files


Figure 212: Overwriting an existing archived checkpoint file


24.28 Checkpoint file attributes

The Checkpoint functionality defines its own set of file attributes for each checkpoint file. This information is
encoded in the checkpoint file and some of this information appears in the Files grid on both the Restore From
Checkpoint and Archive dialogs. The following sections define these checkpoint file attributes.

Related topics
“Compatibility attribute” on page 703
“Validity attribute” on page 703
“Entirety Attribute” on page 703

24.28.1 Compatibility attribute

Definition Logical integrity of the Checkpoint file data.

States Compatible: The configuration state/instance of all of the blocks and connections among blocks contained
in the checkpoint file is consistent with what Experion LX monitor ERDB and SR knows it to be.
Incompatible: The configuration state/instance of one or more blocks (as contained in the checkpoint file)
is inconsistent with what Experion LX monitor ERDB and SR knows it to be. The restore of such of file to
the controller would most likely result in ghost point operation. A ghost point is defined as a block actually
running in the controller, but the user has no visibility to such operation since it is not present in Control
Builder's Monitor View. Checkpoint ensures that such a file cannot be used for a checkpoint restore
Notes 1. A node's latest.cp never becomes incompatible.
2. Once a checkpoint file is made incompatible, the action is irreversible.
3. Checkpoint files that are compatible before any Monitoring load will retain compatibility after that load

24.28.2 Validity attribute

Definition Physical integrity of the Checkpoint file data

States Valid: File's computed CRC is equal to the CRC that is stored in the file
Invalid:File's computed CRC is not equal to the CRC that is stored in the file
Notes Each checkpoint file has a CRC32 signature which is tested to validate the physical contents before it is
used for a restore.

24.28.3 Entirety Attribute

Definition Completeness of the checkpoint file with respect to runtime Operational Checkpoint Data (OCD)
information that is required for warm-restart.
States Complete: All the tagged blocks within the file contain up-to-date OCD information. Checkpoint file is
suitable for warm-restart.
Incomplete: No OCD information for one or more tagged blocks in the file. This could occur after a
Load/Reload (even when no changes occurred) of such tagged blocks, but before a checkpoint SAVE
operation. To recover from this condition, you need to perform a successful checkpoint save so that the
entirety state becomes Complete.


Stale: One or more tagged blocks in the file do not have up to date OCD information. This could occur
due to communication, file access or other errors during a checkpoint SAVE operation. In such a case,
OCD information is preserved from a most recent previous successful checkpoint SAVE. To recover from
this condition, you need to perform a successful checkpoint save so that the entirety state becomes
Dangling: This state indicates dangling peer-to-peer (P2P) connections in tagged blocks. P2P connection
has both a definition (or source) end and a reference (or destination) end. These connection ends will be
associated with certain tagged blocks. For discussion here, the source will be in a tagged block called
DEF CM, and the destination will be in a tagged block called the REF CM. This dangling entirety state
will come about when a checkpoint rebuild occurs on the controller node having the REF CM when the
DEF CM is both not present in the monitor side and not assigned to a controller in the project side. The
following are the three actions that user can take to eliminate the dangling entirety condition in the
controller's checkpoint file having the REF CM:
• If the full P2P connection is to remain and work correctly, then the connection needs to be reformed.
To do this, the user needs to first project load the DEF CM, followed by reload of the REF CM. This
will remove the dangling entirety on the checkpoint file associated with controller having the REF
• The connection can also be reformed but not yet work, by just keeping the DEF CM assigned to a
controller in the project side, and do a monitor/project reload of the REF CM. This will remove the
dangling entirety state in the checkpoint file associated with controller having the REF CM.
• If the user no longer wants the P2P connection, then the DEF CM should either be moved into the
Unassigned category on project tree, or deleted from project tree. The REF CM then needs to be
modified on project tree to remove the connection to that DEF CM. The REF CM then gets reloaded
from project. This will remove the dangling entirety on the checkpoint file associated with controller
having the REF CM.
Mismatch: This file entirety state can only apply to tagged blocks that have custom type component
blocks such as CAB, CDB, Phase and any future custom types. If you change the type, without any
subsequent Project/Monitoring loading, and then perform a rebuild checkpoint file from monitor
operation, any tagged blocks containing custom component blocks (derived from the edited type) will not
be consistent with those blocks executing in the controller (based on the type prior to the edit). All such
tagged blocks are categorized as mismatch. The only way to make these matched again is a reload from
Project or Monitoring tab. Furthermore, for any tagged block that proceeds to Mismatch, all knowledge is
lost regarding its former state of complete, stale, or incomplete. However, this does not matter, since you
cannot restore a mismatched tagged block anyway. To recover from this condition, you need to first
perform a reload of the mismatched tagged block, and then perform a successful checkpoint save so that
the entirety state of that tagged block becomes complete.


Notes 1. See following Attention:

To ensure reliability/consistency of the checkpoint function including its alarming on a node's
CPSTATUS parameter, it is highly recommended that the user correct any dangling and/or
mismatch conditions (which occurred during Engineering Operations such as Load, Delete,
Upload, Rebuild), before proceeding with checkpoint saving of the node.

2. The Entirety shown for a checkpoint file in the Restore from Checkpoint dialog is the overall Entirety
of the file. This is based on the highest priority entirety found on all the tagged blocks in the checkpoint
file. Following is the priority related to entirety state:
• Mismatch (Highest)
• Dangling (Lower than Mismatch)
• Incomplete (Lower than Dangling)
• Stale (Lower than Incomplete)
• Complete (Lowest)
3. A project/monitor load of one or more tagged block instances having component blocks (after custom
type change) does not cause a mismatch condition. Mismatch implies an inconsistency between the
custom types in the checkpoint file and that type information that is known by the controller. A project/
monitor load (after a custom type change) will bring the node's latest.cp file into consistency with what is
loaded into the controller. However, with regard to a prior checkpoint file, the controller has the newly
modified custom block type, but the prior checkpoint file(s) do not have those same tagged block
instances having the updated type(s). However, this is still not a mismatch condition. Unless made
incompatible, by a Project load, a user may be able to restore such a checkpoint file. In this condition, a
Monitoring reload will update the custom block type on the monitoring side, but retain compatibility of
the older checkpoint files. This permits these older checkpoint files to remain selectable for restore. In
this scenario, restoring the former custom block type does not result in any introduction of ghost points,
since the same exact block instance gets reloaded and still can be viewed from the monitoring side. The
older block instance that is restored may have fewer parameters than that shown in monitoring.
Parameters that are shown in the custom block form on monitoring (that were added in the newer block
type change that was loaded before the older checkpoint file restore) will show in error on the monitoring
form. Although these added parameters will be in error, it still does not result in ghost point operation.
4. When a mismatched entirety file is selected for restore (including node's latest.cp), all of the blocks,
with the exception of the mismatched blocks, will be restored to the selected node. The user will need to
monitor reload the mismatched blocks to have them again reside/operate in the selected node.
5. When a mismatched or dangling entirety file is selected for restore (including node's latest.cp), any
dangling tagged blocks will be restored to the selected node. However, such tagged blocks after
activation will be getting errors on the block input parameters that are sourced by the dangling
connection. For proper operation, the user will need to correct the dangling blocks (as defined above) to
have them again reside/operate in the selected node.
6. The following state diagram illustrates how the various engineering actions performed through Control
Builder and Checkpoint save modifies the node's latest.cp Entirety.


1. Reload/delete of instances based on edited types when other instances were already in incomplete
state, and no dangling instances exist
2. Delete of Dangling Instances when incomplete instances are present, or reload of both tagged block
instances (having the def/ref ends of the P2P connection) so as to correct dangling connection.
3. This rebuild can be launched from any existing entirety state (Mismatch, Dangling, Stale, Incomplete,
and Complete). Rather than making diagram more complex than it is now, all entirety states
(including itself) have a flow line coming to this entirety state when applicable conditions exist in the
4. Any delete action identified in above diagram implies either the normal delete, or forced delete of a
tagged instance.


24.29 Identifying Functions on the Save Checkpoint Manually Dialog

The following illustrations and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Save Checkpoint
Manually dialog.

Figure 213: Save Checkpoint Manually by Node Tab


Figure 214: Save Checkpoint Manually by Task Tab

Callout Function Description

1 Node box Click tab to move it to the front and use it to initiate a manual Checkpoint by
selected node.
2 Available box Shows all currently configured nodes in the Monitoring tab. Note that any nodes
currently selected in the Monitoring tab will also be selected in this box.
3 When available, click to add selected available node to be Saved box. Selecting a
node in the Available box makes the button available. You can use common
Window's shortcut keys to make multiple selections.
Add button
4 When available, click to remove selected node from the To be Saved box.
Selecting a node in the To be Saved box makes the button available. You can use
common Window's shortcut keys to make multiple selections
Remove button
5 File Name Shows the default directory location for the saved checkpoint files. You can enter
a desired name of a checkpoint file for a single entity to this path. If you select
two or more nodes for checkpointing, this field is grayed out. In this condition,
the default name for each node's checkpoint file will be assigned as follows:
<full path to node's checkpoint share subdirectory \
Manual \
<node name>_<date>_<time>.cp
For both Automatic and Manual checkpoint saves, you can only save Checkpoint
Files to the current primary Experion server Checkpoint share directory.


Callout Function Description

6 Comments Type desired comment that applies to all the saved checkpoint files. This field is
unavailable when multiple nodes are selected for saving.
7 Savebutton Click to initiate the save of selected To Be Saved nodes to the default or
specified checkpoint file. Prompt tells you to view each node's Detail Display
Checkpoint Tab to monitor the operation.
No progress bar is provided for showing the progression of the checkpoint save
operation; since it can take 20 to 30 minutes to complete a checkpoint save for a
Controller having a large number of blocks. You can view the status of a given
node's checkpoint save by launching that node's detail display. Select the detail
display's Checkpoint tab and examine the Checkpoint Save Completion status.
The completion can be seen as a journaled event.
8 Cancel button Click to close the dialog and end the current session.
9 Help button Click to view associated Help information.
10 To be Saved Shows nodes that have been selected for this save operation.
11 By Task tab Click tab to move it to the front and use it to initiate a manual Checkpoint by
selected task.
12 Manual Tasks box Show all the scheduled tasks that have been configured through the Checkpoint
Scheduler with a Startup Type of Manual. It includes:
Task Name
Creator of the task
Comments configured for tasks, if any.
13 File Name Shows the default directory location for the saved checkpoint files. You can enter
a desired name of a checkpoint file for a task with a single node to this path. If
you select a task with two or more nodes for checkpointing, this field is
unavailable. In this case, the default name for each node's checkpoint file will be
assigned as follows:
<full path to node's checkpoint share subdirectory \
<manual task name> \
<node name> _<date> _<time> .cp
For both Automatic and Manual checkpoint saves, you can only save Checkpoint
Files to the current primary Experion server Checkpoint share directory.
If this is a localized system, you must accept the default name provided by
checkpoint, since the file name text box is unavailable and cannot be edited.
14 Comments Type desired comment that applies to all the saved checkpoint files.
15 Savebutton Click to initiate the save of all nodes associated with the task selected in the
Manual Tasks box.. Prompt tells you to view each node's Detail Display
Checkpoint Tab to monitor the operation.
16 Cancel button Click to close the dialog and end the current session.
17 Help button Click to view associated Help information.
18 To be Saved Shows nodes that are associated with the task selected for this save operation.
You cannot edit this list of nodes here. You must edit the task through the
Checkpoint Scheduler dialog.


24.30 Pre-selection of nodes to be saved

The following table defines how nodes are pre-assigned to the To be Saved list box depending on how the save
was launched.

If You Launch Manual Save Then, Source of Nodes Placed in To be Saved List Upon Display Call up are . . .
From . . .
Control Builder Monitoring tab The names of checkpoint applicable loaded node(s) selected in the Monitoring tab
when Save Checkpoint Manually
The names of all other checkpoint applicable loaded nodes in the Monitoring tab,
which were not pre-selected when Save Checkpoint Manually was launched, appear
in the Available list box.
Node's Detail Display on Station Since the node's detail display is displayed, this implies the node is already pre-
selected. The Save Checkpoint Manually dialog is launched from the Checkpoint
tab on the node's detail display. In this case, the node appears in the To be Saved list
The names of all other loaded, checkpoint applicable nodes appear in the Available
list box. After the launch from the detail display, you can add other nodes from the
Available list to the To be Saved list, as desired, or just initiate checkpoint save of
the pre-selected node.


24.31 Save arbitration on a given Node

You cannot cancel/abort the manual save process after it has been initiated by clicking the Save button. Neither
a Save Checkpoint Manually nor Automatic Checkpoint Save operation stops you from doing a load operation
to the same node. If a Project/Monitoring load, or Monitoring delete occurs during a Manual or an
Automatic save operation, the saved checkpoint file is marked as incompatible immediately after the save has
completed. The save operation will also be marked “failed”. In addition, to keep integrity of the node's
latest .cp, this latest.cp is not updated with that information from the incompatible checkpoint save. Upon the
next compatible save, the node's latest.cp is then again updated with the run time information collected by that


24.32 Execution states for checkpoint save

Checkpoint save ensures the node is in a proper state for saving before it honors the save attempt. Just before
any Manual or Automatic save is performed, Checkpoint reads that node's execution state. For most nodes, this
is read from the EE block.
If the execution state cannot be read or if read and the state is not as expected, then the save does not occur. For
a manually initiated save, an error message will be shown and an error will be logged into the Experion LX
error log. For an automatic save, the error will be journaled as a system event in Station.
The following table shows what execution state parameter gets read, and what it is required to be for checkpoint
save to proceed.

Node Type Expected Node Execution States For Checkpoint Save To Proceed
Execution State Parameter Expected Values
CEEIDLESOFTFAIL (when applicable),
CEERUNSOFTFAIL (when applicable)


24.33 Deferral and Resumption of entity saves during a Manual Save

When the either of the checkpoint manual save operations cause more than 5 nodes to undergo simultaneous
saving , the same deferral and resumption of node saves will occur as discussed previously in the “Checkpoint
file attributes” on page 703 section.


24.34 Initiating Manual Checkpoint Save

This section provides a procedure for using the Checkpoint User Interface to initiate a Checkpoint save
operation manually. You can initiate a manual Checkpoint save either By Node or By Task (Manual).
You must have configured scheduled tasks with Startup Type of Manual through Checkpoint Scheduler
before you can initiate a Manual checkpoint save By Task. Selection of multiple manual tasks is not
You can initiate checkpoint save operation from a Direct Station, Flex Station or Control Builder. A checkpoint
file is created in the default directory for each parent node.
Before you select any hardware nodes for a save, be sure that the given hardware node is in a savable state. See
the previous “Execution states for checkpoint save” on page 712 section for more information.
Only loaded entities assigned to a selected task are saved.
Since a Task can have multiple nodes, you can find the Save status for all such nodes on respective node detail
displays in Station. In addition, each node will have a separate save completion event in the Event Summary
If a load or delete operation occurs during a Manual checkpoint save operation, the save continues but the file
will be marked as incompatible and the save will be marked as failed.
If a checkpoint rebuild operation occurs during a checkpoint save of a node (does not matter if it is a Manual or
Automatic save), depending on the timing, the save will be marked as failed or may be aborted altogether. The
next save that occurs without a simultaneously rebuild/delete or Project reload, will again complete
successfully apart from any other failures, such as communication errors.
If there is not enough disk space available to store the saved checkpoint files, the message Not able to create
checkpoint file, insufficient disk space is displayed and an event is generated.
If you initiate a Manual checkpoint save for nodes where an Automatic checkpoint save is in progress, the
action is accepted and the information from the Automatic checkpoint save in progress is used to fulfill the
request of the Manual checkpoint save.
If a scheduled task is triggered during a Manual checkpoint save operation, the data from the checkpoint files
resulting from the just completed manual save will be used to fulfill the saves for each applicable node in the
pending Automatic checkpoint save task.
If an Automatic checkpoint save is in progress, and a Manual checkpoint save and/or another Automatic
checkpoint save gets initiated for that same hardware node, the checkpoint file resulting from the first
Automatic checkpoint save will be used to fulfill the save requests for the pending Manual and/or other
pending Automatic checkpoint saves.

• You have logged on with a security level that permits you to save checkpoint files manually through Control
Builder or the Detail Display for the selected node in Station.
• You have loaded control strategies.

To initiate a manual checkpoint save

1 On the Controller menu, click Checkpoint > Save Checkpoint Manually.
2 On By Node tab, select nodes in Available box that you want to checkpoint. You can use common
Window's shortcut keys to make multiple selections.
3 Click the Add button to add node selections to the To be Saved box.
4 In File Name field, be sure directory path and checkpoint file name are correct. Use the Browse button to
select another directory, if applicable. If you have selected two or more nodes, the default checkpoint file
name will be a series of file names for the selected nodes, and this field will be grayed out.
For example, if you selected nodes C300_15 and SIM_A to be saved, on July 28, 2004 at 8:26:54 PM, the
default file names would be:


C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Honeywell\Experion\CheckPoint\C300_15/Manual/

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Honeywell\Experion\CheckPoint\SIM_A/Manual/
5 In Comments field, type in comment that applies for all checkpoint files, if desired.
• Click the Save button.
• Prompt tells you to see the Save Status display to monitor the operation.
6 Wait for the copy/save operation to complete.
7 If applicable, click the By Task tab, select desired scheduled task in the Manual Tasks box, and repeat
Steps 4 to 7 to initiate checkpoint save for a scheduled task with Manual Startup Type.
8 Click the close button to close the dialog
9 This completes the procedure.


24.35 Save checkpoint manually graphical reference

Figure 215: Launching Save Checkpoint Manually by right-clicking selected node and selecting from list - multiple node
selections are possible


Figure 216: Pre-selected node appears in To be Saved list with default File Name entry and user can enter optional specific


Figure 217: Click Save button to manually initiate checkpoint save, click OK button to acknowledge prompt, view status on
Node detail display, and check Event Summary for journaled save succeeded event


Figure 218: Selecting multiple nodes from Available list results in save actions similar to single node with default path and file
names, optional user entered comments, and multiple Save succeeded events journaled in Event Summary


24.36 Identifying Functions on the Restore from Checkpoint Dialog

The following illustration and callout table identify the functions that are available on the Restore from
Checkpoint dialog.

Figure 219: Restore from Checkpoint Dialog

Callout Function Description

1 Select Nodes to Restore box Show all nodes in the Monitoring tab of Control Builder.
2 Location of files Shows the default checkpoint files directory. If you selected another directory
location for the corresponding save operations, use the Browse button to select
the correct directory location having the checkpoint file(s) desired for restore
3 Restore Scope selection When available, select the radio button to restore the Selected Node or Selected
Node and its associated Hardware.
4 Files to restore Show all checkpoint files that can support a successful restore operation for the
selected nodes.
Files that have invalid Compatibility or Validity values are not displayed.
A compatible checkpoint file confirms that no structural changes were made to
the controller database between the time the controller was loaded from the
Project tab and the time the controller is restored from the Checkpoint file.
5 Restore button When available, click to initiate the restoration of the selected file. If you select
two or more nodes, the files in the Files for restore box are unavailable and the
latest checkpoint files, such as each node's latest.cp, are used for the restoration.
Selecting a checkpoint file or multiple nodes, makes this button available. A
Restore progress dialog appears for monitoring the status of the operation.
6 Details button Click to open the Details dialog. As shown below, the Details dialog shows the
modules in the hardware parent node that have incomplete or stale operational
checkpoint data (OCD), or mismatch. See the previous “Checkpoint file
attributes” on page 703 section for information about the states for the Entirety


Callout Function Description

7 Cancel button Click to close the dialog and end the current session.
8 Help button Click to view associated Help information.


24.37 Pre-selection of nodes to restore

The following table defines how nodes are pre-assigned to the Select Nodes to Restore list box depending on
how the restore was launched.

If You Launch Restore from Then, Source of Nodes Placed in Select Nodes to Restore List Upon Dialog Call up
Checkpoint From . . . are . . .
Control Builder Monitoring tab The names of applicable loaded node(s) selected in the Monitoring tab, when
Restore From Checkpoint dialog is launched, will be highlighted in the Select
Nodes to Restore list box.
The names of all other checkpoint applicable loaded nodes in the Monitoring tab,
which were not pre-selected at time of Restore from Checkpoint launch, also appear
in the Select Nodes to Restore list, but they are not highlighted.
You can launch restore through the selection of multiple lower level hardware
children on the Monitoring tab, as appropriate to the parent hardware node. When
you launch Restore from Checkpoint in this case, the lower level hardware items are
highlighted in the Select Nodes to Restore list.
Node's Detail Display on Station Since the node's station detail display is displayed, this implies the node is already
pre-selected. The Restore from Checkpoint dialog is launched from the Checkpoint
tab on the node's detail display. In this case, the node is highlighted in the Select
Nodes to Restore list box.
The names of all other checkpoint applicable loaded nodes in the Monitoring tab,
which were not pre-selected at time of Restore from Checkpoint launch, also appear
in the Select Nodes to Restore list, but they are not highlighted.
After the launch from the detail display, you can highlight other nodes in the Select
Nodes to Restore list as desired or just initiate the restore for the pre-selected node.
If you want to restore a lower level child item from a detail display, you must launch
the restore from the Checkpoint tab on that hardware child item's detail display
rather than from the node's detail display in Station.


24.38 Restore scope selection and actual restore action

The following table summarizes the relationship between the Restore Scope selection on the Restore from
Checkpoint dialog and the actual restore action.

Selected Parent Node Type is C300

Default Restore Scope Selection Restore Selected Node and its associated Hardware
(Other configurable selection is Restore Selected Node.)
Parent Node Hardware Item Selection Only C300 node is selected.
Can select Series I/O hardware item on associated IOLINK. See the next
table topic for more information.
Scope of Restore Action When Restore Selected Node and its associated Hardware is selected for
C300 node, restore actions occur to entire C300 including all of its Series
I/O .
When Restore Selected Node is selected for C300 node, Restore action
occurs to only C300. This includes just C300 resident data in its C300
CEE, its CMs, SCMs, RCMs, UCMs. It also includes restoring the needed
information residing in the link EEs that expose the Series I/O from a C300
Selected Hardware Item Associated With C300 Parent Node
Default Restore Scope Selection Restore Selected Node
(This selection is not user configurable.)
Hardware Item Selection One or more or a mix of Series I/O selected under the IOLINK(s) of a
C300 parent.
Scope of Restore Action Restore action occurs to the selected Series I/O children. This includes
restoring their needed information residing in the C300 link EEs which
exposes the IOMs from a C300 perspective.
Multiple Node Platform Selected - For Example, C300 Selected
Default Restore Scope Selection Restore Selected Node and its associated Hardware
(This selection is not user configurable.)
Hardware Item Selection More than one parent node is selected. In this condition, no children of any
parent node can be selected.
Scope of Restore Action Restore action occurs to every selected parent node using that node's
latest.cp. The restore action always restores the full parent node (including
all child hardware modules as applicable to that parent node).


24.39 Restoration file display reference

The following table defines what files are displayed in the Files to restore list box depending on whether one or
more nodes are selected, or one or more child hardware modules are selected in the Select Nodes to Restore

If Selection in Select Nodes to Restore List is . . . Then, Files to restore List Displays . . .
Of only one parent node. Has all files corresponding to the selected parent node only.
Of more than one parent node. Is unavailable. Shows only the LATEST file message. Each
given node's latest.cp file is implicitly selected for restore
for each selected node
Of the hardware children located under only one node. The Has all files corresponding to the children's parent node
selected hardware children can be mixed from among the only.
various link EE sub-parents under the given node.
Of the hardware children located under multiple nodes. Is unavailable. Shows only the LATEST file message. The
latest.cp of each applicable parent node (having selected
hardware children) is implicitly selected for restore
information for those for selected hardware children.


24.40 Order of restore checks

Checkpoint restore automatically performs certain tests on a node and the checkpoint file selected before the
restore attempt is honored. Checkpoint then asks you to manually confirm/approve of certain conditions. Once
you approve the conditions, the restore proceeds on the selected node. The following table summarizes the order
of these checks and the needed confirmations/approvals.

Checkpoint Test or Description of Checkpoint's Action and/or User Action

First test - IDLE Prior to selecting any hardware nodes for restore, you must confirm that the given hardware node
Check is in the correct state. The Checkpoint Restore function will automatically test for the permitted
restore states as noted in the following Execution states for checkpoint restore section. If node is
not in one of the permitted states, the Checkpoint users interface rejects the restore attempt and
generates an error message as follows.

An additional state is permitted for checkpoint restore to be initiated on any Windows based
platforms, such as OPC/ICG, and any simulation environment. This state is when the node
appears failed (in Red) on the Monitoring tab. In this condition, a restore attempt is honored
since the platform block must be sent for the CDASP server to start the platform's Windows
based executable (.exe). After this occurs, the checkpoint restore will wait until the running .exe
is ready to accept the remaining part of the checkpoint restore. When that is sensed, the
checkpoint restore then proceeds to completion.
If a non-redundant embedded controller, such as C300, icon is in red on the Monitoring tab, the
user must first recycle power to the controller so that it restarts in a NOTLOADED (no database)
(yellow icon) state before proceeding with the checkpoint restore.
If the restore is targeted for just the selected hardware child items of that node, then the preceding
state tests revert to just ensuring the node is in an IDLE or RUN condition, as noted in the
previous Execution states for checkpoint save section. The child hardware module must be in
required restore states as noted in the following Child hardware restore checks section. The
Checkpoint Restore user interface will let the restore proceed, if the child item is not in the
required state. The module itself will reject the restore attempt. In this case, error messages are
posted in the Restore Progress bar dialog to alert users.


Checkpoint Test or Description of Checkpoint's Action and/or User Action

Second Test - If the checkpoint file selected for restore does not have an Entirety state of complete, the user is
Checkpoint File warned that the file possibly has inconsistent run time information in it.
Entirety Check
If the Checkpoint Restore detects that the selected checkpoint file does not have Complete
Entirety, it will display the following message requesting the user to reconfirm if the restore
attempt is to proceed:

Although such a file is logically compatible with the configuration/connection information in the
Monitoring tab and System Repository, be sure you carefully consider the Entirety Attribute
states in the previous Checkpoint file attributes section before proceeding with such a restore.
If you have not previously viewed the Checkpoint Restore Details pane for this file selection,
click the Cancel button to go back and call up this selection's Details pane. This lets you see
which tagged blocks are not in a Complete entirety state and will be restored in such state(s).
Third Test - Ensure Checkpoint asks the user to confirm that no other operation is running that can modify the
there is no other database of the node selected for restoration through the following message.
operation that is
modifying the node's

Users can suppress this warning message by selecting the Do not show this message again check
box before clicking the Continue button.
You must initiate the restore by clicking the Restore button for the controller release validation tests against the selected
checkpoint file to occur. If the release checks fail, the controller is left undisturbed. However, the user would need to select
another file for the restore.


Checkpoint Test or Description of Checkpoint's Action and/or User Action

Fourth Test - Extended Ensures that the checkpoint file selected for the restore is compatible with the node to be
release/validity tests restored. This test goes beyond just checking for structural (logical) compatibility and physical
file integrity. The additional validation tests include the following.
• Ensure checkpoint file matches the controller firmware/program release version. Checkpoint
reads the release from the controller and compares it to the one in the checkpoint file. For a
Window's platform where the node is in a failed state (red icon in Monitoring), Checkpoint
attempts to restore just the platform block to get the platform's .exe running. Once the .exe is
running, Checkpoint restore queries for the program's release version of the .exe that is now
• Ensure checkpoint file matches the current Experion LX release installed. Checkpoint checks
that the Experion LX release version saved in checkpoint file matches the Experion LX
release version of the checkpoint logic.dll deliverable. This deliverable is always needed in
the restore process.
• Ensure checkpoint file's format version number matches the one expected by the Experion
LX release. If the version does not match, the Checkpoint restore code does not know how to
parse the checkpoint file structure.
• Global GUID test - This ensures that the checkpoint file selected for restore is one that was
actually saved from this node. This ensures that a user cannot use this checkpoint file to
restore an identically named node in some other server cluster.
Once the preceding tests are verified, the checkpoint restore proceeds to send the restore
information to the node. If the checks fail, an error message appears in the Restore Progress
dialog and the same error is logged to the Experion LX error logs.


24.41 Execution states for checkpoint restore

The following table shows what execution state parameter gets read, and what it is required to be for checkpoint
restore to proceed.

Node Type Expected Node Execution States For Checkpoint Save To Proceed
Execution State Parameter Expected Values
C300, EE block's CPMSTATE NOTLOADED (this is No Data Base),
CEEIDLESOFTFAIL (when applicable),


24.42 Child hardware restore checks

The following table shows how the checkpoint restore applies when a node's child hardware modules are either
individually selected for restore or when they are restored as part of the full node's restore.

Series or on C300 I/O Link

Restore Scope And Selected Child Icon State on Restore Behavior
Hardware Item(s) Monitoring Tab
Restore Scope = “Restore Blue Idle - Child module restores with no errors or warnings.
Selected Node and its
Green Run - Full restore skips over child, warning is posted that
associated Hardware”
child was not restored.
Only C300 is selected in
Yellow NODB - Child module restores with no errors or warnings.
“Nodes To Restore Box”
Red Failed - May or may not succeed.
No child hardware items are
selected. See Note 1.
Gray CDA not operable - restore attempt will not succeed.
Restore Scope = “Restore Blue Idle - Child module restores with no errors or warnings.
Selected Node”
Green Run - Restore skips child, error is posted that child was not
One or more child restored.
modules are selected in
Yellow NODB - Child module restores with no errors or warnings.
“Nodes To Restore Box”
Red Failed - Not permitted.
See Note 2.
Gray CDA not operable - restore attempt will not succeed.
1. The module is either powered OFF or the link EE does not have the module's configuration information. If the module
is powered off, the user must power it back on. This will cause the module to proceed to its NODB (yellow) state. If
the module is already powered, the user can just initiate the full C300 restore. This will first re-establish the C300's
link with the information that will expose the module to the CDA server. Then, the restore automatically proceeds on
the module itself.
2. The module is either powered OFF or the link EE does not have the module's configuration information. If the module
is powered off, the user must power it back on. This will cause the module to proceed to its NODB (yellow) state. If
the module is already powered, the user must either reload the module or initiate a C300 only restore to get the given
link EE configured with the information that will expose the module to the CDA server.


24.43 Checkpoint restore/save arbitration with other database changing

Checkpoint save or restore operation can occur during any one of the following operations on a node.
• Load from Project or Monitoring tab,
• Delete from Project or Monitoring tab,
• On-Process Migration (OPM) operation,
• Upload to Monitoring,
• Initiate another checkpoint restore or save operation, or
• Another checkpoint restore or save operation is in progress.
If a saved checkpoint file results from any of the previous operations, checkpoint must ensure the integrity of
the saved file. If a checkpoint restore occurs on a node while an upload or save is occurring, the final restored
state of the node must have the identical CCD/OCD information that was present in the node when the
checkpoint save was done.
The following table shows how each of the operations is arbitrated correctly.

Operation In Action Taken for Given Initiated Operation

Checkpoint Checkpoint Rebuild Checkpoint Load (Project/ Delete from Controller
Save Restore or Upload Monitoring) Monitoring OPM
Checkpoint Checkpoint In progress Rebuild and In progress checkpoint save becomes
Save Service checkpoint save Upload has no incompatible
arbitrates the in becomes either errors.
(See Notes 1-4 and 1-5)
progress and stale or aborts.
In progress
pending saves.
(See Note 1-2) checkpoint save
(See Note 1-1) completes but may
or may not have
(See Notes
1-3 and 1-5)
Checkpoint In progress User must have Both restore and Load, delete, and OPM will arbitrate among
Restore checkpoint site practice to rebuild complete themselves as they use an ERDB lock for this.
restore arbitrate this. If without error. However, user must have site practice to
completes, save not arbitrated However, upload arbitrate any of these operations with an
becomes stale by user, then will most likely fail ongoing restore. If not arbitrated by user, then
or aborts node can end up since blocks it may node can end up with a corrupt database.
with a corrupt be accessing may
(See Note 2-1)
database. not exist yet in
node. Furthermore,
monitor ERDB
could become
corrupted. User
must have site
practice to arbitrate
this. If not
arbitrated by user,
then monitor can
end up with a
corrupt database.


Operation In Action Taken for Given Initiated Operation

Checkpoint Checkpoint Rebuild Checkpoint Load (Project/ Delete from Controller
Save Restore or Upload Monitoring) Monitoring OPM
Rebuild Rebuild/upload Both rebuild/ The request for another operation to be initiated here can only occur
Checkpoint and operation upload and from another Control Builder. Arbitration already handled in
Upload from completes, restore Experion LX by ERDB locks and/or other mechanisms.
Controller initiated completes
These operations will not be honored until the Rebuild that is
checkpoint save without error
already in progress completes.
(See Note 3-1)
Load from Load operation User must have The request for another operation to be initiated can only occur from
Project or completes, site practice to another Control Builder. Arbitration is already handled in Experion
Monitoring initiated arbitrate this. If LX by ERDB locks and/or other mechanisms.
checkpoint save not arbitrated
These operations will not be honored until the Load that is already
aborts by user, then
in progress finishes.
node can end up
(See Note 3-1)
with a corrupt
Delete from Delete User must have The request for another operation to be initiated here can only occur
Monitoring operation site practice to from another control builder. Arbitration already handled in
completes, arbitrate this. If Experion LX by ERDB locks and/or other mechanisms.
initiated not arbitrated
These operations will not be honored until the delete from
checkpoint save by user, then
Monitoring that is already in progress completes.
aborts node can end up
with a corrupt
(See Note 3-1)
OPM OPM operation User must have The request for
completes, site practice to another operation
initiated arbitrate this. If to be initiated here
checkpoint save not arbitrated can only occur
aborts by user, then from another
node can end up control builder.
(See Note 3-1)
with a corrupt Arbitration already
database handled in
Experion LX by
ERDB locks and/or
other mechanisms.
These operations
will not be honored
until the OPM that
is already in


Operation In Action Taken for Given Initiated Operation

Checkpoint Checkpoint Rebuild Checkpoint Load (Project/ Delete from Controller
Save Restore or Upload Monitoring) Monitoring OPM
1. The following summarizes what happens when multiple save requests are pending for a given node:
• If an auto-checkpoint save is in progress and the user initiates a manual save for nodes where the auto save is in
progress, it is accepted and information from such an auto save in progress is used for the manual save after the
auto save completes.
• If an auto-checkpoint save is in progress, and another task scheduled for the same node gets triggered, the results
of the auto-save just finishing will be used to complete the pending request. This approach prevents unnecessary
accesses to the EE.
• If a manual save is in progress, and a scheduled task is triggered, the resulting checkpoint data from the manual
save just performed will be used to complete the pending auto-checkpoint save request on that node.
2. A checkpoint restore can step on a save already in progress, as it has no knowledge that a save is occurring. The
changing of the controller's database by the restore at the same time of saving will most likely abort the save. The
restore can only be done after the controller is placed into IDLE, and then the node and its EE will be deleted. The
deletion of the EE will cause communication errors to be seen by the in-progress save. Depending on how long the
save is, this either aborts it altogether (if it has not yet saved the EE), or causes the underlying CMs to be marked as
stale in the saved checkpoint file due to communication errors on their accesses.
3. Before the save gets initiated, it will make a copy of the checkpoint base files into a working set. If a rebuild/upload
comes in at the time that the working set is being used then both complete without problems. This is because the
rebuild/upload knows nothing about the working base, as it is rebuilding the base that the working base was copied
from. However, if the save is just finishing but rebuild/upload is not yet done, it is possible that the checkpoint save has
errors. This is because both the rebuild/upload and the save want to update the node's latest.cp. The updating of this is
controlled by an ERDB lock. If save cannot immediately get the lock, it errors out.
4. Due to the length of some checkpoint saves, checkpoint has chosen not to lock the node on saves. Checkpoint wants to
allow the user to perform project loads, monitoring deletes, and OPM during that checkpoint save process. When any
project load/delete/OPM occurs, the node's latest.cp gets locked, and Compatibility number gets updated in the base.
Furthermore, the load/delete/OPM modifies the latest checkpoint file based on the tagged objects being modified.
After the save completes, it determines that the older compatibility number, that was captured when save was initiated,
no longer matches that in the latest checkpoint file. At the time, the save completes but this saved checkpoint file is
immediately disqualified, and discarded/deleted since it's now incompatible. No file replication will occur on this
discarded checkpoint file.
Depending on timing of the load/rebuild/delete, another case also here - where the project load is set to waiting due to
the ERDB lock on the entity due to In Progress Save. When Save is accessing the Checkpoint base files (either for
making the working set / copy back), and if a load is requested at that time, it generates an error message for load that
the entity is locked.
5. Depending on timing of the load/upload/rebuild/delete, another case also applies here. The load/upload/rebuild/delete
is set to waiting due to the ERDB lock on the entity due to the In Progress Save. When Save is accessing the
Checkpoint base files (either for making the working set / copy back), and if a load is requested at that time, it
generates an error message for load that the entity is locked. The save will be (ERDB) locking it for a short time so as
to update node's latest.cp. If the load/upload/rebuild/delete operations comes in just after that lock gets obtained by
save, then the load/upload/rebuild/delete operation may immediately abort since it may not wait for the lock to be
6. As stated in Note 1-1, checkpoint restore operation runs without knowledge that a save can be in progress at the same
time. If a restore is in progress, and a save is initiated, that save will need to be initiated when the node is in IDLE.
This could only be done for a manual save being initiated. The save will complete successfully, abort or result in stale
information depending on whether/when the save encounters communication errors.
7. A rebuild checkpoint operation, upload, load, monitor delete or OPM operation always will be modifying the
checkpoint base and will have locked the base before they were started. When the save is initiated it will attempt to
copy the base into the working base. Since the base will not be fully established, the copy will abort or not be initiated
at all. This will cause the save to abort.


24.44 Restoring From Checkpoint

Experion LX Checkpoint has encountered instances where what should be valid checkpoint files are not useable by
Checkpoint restore. This type of checkpoint save has an incomplete population of run-time data that is needed for a
warm restart. As such, Checkpoint must validate checkpoint files on a periodic basis to alert you when such corruption
is present in the checkpoint files.
An enhanced error checking has been implemented where checkpoint system alarms notifies you when a checkpoint
save has encountered an abnormal condition. A system alarm, that requires your acknowledgement, alerts you of this

This section provides a procedure for using the Checkpoint User Interface to restore a node to a previous
operational state using saved checkpoint files.
The checkpoint restore function is independent of an operational Engineering Repository Database (ERDB).
Conditions that can result in incomplete operation checkpoint data (OCD) are:
• Control Data Access (CDA) errors on acquiring OCD.
• Selected checkpoint file is the node's latest.cp just after a project/monitor load and before any checkpoint
save has occurred.
If you use a checkpoint file whose entirety is incomplete, certain tagged objects will be restored with only
information from the load. A Warning message will be displayed, if you try to use a checkpoint file that only
contains configuration checkpoint data (CCD) for restoration. One should view the Details pane in the Restore
UI for further information.
Do not perform any other load, restore or On-Process Migration operation until the checkpoint restore is
If a delta flag appears next to a node icon in the Monitoring tab after a restore operation, do an Upload With
Contents operation on the given node.
The following procedure outlines the typical steps for restoring a selected node using the saved checkpoint files.

• You have logged on with a security level that permits you to restore checkpoint files through Control Builder
or the Detail Display for the selected node in Station.
• You put the node to be restored in its IDLE state unless the node has failed. You can Checkpoint restore a
failed node without first putting it into its IDLE state.
• You put all hardware modules associated with the hardware node in their IDLE states unless the node has
failed. For example, you have inactivated all the I/O modules associated with a Controller.

To initiate restore from checkpoint

1 On the Controller menu, click Checkpoint > Restore from Checkpoint.
2 In the Select Nodes to Restore box, click the

plus sign to expand the root directory, select the node or nodes you want to restore. Note that selecting two
or more nodes will make the checkpoint files listed in the Files to restore box unavailable. A message
appears stating that each node's latest checkpoint will be used.
3 In the Location of files field, be sure directory path and checkpoint file name are correct for selected node
or nodes. Use the Browse button to select another directory, if applicable. If you have selected two or more
nodes, the default checkpoint file name will be for the latest.cp file.


4 If you selected a node with hardware modules, the radio button under Restore Scope is selected by default
to restore the node and its associated hardware modules. If you do not want to restore the node's associated
hardware modules, de-select the button so it is blank.
5 In the Select nodes to restore box, select the node or nodes you want to restore. Note that selecting two or
more nodes for restoration will make the checkpoint files listed in the Files to restore box unavailable, since
each node's latest.cp file will be automatically chosen for the restore
6 When the checkpoint has an entirety state of other than Complete, click the Details button to determine
which tagged blocks this applies to.

• On the Details dialog, you can view the incomplete/stale modules or mismatched ones in the selected
• Click the Close button to close the dialog.
7 Click the Restore button.
8 Wait for the restore operation to complete. A Restore from Checkpoint dialog appears that will display any
errors encountered during the operation.
9 Repeat Steps 2 to 9 to restore other nodes, as required.
10 Click the Close button to close the dialog.
11 If you want to keep the Monitoring ERDB of this controller consistent with that just restored to the
controller, initiate an Upload operation from the Controller to the Monitoring Engineering Repository
Database (ERDB). See the Using Upload command section in the Control Building Guide for more
12 This completes the procedure.


24.44.1 Restoring Custom Algorithm Block (CAB)

Checkpoint captures CAB configuration parameters during the load of the block instance. If there are multiple
instances of a CAB type, only one copy is stored and the same copy is referenced by all instances.
The impact of this means:

If the block has executed at least If the block has NOT executed at
once prior to Checkpoint Save least once prior to Checkpoint Save
Checkpoint Restore returns the most important initialization Checkpoint Restore returns the most recent block.
seen - NOT the most recent.
• Locally defined variable values will not be restored
• Custom Data Parameters (CDP) and Parameter Reference
(PRef) values will be restored

During a Checkpoint Restore operation, parameters are returned in the same order and format that they were
stored during a load operation. The instance of the CAB type's algorithm in the Checkpoint Base structure is
deleted, once the only block referencing it is deleted.


24.45 Restore from checkpoint graphical reference

Figure 220: Launching Restore from Checkpoint by right-clicking selected node and selecting from list - multiple node
selections are possible


Figure 221: Pre-selecting nodes before launch with default to latest.cp file selection


Figure 222: Initiating restore to node in improper state results in an error message


Figure 223: Initiating restore to node in proper state results in warning message to check for conflicting operations before
continuing - users can choose to suppress the warning message


Figure 224: Users can monitor progress of restore operation and check for related journaled events


Figure 225: Example of default directories and files


Figure 226: Using Browse button to navigate directories


Figure 227: Selected directory location determines what files are available for restore


Figure 228: Users can choose scope of restore for top level node to include associated child hardware


Figure 229: Example of error and event notifications for failed restore to top level node and its hardware


Figure 230: Example of restore completed with warnings to top level node and its hardware


Figure 231: Example of journaled events for restore completed with warnings to top level node and its hardware


Figure 232: Selecting child hardware for restoration


Figure 233: Example of successful restore for Process Manager I/O modules with journaled events


Figure 234: Example of Details dialog for checkpoint file with entirety other than complete


Figure 235: Example of warning message for restoration attempt using a checkpoint file that does not have a complete entirety


Figure 236: Example of restore failure and journaled events when communication link is broken with selected Node


24.46 Rebuilding Checkpoints from the Monitoring tab

This section provides a procedure for using the Checkpoint User Interface to rebuild the checkpoint base file as
the latest version for the node. This includes rebuilding the node's latest.cp checkpoint file that results in an
entirety state of Incomplete .This operation is equivalent to re-loading the node contents from the Monitoring
tab without the information actually being loaded to the controller or server.

Typically, you do not have a need to perform checkpoint rebuilds. However, if such an activity is done on a node, you
must be aware that a Mismatch entirety state can be placed on all future checkpoint files. This Mismatch condition
exists only when custom blocks are associated with the node and is only corrected through one or more subsequent
loads. For more information about the entirety attribute mismatch state, see the preceding Entirety Attribute section.

After updating the firmware in a controller, you must reload the block from either the Project or Monitoring
tab after the restore. Otherwise, you may not be able to issue commands to the CEE.
Before initiating this function, it is a good practice to do an upload from the controller to monitoring ERDB to
have the most recent controller information used for the rebuilding. You only need to upload from controller
when a subsequent checkpoint rebuild is going to be done. The upload from server function provides no
advantage for the checkpoint rebuild.
The Rebuild selected objects(s) and contents checkpoint from monitoring tab function is equivalent to a
monitor load operation except that the configuration checkpoint data (CCD) is written to the checkpoint file
without actually loading anything to the controller or server. This function is typically only needed for the
following scenarios.
• Used in server OPM, while in dual primary mode just after the former secondary server has been migrated to
the new release. The user must manually rebuild all checkpoint files on the new release primary and then
perform Manual saves to get each node's latest.cp to a complete entirety state. This ensures that the user has
checkpoint restore coverage in case a controller node fails while the dual primary mode is removed and
before the former old primary gets installed with the new release and comes up as a secondary.
• Used by controller OPM wizard when migrating a controller. (This occurs after server migration. It is
executed automatically by the OPM Controller Wizard.)
• Used when the node's latest.cp checkpoint file might become physically corrupted due to various reasons,
such as disk corruption or through some software anomaly.
In a rebuild operation, only a subset of the load warnings/errors are reproduced. This subset only consists of
those warnings/errors that were sourced by the Control Builder. These appear in the error message reporting
area just under the progress bar. The user should ensure that clean loads were done to the node before
performing this rebuild. Otherwise, the same load errors will be produced in any future checkpoint restore using
those checkpoint files that have been subsequently created/saved from this Checkpoint CCD base information
recreated during the rebuild.

• You have logged on with a security level that permits you to rebuild checkpoint files through Control
• You have saved checkpoint files manually and/or automatically
• You must first reload node in NODB state from Project before attempting a rebuild operation.

To initiate checkpoint rebuild

1 In the Monitoring tab, select the node whose checkpoint file needs CCD rebuilt.
2 On the Controller menu, clickCheckpoint > Rebuild selected objects(s) and contents checkpoint from
monitoring tab.


3 On the Refresh Checkpoint from Monitoring Tab dialog, confirm that the correct node and all its contents
are listed in the Selected object(s) box. If node is not correct, click the Cancel button and repeat Steps 1 and
2 for the correct node. Otherwise, go to the next Step.
4 Click the Continue button to initiate the rebuild function. A Refresh progress dialog appears for monitoring
the status of the operation. If you want to abort the operation without saving any changes to checkpoint file,
click the Cancel button.

5 Wait for the rebuild operation to complete before continuing with other functions.
If severe load errors appear in the dialog box, this implies that those tagged blocks are not in the rebuilt
checkpoint base, because those blocks could not have been loaded to the controller. The rebuilt checkpoint
file is to contain only those blocks that were loaded to the controller as reflected by the present Monitoring
6 This completes the procedure.


24.47 Using Detail Displays for checkpoint operations

As noted in the previous Station detail display Checkpoint interface summary section, you can initiate the
following checkpoint operations from the Detail Displays for the selected node and/or for a node's applicable
hardware children on a Direct or Flex station.
• Save checkpoint manually
• Restore from checkpoint
• View checkpoint tasks status
The following table summarizes what operations are available through corresponding buttons on the Detail
Display for a given node.

If Node or Child Hardware Then, This Operation Launch Button Is Available On Detail Display. . .
Is . . .
Save Checkpoint Manually Restore from Checkpoint View Checkpoint Tasks
C300, Yes Yes Yes

C300's - Series I/O Child No Yes No

Hardware Module

24.47.1 Launching checkpoint operations from Detail Displays

The following illustration and table summarize the checkpoint operations you can launch through selections on
the Checkpoint Operations tab of a given node's Detail Display. Once a given operation is launched, it functions
in the same way as the corresponding operation does when launched from Control Builder.


You must have the required permission level to initiate a given operation as previously defined in the Configuring
operation permissions for Checkpoint functions section.

If You Click This Button . . . Then, the follow appears . . .

Save Checkpoint Manually The Save Checkpoint Manually dialog. See the previous Identifying Functions
on the Save Checkpoint Manually Dialog section for interface details.
Restore from Checkpoint The Restore from Checkpoint dialog. See the previous Identifying Functions on
the Restore from Checkpoint Dialog section for interface details.
View Checkpoint Tasks The Checkpoint Scheduler dialog with Tasks by node tab showing and the
given node pre-selected in the Available list box. See the previous Identifying
Functions on the Checkpoint Scheduler Dialog section for interface details.
If you click the Tasks tab, the New, Edit, and Delete buttons are not available,
since the Define Task dialog cannot be launched using this launch scenario.

24.47.2 Viewing parameters on Detail Displays

You can view the following checkpoint save related parameters on the Checkpoint Operations tab of Detail
Displays that include the Save Checkpoint Manually button.

Parameter Name Description

CPSAVCOMP Percent Save Complete - Displays progress completion as a number representing the
percentage (0-100) of how much of the node's save has been completed. This value gets
updated on the node's detail display Checkpoint Operations tab every 30 seconds as the
checkpoint save is progressing.
CPSTATUS Checkpoint Status - Shows the state of the node's checkpoint save. It has the following
enumerated values:
• Running
• Complete
• Complete with Stale
• Failed
CPLASTSAVE Time of Last Checkpoint Save - Shows the primary server's wall time/date of when the last
checkpoint save was started on this node. If CPSTATUS is Running, then it is the start time of
the save that is in progress.
CPTMEOFSAVE Elapsed Time of Last Checkpoint Save - Shows the time that it had taken to perform the last
checkpoint save on this node. It is expressed in hrs:mins:sec:millisecs .
The wall time of when the last checkpoint save actually completed would be this elapsed


24.48 Checkpoint operations through Detail Displays graphical reference

Figure 237: User needs required permission level to launch checkpoint operation as defined through Control Builder Operation


Figure 238: Setting user permission levels through Control Builder Operation Permissions


Figure 239: User can launch checkpoint operation when permission level matches or is greater than one defined through
Control Builder Operation Permissions


Figure 240: Launching manual checkpoint save shows pre-selected node as to be saved


Figure 241: Example of Checkpoint Operations tab for C300 child hardware Series I/O module Detail Display


24.49 Troubleshooting the Checkpoint Function

An indication of a problem may be in the form of an error dialog box that includes an error message and
possibly an error code, or an event message in the Event Summary display on Station.
Please see the Control Builder Error Codes Reference book for applicable error code information. The syntax
for a typical Control Builder error message is as follows:
Module checkpoint is incompatible EPKS_E_CL_CMINCOMPATIBLE(6L.101.10631)
In this syntax, the error code is the last five digits in the message or 10631.
The event messages are self-explanatory and include pertinent information in the Event Details display as
shown in the following illustration.

Figure 242: Typical Checkpoint event message in Event Summary display in Station showing event details.


24.50 Viewing error logs

You can view the Experion LX error log files stored in this default location on the primary server.
>C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Honeywell\Experion PKS<
The default name for the Experion LX error log file is ErrLog_nn.txt where nn is a sequential number beginning
at 1, ending at 10. Once an error log file reaches the size of 1,001 KB, it is closed and the next error log file in
sequence is created to receive the next logging of errors. Once ErrLog_10.txt is completely filled, the process
wraps around and begins using ErrLog_1.txt again. All prior information is discarded when the error log file
begins to be reused for new errors.


24.51 Identifying checkpoint errors logged but not journaled

The following table identifies errors that are logged in the Experion LX error log, but are not journaled as events
in the Event Summary display on Station. Some of these errors do generate more generic event counterparts that
do get journaled as described in the following Checking messages journaled as events section.

If Error Message Is . . . Then, Possible Cause is . . .

Undefined Error Any unspecified error occurred
Periodic Checkpoint Save Failed - Entity SomeName not Auto save failed for any entity due to communication
accessible problems with the controller
Manual Checkpoint Save Failed - Entity SomeName not Manual save failed for any entity due to communication
accessible problems with the controller
Checkpoint Restore Failed - Entity SomeName not Restore failed for an entity due to communication problems
accessible with the controller.
Checkpoint Restore Not Permitted - Checkpoint file for the The checkpoint file selected for restore did not pass CRC
entity SomeName is corrupted check. It is physically corrupted and the restore did not
Checkpoint Restore Not Permitted for entity SomeName. The checkpoint file selected for restore of an entity is having
Target block is incompatible with the block in checkpoint incompatible information.
Failed to write summary tab Information Summary tab of the file cannot be written due to error of
access problems
Failed to read summary tab Information Summary tab of the file cannot be read due to error of
access problems
File compression failed Creation of checkpoint file failed
File extraction failed Extraction of Checkpoint file failed
File Corrupted - CRC Mismatch CRC check selected file failed. Select another file.
Invalid Path Specified path does not exist for the selection.
Creation of Checkpoint attribute file failed The attribute file creation failed.
Failed to open the checkpoint file for the entity The checkpoint file could not be opened for read/write.
The list of TLHPE names could not be obtained from SR Top level node names could not be read from SR. Probably
due to SR SYNC issues or connection failure.
Couldn't access CtrlSession Create, Edit, Delete of task failed, as the ERDB access is not
Could not access Sysrep for information Operation failed. Could not access Sysrep for information.
Failed to connect to Server Failed to Connect to Server.
Failed to disconnect from server Failed to Disconnect from Server.
Task Name cannot have invalid characters Invalid characters are entered in the task name while
defining or editing the task in the define task dialog.
Task name exceeds the maximum length of 40 characters Length of task name exceeds 40 characters in the define task
Version range is 1-100 User enters the version number which exceeds 100 or which
is less than 1 in the define task dialog.
Version should be numeric only Non numeric version number is entered in the define task
Resource string not found A string could not be read from the resource file (for


If Error Message Is . . . Then, Possible Cause is . . .

Grid Initialization failed The flex grid initialization of Checkpoint interface failed.
Invalid File Name The checkpoint file name entered for the manual save is not
Node should be in ‘IDLE’ state While restoring a node, if it is not in idle state.
Not all nodes are in ‘IDLE’ state This can occur when attempting to restore multiple nodes.
All of the nodes must be in idle state. One or more of them
are found to be in some other state.
Inconsistency is detected. Recommended to Press the Checkpoint interface receives a message from the service
Refresh button. and the taskID does not match the taskID for which the
interface had sent a request.
Inconsistency is detected with this task. Recommended to This can occur while editing a task. The Delete task from
delete this task. NTScheduler is successful but Add task to NTScheduler
Failed to create New task. Checkpoint interface sends a request to the service for
creating a new task and the service sends a false response to
the interface.
Failed to Edit task For editing a task the interface sends 2 requests to the
service. One for deleting the task from NTScheduler and
one for adding it to the Ntscheduler. If for any of these
operations the interface receives a false response from the
service, this error is generated.
Failed to Delete task Checkpoint interface sends a request to the service for
deleting the task and the service sends a false response to
the interface.
Failed to Start Task Checkpoint interface sends a request to the service for
Running the task and the service sends a false response to
the interface.
Failed to Stop Task Checkpoint interface sends a request to the service for
stopping the task and the service sends a false response to
the interface.
Connection TimeOut Checkpoint interface does not receive any response from the
service within the specified time limit.
Invalid Number of Arguments Provided The number of arguments for invoking the
ChkptUIWrapper.exe is not correct.
Registry Read Failed Failed to Read a registry key.
Registry Write Failed Failed to Write to a registry key.
Insert Valid Removable Storage Removable media such as floppy disk is not present in the
File already exists. Overwrite the existing file? Occurs in Checkpoint Archive interface when the target file
already Exists in the selected path.
File operation Failed Failed to copy or move file during archive


24.52 Checking messages journaled as events

The following table lists messages that are journaled as events in the Event Summary on Station. Some of these
messages are the result of detailed errors logged by checkpoint in the Experion LX error log as noted in the
previous Identifying checkpoint errors logged but not journaled section.

If Event Message Is . . . Then, It Means . . .

Save Succeeded Save succeeded on the tag specified
Restore Succeeded Restore succeeded on the tag specified
Restore Failed Restore failed for the tag
Service Started Checkpoint Service started
Service Stopped Checkpoint Service stopped
Task Started Task specified by the tag name started
Task Stopped Task specified by the tag name stopped
Task Completed Task specified by the tag name completed
Task Aborted Task specified by the tag name aborted
Low Disk Space - Older Version Files Deleted Free space available in the disk is less than the checkpoint
preferred free disk Space.
Save completed with Stale data The save was completed but due to communication
problems with some blocks, those blocks had had their prior
run time data moved forward into this checkpoint file. Each
individual tagged block affected will also be marked stale.
Entity Save deferred The save of the individual node was about to run, but has
been deferred since all of the available save thread resources
are being used for saves of other nodes still in progress. The
save of this node has been queued to be assigned a save
thread in the FIFO sequence for any other saves that are also
deferred for the same reason. When a save thread becomes
available, the first node in the FIFO deferral list will be
allocated to that thread, and its save will be started.
Checkpoint Save Resumed For Entity A node that had its save deferred has now been assigned a
save thread in the checkpoint service. The save has been
started. This save thread remains allocated to this entity's
save until either the save gets completed successfully or
fails due to communication or access errors with the entity
or the file system. After this, the save thread is returned
back to the checkpoint service to determine if it needs to be
allocated to the next deferred entity whose save is to be


24.53 Checking warnings and errors logged but not journaled as events
The following table lists warnings and error messages that are only logged in the Experion LX error log.

If Warning or Error Message Is . . . Then, It Means . . .

Periodic Checkpoint Save On Entity SomeName Failed - Checkpoint service is attempting to create an auto-
path not accessible, or insufficient storage space checkpoint file but cannot since there is not enough storage
or the path in the Checkpoint share (on the primary server)
is not accessible.
Manual Checkpoint Save On Entity SomeName Failed - path Checkpoint service is attempting to create a manual
not accessible, or insufficient storage space checkpoint file but cannot since there is not enough storage
or the path in the Checkpoint share (on the primary server)
is not accessible.
Checkpoint Restore On Entity SomeName Failed - path not Checkpoint Restore interface is attempting to gain access to
accessible, or insufficient storage space a checkpoint file that has been selected for restore, but
cannot since path to the file is not accessible. Also, this error
message can result when the actual checkpoint file can be
accessed, but subsequent decompression into the various
checkpoint support files cannot result since there is not
enough hard drive storage available for the decompression
Checkpoint File SomeName.cp failed to be replicated to Reported by server file replication when the checkpoint file
backup server. could not be replicated to secondary server. The problem
lies in the server replication activity and not with the
checkpoint function.
Checkpoint File SomeName.cp failed to be replicated to Reported by server file replication when the checkpoint file
SomeName could not be replicated to one or more of the . The problem
lies in the server replication activity and not with the
checkpoint function.
Checkpoint File SomeName.cp at path SomeName is Checkpoint Restore interface is attempting to use a
corrupted. checkpoint file but determines that contents of file has
become physically corrupted (fails CRC32 tests), or the file
passes this test, but does not complete the decompression
activity due to some corruption in original compression
Checkpoint Restore Not Permitted - File SomeName.cp at Checkpoint Restore interface is attempting to use a
path SomeName is incompatible with target entity's block checkpoint file but determines that the contents of the file
structure are not compatible with the state of the loaded blocks in the
control builder monitor. Checkpoint will only permit blocks
to be restored that already appear in the Monitoring tree.
This prevents ghost blocks from being placed in the node.
QVCS Licensed Found: All periodic schedule tasks Checkpoint service has detected that user has begun using
reverting to saving only single most recent checkpoint file QVCS, and so only saves one version of a checkpoint file
for each node that gets subsequently saved.
Checkpoint Restarted Due To Server Failover Server has failed over and checkpoint service has now
restarted on the secondary server machine that has now
assumed primary server responsibility.
Manual Checkpoint Save Operation Not Permitted - Server has failed over and checkpoint service is not yet fully
Restarting Due To Server Failover restarted on the secondary server machine that has now
assumed primary server responsibility.


If Warning or Error Message Is . . . Then, It Means . . .

Checkpoint Shutting Down Checkpoint service is in process of being shutdown. This
can occur on the primary server at the time that primary
server is commanded to swap over to secondary.
Furthermore, this can occur if the checkpoint service gets
shutdown by a user through the Windows Services panel.
Manual Checkpoint Restore Not Permitted - Entity A node is not permitted to be restored as it is not in a
SomeName in invalid state restorable state.
Checkpoint being Aborted - necessary operating files not Communication errors with SR, cannot continue the save or
found in SR the restore.
Checkpoint being Aborted - necessary operating files not Memory access problems or cannot find correct files in the
found in cache node's checkpoint base subdirectory, cannot continue the
Checkpoint Being Aborted - needed services are no longer Checkpoint service has determined that needed services
running such as CDA, SR, or Windows Task Scheduler is not
running. Checkpoint save cannot continue, and/or
checkpoint service is shutting down.
Manual Checkpoint Save Not Permitted - Access Denied Cannot get access to the node targeted by the save operation
due to communication problems.
Checkpoint Restore Not Permitted - Access Denied Cannot get access to the node targeted by the restore
operation due to communication problems.
Checkpoint Archiving Not Permitted - Access Denied Cannot get access to Window's file system components.
Checkpoint file not Found for entity Checkpoint File missing the specified path


24.54 Checkpoint Alarming

A checkpointable (that is, controller) node's () tagged block has a CPSTATUS parameter. This is known as the
Checkpoint Completion Status parameter. The various states of CPSTATUS are seen in the strings below in
“Checkpoint Status” line on the checkpointable node's Detail Display's Checkpoint Operations Tab:
• Successful completion; state of the last checkpoint save for that node. This will be noted by the Complete
string in Checkpoint Status.
• Failed/abnormal completion; state of the last checkpoint save for that node. This can be seen by following
strings in Checkpoint Status (that is, CPSTATUS):
– Complete With Stale Data
– Complete With Dangling Data
– Complete With Mismatched Data
– Failed - Other, see server err logs
• When save is currently in progress, the CPSTATUS has a running status. This will be noted by the Running
string in Checkpoint Status.
• When project/monitor reloading occurs to the node's tagged block, then CPSTATUS appears as “ ” (that is,
blanked/empty/none). This initialized condition represents a configuration load condition for the checkpoint
file (same as entirety of Incomplete) and is not considered abnormal. The first checkpoint save that is done
after this condition (even a failed save) moves CPSTATUS from this blanked condition to something other
than blanked. (It can only get back to blank after a reloading of the node's tagged block.)
• The associated abnormal save conditions of CPSTATUS now appear as system alarms in the System Alarm
Display in Station. The conditions appear in the description of the system alarm. The system alarm has a
Location Tag identified as Controllers, with the source being the controller node's tagged block. An
example of this system alarm is shown in following figure:


• The following is the full list of the descriptions that will appear for these various system alarms and
corresponding return to normal (RTNs):

Alarm Descriptions for Checkpoint Controller System alarms (in alarm)

1 Checkpoint Save Status: Complete With Stale Data
2 Checkpoint Save Status: Complete With Dangling Data
3 Checkpoint Save Status: Complete With Mismatched Data
4 Checkpoint Save Status: Failed - Other, see server error logs

Alarm Descriptions for Checkpoint Controller System alarms RTNs

1 Checkpoint Save Status: Complete
2 Checkpoint File Saved with Configuration Data Only
(This represents the blanked/empty/none condition in CPSTATUS)


Checkpoint system alarms are:
• produced from the checkpointable node's CPSTATUS parameter state
• not produced from the node's latest.cp file entirety state
The completion/failure of a checkpoint save, always matches the CPSTATUS parameter state to the node's latest.cp
entirety state. However, the two states will get out of synchronization when intervening engineering (load/delete/
upload) operations are done on any child tagged block(s) under the node's overall tagged block.
In these cases:
• the node's latest.cp will become Incomplete.
• CPSTATUS may or may not become blanked (NONE). When it does not become NONE, then it will stay
unchanged from what the last checkpoint save attempt had set it to. (See Special Note on the NONE state that
follows graphic below.)
The next checkpoint save, after this engineering operation, brings the states into synchronization.

• The following graphic shows the various alarming/RTN transitions that can occur in the new checkpoint
alarming feature. In this information the abbreviated CPSTATUS states map to displayed system alarms/
RTNs descriptions as follows:
– None state corresponds to “Checkpoint File Saved with Configuration Data Only ”
– Failed state corresponds to “Checkpoint Save Status: Failed - Other, see server error logs”
– User will not see any reserved states in CPSTATUS, just ignore that here.
– All other CPSTATUS state mappings to above system alarms are obvious


24.54.1 Special Note Regarding CPSTATUS 'NONE' state

The following behavior applies to CPSTATUS parameter regarding when its value will be set to its initialized/
loaded condition of NONE (shows as blanked):

• exists as a parameter defined on the controller node's () tagged block.
• is resident in SR, not in the controller
• gets set to NONE when the block is loaded from Project or loaded from Monitor.
• does not change state if a child tagged block of the (including any CEE or LINK) gets loaded from Monitor.
• does get initialized back to NONE, if any child tagged block of that gets loaded/reloaded from Project.
This is because a project load of any tagged block (in that controller) causes the Checkpoint compatibility number to
be updated on that controller node.
The compatibility number (called CPCOMPATIBLE) is a parameter which is also resident in SR.
When SR sees a change to CPCOMPATIBLE, SR will re-cache all off the tagged block's (SR resident) parameter
information from ERDB.
CPSTATUS is always “NONE” in ERDB. That is why it then becomes “NONE” again in SR during a Project load of
any tagged block of that controller node.


24.55 Checkpoint operation with On-Process Migration

Although the On-Process Migration (OPM) Wizard invokes checkpoint rebuild, the checkpoint interface that is
provided for OPM usage does not affect any Checkpoint interface functionality available to the user. Checkpoint
usage with OPM falls into the following two categories:

24.55.1 On-process server migration

When the server OPM wizard is launched, it will place all autocheckpoint tasks into the Stopped state. For any
autocheckpoint tasks that are in progress, they will be first aborted and then placed into stopped. The journaled
events for such aborted tasks will state that they have been stopped instead of saying completed. This will
happen on the existing primary server, just before the secondary server is brought down to be migrated to the
new Experion LX release.
After the former secondary server now gets migrated forward into the new Experion LX release (including
migration of its ERDB), the Checkpoint Service runs on that migrated (new release primary) server, but
autosaving is still disabled. The checkpoint files on this new release primary (we are still in dual primary mode)
must be created in the format understood by checkpoint on this new release before any checkpoint saving can be
done on this new release side.
Therefore, the user must manually rebuild all checkpoints of all applicable nodes in this new release primary
server. Once this is finished, the user then must perform Manual saves (from this new release server side) on
each applicable node. This ensures that the user has checkpoint restore coverage in case a controller node fails
while the dual primary node is removed and before the former old primary gets installed with the new release
and comes up as a secondary. Only after the redundant pair has been fully migrated will auto-checkpoint saving
be permitted again by the checkpoint service.

24.55.2 On-process controller migration

Upon launching of the controller OPM wizard, the wizard will require any saving (manual or
autocheckpointing) to be completed before it continues. After saves have completed on given controller, the
OPM wizard disables any further saves from occurring, and will back up that controller's Checkpoint Base and
latest.cp information corresponding to that primary controller as based on the controller's respective Experion
LX release.
OPM Wizard then rebuilds a checkpoint file based on the next Experion LX release of its firmware or
windows .exe (that which the secondary controller is being upgraded to). After secondary controller has been
upgraded to the new release code, OPM will use the rebuilt checkpoint (of the new release) and restore that
secondary. After the restore, OPM then has the primary controller perform a DSD transfer to the secondary.
After that, the secondary controller running on the new release is transitioned to primary.
If at any time the OPM process fails in the above steps, OPM will recover the prior checkpoint base and
latest.cp of the former release (that which the primary controller is still running on). Whether OPM fails or
passes, it will re-enable the checkpoint saving to be again permitted for that controller.
Upon OPM wizard completion (fail or success), the wizard does not automatically perform a save to refresh the
node's latest.cp. The user would need to do this checkpoint save, or have the next autocheckpoint save cycle
(applying to this node) take care of getting the node's latest.cp refreshed with run time data.


24.56 Troubleshooting Checkpoint-related issues

Following are various scenarios that may be encountered by a customer that may result in Checkpoint issues.
Each scenario is provided with an:
• Overall description
• One or more causes for this problem
• One or more corrective actions that must be taken to resolve this problem
• Optional note providing further insight or side effect of this problem.

24.56.1 Custom Block Type changes result in incompatible Checkpoint file problems

Description Due to changes in the Custom Block Type, an incompatible or mismatch Checkpoint file problem
Cause • This problem occurs when you do not manage changes made to custom library block (CAB,
CDB, and PHASE) types.
• The probability for mismanagement increases as you have more custom types and modify those
library types after Project view instances have been loaded to Monitoring view.
• The problem occurs if just one of the CMs, that have an instance of a custom type, is loaded and
then changes are made to that custom type.
• The problem occurs, if prior to Project view reloading all of the affected CMs (after the custom
type change); you do a Monitoring view reload of any of these CMs, and/or do a Checkpoint
• The monitor form display indication is different for the CM that has the reloaded custom block
as opposed to the CM, which is not reloaded.
• For example, if you add parameters to the Custom Block Type, such parameters appear in the
default condition for the custom block instance in the CM that is loaded from the Project view.
• For a CM that is not yet reloaded from the Project view, the custom block's instance in the
Monitoring view displays the newly added parameters in an undefined or error condition.
Therefore, a mismatch occurs between the block in the controller and the block that appears in
the Monitoring view. The newly added parameters appearing in the custom block's monitor form
are not yet reloaded into the block's instance existing in the controller.
Corrective Action 1. Whenever a Custom Block Library Type is modified, you must perform a reload from the
Project view for all of the CMs that contain the component block instances of the changed
Custom Block Library Type.
2. You must not perform a Checkpoint Rebuild or reload from Monitoring view until all the CMs
from the Project view are reloaded. However, if you perform the same before reloading all the
affected CMs from the Project view, the Checkpoint file is placed in an entire state of
3. Restoring a “mismatched” Checkpoint file does not restore the “mismatched” CMs that have the
custom blocks based on the type change.
Follow Up Action Follow up with a Checkpoint Save:
• After you reload from the Project view, the previously saved Checkpoint files become
incompatible. If the Checkpoint preference is set to “automatically delete incompatible files,”
these Checkpoint files are deleted.
• In addition, only the controller's latest.cp file is in an “Incomplete” entire state. This means that
load only information is available if that file is used for Checkpoint restore. For example, any
CM is restored with its execution state set to INACTIVE.
• After reloading the affected CMs from Project view, perform a manual or auto-Checkpoint Save.
The node's latest.cp Checkpoint file transitions to a “Complete” entire state, which means it
contains run-time information. This Checkpoint file would restore the active/inactive execution
states of CMs that were present at the time of the Checkpoint Save.


Note When a Custom Block Library Type is modified and none of the associated CMs are yet reloaded
from the Project/Monitoring views, then Checkpoint Save produces compatible Checkpoint files
with “Complete” entire state. A Checkpoint Restore using any of these Checkpoint files restores all
the CMs.
• However, when the next load is performed from the Project view, all the Checkpoint files are
disqualified (made incompatible) for restore selection
• However, if a reload is performed from the Monitoring view (before reloading from Project
view), the previous Checkpoint files remain compatible for restore and their entirety states
remained unchanged (i.e. do not get changed to “Mismatched”). This is the case even though the
newly formed controller's latest .cp is marked as “Mismatch.” If any of previous Checkpoint
files are used for restore then all the CMs are restored. This includes restoring those CMs that
appear to be the mismatched CMs in the latest.cp; but are not that state in the non-mismatched
Checkpoint file.

24.56.2 Server fails during Checkpoint Save or while other engineering operations are in progress

Description Server fails while a Checkpoint Save or engineering operations are in progress. As a result, one of
the following occurs.
• Checkpoint file incompatibility errors are encountered on Checkpoint Save/Restore and/or
engineering operations.
• Checkpoint file corruption/snapshot errors are encountered on Checkpoint Save/Restore and/or
engineering operations.
• Checkpoint files have wrong date/time stamps.
• CHECKPOINT /CPBASE Share replication problems.
• ERDB and or file locking issues prevent you from performing engineering operations or
Checkpoint Save.
Cause • When the server fails during the Checkpoint Save or an engineering operation (Project view/
Monitoring view load, Monitoring view delete, upload to Monitoring view from controller,
Checkpoint Rebuild), then one or more Checkpoint files may be left in an incompatible or
corrupt condition.
• Checkpoint Service is required to prevent engineering operations from stepping on controller
snapshot information during the initiation and end phases of a given Checkpoint Save. To
accomplish this, Checkpoint Service imposes a temporary ERDB lock on the controller's top-
level block in both the Project/Monitoring tree views.
• The Checkpoint Service also imposes a NTFS file lock on the controller's latest.cp at the end of
the Checkpoint Save to prevent an engineering operation from stepping on the latest.cp (which
the Checkpoint Save is also updating).
• If server fails during any of the above-mentioned scenarios then ERDB locks and/or file locks
are left intact.
• Furthermore, the Checkpoint file information can corrupt if the server fails when:
– The compressed Checkpoint file is being written to primary server's CHECKPOINT Share.
– When the uncompressed Checkpoint files (.att/.snapshot etc) are copied into primary/
secondary servers CPBASE Share with the updated runtime information (to match that in the
• The server fails when an engineering operation is in progress. This is because the engineering
operation also updates the same compressed/uncompressed Checkpoint files with the changed/
loaded/deleted block configuration.
• In addition, if the server fails when it is replicating the CHECKPOINT /CPBASE Shares to the
secondary server (now becoming primary), then it leads to inconsistent/corrupted Checkpoint
information in the new primary shares. This disqualifies future Checkpoint Restore and/or cause
errors in future engineering and Checkpoint Save operations.


Corrective Action 1. No further action is needed if you can confirm there were no engineering operations or
Checkpoint saving in progress when the server failed/swapped over.
2. However, if you are unsure about this being the situation, then you must perform a Checkpoint
Rebuild on all the controllers in this cluster. This ensures the correct information is present in the
CHECKPOINT/CPBASE Shares on the new server.
3. If during Checkpoint Rebuild you experience ERDB lockouts, then you must first clear the
ERDB locks (using DB Administrator through Configuration Studio on the new primary server).
After this, you must repeat the Checkpoint Rebuild on the controller(s) that had the previously
imposed ERDB locks.
4. If during Checkpoint Rebuild, you experience NTFS file lockouts, then close the Control
Builders on all Stations, server machines in this cluster, and remote Control Builders connected
to this cluster. In addition, stop and restart the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (using Window's
Service Control Panel on this new primary server). These actions release all locks on Checkpoint
files. After that, repeat the Checkpoint Rebuild on the controller(s) that had the imposed file
Follow Up Action Follow up with a Checkpoint Save:
• The Checkpoint Rebuild only loaded (configuration) information into the controller's latest.cp
files. Therefore, they have an entire state of “incomplete,” which means they completely restore
all configurations but do not have up-to-date runtime information.
• Perform a manual or auto Checkpoint Save on each controller. This transition the latest.cp
Checkpoint files to” Complete “state, which means they are populated with up-to-date run-time
Note The active primary server not only replicates CHECKPOINT Share information to the active
secondary machine but also to each ESC machine's CHECKPOINT Share. Therefore, when the
information is corrected in the active primary server's CHECKPOINT Share then it is automatically
corrected in each ESC's CHECKPOINT Share.

24.56.3 During controller load, a Window appears when no compatible CP files may exists

Description During controller load, a temporary condition (of a few seconds) occurs where no valid CP file
exists for the controller. This time increases during one of the following:
• Engineering operations experience lengthy completion time and fail.
• Control Builder terminates abnormally.
Cause • You experience a lengthy delete engineering operation on a set of controllers when many CMs
from each controller were selected for delete and operation was initiated on a Direct/Flex
• For example, a delete action expected to complete in two hours, takes around five hours because
the ESC station's processes are consuming over 50% of that machine is CPU.
• The delete engineering CB activity is in the final action of making latest.cp for some controllers,
while deleting blocks from other controllers.
• An indication of this problem is when neither a latest.cp nor any other Checkpoint file is
available for Checkpoint Restore selection for a given controller. This happens when the delete
changed the CP compatibility number in SR long before the MAKECAB compression process
was finished in creating one or more of the latest.cp files.
• This situation can be made worse if during the long delete either CB crashes, or the controller
crashes. This causes one/more of the deletes to make the Monitoring view ERDB inconsistent
with the Checkpoint files.
• This problem can occur for any other extended engineering operations. (such as Project view
load, and upload to Monitoring view from controller).


Corrective Action 1. This problem may cause ERDB and/or file locks to be imposed. Before, proceeding, you must
clear these ERDB locks (using DB Administrator through Configuration Studio on the new
primary server) and close all the Control Builders to release all the file locks.
2. Because the Monitoring view database of the ERDB may be the suspect for a given controller,
start the Control Builder and examine the controller's Monitoring tree view.
3. If you are uncertain about the Monitoring view information then reload the entire controller from
the Project view. This could be the case if problem was experienced during an engineering
operation that changed the controller (such as a delete or load).
4. However, if the controller's Monitoring view database/view is OK, then you must perform a
Checkpoint Rebuild. If the cause of the original problem is the failure of the controller then you
must perform a Checkpoint Restore of the controller (using its latest.cp) after the rebuild is
Follow Up Action Follow up with a Checkpoint Save:
• The project loading or rebuilding Checkpoint loads (configuration) information into the
controller's latest.cp file. It has an entirety state of “incomplete” which means controller can be
fully restored but not with up-to-date runtime information.
• After placing controller to run and activating CMs as needed, perform a manual or auto-
Checkpoint Save. This transition the controller's latest.cp Checkpoint files to a “Complete”
entirety state. This means that the latest.cp appears with up-to-date run-time information.
Note None

24.56.4 Synchronization issues between SR, ERDB and Checkpoint file

Description When SR, ERDB, and the Checkpoint files are not in full agreement with Checkpoint Compatibility
Number values then one or more controllers do not have any Checkpoint files selectable for restore
in that given Experion LX server cluster.
Cause • The Checkpoint compatibility number is considered a unique signature guaranteeing the block
configuration/structure contained in the Checkpoint file agrees exactly with what the Monitoring
view of the ERDB has for that controller.
• Checkpoint Restore has requirement of being able to function when both Server A and Server B
are down. Since Checkpoint Restore cannot count on ERDB access to ensure the compatibility
number in the Checkpoint files matches with that in ERDB, it was determined to have SR hold
the most recent Checkpoint compatibility number for each controller.
• ESC has an SR. If both server machines fail then you can still perform Checkpoint Restore from
an ESC. This is because the Checkpoint Restore is able to retrieve Checkpoint compatibility
numbers from its local ESC's SR.
• When the servers and ESCs are disconnected then the ESC SRs fail to remain in synchronization
with the Server B's ERDB and Server A's SR.
• Checkpoint Restore may be disqualified when that operation is launched from a machine (ESC,
server) whose local SR is out of synchronization with the primary server's SR. This is because
the controller's Checkpoint compatibility number in the local SR does not match the number that
is available in the Checkpoint file in the CHECKPOINT Share on the ESC machine.
• In addition, this problem can happen if any SR(s) are out of synchronization with changes made
to ERDB.
• Even if the SRs have matching compatibility numbers with ERDB, the problem is encountered if
primary server's CHECKPOINT Share replication is not correctly, updating Checkpoint files in
the same shares on the secondary server an ESC machines.
• During normal operation, whenever a Checkpoint file is placed (either by the Checkpoint Save
or engineering operation) into the active primary process server's CHECKPOINT Share, the
Checkpointfile is replicated to the CHECKPOINT Shares on the secondary server and each
ESC. However, if there are issues with replication, then the Checkpoint files having older
compatibility numbers are not overlaid by files having the newer compatibility numbers. Thus,
these older Checkpoint files are deemed incompatible.


Corrective Action 1. ERDB is considered golden here. It is always considered to have the correct Checkpoint
compatibility numbers that match the Monitoring view of the ERDB.
2. You can use the Checkpoint Restore display on each server machine and ESC to see if that
machine's local SR and CHECKPOINT Share's Checkpoint files are fully synched with ERDB.
This is done without actually doing a Checkpoint restore.
3. This technique is to call up the Checkpoint Restore Display on the given machine. With the
Checkpoint file path being on the local C drive (this is the default), select the first controller in
the left most pane. If you see a latest.cp being shown as a file selection, then it is highly probable
that the Checkpoint file and SR are in synchronization with the ERDB. Select the next controller
on the left hand pane and ensure you get same results.
4. If in this Checkpoint Restore Display, you see “No compatible files found” for any controllers,
then you are in condition where either the local SR and/or CHECKPOINT Share is out-of-sync
with ERDB.
5. If you do encounter “No Compatible files found” on any server/ESC machines, then first call-up
the Station Display on the active primary server and review the Event Summary journals to
ensure there are no file replication issues with the CHECKPOINT Share to these ESC machines.
6. If you see such issues then correct them by proceeding to the Station's File Replication page and
investigate CHECKPOINT Share replication from there. You can manually force replication of
this share to the other machines, and then re-examine the event summary journal to ensure you
fixed the issue.
7. If you did encounter CHECKPOINT Share replication issues, which you now believed have
been fixed, then go back to the machines that originally reported “No Compatible Files Found”
and redo the Checkpoint Restore display checks.
8. If you no longer encounter these “No Compatible Files Found” errors then your original problem
was due to replication issues. This now been fixed. You do not need to do any further actions.
9. However, if originally, you did not have replication issues, or if you did have them and believe
they have been corrected but continue to have “No Compatible Files Found” problems, then you
have the issue where local SR is out-of-synchronization with the primary server's SR.
10. On each machine that you still encounter the “No Compatible Files Found,” restart the SR
(Experion LX System Repository Service and all dependent services). This is done by going to
the Windows Services Panel. Note: There is probably a site practice related to doing this - so
follow that. If you restart SR on the active primary server, you will likely cause a server failover.
Before restarting SR on the secondary server, you will need to first close CBs on all machines in
this Experion LX cluster.
Restarting an ESC's SR is the least impactive “SR restart” operation in the cluster. Therefore,
attempt to correct the “No Compatible Files Found” error on the ESC machines first.
11. After restarting SR (and all dependent services) on the given machine, repeat the Checkpoint
Restore Display test on that machine to ensure you no longer see “No Compatible Files Found”
for all controllers.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.5 Engineering operations fail during Checkpoint Save

Description During concurrent/simultaneously engineering and Checkpoint Save operations, the engineering
operation takes a greater time.


Cause • A problem is encountered where just a few CMs among a group of controllers were being loaded
and then Checkpoint Saves were started on a subset of these controllers.
• As expected, the Checkpoint Saves encountered the ERDB/file locks already imposed by the
engineering operations. In addition, as expected the Checkpoint Saves subsequently failed/
• In addition, the engineering load action requires a much greater time to complete. This is
because of file access denials to the latest.cp Checkpoint files in the subset of controllers.
• The cause for this problem is that the Checkpoint Service (running on active primary process
server) has caused a deadly embrace with the engineering operation regarding ERDB/file locks.
That is, the Checkpoint Service has gotten a subset of these locks, and the engineering operation
has gotten the remaining locks of the full set. Therefore, the engineering operation is waiting for
the Checkpoint Service to release the needed locks and vice versa.
• This problem can occur with any engineering operation (load, delete, upload from controller)
that affects the Monitoring view.
Corrective Action 1. Start Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the active primary process server.
2. Double-click the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on active primary server).
3. Stop the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on active primary server) and click OK.
4. Within 30 seconds, the Experion LX Checkpoint Service must restart. (Experion LX System
Repository Service automatically performs this on the active primary process server.)
5. Close or cancel all the engineering dialog box(s) that are open in the Control Builders of this
Experion LX server cluster.
6. Close each Control Builder on the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
7. Using Configuration Studio on the active ERDB server (usually active secondary process server
- Server B), proceed to DB admin and clear any held locks on ERDB (ps_erdb)
8. Restart the required Control Builders in the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
Follow Up Action Re-schedule auto-Checkpoint Save or perform a follow-up manual Checkpoint Save as required.
Note None.

24.56.6 Checkpoint Save does not occur due to locking of ERDB and/ or Checkpoint files

Description Scheduled/manual Checkpoint Save fails to complete and results in locking of the Checkpoint files.


Cause • A problem occurs where Checkpoint auto tasks start to run but stop and cannot save any more in
the following scenarios.
– A large export (5000 CMs) engineering operations runs when a scheduled auto-Checkpoint
task starts to run.
– A single auto-Checkpoint task has many controllers (greater than 5) configured into it, and
the task is scheduled at the fastest rate (to run every two hours).
– As expected, when the auto-task runs, the first five controllers have their saving initiated and
the other controllers are deferred.
– An indication of this problem is that deferred saves are never resumed since one or more of
the engaged (running) Checkpoint Saves are failing due to controller communication issues.
– The auto task appears to be hung/stopped but it status is still seen as running in the
Checkpoint Scheduler Display.
– For the few controllers with failed saves, “Failed To Open Snapshot File” error appears
whenever a subsequent engineering operation is attempted on one of the controllers. This
blocks engineering operations on this controller.
• Another indication that this problem exists is seen by examining the Checkpoint tab on the
controller Detail display for those controllers whose saves are actively running (not deferred).. In
that, you will see the Checkpoint Status (CPSTATUS) remain in “Running” but you never see
the save advancing beyond zero percent. That is, the Checkpoint Completion Percentage will
remain at 0%.
• The root cause is a process (Checkpoint Service in this case) is not releasing file access locks
that another process needs to obtain (CB for the engineering operation).
Corrective Action 1. Start Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the active primary process server.
2. Double-click the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on active primary server).
3. Stop the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on active primary server) and click OK.
4. Within 30 seconds, you must see the Experion LX Checkpoint Service restart. (Experion LX
System Repository Service automatically performs this on the active primary process server.)
5. Close or cancel all the engineering dialog box(s) that are open in the Control Builders of this
Experion LX server cluster.
6. Close each Control Builder on the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
7. Using Configuration Studio on the active ERDB server (usually active secondary process server
- Server B), proceed to DB admin and clear any held locks on ERDB (ps_erdb)
8. Restart the required Control Builders in the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
Follow Up Action Re-schedule auto-Checkpoint Saves or perform follow-up manual Checkpoint Saves as required.
Note Attempt to limit the size of engineering operations such that they will complete in a reasonable
period of time (within 15-30 minutes).

24.56.7 Checkpoint Rebuild fails when executed in parallel with other engineering operations

Description Checkpoint Rebuild experiences a “Failed To Commit Database Transaction” error when
engineering operations are in progress on other Control Builders.


Cause • When multiple users access Control Builder (CB), a problem occurs where one CB is
performing a Checkpoint rebuild on a few controllers, and another CB is performing “Upload To
Monitor” engineering operation on another few controllers.
• For this problem to be encountered, the controllers do not need to have many CMs loaded.
However, the probability of encountering this problem increases as the number of loaded CMs
increases in the controllers being used in these rebuild/upload operations. .
• The root cause of this problem is an overload issue (many SQL queries) to ERDB.
• Checkpoint Rebuild (which executes the same load queries to ERDB as Monitoring view
upload/load) operates faster than the upload/load from the Monitoring view. This is because
Checkpoint Rebuild is not burdened by communication with controller that a Monitoring view
load requires.
• The SQL (really ER server) overloads when multiple number of rebuilds occur in parallel with
other engineering activities, such as upload from controller to Monitoring view.
Corrective Action You must limit the number of parallel engineering activities such as, Checkpoint Rebuild and other
engineering operations.
Follow Up Action A “Commit Transaction” error may appear, when rebuilding a number of controllers at one time.
Hence, you must rebuild each controller one at a time. Perform this rebuilding when limiting the
number of labored engineering activities (such as loading many blocks) on other CBs.
Note Checkpoint Rebuild always rebuilds the entire controller. No selection is available where you can
rebuild just a subset of the tagged blocks for the Checkpoint file.

24.56.8 Periodic Checkpoint Saves failed because of accessibility issues to controller

Description A Checkpoint Save auto-task stays in running condition past the time it must have completed. In
addition, you may see a controller node's manual Checkpoint Save (on-demand and/or manual task
initiated save) stay in running past the time it must have completed. When this problem occurs, you
can see “EXPKS_E_FATAL (6L.101.15295) Failed to copy Checkpoint file” in the Experion LX
error log on the active primary process server.


Cause • A problem was encountered where a Checkpoint auto task was configured with few controllers
in it and that encountered some file locking problems as follows:
– When the task started - it would not proceed to even saving the first node in it. However,
when another auto-task was configured/scheduled, it would run to completion and save all
nodes successfully.
– Using process explorer on the Checkpoint Service, it was seen that a file handle to a
controller's uncompressed .snapshot file was permanently acquired. A thread was holding
this and would not terminate.
– This caused the MakeCab locking mutex (or some other lock) to be permanently locked, not
allowing any other Checkpoint threads to complete their operation. It seems the remaining
four active save threads were waiting to finish up with their copy-back operation.
– After the Checkpoint Service was restarted, the following error was logged four times (in
Experion LX error log), which implies that these four threads were waiting for access to this
MakeCab mutex:
10/13/2008 11:03:20 AM
CChkPtEntity::ChkPtEntityThreadProc : WaitForSingleObject FAILED with error number -
• Following are additional findings about this problem.
– After a Checkpoint Save is initiated, it may be placed in a permanent suspension.
Investigation of this problem indicates that when the Windows file system has a problem in
writing/closing/compressing the associated files, either Windows and/or Checkpoint do not
properly handle the problem. When this problem occurs, the Checkpoint Save is suspended,
and remains in this condition until the Checkpoint Service is restarted.
– Although, there is no alarm generated informing the user that the Checkpoint Service is in
this condition, the following will indicate that such condition is present.
A Checkpoint task (auto/manual) is in the “running” state much longer than its normally
running time. (This can be seen from the Checkpoint Scheduler display launched through
A controller node's Checkpoint Save is in the “running” state much longer than it is normally
running time. (This can be seen from the Checkpoint tab in the controller's detail display or
through a station custom display as discussed below.)
When either above conditions occur, look in the Experion LX Error logs for associated
logged errors of either:
“EXPKS_E_FATAL (6L .101.15295) Failed to copy Checkpoint file”
and/or this:
“CChkPtEntity::ChkPtEntityThreadProc: WaitForSingleObject FAILED….”
– In the Station's Event Summary Display, you may also see the following Checkpoint event
against a controller:
“Checkpoint Save Status: Failed - Other, See error logs on server”
– Initially, this problem was only thought to have occurred on a server redundant pair
experiencing failover or a series of failovers. However, it was seen to have also occurred
during Checkpoint saving on a cluster undergoing stability testing after a few days where no
such failovers were involved.
– During testing in the server failover scenarios, this problem was observed after a series of
server failovers was done through pulling of Ethernet cables on those server machines. Only
the task having a large number of controllers (57) configured in it, exhibited this problem.
• Auto-tasks having a smaller number of controller nodes continued to work OK. In addition, a
newly configured auto-task having 57 nodes also worked OK.
• Upon restarting the Checkpoint Service on the primary process server, the original 57 node auto-
task again worked OK. It continued to periodically save all 57 nodes successfully. Periodically, it
restarted and completed as expected.


Corrective Action 1. Using any control builder (CB), select any Checkpointable controller in the Monitoring
(assignment) view and proceed to the Schedule Checkpoint Display.
2. For the Checkpoint auto/manual tasks that appear to be stuck in “running,” stop them through
the Stop (solid square) button on bottom left hand part of display.
3. After, it has been confirmed that auto/manual tasks have stopped then just exit the Schedule
Checkpoint Display. If any auto/manual task does not stop within a minute then just exit display
and proceed to next step.
4. Launch Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the primary process server.
5. Select the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on the primary process server) by double clicking
on it. Its services properties page now opens up.
6. For the time being, disable the Experion LX Checkpoint Service. This is performed by changing
its Startup Type from “Manual” to “Disabled” in this properties page.
7. Press “Stop” button in the Experion LX Checkpoint Service properties page. Do not close out
this properties page on the Experion LX Checkpoint Service.
8. Through Configuration Studio, invoke “Administer The Control Strategy Database” and clear
any ERDB locks that may be present on the controllers and/or the Checkpoint tasks that had
their Checkpoints in the extended “RUNNING” condition.
9. In the Experion LX Checkpoint Service properties page (of Step f above), remove the disabled
condition on the Experion LX Checkpoint Service by changing its Startup Type back to
10. Close out Experion LX Checkpoint Service properties page by pressing OK.
11. In the Windows services panel display, within 30 seconds you must see the Experion LX
Checkpoint Service restart. (Experion LX System Repository Service automatically performs
this on the primary process server.)
12. Again re-scheduled those Checkpoint auto-tasks that were stopped in Step b).
13. Ensure those tasks run OK when their “Next-Run-Time” has occurred, and that all nodes are
saved OK.
14. Ensure you see start events and complete events for the respective auto-tasks in the Station's
Event Summary Display. If Checkpoint manual tasks were affected in Step b), then invoke these
and ensure you see respective start and completion events in the Event Summary Display.
Follow Up Action None.
Note • To reduce the scope of failure, it is recommended to have smaller auto-tasks. Consider
configuring not more than five controller nodes in a given Checkpoint auto-task.
• In addition, to more easily recognize that this problem is present, the user must create a custom
display where each row on the display shows the following information for a given controller
being check pointed:
– The controller node's tag name.
– The following parameters for that controller:
CPSTATUS - Completion/Failure status of the prior Checkpoint Save or running status (of
current Checkpoint Save in progress).
CPLASTSAVE - time when the controller's most recent Checkpoint Save was initiated.
CPTMEOFSAVE - elapsed time needed for completion of the most recent Checkpoint Save
for this controller
CPSAVCOMPPERC - save's completion percentage
If the controller's Checkpoint Save stays in an extended running condition, then you will see the
CPSTATUS remain in “RUNNING” never transitioning to a “COMPLETE” nor “FAILED” state.


24.56.9 Load has locked controller's CPBASE subfolder permanently denying engineering or
Checkpoint Save operations on that controller

Description After having CDA errors with the controller, a “Failed To Open Snapshot File
EXPKS_E_CL_OPENSNAPSHOT (6L .101.10170)” occurs.
Cause • When you load the controller from the Project view, the load fails due to CDA errors (CDA
resources not available). Hence, no engineering operations including Checkpoint Rebuild can be
performed on this controller.
• An error “Failed To Open Snapshot File” appears and hence a Checkpoint Rebuild is required.
However, the subsequent Checkpoint Rebuild cannot be performed, which results in the same
• The active primary process server CPBASE Share's folder of the particular controller contains
neither the .snapshot file nor any other Checkpoint component files of .ccl and .att files.
• The active secondary server CPBASE Share's folder of the particular controller contains the
snapshot, but the other component files are missing.
• If you abort the engineering operation from the Control Builder (CB), CB locks the particular
CPBASE folder permanently inhibiting any other engineering operation on that controller.
• This problem can also be encountered for any delete, or upload from controller operation that
experiences CDA errors while a Checkpoint Save is running.
Corrective Action 1. Close the Control Builder (CB) on Direct/Flex station or server that holds the lock on the
CPBASE folder(s).
2. Wait for some time for Windows to recognize the CB process has stopped.
3. If you are not sure which CB had caused the problem then close one CB at a time and then
restart before doing the next CB closure/restart.
Follow Up Action Resolve the CDA error associated with the controller communication before performing the next
engineering operation with the controller.
Note None

24.56.10 Reported snapshot file corruptions

Description Snapshot serialization errors occur on Checkpoint Restore/Save and/or engineering (load/delete/
upload) operations. CMs are missing from the Checkpoint files even though the Checkpoint Saves
have “Complete” entirety status.
Cause • Perform a CB engineering operation (load/upload/delete) from a Level 3 Flex station where
network card is set to auto-negotiate on duplex/speed.
• CB aborts during a load/upload/delete or Checkpoint Rebuild operation.
• In prior Experion LX releases, intense Multi user CB activity causes this problem due to faulty
Monitoring view tree updates made between the CBs.
• Another indication that you have this problem is when a Checkpoint restore is done to the
controller and one or more of its tagged blocks show in red. Red means that they do not exist in
the controller.
Corrective Action 1. Ensure all level two flex/console/servers and level three flex stations consists of the network
cards fixed with regard to duplex/speed. You must set “None” to auto-negotiate.
2. Rebuild Checkpoint files on controllers.
3. Perform manual Checkpoint Save on these controllers.
4. Minimize Multi users of CB activities.
Follow Up Action Perform the Checkpoint Restore testing technique in the Corrective Active section applying to the
“ “Synchronization issues between SR, ERDB and Checkpoint file” on page 777”problem.


Note The Checkpoint Save ensures the controller's Checkpoint file has the same number of tagged blocks
(CMs, SCMs etc) as that on the Monitoring view for the controller. If there is a discrepancy between
the Checkpoint file and Monitoring view ERDB, then a Checkpoint system alarm is generated
during the Checkpoint Save.

24.56.11 Controller loaded when configured base period does not match with firmware period

Description A controller load occurs having a configured CEE BASEPERIOD that does not align with the
controller firmware. The Checkpoint Restore that follows is inconsistent regarding this
Cause • This problem occurs when you load to a C300 controller. The controller's firmware has a 20
msec CEE image, but that controller is loaded with a BASEPERIOD of 50 msec.
Following steps causes the problem.
– Flashed C300 with 20 msec controller application image.
– Create a C300 controller in the Project view and keep its CEE BASEPERIOD to the default
of 50 msec.
– Load the controller without changing the CEE BASEPERIOD.
– Load displays a warning message that BASEPERIOD does not match with the firmware
– Proceed/ close the dialog box, as there is no option to cancel the load.
– Observe that the controller returns to a NODB (yellow) state in the CB Monitoring view.
– Perform the Checkpoint Restore with controller's latest.cp file.
– This returns the controller to normal IDLE (blue) state with 20mSec BASEPERIOD and not
the 50 msec period that is in the Monitoring view.
– If the CEE is placed into RUN, it does not work as not all of its parameters are restored since
they are not in the Checkpoint file due to the faulty load as provided.
Corrective Action 1. Delete the controller from both Monitoring and Project views.
2. Create a controller in the Project view and assign the CEE BASEPERIOD to 20 msec
3. Load the controller from the Project view.
Follow Up Action None
Note When you get load errors on load do not ignore them.

24.56.12 Aborted/crashed engineering operations can cause corruption

Description An engineering operation is being done from Control Builder (CB), and the operation has an
abnormal termination.
Cause • This problem can occur when CB is performing one of the following engineering operations on a
controller, and that CB display disappears (has an unhandled exception) and/or terminates
– Project view loading
– Monitoring view loading
– Upload from controller to Monitoring view
– Delete from Monitoring view
– Checkpoint Rebuild
• This can lead to Checkpoint file errors of:
– “Failed To Open Snapshot File”
– “Snapshot file serialization corruption.”
• One can also encounter file/ERDB locking issues.


Corrective Action 1. Close/cancel out all engineering dialog box(s) that are open in the Control Builders (CBs) of this
Experion server cluster
2. Close out each CB on the servers/stations in this Experion server cluster.
3. Using Configuration Studio on the ERDB server (usually Server B), proceed to DB admin and
clear out any held locks on ERDB (ps_erdb).
4. Restart the required CBs in the servers/stations in this Experion server cluster.
5. Rebuild the Checkpoint files for all controllers that were associated with the former CB
engineering action that terminated unexpectedly.
6. To enrich these Checkpoint files with runtime data, perform a manual save on each of these
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.13 Checkpoint Save 'CM missing System Alarm' occurs

Description Checkpoint Save discovers that the number of tagged blocks in the just saved Checkpoint file has a
discrepancy with that on the controller's Monitoring view.
Cause • In this condition, the Checkpoint file does not exhibit any overt corruption errors such as
snapshot serialization errors.
• In this condition, it is as if one or more tagged blocks (CMs, SCMs, IOMs, and so on) have been
surgically/fully removed from the Checkpoint file.
• In prior Experion LX releases, it is believed that intense MUCB activity contributes to this
problem due to Monitoring view tree updates made between the CBs.
• Checkpoint Restore is performed to the controller and one or more of its tagged blocks appear in
red. Red means that they do not exist in the controller.
Corrective Action 1. Rebuild Checkpoint files on controllers.
2. Perform manual Checkpoint Save on these controllers.
3. Minimize use of MUCB activities.
Follow Up Action None
Note The Checkpoint Save ensures the controller's Checkpoint file has the same number of tagged blocks
(CMs, SCMs, and so on) as that on the Monitoring view for the controller. If there is a discrepancy
between the Checkpoint file and Monitoring view ERDB, then a Checkpoint system alarm is
generated during the Checkpoint Save.

24.56.14 Manual Checkpoint Save of C300 controller fails with snapshot serialization error

Description A Checkpoint Save keeps failing due to the uncompressed .snapshot file having a serialization error.
Cause • This problem has similar root causes already discussed in “Checkpoint file attributes” on
page 703.
• Problem occurs after you force server failover (removing AC power on primary server) while
manual Checkpoint Save is in the progress test.
• After the server failover, every Checkpoint Save fails with a serialization error.
Corrective Action 1. After server failover, rebuild Checkpoint files for all controllers in this Experion server cluster.
2. Perform a manual save on the same controllers.
Follow Up Action None


Note • This problem may occur if you decide to take the server partner/pair down for some reason and
then restart it.
• You must always stop performing auto-Checkpoint prior to such server action/maintenance.
• This problem does not occur if servers migrate on process from one Experion LX release to
another. The server migration procedures (on or off process) require all Checkpoint saving to be
completed and then stopped before migration is done. In addition, the Checkpoint Service
disables all auto-Checkpoint saving while the servers are in dual primary on-process migration

24.56.15 Checkpoint Restore fails using archived Checkpoint file

Description When you select Checkpoint files from removable media for restore, the restore does not start.
Cause • This problem occurs due to the following actions.
– For a given controller, archive any of the compatible Checkpoint files to removable (CD,
DVD, floppy) media.
– Start Checkpoint Restore UI on this controller and browse to archived file on the removable
media drive.
– Start “Select the archived file” and click “View Details.” The “Checkpoint file is corrupted”
a/or “CRC” error appears.
• This problem occurs when archiving to non-NTFS media. Checkpoint files are NTFS based and
have a Summary tab where certain information is placed (such as the CRC checking code of the
compressed Checkpoint file).
• Archiving to non-NTFS media, such as FAT32 media, discards the Summary tab.
Corrective Action 1. Archive Checkpoint files to NTFS removable media (such as NTFS formatted memory sticks).
2. If you need to archive to non-NTFS media, first zip (i.e. WinZip) the given Checkpoint (.cp) file.
Transfer the zipped file to the non-NTFS archived media. When needing to use the Checkpoint
file for restore, first transfer the zipped file back to NTFS media, and unzip it there.
Follow Up Action None
Note • When a Checkpoint file is selected for restore, it is then qualified through various checks. One of
these checks is to ensure that the Checkpoint (.cp) file passes its CRC check. The CRC code is
stored outside the actual .cp file by placing it into a field in the file's NTFS Summary tab.
• When zipping the Checkpoint (.cp) file while on NTFS media, the .cp file's NTFS Summary tab
is retained within the compressed file. Thus, you can copy this file to non-NTFS media, and the
zipped up Summary Tab info is retained with the .cp contents.
• Therefore, after you copy the zipped file back from the non-NTFS media to NTFS media and
then unzip (decompressing) in the NTFS media, the .cp file is restorable because the NTFS
Summary tab of the .cp is reformed. Therefore, the CRC code is then accessible from the
reformed Summary Tab.

24.56.16 All CMs get restored from Checkpoint file having 'Dangling' entirety state

Description Restoring of a Checkpoint file having “Dangling” entirety state causes the CMs have dangling
connections to be restored completely.


Cause • This is not a problem - just a misunderstanding of how the “dangling” entirety state is treated.
• One can form a Checkpoint file having a “Dangling” entirety state by doing a Checkpoint
Rebuild on a controller (call it the “ref” controller) that has CMs referencing connections to peer
CMs (call them “def” CMs), where those peer “def” CMs no longer exist. These former “def”
CMs were the ones that had the definition end of the reference connection.
• It does not matter where those “def” CMs had existed (in the “ref” controller or another “def”
• The “dangling” Checkpoint file of the “ref” controller still has the complete configuration of the
“ref” CMs.
• Therefore, a Checkpoint restore of that “ref” controller will fully restore all “ref” CMs.
• The actual controller operation for the “ref CMs” is no different than if one had a “Complete”
entirety state Checkpoint file for a “ref” controller. After doing the restore of the “ref” controller,
then you would just turn off the “def” controller.
Corrective Action None - All CMs, in a “dangling” state, remain fully restorable with the dangling connection to the
non-existent PEER reference end intact.
Follow Up Action Correct the dangling condition by removing the peer references that no longer exists, and then to a
Project view reload, and follow up with a Checkpoint Save.
Note • One can see the “ref” CMs (those still referencing the dangling connections) by launching the
Checkpoint Restore on this “ref” controller selecting the “dangling” .cp file, and then press
“View Details” button.
• Also, if one deletes the CMs from Monitoring view having the definition end of a connection,
but does not delete these “def” CMs from Project view, then even a Checkpoint Rebuild or
Monitoring/Project view reload of the controller having the “ref” CMs will not result in a
“dangling” Checkpoint file for the “ref” controller. This is because the “ref CMs” database can
still see the definition end of the connections due to the existence of the “def CMs” in the Project
view under the “def” controller in the Project database.
• To have a Checkpoint file in the “Dangling” entirety state requires that the “def” CMs be first
deleted on the Monitoring view and then deleted on the Project view. Just deleting on the
Monitoring view will not cause a “dangling” entirety state.

24.56.17 CPBASE Share does not replicate to a repaired and restarted secondary process server

Description The CPBASE Share on the active secondary processor server may lose synchronization with
CPBASE Share on the active primary process server when that secondary server fails (or is
shutdown) and then restarted.


Cause • The primary process server Checkpoint Base Share (CPBASE) does not replicate to the
secondary process server, when the secondary server Shutdown/fails, repairs/restarts, and then
comes back online as the secondary partner.
• If Checkpoint Saves were done while the active secondary server was offline, then the CPBASE
Share on the secondary server remains in a “stale” out-of-date condition. This is the case even
after restarting the secondary server.
• After process server synchronization has completed between the primary and secondary servers,
the user is placed in jeopardy of not being able to do any Checkpoint saving if that primary
process server subsequently fails over to the secondary.
• The jeopardy comes about because of the following actions:
– Server A fails or is powered down.
– Server B becomes primary (formerly was just ERDB primary, but now becomes both
Process Primary and ERDB Primary).
– User does some project loads to controllers (this is allowed since server B is ERDB
– Because of the project load, the CPBASE Share on server B is updated with newer
checkpoint compatibility information.
– However, since server A is down, its CPBASE receives no updates.
– Server A is restarted.
– As expected, server A completes process server synchronization with server B.
– Server A is now operating as a secondary process server.
– However, there is no automatic CPBASE synchronization/copy from server B to server A.
– Server B now power fails causing failover to occur to server A.
– Server A becomes the primary process server.
– However, Server A's CPBASE has out-of-date Checkpoint compatibility information on the
controllers that were project loaded when server A was down.
– Subsequent Checkpoint Saves on these controllers will have out-of date compatibility
information; none of them will be restorable.
Corrective Action 1. After the secondary process server appears online and synchronizes with the primary process
server, you must perform a commanded failover to the secondary server.
2. The act of this secondary process server now becoming new primary will cause the Checkpoint
Service now running on this new primary to replicate the CPBASE from the former primary.
3. For the Checkpoint Service action of replicating CPBASE to succeed, the former primary
machine must remain accessible.
4. You must perform a commanded failover from the primary to secondary (rather than a primary
server power down or failing over due to a CDA failure).
Follow Up Action • Do not wait to perform this corrective action. Especially, if Server B was the active primary
process server, and you had done Project view loading while Server A was down. You do not
want to increase the likelihood of having a faulty CPASE replicated between the servers.
• If you fail to do this corrective action after both servers have been re-synchronized, and then a
subsequent server failover gets encountered, you are then required to Checkpoint Rebuild every
controller in this Experion LX cluster to correct the faulty CPBASE condition.
Note None

24.56.18 CPBASE Share stops to replicate after server failover

Description A server failure due to communication issues while Checkpoint Saves are in progress.


Cause • Auto-Checkpoint Save is in progress, and a primary process server failover is forced to
secondary server by removing the FTE cables from the primary and then reconnecting them after
30 seconds.
• After reconnection, successive auto scheduled Checkpoint Saves caused the “Warning- Not
replicating CPBASE changes.” message to appear in the station event summary.
• The following errors are seen in the Experion LX error logs.
– InitCtrlSessAndCS: Could not get CtrlSession pointer
– (CB) EXPKS_E_DB_SWITCHTOREPLICA (1L .101.10160) Fails to connect to primary
ER, connected to secondary
– (CB) EXPKS_E_DB_SWITCHTOMASTER (1L .101.10161) Re-connected to primary ER
– Logon to CtrlSession: Catch of unknown exception
– $-$-$- CFastLoadPcm::ReplicateChkPtFiles: Undefined ctrlsess I/F ptr, Checkpoint base
replication is aborted.
– EXPKS_E_CL_SNAPSHOTBACKUP (6L .101.10180) Failed to replicate CPBASE
changes for node <controller>
• The problem is due to failure of ER server connection because of the transition of servers
• When the server fails, the Checkpoint Service begins to operate on the new primary server.
However, the Checkpoint Service on startup fails to connect to a control session because it
cannot connect to ER server.
• To confirm this has happened you see the “InitCtrlSessAndCS: Could not get CtrlSession
pointer” error in the Experion LX error log (on the new primary process server).
Corrective Action Restart the Checkpoint Service (on the new primary process server) as mentioned in following steps:
1. Start Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the new primary process server.
2. Select the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on the new primary process server) by double
clicking on it.
3. Stop the Experion LX Checkpoint Service (on new primary process server) and click OK to
4. Within 30 seconds, the Experion LX Checkpoint Service must restart. (Experion LX System
Repository Service (SR) automatically commands this restart on the new primary process
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.19 Incorrect Date/time stamps appears when viewing the Checkpoint files or Checkpoint tasks

Description Upon viewing a Checkpoint file or a Checkpoint task data/time, the time stamp is not that expected.


Cause • This problem appears when you view date/time information on the Checkpoint (.cp) file in the
following displays.
– Viewing Checkpoint file (.cp) in the Checkpoint Restore UI :
From CB Monitoring view tree
From Station's controller Detail Display's Checkpoint tab, click Restore.
Review the list of compatible Checkpoint files that are available for restore.
The source of this time stamp is the “file creation time” file property of the .cp file in the
Windows NTFS file system.
– Viewing the recent Checkpoint Save time stamp information for the controller:
– Starting:
From Station's controller Detail Display's Checkpoint tab
– Viewing the “Time Of Last Checkpoint Save”
– The source of the Checkpoint time is from the controller's CPLASTSAVE parameter.
CPLASTSAVE parameter is on the controller's tag platform block.
CPLASTSAVE parameter is not in the controller, but resides in both ERDB and SR.
CPLASTSAVE 's value in the ERDB is never updated - always an initialized value of
“12/31/1971 23:00:00.000”
CPLASTSAVE's value in SR is that which gets updated when a Checkpoint Save finishes
(either successfully or failing)
– The Detail Display's Checkpoint tab display of this CPLASTSAVE value is that obtained
from SR.
Viewing the most recent Checkpoint task information:
– Starting:
From CB Monitoring view/Project view trees Checkpoint Task Schedule Display
From Station's controller Detail Display's Checkpoint tab, click View Schedule, which goes
to same Checkpoint Task Schedule Display
– Seen in viewing the “Last Run Time”
– The source of this Checkpoint task time is from the task's LASTRUNTIME parameter.
LASTRUNTIME parameter is on the task's block.
LASTRUNTIME parameter resides in both ERDB and SR.
LASTRUNTIME's value in the ERDB is never updated - always is blanked
LASTRUNTIME's value in SR is that which gets updated when a Checkpoint task finishes
(either successfully or failing)
The Checkpoint Task Schedule Display always uses the LASTRUNTIME value that is
obtained from SR.
• Unexpected “File Creation Time” for Checkpoint file:
– The Checkpoint files in the active primary process server's Share are those considered to
have the correct “file creation time” file properties.
– If one encounters an unexpected timestamp in the “file creation time” property of the given
Checkpoint file, then it is expected that the file is being sourced from the Share in either the
secondary process server of an ESC.
– The inconsistency is due to a replication problem of the CHECKPOINT Share from the
primary process server out to the other Shares CHECKPOINT in this server cluster.
• Unexpected “Time Of Last Checkpoint Save“ for Checkpoint file:
– If one encounters an unexpected time in CPLASTSAVE, then most likely it is because an
engineering operation was done on the controller since the last Checkpoint Save.
– This engineering operation can be any of the following:


Project/Monitoring view loading of the controller's platform tag block (that block of the
overall C300, etc.)
Delete block from the Monitoring view.
Upload from controller to Monitoring view.
Perform a Checkpoint Rebuild on that controller
– On the engineering operations, the following controller's SR resident parameters initialize
with the default values from ERDB:
“Checkpoint Status” (CPSTATUS)
“Time Of Last Save” (CPLASTSAVE)
“Elapsed Time Of Last Save” (CPTMEOFSAVE)
“Percentage Save Complete” (CPSAVCOMPPERC)
– This parameter initialization also occurs if SR restarts. This is the case if a non-redundant
server restarts, or if both primary and secondary of a redundant server restarts.
• Unexpected “Last Run Time” for Checkpoint task:
– If one encounters an unexpected time in LASTRUNTIME, then most likely it is due to the
auto-Checkpoint task being stopped.
– When a task is created and/or stopped, the following task's SR resident parameters initialize
with the default values from ERDB:
“Last Run Time” (LASTRUNTIME)
“Next Run Time” (NEXTRUNTIME)
“Completion Status” (STATUS)
This parameter initialization also occurs if SR restarts, This is the case if a non-redundant
server restarts, or if both primary and secondary of a redundant server restarts
Corrective Action • If an unexpected File Creation Time for the Checkpoint file appears then correct the
CHECKPOINT Share replication problems.
1. Open the Station Display on the active primary server.
2. Review the Event Summary journals to ensure that there are no file replication issues with
3. If such issues appear then correct them by proceeding to the Station's File Replication
display page and investigate CHECKPOINT Share replication.
4. While in this primary process server's display, manually force replication of this
CHECKPOINT Share to the other machines, and then re-examine the event summary
journal to ensure the issue is fixed.
• If an unexpected Time Of Last Checkpoint Save for the Checkpoint file appear then:
1. Perform a manual or auto-Checkpoint Save on the controller.
2. Ensure the time stamp information is correct on the controller's Detail Display Checkpoint
3. The “Time Of Last Checkpoint Save” must be the time when the save starts.
• If an unexpected Last Run Time for the Checkpoint task appears then perform the following:
1. Reschedule the stopped auto-Checkpoint task into run (scheduled) after SR restarts.
2. Prior to placing such affected auto-Checkpoint task into run, you may need to again invoke
the Checkpoint Scheduler Define tab on the stopped auto-Checkpoint task in order to
reestablish the correct “first run time” for this task.
Follow Up Action None
Note None


24.56.20 Checkpoint Save 'Progress Completion' status disappears at the Station when an
engineering operation occurs

Description A Checkpoint Save is in progress as seen on Station's controller Checkpoint tab. In another ESC, a
CB delete operation is performed on the same controller. This causes the Checkpoint completion
percentage to disappear for the save in progress.
Cause • This problem is a subset to that already covered by that discussion related to engineering
operations in ” “Incorrect Date/time stamps appears when viewing the Checkpoint files or
Checkpoint tasks” on page 790.
• Following sequence of actions occurs.
– Configure a controller that contains a large database (more than 300 Points / Strategy).
– Load the entire controller from the Project view.
– At Station, start the controller's Detail Display, navigate to its Checkpoint tab, and start the
Manual Checkpoint Save operation from there.
– At CB (on same machine), delete some of the controller's points / strategies or load some of
the additional blocks from Project view.
– View the Detail Display's Checkpoint tab of that controller.
– The Checkpoint Save operation appears to suspend for a while.
– After a few seconds, the Time Of Last Save, Checkpoint Status, Percent Save Complete &
Elapsed Time of Last Save disappears.
Corrective Action Perform that corrective action mentioned in “Incorrect Date/time stamps appears when viewing the
Checkpoint files or Checkpoint tasks” on page 790.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.21 'Last Checkpoint Save Time' updates when Checkpoint Save fails

Description A Checkpoint Save fails and the last Checkpoint Save time updates on the controller's Detail
Display's Checkpoint tab.
Cause The Time of Last Checkpoint Save, Elapsed time of Last Checkpoint Save and Checkpoint Status
are applicable to all saves and not only for “Successful” saves. Therefore, these values update for
failed saves also.
Corrective Action • None
• This is how Checkpoint Save works.
• It does not matter whether the save is successful or failed, the following controller's (SR
resident) Checkpoint parameters are updated in either case:
– “Checkpoint Status” (CPSTATUS)
– “Time Of Last Save” (CPLASTSAVE)
– “Elapsed Time Of Last Save” (CPTMEOFSAVE)
– “Percentage Save Complete” (CPSAVCOMPPERC)
Follow Up Action Correct reasons for the failing Checkpoint Save.
Note None


24.56.22 Checkpoint status always displays 'RUNNING' when primary server shut down during
Checkpoint Save

Description A Checkpoint Save is in progress and the primary process server fails, and the Checkpoint Save
status (as seen on controller's Detail Display's Checkpoint tab) remains at “Running.”
Cause • This is caused by the following actions.
– Open the Station with MNGR privilege on the active primary process server.
– At this Station, open controller's Detail Display's Checkpoint tab.
– Start “Save Checkpoint Manually” command.
– View the Checkpoint status - it must be “Running.”
– Turn off power of on the active primary process server, server fails over.
– Launch Station in the new active primary process (formerly secondary server) and wait until
server states that it becomes the primary.
– On this Station, open controller's Detail Display's Checkpoint tab.
– Checkpoint status displays “running” and percentage complete suspends at some value
(between 0 and 100%).
• Stimulus for this problem is the active primary process server fails when one or more controllers
are being Checkpoint Saved.
• After failover, start the Station's Detail Display for any of these controllers, and then view the
Checkpoint tab. This displays the controller's Checkpoint Save status is in the
“Running ”condition even though no saving is in progress.
• In addition, the corresponding save completion percentage does not update. It appears to hang at
some number between 0 and 99%.
Corrective Action 1. It recovers after you start a manual/auto Checkpoint Saves on affected controllers after the new
primary process server becomes the primary.
2. This automatically corrects if the affected controller(s) are in a scheduled auto-task, and the
auto-task runs. This is because the auto-task runs on the new active primary server. As the
controller saves complete, the Checkpoint Save status proceeds to “Complete.”
3. It is possible, that the Checkpoint file can be corrupted when a sever failover occurs during
Checkpoint saving. You must be aware of this.
4. Such corruption will cause subsequent save errors - especially Checkpoint serialization errors.
5. When this is encountered, you must perform a Checkpoint Rebuild of the controller followed by
a new Checkpoint Save.
6. In addition, you may have possible ERDB and File locks in play, which will prevent the saves
from occurring. If these problems are encountered then apply corrective actions given in
“Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.23 Checkpoint Save operation fails due to engineering operation

Description The Checkpoint Save operation fails and restarts due to deleting a point while Checkpoint Save in
progress. In addition, the restarted Checkpoint Saves fails at the completion percentage of100% and
remains “Running” state.


Cause • Following are the causes.

– From CB, start a manual Checkpoint Save for a C300 controller.
– From Station, open controller's Detail Display's Checkpoint tab.
– During Checkpoint Save, delete a point from controller's Monitoring view.
– Observe that the Checkpoint status appears blank for remaining part of save activity.
– Completion percentage continues to update every 30 seconds.
– Observe that the Checkpoint Save fails at 100% completion.
Corrective Action Perform the corrective action documented in “Checkpoint Save 'Progress Completion' continues to
update even if the Checkpoint Save operation aborts” on page 796.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.24 Manual Checkpoint Save displays a 'Connect timeout' error

Description A “Connect Timeout”dialog appears when you start a Checkpoint Save from CB, or Station Display
(controller's Detail Display's Checkpoint tab). When the dialog's “Ok” button is pressed, another
dialog pops up stating “Undefined error. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
Cause This error is caused by Checkpoint User Interface not forming a GCL connection to the Experion
LX Checkpoint Service (running on active primary process server). This can happen because of the
• GCL is down.
• Checkpoint service is down (not running on active primary process server)
• The registry on the client machine is not correct regarding Checkpoint GCL registry entries (this
can be an installation issue).
Corrective Action Ensure Experion LX Checkpoint Service is running on active primary process server:
1. Start Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the active primary process server.
2. View the running state of the Experion LX Checkpoint Service.
3. Also, it's startup type must be “Manual”
4. If it's not running:
• Double-click to select the Checkpoint Service.
• Start the Experion LX Checkpoint Service.
• If the Checkpoint Service goes to “Stopped” then you must restart the server
5. If the Checkpoint Service was already running (you did not need to restart - then something is
either wrong with either GCL in the client machine or at the server machine.
6. Restart the client (Station).
7. Start the Checkpoint Save from either CB or Station Display on that client machine.
8. If the same timeout appears then start the save on the active primary server machine.
9. If it does not work then the active primary server needs to be swapped over to secondary. After
swapping over, restart that former primary server machine (now is the secondary)
10. After the secondary server starts and resynchronizes, swap back over to it (now becomes active
primary process server again - which was its role at the beginning of this corrective action.
11. Save from CB or Station on this primary process server.
12. If that works, then retry to start the save from CB or station on the client machine.
Follow Up Action Call TAC to determine the cause of the GCL connection issue.
Note None


24.56.25 Checkpoint Save 'Progress Completion' continues to update even if the Checkpoint Save
operation aborts

Description Checkpoint Save operation fails and appears to restart due to deleting a point when Checkpoint Save
is in progress. In addition, the restarted Checkpoint Saves fails at the completion percentage of100%
and in “Running” state.
Cause This has the same root cause as “ “Checkpoint Save operation fails due to engineering operation” on
page 794.”
Corrective Action Refer to corrective actions in “Checkpoint Save operation fails due to engineering operation” on
page 794.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.26 Checkpoint file is created when an auto-Checkpoint task is running during server switch over

Description Server fails when an auto-Checkpoint task is running, and Checkpoint file continues to be saved and
is created. Checkpoint file may be left in a corrupted state.
Cause • This is the Cause by the following actions.
– From CB's Checkpoint Define Task Display, create an auto-Checkpoint task to run every two
hours on one of the controllers.
– During the task's execution, the active primary process server fails/swaps over to the
– Observe that the Checkpoint file is created.
• The Checkpoint Save action either resulting in a corrupted file or completed successful condition
is all a matter of timing of when the server switches over occurs.
• This is just another manifestation of that which has already been discussed in “Checkpoint status
always displays 'RUNNING' when primary server shut down during Checkpoint Save” on
page 794.
• In this case, the problem applies to both the Checkpoint task and underlying Checkpoint Save
that are running at time of server failover.
Corrective Action See the corrective action available in “Checkpoint status always displays 'RUNNING' when primary
server shut down during Checkpoint Save” on page 794.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.27 Continuous error on Checkpoint task not started

Description After a server On-Process Migration (OPM), a periodic error message is placed into Experion LX
Error log that a Checkpoint scheduled auto-task is not started yet. Saves still complete OK.”
Cause • The following is the scenario that Causes this problem.
– An error is logged every time a Checkpoint auto-save is attempted. In this case, during every
four hours when the auto-Checkpoint task was scheduled to run.
– The error states the Checkpoint task for a controller does not create.
• One contributing source of this problem is that CDA sends notifications that may not be
associated with a point.
• If a tagged point is not found by CDA in its requests to SR, then the point name (in this case -
the auto-task name) is logged into the Experion LX error log file.


Corrective Action 1. Perform the Checkpoint restart Corrective Actions as given in “Usage of High CPU when
loading large database during the execution of Checkpoint Save” on page 803.
2. If this does not fix the periodic error logging problem, then delete all auto Checkpoint tasks,
recreate, and reschedule.
Follow Up Action Start the save and/or ensure the auto-Checkpoint task(s) runs.
Note None

24.56.28 Stopped Checkpoint task executes until all of the associated controllers are saved

Description Attempt to stop a running auto-Checkpoint task, the Checkpoint Schedule Display appears to stop,
but the controller Checkpoint Save still runs.
Cause • The following is the scenario that Causes this problem.
– Configure a Checkpoint auto-task with a controller whose Checkpoint Save takes at least a
few minutes to run.
– After the schedule is due, and the auto-task begins to run, stop the task on the Checkpoint
Schedule Task display.
– From a Station Display, start the controller's Detail Display and select its Checkpoint tab.
– On this tab, you can see the controller's save in progress.
• It is expected that when the auto-task stops, the underlying controller(s) Checkpoint saving also
• If you view the Event Summary Display, you will not see the auto-Checkpoint task's completion
event until the controller saving gets finished.
Corrective Action There is no Corrective Action that can be made here.
Once an auto-task has launched underlying controller Checkpoint Saves, those saves will run to
completion, independent of what action occurs on the auto-task.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.29 Manually Checkpoint Save status does not update in Schedule Checkpoint task

Description After starting a Manual Checkpoint task, in the Checkpoint Schedule Display, the status does not
transition to “Running” but remains “Stopped.”
Cause • Upon pressing start for manual task in Checkpoint Scheduler Display, the display gets an initial
(one-time) update (pretty much an immediate update).
• If the Checkpoint Service had not yet engaged that task - it will still show “stopped” on the
• Furthermore, this display is not periodically updated as a station display does. That is why the
REFRESH button is on the display.
Corrective Action No Corrective Action is available.
The Checkpoint Task Scheduler Display does not update periodically for the displayed Task states.
Therefore, click “Refresh” to display the task status.
Follow Up Action None
Note None


24.56.30 Checkpoint Scheduler Display displays question marks (????) in place of a controller

Description “?????” appear as controller node names in Auto/Manual Checkpoint tasks after Checkpoint
controller is deleted from the Project view.
Cause This problem occurs when you configure a controller in an auto/manual Checkpoint task, the
controller is deleted from Project view, and you do not remove the controller from the auto/manual
Checkpoint task definition. The following actions Cause this problem.
• Configure and load more than one controller.
• Use Checkpoint Task Scheduler Display; create an auto or manual task consisting of all of these
• Delete one of these controllers from both Monitoring and Project views.
• Again open Checkpoint Task Scheduler Display and edit that Checkpoint task, it shows “?”
string in the “Assigned Node Pane” for the controller that no longer exists.
• You can move the “????” string between the “Assigned” and “Available” panes
Corrective Action 1. To eliminate “????” controller name from the available pane of the automatic/manual
Checkpoint task. You must stop/delete and then recreate this Checkpoint task.
2. Edit the task and move the “????” string to the available pane, and then click “Define” to remove
from the actual task.
3. If you do not remove the “????” from the controllers assigned in the task then Checkpoint task's
execution reports a system event informing that you cannot save on the controller whose name is
Follow Up Action None
Note When you delete a controller from the Project view and the controller is defined in at least one
automatic and/or manual Checkpoint task, a warning appears informing you to delete the controller
from this task(s). However, you can ignore the warning and proceed to delete the Project view of the
controller, which Causes the “?” string as a controller name in the task(s).

24.56.31 Unable to expand Checkpoint file comments Column to view the comments in Checkpoint
Restore Display

Description Checkpoint Restore display truncates the comment that appears in the “Comments” column for each
compatible Checkpoint file that can be selected for restore.
Cause • A comment can be configured which is an attribute of a controller's given Checkpoint file that is
created from the Checkpoint Save. This comment appears in the Checkpoint Restore Display
and in the Archive Checkpoint File Display.
• For a manual Checkpoint Save, this comment configures at the time the save starts.
• For a save that is produced from a manual/auto Checkpoint task, this comment is configured as
part of the task's definition. All Checkpoint files produced for all controllers defined in that task,
receive the same comment.
• When configured, the comment string can have maximum of 255 characters.
• However, the display grid used in the Checkpoint Restore and Archive Checkpoint File Displays
cannot expand/scroll to display a string that have 255 characters.
• A maximum of 115 characters can appear in the two displays for the comment field.
Corrective Action Limit the comment entry to not more than a string (including spaces) of 115 characters.
Follow Up Action None
Note None


24.56.32 Reloading from Project view deletes the prior Checkpoint files

Description When you perform a Project view load operation for any tagged block in a controller, the
Checkpoint files becomes incompatible, and is not available for restore in that controller.
Cause • When you reload a block in the controller from the Project view, all the prior Checkpoint files
for that controller node are deemed incompatible for subsequent restore.
• This also is the case if you delete any tagged block from the Monitoring view for that controller.
• In addition, if you have the Checkpoint preference set (through CB Tools menu) to “delete
incompatible Checkpoint files” then such Checkpoint files are automatically deleted as part of
the Project view load or deleting engineering operation from Monitoring view.
• Even if you do not set this preference, the Checkpoint Restore Display does not display
incompatible files that are available with the CHECKPOINT Share's sub-folder for that
• A reload from the Monitoring view retains compatibility of Checkpoint files that were
compatible prior to the Monitoring view load.
Corrective Action There is no Corrective Action that can be done here. Once a Project view load is committed, all the
prior Checkpoint files permanently remain incompatible and cannot be recovered. In addition,
Checkpoint files that are stored on the removal media become incompatible.
Follow Up Action • You must perform a manual save after any reload from the Project view or Monitoring view.
• This Causes the controller's latest.cp to be enriched with the controller's run time information
and Causes the Entirety status on the node's latest.cp to move from “Incomplete” to “Complete.”
• Furthermore, this produces another compatible Checkpoint file that contains the designated file
name (for that manual save) with the exact same configuration and run-time information.
• Such a specific Checkpoint .cp file is placed into the Manual subdirectory under the controller's
sub-folder in the CHECKPOINT Share available on the primary server, the secondary server,
and each Direct Station (ESC).
• The specific Checkpoint file contains saved run time information at the instance of the save.
• Any newer run time information, is placed into other Checkpoint files when future saves occur
by either auto-Checkpoint tasks that execute periodically or when other manual saves are
• Each of these becomes specific Checkpoint files in the given manual or auto-Checkpoint
subdirectories under the controller's main subfolder in the CHECKPOINT Share.
Note If you want to keep the archived Checkpoint files compatible, then both back them up to an NTFS
removal media and back up the database that matches these Checkpoints. In this way, if you ever
need to restore such Checkpoint files (for example for reasons such as viewing/restoring special
tuning information), then you can restore both ERDB and Checkpoint files to some separate test
cluster and still have those Checkpoint files be restorable.

24.56.33 Cannot perform Checkpoint Save/Restore from remote (DSA) servers

Description In a multi-Experion LX-cluster enterprise, it is expected that you can perform Checkpoint saving/
restoring from one single engineering client machine ((ESC), Flex Station (ESF)) irrespective to
which Experion LX cluster server that machine is connected.


Cause • The scenario are as follows:

– Configure more than two Experion LX cluster servers Local Area network (LAN) where the
Level 3 layers are connected as one layer.
– Each cluster can have redundant or non-redundant servers.
– Using Configuration Studio on an ESC in Cluster #1, connect to the server/ERDB in Cluster
– Start a manual Checkpoint Save from this Cluster #1 ESC's CB for a controller in Cluster #2.
The save may or may not be successful.
– After the save completes, now start the Checkpoint Restore Display on that Cluster #1 ESC
– The Checkpoint Restore does not display any compatible Checkpoint files for the Cluster #2
• Depending on the release/patch levels of the two Experion LX clusters, the remote starting of the
Checkpoint Save may or may not work. However, if the release/patch levels are identical then it
• The Checkpoint Restore does not work, even if release/patch levels are identical. This is
beCause the remote machine (Cluster#1 ESC) cannot attach to the local cluster's System
Repository (SR) that contains the Checkpoint compatibility numbers that are required to qualify
the Checkpoint Restore for Cluster #2 controllers.
Corrective Action 1. You cannot perform remote Checkpoint Restore operations.
2. You must perform Checkpoint Restore operations locally in the given cluster.
3. However, you can launch Checkpoint Save operations from a remote machine.
4. For the remote save to be successful, both the remote machine and the local cluster (contain the
controller to be saved) must be at the same Experion LX Release and Patch number.
Follow Up Action None

24.56.34 Checkpoint status does not display the status as 'Complete with dangling data'

Description When you complete a Checkpoint Save on a controller that contains dangling peer references in
some of its CMs, the expected “Complete with dangling data” entirety state does not report as a
status in the Checkpoint file.
Cause • This is not a problem - just a misunderstanding of how the “dangling” entirety state is treated.
Refer to “ “Checkpoint file attributes” on page 703,” for an understanding how the Checkpoint
file is marked with “Dangling” entirety state.
• The scenario that Caused this problem was the following:
– Configure SCM strategy such that it writes values to Numeric Array Block in CM loaded in
other controller.
– Delete the Numeric Array Block CM Strategy from both Monitoring view and Project view.
– From CB, start manual Checkpoint Save on controller where SCM is loaded.
– View the entirety state of the completed Checkpoint file from either controller's Detail
Display Checkpoint tab, or from the Checkpoint Restore Display for that controller.
– If the file is not marked in a dangling state before start of the save, it is still not marked as
• The Checkpoint file can be marked as “dangling” through the engineering action of the
Checkpoint Rebuild or sequence of Monitoring view/Project view deletion and reloading
• A Checkpoint Save cannot transition a Checkpoint file into “dangling” entirety state, and the
save cannot transition the Checkpoint file out of dangling entirety.
• However, only the sequence of the delete/load engineering operations can remove or impose a
dangling and that only being done on the latest.cp.
Corrective Action None - All CMs in a “dangling” state will still be fully saved with the dangling connection to the
non-existent PEER reference end intact. The configuration data will remain unchanged.


Follow Up Action Correct the dangling condition by removing the peer references that no longer exists and rebuild or
Project view reload, and follow up with a Checkpoint Save.
Note None

24.56.35 CB memory overflow errors during Checkpoint Rebuild

Description Experience a CB “Out of Memory” when Checkpoint Rebuilds a multiple number of controllers in a
single selection.
Cause • The problem occurs when multiple controllers are selected on the Monitoring view and
Checkpoint Rebuild starts.
• The following errors are reported in the Experion LX error logs.
– InitCtrlSessAndCS: Could not get CtrlSession pointer
– $-$-$- CFastLoadPcm::ReplicateChkPtFiles: Undefined ctrlsess I/F ptr, Checkpoint base
replication is aborted.
– EXPKS_E_CL_SNAPSHOTBACKUP (6L .101.10180) Failed to replicate CPBASE
changes for node <controller>
• The problem is due to CB, which does not have enough memory to build the all of the
Checkpoint files, and then perform compression.
Corrective Action 1. Select one controller on the Monitoring view and then perform a Checkpoint Rebuild.
2. After it completes, select the next controller in the Monitoring view and then perform a
Checkpoint Rebuild.
3. Perform the individual selection and Checkpoint Rebuild until all the controllers have their
Checkpoint rebuilt.
Follow Up Action Perform a manual Checkpoint Save on each controller that contains the Checkpoint rebuilt.
Note None

24.56.36 Checkpoint Restore skips to restore Failed (RED) Series

Description Restoring of a Checkpoint file to a failed C300 skips over the restore of the I/O modules that appear
in RED (failed condition).


Cause This is not a problem - just a misunderstanding of how the Checkpoint Restore works when the
entire C300 (both CEE/AIOM and all CIOM/PIOM modules) is selected for restore.
• When you select C300 for Checkpoint Restore, you can select the following:
– Restore the CEE blocks, IOLINK blocks
– Restore one or more of the CIOM (Series Modules)
– or the entire C300 (all of the above)
• Whenever you perform a restore on CIOM module, but that module is in an active/run state then
the restore skips it. As designed, one must have a module be in inactive/idle/failed (red) state for
the restore to be done to it
• The problem encountered here is the misunderstanding of thinking that the I/O modules were in
a failed (red) state.
• If a C300 controller goes down (becomes yellow on Monitoring view tree) while the CIOM
modules are in run (green), those modules keep running. Any output modules go into a backup
mode on their outputs since they no longer are seeing the IOLINK block being alive.
• The reason that the CB Monitoring view displays the CIOMmodules in red is because FTE
cannot get through the inactive IOLINK blocks for access to the execution state of the modules
on the I/O Link.
• When restore begins and then completes to the CEE and IOLINK blocks, the I/O Link access is
enabled (becomes alive).
• The on-going Checkpoint Restore process can now access the CIOM execution states, and
determine if you can restore them.
• Since these modules remained in run, the Checkpoint Restores skips over them.
Corrective Action Any CIOM that has an execution state of “running” skips by the Checkpoint Restore.
Follow Up Action None
Note Another thing to consider: The IOLINK scan rate of the CIOM (whose restores were skipped over)
changes to what is in the Checkpoint file. This is because the I/O Link scan rate of each I/O module
is part of the IOLINK block's parameters, which is restored when the IOLINK block restores

24.56.37 Inconsistent use of 'Creator User Name' appears in displayed creator column of Checkpoint
Restore Display

Description Login name is not applied in various displays of the Checkpoint User Interface. In summary a
Checkpoint Rebuild associates your shorten (login) name as the creator of the latest.cp, However,
during Checkpoint Saves, full name is applied as the creator.
Cause In the Configuration Studio, login with the created Operator.
• Open the Control Builder (CB).
• From CB, start a manual Checkpoint Save
• After save completes, start the Checkpoint Restore Display on this controller.
• View the “Creator” of the saved (latest.cp) file.
• For the same controller perform Rebuild Checkpoint.
• Start the same Checkpoint Restore Display.
• View the “Creator” of the saved (latest.cp) file.
• With the same Configuration Studio operator login credentials, create both auto & manual
Checkpoint tasks for the same controller.
• Run the Manual Task and see the “Creator” of the saved file using same Checkpoint Restore
• After one Checkpoint file save is finished by the Checkpoint auto-task, view the “Creator” of
the saved file using same Checkpoint Restore Display.
• You see a difference in that name in the display's “Creator” column for the various Checkpoint


Corrective Action There is no Corrective Action. However, realize the difference in names that are applied.
Follow Up Action None
Note This problem occurs in a VMware environment by performing the following:
• Make a new Window's user as follows:
Name > MyTestAdmin
FullName > MyTestAdminHon
This belongs to following groups of:
– -- Administrators
– -- Local engineers
– -- Local supervisors
– -- Product administrators
– -- Users
• Create/configure an auto-task when logged in as MyTestAdmin.
• On Checkpoint Scheduler Display, it shows the Creator of this auto-task to by
MyTestAdminHon (i.e. the full name).
Action Shown On Creator Column In Checkpoint Restore Display In A Cluster
Named “-SERVER06.
Mon Load -SERVER06\MyTestAdmin
Rebuild -SERVER06\MyTestAdmin
Manual save MyTestAdminHon (same as full name under what task was created)
Auto save MyTestAdminHon (same as full name under what task was created)

24.56.38 Usage of High CPU when loading large database during the execution of Checkpoint Save

Description Checkpoint auto task (scheduled) save in a system experiences many ERDB access errors, such as
engineering activities (loads, deletes). This causes the Checkpoint Service to consume a large
amount of the active primary process server's CPU (50%) and its memory.
Cause • Experion LX server cluster experiences degradation in ER performance due to communication/
access problems with SQL/ERDB.
• If a scheduled auto Checkpoint Save runs, Experion LX Checkpoint Service begins to consume
the processor's CPU resource (up to 50% loading), consumes more than the acceptable amount
of the system's memory. This happens only on the active primary process server, as that is where
the Experion LX Checkpoint Service runs.
• A further stimulus for causing this problem is performing engineering (delete/load) activities
from two or more CBs. (This adds to the overhead in the ERDB/SQL accessing problems.)
• The source of this problem is centered on ER Server not responding in a timely manner to
requests from various clients such as the Checkpoint Service.


Corrective Action 1. Start Windows services panel (Services.msc) on the active primary process server.
2. Double-click to select the Checkpoint Service (on active primary server).
3. Stop the Checkpoint Service (on active primary server) and click OK to close. This aborts/fails
all the Checkpoint Saves that are in progress.
4. Within 30 seconds, you must see the Checkpoint Service restart. (Experion LX Repository
Service on the active primary process server performs this automatically done.)
5. Close/cancel all the engineering dialog box(s) that are open in the Control Builders (CBs) of the
Experion server cluster.
6. Close all CBs on the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
7. Using Config Studio on the active ERDB server (usually active secondary process server -
Server B), proceed to the DB and clear all the held locks on ERDB (ps_erdb).
8. Restart the required CBs in the servers/stations in this process server cluster.
Follow Up Action Again launch the Checkpoint saving. Ensure the auto-Checkpoint task(s) are scheduled to run at
correct times.
Note None

24.56.39 Checkpoint file compression may not be atomic

Description Checkpoint file construction operation is not atomic - can result in CPCOMPATIBLE mismatch.
Cause • The NTFS Summary tab - contains compatibility number, CRC checking code and other info
(such as names of tags that do not have a “complete” entirety state in this Checkpoint file.
• A Checkpoint (.cp) file is a compressed file
• It is composed of various contributing files, such as:
• .att header file
• ,snapshot file - has structural and run time parameter info
• .ccl and/or .cab files - this can be any number of these files containing CCL and CAB algorithm
program information
• A small time window exists where the CPCOMPATIBLE value is updated in SR but may not be
updated in the .cp files summary tab.
• There can be a failure to compress the .cp file in which case the value will not be updated on the
summary tab but will be updated in SR.
• This will result in the restore dialog not listing any compatible files. Subsequently, the latest.cp
file will be an older version with an older CPCOMPATIBLE valued.
Corrective Action When a CPCOMPATIBLE MISMATCH error is reported while loading / deleting any modules in a
controller, perform a Checkpoint Rebuild of that controller.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.40 Saving while controller is IDLE or transitions into IDLE, and yet still marking cp file

Description A Checkpoint Save performed on a controller in IDLE will have its entirety state marked as
“complete.” As such, the controller run time data saved into such a Checkpoint file is meaningless
since controller was in IDLE.


Cause • When a Checkpoint Save is done on a controller that either is in IDLE, or goes into IDLE
sometime during the save, that created Checkpoint file will be marked “complete” instead of
• A stale indicator is given to operator to inform of a Checkpoint file condition where the run time
data is not up-to-date.
• Use of such file for Checkpoint restore requires the operator to consider if after such a restore
the controller still must be warm started.
• However, no such indication is given for a Checkpoint file that was saved when the controller is
saved while idled.
• The operator needs to be aware of such a save if that file is to be restored and have a warm start
restart result without bumping the process
Corrective Action Avoid saving controllers while they are in IDLE.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.41 Maintain free disk space (in GB) takes more space than available in hard disk

Description When the free disk space size entered in ‘Checkpoint Preferences’ is greater than the hard disk size,
no error appears.
Cause • Launch Control Builder > Tools > Checkpoint Preferences.
• This opens a dialog of PREFERENCES CHECKPOINT BLOCK.
• You can enter a value for Maintain Free Disk Space (GB) that is greater than the size of your
primary server hard drive where the CPBASE and CHECKPOINT Shares reside.
• As Checkpoint files are saved into the CPBASE/CHECKPOINT Shares, the guard is defeated
that prevents the Checkpoint storage from using up all of the available free disk space.
• No alarm or error message appears neither on the Station nor in the Control Builder when the
free disk space is exhausted by Checkpoint saving.
Corrective Action 1. If the disk space gets exhausted then manually delete the older Checkpoint files from the
primary server CHECKPOINT Share.
2. Set “Maintain Free Disk space” size to a value (in GB) less than the total hard disk space of the
primary server.
Follow Up Action None
Note None

24.56.42 Not able to view invisible characters in Name tab of Checkpoint Scheduler Window

Description When the size of the “Name” column in Checkpoint “Schedule task” is minimized, the remaining
characters are hidden.
Cause • Open the Control Builder.
• Go to Project or Monitoring view.
• Go to controller > Checkpoint > Schedule Checkpoint Task.
• Minimize the size of “Name” tab.
• Actual result: Not able to track for invisible character in Name tab of Checkpoint Scheduler
• Expected Result: There must be some mechanism to see that the name has more characters.
Corrective Action Do not minimize the Name column for a lengthy task name.
Follow Up Action None


Note None


24.57 Fixing common problems

This section describes some common problems and how you might fix them.

Related topics
“Checkpoint file is still marked compatible after change in CAB Type block” on page 807

24.57.1 Checkpoint file is still marked compatible after change in CAB Type block
If you use one CAB Type block in multiple Control Modules, load all Control Modules to the controller, and do
a manual checkpoint save; be aware that making subsequent library changes in the CAB Block Type, and
reloading only one of the associated CMs from the Monitoring tab leaves the previously saved checkpoint file
compatible and restorable.
However, the monitor form display indication will be different for the CM having the reloaded CAB block as
opposed to those CM not being reloaded. For example, in the case where one may add parameters into the CAB
Block Type, those parameters will be shown in an defined defaulted condition for the CAB block in the CM that
was loaded from Monitoring side. However, for the CMs (having the same CAB block type) that were not
reloaded, those CAB monitor forms may show the newly added parameters in an undefined condition.
Note that any reload for a CAB Type change from the Project tab makes all checkpoint files incompatible.
It is recommended that whenever a CAB block library type gets changed, if one CM having that CAB gets
reloaded, then all other CMs having that CAB type should be reloaded.

This problem may also apply to PHASE Type blocks.

Diagnostic Check Errors appear on CAB Monitoring forms for the associated CMs that were not reloaded after
the CAB Type block configuration change.
Cause • Checkpoint file will continue to match that in the controller.
• No errors appear on CAB Monitoring form for the associated CM that was reloaded
from Monitoring.
Solution • To restore consistency among all associated CMs on the Monitoring side, reload the
other associated CMs from either the Project or Monitoring side.
• To update run-time information in the checkpoint file, do a manual checkpoint save.


25 Control Component Display Element Reference

Related topics
“About detail and group displays” on page 810
“Power Generation Function Block Detail Displays” on page 819
“Regulatory control function block detail displays” on page 820
“Enhancements to the Loop Tune tab on PID and PID-PL detail displays” on page 823
“System display for HART I/O modules” on page 826


25.1 About detail and group displays

The SP and SVP modules are identical to Series 8 modules. Hence, the detail display and faceplate for these
modules are same as the Series modules.

The following table lists detail and group display templates that you can use to create your own displays.
You can choose to use the existing standard default displays listed on the Server Displays tab of the given block
configuration form or you can configure blocks to use the existing Library type displays as outlined in the
following Considerations section. The Library type displays are designed to be more operator friendly and show
fewer parameters for enhanced monitoring.
See the Experion LX Operator's Guide for additional details on using the Station and calling up the displays.
You can use the existing display if you configure the name for the given function block to match the name built
into the pre-built display template. For example,
• Name the DEVCTL block in a Control Module DEVCTLA to use the sysdtldevctla.htm detail display
• Name the PID block in a Control Module PIDA to use the sysdtlpida.htm detail display template.
• Name the DATAACQ block in a Control Module DACA to use the sysdtldaca.htm detail display template.
You can use an existing Library type display if you configure the name of the given function block as required
for the pre-built Library display configured for the Point Detail Display and Group Detail Display parameters
on the configuration form of the Control Module containing the given block. See one of the following sections
for more information, as applicable.
• “Configuring a CM to use regulatory control library displays” on page 250
• “Configuring a CM to use data acquisition library displays” on page 251
• “Configuring a CM to use device control library displays” on page 252
• “Configuring a CM to use totalizer library displays” on page 253
• “Configuring a CM to use timer library displays” on page 254
For 32-channel Digital Output modules, be sure to change the default group display listed on the configuration
form from sysgrpdx32a.htm to sysgrpdo32a.htm.

Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Allen-Bradley Drive Interface - 1305, sysdtlABDa.htm SysDtlABDa_fp.htm
Allen-Bradley Drive Interface - 700S sysdtlABDPF700Sa.htm sysdtlABDPF700Sa_fp.htm
Allen-Bradley Drive Interface - sysdtlABDPFa.htm sysdtlABDPFa_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

American Gas Association (AGA) - sysdtlaga38detaila.htm sysdtlaga38detaila_fp.htm
AGA 3 Orifice Meter, AGA 8 Detail
Setup Data
AGA 3 Orific Meter, AGA 8 Gross sysdtlaga38grossa.htm sysdtlaga38grossa_fp.htm
Setup Data
American Gas Association (AGA) - sysdtlaga78detaila.htm Sysdtlaga78detaila_fp.htm
AGA 7 Turbine Meter, AGA 8 Detail
Setup Data
AGA 7 Turbine Meter, AGA 8 Gross sysdtlaga78grossa.htm sysdtlaga78grossa_fp.htm
Setup Data
American Gas Association (AGA) - sysdtlaga98detaila.htm sysdtlaga98detaila_fp.htm
AGA 9 Ultrasonic Meter, AGA 8
Detail Setup Data
AGA 9 Ultrasonic Meter, AGA 8 Gross sysdtlaga98grossa.htm sysdtlaga98grossa_fp.htm
Setup Data
AGA Configuration, Error Code sysdtlagaerrors.htm
Analog Input Module - 16 Channels sysdtlai16a.htm sysdtlai16a_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Analog Input Module - 6 Channels sysdtlaia.htm sysdtlaia_fp.htm
Analog Output Module - 8 Channels sysdtlao8a.htm sysdtlao8a_fp.htm
Analog Output Module - 6 Channels sysdtlaoa.htm Sysdtlaoa_fp.htm
C300 Controller -Primary sysdtlc300a.htm sysdtlc300a_fp.htm
C300 Controller -Secondary sysdtlc300sa.htm sysdtlc300sa_fp.htm
C300 Controller Stack Usage sysdtlc300stack.htm
Generic Control Module sysdtlcda.htm sysdtlcda_fp.htm
Control Execution Environment sysdtlceea.htm Sysdtlceea_fp.htm
Control Execution Environment - sysdtlceeacea.htm Sysdtlceeacea_fp.htm
Application Control Environment
Control Execution Environment - C300 sysdtlceec300a.htm sysdtlceec300a_fp.htm
Control Execution Environment - sysdtlceescea.htm sysdtlceescea_fp.htm
Simulation Control Environment
Series 8 FIM - Primary
Series 8 FIM - Secondary
Series 8 FIM Link
Data Acquisition sysdtldaca.htm sysdtldaca_fp.htm
Device Control sysdtldevctla.htm sysdtldevctla_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Digital Input Module - 32 Channels sysdtldi32a.htm sysdtldi32a_fp.htm
Digital Input Module - 16 Channels sysdtldia.htm Sysdtldia_fp.htm
Digital Acquisition sysdtldigacqa.htm sysdtldigacqa_fp.htm
DNET_DEVICE - Generic DeviceNet sysdtldnetdevice.htm Sysdtldnetdevice_fp.htm
DNET_IM - DeviceNet Interface sysdtldnetim.htm Sysdtldnetim_fp.htm
Digital Output Module - 32 Channels sysdtldo32a.htm sysdtldo32a_fp.htm
Digital Output Module - 8 or 16 sysdtldoa.htm Sysdtldoa_fp.htm
Digital I/O Module sysdtldxa.htm Sysdtldxa_fp.htm
Fieldbus Device sysdtlffdevice.htm Sysdtlffdevice_fp.htm
Fieldbus Device -Analog Input block sysdtlffai_fp.htm
Fieldbus Device - PID block sysdtlFFPID_fp.htm
Fieldbus Interface Module, Secondary sysdtlFIM.htm SysdtlFIM_fp.htm
sysdtlFIMSA.htm sysdtlFIMSA_fp.htm
FirstOut sysdtlfirstouta.htm sysdtlfirstouta_fp.htm
Flag sysdtlflaga.htm sysdtlflaga_fp.htm
Group Capability sysdtlgrpcaprbka.htm sysdtlgrpcaprbka_fp.htm
HART Analog Input Module sysdtlhartai8a.htm sysdtlhartai8a_fp.htm
HART Analog Output Module sysdtlhartao8a.htm sysdtlhartao8a_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

HART Device - Main, Config Details, sysdtlhartdevicea.htm Sysdtlhartdevicea_fp.htm
Asset Information, HART Data
HT Motor sysdtlhtmotora.htm sysdtlhtmotora_fp.htm
IBV sysdtlibva.htm sysdtlibva_fp.htm
I/O Module - Main, Config Details sysdtlioma.htm Sysdtlioma_fp.htm
Fieldbus Interface Link sysdtlLink.htm sysdtlLink.htm
LT Motor sysdtlltmotora.htm sysdtlltmotora_fp.htm
PROFIBUS Interface Module - sysDtlPBIM.htm SysDtlPBIM_fp.htm
PCDI Master sysdtlmbtcpdevicea.htm sysdtlmbtcpdevicea_fp.htm
SIMATIC Analog Input Module sysdtlpfbAim.htm SysdtlpfbAim_fp.htm
SIMATIC Analog Output Module sysdtlpfbAom.htm SysdtlpfbAom_fp.htm
PROFIBUS Interface Module - sysDtlPfbDevice.htm SysDtlPfbDevice_fp.htm
SIMATIC Digital Input Module sysdtlpfbDim.htm SysdtlpfbDim_fp.htm
SIMATIC Digital Output Module sysdtlpfbDom.htm SysdtlpfbDom_fp.htm
PROFIBUS Interface Module - sysDtlPfbEncoder.htm sysDtlPfbEncoder.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

PROFIBUS Interface Module - sysDtlPfbProfiDrive.htm SysDtlPfbProfiDrive_fp.htm
Pulse Input Module - Main, Status sysDtlPIA.htm SysDtlPIA_fp.htm
Data, Configuration
PID - Main, Loop Tune, Set Point, PV sysdtlpida.htm sysdtlpida_fp.htm
& OP, Alarms, Connections,
PID_PLA - Main, Loop Tune, Sysdtlpidpla.htm Sysdtlpidpla_fp.htm
Advanced, Set Point, PV & OP,
Alarms, Connections, Chart
Sysdtlpidplalta.htm Sysdtlpidplalta_fp.htm
POSPROP sysdtlpospa_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Ramp Soak Profiles - 1 to 10 sysdtlprofile1.htm
RAMPSOAK - Main, Profile Graph, sysdtlrampa.htm sysdtlrampa_fp.htm
Profile Data, Alarms, Connections
Recipe Control Module sysdtlrcma.htm sysdtlrcma_fp.htm
Redundancy Module - Main, RM sysdtlrma.htm Sysdtlrma_fp.htm
Profile, Configuration, Synch, Chassis
Simulation Control Environment (SCE) sysdtlscea.htm Sysdtlscea_fp.htm
Series I/O


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Sequential Control Module (SCM) - sysdtlscma.htm sysdtlscma_fp.htm
Main, State Diagram, Recipe 1-16,
Recipe 17-33, Recipe 34-50, History
1-16, History 17-33, History 34-50, sysdtlscmc.htm
Handler sysdtlscmc2.htm
Serial Interface - 32 Channels; Main, sysdtlsia.htm Sysdtlsia_fp.htm
Simulation I/O Link - SIMIOLINK sysDtlSimioLink.htm SysDtlSimioLink_fp.htm
PROFIBUS Interface Module - sysDtlSIMOCODE3UF5.htm sysDtlSIMOCODE3UF5_fp.htm
Solenoid sysdtlsolenoida.htm sysdtlsolenoida_fp.htm
PM HART I/O Channels
Unit Control Module sysdtlUCMA.htm sysdtlUCMA_fp.htm


Block Type Detail Display Group Display/ Faceplate

Valve/Damper sysdtlUCMD.htm sysdtlvalvedampera_fp.htm
sysdtlvalvedampera_inch.htm sysdtlvalvedampera_inch_fp.htm
Data Acquisition Library/Control SysDtlDataacqa.htm SysDtlDataacqa_fp.htm
Regulatory Control Library/Control SysDtlRegctla.htm SysDtlRegctla_fp.htm
Device Control Library/Control SysDtlDevctl1a.htm SysDtlDevctl1a_fp.htm
Totalizer Library/Control Module SysDtlTotalizera.htm SysDtlTotalizera_fp.htm
Timer Library/Control Module SysDtlTimera.htm SysDtlTimera_fp.htm


25.2 Power Generation Function Block Detail Displays

The following table lists the standard Detail Display associated with the given Power Generation block and
naming convention.

If you use more than one GRPCAPRBK and/or DIGACQ block per CM, the number of blocks per display depends on
the configuration on the first block. However, you can have a maximum of six blocks per display. If more than six
blocks per display is configured, the details of the first six blocks are displayed along with an error message.
If there are multiple inputs for a FIRSTOUT block, there will be no FIRSTOUT reported; all abnormal inputs are
reported as INPUTACTED in yellow color.

If Block Is . . . And, Name Is . . . Then, Use This Detail Display



25.3 Regulatory control function block detail displays

detail displays are supported for some of the REGCTL function blocks. As a result, the operator need not create
a custom display for these REGCTL blocks for monitoring purposes. The following REGCTL blocks support
the standard detail displays.
Note: For other REGCTL block that do not have standard detail displays, you need to create custom displays.
You must have an access level of engineer (ENGR) or operator (Opr) to edit the parameters from the details
The following table lists the standard detail displays and the group display/faceplate associated with the
REGCTL blocks.

Block Type/ Name to be Tab Name Detail Display Group Display/Faceplate

AUTOMAN/ Main tab sysdtlautomana.htm sysdtlautomana_fp.htm
AUTOMANA OP tab sysdtlautomanb.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlautomanc.htm
Connections tab sysdtlautomand.htm
Chart tab sysdtlautomanf.htm
ENHREGCALC/ Main tab sysdtlenhregcalca.htm sysdtlenhregcalca_fp.htm
ENHREGCALCA Set Point tab sysdtlenhregcalcb.htm
Input tab sysdtlenhregcalcc.htm
Output tab sysdtlenhregcalcd.htm
Expression tab sysdtlenhregcalce.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlenhregcalcf.htm
Connections tab sysdtlenhregcalcg.htm
Chart tab sysdtlenhregcalch.htm
FANOUT/ Main tab sysdtlfanouta.htm sysdtlfanouta_fp.htm
FANOUTA Loop Tune tab sysdtlfanoutb.htm
Input and Output tab sysdtlfanoutc.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlfanoutd.htm
Connections tab sysdtlfanoute.htm
Chart tab sysdtlfanoutf.htm


Block Type/ Name to be Tab Name Detail Display Group Display/Faceplate

OVRDSEL/ Main tab sysdtlOVRDSELA.htm sysdtlovrdelsa_fp.htm
OVRDSELA Loop Tune tab sysdtlovrdelsb.htm
OP tab sysdtlovrdelsb.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlovrdelsc.htm
Connections tab sysdtlovrdelsd.htm
Chart tab sysdtlovrdelse.htm
PIDER/ Main tab sysdtlpidera.htm sysdtlpidera_fp.htm
PIDERA Loop Tune tab sysdtlpiderb.htm
Set Point tab sysdtlpiderc.htm
PV and OP tab sysdtlpiderd.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlpidere.htm
Connections tab sysdtlpiderf.htm
Chart tab sysdtlpiderg.htm
PIDFF/ Main tab sysdtlPIDFFA.htm sysdtlpidffa_fp.htm
PIDFFA Loop Tune tab sysdtlpidffb.htm
Set Point tab sysdtlpidffc.htm
PV and OP tab sysdtlpidffd.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlpidffe.htm
Connections tab sysdtlpidfff.htm
Chart tab sysdtlpidffg.htm
PULSECOUNT/ Main tab sysdtlpospa.htm sysdtlpospa_fp.htm
PULSECOUNTA Loop Tune tab sysdtlpospb.htm
Set Point tab sysdtlpospc.htm
PV and OP tab sysdtlpospd.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlpospe.htm
Connections tab sysdtlpospf.htm
Chart tab sysdtlpospg.htm
Pulse Count tab sysdtlposph.htm
PULSELENGTH/ Main tab sysdtlpospa.htm sysdtlpospa_fp.htm
PULSELENGTHA Loop Tune tab sysdtlpospb.htm
Set Point tab sysdtlpospc.htm
PV and OP tab sysdtlpospd.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlpospe.htm
Connections tab sysdtlpospf.htm
Chart tab sysdtlpospg.htm
Pulse Length tab sysdtlposph.htm


Block Type/ Name to be Tab Name Detail Display Group Display/Faceplate

RATIOBIAS/ Main tab sysdtlratiobiasa.htm sysdtlratiobiasa_fp.htm
RATIOBIASA Loop Tune tab sysdtlratiobiasb.htm
Input and Output tab sysdtlratiobiasc.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlratiobiasd.htm
Connections tab sysdtlratiobiase.htm
Chart tab sysdtlratiobiasf.htm
RATIOCTRL/ Main tab sysdtlratioctla.htm sysdtlratioctla_fp.htm
RATIOCTRLA Loop Tune tab sysdtlratioctlb.htm
Set Point tab sysdtlratioctlc.htm
PV and OP tab sysdtlratioctld.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlratioctle.htm
Connections tab sysdtlratioctlf.htm
Chart tab sysdtlratioctlg.htm
REGCALC/ Main tab sysdtlregcalca.htm sysdtlregcalca_fp.htm
REGCALCA Input tab sysdtlregcalcb.htm
Output tab sysdtlregcalcc.htm
Expression tab sysdtlregcalcd.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlregcalce.htm
Connections tab sysdtlregcalcf.htm
Chart tab sysdtlregcalcg.htm
REMCAS/ Main tab sysdtlremcasa.htm sysdtlremcasa_fp.htm
REMCASA Loop Tune tab sysdtlremcasb.htm
Input and Output tab sysdtlremcasc.htm
Alarms tab sysdtlremcasd.htm
Connections tab sysdtlremcase.htm
Chart tab sysdtlremcasf.htm


25.4 Enhancements to the Loop Tune tab on PID and PID-PL detail
You can modify the PV, SP, and OP ranges at runtime in the following Loop Tune displays of the PID and PID-
PL blocks. You can set the ranges for PV, SP, and OP at runtime outside the 1 - 100% limit for these displays.
• sysdtlpidplb.htm
• sysdtlpidplaltb.htm
• sysdtlpidb.htm
• sysdtlffpidb.htm
In addition, you can modify and save the trend configuration in the Loop Tune displays of the PID-PL blocks.
This enables persistence of trend information on a per point basis.

25.4.1 Functioning of the AssociatedTrend parameter

After you modify the trend information, you need to save it as an associated trend by specifying an Associated
Trend number in the Loop Tune page. To save the trend configuration, click Save on the Title tool bar. As a
result, when the server identifies the Associated Trend number while processing a Loop Tune trend, it associates
the specified system trend with that point.
The AssociatedTrend parameter is supported only in the Profit Loop blocks (PID-PL). Therefore, the Associated
Trend number appears only in the sysdtlpidplb.htm and sysdtlpidplaltb.htm displays.
With the addition of the AssociatedTrend parameter, the following settings are made persistent.
• Configuring new plots during runtime
• Modifying trend ranges
• Displaying trend ranges as percent or EUs.
• Changing the color of the plots
• Changing the period of the plots

• Associated Trend numbers in the range 1 to 3000 are valid. The Save button is disabled for Associated Trend
numbers outside this range.
• The default configuration (first four plots in the Loop Tune trend) can be changed at runtime but cannot be saved.
• The Save button is enabled only when you modify a trend configuration. After you save the modified trend
information, the Save button is disabled. Note that the Title toolbar appears only when you click the Trend
Parameters button.

See the following figure for a sample PID-PL Loop Tune display in which the Save button is enabled.


See the following figure for a sample PID-PL Loop Tune display in which the Save button is disabled after the
trend configuration is saved

You cannot change the trend interval as it is tightly coupled with the station update rate. The interval changes
automatically whenever the station update rate changes. This is applicable to all Loop Tune displays.


25.4.2 Limitations of the AssociatedTrend parameter

• The changes that are made in the Loop Tune page appear in the System Trend Configuration page
automatically. However, the changes that are made in the System Trend Configuration page are not updated
automatically in the Loop Tune page. You need to reload or refresh the Loop Tune page to view the changes.
• After you save new plots to a Loop tune page, the system trend displays only the newly added plots. It does
not plot the default first four trends that are available in the Loop tune page.
The following figure displays a sample system trend of a PID-PL block. Note that only the newly added plots
are displayed in the system trend.

25.4.3 Additional Loop Tune displays

The Loop Tune displays are identified based on their ability to tune the loop using tuning parameters. Therefore,
the following displays are also identified as Loop Tune displays in addition to the previously-mentioned
• sysDtlRegctlb.htm
• sysdtlehgregb.htm
• sysDtlAnaAuxiliary.htm
• sysDtlAnaauxiliary_TDC_EC.htm


25.5 System display for HART I/O modules

HART I/O module displays

Existing HART I/O module displays are modified to maintain consistency with the other Experion LX displays.
Hence, the channel name configured in the CM is displayed along with the channel data in the I/O Channel
Data tab. In addition, navigation support is enabled to the respective channel/CM detail displays.
The navigation behavior from the I/O Channel Data tab to the respective CM detail display is explained.
• If the channel is loaded as independent tagged block and the “Enable Server Point check box” is selected for
the channel, then you can navigate to the respective channel block detail display by clicking the channel
• If the channel is assigned to any CM, then you can navigate to the respective channel by clicking the channel
• If the channel is not loaded as independent tagged block, you can navigate to the respective CM detail
display by clicking on the channel name.
• If the channel is a space type, then no action is supported by clicking the channel name.
• If the channel is loaded as tagged block and the “Enable Server Point check box” is cleared for the channel,
then no action is supported by clicking the channel name.
The following figures are the examples of the detail display of HART I/O module.

Figure 243: Detail display - Main tab


Figure 244: Detail display - I/O Channel Data tab


Figure 245: Detail display - Checkpoint Operations tab


Figure 246: Detail display - Config.Details tab

HART I/O module displays

Existing module displays are modified to maintain consistency with the other Experion LX displays. Hence, the
I/O Channel Data tab is added to the module displays and the navigation support is enabled to the respective
channel/CM detail displays. The navigation behavior between the I/O Channel Data tab and the CM is
identical to the I/O modules.

25.5.1 HART channel display

Existing HART channel display for both and I/O HART channels are modified to maintain the consistency with
other Experion LX displays. In addition, the Long Tag (HLONGTAG) name parameter is added in the Main
tab to display the HART tag name. The Long Tag (HLONGTAG) name parameter is available in the Channel
Configuration tab of the configuration form.
The navigation between the IOM and the channel is established by clicking the IOM name in the display.
The following figures display the detail displays of the HART I/O channels.


Figure 247: Detail display - Main tab

An example group detail display of the HART Series 8 I/O channel is displayed in the following figure.


Figure 248: Group detail display - HART Series 8 I/O channel

25.5.2 Non-HART channel display

System displays are introduced for non-HART channels (both and I/O) as they can be built as a server point and
be viewed from the station.
The following are the display files added for the non-HART channels.
• Point detail display: sysdtlSCIOIOCa
• Group detail display: sysdtlSCIOIOCa_fp
The navigation between the IOM and the channel is established by clicking the IOM name in the display.
The following figure displays the detail displays of the non-HART I/O channels.


Figure 249: Detail display - Main tab

An example group detail display of the non-HART channel is displayed in the following figure.


Figure 250: Group detail display - non-HART channel


26 Notices

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This product may contain or be derived from materials, including software, of third parties. The third party
materials may be subject to licenses, notices, restrictions and obligations imposed by the licensor. The licenses,
notices, restrictions and obligations, if any, may be found in the materials accompanying the product, in the
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Documentation feedback
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