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CONCEPT OF According to

Albert Bandura Eysneck, Mcrae, Costa’s Rotter and Mischel George Kelly Klein, Kohut, Bowlby
Social cognitive theory Trait and factor theory Cognitive social learning Theory of personal Object relations theory
theory constructs
Determinism vs. Free
Choice Free choice Neither Determinism Free choice Determinism

Explanation People have large control The trait and factory theory People move in the direction Kelly believed that within our The theorists emphasize the
over their lives. Even though were not concerned with of the goal they set for personal construct system importance of mother and
people are affected both by these traditional themes so themselves. Free choice is we can make a choice. We child relationship and view
their experiences with they did not lend themselves not limited, however, can make those choices on these relationship as crucial
reinforcement and their to a speculation about these because past experiences the basis of our anticipation to the development because
environment, they can mold topics. limits to personal of events early interpersonal
these external conditions by competencies, partially experience is the basis of
managing the environmental determine behaviour. subsequent interpersonal
conditions or ignoring past relations.
Causality vs. Teleology
Both Neither Teleological Teleological Causal

Explanation People in the purpose of the The trait and factory theory According to Rotter and Kelly repeatedly insisted that Easryl experiences of the
goals they have set, but were not concerned with Mischel’s theory, people childhood experiences dos child especially the quality of
motivation exists either in these traditional themes so place positive value on those not shape current their relationship with their
the past or the future they did not lend themselves events that move them personality. Our present care givers are the predictors
to a speculation about these closer to their goals and they construction of past of a healthy or unhealthy
topics. place negative value on experiences may have some development of a child.
those events that prevent influences on behaviour but
them on reaching their these influences are limited.
goals. People are motivated
less by past experiences with
their reinforcement than by
their expectations of future
Optimism vs. Pessimism
Optimism Neither Either Optimism Either

Explanation People are capable of The trait and factory theory People can be taught of new People are capable of The theorists can either be
learning new behaviours were not concerned with strategies for problem changing their constructs at optimistic or pessimistic
throughout their lives. Most these traditional themes so solving and are capable of any their lives but those depending on the quality of
people have the capacity to they did not lend themselves learning throughout their changes are seldom easy. mother-infant relationship.
change by imitating the to a speculation about these life, however these theorists Kelly also believed that
productive behaviours of topics. do not hold that people have therapeutic experiences can
others and by using their within themselves an help people live more
own cognitive abilities to inherent force that moves productive lives.
solve problems. them inevitably in the
direction of psychological
Conscious vs.
Unconscious Conscious Consciousness Conscious Conscious Unconscious

Explanation As Bandura explained According to these theor, People consciously set goals Kelly emphasized more of Most theorists trace the
“People do not become people are not only for themselves, and the conscious process rather prime determinants of
thoughtless during the conscious, but people are consciously try to solve old than the conscious behaviour to very early
learning process. They make also self-conscious. People and new problems. However motivation places no part in infancy, a time of before
conscious judgments about are also able to evaluate people are not always aware personal construct theory. verbal language. Thus,
how their actions affect the their performance and to of underlying motivations of Kelly speaks more of levels people acquire many
environment” After all render reasonably reliable their behaviour. of conscious awareness personal traits and attitudes
learnings have been reports concerning their wherein, high level of on a preverbal level and
established, they may attitudes, temperament, awareness are easily remain unaware of the
become unconscious. needs, interests, and expressed in words and complete nature of these
behaviours. actions and low levels are traits and attitudes.
difficult to communicate.
Biological vs. Social
Social Biology Social Social Social

Explanation Social cognitive theory They believed that traits are Rotter emphasized the Kelly assumed that our Intimacy and nurturing that
emphasizes the importance highly inherent and have importance of learning interpretation of construct infants receive from their
of social factors over huge genetic and biological through the social systems are important other mother are environmental
biological, even though components. environment, while Mischel people, may influence once experiences.
biological factors are also highlighted the future constructions.
recognized as part of the importance of social factors
Triadic causation model. but not overlooking the
Since cognition ordinarily importance of biological
gains more emphasis, factors.
biological factors become
less important
Uniqueness vs.
Similarities Uniqueness Uniqueness Uniqueness Uniqueness Similarities

Explanation Because people have Factor analysis that was Rotter is in the middle Kelly held that our individual Object relations theorists are
amazing flexibility and utilized by the theorist is position for concluding that interpretations of events are more concerned with the
capacity for learning vast based on the differences of people have individual crucial and that no two distinctions between healthy
individual differences exits the individuals and the histories but these are also persons ever have precisely and pathological
among them, however it is variability of their scores. enough similarities of people the same personal personalities and were little
moderated by biological and that would permit reliable constructs. concerned with differences
social influences; both and accurate prediction of among psychologically
contribute to the similarities behaviour, while Mischel healthy personalities.
among people. emphasized the differences
among people due to
individual’s behavioural
signature and to unique
patterns of variation of one’s
Concept of Humanity According to
Sigmund Freud Carl Jung Erik Erikson Abraham Maslow Burrhus Frederick Skinner
Psychoanalysis Analytical Psychology Post-Freudian theory Holistic Dynamic theory Behavioural analysis

Determinism vs Free
Choice Determinism Neither Both Both Deterministic

Explanation Freud believed that humans Carl Jung commended that Erikson believed that According to Maslow, the People are not free but are
have little control over their although humans have no although personality is behaviour of people who are controlled by environmental
present actions because complete control over their molded partly by culture and motivated by physiological forces. Skinner believed that
many of their behaviours are lives; people are not history, people retain some and safety needs are his concept of self-control
rooted in unconscious completely dominated by limited control over their determined by outside forces depends ultimately on
striving that lie beyond forces they cannot control. destiny. while self-actualizing people environmental forces and
present awareness. are at least partially shaped some inner strength. For
by free choice. skinner, Freedom, free will or
choice are only reinforcing
concepts that people use to
be satisfied.
Causality vs. Teleology
Causality Both Causality Teleological Causality

Explanation Freud believed that most of Carl Jung commented that Erikson believed that As people evolve, they Behaviour is caused by
our behaviours are molded motivation comes from both although people can set become motivated by meta- person’s history of
by past events rather than past experiences and future goals and strive to achieve motivations and B-values, reinforcement as well as
molded by future. goals. these goals, we cannot and strive to self- person’s contingencies for
escape the powerful causal actualization. survival and evolution of
forces of history, anatomy cultures.
and culture.
Optimism vs. Pessimism
Pessimism Neither Optimistic Optimistic Optimistic

Explanation Freud believed that every Jung contended that the Erikson believed that even Every person has the The evolution of the species
one of us have a natural complex makeup of humans though core pathologies may potential to be self- is in the direction of greater
tendency to exploit others invalidates any simple or dominate early stages of actualized, but the growth is control over environmental
for sexual and destructive one-sided description, that development, humans are slow and painful. Maslow variables, which results in
satisfaction. He also believed each person is a composition inevitably doomed to also recognized the ability of repeating of behaviours
that we are not conscious of of opposing forces. continue pathological people for great evil and beyond those essential for
our hatred for our friends, existence, and people may destruction. mere survival.
family, and lovers. be capable of changing at
any stage in life.

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