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Critical Listening: Analytical

I. Before Viewing

Have you ever asked in class to listen to long texts/ If you have, how did go about it
considering the length of the texts? Check the appropriate columns in the exercise below.

Texts No, I haven’t Yes, I have What I did

1. Speech / 1. Listen
carefully to the
speaker so I
can understand
the important
2. Homily /

3. Long Story / Listen

y and
on the
4. Set of instructions / of the

I focus
5. Panel discussions / serious
ly jot
sure I
get It

Panel is
g about

II. While Viewing

In this episode, two approaches are suggested when long texts are used to develop analytical
skills. AS you view this episode, take note of what is asked regarding each approach in the
questions that follow.

What do the letters in the acronym stand for and what is done in each of these sections?

Acronym What the letter stand for What is done in each

T Tune In The students ask to tuned in
to the topic and predict what
the selection is about

Q Question to ask The Teacher ask the Students

to formulate question after
hearing the context

L Listen to the text The students listen carefully to

the text and also to the
R Responding to the question Every time the Teacher them
question or want them to do
something the students

Sectional Approach
1. In what way is Sectional Approach similar to TQLR?

They are similar in a way that the teacher are doing a break down in the text, to that the
students can understand the text properly even though its a bit long.

2. In what way are they different?

The TQLR is much more specific while the sectional approach is into generalization.

3. What was considered when breaking up these long texts into sections? Where were the
breaks made in the text?

a. The DENR radio broadcast

In the DENR Broadcast the teacher break down the long text into Three parts, first is
she ask the students to predict what is the topic all about for the introduction. The second part
she pause again and interact with the students to know the important details also in here the
teacher go back again to the question that the students predicted and ask them if the speaker
answered all of it. In the last pause of the teacher is for the solution

b. The story about the tiger

In this story the teacher also do the same ask them to predict what the topic will be
formulate their own question. When the Tiger appears that is when the teacher pause for
about four time it is when new character appears. In this way the teacher can help the
students be engage in the text more.

III. Post Viewing

Choose a long selection that may be used as listening text in your class. Then, break it up
into sections and formulate questions that may be asked for each section. State why you’ve
decided to make the breaks in the text.

The one I pick is a children story and it is all about the lion and the mouse. I decided to make
breaks on the text so that the I ca

Once upon a time on the forest, there lived a big lion. It so happened that one afternoon
, the lion took a nap inside his den.

What do you think the story is all about?

The lion was sound asleep when a teeny tiny mouse ran over his face. He woke up with
angry roar. He quickly look around and saw the little mouse shaking with fear. The lion caught
the tail of the mouse and looked at the frightened animal with his eyes wide open. The mouse
begged for his life so the lion let the mouse go and tell him that someday he will repay his
kindness to him.

List some situation where you think it will the ends of your life or there is no
way to go?
Did you ever encounter a person who you think will not help you but in their
end they still showed kindness to you?

A few days passed. One morning the lion went out to hunt for food. He did not notice a
big rope that lay on the ground. When he stepped on the rope, a big net fell on him. It happened
so fast that the lion did not have time to escape. The lion squirmed and tried to get out but the
net was so strong. He roared and pushed with his paws but he could not. The lion made a very
loud roar and the mouse heard it.

Have you ever seen someone asking for help? Or have you encounter
someone asking for help? What did you do? Or in this situation picture yourself as a
the mouse will you try to save the lion or ignore it.

The mouse ran as fast as he can then help the lion he started gnawing the strong net. He
chewed and he chewed with his teeny tiny teeth. At first he was able to make a hole big enough
for the lions paw. Then he chewed again until the lion can already get out of the net. The lion is
very grateful to what the mouse did and from that time the big lion and the little mouse became
the best of friends forever.

What do you think the moral lesson of the story?

Why do you think the mouse help the lion?

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